Category Archives: mekemeke



Middleweights Rob Brant a Louis Rose farerei i roto i te Takahanga Main

E ora i 10:30 p.m. AND/PT

NEW YORK (Oketopa. 9, 2015) - ShoBox: Ko te Generation New hoki i runga i Rāmere, Oketopa. 23, ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (10:30 p.m. AND/PT) ki te quadrupleheader e ōrite waru opuaraa taitamariki ki tahi i te tahi i roto i te whawhai uaua o to ratou mahi hua.


I roto i te hui matua i te Celebrity Theatre i roto i te Phoenix, Ariz., tūturu Rob "Bravo" Brant (17-0, 11 Koó, 0-3 i roto i te Ao Series o Boxing), o St. Paora, Mai., kanohi Louis "Te Unknown" Rose (13-2-1, 5 Koó), o Los Angeles, i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio mo wātea te taitara whitu WBC Continental Amerika.


I roto i te-āhuatanga tahi teata, hinga kore amanaki Philipino Harmonito "Hurricane Gensan" Dela Torre (16-0, 11 Koó) ka meinga e tona U.S. tuatahi ki Anahera "El keti" Luna (12-1-1, 7 Koó), o te Dominican Republic; i roto i te mau taumahamaha, tūturu Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller (14-0-1, 12 Koó), o Brooklyn, N.Y., Ka fehangahangai Akhror "Ha" Muralimov (14-1, 11 Koó), o Houston, Texas mā Uzbekistan; a Lavarn "Baby Bowe" Harvell (15-1, 8 Koó) o ka fehangahangai Atlantic City southpaw Hamuera "Takahanga te Main" Clarkson (16-3, 10 Koó), o hita Hills, Texas, i roto i te marama taumahamaha kēmu-ake. Hanga e katoa ko Clarkson kia ratou ShoBox debuts.


E whakaritea e toru pāngia co-ngā katoa hoki e waru rauna.


Tikiti mo te takahanga, kawea e Greg Cohen Whakatairanga me Roy Jones Jr. Whakatairanga mekemeke i roto i te feohi ki Iron Boy Whakatairanga, GH3 Whakatairanga, Whawhai Whakatairanga Kāri, Salita Whakatairanga me Winner Tangohia Productions katoa, E utu i $65 Ringside, $50 i whakatoea me $30 whakauru whānui me Kei te wātea tuihono i



Brant vs. Rose:

Ko te Brant 5-waewae-11½-inihi, ko wai ka tahuri 25 i runga i Oct. 2, ko te 2010 National Golden karapu toa i 178 pauna a ko te mema o te U.S. rōpū mekemeke motu. Kua riro ia katoa 17 o mai i tahuri pro i roto i tona whawhai 2012, tae atu i te whakamutunga e rima i roto i te rarangi i te knockout. Piro ia he TKO tuatoru-a tawhio noa ki runga Lekan Byfield i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Aug. 28. Brant tēnei wā whakaako i roto i Dallas te taha o runga amanaki Errol Spence Jr.


Ko te Rose 5-waewae-11-inch, Ko 26 tau me te pro mai i Whiringa 2011. Kua mea patu e ia e ono whawhai tūturu me ko 8-1-1 i roto i tona whakamutunga 10 whawhai. Haere mai te mate ana'e ki tino te whakaaro, hinga kore (a 2011 toa runaruna te ao, me te 2012 Ukrainian Häkinakina) Ievgen Khytrov i runga i Nov. 21, 2014. Kua riro Rose ana haerenga whakamutunga e rua tae atu i te TKO te ono-a tawhio pouri ki runga ki amanaki mua tūturu Milorad Zizic (11-0 haere i roto i te) i runga i March 13 a i roto i tona haerenga tino tata, he miramira-hurori, hopea-minuti TKO tuawaru-a tawhio noa ki runga Andrew Hernandezi runga i Aug. 15.



Dela Torre vs. Luna:

Dela Torre, he 5-waewae-te £ 7-inihi, 21-tau-tau, Ko te whakaaro tetahi o te kuao taranata tino whaihua i roto i te Philippines. I muri i te mahi runaruna e ngā 47 toa ki 40 Koó me mema i runga i te rōpū mekemeke runaruna motu Filipaini, Tahuri ngaio dela Torre i te matahiti o 17 i roto i te Hānuere 2012. Tata nekehia ia ki Las Vegas, a ka kia whawhai i waho o Ahia mo te wa tuatahi. Noho dela Torre kua itoito i roto i te whakakai, whawhai ono nga wa i roto i 2012, E rima nga wa i roto i 2013, e toru nga wa i roto i 2014, a ka waiho tona whawhai toru tenei tenei tau. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Pipiri 7, tuhia e ia tona knockout karapīpiti te ono i runga i te mutu te wha-a tawhio noa ki runga Eusebio Baluarte.


