分类存档: 拳击

Greg Cohen Promotions and Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions Announce Co-Promotional Partnership on ‘Championship Boxing on CBS Sports NetworkSeries in 2016

格雷格·科恩促销格雷格·科恩 (GCP) is happy to announce he will be teaming up with Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions (RJJ) to continue his successful “拳击锦标赛在CBS体育网” series of boxing shows.
GCP and RJJ will be co-promoting a nationally televised, world-class event at least once a month for the next 12 个月, beginning with their debut on 二月 19, 2016, at the WinnaVegas Casino & Resort in Sloane, 爱荷华州.
Specific match-ups will be announced soon.
CBS体育网, CBS Sports 24小时之家, 可在全国范围内通过当地有线电视, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 and DISH Network Channel 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到 www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
I could not be happier about teaming up with such a first-rate promotional outfit as Roy Jones Jr Boxing and their team to present 12-15 outstanding boxing shows in the next 12 个月,” 格雷格说,科恩. “We’ve had great success with last year’s CBS Sports Network shows, but the addition of such a world-renowned name as Roy Jones adds a strong element of greatness to each presentation. And the addition of the RJJ stable of fighters makes the possibility for several exciting match-ups. I am proud to be affiliated with CBS Sports Network and especially my close business associates at RJJ.
I am extremely honored to work with such a reputable network such as CBS and distinguished partner, 格雷格·科恩,” 基思·维尔特说, CEO of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions. “CBS will no doubt bring more recognition to both our companies, 全世界. I am excited about this new avenue to showcase the RJJ roster to the boxing world. My thanks to Greg Cohen and the team at CBS Sports and I look forward to being part of this exciting series of shows, as a promoter and as a lifelong fan of boxing.
GCP began the “拳击锦标赛在CBS体育网” series last year in April and has already featured world-class fighters such as current interim WBA World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, former world title challengers Lateef “动力” 卡约德, “飓风” 丹尼斯·霍根, and lightweight contender Tony “闪电” 路易斯.
一个拳击首屈一指的促销服装, 格雷格·科恩促销 (GCP) 是在世界各地举办的世界级职业拳击赛事,促进专业精英战士一个受人尊敬的名字.
创始人兼首席执行官格雷格·科恩曾参与职业拳击在各种能力自上世纪80年代末, 磨练自己的手艺,并建立了自己作为一个精明的国际拳击商人.
他发现和培养人才的原料区分能力, 科恩首次提出促销标题为他的专业指导, 在许多其他, 前WBA超次中量级冠军奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼, 谁科恩帮助指导来自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次视图级巨星.
除了鳟鱼, 格雷格·科恩促销已经既定的名字,如前统一和两次重量级冠军Hasim工作 “摇滚” 拉赫曼和全时大的多重量级的世界冠军詹姆斯 “熄灯” 托尼.
Cohen currently promotes multiple world champion and boxing superstar Zab Judah and former world champion Kendall Holt, 以及当前的世界级的竞争者包括顶级不败重量级拉蒂夫卡约德, 长时间的精英中量级 “意味着” Joe Greene, 轻巧KO艺术家伊斯梅尔·巴罗佐, 顶级超羽量级阿拉什Usmanee, 加拿大轻巧和电视动作英雄托尼·路易斯; WBA和五次爱尔兰全国业余冠军, 丹尼斯·霍根; 和澳大利亚的轻量级前景乔希国王.
格雷格·科恩促销活动已经举办了最好的场地遍及美国和世界的世界级拳击比赛,并且还自豪地提供人才和/或内容几个电视网包括CBS体育网, HBO, 开演时间, ESPN, NBC体育网, CBS体育网, 味精和FOX体育网.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 gcpboxing.com. 找到我们在Facebook上www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. 叽叽喳喳: @GCPBoxing.

