标记档案: WBC


四月 28, 2018 (阿瓜斯卡连特斯), MX

AGUASCALIENTES, MX (四月 4, 2018)糖促销, 与联想 体育场查看网络 (SVN), is happy to announce its partnership with the government of Mexico in Aguascalientes, to broadcast it’s boxing shows to the United States market.





The first event titled, “冠军博览会”, 将在世界著名的 Plaza de Toros San Marcos (阿瓜斯卡连特斯), MX, 四月 28, 2018, 在此期间 Feria de San Marcos festival. The government of Mexico will produce all Sugar Promotionsboxing events in Aguascalientes, and provide a satellite signal to (SVN), who will distribute the content to its network in the U.S.





The main event will showcase local hero, 温贝托 “铁托” 贝拉斯科 (19-1-1, 13 科斯), who will fight for the vacant WBC银 Super Middleweight title. 在合作的主要事件, 达米安 “糖” 巴斯克斯 (13-0, 7 科斯), 从拉斯维加斯, NV, will fight for the WBC Jr. Bantamweight Youth World 称号. In two special feature attractions, 当地球迷喜爱, 伊萨克 “Canelito” 阿弗拉尔 (14-0, 9 科斯) will defend his WBC FECOMBOX Featherweight title, 而 Maryan Salazar (7-2) will battle for the WBC FECOMBOX Light Flyweight belt. Opponents for all four fights will be announced on a later date, along with other undercard bouts.





Having a partner like Stadium View Network is what we envisioned when we started promoting boxing shows in Aguascalientes, 墨西哥,” 说 奥斯卡·巴斯克斯, CEO of 糖促销. “The government of Mexico has been a tremendous help in securing our deal with SVN. My goal is to make Aguascalientes the capital of boxing in Mexico. We are signing the best fighters from Mexico. With this agreement, their talent will be showcased on SVN in the United States, and all throughout Mexico and Latin America.





We welcome Sugar Promotions and Stadium View Network to our beautiful city of Aguascalientes,” 说 博士. Manuel Aceves Rubio, Director of the Sports Institute of the State of Aguascalientes. “Boxing is big part of our culture here in Mexico and we want to show the world that Aguascalientes will be the epicenter of all future boxing events in our country.





It brings me great joy to know that the city of Aguascalientes will be recognized as capital of the boxing world in Mexico,” 说 José Angel Gonzalez Serna, President of the Board of Trustees of San Marcos. “We want to let the world know that Aguascalientes is a safe place to visit and enjoy quality events.





同 1,200 地点, 体育场查看网络 (SVN) is a satellite-delivered television channel featuring programming designed specifically for the sports bar and hospitality industry. SVN’s channel provides ambient programming featuring action-oriented video segments. The ambient programming will be pre-emptible at the subscriber’s election with PPV events transmitted by SVN. Stadium View Network’s capabilities include planning and managing ad-hoc and full-time networks, encryption services, and programming signal delivery on both a domestic and international level.





SVN is excited to partner up with Sugar Promotions and the government of Mexico, (阿瓜斯卡连特斯),” 说 John Parks, 的总统 Stadium Sports Network. “We want to provide great boxing matches to our audience and Sugar Promotions has the ability to deliver exactly what we desire. 此外, we want to show the Government of Mexico that we are serious about broadcasting live boxing from their beautiful city of Aguascalientes.





I love it when a plan comes together,” 说 格雷格Hannley, 的总统 王子牧场拳击, who manages a stable of fighters that will be showcased on SVN. “The exposure my fighters will get with this SVN deal is going to be amazing. I want to thank Sugar Promotions and the government of Mexico in Aguascalientes for their support.





Feria de San Marcos, considered as The Fair of Mexico is the most important popular celebration of the city of Aguascalientes. It takes place in honor of San Marcos evangelist, patron saint of the neighborhood of the same name. It is considered a fair of national importance in Mexico, with great international prestige. The San Marcos Fair is considered one of the 10 most important in the world and the largest in all of Latin America. It is a very safe fair and has an endless list of activities.

瑞吉斯·普罗格雷斯 (Regis Prograis) 在第二轮比赛中以压倒性的比分击败朱利叶斯·因东戈 (JULIUS INDONGO),赢得周五在 Showtime® 上获得 WBC 超轻量级临时冠军头衔


SHOWTIME 老将伊万·巴兰奇克 (Ivan Baranchyk) 在 IBF 青少年次中量级淘汰赛中击败彼得·彼得罗夫 (Petr Petrov)



重量级新秀Junior Fa以多数决定胜利保持不败



观看周六重播, 三月 10, 在 5:30 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®



点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


戴德伍德, 标准差. (三月 9, 2018) – 不败的 140 磅级竞争者 雷吉斯Prograis 轰动一时的第二轮淘汰赛前统一世界冠军 朱利叶斯·英东戈 夺得 WBC 超轻量级临时冠军 星期五 拳击表演之夜: 戴德伍德戴德伍德山大酒店特别版, 标准差.





