標記檔案: 阿萊西奧Sakara



Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov 戰卡:

瓦迪姆Nemkov (11-2) 打敗 拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (16-4) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 3:56 第二輪的

德拉戈什Zubco (3-1) 打敗 赫塞迪·格爾熱斯 (0-2) 通過一致決定 (29-28 X3)

基里爾Sidelnikov (12-6) 打敗 多明戈斯·巴羅斯 (6-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

沃爾特Pugliesi (5-2) 打敗 安德烈隆福寺 (8-5) 通過一致決定 (30-27 X3)

尼科洛·索利 (3-0) 打敗 和卡塞爾 (4-4-1) 通過提交 (三角阻氣) 在 3:15 圓一個

Bellator米蘭: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂 戰卡:

梅爾文Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) 打敗 雅尼克財富 (9-5, 1 NC) 通過KO (罷工) 在 2:29 圓一個

阿萊西奧Sakara (24-13, 2 NC) 打敗 迦南格雷斯比 (8-8) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 0:23 圓一個

斯特凡諾帕特諾 (13-3-1) 打敗 阿什利·里斯 (8-2) 可見一致決定 (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

拉斐爾·馬塞多 (10-4, 1 NC) 打敗 凱恩鼠標 (12-3) 通過分裂的決定 (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Bellator跆拳道 12: 瓦爾加VS. 福斯蒂諾 戰卡:

加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (18-6) 打敗 克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂諾 (31-12-2) 通過一致決定 (50-45 X3) 保留Bellator跆拳道輕量級冠軍

清Allazov (60-3, 1 NC) 打敗 Sudsakorn線Klinmee (287-53-4) 通過一致決定 (30-27 X3)

切凱蒂盧卡 (24-5) 打敗 亞歷克斯·阿伏伽德羅 (46-6-3) 通過TKO (醫生停工) 在 2:09 圓一個

山Cangelosi (35-10-1) 打敗 凱文·羅斯 (33-12) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

尤里·貝絲默特尼 (45-20-2) 打敗 朱塞佩·多梅尼科 (51-10) 通過一致決定 (29-28 X3)

玉Jorand (1-0) 打敗 西爾維婭夜 (66-18-4) 通過KO (踢) 在 0:12 第二輪的

恩迪Bonat (32-10-1) VS. Kebrom Neguse (33-2-2) 統治多數平局 (28-28, 28-28, 29-28)

露台Hnatchuk (12-0-1) 打敗 賈科莫Licheri (7-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27 X3)

盧卡·馬梅利 (9-2) 打敗 帕維爾Szymanski的 (15-14-2) 通過一致決定 (30-27 X3)

請訪問 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.


BELLATOR亮相米蘭, 意大利上週六, 華僑城. 12 具有堆疊的事件具有雙-MMA卡片和BELLATOR跆拳道的RETURN



更多, 加布里埃爾·巴爾加辯護,他Bellator跆拳道羽量級冠軍反對克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂諾在 Bellator跆拳道12和羅馬的亞歷西奧·薩卡拉看起來招待意大利人群


LOS ANGELES  - Bellator返回意大利第七次在星期六, 十月. 12 與值得的三個獨立的賬單上獨一無二的事件. 該MMA和跆拳道動作將全部由安聯雲發出 (防爆Palalido) 在米蘭的心臟的格鬥運動之一不可思議的夜晚.


派拉蒙網絡 (和DAZN聯播) 該卡的部分將由前中量級拳王頭條新聞拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (16-3) 現蕾與瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2) 在輕重量級事作為部分Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov廣播。Bellator 230將空氣在U.S磁帶延遲. 在9 P.M. ET / 8時三十分. CT.


另外, 在Bellator歐洲系列的第五批, Bellator米蘭: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂, 將展出之間的炸藥205磅重的對決梅爾文Manhoef (31-14-1, 2 NC) 和雅尼克財富 (9-4, 1 NC) 將串流直播的Bellator移動應用在中美在5 P.M. ET / 4時三十分. CTBellator米蘭將現場直播在 10 P.M. BST在海峽 5 在英國. 也對卡, 意大利MMA傳奇和Bellator大使阿萊西奧Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) 發生在輕重量級迦南格雷斯比(8-7) 在一個特殊的特徵回合.