Hoki Luna ki te mowhiti mo te wha i roto i te wa 2015, patuki ia Jose Lopez i roto i tona a'ee tino tata i runga i Pipiri 6 i te whakatau loto. Whawhai Luna ana ngā kēmu tuatahi waru ngaio i roto i tona whenua Dominican Republic, toa e rima i te knockout. I roto i tona U.S. tuatahi i runga i Mei 21, 2014, Kāniwha Luna he knockout tuarua-a tawhio noa ki runga Joey Arroyo. I tukua e te inihi 5-waewae-5 'amanaki Kōmāmā teina tona mate ana'e ki amanakiTevin Farmer i roto i tona tuarua ki te muri a'ee i runga i April 17.


Miller vs. Muralimov:

Miller, 27, tu e ono-waewae-wha inihi me he Force faahiahia e te ringa nohopuku, me te kaha. Ko te mua New York Golden karapu whiringa i whanau, me whakaarahia i roto i Brooklyn, a hanga ana tuatahi ngaio i roto i te Hōngongoi 2009, notching he knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa. Ko a Miller rima whawhai o tenei 2015. Riro ia tona whakamutunga e toru whawhai i te knockout, katoa i roto i nga rauna tuatahi e rua, tae atu ki te tuatahi- knockout a tawhio o Rawa ake Holmes i roto i tona a'ee tino tata i runga i Pipiri 2. Ahakoa te Miller kakato arotahi inaianei i runga i tona mahi mekemeke, mai ia i te papamuri MMA me kickboxing, ka whakataetae 10 wa i runga i te taumata o te ao. Kua sparred Miller ngā ki taumahamaha Champion Wladimir Klitschko.


-Tau 27-tawhito te Muralimov, i whanau nei i roto i Uzbekistan, engari inaianei e ora ana me te tereina i roto i te Houston, i te mahi runaruna whakamīharo ki runga 150 whawhai me tata'uraa aito ao i toru rerekē wehenga. I tukua e Muralimov anake te mate o tona mahi i runga i Feb. 14 mā te whakatau loto 10-a tawhio noa ki te hōia uaua Derric Rossy. Ka waiho Miller tika te tuarua toa tūturu i faaruru e Muralimov me titiro ki te hei i tona hoa tauwhainga uaua ki te rā. I mua ki tona mate ki Rossy, Tuhia Muralimov ono knockouts i roto i tona pāngia e waru whakamutunga.


Harvell vs. Clarkson:

Harvell Ko te 27 tau tawhito i te wāhanga Ventnor Heights o Atlantic City nei kua rä whawhai mai tahuri ngaio i roto i te Hui-tanguru 2008 (ahakoa e tona whawhai toru tenei tenei tau, me te puta ia ki te tata runga puka). Kua riro Harvell rua i roto i te rarangi mai i te mamae tona hinga ana'e i roto i tona 14th whawhai i te rawa, pouri whakatau ono-a tawhio noa ki te underdog nui Edgar Parete i runga i Pipiri 14, 2014. I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga i runga i Aug. 22, Harvell patua Quincy Minor i te knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa.


Tonu 6-waewae-1-inch 25-tau-tawhito te Clarkson ki te mahi ki te fakavavevave kaha Ua muri ia kua nuinga tukunga rite te amanaki tika muri e toru parekura matekiri i runga i tona record. He mai e arotahi ana ki te tipu ano he toa i roto i te whakakai me rite ki te tangata i waho o te reira, Kua whakawhanakehia Clarkson he whakakotahitanga ahurei o te tere, mana me te māia. Takatakahia e ia ia ia ano he amanaki super ki te mataara i roto i tona ShoBox ngā haerenga tuatahi e rua i mua, no te hua ia he TKO tuatoru-a tawhio auheke i runga pakeke-patu, tino te whakaaro Jerry Odomi runga i Hōngongoi 17. I roto i tona mau tino tata, piro ia he 1:30, knockout tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki runga Raniera Rayford Johnson i runga i Aug. 28. Clarkson Ko te rua-wā Texas Golden karapu State Champion me Pirihimana Athletic League National Champion i 175 pauna.

Barry Tompkins Ka karanga i te ShoBox mahi i te ringside ki Steve Farhood me te toa o mua ao Raul Marquez i te tavini ei tohunga kaitätari. Ko te kaihanga matua, ko te Gordon Hall ki Richard Gaughan te whakaputa me te Rick Phillips aratai.


I te po whawhai, tatau tuwhera i 5 p.m. a ka tīmata te mahi i 6 p.m. E tū ana te Celebrity Theatre te i 440 N te 32raa o Street i Phoenix, THE. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, karanga (602) 267-1600 toronga ranei Mō ētahi atu pārongo i runga i Greg Cohen Whakatairanga, Twitter: gcpboxing. Tirohia ranei matou i roto i runga i Facebook i


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ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 63 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.


