Philly Heavyweight Joey Dawejko Puts UK Olympian Joe Joyce on Blast for Taking Easier Fight

After being stepped over as Joe Joyce’s next opponent, Philadelphia fan favorite Joey Dawejko is calling out the highly touted UK-based heavyweight for taking the easy road.




Since turning professional, Joyce, the outspoken 2016 Olympic Super-Heavyweight Silver Medal Winner and now Commonwealth (Брытанская імперыя) Heavyweight Champion, has made a habit of publicly calling out the division’s top contenders and champions.




But Dawejko says Joyce’s antics may be just for show, and in reality, his representatives are very protective of their charge.




Dawejko (19-5-4, 11 КО) says he was offered and accepted the opportunity to face Joyce (5-0, 5 КО) on the undercard of former welterweight champions Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter’s Saturday, Верасня 8, showdown at the Barclays Center – only to find out Joyce had instead chosen to face Ohio’s Devin Vargas.




Dawejko has spent his professional career as a respected gatekeeper in the division. The 28-year-old has had competitive battles with several of the division’s best and even gave top contender Jarrell Miller the only blot on his undefeated record when he held him to a draw in 2013.




Vargas was a successful amateur boxer, but the former Olympian has sputtered as a professional. He has lost five of his last eight fights and is coming off a first-round knockout loss.




“I got the call the other day from my manager saying we had an offer to fight him and we accepted,” explained Dawejko, “then I found out he took an easier fight. I’m kind of pissed off about it because it was a good opportunity for me. They chose the safe route because they’re definitely protecting him. They talk a good game, but at the end of the day they just want easy fights.”




Dawejko says exposing Joyce would have given him the chance to finally break through to the upper echelon.




“They’re building this guy like he’s something special and he’s not. I see nothing special about him. He has size, але гэта не мае значэння. I don’t think he’s as good as people are making him out to be. I could definitely beat him. He’s big and slow and gets hit a lot and his defense isn’t there. I know I could beat him.”




Not giving up, Dawejko wants Joyce to know he’d be happy to face him in his next fight… if Joyce isn’t too timid.




“If he really wants to challenge himself, step up and fight me. I‘m ready to go at any time. I’ll fight him any day of the week.”


Аб Грег Коэн Promotions




Адзін з вядучых рэкламных ўборы бокса, Грег Коэн Promotions (GCP) гэта добра паважанае імя за арганізацыю сусветнага класа прафесійнага бокса падзеі і садзейнічанне элітных прафесійных байцоў па ўсім свеце.




Заснавальнік і генеральны дырэктар Грег Коэн быў звязаны з прафесійным боксам на розных пасадах, пачынаючы з канца 1980-х гадоў, навострываючы сваё майстэрства і усталёўваючы як праніклівы Міжнародная баксёрская бізнэсмэна.




Адрозніваецца сваёй здольнасцю выявіць і развіць сырой талент, Коэн упершыню зрабіў загалоўкі рэкламныя для яго дасведчаным кіраўніцтвам, сярод многіх іншых, Былы чэмпіён WBA у першай сярэдняй вазе Осцін “Без Сумневы” Стронга, хто Коэн дапамог гід ад невядомага Нью-Мексіка перспектывай элітнага ўзроўню суперзоркі з аплатай за прагляд.




У дадатак да стронгі, Грег Коэн Promotions працаваў з усталяванымі імёнамі, такімі як былой адзінай і двухразовы суперцяжкай вазе Хасим “Рок” Рахман і ўвесь час вялікія некалькіх вага чэмпіёна свету Джэймса клас “Lights Out” Тоні.




Cohen currently promotes undefeated WBO NABO Heavyweight Champion a top contender Jarrell Miller, top-rated middleweight contender Robert Brant, and former WBO NABO Lightweight Champion and world-rated contender Mason Menard, сярод многіх іншых.




Грег Коэн Акцыі прымала сусветнага класа баксёрскія падзеі ў лепшых месцах па ўсёй тэрыторыі Злучаных Штатаў і ўсяго свету, і таксама пры ўмове, горда талент і / або змесціва для некалькіх тэлевізійных сетак, уключаючы CBS Sports Network, HBO, Час Для Шоу, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG і FOX Sports Net.




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