Vanes Martirosyan VS. JERMELL Charlo & GARY RUSSELL JR. Konferentzia-dei TRANSCRIPT

Kelly Swanson

Eskerrik asko, operadorea. Eskerrik asko, guztiontzat, for calling in. We have a great call this morning and this afternoon actually here on the East Coast to talk about the March 28 SHOWTIME show, Txapelketa boxeoa Show, Jhonny Gonzalez protagonista, Gary Russell, Jr.. and Jermell Charlo against Vanes Martirosyan. We have all the fighters joining us today on the call. We will start with Jermell and Vanes. Baina, iritsi aurretik borrokalari dugu, Chris DeBlasio aurkeztu nahi nuke, Vice President of Communications for SHOWTIME Sports to fill you in a little bit about the fight. Chris?

Chris DeBlasio

Eskerrik asko hainbeste, Kelly. I just want to take a quick moment to thank the fighters for being on this call, eskerrik prentsa hemen izateagatik, eta besterik Stephen Espinoza izenean esan, EVP eta Zuzendari Nagusiak SHOWTIME Kirolak, eta guztiok SHOWTIME at, benetan hunkituta atzera sartu polita zuzeneko SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa ekitaldi batekin gaude Larunbat honetan. As you may have seen in the boxing press, Duela bi aste izan zen SHOWTIME Boxing International izeneko plataforma berri baten gain iragarri genuen. Lehen borroka da larunbat honetan izango da, March 28; it’s an international fight on the SHOWTIME network live to our subscribers. Beraz, lehen instantzia off jaurtitzeko modu polit bat da gure Larunbata Martxoa 28 boxeo estaldura, eta hori egongo Kell errekatxoa versus Jo Jo Dan IBF Welterweight Munduko Txapelketan borroka hori egiten ari Sheffield, Ingalaterra. SHOWTIME is going to carry that fight live at 6:15 Ekialdeko, 3:15Pazifiko. Eta gero, atseden bat hartuko dugu arratsaldeko orduetan eta, ondoren, zuzeneko at 10 p.m ET./7 p.m. PT SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa Jermell Charlo gertaera, Vanes Martirosyan, Jhonny Gonzalez and Gary Russell. Beraz, bi bat sort da- parte-plataforma larunbatean Hiru zuzeneko borrokak duzu datozen, which we’re really excited about. And we appreciate the opportunity to be in business with the guys on the phone here today. Beraz, ezer gehiagorik gabe, let’s get it started. We welcome you guys.


Kelly Swanson

Ongi da. And one quick note — edo, hobeto, media, Ohartxo bat — besterik ez dira bidaliko dugu out Fight the Week Media Ordutegiak, beraz, mesedez, zure postontzi horretarako, and it will give you the details of what is going on this week for the fight. Eskerrik asko. Ongi da, let’s go ahead and open it up. Egia, let me go ahead and introduce the two guys that are on the call right now. They want to say a couple words. Lehenengoa, we have Vanes Martirosyan. He’s a world-ranked 154 pound contender. Vanes, Pare bat hitz esan nahi al duzu, kontatu digu nola prestakuntza va eta nola borroka egiteko prest lortzean ari zaren?

Vanes Martirosyan

Heziketa handia joan, everything is going good. We can’t wait to fight. Badakizu, Nago ziur denek dio dutela borrokatu aurretik, but we really are ready to go. We just can’t wait to go.

Kelly Swanson

Ongi da, handia. Eskerrik asko hainbeste. And where are you training?

The. Martirosyan

I’m training here in California at Main Event Sports Club. There’s been a couple of locations we’ve been training, baina garrantzitsuak izan da gertaera nagusia Kirol Kluba, medien da gaur egon.

K. Swanson

Orain, I’m going to move to Jermell Charlo. He’s an undefeated super welterweight contender. Jermell why don’t you tell us a little bit about what’s happening in your training camp and how you’re feeling heading into the fight.

