Таг Арцхивес: Конектикат


Роландо Ромеро из Маивеатхер Промотионс-а постигао је једногласну одлуку у односу на претходно непораженог Џексона Марињеза за привремену титулу ВБА у лакој категорији; Отто Валлин ТКОс Травис Кауффман у тешкој категорији

Кликните ОВДЕ За фотографије Аманде Вестцотт/СХОВТИМЕ
(Фотографије ће ускоро бити постављене)

УНЦАСВИЛЛЕ, Цонн. - Август 16, 2020 – Давид Бенавидез је после сачувао свој рекорд непоражености 23 бори се са доминирајућим учинком против Алексиса Ангула у главном догађају узбудљиве боксерске вечери уживо на СХОВТИМЕ-у у суботу увече из Мохеган Сун Арене у Ункасвилу, Конектикат, представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс.
(За истакнуте, клик ОВДЕ)

У СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг® триплехеадер картица, 23-годишњи Бенавидез (23-0, 20 КОс) – који је у петак изгубио појас за титулу светског првака по ВБЦ-у на скали – остварио је прекидну победу против бившег изазивача светске титуле Ангула (26-2, 22 КОс), чији је угао бацио пешкир после 10тх круг.

„Оцењујем себе солидном осмом,“, рекао је Бенавидез. „Могао сам да урадим неке ствари боље, али свеукупно је то била одлична представа. Нисам желео да идем пребрзо и да будем изложен неким великим ударцима. Он је тежак ударац. Али као што сам рекао, Волим да радим ствари које нико никада није урадио. Нико га никада није зауставио и прилично сам сигуран да га нико више неће натерати да изгледа тако. Демолирао сам га од прве до 10.

Седмогодишњи професионалац у доби од 23, Бенавидез је слетео 56 проценат његове снаге удараца у борби и просечно 29 од 70 ударци бачени по рунди. Бенавидез је затворио шоу успевши у каријери 54 ударци у круг 10.

Колумбијски Ангуло, сада бори од Мајамија, Фла., ушао у своју другу прилику за титулу светског првака у низу од три победе, али није могао да се супротстави било чему што му је Бенавидез бацио.

Бенавидез је рекао да је разочаран и посрамљен што није постигао ограничење тежине од 168 фунти у петак. „Истина је све што су сви рекли о мени,“, рекао је Бенавидез. „Требао бих да будем професионалац и да добијем тежину, али овога пута нисам могао. Ово ми је први пут да се нисам угојио у осам година професионализма.”

„Стварно морам да разговарам са својим промотером да видим шта је следеће,“, додао је Бенавидез. „Борићу се против било кога да се вратим на место где сам био. Видели сте по овој вечерашњој представи, Могао бих да одиграм сјајну представу против било кога и људи ће платити да то виде. Вероватно ћу се одмах вратити у тренинг камп да се уверим да не изгубим тежину.”

У сарадњи-главни догађај, Лагани у успону Роландо "Ролли" Ромеро (12-0, 10 КОс) постигао је контроверзном једногласном одлуком над претходно непораженим Џексоном Марињезом (19-1, 7 КОс) да освоји привремену титулу ВБА у лакој категорији. Резултат су 115-113, 116-112 и 118-110, све у корист Ромера.
(За истакнуте, клик ОВДЕ).

Прича о борби била је Марињезов поуздан ударац док је доминикански борац добио битку у том одељењу (14 проценат у поређењу са Ромеровим 10 проценат). Био је то Ромеро, међутим, који је држао предност у вези са снажним ударцима 24 проценат (31 од 228) у поређењу са 18 процената за Марињеза (72 од 401).

„Мислим да нисам имао лош наступ,“, рекао је Ромеро, који је самоуверено предвидео да ће брутални нокаут завршити меч у својим коментарима пре борбе. „Мислио сам да сам победио у борби. Без обзира на све, Сада сам светски шампион. Ја сам срећан. "

Ромеро је задобио благу посекотину изнад левог ока у деветој рунди на кундаку, али изгледа да то није утицало на његов учинак у првенственим рундама. „Изашао је мало чвршћи и мршавији него што сам мислио,“, рекао је Ромеро. „Али све што је урадио је да се кретао око целе борбе. Није чак ни покушао да се ангажује. Тешко је нокаутирати некога ко не покушава да се ангажује. Повредио сам га више пута ударцима у тело и неколико удица. У једном тренутку сам га повредио десном руком и он ми је повукао главу доле. Само га је било тешко докрајчити.

"Да [Дао бих му реванш]. Није урадио ништа посебно.”

29-годишњи Марињез, који држи ВБА-ов број. 6 ранкинг, тренира Роберт Гарциа, који није био присутан у Марињезовом углу и одлучио да не путује преко земље из свог дома у јужној Калифорнији.

„То је била чиста пљачка,“, рекао је Маринез. „Победио сам у борби. Ја сам надмашио, надбоксовао га. Могло би се рећи да није мислио да је победио у борби одмах након тога. То је пљачка.”

У уводном мечу на телевизијској емисији, такмичар у тешкој категорији Ото Валин забележио је технички нокаут у 2:32 петог кола против Тревиса Кауфмана, који је поново покидао леву лабрум на почетку пете рунде и није могао да подигне руку. Судија Мајкл Ортега означио је крај борбе, а потом је Кауфман објавио да се повлачи из бокса., само неколико дана испред његовог 35тх рођендан.
(За истакнуте, клик ОВДЕ)

29-годишњи Валин (21-1, 14 КОс) који је имао четири инча у висини предности у односу на Кауфмана, рекао је да осећа за повређеног Кауфмана, али је доминирао борбом. „Сломио сам га. Остало ми је много,“, рекао је Валин. „Штета што је на крају повредио раме, али сам га сломио и погодио га добрим чистим ударцима.”

Валин је изгледао оштро када се вратио у ринг први пут откако је умало победио Тајсона Фјурија у септембру 2019. Он је слетео 12 убода по рунди и 54 проценат његових удараца снаге током борбе. Тренутно живи у Њујорку и првобитно представља свој родни Сундсвал, Шведска, Валин је имао бившег шампиона Јоеиа Гамацхеа у свом углу за меч.