開幕當晚的行動將是Bellator跆拳道 12: 瓦爾加VS. 福斯蒂諾, 通過當前Bellator自由搏擊輕量級冠軍固定卡加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (17-6) 衛冕他對陣巴勒莫稱號, 意大利的克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂諾 (48-18), 而合作的主要也會看到清Allazov (55-3, 1 NC) 在158磅catchweight回合一爭高下Sudsakorn(289-54-4). Bellator跆拳道 12 將現場揭開序幕,行動上Bellator移動應用在11 A.M. ET / 10時. CT. 另外的較量將在未來幾週內公佈.


行動的整個夜場門票現已公開發售,並可以在Bellator.com 和Bellator.it.


從里約熱內盧海陵, 巴西, 這位33歲的卡瓦略將讓他在今年的第二次亮相, 下面通過一個印象深刻的勝利赤帝Njokuani 就在上個月. 由於與Bellator簽約 2014, 美國強隊戰鬥機已經收集了7場勝利, 他量級冠軍完胜布蘭登·哈爾西突出, 這為他後來跟著三個成功衛冕. 巴西的淘汰賽藝術家站在對面將是老鄉國際巨頭瓦迪姆Nemkov, 作為27歲的俄羅斯看起來添加到他目前五戰連勝. 由於使他的專業首演 2013, 前者三寶世界冠軍費多爾艾米連科-門生已串成 10 十幾個回合的勝利, 八擊倒和八個第一輪結束突出他的簡歷.


使他的第八外觀Bellator, 梅爾文·曼霍夫已建成自己的名字了,已經看到他完成一個24年的職業生涯中 28 他 31 通過淘汰賽受害者, 含 25 在行動的開幕分鐘內的第一輪和八. 戰鬥在外面阿姆斯特丹, 多才多藝的43歲的也有 38 職業跆拳道勝在他的皮帶, 這使他在商業最有經驗的和動態的戰鬥機之一. 隨著三勝自從加盟Bellator一對令人印象深刻的擊倒, “沒有慈悲”希望能找到他的方式回到冠軍爭奪以一次勝利在最近簽署的巴哈蒂. “黑曼巴”進入Bellator籠他職業生涯的第二次, 希望當他在首輪的成品阿米爾Dadovic複製他在五月曾成功Bellator伯明翰. 這位29歲的中量級將使得在重量等級的跳起來挑戰是什麼,無疑是他8年的職業生涯中Manhoef最艱難的任務.


加布里埃爾·巴爾加是斷食一個有力的勝利在他的混合武術登場, 打架,他完成了一個跳躍膝和拳在Bellator 224. 現在, 多倫多本地返回到那裡他做了他的名字,並成為首屆Bellator跆拳道145磅冠軍的運動. 這位34歲的加拿大有超過四拼運行相符3勝淘汰賽, 其中包括總冠軍的勝利了凱文·羅斯 和山Cangelosi. 從巴勒莫海陵, 意大利, 福斯蒂諾將與支持他的國家的身後進入跆拳道環. 這位29歲的意大利人競爭了專業的戰鬥森佩爾阿凡提博洛尼亞,幾乎持有 60 戰鬥以他的名字。現在, 他在Bellator跆拳道金牌射擊,當他在10月12日競爭.


戰鬥在外面明斯克, 白俄羅斯, Chingiz Allazov將Bellator跆拳道的指導下,只是在他8年的職業生涯中第二次被競爭, 其中,26歲的Phenom贏得 55 過一個59回合拉伸勝利. 意大利在已經擊敗Klinmee去年剛, 前K-1超中量級冠軍將嘗試複製勝利令人興奮的複賽. 從芭堤雅海陵, 泰國, 32歲的薩茲空·索·克林米 將他10月Bellator跆拳道登場. 12. 衛冕泰國和世界自由搏擊網絡泰拳中量級世界冠軍也希望能加入到他豐富的專業簡歷, 包括 289 勝 74 擊倒.


出生於羅馬, Sakara將回到他的家鄉,第六次,因為與Bellator簽約 2016. 當在意大利的推廣下戰鬥, “Legionarius”已積累了三場勝利, 所有這些都在淘汰賽結束. 這位37歲的前世界冠軍爭奪已經贏得了 20 事業勝利, 含 16 飾面和 14 擊倒, 這使他成為最危險的205磅重的運動員之一名冊上. 有機會破壞Sakara的衣錦還鄉任務是39歲的俄克拉荷馬迦南格雷斯比, 誰也知道他把他的對手得早在戰鬥能力. 隨著他的八個事業勝利七淘汰賽的方式來, 包括四個第一輪,結束, “超獸”會找他7年的職業生涯中最大的勝利,當他在Bellator籠子裡面步驟的第一次.


