标记档案: 沃德

纳博次中量级冠军莫里斯·胡克 & 两届奥运会金牌得主 CLARESSA 向媒体提供锻炼报价和照片


KOVALEV-WARD “一磅换一磅” 设置为 星期六, 十一月 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-MOBILE ARENA, 内华达州

点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: ROC国家体育/汤姆·霍根 – Hoganphotos

拉斯维加斯, NV (十一月 15, 2016) – NABO 青少年次中量级冠军 莫里斯“强大的莫”胡克(21-0-2, 16 科斯) 和两届奥运会金牌得主 克拉丽莎“霸王龙”盾牌 在拉斯维加斯参加了媒体锻炼, 周一 NV, 十一月. 14, 在他们在 Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” 上的低调出场之前 星期六, 十一月. 19 在 T-Mobile 竞技场.


希尔兹, 谁将在与美国对手弗朗雄克鲁斯的比赛中首次亮相, 将在 freeview 电视节目中播出 7:00 P.M. AND/4:00 P.M. 官方电视转播前在按次付费活动频道上的 PT, 并通过 HBO Boxing 的 YouTube 频道直播.


妓女, 谁将在老将达利斯佩雷斯的比赛中捍卫他的 NABO 冠军头衔 (33-2-1, 21 科斯), 将在 HBO Pay-Per-View® 的主要活动开始前的电视转播底卡中出现 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


两名战士都展示了手套工作, 沉重的包, 出席媒体的速度包和太极拳. 以下是新星在媒体锻炼期间所说的话:


莫里斯·胡克(Maurice Hooker), NABO 青少年次中量级冠军:

“Kovalev-Ward 是一个特殊的事件. 我会做我最擅长的事情,并希望, 偷走人群. 人群会爱我……他们喜欢淘汰赛, 这就是我准备给他们的.


“亚伦·普赖尔是最好的之一. 他带来了很多淘汰赛. 他是一个伟大的战士,很多人都躲过了. 喜欢他, 我要与躲避我的人打架. 他们害怕是因为他们不知道我能做什么. 这场战斗意味着很多……一个向他们展示我是谁的机会. 我会像‘鹰’一样带来淘汰赛。”


“我想保持忙碌. 我想与 Ricky Burns 和 Eduard Troyanovsky 战斗并赢得他们的腰带. 向我的大哥特伦斯克劳福德大喊. 他在做他的事. 希望, 他和帕奎奥吵架了, 向上移动,让我接管.


“我的预测 星期六 是淘汰赛. 我爱击倒. 我总是去淘汰赛. 我挥出的每一拳, 即使是刺戳, 我要试着砍掉达利斯佩雷斯的脑袋。”


Claressa盾, 两届奥运会金牌得主:

“我将在营地待七周. 我很兴奋. 我已准备好承担成为职业拳手的新任务,并最终, 赢得腰带.

“当决定去职业, 我想到了我的遗产——我不想消失四年, 并赢得另一枚金牌,但让人们不知道我的名字或我的长相或我的拳击方式.

“期待看到一场非常精彩的战斗, 我的一场非常熟练的战斗, 这个星期六. 世界将看到前所未有的拳击水平. 我是一个聪明的战士. 我是一个有趣的斗士. 我把所有东西都扔得很好并且有很好的组合.

“Franchon Crews 和我曾在大型锦标赛中进行过拳击和拳击比赛. 她已经做好了充分的准备,我一直在为 KO 进行训练. 在业余爱好者, 我的整体记录是 77-1 但我从来没有击倒过任何人. 现在, 我们有更小的手套, 没有头饰,我比以往任何时候都更强壮. 这是一种不同的职业首秀. 这实际上应该是我和 Franchon Crews 之间的世界冠军争夺战,但不知何故, 她把它当作职业处子秀.

“我爱拳击. 这就是我投入时间和身体的原因. 期待在所有格斗迷面前战斗. 我有朋友, 家庭, 来自各地的粉丝飞到维加斯只是为了看我战斗, 所以希望我能在主要赛事之前收拾好房子。”


关注莫里斯“Mighty Mo”胡克 在推特上@mightymohooker, Instagram @mauricemightymohooker 和 Facebook: www.facebook.com/mauricemightymohooker/.


关注克拉丽莎·希尔兹 在推特上@ClaressaShields, Instagram @ClaressaShields, 和脸书:www.facebook.com/claressa.shields.7.


科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, Zappos 和 JetLux. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 / 科瓦尔博克
www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 / ME拳击系列
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNation / ROC国家 / ROC国家
www.insidehboboxing.com HBOboxing HBOboxing / HBO拳击 / HBO体育
www.mgmgrand.com @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /美爵大酒店  
www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  


不败的前景桑尼弗雷德里克森 & Tyler McCreary 添加到 Kovalev-Ward Undercard

托莱多, 俄亥俄 (十一月 14, 2016) – 不败战士超轻量级 桑尼 “漂亮的博伊” 弗雷德里克森 (14-0, 9 KO的) 和轻量级 泰勒 “金童” 麦克里 (11-0, 6 KO的) 将看到行动 十一月 19, 作为备受期待的轻重量级统一对决的一部分,谢尔盖·科瓦列夫和安德烈·沃德在 T-Mobile 竞技场拉斯维加斯, 内华达.

