Category Archives: mekemeke

TANIELU Jacobs VU. Korukī PRESS AMUIRAA Pita QUILLIN ME Whakaahua HEI Tīhema. 5 Taupatupatunga ON SHOWTIME®

“E kore e mea faufaa te reira te mea e haere ana ia ki te tepu ki, ka to tatou he puni 10-wiki mo tenei whawhai, a ka riro matou rite rawa.”
– Daniel Jacobs
Titau ahau Danny ki te kawe i tana kauwae nui ki tenei whawhai. Kihai ahau i kite i te aroaro o te reira engari titiro ki tona kauae rawa nui.” – Peter Quillin
SATURDAY, Dec. 5, Te noho i SHOWTIME®
MEI Barclays CENTER i Brooklyn
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Tickets I te Sale Na!!!
NEW YORK, N.Y.. (Oketopa. 7, 2015) –WBA whitu World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó)me te toa o mua ao Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó)whai wāhi i roto i te amuiraa tīmata press runga i te Wenerei i Planet Hollywood Times Squarei roto i te New York City ki te kauwhau ōkawa ratou tino tūmanako Dec. 5 pupūtanga i roto i te hui matua oSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora i runga i SHOWTIMEi Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn.
Ka te undercard mo te pupūtanga o Brooklyn e kauwhautia hohoro.
Kei raro ko te mea i te whawhai, me whakahaere i ki te mea i teie mahana:
“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei. Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki Brooklyn tenei. Kihai i taea e kua tupu te reira i te wa pai. Kua kua ahau te karanga ia ia i roto i hoki e rua nga tau, engari i reira ki te tango i taua wa ki te hanga me te mo to tatou mahi ki te tupu.
“Ko te pā, e te toa i te mutunga o te ra. Kei te haere tenei matchup ki te katoa Kikī mahi-. Ko te he matchup rawa ngā.
“E whakawhetai ahau kia Pita mo te fariiraa i te wero, me te mo te hoatu i te faingamālie ahau ki te whai i te whawhai mahi-te huri.
“Whakapono ahau toku wa inaianei ko. E mohio ana ahau i reira ko hype a tawhio noa ahau ano he amanaki. Te tangata i to ratou whakaaro e pā ana ki ahau, engari e whakapono ana ahau i tenei wa hakari e kua pakari ahau ano he tangata whānui. Ahau i roto i toku pirimia.
“Ki ahau, tenei whawhai te tikanga o nga mea katoa ki a Brooklyn. Ko te pa matotoru-kiri i whakaarahia i runga i whawhai tenei. Tonu i koe ki te paruru ia outou. To tatou e whakapehapeha o ia whawhai nui e haere mai i konei, a Au waimarie nui ki te waiho i taua toa ki te haere tonu i te faufaa ai'a ahau.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki tenei whawhai he rota o te hiranga ki reira, e kore e tika i roto i te New York, engari ki te hākinakina o te mekemeke i roto i te whānui. He rota o te iwi kua tono hoki tenei whawhai, a inaianei e te reira konei, ka kite koe i te nui rahi o te aro a tawhio noa te reira.
“Whakaaro ahau tamarikitanga he katoa i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Ahakoa he pakeke Quillin atu ahau, ia e wheako me te mana e ka kawea e ia ki te mowhiti. Ka taea e tetahi mea tupu i roto i tenei hākinakina.
“Ko ahau te mea powhiriwhiri taua o tenei whawhai ngā, kei te haere i tēnei whawhai ki te waiho i te whawhai mīharo.
“Just no te mea he kohakore i roto i te wāhi kotahi Pita, Ka taea e ia te hoki ki te knockout kotahi-tokua e ake, na i nga wa e koe ki te kia rite mo e.
“Kohakore a Pita te hunga e utaina ana e ia ki runga i ona matā rawa nui, He puhoi i runga i ona waewae, me te he e kore e hikaka. Ki te taea e mahia e ahau i te mahere kēmu whakaaro ahau e waiho hei putanga tina.
“Whāngai matou rite ki tetahi o Brooklyn o ake a Pita, engari haere po whawhai koutou e kite i te katoa, he papatu, i whanau Brooklyn-.
“E kore e mea faufaa te reira te mea e haere ana ia ki te tepu ki, ka to tatou he puni 10-wiki mo tenei whawhai, a ka riro matou rite rawa.
“Kua ahau i runga i te kai tino, Kahore ahau i kai tiakarete. Otiia i muri i Hakihea 5th, Kei te haere ahau ki te kia te Monster Pihikete, e kore e haereere ki reira.”
“Tenei whawhai te tikanga o nga mea katoa ki ahau. Ko te eé rua mo te whawhai o Brooklyn. E haere tatou e ki te whai nui te tautoko i roto i te whare, me te tino ka tenei whawhai faauru iwi.
“I roto i te New York City e kore koutou whiwhi ki te kite ko eé e rua i tenei taumata o te tapawha mekemeke atu ki tetahi ki tetahi. Te tikanga o te reira i te rota, me te Ahau rawa oaoa e pā ana ki tenei whawhai.
“Titau ahau Danny ki te kawe i tana kauwae nui ki tenei whawhai. Kihai ahau i kite i te aroaro o te reira engari titiro ki tona kauae rawa nui, na e te aha e tatou titiro i teie nei.
“Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau te tama a Brooklyn. Ahakoa ahau i Michigan, riro tenei pa kua ahau i roto i rite ahau tetahi o ratou ake. Kite koe i te aha i Las Vegas mo Floyd Mayweather, e te mea i mea ai Brooklyn hoki ahau.
“Ko te taata pai vs tenei. taata pai whawhai a te reira pai mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Au e haere mai ahau ki te maka poma. Ehara i te e pā ana ki te pire. Te reira e pā ana ki te huru o Au whawhai ahau te tangata. Ko te momo o te whawhai kei te haere e ki te kawe i te pai i roto i o Pita Quillin tenei.
“Arahina ahau i te āhua noho rawa hauora me te tereina noa, no te kore ahau e ahau te whakarite mo te whawhai. Pupuri ahau i ahau kia rite ki te kuao rite taea.
“E haere koe ki te kite i maha o Hōngongoi i roto i te marama o Hakihea. E haere tatou i ki te ngohe etahi hukarere.”
Brett YORMARK, Tumu o Center Barclays
“A, no te feruri e ahau o Center Barclays inaianei, tatou mau kei roto i te mahi hui nui.
“A, no te feruri e ahau e pā ana ki te toenga o 2015, i reira i ngā rā e rua i runga i toku maramataka, me te he tetahi o ratou Battle mo Brooklyn i runga i Dec. 5. Ko te rangatira e rua ake konei ko e konga o te Center Barclays. Ko to ratou fare tenei atu i te kāinga. Kahore he pai he wahi mo kia whiwhi ratou i te reira i runga i.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te kia tino hoatu matou i runga i te whakaatu nui mo nga pā i roto i Brooklyn. Kei oaoa ki te kite i te pā katoa i runga i matou Dec. 5.”
Lou DIBELLA, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment
“Riro Center Barclays kua te whare o te mekemeke me tetahi o nga wahi nui ki te whanga ki mekemeke matau i teie nei.
“Fafau atu nei au ki a koe, tenei ka waiho i te undercard o te tau. Te haere ki te waiho i te undercard tino ngā o te tau. Haere koutou tīkiti i teie nei.
“Kua whakawhanakehia SHOWTIME e rua o enei tangata taitamariki. Ko enei toa e rua i hanga e rua o ratou ingoa ano whawhai SHOWTIME. Tika ka mutu tenei whawhai i te tau i runga i SHOWTIME.
“Kua mohio ahau e rua o enei tangata taitama mai i ratou tamariki. Ko ratou nga tangata faahiahia, me te nama pono ki te hākinakina. Whiwhi takatu enei kua tonu haere, faatura ratou tahi i te tahi rite whawhai, engari i reira ko te whakapono pono i runga i to ratou wahi e rua e ratou te pai.
“Tangohia te auhoaraa katoa, me maka te reira i roto i te matapihi. Kei te haere tenei ki te e tohe. Kei te haere tenei ki te e nanakia. He ka mekemeke engari ka maka enei takatu poma. E kore e taea e ratou te tauturu ia ratou, e te aha hanga ratou na nui.
“Ko te toa o tenei i taea e te superstar.
“Tenei whawhai ko te whakaatu i te tangata i roto i te pa, ko te nei. Ko te toa, ka ake Brooklyn. Ki te kei te tangata i roto i Brooklyn koe, kei te tangata e koe. Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai o te kaitono tau, e kore feaa.
“Titau ahau nga tangata e rua ki te haere ki raro,. Ka hei te pā o ratou waewae te wa katoa i runga i. Ko te whawhai e kore e taea e mahue i waenganui i toa me takatu Me tenei wikitoria te hunga e hiahia ana, me te rua whakanoho iho ki āu tenei.”
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports
“E oaoa tatou ki te mahi ki te DBE me Barclays Center i runga i tenei kaupapa. You’re going to hear a lot of genuine excitement because this is the right fight, i te wāhi tika, me te i te wa e tika.
“Brett [Yormark] kua puta ke Center Barclays ki te whare o te mekemeke i runga i te Tai Te Tai Rāwhiti.
“Tango matou i te nui nui o te whakapehapeha i roto i enei tangata taitamariki tokorua, no te mea he ratou nga mea katoa e te mea tika ki te hākinakina.
“Kei tino rerekē taitama ki kōrero ātahu ratou. Ratou kua rua hinga te aroaro maere. Arahina ratou o ratou ara ki tahi i te tahi. Ka riro te reira pakeke hoki ki a tatou e whiriwhiri nei ki te unu mō te rua kuao nui tangata me kaimekemeke nui no te mea he enei.”
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Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i,


