标记档案: 沃德

吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯 & 路易斯·阿里亚斯媒体锻炼引言和照片


沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017 曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS 由 HBO 按次付费® 直播

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图片来源: 胡安·卡洛斯·方

MIAMI, FL (五月 19, 2017) - 昨天, 卫冕 WBA 世界超最轻量级冠军 吉列尔莫·“豺狼”·里贡多 (17-0, 11 科斯) 和 USBA 中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯) 参加在迈阿密历史悠久的热带公园拳击馆举行的媒体训练. 两位拳手都在为卫冕做准备,他们将在 HBO 付费电视节目中观看安德烈·沃德 (Andre Ward) 对阵. 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛”上 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 里贡多将迎战WBA临时冠军头衔持有者莫伊塞斯·“查基”·弗洛雷斯 (25-0, 17 科斯), 而阿里亚斯则面临着上升的前景 A里夫“铁血战士”马戈梅多夫 (18-1, 11 科斯). 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将于 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和发行 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


拳手们进行了包括太极拳在内的展示, 沉重的包, 手套工作和伸展运动. Roc Nation 拉丁艺术家也加入了他们的行列 维多利亚·拉·马拉, 谁将担任国歌演奏者 六月 17.



吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, WBA世界超最轻量级冠军:

“迈阿密的训练进行得很顺利, 我们一直在准备与莫伊塞斯·弗洛雷斯进行一场伟大的战斗. 我尊重查基, 他是一位伟大的拳击手,这些都是非常适合拳击的大型战斗类型. 没有什么比两个不败的战士将他们的记录置于危险之中更好的了.


“弗洛雷斯将为他一生的战斗做好准备,我也是如此. 我们永远不会低估任何人,两位不败的战士将在六月上场进行一场激动人心的战斗 17.


“我所在部门的所有战士都不断地回避我. 我是世界上最好的 122 磅和顶级的磅对磅战斗机之一. 我迫不及待地想向世界证明我仍然是最好的. 我感谢弗洛雷斯有勇气和我一起上擂台,这与许多回避挑战的顶级竞争者不同。. 收听 六月 17 观看两名拳手将他们所拥有的一切带到擂台上. 这将是今年最大的拳击赛事上激动人心的联合主赛事.


“我很高兴有机会参加如此大型的按次付费活动, 今年最受期待的战斗之一 – Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2. 很感谢能在这么大的平台上战斗, 我想让拳击迷们知道除了一场激动人心的战斗之外别无期待. 我的对手感受到了我的力量并在第一轮后逃跑. 查基·弗洛雷斯 (Chucky Flores) 是一位勇敢的不败拳击手,他将竭尽全力, 我们已经准备好展示为什么我们每个人都是最棒的 六月 17.


“我让我部门的每个人都避开了与他们一起在擂台上提及我的事情. 我的团队首先专注于弗洛雷斯之战, 我们已经准备好与我所在部门中最优秀的选手进行战斗,这样我们就可以为粉丝们提供他们支付大笔按次付费所得到的东西, 激动人心的大型战斗.


“我很高兴能成为迈阿密如此紧密的社区的一员, 佛罗里达州,尤其是我在热带公园拳击馆的拳击家庭. 迈阿密是我的家,我在这里得到了所有的支持. 我感谢我的球迷在迈阿密训练营期间给予我的所有支持. 我们已经能够将拳击带回迈阿密,并对社区产生巨大影响, 尤其是所有来公园的家庭。”

路易斯·阿里亚斯, USBA中量级冠军:


六月 17, 我开始在这款游戏中巩固我的名字和遗产! 我已经准备好抢尽风头并证明我是该部门中最优秀的人之一.


“我已经加强了各个级别的训练. 我每周训练六天,其中有两个小时的拳击训练, 一小时的力量和体能训练, 并运行 3.5 - 5 平均里程数. 我还与一位顶级营养师合作, 克里斯过敏. 他帮助我吃什么以及如何监测我的体重. 迫不及待地想展示我的所有进展 六月 17.


“我给马戈梅多夫的信息很简单......我希望他做好准备. 他最好做仰卧起坐. 我来了!


“当我踏入擂台时, 这不再只是为了赢得胜利. 这是关于获胜和看起来不错. 我已经建立了我的记录. 现在, 我希望能有一场A级的表演. 这将使我脱颖而出.


“我下半年的目标是 2017 就是让自己处于职业拳击界最顶尖的“竞争者”位置. GGG, CANELO, 勒米厄……带上他们!”



“很荣幸能够在如此令人期待的拳击赛事上唱国歌. 来自墨西哥家庭, 我是看着拳击长大的,是老胡里奥·塞萨尔·查韦斯 (Julio Cesar Chavez Sr) 的超级粉丝. 我迫不及待地想为我的 Roc 家族加油–其他, 里戈和路易斯–上 六月 17.”


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 捷力士航空, 生命10水, 美捷步和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.




沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017 曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播


纽约, 纽约 (四月 27, 2017) - USBA中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯) and prime contender Arif “The Predator” Magomedov (18-1, 11 科斯) will lead off the HBO Pay-Per-View lineup for Andre Ward vs. 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛”上 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


阿里亚斯将与赛区最有希望的球员之一捍卫自己的冠军头衔和不败记录. 马戈梅多夫此前曾担任过WBO洲际锦标赛冠军, 青少年组和 NABO 中量级冠军,职业生涯仅输过一场,对手是安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (Andrew Hernandez),争夺空缺的 WBC USNBC 中量级冠军. 两位拳手都渴望在拉斯维加斯首秀中给人留下深刻印象.


“我的机会终于来了. 通往大舞台的道路很漫长,但它就在这里,我已经准备好了. 是时候向世界证明我对这个部门的任何人都构成威胁了. 我已经说了有一段时间了, 我的记录表明了这一点, 但现在我将有机会证明这一点,”阿里亚斯说. “我来发表声明 六月 17! 我的对手以前被击败过,并且将会再次被击败. 感谢 Roc Nation Sports 和我的经纪人让这一切发生. 一颗新星将会诞生。”


“我的目​​标是成为世界冠军. 我一直在等待这样的战斗. 阿里亚斯是一个很难对付的对手,但我会为他做好准备,“马戈梅多夫说. “我很高兴能与我的新教练一起工作, 马可·孔特雷拉斯 (Marco Contreras) 将在 HBO 付费频道上进行战斗. 准备好观看《掠食者》 六月 17.”


“如果沃德和科瓦列夫之间的竞争还没有升温, 那么 Roc Nation Sports 的 Luis Arias 和 Main Events 的 Arif Magomedov 的交叉晋级对决肯定会火上浇油,” 中华民国总统说道 & 品牌与战略主管 Michael R. Yormark. “We are excited to have USBA Middleweight Champion Luis Arias make his Las Vegas debut and open the HBO Pay-Per-View telecast with a title defense on June 17 against Arif Magomedov.”


“Arif has been ready for this fight since the first Kovalev-Ward card in November. We are so pleased to finally give him this match-up,” said Main Events CEO Kathy Duva. “This is a huge opportunity for both Arif and Luis to test themselves on such a big stage. A win or a good showing by either fighter could catapult them in the rankings and put them on the map in this stacked middleweight division.”


USBA中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯), 26, takes great pride in his Cuban heritage. 这位密尔沃基人选择自己的昵称是为了向他父亲的祖国及其人民致敬, 每次他踏上擂台时都会向他们致敬. 前美国青少年业余选手, 阿里亚斯于 11 月完成职业首秀 10, 2012 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心, 加利福尼亚州, 他通过四回合一致判定击败了乔什·索普. 自从2月份加入Roc Nation Sports以来 2015, 阿里亚斯刷新了自己的不败纪录, 为他八月的第一次冠军头衔铺平道路 20, 2016. 在密尔沃基中心的返校节, 阿里亚斯在比赛中击败了底特律的达里尔·坎宁安,夺得了空缺的 USBA 中量级冠军头衔。 1:11第四轮大关. 阿里亚斯三月成功卫冕 31, 2017 在匹兹堡卡内基音乐厅, 10回合一致判定击败弗吉尼亚选手斯科特·西格蒙. All three judges scored the fight 99-91 阿里亚斯为了解决与西格蒙的长期恩怨而进行了强有力的身体拳击表演.

Arif “The Predator” Magomedov (18-1, 11 科斯), 24, 是来自 Kizlyar 的中量级选手, 俄罗斯. 他于一月份首次亮相职业生涯 2013 当他在俄罗斯以判定战胜鲁斯兰·西拉热夫时. 马戈梅多夫将继续完成 2013 伴随着一声巨响, 发布记录 8-0 同 6 全部KO,六名对手无一晋级第三轮. 4月份他在美国首次亮相 2015 当他一致指出强硬的熟练工德里克·芬德利(Derrick Findley)时. 在五月 2015, 当他在第一轮击倒一向坚韧耐用的达内尔·布恩时,他赢得了职业生涯中最大的胜利之一. 七月份 2015, 马戈梅多夫一致判定战胜了此前不败且不断崛起的新秀德里克·韦伯斯特. 在他最近的回合, 马戈梅多夫在莫斯科第二回合TKO战胜克里斯·赫尔曼, 俄罗斯. Arif 由 Main Events 和 Shamo Boxing 联合推广,并由 Egis Klimas 管理.