弗雷德里克森和麦克里里, 托莱多本地人, 俄亥俄, 两人都将在迄今为止最大的舞台上表演. 两人将在 Kovalev-Ward freeview 电视转播中出现,该转播始于 7:00 P.M. AND/4:00 P.M. 官方电视转播前在按次付费活动频道上的 PT, 并被宣布电缆, 卫星, 和电信频道. 免费观看也将通过 HBO Boxing 的 YouTube 频道的直播提供.

弗雷德里克森将与加布里埃尔杜鲁克战斗 (11-1, 2 KO的) 而麦克里将与文森特詹宁斯战斗 (5-2-1, 4 KO的).

“我很高兴我的战斗将作为 freeview 电视转播的一部分提供给粉丝,” 弗雷德里克森说. “我一直在使用以前的 Andre Ward 卡, 但这一场将特别有意义,因为这也是我在拉斯维加斯的第一场比赛。”

弗雷德里克森, 谁希望在一大群人和拥挤的媒体队伍面前发表重要声明, 还添加了, “我以前在很多人面前战斗过,希望, 这导致了电视争吵和巨大的机会. 我要感谢我的发起人 Roc Nation Sports 让我有机会在这个不可思议的舞台上大放异彩, 我在胜利体育的团队 & 娱乐,也感谢安德烈·沃德的所有帮助和指导. 这对我和在 2017, 我希望在排名中上升,并将我的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平。”

麦克里, 谁也渴望机会, 声明, “这对我来说是一个很大的机会,我想感谢我的团队和我的发起人 Roc Nation Sports. 我一直在刻苦训练,很高兴能在这个大舞台上展示我的技能. 我已经准备好向所有人展示我可以应对这个场合. 与安德烈·沃德(Andre Ward)的底牌战斗对我来说也很令人兴奋. 自从我们去年在 Cotto-Canelo 战斗中认识以来,他和我已经成为朋友, 他已经成为我的导师, 所以我非常感谢能出现在这张战斗卡上。”

“我们很高兴让 Sonny Frederickson 和 Tyler McCreary 继续战斗, 可以说, 年度最大牌,” 里克托雷斯说, 胜利体育总裁 & 娱乐. “我们知道 Kovalev-Ward 的战斗将产生一场伟大的战斗,并期待我们的两支年轻枪手在晚上早些时候开始燃放烟花. 两人都为此进行了非常刻苦的训练,并期待在职业生涯的下一步中进行伟大的战斗. 家里的粉丝, 尤其是托莱多的那些, 早点收听的人可以在 freeview 电视广播中看到两者. 如果没有 Roc Nation Sports,这一切都是不可能实现的,我们非常感谢他们对 Sonny Frederickson 和 Tyler McCreary 所表现出的承诺和信心。”

关于胜利体育 & 娱乐
公司成立于 2013 作者:总裁 Rick Torres 和首席运营官 Michael Leanardi, 体育胜利 & Entertainment 是一家运动员管理公司,在纽约和拉斯维加斯设有办事处.



点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: 史黛西·维贝克

拉斯维加斯, 内华达 – NABO 青少年次中量级冠军 莫里斯“强大的莫”胡克 (21-0-2, 16 科斯) 达拉斯, 得克萨斯州, took “training camp” on the road in prep of a ten-round title defense against former world titlist Darleys佩雷斯 (33-2-1, 21 科斯). Hooker-Perez is set as the lead-up undercard fight to the main event on HBO Pay-Per-View’s Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” on 星期六, 十一月. 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达, 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


Beginning with pre-training camp at his home gym, Maple Avenue Boxing Gym in Dallas, TX, Mighty Mo’s stops on the road included Maple Avenue’s West San Diego facility, the Institute for Human Kinetics in Southern California, as well as the Salas Boxing Academy and Johnny Tocco’s Ringside Gym in Las Vegas. In addition to training at some of boxing’s most renowned gyms, the Roc Nation Sports boxing sparkplug has also sparred with rising talents 德文 - 哈尼, 托马斯·希尔, Nick Frese, Marco Hall and WBO/WBC Super Lightweight Champion 特伦斯·克劳福德.


Before heading into fight week, Hooker will co-host a media workout with Two-Time Olympic Gold MedalistClaressa盾, who will be making her professional debut on the Kovalev-Ward fight card. The media workout will take place at 12:00 P.M. PT at Never Quit Boxing Gym – 2975 South Rainbow Blvd, 拉斯维加斯, NV.


“It’s been a privilege to train at some of the best facilities and with some of boxing’s brightest and upcoming talents,” said Hooker. “I’m always about improving myself so that fans get the best from me when I show up in the ring. I’m fighting in Vegas and HBO Pay-Per-View for the first time and carrying a lot of pride for Dallas and the whole state of Texas.”


“Maurice Hooker is very excited to be making his Las Vegas debut on the Kovalev-Ward fight card and is particularly looking forward to representing Dallas, Texas as the first of its native boxers to be featured on a HBO Pay-Per-View show,” said trainer Vince Parra. “There is a group of very talented fighters where Mo is from and he is about to elevate them on the map. He’s dynamic, he’s exciting and he’s someone to watch.”


