Lewiston, Maine (April 8, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, today announced that the weigh-ins for its upcoming mixed-martial-arts (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF XVII,” will take place this Ostirala, April 10 at 2 pm EDT. The weigh-ins will originate from the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center located at 490 Pleasant Street in Lewiston, Maine. "NEF XVII" Androscoggin Bank Colisee-n egingo da 190 Birch Street in Lewiston this Saturday, April 11 ateak ireki 6:00 pm. Lehenengo borroka hasi behar da 7:00 pm.


All of the stars for Larunbata night’s event will be on hand at the weigh-in Ostiral honetan, Barne: NEF MMA Lightweight txapeldunaBruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7); Bellator veteran Dennis “Mehatxu” Olson (12-7); Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Jarod “Azken orduko” Lawton (4-1); undefeated professional women’s fighter Calie “Eztia Azkonarra” Cutler (3-0); and many others. The weigh-in is open to both the public and media free of charge. For those unable to make it to Lewiston ostiralean, du Jay Jack zentsuratu gabea (JJU) podcast will be on hand recording their next episode and covering the festivities. The podcast archives can be accessed at


The current “NEF XVII” Borroka txartela (aldatu gaia):



155*TITLE Bruce Boyington 10-7 (Young-en MMA) vs Jamie Harrison 5-1 (First Coast Full Contact/Riot MMA)
170 Jarod Lawton 4-1 (New England United) vs Dennis Olson 12-7 (Team Triumph/Boston BJJ)
185 Ryan Cowette 2-2 (MMA Athletix) vs John Daniels 2-3 (Rock City MMA)
155 Jesse Erickson 3-4 (CMBJJ-New England United) vs. Mark DEFORD 0-3 (F2 Arena)
150 John Ray 2-6 (First Class MMA/Choi Institute) vs Derek Shorey 1-1 (Shatterproof Combat Club)
135 Elias Leland 2-0 (The Academy of MMA) vs Jay Perrin 1-0 (Team Triumph/Boston BJJ)
115 Kaline Medeiros 3-4 (Gracie Fitness) vs Calie Cutler 3-0 (Jacked N Tan borrokatzea Team)



S.HWT Dave Smith 0-0 (Berzerkers MMA) vs Ora Spratt IV 0-0 (Shatterproof Combat Club)
125 Norman Fox 3-1 (MMA Athletix) vs Dave Brown 1-2 (Plymouth Fight Club)
265 Ryan Glover 1-0 (Berzerkers MMA) vs Jason Field 0-0 (Independent)
185 Ruben Redman 0-1 (Independent) vs Chris Rideout 0-0 (Independent)
185 Chris Smith 0-0 (Berzerkers MMA) vs Meuse vs 2-0 (The Academy of MMA)
185 Heath Hanson 0-2 (3Ronin Atletismo) vs Brandon Russell 0-1 (Team nitemare)
165 CJ Ewer 3-1 (Young-en MMA) vs Connor Barry 4-1 (Independent)
155 Ricky Dexter 2-0 (Team Irish) vs Zenon Herrera 3-6 (Independent)
155 Rick Matthews 1-1 (Team Irish) vs. Mateo Hanning 0-1 (Independent)
145 Clifford Redman 0-1 (Independent) vs Caleb Serra 0-1 (Kaze Dojo)
150 Alex Johnson 1-1 (Ruthless MMA & Boxing) vs Dustin Shorey 0-0 (Shatterproof Combat Club)
135 Mike Crespo 2-1 (MMA Athletix) vs Sheldon Bang 1-2 (CMBJJ-New England United)
135 Caleb Costello 1-3 (Team Irish) Wilmer Carrero vs 0-0 (MMA Athletix)
115 Randi Beth Knowles 0-0 (Boyington en TKD / Young-en MMA) vs Alex Walker 0-0 (Kaze Dojo)

Sarrerak “NEF XVII” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude edo deituz The Colisee kutxa bulegoa arabera207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."


Buruz New England Borrokak


New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.

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