标记档案: 卡洛斯·贡戈拉

MURPHYS BOXING的UFC战斗通行证试射结果! 亚伯拉罕·诺瓦·科斯·马里奥·洛萨诺! 培育, 贡戈拉 & 更多接赢!

5/10/19 – 弹簧场, MASS. 结果


培育, 贡戈拉 & 更多接赢

“ICEMAN’ 约翰·斯库利 战士的代码奖

图片来源: 艾米莉·哈尼(Emily Harney)/电影

斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州 (5月11日, 2019):

在第一 墨菲拳击 多方处理事件 UFC战斗通行证, 粉丝观看了NABA超级羽量级冠军, 亚伯拉罕新星 (15-0, 11 科斯) 停止阿根廷的马里奥·埃塞基耶尔洛萨诺Sayal (18-3-1, 9 科斯) 在预定的第二轮 10 昨晚在斯普林菲尔德进行的全面战斗, 马萨诸塞州居住地 米高梅斯普林菲尔德.

新星, 目前排名 #10 在WBA的超轻量级世界排名中, 在“超级”人群面前展现出近乎完美的表现’ 支持者. 在双方战士进行了初步的第一轮比赛之后, Nova在第二次中途发现自己的射程,并在Lozano爆炸. 向身体和头部发出一系列快速而强大的组合, 新星掉落了唯一被击败的人, 洛萨诺(Lozano)迫使裁判暂停比赛 2:26 进入第二轮.

“我已经准备好对任何人. 顶 10. 顶 2. 冠军. 任何人都可以得到. 我是拳击界最机密的人. 是时候让我的国家电视台首次亮相,让世界知道谁是亚伯拉罕‘超级’ 新星是。”, 说这位外向自信的年轻潜在顾客,戴着漂白的金色胡子,在所有拳击比赛中最具创造力的环步之一。.

Nova的发起人, 墨菲拳击创始人, 肯·凯西 对Nova的表现感到很兴奋,并渴望获得 25 岁的一个冠军消除器和另一个顶级 10 排名战斗机.

“他有整个包裹. 模样. 高考. 人才. 表现. 风扇底座. 他既准确又敏锐,但他也有不良意图。. 你可以说他处于不同的水平. 他是世界一流的战士。”

至于Nova的未来, 凯西(Casey)确认他将在下一场战斗中进行国家电视首秀.

“我们正在完成今年夏天针对亚伯拉罕进行的全国电视转播,与另一场热门比赛 10 我们将很快宣布的战斗机. 然后,我希望看到他在今年年底前为强制性规定而战. 我们认为他可以赢得大个子, 所以是时候让他有机会了. 我们对Nova的未来感到非常兴奋. 他准备成为明星。”

共同比赛中,墨菲拳击场 威廉·福斯特III (10-0, 7 科斯) 绝对统治并放弃阿根廷 拉蒙·埃斯佩兰萨(Ramon Esperanza) (22-16-1, 11 科斯) 在裁判叫停之前多次 2:39 进入预定的第四轮 8 轮的较量. 培育, 现任小. NABF超级轻量级​​冠军 和NABA轻量级冠军的弟弟, 查尔斯·福斯特, 看起来不错, 用无情的身体攻击从开场钟声中压倒他更有经验的对手. 福斯特(Foster)的嗡嗡声在新英格兰继续蔓延,他从家乡附近的哈特福德(Hartford)带来了声乐人群, 康涅狄格.

最近墨菲拳击签字人, 委内瑞拉奥海, ARCON路易斯·迪亚兹 (7-0, 7 科斯) 继续他的淘汰赛连胜,阻止了阿根廷 何塞·奥贝尔 (8-4, 7 科斯) 在 2:36 进入预定的第四轮 6 圆形初中次中量级.

当地的斯普林菲尔德战斗机, 小德里克·惠特利. (5-1-1) 赢得了费城的一致决定 布莱恩·戈德斯比 (5-11) 在 4 一轮次中量级的战斗. 戈德斯比(Goldsby)在整个战斗中都花了几分钟的时间,但这位MMA资深球员在对抗反冲拳的Southpaw上并不足够忙,后者以 39-27 和 40-36 两次.

2x来自厄瓜多尔的奥林匹亚人, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (16-0, 12 科斯) 在一场比赛和崎ged不堪的老将中赢得了艰苦的一致决定, 达米安·埃塞奎尔·博内利 (23-6, 20 科斯) 在 10 一轮中量级比赛,得分为 99-91 和 98-92 两次. 贡戈拉, 谁与墨菲拳击签名, 是目前的WBC南美中量级冠军.

斯普林菲尔德自己的 安东尼·贝拉斯克斯 (6-0, 6 科斯) 继续他对枪战的印象深刻 布鲁诺·迪亚兹(Bruno Diaz) (0-6) 在不到一分钟的时间内将他丢下两次 4 次中量级回合,裁判在 1:32 第一轮将军澳.

硬汉 雷·杰伊·贝穆德斯(Ray Jay Bermudez) (7-0, 5 科斯) 来自附近奥尔巴尼的人, 纽约释放了无数钩子,使无助的人陷入困境 帕特里克·利尔 (0-6) 首轮将军澳三回合 1:35 排定的秒数 4 圆形次中量级回合.

根据波士顿业余突出, 詹姆斯·佩雷拉 (3-0, 3 科斯) 使工作变得容易 保罗·德索萨 (0-14) 在第一轮将他丢下两次之前,裁判叫停球 16 排定第二轮比赛的秒数 4 DeSouza的右路严重受伤后进行次中量级比赛. 这是佩雷拉职业生涯头两个月的第三场比赛.