Оба борца су се опоравила од повреда у недавној прошлости, као и вирус ЦОВИД-19. „Нисам осетио ништа од ЦОВИД-а,“, рекао је Валин. „Имао сам одличан тренинг. Био сам болестан у марту, али ЦОВИД ме није јако погодио. Ја сам имао среће. Жао ми је свих који су изгубили животе због ЦОВИД-а.

„Желим да се следеће вратим у Њујорк и да се мало опустим. Већ дуго тренирам, скоро годину дана. Зато желим да се мало опустим и надам се да ћу се моћи поново борити до краја године.”

34-годишњи Кауффман (32-4, 23 КОс) из Реадинга, Па., борио се први пут у пет година и седам борби без свог тренера Наазима Рицхардсона, који је неочекивано умро прошлог месеца. Након туче, Кауфман је рекао да се повлачи из бокса.

„Поцепао сам леву лабрум спремајући се за [Луис] Ортизова борба,“, рекао је Кауффман. „Као лутка, Чекао сам пет месеци да га оперишем после борбе са Ортизом [децембар оф 2018]. Почео сам да се осећам боље и планирао сам да се борим за подешавање у марту, али онда се десио ЦОВИД. Ова прилика се указала и нисам желео да је пропустим и осећао сам се добро. У првом колу сам га повредио. сам осетио, али онда је нестало и помислио сам да је можда то само мој ум и отишао је. Онда сам у петој рунди чуо и то је било то. Опет је било поцепано.

"Завршио сам. идем у пензију. ја имам децу. Радим ово дуго времена,“, рекао је Кауффман.

Током емисије СХОВТИМЕ ЦХАМПИОНСХИП БОКСИНГ, било је неколико важних ажурирања за предстојећи септембар 26 СХОВТИМЕ ППВ близаначки рачун са светским шампионом Шарло близанцима, који ће почети уживо на 7 п.м. ЕТ / 4 п.м. ПТ. Пет од шест мечева јединственог даблхедера све по једну цену биће оспоравано са појасом Светског првенства у игри.

Прву карту води Џермал Чарло који брани своју титулу у средњој категорији по ВБЦ-у док ће се суочити са Не. 1-рангирани кандидат Сергиј Деревјанченко. Брендон Фигероа браниће своју титулу у супер бантам категорији против Демијена Васкеза.. ВБО титула у бантам категорији Џон Риел Казимеро браниће свој појас од 122 фунте од противника који ће бити именован.

После паузе, Паи-пер-виев ће садржати још три борбе са уједињењем од 154 фунте, што ће служити као главни догађај док се ВБЦ шампион Јермелл Цхарло бори против ВБА и ИБФ титуле Јеисон Росарио. Луис Нери ће се суочити са Ароном Аламедом за упражњену титулу ВБЦ у супер бантам категорији, а бивши уједињени светски шампион Дени Роман игра против Хуана Карлоса Пајана у специјалној атракцији у супер бантам категорији.

Суботњи СХОВТИМЕ ЦХАМПИОНСХИП БОКСИНГ телевизијски програм, други од девет телевизијских догађаја који се одржавају у наредних пет месеци, реприза у понедељак у 10 п.м. ЕТ/ПТ на СХОВТИМЕ ЕКСТРЕМЕ.

Водећи производни тим и екипа за најаву испоручили су све нишане, звуци и драма из Мохеган Сун Арене. Домаћин емисије био је ветеран Брајан Кастер, свестрани борилачки глас Мауро Раналло позвао је акцију поред аналитичара из Куће славних Ал Бернстеина и светског шампиона у три дивизије и олимпијца Абнера Мареса дајући стручну анализу. Два члана Куће славних заокружила су СХОВТИМЕ телевизијски тим – незванични стрелац поред прстена Стив Фархуд и светски познати спикер Џими Ленон млађи. Извршни продуцент је био Дејвид Динкинс, Јр. а директор је био Боб Данфи.

Телевизија је била доступна на шпанском преко секундарног аудио програмирања (САП) са Алехандром Луном и бившим светским шампионом Раулом Маркесом који су позвали акцију.

Суботње борбе представљају Премиер боксерски шампиони, а промовишу их ТГБ Промотионс и Маивеатхер Промотионс. Главни догађај се промовише у сарадњи са Сампсон Бокинг, а борба Валлин-Кауффман се промовише у сарадњи са Салита Промотионс и Кингс Промотионс.

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Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion David Benavídez Defends Title Against Former Title Challenger Alexis Angulo Headlining Premier Boxing Champions Event Saturday, Август 15 Ливе он СХОВТИМЕ

Rising Contender Rolando Romero Takes on Fellow Unbeaten Jackson Maríñez for WBA Interim Lightweight Title


Heavyweights Go Toe-to-Toe as Otto Wallin Battles Travis Kauffman

On Telecast Beginning at 9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ

ЊУЈОРК– Август 5, 2020 – Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World ChampionDavиd “El Bandera Roja” Benavídezће бранити титулу против бившег светску титулу изазивачаАлекис Ангулоin a Premier Boxing Champions event Saturday, August 15 live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Цонн.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® ТВ пренос почиње у 9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. PT and also features rising lightweightRolando “Rolly” Romeroузимајући у момка без поразаJackson Maríñezin a 12-round battle for the interim WBA Lightweight Title, while heavyweight contendersОтто ВаллиниТравис Кауффманsquare off in a 10-round showdown.

“David Benavídez will look to keep his perfect record intact, continue to display his superstar potential and further cement his positioning in the stacked 168-pound division,” said Tom Brown, Председник ТГБ Промоције. “As an undefeated world champ, Benavídez can expect a strong challenge from Alexis Angulo, which should create an action-packed main event on SHOWTIME. Combined with a battle of hungry unbeaten lightweights in ‘Rolly’ Romero and Jackson Maríñez, plus a heavyweight slugfest between Otto Wallin and Travis Kauffman, this shapes up to be another can’t miss night of high-stakes action.”

