Tag Archives: Dana White

Home Field Advantage: Fanfavoritten Sean O'Malley bulldozer Sterling på UFC 292, Chris Weidmans Return Sparks Talk of Retirement, Catona vs. Gibson vinner Fight of the Night…og mye mer fra UFCs retur til Boston sist lørdag

Av: Rich Bergeron

UFC 292 var det første UFC-arrangementet jeg deltok på 16 år. Som MMA-forfatteren mest kjent for å avsløre Xyience-skandalen (se www.xyiencesucks.com), Jeg gravde frem den gamle Xyience-hatten min for å minnes anledningen. En gang UFCs mest produktive sponsor, Xyience er nå først og fremst et energidrikkselskap og assosierer seg ikke engang med noen MMA-liga lenger. unødvendig å si, Jeg var den eneste på hele arenaen med Xyience-varer.

Jeg betalte for mine egne billetter denne gangen, men jeg kunne ikke unngå å tenke på hva min UFC 292 erfaring ville vært som om min UFC 78 erfaring, betalt av Xyience, hadde nesten blitt mye annerledes for meg 16 år siden.

Jeg kommer til å tenke mer på den personlige historien om min egen Boston-hjemkomst og endringene vi har sett for UFC mellom den siste kampen jeg deltok på og denne i et nytt stykke jeg planlegger å skrive på www.paythefighters.com. Følg med på det, men la oss først komme til UFCs godt konstruerte kampkort for lørdag kveld.

Det begynte med en fortelling om to fluevektere Silvas: Karine Silva og Natalia Silva. Disse kampene endte med to Silva-seire på to forskjellige metoder, men hver fighter viste seg å være dominerende i sine spesielle stiler. Karine sendte Maryna Moroz med en giljotinkveling i siste sekund rett før slutten av første runde. Det var en fantastisk start på et show som hadde noen topper og daler så langt som underholdningsverdien til noen av kampene. Natalia tok seg god tid og plukket fra hverandre et spill Andrea Lee på avstand for mesteparten av konkurransen. Hun tok en enstemmig beslutning ved å være forsiktig og forsiktig med sitt slående mål.

Neste, en kontroversiell delt avgjørelse ga oddsmakernes favorittkjemper Andre Petrovski seier over Gerald Meershaert. Petrovski så ikke ut til å ha cardio til å henge med den garvede veteranen Meerschaert. Alt som manglet i denne kampen var den konsentrerte slagkraften fra Meershaert for å sette Petrovski ned og ut. Begge fighterne hadde sine øyeblikk, men det virket åpenbart for meg at Gerald var den travlere og mer effektive fighteren. Han var bare ett av ransofrene som ble anklaget av dommerne lørdag kveld etter klart å ha vunnet en primært teknisk kamp. Innslagene av slugfest drysset inn fra tid til annen så ut til å alltid favorisere den mer viltlevende og ivrige Meerschaert. Han fortjente definitivt seieren. Vi snakker om et annet ran av samme kaliber litt senere.

Et par Ultimate Fighter Finale-kamper kom deretter med Bantamvektene Brad Katona og Cody Gibson som sparket i gang ved å tjene "Fight of the Night"-utmerkelser. Deres tå-til-tå kickboksing-kamp som sjelden traff bakken på veldig lenge fikk absolutt publikum opprørt fra start til slutt. Katona endte opp med å være et sekund raskere på remisen og skarp nok med sine stikk og kontringer til å sikre seg en seier i en scrap der han ofte måtte ta ett godt slag for å få to av sine egne.. Gibson bar resultatene av Brads nøyaktighet på det forslåtte ansiktet hans ved den siste klokken, men han fikk også stor respekt for sin aldri sluttet tilnærming fra både mengden og organisasjonen. UFC tilbød begge fighterne kontrakter for innsatsen i stedet for at bare vinneren fikk nikk.

Kurt Holobaugh måtte kjempe mot venn og andre Team Chandler-fighter Austin Hubbard i lettvektsfinalen. Det var en kamp som startet bedre for Hubbard enn den endte. Til slutt etter en kort følelsesprosess, Holobaugh tok farten unna og sikret seg en fenomenal Triangle Choke akkurat 2:39 inn i den andre rammen. Begge fighterne hadde sine dominerende øyeblikk, men det var Holobaughs svartbelte jiu jitsu ferdigheter som vant natten og TUF-trofeet.

Gregory Rodrigues fullstendig raserte russiske Dennis Tiuliulin i en mellomvektkamp som fikk Beantown-publikummet til å synge "USA" kort mens de heiet på en brasiliansk fighter. "Robocop" nøt publikumsstøtten og mottok raskt jubelen deres med ferdighetene sine i full visning. Rodrigues ligner tilfeldigvis litt på hovedpersonen i Netflixs «The Lincoln Lawyer,” hvis karakteren bulket opp etter noen runder med steroider. Rodrigues fastsatte absolutt loven og slo russeren til bevisstløshet med en maskinlignende presisjon. Han brukte bare ett minutt og 43 sekunder for å gi publikum deres siste stopp før hovedarrangementet.