同赢, 程式 (21-0, 18 科斯) 现在可能将面对下周阿米尔·伊玛目的获胜者 (排名第. 1 WBC) 和何塞·拉米雷斯 (排名第. 3 WBC) 目前空缺的 WBC 世界冠军腰带争夺战. 程式, 休斯敦的新奥尔良方式, 从开场开始就占据主导地位,现在已经将对手击倒 14 他最后的 15 打架.





“我必须在 SHOWTIME 上表演一场, 对于戴德伍德, 以及我在休斯顿和新奥尔良的所有球迷以及整个赛区,“Prograis说. “我必须为每个人表演一场表演. 我现在已经140岁了。”





在首轮比赛的最后几秒, 普罗格雷斯猛烈一击,击倒了因东戈 (22-2, 11 科斯) 到画布上. 在第二轮比赛, Prograis 继续攻击更高的 Indongo, 然后用巨大的左手第二次打倒他. 摇摇晃晃的 Indongo 站了起来, 普罗格雷斯继续猛攻,立即攻击倒下的对手,并在战斗中第三次将他击倒。. 裁判伊恩·约翰-刘易斯又给了因东戈一次继续比赛的机会, 但普罗格莱斯一劳永逸地结束了这场比赛,他在本轮比赛中通过左勾拳第三次击倒对手,并在比赛中第四次击倒对手。 2:54 第二轮.





淘汰赛结束后, SHOWTIME 分析师 Steve Farhood 采访了这位开放且竞争激烈的 140 磅级别的后起之秀. Farhood 对 Prograis 印象特别深刻, 这是他第五次亮相 SHOWTIME.





“这是一场精彩的表演,国际拳击名人堂成员、著名拳击历史学家法胡德说道. “我很惊讶他能这么快、这么坚决地完成 Indongo.






“我想现在拳击迷知道这个家伙值得被评为 140 磅级别的前三名或前四名. 因为这是一场如此重大的胜利, 所有其他战斗 140, 无论是 明天的 米基·加西亚和利皮内茨之间的战斗, 你必须感觉他们必须对瑞吉斯负责. 他应得的。”





白细胞编号. 2 排名战斗机 140 磅立即将注意力转向与下周伊玛目拉米雷斯对决的获胜者的可能对决.





“我现在想要真正的头衔, 我不认为今晚之后那两个家伙会和我打架,“Prograis说. “因东戈只输给了泰伦斯·克劳福德一场, 一磅对一磅最好, 我比克劳福德先阻止了他一轮. 我现在没有看到有人试图与我战斗。”






在 IBF 青少年次中量级淘汰赛中, 伊万Baranchyk (17-0, 11 科斯) 他的全动作风格让戴德伍德山大球场的粉丝们兴奋不已, 停车 彼得·彼得罗夫 (38-6-2, 18 科斯) 在 1:12 第八轮.





Baranchyk, 第六次出现在 SHOWTIME 节目中, 是更强的, 比他的比赛更具侵略性的战士,但最终击败了对手, 他们表现出了值得称赞的坚韧和韧性,继续战斗. 巴兰奇克第一拳就将彼得罗夫打倒在地, 并在第二回合中用一连串强有力的拳头第二次击倒对手.





第八回合,佩特罗夫被困在绳索上,伤痕累累。, 裁判马克·尼尔森制止了比赛. 同赢, 巴兰奇克距离成为周六晚上的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 主赛事获胜者的强制挑战者又近了一步,对手是 140 磅 IBF 世界冠军谢尔盖·利皮内茨 (Sergey Lipinets) 和轻量级冠军米奇·加西亚 (Mikey Garcia).





Baranchyk, 谁超越了彼得罗夫 159-118 总出拳数和 94-76 在电源拳, 对他今晚展示的进步感到满意.





“我认为我比过去更加有控制力,而我的新教练一直在帮助我,” Baranchyk说, 目前排名是谁 否. 4 IBF 140 磅级. “我知道我必须继续猛击身体, 对身体进行猛击. 今晚我做得很好.





“我很惊讶他们停止了战斗. 我感觉我赢得了每一轮比赛并控制了比赛. 我知道我赢得了这场战斗. 这对我来说是一场精彩的战斗。”





在转播的开幕回合, 重量级的前景 少年法 (14-0, 8 科斯), 奥克兰, 新西兰, 以多数决定战胜底特律队,保持了不败记录 克雷格·刘易斯 (14-2-1, 8 科斯). 八回合比赛,评委打分 76-76, 78-74, 79-73.





F A, 他曾两次在业余赛中击败新西兰同胞、现任 WBO 重量级冠军约瑟夫·帕克, 是与 33 岁的前大学篮球运动员刘易斯相比更活跃的斗士, 他只提前两周通知就参加了战斗. Fa迅速开始战斗, 投掷高高的战斗 53 第一轮和第一轮的出拳 24-13 前两轮总体连接领先. 随着战斗的进行, 法的步伐放慢了,刘易斯能够融入战斗, 出境法 50-45 第五轮到第八轮, 缩小总体差距 82-81 赞成法.