关注莫里斯“Mighty Mo”胡克 在推特上@mightymohooker, Instagram @mauricemightymohooker 和 Facebook: www.facebook.com/mauricemightymohooker/.


科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, 怪物产品, JetLux and Zappos. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 /ME拳击系列
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNation /洛克国家 /洛克国家
www.insidehboboxing.com HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBO拳击 /HBO体育
www.mgmgrand.com @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /美爵大酒店  
www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  




拉斯维加斯, NV (十一月 10, 2016) – In the lead up to Sergey Kovalev vs. 沃德 “英镑英镑”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight title on 十一月 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, the undercard will round out a 10-bout card filled with some of the best young boxing prospects.


Opening the card will be middleweight Meiirim “Sultan” Nursultanov of Merki, 哈萨克斯坦, 首次职业亮相. Nursultanov, now residing in Oxnard, 例如, is managed by Egis Klimas, and recently signed by Main Events. He will be taking on 亨利·贝克福德 (4-5, 1 KO) of Hempstead, 纽约, 在六轮的较量.

巴赫拉姆·穆尔塔扎列夫 (6-0, 4 KO的) 格罗兹尼, Russia and close friend of Kovalev is coming off a second round knockout over Magomedkamil Musaev. He will be featured in an eight-round middleweight bout against Botirsher奥比多夫 (6-0-1, 2 KO的) of Anijan, 乌兹别克斯坦. This will be his first fight outside of his homeland of Russia.

Opening up the freeview telecast, 在开始 7:00 P.M. AND/4:00 P.M. 官方电视转播前在按次付费活动频道上的 PT, will be an eight-round junior welterweight bout featuring the undefeated Sonny “Pretty Boi” Fredrickson (14-0, 9KO的) 托莱多, OH, who is coming off of an a slugfest with Puerto Rican veteran Ramesis Gil. Fredrickson will take on 加布里埃尔·德卢克 (11-1, 2 KO的) 波士顿, 嘛, 在八轮对决中.

免费观看也可通过 HBO Boxing 的 YouTube 频道进行直播.

Another Toledo native, Tyler “Golden Child” McCreary (11-0, 6 KO的), who is coming off a unanimous decision win, 将与 Vincent “Pooh Bear” Jennings (5-2-1, 4 KO的), 大急流城, MY, in an eight-round featherweight bout. Jennings is determined to get his record back on track, but he will face his toughest test to date in McCreary.

In the spotlight fight on the freeview telecast, 两届奥运会金牌得主 (2012, 2016) 克拉丽莎“霸王龙”盾牌 弗林特, MY, will make her pro debut. Shields is set to face decorated fellow American Franchon “The Heavy Hitting Diva” Crews 在四回合中量级回合, with each round timed at two-minutes. This will not be the first time the two have faced off. In their first matchup, Shields upset Crews, the top-ranked American women middleweight, 在此期间 2012 奥运选拔赛, 第一U.S. team trials for women’s boxing. Crews will also be making her pro debut.

Just before going live on HBO Pay-Per-View, there will be a four-round heavyweight bout featuring undefeated prospect Darmani “Rock Solid” Rock (5-0, 4 KO的) of the fighting city of Philadelphia. Rock recently scored a technical knockout victory in the third round on Oct. 22 and is wasting no time getting back into the ring. Facing off with Rock will be Brice Ritani-Coe (4-4-1, 3 KO的). The Vegas resident, originally of San Pedro, 例如, will be on the hunt for his fourth knockout.

科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, 怪物产品, JetLux and Zappos. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.

Fans can catch the freeview telecast beginning at 7:00 P.M. AND/4:00 P.M. 官方电视转播前在按次付费活动频道上的 PT, 并被宣布电缆, 卫星, 和电信频道. 免费观看也可通过 HBO Boxing 的 YouTube 频道进行直播.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 /ME拳击系列
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNation /洛克国家 /洛克国家
www.insidehboboxing.com HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBO拳击 /HBO体育
www.mgmgrand.com @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /美爵大酒店  
www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  


Kevin Durant Visits Andre Ward’s Training Camp Ahead of Fight

Taking advantage of Golden State Warriors’ home stretch, NBA All-Star Kevin Durant visited fellow Roc Nation Sports athlete 沃德 at his training camp 周三, as he prepares for upcoming fight of the year, 谢尔盖·科瓦列夫 VS. Andre Ward “Pound For Pound” on 十一月. 19 在 T-Mobile 竞技场, distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View.


The Two-Time World Champion was seen courtside at Oracle Arena on Nov. 3, cheering on his hometown Warriors and friends, in a much anticipated matchup against 2015 postseason rivals, the Oklahoma City Thunder.

For High Resolution Photos, courtesy of Khristopher Sandifer/Roc Nation Sports: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pac46uzgz0l5e8m/AACshFXmrGqMlsSihLbI6g7Sa?dl=0

科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, 怪物产品, JetLux and Zappos. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话.