Fem strake avgjørelser fulgte, to av dem avgjorde med perfekt plassering av monstrøse beinspark fra seierherrene. Den mest smertefulle av disse to kampene å se var Chris Weidman som avsluttet innledende kamper ved å møte Brad Tavares i en straffende mellomvektkamp. Weidman, kommer tilbake fra en ond gummikyllingbeinskade der han prøvde å plante på et fullstendig brukket bein mot Uriah Hall, så rusten ut som rusten kan være. Hver takedown han forsøkte så ut til å bli stappet lett av Tavares.

Hver slagutveksling så ut til å være for liten, for sent for Weidman å komme tilbake fra de konstante bensparkene som pepre både beinet med den gamle skaden og Weidmans andre ben for godt mål. Selv med en revet MCL eller ACL (ifølge Dana White som tvang Weidman til å trekke seg etter kampen), Weidman forfulgte Tavares rundt buret og prøvde sitt beste for å ta kampen til ham til tross for det ødelagte hjulet. Tavares vant en veldig strategisk og smart kamp, skuffende hele pro-Weidman-publikummet i håp om det mirakel-comeback-prestasjonen som aldri kom.

Marlon «Chito» Vera og Pedro Munhoz åpnet hovedkortet med en ensidig affære som viser Veras tålmodighet, slående skarpsindighet, og nesten feilfri teknikk. Munhoz avsluttet kampen på beina, men han tålte mange ansiktsskader å komme dit. Chito holdt seg på et trygt område i mesteparten av kampen og tok få risikoer på veien til sin enstemmige avgjørelsesseier. Rekkevidden og hastigheten til Vera så ut til å være de mest effektive fordelene han hadde mot den kortere og tykkere Munhoz. Vera, kjedelig som han kan være å se på til tider, beviste at han fortjener sin egen bantamvekttittel.

Den tredje avgjørelsen på rad ga Mario Bautista en svært kontroversiell enstemmig avgjørelsesseier over Da'Mon Blackshear. Bautista klarte Blackshear når det gjelder bakkekontroll, men Blackshear var mer nøyaktig i sitt slag og fikk flere betydelige slag i det fjærvektige skrotet. Jeg trodde absolutt han gjorde nok for å vinne, men dommerne så ikke kampen på samme måte og ga konkurransen til Bautista.

Ian Garry og Neil Magny kolliderte neste gang i en veltervektkonkurranse. Magny viste et enormt hjerte da hun reiste seg opp igjen etter hver knockdown, men han kunne ikke overvinne de uopphørlige bensparkene som ble kastet av Garry. Dommer Keith Peterson var nær ved å stoppe kampen noen ganger, men Magny gjorde akkurat nok til å fortsette, hopper rundt på ett ben til tider. Garrys slående var like på punkt som søppelspillet hans, fremkaller ånden til Nate Diaz med noen få veltimede håndbevegelser. Publikum feiret hans fortsatte dominans med Garry som fortalte dem om hans ønske om å bli den beste fighteren på jordens overflate en dag i sin tale etter kampen.. Magny må finne et svar på sine siste kamper hvis han ønsker å forbli relevant i UFC.

Weili Zhang og Amanda Lemos tok hverandre i en episk tittelkamp. Lemos sikret seg nesten et par mirakuløse innleveringsforsøk, men strawweight-tittelkampen ble til et spørsmål om Lemos kunne overleve eller ikke til den siste klokken. Zhang viste frem talentene sine på alle sine kompetanseområder, og Lemos kunne bare håpe på å vinne ved hjelp av et par Hail Mary-innleveringsforsøk Zhang vred seg ut av. Zhangs hastighet, kraft og holdbarhet overveldet Lemos og fikk henne til å kjempe for å unngå stopp gjennom store deler av de senere rundene. På en eller annen måte klarte hun det, tar enormt mye skade på veien. Zhang gikk bort og beholdt tittelen, til stor glede for fansen som støttet henne gjennom hele kampen.

Endelig, hovedbegivenheten ankom, godt etter midnatt. Sean O’Malley entret arenaen først, og folkemengden brøt ut. Mange av dem hadde grønne eller rosa parykker for å imitere O'Malleys signaturutseende. O'Malley så ærlig talt ganske forsteinet ut, som om han ikke sov i det hele tatt natten før arrangementet. Aljamain Sterling gikk inn i buret til et kor av buep han forsøkte å gjøre lett på ved å egge publikum til å bue ham mer.