Jermell Charlo

Training’s been great. Every time I step in the ring, borroka egiteko prest lor dudan bakoitzean, I feel like just there’s never been a time where I repeat myself or do something the same. I’ve been learning from all my past mistakes. Every win I’m still learning from. Beraz, training camp has been good. Trainer Ronnie Shields, Danny Arnold. Nire gimnasioa ireki dut, so I get a little late night extra hours in when I want to. Eta, I want to fight with my twin brother. We’re pushing to fight. I can’t wait to fight. Just like Vanes, gose da zuen, prest zuen. I’m I’m ready.


Emandako zure posizioak bai, goi kontsideratzen baitira 10 batean contenders 154 kiloko pisua klase, zure gogoan, ez hau ezabatzea borroka bat dela uste duzu? Vanes, Zeintzuk dira zure pentsamenduak buruz?

The. Martirosyan

I think every fight right now at this point in my career and Jermell’s career should be considered a title fight. It is — Uste dut — an eliminator fight. I’m looking at this as a championship fight. Jermell is tougher than any of the champions, niretzat orain, hau txapelketan borroka bat da, and that’s what we got ready for. And it should be an eliminator fight. I don’t know if it is or not, baina hori nola ari da hartzen dugun bezala, eta hau munduko titulua borroka bat bezala hartzen ari gara.


Jermell, duten zure pentsamenduak – eliminator ofizial bat edo izatezko bat da?

J. Charlo

Same thing with me. I feel that this is a tough fight. Every fight is a fight for my life. And I step in the ring and make sure that I fight with that on the back of my mind. Vanes is a great fighter — hazi zen berarekin. I know what I bring to the table. And this fight is a fight for manhood, duten benetako kirola tycoon da erakusteko borroka bat da 154 pound weight division. There’s a lot at stake, beraz, izenburua niri borroka bat baino gehiago da.


Jermell, zuen Hazi duzula zion pixka batekin esan duzu?

J. Charlo

Yeah, Hazi nintzen berarekin, Gutxienez bi edo hiru urte vanes batera, badakizu, eta bere familia, bere pertsona, badakizu? Beraz, Dakit — elkar ezagutzen dugu ondo.


Have you guys inoiz elkarren sparred?

J. Charlo

Yeah, bakoitzean beste hainbat aldiz ikusi dugu sparred.


Zenbatero, esango zenuke? And how long ago?

J. Charlo

I can’t really say how often. I know it was back when we were a little bit younger. I was younger, oraindik mutiko txiki bat hazi gizon bat sartu. Beraz, oraintxe, Ez dut ere nola izan zen pentsatu, zertaz zen, denean elkarrekin ziren entrenatzen dugu, edo nola prestakuntza izan zen. Ez zen, nahiz 19 — Nengoen 17, 16, 17, 18, Esan nahi dut, those ages. Hemen, elkarri aurre dugun bai gara goialdean delako, and that’s what happens when you’re in the same division. Never had anything personal or different to say about him. It’s just work.


Vanes, Berarekin Biribilean zure aldiz buruz modu berean sentitzen duzu?

The. Martirosyan

Yeah, I remember when we used to train. It was good training. We were always in competition — me, him and his brother. We used to go running at Memorial Park every day, and we’d try to see who’d finish the lap first. It was always competition between usrunning and training or what-not. But it was nothing but love and I respect him, bere aita, eta bere entrenatzaile, Ronnie Shields. They’ve been good people to me. Baina Larunbata Gau, nire etsaia izan Biribilean zuen joan. Oraingoz, eraztun kanpo, Denek errespetatzen dut. Once we step in the ring, erabat desberdinak istorio bat da.


Your fight that took place in October was a big win for you against Willie Nelson. You harnessed a lot of the emotion going into that fight because it had taken place just after your promoter Dan Goossen had passed away and you had his brother Joe in your corner. It was a lot of heavy emotion that night, and you really came through in a big way that night. Is it gonna be difficult in any way to sort of get that same emotion behind you?