“It’s going to be great to be in the corner of David ‘El Bandera Roja’ Benavídez on fight night,” said Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing, who is recovering from a recent surgery. “I feel so good and so strong and I truly can’t wait to be there to support the youngest super middleweight champion in history.”

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. The Romero vs. Maríñez bout is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

The 23-year-old Benavídez (22-0, 19 КОс) defends his belt after defeating two-time super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell in September, stopping him in nine rounds. Benavidez is trained by his father José Sr., alongside his brother and former title challenger, José Jr. У 2017, he became the youngest super middleweight champion in boxing history by defeating Ronald Gavril on SHOWTIME at just 20 година стар. Representing his native Phoenix, Ариз. Benavídez went from a 15-year-old prodigy sparring with Gennady Golovkin and Peter Quillin, to world title contender with a 10-fight knockout streak from 2015 кроз 2017, including a highlight-reel knockout of Rogelio Medina with a seven-punch combination that earned him his first championship fight.

“It’s been almost a year since the last time I fought, so I’m very eager to get back in the ring and give the fans a great fight,” said Benavídez. “Training camp has been amazing. Срећом, my dad opened his own gym just before the pandemic, so we’ve had private training and been able to safely bring in sparring partners to help me work. I’m facing a very tricky and rugged fighter, so I’m taking him very seriously. I feel like I can take advantage of some openings in his defense and look for the knockout like I do every fight.”

Born in El Bordo, Colombia and now fighting out of Miami, Фла., Ангуло (26-1, 22 КОс) enters his second world title opportunity on a three-fight winning streak, including two triumphs over previously unbeaten fighters. Angulo stopped Reinaldo Gonzalez in 2018 in his first fight since losing a decision to then-super middleweight champion Gilberto Ramirez earlier that year. He scored a decision victory this January over Anthony Sims Jr. to put himself in position to again challenge the best in the division.

“I’m ready for anything that happens in the ring on August 15,” said Angulo. “This is going to be a great fight for the fans because of the style I bring to the ring. Benavidez is a strong champion, but my style will be too much for him and I will have my hand raised on fight night.”

Фигхтинг из Лас Вегаса, Nev., Romero(11-0, 10 КОс) added three knockout victories to his tally in 2019 before his 2020 debut saw him stop previously unbeaten Arturs Ahmetovs in February. A fast-rising prospect in the Mayweather Promotions stable, the 24-year-old is ranked No. 10 by the WBA and will look to extend his six-fight knockout streak on August 15.

It feels great to return to the ring and to be fighting for such a great opportunity,“, рекао је Ромеро. “This has been the best camp of my career, and I’ll just say this, if a pandemic is holding you back from training, then you don’t want it bad enough. I already believe I should be here with the top guys, but the world will actually get to see that I am who I say I am. I’m confident in my abilities as a fighter and I have the best in the business, Флоид Маивеатхер, behind me. I think this fight will end fairly quickly, but you will get to see the growth in me as a fighter. This is another fight that will further prove I’m here to stay. Sign up for KO’s!”

“This is a big step up for Rolando, and he’s been waiting for the opportunity to showcase his talent,” said Leonard Ellerbe, Директор Маивеатхер Промотионс. “He has a big test ahead to prove himself. This is going to be another one that you don’t want to miss, so tune-in to SHOWTIME on Saturday, August 15.”

29-годишњи Марињез (19-0, 7 КОс) holds the WBA’s No. 6 ранкинг, which he earned with victories over Rolando Giono and Kenin Betancourt while picking up eight wins between 2018 и 2019. Representing his native Santo Domingo, Доминиканска Република, Maríñez was successful in his U.S. debut in December of last year, stopping Yardley Armenta Cruz in two rounds.

“I’ve had a great training camp for this fight,” said Maríñez. “I’ve been sparring with Vergil Ortiz and Jose Ramirez, plus other fighters in Robert Garcia’s gym, and it’s gotten me ready to step into the ring. I know that Romero is a tough and durable fighter, so it won’t be easy, but I’m going to do anything I can to bring the title back home.”

Wallin (20-1, 13 КОс) will return to the ring for the first time since he nearly defeated Tyson Fury in September 2019, when he opened up a gruesome cut over Fury’s right eye with a legal punch that nearly halted the fight. While the 29-year-old lost a decision, he proved his mettle as a potential future heavyweight champion. Representing his native Sundsvall, Шведска, Wallin trains in New York with former champion Joey Gamache.

“I’m very happy to finally be back in the ring,” said Wallin. “It’s been a long and crazy year in many ways and it feels great to be getting ready to step back into the ring. I’ve been training steady since the Fury fight and I feel like I’ve developed my game in a lot of ways. Kauffman is a tough veteran that can both come forward or box if he wants to. He’s a fan friendly fighter and I have to be ready at all times. We have a great game plan as always and I’m in excellent shape. I know I have all the tools to beat Kauffman.”

A veteran of the heavyweight landscape, Кауфман (32-3, 23 КОс) owns a ledger that includes challenges of top heavyweights including Luis Ortiz, Chris Arreola and Amir Mansour, између осталог. The Reading, Pennsylvania native lost his most recent bout to Ortiz, following a 2018 triumph over Scott Alexander.

“This is my first training camp in seven years without Brother Naazim Richardson, but I know that he wouldn’t want me to leave camp and he’d want me to stay focused,” said Kauffman. “Having him pass away while I was in camp was one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with, but there’s adversity in every camp I’ve had. I wouldn’t feel right if there wasn’t adversity to overcome. Мој отац, Marshall, stepped back in as my head trainer. We know we’re facing a young, hungry fighter, but I have more experience than him and I don’t think he can last 10 rounds with me when I’m at 100% like I’ll be on August 15.”

Additional non-televised action will include super middleweight contenderАлантез Фокс(26-2-1, 12 КОс) battling Ghana’sHabib Ahmed(27-1-1, 18 КОс) in an eight-round attraction.

