Lewiston, Maine (Maí 8, 2015) - New England Berst (NEF), Ameríku tala-einn svæðisbundin berjast kynningu, mun halda sína átjándu blönduð Martial-list (MMA) atburður, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” á Laugardagur, Júní 13, 2015 á Androscoggin Bank Colisee í Lewiston, Maine. Fyrr í dag, the promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (4-4) er áætlað að mæta Zenon Herrera (0-0) in what will be Herrera’s professional debut.


Erickson is a mainstay of the NEF promotion. The native of Auburn, Maine made his amateur debut at NEF I in February 2012. All fourteen of his bouts have been hosted in the NEF cage except one which was part of an NEF co-promotion with Bellator.


Currently a coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) – a New England United (NEW) tengja – Erickson challenged unsuccessfully twice last fall for the NEF MMA Lightweight Title, dropping back-to-back losses to Bruce Boyington (10-8). Síðasta mánuð, Erickson returned to the cage against Florida’s Mark DeFord (0-4). The Viking came out aggressive, not letting up with a barrage of lefts, rights and knees. It was a departure from Erickson’s trusted ground game, but it took less than two minutes for him to knock DeFord out cold. If Erickson was looking to make a statement, then that statement was received loud and clear by the raucous crowd of over 2,000.


After back to back losses, I’ve really focused in on some of my weak points,” said Erickson. “Í síðustu baráttu minni, I felt much more confident and relaxed, and I think it showed in my performance. I will continue to get better and show everyone the fighter I’ve always known I could be. I’ll never fight safe, try to eke out a decision, or have a boring fight. Come watch me fight and see something special. The Viking is back and he’s swinging Thor’s hammer now.


Zenon Herrera, an independent fighter based out of Skowhegan, Maine, began his MMA amateur career in the fall of 2012. Having fought predominantly in Florida previously, he made his NEF debut last month at “NEF XVII” in a losing effort to a very tough Ricky Dexter (3-0). Herrera is a military veteran, having served four years in the United States Army and five years in the United States Marine Corps. He looks forward to making the transition from the amateur to professional ranks and the new challenges it will bring.


I’m very much looking forward to this chance of taking myself to the next level of MMA,” Said Herrera. “Jesse Erickson is a tough dude and that will make this match all the better. I’m also looking forward to representing the NEF, Macho Fighter, Combatives Gear, and the USMC with all of the pride and honor that they deserve with everything I do in MMA from this point forward.


NEF er næsta MMA atburður, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Miðar “NEF XVIII” byrja á bara $25 og eru á sölu núna á eða með því að hringja í Colisee kassi skrifstofu á207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, vinsamlegast farðu á vefsíðu kynningarinnar á Að auki, þú getur horft á NEF myndbönd á, fylgja þeim á Twitternefights og taka þátt í opinberu Facebook "New England berst."


Um New England átök


New England Berst ("NEF") er að berjast viðburðir kynningar fyrirtæki. Verkefni NEF er að skapa hágæða viðburði fyrir bardagamenn Maine og aðdáendur eins. Framkvæmdastjóri lið NEF hefur víðtæka reynslu í Bardagaíþróttir stjórnun, Viðburðir framleiðslu, fjölmiðla samskipti, markaðssetning, lagaleg og auglýsingar.

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