Kevin Dever Kirol Management sinatu Undefeated Kubako argi heavyweight Luis Garcia

(L-R – Kevin Duty, Luis Garcia eta Patrick Brown)
PEEKSKILL, N.Y.. (Abendua 1, 2015) – Kevin Dever Kirol Management boladan Kubako heavyweight perspectiva argi sinatu iragarri du Luis “Lehoia” Garcia zuzendaritza kontratua esklusiboa.
Duela ia zortzi urte,Garcia (12-0, 9 Kos) Kubatik Defected Mexikora ikaskide boxeolari batera Alexei Acosta. Garcia (12-0, 9 Kos), Nork Cork bizitzera, Irlanda, made his professional debut in 2008. He now lives in Peekskill, New York.
“Aldaketaren bat handiagoa izan zen joan zen Irlandara nuen duela sei aste baino gehiagotan izan zen hona mugitu dut,” the 28-year-old Garcia explained. “It was a lot harder in Ireland because I didn’t speak a word of English. I learned English from the street, watching TV and reading. It’s not a big change for me to move around because I traveled all over the world when I was a member of the Cuban National Team.
Garcia ez du ia lau urteetan borroka egin dela aurreko zuzendaritzako gaiak, baina bere programatutako bueltan Larunbat honetan Gau, Abendua 5, against an opponent to be determined in a six-round bout at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. His last fight was a win by eight-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated (12-0) Alexander Johnson Abendua on 30, 2011 Cabazon, California.
“Ez zen nire erabakia ez da azken lau urteetan borrokatu behar ditu,” Garcia added. “Something happened with my now former manager and promoter. I trained all the time, asko sparred, and did as much as I could do in the gym. I still had a contract until it expired. I’ve known Kevin for 2-3 urte. He asked me why I wasn’t fighting and I told him everything. He said to call him when my contract expired because he wanted to manage me and that’s what I did.
“America aukera ona eskaintzen dit, Ingalaterra edo Irlandan baino hobeto, and I’m going to finish my boxing career here. I’m fighting December 5garren and taking things step by step. I’m not going to rush. There are a lot of great fighters in the light heavyweight division and I hope to be in the mix next year.
Garciaren bi borroka bere azken Johnson aurka, aldez aurretik izan ziren ikusgarriak 2010 Mundu ohia txapeldun knockouts teknikoa Byron Mitchell (28-6-1) eta Jorge Rodriguez Olivera (19-1), hurrenez hurren, bigarren eta seigarren txandetan.
“Boxeoa utzi nuen nire ahoan zapore txarra baina atzera egin nahi boxeo sartu nintzen begira,” esan Kevin Duty, co-kudeatzen Garcia Patrick Brown. “I knew him from Ireland and I always wanted to manage this kid. He called to tell me his contract had expired and we worked out a deal that brought him here to live in New York.
I honestly don’t see any rust watching him spar. I know sparring isn’t fighting but everybody in the gym stops to watch him workout. Zintzotasunez uste duten, behin bere gerriko azpian borrokak batzuk onak ditu, goian heavyweight zatiketa argi contender bat egingo zuen. Luis Garcia borrokalari onena Nik inoiz lan egin da.”
Garcia, Munduko Junior Txapelketan urrezko dominaren bat, Defected zuen disillusioned zen delako spot bat ukatu ondoren 2008 Kubako Olinpiar Team, arren balizko Olinpiar zilarrezko dominaren garaitu zion Emelio Correa, Jr.. in the Cuban Olympic Qualifier. Correa is the son of 1972 Olinpiar txapelduna Emelio Correa, Sr., duten oraindik amateur boxeo Kubako inplikatutako zen, bere semea Garcia gehiagoko hautatua izan da Kubako irudikatzeko batean 2008 Olinpiadak. Correa lost in the championship final to James DeGale, Brit hark Nazioarteko Boxing Federazioa da (IBF) super middleweight titlist.
Ez ohiko defentsa-lehen Kubako boxeolari, Garcia da crisp puncher hori insiders askok uste izan dugu nor Defected Kubako edozein boxeolariak baino gehiago hankaz bezala ezagutzen, outside of Guillermo Rigondeaux eta Yuriorkis Gamboa, duten bi anitz aldiz munduko txapeldun profesionalek bezala bihurtu.
Garcia da, lehen Boxing Peekskill eta Westchester Boxing Club urtean egindako lan White Plains (NY), non dagoeneko prestatuak Nick “Knuckles” Delury eta bere laguntzailea, Mundu ohia izenburua erronka Larry Barnes (44-3, 17 Kos). A former No. 1 sailkapenean welterweight munduko contender, Barnes’ galerak soilik hiru pro bat bezala munduko txapeldun izan ziren Felix “Tito” Trinidad, Saul Mamby eta Luis Ramon “Yuri Boy” Campusean.
“Mutil handi bat da, oso argia eta errespetuzkoa,” Delury iruzkindu. “Badira lau urte off izatetik herdoila batzuk, baina Luis bizi da ona, healthy lifestyle and he hasn’t suffered any damage in the ring. He da 28, hezi, and a true gentleman. It’s been a pleasure working with him. Luis is a gifted boxer. He’s extremely exciting to watch and has a perfect blend of offense and defense.

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