Flokkur Archives: Showtime


Auk allsherjar rísandi millivigtar Elijah Garcia og

Armando Reséndiz hittust í Pay-Per-View Opener

Canelo Promotions kynnir úrvalsmeistara í hnefaleikum

Pay-per-View frá T-Mobile Arena í Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS – ágúst 25, 2023 -Þrír leikir með rísandi stjörnum, efstu keppendur og fyrrverandi heimsmeistarar frá 147 að 160 pund mun varpa ljósi á öflugt borga-á-útsýni undirkort sem leiðir tilCanelo Alvarez vs. Jermell Charloóumdeildur árekstur í ofurmillivigt á laugardaginn, September 30 í beinni á SHOWTIME PPV frá T-Mobile Arena í Las Vegas. Canelo Promotions mun kynna Premier Boxing Champions Pay-Per-View.

Í sam-aðalkeppni, ósigruð tilfinningJesús „Mónó“ Ramos Jr.,mun taka á móti harðsnúnum keppandaErickson "Hammer" Lubiní 12 lota ofur veltivigt sérstakt aðdráttarafl. Greitt fyrir hverja skoðun inniheldur einnig fyrrverandi heimsmeistaraYordenis UgasogMario "El Azteca" Barriosfara tá til táar fyrir bráðabirgðatitilinn í veltivigt WBC. Opnað verður fyrir aðgerðina kl 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT eru vaxandi millivigtarmennElías GarciaogArmando Reséndiz squat off í 10 umferð aðdráttarafl.

Miðar á viðburð í beinni, sem er kynnt af Canelo Promotions og TGB Promotions, eru fáanlegar í gegnum AXS.com.

„Þessir þrír viðureignir skila öllu því sem hnefaleikaaðdáendur gætu vonast eftir í greiðslukorti og eru verðugir sögulega aðalbardaga sem þeir munu leiða til.,“ sagði Tom Brown, Forseti TGB Tilboð. „Hver ​​bardagamaður sem stígur inn í hringinn hefur tækifæri til að skjóta sér í efsta sæti deildarinnar með sigri í september. 30. Aðdáendur geta búist við því að sjá alla þessa keppendur gefa allt sem þeir þurfa til að standa uppi sem sigurvegarar á SHOWTIME PPV á T-Mobile Arena í Las Vegas.“

Sterkur suðræni sem kl 22 hefur enn ekki verið nálægt því að ná þakinu sínu sem bardagamaður, Ramos (20-0, 16 Kos) Joey Spencer, sem þá var ósigrandi, sló í gegn í mars, slepptu honum í lotu eitt áður en hann stoppaði hann í lotu sjö til að vinna sér inn TKO í tilkomumikilli hans 2023 frumraun á undirspili David Benavidez vs. Caleb planta á SHOWTIME PPV. Innfæddur maður í Casa Grande, Arizona., Ramos á einnig bak á bak 10 umferðir einróma ákvarðanir um Brian Mendoza og Javier Molina í 2021, sem hann fylgdi eftir með því að sigra Luke Santamaria og Vladimir Hernandez í 2022. Heildarstigagjöf, hinn ungi Ramos hefur öðlast viðurkenningu með hápunktur-hjóla KOs, stoppaði sjö af hans síðustu 10 andstæðingar, sýna hæfileika sína og getu til að binda enda á bardaga sína snemma.

“Ég er spenntur að vera hluti af þessu risastóra spili gegn erfiðum andstæðingi 30. september,“ sagði Ramos. „Ég veit að Lubin er að æfa mikið og ætlar að vinna, sem mun gera skemmtilegan bardaga. Allt þetta spil er staflað og við viljum ekki valda vonbrigðum, svo aðdáendurnir eiga frábært hnefaleikakvöld.”

Hinn 27 ára gamli Lubin (25-2, 18 Kos) sneri aftur í hringinn í júní til að skila glæsilegri stöðvun í fimmtu umferð öldungans Luis Arias, sem aldrei hafði verið stöðvaður áður. Fyrra útspil Lubins sá hann fara tá til tá í einum af bestu bardögum 2022, þar sem hann skipti á rothöggi við samkeppandann Sebastian Fundora á SHOWTIME í apríl 2022. Stefnir í Fundora baráttuna, Lubin hafði sett saman glæsilega sex vinningslotu frá tapi fyrir þá sameinuðu og nú óumdeilda 154 punda meistara Jermell Charlo í 2017, hlaup sem innihélt sigra á Jeison Rosario, Terrell Gausha og Ishe Smith. Innfæddur í Orlando, Fla., Lubin varð atvinnumaður kl 18 ára í 2013 og varð einn af yngstu möguleikunum sem nokkru sinni hafa komið fram í þróunarseríunniShoBox: The New Generation®,hlotið heiðursverðlaun „Prospect Of The Year“ frá ESPN og Ring Magazine í 2016.

„Ég veit að heimurinn mun fylgjast með í september 30 og ég ætla að vinna í stórum stíl,“ sagði Lubin. „Við erum með ungan og hæfileikaríkan bardagamann fyrir framan okkur, en ég er ungur og hæfileikaríkur líka. Munurinn er sá að ég hef barist við rjómann af uppskerunni í 154 punda deildinni. Skiptir ekki máli hvort það séu Ólympíufarar, efstu horfur, keppendur eða meistarar, Ég hef tekið þá að mér. Ég er með stóran flís á öxlinni og ég veit það með þessum sigri, Ég verð í mega baráttu. Ég er að æfa mjög mikið og allur heimurinn mun sjá það borga sig."

Ugas (27-5, 12 Kos) mun taka aftur til starfa í september 30 í fyrsta skipti síðan í apríl 2022 ósigur í sameiningarbardaga fyrir Errol Spence Jr. á SHOWTIME PPV. Hann festi sig í sessi sem úrvals veltivigt eftir að hafa snúið aftur eftir meira en tveggja ára uppsagnir í 2016 eftir bakvið baktap í 2014. Hann kýldi miðann sinn sem heimsmeistari í janúar 2021 eftir að hafa unnið WBA beltið með því að sigra Abel Ramos í september 2020. Hann styrkti heimsmeistaratitilinn í ágúst 2021, þegar hann steig inn fyrir slasaðan Spence til að sigra hinn goðsagnakennda frægðarhöll Manny Pacquiao með einróma ákvörðun. Komin frá Santiago, Kúbu og býr nú í Miami, Florida, bronsverðlaunahafinn á Ólympíuleikunum æfir í Las Vegas með hinum þekkta þjálfara Ismael Salas og á sigra á þá ósigruðu bardagakappanum Jamal James, Omar Figueroa Jr. og Bryant Perrella, auk gamalreyndu keppinautanna Thomas Dulorme og Ray Robinson.

„Bæði ég og Mario Barrios höfum mikið að vinna með sigri í september 30, svo ég veit að þessi bardagi á eftir að muna eftir,“ sagði Ugas. „Ég ber gríðarlega virðingu fyrir Barrios. Hann er sannur kappi sem hefur verið í hringnum með þeim bestu, en ég hef trú á að ég muni sigra. Ég á mikla baráttu eftir í mér og mínir bestu hæfileikar munu koma til greina í þessum bardaga. Heimaland og líf, Ég berst fyrir fólkið mitt."

Hinn 28 ára gamli Barrios (27-2, 18 Kos) skoraði síðast tilkomumikið rothögg á Jovanie Santiago í febrúar og stöðvaði Santiago í áttundu umferð.. Fyrri bardagi Barrios var frumraun hans í veltivigt þar sem hann féll frá erfiðri ákvörðun til fyrrum sameinaðs meistara Keith Thurman í febrúar. 2022. San Antonio-varan, sem æfir nú með toppþjálfaranum Bob Santos í Las Vegas, varð 140 punda heimsmeistari í september 2019, notaði árásargjarnan stíl sinn til að skora Batyr Akhmedov og vinna sér inn einróma ákvörðun. Barrios tapaði ofurléttvigtarmeistaratitlinum í öðrum hasarpökkum, mjög samkeppnishæf barátta, þar sem hann var sigraður af þriggja deildar og fimmfalda heimsmeistaranum Gervontu Davis í júní 2021.