Den første runden var stort sett et utstillingsvindu av fotarbeid fra begge jagerflyene. O'Malleys hodespill kan ha fungert på Sterling, fordi han lovet i intervjuer før kampen at han ville sikre seg en egen TKO i første runde. I stedet for å stole på hans største styrke, brytingen hans, Sterling ønsket å slå O'Malley i sitt eget spill. Det viste seg å være feil strategi, et faktum Sterling til slutt innså da han havnet på feil side av den TKO. Det var få forsøk på å ta O'Malley ned, og alle av dem var helt utstoppet. Sterling brettet og falt til lerretet etter å ha blitt truffet med et O'Malley-kontreslag tidlig i andre runde. Resten var historie da O'Malley avsluttet "the Suga show" med litt McGregor-aktig jord og pund.

Begge fighterne holdt flotte taler etter kampen, sann til form. Sterling var nådig i nederlaget og viste sin respekt for O'Malley som forsøkte å nå drømmen sin. Vurderer at Sterling kritiserte O'Malley før kampen for å være Dana Whites kjæledyrprosjekt og ikke fortjener en tittel, det var en stor mea culpa. Også, hvis det virkelig handlet om å bli favorisert av Mr. White, O'Malley kan ha krysset av for Baldfather ved å indikere at han ønsker å kjempe mot bokseren Gervonta Davis mer enn noen annen faktisk UFC-fighter.

Som bare den andre Dana White Contender Series-jageren som vinner en verdenstittel, O'Malley kan sikkert til en viss grad kalle sine egne skudd, men en boksing-crossover er et veldig følsomt tema i kjølvannet av at Francis Ngannou nylig slo opp for å trekke seg fra UFC-kontrakten sin og melde seg på en tungvektsboksekamp med Tyson Fury som vil formørke karriereinntektene hans ved UFC med en mil. Bare Conor McGregor har vært i stand til å overbevise UFC-messing om å gå all in i en crossover-kamp til boksing så langt. Dana White har siden fullstendig skrinlagt foreløpige planer om å lage "Zuffa Boxing" for å gjøre rede for fighterne hans som ønsker å etterligne McGregors profil, økonomisk merittliste og dristig bravader som ga ham muligheten til å kjempe mot Floyd Mayweather i en utstillingskamp.

Ofte, for å få Dana Whites oppmerksomhet og respekt, krigere må ganske enkelt selge seg selv nok til at det kan oversettes til massive varer og billettsalg generert av buzzene deres. Omtrent som WWE, store personas og fargerike karakterer vinner ofte på muligheter i UFC over idrettsutøvere som bare konsentrerer seg om sine fysiske ferdigheter. Spissene er spesielt favoriserte, fordi de leverer på UFCs underforståtte "put on a show" standard for fortreffelighet som er pålagt hver fighter som går inn i buret. Det er en ledelsesstil og gulrot- og pinnelederskap som lurer krigere til å tro at det er bedre for karrieren deres å konstant stå frem med liten bekymring for forsvar og ta enorme risikoer for å være mye mer spennende og underholdende enn de trenger å være for å vinne en bestemt kamp..

Nå innrømmer denne gutten O'Malley at han ønsker å være som Dana selv, komfortabel nok økonomisk til å satse $250,000 per pokerhånd. Det mest spesielle talentet før O'Malley brukte sin egen rising star persona til å bygge sine egne navnemerker og kjøpe sitt eget whiskyselskap. Han har en yacht og en Lamborghini, og han er fortsatt den mest omtalte og utropte fighteren i organisasjonen selv etter å ha tapt en så ensidig kamp med Dustin Poirier og blitt satt på sidelinjen med et brukket ben i noen år. Det faktum at O'Malley kan innse og internalisere at han sannsynligvis aldri vil komme til Conors nivå uten en enorm crossover-kamp i boksing sier sitt om hvor UFC er i dag.

Det er den typen utvikling jeg må humre av å vite hvor vanskelig det har vært å bringe alle kampflylønns- og kontraktspørsmål for retten uten en hær av advokater til å møte UFCs formidable juridiske team. En slik juridisk hær sikret nylig klargjøring til å forfølge et antitrustsøksmål på vegne av over 1,200 tidligere UFC-krigere. Dommeren i saken ser ut til å allerede stå på saksøkernes side. Reaksjon på UFC-sertifisering for gruppesøksmål: Hva skjedde, og hva som skjer videre? (msn.com)

Når organisasjonen blir konfrontert med statistikk som viser at inntektsandelen for fightere er minimal sammenlignet med andre store idretter med spillerforeninger, responsen er vanligvis noe til effekten av: «Vi har fått så mange millionærer. Kampflyene våre har det bra, og de får alle mange økonomiske muligheter med berømmelsen vi har hjulpet dem å oppnå.»