更新Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov戰卡:

輕重量級的主要事件: 拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (16-3) 與瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2)


更新Bellator米蘭: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂戰卡:

輕重量級的主要事件: 梅爾文Manhoef(31-14-1, 2 NC) 與雅尼克財富 (9-4, 1 NC)

輕重量級功能事件: 阿萊西奧Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) 與迦南格雷斯比(8-7)

重量級初步回合: 安德烈隆福寺 (8-4) 與沃爾特Pugliesi(4-2)


更新Bellator跆拳道 12: 瓦爾加VS. 福斯蒂諾戰卡:

跆拳道羽量級世界冠軍的主要事件: 加布里埃爾瓦爾加(17-6) 與克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂諾(48-18)

158-英鎊Catchweight合作的主要事件: 清Allazov (55-3, 1 NC) 與Sudsakorn線Klinmee(289-54-4)

羽量級布特: Enderson Bonat (21-9) Kebrom Neguse(33-2-2) 




請訪問Bellator.com 了解更多信息.





Bellator 211 Photos Here

Bellator 211: Sakara vs. Kauppinen 結果:

Kent Kauppinen (11-4) DEF. 阿萊西奧Sakara (23-13, 2 NC) via KO at 1:10 圓 1

多明戈斯·巴羅斯 (6-0) DEF. 赫塞迪·格爾熱斯 (0-1) 通過在將軍澳 2:53 圓 1

佩德羅·卡瓦略 (9-3) DEF. Luca Vitali (11-5) via sub. (斷頭台) 在 0:43 圓 1

Alen Amedovski (8-0) DEF. Ibrahim Mane (7-2) via KO at 0:12 圓 1

Kiefer Crosbie (5-0) DEF. Orlando D’Ambrosio (7-4) 通過一致決定 (30-27 X3)

Giorgio Pietrini (15-4-1) DEF. Nemanja Milakovic (5-4) via KO at 0:20 圓 1

安德烈隆福寺 (7-4) DEF. 沃爾特Pugliesi (4-1) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28 2倍, 28-29)


Bellator跆拳道 11 Photos Here


Bellator跆拳道 11: 瓦爾加VS. Cangelosi 結果:

加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (17-6) DEF. 山Cangelosi (34-10-1) via KO at 2:42 圓 1 to retain championship

雷蒙德·丹尼爾斯(Raymond Daniels) (35-3) DEF. Zakaria Laaouatni (10-4) 通過多數決定 (29-28 2倍, 29-29)

尤里·貝絲默特尼 (42-19-2) DEF. Karim Ghajji (99-16-1) 通過一致決定 (30-26, 29-27 2倍)

Gabriele Casella (20-2-1) DEF. Dani Traore (21-4) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 29-28 2倍)

Younes Rahmouni (14-4-1) DEF. Tiziano Campus (15-5-1) 通過多數決定 (29-28 2倍, 28-28)

Christian Zahe (58-24-7) DEF. Samuel Toscano (28-12-3) 在 2:20 圓 1


Bellator跆拳道 11 初步結果卡:

Sabir Temirkhnov (13-4) DEF. Matteo Costa (18-7-2) 通過在將軍澳 0:39 圓 2

賈科莫Licheri (6-0) DEF. Filippo Solheid (43-18-8) 通過分裂的決定 (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Matteo Di Luca (24-9-2) DEF. Giacomo D’Aquino (22-3-8) 通過一致決定 (30-27 2倍, 29-28)


請訪問 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.






Full Bellator 203 照片 // 信貸: Bellator /盧卡斯·努南


Bellator 203 Scorecards


Bellator 203 官方成績:

帕特里西奧“鬥犬” (27-4) DEF. 丹尼爾Weichel (39-10) 通過分裂的決定 (49-46, 48-47, 47-48)

*“Pitbull” retains Bellator featherweight world championship

阿萊西奧Sakara (20-12, 2 NC) DEF. Jamie Sloane (8-5, 1 NC) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 1:19 圓一個

安德烈Koreshkov (21-2) DEF. Vaso Bakocevic (33-18-1) via KO at 1:06 圓一個

Alen Amedovski (6-0) DEF. Will Fleury (4-1) via KO at 1:39 圓一個

Maxim Radu (9-1) DEF. Simone La Preziosa (3-5) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 4:50 圓一個

Michele Martignoni (4-0) DEF. Simone D’Anna (4-2) 通過KO (頭踢) 在 :06 seconds of round one

*Martignoni ties record for fastest KO in Bellator history






LOS ANGELES – Bellator is primed for a summer return to Italy, this time in the country’s capital city of Rome at the Il Centrale Live Roma – Foro Italico on Saturday, 七月 14.