#          #          #

За више информација посетитеввв.СХО.цом/спортсввв.ПремиерБокингЦхампионс.цом, пратити на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @ПремиерБокинг, @ТГБПромотионс, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОБокинг

Wise decision 4 years ago finds “Величанствен” Mykquan Williams 15-0 as pro today instead of elite amateur

Mykquan Williams (Photo by Emily Harney / Team Williams)

MANCHESTER, Цонн. (Септембар 9, 2019) – If not for a critical decision four years ago, 21-годишњакиња “Величанствен” Mykquan Williams could very well be elite amateur training to compete for a spot on the 2020 USA Boxing Olympic Team, rather than the 15-0 rising star that he is today in professional boxing.

Виллиамс (15-0, 7 КОс), who lives in East Hartford (ЦТ), has overcome life-altering obstacles in which his father was murdered when Mykquan was only eight months old, and the family house burned to the ground when he was 10.

Ineligible to compete for a roster spot on the 2016 USA Boxing Olympic Team because he was too young, Williams had two choices: remain an amateur for four years without any guarantees of qualifying for the Olympics, or get a jump start on his professional career. He chose the latter route and hasn’t looked back.

Williams was a decorated amateur whose style, у ретроспективи, is much better suited for pro boxing than the amateurs. He had a 45-13 аматер запис, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to capturing top honors at the National PAL and National Silver Glove championships.

I was too young for the last one,” Williams explained his decision to turn pro when he did.Williams explained. I ended my amateur career after there were scoring changes. I lost some tough decisions. I decided to take the next step and go pro to get paid. My style was more suitable for the pros. I don’t throw 100 удара рунду; I pick my spots when I have openings.

I didn’t want to wait several years. I chose to turn pro (when he was a senior at Prince Tech). I’m already 15-0, climbing the rankings, and I’m getting paid to do this. I was meant to do this.

Williams is the reigning World Boxing Council (ВБЦ) United States super lightweight champion, оцијенио Нема. 5 by the United States Boxing Association (USBA), и не. 12 Северноамеричке боксерске федерације (НАБФ).

I believed that Mykey was ready to turn pro,” Kallen commented. “Under Paul’s tutelage he was far enough advanced and eager to tackle the pros. His style was perfectly suited for the pros and at 18 years old he was ready to take the leap. His youthful good looks made him an ideal young prospect.

My concern at that time was the Olympic Team was no sure thing,” added Cichon, who has trained Williams for the past 10 године. I had the confidence in Mykey, but the risk wasn’t worth the gain. We decided to go pro.

Четири године касније, instead of competing against America’s elite amateur boxers in his weight classПратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму. и Dalis Kaleiopu — у 2020 Olympic Trials and USA Boxing’s National Championships, Децембар 7-15, in Lake Charles, Луизијана, Williams is one of the top 21-and-under prospects in boxing.


Твиттер: @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen
Инстаграм: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen
Фацебоок: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen

Vinicius De Jesus stops Chris Lozano to Retain CES MMA welterweight title

HARTFORD, Цонн. (Септембар 7, 2019) – CES MMA World Welterweight Champion Vinicius De Jesus made his first title defense tonight, stopping game challenger Chris “The Cleveland Assassin” Lozano in the third round in the “CESMMA 58” main event at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

The main card was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports.

Lozano (10-5) dropped De Jesus (9-2) in the opening round with a shot to the temple, but the Brazilian bounced up and fought back. The first two rounds were fought relatively cautious as both fighters took turns being the aggressor. De Jesus took charge in the third connected on punches and kicks, while avoiding Lozano’s limited offensive attacks. A strong De Jesus punch snapped Lazano’s head and that’s the opening the defending chance had set up. He bashed Lazano around the cage, trapping him as he threw punishing combinations until the referee waved off the action midway through the third.

“I appreciate him (Lozano) accepting this fight when others didn’t,” an excited De Jesus praised his opponent after the fight. “I respect him very much and hope he’s okay and back in the cage soon. I have a high fight IQ and he was difficult to hit. This is for my fans and family.

“My boxing paid off. My father coached me to box. Сада, I’m looking for the big show, the lions in the UFC.”

У сарадњи-феатуред догађај, Hartford heavyweightПаркер Портер (8-5) and his Brazilian opponentDirlei Broenstrup (16-7) put on a very entertaining show. Porter couldn’t miss his overhand right in the first round, but Broenstrup responded in the second and came out hot for the third. All of a sudden Porter unloaded a straight right on Broenstrup’s chin and that’s all she wrote with less than two minutes remaining on the clock.

“I knew I started to get tired in the third round,” Porter commented. “I felt that I had won the first two rounds and my mentality was stay alive and don’t get taken out. I’d love to get a shot at the CES heavyweight strap in my next fight.”

Veteran Cincinnati lightweightReggie Merriweather (13-5) ruined the homecoming type of night for popular and previously undefeatedJesse James Kosakowski (3-1) from Waterbury, ЦТ. Merriweather landed several bombs, Kosakowski got out of a few jams, and then suddenly Merriweather closed the show with a single righthanded punch halfway through the first round. Kosakowski’s large crowd of supporters expressed their collective feelings the referee had prematurely stopped the fight, but the upset was already in the books.

Massachusetts featherweight“Relentless” Robbie Leroux switched positions onPete “The Heat” Rogers, Јр.  to win by way of a reverse heal hold (на слици испод) forcing a tap-out. It appeared that Rogers had the advantage and was moments away from victory Leroux did his thing.

Florida bantamweightJornel “A1” Lugo, who lived in Wallingford (ЦТ), used his speed and angles to stopHarris “Dirty Harry” Bonfilgio on punches in the first round. “Only one thing pays the bills…skills,” Lugo said after the fight. “Everybody kept telling me to watch out for his kicks. I studied – I’m paranoid – so I was prepared.”