Claressa Shields Announces Opponent for Kovalev-Ward

两届奥运会金牌得主 Claressa盾 took to social media today to announce the opponent for her much anticipated pro debut on the lead-off freeview telecast of Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” on 星期六, 十一月. 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达. Shields is set to face decorated fellow American Franchon克鲁斯 在四回合中量级回合, with each round timed at two-minutes. This will not be the first time the two have faced off. In their first matchup Shields, then a 16 岁, upset Crews, the top-ranked American women middleweight, 在此期间 2012 奥运选拔赛, 第一U.S. team trials for women’s boxing. Crews will also be making her professional debut.


Fans can catch the freeview telecast which includes the live Shields vs. Crews bout, 在开始 7:00 P.M. AND/4:00 P.M. 官方电视转播前在按次付费活动频道上的 PT, 并被宣布电缆, 卫星, 和电信频道. 免费观看也将通过 HBO Boxing 的 YouTube 频道的直播提供. 门票 十一月. 19 are available at AXS.com and the T-Mobile Arena Box Office.


Claressa Shields Twitter: https://twitter.com/Claressashields/status/794192939647844353

Roc Nation Twitter: https://twitter.com/RocNation/status/794193211556294656


Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev Media Workout Quotes & 照片


信贷: Craig Bennett/Main Events

Click Here for PhotosCredit Craig Bennett/Main Events

奥克斯纳德, 加利福尼亚州: 昨天, WBO, WBA和IBF轻重量级世界冠军 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-0-1, 26 科斯) held an open workout for members of the media in advance of his upcoming “Pound For Pound” showdown on 十一月 19 against Andre “S.O.G.” Ward (30-0, 15 科斯) at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and distribute live by HBO Pay-Per-View. Also in attendance were Curtis “The Cerebral Assassin” Stevens (28-5, 21 科斯) who will take on James “The King” De La Rosa (23-4, 13 科斯) for the WBA Continental Americas Middleweight Title and Oleksandr “The Nail” Gvozdyk (11-0, 9 科斯) who will face Isaac “Golden Boy” Chilemba (24-4-2, 10 科斯) for the NABF Light Heavyweight Title on the Kovalev-Ward HBO Pay-Per-View telecast.


WBO, WBA, and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion

科瓦廖夫: “I’m excited and everything is going good. I’m waiting for this day, 十一月 19, and I am ready to fight.”


SK: “I don’t have anything personal about him (病房). I should to win this fight, I only have to prove (到) myself who I am. I am fighting for me first of all, and after this really for boxing fans. This is my boxing career since 11 years old and right now Andre Ward (是) in my way. And he wants to get my titles but I’m still alive.”


SK: “I don’t have any plans for each fight, just get into the ring and do my job. I must be ready for everything what he (病房) will bring.”


SK: “I got some experience from my fight against Bernard Hopkins. He showed that never give up. That you should to fight all 12 rounds and hope for your win.”


题: Do you expect Andre Ward will hold you and use his head?

SK: “Yes I think he will use it and I am ready for this too. It will be wrestling and not fight [笑].”


SK: “I think he (病房) will look much better in my fight 十一月 19 because he long time didn’t fight, couple years he had a rest and Sullivan Barrera was first fight when he returned. And with Alexander Brand he was better than against Sullivan Barrera. I accept that he’s going to look much better 十一月 19. In best shape.”


SK: “John (David Jackson) just gives me freedom to do what I want, what I would like to do. 你知道, just like adjust some things and advice between rounds about technique. Working a lot with mitts. I like work with him and feel comfortable.”


SK: “I don’t think that Andre Ward (将) let me use a lot of body shots because he has great legs and a lot of movements. You know he’s very smart. And I think first part of this fight is going to be a lot mentally, but I should prove that I’m Krusher and that I’m going to do my job. He’s going to do his job, me to do my job.”


SK: “I think my last fight against Chilemba, it was like a similar fight you know, because Chilemba’s a little bit style as Andre Ward. But Andre Ward is Andre Ward, a little bit different and stronger, 聪明, undefeated and more motivated than Chilemba. I’m interested what he will bring 十一月 19 to the ring.”


SK: “We agreed two fights before our fight. I was ready last year to fight, but Andre wasn’t ready to fight without two fights at light heavyweight. We sign agreement that two more fights and then let’s fight in 2016.”


SK: “I work out morning time. After this some massage therapy, some treatments, after this some rest, little bit nap, cook the food, take a rest and go again to work out. Today two work outs, this was just the first. My plan was a little broke today because usually my first workout is morning time, but right now already almost 3下午. My interview is a workout [笑].

Curtis “The Cerebral Assassin” Stevens

WBA Continental Americas Middleweight Champion

题: Do you want David Lemieux and the rematches?

史蒂文斯: “We all know I want David Lemieux. 现在的问题是, is he willing to fight me? Who else? Tureano约翰逊, he was winning the fight, but the fight wasn’t over until the final bell rung, and he got knocked out. Some people say it was a premature stoppage, but me, the ref say, you know… I want to be world champion. That was one of my goals, to become a world champion and become a unified world champion.”

Q: How do you feel about being part of this big card?