$2000 Throwdown Fantasy mekemeke Game Golovkin vs. Lemieux Matua āhuatanga rōpū Next 5 taitara ao whawhai, 12 toa te ao & 1 Mētara koura Olympic

NEW YORK (October 12, 2015) – E rima ao aito whawhai, miramira e te Gennady “GGG” Golovkin vs. Rawiri Lemieux ao pupūtanga whitu whakakotahitanga, E ngā ki runga ki te muri $2,000 Throwdown Game mekemeke Fantasy, online, powered e Compubox.
A feruri e mohio ana koe e pā ana ki te katoa Golovkin me Lemieux? Go here to take this short quiz to prove it:
Tetahi faingamālie ki te hoki ake to ratou matapae whawhai pā Mekemeke i, me te whiwhi whakamanamana whawhai me toahanga moni, mā te rēhita ki te tākaro i te nui rawa ana noa (Oketopa. 13-17) rōpū kēmu o te wa.
Whakatika Class ki te runga mo tenei kēmu rōpū rite 12 toa hakari mua ranei ao, me te mētara koura Olympic, are showcased. Kei raro kitea te oti Oketopa. 13-17 aho-ake ki te utu toa:
E toru-wā, toa e rua wehenga te ao Devon Alexander Kei te titiro atu ki te hinga Welterweight Aron Martinez, IBF mā whitu taitara-taata tei mau Lee Serby hanga ana korero taitara tuatahi e rima-wā versus, toa e toru wehenga ao Fernando Montiel, ao mua toa marama taumahamaha Natana i totoa e Ko te underdog vs. ao kaiwero taitaraAndrzej Fonfara, a toru-wā, toa e toru-wehenga ao Koki Kameda Kei te titiro atu i runga i te parururaa i WBA titlist mā super Kohei Kono.
-Wā e rua Sharing Welterweight marama ao Lamont Peterson tutaki 2008 Mētara koura Olympic Pirika Diaz ki te ao pānga taitara-whawhai mo te toa, i toa whitu super mua Andre Dirrell hoki mai ki te mahi puhoi titiro atu ki Blake Caparello.
Kia ka te ao mekemeke kakato e arotahi ana ki te Oct. 17th Whakaatu HBO PPV i Madison Square Garden rite e rua o nga punchers tino taikaha i roto i te ao, WBA Super/Interim WBC champion Golovkin and IBF title-holder Lemieux square-off in one of the most highly anticipated fights of the year. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, hou te kingi pauna-no-pauna, Roma “Chocolito” Gonzalez, tohe tona karauna mā WBC ki-wā e wha, e rua wehengatoa ao Brian Viloria. Cuban heavyweight Luis Ortiz Ko te tino tōtika ki te hinga Matias Dondo mo te takitaro WBA taitara.
E toru nga huarahi ngāwari ki te tākaro Throwdown Fantasy: 1. Tīpakohia rima whawhai i te rōpū kēmu, te whakamahi i te $25,000 te taupoki utu (kite i runga); 2. Na ka aru i piro i roto i te wā tūturu, kowhetetia ngā mō te whakauru, knockouts me Compubox tatauranga (kite rā tauira i raro nei); 3. Te kaute i te nuinga o ngā toa. Te nuinga o ngā kēmu muri i te wiki tonu, me te he toa maha ia.
Ngā Toa o farii ngā hāngai ana hoki te pehea ratou te mahi, utu ia kāhua o te mekemeke, a
Compubox E wātea ana mō te rangahau i ngā tatauranga whawhai
Kaitākaro New nei haina ake inaianei farii urunga FREE ki Throwdown Fantasy o ia marama Mekemeke Freeroll kēmu. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 pukapuka noa kia tomo kaitākaro te whakamahi Piro Throwdown (3 katoa free ki runga ki rēhita) a $25.00 free game. Waitohu ake a te tākaro he utu. Ha faingamālie ki te rēhita me te tākaro mō te kore utu, me te ka neke ki kēmu utua te iwi i.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing
$2000 Throwdown Game mekemeke Fantasy
Golovkin vs. Lemieux upoko
Āhuatanga rōpū Panuku 5 taitara ao whawhai,
12 toa te ao & 1 Mētara koura Olympic