F A, 他于 11 月首次亮相 SHOWTIME,首轮击倒弗雷迪·莱瑟姆 (Freddy Latham), 尽管获胜但对自己的表现不满意.





“我很高兴我能够做出决定, 但我对自己的表现一点也不满意,法说. “如果我必须给自己打分, 这将是一个F. 前几轮比赛我情绪太激动,这让我有点沮丧.





“我对一位看到它的法官感到非常惊讶. 我看到他累了,但今晚我却很平淡. 我可以从这场比赛中学到很多东西,知道自己哪里做错了,以及在下一场比赛中不应该做什么。”










“我需要更多的时间来训练,因为我的体能在接近尾声时有所下降,”前国家金手套金牌得主刘易斯说道. “但总体而言, 我对自己的表现很满意, 我认为这可能是平局。”





在非电视undercard的行动, 不败的重量级前景 特雷·利佩·莫里森 (14-0, 14 科斯), 前重量级世界冠军汤米·莫里森的儿子, 停 奥斯瓦尔多·奥尔特加 (3-8, 1 KO) 与第三轮 (1:18) 在他的第一场比赛中技术击倒 在 15 个月 自从手部受伤以来.





不败 2016 美国奥运选手 查尔斯·康威尔 (7-0, 5 科斯) 一致判定战胜墨西哥队 胡安·耶稣·里维拉 (28-20, 18 科斯). 六回合初中量级比赛得分 60-53 在所有三位裁判的记分卡上.





周五 三重赛将于周六重播, 三月 10, 在 5:30 P.M. ET/PT 将在 SHOWTIME EXTREME 上播出,并将在 SHOWTIME on DEMAND 上提供® 和SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.





巴里·汤普金斯 (Barry Tompkins) 在场边指挥这场比赛,法胡德 (Farhood) 和前世界冠军劳尔·马克斯 (Raul Marquez) 担任专家分析师. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.


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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

彼得·彼得罗夫 (PETR PETROV) 已准备好在周五晚上的 SHOWTIME® 节目中与伊万·巴兰奇克 (IVAN BARANCHYK) 进行淘汰赛

欣欣拳击: SPECIAL EDITION住在 10 P.M. AND/戴德伍德出发的 PT 戴德伍德山大酒店, 南达科他州
纽约 (三月 8, 2018) – 尽管这场比赛只用了不到五天的时间’ 注意, 两届世界冠军挑战者彼得·彼得罗夫已准备好与初级次中量级伊万·巴兰奇克对决, 这个星期五 晚上在 欣欣拳击: 特别版现场直播开演时间(10 PM ET/PT)

彼得罗夫, 谁没有战斗过 十一个月内 自从放弃对不败的 WBO 轻量级冠军特里·弗拉纳根 (Terry Flanagan) 的决定以来, 安东尼·伊吉特(Anthony Yigit)在与巴兰奇克(Baranchyk)的比赛中摔倒后,在上周末接到电话之前,他正在祖国西班牙进行复赛训练.
彼得罗夫抵达戴德伍德的戴德伍德山大酒店, 南达科他州, 他有信心参加这场重要的战斗.
“我感觉很好. 我总是在训练, 并准备几个月后在我的祖国西班牙参加一场比赛, 所以我不认为在短时间内接受这场战斗有什么大不了的,” 彼得罗夫说.
是什么让他能够轻松地接受战斗, 是争夺IBF排名第二的机会.
“我的目标是成为世界冠军, 这场战斗让我接近那个目标. 我对巴兰奇克一无所知, 但我知道他从来没有和我的经验的人打过架, 再加上我参加过的比赛的舞台将被证明是距离 在周五 夜晚。”
巴兰奇克 (16-0, 10 科斯) VS. 彼得罗夫 (38-5-2, 19 科斯) 比赛由 DiBella Entertainment 推广, 与 Fight Promotions Inc. 合作, 霍顿制作 & 横幅促销.
关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请像 横幅促销的Facebook页面, 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing


Petrov Replaces Anthony Yigit, Who Was Forced to Withdraw Due to Illness

Undefeated Heavyweight Junior Fa To Face Craig Lewis In Opening Bout Of SHOWTIME Tripleheader

欣欣拳击: SPECIAL EDITION住在 10 P.M. AND/戴德伍德出发的 PT 戴德伍德山大酒店, 南达科他州




纽约 (三月 6, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contender Ivan Baranchyk will now face former world title challenger Petr Petrov this Friday, 三月 9, in the co-featured bout on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION live on SHOWTIME at 10 P.M. AND/PT from Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, SD. The contest will be an eliminator for the No. 2 position in the IBF junior welterweight world rankings.




Petrov replaces Anthony Yigit, who has withdrawn due to illness.





Also added to the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader is a heavyweight matchup featuring undefeated prospect Junior Fa taking on once-beaten Craig Lewis in an eight-round bout to open up the telecast at 10 P.M. AND/PT.