Pro-debuting Brooklyn flyweightAdrian Haly took a split decision fromJustin “Juggernaut” Valentin, од Мериден (ЦТ), in the first fight of the night steamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“CESMMA 59” Oct. 25, 2019 at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, РИ

Providence lightweightSean Soriano (12-6) will headline “CESMMA 59” on Friday night, Октобар 25, 2019, at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island. A pair of undefeated, red-hot prospects, Њујоршка велтер категоријаJohn Gotti III (4-0) and Connecticut light heavyweightWilliam “Knightmare” Knight (5-0), are also scheduled to fight on what promises to be a loaded card.

Local favoriteNick Giuiletti, fighting out of nearby Wallingford, jumped all over lightweightCody Schieve right off the bell, driving his over-matched opponent to the mat and unleashed a barrage of unanswered punches until the undercard fight was halted only 38-second into round one by way of technical knockout.

Massachusetts cruiserweightDan Randall used an effective ground-and-pound attack againstJesse Baughman, who tapped out midway through the opening round.

Connecticut bantamweight Will “Siracha” Smith took two of three rounds from Aaron Reese for a unanimous decision in the opening match of the evening.

Below find the official results:



 Vinicius De Jesus, De Jesus MMA / Norwalk, CT by way of Brazil

ВТКО3 (3:22)

Chris Lozano, Warehouse Warriors / Кливленд, ОХ

(De Jesus retained the CES MMA title)


Паркер Портер, Underdog MMA / Хартфорд, ЦТ

ВКО3 (3:17)

Dirlei Broenstrup, Minu Fight Team / Rio Grande, Бразил

Лаких модела

Reggie Merriweather, Aaron Thomas Jui

Jitsu / Cincinnati, ОХ

ВКО1 (2:37)

Jesse James Kosakowski, PSDTC / Waterbury, ЦТ


Robbie Leroux, Regiment Training / Fall River, Мр

WSUB (1:55)

пете Роџерс, Јр., Pete Rogers Karate / Norwich, ЦТ


Јорнел Луго, Combat Club & DZ MMA / West Palm Beach, Флорида

ВКО1 (3:27)

Harris Bonfilgio, Ultimate MMA / Gilford, ЦТ

У борби М-1 Медиевал Книгхт између руских тешкаша

Adrian Haly, Brooklyn MMA / Бруклин, НИ

ВДЕЦ3 (29-28. 29-28, 28-29)

Justin Valentin, Underdog MMA / Мериден, ЦТ


Лаких модела

Nick Giuletti, Ultimate MMA / Wallingford, ЦТ

ВТКО1 (0:38)

Cody Schieve, Team Schieve / Jasper, ИН


Dan Randall, FAA /Granby, Мр

ВСУБ1 (2:33)

Jesse Baughman, Team Link North / Littleton, НХ


Will Smith, Golden Falcon MMA & FAA / West Haven, ЦТ

ВДЕЦ3 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Aaron Reese, Jackson Wink MMA / Shaker Heights, ОХ


Websites:  www.cesmma.comввв.уфцфигхтпасс.цомwww.ctconventions.com

Твиттер: @CESMMA, @УФЦФигхтПасс, @ctconventionCT

Инстаграм: @CESMMA, @УФЦФигхтПасс

Фацебоок: /CESMMA, /УФЦФигхтПасс, /CTConventions

The Special OneSharad Collier Back in action Oct. 10 at Foxwoods


HARTFORD, Цонн. (Август 21, 2018) – Hartford blue-chip prospectThe Special One Sharad Collier returns to action October 20, on a show presented by CES Boxing, at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Uncasville, Конектикат.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion made his professional debut this past June 16, on his promoter’s Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at The Capital”, in which he registered a sensational first-round knockout of Antonio Castillo Jr. (1-1), at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




Collier will step-up in competition, fighting in to his first scheduled six-round bout Oct, 20, against undefeated Springfield, MA welterweight Derrick Whitley, Јр. (4-0, 0 КОс), the son and uncle of well-known retired New England fighters.




I feel the same as I did in my pro debut, maybe less pressure, but I’m more familiar with the guy I’m fighting October 20тх,” Collier said. “I fought and beat his cousin and brother in the amateurs. I feel like he’s out for revenge for them.




I’m motivated to be fighting at Foxwoods. I feel like that’s fighting under the big lights, where I fought once as an amateur. I signed my contract the first day, I’ve been training hard in the gym every day. My pro debut was against a 1-0 guy, my second is against another undefeated fighter. I believe in my skills. I want to separate myself to show people that I am special.




The 21-year-Collier has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years ago, outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) Хартфорд, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




It was my idea to move up now to six rounds,” Collier noted. “I’m familiar with my opponent. I’m not sleeping on this kid but, if I don’t get him out early, it will just mean there are more rounds for me to beat him up.




“Узбуђени смо,” Collier’s promoter Tony Blanco додао. “In his pro debut, he was up against a 1-0 противник, and now he’s stepping up to fight a 4-0 opponent in his first six-round fight. That’s why they call himThe Special One.'




Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S = speed, P = power, E = enthusiasm, C = charisma, I = intelligence, A = athleticism, L = looks.



Фацебоок: /hartfordboxingcenter, /sharadcollier

Твиттер: @hartfordboxing, @SheLovesIt

Инстаграм: @hartford.boxing.center/, @SharradCollier

Ringsiders Talk Show Set to Cover Pro and Amateur Boxing from corner to corner; Giving voices to those currently involved with the sport.

Денбури, ЦТ (Јул 13, 2018) – A new boxing talk show is set to hit the internet. Ringsiders will feature hosts that are currently in the sport of boxing, including both professional and amateur boxers, тренери, менаџери, promoters and more. The goal of the show is to give viewers a true insider’s look between the ropes. Another major difference of the show is that it will be taped, and feature different visual effects for viewers enjoyment as well as other innovative concepts.




