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LOS ANGELES (二月 7, 2022) — 约翰·拉米雷斯 (约翰·拉米雷斯), 由首席执行官 Terry Hollan 和媒人 Guy Taylor 共同创立, 宣布签下两届世界冠军挑战者“Mighty”阿斯顿 (28-4-1, 24 科斯) 一个多年的推广合同.

31岁的帕利克特, 谁战出勃固城, 西内格罗斯, 菲律宾是两届世界青年雏量级冠军挑战者,对手是两位未来的名人堂成员, 与菲律宾同胞 Donnie Nietes 战成平局 (43-1-6, 24 科斯), 输给现任世界拳击组织 (WBO) 少年雏量级冠军井冈和人 (28-2, 15 科斯).

资深媒人, 泰勒认识帕利克特及其经理并与之建立了工作关系, 宋杰森, 过去六年.
“我们跑得很好,”泰勒说. “让老团队聚在一起感觉就像老音乐团体回来再发行一张热门专辑. 我认为我们在这次经历中都学到了很多东西,并意识到当这个团队团结在一起时,我们会成为一个更好的团队。”

“我很高兴他们仍然相信我,”帕尔西特评论道. “我很高兴能够再次争夺世界冠军。”

“我真的很高兴能够通过世界杯拳击系列赛继续我们的下一个雏量级冠军之旅,”宋补充道. “我们从第一天起就与盖伊·泰勒合作,与他一起继续我们的下一个篇章感觉是正确的。”

在他的 2016 美国首秀, 帕利克特在拉斯维加斯与前世界拳击理事会对决 (WBC) 别. 5-评级竞争者和北美拳击联合会 (NABF) 超蝇量级冠军奥斯卡·坎图 (14-0) 在内华达州拉斯维加斯. 帕里克特以十回合分歧判定击败当时不败的德克萨斯人,夺得 NABF 和 WBO 洲际锦标赛冠军.

到今天已经快一年了, 帕利克特对阵前世界冠军何塞·阿尔弗雷多·罗德里格斯 (32-6) 在得克萨斯州, 5回合技术淘汰赛取得压倒性胜利.

上述两场胜利为帕利克特九月职业生涯中最大的一场战斗奠定了基础 8, 2018, 当 HBO 的全菲律宾选手在洛杉矶与传奇人物尼特斯争夺空缺的 WBO 少年雏量级世界冠军赛的舞台时.

在一场非常接近且有趣的比赛中, 两人都有过各自的时刻, 评委们无法达成一致,甚至给出了记分卡以保持冠军头衔空缺. 三个月后,尼特斯将接替空缺的头衔, 以12回合分歧判定击败Ioka.

WBO下令“淘汰赛”,帕里克特在第二轮暂停了WBO No. 4 何塞·马丁内斯的竞争者 (20-0), 在尼特斯和帕利克特之间安排复赛. 然而, 尼特斯在 WBO 奖金竞标前几个小时放弃了世界冠军头衔, 帕里克特在日本对阵伊奥卡,争夺空缺的 WBO Jr. 最轻量级冠军. 在另一场全面战争中, 帕里克特在第七回合重伤伊奥卡, 只为让自己陷入困境 10 当艾奥卡抓住并摇晃帕利克特时, 提示裁判员停止动作.

对于强大的菲律宾选手来说,雏量级中有一些巨大的潜在对手, 包括与杰森·莫洛尼的对决 22-2 (18 科斯), 谁是现任WBC“银牌”雏量级冠军和WBC #2 竞争者, 但更值得注意的是对阵雏量级王平和统一的世界冠军 (WBA和IBF), 井上直也 22-0 (19 科斯). Palicte目前排名No. 9 由国际拳击联合会, 还有没有. 14 由WBO.

“我觉得阿斯顿可以与任何人竞争 118 英镑,”泰勒总结道. “他是最有力的竞争者 115 那是在耗尽自己之后. 你能想象他的自然体重会是什么样子吗? 118? 我的合伙人 (特里Hollan) 我已经在三月底准备一场比赛了 / 四月初的时间表和, 在那之后, 在那之后
在那之后 (14-0, 9 科斯) 在那之后.

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在那之后, 在那之后, 在那之后 & 在那之后 & 在那之后 在那之后
点击这里 for Photos (在那之后)
信贷: 在那之后 / 总理拳击冠军
LAS VEGAS (二月 5, 2022) - 在那之后在那之后又回来了.
在那之后, 12轮一致判定战胜前超轻量级世界冠军马里奥·“阿兹特卡”·巴里奥斯 周六晚上,在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾度假村和赌场的 Michelob ULTRA Arena 举行的 FOX Sports PBC 按次付费活动的主要活动中.