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.



沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017

曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS



纽约, 纽约 (四月 19, 2017) - Reigning WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion 吉列尔莫·“豺狼”·里贡多 (17-0, 11 科斯) will face WBA interim titleholder 莫伊塞斯·“查基”·弗洛雷斯 (25-0, 17 科斯) in a long-awaited mandatory 12-round WBA title defense that will tarnish one fighter’s perfect record. Rigondeaux VS. Flores has officially been added to the Pay-Per-View undercard of Ward-Kovalev 2: “The Rematch” at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas on 星期六, 六月 17. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


“I would like to thank Roc Nation Sports, Caribe Promotions and HBO for the opportunity to fight on the biggest Pay-Per-View card of the year. It will be a night of great boxing that fans will not want to miss out on. It’s going to be a chance to show HBO what they want to see. Some say I’m not exciting but it’s not my fault that once my opponents feel my power, they start running and stop throwing punches. Regardless of that, I’m going to give them what they want. I will be standing in the middle of the ring toe-to-toe and putting on a show for the fans. This is where I’ll show the world what my fans got to see in my last fight in the UK against [詹姆斯] Dickens,” Rigondeaux说. “I want to thank Moises Flores for having the courage to step in the ring with me and accepting the mandatory challenge unlike many great fighters in my division. Moises is an exciting Mexican fighter who will bring a fight. I will be ready to exhibit why I am one of the best pound-for-pound boxers and the world’s best at 122 英镑. I’m ready to give fans the best fight out there, and the best is to come the evening of 六月 17.”


“I’m very excited to have my world title fight with Guillermo Rigondeaux rescheduled for 星期六, 六月 17 on HBO Pay-Per-View,”弗洛雷斯说. “I’d like to thank my team at Probox Management and TGB Promotions along with HBO for providing this opportunity. I never stopped my preparations from the original date and look forward to making the Mexican fans proud when I defeat the great Rigondeaux.”


“Roc Nation Sports is thrilled to add Guillermo Rigondeaux’s championship defense against Moises Flores to the Pay-Per-View undercard of Ward-Kovalev 2: ‘The Rematch’,” 中华民国总统说道 & 品牌与战略主管 Michael R. Yormark. “We know these two champions are ready and eager to put on a big performance on boxing’s biggest stage and undoubtedly, ahead of the most anticipated fight of the year.”


“TGB Promotions is proud of this world title opportunity for Moises ‘Chucky’ Flores as he takes on one of the premier fighters in the sport, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “Chucky is well prepared and looking forward to making the Mexican fans proud of their new World Champion on 六月 17.”


吉列尔莫·“豺狼”·里贡多 (17-0, 11 科斯), was one of the most celebrated amateur boxers in Cuba before defecting and making his professional debut on May 22, 2009 在迈阿密, 佛罗里达. High expectations had no ill effect on Rigondeaux as he tore through his next five opponents. 十一月 13, 2010, in just his seventh pro fight, Rigondeaux faced Ricardo Cordoba for the vacant interim WBA World Super Bantamweight title and left the ring with the belt after scoring a split decision victory. Rigondeaux turned his attention to supremacy in the 122-pound division and accomplished what many considered the unthinkable by knocking out WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion Rico Ramos on January 20, 2012, becoming a world champion in fewer than 10 专业的较量. 四月 13, 2013 在纽约无线电城音乐厅, Rigondeaux scored his biggest victory to date by defeatingWBO and Ring Magazine World Champion and 2012 Fighter of the Year Nonito Donaire. Rigondeaux came away with the victory by unanimous decision after out landing and out punching Donaire throughout the fight to unify titles. In November of 2015, Roc Nation Sports announced that it had signed Rigondeaux to an exclusive promotional agreement and featured him on the HBO Pay-Per-View undercard of the Miguel Cotto vs. Canelo Alvarez mega-fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, where he defeated veteran Drian Francisco via a 10-round unanimous decision. Prior to beating Francisco, Rigondeaux was stripped of his title belts due to inactivity, but remained the WBA champion in recess. 在五月 2016, Roc Nation Sports announced that Rigondeaux was reinstated of his WBA belt ahead of a 12-round WBA World Super Bantamweight championship showdown against number 13 rated WBA super bantamweight contender Jazza Dickens on 七月 16 at the Cardiff Ice Arena in Wales. In his first ever appearance in the United Kingdom, Rigondeaux gave fans a thrilling knockout against Dickens. The southpaw landed a big left hook, shattering Dickens’s jaw, halting the fight in the second round with a referee’s decision. Rigondeaux will be raring to go on 六月 17 in his title defense against interim champion Moises Flores.


莫伊塞斯·“查基”·弗洛雷斯 (25-0, 17 科斯) learned the fight game growing up in Guadalajara, 墨西哥, and spent the early years of his professional career building up his résumé in his home country. Now established as a title contender at 122 英镑, Flores looks to climb to the top of the division with his considerable talent. Flores is exceptionally tall for his weight class, measuring in at 5 脚 9 英寸. 因此, he tends to have a reach advantage over most of his opponents, although Flores isn’t one to merely fire punches from a distance and box from the outside. He likes to mix it up, and his record reflects that, with most of his opponents going down by knockout. Flores made his pro debut in August 2008 with a second round knockout of Oswaldo Salgado in Guadalajara, 墨西哥. He fought exclusively in Mexico over the first six years of his career and made quick work of most of his opponents. Flores made his U.S. debut in September 2014, winning a six round unanimous decision over Pablo Batres in Mesquite, 得克萨斯州. He then gained a seventh round technical knockout of Mexican veteran Mario Macias in Tulsa, 俄克拉何马州, 十一月 2014. That victory set up a 122-pound title shot against interim WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion Oscar Escandon in Carson, 加利福尼亚州, 四月 2015. In an electrifying, all-action brawl, Flores earned a split decision to win the title. 在他最近的两场比赛中, Flores was able to defend the interim WBA World Super Bantamweight title against Luis Emanuel Cusolito, while also adding the IBO World Super Bantamweight title against Paulus Ambunda. Flores looks forward to claiming the full rights to the WBA World Super Bantamweight title on 六月 17 when he faces current champion Guillermo Rigondeaux in a 12-round championship showdown.



沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.


使用#WardKovalev 关注对话. 跟着我们:


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www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKrusherKovalev /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNationSports /洛克国家 /洛克国家
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图片来源: Roc Nation Sports/Khristopher Sandifer

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视频信贷: Roc Nation 体育/主要赛事


Oakland, 例如 (四月 11, 2017) - 周二 at the Oakland Marriott in Oakland, 例如, 统一轻重量级世界冠军 安德烈“SOG”沃德 (31-0, 15 科斯) and former Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-1-1, 26 科斯) formally addressed the media regarding their highly-anticipated rematch on 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “The Rematch” go on sale to the public on 星期五, 四月 14 在 1:00 P.M. AND/10:00 A.M. PT. 门票分 $1,255, $755, $505, $355, $255 和 $105 not including applicable service charges will be available on axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.


Below is what the fighters and dais guests had to say at the press conference:

安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 – 统一轻重量级世界冠军

“I appreciate everybody for coming out today. It’s always good to be home in the Bay Area. It’s amazing how in a short time, 八, 九, ten years, we put the Bay on the map in terms of the boxing world. Oakland used to be a major fight town, and we got away from it. But through myself and many other young fighters, contenders who may not have had opportunities that I was afforded, we’re doing our part to continue to represent the Bay in a major way and that’s a beautiful thing.


“I’m excited about this rematch. These are the things I dreamed about as a kid. 我喜欢它. I love the back and forth, some people being with me and some people not being with me. I don’t mind the stuff they talk about on social media. That’s perception. I try and deal in the reality.


“At the end of the day, you’ve got to see me on 六月 17, we’ve got to fight. I don’t care what you say, I don’t care what the team says. That’s going to make headlines. That’s all good and part of the business. I understand the business very well and I’m good with that. But if you guys know me – the boxing world knows me, the Bay Area knows me – I don’t have to do a lot of talking. To my young guys coming up, you don’t have to talk a lot. Just show up when you’re supposed to show up. Lock in and do what you got to do to prepare, and when it’s time in that biggest moment when the lights come on, find a way to get it done.


“Boxing right now is not like it used to be. It’s a climate right now where there’s a lot of talking. Guys don’t do what they say they’re going to do. They don’t perform and then they find excuses on why they didn’t perform. There’s only a handful of guys in history that I know that talked and then backed it up. We don’t have a lot of that today. 所以, it’s okay to not be the loudest talker in the room, but when it’s time to shine, be that guy. Be the hardest worker. And another thing, I want to encourage every fighter in this room – you don’t let anybody beat you before you get in the ring. I don’t care what you say, where you’re from, what your reputation is, it’s a healthy respect you have for an opponent to prepare physically and mentally, you got to have that. But you don’t let anybody – media, broadcasters, 战士, anybody – beat you before you get in the ring. You make them earn it. And if they do it, tip your hat to them and give it credit. But you’re not beating me on reputations. This is the first time this team has met a team where that stuff isn’t working. You beat me, you’re going to earn it.