The. Martirosyan

Do Not, delako borroka hartan, gauza asko ahaztu behar izan genuen. Dan passed away. We were all sad, and we didn’t know what to do. And we actually thought — 'Borrokatzeko behar dugu’ edo ez dakit Joe bada (Goossen en) going to be there. I didn’t know what was going on. There was too much emotion going into that fight. We kind of got away from the fight a little bit. But we used it as motivation for our fight. This fight to me is big. When galdu Andrade nahi dut, Ez nuen ring sartu urratsa 100 ehuneko, eta etxera etorri nintzen — etxera zatoz galtzaile, sentsazio txarra da. Ezin dut nire emaztea begiratu, my kids. I feel like I let them down. Beraz, oraintxe, Besterik modu horretan nago non baizik hiltzen nuke berriro ikusi baino.


Borroka hau irabazi nahi baduzu, jakina,, postuan litzaidake izan munduko titulua borroka garrantzitsu bat. Are you eroso horietako bat zain, borrokalari haien kalkulatzen bakarra borrokatzeko agian urtean bitan, edo litzateke aktibo egoteko eta haien arteko borrokak gehiago hartu nahi duzun?

J. Charlo

Badakizu, niri borroka hau irabazi — a world title would be ideal. A world title is important. I want to fight for a world title. I want the world title. That’s every boxer’s dream and envision whenever they’re young. Mundu izenburua gaiak eta gauzak estra hori guztia alde borrokan, baina bada naiz hemen nire izena eraikitzeko eta nire marka eraikitzeko, hori bezain garrantzitsua. Munduko Boxing Kontseilua zehar etxeko izen bat izatea, Guztia. Hori da niretzat garrantzitsuena.

The. Martirosyan

Borroka, Borroka honetan — Nuke Txapeldun oraintxe dira gure pisua klasean Txapeldun asko bezala esatea, horietako gehienak euren ahotik exekutatu, starting with Andrade. A fight like this for me and Jermell, esaterako, niretzat borroka handi bat da, badakizu, but it’s not only for us. Esan nahi dut, it’s for the fans. The fans are in, and it’s great. Esan nahi dut, you rarely get to see contenders like me and Jermell wanting to step up and fight each other. Badakizu, normalean, pertsona jaiki egingo sailkapenak izateko garen bezala, they just want to just talk a lot of bad stuff about the champions to get the world title fight. Baina, badakizu, gutxitan lortu duzu horrelako contenders ikusteko, badakizu, Do Not. 1 eta No. 2 fighting each other when, you know they really want to fight each other and they both said yes to the fight. Beraz, borroka handi bat da, baina bezala sentitzen dut, badakizu, Oraindik dugu botako guztiak izan — gonna egin behar dugu gure onena, eta zale bezala sentitzen naiz ari botako borroka honetan irabazleak izan.

K Swanson

Ongi da, handia. You guys, Nik uste dut, zure azken galdera zen, and so we appreciate you taking the time out of your training. And Vanes, we look forward to seeing you later for your open workout. Eta, Jermell, ikusiko dugu geroago aste honetan Las Vegas.

J. Charlo

No problem. See you, guys.

The. Martirosyan – Eskerrik asko. Erreparatu.

Kelly Swanson

Deia aldatzeko Gary Russell goaz, Jr..

K. Swanson

Gary Russell, Jr.. dira aurrez aurre egingo Jhonny Gonzalez Gonzalez-en 126 libra titulua, the WBC Featherweight World Championship. Gary, digu nola prestakuntza buruz pixka bat kontatu nahi baduzu joan, Zure aurrea Jhonny Gonzalez borrokan mundu izenburu hau izan nahi du eta zer orokorrean borroka osoan pentsatzen duzu?

Gary Russell Jr..

Prestakuntza camp handia izan genuen. Dena izan da perfektua, aitzakiarik ez, no cutting corners. We’re 120 percent ready for this fight. We can’t wait be able to call ourself the new WBC World Champion.

K. Swanson

Are camp ezer prestaketa horretarako hori ezberdinak egiten duzu zure beste borrokak batetik?

G. Russell Jr..

Do Not, we’re not doing anything that’s different in preparation for any of the fights. I think the only difference is, borrokaren arabera, you want to prepare depending on the opponent that you’re competing against. Beraz, Uste dut desberdintasun bakarra sparring diferentzia da. Nahi duten estilo antzekoa dute nork botako etab aurka lehiatzen ari da guys eraman nahi duzu. That’s the only change that we’ve made so far. Gainera — oinarrizko oinarriak, ring generalship, eskuko abiadura, puntzonatzeko power, indarra eta girotua, stuff hori guztia da gauza bera.