Plus rua Contests waenganui i Prospects Tūturu: Ka hari ia Lydell Rhodes Battles Sergey Lipinets a Javontae Starks I Hamuera Figueroa
Orlando, FL (October 7, 2015) He tukinga taumahamaha i waenganui i Tony “Ko te Tiger” Thompson (40-5, 27 Koó) a Malik “King” Scott (37-2-1, 13 Koó) hinaaro kupu matua Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) – Ko te rauna Panuku i runga i Patupatu TV a i runga i Rāmere, October 30 i te Wāhi i UCF, kei muri i te CFE Arena i Orlando, Fla.
Ano rere te 10-a tawhio noa, ka tutau kapinga teata whawhai taumahamaha timatanga ora i 9 p.m. AND a ko te toru o instalment o PBC – Ko te rauna Panuku i runga i Patupatu TV. Ko te PBC tuatahi e rua i runga i ngā kāri whawhai Patupatu TV, puritia i runga i August 2 a Mahuru 18 aua i roto i te tata Winter Park, Fla.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Warriors Boxing, kei runga i apopo hoko i12 p.m. AND. Utu Tickets e i $102, $52 a $27 a taea te hokona e te karanga Warriors Mekemeke i (954) 985-1155 ranei mā te toro Tickets also available through, Ticketmaster putanga, na roto i te te karanga 800-745-3000, ranei i te Tari CFE Pouaka Arena.
I roto i te hui tahi-matua, Lightweights super tūturu Lydell Rhodes (23-0-1, 11 Koó) aSergey Lipinets (7-0, 6 Koó) ka tutaki i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio noa. Haamata kapinga teata ki te opuaraa atu tūturu rite Javontae Starks (13-0, 7 Koó) a Samuel “El Macho” Figueroa (9-0, 4 Koó) he tapawha atu i roto i te waru rauna o te mahi Welterweight.
“Ko te nui ki te whawhai i runga i PBC i te Patupatu i roto i te whawhai taumahamaha rite tenei,” Said Thompson. “E kore au e ahau titiro mua Malik Scott no te mea te ia he toa mātanga, me te hunga tinihanga. I think most fighters will stay away from a style like Malik’s but everyone knows I will fight anyone. I’ll be looking to make a statement against him by pressing the action and keeping him out of his comfort zone.”
“Ahau rawa mauruuru mo tenei faingamālie me rite ki te hoatu i runga i te mahi nui,” Said Scott. “Ko te kotahi rite tau i mua i runga i tenei rā, October 30, i haere ahau ki Ahitereiria, a whiua Alex Leapai me titiro atu ahau ki te whiwhi i roto i te whakakai me maka ana i runga i te whakaatu ki a Tony Thompson. Tony Ko te toa-ao o te piha haapiiraa, me te wikitoria ki runga ia e arahi ki nui me te pai nga mea hoki ahau.”
Ko tētahi o nga whawhai tino ite i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha, Thompson, kua rua wero Wladimir Klitschko i tona mahi-tau 15. Fanauhia i roto i te Silver Spring, Maryland engari whawhai i roto i Washington, D.C., Mai Thompson atu o te wikitoria ki runga Odlanier Solis i tanguru, tona tuarua i runga i te nguha taumahamaha mai 2014. Ia nona hoki te rua o whakaora i runga i taumahamaha te faaara Rawiri Price, rua mutu nei whawhai ia i roto i tona hoariri o te whenua te kāinga.
He taumahamaha rite i Philadelphia, Kua hoki whawhai Scott ngaio mai 2000 a ngaueue atu 35-tika te whakauru ki te tīmata i tana mahi ngaio. Tona wikitoria tino tata ko pea tona mīharo rawa rite turia ia ki Ahitereiria, a patua Alex Lepeai. Ko te-tau 34-tawhito nona hoki te paahitia whakamutunga-a tawhio noa o Bowie Tupou i 2012 a whawhai tūturu Vyacheslav Glazkov ki te Unuunu i roto i 2013.
He kaipara-hākinakina maha nei whakataetae kua i roto i rua mekemeke me te whakauru toi hōia ngaio, Titiro Oklahoma City a Rhodes ki te noho hinga kore i runga i October 30. Ko te-tau 27-tawhito kei te haere mai atu o te whakataetae afa-Unuunu ki te Iarere Robinson i Pipiri. I mua i taua whawhai, Tuhia Rhodes e wha whakaora i roto i 2014 tae atu ki ngā wikitōria ki runga Miguel Angel Huerta me John Nater.
He runaruna ta'na i whanau nei i roto i te katatānga engari whawhai i roto i Russia, Tahuri pro Lipinets i Aperira o whakamutunga tau ki te wikitoria whakatau i runga i Franklin Varela. Tuhia te-tau 26-tawhito, kua knockouts ono-tika mai i reira, ki ona whakaora tino tata haere mai i runga i ngā hōia Kendal Mena ko Cosme Rivera. Ka whawhai Lipinets i roto i te U.S. mo te wha o nga wa i runga i October 30.
Whawhai i roto i Minneapolis, Minnesota, Reirahia ake he mīharo Starks 98-16 runaruna lekooti i mua i te tahuri pro i roto i 2009. Kua ramped te-tau 26-tawhito ake i te mahi mai 2014, tuhi whakaora e whitu tae atu te whakauru ia mo Carlos Galvan a Heremaia Wiggins i roto i 2015.
Hou atu te wikitoria Mahuru runga mua hinga kore Fernando Paliza, hanga te Figueroa-tau 24-tawhito te tere hoki ki te mowhiti titiro ki te hanga atu o taua angitu. Tahuri pro te whanau Rican-Puerto toa i roto i 2011 a ka toa mutu te tuhituhi i roto e wha o tona ono whawhai tuatahi.
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i Twitter @ PremierBoxing, BounceTV, MalikKingScott, WarriorsBoxingProm KoSwanson_Comm me te whai i te kōrero mā te whakamahi i #PBConBounce, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i, a
Bounce TV is carried on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) kötuitui i runga i te pouaka whakaata, me te ngā i te ranunga hötaka o taketake, me te atu-whatunga raupapa, pikitia nekehanga tapere, motuhake, ora hākinakina me te ake. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 85 miriona mau fare puta noa 90 mākete me 90% Awherika utuafare pouaka whakaata American o — tae katoa o te mākete pouaka runga AA. I roto i nga kaiwhakatū o te Patupatu TV he whika rongonui Amerika Ambassador Andrew Young, a Martin Luther King III. No te wāhi hongere rohe, toro
Ko te Wāhi i UCF – Whakahaeretia e te Whakahaere Wāhi Spectra, E tū ana te Wāhi i UCF muri i te CFE Arena i runga i te wānanga o te University o Central Florida. Ko te Wāhi i UCF he te kāinga ki te kapa i te UCF Women o Volleyball me ope ki te konohete a te tahi atu wae i roto i te rohe Central Florida. Haere ki hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio.

