Таг Арцхивес: ЦБС Спортс Нетворк




АНЂЕЛИ -Беллатор ММА је данас потврдио комплетну борбену карту заБеллатор 247: Далеи вс. Андерсон, која се одржава у четвртак, Нов. 1 у Аллианз Цлоуд у Милану, Италија.

Беллатор 247: Далеи вс. Андерсонзапочиње ново партнерство између Беллатор ММА и ЦБС Спортс Нетворк, који ће емитовати догађај УЖИВО у четвртак, Нов. 1 (4 п.м. И) из италијанске престонице моде. Почев од овог догађаја, ЦБС Спортс Нетворк ће преносити Беллатор ММА догађаје, како домаћих тако и међународних, УЖИВО у свим САД. тржишта, док ће се прелиминарни мечеви стримовати на ЦБССпортс.цом и ИоуТубе каналу Беллатор ММА.

Поред узбудљивог главног догађаја у велтер категорији између ветеранаПаул Далеи (42-17-2) иДерек Андерсон (16-3, 1 НЦ), три друге главне карте су сада потврђене, са додацима одНорберт Новении Јр. (5-0) преузимајућиЛаид Зерхоуни(7-5) у миддлевеигхт, мува мува између бившег изазивача насловаКате Јацксон (11-4-1) и актуелни шампион у мухашкој категорији Беллатор у кик боксуДенисе Киелхолтз (5-2), као и лагана такмичарска борбаИлиас Булаид (2-0) против Иван Наццари(Про Деби) у експлозивном отварању.

На прелиминарном картице, Ирска јеБриан Мооре (12-7) вратиће се у кавез Беллатор након повреде против ИталијеСимоне Д’анна(7-2) на 145 килограма. Такође, четири двобоја у велтер категорији су званична, кад је непораженЈустин Бурлинсон (5-0) суочава се са непријатељем без поразаБобби Паллетт(5-0), Левис Лонг (17-6) упознаје бившег хеадлајнера БеллатораГианни Мелилло(13-5), Валтер Гахадза (18-5) враћа против непораженихУрош Јуришић(10-0) иКиван Грацие (1-0) наставља своју младу ММА каријеру против МолдавијеКонстантин Гнусарјев (3-0-1).

Првобитно је требало да се суочи са Лиз Цармоуцхе пре пандемије Цовид-19, мухаМанди Бохм (6-0, 1 НЦ) добија нови задатак и дочекујеГриет Еецкхоут(5-3-1) до кавеза Беллатор у првом од два женска прелиминарна напада наБеллатор 247: Далеи вс. Андерсон.Друга јамаЈаде Јоранд противМоника Тоцхликовау такмичењу у атомској категорији које ће служити као професионални деби оба борца.

Додатно, два ветерана Беллатор-а дочекују два нова спортиста у кавезу Беллатор, кадаЛее Цхадвицк (25-15-1) иде у битку са лондонским Схоотфигхтерс-производомЕдерсон Цристиан Мацедо(10-5) у полутешкој категорији и СБГ ИреландБлаине О’Дрисцолл(8-3) тестира своје вештине против ФранцускеПогрешан Елкас(6-6) у мувој афери. Најзад, резервисан је уговорни тег од 160 килограма, као непоражениЦхрис Дунцан (6-0) меетсИамик Фуртадо (6-3).

Поносни Мађар, Норберт Новении Јр. улази у окт. 1 такмичење које се може похвалити савршеном професионалном ознаком 5-0, укључујући трио пријава и два финала у првом кругу. Средња категорија ће четврти пут наступити за Беллатор ММА, прикупљајући одлучујуће победе у сваком од претходна три такмичења. Још један одлучујући финиш уБеллатор 247 могао да стави производ Лондон Схоотфигхтерс у мешавину на врху одељења од 185 килограма. Долазим из Монпељеа, Француска, Зерхоуни ће се појавити први пут 2020 и прва борба на картици Беллатор, где ће тражити своју четврту победу у последњих пет борби. Са сваком од његових пет победа у каријери које су долазиле нокаутом или подношењем, укључујући четири у уводној рунди, двадесетчетворогодишњи довршивач тражиће још једну рану заустављање у главном догађајуБеллатор 247.