In the previously announced 12-round main event, undefeated 140-pound contender Regis Prograis will face former unified world champion Julius Indongo for the Interim WBC Super Lightweight World Championship.





“Baranchyk and Petrov are both known for their all-action styles and are never in a bad fight. It is a tremendous addition to this card and I’m thrilled we were able to put the bout together on short notice. The fact that Petr was training for another fight once again made it possible to create a superior fight under difficult circumstances,” Lou DiBella说, DiBella娱乐总裁. “New Zealand heavyweight prospect Junior Fa made a huge statement in his last appearance on SHOWTIME and he’ll look to keep that momentum going 这个星期五 at Deadwood Mountain Grand against the tough Craig Lewis. Boxing fans will remember Fa’s two amateur victories against Joseph Parker, who will attempt to unify heavyweight title belts against Anthony Joshua on SHOWTIME on 三月 31.”




Sporting a record of 38-5-2 同 19 科斯, the 34-year-old Petrov, of Ryazan, 俄罗斯, and based in Madrid, 西班牙, will look to bounce back into the win column following a hotly contested 12-round decision loss to WBO Lightweight World Champion Terry Flanagan on April 8, 2017, 在曼彻斯特, 英国. Prior to the loss to Flanagan, Petrov was on a six-bout winning streak, including victories over Michael Perez, Marvin Quintero and Gamalial Diaz. Over the last 10 岁月, Petrov’s only other losses have come against world champions Marcos Maidana and Dejan Zlaticanin.




巴兰奇克 (16-0, 10 科斯) VS. Petrov bout is promoted by DiBella Entertainment, 与 Fight Promotions Inc. 合作, 霍顿制作, Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




The 28-year-old Fa made an astounding statement in his U.S. network debut, stopping Fred Latham in the first round on November 10, 2017, in Cleveland on 的ShoBox: 新一代. Prior to turning professional, the New Zealand native defeated current WBO Heavyweight World Champion Joseph Parker twice in the amateurs.





格斗出底特律, 密歇根州。, 刘易斯 (14-1-1, 8 科斯) returns to battle following a second-round knockout of Galen Brown on August 12, 2017. He was undefeated through the first 15 fights of his professional career and was the 2014 National Golden Gloves Bronze Medalist at heavyweight.





The event is presented by DiBella Entertainment. 门票, 售价 $200, $80 和 $60, 现已公开发售, and can be purchased on Ticketmaster.com or by calling (877) 907-4726. The doors open and first bout begins at 5:30 P.M. More information on the Deadwood Mountain Grand can be found on their website at www.DeadwoodMountainGrand.com.

Stoppage Win Over Martinez Sets Khan on Course For Another Title Shot


报告: Gianluca Di Caro – Photos courtesy of Joe Ibbotson.


It may have been the coldest weekend of the year in the UK so far, but the icy cold conditions 周六 night didn’t prevent the fans turning out to support local hero Tasif Khan as he faced Mexican Champion and former WBC World Title Challenger Juan Lopez Martinez on the Bridie Murtagh (Saorise Promotions) promoted Dinner Event at the Royal Taj (formerly the Connaught Rooms) 位于布拉德福德.


The importance of the fight clearly wasn’t lost on any of Khan’s fans, their man may already have secured World Boxing Union (WBU), Global Boxing Union (GBU) 和世界拳击联合会 (WBC) World Championships over the past couple of years, 但一场胜利 周六 would mean that Khan, who is already highly ranked by the International Boxing Federation (IBF) in their Intercontinental Ratings, would be eligible to mount a challenge for the prestigious IBF Intercontinental Championship in the Summer as the first step to mounting a potential future challenge for the coveted IBF World Crown.


Prior to the first fight of the night, Master of Ceremonies Sam Gorman gave a moving eulogy to British & 爱尔兰拳击局 (比巴) 副总裁 (苏格兰) Kenny Barr, who tragically passed away in December at the age of just 34, which was followed by a standing Ten Bell tribute.


OK now let’s get onto the the main event, a ten round non-championship Super Flyweight contest between the aforementioned Tasif Khan and Juan Lopez Martinez.


The atmosphere was electric as the protagonists made their way to the ring with the entourages in support waving their respective countries flags and in Khan’s case also carrying his many Championship belts. After the pre-fight razzmatazz and introductions it was down to business for the young Gladiators.


Right from the opening bell both men began to cautiously vie for Centre-ring, Khan utilizing his superior reach to take effective control and force his more experienced opponent on to the back foot.


About the midway point of the round Khan began to step up the pace, landing some big shots to both body and head, each time Martinez stood his ground and countered with good effect.


In the second it was more or less the same, with Khan taking the initiative and actively attacking, whilst Martinez remained content to counter when the opportunity arose.


Round three see Khan step up the pace further, utilizing superior hand speed and slick movement to land a some sensational shots, the most notable was a huge right to the chin late on in the round. Martinez was clearly shaken, but still thinking clearly enough to change his tactics and tie the Bradford man up on the inside to prevent further big shots landing.