„Þessi barátta verður stríð, vegna þess að við berjumst bæði af miklu hjarta og hvorugt okkar víkur aldrei,“ sagði Barrios. „Ég get ekki beðið eftir að keppa í svona viðureign á einu af stærstu spilum ársins. Þetta verður frábært hnefaleikakvöld frá upphafi til enda og mexíkóskir aðdáendur geta búist við að sjá sprengjandi frammistöðu frá „El Azteca“!"

Að berjast frá Phoenix, Arizona, Garcia (15-0, 12 Kos) er ein af stærstu stjörnum ársins 2023. Hann braust fram á sjónarsviðið í mars með því að sprengja hinn áður ósigraði Amilcar Vidal í fjórðu lotu til að tilkynna nærveru sína á 160 pundum.. Hinn 20 ára gamli fylgdi þessari frammistöðu eftir með því að drottna yfir öldungaliði Kevin Salgado á leiðinni til einróma ákvörðunar í apríl um SHOWTIME PPV undirkort Gervonta Davis vs.. Ryan Garcia. Hinn bráðþroska Garcia hefur hreyft sig hratt síðan hann gerðist atvinnumaður 2020 og hefur slegið út sex af síðustu átta andstæðingum sínum.

„Þetta er annar bardaginn minn á þessu ári á risastóru greiðslukorti og ég er mjög spenntur og jafnvel undirbúinn en í fyrra skiptið,“ sagði Garcia. „Reséndiz er hungraður bardagamaður alveg eins og ég, svo ég efast ekki um að við ætlum að setja upp helvítis sýningu fyrir alla aðdáendur sem horfa á.“

Hinn 24 ára Reséndiz(14-1, 10 Kos) vann besta sigur á ferlinum í síðasta útileik sínum þegar hann stöðvaði fyrrum sameinaða meistarann ​​Jarrett Hurd í 10th og lokaumferð í mars uppgjöri þeirra á SHOWTIME. Reséndiz leiddi á öllum þremur spjöldunum þegar bardaginn var stöðvaður vegna alvarlegs skurðar á vör Hurd.. Innfæddur maður í Nayarit, Mexico, hann berst nú út úr Los Angeles og mun leitast við að vinna það í þremur beinum sigrum eftir að hafa tapað marki fyrir Marcos Hernandez í september. 2021. Reséndiz gerðist atvinnumaður í febrúar 2018 og gerði farsælt U.S. frumraun í apríl 2021 með ákvörðunarsigri á Quilisto Wood.

„Ég er mjög ánægður með að fá þetta frábæra tækifæri til að keppa á svona mikilvægu bardagakorti,“ sagði Reséndiz. „Ég er spenntur að rætast draum minn um að berjast í Las Vegas, alveg eins og boxgoðin mín sem ég horfði á í sjónvarpinu. Ég hef farið í ótrúlegar æfingabúðir sem munu hjálpa mér að líta sem best út í september 30 og settu upp frammistöðu sem er verðug hnefaleikagoðsögnunum sem veita mér innblástur.“

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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsóknsho.com/ppv ogwww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, fylgdu #CaneloCharlo, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotions, á Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotionss eða gerist aðdáandi á Facebook klwww.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing ogwww.Facebook.com/premierboxingchampions/.



Rising 140-Pound Star Gary Antuanne Russell Faces

Undefeated Kent Cruz in Co-Main Event

Sensational Top Prospect Travon Marshall Duels Unbeaten Contender Gabriel Maestre in Telecast Opener at


Miðasala hafin!

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. – July 17, 2023 -Fyrrum heimsmeistariEmmanuel Rodriguezwill take on streaking contenderMelvin Lopezfor the vacant IBF Bantamweight World Championshipheadlining action live on SHOWTIME on Saturday, Ágúst 12 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Theater at MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® útsending hefst á 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see undefeated rising star and Capitol Heights, Maryland-nativeGary Antuanne Russelltaka á náungi ósigraðurKent Cruzin the 10-round super lightweight co-main event, plus sensational top prospect and Landover, Maryland-nativeTravon Marshallduels unbeaten two-time OlympianGabriel Maestrein the 10-round welterweight telecast opener.

Miðar á viðburð í beinni, sem er kynntur með TGB Tilboð, are on sale now and can be purchased throughwww.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

“This show on August 12 is jam-packed with action for boxing fans as they will get an exciting world title clash in addition to some of the area’s top rising talent in tough contests live on SHOWTIME,“ sagði Tom Brown, Forseti TGB Tilboð. “Emmanuel Rodriguez is hungry to make a second run as world champion at bantamweight and will be given all he can handle by the red-hot Melvin Lopez. With two of Maryland’s top rising stars in Gary Antuanne Russell and Travon Marshall stepping in for separate bouts before that showdown, this lines up to be a can’t-miss card at MGM National Harbor.”

Fighting out of Manati, Puerto Rico, Rodríguez(21-2, 13 Kos) defeated the previously unbeaten Gary Antonio Russell last October by technical decision to put himself back into position to fight for the world title. The 30-year-old originally won the IBF Bantamweight World Title with a unanimous decision victory over Paul Butler in 2018 and successfully defended it against the then-unbeaten Jason Moloney. Rodríguez went on to lose the title to former undisputed champion Naoya Inoue in their May 2019 title bout.

“I’m happy to have this chance to become a world champion again,” said Rodriguez. “We’re gonna go out there to win in spectacular fashion and my goal is to show that I’m the best fighter in the world at 118-pounds. My goal is to become undisputed at bantamweight, however I’m not overlooking Melvin Lopez, because he’s a good fighter and will come to give it his all on August 12.”

The 25-year-old Lopez (29-1, 19 Kos) has won eight-straight fights since suffering his only career loss in October 2019. Originally from Nicaragua and now fighting out of Miami, Lopez has fought professionally since 2015 and began competing stateside in 2018. Lopez scored three victories in 2022, starting the year with knockouts of Juan Gabriel Medina and Victor Ruiz, before most recently defeating Jobert Alvarez last December. Out of his last 10 sigra, Lopez has ended nine of those inside of the distance.

“I’m very excited that the time is almost here to fight for a world title,"Sagði Lopez. “We’ve had a great training camp and everyone has sacrificed and worked hard so that we’re at our best on August 12. I’m going to show everyone why I earned this opportunity and repay my team for all of their efforts. I have a lot of respect for Emmanuel, but the best man will have his hand raised when we share the ring.”

Fighting out of his native Capitol Heights, Md., Russell (16-0, 16 Kos) will carry on the legacy left by his late father Gary Sr. A member of one of the sport’s preeminent fighting families, Russell trains alongside his older brothers, former WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Jr. and bantamweight contender Gary Antonio. The 26-year-old has yet to allow an opponent to make it to the final bell since turning pro in 2017 following his run representing the U.S. at the Rio 2016 Sumarólympíuleikarnir. Russell defeated his most accomplished foes to date in 2022, stopping former champion Viktor Postol in February before a TKO win against former two-division champion Rances Barthelemy in July.

“When you’re a student of the game like me, you have to consider that each step we take is about more than self-gratification. We’re doing this for keeps,” said Russell. “Kent Cruz has to catch up to me, but there’s no need for me to look back. The only direction I’m going is forward and that means putting on a spectacular performance on August 12, and proving I’m the next world champion in this division.”

The 30-year-old Cruz (16-0-3, 10 Kos) steps back into the ring after a pair of draws against fellow unbeaten Enriko Gogokhia in February and then November 2022. A native of St. Louis, Mo., Cruz defeated veterans Erik Humberto Castillo and Travis Hartman following a draw against Carlos Mohamed Rodriguez in April 2018. Cruz will pick up his past ring history with the Russell family on August 12, looking to avenge an amateur loss to Gary Allan Russell, Gary Antuanne’s older brother.

“I’m very excited for this fight on August 12,” said Cruz. “I’ve been waiting for a fight like this my whole career, so we didn’t hesitate when offered this one. I’m coming in as the underdog and that’s what’s fueling me. I’ve been an underdog my whole life and on August 12 I’m gonna shock the world. When I win this fight, I’ll be in contention to fight for a world title and have my chance to achieve my childhood dream.”

At just 22-years-old, Marshall (8-0, 7 Kos) has quickly shown the skill, power and poise to become a highly regarded prospect in just eight fights. Born in Landover, Md., and now fighting out of Capitol Heights, Md., Marshall is trained by former contender Andrew Council and has already scored two stoppages in 2023. Most recently he dominated veteran contender Justin DeLoach via third-round knockout in March, his most impressive victory to date.