Борба из Амстердама, 31-годишња Денисе Киелхолтз ће бити њен други ММА наступ 2020 кампања и седма од придруживања Беллатор ММА у 2017. Са 47 победе у кик боксу у каријери, укључујући шампионат у мушкој категорији Беллатор у кик боксу, вишедимензионални холандски борац Муаи Тхаи нада се продужењу тренутног низа победа у три борбе када уђе у кавез у Милану. „Мисс Динамите“ такође улази у такмичење возећи успешан низ који укључује пет победа у шест такмичења, истакнуто триом завршница у првом кругу. Победама у четири од последњих шест такмичења и девет од последњих 12, Кате Јацксон улази у борбу јашући једну од најжешћих пруга у мушкој дивизији жена. Долазећи из Цорнвалла, Енглеска, бивши муварац Беллатор бр. 1-кандидат ће настојати да дода својих шест испадања у каријери, укупно који укључује пет у првом кругу. 34-годишњи Јацксон нада се да ће је победа над Киелхолтз вратити назад у разговор о титули првака света од 125 килограма.

За даље информације, посетаБеллатор.цом.  

Беллатор 247: Далеи вс. Андерсон Фигхт Цард:

ЦБС Спортс Нетворк

4 п.м. И

Велтервеигхт Маин Евент: Паул Далеи (42-17-2) всДерек Андерсон(16-3, 1 НЦ)

Средња категорија Цо-Маин Евент: Норберт Новении Јр. (5-0) вс.Лаид Зерхоуни(7-5)

Фливеигхт Феатуре Боут: Кате Јацксон (11-4-1) вс.Денисе Киелхолтз(5-2)

Лагана карактерна борба: Илиас Булаид(2-0) вс.Иван Наццари(Про Деби)

Прелиминарни картица:

ЦБССпортс.цом | ИоуТубе канал компаније Беллатор ММА

12:15 п.м. И

Феатхервеигхт Боут: Бриан Мооре (12-7) вс.Симоне Д’анна(7-2)
Велтервеигхт Боут: Јустин Бурлинсон(5-0) вс.Бобби Паллетт(5-0)
Велтервеигхт Боут: Левис Лонг(17-6) вс.Гианни Мелилло(13-5)
Фливеигхт Боут: Манди Бохм(6-0, 1 НЦ) вс.Гриет Еецкхоут(5-3-1)

160-фунта Уговорна тежина: Цхрис Дунцан(6-0) вс.Иамик Фуртадо (6-3)
Велтервеигхт Боут: Валтер Гахадза(18-5) вс.Урош Јуришић(10-0)
Велтервеигхт Боут: Киван Грацие(1-0) вс. Константин Гнусарјев(3-0-1)
Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Боут: Лее Цхадвицк(25-15-1) вс.Едерсон Цристиан Мацедо(10-5)
Фливеигхт Боут: Блаине О’Дрисцолл(8-3) вс.Погрешан Елкас(6-6)
Атомвеигхт Боут: Јаде Јоранд (Про Деби) вс.Моника Тоцхликова(Про Деби)

*Картица подложна променама.





ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС-Беллатор ММА, a leading mixed martial arts promotion owned by ViacomCBS, иЦБС Спортс Нетворкhave announced an exciting new partnership that will see the organization’s live events featured on the 24-hour home of CBS Sports beginning this fall.

CBS Sports Network will televise Bellator events, како домаћих тако и међународних, УЖИВО у свим САД. тржишта, док ће се прелиминарни мечеви стримовати на ЦБССпортс.цом и ИоуТубе каналу Беллатор ММА. Additional details will be announced at a later date.

To kick off the new partnership, CBS Sports Network will air Bellator events live from Europe, укључујућиBellator 247у четвртак, Нов. 1 (4 п.м. И) у Милану, Италија, as well as the monumentalБеллатор Парисдогађај у суботу, Нов. 10 (11:30 а.м. И) in France.Bellator 247is headlined by a welterweight battle between veteranПаул Далеи (42-17-2) иДерек Андерсон (16-3, 1 НЦ), докБеллатор Парисsees“MVP” Michael Page (17-1) примитиРосс Хоустон (8-0, 1 НЦ) at welterweight andЦхеицк Конго (30-10-2, 1 НЦ) лицеТим Јохнсон (14-6) у тешкој категорији борбе.

The first primetime event live from the U.S. takes place Thursday, Нов. 15 (9 п.м. И) with a massive card anchored by the first world title defense of current championЦрис “Киборг” (22-2, 1 НЦ), who takes on Australia’sАрлин Бленцове (13-7), уBellator 249from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Цонн.

“We’re excited to have CBS Sports Network serve as the new home of live Bellator MMA events. It’s a great opportunity to showcase some of the best events and biggest names in the sport,” said CBS Sports Executive Vice President of Programming Dan Weinberg. “Adding Bellator MMA to the CBS Sports portfolio will allow for greater promotion, engagement and exposure across all our platforms and assets including CBS Sports Network, ЦБССпортс.цом, CBS Sports HQ as well as our various social accounts.”