狂野之夜: 德昂泰·维尔德 (DEONTAY WILDER) 惨重击倒阿图尔·斯皮尔卡 (ARTUR SZPILKA),卫冕 WBC 重量级世界冠军

查尔斯·马丁声称 IBF 腰带将成为
星期六 在Showtime® 巴克莱中心
不要错过拳击锦标赛的表演秀® 重播
点击 这里 要下载照片从萧蔷特拉普/精彩表演
点击 这里 从 Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment 下载照片
纽约 (一月. 17, 2016) – 美国重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 第九回合惨烈淘汰波兰挑战者,第三次卫冕WBC冠军 Artur Szpilka 周六 夜晚, 在 SHOWTIME 现场直播 12,668 布鲁克林巴克莱中心的球迷, 纽约州. 视频精彩场面: HTTP://s.sho.com/1Rtg0ac
WBA 和 WBO 重量级世界冠军泰森·富里和怀尔德的强制挑战者亚历山大·波维金在场边观看, 怀尔德 (36-0, 35 科斯) 再次让他印象深刻 35 对手在 36 打架.
这是一场势均力敌的战斗,直到斯皮尔卡(Szpilka)用一记左拳猛烈地击中了下巴。 2:24第九轮的. 斯皮尔卡仰面朝天,在画布上昏迷了一会儿,然后回答问题并表示自己没事. 针 (20-2, 15 科斯) 正在交谈并移动他的四肢, 但作为预防措施,他被担架送往路德教会医院.
“他做得很好,” 斯皮尔卡的教练罗尼·希尔兹说道. “他醒了并且清楚地知道自己在哪里. 他不想去医院, 但他去是为了以防万一. 安全总比后悔好。”
力量是维尔德的不同之处, 一名身高 6 英尺 7 的轰炸机着陆 42 他对抗左撇子对手的强力击球百分比. 这位 30 岁的球员短暂地庆祝了自己的胜利,然后检查了一下以确保斯皮尔卡一切顺利.
“我告诉他他是一个伟大的竞争者,” 怀尔德说. “他来是为了奉献自己的一切. 他为布鲁克林付出了一切. 我总是念两个祈祷. 我说团队祈祷,我说个人祈祷. 我不想伤害一个男人,让他无法回家与家人团聚. 每次踏上擂台,我们都会冒着生命危险. 他绝对在我的祈祷中,我希望他一切都好.
“他绝对是个狡猾的家伙,” 维尔德继续. “我没有与左撇子比赛过 三年. 他是一个强硬的竞争对手, 但你正在为世界冠军而战. 这并不容易. 我很惊讶花了这么长时间, 但我们有 12 一轮又一轮,他们不可能都漂亮。”
愤怒, 直言不讳的英国统一世界冠军, 比赛结束后爬上拳击场,声称他想在一场统一大片中与维尔德对决.
“任何时候, 任何地方, 随地. 打败你后我会在你的后院和你战斗 (Wladimir) 又是克里琴科。”
怀尔德, 近十年来第一位美国重量级冠军, 对富里的滑稽动作不屑一顾,同时承诺他将参加一场对决,这无疑是拳击界最伟大的战斗之一.
“我们都知道Fury只是一个骗子,” 怀尔德说. “这只是一个行为. 我谁都不怕. 我们会来到你的后院. 这只是一个行为 – 你不是一个真正的战士. 我不玩. 这不是摔跤. 当你和我一起踏入那枚戒指时,我向你保证,我会给你施洗.
“我很想接下来和他战斗, 可惜, 我还有其他到期义务. 与泰森约会, 我向你保证。”
在 SHOWTIME 冠军拳击揭幕战中, 查尔斯·马丁 赢得IBF重量级世界冠军时 维亚切斯拉夫·格拉兹科夫 第三轮右膝受伤无法继续. 这场比赛第三回合TKO (1:50) 格拉兹科夫告诉裁判厄尔·布朗他无法继续比赛后.
马丁 (23-0-1, 21 科斯), 整场战斗中谁是侵略者, 成为拳击史上第六位左撇子重量级冠军和第二位现任美国重量级冠军.
Glazkov (21-1-1, 13 科斯) 第三节一开始就滑倒了,当他站起来时似乎很不安. 此前不败的乌克兰人继续战斗, 但他在挥出一拳的同时又倒在了画布上. 回放证实右膝受伤是滑倒,并非马丁连射造成的. 战斗结束后, 场边医生杰拉德·维洛塔 (Gerard Verlotta) 向 SHOWTIME 体育记者吉姆·格雷 (Jim Gray) 证实,伤势是右前十字韧带撕裂.
“我还想战斗,” 马丁说. “我们训练 12 随着回合的进行,我们会变得更强. 他只是扭伤了脚踝, 看起来像. 但每次我击中他的身体,他的腿都会飞起来. 它的拳击,. 那是一场足球伤. 我为他感到难过. 可惜他没能继续战斗.
“我想统一标题. 我们甚至没有吵架 今晚. 我想要另一名战士. 我想要泰森·福里。”
“这应该是我的腰带,” 格拉兹科夫说. “我已经弄清楚他了. 我滑倒了,右膝一阵剧痛,快要停止了. 我很不高兴. 当我康复后,我想重赛。”