“I’m really excited to be fighting at home in front of my family, friends and fans on August 12,” said Marshall. “I’m working hard every day in the gym so that when fight night comes I’m 100% and ready to put on a great performance for everyone watching. My goal is to show everyone that I belong on the big stage, and that starts with a victory over Gabriel Maestre.”

A two-time Olympian for his home country of Venezuela, Maestre (5-0-1, 4 Kos) had an extensive amateur run that included victories over Brian Castano, Carlos Adames, Alexander Besputin, Oscar Molina and Brian Ceballo. The 36-year-old made his U.S. debut with a controversial decision victory over Mykal Fox in August 2021 before fighting fellow unbeaten Taras Shelestyuk to a draw last March. Nú nýlega, Maestre defeated former two-division champion Devon Alexander after three rounds in April.

“I’m very ready for this fight against Travon Marshall,” said Maestre. “We are focused on the work that we need to put in so that we are victorious on August 12. I’m focused on having my hand raised and putting on a good show. We want to leave a good impression with the fans and move on to fight the big names in the welterweight division.”

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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsóknwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow #RodriguezLopez, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotions, á Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotionss eða gerist aðdáandi á Facebook klwww.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

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Multiple High-Profile Fights Added to Both Nights of BELLATOR MMA’s Hawaii Double-Header on April 21 og 22



LOS ANGELES – The two main cards for BELLATOR MMA’s annual doubleheader on the Hawaiian island of Oahu are complete with the addition of today’s confirmed bouts.

Honolulu’sNeal S. Blaisdell Arena will play home to a pair of events on back-to-back nights withBELLATOR 294 sér staðFöstudagur, Apríl 21 ogBELLATOR 295 sér staðLaugardagur, Apríl 22

BELLATOR 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 - Föstudagur, Apríl 21

Main card airs live on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT/4 p.m. local HST

BELLATOR 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 on Fridayhas two new main card contests, bringing Friday’s slate to five fights in total. Former BELLATOR bantamweight title challenger and No. 5-raðaðDanny Sabatello (13-2) will return to action for the first time since his shot at the world championship, when he competes againstMarcos Breno (15-2), who surprised many people when he bested Josh Hill on the scorecards in his BELLATOR debut. A welterweight contest pittingLevan Chokheli (11-2) and American Top Team’sMichael Lombardo (13-3) is also official for the SHOWTIME-aired portion of the event.

Forkeppni kort fyrirBELLATOR 294currently features four fights, including No. 4-ranked heavyweightTyrell Fortune(12-3), who looks to get back to his winning ways against Russia’sSergei Bilostennyi(10-2). Gera ekki. 5-ranked light heavyweightAlex Polizzi (10-2) returns to the BELLATOR cage and will compete against a streakingKarl Moore (11-2), who holds the No. 8 röðun. A lightweight tilt between five-fight BELLATOR veteranKillys Mota(14-3) and promotional newcomerKenneth Cross(13-3) is official, as is a 145-pound bout between Oregon’sCris Lencioni (10-3) tangling withBlake Smith (7-3). Rounding out the preliminary card is a middleweight affair between Colorado’sAnthony “Sugafoot” Adams(9-3) and Tajikistan’sSharafSherkhanDavlatmurodov(18-4-1).

The card is headlined by a Women’s Flyweight World Championship main event rematch pitting current champion and U.S. MarineLiz Carmouche(18-7) against No. 4 ranked flyweight challengerDeAnna Bennett (13-7-1). Í samvinnu helstu atburði kvöldsins er, Gera ekki. 6-ranked heavyweight and Minnesota National GuardsmanTim Johnson(15-9) will compete againstSaid Sowma (8-4). A women’s featherweight contest featuring former UFC title challengerSara McMann (13-6), who makes her highly anticipated BELLATOR debut against former No. 1 keppinautur, Arlene Blencowe (15-9).

Friday night’s event is being held in honor of America’s Military, Veterans and First-Responders, all of whom are eligible to attend the event with a guest for free entry the day of with valid proof of ID. Free admission is based on a limited capacity and available on a first come-first serve basis.

TheBELLATOR 294 preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT/2 p.m. HST. The complete bout listing for both events can be found below.

BELLATOR 295: Stots vs. Mix – Saturday, Apríl 22

Updated Start Time – Main card airs live on SHOWTIME at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT/5 p.m. local HST

The main card for Saturday’sBELLATOR 295: Stots vs. Mixevent has also been sweetened with the addition of homegrown BELLATOR talent and No. 3-raðaðAaron Pico (10-4), who returns from his highly publicized shoulder injury to square off against Brazil’sOtto Rodrigues (13-1), who makes his BELLATOR debut.

The preliminary portion of Saturday’s event also features multiple new, high-profile additions confirmed including a marquee bout pitting two top-ten contenders against each other at featherweight, when No. 6-raðaðMads Burnell(16-4) tests his skills against No. 7-raðaðJustin Gonzales (14-1). Gera ekki. 8-raðaðIlara Joanne(11-6) meets fellow BrazilianBruna Ellen(6-4) in a women’s flyweight contest, and a welterweight tilt betweenAlexey Shurkevich(13-5) and Japan’sMasayuki Kikuiri(8-2-1). 

BELLATOR 295on Saturday is main evented by the Finals of the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix, which will see current Interim ChampionRaufeon Stots (19-1) face No. 2-raðaðPatchy Mix(17-1). Í sam-aðalkeppni, the pride of Honolulu, Gera ekki. 3-raðaðIlima-Lei Macfarlane (12-2) looks to defend home turf against Japan’s No. 2-raðaðKana Watanabe (11-1-1). Einnig, at 125-pounds, former BELLATOR World ChampionKyoji Horiguchi (31-5) moves down a division to welcome former UFC Title ChallengerRay Borg (16-5) to the Paramount-owned promotion.

MiðarBELLATOR 295: Stots vs. Mixare on sale now and are available at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

TheBELLATOR 295 preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT/1 p.m. HST. The complete bout listing for both events can be found below.


Föstudagur, Apríl 21 – live onShowtime

10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT/4 p.m. HST (local)

Flyweight World Title BoutC-Liz Carmouche(18-7) vs. #4-DeAnna Bennett (13-7-1)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: #6-Tim Johnson(15-9)vs.Said Sowma(8-4)

Featherweight Bout: #2-Arlene Blencowe(15-9) vs.Sara McMann(13-6)

Bantamweight Bout: #5-Danny Sabatello (13-2) vs.Marcos Breno (15-2)

Welterweight Bout: Levan Chokheli (11-2, 1 NC) vs.Michael Lombardo (13-3, 1 NC)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT/2 p.m. HST (local)

Light Heavyweight Bout: #5-Alex Polizzi (10-2) vs.#8-Karl Moore(11-2)

Léttur Bout: Killys Mota(14-3) vs.Kenneth Cross(13-3)

Þungavigtar Bout: #4-Tyrell Fortune(12-3, 1 NC) vs.Sergei Bilostennyi(10-2)

Featherweight Bout: Cris Lencioni(10-3) vs.Blake Smith (7-3)

Middleweight Bout: Anthony Adams (9-3) vs. Sharaf Davlatmurodov(18-4-1)


Laugardagur, Apríl 22 – live onShowtime

11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT/5 p.m. HST (local)

Bantamweight World Grand Prix FinalIC-Raufeon Stots(19-2) vs. #2-Patchy Mix(17-1)

flyweight Bout: #3-Ilima-Lei Macfarlane(12-2) vs. #2-Kana Watanabe(11-1-1)

Featherweight Bout: #3-Aaron Pico (10-4) vs.Otto Rodrigues (13-1)

flyweight Bout: Kyoji Horiguchi (31-5) vs.Ray Borg (16-5)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT/1 p.m. HST (local)

Featherweight Bout: #6-Mads Burnell(16-4) vs. #7-Justin Gonzales(14-1)

Léttur Bout: Yancy Medeiros(16-8, 1 NC) vs.Charlie Leary(17-13-1)

Featherweight Bout: Kai Kamaka III(10-5-1) vs.Adli Edwards (9-2)

flyweight Bout: #9Sumiko Inaba(5-0) vs. #7-Veta Arteaga (7-4)

Featherweight Bout: Keoni Diggs (10-2) vs.Weber Almeida (7-1)

Léttur BoutBobby King(12-5) vs.Aalon Cruz(10-4)

Þungavigtar Bout: Davion Franklin(5-1) vs.Kasim Aras(7-1)

flyweight Bout: #8-Ilara Joanne(11-6) vs.Bruna Ellen(6-4)

Welterweight Bout: Alexey Shurkevich(13-5) vs.Masayuki Kikuiri(8-2-1)

*Kortið getur breyst.