“这是两年半后的复出之战,”克利尔沃特说, 佛罗里达州的瑟曼. “我希望我有最好的表现, 但在这种情况下我已经尽力了. “我将这次表演评为 C+ 或 B- 为了我自己。”
在他的第一次战斗中 30 个月, 33 岁的瑟曼 (30-1, 22 科斯) 展示了使他在 147 磅重的部门中名列前茅的属性. 瑟曼开局强劲,从未放弃控制权, 有时用猛烈的射门惩罚巴里奥斯.
邻里 (26-2, 17 科斯) 在他的次中量级处子秀中有他的时刻, 尤其是在第八局,左勾拳击中身体导致瑟曼后退. 来自圣安东尼奥的 26 岁重击手, 得克萨斯州也表现出勇气, 尽管瑟曼的重型火炮仍然勇敢地反击.
“今晚我展示了我心中的墨西哥战士. 我向 Keith Thurman 脱帽致敬, 他也是个战士. 我们给了球迷一场伟大的战斗,”巴里奥斯说.

然而, 仅仅克服无情的瑟曼的出色表现是不够的。
“我们震撼了他. 我们无法让他失望, 但我们有出色的表现和出色的战斗,”瑟曼说.
“我想要腰带. 我要冠军. 我想重回巅峰, 所以谁愿意把合同寄给 Keith Thurman, 我们走吧!”
在超羽量级联合主赛事中, 四分裂世界冠军狮子座“地震”圣克鲁斯 带来了另一场经典表演, 克服逆境赢得10轮一致判定基南·“贝多”·卡巴哈尔.
“我走了好几圈. 如果我进去并快速解决了他, 我不会获得我需要的经验,” 33 岁的圣克鲁斯说道. “我有点感觉到长时间的停工, 但我已经尽力了,希望球迷们喜欢它并希望再次见到我。”