在非电视行动, 布鲁克林 亚当Kownacki (13-0, 10 科斯) 一场激动人心的压倒性胜利让家乡球迷兴奋不已 丹尼·凯利 (9-2-1, 8 科斯). 这位出生于波兰的拳击手使用精确的勾拳和毁灭性的上勾拳赢得了数十名选手的一致判定。 80-72 两次, 79-73.
不败的圣母大学校友 迈克·李 (16-0, 10 科斯) 当他停下来时,他在轻量级比赛中表现得很敏锐 约瑟夫·加德纳 (11-9-1, 1 KO) 43 秒,进入第三轮. 李在第三回合两次击败对手,然后在第四回合结束比赛.
伊万·戈卢布 (10-0, 8 科斯) 轰出 胡安·罗德里格斯 (12-4, 5 科斯) 并在第一回合TKO获胜. 这位出生于乌克兰的拳手目前正在布鲁克林训练,他的一记巨大的上手拳将罗德里格斯击倒,并促使裁判停止了比赛。 2:41 进出线.
不败的波兰中量级 马切伊Sulecki (22-0, 7 科斯) 统治老将
德里克 - 芬德利 (22-18-1, 14 科斯) 通过停顿保持完美 1:29 进入第七轮. 在一场不败前景的有趣战斗中 博蒂谢尔·奥比多夫 (4-0-1, 1 KO) 勉强达成一致决定 拉米尔·加吉耶夫 (1-1, 1 KO) 三位裁判均对比赛打分 39-37.
轻重量级前景 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (4-0, 3 科斯) 在最终停止之前取得了三次击倒 德里克·阿德金斯 (1-1-1, 1 KO) 在四个回合. 最后一枪是毁灭性的身体射击,结束了战斗 1:58 进出线.
布鲁克林 朱利安·索萨 (4-0-1, 2 科斯) 他在止步路上的统治性表现令众多到场粉丝兴奋不已 布莱恩·蒂蒙斯 (3-7, 3 科斯) 在 1:48 进入第二轮.
周六 精彩表演拳击锦标赛转播将重新空气的 星期一, 一月. 18 在 10 P.M. AND/PT 在 SHOWTIME EXTREME 上播出,并将于开始点播 这个星期天.
毛罗·拉纳洛 (Mauro Ranallo) 宣布了 SHOWTIME 冠军拳击赛,名人堂分析师阿尔·伯恩斯坦 (Al Bernstein) 和前世界冠军保利·马利格吉 (Paulie Malignaggi) 发表评论,吉姆·格雷 (Jim Gray) 报道. 在西班牙, 亚历杭德罗·卢纳 (Alejandro Luna) 详细讲述了这场比赛,前世界冠军劳尔·马克斯 (Raul Marquez) 担任色彩解说员.
该活动由 DiBella Entertainment 与 Warriors Boxing 和 Sferis Knockout Promotions 联合推广,并由 Corona 赞助. 《SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING》的执行制片人是 David Dinkins Jr. 与鲍勃·邓菲导演.
巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™ 编程平台由AARP提供. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter @SHOSports, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingProm和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

新英格兰中部 (大洛厄尔) 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Second preliminary round results from Lowell

LOWELL, 质量. (一月 16, 2016) – 新英格兰中部 (大洛厄尔) preliminary-round of the 70th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship concluded last night at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium with 12 second-round matches in the novice class.
击倒 (4) and shutout decisions were the theme last night as the large crowd really got into the exciting action, particularly the explosive knockout performances by Methuen (嘛) 中量级 Yamarco Guzman and Franklin (嘛) 重量级 贾里德·盖特利(Jared Gately).
The quarterfinals, 设有公开和新手比赛, 将要举行 下周五 夜晚 (一月. 22) 在洛厄尔纪念礼堂. 请参阅完整 2016 下面的时间表以及昨晚的结果.
$70 70 年代 – 庆祝的特别优惠 70 洛厄尔太阳慈善金手套锦标赛版本可供购买: $70.00 季票 (7 剩余的事件) 在阳台上. 要购买,请致电Lowell纪念礼堂票房,网址为1.866.722.8881 或在线订购 www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.. 也可以购买个人活动门票 $17.00, $15.00 或 $12.00.
从洛厄尔太阳慈善金手套收益冠军去实现发送新英格兰金手套冠军到全国金手套锦标赛 (2016 在盐湖城, 犹他州), 除了支持本地运动员和地区的体育场馆, 男孩 & 女孩俱乐部, 汤厨房, 无家可归者收容所, 癌症基金, 奖学金和许多其他重大慈善事业.
轻量级 (132 磅。)
雅各布·所罗门 (布鲁克林, 嘛 – 午夜凶铃)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Fabio D’Ambrosio (尊敬, 嘛 – 萨默维尔拳击)
女轻量级 (132 磅。)
斯蒂芬妮·汗(Stephanie Khan) (布莱顿, 嘛 – 午夜凶铃)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Jen Almeida (威明顿, 嘛 – Jim McNally’s)
轻量化 (141 磅。)
内森罗莎 (洛厄尔 – 西端)
WTKO3 (0:26)
Richard Tosi (Wakefield, 嘛 – MK Boxing)
welterweights的 (152 磅。)
肯尼·拉森(Kenny Larson) (塞勒姆, 嘛 – 萨默维尔拳击)
WTKO2 (2:00)
Joshua Wood (洛厄尔, 嘛 – 西端)
middleweights的 (165 磅。)
Yamarco Guzman (梅休因, 嘛 – 运河街)
WTKO1 (0:43)
Cusaj Thomas (Chestnut Hill, 嘛 – Nonantum拳击)
肖恩·麦克唐纳 (米尔顿, 嘛 – TNT拳击)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Brandon Brunell (南桥, 嘛 – The Club by George Foreman)
彼得·马赫 (阿灵顿, 嘛 – 萨默维尔拳击)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Adrian Gedney (格洛斯特, 嘛 – 格洛斯特,拳击)
轻重量级 (178 磅。)
贾斯汀·德弗勒梅里, (梅里马克, NH – 纳舒厄·帕尔)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Abdul Morelly (普罗维登斯, RI – Union Street Boxing)
约瑟夫·达西尔瓦 (格洛斯特, 嘛 – 格洛斯特拳击)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Daniel McNamara (Allston, 嘛 – 波士顿拳击)
权重股 (201 磅。)
贾里德·盖特利(Jared Gately) (富兰克林, 嘛 – 彼得·韦尔奇)
WTKO3 (0:10)
Zachary Calmus (格洛斯特 – 红线格斗运动)
超重 (201+ 磅。)
瑞安·布鲁克斯(Ryan Brooks) (韦茅斯, 嘛 – 格斗拳击)
Floran Kacaku (马尔登, 嘛 – 红线格斗运动)
肖恩·贝京 (布莱顿, 嘛 – Nonantum拳击)
WDEC3 (5-0)
James Anderson (多切斯特, 嘛 – Dorchester Boxing Club)
70 年度洛厄尔太阳慈善金手套锦标赛赛程表
(洛厄尔纪念剧院 – 6:30 P.M. 门打开, 7:30 P.M. 第一回合)
新英格兰中部 (大洛厄尔)
打开 & Novice Quarterfinal Round星期五, 一月. 22
打开 & 新手类准决赛, C.N.E. – 星期四, 一月. 28
打开 & 菜鸟级锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 4
新手类准决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 11
菜鸟级锦标赛决赛 – 二月. 18
公开课半决赛 – 星期三, 二月. 24
公开课锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 25
比赛执行总监: 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo)
参赛者总监: 拉玛略(Art Ramalho)
官员首长: 劳里·珀塞尔
环播音员: 约翰·维纳
地点: 洛厄尔纪念剧院, 50 梅里马克街, 洛厄尔, 嘛
叽叽喳喳: @LowellGloves
联系: 鲍勃·Trieger, 全场紧逼, 978.590.0470, bobtfcp@hotmail.com, @FightPublicist
关于LOWELL SUN CHARITIES: 成立于 1947, 洛厄尔孙慈善是一个非盈利性组织,其使命是丰富生活的儿童质量, 家庭, 和社区, 促进尊重和尊严发行计划. 植根于关心和同情的传统, 洛厄尔孙慈善始建向社会不断增加的挑战作出回应. 2016 marks the 70 year the Golden Gloves have been held in the great city of Lowell, 马萨诸塞州.
洛厄尔孙慈善是一个社会程序,不仅使冠军的戒指也使得生命冠军. 每年这些年轻运动员潜心运动教导纪律, 尊重, 和清洁的生活方式有机会赢得一个著名的金手套锦标赛.