“I hope he’s the best he can be. I hope he makes the adjustments he’s supposed to make. We’re going to get ready. We’re not taking it for granted. That’s what big rematches and big fights are all about. I want the best Sergey. I want his team to be focused. I want him to be focused and I know my team is going to be focused. Let’s see what happens. The question I have for him and his team is, with all that loud talking, who are y’all trying to convince? Me or him?”

谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 – 前统一轻重量级世界冠军

“The other side is saying I have to prove a lot, I have to show a lot. I don’t need to prove or show anything. I showed and proved everything on 十一月 19. Anybody who hasn’t seen that or doesn’t think that, you’re going to see it on 六月 17. This is what I promise and this is what I’m going to do. The ones who think about Andre Ward’s victory, you can still pray for him because I’m going to show it on 六月 17. He got those belts somehow. 我认为 六月 17 is going to be the day everybody’s going to see the way it’s supposed to be.”

迈克尔·Yormark – 中华民国总统 & 品牌与战略主管

“Hello Oakland! We are so happy to be here today. Today is a truly special day for this community, for this city. Oakland is synonymous with hard work, 韧性, loyalty and pride. Today the native son returns. A man who represents all of those characteristics will stand before you, and unlike many in the professional sports world, Andre Ward is here to fight for Oakland! The best boxer in the world, the face of his sport, the hero and icon of this historic town – he fights for you. He did so last November, when he staged an epic comeback against dangerous Sergey Kovalev, and emerged victorious. After Andre’s win, there was a lot of talk, a lot of debate, a lot of speculation, a lot of excuses. But Oakland doesn’t make excuses, Oakland doesn’t talk, Oakland acts.


“In one of his latest posts, Sergey said Andre ‘slaps like woman’. Grammatical issues aside, on behalf of all the strong Oakland women in the audience today I’d like to say ‘thank you Sergey for the compliment’. As someone who has spent the better part of the past three decades promoting sports and entertainment events, I’ll give Sergey a lot of credit – he had some great soundbites in New York yesterday. He said ‘Andre wears a crown’. Actually Sergey, they are belts, you should know, I think a couple of them used to be yours. He said he dislikes Andre – which brings the number of people here in Oakland today that dislike Andre up to a total of two: you and Kathy. But in all seriousness, the stakes could not be higher for this rematch and when Sergey says Andre ‘will not show up for this fight,’ that tells me he hasn’t done his research. Andre has built his career on shining brightest in the biggest moments. 六月 17 is the biggest of momentsmore than just wins and championship belts, this fight will ultimately dictate the fate of each fighter’s legacy.

“This is the type of fight that is decided by pride, guts, 韧性, overcoming adversity, and who just wants it more. For Andre Ward, being raised by the city of Oakland is his ultimate advantage. He was born with incredible talent and ability, but Oakland gave him his toughness, his pride and his uncanny ability to stare down any challenge, and dominate it. 六月 17 will be no different – at the end of the night there will be only one champion, and there will be no excuses.”

凯西Duva – 主要活动首席执行官

“If Andre Ward is half as tough in the ring as his promoter talks, I suppose Sergey may have his hands full. But we are coming to Las Vegas in June and Sergey has one goal in mind and that is to make sure that the winner actually wins the fight this time.


“Sergey Kovalev is probably the biggest perfectionist I’ve ever met. I’ve seen him walk away from fights that he knocked his opponent out in two rounds, and then apologize for his performance. Everybody keeps talking about excuses on the other side, and nobody’s making any. He is blaming himself, he has apologized to his fans for not making that win emphatic enough so that people could not take it from him because, with all the respect in the world to Andre Ward, he didn’t win Sergey’s belts they were taken from Sergey.”

詹姆斯·普林斯 – 安德烈·沃德 经理

“We’re excited about 六月 17, as we were the past year when we took care of Goliath over here. We know what we had to do with them, 现在 六月 17 is right around the corner. I don’t know if Sergio’s manager repeated everything that Sergio was saying. It seemed to be a disconnection going on. I don’t know if he wanted to say what he was saying. I think they’re confused today as they’re going to be on 六月 17 in the ring when he sees he can’t accomplish the things he wants to accomplish.


“I said it to him yesterday and I’ll reiterate it today. For some reason, I get the feeling that he thinks somebody is scared of him. Bullies think that way. He feels like he can say things and impose fear in men of God’s heart. I told him men of God, we don’t fear nothing because we know no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I know Andre Ward doesn’t need any help with him, with the threats he’s making and feeling like he wants to hit Andre Ward in his head. A word to the wise, to all that’s listening – do what you got to do in the ring, because you’re in a place that’s called town business. We don’t play those kinds of games outside of the ring. Let’s stay focused and attempt to try and hit him in the head in the ring, because you’re going to have problems with that. But you’ll have real big problems outside of the ring.


“Andre Ward’s team means something to him. When we speak, our words carry value. For you to get up here and act like what we’re saying doesn’t mean anything, maybe that’s how it goes on in Russia but in the United States of America we put value in what we say. 再次, the United States of America shall be victorious on 六月 17, and no weapons formed against us shall prosper.”

EGIS气候 – 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫经理

“Talking is very, very cheap. 相信我, I’ve been in this business for a while, and I’ve seen it many times. 经理, 教练, promoters coming in and talking a lot of shit into the microphone. But then it comes to the night, these are the two men that are going to go in the ring, and they’re going to fight. Nothing to do with the promotion, nothing to do with the manager, nothing to do with the trainers. Trainers might be giving them the advice, but these two guys are going to survive.


“You can’t lie to the people’s eyes with what they saw on 十一月 19. I’m not going to talk about it. I’m not going to go there because it’s already history. Forget about it. I want everybody to see who’s going to be coming to Vegas on 六月 17, what is going to happen. I want to thank everybody who’s involved in this fight and putting it together, HBO支付每查看. I want to thank as always the media because without you guys nobody will know what happened here.”

Virgil Hunter – 安德烈·沃德的教练

“It’s a good fight coming 六月 17 against the most dangerous and most feared light heavyweight in the world, Sergey Kovalev against a lucky victorious man in Andre Ward. 所以, I guess this fight here will pretty much settle it. I think if you look at the realistic facts of it all, I think only Sergey’s been in the media talking. I think Mr. Klimas should understand that we haven’t said a word. The other side has talked about ending people’s careers to knocking you out to insulting God almighty. All that’s coming from this side so we understand what goes on and I think it’s a lot of doubt, it’s a lot of anger. I don’t see Coach Jackson here today and to be honest I don’t expect to see him 六月 17 because you got to put the blame somewhere.


“I’m looking for a real good fight. Sergey Kovalev is definitely not underestimated. I don’t have a problem saying that before we fought I was a fan of his. I’m still a fan of his. I just won’t be a fan of his on 六月 17. This is not me blowing smoke. I admire his skill. I always knew that if we came across each other that it was going to be a tough fight, difficult fight, and a fight of attrition. And I expect the same thing 六月 17.


“I think Andre said it best when he said somebody’s will was going to be broke in that fight. But it would be nice to go into that without biting the hand that fed you. Everybody’s an expert from the reporters to the announcers when it comes to judging a fight. 他在波士顿音乐界广为人知,曾参与, they were all wrong that night. 所以, I think that’s an insult to what goes on in boxing. I think it wasn’t right. I think it was wrong particularly since HBO has built Sergey into the star that he rightfully is. Like I said before and I’ll say today, I’ll challenge anybody to sit with me and show me where he won the fight. He fought a hell of a fight because he’s a hell of a fighter, but he didn’t win the fight.


“所以, I guess all of the answers will be answered 六月 17. My advice is relax, don’t be uptight. You can’t drink year in and year out and expect at some point for it not to catch up to you and I would bet money that if we could go internally and see inside that that’s one of the causes that’s causing him to get fatigued now. It’s not the overtraining, it’s not this and it’s not that. It’s just guys are standing up and going 12 rounds now. But you can’t drink vodka year in and year out and expect on fight night to fight somebody like Andre.”

托尼·沃克 - 副总裁, HBO支付每查看

“On behalf of my Executive Vice President Peter Nelson and the rest of the staff at HBO I’d like to thank everybody for coming out to talk some big-time boxing today. 第一, I want to thank Michael and Kathy and their staff at Roc Nation and Main Events.It’s not easy putting big time fights together no matter how much everybody wants it – and the fighters wanted it. The promoters worked and we have here 六月 17 one of the biggest sporting events of the year.


“I would also like to thank, as Michael did, the community of Oakland. This has always been a boxing city. We have great viewership numbers from Oakland and the entire Bay Area no matter who seems to fight. 所以, we appreciate the support – we love the support you give Andre. A great home-grown guy in every way and we know that we’re going to do some big business here in the Oakland area and throughout the Bay Area for the fight.