在活动中还看到了墨菲拳击的演讲 战士的代码奖 旨在纪念传奇的新英格兰战士.

最新的奖项授予轻量级冠军挑战者,现在是成功的评论员和培训师, 约翰·斯卡利. 来自附近哈特福德的Scully, 康乃狄克州职业生涯在斯普林菲尔德曾数次战斗.

雪人’ 由墨菲(Murphys Boxing)的 肯·凯西肖恩·沙利文(Sean Sullivan) 在分享了一些关于他的职业生涯的凄美言论后,他受到了赞赏人群的热烈鼓掌.


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 格雷格代蒂, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文, 亚伯拉罕·诺瓦(Abraham Nova)和尼尔·肯尼迪(Niall Kennedy)等潜在客户, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III, 迈克·阿娴JR. 多!

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com

与我们名册上的任何战斗员交谈 – 给我们打个电话 info@murphysboxing.com我们将它挂.


UFC FIGHTPASS®和MURPHYS拳击达到了多年直播协议,本周五首次并独家直播, MAY 10 AT 9:30PM E.T. / 6:30PM P.T.

拉斯维加斯和波士顿 (五月 6, 2019):

UFC FIGHTPASS®, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务, 今天宣布与波士顿受欢迎的促销活动建立新的多年合作关系,墨菲拳击. 促销将使 战斗通行证 本亮相 星期五, 5月10日, 从 斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州米高梅斯普林菲尔德 在 9:30 P.M. E.T. / 6:30 P.M. P.T. 并具有一个 10 回合主要事件, 由不败的NABA超级轻量级​​冠军争夺, 亚伯拉罕新星 VS. 马里奥·埃塞基耶尔洛萨诺Sayal.

“墨菲拳击是新英格兰的顶级促销活动之一, 我很高兴有他们参加FIGHT PASS,UFC总裁, Dana白色 说. “在短短五年内, 肯·凯西(Ken Casey)通过这次促销活动做了不可思议的事情. 我期待向我们的订户展示这些激动人心的战斗机。”

“我们非常高兴与FIGHT PASS携手合作,“说 肯·凯西, 墨菲拳击的创始人. “ UFC为我们提供了一个平台,以突出新英格兰欣欣向荣的拳击场面,以打击体育迷. 我们将向世界介绍我们令人难以置信的阵容,其中包括未来的冠军, 例如Nova。”

最近进入 WBA的上衣 10 排名, 不败 亚伯拉罕新星 (14-0, 10 科斯) 将使他备受期待 2019 墨菲拳击旗帜下首次亮相. 新星的对手, 阿根廷前景 马里奥·埃塞基耶尔洛萨诺Sayal (18-2-1, 9 科斯), 将是过去两年中尝试使用的第12架战斗机 “该” 从目前 NABA超级轻量级​​冠军.

今年第二次进入戒指, JR. NABF超级轻量级​​冠军,威廉·福斯特III (9-0, 6 科斯) 对将面临关闭 拉蒙·埃斯佩兰萨(Ramon Esperanza) (22-15-1, 11 科斯) 在 8 轮的较量. 福斯特罕见的力量与速度相结合的能力使他成为新英格兰最受关注的前景之一.

在一个 8 圆形中量级回合, 动力冲孔的前景 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (15-0, 12 科斯) 将取代阿根廷的 达米安·埃塞奎尔·博内利 (23-6, 20 科斯). 贡戈拉, 来自厄瓜多尔的前奥运选手, 赢了 WBC南美中量级冠军 在击败耶稣阿维莱斯之后的二月份.

ARCON路易斯·迪亚兹 (6-0, 6 科斯), 来自委内瑞拉的不败奥林匹亚, 和最近的墨菲拳击赛签约, 将在 6 对阿根廷的次中量级回合 何塞·奥贝尔 (8-3, 7 科斯).

代表波士顿地区, 詹姆斯·佩雷拉 (2-0, 2 科斯) 会在连续第三场寻找他的淘汰赛 4 对一个对手的次中量级回合被命名.

雷·杰伊·贝穆德斯(Ray Jay Bermudez) (6-0, 4 科斯) 来自附近奥尔巴尼的人, 在上个月的KO胜利之后,纽约将与对手以对手的身份入围,纽约将很快重返赛场。 6 一轮次中量级比赛.

四舍五入的卡将是斯普林菲尔德自己的两张 – 功率打孔中量级安东尼·贝拉斯克斯 (5-0, 5 科斯), 谁将成为对手, 和次中量级 DJ惠特利 (4-1-1), 谁将承担永远的危险 布莱恩·戈德斯比(5-10) 在单独的 4 圆比赛.

前四场undercard战斗将在 8:00 P.M. E.T. / 5:00 P.M. P.T. 上 www.facebook.com/dropkickmurphys 在主卡开始直播之前,仅在UFC FIGHT PASS上 9:30 P.M. E.T. / 6:30 P.M. P.T. 开始7天免费试用, 请访问: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

门票现已公开发售,在: www.murphysboxing.com


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 亚伯拉罕新星, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文, Greg Vendetti和Niall Kennedy等潜在客户, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III, 小迈克·奥汉(Mike Ohan Jr.), 路易斯·阿尔孔·迪亚兹(Luis Arcon Diaz)等.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC FIGHTPASS®是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, FIGHT PASS现已在超过可用 200 国家和地区. FIGHT PASS为其成员提供无限制地访问过UFC FIGHT PASS [引文; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 17,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 扑灭球迷可以访问个人电脑FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 的Xbox 360, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

“ICEMAN’ 约翰·斯卡利接收MURPHYS拳击的战士的CODE奖ON MAY 10 在斯普林菲尔德, 位于马萨诸塞州的NOVA VS. LOZANO

FRIDAY, 3月10日在斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州



波士顿, 马萨诸塞州 (五月 1, 2019):

墨菲拳击 是自豪地宣布的下一个收件人 战士的代码奖 将是新英格兰拳击传奇人物, “冰人’ 约翰·斯卡利.