MAHI undercard whakaongaonga āhuatanga Ivan REDKACH Fehangahangai Erick Martinez WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 AT Gila RIVER Arena I Glendale, Arizona

Pirimia mekemeke Champions I ESPN headlined e
Welterweights Devon Alexander vs. Aron Martinez
9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT
Glendale, THE. (October 7, 2015) – Nguha Whakaongaonga Ivan Redkach (18-1, 14 Koó) hoki ki te whawhai Erick Martinez (11-2-1, 5 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā 10-a tawhio noa i runga iWednesday, October 14 i Gila awa Arena i Glendale, Arizona.
Te October 14 Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i ESPN headlined hui e te toa mua ao Devon Alexander “Ko te nui” (26-3, 14 Koó) tango i runga i whakamatauria whawhai-Mexican Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Koó). Haamata kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT ki te U.S. tuatahi o te toa mā ao Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i toa mua toru-wehenga ao Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Koó).
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e Whakatairanga Ring maona,, E utu i $200, $100, $50 a $25 no te whakauru whānui, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets
Mahi undercard ētahi poka mā tūturu-tau 18-tawhito Damien “Sugar” Vazquez (7-0, 3 Koó) i roto i te Thornton, Colorado ki Mexican Francisco Lapizco(7-1, 2 Koó) i roto i te a'ee ono-a tawhio, 2012 Olympic Silver mētara Tugstsogt Nyambayar(3-0, 3 Koó) o Mongolia i roto i te a'ee whā super ki Mexico o Ricardo Proana (11-2, 9 Koó) ko Phoenix o Alexis Santiago (19-3-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i Mexican Gustavo Molina (10-8, 4 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa whā super a'ee.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te mahi he-tau 30-tawhito Lionell Thompson (15-3, 9 Koó) rite e ia i runga i Kentucky-Māori i roto i Buffalo Thomas Hanshaw (6-6, 4 Koó) i roto i te cruiserweight a'ee waru-a tawhio noa, me tūturu opuaraa whitu super Kevin Newman “Te Piti-raa mai” (3-0-1, 1 KO) whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, a Rawiri Benevidez (9-0, 8 Koó) o Phoenix i pāngia undercard motuhake.
Fanauhia i roto i te Ukraine engari whawhai i roto i Los Angeles, Timata mekemeke i te matahiti o te ono Redkach me kua hoatu tahi te mahi whakamīharo mai tahuri pro i roto i 2009. Nona te 29-tau-tawhito whakaora mo Tony Luis, Sergey Gulyakevich ko Yakubu Amidu. Ka ātete ia i te Zamudio-tau 24-tawhito i roto i o Sinaloa, Mexico.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at a A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN.


48-titiro Ashley tau-tau ki te whakawhānui Guinness World Record e patuki atu tūturu Christina McMahon o Ireland.

Brooklyn, N.Y.. (Oketopa. 7, 2015) – MANA'O Guinness! Kia Me ki kia whakahoutia i muri i te i te Buka a Ao Records Rāpare, Oketopa. 29 Kāri Pakanga Brooklyn i te Complex Aviator Sports. Kauwhautia Mekemeke toa-tahuri-kaiwhakatairanga Dmitriy Salita i runga i te Wenerei e te tāpiri i te kāri kē-tino he wahine whawhai taitara ao ki taea pānga hītori.

Brooklyn o ake Alicia “Apahinu” Ashley, ko wai e 48 tau, 81 ra, no te nga mowhiti pere i muri i tenei marama, Ko te titleholder ao mua te tangata nona tēnei wā te Guinness World Record rite toa ao mekemeke wahine te tino pakeke. Ia te tuatahi roaa te wehewehe i runga i Oct. 13, 2013, ka awhina ia te whitiki WBC Super whā ki te wikitoria mo Zenny Sotomayer i Tijuana, Mexico, i 46 tau, 61 ra, ko te kupu waikawa tona wahi i roto i te pūranga ao rongonui.

Ashley (22-10-1, 4 Koó) – runga tuarua i roto i tona wehenga e BoxRec ka tuhia rite ki tetahi o te pai pauna-no-pauna battlers o te wahine i roto i te ao nei – te whai wāhi ki te hītori anō-tuhituhi kotahi ano, ka maka ia ia ake rekoata o te ao atu i roto i te mea tawhiti ina wero ia tūturu Irish toa, me te toa WBC whā Interim nāianei Christina McMahon (7-0, 3 Koó). Kua whakaemi McMahon he ūkui kohakore mai timata tana mahi ngaio i roto i 2010 a ka titiro ki te aukati i te tamataraa o Ashley i te whakawhānui ia tohu Guinness i runga i Rāpare, Oketopa. 29 – e te toa te kāinga te wātea WBC Super whā taitara.

“Tenei ka riro tetahi, epic whakaatu Brooklyn Pakanga ki te WBC whawhai taitara ao ngā i te hui. Ka whai tēnei whakaatu opuaraa me contenders, me whawhai i nga wahi katoa o te ao, me i mea katoa a tawhio noa New York City,” Said Word, te IBF mua, WBA ko NABA International Junior Welterweight Champion nei whawhai i roto i Flatbush, Brooklyn, ano he ngaio. “Alicia Ko tetahi o nga kaimekemeke tino-i titiro tino i roto i te ao, me te titiro ki te whai i roto i te tapuwae o heke mai Hall o Famer Bernard Hopkins i te anō-hopu i te taitara i tēnei wā i roto i tona mahi. Ka tino whakamate ona pūkenga nui ki te whakamātautau ki te nguha tūturu i roto i Christina McMahon.”

I Rāpare, Oketopa. 29, te Aviator Sports me Events Center i Tonga Brooklyn e mahi rite te whenua whakamatautauranga i muri hoki maha New York City-e hāngai ana whetu maranga. Ka hanga te undercards whakaongaonga ki te takahanga ngā, te wahi e Square Ashley me McMahon atu, me te hinga Russian me te runga-10 nguha whā ao-runga, Nikolay Potapov, Kei te whakaturia ki te hanga i tana U.S.A. tuatahi.