“I would just like to say that the fight will be distributed by all the usual distributors, the cable, the satellite and telephone companies and I guarantee you a good picture, great sound, and a great broadcast that night for the suggested retail price of $54.95. We think we have the best broadcast team in the business and its going to be a fun night to gather friends and the family for a great sporting event.


“I would just say that when a lot is on the line, as there is in this fight, there’s drama – and there’s no better TV then when drama is involved. 所以, thank you very much and we hope if we don’t see you in Las Vegas hopefully you’ll get a chance to watch it on HBO Pay-Per-View.”


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, and is sponsored by Monster Products and Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


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纽约, 纽约 (四月 10, 2017) - On Monday at Le Parker Meridien in New York City, 统一轻重量级世界冠军 安德烈“SOG”沃德 (31-0, 15 科斯) and former Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-1-1, 26 科斯) formally addressed the media on their highly-anticipated rematch on 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


TIDAL members will have access to a special presale beginning on 星期三, 四月 12 在 1:00 P.M. AND/ 10:00 A.M. PT. Members can find details for purchasing tickets by visiting TIDAL.com/WardKovalev or by logging in to their TIDAL accounts via web browser, desktop app or mobile app.


Fans already enrolled for email updates on MainEvents.com will receive an email with the presale information. Anyone interested in receiving the presale code can sign up for email updates at www.mainevents.com.


M life Rewards loyalty members, Ticketmaster and AXS/AEG customers will receive access to a pre-sale scheduled from 星期三, 四月 12 在 10:00 A.M. PT星期五, 四月 14 在 9:59 A.M. PT. To join the M life Rewards program, or for more information, 访问 mlife.com.


沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “The Rematch” go on sale to the public on 星期五, 四月 14 在 1:00 P.M. AND/10:00 A.M. PT. 门票分 $1,255, $755, $505, $355, $255 和 $105 not including applicable service charges will be available on axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.


Below is what the fighters and dais guests had to say at the press conference:

安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 – 统一轻重量级世界冠军

“I want to thank everybody for coming out today – the media, 明显, HBO, Peter Nelson and their whole team, these guys work tirelessly to get these kinds of things done. I appreciate my team, 詹姆斯·普林斯, 乔什·杜宾, Roc Nation and everyone at Roc Nation, 杰伊ž, Juan and Desiree Perez, 迈克尔·Yormark. It’s important to have a good team. We talk a lot about fighting, we talk all about matchups, but when we talk about support, it’s frowned upon. When we see fighters 10, 15, 20 years from now shuffling in a room, nothing to show what they fought for, 没关系. By the grace of God and by way of my team, that’s not going to happen to me.


“Unfortunately, there’s perception and there’s reality. Perception is every one thing that’s written, every opinion but as you grow and learn this business, it’s not about perception. Nobody can point to a fight where I turned. Not one point. That’s not in my track record. 所以, I don’t mind the perception. I don’t care about Instagram. This is chess, not checkers. You can make all the rules you want to make, but it’s about the checkmate. That’s when the game is over.


“My team is working on life after boxing. Educating me on the ins and outs. A lot of people talk about money, but they don’t talk about the upside. They’re not talking about the personal sponsorships for the fight, and your obligations for the sponsorship. They’re not talking about the television rights and foreign rights, the merchandise. ‘Be tough, keep focus, destroy the fight’. I’m not with that man. I want the whole thing, I want to understand everything. The fight is not the end.


“They have to understand, there’s nothing scary about this man. You realize we just fought 12 rounds four months ago? Everyone wants to highlight the knockdown, that’s probably one of the most beautiful moments of my career. And did you guys see the other 10 发? Nobody’s talking about that. But that’s what makes us who we are. It’s hard concrete down there, we don’t want to fall. We’ve got another drive, we’ve got another gear we’ve got to tap into when we hit adversity and hit the cannons. You guys saw that, in the biggest moment of my career.


“I didn’t get to where I’m at because there’s something unique about me. I didn’t get to this point by happenstance. Some may not like it, but you got to respect it. You don’t have to, but we’ve earned the position that we have. We don’t mind being understated. The fight is academic. When my team green-lighted it, I said go ahead and announce it. 现实情况是, you’ve got to see me on 六月 17. That’s the reality of the situation. I love to talk, it’s all good. We knocked heads for 12 发, that’s the reality of the situation. He felt me, he knows. 上 六月 17, that’s how we’re going to do. We’re going to get started a little early. Whether you’re with me, or whether you’re against me, tune in. Appreciate everybody’s time. 千万不要错过这场战斗, 六月 17. You got what you asked for.”

谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 – 前统一轻重量级世界冠军

“Hello everyone. I am thankful the fight will take place on 六月 17. 很好, will take place on paper for now. I’m appreciative of my team and Team Ward that this fight will actually happen. I want to apologize to my fans for my performance the last time but we’re going to get this squared either way. We’re going to see who is the best fighter. I’m very excited for 六月 17. The only thing I hope is that a week or two before the fight, Andre Ward does not get injured and he has enough balls to come out and fight me on 六月 17.”

迈克尔·Yormark – 中华民国总统 & 品牌与战略主管

“Legacies are built on seminal moments. When the lights shine brightest, when the challenge seems insurmountable, when the eyes of the world are on you – that is when great athletes see the rarest of opportunities to shape their legacy, to ensure that their name lives on. Evander Holyfield said, ‘a champion shows who he is by what he does when he’s tested’. Back in November the two best pound-for-pound fighters in the world tested each other like they had never been tested before in their careers. 那天晚上, World Champion Andre Ward faced a defining moment and countered with an epic comeback victory over Sergey Kovalev. After that showdown, there was a lot of talk, a lot of debate, a lot of speculation, a lot of excuses. But on 六月 17 we put all of that talk to bed, because Ward-Kovalev 2: “The Rematch” is officially on, and from this day forward there will be no excuses.


“Andre Ward is the best boxer in the world – there is simply no debate. He is undefeated, breathlessly talented, and has gladly taken on any fighter with the guts to face him. For Andre, this fight represents the final nail in the coffin for the rest of this division and his would-be competitors, and the latest feat in a career that can only be defined as flawless. For Sergey, he has a lot to prove, which may be why he’s been so, let’s call it active on social media. After falling short in November, Sergey has become his own personal hype machine. In one of his latest tweets he demanded Andre, ‘pray to me’. 谢尔盖, I think what you were trying to say was ‘pray for me’, which we all will do before you get back into the ring with Andre on 六月 17.


“We return to Las Vegas where all big fights belong, live at the Mandalay Bay Events Center and on HBO Pay-Per-View. Roc Nation is proud to be the lead promoter of this global event, presented by Corona Extra and powered by Monster Products. This event would not have been possible without the support of Richard Sturm and Sid Greenfeig of MGM, and HBO’s Peter Nelson and Tony WalkerI’d like to take this opportunity to specifically thank them. MGM and HBO are synonymous with the biggest and best boxing events and Roc Nation is honored to be working in partnership with them for yet another historic fight. I’d also like to thank our chairman JAY Z and President of Roc Nation Sports Juan Perez for their support of this sure to be epic event. 另外, a big thank you to our presenting partner Corona Extra, as well as Monster Products. I would also like to acknowledge Le Parker Meridien for their support and hosting us here today. Despite what you read in some corners of the boxing world, this rematch was always inevitable, both fighters wanted it, both promoters wanted it and I would be remiss if I did not sincerely thank Main Events and Kathy and Nicole Duva for their professionalism and class in negotiating and finalizing the 六月 17 战斗. Last but certainly not least thank you to Team Ward – Andre, 詹姆斯·普林斯, Josh Dubin and Virgil Hunter – not only for once again putting your unblemished, championship record on the line under the bright lights of Sin City, but for being incredible partners throughout this process and the best ambassadors the sport of boxing could possibly ask for. Thank you.”

凯西Duva – 主要活动首席执行官

“Thank you, HBO, thank you Le Parker Meridien, Mandalay Bay and of course our sponsors, Corona and Monster. I’ll make it short and sweet. My greatest hope for 六月 17 is that the winner wins this time. Sergey’s going to do everything in his power to make sure there’s no question on who that is.


“I expect he’s going to show us all how to get your titles back. And here he is, future light heavyweight champ of the world, Sergey Kovalev.”

詹姆斯·普林斯 – 安德烈·沃德 经理

“我要感谢上帝给我这个机会, HBO, Peter Nelson. I’d like to thank Roc Nation, who has stood by us 1000%, solid as a Roc. We’re looking forward to this fight coming up, David versus Goliath, part two. 就像我说的, the last time, and I reiterate the same thing because not much has changed, we’ve cracked the code. 谢尔盖, your code has been cracked, we know who you are now. 例如 六月 17, you will see one of the greatest fights ever. As I stated earlier in the interview with HBO, don’t be surprised if Kovalev gets knocked out this fight. Don’t you be surprised. 所以, we look forward to that moment and I notice that you’ve been real vocal about a lot of things, but you need to know, we don’t have no fear. 所以, understand that, 再次, the United States will be victorious against Russia as always.”