哈特福德, 康涅狄格斯卡利是20世纪90年代在该地区最流行的战斗机之一,他去 38-11 在轻重量级部门的职业生涯,其中包括具有挑战性的反对亨利·马斯克世界冠军德国.

之后,他的职业生涯, “冰人’ 打架的成名调用的重播 ESPN经典 在英国杂志以及撰写受欢迎的专栏, 拳击新闻.

然而斯库利已经实现了他最成功的教练是帮助拿战士喜欢器乐 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉乍得道森 世界冠军.

斯库利现在是俄罗斯的联合教练, 现在基于加拿大, 不败轻重量级世界冠军, 阿图尔Beterbiev, 谁捍卫他的冠军,这个星期六在加州生活 ESPN.


“我非常荣幸能够获得这种认可,我真的很感谢墨菲拳击对我的思维。”, 说 51 岁的康涅狄格州居民.

“这是尤其特别,因为它会在市斯普林菲尔德的我在那里度过了大部分在老环市体育馆我的业余拳击生涯在训练下的教练约翰·泰南的X. 我期待着一个伟大的夜晚。”

墨菲拳击创始人, 肯·凯西 解释促销的决定,命名为斯库利的踢反弹球墨菲的招牌歌曲名字命名的奖项的最新接收者, “勇士的守则”,这是一个赞扬另一新英格兰拳击英雄, 米奇沃德.

“约翰·斯卡利是战士的代码奖的缩影。”, 凯西说:.

“John的职业拳击, 从一个世界一流的战斗机,以他的工作为分析师对他作为一个教练成功, 是鼓舞人心. 它显示了年轻战士有他们的机会在运动后,他们在环生涯结束. 通过回馈的教练和导师, 他还代表新英格兰过去的拳击历史到现在的桥. 墨菲拳击荣幸地认可和表彰在体育约翰·斯卡利的许多成就。”

斯库利将是今年墨菲拳击设立该奖项的第三个受援国庆祝谁拳击的新英格兰地区的丰富多样的历史作出贡献的战士. 斯卡利加盟 2019 名人堂应征者的国际馆, 托尼·德马科 装饰马萨诸塞’ 业余, 麦克·德灯泡 谁收到的第一个奖项墨菲拳击的梅尔罗斯最后事件, 马萨诸塞州今年三月.

的介绍 墨菲拳击战士的代码奖 将在墨菲拳击的地方 UFC战斗通行证 登场事件下周五, 5月10日其特点NABA超羽量级冠军, 亚伯拉罕新星 (14-0, 10 科斯) VS. 马里奥·埃塞基耶尔洛萨诺Sayal (18-2-1, 9 科斯) 在 10 轮的主要事件,以及从墨菲拳击稳定,包括WBC南美的中量级冠军不败的战士装的undercard, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (15-0, 12 科斯), NABF JR. 超羽量级冠军, 威廉·福斯特III (9-0, 6 科斯), 委内瑞拉奥海, ARCON路易斯·迪亚兹 (6-0, 6 科斯), 根据波士顿业余突出, 詹姆斯·佩雷拉 (2-0, 2 科斯) 多.

新星VS. 洛萨诺和战士的代码颁奖发生在下周五的地方, 5月10日在米高梅斯普林菲尔德斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州 (1 MGM路). 门晚上7点开. 门票现已公开发售,在: www.murphysboxing.com. 本次活动将在流媒体直播UFC上防治通行证 www.ufc.tv


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 亚伯拉罕新星, 格雷格代蒂, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文和像尼尔·肯尼迪前景, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, ARCON路易斯·迪亚兹, 威廉·福斯特III, 迈克·阿娴JR. 多!

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com

对于五月证书请求 10 或与任何战士的发言我们的覆盖面名册 – 电子邮件 info@murphysboxing.com 我们将它挂!







波士顿, 马萨诸塞州 (四月 17, 2019):

Murphys Boxing is proud to announce that the debut event in their new partnership with UFC战斗通行证 will take place on 星期五, 五月 10, 2019 在斯普林菲尔德, Massachusetts at 米高梅斯普林菲尔德.

在主要事件, 不败 NABA超级轻量级​​冠军, 亚伯拉罕新星(14-0, 10 科斯) will return in a 10 round super featherweight bout against an opponent to be announced.

新星, 来自附近奥尔巴尼的人, 纽约, recently entered the WBA的上衣 10 排名 and will be making his highly anticipated 2019 墨菲拳击旗帜下首次亮相. After an amateur career that saw ‘Super’ 走 167-11 and win multiple national titles, Nova has been on the fast track as a professional having fought an unheard of 11 times in the past two years.

I truly feel I am ready to take on anyone in the Top 10.”, explains the confident young fighter who just celebrated his 25th birthday in January.

I hope to be in position for a mandatory shot at the WBA world title by the end of the year. I am staying focused, having a great training camp and I intend to make a statement to the rest of the division on May 10th.

In dual co-features, two undefeated boxers from the Murphys Boxing stable will see action on the card that will stream live exclusively on UFC Fight Pass, the world’s largest subscription service for combat sports.