Doors tuwhera i 6 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 6:30 p.m., rite te Brooklyn Pakanga titiro ki te faatîtî kotahi ano New York City ki fistic riri. Timata tīkiti i $20 a e wātea ana mā te karanga 1-844-890-2120 ranei mā te toro

Potapov – runga i tēnei wā rite te No. 14 whā i roto i te ao i te WBO me te tauanga i teie nei No. 10 ao e BoxRec – ka hoatu e tona tūturu 13-0 record (6 Koó) i runga i te raina rite hanga e ia tona tuatahi i runga i U.S. oneone. Ko te battler nohopuku-aranga haupu ake, nui atu i 180 tītaha runaruna, i mahia ai te maha o te whakataetae whakaora motu, me te ao, a inaianei rite kua hohoro piki he pro 25-tau-tawhito ki te wero ia ia ki te wha pāngia 10-a tawhio noa, me te 12-rounder ki runga whakataetae. I roto i tona wikitoria pro whakamutunga, Popatov roaa te taitara WBA Āhia i te patu ia Jason Canoy, nei tauanga E kore te. 14 i roto i te WBC me No. 12 i roto i te IBF.

Welterweight amanaki “Keu” Tresean Wiggins (7-1, 6 Koó) – hou atu te knockout tuatoru-a tawhio noa i te Aug. 25 Brooklyn Pakanga: Mekemeke I te take Beach – ka hoki i runga i te kāri Aviator kia. Ko te whawhai whakapehapeha o Newburgh, N.Y., mīharo whakamutunga marama, ko ki a Baltimore Kevin Womack Jr. a ka titiro ki te tāpiri i tētahi atu wikitoria Tuhinga ki tona anō puäwaitanga.

Tūturu nguha Kōmāmā teina Dimash Niyazov o Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, ka whai whakamatauria ano tona mettle kotahi i te matatini Aviator. Ko te āpiha pirihimana Brooklyn, nei aamu i chronicled e te Wall Street Journal i August, pai ake ki 8-0-3 (5 Koó) ki te ono-a tawhio noa Boxing I te Beach whakatau loto mo toa rohe Ariere “Ahi” Durán i roto i te Brooklyn-Queens crosstown totohe a'ee.

Detroit o James Gordon Smith (8-0, 5 Koó) Ko tetahi whetu maranga maka ana i tona record kohakore ki te whakamātautau i roto i Brooklyn. Ko te waru-wā Motor City Golden karapu taitara-toa, me te toa runaruna motu o mua he loto runga i te hanga i te ingoa hoki ia i roto i te rarangi pro.

He te Welterweight marama me Häkinakina hanga i tona tuatahi ngaio, Serdar Hudayberdiyev mai ki te Brooklyn Pakanga i muri i te mahi runaruna te ao ta'na. Ko te whakapehapeha o tona Turkmenistan taketake i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru o te moana o Kapiana, riro ia te koura i roto i nga kēmu Āhia, a tīpakohia kaimau kara o tona whenua i roto i te 2012 Summer Olympics i Rānana.

Taumahamaha Emilio Salas (3-1-1, 1 KO) o Puerto Rico – nana nei i whakatitiro ake te Mekemeke I te ūkui Beach ki te TKO a tawhio tuarua i te utu o te hoariri Glenn Thomas – Ka tāpiri i te tahi mau whatitiri ki te Oketopa. 29 kāri i Welterweight Giorgi “Goga” Gelashvili (2-0, 2 Koó) o Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, Ka whakarato te uira. Gelashvili, he toru-wā toa motu Hōriana mua, hoariri lōmekina DeLoren Gray-Jordon August whakamutunga ki te salvo ohorere o whiu i roto i te taka noa e rua, ārahi ki te rua o tana wikitoria Tuhinga roto i rite maha whawhai, me te rite maha marama.

He hua o kurahauao, Queens, Edward Valdez I tata tāpiri ki te ūkui Brooklyn Pakanga ka ū mai. He hōia i 13-11-2 (10 Koó), Ka fehangahangai Valdez Aik Shakhnazaryan (16-2, 7 Koó) o Samara, Russia, i roto i te whakataetae Kōmāmā waru-a tawhio noa.

Kia ka kauwhautia Pāohotanga mōhiohio i te rā i muri mai. Me whakapā hoa rangatōpū Hiahia Mark Fratto i

No te mōhiohio tīkiti me ngā whakahōunga i runga i te Rāpare, Oketopa. 29, Brooklyn Pakanga takiuru koa i runga i ki a A pee i te mahi katoa mā pāpāho pāpori nui ki runga ki te hui – a ki runga ki te po, whawhai – iBrooklynBrawlNY i runga i Twitter, me te Instagram, ranei mā te whakauru i te hashtag #BrooklynBrawl.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo toronga
No te Ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Salita Whakatairanga me tono taipitopito tuakiri pāpāho: Whakapā:

John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson īngoa pāpāho ataata

Kia tukuna tonutia atu
Manchester, Ingarangi (October 7, 2015)–WBO maha-rima runga teina nguha taumahawaenga & Boxcino 2015 toa, John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson participated in Rātū o tūmomo pāpāho i roto i te mua o tona WBO whitu teina a'ee taitara ao ki Liam Smith tenei Rāhoroi i te Manchester Arena i Manchester, Ingarangi.
Whakatairangatia ana Thompson e GH3 Whakatairanga & Whakatairanga Kara
Kei raro ko ngā ataata o taua tūmomo. Kia whakamahi putanga pāpāho te ataata i runga i to ratou tukutuku & tüäpapa mamati i te tārua / whakapiri i te waehere tāmau:
Workout John Thompson Media, October 6, 2015
Workout John Thompson Media, October 6, 2015


Jose UZCATEGUI KNOCKS I Julius Jackson i te rauna tuarua o PREMIER BOXING toa ON FS1 ME Fox Deportes i Cowboys Dancehall i roto i San Antonio, TX