乔什·杜宾 – 安德烈·沃德 经理

“This industry, 可惜, has some nasty, ugly people in it that say and do nasty things and show their behind too much. A lot of the things you hear about our beautiful sport is true. I’m so fortunate to have been blessed by kings, that have enriched my life, to be able to grow and get to know these men. James Prince and Andre Ward have been all class and dignity and professional. They don’t need to tell you what you think might sell a fight, or what you think people might want to hear, but just what’s real. What a breath of fresh air. I thank both of you for enriching my life and allowing me to grow on this journey with you.


“We’re always hearing about role models, and why aren’t athletes role models – well look no further. You’ve got a family man who is spiritual, you can’t bait him and get him to say what you think he should say or want him to say because you curse him out on social media. We’re not into all that, these are kings over here. You can keep tweeting on your phone over there, but we won already. We won in life, we won in this sport, and we’re just going to continue winning. This is a formality at this point. A formality. 所以, you can cry and complain and all that, but that’s what bullies do when they don’t get their way. Bullies make excuses, bullies try to intimidate when they don’t get their way. Bullies of all sorts, in the ring and in business. 很好, you didn’t get your way, you ain’t getting your way and you’re not going to get your way. Period. The reason that probably is, if we bring in spirituality, is the moral arc of the universe does bend towards good and greatness and kings. 所以, with that, I say this: you want to tune in to this one, because you’ll want to be able to say, ‘I got to see the best fighter to ever walk in the ring, fight again and conquer again’. 别错过. Thank you.”

Daniel Bagdasarov – Egis Klimas’s Assistant

“I want to thank the media and MGM. He’s happy about the rematch and that it actually happened. We’re excited about it, we’re ready. Thank you to all the promotions that have gone into the fight, thank you HBO for making this happen. 非常感谢。”

Peter Nelson – Executive Vice President, HBO体育

“I want to thank all the media for being here, this fight came together initially because of what you asked for. 首先, I want to thank the fighters, Andre Ward and Sergey Kovalev. The two of them at the zenith of their careers and the apex of their undefeated records deciding to get in the ring against one another, and that’s exactly the expectation that fight fans should have. It’s something to be celebrated and we’re excited we are going to have the rematch on 六月 17.


“再次, these two men decided they want to step up and fight each other, the controversy of time when a lot of fighters walk the other way from one another. Some fights, they’re so good, the fighters earn each other’s respect. Some fights are so great that the fighters earn each other’s disrespect. I’ll let all of you decide which one this is.


“I think that what we’ve seen over the past few months is people arguing more and more about who actually won that fight. 再次, the credit is to the fighters because every second of the first fight, they were there to compete. Every second of this rematch, they’re going to be there again. There is too much at stake, in terms of legacy and in terms of pound stature, in terms of this moment and the future. What we know to expect is that on 六月 17, the stuff of HBO PPV legend gets made. Sergey Kovalev and champion Andre Ward are going to do everything in their power to bring home the belt.”


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, and is sponsored by Monster Products and Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


使用#WardKovalev 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKrusherKovalev /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNationSports /洛克国家 /洛克国家
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www.insidehboboxing.com HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBO拳击 /HBO体育频道
www.mandalyabay.com @曼德勒湾 @曼德勒湾 /曼德勒湾  


由 HBO 按次付费® 直播


纽约, 纽约 (四月 4, 2017) – Roc Nation Sports, 主要事件, Andre Ward Promotions and Krusher Promotions are pleased to announce the highly anticipated rematch between the unified Light Heavyweight Champion of the World, 安德烈“SOG”沃德 (31-0, 15 科斯) and former title holder 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-1-1, 26 科斯). Ward vs. Kovalev II “No Excuses” will take place 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View beginning at 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


Team Ward and Team Kovalev will partake in a three-city press tour the week of 四月 10 to officially announce the fight, including New York City, the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Further details will be available in the coming days.


“I’m going to keep it short and sweet. You got what you asked fornow you have to see me on June 17. 这次…leave the excuses at home,” said Ward.


“I’m glad to know that rematch will happen. I really hope that Andre Ward will get into the ring for this rematch. Fans of boxing will see the real Krusherthe one they have missed for couple of my last fights. For me this rematch is very important as no other bout in my entire boxing career. Thanks a lot to all of boxing fans,” said Kovalev.


“Roc Nation Sports is proud to be the lead promoter behind a boxing rematch for the ages,“迈克尔Yormark说, 中华民国总统 & 品牌与战略主管. “Last November, Andre showed the world he was boxing’s best. No doubt he will build upon his legacy come 六月 17 in another historic night. 有没有借口, the rematch is on.”


“After the last fight, we are preparing for another unbelievable experience. Can’t wait for the bell to ring! This is sure to be another nail-biting roller coaster ride,” said Kathy Duva, 首席执行官, 主要事件. “This is the only fight that Sergey wants right now and he refused to settle for anything less than the chance to get his belts back. I’m told that Roc Nation and Andre Ward have lots of great ideas for the promotion and we can’t wait to see them in action!”


After a razor thin decision last November in their first meeting, the boxing community has been eagerly waiting for a Ward-Kovalev rematch,” said Tony Walker, 副总裁, HBO支付每查看. “These are two world class prizefighters who embrace being on the sport’s biggest stage. Like Andre and Sergey, we can’t wait for June 17th at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.


“This spectacular rematch of pound-for-pound champions will be a ‘can’t-miss’ fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center,” said Richard Sturm, President of Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International. “We look forward to working with both Roc Nation Sports and Main Events once again on this championship event which should be one of the most thrilling fights of 2017.”

知道他的外环线坚强的性格和完整性,里面是他的战士的本能, 33-year-old Andre Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, culminating in a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, 希腊. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold in the past decade, Ward joined the likes of Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Oscar De La Hoya. He turned professional on December 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up an undefeated record since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. After becoming the Ring Magazine and WBA Super Middleweight World Champion, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 Fighter of the Year Award (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Ring Magazine and the Boxing Writers Association of America), it was announced that Ward signed an exclusive promotional agreement with Roc Nation Sports in January 2015, opening a new chapter in his storied boxing career. Ward returned to the ring on June 20, 2015 at the Oracle Arena in front of his hometown fans in Oakland, 加利福尼亚州和拿下第九轮淘汰赛在保罗·史密斯. 三月 26, 2016, Ward made his highly publicized 175-pound debut against Cuba’s undefeated and IBF number one rated light heavyweight contender Sullivan Barrera and came out victorious. Ward continued his conquest of the light heavyweight division on August 6, 2016, with a unanimous decision over Alexander Brand. Immediately following the win, Ward announced that he will be taking on unified Light Heavyweight Champion Sergey Kovalev in the ultimate showdown for division supremacy and recognition as the best pound-for-pound fighter. In the most anticipated fight of 2016 上 十一月 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, Ward would prove to the world his dominance as one of boxing’s top pound-for-pound fighters by becoming the unified World Light Heavyweight Champion with a unanimous decision win over Kovalev, the reigning WBA, IBF and WBO titleholder.


谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫, the Russian Wrecking Ball, 34, is currently ranked #2 Pound-for-Pound by Ring Magazine and has been dominating boxing’s light heavyweight division with his aggressive, fan-friendly style since his breakout performance against then-unbeaten Nathan Cleverly in 2013 when he won the WBO Light Heavyweight World Title. One year after winning his WBO title Sergey went on to defeat future Hall-of-Famer Bernard “The Alien” Hopkins in a 12-round unanimous decision victory to add the WBA and IBF Light Heavyweight World Titles to his mantle. His rise to boxing stardom has been meteoric, as he has gone from an unknown fighter from Chelyabinsk, Russia to headlining HBO Pay-Per-View in just four years after signing with his first promoter, 主要事件. 在他的最后一战, Kovalev went the distance against former two-time world champion Andre “SOG” Ward. The bout ended in a highly-contested unanimous decision against Sergey even though Kovalev managed to knock down Ward and many thought the cards should have gone in his favor. Out of Kovalev’s 30 事业胜利 26 通过淘汰赛来的. 另外, he has entered into championship rounds only three times in his professional career. Kovalev has always sought to test himself against the best boxing has to offer; he wants to prove in the ring that he deserves that mantle.

Ward vs. Kovalev II “No Excuses, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight championships, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, and is sponsored by Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


使用#WardKovalev 关注对话.