圣克鲁斯 (38-2-1, 19 科斯) 左眼下方和右眼睑均因意外头撞而被割伤.
无所畏惧, “El Terremoto”主导了整个动作, 伤害卡巴哈尔 (23-3-1, 15 科斯) 多次在所有三张记分卡上赢得每一轮比赛 (100-90).
“我们要回到健身房, 变得更好并改正我们做错的事情,”圣克鲁斯说. “我们想要统一并捍卫我们的头衔. 我们希望所有的冠军都在 126 英镑“。
按次计费的动作也看到了超次中量级的感觉耶稣“猴子”拉莫斯 (18-0, 15 科斯) 在他职业生涯中最大的一场战斗中表现出色. 20岁的拉莫斯淘汰危险老将保持不败弗拉基米尔·埃尔南德斯 (13-5, 6 科斯) 在 2:21 第六轮.
“我很聪明地用拳击他,我并不是真的在寻找淘汰赛,”拉莫斯说. “他是一个强硬的, 耐用的家伙. 我把他一圈圈打倒, 干净利落的射门伤害了他, 所以我完成了工作.
第六局比赛结束很快,拉莫斯左手上手让埃尔南德斯失去了双腿的控制。. 拉莫斯继续殴打他的头部和身体,直到裁判迈克奥尔特加仁慈地介入.
“我们想建立我们的简历, 就像弗洛伊德梅威瑟所做的那样,”拉莫斯说. “他有加蒂, 科拉莱斯, 卡斯蒂略和所有的人. 这是你不能从他身上夺走的东西,这就是我想做的. 我想赢得我的声誉. 我不是来这里有 Instagram 追随者的. 我来这里是为了在拳击界发表声明。”
在按次付费的开场白中, 前两分世界冠军路易斯“黑豹”内里 下降Carlos Castro 在第一轮中,他在超级雏量级之间的战术战斗中以 10 轮分裂决定获胜.
“我的经验绝对是一个因素,”内里说. “我有过三场世界冠军争夺战,并且遇到过比他更强大的对手. 今晚就出现了。”
当左撇子 Nery 与左直拳连接时,动作在第一时间升温,将卡斯特罗放在他的行李箱座位上. 凤凰, 亚利桑那州本地人设法站起来并在框架中幸存下来.
这场较量在中轮变成了一场国际象棋比赛,卡斯特罗都是 (27-1, 12 科斯) 和墨西哥的内里 (32-1, 24 科斯) 有他们的时刻. 到底, 内里的防守和准确性证明了他获胜时的不同之处 96-93 和 95-94 上两张牌, 而第三位裁判为卡斯特罗打分, 95-94.
“我想向所有人展示我不仅仅是干草制造者,”内里说. “如果我想打架并采取战术, 我也可以.
“我知道我可以把他击倒, 但我想赢证明我也能拳击. 我会以我想要的方式反击和攻击。”
在按次付费之前, PBC 在 FOX 主赛事上看到在那之后 (13-2-1, 7 科斯) 克服严峻的挑战阿贝尔·拉莫斯 (27-5-2, 21 科斯) 在次中量级比赛中赢得 10 轮一致决定. 在缓慢的开始之后, 圣玛丽亚找到了自己的立足点, 经常从正统转向左撇子,并从两种立场都取得成功. 拉莫斯自始至终都在比赛, 但三位评委都认为圣塔玛利亚以 98-92 的比分明显获胜, 96-94 和 96-94.
在 FOX 的联合主赛事中, 超轻量级竞争者奥马尔“闪电”华雷斯 (13-1, 5 科斯) 赢得了一场艰苦的 10 轮分裂决定 瑞安·“牛仔”卡尔. 华雷斯控制了早期的动作, 从卡尔的战斗中幸存下来 (19-4, 12 科斯) 带着胜利离开. 一名法官对动作进行评分 95-94 卡尔,而其他两名法官让华雷斯以分数获胜 96-93 和 95-94.
#         #         #
关于瑟曼 VS. 巴里奥斯
瑟曼 VS. 巴里奥斯见证了前统一次中量级世界冠军基思“一次”瑟曼在 12 轮次中量级对决中重返拳台,对阵前超轻量级世界冠军马里奥“埃尔阿兹台克”巴里奥斯,这场对决的标题是 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-周六查看阵容, 二月 5 巴里奥斯见证了前统一次中量级世界冠军基思“一次”瑟曼在 12 轮次中量级对决中重返拳台,对阵前超轻量级世界冠军马里奥“埃尔阿兹台克”巴里奥斯,这场对决的标题是 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-周六查看阵容.
在共同特征, 巴里奥斯见证了前统一次中量级世界冠军基思“一次”瑟曼在 12 轮次中量级对决中重返拳台,对阵前超轻量级世界冠军马里奥“埃尔阿兹台克”巴里奥斯,这场对决的标题是 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-周六查看阵容, 巴里奥斯见证了前统一次中量级世界冠军基思“一次”瑟曼在 12 轮次中量级对决中重返拳台,对阵前超轻量级世界冠军马里奥“埃尔阿兹台克”巴里奥斯,这场对决的标题是 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-周六查看阵容. 巴里奥斯见证了前统一次中量级世界冠军基思“一次”瑟曼在 12 轮次中量级对决中重返拳台,对阵前超轻量级世界冠军马里奥“埃尔阿兹台克”巴里奥斯,这场对决的标题是 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-周六查看阵容 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 与前两级冠军 Luis “Pantera” Nery 在 10 轮超级雏量级对决中与不败的 Carlos Castro 对决.
欲了解更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


New deal sees 2022 European events air live on new broadcast channel BBC Three with USA events airing live on BBC iPlayer

London UK– Leading mixed martial arts promotion BELLATOR MMA has today announced an exciting new partnership with BBC Sport which will see events emanating from outside America air live on the newly launched BBC Three channel and BBC iPlayer.

The ground-breaking broadcast deal will see BELLATOR MMA become one of the staples of the new channel. BBC Three and BBC iPlayer will have live broadcast of BELLATOR events taking place outside of the USA throughout 2022 whilst the promotion’s USA events will be available to watch live on BBC iPlayer.

The deal represents a commitment from the BBC to continue showing all BELLATOR events live across its platforms in 2022 following the promotion’s hugely successful partnership with the broadcaster in 2021. BELLATOR news, features and results will also be regularly featured across BBC Sport’s digital platforms such as the BBC Sport website and app.

BELLATOR MMA is home to some of the most entertaining and skilled mixed martial artists in the world including Ryan Bader, AJ麦基, Gegard Mousasi, Cris “Cyborg,” Yaroslav Amosov and London’s own Michael “Venom” Page.

The BBC Three tie-up will kick off in style with a triple-header of exciting European cards, starting with BELLATOR’s highly anticipated return to Dublin’s 3Arena on Friday, 二月 25. The card features a middleweight title fight between MMA legend Gegard Mousasi and the undefeated Austin Vanderford.

Following Dublin is another huge night in Paris on Friday, 五月 6, as BELLATOR Heavyweight World Champion Ryan Bader defends his title against iconic French mixed martial artist Cheick Kongo. The promotion made history in the capital in 2020 by becoming the first major MMA promotion to hold an event in France, which was also the first time an MMA event was shown live on the BBC.