Ringsiders will be taped in Champs Boxing Club in Danbury, ЦТ, which is owned by professional boxing manager A.J. Галанте, who will also co-produce the show. He sees Ringsiders as a show that can help give everyone involved with boxing a voice, and a platform to elevate the sport. “Even though we will feature it, Ringsiders is not really about mainstream boxing news. Our main goal is to cover boxing’s other 99% and their perspectives. Boxing is made up of more blue collar individuals then millionaires. We want to do something different, we are looking to highlight the club shows, the club fighter, the up and coming trainer, amateurs trying to find their way, A-Side, B-Side, није битно, if it is interesting we want to highlight it, and give people a true insiders look, and have a lot of fun in the process.




Ringsiders is set to have a rotation of hosts and guests, all who are involved currently with boxing, but two mainstays will include Professional BoxerFlyMike Marshall and amateur sensation Fernely Feliz Jr. Mike Marshall is currently 3(3 kos) – 1 as a professional and is also a licensed USA Boxing Amateur coach for Champs Boxing Club’s amateur team, the CBC Wolfpack. Fernely Feliz Jr. is a Danbury native and one of the top Super Heavyweight amateurs in the Nation. He is a 3 time Western New England and All New England Golden Gloves Champion. А.Ј. Galante says he couldn’t think of a better embodiment of Ringsiders, “I think both Mike and Fernely fit exactly what this show is about. Mike is a talented pro, who hasn’t always gotten the best opportunities in his career. He’s coming off a loss and in the process of making a comeback, but he is going to also be one of the best trainers in the game in time. He has a great personality and says a lot of things most just think. Fernely is one of the best kids in the world. He is super talented, and can give a lot of insight into the amateur scene, and can give insight into just how hard it is to train and compete, deal with high expectations and trying to prepare for a professional career.




The shows director of production will be Danbury native Teyonte Best. “I don’t come from a boxing background, but that’s what A.J. and I like about my involvement, just bringing a different perspective.Best stated, “We believe in different concepts, not telling the same stories, reporting the same news, and we are very much committed to providing an entertaining and informative product for viewers. We want fans and viewers to be involved, and we are working with a few interactive concepts we think will be awesome. As A.J. has stressed to everyone involved, this show is about bringing the whole boxing community together, and we will definitely succeed.




Ringsiders is set to debut in August at a date to be announced. Have an idea for the show or want to have your voice heard? Contact the show at ringsidersboxingshow@gmail.com


Fight Night in The Capital” ЗВАНИЧНИ РЕЗУЛТАТИ

Toot, Toot!
рицхард “Попај” Rivera smokes Jaime Solorio in 8th round

HARTFORD, Цонн. (Јун 17, 2018) – Rising Hartford folk hero рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера kept his pro record perfect (8-0) нетакнут, knocking out his tough opponent, JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-4-2, 9 КОс), in the eighth round to capture the vacant ABF Continental cruiserweight title, синоћ (Субота) in the main event on theFight Night at The Capitalpro boxing card, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




The reigning UBF All Americas light heavyweight champion, Ривера (8-0, 7 КОс) is arguably the hardest pound-for-pound puncher in New England, if not the entire Northeast. After breaking his last opponent’s ankle with the force of his power, the incredibly popular Hartford fighter




Boxing trainer Tony Blanco and his Hartford Boxing Center gym partner, Michael Tran, recently teamed with Rivera to form Hartford Boxing Promotions, which was promoting its first pro boxing event, “Fight Night at The Capital.




I’m excited to have promoted our first show here in Hartford and I hope other promoters will follow,” Blanco commented. “I’m happy for all of the fighters. This was our first but not last show. We’re bringing boxing back to Hartford.




I’m also excited about Sharrad’s pro debut (Collier), who is like a son to me, and Richie, my brother and partner. Everything I do is for them, that’s who I work for them.




The durable Solorio had only been knocked out once in 17 pro fights going into the ring against Rivera, who has knock out six of his seven victims.




The first was a feeling-out round, but Rivera picked up the pace in the second, landing several hard shots on his game Mexican opponent. The highly entertaining Rivera cruised through the third through fifth, picking his spots better, but it was bombs away in the sixth as Rivera landed a right that sent Solorio to the deck. Solorio was penalized a point in the sixth for unsportsmanlike conduct.





In the seventh round, Solorio appeared to be fighting to survive, frequently holding and clinching, but he came forward in spurts as Rivera started loading up for a knockout that finally came in the eighth round. Rivera had never fought more than four rounds, but he was determined to ward off his opponent’s wrestling, landing a right-left-right uppercut combination to close the show with only 30 seconds left in the contest.




I want to thank everybody for being here and bringing our community together in one house,” Rivera said. “Happy Father’s Day. I dedicated this fight to my father who I love so much. I told everybody that he was going down in three, but Solorio was tough. I took him in deep water and I’m strong to the finish because I eat my spinach…..toot, toot!”




In an intra-Connecticut clash of junior welterweights, Danbury’s undefeated Омар “Беаст” Bordoy, Јр. (6-0, 2 КОс) нокаутирао Александар “Ел Браво” Пико (2-6-1), из Хартфорда, with only one second left in the sixth and final round of co-featured event.




Bordoy was hampered by a cut over his right eye, suffered during the second round from an unintentional headbutt, who was fighting in his first scheduled six-rounder. He pivoted and threw a short, straight right that rocked Picot, dropping him forward on the mat as referee Shada Murdaugh immediately waved off the count, calling the doctor into the ring.




A star was born in a professional debut as two-time New England Golden Gloves champion The Special OneSharad Collier (1-0, 1 КО, fighting at home in Hartford, displayed his vast arsenal of skills, нокаутирао је Antonio Castillo, Јр. (1-1) у првој рунди.




The 21-year-old Collier showed the poise of a veteran and surprising power, especially considering he fought two full divisions higher than his natural weight class, due to his opponent weighing in as a junior middleweight. Collier decked Castillo early and finished him off with a barrage of unanswered punches until referee Danny Sciavone halted the action.




Everything went the way I had planned,” Collier said after the bout. “Before the fight, I knew I was going to win, because I felt so good. People were asking me before the fight how I was feeling and, to be honest, I was a lot more nervous as an amateur.