Artur Beterbiev vs. Sullivan Barrera IBF LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT ELIMINATION BOUT April 21 in MIAMI

MONTRÉAL (二月 17, 2017)It’s official: Montreal’s 阿图尔Beterbiev(IBF #2 – 11-0-0, 11 科斯) will be in the most important fight of his career, against Cuban-born 沙利文巴雷拉(IBF #7 – 18-1-0, 13 科斯), for the mandatory challenger position for the International Boxing Federation (IBF) light heayvweight world title, held by American 沃德 (31-0-0, 15 科斯). The Beterbiev vs. Barrera clash will take place 四月 21 在迈阿密, 佛罗里达.
It is with great pride and confidence that we go into this fight in Miami,” Beterbiev’s promoter 伊冯·米歇尔(狮伊冯·米歇尔). “In order for Beterbiev to receive maximum credibility, he needs to demonstrate that he can perform anywhere in the world. Because Sullivan Barrera, the only top-rated contender to accept the challenge to face Artur, could not cross the Canadian border, we agreed to have this fight take place in the United States.
We are convinced that the many Quebecers who still live in Florida, 此时, will come to support Artur, who has made Quebec the adopted home for him and his young family.
The Beterbiev-Barrera winner will become the mandatory challenger for the IBF light heavyweight champion, who will have until September, 在最新的, to face the winner.]GYM won the IBF-ordered purse bid Feb. 2 (2017), winning with a $201,000 (美元) bid to $181,000 for Barrera’s promoter, 主要事件. Due to the 75-25 percentage advantage going to the highest ranked fighter, Beterview will earn $188,250 到 $62,750 for Barrera.
Ward won the IBF, WBA and WBO light heavyweight titles with a 12-round unanimous decision win over 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫, 十一月 19, 2017, 在拉斯维加斯.
Beterbiev was impressive in his most recent outing, 最后 十二月 23 at the Lac Leamy Casino in Gatineau, stopping Paraguayan slugger 圣伊西德罗普列托Ranoni (26-1-3) in opening round (2:44).

Barrera also displayed tremendous skills during his most recent performance, this poast 十二月. 16 in California, shattering the previously undefeated 维亚切斯拉夫 Shabrankyy (17-0-0), 乌克兰, with a spectacular TKO victory in the seventh round.
More details about Beterbiev vs. Barrera will be announced in the coming days.

FNU搏击运动展: Miesha的FU达纳白, GSP和巨人战士联盟, 康纳尔康纳尔正在和沃德VS. 科瓦廖夫回顾

本周在FNU搏击运动显示我们讨论十一月的一个梦幻般的一个月尽可能去战斗. 我们只有两个节目上个月, 因此,我们在追赶模式踢掉本周. 我们讨论沃德VS. 科瓦廖夫在长度, 走下车的几个切线,然后得到的托尼的审查 “流血此。” 然后,我们再回到MMA的富对米莎·塔特评论告诉Dana白色, “FU, 你不是我的老板。.” 他的请求后,她去医院后,她与拉奎尔彭宁顿战斗. Tate retired earlier in the evening after a stellar career. Rich also gets going about the fighter union front and some new developments with Georges St. 皮埃尔, Ex-Bellator CEO Bjorn Rebney, 该隐贝拉斯克斯, T.J. Dillashaw and other UFC notables breaking new ground in the niche with the founding of the Mixed Martial Arts Athletes Association. We also manage to preview the upcoming weekend’s boxing schedule before the end of the broadcast tonight.




谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 VS. ANDRE WARD 官方称重视频, QUOTES & 照片



定于周六, 十一月 19

在拉斯维加斯的 T-MOBILE ARENA, 内华达州


点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: 主要活动/大卫 Spagnolo

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图片来源: Roc Nation Sports/Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

谢尔盖·科瓦列夫 VS. 安德烈·沃德官方称重 (点击观看)

LAS VEGAS, NV (十一月 19, 2016) – 在米高梅大花园竞技场拥挤的人群面前, WBO, WBA和IBF轻重量级世界 冠军 Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 科斯) 和两次世界冠军 安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 (30-0, 15 科斯) 在周六的最终对决之前,在官方称重中对峙, 十一月. 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达. 在公共活动中加入他们的是所有的undercard战士.


科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “英镑英镑”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, 怪物产品, 捷通, Zappos的, 乔丹品牌和鞋宫. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.

最后的新闻发布会视频, QUOTES & 照片 KOVALEV-WARD “一磅换一磅” 定于周六, 十一月 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-MOBILE ARENA, 内华达州由 HBO 现场直播 PAY-PER-VIEW®

点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: 主要活动/大卫 Spagnolo

点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: Roc Nation Sports/Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos


谢尔盖·科瓦列夫 VS. 安德烈·沃德最终新闻发布会 (点击观看)


LAS VEGAS, NV (十一月 18, 2016) – 在星期四, 十一月. 17, WBO, WBA和IBF轻重量级世界冠军 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-0-1, 26 科斯) 和两次世界冠军 安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 (30-0, 15 科斯) 参加了11月份的最后一场新闻发布会. 19 拉斯维加斯 T-Mobile Arena 的“Pound For Pound”对决, NV. 最后的新闻发布会由著名擂台播音员 Michael Buffer 主持. 本次活动将生产和HBO付费按次开始在现场分发 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


下面是什么战士, 发起人和其他讲台嘉宾在最后的新闻发布会上不得不说:

谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫, WBO, WBA & IBF轻重量级世界冠军:


“大家好, 我很高兴来到这里. 这是很不错的. 也许像两个, 三年前, 我无法想象我能达到这个水平并与安德烈·沃德战斗, 不败的拳击手和奥运会金牌得主. 我非常尊重他, 表彰他在职业和业余职业生涯中取得的成功. 这确实是巨大的成功,但现在我们面对面,我应该证明我更好. 非常感谢 HBO 以及 Peter Nelson 本人, 我的发起人 Kathy Duva 和 Main Events 促销活动, Egis Klimas 和我的赞助商宇舶表. 我真的希望我们的战斗会非常清晰和诚实. 我对这场比赛感到非常兴奋,也有点紧张,因为我从来没有达到过这个水平. HBO Pay-Per-View 是职业拳击界的最高级别,我很高兴来到这里. 欢迎来到十一月的电视屏幕. 19 和 T-Mobile 竞技场,你会看到非常精彩的战斗. 非常感谢。”

沃德, 两次世界冠军:

“我要感谢今天在场的每一个人——媒体, 我所有的赞助商, 米高梅大酒店, 把这场战斗和 HBO 放在一起的伟大团队. 凯西·杜瓦叫醒我时,我正忙着忙自己的事. 她开始说话, 我不知道她为什么一直这样做, 但有趣的是,那些没有进入那个圈的人是说话最多的人. 他们感觉不到那些打击, 这样她就可以继续做她正在做的事情. 我喜欢它, 这就是大促销的意义所在, 一场大战的意义何在; 我们不应该互相喜欢. 他的身边一直在说很多话, 这很好, 我们喜欢它. 这不是我们的第一个牛仔竞技表演, 我们以前一直在这条路上. 我们并不总是立即回应. 有时我们的沉默被误解为我们没有得到它. 我们看, 我们做笔记, 但与此同时,我们继续工作,我们生产来战斗之夜. 这就是我们擅长的. 所以所有的谈话都很棒, 我喜欢它, 但知道一件事——我不会乱来的 星期六 夜晚. 我在那儿. 非常感谢”.

凯西Duva, 首席执行官, 主要事件:

“欢迎每个人都做到最好, 年度最重要和最值得期待的战斗. 与 Sergey Kovalev 的主赛事之旅始于四年前. 在秋天 2012, 他第一次出现在美国. NBCSN 的电视联合特写. 这是他第一次在美国上电视. 当时, 他告诉我他有三个目标: 1. 赢得冠军, 2. 统一标题, 3. 成为按次付费的战斗机. 他明确表示这就是他想要的,他会赢得战斗. 不到一年后,当他赢得 WBO 冠军时,他首次出现在 HBO. 不到一年后,他首次出现在 HBO, 他在HBO上打了九次 三年 现在他的第一个按次付费终于来了. 我现在提出这个问题是因为那里有一个故事情节,说这场战斗没有梅威瑟-帕奎奥那么大是多么可惜. 当我尝试解决问题时,我倾向于这样做, 我做了一些研究,试图获得一些观点. 弗洛伊德梅威瑟和谢尔盖一样在 HBO 上打了九次, 当然还有他在 6 月首次登上 HBO PPV 与 Arturo Gatti 的四年时间。 2005, 加蒂是那场战斗的最大赢家. 曼尼·帕奎奥 (Manny Pacquiao) 在 HBO 上奋斗了两年​​,然后在今年 1 月登上了他的第一次 HBO 演出。 2005 与埃里克·莫拉莱斯. 这些活动以数十万次购买, 直到弗洛伊德和曼尼有机会击败已经成名的超级巨星奥斯卡·德拉霍亚,他们才达到百万买入的基准. 他们在平行的道路上为 10 多年的 PPV 才能到达他们去年到达的地方, 这当然是每个战士都想去的地方,也是科瓦列夫和沃德想去的地方. 所以他们必须从某个地方开始. 事实上,曼尼的第一个 PPV 对手莫拉莱斯之前就在 PPV 上,并且已经凭借与米奇沃德的三部曲获得了传奇地位,并且为休闲体育迷所熟知.


