Lewiston, Maine (Maiatza 21, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, bere misto borroka-arteen XVIII ospatuko da (MMA) Ekitaldia, “NEF XVIII: MADE IN AMERICA,” on Larunbata, June 13, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Lehenago, gaur egun, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. The matchup will feature Jeremy Tyler (4-3) begira Johnny Artisautza (3-0) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


Jeremy Tyler will be making his return to the NEF cage after an extended absence of nine months. A member of Marcus Davis’s famed Team Irish gym in Brewer, Maine, Tyler will look to rebound from the first back-to-back losses of his career. Both of those losses came to Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) lehiakideen. It is a gym affiliated with Johnny Craftsteam New England United (NEW), so the June 13 fight will be an opportunity for Jeremy to gain a measure of revenge as well. Like his opponent at “NEF XVIII,” Tyler has proven himself a submission specialist with all four of his victories coming by way of capitulation.


I’m very excited to be stepping into the NEF cage for the first time in 2015,said Tyler. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to fight John Crafts who is a highly ranked MMA fighter with a very good Jiu Jitsu game. I believe the NEF fans will be very happy with the match-up and feel this will make for an entertaining fight. Expect to see an improved performance from me. I took some time off after my last fight to focus, build upon my technique and add to my overall skill sets. I am ready to unleash the game I’ve been developing in the cage so Ekainaren 13an can’t get here fast enough.


Originally scheduled to challenge for the NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship at “NEF XVIII,” Johnny Crafts was left without a fight after his original opponent pulled out due to injury. That was until Jeremy Tyler stepped up to the challenge this week. This fight will mark the first time Johnny Crafts, who holds a brown belt in BJJ, has competed above the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds. Crafts was voted the “2014 Urteko Rookie” by NEF fans.


I’m very excited to be fighting Jeremy Tyler,” said Crafts. “He’s a well-rounded fighter with good experience. I’m looking to test the waters at 145 for my first time and see how I feel fighting up. I was pretty disappointed in the title fight falling through, but I assure everyone that this fight will be just as exciting to watch.


Sarrerak “NEF XVIII: MADE IN AMERICA” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude orain www.TheColisee.com edo Colisée kutxa bulegoa deituta 207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean www.NewEnglandFights.com. Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."


Buruz New England Borrokak


New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.

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