Vinsamlegast heimsækjaBellator.com fyrir frekari upplýsingar.

Updated schedule of BELLATOR eventsclick links for updated fight cards

Free. Sea. 31 // BELLATOR 293: Golm vs. James // Pechanga Resort Casino // Temecula, EINS

Free. Apríl. 21 // BELLATOR: 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 // Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, HI

Sat. Apríl. 22 // BELLATOR: 295: Stots vs. Mix // Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, HI

Free. Maí 12 // BELLATOR 296: Mousasi vs. Edwards // Accor Arena // Paris, France


Minneapolis-Native Jamal James and Super Lightweight Contender Elvis Rodriguez Score Victories in Televised Undercard of Premier Boxing Champions Event

SmelltuHÉR fyrir myndir frá Esther Lin / Showtime

MINNEAPOLIS – February 26, 2023 -Power-punchingSubriel Matiasshowed why he’s become one of boxing’s most vaunted knockout artists as he stopped the previously unbeatenJeremias Ponceafter five rounds to win the vacant IBF 140-pound World Championship Saturday night live on SHOWTIME from The Armory in Minneapolis headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Puerto Rico’s Matias (19-1, 19 Kos) captured the title in an electric firefight that saw the two top-ranked 140-pounders throw over 800 combined punches in five rounds according to CompuBox. For Matias, the victory culminated a long journey that had him away from his family for nearly a year as he trained in Mexico for his first title opportunity.

“I’m on cloud nine right now,” said Matias. “I don’t think I’ve woken up from this dream. Maybe I can tell you how it feels tomorrow, en núna, it’s a dream come true. I wanted to work him from the first round on, because I knew he wouldn’t have the same power as me as the fight went on.”

Ponce (30-1, 20 Kos) came out extremely aggressive and looked to swarm Matias early as he threw 96 punches in round one, out landing Matias 28 að 11. Matias adjusted in round two, closing the distance and smothering Ponce to dull some of his attack while also finding spots for his own short power punches.

I thought it was an even fight, but one punch can change everything and that’s what happened,” said Ponce. “Subriel is a tough, strong fighter and I knew what he was capable of.”

After landing a powerful left hand that hurt Ponce late in round four, Matias returned determined and sharp in round five, lending 47% of his power punches over the three minutes. In the waning moments of the round, Matiaslanded the decisive blows, a series of head and body shots that badly hurt Matias and put him on the mat.

Ponce was able to make it to his stool, but his corner had seen enough and suggested that the fight be stopped, with the official result coming as a TKO at the end of round five.

“I’m fine now,” said Ponce. “My team knows me, and they made the decision that they had to make. It hurts, but the most important thing is that I’m healthy.”

“I wasn’t really surprised,” said Matias. “Once I saw how his corner reacted. I saw that [Ponce] was hurt. I thought that I was patient in the first four rounds, so I came out with a different approach and mindset in the fifth.”

Eftir að berjast, with his IBF belt in tow, Matias set his sights on a unification showdown against WBC 140-pound World Champion Regis Prograis.

“Regis Prograis, I’m coming for you,” said Matias. “I’m the world champion now. I promise that I’m coming to hurt you. Prograis likes to talk the talk, but I have that same mentality. Let’s see who prevails. I want him to see that there are people crazier than him in this sport.”

Í sam-aðalkeppni, Minneapolis-native and welterweight contenderJamal “Shango” James(28-2, 12 Kos) returned from a 16-month layoff to thrill a sold-out hometown crowd and earn a unanimous decision victory after 10-rounds against Argentine OlympianAlberto Palmetta(18-2, 13 Kos).

“I’m pretty sure everybody can see that layoff affected me,” said James. “I had a lot of rust in me. My legs weren’t sharp, my punches weren’t sharp, but I’m glad I was able to get in there. I liked that because it’s pushing me mentally and it made me step up to the occasion.”

“I thought it was an even fight,” said Palmetta. “I was the aggressor throughout against a former world champion, a taller opponent with longer reach than me.”

In his first action since losing his WBA Welterweight Title to Radzhab Butaev in October 2021, James picked up his fifth career victory at the friendly confines of The Armory. Using his considerable height and reach advantage, James was able to control much of the action and contest the bout on his terms.

“I was trying to adapt,” said James. “I definitely felt like I won the fight but I believe I could’ve done much better. I know that I’m a lot sharper. I know that my endurance is a lot stronger. I just had a lot of time off and my body is still getting back in shape. I’ll be back for sure.”

“I also like to counter, but I ratcheted up the pressure in the second half of the fight,” said Palmetta. “Maybe it looked like Jamal James was superior in the first half because he kept being conservative and countering.”

Palmetta had success countering James but was unable to put together enough combinations or hurt James during the action. James’ edge was reflected on the scorecards, as he out landed Palmetta 193 að 111, þar á meðal 153 að 102 edge in power punches.

James was also able to use a sharp body attack to keep Palmetta at bay, lending 68 throughout the fight, samanborið við bara 20 from Palmetta. In round nine, a sharp right uppercut caused Palmetta to stumble and let to a raucous exchange that stirred James’ hometown fans.

The crowd again rose to their feet as James and Palmetta whipped power punches throughout the final moments of round 10. James kept his perfect record at The Armory intact by wide scores of 99-91 og 98-92 tvisvar.

“I know I can be a champion again because I was a champion before,” said James. “I have to stay focused. Stay in the gym and back and study this fight – actually, my last two fights – and step it up. Thanks to everybody in Minneapolis for coming and showing me love.”

In the telecast opener, super lightweight contenderElvis Rodriguez(14-1-1,12 Kos) overcame a slow start to earn a hard-fought majority decision over the hard-hittingJoseph Adorno(17-2-2, 14 Kos) eftir 10 umferðir.

“Ring rust was definitely a factor,” said Rodriguez. “Maybe the struggle was more mental than physical in a way, but the important thing is that I overcame it.”

After a couple of rounds feeling each other out, Adorno was the first to have success, showing a varied attack with hooks to the body and head. He punctuated a strong fourth round with several counter hooks right before the closing bell.

In round five the action began to heat up, with Rodriguez starting to find a home for his offense as well, while still taking consistent return fire from Adorno. Rodriguez would eventually take control of the fight in the seventh roundlanding a perfect right hook that badly hurt Adorno. Rodriguez followed up quickly and forced Adorno to the canvas to score the knockdown, although Adorno was able to stay in the fight and make it through the round.

“I thought I had him once I landed that right hook, but he got up,” said Rodriguez. “He’s a warrior and a good fighter… The seventh round was huge, that’s when I truly started to win this fight. I have to give credit to Adorno for being savvy and knowing how to keep his distance before then.”

Rodriguez rode that momentum through the rest of the fight, out landing Adorno 52 að 33 across rounds seven through 10. The Freddie Roach-trained contender punctuated his victory in the final frame, landing a left that referee Jon Schorle ruled a knockdown, despite the objection from Adorno, who felt he was tripped during the exchange.

After the 10rounds Rodriguez emerged victorious on the judges’ cards, as one score of 94-94 was overruled by tallies of 95-93 og 97-91. Post-fight, Adorno expressed his belief that his early success was enough for him to earn a better result, while Rodriguez set his sights on the new 140-pound champion Matias.

I thought the judges were blind,” said Adorno. “I can’t get a win with these judges. I don’t know how you see the fight 97-91. I thought I won every round except the ones he dropped me. He never out worked me at all. I had the jab in his face and was snapping him to the body. He couldn’t do anything. No way he won seven rounds. I thought 94-94 was okay because of the two knockdowns.

“Like I said yesterday at the weigh-in, bring on the winner of the main event,” said Rodriguez. “And to my people in the Dominican Republic, just know that I’ll be back even bolder and even better next time.”