Initially Martinez took the fight to Khan in the fourth, in doing so landed a sensational hook to the head of Khan. However this tactic just played into Khan’s hands and the Bradford man came back with some sensational combinations each time the Mexican mounted an attack.


As the round progressed into the second minute, Khan caught Martinez with another big shot which sent the Mexican back towards the ropes, Khan stepped in and let rip with a double handed flurry culminating with a big left hook to the body, which sent Martinez to the canvas. Martinez made the count and made it to the end of the round by tying up Khan on the inside again.


Round five see Martinez utilizing the tying up Khan on the inside tactic more, and at times looked outclassed. Khan’s superior ring-craft really came into play as the round entered the final minute, the confident persona Martinez carried in the early rounds was now gone, Martinez was beginning to try and slow Khan’s scintillating pace down to a crawl, constantly grabbing hold each time Khan mounted an attack, before letting rip with uppercuts at every opportunity, much to the dismay of Khan’s corner, who were shouting at their man to work off his jab and keep him at a distance.


Round six see Khan confidently begin to wear Martinez down further with fast double handed flurries and powerful combinations to both body and head. At more or less the half way point of the round Khan broke loose from another attempted holding session from Martinez and fired a couple of stiff jabs, before stepping in with a huge hook to the body. Martinez immediately collapsed to the canvas and was clearly distraught, however the tough Mexican tried his hardest to make it to his feet before referee James Ancliff’s count reached its conclusion, albeit unsuccessful in doing so.


The official time for the stoppage 1 分钟和 32 seconds of the sixth round.


Preceding the Khan-Martinez headline bout was a six round Super Middleweight contest between Bardley, Lincolnshire’s unbeaten Nathan Decastro and very late replacement Malcolm Richardson from Blackpool.


Originally IBF Ranked Decastro was due to compete against Ghanaian Philip Kotey, who had arrived in the UK but fell ill 在周五 夜晚. More disappointment for Decastro as a win over Kotey would have also positioned him for a potential shot at an IBF title later in the year.


Right from the off it was clear that Decastro was intent on making a statement, the Bardley man closing of the ring and letting rip with power punch after power punch. Richardson’s made of stern stuff and stood his ground and countered with good effect. However as the round progressed towards the second minute, Decastro switched to the body, landing a massive body shot that sent Richardson down.


Richardson made the count, in fact following the knockdown went on the front foot and landed a couple of good shots of his own, but Decastro’s relentless power shots got the better of the Blackpool man and with about 40 seconds of the round to go Decastro caught him with a huge body shot to send him to the canvas for the second time, this time though Richardson didn’t make it to his feet before referee James Ancliff’s count reached it’s conclusion.


Official time of the stoppage was 2 分钟, 30 在第一轮的秒.


Prior to Decastro-Richardson it was time for a Heavyweight contest between Askam-in-Furness, Cumbria’s Lee Kellett and Belfast, Northern Ireland’s Ryan Kilpatrick.


多么艰难的战斗, both lads gave there all for the full four rounds, 太多的出席者的赞赏.


After four highly entertaining all action rounds it was Lee Kellett that scoring referee James Ancliff decided was the victor by a 40-36 分之差.


Next up was a four round Super Lightweight contest between Newcastle’s Jak Johnson and Liverpool’s Paul Peers.


什么打架, it was a true Battle Royale, these two warriors gave no quarter, and it was a seriously top class battle. The first couple of rounds were exhausting to watch, pure toe-2-toe action from start to finish, so much so that this contest rightly earned the accolade of the Fight of the Night.


The third though see Peers in the ascendancy, the Liverpool man steeping up the pace as well as switching his focus to the body of the Geordie with great effect, so much so that around the midway point Peers sent Johnson to the canvas with a pin-point perfect shot to the lower rib.


Johnson made it to his feet but in the dying seconds of the round Peers found a way through Johnson’s excellent defence to land another shot to the lower rib to send Johnson down for a second time, this time Johnson couldn’t make it to his feet to beat referee James Ancliff’s count.


Official time of the stoppage was 2 分钟和 59 seconds of the third round.


The opening bout of the night sees Aberdeen’s Nathan Beattie in action against late replacement Belfast’s Marty Kayes.


Beattie-Kayes was a purist’s dream fight, it was one seriously closely fought and highly technical contest, which wouldn’t come as any surprise to those in the know, as these two had fought each other previously.


After four closely fought rounds scoring referee James Ancliff’s score card read 40-37 in favour of Nathan Beattie.


There were due to be two further contests on the cardObadai Sai vs Isaac Quartey and Patrick Okine vs Saidi Mundi, however these contests failed to take place due to only Quartey and Okine receiving their visa in time to make the trip to the UK.



欣欣拳击: SPECIAL EDITION住在 10 P.M. AND/戴德伍德出发的 PT 戴德伍德山大酒店, 南达科他州





HOUSTON (二月. 15, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contender Regis “Rougarou” Prograis remains focused on the prize despite the recent change in opponent for his 三月 9 showdown for the Interim WBC Super Lightweight World Championship. Prograis will now face former unified world champion Julius Indongo in the 12-round main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION live on SHOWTIME at 10 P.M. AND/PT from Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, 南达科他州.