CS: “感觉太棒了. Second big card of the year. The first one was Canelo–Khan and now Kovalev–Ward. Opened up the first one and now I’ll open up the second one. 这是一种很棒的感觉, 伟大. 我非常荣幸. It’s a pleasure.”


Q: What are your thoughts on De La Rosa?

CS: “A fight is a fight. You can call it a stay busy fight, you can call it a real, well it’s a real fight in general, but you can call it what you want to call it. A fight is a fight at the end of the day.”


CS: “I’m a different type of breed. I come from Brownsville. I’m just a different type of guy. What people fail to realize is that some people wasn’t raised how I was raised. 你知道? I’m from an era where you sign up in the US Championships, the National Golden Gloves, you couldn’t pick who you wanted to fight. This isn’t a show fight; this is a tournament. First day you got your Andre Ward, you got Gennady Golovkin, you got your David Lemieux’s. I mean the first day! No finals, no nothing. I fought Ward three times, he gave me my first loss ever. Then the second time I fought him, it was a US Championship semi-finals, then the third one was the US Championship semi-finals again. You don’t know where you’re going to meet these guys at.”


CS: “I will always be the chin checkers, 我就是做这个的, I check in and I check out, I will always be that. I got rid of Showtime. Showtime’s a thing of the past, that’s when I was with my old team. I’m with JDJ now, I’m the Cerebral Assassin, I got to run this tight ship wisely, instead of recklessly. Wisely, get it?”


CS: “John (David Jackson) makes me more relaxed, 你知道? Let my hands go a little more. Tells me l’m powerful in both hands, so don’t just look to go in there and knock them out.”

Oleksandr “The Nail” Gvozdyk

NABF Light Heavyweight Champion

格沃兹德克: When I first started boxing it was for getting stronger. Then I liked it and it became a hobby. Now boxing is everything. It is my life. It is my job. It is my hobby.

题: A lot of people don’t know you yet. What would you like them to know about yourself?

OG: I would like to become popular in the ring. I do my best and they supposed to watch it. I hope they’re going to like me.

OG: My nickname is “The Nail” and that is just a translation of my last name. I have had this nickname since I was ten years old so I am used to that. When I came here everyone started to call me that.

Q: Talk to us about your opponent.

OG: Chilemba is a very strong fighter. Very smart. He is skilled. He has good defense. It is not going to be easy. I am happy with my preparation so far and I am expecting a good fight.

Q: Talk about the transition you made from amateur to pro.

OG: Whether it is amateur or pro boxing, it is still boxing. You just have to get used to some different timing. You have to learn to distribute your power for ten or more rounds. You have to get more power in the pros but basically it is the same.

Q: Talk about your preparation for the fight and the dedication it takes in the gym every day to prepare to one day get to the level of Sergey Kovalev and Andre Ward.

OG: I think that if you want to be champion you have to train hard. You are supposed to do your best and train as hard as possible. 如果你想成为最好的, you have to fight the best and you have to train with the best. That is what I try to do. Now Sergey and Ward have both proved that they are the best fighters and now they get to find out who is Pound For Pound #1. I watch them and I try to do the same steps to be like them.

Q: Who do you think wins Kovalev-Ward?

OG: I think Kovalev wins. I know it is like 50-50 fight and it is a very interesting fight for me. It is a fight between intelligence and power.

科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, Zappos的, JetLux and Monster Products. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 /ME拳击系列
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www.mgmgrand.com @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /美爵大酒店  
www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena





设置为 星期六, 十一月 19

在拉斯维加斯的 T-MOBILE ARENA, 内华达州


点击 这里 for Photos

图片来源: Khristopher Sandifer/Roc Nation Sports

奥克兰, 例如 (十一月 1, 2016) – On Monday, 十月 31, 2016, 两次世界冠军 安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 (30-0, 15 科斯) participated in a media workout in Hayward, California ahead of his pound-for-pound showdown against WBO, WBA and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 科斯). Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” takes place 星期六, 十一月. 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达. 本次活动将生产和HBO付费按次开始在现场分发 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


Ward put on a full workout session for the media in attendance, consisting of a series of shadow boxing, 沉重的包, double end bag, speed bag and then stretching. Also on hand were youths from Camp Sweeney, Alameda County Probation Department’s residential facility in San Leandro, whom Ward spent time speaking with following the workout.


Below is what Ward had to say during the media workout:


沃德, 两次世界冠军:


“I feel that this fight with Kovalev is 50-50. That’s how I approach all of my big fights. I don’t go into the fight thinking, ‘I’ve got a clear-cut advantage here’ or ‘I’ve got to run through this guy.’ Personally, 对我来说, I can’t roll like that. I’ve got to keep myself honest, stay on my grind, keep my head down and force myself to keep working. I truly believe Kovalev is everything they say he is, and I’m everything that I’ve shown over the years.


“There are always different game plans, nuances, different things you’re working on but I respect every fight that I fight. I don’t get caught up in the whole puncher thing, anybody can get you out of there if you get hit right. I don’t think I’d be sitting here in this position right now if I hadn’t had these highs and lows. We’ve got to find a way to get it done, and we’re going to find a way to get it done. I don’t care what he’s got in his gloves, who he’s knocked out or what he’s done. My job is to get my hand raised, and that’s what we’re focused on.