Demetrius Andrade’s Open media workout Quotes & pikitia

Returns Oketopa. 17 i Mohegan Sun Arena

(pikitia atu i raro)
Providence (October 9, 2015) – I Big ono Academy i Providence po Last, tūturu nguha Welterweight super A Rimitiriu e “Boo Boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 Koó) whakahaeretia te tūmomo pāpāho tuwhera i roto i mua o tona Oketopa 17th 10-a tawhio noa whawhai hui matua versus hoariri Āketina Dario Fabian “Ko te Gallo” Pucheta (20-2, 11 Koó) i Mohegan Sun Arena i Uncasville, Connecticut.
Huia mua i tēnei tau o tona World Mekemeke Organization WBO) taitara e tika ana ki te hohekore, Andrade ka fehangahangai Pucheta mo te WBO & World mekemeke Association (WBA) Taitara International, tohu tana whawhai tuatahi i roto i 16 marama, mai i te 2008 U.S. Mutu Häkinakina No. 1 nguha whakahauanga Brian “Ko te Lion” Rose (25-1-1, 7 Koó) i roto i te rauna e whitu o tona korero taitara ao tuatahi me te anake.
Andrade riro wātea te taitara WBO 154-pauna Whiringa 9, 2013 i te ara o te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa ki runga i mua hinga kore 2004 U.S. Häkinakina Vanes “Moepapa” Martirosyan(33-0-1, 21 Koó).
He tīkiti runga i te hoko, mai $200.00 ki $25.00 (utu hāunga). Call 401.261.3755 ki te hoko tīkiti me te hoki pahi mōhiohio motuhake.
Rimitiriu Andrade:
“Tenei huihuinga (o te iwi whānui) shows the support I have in Rhode Island. It’s been a while since they’ve seen me in the ring, e haere engari ratou ki te tīmata te kitenga i ahau i roto i nui whawhai.”
The cream always rises to the top. I’m going to show that I’m the best 154-pounder in the world.
“Kua ki matekiri (16-marama te roa,). This is something I’ve been doing since I was six and not to do it has been tough. I’ve tried to stay positive, mahi pakeke i roto i te omaoma, ki te noho i roto i te āhua, but sparring in a gym is different than being in a fight when your opponent is trying to take your head off. October 17th, ka kite te iwi te mea au e ahau mau i hanga o.”
“Kua ahau atu ara o te hanga i te ora, engari e aroha ahau i ta ahau i nga ra katoa…pouaka! This is a life-changing business. I’m very happy to get back in the ring October 17th. “Kei te haere ahau ki te hanga i te tauākī e ahau te heke mai o te mekemeke.”
“Ko nga taitara WBO me WBA International i runga i roto i tenei whawhai i te rārangi. Tangohia ana e ratou toku (WBO ao) title and it’s vacant right now. The reason I took this fight is to get ranked in the top 15 a ka whawhai mo te taitara ao.”
“Toku hoariri (Dario Pucheta) has come all the way from Argentina to win. This is a tough business and to be 20-2 takes a lot of heart and guts. This is an opportunity for to make a statement. He’s hungry and believes because a win over me will make a name for him.
I’ve had some bumps in the road and it took a year to get settled. I haven’t suffered any damage in the ring. Ite e ahau pai. The fans are going to say that they need to see a lot more of Demetrius Andrade.
“Puni’ been good and I feel great. I want to thank CES for letting me showcase my skills on their card and to continue to bring great boxing to New England.
A pee i a Rimitiriu e Andrade i runga i TwitterAndradeATeamBooBooBoxing ranei.

Karo Murat tango ana wero ki te kanohi Artur Beterbiev IBF marama taumahamaha eliminator taitara

Montreal (October 9, 2015) -I muri i te kore whakaae o CubanYuniesky Gonzalez (IBF #11), Armenian light heavyweight Karo Murat (IBF #14, 27-2-1, 17 Koó) peke i te whai wāhi ki te kanohi Montreal tama whāngai Artur Beterbiev (IBF #2, 9-0, 9 Koó) mo te taumahamaha marama IBF (175 pauna) whawhai whakakorenga.
Ko te kaiwhakatairanga te whawhai e rua o te whai noa October 22 ki te haina i te mahi, kahore haere i te reira ki te tono putea.
Ko te toa o tenei a'ee, arorau i taea e tango i te wahiWhiringa 28 i roto i te Quebec City, ka riro i te kaiwero whakahauanga mō IBF te taitara ao taumahamaha marama rawa e Russian Sergey Kovalev.
Murat Ko te toa marama taumahamaha IBF International kingi. Riro ia tona rua whawhai whakamutunga i muri i whawhai pakeke hoki 12 rauna ki rongonui American Bernard Hopkins, Oketopa. 26, 2013 i roto i te Atlantic City, i roto i te kaha ngaro. Ia hoki i runga i te toa i runga i tona record Gabriel Campillo a Tommy Karpency.

Nguha taumahamaha Amir “Hardcore” E kōrero ana Mansour pupūtanga ki Gerald Washington

A'ee ki te kupu matua FS1 Toe ki te Toe Rātū o i runga i October 13 i roto i te Shelton, Washington

No te Tonu Tuku
Philadelphia, PA (October 9, 2015)– Nguha taumahamaha, Amir “Hardcore” Mansour (22-1, 16 KO o) Ko vēkeveke tatari tana October 13 bout with undefeated Gerald Washington (16-0, 11 KO o)
Ka tango i te wahi i runga i te a'ee Rātū, October 13 i te Little Creek Casino Resort i roto i te SHelton, Washington and will be broadcast live on FS1.
Mansour Ko te tino māia o kahore he anake wikitoria engari te mea e mahi i te wini ki te whakarei ake ia ia mo te whawhai ki te whiriwhiri o te wehenga taumahamaha.
Kei raro nei he uiuiraa hangatonu ki Mansour rite mutu ia ake i runga i ona ra torutoru whakamutunga o te puni whakangungu.
Kia whakamahi putanga pāpāho te ataata i runga i to ratou tukutuku me tüäpapa mamati i te tārua / whakapiri i te waehere tāmau.