The southpaw Indongo replaced Viktor Postol, who was forced to withdraw from the bout 周一 with a hand injury.





“Lou called and told me about what happened to Viktor Postol and that Indongo could be the new opponent and I said yes immediately,“Prograis说. “I always want to fight the best and with Indongo being a former unified champion, he brings a great deal of credibility to the fight. Both of his titles were won on the road in Russia and Scotland, so I know how fearless and determined he will be.



“I had to switch up my training a little for sparring with Indongo being a lefty and a little taller, but I’m sparring with middleweights. I’ve heard how hard he hits and I want to be fully prepared. Maybe down the line Postol and I could still fight, but I’m only focused on Indongo now. This is my time and my year to shine. I’m ready to put on a spectacular performance on 三月 9.”





“This fight came together in a matter of two phone calls – one to Prograis and one to Indongo – and that speaks volumes about the championship mentality of both fighters,” Lou DiBella说, DiBella娱乐总裁. “Prograis wanted to fight the best fighter available, even if that fighter presented a different style and was recently a unified champion. Indongo immediately jumped at the opportunity to again be a champion. They are true professionals and their desire to fight will be evident in the ring.




The event is presented by DiBella Entertainment, 与 Fight Promotions Inc. 合作, Holden Productions and Sauerland Promotions. 门票, 售价 $200, $80 和 $60, are on sale now and can be purchased on Ticketmaster.com or by calling (877) 907-4726. The doors open and first bout begins at 5:30 P.M. More information on Deadwood Mountain Grand can be found on their website at www.DeadwoodMountainGrand.com.





Fighting out of Namibia and now training in Omaha, NE, Indongo (22-1, 11 科斯) is a former unified champion who held the IBF and WBA 140-pound titles.





在 2016, Indongo traveled to Moscow, 俄罗斯, to dethrone IBF Junior Welterweight Champion Eduard Troyanovsky with a stunning first-round knockout. In his first defense, Indongo traveled to Glasgow, 苏格兰, for a unification bout with WBA Champion Ricky Burns. The 35-year-old won a 12-round unanimous decision to become unified champion.





In his first bout as a unified titleholder, Indongo made his U.S. debut against fellow undefeated and unified champion Terence Crawford in a showdown to determine the undisputed champion of the 140-pound division. It was the first championship bout with all four major world titles at stake since Jermain Taylor dethroned Bernard Hopkins in 2005. Indongo lost to Crawford to suffer the only defeat of his professional career.





程式 (20-0, 17 科斯), 休斯敦的新奥尔良方式, 已经打进了击倒在 13 他最后的 14 fights and is a rising star in the wide-open 140-pound division. Indongo represents the toughest challenge of his career.





在12轮的共同特征, undefeated 140-pound contenders Ivan Baranchyk (17-0, 10 科斯) and Anthony Yigit (21-0-1, 7 科斯) will square off in a Junior Welterweight World Title Eliminator to become the mandatory challenger for IBF champion Sergey Lipinets. Lipinets will defend his belt the following day, 三月 10, on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® against undefeated three-division champion Mikey Garcia.


Indongo Replaces Viktor Postol, Who Withdrew With A Hand Injury



From Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, 南达科他州




纽约 (二月. 12, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contender Regis Prograis will now face former unified world champion Julius Indongo for the vacant Interim WBC Super Lightweight World Championship on 星期五, 三月 9, in the 12-round main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION live on SHOWTIME at 10 P.M. AND/PT from Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, 南达科他州.

Indongo replaces the previously announced Viktor Postol, who was forced to withdraw from the bout with a hand injury.

Born in Namibia and now fighting out of Omaha, NE, Indongo (22-1, 11 科斯) is a former unified champion who held the IBF and WBA 140-pound titles.

在 2016, Indongo traveled to Moscow, 俄罗斯, to dethrone IBF Junior Welterweight Champion Eduard Troyanovsky with a stunning first-round knockout. In his first defense as champion, Indongo traveled to Glasgow, 苏格兰, for a unification bout with WBA Champion Ricky Burns. The 35-year-old won a 12-round unanimous decision to become unified champion.

In his first bout as a unified titleholder, Indongo made his U.S. debut against fellow undefeated and unified champion Terence Crawford in a showdown to determine the undisputed champion of the 140-pound division. It was the first championship bout with all four major world titles at stake since Jermain Taylor dethroned Bernard Hopkins in 2005. Indongo lost to Crawford, suffering the only defeat of his professional career.

“I’m very excited to fight Regis Prograis on 三月 9,” said Indongo. “This is a great opportunity for me toward becoming a world champion again. I know how good Prograis is, but come March 9, I’ll be victorious.”