Som ekspert på UFCs økonomiske historie og publikumsmedlem ved UFC 292, Jeg kunne ikke unngå å konfrontere realiteten at så mange "UFC Nut-hugger"-journalister får alle frynsefordelene ved presseprivilegier fordi de spiller så godt sammen med den "Zuffa Myth"-mentaliteten. Folkene som setter UFC på kartet forfører subliminalt sine supportere med tilgang og løfter om berømmelse og muligheter, og både krigere og mediemedlemmer blir sugd inn i den slags ledelsesteatrikk. I sin tur, du ender ikke opp med mye undersøkende rapportering i MMA-mediekretser, og fightere som stiller mange spørsmål og krever bedre kontraktsbetingelser, blir ikke signert på nytt eller satt opp med førsteklasses kamper.

Det tok hovedbegivenhetens resultat for å virkelig avklare problemet for meg om hvordan UFC hele tiden holder fokus på deres antatte evne til å skape superstjerner bare ved å la en fighter signere en kontrakt med organisasjonen. Noen som er enige om at det er tilfelle, vil si at det var organisasjonens evne til å se nok talent i O'Malley til å sette ham på Dana Whites Contender Series som førte til den spektakulære oppgangen til berømmelse av den nye mesterens ridning. Sikkert, O'Malley ville ikke engang vært i Boston lørdag kveld hvis han aldri kom inn i organisasjonen. Men, det har vært mange DWCS-krigere som ikke fikk flere UFC-muligheter fordi de tapte den entry-level-kampen. O’Malley måtte vinne og fortsette å vinne for å være der han var lørdag kveld.

Poenget er: Sean O'Malleys kultfølge og enorme selvtillit er et resultat av hans eget personlige korstog for å være en spesiell person med ubegrenset potensial og fantastisk talent. Han ville aldri engang vært i samtalen om en tittel hvis han ikke la ned alle de utallige timene på treningsstudioet og strevde etter å bli bedre. UFC skapte ikke Sean O'Malley, de ga ham bare en plattform for å vise hva slags fighter han kunne være. Og mens han nyter superstjernen UFC vil kreditere seg selv for, O'Malley må vite at den eneste måten han kan maksimere inntjeningspotensialet sitt på er å formørke selve organisasjonen. Han må gå utover sine restriktive økonomiske grenser til en sport hvor inntektsandelen er så mye bedre og en fyr som Francis Ngannou kan tjene mer på en kamp enn han gjorde i hele sin UFC-karriere.

Så, Hvis Dana White virkelig gjorde Sean O'Malley til sitt kjæledyrprosjekt, slik Aljamain Sterling foreslo, han gjorde en god jobb. Dessverre, monsteret han skapte kan komme tilbake for å bite ham i det lange løp. Et annet UFC-sampromotert boksekort vil få for mange av deres ansatte til å prøve å ta samme rute og lure på hvorfor Danas lille kompis får alle pausene og fordelene. Både veteraner og nykommere vil sannsynligvis se på noen oppløftede Davis vs. O'Malley boksekamp som en innrømmelse fra deres ledelse om at UFC ikke kan betale fighterne nok til å holde dem i buret.

«Gutt, du aner ikke hvor mye penger du kommer til å tjene,sa Dana White til O'Malley etter seieren ifølge et nylig O'Malley-intervju. Jeg forestiller meg i hodet hans, Dana avsluttet den tanken med “oss.”






Photo Credit: Emily Harney/Fightography

Springfield, Massachusetts (May 11th, 2019):

In the first Murphys Boxing event of a multi fight deal with UFC Fight Pass, fans watched NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Abraham Nova (15-0, 11 KOs) stop Argentina’sMario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-3-1, 9 KOs) in the second round of scheduled 10 round fight last night in Springfield, Massachusetts live from MGM Springfield.

Nova, who is currently ranked #10 in the WBA’s super featherweight world rankings, put on a near perfect performance in front of a packed crowd of ‘Supersupporters. After a tentative first round from both fighters, Nova found his range midway through the second and exploded on Lozano. Firing off a series of fast and powerful combinations to both the body and head, Nova dropped the only twice beaten, Lozano forcing the referee to call a halt to the contest at 2:26 into the second round.

I’m ready for anybody. Topp 10. Topp 2. The Champ. Anybody can get it. I’m the best kept secret in boxing. It’s time to make my national television debut and let the world know who Abraham ‘SuperNova is.”, said the outgoing and confident young prospect who sports a bleach blonde beard and has one of the most creative ring walks in all of boxing.

Nova’s promoter, Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey was thrilled with Nova’s performance and is anxious to get the 25 year old in a title eliminator with another Top 10 rangert fighter.

He’s got the whole package. The look. Inngangen. The talent. The performance. The fan base. He’s accurate and sharp but he also punches with bad intentions. You can just tell he’s on a different level. He’s a world class fighter.

As for Nova’s immediate future, Casey confirmed he will be making his national TV debut in his next fight.