Rounding out the first three massive European events live on BBC Three will be BELLATOR’s return to London on Friday, 五月 13, with another world title fight topping the bill. After an electric London show in October, the UK’s Michael “Venom” Page takes on the undefeated welterweight champion, 雅罗斯拉夫Amosov, as he aims to become just the second British BELLATOR MMA champion.

Head of BELLATOR MMA Europe, David Green, 说: “We’re thrilled to be renewing our relationship with the BBC and to be on BBC Three. We’ve enjoyed an incredibly successful first year partnered with the broadcaster and we’re looking forward to reaching millions more UK homes as part of an exciting new channel. We’ve worked incredibly hard to bring live action from this amazing sport to as many people in the UK as possible, and this is yet another landmark step on that journey.”

President of BELLATOR MMA, 斯科特·科克尔, 额外: “I’m so excited by the continued growth of MMA in the UK and delighted that we’ll continue to enjoy the support of the BBC by bringing our events live to existing British fans and new audiences in 2022.”



BELLATOR MMA 是全球领先的综合格斗组织,拥有世界上许多最优秀的拳手. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, BELLATOR 活动在全球主要城市举行,并且可以在超过 160 国家超过十亿人的可用观众. 在美国, BELLATOR 可以在 SHOWTIME 上看到. BELLATOR 由一个执行团队组成,其中包括电视制作方面的顶级行业专业人士, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. BELLATOR总部设在好莱坞, 加利福尼亚州. 和娱乐巨头ViacomCBS资, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.

“St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” changes New headliner is undefeated prospect Francis “Frank The Tank” Hogan Feb. 12th in Dedham, 嘛

Hogan poster.jpg
波士顿 (二月 3, 2022) – Undefeated super welterweight prospect Francis “Frank The Tank” Hogan (9-0, 9 科斯) has been elevated to the headliner on “St. Valentine’s Day’s Massacre” card, presented by Vertex Promotions, 二月 12 在 Moseley's On The Charles in Dedham, 马萨诸塞州.

The cancellation of the original main event between Adrian Sosa and Zack Kuhn resulted in a few changes. Kuhn (10-10-1, 5 科斯) is now fighting another undefeated prospect, 詹姆斯“瘦死神”佩雷拉 (8-0, 6 科斯), in an 8-round Special Welterweight Attraction.

The 21-year-old southpaw Hogan, fighting out of Weymouth (嘛), has knocked out each of his 9 professional opponents to date. The popular fighter was a celebrated amateur boxer, highlighted by his gold-medal performance at the 2019 New England Golden Gloves Championships.

“It’s Tank Time” once again, but this fight Hogan will be making his debut as a headliner, in addition to fighting in his first scheduled 8-rounder.

The 6-round fight between Dorchester (嘛) lightweight Jonathan Depina (6-1, 4 科斯) and Jonathan “El Guapo” Hernan Godoy (5-12) has moved up to the co-featured event.
Perella’s (8-0, 5 科斯), 曼斯菲尔德 (嘛), was supposed to fight Mexican challenger Danny “Venado” Flores (15-26-1, 8 科斯), but he was injured during training, and he has been replaced by Kuhn. “The Slim Reaper” is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion.

Irish light heavyweight Tommy “The Kid” O’Toole” (2-0, 2 科斯), of Galway, is matched against Greg Hackett (3-20-1) 在4圆. O’Toole was the 2019 爱尔兰精英锦标赛金牌得主, who a powerful southpaw returning to the Boston area for his third pro fight.

Five 6-round bouts are on tap: South Boston super welterweight Joe Farina (7-1, 4 科斯) VS. Rynell Griffin (8-49-2, 2 科斯), Houston super lightweight Miranda “El Alacrana” Reyes (5-0-1, 3 科斯) VS. Jaica Pavilus (1-4-1, 1 KO), undefeated Philly welterweight Tahmir Smalls (6-0, 3 科斯) VS. Leonides Fowlkes (2-7-1), popular Dorchester featherweight Troy Anderson, JR. (1-0, 1 KO), 一 2016 洛矶马尔恰诺比赛冠军, VS. 迈克·福勒 (7-42, 2 科斯), and super lightweight Marcus Davidson (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. Rakim Johnson (6-15-1, 5 科斯).

Also fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts is Southbridge (嘛) 超轻量级亚历克斯·里维拉 (2-0, 1 KO) VS. Brandon Grimmett (0-5), as well as the Davidson’s older brother from Kansas City (KS), pro-debuting lightweight Marcell, a 2-time Ringside World and 2019 全国金手套冠军, VS. TBA.