In a double main event, the card sees a rematch between 帕特里西奧“鬥犬” (26-4) 和 丹尼爾Weichel (39-9) for the featherweight title, as well as Italy’s most famous mixed martial artist, 阿萊西奧Sakara (19-12), 承擔 Jamie Sloane (8-3) 在輕重量級. Bellator Romewill air on Paramount Network and marks the promotion’s first trek to Rome, after hosting multiple events in both Torino and Florence.





Kickboxing will also be on display, 如 Giorgio Petrosyan (85-2-2) seeks to become the inaugural Bellator Kickboxing lightweight champ when he meets 清Allazov (53-2), while Bellator Kickboxing’s featherweight champion, 凱文·羅斯 (45-13), will defend his crown against 加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (21-6).


Bellator Rome will be broadcast Saturday, 七月 14 free on Paramount Network at 9 P.M. ET / 8時三十分. CT, while details about Bellator跆拳道 10, including additional matchups will be announced in the coming days. Tickets are on sale now at Bellator.com and Oktagon.it.





“From the beginning of Bellator’s international expansion, Italy has always played an integral role in our growth,“Bellator總裁Scott Coker的說. “Following successful events in the gorgeous cities of both Florence and Torino, it only made sense to bring a card to Rome, the home of the Colosseum, a city that has seen warriors do battle since 80 AD.”





“Pitbull” reclaimed the 145-pound championship by defeating 丹尼爾·斯特勞斯 via unanimous decision in April of last year, notching his 14Bellator victory and becoming the winningest athlete in promotional history in the process. 七月 14, the 30-year-old Natal, Brazil-native will bring into the Bellator cage his impressive record of 19 stoppages in 25 opportunities against a man he has defeated once already, coming from behind on the judges’ scorecards to knockout Daniel Weichel at Bellator 138.




Quietly running rampant through Bellator’s featherweight division during his nine-fight promotional tenure, Daniel Weichel’s only Bellator defeat took place at the hands of his upcoming Bellator Rome 對手. Since the loss, Weichel has climbed the ranks once again, besting notable fighters within the division such as 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯, Georgi Karakhanyan and 約翰· “馬卡帕” en route to his current number one contender status. 現在, with an opportunity to right the loss, “鴨” will take the two-hour flight from Germany to Rome, with the hopes of winning championship gold on his mind.





The pride of Italy, Alessio Sakara is set to make his fourth appearance for Bellator, a promotion where he has already defeated both Joey Beltran and Brett Rogers via knockout, as well as challenged for the Bellator middleweight title. Prior to joining the Viacom-owned organization, “Legionarius” spent the majority of his career with UFC, where he built his reputation as a powerful knockout artist. 同 33 fights as a professional, Sakara has collected 19 事業勝利, 含 15 飾面和 10 first-round knockouts.





Sloane will be making his Bellator debut when he looks to play the role of spoiler in Sakara’s home country. With a winning record of 8-3, the BAMMA veteran has also made appearances at heavyweight and middleweight since beginning his professional career in 2014.





Referred to by his fans as “The Doctor,” Petrosyan is one man you do not want an appointment with. The top-ranked Armenian-Italian striking ace has put together an incredible 46-fight unbeaten streak, cultivating an extensive trophy case that includes multiple championship belts as well as “Kickboxer of the Year” accolades in both 20112012.





Currently in the midst of a 27-fight winning streak of his own, the 24-year-old Allazov has not suffered defeat since 2014, winning the K-1 super middleweight championship along the way. Hailing from Belarus, Allazov brings a Thai boxing style to the Bellator Kickboxing ring, a discipline that has helped him defeat fighters the likes of Bellator Kickboxing veteran Mustapha Haida, 除其他.





With four wins under the Bellator Kickboxing umbrella, Kevin Ross recently added the promotion’s inaugural featherweight belt to his already impressive list of accolades. Throughout his 58-fight career, Ross has previously held the WBC Muay-Thai USA welterweight, WBC Muay-Thai International super lightweight and Lion Fight super lightweight titles.





A two-time Glory featherweight champion, Gabriel Varga signed with Bellator in March of 2017, immediately making it clear that his sights were clearly set on competing against Ross. Italian fans may remember the 32-year-old Canadian from his Bellator跆拳道 8 出現, where he stopped Roberto Gheorghita in the second round of action.