Argenis Mendez Ka riro whakatau loto Neke atu i te Miguel Vazquez
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Josh Horano / PBC
Jackson vs. Uzcategui Highlights wātea HERE
Vazquez vs. Mendez Highlights wātea HERE
San Antonio (October 6, 2015) – Ko te hui matua o Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i FS1 me FOX Deportes i Cowboys Dancehall i San Antonio, Kite TX Jose Uzcategui (24-1, 20 Koó) mutu Julius Jackson (19-1, 15 Koó) 45 hēkona ki te tuarua a tawhio. Uzcategui ka atu ki te tīmatanga blistering, maturuturu Jackson e toru nga wa i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. Jackson kore i taea e ia farii faahou i Pakeha, ka mutu te whawhai i te aroaro o te wāhi i waenganui i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa.
Ngā te a'ee teata whakatuwhera Argenis Mendez (23-3-1, 12 Koó) te kaute i te whakatau loto (99-90, 97-92, 95-94) mo Miguel Vazquez (35-5, 13 Koó) i roto i te pakanga whawhai pakeke.
Ka tango i te putanga muri o te Toe-Ki-Toe Tūrei wahi i runga i October 13 rite Gerald Washington (16-0, 11 Koó) e i runga i Amir Mansour (22-1, 16 Koó) i Little Creek Casino Resort i Shelton, WA.
Tenei ko te aha i teie pô o te ka mea whawhai e pā ana ki o ratou mahi:
Julius Jackson
“Ko te he tīmatanga tino nohopuku me ko e pā ana ki te reira. Ahau Ua patua tika, me te kore ahau e mahara nui i muri i.
“Ua hinaaro matou ki te whakahaere i te whawhai ki toku werohanga, engari Ua pato◊io pai ia, ka tukino i ahau. E kore ahau ora ake i muri i.
“E kore ahau i whakaaro e pā ana ki te pupuri. Ko ahau femo'uekina mahi.
“I whai ahau ki te pakū te tahi mea i roto i waenganui i a Ua mau.”
“Tatou mahere ko ki te haere a tawhio i a tawhio, engari i ētahi wā e ara wāhitanga. Ka rite ki ahau i kite ano ahau i kino ia ia ka mau ahau painga. Tere ko te kī te po nei.
“Kihai i haafaufaa tatou ia i te katoa, engari kotahi kite tatou i to tatou painga i muri i te tīmatanga peke ki runga ki a ia e ahau.
“Mohio ahau e ko ia he kaipara nui, me te toa pai, pera ahau i haere mai ki konei, ka mahi i nga mea i ahau ki te mahi i. E mohio ana ahau ki te mea te reira rite ki te whai i te tutuki i roto i te akoranga o toku mahi ahakoa, na ka tumanako ahau e kore e kia pehia ana e ia e tenei. Ko te po nei ko toku.
“Ko nga mea katoa kua mahi matou ki hoki e toru nga marama tenei. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku pŭpŭ taatoa no ratou tonu tāne ki ahau e ka (Jackson) taia te werohanga kia kopere tonu ahau i te ringa matau ki runga ki te tihi. Mohio matou ko te wahi pai o tona kēmu tona werohanga, engari i matou arotahi puni whakangungu katoa ki te maka i te ringa matau, me te po nei i taea ki te rave i te reira tatou.”
Miguel Vazquez
“Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te faahepo ia ia he nui atu iti. Kāore e kore i nga mea tahuri atu te ara kua whakamaheretia tatou no te mea kihai i riro ia matou te wini.
“Ite e ahau pai, engari te po nei (Mendez) ko te iti ake hangarau atu ko ahau.
“Ko te he honore ki te whawhai i runga i tenei kāri. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai Al Haymon. Ko e faingamālie nui hoki ahau me toku mahi tenei.”
Argenis Mendez
“Toku mahere ko ki te kia pukuriri, te whakamahi i toku werohanga, me te pakaru iho ia nga tawhio. Ko te mea i mea ai ahau.
“Ko ahau taea ki te whenua i te nui, matā kaihoroi puta noa i te whawhai.
“I pupuri ia te rota, me te ki ahau te whakamahi i tona matenga. I whai ahau ki te mahi i te mea e taea e ahau ki te mahi ki reira, engari i tuku ratou whawhai ia.
“Ahau e hiahia ana i te whawhai taitara ao muri. Mai i tēnei wā i runga i te iwi e haere ki te kia whakamahia ki te kitenga 100% i roto i te i ahau.”
# # #
Jackson vs. I whakatairangatia ana Uzcategui e Leija Battah Whakatairanga.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ JuliusTheChef1, LeijaBattahPR, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, CowboysDanceHal KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i Highlights wātea i

TE reclamation DEGALE VU. 'okú AO Super whitu CHAMPIONSHIP Whiringa 28 i te Vidéotron Centre i Quebec City

(L-R) matenga kaiwhakangungu Howard Grant me Lucian'okú
(L-R) James DeGale me kaiwhakangungu upoko Jim mMcDonnell
(pikitia e Stevens Leblanc, Quebecor Media i te amuiraa press o tenei ra, kite i raro hoki korukī)

Te Kuititanga, Canada (October 6, 2015) — Popular tino rohe me te toa mua ao Lucian Bute (32-2, 25 Koó), o Montreal, ka ngana ki te tangohia tona whitiki taitara ao ki 2008 Toa Olympic me kingi toa super whitu ao James DeGale (21-1, 14 Koó), o Ingarangi, i roto i te hui matua i runga i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ora i runga i SHOWTIME, Rāhoroi, Whiringa 28, i te Vidéotron Centre o Quebec City.
Tenei hui mekemeke super, “Ko te pū,” Kei te tahi whakatairangatia ana-e Groupe Yvon Michel (Omaoma me InterBox, tautoko e Videotron me Mise-e-Jeu.
“Ko ahau tino hari ki te whai i tēnei whai wāhitanga i tēnei wā o toku mahi,” Ka mea a'okú. “Ngaro ahau i toku taitara i roto i Ingarangi ki te toa Ingarihi, me te inaianei, Ka kuru ana ahau i roto i Quebec ki tetahi atu kaimekemeke Ingarihi, mo taua te taitara awhina ahau mo te rima tau. Kua hihiri tino ahau mo tenei faingamālie ke nau toe ma'u te taitara ngaro ahau i roto i 2012. Ko te meka e ka tango i te wahi i te whawhai i roto i te mua o toku pā i roto i te Quebec City, te wahi e kore kua ahau ngaro, ka waiho te take e ka meinga e te rerekētanga. Hoatu e ahau toku faatura katoa ki te toa, James DeGale, mō te fariiraa i ki te haere hoki tona korero tuatahi, engari ka noho te whitiki IBF i roto i Quebec Whiringa 28!”
“'okú Ko te piha haapiiraa te ao, taumata-whiriwhiri toa, i pupuri nei i tana taitara ao mō rima tau,” DeGale kōrero. “Te tangata e nehenehe e rave e tika etahi faatura nui. Ahau te toa, a ka kia tino pupuhi ia ake e ngana ana ki te riro hoki tona taitara tawhito, engari au e ahau te kuao rawa, nohopuku rawa, and too skilful to let that happen. Au waimarie nui ki te kua pouaka i roto i te Canada anake i te tau i ma'iri a'e ahau, ka tangohia e ahau i runga i Sébastien Demers i Quebec i roto i 2013. Tutaki ahau etahi iwi nui i roto i reira. Ko te whenua ataahua, me te kore e taea e ahau ki te haere hoki tatari. Whiua e ahau Demers i te rauna i te tokorua, me Hiahia tango ano e ahau te hua taua. Ko nga mea katoa e tupu, Heoi riro ahau, Au hoki e haere mai ahau ki taku whitiki.”
“Hoki Lucian, Ko TE whawhai tautuhi i o tona mahi tenei,” faataa te Peresideni o InterBox me La Cage – Brasserie sportive, Jean Bédard. “Ko te tupono ahurei ki te faahou tona IBF taitara whitu super tenei. Ko matou tino hari ki te kua faaoti i te mahi mo tenei whawhai ki a James DeGale. Kotahi ano, e pai ki tenei kāri mekemeke tuatahi i roto i te waitohu Vidéotron Centre hou nga pā mekemeke Quebec.
“Tenei kaupapa ko te whakawhetai taea ki te mahi tahi, me te awhina o hoa matua,” Peresideni omaoma YTāpiri Michel. “E rite ahau ki te whakawhetai te Executive Vice Peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, Ngā hākinakina, te Takahanga Papatonotanga o Showtime Whatunga, M. Stephen Espinoza,Pierre Dion, Te peresideni me te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o Québecor, Robert Benoît, Te peresideni me te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o Groupe Hākinakina et divertissement o Québecor, me te peresideni o La Cage – Brasserie sportive, Jean Bédard, rite te pai ta tatou hoa, Videotron ko Mise-e-Jeu.
Whiringa 28, Te haamaitairaa ki te āwhina, ka whai Quebecers, tautoko me te whai wāhi hoki tenei wero nui mō'okú – tei paruru i tona taitara mo ha lekooti e iwa nga wa – ki te toe i tona taitara tawhito, e kore rawa nei i meatia i mua i konei,” Tāpiri Michel. “Ko te mahi pakeke e no te mea he tino mohio te toa, me te kore ia e wehi ki te paruru i tona whitiki hou waitohu i roto i te iāri te toa o te mua. E rite ahau ki te whakawhetai James DeGale mō te ka manakohia te aniraa, engari he whakakake te rōpū omaoma katoa ki te whakatairanga i tēnei kaupapa, me te hutia mo Lucian'okú i tona titauraa hītori.”
Ko matou nui atu whakakake ki te whakaatu i tētahi whawhai taitara ao i waenganui i Lucian'okú ko Hemi DeGale mo te kāri tuatahi mekemeke ake i Vidéotron Centre,” Parau Dion. “He ataahua aroha kōrero i waenganui i te iwi Quebec City o me Lucian'okú, nei riro i te whawhai e wha i kua e ia i roto i te pane a tawhito i roto i tona mahi pro.
Lucian Bute, Tahi tino o Quebec
'okú He kaimekemeke nei kua tonu i tino hira i roto Quebecers’ hearts. I muri i te mahi runaruna totoka, tuhitia e te mahi mētara koura i te 2001 Games francophone i roto i Ottawa, me te whai wāhitanga i roto i te toru taitara Ao, Whiriwhiria'okú Quebec rite tona whare tuarua.
Tīmata ano he hoa mākutu hoki ka Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC) ao toa whitu super Eric Lucas, whakakitea te southpaw te whānuitanga o tona taranata me Charisma, i roto i te tua ki te ako i te reo hou, French.
Kātahi whakatapua a titiaifaro, te Māori o Pechea, Hohoro whakatika Romania na roto i te rarangi o te mekemeke ngaio, tu maha whawhai uaua, me te mātanga.