NABF JR. Featherweight Champion, 威廉·福斯特III (9-0, 6 科斯), 谁战斗了 5 在次 2018, will enter the ring for the second time this year against an opponent to be named in a 6 round junior featherweight bout. 仅在 25 岁, the New Haven, Connecticut resident, whose older brother is Murphys Boxing’s own undefeated NABA轻重量级冠军, 查尔斯·福斯特, is fast becoming one of New England’s most talked about prospects displaying the rare combination of power and speed only seen in elite level fighters.

Power punching prospect, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (15-0, 12 科斯) 将取代阿根廷的 达米安·埃塞奎尔·博内利 (23-6, 20 科斯) 在 8 圆形中量级回合. 该 2x Olympian from Ecuador won the WBC南美中量级冠军 this past February in his native country against then undefeated 耶稣阿维莱斯 with a highlight reel KO.

贡戈拉, who is on the cusp of a world ranking, is in talks for his national television debut this summer and is hoping a big win against a fellow power puncher like Bonelli will seal the deal.

In keeping with the event’s international spirit, Murphys Boxing latest signing, ARCON路易斯·迪亚兹 (6-0, 6 科斯), an undefeated 奥林匹亚 from Venezuela will return to action against Argentina’s 何塞·奥贝尔 (8-3, 7 科斯) 在 6 圆形次中量级回合. Diaz who made his east coast debut last month against Zach Ramsey, 看起来不错, dropping the usually durable veteran multiple times before scoring a second round stoppage to continue his KO streak.

代表波士顿地区, 詹姆斯·佩雷拉 (2-0, 2 科斯), who turned professional last month on Murphys Boxing’s 圣. 帕特里克日的冲突 and followed up his knockout debut just two weeks later on Murphy’s Mayhem at Melrose 卡, will look to make it 3 straight KOs when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 4 圆形次中量级回合.

四舍五入的卡将是斯普林菲尔德自己的两张, 轻量级, Calixto Cruz (1-0) 和次中量级 DJ惠特利 (4-1-1) who will both appear in separate 4 round contests against opponents to be named.

We’re incredibly excited to make our debut on UFC Fight Pass. 达纳 (白色) is a good friend and we’re thankful that he’s taken notice of the incredible roster of fighters that Murphys Boxing currently has.”, says Murphys Boxing founder, 肯·凯西.

We’re excited to have a platform for combat sports fans around the world to experience the thriving boxing scene we have created here in New England and to introduce them to several fighters, like Abraham Nova, who we feel will be world champions. To promote the first ever boxing event to be held at an incredible venue like MGM Springfield and to have it air live as our debut on UFC Fight Pass is going to make for a historic night for Murphys Boxing.

Murphys Boxing’s UFC Fight Pass Debut takes place on Friday, 5月10日在米高梅斯普林菲尔德斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州 (1 MGM路, 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛. 01103). 门晚上7点开. 门票现已公开发售,在: www.murphysboxing.com 和 www.mgmspringfield/
娱乐. 整个活动将在 UFC Fight Pass 上直播 www.ufc.tv.


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 亚伯拉罕新星, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文, Greg Vendetti和Niall Kennedy等潜在客户, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III, 小迈克·奥汉(Mike Ohan Jr.), 路易斯·阿尔孔·迪亚兹(Luis Arcon Diaz)等.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC Fight Pass is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. 由于发动 2013, Fight Pass is now available in more than 200 国家和地区. Fight Pass provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC Fight Pass Prelims; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. Fight Pass subscribers also have 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 17,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. Fight fans can access Fight Pass on personal computers, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 的Xbox 360, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, and Sony TVs.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass


MGM Springfield covers three city blocks in the heart of downtown Springfield, 质量. Igniting a cultural and economic renaissance in a historic New England city, the resort, which combines new construction with revived historic buildings, offers more than 125,000 square feet of gaming space, a 250-room boutique hotel on Main Street, superior spa services, diverse retail and inspired dining headlined by award-winning Chef Michael Mina’s Cal Mare. MGM Springfield also features the seven-screen Regal luxury cinema complex, bowling lanes, a seasonal skating rink and outdoor marketplace displaying local art, events and talent. MGM Springfield opened on August 24, 2018.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.mgmspringfield.com