Prior to the telecast, the SHOWTIME BOXING COUNTDOWN show streamed live on theSHOWTIME SPORTS YouTube channel ogShowtime Boxing Facebook síðu and was topped by a welterweight matchup that saw Minneapolis-nativeVe’Shawn Owens(14-3, 12 Kos) score a unanimous decision overKudratillo Abdukakhorov(18-2, 10 Kos) after 10-rounds. Skorar dómarar væru 99-91, 98-92 og 97-93.

Streaming action also featured the Ronnie Shields-trainedWillie Jones(9-2, 6 Kos) delivering avicious first-round knockout over the previously unbeatenDerrick Jackson(10-1, 5 Kos) bara 1:22 into their welterweight clash, plus sensational super lightweight prospectMickel Spencer(3-0, 2 Kos), with his older brother and unbeaten contender Joey Spencer watching ringside, dismantledMargarito Hernandez(3-5-1) to earn a first-round TKO 2:18 into the fight.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGtelecast will replay Sunday, Febrúar 26 á 9 a.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday, Febrúar 27 á 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Veteran sportscasterBrian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast while versatile combat sports voiceMauro Ranallohandled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analystAl Bernstein og þriggja deild heimsmeistariAbner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporterJim Gray, world-renowned ring announcerJimmy Lennon, Jr. and boxing historianSteve Farhood as unofficial scorer. The executive producer was four-time Emmy Award winnerDavid Dinkins, Jr., meðRay Smaltz III framleiða ogChuck McKeanleikstjórn. Former junior middleweight world champion andShoBox: The New Generation® commentatorRaúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscasterAlejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP). 

The SHOWTIME BOXING COUNTDOWN show was hosted by award-winningMORNING KOMBAT live digital talk-show hostsLuke Thomas ogBrian Campbell, who also serves as an expert analyst on the popularShoBox® series.

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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsóknwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow #MatiasPonce follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotions, á Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotionss eða gerist aðdáandi á Facebook klwww.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

Complete Results, Myndir, Quotes, & Videos for BELLATOR MMA 291: Amosov vs. Storley 2



Dublin –BELLATOR 291 sawYaroslav Amosov (27-0) mark his return to the BELLATOR cage in perfect fashion, as he unified the BELLATOR Welterweight World Title with a victory overLogan Storley. Amosov also continues to boast the longest active win streak in MMA, adding to his record for the first time since returning to Ukraine to defend his country in 2022.

Í sam-aðalkeppniJeremy Kennedysilenced the home crowd as he defeatedPedro Carvalhomeð einróma ákvörðun sigur. ‘JBC’ will be hoping to move closer to a title shot as he continues to climb the featherweight rankings following his statement victory in the Irish capital.

BELLATOR announced its return to the ‘Emerald Isle’ will come on Saturday, September 23 with what will undoubtedly be a stacked card at the3Arenaí Dublin. More information will be announced soon. BELLATOR returns to action on Friday, Mars 10 fyrirBELLATOR 292: Nurmagomedov vs. Hendersonat theSAP Center San Jose, EINS. The card airs in the U.S. on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.


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  (C) Yaroslav Amosov(27-0) ósigur #1-Logan Storley(14-1) með samhljóða ákvörðun (50-45, 50-45, 50-45)

Amosov quotes:“I feel very good because I waited for this for a long time. I train hard training, and I feel a lot of motivation and responsibility. Nú, Ég slaka. I’ll relax after the fight, and I’m happy because I think I gave my country a good day. It’s the first time I’ve had big support in the cage. In America, I’ve had support, but not like today. Many Ukrainian flags, many Ukrainian people. My uncle, vinir mínir; I see many people. It was a big support, and it gave me very good energy.”

On His Message to the People of Ukraine: “Thank you for my country, thank you for my army and the fans. It was for my country. Today I think it is a very good day for my country. To hold two gold belts.”

On If He’s the Best Welterweight on the Planet: “I think yes, [that was my best performance]. Að sjálfsögðu [I think I’m the best welterweight in the world]. I am here. If a UFC champion wants to fight, come to BELLATOR. Scott Coker will give the contract, and we’ll make the fight.”

On His First Match with Logan Storley: “Before this fight, I said this fight was different. I have many kilograms that I cut for my first match with Logan [Storley]. Now I had a very good camp and recovery as well as different training. Every day I train hard and become better. I have the best team with me. Hann er [Logan Storley] a very good fighter, and I knew this. All people who enter the cage are strong, so if you go in the cage, you’re a high-level fighter. It’s not a surprise to me, en ég er tilbúinn [for everything]."

On Training with BELLATOR Middleweight World Champion Johnny Eblen: “He’s my friend [Johnny Eblen]. I train with him every time, he’s very high level. He’s a very good fighter and a real champion. Þegar við silfurbergi, many people watch and I think it’s beautiful.”

#5-Jeremy Kennedy(19-3) ósigur #3-Pedro Carvalho(13-7) með samhljóða ákvörðun (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Kennedy quotes“I’m happy with the win, regardless. I would’ve liked to get the finish, but there’s a lot of circumstances whenever you travel across the world. I’m just ready for the next one. It was my rehydration, Ég held. I made mistakes on the rehydration. I was really dryI wasn’t sweating, but I felt exhausted there; my gas tank’s [venjulega] much better than that. He had a tight squeeze right at the beginning but he jumped for it too early but I think I am the best grappler in the division. He had a little bit of a squeeze but it ultimately got me the takedown. I wanted to really hurt him with some hands, but he’s a pressure fighter. I thought I could sit him down, but as soon as I got ahold of him, Ég var eins og, ‘This is my path to victory.’”

On Fighting for the Title Next: “I believe so, I don’t know who else is there for me to fight. Three wins in a row. Sanchez, Pico, and Carvalho and they have all been dominant victories.. I’ve been all around the world; it’s a cool way to see the world. In a perfect world, I get to fight somewhere in the United States, but I’d fight ‘Pitbull’ in a WalMart. I’m coming. I’ve been on his heels the whole time. When I was fighting Borics and I was fighting Pico, Ég var eins og: I can’t wait to get the opportunity to fight him. Now there’s talk of him going down to 135; he’s probably calling his nutritionist right now because he doesn’t want this fight. Við skulum gera það. We can go ASAP. I’ll fight him in any corner of the world, in any timeframe.”

Bryce Logan(12-8) ósigur #10-Peter Queally(12-8) um TKO (högg) á 2:32 af umferð tveimur

#3-Sinead Kavanagh(9-5) ósigurJanay Harding(6-7) með samhljóða ákvörðun (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Kavanagh quotes“I feel good. It feels good to get back in there. It was a nice win. I went and put on a show, and that’s all I needed to do. I kept in one piece; I can go again soon, sem er frábært. I put on a clinic. I knew she was a striker, so I showed in there what I’ve done for the last 12 weeks. All is good.”

On a Potential Rematch with Cris Cyborg: “That’s two great wins, and I put on a show both times. Ég er tilbúinn. Ég vil [Cris] ‘Cyborg’ in Dublin. That’s what I want. Fight the best in Ireland, Sinead Kavanagh. I’ve been well-prepared for Cris ‘Cyborg.’ I won’t rush into things. I’ll be ready.”

“I got a good 15 mínútur [í] það. Good strikes. My power was there. I do want ‘Cyborg’ here. I want her in Dublin. But that’s in September, that’s too long. I want another one and then ‘Cyborg.’”

On Rectifying the Outcome from First Harding Fight: “It feels good; I got me win back. It’ll be on my record forever. I did win, and I am better.”

Ciaran Clarke(7-0) ósigurLeonardos Sinis(11-6-1) með samhljóða ákvörðun (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Clarke quotes: "It was a clean performance. I obviously would’ve liked the finish. [Opponent Leonardos Sinis has] fought at welterweight and lightweight before; he’s a big lad.”

On his Opponent’s Size Advantage, Weight Miss: “I thought he was a good actor. Horfðu, I didn’t think that mattered at all because I knew I was giving up a few kilos anyways. It was a catchweight and he missed weight. I knew he was coming big.”

On What He Wants Next: “Two Dublin shows every year. Get better for the next one, end of June, Júlí. Those decisions, all of my decisions, I had 10-8 umferðir. 7-0. I think that’s right up there with the win streaks in the company. It’s a bit gray with BELLATOR; the rankings are solid, then it’s gray underneath that. People are mentioning the rankings — I’m trying to gradually get to that point. If they offer it, I’ll accept it because that’s just who I am, but as long as it makes sense and its progression. I’m here in BELLATOR; whatever they say I’m worthy of.”