点击 这里 For Photos From Team Breazeale
点击 这里 For Photos From Valentin Romero
LOS ANGELES (一月 15, 2016) – 2012 中美. Olympian and undefeated heavyweight 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE is nearing a world title shot and took time recently to discuss his upcoming showdown with 阿米尔 “性交” 曼苏尔 and weigh-in on the heavyweight action this weekend before he enters the ring 星期六, 一月 23 从斯台普斯中心在洛杉矶.
总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 上 FOX FOX体育 is headlined by the welterweight world championship showdown between 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 罗伯特· “鬼” 战士 and features a welterweight scrap that pits undefeated rising star萨米 “军士” 瓦斯奎兹 against Los Angeles阿隆·马丁内斯. Televised bouts begin at 4 P.M. PT inside the arena.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Swift Promotions, 售价为 $300, $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 不包括适用的费用和服务费, 与现已公开发售. 车票可以在AXS.com购买或通过电话 888-929-7849或在斯台普斯中心.
Breazeale has been training at The Rock gym in Carson, California with Manny Robles. Here is what Breazeale had to say about Mansour, training camp, the heavyweight division and more:
It wasn’t hard to refocus after the Charles Martin fight fell out. I took a couple of days off and then I was right back in the gym 周一.
I have no worries about fighting a southpaw. I’ve had plenty of time to get comfortable with the game plan against a southpaw.
I just did a week of sparring in San Francisco with LeRon Mitchell. It was well worth it. 他是左撇子, same build as Mansour. It was ideal.
I’ve seen a couple of Mansour’s fights, especially the Gerald Washington fight, and I know he wants to get inside. I need him to respect my distance and range. Washington was tall like me so it’s a good fight to study.
My time playing quarterback in college has helped me out a great deal. The footwork is very similar. Throwing footballs and throwing punches isn’t so different.
I’d like Charles Martin to defeat Vyacheslav Glazkov and then hopefully I can fight him. Glazkov was an Olympian and has a great deal of experience. I believe if Glazkov wins it will be in impressive fashion. I’m not sure Martin has enough talent to be in the ring with Glazkov.
Deontay Wilder is very good with his range. I’m a believer in him and I don’t think Artur Szpilka will be able to get inside. I’m picking Deontay.
My fight will be action packed for sure. I’ve got the ability to knockout Mansour and I’m looking for a knockout in the middle rounds. It will definitely be very action packed.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com, WWw.staplescenter.com andwww.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://万维网.foxsports.com/presspass/主页, www.foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @DannySwift @GhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes @STAPLESCenter, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm,并成为一个风扇在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,万维网.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 按照使用#PBConFOX谈话.