We’re finalizing a nationally televised fight for Abraham this summer against another Top 10 fighter that we will be announcing soon. Then I’d like to see him fight for the mandatory by the end of the year. We think he can win the big one, so it’s time to get him the opportunity. We’re incredibly excited about Nova’s future. He’s ready to be a star.

The co-main event saw Murphys Boxing’s own William Foster III (10-0, 7 KOs) absolutely dominate and drop Argentina’s Ramon Esperanza (22-16-1, 11 KOs) multiple times before the referee called a stop to the fight at 2:39 into the fourth round of a scheduled 8 round bout. Foster, the current Jr. NABF Super Featherweight Champion and younger brother of NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Charles Foster, looked sensational, using a relentless body attack to overwhelm his more experienced opponent from the opening bell. The buzz on Foster continues to build in New England and he brought a vocal crowd from his hometown of nearby Hartford, Connecticut.

Recent Murphys Boxing signee, Venezuelan Olympian, Luis Arcon Diaz (7-0, 7 KOs) continued his knockout streak stopping Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-4, 7 KOs) ved 2:36 into the fourth round of a scheduled 6 round junior welterweight bout.

Local Springfield fighter, Derek Whitley Jr. (5-1-1) won a unanimous decision over Philadelphia’s Bryan Goldsby (5-11) i 4 round welterweight fight. Goldsby had several moments throughout the fight but the MMA veteran didn’t stay busy enough against the counter-punching southpaw who won with decisions of 39-27 og 40-36 to ganger.

2x Olympian from Ecuador, Carlos Gongora (16-0, 12 KOs) won a hard-fought unanimous decision over a game and rugged veteran, Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 KOs) i 10 round middleweight fight with scores of 99-91 og 98-92 to ganger. Gongora, who is signed with Murphys Boxing, is the current WBC South American Middleweight Champion.

Springfield’s own Anthony Velazquez (6-0, 6 KOs) continued his impressive KO streak against an outgunned Bruno Diaz (0-6) dropping him twice in less than a minute into the first round of a 4 round welterweight bout before the referee waved off the contest at 1:32 for a 1st round TKO.

The hard-hitting Ray Jay Bermudez (7-0, 5 KOs) who hails from nearby Albany, New York unleashed a barrage of hard hooks dropping a helpless Patrick Leal (0-6) three times for a first round TKO at 1:35 seconds into a scheduled 4 round welterweight bout.

Boston based amateur standout, James Perella (3-0, 3 KOs) made easy work of Paulo DeSouza (0-14) dropping him twice in the first round before the referee called a stoppage 16 seconds into the second round of a scheduled 4 round welterweight fight after DeSouza was badly hurt by a straight right. It was Perella’s third fight in his first two months as a professional.

The event also saw the presentation of Murphys Boxing’s Warrior’s Code Award which has been established to honor legendary New England based fighters.

The latest award was presented to light heavyweight title challenger and now successful commentator and trainer, John Scully. Scully who is based out of nearby Hartford, Connecticut fought several times in Springfield throughout his career.

The ‘Icemanwas presented with a plaque in the ring by Murphys Boxing’s Ken Casey ogSean Sullivan and he received a standing ovation from the appreciative crowd after sharing a few poignant words about his career.


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘Spike’ O'Sullivan, Abraham Nova and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. og mer!

For mer informasjon besøk: www.murphysboxing.com

To speak with any of the fighters on our rosterdrop us a line at info@murphysboxing.comand we will hook it up.

Follow Murphys Boxing on Social Media!


Las Vegas and Boston (Mai 6, 2019):

UFC FIGHT Pass®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, today announced a new multi-year partnership with popular Boston based promotion,Murphys Boxing. The promotion will make it’s FIGHT PASS debut Fredag, May 10th, fra Springfield, Massachusetts ved MGM Springfield ved 9:30 pm. E.T. / 6:30 pm. P.T. and will feature a 10 round main event, headlined by undefeated NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Abraham Nova vs. Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano.

“Murphys Boxing is one of the top promotions in New England, and I am excited to have them on FIGHT PASS,” UFC President, Dana White sa. “In just five years, Ken Casey has done incredible things with this promotion. I am looking forward to showcasing these exciting fighters to our subscribers.”

“We’re incredibly excited to join forces with FIGHT PASS,"Sa Ken Casey, founder of Murphys Boxing. “UFC is providing a platform for us to highlight New England’s thriving boxing scene to combat sports fans. We will introduce the world to our incredible roster that includes future champions, such as Nova.”

Recently entering the WBA’s Top 10 Rankings, ubeseiret Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 KOs) will make his highly anticipated 2019 debut under the Murphys Boxing banner. Nova’s opponent, Argentinian prospect Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-2-1, 9 KOs), will be the 12th fighter in the past two years to try and take the “Den” from the current NABA Super Featherweight Champion.