JAMES DEGALE & Lucian'okú RUA-CITY, RUA-COUNTRY korukī tīmata PRESS AMUIRAA & Whakaahua FOR NOV. 28 Showdown ON SHOWTIME®

Kaua e. 1-Runga Mark Issac Faces No. 2 Eleider Alvarez

I roto i te WBC Light taumahamaha Whakakore a'ee

"Taku haere he tika timata, Ka tona e mutu "-. James DeGale

"Ko ahau te underdog…engari te pēhanga he ki runga ki a ia. Ka noho te whitiki i Quebec "- Lucian'okú

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos Mai Quebec

Credit: Stevens Leblanc / Québécor Media

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos Mai London

Credit: Frank Coppi / Matchroom Mekemeke

NEW YORK (Oketopa. 8, 2015) - Toa whitu Super aoJames DeGale (21-1, 14 Koó), o Ingarangi, me te toa o mua aoLucian Bute (32-2, 25 Koó), o Montreal, oti te-pa e rua, e rua-whenua te amuiraa tīmata press Rāpare i roto i Rānana ki te kauwhau ōkawa ratou Nov. 28 pupūtanga i roto i te hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® ora i runga i SHOWTIME i te Videotron Centre o Quebec City. He hoki ko te amuiraa press Rātū i roto i te Quebec City.


Te hui, i karangatia "TE reclamation", Ko te whakaaturanga o Vidéotron i mahi tahi ki a Mise-e-Jeu.


I roto i te SHOWTIME Tuhinga BOXING tahi-āhuatanga, Kaua e. 2 IBF marama taumahamaha Artur Beterbiev (9-0, 9 Koó), he ora e rua-wā Russian mua Häkinakina i roto i Montreal, will face an opponent to be announced.


SHOWTIME Sports® Ka televise ano te marama taumahamaha eliminator taitara ao i waenganui i a te WBC No. 1-runga 175 pauna toa Ihaka Mark (24-2-2, 10 Koó), o Malawi, a No. 2-runga Eleider Alvarez (18-0, 10 Koó), he Häkinakina Colombian mua nei inaianei e ora i roto i Montreal. The winner earns the right to become the mandatory challenger for WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion A Tamutu Stevenson.


Ko te Mark, hāngai nei i roto i Awherika ki te Tonga, Kua riro e wha karapīpiti whawhai, tae atu ki te whakatau 10-a tawhio noa ki runga ki Vasily Lepikhin i tona haerenga whakamutunga whakamutunga March 14 i roto i te Montreal.


Kua whawhai katoa te Montreal-e hāngai ana Alvarez engari tetahi o ana 18 whawhai pro i roto i Canada. Te haere mai atu ia i runga i te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa Isidro Ranoni i roto i te WBC Silver taitara 175-pauna te whawhai whakamutunga Aug. 15 i roto i te Montreal.


Raro nei te mea i DeGale ko'okú me nga whakahaere ki te mea i runga i Rātū i te Videotron Centre i Quebec City me Rāpare i a Arsenal Emirates Stadium i Rānana:


"Ko oaoa ki te kanohi i te toa rite Lucian whiriwhiri e ahau, ko toa mo te rima tau.


"Ko tonu ia he kaimekemeke pai, a ka korerotia e ia ki ahau e hiahia ana e ia te whitiki hoki. Ko whakawhirinaki ahau; Ko ahau taitamariki rawa, hou rawa, me te pai noa rawa.


"Ko te ara Au mana'o ahau, te pae tino hinengaro me, Ahau i roto i te āhua fantastic. Te haere ki te tino uaua ki te whiua ahau kia.


"Toku haerenga ko anake tika tīmata, tona he e pā ana ki ki te mutunga i roto i te Noema.


"Ko te ara ahau whakangungu, ka whiua tangata ahau. Ka taea e kite koe i toku huru tika i te meka tali ahau ki mai ki konei, ka tango i taua whawhai. Be ready for a furious and spectacular fight.


"Kahore he tangata i roto i tenei wehenga te hunga e ahei te whiua ahau. Au ahau e pai ki te pouaka tetahi. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai i te whawhai nui katoa i roto i te nui whawhai ".



"Ko ahau oaoa tino ki kia hoki i roto Quebec City. Ētahi o toku haamana'oraa pai he konei. Riro ahau wha whawhai konei. E ono matahiti i teie nei, Nov. 28, 2009, te taua ra James DeGale ka whawhai ahau, Patototanga i ahau Librado Andrade. And I also defeated Glen Johnson i roto i te Quebec City.