“I am thrilled that Bellator live events will be coming to CBS Sports Network beginning on Oct. 1, as well as the unique opportunities the partnership creates across all CBS Sports platforms,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “CBS Sports is synonymous with iconic sports broadcasting and it is incredible to now have Bellator MMA included in that family. I would like to thank Paramount Network, formerly Spike TV, for the years of support that helped build Bellator into the organization that it is today, and this news marks yet another exciting relationship between two ViacomCBS properties. I look forward to bringing the biggest fights, featuring the top athletes in the world, live to CBS Sports Network and introducing Bellator to an entirely new audience this fall.”

ЦБС Спортс Нетворк, the 24-hour home of CBS Sports, is available through all major cable, satellite and telco distributors as well as via OTT streaming service providers YouTube TV, fuboTV, DirecTV and Hulu.

Bellator will continue to produce all of its own live events, led by Executive Producer Scott Fishman.

The second Bellator woman’s featherweight champion in the company’s history, Cris “Cyborg” is coming off of a dominant performance over Julia Budd in January to win the 145-pound world title. Already an MMA legend at 35-years-old, “Cyborg” will be looking to further her legacy as the greatest woman’s mixed martial artist of all-time when she meets Arlene Blencowe on Oct. 15. After winning the Bellator belt in her 12th career title fight, “Cyborg” made history by becoming a world champion in her fourth major promotion, previously holding belts in both the UFC and Strikeforce. Са професионалном евиденцијом од 22-2, 1 НЦ, укључујући 18 wins by way of finish, the Brazilian-born fighter holds victories over tough competition such as Budd, Холи Холм, Felicia Spencer and Gina Carano.

With wins in six of her last seven fights, including five knockouts, “Angerfist” has put herself in position to challenge for the women’s featherweight title. Coming off a unanimous decision victory over Leslie Smith, the former two-time boxing world champion will look to keep her momentum rolling and claim her first MMA title. Tied for the most knockouts in Bellator woman’s featherweight history, the fighter out of New South Wales, Australia aims to claim sole possession of that record, as she takes on her toughest challenge to date in Cris “Cyborg.”

A longtime MMA veteran, Paul Daley has competed professionally since 2003, amassing over 60 career fights. Throughout his tenure, “Semtex” has been one half of some of the most memorable bouts in MMA history, укључујући аknockout of the year over Brennan Ward in 2017. Недавно, Тхе Ноттингхам, England native notched consecutive wins over Erick Silva and Saad Awad, running his record in Bellator MMA to 8-4. Fighting out of San Diego, Цалиф., the 30-year-old Derek Anderson will be making his 11th appearance for Bellator MMA in search of his third consecutive victory. Са 11 његовог 16 career wins coming by way of finish, “The Barbaric” hopes to earn his eighth promotional victory and first of his 2020 кампања.

Currently riding a three-fight win streak, Мајкл "Веном" Страница, љубитељима познатији као „МВП,” returns with the intention of spoiling the debut of European welterweight prospect, Росс Хоустон. Holding a career record of 17-1, са 14 wins coming by way of stoppage, the pride of London Shootfighters looks to remind people why he is one of the most exciting strikers in all of MMA. After signing with Bellator in February, Scotland’s Houston will make his promotional debut against one of Bellator’s biggest stars in Page. “The Hitman” plans on keeping his 8-0, 1 NC undefeated record intact and improve on the three submission victories already to his name by using his known Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills.

Holding an impressive MMA record of 30-10-2, 1 НЦ, France’s Cheick Kongo returns to action following a title fight against heavyweight champion Ryan Bader last September. The former kickboxer remains unbeaten since 2015 and will enter the Bellator cage on home soil for a rematch against a familiar opponent in heavyweight contender in Tim Johnson. Coming off a dominant TKO victory over veteran Matt Mitrione atБеллатор 243 у августу, Johnson is set to compete for the third time in 2020 seeking revenge in a rematch from 2018 against Kongo. Now training out of Las Vegas, Johnson has quickly earned his place near the top of the Bellator heavyweight division with his recent wins, including a viral knockout over top prospect Tyrell Fortune in February.

*Fight cards subject to change.

Молимо Вас да посетитеБеллатор.цом за додатне информације.


(all pictures courtesy of Final Fight Championship)

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ, (Нов. 14, 2018) The debut of the all-new Fight Dome Las Vegas delivered an explosive night of fireworks at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino on Friday night. “ФФЦ 31 Нигхт оф Цхампионс” was certainly a night to remember.