“I have days where I do some type of cardio in the morning – sprints, distant running – then go back to training camp to get some rest and eat. Then we come to the gym and spar and hit the heavy bag. It’s a monotonous process when you’re in training camp, and that’s pretty much every day. Of course we take days off to rest the body and be smart, but it’s really the same thing every day. As you get closer, you start to pull back a little bit so you don’t over train. That’s normally the week of the fight, so up until the 星期六 前打, you’re full steam ahead. 100 miles an hour.


“Typically, Virgil and I will go through our process together. He watches a lot more film than I do. He’s up until 3:00 A.M.4:00 A.M. watching film. As I’ve gotten older, I watch less film. I don’t need to see 10 fights to see tendencies and certain things. I know what I need to see. I may go back and watch a round here and there, but I try and leave room for my instincts. I’m very instinctual. You’ve got to be able to think on the fly thinking on the highest level. I leave room for that. It’s not a checklist you go down. You can’t get into a ring thinking like that. I just believe that who I am and what I have is enough, and that’s what I’m standing on.


“Having young guys like Shakur Stevenson around, it starts to make me feel old because I used to be that guy at Roy Jones’s camp, Floyd Mayweather’s camp, hanging around Bernard Hopkins. You see yourself in them. It’s a little weird, because you’re like, ‘man, now I’m the OG.’ But it’s also a beautiful thing because we need more of that. We need champions and top contenders and just fighters in general to open up the door and allow the young guys on the way to be shown how it’s done.


“I’m honored for Claressa Shields to say that I am her idol. I admire her story, what she’s come from, and think that she’s amazing in the ring. She’s the real deal. I watch her, I pick up things from her. For her to have two Gold medals is amazing. For her to make her pro debut on this fight card is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I think it’s a perfect situation.


“It’s a beautiful thing to be fighting in Vegas. 我很兴奋. What better time than now in this stage in my career. I’m just excited to continue to prepare so I can do my part to give the fans their money’s worth, those that pay to be there and those paying to watch it. 这就是我专注于, and I’m extremely happy to be a part of it. T-Mobile is a new arena, and a new chapter, and to be a part of it is a beautiful thing.”



科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, 奖金皇冠, Zappos 和 JetLux. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 门票可在 axs.com 和 T-Mobile Arena 票房.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话. 跟着我们:


www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 /ME拳击系列
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNation /洛克国家 /洛克国家
www.insidehboboxing.com HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBO拳击 /HBO体育
www.mgmgrand.com @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /美爵大酒店  
www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  




星期六, 十一月 19

在拉斯维加斯的 T-MOBILE ARENA, 内华达州

LAS VEGAS, 内华达州 (十月 25, 2016) - Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist and the Women’s Sports Foundation’s Sportswoman of the Year Claressa Shields will be making her much anticipated professional debut during the lead-off freeview telecast of Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” on 星期六, 十一月. 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达. Shields is set to face an opponent to be announced in a four-round middleweight bout, with each round timed at two-minutes. The pay-per-view telecast will be produced and distributed live on HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. The freeview telecast which includes the live Claressa Shields bout will begin at 7:00 P.M. AND/4:00 P.M. PT and will be available on cable, 卫星, 和电信频道.


作为一个业余爱好者, Shields achieved unprecedented Olympic success as an American athlete. She is the only boxer in U.S. 历史, 男女不限, to successfully defend a title, winning back-to-back Gold medals at the 2012 London and 2016 Rio games. The 21-year-old Flint, Michigan native and four-time USA National Champion has merited accolades at every level of international competition, earning Gold medals in the Pan American Games, two World Championships and two-time AIBA Female Boxer of the Year honors. The pride of a nation, Shields looks to break boxing’s glass ceiling and engage a new generation of fight fans with her move into the professional ranks.


“After working hard for so many years and having the honor to represent my country at two Olympic games, I am thrilled to take the next big step in my career, fighting professionally and leading the rise of women’s boxing worldwide,”希尔兹说. “There is no better place to begin the journey than to join the biggest fight of the year, Kovalev vs Ward, and to fight alongside my idol and fellow U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Andre Ward. I can’t wait to entertain the fans onNov.19!”


“Claressa Shields is a uniquely talented and special young woman. 在刚 21 岁, she is a once-in-a-lifetime type athlete whose talent inside the ring and charisma outside of it gives her the potential to be a trailblazer for women’s boxing and for all of boxing for years to come,” said Mark Taffet and Jamie Fritz, co-managers of Claressa Shields. “We are proud to be part of Claressa Shields’s team and are thrilled she will be part of the year’s marquee event, Kovalev vs Ward, 上 十一月. 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.”


“Claressa Shields is about to take the boxing world by storm and we are honored to host her professional debut as part of an already loaded fight card on 十一月. 19,” 中华民国总统说道 & 品牌与战略主管 Michael R. Yormark. “Claressa’s unique blend of talent, style and charisma make the two-time Olympian a rising force to be reckoned with in the boxing world and beyond.