点击 这里 For Photos From Team Vasquez
科罗拉多斯普林斯 (一月 15, 2016) – Undefeated welterweight contender萨米 “军士” 瓦斯奎兹 is just over a week away from facing the toughest opponent of his career and he took time out of his camp to give an update on training and more.
Vasquez takes on Los Angeles阿隆·马丁内斯 总理拳击冠军(PBC) 上 FOX FOX体育 星期六, 一月 23 在斯台普斯中心. Televised coverage is headlined by a welterweight world title battle between 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 罗伯特· “鬼” 战士 plus a heavyweight contest between 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE and rugged contender阿米尔 “性交” 曼苏尔. Televised bouts begin inside the arena at 4 P.M. PT.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Swift Promotions, 售价为 $300, $200, $100, $50 和 $25, 不包括适用的费用和服务费, 与现已公开发售. 车票可以在AXS.com购买或通过电话 888-929-7849或在斯台普斯中心.
Vasquez has been training at the Triple Threat Boxing Gym in Colorado Springs. Here is what Vasquez had to say about training, 他U.S. Army service, Aron Martinez and more:
I like training out in Colorado. It’s where I live now and the altitude makes my training even better. The longer I stay out here, the more advantages I get.
I’m excited to be fighting on the west coast. I love fighting out here. I’m an exciting fighter and I’m fighting a local guy. Hopefully I can win and start building my own fans in L.A.
Aron Martinez is going to come forward. He puts his head in your chest and tries to wear you out. It’s all about attacking the body. If he wants to be the bull, I’ll be the matador.
We know his game plan so we’re preparing very well. If he tries to box me, I’ll outbox him all day.
We’re going to take it one fight at a time. Being in competition for a world title is what we want. All the best guys are in the welterweight division.
Where I am right now, I’m on the cusp of moving in on the big dogs in the division. I want to fight those guys. I feel like I’m ready to go. You have to take it one fight at a time in this division. It’s all about knocking out a name to get a name.
I try to use boxing to get anything out there about the military that I can. I’ve been deployed twice and diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). PTSD and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) are very serious things. I’m lucky to be where I’m at right now. I want to push the word out there more. It’s very serious but I’m fortunate enough to be in a position to spread the word.
I think I’m going to stop him. Between the sixth and the eighth round. We’re going to meet in the middle of the ring. I’ve got more power than he’s used to. Everyone comes forward until they get punched in the face.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com, WWw.staplescenter.com万维网.TGBPromotions.com, HTTP://万维网.foxsports.com/presspass/主页, www.foxdeportes.com. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @DannySwift @GhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes @STAPLESCenter, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm,并成为一个风扇在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,万维网.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 按照使用#PBConFOX谈话.

亚当·洛佩斯和马里奥穆尼奥斯HEADLINE的ShoBox: 新一代QUADRUPLEHEADER FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城


罗纳德·埃利斯VS. 杰里奥多姆, 基南·史密斯VS. 惠灵顿阿里亚斯·罗梅罗 & Lavasis威廉姆斯O'Shaquie福斯特此外,在行动

星期五, 二月. 19 在 10 P.M. AND/PT


纽约 (一月. 15, 2016) - 的ShoBox: 新一代 returnson 星期五, 二月. 19, quadrupleheader生活 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从 阿德里安·菲利普斯宴会厅 在历史 浮桥厅 在大西洋城, N.J.


在相同的高度, 同龄, 和类似的强业余背景, 亚当“黄油”洛佩兹 (14-0, 7 科斯) 和 马里奥“Yayo”穆尼奥斯 (16-0-1, 10 科斯) 将面临最棘手的对手年月日时他们接触的手套在10轮超轻量级的主要事件对决.


在其他电视较量, 所有预定的八轮, 罗纳德“的Akeem”埃利斯 (12-0, 10 科斯) 发生在 杰里奥多姆 (13-2, 12 科斯) 在冲突强硬的超级middleweights, 基南·史密斯 (9-0, 3 科斯) 面对同胞左撇子 惠灵顿罗梅罗 (9-0-1, 4 科斯) 在不败的welterweights和左投的战斗 Lavisas“红”威廉姆斯 (8-0-1, 3 科斯) 风险他对不败纪录 O'Shaquie福斯特 (8-1, 5 科斯) 在超羽量级比赛.


八大了崭露头角的竞争对手的合并记录 89-3-3 同 54 击倒.


洛佩兹, 圣安东尼奥, 得克萨斯州, 由凤凰路, 亚利桑那州。, 工匠, 费城, 和Foster, 奥兰治, 得克萨斯州, 会使得他们的第二个的ShoBox 开始; 而穆尼奥斯, 瓜达拉哈拉, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥, 埃利斯, 多切斯特, 质量。, 威廉姆斯, 罗切斯特, 纽约州. 与罗梅罗, Hasburgh的, 纽约州, 通过圣地亚哥, D.R., 他们的第一个. 奥多姆, 华盛顿, D.C, 做他的第三次出现.


对于GH3促销活动门票价格 $25, $50, $75 和 100 并且可用于购买在网上 www.Ticketmaster.com并通过电话在 1 800 736 1420.