门票发售 $85.00 奥图尔 (马戏团), $75.00 (一般取) 和 $50.00 (站在房间). 奥图尔https://www.eventbrite.com/e/st-valentines-day-massacre-21222-tickets-243038654157?aff=ebdssbdestsearch 奥图尔.

大门会在打开 6:30 下午. ET 的第一场比赛计划于 7:30 P.M. AND.

鲁本·托雷斯 VS. 克里斯蒂安·米诺 (Cristian Mino) 已为 2 月 18 日汤普森卡做好准备

橙, 例如 (二月 2, 2022) ——汤普森拳击界​​不败的后起之秀, 轻量级 鲁本 “高手” 托雷斯 (17-0, 14 科斯), 他即将到来的主赛事有一个对手,因为他将面对危险的阿根廷强力拳手, 克里斯蒂安·米诺 (20-4-2, 17 科斯). 托雷斯 vs. 美浓, 8轮主赛事, 将标题 汤普森拳击队的“新血液”活动, 在周五, 2月18日, 2022.

该活动将在安大略逸林酒店举行, 例如. 门开处 6:30 下午 PT 与第一场战斗开始于 8:00 下午PT. 门票售价 $50, $75, 和 $100, 可致电购买 714-935-0900, 或访问 ThompsonBoxing.com 在线.

“我很高兴能回到下一场汤普森拳击秀的主赛事,” 托雷斯在训练营中说道. “如果我想成为冠军,我必须接受考验,我知道我的发起人将挑战每一步. 米诺是一场危险的战斗,因为他拥有很大的力量, 但我对自己有信心取得胜利. 这些就是我一直在寻找的战斗类型。”

在8轮的共同特征, 艾萨克 “炸药” 萨拉特 (16-5-4, 2 科斯), 圣佩德罗, 加利福尼亚州。, 将与奥拉西奥·加西亚重赛 (34-4-1, 25 科斯) 在羽量级.

“我一直在耐心等待重返拳台,还有什么比与奥拉西奥·加西亚重赛更好的呢?,” 萨拉特说. “我第一次就打败了他,我相信他会寻求报复, 所以我预计这将是一场艰苦的战斗. 我已经准备好为家乡球迷展现出最好的自己,并重返胜利之列。”

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (www.thompsonboxing.com), 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播. 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 称重, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播.

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播:
次中量级 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (9-1-1, 4 科斯) 电晕, 加利福尼亚州. 将面临 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (11-3, 6 科斯) 拉斯维加斯, 内华达. (6-发)

羽量级 Japhethlee Llamido (10-0, 7 科斯) 诺沃克, 加利福尼亚州。, 战斗 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (3-1, 3 科斯), 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播. (6-发)

重量级 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (7-0, 4 科斯), 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 加利福尼亚州。, 将面临 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (9-6-1, 4 科斯) 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 墨西哥. (6-发)

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 圣佩德罗, 加利福尼亚州 (3-0, 1 KO), 和 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播 (1-0), 拉斯维加斯, NV. (4-发)

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 在美丽的地方改变空间; 欧米茄产品国际, 美国领先的灰泥制造商; 亨利 / 强化, 水分系统控制就像 1,2,3, 和牧田, 统治户外.

欲了解更多信息, 定期更新我们的战士, 事件, 和促销, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播. 您也可以关注社交媒体上的对话, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播.

此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播
此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播, 此活动将在 Thompson Boxing Promotions 网站上免费直播.

多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列 3 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列 43-0 吉尔伯托“Zurdo创作”拉米雷斯

(L-R) — 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列 “左撇子” 拉米雷斯 & 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列

LAS VEGAS (二月 2, 2022) 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列 (8-0, 7 科斯) 已经签署了合同管理 3 积分管理 (3PM), 这也管理 43-0 吉尔伯托“Zurdo创作”拉米雷斯, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 而今天排名第一的世界轻重量级竞争者.

多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列,”拉米雷斯说. 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 3 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列

多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 柔术, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列. 他有一个 40-6 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列.

多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列, 多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列. 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教, 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教.

哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教,哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教. 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教, 朱利安. 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教. Afterwards, 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教. 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教. 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教. 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教, 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教.

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“卡里姆是一位非常熟练的战士,但他已经在雷达下太久了,”蔡说. “他是我见过的拳击场上最好的战略家之一. 我们一起开始了他的职业生涯,我们建立了兄弟般的感情. 他知道他可以相信我在角落里的眼睛,就像我可以相信他在擂台上的技术一样。”

哈克特, 31, 是来自多伦多的左撇子, 他从与世界拳击冠军(例如“Zurdo”)的拳击比赛中学到了东西,” 彼得“小巧克力”奎林, 塞尔吉奥·莫拉, 马修·麦克林, 大卫Benavidez, 和德米特里·比沃尔. Hackett 的 3PM 稳定伙伴, “‘Scrappy’不仅有技能, 是 Bivol 的强制挑战者, 现任世界拳击协会 (WBA) 轻重量级世界冠军.