On a Potential Matchup with Khasan Magomedsharipov: “I think we match up well and like said I will fight anyone. They’re all getting behind me: the whole town, the whole country, ég finn. They’re bringing buses up. I really feel like a winner already. I’ve brought the whole town here. People talk. That buzz in the town, everyone gets behind me. It’s unreal.”

Forkeppni CARD:

#9-Karl Moore(11-2) ósigurMaciej Różański(14-4) með samhljóða ákvörðun (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Mike Shipman(15-4) ósigurCharlie Ward(10-6) með samhljóða ákvörðun (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Oleg Popov(16-1) ósigurGokhan Saricam(8-2) með samhljóða ákvörðun (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Norbert Novenyi Jr.(6-0) ósigurAndy Manzolo(26-7) via TKO at 3:12 af umferð einn

Brian Moore(16-9) ósigurLuca Iovine(18-9) um hættu ákvörðun (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Richie Smullen (10-2-1) ósigurPiotr Niedzielski(17-5) um hættu ákvörðun (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Darragh Kelly(3-0) ósigurDorval Jordan(2-3) um TKO (högg) á 1:58 af umferð þremur

Asaël Adjoudj(5-1) ósigurLiam McCracken(3-1) með samhljóða ákvörðun (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Khasan Magomedsharipov(8-0) ósigur Rafael Hudson(7-5) via TKO at 4:40 af umferð einn

Jena Bishop(5-0) ósigurElina Kallionidou(9-5) með samhljóða ákvörðun (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Kenny Mokhonoana(5-0) ósigurCraig McIntosh(3-5) um TKO (olnboga) á 3:13 af umferð einn

Dmytrii Hrytsenko(8-0) ósigurDaniele Scatizzi (12-7) með samhljóða ákvörðun (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Steven Hill(7-0) ósigurJoel Kouadja(7-10)um uppgjöf (aftan nakinn Choke) á 2:03 af umferð tveimur

*Kortið getur breyst

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RSVP for BELLATOR virtual media availabilities 

For more information on upcomingBELLATOR MMA Viðburðir, heimsóknBELLATOR.com

Updated Schedule of BELLATOR Events

Free. Mars 10 // BELLATOR 292: Nurmagomedov vs. Henderson // SAP Center // San Jose, EINS

Free. Mars 31 // BELLATOR 293: Golm vs. James // Pechanga Resort Casino // Temecula, EINS

Free. Apríl 21 // BELLATOR 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 // Neal S. Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, Hawaii

Sat. Apríl 22 // BELLATOR 295: Stos vs. Mix // Neal S. Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, Hawaii

Free. Maí 12 // BELLATOR 296: Mousasi vs. Edwards // Accor Arena // Paris, France

Sat. Seven. 23 // BELLATOR Dublin// 3Arena // Dublin, Írland


Los Angeles— BELLATOR MMA has announced that its fifth participant for the New Year’s Eve spectacle against RIZIN Fighting Federation opponents will be No. 10-ranked lightweightGadzhi Rabadanov(18-4-2), taking on 27-year-old Japanese standoutKoji Takeda(15-3) in a compelling matchup between two competitors riding high on the strength of consecutive victories.

A first-of-its-kind blockbuster co-promotionBELLATOR MMA vs. RIZIN takes place inside the Saitama Super Arena in Japan on Saturday, Desember 31, and can be seen in the United States on SHOWTIME at 8 p.m. ET/PT on New Year’s Eve.

Rabadanov versus Takeda will join a star-studded five-fightBELLATOR MMA vs. RIZINHelstu kort, which is stacked from top to bottom with current and former champions competing in the four-sided ring under RIZIN’s unique rules. Headlining the event will be a dream matchup between RIZIN lightweight championRoberto “Satoshi” de Souza(14-1) against No. 3 BELLATOR pound-for-pound talentAJ “Mercenary” McKee(19-1), with BELLATOR and RIZIN featherweight championsPatricio Pitbull(34-5) ogKleber Koike(31-5-1) co-headlining the must-see event.

Former BELLATOR championsJuan “The Spaniard” Archuleta(26-4) ogKyoji Horiguchi(30-5) will round out the unparalleled main card, facing off with RIZIN’sSoo Chul Kim(18-6-1) ogHiromasa Ougikubo(25-6-2), sig.

Gadzhi Rabadanov, 29, signed with BELLATOR in 2021 after capturing the Eagle FC lightweight title, and has made an immediate impact on the promotion’s remarkably deep lightweight division. He announced his arrival in thunderous fashion atBELLATOR 263with an emphatic viral knockout of Daniel Carey, which he followed up with back-to-back dominant unanimous decision victories over Jay Jay Wilson and Bobby King in 2022. The product of the renowned Club Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov’s School in Dagestan and the prestigious American Kickboxing Academy, Rabadanov’s pedigree is world-class. On New Year’s Eve, Rabadanov will look to continue building upon his momentum with an impressive performance against Koji Takeda.

“It is a childhood dream come true to fight in Japan at the legendary Saitama Super Arena,” said Rabadanov. “I’m very excited and I know I have a tough opponent, who always leaves everything in the ring. Expect a masterpiece from me, it will be a memorable fight.”

A former DEEP lightweight champion, Japan’sKoji Takedahas been an active fighter since his 2017 faglega Frumraun. Takeda boasts a compelling case for inclusion on this historic fight card, winning seven of his last ten and three of his last four outings under the RIZIN and DEEP banners. Takeda is also familiar with BELLATOR foes; he has previously fought Spike Carlyle and submitted Zach Zane by armbar, both of whom fought recently for the Scott Coker-led promotion. Takeda will look to add a third straight win to his resume against the highly-touted Rabadanov in his hometown of Saitama, Japan, desember 31.



Laugardagur, Desember 31 — 8 PM ET/PT

Lightweight Non-Title Main EventAJ McKee(19-1) vs.Roberto de Souza(14-1)

Featherweight Non-Title Main EventPatricio Pitbull(34-5) vs.Kleber Koike(31-5-1)

Bantamweight Feature BoutJuan Archuleta(26-4) vs.Soo Chul Kim(18-6-1)

Flyweight Feature BoutKyoji Horiguchi(30-5) vs.Hiromasa Ougikubo(25-6-2)

Lightweight Feature BoutGadzhi Rabadanov(18-4-2) vs.Koji Takeda(15-3)

For more information on this and other upcomingBELLATOR MMA Viðburðir, heimsóknBellator.com.

Updated schedule of BELLATOR eventsclick links for updated fight cards

Free. Nóvember. 18 // BELLATOR 288: Nemkov vs. Anderson 2 / Pitbull vs. Nurmagomedov // Wintrust Arena // Chicago, Il.

Free. Desember. 9 // BELLATOR 289: Stots vs. Sabatello // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Sat. Desember. 31 // BELLATOR MMA vs. RIZIN // Saitama Super Arena // Tokyo, Japan

Free. Febrúar. 24 //BELLATOR: DUBLIN // 3Arena // Dublin, Írland


George Arias Earns Split-Decision Over Alante Green; Chann Thonson Impresses With TKO Victory Over Tyler Tomlin in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME®

SmelltuHÉR fyrir myndir frá Stephanie Trapp / Showtime

(Photos will be uploaded shortly)

VERONA, N.Y.. – June 10, 2022 - Undefeated heavyweight knockout artistBakhodir Jalolovtook his time on Friday night, but ultimately closed the show in dramatic fashion with an eighth-round knockout overJack Mulowayií aðalkeppni á aShoBox: The New Generationtelecast at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y.. that helped kick off the International Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Weekend in nearby Canastota, N.Y..

Known as “Big Uzbek”, the 6-foot-7 Jalolov, a two-time Olympian and 2020 Gold Medalist from Uzbekistan, improved to a perfect 11-0 með 11 KOs when he landed a huge left hand that sent Mulowayi (11-3-1, 7 Kos) flat on his back in the eighth and final round.

“I’m feeling really good about the performance,” said the 27-year-old Jalolov. “The opponent was at a really good level and a great fighter. He was a really tough, durable guy. I landed some big shots on him and he can take a punch.”