The Scorpion StingMladen Brestovac delivered the knockout of the night, with a blistering high left kick to the head of Jhonata Diniz at the two-minute mark of Round 3.




The trademark left head kick of Brestovac sent Diniz crashing to the canvas. Са победом, Brestovac retains the FFC Heavyweight Kickboxing title and improves his record to (55-14-1.). Diniz, who was the aggressor for most of the fight and showcased his exciting come-forward style, пада на (16-6-0.)




Brestovac Retains FFC Kickboxing Heavyweight Title




ShkodranThe Albanian WarriorVeseli (83-18-1) won the FFC Welterweight Kickboxing Title with a 4th Round KO stoppage vs. FrancoisBang BangAmbang (18-8-1). A series of solid punches from Veseli rocked Ambang and sent him to a kneeling position at the 1:23 mark of the Round number four.




In the boxing portion of the evening, Shawn Miller, of Troy, НИ (19-4-1) won a unanimous decision victory in his ten round title fight with DennisMongooseMorris (14-3-1). Miller won by the scores of 100-90, 97-93, 97-93, earning him the WBU Cruiserweight Championship.




In the FFC MMA Welterweight Championship, Ben Egli lived up to his reputation as an expert submission artist by choking out Roberto Neves at the 3:21 ознака првог круга. Egli won the fight by rear naked choke, something he has done a total of five times in his pro MMA career. The championship victory brings Egli’s record to (11-2-0) while Neves falls to (10-3-0).




“ФФЦ 31 Нигхт оф Цхампионс” was broadcast live on CBS Sports Network and the event made history as Final Fight Championship, one of the fastest growing combat sports promotion companies in the world, became the first promotion company to hold a multi-discipline event (Бокс, Kickboxing and MMA) in Las Vegas history.


комплетан “ФФЦ 31 Нигхт оф Цхампионс” results below:







Ben Egli (11-2-0), Портланд, Oregon

Win by Submission Rear Naked Choke, 3:25 Rd 1

Roberto Neves (10-4-0), Sao Palo, Бразил

(Egli wins FFC Welterweight Title)



Shawn Miller (19-4-1, 7 КОс), Трој, НИ

Win by UD 10 Rds (100-90, 97-93, 97-93)

Dennis Morris (14-3-1, 12 КОс), Милвоки, ВИ

(Miller wins WBU Cruiserweight Title)





Mladen Brestovac (55-14-1), Шампион, Zagreb, Хрватска

Win by KO (Head Kick), 2:00 Rd 3

Jhonata Diniz (16-6-0), Curitiba, Бразил

(Brestovac retains FFC Heavyweight Title)


Shkodran Veseli (83-18-1), Zurich, Швајцарска

Win by KO (Ударци), 1:23 Rd 4

Francois Ambang | (18-8-1), Mechanicsville, ВА

(Veseli wins FFC Welterweight Title)

MMA Title Bout Headlines FFC 31 Night of Champions at Fight Dome

Clay Collard battles Dave Courchaine for the FFC MMA Lightweight Championship on Oct. 12

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ, (Нов. 1, 2018) – The main event is set for “FFC 31 Night of Champions” and it will consist of two rising stars in Mixed Martial Arts as Clay “Cassius” Collard (16-7-1) of Price, ОУТ, битака Dave “Insane” Courchaine (20-7-0) of Cheney, ВА, for the FFC MMA Lightweight Championship at the all-new Fight Dome Las Vegas at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino.




After suffering two straight losses under the UFC banner in 2015, Collard returned to MMA in 2018 and responded with two straight victories, a TKO win over Troy Dennison, and a submission win (by triangle choke) against Carson Gregory.




As for Courchaine, he was on a five-fight win streak dating back to 2014 before losing to Arthur Estrazulas by 1ул round KO in January of 2017. Both fighters are hungry and both fighters have something to prove when they step into the ring on Oct. 12.




There will be one other MMA title bout on the “Night of Champions” as Ben Egli (10-2-0) of Tigard, ИЛИ, takes on Brazilian, Roberto Neves (10-3-0) for the FFC Welterweight Title. The remainder of the multi-discipline fight card will consist of championship bouts involving boxing and kickboxing.




The WBU cruiserweight title will be up for grabs in boxing as Dennis Morris (14-2-1) Милваукее, ВИ, goes up against Shawn Miller (18-4-1) of Troy, НИ.