更新 Bellator Rome 主卡:

羽量級世界冠軍布特: 帕特里西奧“鬥犬” (26-4) VS. 丹尼爾Weichel (39-9)

Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: 阿萊西奧Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) VS. Jamie Sloane (8-3)





更新 Bellator跆拳道 10 卡:

Lightweight World Title Bout: Giorgio Petrosyan (85-2-2) VS. 清Allazov (53-2)

羽量級世界冠軍布特: 凱文·羅斯 (45-13) VS. 加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (21-6)








Please visit Bellator.com for additional information.









FLORENCE, 意大利 – A sold out crowd was on hand for Bellator’s return to the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence, Italy to cheer on their national hero, 阿萊西奧Sakara, in his bid for the middleweight title at Bellator 190. 然而, reigning champion Rafael Carvalho emerged victorious in his third defense of the belt with yet another exciting performance. 憑藉這場勝利, Carvalho is now tied with Alexander Shlemenko for most title defenses in promotional history.


另外, Bellator has announced plans for a summer return to Italy in the country’s capital city of Rome on 七月 7 with an event that will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network. The date marks the company’s first trip to Rome, after hosting multiple events in both Torino and Florence.


“After the success of our events in Torino and Florence, Italy over the last two years, we knew that it was time to do a show in Rome, a city rooted deep in combat sports history,“Bellator總裁Scott Coker的說. “The Italian fans have shown their passion for the sport and we look forward to bringing a huge card to Rome next year on 七月 7.”


Additional details about the card, including matchups, ticket and broadcast details will be announced shortly.


Bellator 190: 卡瓦略VS. Sakara 結果:

拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (15-1) 打敗 阿萊西奧Sakara (19-12, 2 NC) via KO at 0:44 圓一個


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1mimwbtlv7zjc8q/AAATYi5x1XR6AT9CWR9XW1aNa?dl=0

Quote: “I trained really hard for this fight. I made many sacrifices to get here and get ready for a tough fight with [阿萊西奧] Sakara. With my preparation, I was able to get a good result quickly and I’m happy about that. I hurt my hand a little bit in the final sequence, maybe I punched the mat, but I hope to get back in the cage as soon as possible to continue defending my belt.”


布蘭登Girtz (15-7) 打敗 Luka Jelcic (10-3) 通過在將軍澳 1:57 圓一個


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42f9tpuq9tlmmo2/AAAVZtpCY5RiOtfhqwGxQ2oIa?dl=0

Quote: “I was just going out there to throw bombs and put him away quickly and that’s exactly what happened. That’s what I usually do. 訓練營是偉大的, I was able to actually prepare for my opponent and it worked out well. I’ve had a great experience out here in Italy, it has been a journey and I treated it like an adventure. It was my first time fighting out of the country so everything was an adjustment and I came out nine days in advance to get acclimated. I want another tough opponent. Luka [Jelcic] was a tough guy, he was no slouch whatsoever. I want another top guy, that’s why I’m here – to fight the top guys and that’s what I’ve been doing since I got here to Bellator.”


亞歷杭德拉拉拉 (7-1) 打敗 Lena Ovchynnikova (12-5, 1 NC) via rear-naked choke at 4:09 圓一個


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j0e20cweikosmcr/AACc1OTFCsi6xmFNIxCRdFTwa?dl=0

Quote: “I was very excited for my Bellator debut and to be the first Colombian female in the promotion. I’ve been training incredibly hard, I felt that I was very well prepared for this fight. I just wanted to show the world how tough I am and I think I did that 今晚. I spent half of my camp in Guadalajara with Alexa Grasso and Team Grasso there, and then I also went up to work with Roufusport Academy in Milwaukee to prepare for the fight. Both camps were amazing for me, and I learned a great deal, I just want to keep learning and competing. I am prepared for whatever is next. I look forward to big challenges in Bellator.”


Carlos Miranda (11-3) 打敗 Mihail Nica (6-1) 通過一致決定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h2xekntid4tt03r/AAB1CBdvVX4cfuFA3FWKTDgva?dl=0


格雷戈里·巴本 (19-11) 打敗 Tony Zanko (1-5) via arm bar at 2:04 圓一個


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqyfbyrdps1oejo/AABdgCAaFdb7u-MeN_ONq8ITa?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f


Bellator跆拳道 8 結果:


雷蒙德·丹尼爾斯(Raymond Daniels) (13-3) 打敗 Giannis Boukis (27-2) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dacqyn8gk1t6ov1/AABXyk_AvcaG8WUVZM3bWLJTa?dl=0


Quote: “Speed is definitely my advantage every time I get in the ring, and it was no different 今晚. 首先, I’d like to give all the glory to God, because through him, all things are possible. I’d like to thank my opponent for taking this fight. It’s an honor to come here and fight in front of the Italian people. This is an incredible country with beautiful people, beautiful food, beautiful wine, great history. This is a fighting country. I think I might have some Italian in my DNA because every time I come here my blood boils and I feel like I’m ready to spar, 我已經準備好戰鬥. To anyone who wants it: come on, take a number and stand in line. You have seen my highlight reel, if you want to be part of it – 我答應你, I can make you famous.”