"DeGale Ko te toa nui, engari ki te haere mai ki konei ki te kanohi i ahau i roto i toku oire, i roto i te mua o te 15,000 te iwi, e kore e te mea ohie no ia. Ko ahau te kaiwero, Ko ahau te underdog, a ka ko ia te toa, engari te pēhanga he ki runga ki a ia.


"Ko te mua i roto i te mua. Ite hou ahau. I ahau i te rōpū hou, me te rerekē te iwi i muri i ahau. He nui hoki ahau tenei faingamālie.


"I ahau te whitiki mo e rima nga tau i, a ki runga ki Nov. 28, Ka waiho e ahau i te toa hou te ao. Ko ahau rawa māia e pā ana ki tenei.


"Ta e ahau ki tenei ina ahau fehangahangai Carl Froch i roto i te Ingarangi.


"Ko taku moemoeā ko ki faahou toku taitara ao. Whakapono tonu ahau i roto i ahau, me i roto i toku taputapu. Ka noho te whitiki i Quebec. "

Howard KALÅNITÉ (Upoko kaiwhakangungu o'okú)

"Ko te kuware taku mahi: Kua ahau ki te faaineine Lucian ki te riro i te taitara. British fighters were always dominant in the 160-pound and 168-pound divisions.


"DeGale he taikaha, riro ia i te Häkinakina i roto i 2008, me te Ao Championship i roto i te United States, engari e kore e mahi Nov. 28."

JIM McDonnell (Upoko kaiwhakangungu o DeGale)

“James he rerekē. Mahia ana e ia nga mea katoa i runga i te ara taratara: te he toa Olympic, winning the British title in his ninth fight and becoming world champion in the United States. Ko te atu pēhanga nei ia, te pai ko ia.


“I never knew anybody like him before. E kore e taea te wehi ia. James faatura'okú, e mea ko ratou ina riro ia koe he taitara, whiwhi koe pai. It will be frightening.”

JEAN Bédard

"Te haere ki te waiho i te fun po. Kua ahau e rua taime Defining nui i roto i toku 10 tau i roto i te ao mekemeke. The first one was Oct. 19, 2007, ka riro Lucian ora toa ao i runga i TVA (Quebec TV hongere) a Nov. 28, 2009, i roto i te mua o te mano tāmi-Kikī o 16,000 pā i te Québec Coliseum ka whiua Lucian Librado Andrade. Na, e ono nga tau i muri mai, He rite hoki te rā hītori tatou.”


YVON Michel

“No champion in Quebec’s boxing history ever regained a world title after losing it. The task will be hard because DeGale is very skilled and brave. Riro ia tona taitara i roto i te United States, matara atu i tona whare. Tonu, hutia tatou no te Lucian'okú 100 ōrau. To tatou he whirihoranga taiwhanga 12,000-te nohoanga i roto i te waitohu Vidéotron hou Centre, a kua kawea mai e matou atu iwi i te aroaro o hoki etahi o o Lucian whawhai. E papu tatou e ka pakiaka hoki mo Lucian mekemeke pā o Quebec. "

Ka haere tīkiti runga i te hoko i tenei Rāhoroi, October 10 i te tari pouaka Vidéotron Centre, i runga i, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666, i InterBox (450) 645-1077 ranei i karapu mekemeke Champion (514) 376-0980.

butelucian, @ Jamesdegale1, yvonmichelGYM, interboxca,stormalvarez, abeterbiev, SHOsports,