“我从与所有这些世界冠军的对决中学到的最多的是, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手,不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手 12 发. 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手. 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手

不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手 2-0 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手.
不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手. 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手,不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手.

不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手 2022 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手, 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手. 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手. 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手 2022 不像很多人认为他们需要在一轮中淘汰对手 17 在德克萨斯州对阵待定的对手.

“卡里姆是个聪明人, 聪明的战士,拥有天赋的体格,将成为这款游戏中的一股力量,“‘Scrappy’不仅有技能.

Website: www.ZurdoPromotions.com, www.KareemHackett.com
Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯, @kareemwins
叽叽喳喳: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez, @SupremeUncanny

Coyle to face Lopes February 19 (梅尔罗斯), 嘛

科伊尔 2 19 海报.jpg
梅尔罗斯, 嘛 (二月 1, 2022) – Connor “The Kid” Coyle risks his perfect record against Brazilian knockout artist Rodrigo Lopes Saturday, 二月 19 at Memorial Hall in Melrose, 嘛.

科伊尔, who is from Northern Ireland but trains in St. 圣彼得堡, FL, 是 14-0 同 6 他的胜利淘汰赛的到来.
The 31-year-old was slated to face rugged contender Guido Nicolas Pitto of Argentina but he was forced to withdraw.

Since suffering his only career defeat, 洛佩斯, 8-1 (7 KO的) has been in the gym working on his craft. Team Lopes claims their boxer will be a totally different fighter than the one previously seen since he’ll be competing as a full-fledged middleweight rather than a weight drained welterweight.

The eight round Coyle-Lopes matchup is for the ABF Continental Americas Middleweight title.

The bout serves as the co-main event of Reyes Boxing’s “Down & Dirty”. Presented by Reyes Boxing, 门票
“下 & Dirty” are on sale now by going to Tinyurl.com/4TMZAWXE. 该卡还将在 Throwdownsports.com 上播出. 如需更多信息,请致电 978-745-4007 或去 ReyesBoxingClub.com.

门开处 6:30 and Melrose Memorial Hall is located at 590 主街.

Headlining this exciting evening of boxing is an international super middleweight battle featuring 2012 Olympic medalist Yamaguchi Falcao of Brazil and Fernando Ezequiel Farias of Argentina. Falcao and Farias are a combined 29-2-3 and will battle it out over 10 rounds for the WBC Latino 168 磅重的冠军.

Junior welterweight Joseph Fernandez of St Petersburg, FL by way of Springfield, MA fights for the first time in The Bay State when he meets Gonzalo Dallera in an eight rounder. Fernandez is 14-3-3 同 5 KO’s and is coming off an impressive 3RD round KO of Jose Forero. Dallera hails from Argentina and is a veteran of 24 打架.

科伊尔, Falcao and Fernandez are promoted by Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.

“Down and Dirty” features a total of 12 fights including lightweight Alejandro Paulino, heavyweight Donnie Palmer, welterweight Eric Goff, cruiserweight Bernard Joseph and junior welterweight Marqus Bates in separate bouts.


“We’ve got a nice mix of local boxers and world class global talent on this card,” said Michael Reyes of Reyes Boxing. “The Boston region has a large Irish and Brazilian population, so there should be strong support for Connor Coyle and Yamaguchi Falcao as well.”

欲了解更多信息, visit Reyesboxingclub.com.

完整的结果 & BELLATOR MMA 的照片 273: 贝德VS. 摩尔达夫斯基

A group of men in a boxing ring

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完整的搏击之夜照片此处 – 请信用: BELLATOR MMA

Ç-瑞安贝德 (29-7, 1 NC) defeated IC-瓦伦丁Moldavsky (11-2) 通过一致决定 (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)

Ryan Bader defends his heavyweight title:“明显, it was a really close fight and at the end there I’m like man that’s a toss up. I felt like I did more damage but it felt so good considering the last fight was a fight I lost. But it was a back and forth, even fight the whole five rounds. It’s just anticlimactic to go out there and have a exciting heavyweight championship five-rounder with a tough dude in Arizona. I wanted that bad!