喬·希林 (23-9) 打敗 Filip Verlinden (44-19-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/liprom6xnlsvco3/AABPJD0B3Pe8d_8Gm5LmbNYua?dl=0

Quote: “I’ve got to watch the replay again. I thought Filip did a really good job and I was really excited to be fighting somebody of his caliber. Going into the fight, I thought he was the toughest guy Bellator has given me. When we were both with my last promotion, we were both top three the entire time I was there. I knew he was going to be a tough opponent, that’s why there was no trash talk from either one of us, I think we were both ready for a great fight and we delivered. I honestly was pretty frustrated with my performance and after the fight I told Jimmy (工匠) that I thought he had won. Now I’m back here in the locker room and everyone is telling me that I’m crazy for that take. I’d love to fight him again and finish him off. Maybe for a world championship. That’d be nice. But for now, I’m excited to go enjoy my vacation.”


John Wayne Parr (98-32) 打敗 Piergiulio Paolucci (24-6-1) 通過在將軍澳 2:32 第三輪


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/er6m9gzbvk7knb5/AAAqbhlfJSLrXjwPsBMetIe9a?dl=0


Quote: “I’m very excited coming off of this performance. I thought my opponent was a bit awkward. I wanted to give him respect because I knew he had heavy hands. But once I felt that I could win, I started walking forward more and I threw a couple spinning back kicks just for fun, just to entertain. I had the one spinning heel kick that landed and thought that was pretty cool. I was pretty excited about that. I was just happy to get the stoppage really, because nobody wants to win by points. I’m inching closer to 100 victories and I’d love to hit that milestone here in such a major promotion like Bellator. Especially at my age of 41, being able to fight on the big stage is so surreal. I can’t believe that I’m still here competing in this sport that I love, and more than just competing, I’m being successful. I’ve got to thank Scott Coker, everyone at Bellator and Spike, and everyone that follows the sport for giving me the opportunity to do what I do. I’m really scared to be 41 and know that one day I’m going to have to retire, 但現在, I’m having too much fun to stop.”


Hamza Imane (50-12-2) 打敗 凱文·羅斯 (45-13) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tz29hlhly6x48b6/AAC3AugQrbNxNWFAQXtIvc-2a?dl=0

加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (14-5) 打敗 Roberto Gheorghita (30-7-3) 通過在將軍澳 2:49 第二輪的

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7s75mm0hl33pzse/AAD-U3845d0GcdY83eBB0EM6a?dl=0


Video Highlights Here: http://qlnk.io/ql/5a2c8784e4b073ff34846f4f





LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Florence, Italy on 星期六, 十二月 9, when both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing, along with Oktagon, emanate from the Nelson Mandela Forum for another huge evening of combat sports action.


Bellator 190 will air free on SPIKE at 8 P.M. AND/7 P.M. CT and will be immediately followed by Bellator跆拳道 8. Tickets for the event start at just €30 and are available at Bellator.com.


Bellator 190 will be headlined by current middleweight champ 拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (14-1), who will defend his title against Italy’s popular knockout artist, Alessio “Legionarius” Sakara (19-11, 2 NC). 此外, 布蘭登Girtz (14-7) 發生在 Luca Jelcic (10-2) 在輕量級, 而 Mihail Nica (6-0) 會見 Carlos Miranda (10-3) in second lightweight clash. A women’s flyweight offering rounds out the card when Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC) 戰鬥 亞歷杭德拉拉拉 (6-1).


與此同時, Bellator跆拳道 8 boasts a pair of world champions in 雷蒙德·丹尼爾斯(Raymond Daniels) (12-3) 和 凱文·羅斯 (45-12) 承擔 Giannis Boukis (27-1) 和 Hamza Imane (49-12-2) 分別, in non-title fights. Other kickboxing stars are on display as Joe “Stitch ‘Em Up” Schilling (22-9) 挑戰 Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1), Aussie legend John Wayne Parr (97-32) competes for the 130 time versus Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1) and Canadian featherweight 加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (13-5) rounds out the card in a matchup with Roberto Georghita (30-6-3).