PREMIER BOXING toa ON NBCSN Fighter korukī MEDIA workout & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Ed Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
Boston (October 8, 2015) – Ngā Toa o ka mau wahi i roto i te īngoa pāpāho i tenei ra i te whare whakapakari a Welch i Tonga Boston ki te whana atu whawhai wiki mō tenei Rāhoroi po o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBCSN kāri i Lowell Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, MA, headlined eDanny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Koó) vs. Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó) ki reatoru-pane kapinga tīmata i 8:00 p.m. AND/5:00 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, E utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti toronga
Tirohia te konei aha te mau piahi i ki te mea Wednesday:
Danny O'Connor
“Ko te katoa tenei e pā ana ki ahau whawhai i te tukanga. Gabriel Bracero beat me but I really beat myself. Just like training for this fight, we had a baby son. Two weeks before our first fight, my first son was born and I didn’t know how to separate sport from such life-changing events. Ko ahau 14-0 a whawhai i runga i Showtime. We just had a baby boy two weeks before this fight. I want to prove to myself that I can beat this process. Bracero is my redemption!
“Tenei whawhai ko ahau vs. ahau. The time was right for this fight. I was offered this fight five times during the past few years but the time wasn’t right.
I was a scared little kid with no experience in our first fight. I couldn’t handle the pressure, I didn’t even know it was there. Na, I’m a mature man who is a husband and father. I’m a totally different person.
This fight could be in my living room. I’m at peace in the ring doing what I love to do. It’s great being back in the ring in Lowell, te wahi i riro ahau i te New England Golden karapu taitara me Au whawhai ahau i runga i TV motu, engari te hui ko waenganui i te pito e wha, me e te aha tino e kiia.”
“Au oaoa ahau. I’ve trained for this fight like I’ve never fought Danny before. I beat him but that was four years ago. I can’t overlook him. He has obviously made improvements and I did also to get where we are today.
“Ahau atu mātanga. I moved to train in Orlando and get away from distractions. I hit a few bumps and got incarcerated. Tommy Gallagher (kaiwhakangungu) saved my lie. He was there when I went to prison and there when I got out. I added a new trainer to our corner, Alexander Lopes, ko Tommy me toku papa, Kiro, are still there. Tommy gives the orders and he likes what Lopez has done with me.
Tommy Gallagher is my guardian angel. He believed in me more than I believed in myself. He had this vision before I did.
Danny has become a better fighter. E kore e taea te tango i ahau i tetahi mea atu i ia, engari te rapu atu ahau ki maka ana i runga i te mahi mīharo Rāhoroi po.”
A Honatana Guzmán
“Kei te haere ahau ki te hanga i te reira 20-no-20, ae! I’m powerful because I make strong moves. My left hook is my best punch. Ka patua e ahau tētahi matau ahau e taea e ite i te mana i roto i toku tinana katoa.
“E kore ahau e manukanuka ki toku hoa tauwhainga ranei te mea kei te mahi ia i roto i te mua.
Lawrence is my home now. I will go back to the Dominican Republic in December for the holidays. I feel like a Bostonian. This is the sixth fight I’ve trained here for and I love the Boston Red Sox.
Danny Aquino
“Ngoi toku whawhai whakamutunga ahau (inoino e te whakatau i runga i Ryan Kielczweski). It made me more confident in myself. Ko toku whawhai whakamutunga i runga i ESPN me tenei tetahi he i runga i NBCSN.
I don’t know too much about my opponent other than he has power that I’ll be looking out for. A win over him should put me in the top 10 me e te ahau te aha kia hihiri mo tenei whawhai.
“Riro ahau i te karapu taitara New England Golden i Lowell Memorial Auditorium i roto i 2007.
“Whakangungu ahau pakeke me au tonu ahau i roto i te pai te āhua nui ki te whiua te tangata.”
I like fighting at home and this is one of my favorite venues. I won the New England Golden Gloves there twice.
“Kua whakangungua e ahau ki a mo tenei te whawhai uaua o toku mahi.
“(Vasquez) is tough with a lot of power. He’s going come forward, engari ka taea ki te-pouaka i roto i a ia e ahau.
“Te whakatau ia i roto i te tihi 10 kia hoatu o te ao, me te wini ahau hoki i roto i te runga 10 whawhai hoki he taitara ao i roto i te tau i muri mai.”
Rafael Vasquez
“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei. I think this fight will put me on the map fighting on national TV and showing fans what I’ve got.
“Ahau i te matekai ahau, small fighter determined to win. I fight for my wife, Sandra, nei atamira-wha mate pukupuku, me taku tamahine-tau waru-tau, Kaline, who has autism. It’s not just me fighting in the ring, it’s the Vasquez family. With God’s grace, Ko taea tetahi.
“Ryan turai te rota. He uses the ring and boxes. He lost to Aquino and I know he’ll be coming back to prove himself. “
GARY “Koi” O'Sullivan
“Boston is my second home. I love it here. The people are so nice and there are good gyms.
“Ahau he whakaongaonga, toa whakangahau e haere mai ana i nga wa katoa ki te whawhai.
“I muri whakaotia e ahau Eubanks, Ka waiho e ahau i te No. 1 e kore e taea e nguha i roto i te WBA me Golovkin mau ahau atu i muri.
“I watched a few clips of my opponent. We have identical records. We both knock people out, so I have to be careful. I’d like to get in a few rounds, engari ka patua e ahau te iwi, hinga ratou.”
Stephen Ormond
“My first four fights were here in the US. Boston is like my second home. The people are so nice. Boston is a real fight city. I can’t wait for these people to see me in the ring.
“I saw my opponent fight last year in Boston. He’s an experienced guy with a lot of fights. He fought for a world title a long time ago.
“Ki te Ken Casey i muri i ahau, an impressive victory will get me a title shot. I’ll take any of them. Ko tetahi whawhai atu ahau, losing a qualifier. My grandmother passed away the day of my fight. I’m ready now!”
# # #
Te Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 10 putanga o Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i NBCSN, e whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, āhuatanga he O'Connor(26-2, 10 Koó) ko Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó) rematch i roto i te 10-a tawhio Welterweight pupūtanga super whitu, Honatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (19-0, 19 Koó) Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa kēmu ake whā super, a Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Koó) tutaki Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te whitu a'ee 10-a tawhio noa ki te whakatuwhera i te PBC i te NBCSAN haapurororaa i 8:00 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,,