Geta, ziren beste plano lortzeko titulua harritu duzu?

G. Russell, Jr..

Do Not, Ez naiz harritu. Al HAYMON Promozioak bera lortu nuen, besterik Al HAYMON orokorrean orduan hori da. Nire manager zuen, eta badakigu bere botere guztia egin zuen gauza guretzat gerta dadin saiatu, and give us another shot at a world title. I’m extremely grateful and thankful for this opportunity.


When Lomachenko aurkako borroka borroka egin duzun izenburu batentzat, ezer hartu duzu porrota daudelarik? Esperientzia ote den, edo etapa maila hori izatearen ekarri duzula hurrengo txapelketan aukera hau bidean?

G. Russell Jr..

Jakina. One of the main things that we took out of it is, ez da hautsi bada, don’t fix it. In that particular fight with Lomachenko, we did a lot of things completely different in that fight that we normally wouldn’t do. We brought other people in. We let other people take the reigns and be in control of our conditioning. Horren emaitza eta bigarren mailako ondorioak ikusi ditugu. Ez dugu galerak erraza hartu, Urrun. So we’re back on pace. We have the same team around us that have been here from the beginning of my career all the way up until now. Taldeak modu berean itzuli behar izan genuen mugimenduan. Prest gaude, ari gara zentratu, zehazten ari gara, bultzatuta ari gara eta ari gara ikuskizun on bat emateko bila.


Ez Gonzalez ikusten duzu Lomachenko baino borrokalaria askoz hobeto gisa, edo, agian, borrokalaria ahulagoak bat Lomachenko edo antzeko baino apur bat? Nola sortu pilatu bi titulu titularrek?

G. Russell Jr..

Bi borrokalari Oso desberdinak dira. Lomachenko has a little bit more hand speed than Jhonny Gonzalez. Gonzalez is more of a puncher. Jhonny Gonzalez is more of a dangerous fighter than Lomachenko just because of his punching ability and just him being a seasoned professional, being able to get all these rounds in as a professional. Lomachenko definitely is a good fighter. We take every fight serious. Emandako inork ez hartu duzu. Betiko esan dugu, oh, hau Jhonny Gonzalezekin hartu borrokan arriskutsua da, baina, nahiz eta gisa zer ekarri taula dugu azkenean superior izango sentitzen dugu.


Zehazki Zer egin ezberdinean egin nahi Lomachenko prestatzeko ez nahi izan al duzu?

G. Russell, Jr..

We brought someone in for our strength and conditioning. We’ve known our strength and conditioning was completely different. Even when it came to the way that we cut weight, it was different. Leading up to the fight, ziren sauna batean dugu, azken bi, maybe three days leading all the way up into the fight. That’s what my strength and conditioning coach wanted me to do.

Hori da borroka hori ikusi Edonork, Lomachenko edo inork izan zen ala ez, Nire puntzonatzeko gaitasuna aldea ikusten dut dute, nire erresistentzia, nire abiadura, besterik ez dit pertsona gisa. Pertsonak bazekien ez zela Gary Russell du, Jr.. aurreko ikusi litzaidake dute 24 fights.And that was some of the things that came up in the Lomachenko fight. I was completely tired and fatigued in the first round, badakizu?


About Jhonny Gonzalez — jakina zen lasaia duten bolumena puncher bat da, ez zuen beldur eta merkataritza stand. Nola egiten du borroka ez zuen borrokatu tipikoa Gonzalez borroka bat bada, zure gogoan, zure abantaila lan hau?

G. Russell, Jr..

Ez dut uste zuela nahi aurre egiteko gai izango da, berriro ere, nire abiadura. I think we’ll be able to do it with my speed. He’s always been slow in the speed. Even though he’s been a puncher, a lot of punchers have to really sit to actually apply these punches efficiently. I think he lacks the ring generalship as far as the footwork goes that he would need — Oinez quickness. Eta bere plano asko daude, apur bat zabala. Beraz, Zion outpunch eta izan zuen bere plano artean hura zulatu gai buruz izango naiz.