In Kickboxing, Glory veteran, François Ambang (18-7-1) of Mechanicsville, ВА (via Cameroon), will fight battle-tested Albanian, Shkodran Veseli (83-18-1) for the FFC Welterweight Title, and Brazilian, Jhonata Diniz (16-5-0) faces off against, Croatian sensation, Mladen Brestovac (54-14-1).




“FFC 31 Night of Champions” will broadcast live on CBS Sports Network, Петак, Нов. 12 у 7 п.м. (ПСТ) и 10 п.м. (ЕСТ).




General ticket prices begin at $69. Tickets are available at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office, позивом 702-777-2782 или 855-234-7469 или онлајн на Тицкетмастер.цом. For groups of 10 or more call 866-574-3851 или емаил EntertainmentGroupSales@Caesars.com.




For more information about Final Fight Championship, посетите finalfightchampionship.com, Facebook at Facebook.com/FFCFighting, and Follow on Instagram/Twitter @FFCFighting

FFC and Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino Ink Deal That Packs a Powerful Punch!

Сцреен Схот 2018-09-05 у 7.49.46 AM.png

Final Fight Championship Makes History, With Multi-Year Combat Sports Agreement Involving, Rio Las Vegas and CBS Sports Network

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ, (Седам. 14, 2018) – One of the fastest growing combat sports promotion companies in the world, Финал Фигхт Цхампионсхип (ФФЦ), and Caesars Entertainment’s Rio Las Vegas, will deliver a weekly combat sports series called, “Fight Dome”, which debuts on Friday, Седам. 28, and will air live on CBSSN (ЦБС Спортс Нетворк).

The groundbreaking announcement marks the first time in the history of Las Vegas that a combat sports promotion company has established residency inside of a resort casino to deliver a weekly show involving multi-disciplines including, Бокс, Kickboxing and MMA.

“History will be made on Friday, Седам. 28,” said Orsat Zovko, President and Founder of Final Fight Championship. “We (ФФЦ) are thrilled to be a part of this landmark agreement with Rio Las Vegas and CBS Sports Network.

Fight Dome events will broadcast live on CBS Sports Network, Friday at 7 п.м. (ПСТ) и 10 п.м. (ЕСТ) with the first official event, “Night of Champions”, debuting on Friday, Седам. 28. “Night of Champions”, will feature all three disciplines (Бокс, Kickboxing and MMA) and every fight will be for the FFC World Championship Belt!

All of the heart-pounding FFC action will take place inside of the all-new, Fight Dome Las Vegas, which is an intimate venue located inside of Rio Las Vegas that delivers combat sports fans, the experience of a lifetime.

Our fans will literally be right on top of the action the entire time,” said Zovko. “This is every combat sports fan’s dreamYou’ll be sitting so close, you’ll feel like you’re the one in the ring fighting!”

General ticket prices begin at $69. Tickets are available at any Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office, позивом 702-777-2782 или 855-234-7469 или на мрежи на Тицкетмастер.цом. For groups of 10 or more call 866-574-3851 or email EntertainmentGroupSales@Caesars.com.

About Final Fight Championship

Respected international combat sports promoter, Orsat Zovko, launched Final Fight Championship® (FFC®) у 2013. FFC has since held 30 successful dual-discipline events comprised of professional kickboxing and world class mixed martial arts. Featuring marquis athletes such as Satoshi Ishii, Мирко Цро Цоп, Mladen Brestovac and Robin van Roosmalen. FFC presents live sports broadcasts in more than 50 countries around the world, across four continents, appearing on CBS Sports Network, Fight Channel Worldwide, among other sports and media properties.

За више информација, please visit FinalFightChampionship.com, Фацебоок, Instagram and Twitter. Follow @FFCFighting


Publicity photo aboveOrsat Zovko, President/Founder FFC (лево), Billy Stone, Coordinating Producer & Директор, Програмирање, ЦБС Спортс (десно).

First FFC event Premieres Live on CBS Sports Network Friday, Седам. 28 у 10 АМ, ET From The Fight Dome at Rio All-Suite Hotel & Цасино у Лас Вегасу




CBS Sports Network and Final Fight Championship (ФФЦ) announced today a multi-year partnership to make CBS Sports Network the exclusive television home of FFC. The first FFC event premieres live on CBS Sports Network from The Fight Dome at Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas on Friday, Седам. 28 (10:00АМ, ЕСТ).



CBS Sports Network will air eight FFC events on Friday’s throughout the remainder of 2018. A champion will be crowned after each event with a belt as part of the national telecast.



We are thrilled to be given the opportunity to showcase combat sports on a National network,” рекао Orsat Zovko, president and founder of Final Fight Championship, “It’s an honor to partner with CBS Sports Network and nationally televise the new Fight Dome with championship-level fights to fans across the country.