Entering the ring for the second time this year, Jr. NABF Super Featherweight Champion,William Foster III (9-0, 6 KOs) vil konfrontere Ramon Esperanza (22-15-1, 11 KOs) in an 8 round bout. Foster’s rare ability to combine both power and speed has led him to become one of New England’s most talked about prospects.

In an 8 round middleweight bout, power punching prospect Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 KOs) will take on Argentina’s Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 KOs). Gongora, a former Olympian from Ecuador, vant WBC South American Middleweight Title in February after defeating Jesus Aviles.

Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 KOs), an undefeated Olympian from Venezuela, and a recent Murphys Boxing signing, will return to action in a 6 round welterweight bout against Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-3, 7 KOs).

Representing the Boston area, James Perella (2-0, 2 KOs) will look for his third consecutive knockout in a 4 round welterweight bout against an opponent to be named.

Ray Jay Bermudez (6-0, 4 KOs) who hails from nearby Albany, New York will make a quick return to the ring after a KO victory last month when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 6 round welterweight contest.

Rounding out the card will be two of Springfield’s ownpower punching welterweightAnthony Velazquez (5-0, 5 KOs), who will take on an opponent to be named, og weltervekt DJ Whitley (4-1-1), who will take on the always dangerous Bryan Goldsby(5-10) in separate 4 round contests.

The first four undercard fights will stream live at 8:00 pm. E.T. / 5:00 pm. P.T. på www.facebook.com/dropkickmurphys before the main card starts live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS at 9:30 pm. E.T. / 6:30 pm. P.T. To start your 7-day free trial, vennligst besøk: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

Billetter er i salg nå på: www.murphysboxing.com og


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Gary ‘Spike’ O'Sullivan, Greg Vendetti and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr., Luis Arcon Diaz and more.

For mer informasjon besøk: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC FIGHT PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 17,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chrome, År, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV.

For mer informasjon besøk: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

Fight Talk Unlimited Latest Show

This week on Fight Talk Unlimited we discuss a wide range of topics, beginning with the death of three pro wrestlers in one day. We go on to chat about Cody Garbrandt’s biting comments about fighter pay. We touch on bareknuckle fighting’s resurgence (adding Shawne Merriman to the roster of fighters for one organization), and we recap a wild fight between Eddie Alvarez and Dustin Poirier on last weekends UFC on Fox card. We also preview Garbrandt’s second bite at the TJ Dillashaw apple this weekend at UFC 227. Tony also helps preview one of the biggest fights of the week in Kovalev vs. Alvarez, which he will be attending in Atantic City. We do a boxing roundup of results and previews, and then we end the show with an off-topic talk about nature 🙂


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FNU Kampsport Show: Juli 19, 2018: Manny is Back! Junior Dos Santos Cruises to Win At UFC Fight Night, Event Recaps and Fight Previews

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show we recap last week’s multiple Bellator cards and the UFC Fight Night card from Boise, Idaho. We start off discussing boxing with an analysis of Manny Pacquiao’s one-sided beating of Lucas Matthysse. We move on to other news this week, including an online spat between Brendan Schaub and Dana White and Dominick Cruz claiming Brock Lesnar will never get through USADA testing to return to the UFC octagon. We also cover upcoming boxing and MMA bouts and discuss the eye poking incidents that occurred during the brief Stipe Micocic vs. Daniel Cormier heavyweight championship bout.


Listen to the whole show here:



FNU Kampsport Show: Death in the Cage; UFC 225 Recap and Huge Boxing Weekend Results

Tom, Tony and Rich discuss the week in combat sports, recap a stacked UFC 225 kort (and CM Punk’s failure to launch his MMA career), and go over the results of a wild weekend for boxing. We begin by highlighting two high profile mentions of death in the UFC Octagon. Dana White and Tyron Woodley are both in the news this week for raising the topic. Listen to the full broadcast below:



FNU Kampsport Show: Mayweather tar MMA seriøst, Joshua kan signere med UFC, Bekjemp oppsummeringer og forhåndsvisninger

Denne uka, Tom Tony og Rich kommer inn i noen diskusjoner om Floyd Mayweather, Jr. hopper inn i MMA. Vi oppsummerer også en stor seier av Alexander Volkov over Fabricio Werdum på den siste UFC Fight Night og dekker den kommende bokseplanen og resultatene fra forrige helg..


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The Case for Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Vs. CM Punk in the UFC Cage

Av: Rich Bergeron

Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is not done fighting. The money he made with Conor McGregor in a one-sided boxing match will not be very easy to make outside the dangerous world of combat sports. Retirement always seems to eat at Floyd, and sooner or later he comes back for another blockbuster bout that shocks the world.


CM Punk needs a draw to get us interested in his career. Even if he beats the ever living crap out of the next guy they feed him in the UFC Octagon, Punk will still have a lot to prove. Put him in against Mayweather in a welcome to MMA bout for the world-class boxer, and make it the dream setup for Floyd that gives him all the perks and sponsorship concessions he wants in the contract.