Zer Lomachenko borrokan parte erabakiaren uste zenuen?

G. Russell Jr..

I didn’t think anything of it. The only thing that registered in my mind was the fact that I didn’t have the ability to perform the way that I normally would have. I never really looked at a decision. I never looked at how the referee was going about the fight or any of these things. The only thing that came to my mind was the fact that I just lost my first professional fight, eta sort ikusi nuen arrazoia zergatik galdu dut — zen zer esan normalean ez dut izan zen egin ahal ez nintzelako.


Beraz, borrokaren galdu duzula ondoren sentitzen duzu?

G. Russell Jr..

Zalantzarik gabe. I’d definitely say that I lost the fight.


Al HAYMON ukitu duzu lehenago. Ezin azaldu zer bere inpaktu zure ibilbidean da? And we’ve all seen the moves that he’s been making. How is that gonna help you moving forward?

G. Russell, Jr..

Gisa sua kudeatzaileak eta sustatzaileak horien azpian dagoen arren sentitzen dut. Ez dago taldeak ahalegin bat. Zure kudeatzailea edo zure sustatzailea kontatzeko gai izango duzu, 'Hey, hau nire jokoa plana da, this is what it is that I want to accomplish this year.I wanted to at least be able to contend for a world title. I want to have maybe four fights this year, agian sei borrokak aurten, eta abar. Zure kudeatzailea eta sustatzaile, non etortzen dira at, they should be able to meet you halfway with their game plan. If you want to have six fights within a year, eta abar, your manager and promoter should be able to get it done for you. We feel as though that Al Haymon is very efficient in doing exactly what it is that we want from him. Nor badakizu buruz da, I guess.


Borroka honetan sartu izenburu, ez borroka kalitate jakin bat benetan zaleei eman nahi duzu erlazionatzeko eta egin duzu etxeko izen bat behar duzu bezala sentitzen duzu? Now that there’s so many platforms for boxing, ez bezala, ez da gehitu presio zirraragarria borroka jarri sentitzen duzu, edo ez, oraindik, ahal duzun bezala sentitzen duzu, besterik, metodikoki kutxa eta hori zale irabazteko?

G. Russell Jr..

Ez, egia esanda, ez dut uste, nahiz eta gisa ezer egin behar da ohiko atera behar dugu. Tipikoa Gary Russell ikusten ari zara, Jr.. aurreko visto 24 Borrokak — eskuko abiadura, Puntzonaketa gaitasuna, ring generalship eta abar. ,Borrokalari asko A harrapatuta moda, eta badirudi gauzak pixka bat gehiago egin zale baino gehiago irabazi dute sentitzen dute, eta abar. That’s never one of my things. I’m always to be exciting without being reckless. And I’m going to do what it is that I’m comfortable doing.

K. Swanson

Ongi da, Gary, eskerrik asko hainbeste galdera horiek erantzun eskura izateagatik, eta denbora hartu duzu zure egun okupatuta eskertzen dugu, eta espero dugu ikusten da larunbat honetan borrokatzeko duzu, March 28, Palms Casino Resort Las Vegas Pearl hartan eta SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa bizi. Eskerrik asko, Gary.

* * *

Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak tasatuak $200, $100, $75, $50, eta $25, Jada aplikagarri

kuotak salgai daude. Sarrerak Ticketmaster deituz at erosi ahal izango dira (800) 745-3000 edo klik eginez HEMEN. Sarrerak ere eskuragarri online at dira


Gonzalez vs. Russell gertatzen at Palms Casino Resort at Pearl Las Vegas-en eta egingo SHOWTIME aire (10 p.m. ETA/7 p.m. PT). Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, Jermell Charlo vanes Martirosyan hartzen super welterweight ekintzan. SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telecast, gainera, eskura izango da Espainiako bigarren mailako audio programazio bidez (SAP).


Informazio gehiago lortzeko, bisita, TwitterSHOSports jarraitu, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella EtaPearlAtPalms, #GonzalezRussell erabiliz elkarrizketan jarraitu, Facebook fan bihurtu at edo bisitatu SHOWTIME Boxing at Bloga

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