E kōrero ana Trainer Joel Diaz uniana hou ki Ruslan Provodnikov

No te Tonu Tuku
Manchester, Ingarangi (October 8, 2015)– Kua ingoa World kaiwhakangungu rongonui Joel Diaz te kaiwhakangungu hou o te toa mua Welterweight teina ao, Ruslan “Ko te Siberian Rocky” Provodnikov.
Diaz, nana nei i arahina maha toa o te ao, ka whakangungu Provodnikov i Indio, California rite Provodnikov faaineine mo tona a'ee muri , Ka e kauwhautia hohoro.
Kei raro nei he uiuinga ataata ki Diaz te matapaki tona akonga hou.
Kia whakamahi putanga pāpāho te ataata i runga i to ratou tukutuku me tüäpapa mamati i te tārua / whakapiri i te waehere tāmau.
Joel Diaz, October 7, 2015
Joel Diaz, October 7, 2015


Whakaahua Na Team Elbiali
Miami, FL (October 8, 2015) – Hinga kore te marama-taumahamaha, Ahmed Elbiali (12-0, 11 Koó), He hoariri mo tona ū mai whawhai tango te wahi October 13, 2015 i te Little Creek Casino Resort i roto i te Shelton, Washington. The heavy-handed puncher Elbiali, Ka tapawha atu ki Hungary o Francis Albert (20-7, 9 Koó). Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions “Toe-ki-Toe Rātū” i runga i Fox Sports will televise the 8-round beginning at 9PM ET / 6PM PT ora i runga i Fox Sports 1.
Ahmed Elbiali, nei huhua te 92% knockout ōwehenga, is a few days away from his nationally televised showdown with Ferenc Albert. Hailing from Miami, Florida, Korero Elbiali i runga i tona puni whakangungu, boxing career and more. Here’s what he had to say.
I anga tona hoariri Ferenc Albert…
“E kore ahau e mohio ki tino nui e pā ana ki Ferenc Albert, except for the fact that he’s on a ten-fight winning streak. I know he’s been extremely busy this year, fighting in twelve bouts so far this year. I know he’s coming into this fight with a lot of confidence so this is no easy fight for me. This will be a great fight for the fans because both of us are gunning for a victory.
I ka teata tona whawhai ora i runga i Pirimia mekemeke Champions “Toe-ki-Toe Rātū” i runga i Fox Sports…
Fighting on the PBC on Fox Sports cards has been great for my career. I’m constantly staying busy and I’m learning what it takes to fight on a regular basis. The exposure I’m receiving is really getting the fans familiar with my fighting style. Mai ahau he toa kaitaua, te “Toe-ki-Tūrei” taitara pai hāngai ahau. Haere tonu ahau au e kia tuku ki oku ringa haere, i whiua e poma nui, trying to get my opponent out of there. Fans in general want to see the knockout, me e te aha tamata ahau ki te whakaora wa katoa te manga e ahau ki te mowhiti.”
I tona hononga ki Trainer maoro Carlos Albuerne…
I’ve been with Carlos since my last fight as an amateur. We have a great relationship and I respect him as a coach. He’s got a lot of knowledge. Together we make a great team and he knows how to get the best out of me. He’s always told me that I have the punching power to become a world champion. I’m grateful to have him in my corner.
I tona haereraa i rite ki te toa ngaio…
With each fight I’m learning something new. I know as my career moves along there will be times when I will have to go into deep waters, so I’m continuously working on my boxing skills. Right now I’ve been fortunate to get some early knockouts, but I train to fight twelve rounds. I’m evolving as a fighter and pretty soon I’ll be better-rounded with my boxing abilities.”
I mahi i te wāhi whakangungu “Fast Twitch” i roto i te Miami…
“Fast Twitch” is a state of the art facility with great strength and conditioning coaches. I’ve gained a lot of endurance training there and my stamina is always peaking on fight night. With the training I’m getting at “Fast Twitch”, I’m always on weight. I love the fact that I’m getting top notch nutrition there as well. It’s a great place to train if you’re a professional athlete.”
Tickets utu $20, $40, $30, $60 a $100 e kore e tae atu ki ngā utu, are on sale in person at the Little Creek Casino Resort box office or online HERE. Doors tuwhera i 5PM PT, ki te whawhai tuatahi teata tīmata i 6PM PT.

John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson – Liam Smith ataata amuiraa press tonu

Kia tukuna tonutia atu
Manchester, Ingarangi (October 8, 2015)–Kei raro ko te ataata amuiraa press tonu i Wednesday o press amuiraa mo te hui World War III e ka tango i te wahi tenei Rāhoroi i te Manchester Arena.
I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Maha-rima WBO nguha whitu teina, John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson e ki runga ki Liam Smith mo te wātea WBO taitara whitu teina ao.
Whakatairangatia ana Thompson e GH3 Whakatairanga & Whakatairanga Kara
Kia whakamahi putanga pāpāho te ataata i runga i to ratou tukutuku & tüäpapa mamati i te tārua / whakapiri i te waehere tāmau:
War III Press Conference Ao, October 7, 2015
War III Press Conference Ao, October 7, 2015