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31stannual Ring 8 Holiday Event & Verðlaunaafhendinguna desember. 10 í New York

Vasyl Lomachenko, Evander Holyfield, Michael Conlan,
Marcus Browne, Amanda Serrano among 2017 verðlaun sigurvegari
Vasyl Lomachenko (R) – 2017 Ring 8 Muhammad Ali International Fighter of the Year)
(photo courtesy of Top Rank – fleiri myndir hér að neðan)
NEW YORK (Október 31, 2017) – The 31St árlega Ring 8 Holiday atburður og verðlaunaafhending verður haldin Sunnudagur síðdegis (12:30-5:30 p.m. OG), Desember 10, á Russo er við víkina í Howard Beach, New York.
Ring 8 hefur tilkynnt sína 2017 verðlaun sigurvegari (sjá tæmandi lista hér að neðan), WBO Junior Lighweight World Champion and two-time Olympic gold medalist Vasyl “Hi TechLomanchenko (Muhammad Ali International Fighter of the Year), Hall-af-Famer Evander “The Real Deal” Holyfield (Legends Award), two-time Irish Olympian Michael Conlan (International Prospect of the Year Award), 2012 Bandarískt. Olympian “Sir” Marcus Browne (New York State Fighter of the Year), af Staten Island, and five-division world champion Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano, of Brooklyn by way of Puerto Rico.
There is an incredible amount of interest for our holiday awards banquet this year” Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch said. “Vasyl Lomachenko is arguably the world’s greatest fighter, and Evander Holyfield is a living legend. They are both confirmed to attend as are future superstars Michael Conlan and Marcus Browne. There will be other high-profile honorees and boxing personalities on hand as well. It will be a treat for fans who will have the opportunity to interact with them.
Russo’s on the Bay is a great venue; the food is fantastic. Everyone attending should come away with wonderful memories of the event. Tickets are very reasonably priced for an affair of this magnitude. We usually sell out, so I suggest that anyone planning to attend purchase their tickets as soon as possible. Our profits from the afternoon go back to the boxing fraternity, helping those less fortunate, who need assistance.
2017 RING 8 Verðlaun sigurvegari
Muhammad Ali International Fighter of the Year: Vasyl Lomachenko
Legends Award: Evander Holyfield
International Prospect of the Year: Michael Conlan
NYS Fighter of the Year: Marcus Browne
NYS Female Fighter of the Year: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens Award:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS Prospect of the Year: Devaun Lee
Rising Contender Award: Skender & Enver Halili
Sam Kellerman Media Award: Matt Christie
NYS Trainer of the Year: Hector Rosa
Long & Meritorious Service: Edwin Torres
NYS Official of the Year: Robert Perez
NYS Promoter of the Year: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Uncrowned Champion: Richard Kiley
Ringside Physician of the Year: Dr. Osric King
Good Guy Award: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Ring 8 Member of the Year: George Newman
Community Service Award: Mike Reno
Special Guests will include Teddy Atlas, Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley, Tommy Gallagher and many others.
David Diamante will once again serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.
Miðar eru $125.00 include a complete brunch with cocktail hour upon entry, eftir sæti á verðlaunaafhendinguna, kvöldmat og eftirrétt, og toppur-hilla opinn bar allan eftirmiðdaginn. Það verður einnig að vera hljóður uppboð á box Memorabilia. This event is expected to sell-out and everybody is urged to purchase tickets as soon as possible to secure favorable seating. Framlög hvers stærðum eru velkomnir þá ekki að mæta á hátíðir.
Program ads are available for Back Cover ($500.00), Inside Front or Back Cover ($400.00), Full Page ($200.00), Half-Page ($100.00), og Quarter-Page ($60.00). Frestur til allar auglýsingar er Nóvember 26, 2017, og verður send (Ajhirsch5@aol) or mailed to Ring 8, P.o. Box 153, Rockaway Park, NY 11694. All checks for tickets or journal ads should be payable to Ring 8 (credit cards are acceptable).
For additional information about Ring 8 eða orlofs Viðburðir og verðlaunaafhendinguna þess, contact Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 eða Ajhirsch5@aol.com) or go online to www.Ring8ny.com til að fá meiri upplýsingar.
Russo er On The Bay er staðsett á 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. í Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Vasyl Lomachenko (photo courtesy of Top Rank)
Evander Holyfield (photo courtesy of Real Deal Sports and Entertainment)
Michael Conlan (Picture courtesy of Top Rank)
Marcus Browne (photo courtesy of Premier Boxing Champions)
Amanda Serrano (picture courtesy of DiBella Entertainment)
UM RING 8: Myndast í 1954 með fyrrverandi prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 varð áttunda dótturfélag hvað var þá þekktur sem National Uppgjafahermenn Boxer Association – þess vegna, RING 8 – og í dag einkunnarorð stofnunarinnar er: Boxer hjálpa Boxer.
RING 8 er fullkomlega skuldbundinn til að styðja minna heppinn fólk í box samfélag sem þurfa aðstoð í skilmálar af því að borga leigu, Sjúkrakostnaður, eða hvað réttlætanleg þörf.

Fara á netinu til www.Ring8ny.com til að fá meiri upplýsingar um RING 8, stærsti hópur sinnar tegundar í Bandaríkjunum með meira en 350 meðlimir. Árleg aðild gjöld er aðeins $30.00 og hver meðlimur er rétt að hlaðborð kvöldmat í sýningarþjálfun 8 mánaðarlega fundi, án júlí og ágúst. Allir virkir Boxer, áhugamaður og faglegur, eiga rétt á ókeypis RING 8 árlega aðild. Gestir Ring 8 meðlimir eru velkomnir á kostnað aðeins $7.00 á mann