In front of a who’s who of boxing royalty including the likes of Andre Ward, Shane Mosley, Antonio Tarver and Terence Crawford, Jalolov put an exclamation mark on an exciting night of boxing during an historic weekend of Hall of Fame inductions which will include the last three classes of inductees during Sunday’s ceremony.

Jalolov was dominant throughout the entire fight, with the only question being whether or not he would continue his knockout streak. It looked likely in both the third and fifth rounds, as Jalolov wobbled Mulowayi but the game Belgium showed heart in making it out of both rounds unscathed. In the sixth round, Mulowayi was dropped for just the second time in his career by a left cross as the bell sounded. He rose to his feet and beat the count, but was knocked down for good with yet another signature left hand at 1:20 á lokahringnum.

“I thought I was going to stop him at the end of the sixth round when I dropped him, but the referee let him continue and the round was over,” said Jalolov, who was deducted a point for holding in the fourth round. “I thought that was the time. But I had to wait until the final round. I’m happy that I got the stoppage. I feel like I hurt him three or four times.”

Jalolov went past the fifth round for the first time in his career, lending 47 percent of his power punches and out-landing Mulowayi 99-17 in total punches.

Í sam-aðalkeppni, undefeated Dominican heavyweight prospectGeorge Arias(18-0, 7 Kos) won a tactical duel over previously unbeatenAlante Green(10-1-1, 7 Kos) via split-decision with scores of 78-74, 77-75 in favor of Arias and 77-75 for Green.

“I definitely learned more than anything from this fight so I give my performance a C-plus or a B-minus because this is the type of fight that makes me go back to the gym hungrier and knowing there’s a lot more to do,” said Arias, who now lives and trains out of the Bronx. “But we were blessed this time because should he have been a little bit stronger, things could have been more disastrous.”

Arias jumped out to a commanding lead in the first half of the fight, executing the game plan by outboxing Green and landing the cleaner, harder punches. Cleveland’s Green grew into the fight in the later rounds, but it was too little too late and Arias was able to do enough to hold off the late rally.

It was a difficult fight to score, as all three judges agreed on just two out of the eight rounds but the punch stats backed up the judges’ decision as Arias out-landed Green 81-58. Green became the 213th fighter to have his undefeated record spoiled onShoBox.

“Everyone who I face always trains for me a thousand percent better,” continued Arias. “He was real complete. He didn’t really necessarily have any weakness that I could exploit. The reaction time he had was really good and he had good inner footwork where it took me a little too long to get into a zone because every strategy I used he seemed to have a good reaction.”

In the telecast opener, undefeated lightweight prospectChann Thonson (11-0, 8 Kos) put on a boxing display, bruising, battering and eventually breaking down the previously undefeatedTyler Tomlin (13-1, 9 Kos) en route to a fifth-round TKO. Referee Mark Nelson stopped the action 1:01 í umferð.

“I knew if I stayed in the pocket with him that the shots I was going to give him would put him away,” said Canada’s Thonson, who is trained by former Olympic bronze medalist and light heavyweight contender Chris Johnson. “Surprisingly, he was a little tougher than I thought because when I hit him hard, he wasn’t taking a step back. So eventually I knew that would be his own demise and it was just a matter of time.”

Thonson, who was fighting for the fourth time in 2022, controlled the tempo and distance from the opening bell and looked like the more relaxed and experienced fighter. He used his jab and straight right hand to cause both swelling around Tomlin’s left eye and serious cause for concern in Tomlin’s corner. Prior to the start of the third round, Tomlin’s father and trainer Darryl urged his son to pick up the pace.

Hins, it was Thonson who stepped on the gas even more. Late in the third round, Thonson landed a barrage of punches that hurt Tomlin and left his face a bloody mess. The sound of the bell temporarily saved Tomlin but his night would come to an end in the fifth round. Unable to avoid the constant punishment that Thonson was dishing out, the action was stopped after the ringside physician assessed Tomlin.

Heildarstigagjöf, Thonson landed 44 percent of his power punches and out-landed Tomlin 102-39 in total punches.

"Mér finnst fínt, I feel like I was in the fight. I just got caught with two overhand rights and I’m pretty sure one of them either broke or fractured my nose,” said the 22-year-old Tomlin. “It was in the second or third round when I got caught. I felt and it threw off the game plan as far as what I was trying to do. I got a little more hesitant than I should have. I just can’t get hit by those overhand rights. SHOWTIME, that’s what they do, they put good fighters against good fighters. I felt like I was going to come out on top but we have to go back and watch film and see what comes next.”

2017 International Boxing Hall of Fame inducteeBarry Tompkins called the action from ringside alongside former world championRaul Marquez and renowned combat sports authorityBrian Campbell serving as expert analysts.Steve Farhood, a 2017 IBHOF inductee, was the unofficial scorer andAl Bernstein, a 2012 inductee, was the ringside reporter.Ray Floresserved as the ring announcer. The framkvæmdastjóri framleiðanda varGordon Hall meðRichard Gaughan framleiða ogRick Phillips leikstjórn.

The event was promoted by DiBella Entertainment, whose owner, Lou DiBella, er a 2020 Hall of Fame inductee and will be formally inducted along with the classes of 2021 og 2022 on Sunday. TheShoBox tripleheader will re-air on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME®.

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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsóknwww.sho.com/sports Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, eða verða aðdáandi á Facebook áwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports  

UmShoBox: The New Generation

Frá upphafi þess í júlí 2001, á gagnrýninn fögnuður Showtime box röð, ShoBox: The New Generation hefur lögun ungur hæfileika Viðburður sterkur. TheShoBox heimspeki er að televise spennandi, mannfjöldi-ánægjulegt og samkeppnishæf leiki en að veita sanna jörð fyrir viljugra horfur ákveðin í að berjast fyrir veröld titill. Sumir af vaxandi lista af 86 bardagamenn sem hafa birst áShoBox og háþróaður til að safna heiminum titla nær: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Chad Dawson, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.





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PARIS –A massive night of championship-level MMA guaranteed to bring fireworks is set for this Friday, Maí 6 from the Accor Arena in Paris and airs live at a special time of4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT á Showtime.

Anchoring the card will be a heated rematch between BELLATOR Heavyweight World ChampionRyan Bader (29-7, 1 NC) against French combat sports legend and No. 2-ranked heavyweightCheick Kongo (31-11-2, 1 NC). Both Bader and Kongo will be looking for closure when they run it back inside the BELLATOR cage, following a controversial no-contest stemming from a disputed eye-poke during their first meeting in 2019.

In an equally action-packed co-feature eventYoel Romero (13-6) who was originally slated to take on Melvin Manhoef at 205-pounds, has agreed to meet No. 7 raðað-Alex Polizzi(10-1) on less than a week’s notice. Polizzi has won three consecutive contests en route to his opportunity in Paris against one of the sport’s most popular athletes.

Newly announced, No.6-ranked middleweightLorenz Larkin(23-7, 1 NC) mun nú frammiKyle Stewart(15-5) during theBellator 280Helstu kort. France’sDavy Gallon(20-7-2) will go to battle in front of his fellow countrymen and women when he faces Switzerland’sBenjamin Brander(13-8) at lightweight. Opening theBellator 280televised card, English middleweightMike Shipman(14-3) will clash with proud ParisianGregory Babene(21-11, 1 NC).

Nine titillating preliminary matchups have been announced, including a smash between former featherweight title challengerPedro Carvalho(12-5) og newly signed Polish standoutPiotr Niedzielski(16-4), plus a 160-pound contract weight clash between “The True Viking”Søren Bak(15-1) og EnglandiCharlie Leary(17-12-1).