“很少有拳手有机会在按次付费的稀有世界中始终如一地战斗, 而那些通常是相同的战士,他们在擂台上以英镑的身份赚取英镑. 在过去的几个月里, 到目前为止,我已经观看了 Sergey 为宣传这一壮观事件所做的工作. 谢尔盖向我展示了他有能力成为那种能够与他的每一位粉丝建立联系的罕见能力的明星, 每次他出去都做新的, 并且非常努力地说服他们他值得花钱去看. 他的拳击能力, 他的冲击力, 他在擂台上的激动人心的存在.


“在谢尔盖的目标中, 我添加的一个是在拉斯维加斯成为一名大斗士, 所以这很大. 这是巨大的, 我们很高兴. 我要感谢内华达州运动委员会的 Bob Bennett, 很高兴与这样专业的人一起工作,你让我们的工作变得轻松多了. 我要感谢我们所有的赞助商. 最后, 想感谢大家的光临, 我只是等不及铃声响起.


“我们的共同特色战斗是 NABF 轻重量级冠军亚历山大“钉子”罗迪克, 谁在轻重量级不败并大放异彩, 他来自乌克兰. 他将与艾萨克“金童”智利巴战斗, 谁最初来自马拉维并在约翰内斯堡战斗, 南非. 他们将参加一场十回合的轻重量级较量. 一场真正的十字路口战斗,我真的不知道谁会赢. 明显, 主要活动是与艾萨克, 几个月前与谢尔盖进行了一场激烈的战斗, 我认为他根本就没有得到他应得的荣誉. 他很可能是世界上第二好的轻重量级人物, 我知道 Isaac 的目标是强势回归并给每个人留下深刻印象 星期六 夜晚.


“同时打开电视转播的底牌, WBA大陆中量级冠军, 布朗斯维尔的柯蒂斯“大脑刺客”斯蒂芬斯, 布鲁克林. 整个行业中最有趣的战士之一. 柯蒂斯, 你照亮了我们的一天, 每一天. 他将面对詹姆斯“国王”德拉罗莎, 23-4 圣贝尼托, 德州十轮中量级较量. 这有火车残骸的所有标志, 但是柯蒂斯把目光投向了更大更好的东西,我知道他和詹姆斯会非常努力地给人留下深刻印象,因为中量级很热, 那里有很多机会.


“我认为我不需要告诉这个房间里的任何人,为什么这是一场伟大的战斗,或者为什么你应该对它感兴趣,或者为什么你应该想看它. 如果你还不知道,你就不会在这里,但我们确实需要你出去把这个词传播到世界其他地方. 这是你带朋友过来的战斗, 有点喜欢拳击但不确定的人. 这是你告诉你朋友的战斗, 说MMA比拳击好的人. 让他们来你家看这个,因为 Kovalev-Ward 会让很多人成为忠实粉丝, 星期六 夜晚, 我很期待这一点,并在那里见到你们所有人。”


迈克尔·Yormark, 中华民国总统 & 品牌与战略主管:

“诚实是最好的政策. 因此,我将以极大的诚实开始这件事. 对于下一个 48 小时, 您可能会在这两位不败的战士之间听到很多尊重和钦佩. 简单的事实是, 我们距离今年最大的战斗只有两天了, 我不指望他们互相欣赏. 但谁能责怪他们? 唯一站在不败记录和拳击不朽之间的就是彼此. 这为已经成为绝对经典的战斗增添了一层厌恶和非常锋利的优势. 我对这场战斗的看法很简单. 星期六 对于谢尔盖来说,夜晚将是艰难的夜晚, 当他被世界上最好的一磅拳击手系统地挑选出来时, 沃德.


“我认识安德烈好几年了, 我从未见过他更专注, 更坚定, 更有动力,更有准备迎接他职业生涯中最大的战斗. 这些时刻是一代代运动员为之而生的时刻,也是他们梦寐以求的时刻. 这是创造历史的机会, 书写安德烈传奇的最新篇章, 坦率地说, 合上谢尔盖的书. 不要误会它, 沃德队来到维加斯取胜, 带着三个人走出罪恶之城——我重复一遍, 三——新的冠军腰带. 拳击需要这样的战斗, 两个不败的战士在他们的鼎盛时期. 自然竞争力使优势更加锐利, 以及完全不喜欢. 在 T-Mobile Arena 世界最大的舞台上战斗, 和 HBO 按次付费. 它没有变得更好或更大. 史诗是描述它的唯一词, 作为一个终生的拳击迷, 我很高兴成为第一手见证人.


“我想感谢我们为这次活动争取到的官方战斗合作伙伴. 我们的展示合作伙伴 Corona 以及 Monster Products, 捷通, Zappos的, 乔丹品牌和鞋宫. 我还要感谢安德烈的战斗伙伴, 包括 ProSupps 和 Lyft, 怪物产品, BODYARMOUR 和 JetLux, 以及他的长期合作伙伴 Jordan Brand, POWERHANDZ和鞋宫. 这种支持以及球迷和媒体的支持是对安德烈作为真正千载难逢的运动员的明确认可. 他的技能只能与他对家庭和社区的承诺相匹配. 他的竞争力仅取决于他的魅力. 在洛克国家, 我们很荣幸能够代表这个人, 奥运会金牌得主, 自从他成为以来不败 13 岁, 奥克兰的骄傲, 而且当然, 下一个轻重量级世界冠军.


“虽然我们的主要赛事看起来是一场永恒的战斗, 这是一张深厚而有才华的底牌,将使 周六 一场真正特别的活动. Roc Nation 很荣幸能与众多才华横溢的拳手合作, 从达拉斯本地人 Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker 开始, 他将自己的不败纪录和 NABO 青少年次中量级冠军置于危险之中 达利斯·佩雷斯 (Darleys Perez) 在 HBO 付费节目中. 我们还将邀请来自费城的重量级巨星达玛尼“Rock Solid”Rock, 当他希望提高到 6-0 在拉斯维加斯首秀中对阵布莱斯·里塔尼·科 (Brice Ritani-Coe). 在官方电视转播之前在按次付费活动频道上开放免费电视转播, 这将是一场八回合的青少年次中量级比赛,对手是来自托莱多的不败新星桑尼·“Pretty Boi”·弗雷德里克森, 俄亥俄. 免费观看也可通过 HBO Boxing 的 YouTube 频道进行直播. 弗雷德里克森将迎战波士顿的加布里埃尔·德卢克, 马萨诸塞州. 另一个托莱多, 俄亥俄州本地人, 记录无瑕疵, 泰勒“金童”麦克里里将与大急流城的文森特“维尼熊”詹宁斯正面交锋, 密歇根州在八轮羽量级比赛中. 球迷们也可以在 Kovalev-Ward 的 freeview 部分观看比赛. 与此同时, 民族英雄和两届奥运会金牌得主克拉丽莎·希尔兹将在免费电视转播中首次亮相备受期待的职业生涯. 她将迎战长期对手弗兰琼克鲁斯,后者也将在四轮中量级比赛中首次亮相. 简单的说, 拳击迷都在为一种享受 周六 晚上,我们很高兴能参与其中.


“我们今天听到了很多诚实. 但很明显 星期六 这将是一个史诗般的夜晚. Kovalev-Ward 毫无疑问将成为拳击界的年度之战, 我们都知道. 中华民国很自豪能成为其中的一员, 在我们的 DNA 中推广大型全球活动, 我们很荣幸在去年的大部分时间里为这场斗争而努力, 我们终于到了关键时刻. 有很多组织和个人帮助了这次活动, 我要感谢他们所有人. 首先, 团队病房, 包括詹姆斯普林斯, 乔什杜宾和维吉尔亨特. HBO 的 Peter Nelson 和 Tony Walker 将这场战斗带给全球观众. 米高梅的 Richard Sturm 和 Sid Greenfeig, 以及 T-Mobile Arena 总经理 Dan Quinn 在世界一流的设施中举办本次活动. Kathy Duva 和她的团队在主要活动中, 谁从一开始就是我们在这场斗争中的合作伙伴. 最后但同样重要的是, 拉斯维加斯市, 拳击界最大事件的精神家园, 以及将在未来许多年改变这项运动面貌的战斗的正当环境。”

约翰·戴维·杰克逊, 谢尔盖·科瓦列夫的教练:


“感谢所有媒体来到这里. 我要感谢两个不同的团体. 第一, 我要感谢 Main Events 促销活动. 主要活动中的这些女人加上我的男人, 乔·罗通达, 确实是世界上最伟大的人. 如果您想找到一家促销公司,该公司将公平对待所有拳手,全面地对待您,并为您提供应得的拳击, 然后去看他们. 第二, 我要感谢参加这次活动的所有媒体. 看到一些人真是太好了, 用他们的话, 可以帮助拳击游泳或下沉. 你的话很有帮助. 有时您对我们的帮助不如我们希望得到的帮助,但我很高兴在这里见到你们所有人,因为我们需要这个来保持拳击的努力. 这是一个美妙的, 美丽的运动,有时会变得时髦,但总而言之,这是一项很棒的运动, 美丽的战斗. 我感谢所有出来支持并为这项精彩的运动写下你的话的人.


