BERMANE STIVERNE和Deontay懷爾德TALK訓練營,他們的地方在重量級歷史上他們的世界錦標賽攤牌上週六, JAN. 17 在米高梅大花園球館住在SHOWTIME錦標賽BOXING®

1-17-15 LH

LAS VEGAS (一月 9, 2015) - 當我們接近世界冠軍的重量級行動在美國史詩的回報, WBC重量級世界冠軍 金杯 (24-1-1, 21 科斯) 不敗淘汰賽專家 Deontay懷爾德 (32-0, 32 科斯) 深在訓練營中的精彩表演他們的冠軍對決®.


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閱讀下面的是什麼戰士不得不說一下如何訓練是怎麼回事, 他們的重量級歷史上的地位是什麼,球迷們可以期待看到的 一月. 17 在米高梅大花園球館在拉斯維加斯:


Q: 你去哪兒了培訓? 誰你都在用訓練? 是如何訓練已經持續?


金杯: 我在拉斯維加斯的訓練在梅威瑟健身房. 我有很多的陪練夥伴, 7總,他們一直在交替的,因為它一直是一個很長的訓練營. 我開始訓練營八月,因為我們甚至不知道什麼時候該打的事情發生,所以我們必須準備好隨時和我們所做的比以往更好. 這是一個漫長, 長時間的訓練營,我在最佳狀態,我曾經一直在.


我打算去的環 238 和 242 英鎊. 我們想過要低,但我是一個超重量級的,這是我的最佳體重.

Deontay懷爾德: 陣營已經很大. 這是一個漫長艱難的道路,但我們現在在這裡. 我有我的這是極好的整個團隊 — 傑伊·迪斯, 馬克布雷蘭, 拉斯Anber, 希爾的Cuz我的體能教練彼得·扈利, 所以它已經不能更好.

Q: 如何你覺得在大舞台上作為戰鬥在米高梅大花園球館的重頭戲?


BS: 戰鬥在米高梅大酒店是一個夢想成真. 我一直夢想著成為冠軍我的整個生命. 當我想到了米高梅我認為所有的歷史,我想譜寫新的篇章.

DW: I’m super excited about fighting on the big stage. The bigger the better! The more attention and people watching, the more I like it. We’ve been working towards this for a long time, and I am glad we have gotten to this level.


Q: If you could meet any heavyweight champ who would it be? Is there a heavyweight that you would say you emulate?

BS: Muhammad – he was the greatest, he called himself “The Greatest” before he even knew he was The Greatest. He worked hard every single day to fulfill it and that is what I do. No corners cut.

DW: I’ve never patterned myself after any other heavyweight, but if I could meet one from the past it would be Joe Louis. He’s part of my nickname. He was the ‘Brown Bomber’ and since I’m from Alabama like he was and I won the Bronze medal at the Olympics, I’m the ‘Bronze Bomber.’

Q: How do you feel about being in the biggest heavyweight title fight in the United States in a decade?


BS: The Heavyweight Champion is what it’s all about. It’s the King of the Jungle. It is the Champion of all the Champions. I am happy to bring it back. Boxing is alive and well.

DW: It’s time for the heavyweight division to be important again and I’m the guy to do it, so I can’t wait.


Q: Which heavyweights inspired you or did you admire on your climb to this point?


BS: Iron Mike Tyson and James Toney – I really admire the way they fought. I loved Iron Mike’s explosiveness and speed and his fast hands. Tyson could hurt you with any punch at any angle and that is my forte. When I hit somebody, I see it in their eyes and their legs and I feel their pain.

DW: My daughter is my inspiration. I always admired guys like Muhammad Ali and Larry Holmes though.

Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting for the WBC title that has been held by so many of the greatest including Muhammad Ali?

BS: The WBC heavyweight belt has been held by many great champions. It’s the biggest prize out there.

DW: A lot of great champions have held the WBC title belt, so it’s the big one and I’m honored and excited to be fighting for it.


Q: How important is it for you to represent your home country in this fight? Do you feel any additional pressure because of it?

BS: I am blessed to have been born in Haiti and lived in Quebec, Canada and now Las Vegas and I like to think of myself as an inspiration to kids in Haiti that have suffered so much – just like me. I want them to know that if they work hard they can achieve their dreams.

DW: 就像我說的, I am honored and excited. A lot of greats have held the belt and I am ready to make history and be one of the greats. Representing the U.S. in a heavyweight fight, bringing it back home, it’s an honor.

Q: What do you think of your opponent, does anything he does concern you?

BS: I think Wilder is a clown. Wilder thinks this is the WWE. He acts like it’s the WWE. This is for real. It is going to hurt very bad.

DW: I have no thoughts about Bermane Stiverne. I’m just ready to fight and leave it all out in the ring.

Q: What should the fans expect on Jan. 17? Do you have a prediction?

BS: On Jan. 17 I will hurt Wilder and I will knock him out and it will be a lasting image in peoples’ minds for a very long time.

DW: Fans should expect a great night of boxing and everyone will see 一月. 17. -. Be there or tune in on TV if you can’t. You don’t want to miss it!

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SHOWTIME體育® 將呈現 ALL ACCESS: Stiverne VS. WILDER 今晚,星期五, 一月. 9 在 10:45 P.M. ET / PT 在Showtime.
“重返榮耀”: Stiverne VS. WILDER, 12輪的爭奪Stiverne的服用WBC重量級冠軍​​的地方 星期六, 一月. 17 在米高梅大花園球館在拉斯維加斯, 為共同促進 唐·金製作金童推廣. 在12輪的共同特徵, 不敗的WBC超輕量級世界冠軍 獅子座聖克魯斯 抵禦 耶穌魯伊斯 和不敗 阿米爾我 會見 菲德爾·馬爾多納多JR. 在10輪超輕量級回合. 本次活動將在米高梅大花園球館在拉斯維加斯, 內華達州。, 並且將現場直播在Showtime® (10:00 P.M. AND/ 7:00 P.M. PT). 電視節目也將在西班牙通過二級音頻節目 (SAP). 初步較量將現場直播SHOWTIME EXTREME進行​​電視轉播 (8:00 P.M. AND/PT, 延遲在西海岸).


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