The preliminary bouts will stream live three and a half hours earlier at12:30 p.m. ET/9:30 a.m. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

Limited tickets for the fight remain on sale ataccorarena.com ogbellator.frFollow Bellator France on Instagram @BellatorFrance and on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/BellatorFrance/

A picture containing text, person, crowd

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Showtime (U.S.) / RMC SPORT (FRANCE) / BBC Three & BBC iPlayer (U.K.) / Virgin Media Two & Virgin Media Sport (IRELAND)

Föstudagur, Maí 6, 10 p.m. CEST/9 p.m. GMT/4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT

Heavyweight World Title Main EventC-Ryan Bader (29-7, 1 NC) vs. #2-Cheick Kongo(31-11-2, 1 NC)

Light Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Yoel Romero (13-6) vs. #7-Alex Polizzi(10-1) 

Léttur Bout: Davy Gallon(20-7-2) vs.Benjamin Brander(13-8)

Middleweight Bout: #6-Lorenz Larkin(23-7, 1 NC) vs.Kyle Stewart (15-5)

Middleweight Bout: Mike Shipman(14-3) vs.Gregory Babene(21-11, 1 NC)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

6:30 p.m. CEST/12:30 p.m. ET/9:30 a.m. PT

Featherweight Bout: Pedro Carvalho(12-5) vs.Piotr Niedzielski(16-4)

Welterweight Bout: Lewis Long(19-6) vs.Thibault Gouti(14-5)

Featherweight Bout: Fabacary Diatta(8-0) vs.Jordan Barton(6-2-1)

160-lb Contract Weight Bout Søren Bak(15-1) vs.Charlie Leary(17-12-1) 

Léttur Bout: Yves Landu (16-9) vs.Gavin Hughes (10-2)

Welterweight Bout: Nicolò Solli(3-1, 1 NC) vs.Levy Carriel(3-0)

flyweight Bout: Lucie Bertaud(3-3) vs.Katarzyna Sadura(5-4)

Middleweight Bout: Youcef Ouabbas(2-0) vs.Matthieu Duclos(2-1)

Welterweight Bout: Victor Verchere(5-1) vs.Bourama Camara(4-1)

*Kortið getur breyst.

Vinsamlegast heimsækjaBellator.com fyrir frekari upplýsingar.


Updated schedule of BELLATOR events

Free. Maí 6 // BELLATOR 280: Bader vs. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Paris, FRA

Free. Maí 13 // BELLATOR 281: MVP vs. Storley // The OVO Arena Wembley // London

Free. Júní 24 // BELLATOR 282: Mousasi vs. Eblen// Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, CT

Free. September. 23 // BELLATOR DUBLIN// 3Arena // Dublin


BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Undir stjórn öldungur berjast forgöngumaður Scott Coker, BELLATOR events take place in major cities worldwide and can be seen on television in over 160 countries by an available audience of over one billion people. Í Bandaríkjunum, BELLATOR can be seen on SHOWTIME. BELLATOR is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, lifandi atburður orchestration, bardagamaður þróun / samskipti, varnarþing innkaup, Styrkir sköpun / þróun, alþjóðleg leyfi, markaðssetning, auglýsingar, kynningarmál og samskipti umboðsins. BELLATOR is based in Hollywood, Calif. and owned by entertainment giant Paramount, heim til Premier skemmtun vörumerkjum heims sem tengjast með áhorfendur í gegnum sannfærandi efni á sjónvarpi, kvikmyndar, online og hreyfanlegur pallur.


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Paramountowns and operates the premium service SHOWTIME®, which features critically acclaimed original series, provocative documentaries, box-office hit films, comedy and music specials and hard-hitting sports. SHOWTIME is available as a stand-alone streaming service across all major streaming devices and Showtime.com, as well as via cable, DBS, telco and streaming video providers. SNI also operates the premium services THE MOVIE CHANNEL og Flix®, as well as on demand versions of all three brands. SNI markaðir og dreifir íþróttir og viðburðir afþreying fyrir sýningu til áskrifenda á a borga-á-útsýni grundvelli gegnum Showtime jákvætt forspárgildi®. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, fara tilwww.SHO.com.


Unbeaten Rising Star Tim Tszyu Makes Much Anticipated U.S. Debut Against U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha Saturday, Mars 26 Live á Showtime® From The Armory in Minneapolis Headlining a Premier Boxing Champions Event

Smelltu HÉR for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/
Premier Boxing Champions

Smelltu HÉR for Photos from Alex Sanchez/
MJS Entertainment

LAS VEGAS (Mars 18, 2022) - Ósigraður rísandi stjarna Tim Tszyu held a media workout in Las Vegas Thursday as he nears his much anticipated U.S. debut against U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha taking place Saturday, Mars 26 live on SHOWTIME in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Armory in Minneapolis.

The son of Hall of Famer Kostya, Tszyu arrived stateside last Saturday from his native Australia to finish training camp in Las Vegas before heading to Minneapolis. After amassing a 20-0 met með 15 knockouts, Tszyu looks to move himself one step closer to a title shot with an emphatic victory on March 26.

Miðar á atburði, sem er kynntur með TGB Tilboð, No Limit Boxing and Warriors Boxing, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Armory at HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ and through Ticketmaster.

Here is what Tszyu and his trainer, Igor Goloubev, had to say Thursday from Left Right Boxing Gym in Las Vegas:


“We’ve done a few camps here in Las Vegas before so we’re familiar with the terrain out here. It’s not too far to then go to Minneapolis, but it’s a lot warmer here is Las Vegas, so I’m glad I came here first. Adjusting to the time difference was tough at first but I’ve definitely recovered. By the time I arrived in Las Vegas, it was just about sharpening everything up.

“I’m coming to fight and I’m coming to win. I’m not here to ‘tip-tap’. If that means going for the knockout, I’ll go for it right away. I’m not here to out-jab someone and win on the scorecards. From the first second when the fight starts, my objective is to take him out. Every second of every round, I’m going to be in front of my opponent’s face.

“This has been a long time in the making. I’ve been keen on making my debut here ever since I beat Jeff Horn [Ágúst 2020]. It’s good to finally be here and I’m quite excited to be on this platform. This is a real opportunity for me.

“My dad hasn’t talked to me too much about what to expect fighting in the U.S. Mostly he just reminds me to stay ready, which I always am. I’m a professional and I’m fighting nonstop. I don’t take rests or honeymoons like some of these other fighters.

“It’s a big deal for me to be in this position headlining on SHOWTIME. You dream of it as a kid, and now for it to actually be happening, it’s unreal. I’m the first Australian who’s had their U.S. debut as a headline act, having not even won a world title yet. It shows that what we’ve done so far is pretty good for the moment. We’re here to make statements.

“This is going to be an interesting fight. I’m quite interested to see what he’s going to bring. Gausha has the tools to win. He’s got great skills and quick hands and a good variety of punches. He does the simple things very well. I like those types of styles. I’ve sparred guys like that in the U.S. and it’s a fun style to fight against.

“I don’t look particularly big or strong, but when I get in the ring, I give off that dominance that says ‘this is my ring. This is what I do and you’re coming onto my stage’. I present that dominance straight away and let everyone know.

Tszyu on the Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castaño 154-pound title rematch taking place May 14 on SHOWTIME”

“Charlo is a cautious fighter with power in both hands. He wobbled Castaño a few times. Charlo waits to land that perfect shot and that’s why Castano’s output wasn’t too high in that fight. I thought Castaño fought a great fight and out worked him. Charlo didn’t know what to do at times. I think it’s either going to be Castaño by decision or Charlo by knockout in the rematch.

“I’m coming for everyone in the division. I’m coming for the belts. You have to have confidence in yourself. I believe that I defeat either Charlo or Castaño. I wouldn’t be in the sport if I didn’t believe that. I’d take those guys to places they’ve never been and that’s all that matters to me.”

IGOR GOLOUBEV, Tszyu’s Trainer

“Tim is going to make adjustments, like he always does, based off what Gausha brings in the first round. Tim is an absolute pressure fighter. He’s going to be right on top of Gausha from the start. There’s going to be no rest and nowhere for him to go. This is going to be fought on the inside.

“Gausha is a crafty fighter. He’s got a good style from his amateur background and he’s also got strong legs and upper body. We’ve seen footage of him and we know that he can punch, that he’ll move and that he throws lots of jabs. He’s all-around a very good fighter.”

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Tszyu vs. Gausha will see top super welterweight contender and rising star Tim Tszyu make his long-awaited U.S. debut when he takes on U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha in a 12-round showdown that headlines action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Mars 26 from The Armory in Minneapolis in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP Hnefaleikar útsending hefst á 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature rising undefeated lightweight contender Michel Rivera dueling fellow unbeaten Joseph “Blessed Hands” Adorno in the 10-round co-main event, plus hard-hitting super lightweight contender Elvis Rodríguez frammi Juan José Velasco in the 10-round telecast opener.

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow #TszyuGausha, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotions, á Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotionss eða gerist aðdáandi á Facebook kl www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.