一个优秀的拳击手,冲床和战术,喜欢反, 洛佩兹赢得了他 的ShoBox 最后一个结束前首次在他的郊游, 恶战10轮的多数决定在此前不败, 多明尼加埃利泽·阿基诺 (17-0-1 在去). 洛佩兹掀起了第二轮将军澳未来 埃里克·艾肯 最后 十二月. 12.


洛佩兹出生在凤凰城, 在洛杉矶升起,并搬到了圣安东尼奥时,他是 15. 他去 125-23 在业余和荣获六项全国冠军在二月份转为职业选手之前 2012. 他通过前两届世界冠军受训 卡洛斯“法莫索”埃尔南德斯.


穆尼奥斯将作出墨西哥自己的美国出道第一次启动外. 一家亲自九月 2010, 他称,他来转发风格, 一流的整体技能和熟练的冲切力. 他去 140-10 在业余, 赢得三个全国少年奥林匹克比赛和离家以后,在全国锦标赛铜牌和银牌.


穆尼奥斯, 谁从一个格斗家冰雹, 谁拥有专业盒装的叔叔. 他是一个他学分引进他拳击时,他是 13. 这将是他的第一次战斗,因为他打进了一个渐行渐远的八轮决定了 丹尼尔·佛朗哥 最后 五月 2.


埃利斯心烦高度重视 特雷尔Gausha 赢 2010 全国金手套 (Gausha将继续代表中美. 在 2012 奥运会). 由于在二月去亲 2011, 埃利斯在两个国家一直战斗 (波多黎各, 墨西哥) 六中美. 城市 (San Antonio, 卡森, 加利福尼亚州。, 温彻斯特, 弗吉尼亚州。, 纽约市, 塔尔萨和英格尔伍德, 加利福尼亚州。). 这位26岁的大多面临温和的反对,并已很少接近投入整夜的工作.


埃利斯曾经有过一系列的延迟和重新启动的自转为职业选手,但是从他的错误感到他的成长,他会因为他们变得更强. 当然, 他的权力没有受到影响. 所有 10 他击倒了进来两轮 (八中第一). 拳击手的哥哥 拉希迪埃利斯 已经取得四连胜淘汰赛, 包括第二轮TKO过 雅菲普斯 在他去年开始最后 八月. 29. 但他似乎正在这里上课相当大的升压.


奥多姆正在失去他的两个过去三年中后,围着它转, 最近的失利通过一个令人震惊的第三轮将军澳未来 塞缪尔·克拉克森 (14-3 在去) 上 的ShoBox. 沉重偏爱, 重量级的奥多姆被丢弃三次, 一旦在第二和两次在第三, 之前的战斗在暂停 1:15.


奥多姆, 顶级业余 2012 全国金手套冠军在 178 英镑, 对月12拼连胜结束. 9, 2015, 当他被取消资格反对 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯. 在复赛以下三月 13的ShoBox, 奥多姆注册 2:47, 第一轮将军澳.


在他的 的ShoBox 登场, 奥多姆, 谁做了精彩的废料, 下降此前保持不败 Vilier科昆诺内兹 (8-0) 阻止他在第七轮七月前两次 25, 2014.


史密斯赢得了他 的ShoBox 首次在他去年开始在恶战, 八轮一致决定在 本杰明·惠特克 最后 十一月. 6 在拉斯维加斯的户外战斗. 战斗在他母亲的记忆谁在九月下旬去世,去八轮的第一次, 5英尺7Smith, 从在第六无意头撞克服在左眼的讨厌切, 反弹将比分击倒在第七和胜利通过的分数 79-73 和 78-74 两次.


前四月转为职业选手 2010, 史密斯是一个 2008 全国金手套羽量级冠军和 2007 少年奥林匹克全国冠军. 他的 74-2 在业余纪录包括两场胜利游戏地图,排名竞争者 阿米尔我.

罗梅罗不得不 268 业余的较量,并代表多米尼加共和国在奥运会中 2012 (他失去了 瓦西利·Lomanchenko). 此后不久,他迁往纽约. 他在十月去亲 2013, 在战斗的四倍 2014 去年的五倍.


一个漂亮的5尺9寸的拳击手谁可以冲和给人因为他笨拙的风格和运动的对手的问题, 罗梅罗, 24, 对普通反对打起来,并掀起了第一轮将军澳,未来数 路易斯Meroles 最后 十二月. 5. 这看起来是他最艰巨的任务,以日期.


威廉姆斯, 24, 是因为三月在他的第二次创业拳击平局是谁赢得了七连胜一个拳击手,冲床 2013. 这将是纽约的他的第一次战斗之外. 使他的八轮首演他去年开始在十月. 8, 他赢得了停业决定在捷克共和国 米哈尔杜费克.


培育, 22, 得到一个速战速决的机会输球后自我救赎自己的ShoBox 亮相八轮一致决定弱旅 山姆佘先生 (6-1) 在 十一月. 6 卡在拉斯维加斯.