He mārama tino mano, Ua ite'okú tana moe o te toa ao hoko i runga i Oketopa 19, 2007 i te Bell Centre i Montreal, patoto atu KOROMO Alejandro Berrio ki te riro i te IBF whitiki whitu super.

Ki te iwa parepare ngā o tona taitara ao, te gladiator-tau 35-tawhito tonu mau e lekooti mo te kaimekemeke Canadian. Whiwhi hoki'okú tona raraunga Canadian Maehe 26, 2012.
I muri i te wini mo Russian Denis Grachev i te mutunga o 2012, neke te kaipara nei inaianei e ora i roto i te Laval ake ki te wehenga taumahamaha marama mo te whawhai super ki tāwhai rohe Jean Pascal. I roto i te mua o te mano sellout i Bell Centre i runga i Hānuere 18, 2014, 'okú Ngaro he loto ki te toa lineal mua marama taumahamaha.
I muri i te roa, 18-marama, hoki mano tino'okú i roto i te ahua mīharo, whakangaro European Union toa whitu super Andrea Di Luisa i ara o te mutu te wha-a tawhio noa.
Whiringa 28, Ka tamata'okú ki te ngaki i tona mate ki Carl Froch ki tetahi Ingarihi me te tangohia tona taitara ngaro.
DeGale i toa Olympic ki te toa pro
He Māori o Rānana, Riro DeGale he hero Ingarangi mā te toa i te mētara koura ano he whitu (165 pauna) i te Beijing Olympic Games i roto i 2008.
Ki te rave i te reira, Ka paahi ia Ihipiana Mohamed Hikal (te tangata whakamutunga ki te hinga Gennady Golovkin), American Shawn Estrada, Kazakh Bakhtiyar Artayev (2004 Mētara koura Olympic 2004), Airihi Darren Sutherland me Cuban Emilio Correa Jr.
Neke DeGale i runga ki te rarangi pro i roto i 2009, toa ana 10 whawhai tuatahi i mua i ngaro i te whakatau i tautohetia ki te tāwhai motu George Groves i Mei 2011.
Oia mau e kore e whakangaueuetia ana e tona mate tuatahi, e rima marama i muri mai ka hoki te DeGale pana-patu ki te tīwae win, te patu i te toa whitu super Pākehā me WBO Inter-Continental, Pita Wilczewskiof Poland.
Mai taua wikitoria, DeGale riro 10 pāngia tae atu tetahi i roto i te Quebec, Kia 2013, i Lac-Leamy Casino i Gatineau, te wahi patua e ia Sébastien Demers e KO i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa.
Ka DeGale IBF toa whitu super i roto i tona haerenga whakamutunga, Kia 23 i roto i te Boston, ki te wini whakatau loto mo slick American Andre Dirrell.
DeGale Ko te toa o Ingarangi anake ki kua riro i te mētara koura Olympic me te taitara mekemeke ngaio.
Alvarez a Beterbiev hoki i roto i te mahi
Whawhai i runga i te kāri ano he taitara marama ao taumahamaha challengers Eleider Alvarez aArtur Beterbiev. Ka whawhai rua i roto i to ratou 175-pauna pāngia wehenga whakakorenga tēnā. He amuiraa press ka tango i te wahi i roto i te wiki i muri mai ki te whakarato i ngā taipitopito atu.
“Ko ahau oaoa tino ki kia hoki i roto Quebec City. Ētahi o toku haamana'oraa pai he konei. Riro ahau wha whawhai konei. E ono matahiti i teie nei, Whiringa 28, 2009, te taua ra James DeGale ka whawhai ahau, Patototanga ahau i roto i Librado Andrade. Na ka patua ano e ahau Glen Johnson i roto i Quebec City. DeGale Ko te toa nui, engari ki te haere mai ki konei ki te kanohi i ahau i roto i toku oire, i roto i te mua o te 15,000 te iwi, e kore e te mea ohie no ia. Ko ahau te kaiwero, Ko ahau te underdog, a ka ko ia te toa, engari te pēhanga he ki runga ki a ia. Kua noho ahau i tenei, no te ahau fehangahangai Carl Froch i Ingarangi. Taku moe Ko ki faahou toku taitara ao. Whakapono tonu ahau i roto i ahau, me i roto i oku taputapu ki te rave i te reira. Ka noho te whitiki i Quebec.”
“Te toa huarahi kia karanga koe ki ahau! Ahau fiefia ke fehangahangai mo ha toa rite Lucian whiriwhiri e ahau, ko toa mo te rima tau. Ko te ara ahau whakangungu, ka whiua tangata ahau. Ka taea e kite koe i toku huru tika i te meka tali ahau ki mai ki konei, ka tango i taua whawhai. Kia takatu hoki te whawhai riri, me te mīharo.”
Howard KALÅNITÉ (Upoko kaiwhakangungu o'okú)
“Ko te kuware taku mahi: Kua ahau ki te faaineine Lucian ki te riro i te taitara. I toa Ingarangi tonu tino i roto i te 160 pauna me 168 pauna wehenga. Ko taikaha DeGale, riro ia i te Häkinakina i roto i 2008, me te Ao Championship i roto i te United States…engari e kore e mahi Whiringa 28.”
JIM McDonnell (Upoko kaiwhakangungu o DeGale)
“James he rerekē. Mahia ana e ia nga mea katoa i runga i te ara taratara: te he toa Olympic, toa te taitara Ingarangi i tona ninth fight, a hoko toa o te Ao i roto i te United States. Ko te atu pēhanga nei ia, te pai ko ia. E kore ahau i mohio ki te tangata kia rite ki a ia i te aroaro o. E kore e taea te wehi ia. James faatura'okú, e mea ko ratou ina riro ia koe he taitara, whiwhi koe pai. Ka waiho te reira fakamanavahē.”
JEAN Bédard
“Te haere ki te waiho i te fun po. Kua ahau e rua taime Defining nui i roto i toku 10 tau i roto i te ao mekemeke. Ko te tetahi tuatahi ko Oketopa 19, 2007, ka riro Lucian ora toa o te Ao i runga i TVA (Quebec TV hongere) ko Whiringa 28, 2009, i roto i te mua o te mano mōkihi tāmi o 16,000 pā i te Québec Coliseum ka whiua Lucian Librado Andrade. Howard Grant (ko roto i te kokonga o Andrade) mahara tonu e mohio ana ahau! Na, e ono nga tau i muri mai, He rite hoki te rā hītori tatou.”
YVON Michel

“No toa i roto i te aamu mekemeke o Quebec ake noaa faahou te taitara Ao i muri i ngaro te reira. Ko te mahi e pakeke, no te mea he tino mohio, me te toa DeGale. Riro ia tona taitara i roto i te United State, matara atu i tona whare. Tonu, hutia tatou no te Lucian'okú i 100%. We have a 12 000 spectators configuration in the brand new Vidéotron Centre and we had already brought more people before for some of Lucian’s fight. He whakaaro e ka hutia ano pā mekemeke o Quebec mo Lucian matou.”