“While it’s unfortunate that Viktor Postol suffered this training injury, we’re thrilled that Julius Indongo jumped right at the opportunity to face Regis Prograis for the interim WBC title,” Lou DiBella说, DiBella娱乐总裁. “Regis wanted to prove himself against the best, and he will still be afforded that opportunity when he meets former champion Indongo in what promises to be a sensational clash of styles.”

程式 (20-0, 17 科斯), 休斯敦的新奥尔良方式, 已经打进了击倒在 13 他最后的 14 fights and is a rising star in the wide-open 140-pound division. Indongo represents the toughest challenge of his career with his lone loss to one of the top fighters in boxing, 特伦斯·克劳福德.

在12轮的共同特征, undefeated 140-pound contenders Ivan Baranchyk (17-0, 10 科斯) and Anthony Yigit (21-0-1, 7 科斯) will square off in a Junior Welterweight World Title Eliminator to become the mandatory challenger for IBF champion Sergey Lipinets. Lipinets will defend his belt the following day, 三月 10, on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® against undefeated three-division champion Mikey Garcia.

The event is presented by DiBella Entertainment, in association with Elite Boxing, Fight Promotions Inc., Holden Productions and Sauerland Promotions. 门票, 售价 $200, $80 和 $60, are on sale now and can be purchased on Ticketmaster.com or by calling (877) 907-4726.

The doors open and first bout begins at 5:30 P.M. More information on Deadwood Mountain Grand can be found on their website at www.DeadwoodMountainGrand.com.

新星艾琳娜Gradinar来面对奥利维亚Gerula为IBF洲际冠军纳尔瓦, 爱沙尼亚, 三月 24

瑞星女明星, 圣彼得堡的埃琳娜Gradinar, 俄罗斯, 会为她的职业生涯的第一个冠军腰带争夺时,她需要对前世界冠军奥利维亚 “捕食者” Gerula国际羽联洲际羽量级冠军.
10轮Gradinar VS. Gerula战斗将发生在 星期六, 三月 24, 在能源公司体育厅纳尔瓦, 爱沙尼亚.
不败27岁的Gradinar (8-0, 2 科斯) 去 73-8 作为一个业余, 赢得了无数国内和国际业余赛事. Gradinar也达到俄罗斯的体育硕士的指定.
一个受人尊敬和完成专业, gerula, 从温尼伯, 马尼托巴, 加拿大, 是前WBC世界女子超羽量级冠军,并做了两个成功卫冕. 她还举行了备受推崇的WIBA世界冠军.
“我很高兴地反对前WBC世界冠军奥利维亚Gerula IBF洲际腰带打,” 说Gradinar. “We will bring for boxing fans a dramatic and exiting clash between us. 我很自豪,我将代表我的国家俄罗斯,我希望IBF洲际腰带将在辉煌的俄罗斯城市圣找到住处. 圣彼得堡!”
“我对什么来很兴奋. I look forward to visiting Estonia and soaking up some of its culture while proudly representing Canada,” 说奥利维亚Gerula. “我知道艾琳娜有令人印象深刻的业余纪录和不败的职业记录, 但我不相信她曾经在环与我的素质和经验的战斗机, 所以我希望动摇的东西。”
Gerula的协同促进德米特里Salita, 随着基于俄罗斯亚历山大·涅夫斯基大街推广集团, 说Gerula斗争将证明很多关于Gradinar过渡到专业队伍.
“这将是Elena的年轻的职业生涯中最严峻的考验,” 所述字. “奥利维亚Gerula在师战斗,击败众多顶级女战士. 我期待着一个伟大的斗争,, 用一场胜利, 我们未来的世界冠军的持续发展。”