FFC events are composed of combat sports from multiple disciplines, including boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts. All events will take place in the dedicated Fight Dome venue at Rio Las Vegas.



ЦБС Спортс Нетворк, the 24-hour home of CBS Sports, is widely available through all major cable, satellite and telco distributors as well as via OTT streaming service providers YouTube TV, fuboTV, PlayStation Vue, DirecTV and Hulu. Додатно, a live CBS Sports Network stream is available through CBSSports.com and the CBS Sports App by authenticating with select providers. За више информација, including a full programming schedule, иди на ввв.цбсспортснетворк.цом.




Respected international combat sports promoter, Orsat Zovko, launched Final Fight Championship® (FFC®) у 2013. FFC has since held 30 successful dual-discipline events comprised of professional kickboxing and world class mixed martial arts. Featuring marquis athletes such as Satoshi Ishii, Мирко Цро Цоп, and Mladden Brestovac. FFC presents live sports broadcasts in more than 50 countries around the world, across four continents, appearing on CBS Sports Network (САД), Fight Channel World (Worldwide), among other sports and media properties. For more information on FFC, посетитеwww.finalfightchampionship.com


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Mike Lee Breaks Rib in 1st round and despite not being able to breathe, defeats Jose Hernandez to claim NABO Light Heavyweight title

Цхицаго, Илиноис (Јун 9, 2018) -WBO number-3 ranked light heavyweight contender Mike Lee Broke his rib in the 1st round, but still claimed the NABO Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Jose Hernandez at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Илиноис.




Lee pressed the action as he looked to land power shots early. Hernandez fought gamely, but Lee was consistent with his right and left hands.




Lee showed incredible heart, as in round one, he suffered a broken rib and had trouble breathing throughout the whole ten round fight.




Hernandez was cut from Lee’s work, and the Notre Dame graduate cruised home with the victory by scores of 97-93 on all judges’ cards.




Са победом, Lee remains perfect with a record of 21-0, and will now look to face any of the world champions in either the light heavyweight or super middleweight divisions.




I came out wanting the knockout,” рекао је Лее. “I give credit to Jose, he was tough. I got a little excited early, and I was a little sloppy. U početku, I was just throwing power shots, I wasn’t double jabbing and using my athletic ability. Every fight is a learning lesson, and tonight I had to bite down and get the win.




Са победом, Lee will now look to challenge any of the champions and big names in and around his weight class.




Let’s go. I want a shot at the world title. Whether it is at 168 pounds or 175 фунти, I am just waiting on a phone call. We wanted to fight Julio Cesar Chavez, Јр., but I don’t know what happened with that. I just want someone with the belt.

Hall of Fame broadcaster Barry Tompkins chimes in on world-ranked light heavyweight Mike Lee

Lee takes on Jose Hernandez ово петак night at The Allstate Arena in Chicago and Live on

ЦБС Спортс Нетворк (9 Пм ЕТ)

Цхицаго, Илиноис (Јун 4, 2018) -When WBO number-3 ranked light heavyweight contender Мике Лее (20-0, 11 КОс) поприма Jose Hernandez (19-3-1, 9 КОс) this Friday night у The Allstate Arena у Цхицаго. The card will be broadcast live on CBS Spots Network (9 Пм ЕТ) with an all-star announce team of International Boxing Hall of Famer Бари Томпкинс and renowned Теди Атлас.




Tompkins, who has been calling the biggest fights in the world for nearly 40 године, has seen his share of fighters, but not many with the versatility of a fighter who could be speaking to corporate America one day, and competing at a championship level in the ring…. the very next day.




This fight will be a nice little test for Lee. This is something that he has been striving for a long time, and I will be happy to see him get that chance that he has been wanting. It is a real opportunity for him to show himself as one of the great fighters around,” said Tompkins.




Ли, who is one of a real select few that is able to give motivational speeches to Fortunate-500 companies, is a national spokesperson for major cooperation’s, and be a world class fighter all wrapped up in one.




Ли, who is holds a finance degree from Notre Dame, spends time and money for kids diagnosed with terminal cancer, so he is always fighting for a higher cause




He is a very sellable guy whether he fights or not, and that’s the thing. He has the opportunity to be a real spokesman, not only for himself but for the sport of boxing in general. He is that in general He can really fill a room and he is excellent at dealing with all walks of life and all generations of people. I haven’t been around too many that can do that. “Шећер” Ray Leonard comes to mind who can do that. Leonard has a very galvanizing personality, and Mike has a lot of that in him. He is very good spokesperson for the sport.