Ray Flores and Paulie Malignaggi call the action live from the boardwalk; Ten month-old fan-friendly fight series averages 88,952 views per show and recently eclipsed 1,000,000-view milestone
纽约 (二月. 21, 2018)Recently reaching 1,000,000 views for the series, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE looks to establish another benchmark 这个星期五星期六, 二月. 23-24, with back-to-back-to-back shows spanning from the casinos of New England to the Boardwalk of Atlantic City. A red-hot card from the Jersey Shore caps the epic weekend, as the fan-friendly streaming service partners with Rising Star Promotions 周六 夜晚, 二月. 24. Fans from across the globe can catch seven bouts beginning at 7 P.M. wherever Facebook is available, including a crossroads main event battle featuring 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 (25-2, 9 科斯) 和 加布里埃尔 “铁托” 短工 (24-3, 5 科斯).
We’re excited to be taking this next step for the series, and to be capping the weekend with an outstanding card that will delight fight fans, called by 雷弗洛雷斯保利Malignaggi,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 利纳克尔媒体的主要. “Boardwalk Boxing at The Showboat will be back in a big way 周六 night with names like LaManna, 短工, Rainone, 朱兰, Varmall and hot prospects and local favorites all displaying their talents and passion on Facebook. 作为奖励, we’re proud to produce the PPV and pro debut of 迈克·拉希德, who has conquered the worlds of fitness and digital media and is looking to do big things in the fight game.
在主要事件 周六 夜晚, New Jersey’s LaManna fights for the 19th time in the shore town, as he takes on the battle tested, Brooklyn-based Bracero. The card will feature some of the best prospects in the region that includes Jahmal代尔 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州. (4-0, 2 科斯), 唐纳德 “No Love” 工匠 (5-0, 3 科斯) 费城, 弗雷德里克巨澜 (8-0, 6 科斯) of Brooklyn and 阿尔文Varmall, JR. (14-0, 12 科斯) 卡茨基尔, 纽约州.
We are excited to be bringing this great event and our first Boardwalk Boxing card from The Showboat to the fans all over the world on FIGHTNIGHT Live. We have a main event that everyone is talking about, and we are featuring some terrific prospects on an outstanding undercard,” 说 黛比·拉曼纳, President of Rising Star Promotions.
在编程的前九个多月里, the numbers on the 12-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of close to 90,000 fight fans tuning in per event and more than one-million fans served.
七. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (225,000), 八月CES “超级 星期六” 从快活 (203,000), 在九月. CES “双子河Twinbill” 从林肯, R.I. (157,000) 所有居首 150,000 意见, and collectively the 12-show series saw a total of more than 21,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,067,435-plus users across all devices.
除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 风扇友好的生产已经看到 多于 142,000 集体生活后订婚 (将近 12,000 每场), 几乎包括了 97,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 多于 22,000 评论和几乎 6,000 分享.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 广播的观看者 76 %为男性, 24 %的女性. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, 其中包括大约 30.0 观众的百分比, 一般.
七. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 设置一个新栏 224,658 意见七. 15-16 迪贝拉-CES的连携带的系列四分之三的-A-万人点击,在短短四个多月. 在二月. 10 强力促销 “费城战斗之夜” 节目单独站出来用 3,421 观看内容的实时时间, 而 七. 15 迪贝拉卡看到了超过 40,000 观众互动 几乎包括了 39,000 “喜欢” 或 “热爱。”
在Facebook上的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE页面已超过 80,000 球迷 而超过 82,000 追随者. Facebook 本身也注意到了 – 世界上没有. 1 社交网络最近在其网站上介绍了《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》 “成功的故事” 媒体博客, 注意到该系列’ 使用行业最佳实践进行生产和交互:
Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 自 5 月推出以来已完全免费向粉丝提供 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Elite Heat Water, 蒙托克冰茶 (蒙托克贝夫网站), 先生. 定制(mrcustommade.com) 和 BallWasH (ballwash.com).
周六 夜晚, 二月. 24, live from live from The Showboat in Atlantic City, 新泽西州, 球迷们可以期待一个高冲击, 多摄像头流媒体体验完整的图形, 动画, 重播, 采访和由详细播音员主持的播音团队 雷弗洛雷斯 顶级拳击冠军, 欣欣拳击, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Network and former IBF and WBA World Champion 保利Malignaggi, now of Showtime, Sky Sports and CBS Sports Network. 为观众提供完全互动的场边体验, 评论家会问,并在整个直播从Facebook的听众的提问作出回应.
创建和利纳克尔媒体产生了纽约市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色专业播音员, 多个摄像机角度, 电视图形, 重播和幕后的访问和采访. 流式传输的节目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不仅该计划使球迷从世界各地来调, 但也给了后起的战士一个全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 给促销员的访问 “广播” 解决方案并给出了赞助商通过品牌内容达成大量观众的能力.
更多FIGHTNIGHT LIVE冬/春 2018 日期将在未来几周内正式公布.
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on
Facebook的, Instagram 上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 和 Twitter 上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通过使用#标签#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有关最新利纳克尔媒体事件和广播时间表, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.