He tīkiti runga i te hoko i Vidéotron Centre tari pouaka, i runga i, i te omaoma(514) 383-0666, i InterBox (450) 645-1077 ranei i karapu mekemeke Champion (514) 376-0980.
butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca, stormalvarez,abeterbiev, SHOsports, premierboxing

Darleys Parete tohe WBA taitara Kōmāmā ki Anthony Crolla i roto i te rematch i runga i Rāhoroi, Whiringa 21, ORA i runga i RIARIA

Whakahau e te WBA – Ko tētahi o nga rematches tino tapoko o te Tau
San Diego, Pērā i – October,6 2015 – I Tanaturday ahiahi, Whiringa 21, Darleys Parete will defend the WBA Lightweight title in a rematch against Anthony Crolla i roto i te a'ee e taea te kite ora, a anake i roto i te United States i runga i Wehi- He taonga e o Entertainment
Ka tango i te a'ee te wahi i te Manchester Arena i Manchester, Ingarangi.
He te roto i te mekemeke i te kupu, ki te te po i te kaiwero taitara mutu ki te he Unuunu, te auraa whiua e ia te Sharing. No te pā mekemeke o Anthony Crolla, he nui atu i pono i te kupu. Tenei te te hītori ki runga ki Crolla v. Parete ahau me he aha Crolla Parete II ko me mataara rematch te.
I te Hōngongoi 18, 2015, mekemeke tahi tino Anthony Crolla hanga he hoki aronganui ki te mowhiti ki te whawhai Darleys Parete mo te taitara WBA Ao. E whitu nga marama i mua, I tukua e Crolla te angaanga marara, e kore i roto i te whakakai, engari i nga ringa o te tahae te whakamahi i te papa raima, ano he patu. Crolla taruke ana ki te ora ki te āwhina i te hoa nei ne fai ha kaiha'a.

Whakaaro ko waimarie ki te kia ora Crolla ētahi, nui iti hoki ki te mowhiti ki te whawhai ano. Ārahi katoa ki te ahiahi rawa aronganui i roto i Hōngongoi rite Crolla werohia Parete mo te WBA World Taitara. Heoi haere mai tetahi pupuhi kino. I muri rauna tekau ma rua o te mekemeke-ao o te piha haapiiraa, Oti Crolla te po ki te Unuunu tino tautohetia. Pā Mekemeke whakaaro Crolla riro te whawhai, i mua i mau he whakataunga e rua ira ki a Parete mo iti whiu. I ofo pā mano te kāinga riri o Crolla ka mahue te ao i roto i te puku. Amir Khan, te toa UK nohopuku-ringa tūmanakohia ki te whawhai Manny Pacquiao roto i te tīmatanga 2016, tweeted “He aha te kata!” characterizing te whakatau o Crolla pā te ao.

Ka hoki mai Parete ko Crolla ki te scene o te a'ee tuatahi, i roto i te mua o te mano raucous i te Manchester Arena.

Parete o San Pedro de Uraba, Colombia he lekooti o 32-1-1 ki 20 knockouts.
Riro ia tona tuatahi 28 pito, i whakaurua te whakauru ia mo Samir Torres (10-2-1), Patricio Antonio Pedrero (20-1-1), Ram'e Gil (6-0-4), Oscar Meza (22-4) & Bahá mamadjonov (11-0).
Wero ia ka tūturu Yuriorkis Gamboa mo te WBA Interim taitara Kōmāmā i runga i Pipiri 8, 2013 i roto i te Montreal. Perez came up just short, engari kia rua pāngia i muri patua e ia Argenis Lopez (19-0) ki te riro i taua taitara i runga i Pipiri 28, 2014 i roto i te Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Te 32 hanga Parete tau-tau e rua parepare o te karauna wā e hinga Jaider Parra (23-1-1) ko Honatana Maicelo (21-1) i te hakeaki'i ki te toa Kōmāmā WBA.
Ka tiango o Machester, Ingarangi he lekooti o 29-4-3 ki 11 knockouts.
Tahuri ia ngaio i runga i Oketopa 14, 2006 ki te wini mo Abdul Rashid (1-0).
Te 28 I amenea mai tau-tawhito, kua whakauru ia mo 4-wā kaiwero taitara ao Michael Brodie (36-3-1), Andy Morris (19-3), John Watson (13-1), Willie Limond (34-3), Syephen Jennings (5-1-1), Kieran Farrell (14-0), Jr mua. Toa Welterweight te ao Gavis Rees (37-2-1), Stephen Foster (31-4-1) & Mua kaiwero taitara ao John Murray (33-2)
Kia ka kauwhautia te wa tīmata me te undercard tonu tata.
Ka taea e pā mekemeke oaoa i tenei kāri mīharo i runga i te wehi wātea i runga i AT&T U-Verse, ch 147 a 1147 i roto i te HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 a 669 i roto i te HD, me te maha kaiwhakarato taura rohe puta noa i te iwi. Koa tirohia no te mekemeke whakahōu.

Danny O'Connor VU. Gabriel BRACERO II, Ryan KIELCZWESKI VU. Rafael Vazquez tonu Boston VU. NYC Ring totohe