With a win on Friday night, Lee could be just a fight or two away for fighting for a coveted world championship.




I know that is something he has looked forward to. I am in favor of him getting an opportunity. His record says that he is worthy of an opportunity.


Провиђење, Рходе Исланд (Новембар 29, 2017) Овог петка ноћ, Децембар 1, top cruiserweight prospect FABIOStone CrusherTURCHI, (12-0, 9 КО је), of Florence, Italy makes his highly anticipated U.S. debut against Detroit, MI veteran DEMETRIUS BANKS, (9-3, 4 КО је) from The Strand Ballroom and Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island and telecast live on ЦБС Спортс Нетворк (9:00 п.м. И/6:00 п.м. ПТ).
Turchi vs. Banks, scheduled for eight rounds, is part of an eight-bout action packed card presented by Boxing Legend Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing.
Улазнице за ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing V са почетком у $45 are can be purchased through www.TheRealDealBoxing.са и www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, Провиђење, РИ, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 п.м. И са првим звоно на7:00 п.м. И.
I’m thrilled to be fighting in the United States,” said the 24-year-old Turchi. “Since I turned professional two years ago I’ve wanted to come here and fight.
When I arrived here у недељу night for the first time I felt very good right away. I’ve met a lot of Italian-Americans here in Providence and they’ve been very cordial to me which is galvanizing me to a great performance у петак ноћ.
I consider myself an intelligent fighter with power. I can box to a decision but if the opportunity comes along during the fight for a knockout I’ll take advantage of it,” continued Turchi known in Italy for his show-stopping knockouts.
I don’t know much about Demetrius Banks but I’m very well prepared for anything in the ring.
Since I was a kid, being Italian, my favorite fighter was Rocky Marciano. It’s an honor to be fighting so close to his hometown of Brockton, Масачусетс у петак ноћ.”
Evander was a great world champion in both the cruiserweight and heavyweight divisions. I will do my best to make him proud of me у петак ноћ.”
Said Holyfield, “Just being around Fabio these last few days you can see how serious he takes his career. I’m excited for boxing fans in Providence and those watching on CBS Sports Network to have the opportunity to see him fight.
In the televised main event у петак ноћ, TOKA KAHN-CLARY, (23-1, 16 КО је), провиђења, Rhode Island defends his WBC-USNBC Featherweight Title against undefeated Philippinesbased contender JOHN VINCENT MORALDE, (19-0, 10 КО је) ин 10-
Opening the telecast in a six-round featherweight clash, popular, undefeated Worcester, MA native IRVIN GONZALEZ, (7-0-0, 6 КО је) битака MARLON OLEA, (13-1-0, 12 КО је), of Barranquilla, Колумбија.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Фацебоок: @TheRealDealPromotions
Твиттер: @TheRealDealBox, @Holyfield
Инстаграм: @TheRealDealBoxing


Улазнице у продаји!!