Dropkick Murphy’s Boxing Card runs from 3-7 P.M. 周六 as part of a big weekend of free boxing on Facebook.
纽约 (二月. 20, 2018) – Facebook的 FIGHTNIGHT LIVE continues its tripleheader weekend with a Murphys Boxing matinee 周六, live from the Mohegan Sun Ballroom in Connecticut. Fight fans from across the nation and around the globe can catch an outstanding card with international appeal on any device wherever Facebook is available from 3-7 P.M., 被踢反弹球墨菲流行凯尔特朋克乐队的诞生促进带给球迷.
“拳击时代正在发生变化,就像流媒体改变了音乐一样. With the built-in audiences we have we are reaching a higher viewership with our streams than many of the televised fight cards are these days. 我们为我们所进行的比赛和我们吸引的大量观众感到自豪, 对于我们的战士来说,获得曝光真是太棒了,” 说 肯·凯西, 踢反弹球墨菲主唱和总裁和创始人, 墨菲拳击.
Recently hitting the 1,000,000 views mark, 星期六 afternoon’s show continues FIGHTNIGHT LIVE’s historic 二月. 23-24 back-to-back-to-back 星期五星期六 shows spanning from the casinos of New England to the Boardwalk of Atlantic City. The Dropkick Murphys are live in concert at Mohegan Sun Arena for fans onsite after Murphys Boxing, but ringside access on the Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE channel takes viewers to the Jersey Shore after the closing bell in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州.
We’re excited about 星期六, and also to begin a two-fight promotion with Murphys Boxing,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 利纳克尔媒体的主要. “The card is filled with undefeated up-and-comers with international appeal, and Facebook is a terrific medium to deliver these great fights and outstanding athletes to a global audience. We’re thrilled that the Murphys are part of the action and can’t wait to hoist a pint with them during our St. Patrick’s Day show in Boston as well.
Murphys Boxing action at Mohegan Sun 周六 afternoon features a battle for the WBA-NABA light heavyweight title between undefeated 查尔斯·福斯特 (14-0, 8 科斯) 纽黑文, 康涅狄格州. 和 Justin Thomas (19-3, 7 科斯) 巴吞鲁日, 该. A bevy of unbeaten battlers will be featured on a packed undercard that includes heavyweight 尼尔·肯尼迪 (10-0, 6 科斯), 超羽量级 威廉·福斯特III (4-0, 3 科斯), 超中量级 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (10-0, 8 科斯), 超羽量级 亚伯拉罕新星 (9-0, 8 科斯) 和超轻量级 雷·杰伊·贝穆德斯(Ray Jay Bermudez) (2-0, 1 KO).
在编程的前九个多月里, the numbers on the 12-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of close to 90,000 fight fans tuning in per event and more than one-million fans served.
七. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (225,000), 八月CES “超级 星期六” 从快活 (203,000), 在九月. CES “双子河Twinbill” 从林肯, R.I. (157,000) 所有居首 150,000 意见, and collectively the 12-show series saw a total of more than 21,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,067,435-plus users across all devices.
除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 风扇友好的生产已经看到 多于 142,000 集体生活后订婚 (将近 12,000 每场), 几乎包括了 97,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 多于 22,000 评论和几乎 6,000 分享.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 广播的观看者 76 %为男性, 24 %的女性. 顶尖人口包括 男性年龄 25-34, 其中包括大约 30.0 观众的百分比, 一般.
七. 9 “实打实促销: 帝国” 设置一个新栏 224,658 意见七. 15-16 迪贝拉-CES的连携带的系列四分之三的-A-万人点击,在短短四个多月. 在二月. 10 强力促销 “费城战斗之夜” 节目单独站出来用 3,421 观看内容的实时时间,七. 15 迪贝拉卡锯 多于 40,000 观众互动 几乎包括了 39,000 “喜欢” 或 “热爱。”
在Facebook上的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE页面已超过 80,000 球迷 而超过 82,000 追随者. Facebook 本身也注意到了 – 世界上没有. 1 社交网络最近在其网站上介绍了《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》 “成功的故事” 媒体博客, 注意到该系列’ 使用行业最佳实践进行生产和交互: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/success-stories/fightnight
Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 自 5 月推出以来已完全免费向粉丝提供 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Elite Heat Water, 蒙托克冰茶 (蒙托克贝夫网站), 先生. 定制(mrcustommade.com) 和 BallWash (ballwash.com).
周六 下午, 二月. 24, live from live from Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州, 球迷们可以期待一个高冲击, 多摄像头流媒体体验完整的图形, 动画, 重播, 采访和由详细播音员主持的播音团队 Vladimir Lik of The RING, Round By Round Boxing and the Russian language newspaper Russkaya Reklama, 与分析师 Xavier Porter of BrooklynFights.com and Notorious Boxing. 为观众提供完全互动的场边体验, 评论家会问,并在整个直播从Facebook的听众的提问作出回应.
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东北顶部. 八月拳击手在行动 5 上 “海湾之战” 在昆西, 嘛

昆西, 质量. (七月 6, 2017) — 许多新英格兰最优秀和最受欢迎的职业拳击手将亮相 星期六 夜晚, 八月 5, 在 “海湾之战” 卡, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供, 昆西滨海湾运动中心, 马萨诸塞州.
前东北. 次中量级冠军 德里克·西尔维拉 (12-1, 6 科斯), 塞勒姆战斗 (嘛), 将在八轮主赛事中对阵待确定的对手.
在八轮的共同特征, 家乡的喜爱 克里斯·特雷蒂 (23-4, 19 科斯) 和 尼克·拉文 (4-5, 4 科斯), 谢尔顿的 (CT), 争夺空缺的新英格兰轻量级冠军. 特拉耶蒂, 在昆西的家中战斗, 也是共同发起人 “海湾之战”. 前世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 美国轻量级冠军名单, 特莱埃蒂是一名大学毕业生,在美国服役期间曾在伊拉克服役过一次. 空军.
三届世界冠军挑战者, 次中量级 亚历山大·洛佩斯 (17-4-2, 1 KO) 将与前世界超轻量级冠军进行比赛 丽莎·加兰 (15-7-1, 8 科斯) 在八轮特殊女子次中量级比赛中. 受欢迎的洛佩斯是波兰人,住在马什菲尔德 (嘛), 加兰来自约克, 南卡罗来纳州.
“Granite Chin 促销活动为我们的产品提升了一个档次 八月 5 事件,” 共同发起人 查Shearns 说. “我们一直坚守承诺, 知名年轻拳手忙碌. 他们在家乡球迷面前战斗, 一些精彩的片段有望成为一场有趣的表演. 当夜晚结束时, 我希望我们会有一些惊喜. 这个位于美丽的南岸的适合家庭的场所的门票价格合理。”
布鲁克林中量级不败 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (8-0, 7 科斯) 面临着久经考验的 德克萨斯人拉里 “慢动作” 工匠 (10-33-1, 7 科斯) 在六轮的战斗.
多切斯特也在六轮比赛中进行底牌比赛 (嘛) 次中量级 加布里埃尔·杜卢克(Gabriel Duluc) (11-2, 2 科斯) VS. 诺沃克的 (CT) 沙卡·摩尔 (12-23-3, 2 科斯), 昆西的不败美国. 海军陆战队退伍军人 布兰登蒙特拉 (7-0, 6 科斯) VS. 佛罗里达轻重量级 “钱” 迈克·索耶 (7-8, 5 科斯), 和爱尔兰初中量级 帕迪·欧文 (3-0, 2 科斯), 谁住在昆西, VS. 费城的 德米特里厄斯·托马斯 (0-4). 霍尔布鲁克, 嘛 次中量级迈克·奥汉, JR. (1-0) 接手多切斯特的 (嘛) 丹尼尔·阿玛罗 (0-2-1) 在四轮比赛中.
门票, 售价 $60.00 (马戏团), $50.00 (一般取) 和 $40.00 (站在房间), 有售,并提供购买的 www.tickettriver.com.
门开处 6:45 P.M., 第一回合 7:30 P.M. AND.
叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