Claressa盾 is a talented 21-year-old boxer from Flint, 密歇根. Inspired by former boxing star Laila Ali, Shields developed a passion for the sport and began boxing at the age of 11. It was soon after beginning her journey she realized her family was apprehensive towards the contact sports. After weeks of family discussions, Shields was granted her family’s permission to pursue her passion – a decision they will likely never regret.


Shields burst onto the boxing scene, developing a name for herself as one of the most talented female boxers in the country. Her reputation continued to build through her middle and high school years leading her to become the first ever U.S. women’s boxer to qualify for the 2012 伦敦奥运会. To Shields, simply earning an invitation to the Olympics was not enough, she wanted to make a lasting impact for her country. After three exciting fights, Shields was rewarded her first Gold medal in the 165-pound weight class, and became the first American woman to win a Gold medal in boxing.


Shields was named the 2014 AIBA Female Boxer of the Year, 2014 USA Boxing National Champion, 2015 Pan American Games Gold Medalist in the light heavyweight division, and two-time World Champion in the women’s middleweight division. Chasing greatness, she became the first U.S. boxer to successfully defend an Olympic title as she earned a second Gold medal at the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro. Concluding an unparalleled amateur legacy, Shields announced that she would be making her professional debut on the freeview broadcast of the year’s biggest boxing matchup, Kovalev-Ward at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on 十一月. 19, 2016.


As a proud Flint, 密歇根州的, Shields is constantly looking for ways to shine a positive light on her hometown. She understands the importance of being a role model to youth in her community and has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support she has received since returning from Rio with another Gold medal. Following her first Gold medal summer, Shields became the first in her family to graduate from high school and is enrolled in online college classes to pursue her academic goals and competitive aspirations simultaneously.


Follow Claressa Shields on Twitter @ClaressaShields, Instagram @ClaressaShields, 和脸书: www.facebook.com/claressa.shields.7


科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA Light Heavyweight World Titles, 发生 星期六, 十一月. 19, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达州. The event will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.

“Pound for Pound” 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by MGM Grand Hotel & 赌场, Rosneft and Corona Extra. Tickets are on sale now at AXS.com and the T-Mobile Arena Box Office.

使用#KovalevWard 关注对话.



www.kovalboxer.com @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克
www.andresogward.com @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德  
www.mainevents.com @主要活动 @主要活动 /MainEventsBoxiNg /ME拳击系列
www.throneboxing.com @RocNation @RocNation /洛克国家 /洛克国家
www.insidehboboxing.com HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBO拳击 /HBO体育
www.mgmgrand.com @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /美爵大酒店  
www.t-mobilearena.com @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  




在拉斯维加斯的 T-MOBILE ARENA, 内华达州

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播

LAS VEGAS, 内华达州 (十月 14, 2016) - Rising Dallas, Texas boxing star and NABO Junior Welterweight Champion 莫里斯“强大的莫”胡克 (21-0-2, 16 科斯) will defend his NABA junior welterweight title against Darleys佩雷斯 (33-2-1, 21 科斯) in a ten-round bout on the televised undercard of Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” on 星期六, 十一月. 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场, 内华达. The event will be produced and distributed live on HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


在他最后一次出现在 八月 6, Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker captivated the crowd at Oracle Arena as the co-feature of Andre Ward vs. 亚历山大品牌. Hooker wasted no time outperforming Washington D.C.’s Tyrone Barnett, landing a flurry of punches before scoring a technical knockout at the 2:17 mark of the opening round to retain his NABO junior welterweight title. Hooker looks ahead to his next challenge, former WBA World Lightweight Champion Darleys Perez. Perez is coming off a 五月 20 knockout victory over fellow Colombian Ubadel Soto, an impressive bounce back following a tough title defense loss to Anthony Crolla, the previous year. The veteran fighter, who resides and trains full-time in the U.S., will step up a weight class to meet Hooker.


“I want to thank my team at Maple Avenue Boxing Gym, Roc Nation Sports and HBO for giving me the opportunity to show the world a ‘Mighty Mo’ performance on the undercard of the ‘Fight of the Year’,” said Hooker. “For my part, I promise to put on a show for the fans in Las Vegas and the Pay-Per-View audience at home. No one punches like me. It’s going to be lights out.”

Hooker added, “I will be dedicating this fight to Aaron Pyror, who passed away, earlier this week. I can’t think of a better way to honor ‘The Hawk’s’ legacy than with a big win. I look to be a world-class junior welterweight champion like him.”


“This is my chance get back into the limelight. I have fought all over the world and facing Maurice Hooker in Las Vegas on 十一月 19 is perhaps my last chance to show that I have a lot left inside the ring and I plan to take full advantage of it because losing is not an option,” said Perez. “I will move up to the 140-pound division and I will be ready to challenge this young lion who has never fought a guy like me before. There will be fireworks in Las Vegas and I plan to go home a winner.”


“Not only is Kovalev-Ward the most anticipated fight in recent boxing history, with the addition of Hooker-Perez to the televised undercard – 十一月. 19 is an evening that international sports fans simply cannot afford to miss,” 中华民国总统说道 & 品牌与战略主管 Michael R. Yormark. “From our very first day in boxing, Roc Nation Sports has committed to making great fights and creating scintillating global events, and we are thrilled to work with Main Events to add this incredible matchup to the undercard, as ‘Mighty MoHooker puts his undefeated record on the line against the very talented Colombian Darleys Perez.”