(Л-Р) – Fabio Turchi, Евандер Холифиелд, Тока Кан-Клари, Sal Musumeci, CEO of The Real Deal Boxing, and Nick DeLomba
ПРОВИДЕНЦЕ, РИ (Новембар 30, 2017) – Hall-of-Famer Evander Holyfield hosted the final press conference for ово петак ноћ је ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing Vкартица, presented byhis The Real Deal Boxing, the promotional entity under his Real Deal Sports and Entertainment, this afternoon at Ladder 133 Sports Bar & Grill in Smith Hill, Рходе Исланд.
An exciting tripleheader, arguably the best top-to-bottom card in recent Rhode Island boxing history, willair on ЦБС Спортс Нетворк, са почетком у 9 п.м. И,live from The Strand Ballroom and Theater у Провиденце, РИ. The entire undercard will be live-streamed, са почетком у 7 п.м. И, онлајн на www.TheRealDealBoxing.com.
Providence featherweight Тока “Т-Ница” Кан-Клари (23-1, 16 КОс) headlines against undefeated Filipino invader John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 КОс) in the 10-round main event for the vacant WBC USNBC featherweight title.
Улазнице почетком у $45 су On Sale и могу се купити прекоwww.TheRealDealBoxing.com и www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theater is located at 79 Washington Street, Провиђење, РИ, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 п.м. И, first bell at 7:00 п.м. И, and live broadcasting starts at 9 п.м. И on CBS Sports Network.
Тока “Т-Ница” Кан-Клари (23-1, 15 КОс), Провиђење, RI by way of Liberia
John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 КОс), General Santos, Филипини
FabioStone CrusherTurchi (12-0, 9 КОс), Florence, Италија
Demetrius Banks (9-3, 4 КОс), Детроит, МИ
Irvin Gonzalez (7-0, 6 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
Marlon Olea (13-1, 12 КОс), Baranquilla, Колумбија
Nick DeLomba (11-2, 2 КОс), Цранстон, РИ
Louis Cruz (12=3, 6 КОс), бронк, НИ
Тими Рамос (4-0-1, 4 КОс), Framingham, Мр
Пхил Давис (1-1), Ворчестер, Мр
Појндекстер витез (за деби), Филаделфија, ПА
Samuel Forjoe (0-1), бронк, НИ
Bryan Daniels (5-1, 3 КОс), Ворчестер, Мр
DarnellThe UnknownPierce (5-1, 1 КО), Frederick, МД
Jeremy “J-Flash” Nichols (7-1-1, 2 КОс), Лас Вегас, НВ
Данијел “The Hudson Valley KidSostre (13-15-1, 5 КОс), Vega Maja, Порторико
(све борбе & борци подложни променама)
Sal Musumeci, CEO of The Real Deal Boxing: “We’re honored to be here in Rhode Island. So many champs come through here and we’re here for that reason and its great boxing fans. I’ve been promoting 20 years with more than 400 shows worldwide. I know where we want to go to places with people who appreciate boxing.
Evander and I got together to put together The Real Deal Boxing because we want the same shows, two warriors in the ring, and that’s what you’re going to see Петак night at The Stand. Thanks for accepting is here. Toka is a great inspiration. When I first heard his story, my COO (Eric Bentley) sad we need to sign him. He’s in a tough fight. Toka accepted the challenge because he believes he’ll be world champion.
Turchi is an undefeated cruiserweight who will grow into a heavyweight. An Italian heavyweight like the great Rocky Marciano who fought in providence so many times.
I guarantee у петак night you’ll see the most competitive fights in Providence in many years.
Евандер Холифиелд: “I’m honored to be here. A big part of me being a promoter is how can I help boxing? I started at eight, when I was told I’d be like Ali. I believed that, but I had to ask my mother (permission to box). I was a four-time heavyweight world champion, but I also had my ups and downs. I tell them (my fighters), if they listen and ask me for advice, I will tell them. The problems today with millennials is that there’s really nobody to tell them. Just ask me, I tell them.
I bring a lot to boxing, but I won’t say I will make my fighters champions. I will give them an opportunity to be champion. I had opportunities and never quit. If you set goals and you don’t quit, you’ll reach that goal. Correct your mistakes and don’t quit. These fighters need to believe in me but, more importantly, they need to believe in themselves. I can give them advice because I’ve done it. I’m on their side.
Тока Кан-Клари: I want to thank Evander, Sal and everybody on my team for having me fight in my state. I also want to thank my manger, trainer and Dan Crotty. Драго ми је да будем овде. Boxing isn’t easy, but it is the path I’ve chosen. I’m fighting here on national television, representing my city and state.
I’m going to put on a show December 1ул. It’s not going to be easy but I’m going in the ring to give it my all. Jedva čekam da se borim!”
Seth DeRobbio, manager of Toka Kahn-Clary, Irvin Gonzalez, Nick DeLomba & Тими Рамос:
I want to thank Sal and Evander for giving Providence good fights. This is a great opportunity for Toka, who is fighting a 19-0 противник, setting up a 2018 to be a big year for him. Надајмо се, we’ll be bringing something very big to Providence, сувише. You won’t know who is going to win Петак night until the fights are over.
Петар Манфредо, Ср., head trainer for Kahn-Clary: “I’d like to thank Evander, Seth, the whole crew (The Real Deal Boxing). When Seth mentioned signing Toka with Evander, I soon learned that they take care of their fighters, no BS. Listen to them and you’ll make it to the top.
Toka Kahn-Clary is the best fighter I’ve ever had, I’ve had a lot of good ones. Toka is always in condition, he works hard and has an iron chin. He wants to be a legend and I’m going to do everything to help him.
Fabio Turchi:I’m really happy to be here. I want to thank Real Deal Boxing for having faith in me. I will try to do my best to put on a great show. The people here mean a lot to me and I want to make the Italian-Americans here in Providence proud of me.
Nick DeLomba: I want to thank Evander for putting me on this card. I grew up watching his fights on video; he is my idol and I’m honored to be fighting on his card. Долазим да се борим. My opponent is a tough fighter who’ll bring his best.
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Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Фацебоок: @TheRealDealPromotions
Твиттер: @TheRealDealBox
Инстаграм: @TheRealDealBoxin