“一场战斗并不能定义一个战士的职业生涯. 两位战士的最后一场战斗是真实的: 调整. 他们做了他们应该做的事. 为了让这场战斗在这里发生,他们都以令人信服的方式获胜. 我不记得记者问了什么,但这就是你问题的答案. 一场战斗并不能定义一个战士的职业生涯.


“我说的有些话是为了进入某人的脑海,但归根结底是我确实尊重这些人; 他们是很好的人. 整个团队都很好. 他们非常专业. 回答 [维吉尔的] 由两部分组成的问题. 他说在最后一场战斗中我在那里待了一个星期. 我很想告诉你,无论你从哪里得到信息,都是坏信息. 我在那里的时间超过了两周或三周. 谁说我在那里待了一个星期,我很高兴他们这么说. 这让我们看起来像是一支糟糕的球队. 我喜欢. 回答您关于我们团队凝聚力的问题, 营地里发生的一切, 无论我们可能有什么分歧或人们说我们有什么分歧, 我要你记住这个, 所有的作家都在这里, 来吧,战斗之夜,我们将以与进来时相同的方式离开——不败. 谢尔盖赢得每一场战斗. 他以他应该赢的方式赢了,他做了我要求他做的一切. 随着中说, 我期待十一月. 19 我会在那里见到你们. 非常感谢。”

EGIS气候, 谢尔盖·科瓦列夫经理:

“感谢大家来到这里. 媒体, 没有你,没有人会知道我们要去哪里或在做什么, 非常感谢. 想感谢我们的发起人 主要活动, 凯西·杜瓦(Kathy Duva)做得很好,将我们带到了这个非常大的战斗的阶段. 米高梅大酒店, 非常好的主人, 非常感谢. HBO Pay-Per-View 已经把美国的所有观众都带到了. 我希望我没有错过任何人. 当然我很, 非常自豪能够代表世界上最好的战士之一,并希望, 我们会看到的 星期六 夜晚, 谁是磅拳击手的磅. 我讨厌当教练, 经理, 发起人开始谈论它将如何互相击败,因为他们不是踏入擂台的人. 没有一个发起人, 培训师或经理可以了解擂台上会发生什么. 只有两个战士会在擂台上. 我们有两个世界上最好的轻重量级选手将展示 周六 晚上谁是最好的磅对磅战斗机. 我希望这是我们多年来看过的最好的节目. 非常感谢”.

维吉尔猎人, 安德烈·沃德的教练:

“我来这里打了很多场比赛,看到媒体室为这场比赛挤满了人, 这真的让我感觉很好. 我要感谢彼得尼尔森, HBO的团队, 我的 Rap-A-Lot 家庭, 理查德·斯特姆和米高梅. 我还要感谢媒体, 不管你选择谁赢.


“我转身 63, 上周三, 我和年轻人一起工作已经不是什么秘密了, 我所有的职业生涯. 当涉及到年轻人时,它确实对我产生了情感影响. 看HBO的 我的战斗 深深地触动了我. 我的心向谢尔盖·科瓦列夫致敬,现在每个人都知道安德烈·沃德的背景.


“我相信这将是一场伟大的战斗. 我相信科瓦列夫就是他们所说的一切. 他是一个危险的对手; 他来是为了赢. 我们见过他对对手做的事情,当他们进入擂台时, 他们颤抖. 现在, 我们只能淡化这种情况. 我期待十一月.



“我会鼓励所有发起人公平对待你的战士, 不要欺骗他们. 不要让他们成为机器人. 鼓励他们并教他们如何成为商人. 如果你有冠军, 他应该得到冠军的配给。”

詹姆斯·普林斯, 安德烈·沃德经理:

“我要感谢上帝给我这个机会. HBO, 他们为将这场斗争带给我们而做出的承诺和牺牲. 米高梅大酒店和理查德斯特姆. 我们感谢中华民国, 我们的发起人 – JAY Z, 所有在后台支持迈克尔·约马克的人, 谁一直在履行职责,做得很好. 安东尼奥·伦纳德在家, 我们感谢你托尼和你所做的一切. 名单还在继续. 我真的很感激这个机会, 我代表 Ward 团队发言. 我们一直期待这一天, 它在这里, 我要对付房间里的大象: 这是俄罗斯对. 美利坚合众国. 在我看来, 最好的俄罗斯在任何事情上都无法击败最好的美利坚合众国. 我只是需要这么说. 我们这里有一架俄罗斯战斗机, 科瓦廖夫; 我们尊重你的格斗游戏, 你是一个伟大的战士. 你让我想起了歌利亚. 我们有我的男人安德烈·沃德, 我认为大卫. 我不知道你们是否都了解大卫和歌利亚,但这就是我们要处理的问题. 例如 星期六 夜晚, 我们将有机会看到现代大卫, 这是安德烈·沃德, 击败歌利亚. 我在纽约的上次新闻发布会上提到了这一点, 和女士. Duva 对我说 Andre Ward 没有剑. 但她错过了故事的真正实质, 她错过了对大卫的学习. 他的顺服以及大卫所关心的所有这些不同的属灵领域. 他正准备与 S.O.G 战斗, 那是神的儿子, 如果你们都不知道, 那是安德烈·沃德. 所以, 别, 我们没有剑, 我们不能像大卫那样把他的头砍下来抬起来, 但是安德烈·沃德(Andre Ward)会提高腰带来的 星期六 晚上“。

鲍勃·贝内特, 内华达州运动委员会:

“对于内华达州体育委员会来说,监管这场非常轰动的冠军争夺战无疑是一种荣幸和荣幸. 这个事件应该是首屈一指的. 你应该知道我们非常重视我们的工作, 我们已经完成了我们的作业,我们准备去上班了. 此时, 我们要感谢 Kathy Duva 和 Main Events, 和来自 Roc Nation 的 Michael Yormark 在世界格斗之都举办了这场电动锦标赛. 我们还要感谢 Richard Sturm 和米高梅在 T-Mobile 和 HBO 举办这次活动的广播活动, 以及活动前的节目, 这绝对是有趣和有趣的. 最后但并非最不重要的, 我们要承认并感谢勇士们, 所有的战士, 因为没有他们, 我们都不会在这里。”

理查德·斯特姆, 娱乐和体育总裁, 米高梅国际度假村:

“我们很高兴再次在 T-Mobile Arena 举办国际锦标赛. 这周末, 我们关闭了公司的拳击赛程,俄罗斯选手谢尔盖·科瓦列夫 (Sergey Kovalev) 对阵美国选手安德烈·沃德 (Andre Ward). 我们期待这两位不败拳手的这场对决. 科瓦列夫在结束他的职业生涯后返回拉斯维加斯 2015 淘汰赛战胜纳吉布·穆罕默迪,安德烈·沃德和他的球队首次亮相拉斯维加斯. 正如我们在过去七个月中所看到的, T-Mobile Arena 迅速改变了拉斯维加斯的娱乐和体育景观, 我们期待继续这一传统. 我们要特别感谢 Kathy Duva 和主赛事团队, 迈克尔·约马克 (Michael Yormark) 和 Roc Nation 工作人员. 双方战斗阵营, HBO 付费频道的托尼·沃克和内华达州体育委员会的鲍勃·贝内特。”

托尼·沃克, 副总裁, HBO 按次付费- 视图:

“感谢大家今天出来谈论拳击这项伟大的运动. 我要感谢 Roc Nation 和 Main Events 以及他们的工作人员组织了如此伟大的主赛事, 还有一张很棒的底牌,我们将在电视上播出 周六 夜晚. 主赛事的美妙之处在于它是一个非常, 很长一段时间以来,两位精英战士已经开始了他们的按次付费首秀. 感谢 Andre 和 Sergey 齐心协力,让这成为一个重要的事件. 所有的元素都在那里,它是一场大战. 多年来,两位拳手都运用了他们的技能,与所有阻碍他们的人作战. 胜利, 他们的不败, 世界上所有的骄傲, 他知道他会点燃我内心的火焰,以通过奉献和决心克服我缺乏天生的能力。这只是他众多激励方法中的一种。正如他常说的, 结果有疑问. 你们之间关于谁将赢得这场战斗的意见相当不同, 这就是按次付费的卖点. 对于那些没有看过 HBO 为展示战斗和战士而制作的视频片段的人, 我会鼓励你去 HBO On Demand, HBO GO 或 HBO.com 并查看这些节目. 它们是挑衅性的娱乐,我认为它们会让你们都做好准备 星期六 夜晚. 这个月在十一月, 有几个备受瞩目的按次付费节目, 我要感谢有线电视的经销商, 卫星, 电信端, 谁推广了这个按次计费的节目,让我们在市场上占有一席之地,并在所有其他事情上真正给予它应得的. 我们有一个很棒的广播团队 周六 夜晚, 电视转播开始于 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 按次付费的建议零售价非常有吸引力 $54.95, 我们期待在那里见到你。”


科瓦廖夫 VS. 病房 “英镑英镑”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, 怪物产品, 捷通, Zappos的, 乔丹品牌和鞋宫. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.