Floyd would be an automatic underdog going in against McGregor immediately in the cage. A challenger like CM Punk gives him more of a fighting chance. It gives CM punk a chance to really launch his career if he can beat Floyd.


Det er et faktum, Mayweather can learn the sport of mixed martial arts quickly, and with his speed and athleticism, given more striking options he could actually shock us in his first MMA fightif he really backs up his talk of fighting in the cage with action.


During the tour for the boxing match, Floyd repeatedly referenced the idea of fighting McGregor in the cage after the boxing match went his way. He doesn’t say things out loud that he doesn’t really think are true or could be true if he sunk his effort into it.


I had the good fortune of standing on the edge of the ring next to Leonard Ellerbe during a Mayweather training session in Las Vegas years ago.


Before he threw any punches on the mitts I asked him what he liked most about boxing. I didn’t attempt to get close during the big press rush, so I think he didn’t expect the question.


He sat silent, and I didn’t want it to go hanging like a bad fart in the wind. I asked it again, even louder. He didn’t look my way as he shadowboxed with himself. “Everything.he finally conceded, and then he went to to work on exhibiting his speed and punching prowess for all the media to see.


Incorporating elbows, backfists, kicks and wrestling into his fighting routine could create a real monster out of Mayweather. Også, the money from boxing that would follow him to the cage could be tremendous for him and the UFC alike. It will take a ton of work at his age to adapt to the new sport, but CM Punk as a first opponent sets the bar fairly low with both men getting a chance to show they belong. Give them both a serious training camp, make a reality show out of it, and it could happen.




“Penger” is already preparing to train in mixed martial arts with UFC Champ Tyron Woodley, and he heaped some praise on both Woodley and McGregor as fighters recently:


“So we have to tweak a few things then, take things to that next level. You know I can’t overlook or knock any MMA guy. Tyron is unbelievable. Unbelievable fighter, tough competitor. Conor McGregor, he’s a tough competitor, helluva fighter. There’s a lot of tough, rugged guys out there in MMA and I can’t overlook or disrespect those guys.”




The MMA versus Boxing debate has been going on since long before I decided to do my own take on it with a series of radio shows pitting one expert against another. One of my favorites was “Iceman” John Scully against Ken Shamrock.


Not surprisingly, the debate between these two fighter/trainer experts drifted into Mayweather making the crossover to MMA. This is not a new concept to Floyd. He’s been hearing the critics yap about him never making it in MMA for more than a decade now, always thinking about how he could one day prove his haters wrong.



Anyone who thinks the best MMA fighter in his weight class demolishes Floyd has never watched him train. What could this guy do with a couple of tune-up fights and a title tilt? How about 9 months of hard training in takedown and submission defense?


Everybody and their brother who knows anything about MMA decides to use the argument of all the past boxers who failed at MMA. They remind us all of the freakshow fight involving Randy Couture easily defeating James Toney. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is not only on a different level than James Toney was when he got the chance to fight in the cage, he’s on a different planet.



Floyd can afford the best trainers, the best of everything really in preparing to enter the UFC Octagon. He will spare no expense in finances and sweat equity in cementing his legacy as the best crossover fighter in the history of the boxing and MMA rivalry. Who has the best true athletes? Mayweather is representing boxing’s best, and he doesn’t have much time left to prove that a world class boxer can dominate the MMA scene with the right approach and strategy.




McGregor did prove that he could give Floyd a few fits in the boxing ring, but on the third fight into a UFC contract that match could happen again in the cage. Floyd just has to show he belongs, but the first step is having the guts to back up his words with actions. He did say on the boxing press tour for the McGregor fight that when he beat McGregor in his own craft, he would go to the UFC and beat Conor in the cage, også.




I anticipate aShark Tanktype of negotiation between Mayweather and UFC President Dana White. Floyd will need to get a piece of the promotion itself, access to a wild amount of sponsorship cash, options to collect on media income, and at least $10 million per fight in just base pay. To get the billion dollar contract he envisions, the lawyers will be ironing out the details for as long as Floyd decides he needs to train for his first fight.


Floyd could easily rake in $90+ million in sponsorship and media income to make $100 million per fight with Showtime executives in his corner and a familiarity with being in front of the cameras. A five fight deal means there is a 1/2 billion dollar gap unless I am underestimating how much the UFC would give Floyd for base pay. Even if he makes $200 million per fight, the rest would have to come out of the overall corporation itself as equity, which is what Conor McGregor has been asking for.


Floyd just has a bigger upside to being an owner/partner and would be a huge asset when it comes to the UFC wanting to promote boxing at some point. He can also bring his fans and everyone who wants to see him get whipped and schooled in the new discipline. He brings eyeballs, extreme attention and money with him wherever he goes. At a $5 billion valuation, the UFC would likely be able to part with a ten percent chunk of the promotion to bring Mayweather officially on board and get him locked in for a long-term deal.



