Tag Archives: Clean Boxing Program


Монреалийн (Наймдугаар 10, 2016) Groupe Yvon Michel’s (Зааланд) world-ranked boxers have enrolled in the new VADA/WBC Clean Boxing Program (CBP), created by Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA) and the World Boxing Council (WBC).
Adonis Стивенсон, Лусиан дайралт хийвэл, Eleider Alvarez болон Артур Бетербиев will now participate in a serious new protocol in which they may be blood and/or urine tested anytime, 365 days per year. They must be available at all times for an unexpected test.
All of the WBC champions and WBC top 15-ranked fighters have until Есдүгээр 9 to conform to the new protocol or they will be removed from the WBC rankings and suspended from any activity in the WBC.
This is a step in the right direction but what will really be important in the next few years is for this structure to always keep improving in order to properly regulate professional boxing,” сургагч багш Marc Ramsay гэж хэлсэн.
Аз болоход, boxing is rarely the target of doping cases, but tightening the rules can only be beneficial to prevent tempted athletes to follow the wrong path,” added GYM vice-president, operations and recruitment, Bernard Barré.
I am fully in favor of these new measures so all of us in the program will be playing on the same plain field,” remarked Stevenson, the WBC world light heavyweight champion.
The WBC is proud to see the exemplary dedication of GYM for the welfare of the sport and we are grateful for their support to enroll Champion Adonis Stevenson and all of their WBC top 15-ranked fighters in the WBCVADA Clean Boxing Program,” WBC Ерөнхийлөгч Маурисио Сулайман тайлбар. “The CBP is the first ever attempt in our sport to have a safety platform for our athletes and, more importantly, to share the much needed information on PED´s and illegal procedures which could harm our heroes of the ring.

To learn more about ‘the ‘WBC Clean Boxing Programwatch the Webinar via this link: HTTP://wbcboxing.com/WBCVADA/webinar/story_html5.html
YVON MICHEL GROUP-ийн ТУХАЙ (Зааланд): Groupe Yvon Мишель (Зааланд) онд байгуулагдсан 2004 Ивон Мишель болон түүний хамтрагчид. Байгууллагын эрхэм зорилго бол дасгалжуулагчийн дэмжлэг, ялангуяа өрсөлдөх чадвартай менежментээр дамжуулан дээд түвшний боксчдыг хөгжүүлэх явдал юм. Зорилгодоо хүрэхийн тулд, GYM actively recruits talent and organizes events. GYM is associated with the popular series, “Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын (PBC),” мөн Loto Quebec-тэй томоохон Videotron түншлэлийг бий болгосон, TVA Sports, Видеотрон төв, Казино де Монреаль ба Лак Лийми, Tonik GroupImage and Lapointe шүдний төв, in addition to collaborating closely with Rixa Promotions.

Australian Top Heavyweight and Uncrowned Champion Lucas Browne Volunteers for WBC Clean Boxing Program

Former WBA World Heavyweight Champion Lucas Big DaddyBrowne of Australia is upping the ante in his quest to clear his name and regain his championship by voluntarily enrolling in the WBC’s Clean Boxing Program.
The hard-punching Browne (24-0, 21 Kos) stopped Uzbekistan’s Ruslan Chagaev in round 10 last March in Grozny, ОХУ-, to become Australia’s first-ever heavyweight champion. The dramatic victory, Гэсэн хэдий ч, was nullified and Browne’s championship was stripped away and returned to Chagaev, дараах тэмцэл, after he reportedly tested positive for the banned substance Clenbuterol.
Browne, who tested completely clean in a random drug test by VADA six days before the fight against Chagaev, staunchly maintains his innocence of purposefully taking any banned substance ever, and says he is taking steps to ensure he is never again accused of cheating.
I’m proud to announce that I am now part of the Clean Boxing Program, which is being run by the WBC and VADA,” хэлсэн Browne. “By voluntarily enrolling in this program I am able to be randomly tested at any time, 365 days of the year.
Browne, who was the one who insisted that VADA perform drug testing before the Chagaev fight, says the decision to join the program was an easy one to make. “I have absolutely no issues with this, as I am a clean athlete and I believe boxing needs this kind of regulation. I welcome this aspect of safety for the sport of boxing. I despise all drugs, whether they be performance-enhancing or recreational.
Browne’s manager, Matt Clark, says that by becoming Australia’s first fighter to volunteer for the program, his fighter will hopefully start a trend.
Lucas is Australia’s premier boxer and resents drugs of any kind,” Кларк хэлсэн. “We hope that other fighters from around the world join Lucas and sign up for the program. Anything that makes boxing safer is a good thing.
Browne and Clark say they are still fightingtooth and nailto clear his name and thank the public for the tremendous support they have received, worldwide.
Having always been a clean athlete, I am totally opposed to any form of doping,” Browne concluded. “I’ve always felt that cheaters in professional boxing should be banned for life. Нь 21 KOs in my 21 ялалт, I’m of the same opinion as (current WBC World Heavyweight Champion) Deontay Wilder: If I was ever to use PED drugs, I might end up killing someone!”