Unbeaten Caleb Plant Drops & Defeats Colombia’s Juan De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday Night from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, 霸.

Welterweight Contender David Grayton Stops Previously Unbeaten Kareem Martin in Eighth Round
Carlos Gongora Delivers First-Round Stoppage of Ronald Mixon In
点击 这里 for Photos From Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
伯利恒, PA. (八月 23, 2016) – 不败 迦勒 “甜蜜的手” 厂(14-0, 10 科斯) dropped and dominated Colombia’s 胡安·德·安吉尔 (18-5-1, 17 科斯) on his way to a unanimous decision victory Tuesday night in the main event of 总理拳击冠军 TOETO-TOE TUESDAYS 在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯从伯利恒金沙伯利恒活动中心驱逐出境, 霸.
The Nashville-native was able to keep his perfect record intact and was in control from start to finish of his first 10-round bout. Plant was patient in the early rounds, looking to find the distance against his power-punching opponent.
Plant’s offense began to break through in round three and in round four he caught De Angel lingering in the pocket and dropped him with a left hook. De Angel got to his feet but was never able to get his own offense going and spent much of the night trying to tie up the more aggressive Plant.
在第九轮, a clash of heads caused a temporary halt in the action and saw Plant emerge with a cut on his head. Plant was able to battle through and and kept his momentum going throughout the remainder of the fight.
Plant was twice as accurate as De Angel and landed 30 percent of his punches compared to 15 percent from De Angel. The judges saw the bout the same and all scored it 100-89 after 10-rounds of super middleweight action.
The co-main event of the night saw a pair of Washington, D.C. welterweights do battle as 大卫·格雷顿 (15-1, 11 科斯) earned a victory over previously unbeaten 卡里姆·马丁 (8-1-1, 3 科斯) via a stoppage in the eighth and final round.
The southpaw Grayton pressed forward early and often, looking to disrupt Martin and keep him uncomfortable. Martin was sharp early on, especially with right hand counters. He was the more accurate fighter over the first three rounds, but the experience of Grayton began to take over.
随着战斗的继续, Grayton’s attack gained effectiveness and Martin appeared to wear down from the constant pace. Grayton out threw Martin 537 到 308 并降落 172 punches to Martin’s 106.
Grayton took control of the fight in the sixth round, hurting Martin early with a blistering body attack and rocked him late in the round with crisp uppercuts. By round eight, Martin had faded and Grayton sensed his moment. A left hand to the body dropped Martin early, and while he beat the count, Grayton quickly pounced and delivered a flurry that caused referee Benjy Esteves Jr. 停止战斗 41 秒到圆.
Two-time Ecuadorian Olympian 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (6-0, 5 科斯)started the telecast off with an impressive first round stoppage of previously unbeaten Ronald Mixon (7-1, 6 科斯) in their light heavyweight clash.
Gongora wasted little time, feinting a right hook and following with a thudding overhand left that put Mixon on the mat immediately. The knockdown prompted referee Gary Rosato to wave off the count and stop the bout 1:16 进入第一轮.
It’s another win in the bag. I had bounce in my legs for all 10 发. I was taking my time in there and I feel like I’m getting better each fight.
I’ll fight whoever my team has lined up for me. It feels great to win as a headliner. We’re going to get right back in the gym and get ready for another fight.
I felt the size difference in the ring. I trained for a southpaw and he came out righty. That caught me off guard. He was better tonight.
I was very motivated to perform well coming off of my loss. I wanted it more tonight and I wanted to make a statement to get back to where I belong.
I knew I had him hurt late in the fight and I kept hitting him with left hands. I stepped it up and got him out of there.
I’m going to go back to the gym and train hard and wait for my next fight.
I lost a little focus and he caught me with a good shot that led to the stoppage.
It was a good back and forth fight. We were both getting a lot of shots in. I just need to come back with more focus next time.
I was prepared and I analyzed his style and how he would fight. I knew I just had to connect with the right punch.
I want to dedicate this victory to my family and my whole country. It was a pleasure to do it on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
I am going straight to the top and I appreciate this opportunity to show the world who I am.
# # #
PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes was promoted by King’s Promotions.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.Facebook.com/the SBEC. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Undefeated Prospect Caleb Plant Battles Hard-Hitting Juan De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, 八月 23 从伯利恒金沙伯利恒活动中心出发, 霸.