The other area that Floyd could have a huge impact on is in attracting more boxers to cross over to MMA. We’ve seen football players like Matt Mitrione and Greg Hardy experience virtually immediate success in MMA, so why not a world class boxer like Floyd? 19-0 Pro Boxer Gervonta Davis is already hinting at following his protege Floyd to MMA and says he’s just waiting for Dana White’s phone call. Then there are the heavyweight boxers to think about bringing into the cage, and Word Champion Anthony Joshua is keen on giving it a shot, også.




Så, the odds are high that Mayweather steps into the cage to compete by December of this year if you believe one of his most controversial videos to date on the subject:



Mayweather could be an incredible MMA fighter if given half the chance. He is not a man who takes a challenge like this lightly. He will have the best approach possible to get into cagefighting shape. He will bring all kinds of interest back to the boxing vs. MMA debate and actually might even inspire a whole new phase of that debate. The combat sports world as a whole will benefit if Floyd and the UFC can make this partnership work.



As for those who think Floyd will get eaten alive, they are certainly entitled to their opinion, but don’t use McGregor’s failure to adapt to boxing as your bar for Floyd. Mayweather will not take on a world class MMA fighter the first time he steps in the cage. He will not bring in the MMA equivalent of Paulie Malignaggi to get up to speed on the sport. He will spare no expense to get the best preparation possible. He’s already showing that to be true by bringing Tyron Woodley on as his official training partner. He will hand pick his first opponent and likely not get any crack at a title until two or three fights go his way.


Critics of people who think they can show up to an MMA gym and come out in six weeks at the UFC level will call me crazy, but Floyd truly is an amazing athlete who can quiet his doubters, and he’s not getting any younger. It’s now or never to solve that question of which sport is truly better at crafting the ideal fighter.

FNU Kampsport Show: Tony, Tom and Rich Discuss All Things Combat Sports

Tom, Tony and Rich are back this week with a great show! We feature lots of engaging discussion about mixed martial arts and boxing, from Connor McGregor’s slapping a Bellator official to Deontay Wilder wanting to end Anthony Joshua’s career. We also chat about Dana White getting into boxing and Bellator’s 8 Man Heavyweight tournament. Again we get back to the nagging question of where are the legends in MMA, and we also cross over to where are the legends in boxing?







FOR UMIDDELBAR RELEASE: Portland, Maine (September 12, 2017) -Ny England Fights (NEF) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland on Fredag, November 3, 2017 at Aura with “NEF 31: The Old Port.” Tidligere i dag, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Carol Linn Powell (0-0) is scheduled to take on Francesca Morabito (0-0) in a women’s bantamweight contest.

Carol Linn is the wife of former NEF Lightweight Champion, and current UFC fighter, Devin Powell (8-3). Devin earned a contract with the UFC after impressing the company’s president, Dana White, on his web series Dana White: Lookinfor a Fight at an event promoted by NEF in Bangor, Maine last year. Sammen, the Powells own and operate Nostos MMA & Conditioning Facility in Somersworth, New Hampshire. Forrige måned, they were awarded theBest Martial Arts Gym” i “2017 Best of the Seacoast” utmerkelser.

Fighting has been something I’ve fantasized about for a few years and now that it is finally happening, I couldn’t be more excited,” said Carol Linn when reached for comment. “I was supposed to have my first fight in June and it ended up falling through, and I think this fight is a much better match up and is in one of my very favorite towns. Francesca and I have trained together a few times and we were really excited to be a part of each other’s camps, but after realizing what a good matchup we are, we decided to put our friendship aside and both get in there for our first fights. We are very similar, and I’m excited to put a great show on for everyone.

I am very excited for my wife to make her debut,” noted Devin. “She’s been around the sport for almost half a decade, but is just recently getting into hard training and the competitive aspect of it. I never told her to fight or said I thought she should. She was very independent in this choice and when somebody chooses to do something on their own and they commit all of themselves to it, I think that is a great equation for a successful person in anything they do. She is going to find out a lot about herself on the 3rd. Happy to have a cage-side seat for it.

Francesca Morabito trains at the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine. Her true passion lies in her work with non-profit organization Speak About It. Morabito has toured the world as a theatre artist with the Portland-based group, educating high school and college students on affirmative consent, healthy relationships, and sexual assault prevention.

It is such an honor to make my debut just a couple blocks from where I’ve been training for the past two years,” said Morabito. “I’m elated to fight in my hometownon the same street where I’ve trudged home on countless Maine winter nights, with my gym bag slung over my shoulder and my wet hair freezing solid underneath my Choi hoodie. My time has come. And I came to win.

NEF neste mixed-kampsport-arrangement, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Fredag, November 3, 2017. Billetter er i salg nå på www.auramaine.com.