完成 Bellator 190: 卡瓦略VS. Sakara 卡:

中量級世界冠軍主賽事: 拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (14-1) VS. 阿萊西奧Sakara (19-11, 2 NC)

輕型主卡布特: 布蘭登Girtz (14-7) VS. Luka Jelcic (10-2)

Women’s Flyweight Main Card Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC) VS. 亞歷杭德拉拉拉 (6-1)

輕型主卡布特: Mihail Nica (6-0) VS. Carlos Miranda (10-3)



中量級初步回合: 格雷戈里·巴本 (18-11) VS. Tony Zanko (1-4)

完成 Bellator跆拳道 8: Daniels vs. Boukis 卡:

次中量級的主要事件 (non-title): 雷蒙德·丹尼爾斯(Raymond Daniels) (12-3) VS. Giannis Boukis (27-1)

中量級主卡布特: 喬·希林 (22-9) VS. Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1)

161 磅. Catchweight Main Card Bout: John Wayne Parr (97-32) VS. Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1)

輕型主卡布特 (non-title): 凱文·羅斯 (45-12) VS. Hamza Imane (49-12-2)

羽主卡布特: 加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (13-5) VS. Roberto Gheorghita (30-6)





四月 8, 2017

Giorgio Petrosyan (84-2-2, 1 NC) defeated Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 30-26)

Giorgio Petrosyan Quote:I’ve spent a lot of time studying this opponent and I felt like I knew his fighting style well so I was able to put together a solid game plan and execute it successfully,” Petrosyan said. “Now I’m looking forward to getting some rest, and we will let Scott Coker and Carlo DiBlasi decide what is next for me.

Petrosyan vs. Paraschiv Photos

丹妮絲·基爾霍爾茨(Denise Kielholtz) (46-3) defeated Martine Michieletto (18-11-3) via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

Denise Kielholtz Quote:It was a good night for me with the win, but it was tough fight. She’s a taller southpaw fighter and she really brought it. All rounds were for me and that’s the most important thing for me. It’s great to retain this belt, this is my biggest prize in the sport and I’m honored to be the world champion for Bellator,” Kielholtz said. “真, 為了我, Bellator is the biggest kickboxing organization in the world, they are really for the fighters, so I am very happy to be representing this company. The next time you see me out there might be in the Bellator cage fighting MMA. We’re working very hard on all aspects of my training and so hopefully before the end of summer you will see me fighting MMA.

Kielholtz vs. Michieletto Photos

John Wayne Parr (96-32) DEF. Nando Calzetta (45-10) via Head Kick at 2:59 of Round 2

John Wayne Parr Quote:He was tough, he came to fight. He wanted to mix and trade but I was more than happy to do that with the hands. I thought I was a little bit sharper, but he had a crack – he had a good go and hopefully it was entertaining for the crowd,” John Wayne Parr said. “Before this fight I really wanted to do something impressive and get an impressive finish so to score a head kick knockout is like a slam dunk. I feel like Michael Jordan right now. I’ve been watching Bellator and I just want to be a star here and hopefully tonight is gonna put that notch in my belt and help me fulfill that dream.

帕爾VS. Calzetta Photos

Mustapha Haida (46-5-2) defeated Enriko Kehl (45-12-1) via Split Decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Mustapha Haida Quote: I’m very happy for with the victory. I think I broke my hand or my wrist in the second round so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to finish the fight, but I dug down deep and was able to get through the match,” Haida said. “Fighting for Bellator Kickboxing here in Italy has been a great experience for me and I hope to continue to fight here.

Haida vs. Kehl Photos

Gaston Bolanos defeated Luca D’Isanto via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Gaston Bolanos Quote:I came into someone’s home town tonight, and the guy had a lot more experience in kickboxing than I do, so I’m quite happy with the win. It’s a different rhythm out there. I’m used to Muay-Thai, which I’ve been practicing my whole life. I’ve done a few fights without elbows even though it’s still Muay-Thai so it’s a bit different from what I just did tonight. I just came from an MMA fight so I had to switch up my whole camp but this is what I want to do and this is the opportunity that Bellator has provided for me, so I’m going to take it and stay as busy as possible,” Bolanos said. “I want to thank Bellator, 斯科特·科克爾, my coach Kirian Fitzgibbons and my team at CSA Gym for helping me and giving me all the opportunities that I’ve been given in my career. I’m hoping to get another MMA fight in here soon and develop a rhythm there. I want to become the biggest star in both sports and I know that I’ve got the opportunity and the talent to do just that.