I’m never too confident, going to judges you know. It’s the first time in my life that I was hoping that they weren’t scoring for the wrestling. I was rocking him pretty good with my punches and I was seeing everything clearly. I underestimated his clenching, his body lock, he kept stepping in front of me with this weird move and he’s stronger than I thought. I’ve never been picked up like before…but I just told myself to keep getting up and then keep with the strikes. At the end there he was just holding on and I landed 20 unanswered elbows to his head. Those can’t be ignored and so when he went to the score cards, I said who knows now…”

#6-本森亨德森 (29-11) 打败 #7-伊斯兰教马梅多夫 (20-2-1) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Benson Henderson following the win in front of his hometown: “Fighting in front of my adopted hometown Phoenix, THE, it’s amazing. Last time I didn’t give Arizona a very good show. 这次, I thought I had a better performance so win or lose I knew that I could live with that. Just having a good performance, not a great performance but having a good performance, as opposed to having a bad performance, win or lose you always feel good after great performances. We’re seeking perfection. If you write a book, all these journalists, all these moviemakers, they want to make them part of a movie then make an amazing movie. If you want to, then you have to do your absolute best out there and that’s why I’m always after a better performance.”
“今晚, getting my hand raised is awesome. This was the first time I fought in front of my sons, my two oldest sons. 我的 6 year-old and my 4-year-old. Tonight was a great night, but they’re not all great nights so I’m learning to definitely appreciate the good ones when I have them.”

“I felt that I did enough to deserve to get my hand raised, but you just never know. Like Burt Watson always says, if you leave it to the judges, they’re going to make you cry. He is absolutely right. 所以, I definitely don’t ever want to leave it to the judges. When someone says split decision I’m like oh no, my boys are in the ring…but it was a good night, so I was thankful for it.”

亨利·科拉莱斯 (20-6) 打败 李艾登 (10-6) via unanimous technical decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) - (accidental eye poke)

Henry Corrales following his victory: “That’s definitely not the way I wanted to end it here in Phoenix. The fans deserve more and that’s nothing against him, it’s just kind of a late finish and this was the final fight on my contract. This was my 15th fight with BELLATOR and my 20th win, so there’s a lot riding on this fight. I needed to go out there and put on a good performance…I tried.”

I didn’t feel like I really poked him to be honest with you and the replay was showing that it just didn’t look as serious as he was playing it off to be, but it’s the eye, so only he knows how much that hurt. He was super upset after and I was like hey big dog I didn’t poke you on purpose. I mean this is a fist fight! 但, he was walking away from the cage after and he was acting disappointed the the fight was stopped but while the fight was going on he wasn’t really fighting. His demeanor was off and he was kind of whimpering on shots and it’s like dude you weren’t really going, you were just acting.”

早晨的主页 (16-10) 打败 贾里尔·威利斯(Jaleel Willis) (15-4) 通过提交 (arm-triangle) 在 1:42 of round one

Sabah Homasi following his submission win: “It’s one of the kicks I threw I just kicked hard man. I expect this after every fight but just a little swelling. It’s the same stuff after every fight man from all my kicks.”

“You know I just I take whatever they give me. I had his back, I thought I was going to get the rear naked. I don’t like to exert too much energy on something, so if I don’t have it I’m not going to force it. I’m going to take something that’s there, so I let it go and I set up a little trap. It’s something that I’ve transitioned with very well from the back to that trick, so it was there and I took it.”

“He was saying something to me earlier and if he’s saying something to me he should say it like a man. Say it with your damn chest, don’t whisper it. I forgot what he said, but I told him he was going to feel real power tonight and that was it and then obviously quick fight. 我很健康, 我在伟大的形状, going to get back in the gym and whenever BELLATOR lets me know I’ll give my manager the green light.”

Enrique Barzola (17-5-2) 打败 Darrion考德威尔 (15-6) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 3:01 第三轮
克里斯·冈萨雷斯 (7-1) 打败 你阿瓦德 (24-14, 1 NC) 通过KO (拳) 在 :36 of round one
道尔顿罗斯塔 (6-0) 打败 杜安·约翰逊 (6-3) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Nikita Mikhailov (9-1) 打败 布莱恩·舒特 (8-6) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:23 第三轮
卢卡斯·布伦南 (6-0) 打败 Ben Lugo (5-5) 通过提交 (手臂三角扼流圈) 在 2:27 of round one
沙利文考利 (3-0) 打败 本·帕里什 (5-2) 通过TKO (拳) 在 4:35 of round one

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.


Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez fights back against Dmitry Bivol’s claim of turning down a title fight

LAS VEGAS (一月 31, 2022) – Back in December, right after Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez (43-0, 29 科斯) stopped Yunieski Gonzalez to become the mandatory challenger for World Boxing Association (WBA) Light Heavyweight World Super Champion Dmitry Bivol (19-0, 11 科斯) who suddenly and surprisingly went dark, until he recently make an unsubstantiated claim that “Zurdo” had turned down an offer to fight him.