更多! Unbeaten Light Heavyweight Earl Newman Takes On Detroit’s Leo Hall While Unbeaten Prospects Carlos Gongora & Ronald Mixon Meet in Undercard Attractions
伯利恒, PA. (八月 3, 2016) – 不败的前景 迦勒 “甜蜜的手” 厂 (13-0, 10 科斯) will square off against hard-hitting Colombian 胡安·德·安吉尔(18-4-1, 17 科斯) in a 10-round middleweight matchup that serves as the main event of 总理拳击冠军 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯Deportes体育场 星期二, 八月 23 从伯利恒金沙伯利恒活动中心出发, 霸.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and features a pair of undercard bouts as unbeaten prospect 伯爵纽曼 (9-0, 7 科斯) takes on Detroit’s 狮子座堂(8-1, 7 科斯) in eight-rounds of light heavyweight action while 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (5-0, 4 科斯) 面孔 Ronald Mixon (7-0, 6 科斯) in an eight-round matchup of undefeated light heavyweight prospects.
It’s a blessing to be headlining on my own show,” 该植物. “It’s all thanks to my family and my team. I’m happy with how far I’ve come in my career. I’ve had obstacles in front of me my entire life and I have had to rise to the occasion. I know De Angel is a tough guy, but I have too much in my game for him.
I had a great camp in Colombia and I’m going to Florida to put the finishing touches on training,” said De Angel. “Plant is strong and he counters well, but he gets hit hard and often. I’ve had experience in big fights and I’m going to do my best to put my hands on him. I’m thankful for this opportunity and I’m going to make the most it.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $108, $83 和 $58, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电(800) 745-3000.
一 2011 全国金手套冠军, Plant has begun to make his name in the professional ranks since turning pro in 2014. 去年, the 24-year-old picked up six victories including hard fought triumphs over Jamar Freeman in September and Tyrone Brunson in October. 战斗了纳什维尔, he kicked off his 2016 campaign by stopping Adasat Rodriguez in January and delivered a fourth-round knockout of Carlos Galvan in June. He takes on an experienced opponent in Barranquilla, Colombia’s De Angel. The 29-year-old has a reputation for knockouts, having delivered victories inside of the distance in seventeen of his eighteen victories.
A former New York Golden Gloves champion, Newman has shown impressive power in stopping seven of his first nine opponents since turning pro in 2014. The 24-year-old out of Brooklyn is coming in off of a stoppage victory over Dustin Craig Echard in April. He faces his toughest opponent to date in the 21-year-old Hall out of Detroit. Hall knocked out seven of his first eight opponents before losing for the first time in December 2015.
A two-time Ecuadorian Olympian, Gongora now trains out of Brooklyn and is undefeated since turning pro in May 2015. The 27-year-old has delivered knockouts in four of his first five pro fights, including three in the first round. He takes on fellow unbeaten Mixon out of Los Angeles. The 27-year-old has delivered two stoppage victories in 2016.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeporteswww.Facebook.com/the SBEC. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Mayweather Promotions Stars Chris Pearson & Sharif Bogere Headline Undercard Action In Separate Bouts Saturday, 四月 30 From The DC Armory In Washington, D.C.

更多! Impressive Lineup Of Top Talent & Local Prospects
本报讯, D.C. (四月 20, 2016) Mayweather Promotions stars 克里斯 “年轻的国王” 皮尔森 (16-1, 11 科斯) 和 谢里夫 “狮子” 博热雷 (27-1, 19 科斯) 周六参加不同的比赛,重点关注 Undercard 行动, 四月 30 from the DC Armory in Washington D.C.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader that begins live on SHOWTIME at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT featuring a pair of super middleweight world title fights, as WBC champion 八斗 “开膛手” 千斤顶 需要对前世界冠军 卢西恩弼, and IBF champion 詹姆斯 “矮胖” DeGale battles top contender 罗赫利奥 “腴” 梅迪纳.
Pearson will take on 约书亚Okine (22-5, 15 科斯) in a 10-round middleweight contest while Bogere faces former African champion 塞缪尔阿莫亚科 (21-9, 15 科斯) 在10轮超轻量级比赛.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, 售价为 $200, $100, $50 和 $25, on sale now. 购买门票参观www.ticketmaster.com, 特玛地点, 或致电 (800) 745-3000.
Additional action inside the arena will feature unbeaten Washington, D.C.-born 拉通德里亚·琼斯 (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round super welterweight bout against Virginia’s Kamika Slade, undefeated Ecuadorian 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (6-0, 3 科斯)in a light heavyweight match and the pro debut of D.C. product Keegan Grove in a four-round lightweight scrap.
Rounding out the non-televised undercard fights are 里士满, 弗吉尼亚州Moshea Aleem(4-0, 2 科斯) who will go up against fellow unbeaten Georgia native Martez Jackson (2-0-1, 1 KO) 在四个轮超中量级回合, lastly is a four-round welterweight attraction with Brooklyn’s Chordale布克 (1-0, 1 KO).
The 25-year-old Pearson will look to bounce back from his first career loss to unsurpassed Eric Walker in December with an emphatic victory on April 30. The Dayton, Ohio-born product previously picked up victories over Lanardo Tyner, Janks特罗特, Steve Martinez and Said El Harrak in the last two years after an outstanding amateur career in which he captured a National Championship in 2011. He takes on the experienced Okine, who is originally from Ghana but now fights out of nearby Silver Spring, 马里兰.
A recent addition to the Mayweather Promotions stable, Bogere fights out of Las Vegas while proudly representing his native Uganda. The 27-year-old won his first 23 pro fights while picking up victories over Raymundo Beltran, Francisco Contreras, and Manuel Levya. He enters this bout on a four-fight win streak and will be challenged by the former African lightweight champion Amoako, who represents Ghana while fighting out of Silver Spring, 马里兰.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.mayweatherpromotions.comww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, @SHOSports和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions万维网.facebook.com/SHOsports.