Нови рај, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 КО) turned in an explosive pro debut, blasting an overwhelmed рогер Бланкеншип (1-3) around the ring until the referee Murdaugh stopped the action at the 49-second mark of the opening round. The 21-year-old Rosa dedicated the fight to his cousin, покојни Луис “КО Краљ” Роса (23-1, 11 КОс), who tragically died last January in a car accident at the age of 26.




New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez (1-0) had another very impressive pro debut, pitching a complete shutout (40-35) на све три судије’ scorecards against Henry Garcia (0-2), despite it being an action-packed bout from start to finish. Martinez used lethal body shots, dropping Garcia with a left hook to the liver, and crisp combinations.


Комплетни резултати испод:





Рицхард Ривера (8-0, 7 КОс), Хартфорд, ЦТ

ВТКО8 (2:30)

Jaime Solorio (12-4-2, 9 КОс), San Quinton, Мексико





омар Бордои, Јр. (6-0, 2 КОс), Денбури, ЦТ

WTKO6 (2:59)

Alexander Picot (2-6-1), Хартфорд, CT by way of Puerto Rico





Sharad Collier (1-0, 1 КО), Хартфорд, ЦТ

ВТКО1 (2:20)

Antonio Castillo, Јр. (1-1), Canton, ОХ




Лаких модела

Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 КО), Нови рај. ЦТ

ВТКО1 (0:49)

рогер Бланкеншип (1-4), Кливленд, ОХ





Nathan Martinez (1-0, 0 КО), New Britain, ЦТ

ВДЕЦ4 (40-35, 40-35, 40-35)

Henry Garcia (1-1), New Bedford, Мр





Фацебоок: /hartfordboxingcenter

Твиттер: @hartfordboxing

Инстаграм: @hartford.boxing.center/

ЈуТјуб: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Boxing the way out for pro-debutingThe Special OneSharad Collier

Јун 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, ЦТ











HARTFORD, Цонн. (Јун 7, 2018) – Hartford boxing prospectThe Special OneSharad Collier has overcome tougher obstacles in life than he may ever face in the ring.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion will make his professional debut Saturday night, Јун 16, on Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at The Capital”, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




I’m excited to make my pro debut at home in Hartford,” Collier said. “Fans are going to see a whole new beast: more power, speed and I’m not just in the ring to fight. I’m going to put on a show. Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S is for speed, P for power, E for enthusiasm, C for charisma, I for intelligence, A for – атлетске, L is for the looks.




Universal Boxing Federation (УБФ) All America light heavyweight champion рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера (7-0, 6 КОс) will defend his title and fight Mexican challenger JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 КОс) in the eight-round main event. They will also fight for the vacant ABF Continental Americas Championship.



The 21-year-Collier, who will fight Ohio’s Antonio Castillo, Јр. (1-0) in a four-round Special Welterweight Attraction, has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and, sadly, his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) Хартфорд, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




I’ve been through a lot in life,” the charismatic Collier admitted. “I’ve had to fight my whole life. My goals include becoming world champion, making good money, and buying a house. I have two kids and I want them to have a better life than I did. I love boxing and it’s my way out.




Undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight Омар “Беаст” Bordoy, Јр. (5-0, 1 КО) will fight in his first scheduled six-round bout versus. Александар “Ел Браво” Пико (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



Also fighting on the undercard, све у четири округла налетима, are Hartford featherweight Луис “Lobito” Ривера (4-3) вс. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), of Worcester, Мр; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa вс. Cleveland’s рогер Бланкеншип (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. New Bedford’s (Мр)Henry Garcia (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet вс. Justin Morales, of New Bedford, Мр, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, Bridgeport, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero вс. Jimmy Santiago, of New York City, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect Jeffrey Torres (4-0, 2 КОс) вс. TBA..




Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers WillieWill othe WispPep и ChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion марлон “Магиц Ман” Starling, светску титулу Цхалленгерс GasparEl IndioOrtega, и Израел “пре” Кардона, и 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain Лоренс Глина-бег.




Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.



Улазнице, по цени од $80.00, $60.00 и $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, као и $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



Врата се отварају у 6 п.м. И, Први наступ почиње у 7 п.м. И.




Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.


Фацебоок: /hartfordboxingcenter

Твиттер: @hartfordboxing

Инстаграм: @hartford.boxing.center/

ЈуТјуб: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Fight Night at the Capital” Конференција за штампу Цитати