HBO is the pinnacle of pugilistic entertainment. We are very proud to have Maurice Hooker make both his Las Vegas and HBO Pay-Per-View debut on 十一月 19,” said Arnie Verbeek, Hooker’s manager. “We have worked extremely hard to get to this point in his career and are thankful to Roc Nation Sports for believing in Maurice Hooker’s talent.”


莫里斯“强大的莫”胡克 (21-0-2, 16 科斯) was born and raised in Oak Cliff, 得克萨斯州, where he found a boxing home at Maple Avenue Boxing Gym by way of an outreach program for at-risk youths. 他的天赋很快就被注意到,导致他作为业余选手参加比赛, 期间他参加了超过 100 打架, 编制记录 97 wins and only seven losses, 同 67 通过淘汰赛方式取得胜利. 胡克于四月转为职业球员 29, 2011, taking on the vastly more experienced Tyrone Chatman at the Orpheum Theater in St. 圣路易斯. 四轮之后, 法官们目睹了这场战斗 40-36, 37-39 和 38-38, calling the fight a split draw. 未受阻的, 在六月的下一场比赛中 24, 2014, 胡克取得职业生涯第一场胜利, knocking out Wilbert Mitchell in the first round. 十一胜 (淘汰赛八强) 后来, he took on undefeated Abel Ramos on January 17, 2014 在孟菲斯库克会议中心 ShoBox 上专题报道的一场比赛. 八点结束后, 艰苦的回合, 评委们认为这场比赛是平局. Four consecutive knockout victories would follow before he took on fellow undefeated prospect Eduardo Galindo on June 26, 2015 at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas for the vacant NABO junior welterweight title. “Mighty Mo”并没有让他的家乡球迷失望,他们看到他以第六轮技术淘汰赛的胜利夺得了冠军. 在十月 17, 2015, Hooker successfully defended his title at Madison Square Garden in New York City against his toughest opponent to date in Ghislain Maduma. The 10-round decision win came on the undercard of Gennady Golovkin vs. David Lemieux and was featured on the event’s “freeview” as well as streamed online around the world. “Mighty Mo” made his debut under the Roc Nation Sports banner on the undercard of Andre Ward vs. 沙利文巴雷拉, this past March at Oracle Arena in Oakland, 加利福尼亚州, where he annihilated opponent Wilfrido “La Roca” Buelvas of Columbia in the first round of a 10-round junior welterweight bout by way of technical knockout. Hooker returned to Oracle Arena on 八月 6 as the co-feature on the Ward-Brand undercard, defeating Tyrone Barnett of Washington, 哥伦比亚特区, to remain the NABO Junior Welterweight Champion. Hooker is ready to step up to the challenge on 十一月 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas when he faces former WBA World Lightweight Champion Darleys Perez.


Follow Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker on Twitter @mightmohooker, Instagram @mauricemightymohooker 和 Facebook: www.facebook.com/mauricemightymohooker/.


Darleys佩雷斯 (33-2-1, 21 科斯) is a celebrated Colombian boxer hailing from San Pedro de Uraba. 作为一个业余爱好者, 以创纪录 82 胜 7 损失, he captured the lightweight boxing gold medal at the 2006 South American games in Buenos Aries, 阿根廷, and was a contender at the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, 中国. Perez made his professional debut on February 14, 2009, by way of knockout over fellow countryman Edwin Ortiz. 27 consecutive victories followed, earning Perez a shot at the interim WBA World lightweight title against undefeated Yuriorkis Gamboa at the Bell Center in Montreal, Canada on June 8, 2013. In a closely-fought contest that went the distance, Gamboa prevailed, handing Perez his first career loss. 一年后, Perez received a second chance at the interim WBA World lightweight title, successfully scoring a unanimous decision over Argenis Lopez at the Sheraton Hotel in Santo Domingo, 多明尼加共和国. Perez was promoted to full titleholder status when the WBA stripped Richar Abril of the belt for twice failing to make title defenses. In the first of back-to-back defenses of the WBA World lightweight title on July 18, 2015, Perez topped hometown challenger Anthony Crolla with a majority decision draw at the Manchester Arena in the United Kingdom. In the rematch on November 21, 2015, again at Manchester Arena, Perez was taken down for the count in the fifth round by a single body shot. Undeterred by his second loss, Perez returned to the ring on May 20, 2016, scoring with a big second-round knockout over Ubadel Soto. Perez looks to continue his upward streak as he moves up a weight class to take on Maurice Hooker for the NABO junior welterweight title on 十一月 19 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场.


科瓦列夫 VS. 病房 “货真价实”, 在拉斯维加斯的 T-Mobile 竞技场为 WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级冠军的 12 轮大型战斗, 由主要活动呈现, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions 和 Andre Ward Promotions,由米高梅大酒店赞助 & 赌场, Rosneft and Corona Extra. 冠军赛将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


使用#KovalevWard 关注对话.



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