高度装饰的业余, 5英尺8.5英寸福斯特晋级 2012 中美. 奥运选拔赛,他输给了不败的职业前景, 约瑟夫· “乔 - 乔”迪亚兹. 在此之前,, 福斯特是一个 2011 休斯顿金手套和 2010 PAL全国冠军, 五时马戏团全国冠军和两次全国少年金手套冠军.

巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


# # #


大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 65 谁曾出现在战士的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.


“我饿了. I’m determined. I’m not playing with anybody in 2016.
My actions will speak for themselves.” – 怀尔德
“我不只是想赢得比赛; I want to win in spectacular fashion.” – 针

点击 这里 对于照片从萧蔷特拉普/欣欣®
点击 这里 对于照片从埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娱乐
布鲁克林 (一月 14, 2016) – A dramatic fight week continued 星期四 as WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay怀尔德 and bruising Polish contender Artur Szpilka participated inthe final press conference before they enter the ring this 星期六, 一月 16 住在Showtime巴克莱中心.
欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT with unbeatens查尔斯·马丁 Vyacheslav Glazkov fighting for the vacant IBF Heavyweight World Championship.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐推广联同勇士拳击和Sferis淘汰赛促销, 开始 $25, 不包括适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP
这里是参与者不得不说 星期四:
I’m so happy to be here in the ‘Big Apple.It’s been over 115 years since there’s been a heavyweight title fight in Brooklyn and you’ve invited your ‘country friendto end that streak.
Everything has happened at the right time in my life. Even the people I’ve met in my career have come at the right time. I still think about the first time I met Lennox Lewis and he took the time out to talk to me and he showed me different techniques. I’ll never forget.
Lennox was one of those guys that set the standard. He’s a hard act to follow. But I love a challenge. Everybody has had struggles coming up. Now my children are my motivation and that’s what has made me strong physically and mentally.
Here we are in 2016, with a young champion trying to follow in the footsteps of a great champion to become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
People who know me know that if I say I’m going to do something, I’m doing it. 我饿了. I am determined. I’m not playing with anybody in 2016. I don’t say things just to sound good. My actions will speak for themselves.
“这是一个伟大的卡. Two heavyweight title fights in one night. It doesn’t get much better than that. The heavyweight division is exciting again. Having someone like me, it’s only going to get better.
I take pride in what I do and what I have. I’m very honored to have the WBC belt. I even have the belt tattooed on my body. It’s not going anywhere. But there are more belts that I want. It’s going to be a long journey and a tough path to fulfill. But I’m that man.
When people say the heavyweight champion of the world, I want one person to be recognized. I wish my opponent and all future opponents good luck, cause they’re going to need it.
We’re not looking past Artur Szpilka. Things happen due to adrenaline and excitement, but I’m very confident about what I’m going to do 周六 夜晚. He wants to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. You know he’s coming to make history.
“这将是一场艰苦的战斗, but a fun fight. Everyone who sees this fight, they’re going to get their money’s worth. 这将是一个伟大的演出. 我不能等. Waiting is the hardest part of boxing.
I’m so happy to fight in front of so many great Polish fans. I want to be the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world. I want to do it.
“有对我没有压力. The pressure is on Deontay because I just want to be a world champion, 他已经是.
I’m not just here to get my paycheck. Everyone who knows me, knows I come to fight. 我不只是想赢得比赛; I want to win in spectacular fashion.
I have a bunch of friends coming in from Chicago but the next 48 hours will be mostly relaxing. I have a couple small training sessions with Ronnie (希尔兹) 但就是这样.
I know you have to have a great respect for your opponent and I used to have respect for him. But after what he has said about me, I have a problem. You have to prove it in the ring. He has to do it in the ring, not outside the ring. He can say whatever he wants, but we will see it in the ring.
I will fight hard and after the fight you will hear ‘The New Heavyweight Champion of the World.’ “
I’m so thankful to be in this position. Everyone who put this together and got me here, I owe them everything. I want to thank my mom for making me a strong guy. We went through everything together. We’ve seen it all.
It’s starting to get real. I can feel my aggression coming out. I’m a Taurus, I’m a bull. I get mean when it’s time to fight. That’s what I want to bring into the ring 周六 夜晚. Controlled aggression.
I’m a nice person but when it’s time to go, I have an angry heart.
I train for every fight like a title fight. Mentally there was nothing to gear up for. I’m strong mentally. I’ve been running up in the mountains and doing a lot of rounds.
We’re in great shape after being in one camp for eight weeks and then taking a week off before we got back to it. It was a great training camp.
I’m happy and excited. 我很期待这场斗争 周六 and taking what’s mine.
I’m so sick of talking about what Glazkov does well, I just want to see if he can do it well against me.
Thank you everyone who supports me and loves boxing. 这对我来说是一个巨大的机会. 我 100 %的准备. This will be a good fight and I hope everyone is watching.
“我感觉很好. 我训练得很刻苦. 我很愿意为这场斗争. Everything is in place for me to become world champion.
Charles is a big guy. He’s a lefty but he hasn’t fought good opponents. He’s a big strong guy, but it’s the heavyweight division. Everyone is strong. This will be a good fight.
All of my past fights have helped me get ready for this one. 我想要所有的腰带. This is the first step towards my dream.
伦诺克斯·刘易斯, Former Unified Heavyweight World Champion
I’m looking forward to the fights 星期六. There are four great heavyweights that I’m excited to see. I’m happy that my WBC belt is looked after so well.
The heavyweight division is wide open right now. Now it’s time for the guys who were standing by the wayside to show that they want to be the next undisputed champion.
娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁
This is going to be a huge event at Barclays Center 周六 夜晚. There are still some tickets available, but you better run and get them. We just opened up some more tickets today. We could have a record crowd for boxing at Barclays Center and that’s the power of the heavyweight division and the power of boxing when you deliver a great product to people.
There are two terrific fights in one night. They will be the first heavyweight title fights in Brooklyn in 115 岁月. We knew we were going to have Deontay Wilder taking on Artur Szpilka. We didn’t initially expect it, but now we have a title fight for a vacant belt as a co-feature. It really makes it a special night.
SHOWTIME Sports was born on March 10, 1986 with its first telecast of a sporting event, which happened to feature a spectacular 11日-round knockout by “奇妙” 马文·哈格勒. This is SHOWTIME’s 30anniversary and we’ll be celebrating all year long.
In keeping with our heavyweight theme, we are featuring our long history with Evander Holyfield and airing some of his biggest fights. Holyfield has fought with us 18 时, the most of any other fighter. If there is a current fighter who can break that record, it’s Deontay Wilder. He’s fought eight times and we’ve seen the progression of his skills.
I can’t think of a better way to kick off our year than with this doubleheader of heavyweight title fights. For each of these four fighters on this SHOWTIME card, 星期六 night represents a lifetime of work and their dream of being heavyweight champion. I’m convinced we’re going to have two memorable fights that will add to the great history of SHOWTIME.
We have such confidence in this card we’re doing something unprecedented. Not only is it a part of our Free Preview Weekend, but we’re putting the entire telecast on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel. There’s no excuse for anyone to miss it.
BRETT YORMARK, 巴克莱中心的首席执行官
Barclays Center is in the big event business and it doesn’t get any bigger than hosting two heavyweight world championship fights 星期六 夜晚. Brooklyn has a great history with heavyweights but it’s been a long time. Deontay is the perfect person to bring this tradition back to Brooklyn. 他很自信, tenacious and has a big personality. He’s made to fight in Brooklyn.
Wilder versus Artur Szpilka is the matchup Brooklyn has been waiting for. The Fort Greene section of Brooklyn has a tremendous Polish population and Artur will have a big rooting section 周六 夜晚.
This will be our sixteenth event and I expect 2016 to be our biggest year ever. This is certainly an exciting way to kick off boxing at Barclays for 2016.
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巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™编程平台是由美国退休人员协会提出. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter @SHOSports, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, @WarriorsBoxingPromand @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter

Sampson Boxing Signs Promotional Agreement with Undefeated Featherweight Mario Munoz

Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of undefeated featherweight Mario “Yayo” Munoz to a promotional contract.
25-year-old Munoz, from Guadalajara, 墨西哥, currently sports a record of 16-0-1, 10 KOs and has been a professional since 2011. He will make his promotional debut under the Sampson Boxing banner on二月 19 at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City when he takes on fellow unbeaten Adam Lopez (14-0, 7 科斯).
The fight against Lopez will be Munoz’s first outside Mexico. To prepare for this tough assignment, Munoz is working hard with trainer/manager Rafael Guzman and world-class Sampson Boxing stablemates Hugo “Cuatito” 鲁伊斯 (35-3, 31 科斯) 和豪尔赫 “杵捣” 拉拉 (27-0-2, 19 科斯) in Guadalajara.
I am proud to have a great promoter like Sampson helping me now,” said Munoz. “It will make me fight that much harder knowing I have the backing to become a world champion behind me. I will train to the top of my ability for 二月 19and for every fight I have with my new promoter. Together we will become world champion.
Sampson is my trusted friend and I feel this agreement will help Mario very much,” said Rafael Guzman. “Mario is very talented and determined and will go far in the sport. We needed the right promotional backing to take the next step and we now have it.
I am very happy to be adding another proud Mexican warrior to my stable of fighters,” 桑普森说Lewkowicz. “Along with Mario and Cuatito Ruiz and Pilon Lara I have the Red Flag, 大卫Benavidez. Those are four very talented fighters and it makes me proud to be their promoter. Mario Munoz has a bright future in boxing if he keeps working as hard as he does and it’ll be a pleasure to help him with his career. It is my vision to continue to find new Mexican stars like him and welcome them to the Sampson Boxing family.
一个非常成功的奔跑作为媒人和顾问后,, 桑普森Lewkowicz切换到职业拳击推广方一月 2008.
桑普森拳击已经成长为世界上最负盛名的推广公司之一, 代表许多世界上最好的战士,最有前途的年轻竞争者.

桑普森拳击有促销的合作伙伴遍及北美和南美, 非洲, 亚洲, 新西兰, 澳大利亚, 欧洲,中美洲和桑普森拳击事件被电视上的首映式等网络作为HBO, 开演时间, ESPN, VS. 和一些国际网络.