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 MEI TE Lowell MEMORIAL Auditorium I Lowell, Massachusetts
8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT
Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
Lowell, Mass. (October 6, 2015) – Ko te Boston nui vs. New York City totohe hākinakina tonu Rāhoroi, October 10 i roto i te mowhiti i runga i te pouaka whakaata motu ki te mana raki whakamanamana i runga i te raina rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN mai ki hītori Lowell Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, Massachusetts.
Tukua atu Welterweight te rōpū home Boston Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Koó) me te mā whitu Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Koó), aua, ki Brooklyn whakaeke Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó) a Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Koó).
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, kei runga i te hoko, me te utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti, toronga
E rapu ana O'Connorwill utu mō 2011 mate ki te Braceroin te hui matua 10-a tawhio noa, i Kielczweski anga te whakamātautau uaua o tona mahi versus Vasquez i roto i to ratou a'ee 10-a tawhio noa ki te whakatuwhera i te haapurororaa NBCSN i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.
I roto i te tahi atu whawhai teata whakaritea, tūturu Dominican whā super artist KOHonatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (19-0, 19 Koó), whawhai i roto i o Lawrence tata (MA), e ki runga ki o Connecticut pouri-whakaaro Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga.
Boston vs. New York Ko te matchup matarohia kua pule'i e kupu matua hākinakina i roto i te raki mo tau rite nga Yankees New York me Boston Red Sox aroraa pakanga rave rahi i te Ingarangi Patriots New fehangahangai te New York Repaima i rua Super bowls ka tonu ratou totohe maoro ki te New Jets York. Kua maringi ano te iho taonga o tenei tāwhainga ki te mowhiti rite maha whawhai runga i ia rohe i fehangahangai-atu i runga nga tau.
Ko te tuatahi nui Boston vs. NYC whawhai haere hoki ki 1927 i te Yankee Stadium, ka Jack Dempsey mutu Jack “Ko te Boston Kopo” Sharkey i roto i te whitu o tawhio o ratou eliminator taitara taumahamaha ki te wero toa ao Gene Tunney. Controversy surrounded this fight as Sharkey, he hēramana i roto i te U.S. Navy, ka whawhai tona whakapakoko mekemeke, Dempsey, nei me Babe Ruth ruled Manhattan during America’s Golden Age of Sports in the 1920s. Sharkey out-boxed Dempsey for six rounds until, amuamu ki te kaitautoko e pā ana ki nifó iti o Dempsey, I te patototanga matao ia i roto i ki te matau maui pikitia-tino.
Ko tētahi atu toa rongonui taumahamaha i te rohe Boston, Rocky Marciano, e kore e kua mutu ki tona rongonui 49-0 record if one round or another were scored differently against Bronx favorite Roland LaStarza in 1950. Marciano took a questionable 10-round decision from LaStarza at Madison Square Garden. E toru tau i muri mai i te Polo Grounds, Marciano pai te awhina tona taitara ao, patoto atu LaStarza i roto i te 11thtawhio o ratou 1953 Whawhai o te Tau.
He rua o Hall o Rongonui heavyweights i Brooklyn, Floyd Patterson a “Iron” Mike Tyson, aua, patototanga i roto i Boston o Tom McNeeley me tana tama, Pita McNeeley. McNeeley dropped Patterson once but he hit the deck 11 wa i mua i te mutunga tō i roto i te wha o tawhio o ratou 1961 title fight in Toronto. His son, Peter, ngaro i te whakakāhore tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki Tyson i whawhai mo te tuatahi mai i tukua i te whare herehere.
He kaitou Boston te ringa pakarukaru, Paora Pender, rua patua Ninety te whakaaro rahi o katoa-wā, Harlem o “Sugar” Ray Robinson, e kore kotahi engari rua e wahia 15-a tawhio noa faaotiraa i roto i 1960 taitara whitu ao i te Boston Garden whawhai.
“Fakaofo” Marvin Hagler, he toa New Jersey whakatokia e noho ana i roto i te whenua o Marciano o Brockton, Mass., ua pipiripia atu, i homai e ia he Unuunu i tona tuatahi whawhai taitara ao ki te wawao i te taitara o Brooklyn Vito Antuofermo i roto i te Las Vegas. E rua tau i muri mai i roto i 1981, Riro Hagler te karauna hiahiatia i te Boston Garden rite mutu Antuofermo i muri i wha rauna.
Ara Lowell o “Irish” Micky Ward i te tāwhai New York City i roto i te Brooklyn o Zab Hura, who he dropped a hard-fought 12-round decision to in 1998. For many years Judah said Ward was the toughest opponent he ever fought.
More tata, Irish Häkinakina Kevin McBride, whawhai i roto i te wāhanga Dorchester o Boston, mutu mahi o Tyson i roto i 2005 ki te ono o-a tawhio noa te wikitoria TKO e mahue te ao mekemeke i roto i te ru, a Boston taumahamaha John Ruiz – te Latin toa taumahamaha anake o te ao – riro te 2008 whawhai i roto i te Mexico ki Harlem o Jameel McCline i te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa i roto i te eliminator taitara ao.
I October 10, O'Connor, Bracero, Ka whai Kielczweski me Vazquez ratou faingamālie ke fakafofonga'i ratou hometowns kore anake, engari ki te etch ratou ki te meatanga o te totohe.
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"Hot Rod" Kalajdzic ki te kanohi Knockout Artist Domingos Oketopa 10!

Lakeland, FL (October 5, 2015) – Rising light heavyweight Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic faces his toughest test to date when he meets cement-fisted Gilberto “El Magico” Domingos Rāhoroi, October 10 i roto i te hui matua o Mad Angatonú Whawhai Sports '"Bombs atu 4" i te Florida Orange Takahanga Center i Lakeland.
Tickets ki "Bombs atu 4" e $30 mo te whakauru whānui me te $60 no te VIP. Ko ratou e wātea ana i teie nei ranei mā te toro Atomic Moko i Lakeland me Bulldog Mekemeke & Fitness i roto i Tampa. Katoa kau ma'u VIP tīkiti 21 tau me te pakeke ka riro pia noa i Hub Brew. Doors tuwhera i 6:30 pm ki te pere te whakatuwheratanga whakaritea hoki 7.
I mua ki te hui matua, Ka waiata American whiringa Idol Jeremy Rosado te waiata motu. Angatonú Mad Whawhai Sports te hautū hoki te ra whanau me te wikitoria whakanui motuhake mō te nguha whitu teina "silky" Wilky Campfort, nei te patototanga i Ronald Montes i rua rauna Mahuru 18 i runga i Patupatu TV.
I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i Sao Paulo, Brazil, Ka vaorakau nui atu i Domingos 4,000 maile ki te kanohi Kalajdzic. Ko te 29-tau-tawhito he pai 23-3 kaute ngaio ki 21 o ona whakaora i haere mai i te knockout. He toa i te ngakau, Whakataetae Domingos i waenganui i taumahamaha o te marama, me te taumahamaha, mano fononga o maile ki te wero hinga Arnold Gjergjaj me ao tauanga "Bronco" Billy Wright.
Noho i roto i te St. Petersburg, FL, Ua faaru'eo Kalajdzic i Bosnia i roto i 1998. Te ia te tino 19-0 ki 12 te whakauru i te knockout me outpointed pai te Lionell Thompson whakamutunga tau i roto i te mea ko tona win nui ki te rā. Ka tata hainatia ki te kaiwhakatairanga Lou DiBella, Kalajdzic o te whāinga ki te nuinga engari ka whai ki te whawhai atamai ki ringa tona hoariri taimaha.
"Domingos he record faahiahia, me te ko te puncher nanakia mea "Joey Orduna o Mad Angatonú Whawhai Sports. "Te whawhai ia ano he taumahamaha a te patototanga i whawhai maha ake i reira. Kei te titiro Hot Rod ki te whakamatau e te ia i roto i te kuao whawhai pai i roto i reira, a ka waiho i te pā i roto i mo te whāki ki tenei kēmu ki runga whakaongaonga i runga i Rāhoroi ahiahi. "
Whakaritea te whawhai Kalajdzic-Domingos te mo waru rauna a ka tango i te wahi i te taimaha o te haonga 185 lbs.
Tūturu whitu teina Armando "te Pūwhero" Alvarez o Miami titiro ki te haere 8-0 ina tutaki ki a Jacksonville Juan Aguirre mō tika whakamanamana Sunshine State i roto i te rounder ono.
I te wha pāngia undercard a tawhio, anga o Louisiana Randy Heddrick FL o whetu whutupaoro o mua Leanthony 'Tyga "Fleming o Lakeland, Michael Guillen whawhai Curtis Vert, Hohepa White wero Roger Streeter, E whakamatautau ana Wytama Faulk ana taranata ki Clark Brightwell, Alexander Charneco tapawhā atu versus Leonardo Kenon ko Brian Meadows pakanga Raynard Younger.
E ngohengohe ana ki te huri i pāngia katoa me te pā e taea te pupuri ake ki Mad Angatonú mā te toro