Bolanos vs. D’Isanto Photos




拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (14-1) defeated Melvin Manhoef (30-14) via Head Kick at 3:15 of Round 4

Quote from Rafael Carvalho:The last fight didn’t go as I expected or like the public expected,” Carvalho said. “This fight I knew that there needed to be an undisputed winner with a finish and I’m very glad that I was the one who came away with the victory. I’m going to continue to defend my middleweight title here at Bellator, but I’m also interested in a super fight in our light heavyweight division or maybe a bout in Bellator Kickboxing. That would be fun for me.

卡瓦略VS. Manhoef Fight Photos Here

Anastasia Yankova (5-0) defeated Elina Kallionidou (5-2) via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Quote from Anastasia Yankova:I feel okay after this fight. My face looks much better right now than it did after my last fight,” Yankova saidIt wasn’t perfect but I’m improving every day and I’ll continue to train hard with Mike [Swick] at AKA Thailand. I am working to get my weight down to 125 磅. where I want to soon be Bellator’s champion.

Yankova vs. Kallionidou Fight Photos Here

米爾恰·瓦列 (14-4) defeated Djamil Chan (12-4) via Majority Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

Quote from Valeriu Mircea:I’m very proud of my performance out there. It was part of my game plan to remain calm and patient throughout the fight and I am happy to have gotten the positive result,” Mircea said. “I am coming off of a frustrating knee injury that left me with only a month and a half to prepare. Victory is sweet and I am happy that my sacrifices have provided a good result.

Mircea vs. Chan Fight Photos Here

Mihail Nica (6-0) defeated Samba Coulibaly (11-4) via Anaconda Choke at 0:36 of Round 1

Quote from Mihail Nica:I am feeling very positive and happy that my hard work has paid off,” Nica said. “I look forward to getting back in the gym 明天 to better my skills. I want to continue my undefeated career here at Bellator, maybe soon in America. I think it would be great to fight there because of the level of popularity out there. I want to be a hero for the Italian fans to cheer for and grow the passion for MMA in this country.

Nica vs. Coulibaly Fight Photos Here









TORINO, 意大利 – Fighters from both Bellator 176: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2 Bellator跆拳道 5 converged on the historic Comune di Torino for the official press conference for the events taking place at the Pala Alpitour in Torino, 意大利. In addition to the fighters, Bellator總統 斯科特·科克爾, along with Okatagon President Carlo DiBlasi and Torino Minister of Sport Roberto Finardi, all spoke about 星期六 nights anticipated card.

Bellator 176: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2 airs this 星期六, 四月 8 對在穗 3 P.M. AND and will be immediately followed by Bellator跆拳道 5, which airs at 5 P.M. AND. Tickets for the event are available now at www.oktagon.it and include access to an Oktagon Kickboxing event in addition to both Bellator events.


Bellator 176 is headlined by a middleweight championship fight pitting 拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (13-1) 針對 梅爾文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC) and also features Russia’s Anastasia Yankova (4-0) 與 Elina Kallionidou (5-1).

Bellator跆拳道 5 will feature a lightweight bout between “The Doctor” Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC), who takes on Romanian veteran Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) and Bellator Kickboxng Women’s Flyweight World Champion 丹妮絲·基爾霍爾茨(Denise Kielholtz) (46-3), who is set to defend her belt for the first time against ISKA and WKU World Champion Martine Michieletto (34-12-5).


更新 Bellator 176: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef 2 主卡:

中量級世界冠軍爭奪戰: 拉斐爾·卡瓦略 (13-1) VS. 梅爾文Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Women’s Catchweight Fight: Anastasia Yankova (4-0) VS. Elina Kallionidou (5-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Djamil贊 (12-3) VS. 米爾恰·瓦列 (13-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Samba Coulibaly (11-4) VS. Mihail Nica (5-0)


更新 Bellator跆拳道 5 主卡:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1NC) VS. Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1)

女子最輕量級世界冠軍布特: 丹妮絲·基爾霍爾茨(Denise Kielholtz) (46-3) VS. Martine Michieletto (34-12-5)

Catchweight Feature Fight: Nando Calzetta (45-9) VS. John Wayne Parr (95-32)

重量級功能撲滅: Mustapha Haida (45-5-2) VS. Enriko Kehl (45-11-1)

羽量級功能撲滅: 加斯頓·博拉尼奧斯 (8-1) VS. Luca D’isanto (36-13-4)