的Salita促销祝贺上屏蔽 2017 年终奖

的Salita促销的启动子德米特里Salita祝贺他的战斗机, 女巨星, 两届奥运会金牌得主,WBC和IBF超中量级世界冠军, Claressa “Ť雷克斯” 希尔兹, 在胜利的她令人印象深刻 2017 年终奖.
在刚刚她的第一个整年作为一个专业, 燧石, 密歇根州的盾牌被评为今日美国: 年度最佳女战士, 雅虎体育: 年度最佳女战士, WBAN: 最热门的新星和WBAN: 最励志, 以及甜科学的年度展望.
盾牌也被提名为BWAA的克里斯蒂·马丁女战斗机年度和比尔·克劳福德奖勇气,克服逆境奖, 这将在2月份呈现.
在十一月转为职业选手后 2016, 希尔兹出现了3次 2017, 使拳击历史上的精彩表演,成为了第一位女性标题上付费电视拳击事件. 八月, 希尔兹从此前保持不败夺得WBC和空置IBF超中量级冠军和高度重视的冠军尼基·阿德勒在主导时尚. 并于3月, 也是在Showtime, 她停了下来匈牙利Szilvia Szabados四轮.
“2017 是一个非常充实的一年对我,” 希尔兹说. “转为职业选手,并赢得我的头两个世界冠军进行了惊险刺激的大. 但我最高兴成为第一位标题在电视上的一个重头戏,并有两个我的战斗生活在Showtime, 因为这是我的目标,以领先女子拳击到新的高度。”
启动子的Salita说天空才是22岁的希尔兹极限, 因为她的名气继续回暖的势头,每过一个打.
“Claressa是在拳击比赛中的现象; 超级明星战斗机复活女子拳击运动的整个运动与她惊人的天赋,” 所述字. “这些奖项是当之无愧的,只有许多第一, 因为她让整个这将是她职业生涯的传奇历史. 我很自豪能与这个令人难以置信的年轻女子进行工作,并给她我最诚挚的祝贺。”
希尔兹接下来将看到 星期五, 一月 12, 她捍卫她的ShoBox 168磅重的冠军: 新一代对不败国际羽联强制性的挑战者东篱尼尔森住在Showtime (10 P.M. AND/PT) 从旋石度假村赌场在维罗纳, 纽约.
“我迫不及待地想继续在旅程 2018, 开头我 一月 12 对托里·纳尔逊在Showtime战斗,” 继续盾牌. “我期待着在今年夏天与克里斯蒂娜锤统一的斗争. 感谢上帝, 我的粉丝, 传媒, Salita促销, 和我的团队的所有支持。”
同时展出的 一月 12 电视节目, 乌兹别克斯坦电力冲压Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 科斯) 将面对同胞不败和前10名的排名桑尼弗雷德里克森 (18-0, 12 科斯) 托莱多, 俄亥俄. 在共同特征, 杰西·埃尔南德斯 (10-1, 7 科斯) 将于埃内斯托·加尔萨 (9-2, 5 科斯; 1-3 WSB) 在10轮超轻量级回合.
目前WBC和WBO中量级女子冠军的美国战斗亮相的亮点, 和未来的盾牌对手, 克里斯蒂娜 “夫人锤” 锤 (22-0, 10 科斯) 也将显示.
门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 目前发售 $75 马戏团的前两行, $65 剩余马戏团座椅和售价为所有其他 $49 和 $37, 加上任何适用的费用. 门票可亲自或通过调用在旋石度假村售票处购买800.771.7711 或者在网上特玛.

Salita Promotions Signs Women’s Superstar Christina Hammer to Multi-Fight Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of undefeated women’s unified world middleweight champion Christina Hammer to a multi-fight promotional contract.
Already a superstar in Europe, “夫人锤” (22-0, 10 科斯), from Dortmund, 德国, (via Novodolinka, 哈萨克斯坦) is the current WBC and WBO Middleweight Champion. She has also previously held the WBF Middleweight, as well as WBO and WBF Super Middleweight Championships.
Under Salita’s promotional direction, Hammer will make her United States boxing debut on 星期五, 一月 12, 在旋石度假村赌场在维罗纳, 纽约, on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: 新一代 电视节目 (10 P.M. AND/PT), featuring unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa ShieldsWBC and IBF title defense against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson. Hammer is scheduled for a 10-round fight, highlights of which will be shown on SHOWTIME.
I never had any doubt that my manager Harald Pia and I would reach an agreement,” said a happy Hammer of the signing. “I love the U.S.,” 她继续. “If you are successful here, you will be successful everywhere. Since the beginning of my boxing career it has been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S.. 我不能等待 一月 12.”
Hammer joins the Salita Promotions roster that also includes women’s superstar, unified super middleweight champion and two-time gold medalist Claressa Shields, as well as world, 欧洲的 (2X) 和俄罗斯 (6X) amateur champion and 2012 奥林匹亚, Elena Savelyeva.
Christina has all the tools to become a star in the U.S.,” 说德米特里Salita. “Her skills, personality and appeal outside the ring make Christina a unique and special fighter in the talent-filled middleweight division. 我相信 2018 is going to be a historic year for women’s boxing all over the world.
Hammer is a technically outstanding boxer, but her outstanding physical strength is what separates her from the rest of the world’s 160-pound fighters. She was voted WBF Female Fighter of the Year in 2011 和 2013; the WBO Female Fighter of the Year in 2013; the BDB Female Boxer of the Year in 2016; the HERQUL Female Boxer of the Year in 2017 and is the only woman in Europe to earn the Diamond Ring of the WBO.
It is always a pleasure to work with highly professional partners,” said manager Pia of the deal. “I’m confident we have a contract that is good for all parties. Christina is very happy to be fighting in the U.S. It is a dream of hers to be successful over here and she can’t wait to show the U.S. public who Christina Hammer is!”
门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 目前发售 $75 马戏团的前两行, $65 剩余马戏团座椅和售价为所有其他 $49 和 $37, 加上任何适用的费用. 门票可亲自或通过调用在旋石度假村售票处购买 800.771.7711 或者在网上特玛.
In the telecast opener Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 科斯) 将面对同胞不败和前10名的排名桑尼弗雷德里克森 (18-0, 12 科斯) 托莱多, 俄亥俄. 在共同特征, 杰西·埃尔南德斯 (10-1, 7 科斯) 将于埃内斯托·加尔萨 (9-2, 5 科斯; 1-3 WSB) 在10轮超轻量级回合.