Bivol was quoted in a recent boxing news report, which was also picked up by other media outlets, 话, “I know for a fact that my team did offer Team Ramirez to fight me December 11 在俄罗斯, and the purse offered was about the same as what I was offered to fight him on a (金童推广) 演出. He rejected the offer.”

“I don’t know why he’s saying they offered a fight to me,” Ramirez countered, “but he must be really confused. To be clear there was never a contract that was sent to my team or Golden Boy for a fight; unlike how a contract was delivered to him and his team from Golden Boy for the December bout. I’m confused why he continues to be a pawn and create false narratives and tries everything to hide from this fight. It’s just a matter of time before that belt comes to where it belongs.”

拉米雷斯, the first Mexican to capture the World super middleweight title, 是前世界拳击组织 (WBO) 冠军, who earned his title shot against Bivol by winning his WBA Title Eliminator versus Gonzalez.

“After Bivol, Joe Smith is my next target since he has my belt (WBO) that I had at 168 英镑,” Ramirez remarked. “I am the best light heavyweight out there and it’s not even close. There’s a reason why these champs are scared to call my name, but soon they won’t have a choice. I would end Smith in less than 6 回合。“

Bivol also said in the aforementioned story: “My motivation and my ambitions have not changed for a long time – I want to fight the best. I want to prove that I am the best in my division.”

Guess what, 梅德, 43-0 “Zurdo” is the best!

Website: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯
叽叽喳喳: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Ken Shamrock’s Valor Bare Knuckle Boxing Returns April 22nd in Miami

Ken Shamrock.jpg
RENO, 内华达州. (一月 31, 2022) – Ken Shamrock’s Valor Bare Knuckle (ValorBK) Boxing returns to action April 22, 2022, with “real bare-knuckle fights,” featuring thrilling bouts between professional fighters, often matching mixed-martial-arts fighters versus boxers, at the James L. Knight Center in Miami.

ValorBK, presented by Valor Sports Inc. and Ken Shamrock, showcases all-action, unfettered entertainment by fierce fighters stepping into the Bout Circle. ValorBK brings forth the world’s first true Bare-Knuckle competition, setting the industry standard for both fighters and fans.
酢浆草, universally known in combat sports as “The World’s Most Dangerous Man,” is a living legend and industry pioneer who is responsible for accelerating some of the most successful companies, brands, and movements in the last two decades of combat sports.
Best known for his participation in the Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), Pride Fighting Championships, the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), Total Nonstop Wrestling Action, and Pancrase, Shamrock is taking Valor Bare Knuckle to the forefront of contemporary combat sports.

“ValorBK is a lifelong vision realized after decades of global competition at the highest level across various combat sports,” Shamrock said. “With the innovation of the Bout Circle and our unique rulesets, ValorBK will take the industry by storm. No gloves, no ropes, no cages, no dirty boxing, is a concept born in part out of competition and is perfect for the next phase of combat sports.

“‘Stand them up’ was a theme I heard throughout my career. I know what fans want to see and what real fighters want to do. Our first event was the proof. ValorBK will be the platform to disrupt bare-knuckle boxing while also enhancing the great sport of boxing by developing a generation of skilled fighters tilted towards action. We are pleased to announce our return and hope you tune in for more big updates.”

Due to a restructuring and COVID-19 restrictions, ValorBK has been regrouping since its inaugural event, 九月 20, 2019, 在 4 Bears Casino in Newtown, 北达科他州. (ValorBK1 replay available to watch at https://valorbk.com/events/)

ValorBK 2 对决, as well as viewing and ticket information, are coming soon.

Valor Bare Knuckle LOGO-05.png


Website : valorbk.com, kenshamrock.com
Facebook的: /valorbk, /worldsmostdangerousman
叽叽喳喳: @ValorBK, @ShamrockKen
Instagram的: @valorbk, @kenshamrockofficial
抖音: @kensharmrockwmdm

ABOUT VALOR BARE KNUCKLE: ValorBK is a well-organized TRUE bare-knuckle professional sport that was founded by Ken Shamrock, UFC & Wrestling Hall of Famer.

勇猛只有转向节 (ValorBK) is founded upon a “By a fighter for the fighters” principle.

ValorBK™ is committed to preserving the purity of bare-knuckle boxing and passing that immersive experience to the audience by showcasing the God-given talents of fighters worldwide through safer, but faster, and more exhilarating bare-knuckle bouts.

Valor Sports Inc is a media-based technology company that creates exciting sports entertainment content in part by securing and promoting combat sports events.