Јун 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, ЦТ
Press Conference group picture courtesy of Jason Rodriguez / Superelite Boxing
HARTFORD, Цонн. (Мај 31, 2018) – Hartford Boxing Promotions (HBP) hosted a press conference yesterday at the Hartford Boxing Center to promote its first event, “Fight Night at the Capital”, Јун 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, Конектикат.
Below are quotes from yesterday’s press conference.
HBP’s goal is to bring quality boxing back to Hartford, which has a rich tradition dating back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers WillieWill othe WispPep и ChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion марлон “Магиц Ман” Starling, светску титулу Цхалленгерс GasparEl IndioOrtega, и Израел “пре” Кардона, и 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain Лоренс Глина-бег.
Улазнице, по цени од $80.00, $60.00 и $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, као и $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.
Врата се отварају у 6 п.м. И, Први наступ почиње у 7 п.м. И.
Шампион Изазивач
Хартфорд, ЦТ San Quinton, Мексико
7-0 (6 КОс) 12-3-2 (9 КОс)
ЦО-ФЕАТУРЕ — Лаких модела – 6 КОМАДА
Денбури, ЦТ Хартфорд, CT by way of Puerto Rico
5-0 (1 КО) 2-5-1
2-time New England Golden Gloves Champion
Хартфорд, ЦТ
Про Деби
Хартфорд, ЦТ Ворчестер, Мр
4-3 1-1-1
Лаких модела – 4 КОМАДА
Нови рај, ЦТ Кливленд, ОХ
Про Деби 1-3
New Britain, ЦТ New Bedford, Мр
Про Деби 0-1
Лаких модела – 4 КОМАДА
Хартфорд, ЦТ New Bedford, Мр
Про Деби Про Деби
Bridgeport, ЦТ Њујорк, НИ
Про Деби Про Деби
Нови рај, ЦТ
4-0 (2 КОс)
(све борбе & борци подложни променама)
Tony Blanco, Организатор: “I’m really excited to do this in Hartford. There wouldn’t be a show without these guys. We work for them.
Michael Tran, Организатор: “We’re really excited to feature some of top Connecticut boxers including many pro debuts of some of Connecticut’s best young fighters. Fans will be able to see them all in action on June 16тх. We’re bringing boxing back and it’s only right that we have this event in the capital of Connecticut.
Рицхард Ривера:People ask me why I box? Свиђа ми се, no other reason. Као аматер, I fought for the love of the sport. I’m blessed now because I’m getting paid, but I still love it. We do need to eat and because we have a lot of pro debuts on this card, it means we have a lot of hungry fighters. Јуна 16тх, I’m going to do my thing and, trust me, there are going to be a lot of fireworks. I’ve watched a lot of these guys train. We’re finally fighting in our hometown and we’re going to better all the time.
Boxing helps save lives. Boxing is a performing art. Kids get off the street in in the gym. This is a movement! We are a forced to be reckoned with and boxing gives everybody a chance.”.
Sharad Collier:I’d like to thank Tony Blanco and Hartford Boxing Promotions for putting me on this card and my team. It’s going to be a good night. Спреман сам да идем. I’m going to keep working hard and keep being smart.
Луис Ривера: I want to thank Hartford Boxing Promotions and my coach, Papo Colon. Come June 16тх, it’s going to be an interesting night.
Nathan Martinez:I’m thankful for this opportunity on June 16тх. Come June 16тх, expect a big fight.
Jose Maysonet: Thanks to my team and on June 16тх, I will be ready.
Anuel Rosa:Thanks to Hartford Boxing Promotions for putting me on this show and to my trainer, Луис Роса, for my eight weeks of training. I knew this day was coming and I’ll be ready. When people see me fight, you’ll want me on the next card.
Jacob Marrero: I want to thank Tony Blanco for this opportunity to make my pro debut and my team for getting me ready for my fight.
Jeffrey Torres: “I want to thank my coach, Луис Роса. I’ll be 100-percent ready on June 16тх.”
* * *
Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.
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Undefeated light heavyweight Richard “Морнар Попај” Rivera to HeadlineFight Night at the Capital

Јун 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, ЦТ

HARTFORD, Цонн. (Мај 15, 2018) – New England’s hottest, most popular and hardest hitter, рицхард “Морнар Попај” Ривера, will defend his Universal Boxing Federation (УБФ) All America light heavyweight title at home on Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at the Capital”, Јун 16тх at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, Конектикат.



Ривера (7-0, 6 КОс) has partnered with his trainer, Tony Blanco, and Hartford Boxing Center gym co-owner, Michael Tran, to form Hartford Boxing Promotions and bring world-class boxing back to Hartford.



Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers WillieWill othe WispPep и ChristopherBattlingBattalino.


Other top-area boxers include world champion марлон “Магиц Ман” Starling, светску титулу Цхалленгерс GasparEl IndioOrtega, и Израел “пре” Кардона, и 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain Лоренс Глина-бег.



Rivera will take on JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 КОс) in the eight-round main event versus an opponent to be determined.



There’s a lot of pressure fighting at home because, наравно, I want a victory, but I also need to be impressive for me to be recognized,” Rivera said. “I’m all about boxing. My partners, Tony and Michael, take care of the business end of Hartford Boxing Promotions. I’m excited about fighting June 16тх and I expect a great turnout. A lot of people know who I am from fighting all over New England. Сада, I want to expand my horizons. I have a huge following from our gym and church, but I want to bring non-boxing fans to our show to make them boxing fans.



There’s no such thing as an easy fight. It all starts with training, which makes fighting easier. I may get an early knockout, but I always train to go the distance. My opponent has fought on television a few times against some fighters with good records. I know that I am going to be in a fight. I’ll be ready for war!”



This past April in New Hampshire, Rivera hit his opponent, Randy Campbell, so hard with a powerful right, that the force broke Campbell’s ankle only seconds into the contest.



Fighting is a way of life,” ривера објаснио. “All the training and fighting, it’s for the love of boxing, not money. Fighting never leaves a boxer.



Rivera originally got his nickname because, when he was younger, his forearms were considerably larger than his biceps. Fighters in the gym jokingly teased Rivera about his enlarged forearms, calling him “Попај,” and the nickname has stuck. Сада, Rivera showcases his Popeye persona in full, which has added many females and children to his growing fanbase of hardcore boxing fans. Јун 16тхwill open a new chapter in the life of for the man who’s always good to the finish because he eats his spinach.



У сарадњи-феатуред догађај, undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight Омар “Беаст” Bordoy, Јр. (5-0, 1 КО) will be in his first scheduled six-rounder against. Александар “Ел Браво” Пико (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



The Special One,” Sharad Collier, fighting out of Hartford, is competing this week Omaha (СИ) at the National Golden Gloves Championships, before returning home to turn pro in a four-round Special Junior Welterweight Attraction versus an opponent to be determined.



Also fighting on the undercard, све у четири округла налетима, are Hartford featherweight Луис “Lobito” Ривера (4-3) вс. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), of Worcester, Мр; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa вс. Cleveland’s рогер Бланкеншип (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. New Bedford’s (Мр) Henry Garcia (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet вс. Justin Morales, of New Bedford, Мр, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, Bridgeport, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero вс. Jimmy Santiago, of New York City, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect Jeffrey Torres (4-0, 2 КОс) вс. TBA..



Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.



Улазнице, по цени од $80.00, $60.00 и $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, као и $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



Врата се отварају у 6 п.м. И, Први наступ почиње у 7 п.м. И.



Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.



Фацебоок: /hartfordboxingcenter

Твиттер: @hartfordboxing

Инстаграм: @hartford.boxing.center/

ЈуТјуб: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter