Таг Арцхивес: спрингфиелд

Irish amateur standout Tommy Hyde turning pro April 2nd at home in Cork

Tommy Hyde.jpeg
ПЛУТА, Ирска (Фебруар 10, 2022) – Three-time Ireland National Champion Tommy Hyde will turn professional April 2НД at home in Ballyvolane, Cork, on a show at The Big Top, Glen GGA Grounds, promoted by his father, renown international boxing manager Gary Hyde.
The 22-year-old Hyde, who participated in more than 100 аматерске утакмице, reached the quarterfinals of the prestigious World Junior Championships in 2015. He was a 9-time National finalist, captured top honors at the 2019 Harringey Box Cup, and was a 3-time Celtic Bux Cup gold medalist.

“Since I started boxing at the age of seven,” the heavy-handed light heavyweight said, “it’s been my dream to box as a professional in Cork, Ирска. I grew up going to world championship shows all over the world and I’ve always wanted to fight at that level. На априла 2НД, I will take the first step in getting there. I’ve had more than 100 amateur fights and feel it’s time to make the move to the pros and fulfill my lifelong dream.”

Hyde is training in Springfield, Масачусетс, under Hector Bermudez, who has trained world champions TJ Doheny, Џонатан Гузман, Карлос Гонгора, Vince Phillips, Ryad Merhy and Javier Fortuna.

“I am absolutely thrilled to promote a show in which my son Tommy will make his pro debut,” proud father Gary added. “I’ve travelled the world to sign amateur fighters from so many different countries and this kid was in the bedroom next door.”

ABOUT NOWHERETOHYDE: Основан у 2007 by Gary Hyde in Cork, Ирска, NoWhere2Hyde offers full services for professional boxers around the world. Hyde has managed numerous world-class boxers during his career including world champions Guillermo Rigondeaux, Иоури КАЛЕНГА, Nassam N’Dam and Simpiwe Vetyeaka. He presently manages world-rated European Super Featherweight Champion Samir Ziani (21-3-1, 7 КОс) and Dominican Olympian Rohan Polanco (4-0, 2 КОс).

Фацебоок: /nowhere2hyde, /tommyhyde
Твиттер: @nowhere2hyde, @tommyhyde99
Инстаграм: @gary_nowhere2hyde, @tommyhyde1

Ridgway to face Oliveira June 19 in Neosho, МО

спрингфиелд, МО (Јун 16, 2021) – Justin Ridgway will take his biggest step-up in competition when he faces former world title challenger and renowned knockout artist Marcus Oliveira Saturday, Јун 19 at the Civic Center in Neosho, Ви.

The eight round cruiserweight bout will headline an eleven-fight hybrid card known as “Rumble in the Heartland” that features five pro boxing fights and six mixed martial arts bouts.

The popular Ridgway (9-2, 6 нокаута) hails from nearby Springfield, Ви. and has won his last five fights, with the last coming by second round stoppage of Kent Holland in July of 2019.

Oliveira (26-5-1, 21 КОс) of Mayetta, Kansas is by far the most experienced opponent Ridgway will have faced. Oliveira was an undefeated contender when he traveled to Germany in 2013 to face Juergen Braehmer for the WBA light heavyweight championship, losing a close decision in his opponent’s home country.

Oliveira has knockout wins over former cruiserweight world champion Kelvin Davis, former title challenger Antwun Echols, plus the previously unbeaten fighters Ryan Coyne and Phil Williams.

Такође, на картици, David Perez (2-0) од Тулса, Oklahoma will face Luis Galaviz (1-1) од Фаиеттевилле, Arkansas in a four round junior lightweight bout.

Jake Robinson (3-2-1) of Lee’s Summit, Ви. will face the debuting Martino Grandelious of Springfield, Ви. in a four round bout.

Also in action will be Cesar Marquez (1-0-2) and Jody Linthicum (3-8) у одвојеним налетима.

The Civic Center is located at 109 W Main St in Neosho, Ви. The card is being promoted by Skip Stewart Promotions and tickets to “Rumbe at the Heartland” can be purchased by calling 417-920-4880.

Бокс је спасио живот дволигашком светском шампиону "Ел Галло" Јосеу Антони Ривери

ЦОЛОРАДО СПРИНГС, Круг. (Јун 4, 2020) - Као и многи боксери, два-подела светски првак „Ел Галло“ Јосе Антонио Ривера приписује боксу спас за живот.

„Апсолутно,”Ривера се сложио. „Након што ми је мама преминула кад сам ја био 10 година стар, Одустао сам од живота и моје доношење одлука је то одражавало: дружећи се са погрешном масом укључујући чланове банде, конзумирање алкохола између 10 и 15. Дефинитивно сам ишао у погрешном смеру.

„Никада нисам мислио да имам будућност док нисам почео да боксам. Тешко је рећи шта бих радио да никада нисам боксовао, али успут како сам живео, До сада бих вероватно био у затвору или мртав. "

Рођен у Филаделфији, Ривера је живео у Порторику и Спрингфиелду, Мр, пре него што се преселио у Ворцестер, Мр, где је упознао човека који му је помогао да промени живот, Царлос Гарциа, који је био задужен за посебан боксерски програм у Ворцестер Боис-у & Гирлс Цлуб.

Ривера је почео да се бави боксом у доби од 14 ½ у подруму са својим пријатељем, Фелик Лопез.  Бокс се заљубио након гледањаРоберто Дуран узнемирен„Шећер“ Раи Леонард у њиховој првој борби. Млади Порторико-Американац посебно је искористио своје аматерско боксерско искуство за припрему за професионалне редове. Гарциа, који се налази у Националној кући славних златних рукавица, ставио га у меч новајлија након само једне аматерске борбе како би Ривера ставио на брзу стазу, јер је разумео да је Ривера сањао да постане светски шампион као професионалац. Ривера је завршио са а 35-15 аматер запис, истакнуто перформансом бронзане медаље на ПАЛ Натионалс.

„Никад нисам имао велике аматерске тежње, али, наравно, Желео сам да победим у свакој борби у којој сам се такмичио,”Рекао је Ривера. „Једном се нисам квалификовао за олимпијска испитивања, мој план је био да постанем професионалац. Нисам знао колико ће ме аматери дотјерати да будем успјешан професионални боксер. Драго ми је што сам слушао своје тренере, иначе бих раније постао професионалац, јер бих био фрустриран политиком аматера. Мрзила сам губити, али још више сам мрзео да губим кад сам знао да је требало да победим. После три године заједно (са Гарсијом) у аматерима и стицање великог богатства искуства путујући по целој Новој Енглеској, земљу и чак ратују у Канади, Видео сам све врсте стилова и талентоване боксере који су ми помогли као професионалцу. Царлос ми је попут очинске фигуре и током свих наших тренинга и путовања, увек ми је био у глави, градећи ме да постанем добар боксер, али и да ми помогне да постанем бољи човек “.

На новембра 7, 1992, Ривера је дебитовао професионално, нокаутирао јеФранцисцо Мерцедес у другом кругу. Наставио је да осваја свој први 23 про боутс, укључујући и титулу у полутешкој категорији државе Массацхусеттс у 1995. Његов први професионални пораз био је ветеран из ФиладелфијеВиллие Висе (20-3-4), који је освојио контроверзну одлуку о подели од 10 рунди у казину Фоквоодс Ресорт у Конектикату. Ривера је доказао да је у првом губитку био више него изгледан, губећи блиску одлуку (98-95, 94-97, 94-96) противнику који је узнемирио мексичку иконуЈулио Цесар Цхавез (102-3-2) само три године касније.

Показујући исту отпорност која је Ривери остала читаве каријере, две борбе касније Ривера је престаоГилберто Флорес у два круга за освајање Међународне боксерске организације (ИБО) светско првенство у полутешкој категорији. Ривера је продужио свој нови низ победа на седам, пре него што је изгубио међусобне борбе. Четири борбе касније, мада, Ривера је своју прву победу у изјави уписао у 2001, нокаутирао јеФранкие Рандалл (55-10-1) ин 10тх круг да задржи своје северноамеричко боксерско удружење (Такође) круна у својој првој одбрани.

Сада га промовише легендарни Дон Кинг, Ривера је у септембру путовао преко Атлантског океана 2003 у Немачкој, где је мало Американаца успело да победи. Ривера је рано доказао да мисли на посао, испуштајући претходно непоражениМицхел Трабант у другом кругу на путу до освајања већине од 12 кругова за упражњено Светско боксерско удружење (ВБА).  Његова владавина, међутим, није дуго трајало. У својој првој одбрани, Ривера је код куће у Ворцестеру од противника изгубио пораз у 12 рундиЛуис Цоллазо (24-1)

Ривера је напредовао за једну тежинску класу за своју следећу борбу, показујући издржљивост која је била основна ствар током његове каријере за следећу борбу, такође код куће, против ВБА јуниорског светског првака у средњој категоријиАлександро Гарсија (25-1).

У својој следећој борби и првој одбрани треће светске титуле, Ривера је заустављен први пут у професионалној каријери, од новог шампионаТравис Симмс (24-0), а онда га је нокаутираоДаниел Сантос (24-0) у осмом колу њиховог елиминатора ВБА јуниорске титуле у средњој категорији.

Ривера се повукао 2008 само да би се вратио у 2001, након чега се поново повукао док се није вратио на две борбе у Ворцестеру да би завршио своју професионалну каријеру 50 туче, последњи долазак у доби од 46.

„Јосе-ово боксерско искуство у САД-у обликовало га је у карактерног човека какав је данас, како у и ван ринга,", Рекао јеЦхрис Цуглиари, Директор УСА Алумни бокса. „Кренуо је путом који је мање путовао за светског шампиона, и тиме је показао своју чврстину и истрајност што га је учинило одличним примером за данашње америчке боксере. "

Америчко удружење бивших боксера

Створен да се бори за живот, обострано корисни односи између УСА Бокинг-а и његових бивших ученика, –боксери, званичници, тренери и љубитељи бокса — Алумни удружење повезује генерације шампиона, надахњујући и враћајући будућим шампионима у боксу УСА Бокинг, у и ван ринга.

Америчко удружење бивших боксера отворено је за све који воле љубав према боксу и желе да остану повезани са аматерским боксом. Члановима је омогућен приступ широком спектру специјалних догађаја које организује Алумни Ассоциатион, укључујући и годишњи пријем Куће славних у Удружењу бивших боксерских савезника САД.

Да се ​​придружи Алумни удружењу, једноставно се региструјте наалумни@усабокинг.орг За $40.00 годишње чланарина. Нови чланови добиће мајицу, привезак за кључеве и е-новчаник.

Ривера је био прави светски шампион. Мало је светских шампиона такође имало стални посао током владавине титуле. Ривера је искористио време одмора, као и лични и болеснички дани, када је отишао у тренинг камп за неке од својих главних борби.

„Увек сам имао добру радну етику током одрастања," Објаснио је. „Када сам се преселио у Ворцестер 16 година стар, Живео сам сам од себе: школа, радити, а затим Дечацима & Девојачки клуб за тренинг. Држао сам се исте радне етике као и раније 19 кад сам постао професионалац. Постао сам отац у 20, па је обезбеђивање моје породице било пресудно. Иако је било тешко, Знао сам да бокс неће трајати вечно, и имао сам срећу да нађем добар посао радећи за претресне судове Комонвелта Массацхусеттса. Правило је то дугим данима док сам тренирао, посебно када сам се борио за или бранио своје светско првенство. На крају, мада, задржавање посла била је најбоља одлука коју сам могао донијети за себе и своју породицу. "

Ривера. који је годинама био сарадник на суду и прошле године унапређен у помоћника главног судског службеника, још увек се бави боксом. Он и његов најстарији син, А.Ј. Ривера, поседовати и управљати компанијом за промоцију бокса, Ривера Промотионс Забава, да младим борцима у његовом крају пружи могућности да се чешће и код куће боре. Јосе повремено наврати код дечака & Девојачки клуб у посети бившим тренерима, Гарциа иРоцки Гонзалез, да подрже њихов млади таленат. Такође одлази код свог пријатељаКендрицк БаллЈе теретана, Камп буди у праву, дати тамо младим борцима неколико савета и одржати форму (не за још један повратак).

Јосе Антонио Ривера биће најпознатији по својој жилавости и одлучности, што га је одвело у другачији живот, укључујући три светска првенства и диван живот који никада не би уживао.



Твиттер: @УСАБокинг, @УСАБокингАлумни

Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг

Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

О САД БОКСУ:  Мисија УСА Бокинг-а биће да омогући спортистима и тренерима Сједињених Држава да постигну трајну такмичарску изврсност, развијати карактер, подржати боксерски спорт, и промовишу и развијају бокс у олимпијском стилу у Сједињеним Државама. Одговорност УСА Бокинг-а није само производња олимпијског злата, али и надгледати и управљати свим аспектима аматерског бокса у Сједињеним Државама.



СПРИНГФИЕЛД, Маса. (Децембар 13, 2019) — Rising Connecticut starsRICHIE “POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN” RIVERA и“ACTION“ ANTHONY LAUREANO both remained undefeated with impressive performance tonight on a solid “New England Explosion” card in front of an enthusiastic crowd at MassMutual Center in Springfield, Масачусетс.

“New England Explosion,” presented byJOE DEGUARDIA’S STAR BOXING, sponsored by MGM Springfield, aired live in a first for New England Sports Network (NESN), and streamed worldwide (excluding N.E.) оwww.FITE.TV.

Heavy-handed Rivera (сада 16-0, 12 КОс) took his power up to the cruiserweight division against “MIGHTY” JOE JONES(сада 11-2, 8 КОс), who unexplainably kept his hands very low, as “Popeye” pounded him to the head and body in the main event. Rivera hit Jones with everything but the kitchen sink, in what looked like batting practice at times, although “Popeye” failed to register a stoppage for only the third time in 16 pro fights. .

It was a rough, physical fight that got chippy early with both fighters exchanging trash talk and showboating. Rivera, who hails from Hartford, pressed the action throughout the fight against a defensive Jones, who switched to a peep-a-boo style in the later rounds.

“I’m strong to the finish because I eat my spinach….toot, toot! My coach kept telling me to relax but, поштено, I was putting on a show. More or less, I was acting,” Rivera talked about the roughhousing. “He was tough. My team said to box. The plan wasn’t to go for a knockout. I threw some big shots just to let him know.

“I’m so happy to have had my seventh fight this year. I’ve been active and I’m undefeated. I try to put on a show for the fans and be a role model.”

У сарадњи-главни догађај, Laureano (сада 13-0, 4 КОс), a 2016 New England Golden Gloves champion from nearby East Hartford, CT., defeated Texas super lightweightANGEL “AZTEC WARRIOR” HERNANDEZ (17-14-2, 11 КОс) in a toe-to-toe battle from the opening . This TV-friendly fight could have been fought in a proverbial phone booth. Laureano, као и обично, was relentless in his attack, systematically breaking down his opponent with strong body work of his own, as well as seemingly landing uppercuts and left hooks at will.

Laureano took control in the second and never let up against a game Hernandez, који, like Laureano, never stopped throwing punches. Eventually, Laureano won an 8-round unanimous decision in a wildly entertaining, highly competitive clash.

“It was beautiful,” Laureano commented. “I like wars, my trainers don’t. I let my emotions take over. It was a beautiful fight, мада, all action and the people loved it. But I fought his fight. I did adapt and showed some of my boxing ability at some points.

“He’s experienced and came in confident. He kept coming; он је јак. This will build me into a better fighter. I did a lot of good things. The goal is to learn from every fight, Hoću, and we’ll go back to the drawing board.”

Денбури, CT super lightweightOMAR “THE BEAST” BORDOY (сада 10-1, 3 КОс) opened the NESN broadcast with a masterful display of boxing, winning all eight rounds on each of the three judges’ scorecards for an 8-round unanimous decision against late replacementDIEUMERCI ”ELEPHANT MAN” NZAU (сада 11-11, 8 КОс). 

Bordoy effectively and consistently beat Nzau to the punch, moved well inside the ropes, and never put himself in dire straits. “It felt good,” Bordoy said after the fight. “The game plan was to out-box him, use my job, and not take any unnecessary chances. I followed the game plan and came out with an easy victory.

“I knew he had some power and he caught me with a good punch early. I watched some tape of him and listened to my trainers. I want to get back in the ring as soon as possible.”

In a battle of welterweight southpaws, родни град омиљенаDERRICK “BAD BOY” WHITLEY II (6-1-1) suffered a cut over his right eye from an accidental headbutt byJERMAINE CORLEY (3-8, 1 КО) during the second round. The ringside physician halted the action after two rounds and the fight, by rule, was a “no decision.”

У уводном мечу вечери, Hartford welterweight prospectJEFFREY TORRES(сада 6-0, 4 КОс) голу непоражен запис нетакнут, pitching a shutout for a 6-round unanimous decision over Brockton, MA journeymanANTONIO CHAVES FERNANDEZ(сада 9-40-4, 3 КОс).   Torres out-boxed Fernandez, who was buzzed several times, од почетка до краја.

Бразилски Лигхт ХеавивеигхтLEANDRO “BUSCAPE” SILVA (2-3, 1 КО) ruined the homecoming for local fighterANGEL ‘ THE BLACK RICAN” VAZQUEZ (0-2) In the walk-out bout, Silva trapped Vazquez on the ropes in the fourth round. Vazquez suffered a standing eight count, but the referee halted the action, and awarded Silva a win by technical knockout.

Complete results and more pictures below:



Richie Rivera (16-0, 12 КОс), Хартфорд, ЦТ

WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 80-72)

Joe Jones (11-2, 8 КОс), Leesburg, ВА


Leandro Silva (2-3, 1 КО), Woburn, Мр

WTKO4 (2:00)

Angel Vazquez (0-2), спрингфиелд, Мр


Derrick Whitley II (6-1-1), спрингфиелд, Мр


Jermaine Corley (3-8, 1 КО), Mt. Vernon, НИ

Jeffrey Torres (6-0, 4 КОс), Хартфорд, ЦТ

ВДЕЦ6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)

Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-40-4, 3 КОс), Brockton, Мр

Супер лаких модела

Антхони Лауреано (13-0, 4 КОс), East Hartford, ЦТ

WDEC8 (79-74, 79-74, 77-76)

Ангел хернандез (17-14-2, 11 КОс), McAllen, ТКС

омар Бордои (10-1, 3 КОс), Денбури, ЦТ

WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 80-72) 

Dieumerci Nzau (11-11, 8 КОс), Silver Spring, МД




БОСТОН (Децембар 9, 2019) — Having already announced a fierce New England focused tripleheader showcasing, Hartford’s RICHIE “POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN” RIVERA (15-0, 12 КО је), И. Hartford’s “ACTION” ANTHONY LAUREANO (12-0, 4 КО је) and Danbury’s OMAR “THE BEAST” BORDOY (9-1, 3 КО је), Star Boxing is pleased to showcase local Springfield fan favorites DERRICK WHITLEY II и ANGEL VAZQUEZ, who are ready to shine this Friday night, у одвојеним налетима

Tickets to “New England Explosion,” presented byJOE DEGUARDIA’S STAR BOXING, sponsored by MGM Springfield, from MassMutual Center starts at $40.00 (excludes facility fees and convenience charges) and on saleОВДЕ and at the MassMutual Center Box Office. “New England Explosion” will air live in a first for New England Sports Network (NESN), са почетком у 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. PT. As the home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN is available nationally on a sports subscription basis.

вхитлеи, који испуњаваJERMAINE CORLEY (3-8, 1 КО) in a 6-round bout, is a direct descendant of Springfield boxing royalty. His father/head trainer is former Mass State champion Derrick Whitley, and his uncle/assistant trainer, Darin Whitley, also was a popular regional pro boxer. The Whitley brothers are twins.

“It’s exciting,” Derrick II spoke about fighting at home in Springfield. “I started out in boxing off my father’s name. I have a lot to live up to, but I’m a little different than him. I have my own fanbase, which is pretty cool, and they’re there win or lose. There hasn’t been a lot of boxing here since the Hippodrome closed, but MGM Grand has brought boxing back to Springfield. This will be my third fight here.

“I’m popular in my city because I played football here in high school. It’s been a thrill for me to still have my family and fans watching me. They’ve always supported me. It’s been pretty crazy for this fight.”

Вазкуез (0-1), a native of Puerto Rico, лицаLEANDRO SILVA (1-3) in a 4-round match.

"Odlično se osećam, like Muhammad Ali,” an excited Vazquez said about fighting at home. “This is awesome. Springfield is my town! I’m proud. I grew up in Puerto Rico, but I’ve lived here seven years. I want to put on a great show for my hometown.”

Also fighting on the undercard in a 6-round bout is Hartford welterweightJEFFREY TORRES (5-0, 3 КОс) вс. Brockton, MA veteranANTONIO FERNANDEZ (9-39-4, 3 КОс).

INFO: East Hartford super lightweight “ACTION” ANTHONY LAUREANO (12-0, 4 КО је), returns home in an 8-round tilt against ANGEL “AZTEC WARRIOR” HERNANDEZ (17-14-2, 11 КО је), Hartford cruiserweight RICHIE “POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN” RIVERA (15-0, 12 КО је) faces Virginia cruiserweight “MIGHTY” JOE JONES (11-1, 8 КО је), while Danbury super lightweight OMAR “THE BEAST” BORDOY (9-1, 3 КО је) meets Dublin, Ireland’s undefeated “SLICK” VICTOR RABEI (8-0, 2 КО је). On the undercard will be local Springfield favorites, DERRICK “BAD BOY” WHITLEY II (6-1-1), the son of former USA Massachusetts State Super Middleweight Champion, Derick Whitley Sr., као и ANGEL VAZQUEZ (0-1).

Децембар 13 “New England Explosion” Tickets

Улазнице се крећу од $40.00 (excludes facility fees and convenience charges) и су на продајуОВДЕ and the MassMutual Center Box Office.

NESN Star Boxing Night’s“New England Explosion” sponsored by MGM Springfield will air live for the first time on New England Sports Network (NESN), starting at 9PM ET / 6АМ ПТ. The home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN is available nationally on a sports subscription basis. NESN is the only way to watch Star Boxing’s “New England Explosion” in the New England area (except Fairfield County, CT.

For thoseoutside of the NESN regional footprint, you can catch the action viaФИТЕ.ТВFITE, the world leader in the digital distribution of combat sports will stream the event live on thewww.FITE.TV вебсајт, FITE mobile apps for iOS, Андроид, and the FITE channels of Amazon Fire, Андроид, Аппле ТВ, and Roku on a PPV basis. The FITE PPV will stream theNew England Explosion,” and be available for just$14.99.  Pre-order “New England Explosion”ОВДЕ.

Врата се отварају у 6 п.м. И, Први наступ у 7:30 п.м. ET and the NESN broadcast commences at 9 п.м. И.





БОСТОН (Децембар 9, 2019) — Unlike most boxing prospects, lightweight prospectOMAR “THE BEAST” BORDOY (9-1, 3 КОс) is always willing to take risks, even fighting undefeated opponents, instead of simply padding his record.

Bordoy, fighting out of Danbury, ЦТ, meets undefeated Irish sensation“SLICK” VICTOR RABEI (8-0, 2 КОс) Децембар 13 in an 8-round bout on a stacked “New England Explosion” card, at MassMutual Center in Springfield, Масачусетс.

“New England Explosion,” presented byJOE DEGUARDIA’S STAR BOXING and sponsored by MGM Springfield, will air live from Mass MutualCenter in a first for New England Sports Network (NESN), са почетком у 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. PT. As the home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN is available nationally on a sports subscription basis.

“I fought an undefeated fighter before and it was cool to give him (3-0 Terell Bostic) his first loss,” the 24-year-old Bordoy said. “An undefeated record could be padded. Rabei is a good fighter and I expect a very good fight. He’s a good fighter who is good defensively. He’ll want to be fighting on the outside because he’s 5’ 9” and I’m 5’ 5”. But he’s coming down in weight and we’re fighting at my natural fighting weight (135 кг.)  I’ve fought taller opponents before. It looks like he has a little power. We’re both stepping up.

“I’m excited to be fighting on live television for the first time. I’m a kid who came from nothing and now I’m fighting on TV. I’ve fought in pre-recorded fights before, but this will be my first on live television. It makes everything even more exciting. I’m glad to be fighting on this NESN platform.”

Bordoy has won two in a row since losing a disputed 6-round split decision last April to Romain Tomas (7-2). 

“I didn’t get into boxing to go undefeated,” remarked Bordoy, who will be fighting in his first scheduled 8-rounder. “Only a few fighters have ever retired undefeated. A loss doesn’t bother most greats. It’s part of my developmental stage. I’d rather suffer a loss early in my career than later. I certainly don’t feel like a defeated fighter going into this fight. I learned a lot about myself and what to do better from that loss.”

Cutting weight for this fight, Bordoy didn’t really enjoy Thanksgiving. In fact, he ate alone because it was too difficult dieting and eating with others. So, he had brown rice and baked chicken.

"Да,” he added. “I didn’t get to eat much. I’m going to splurge this fight. And I’ll get an early Christmas present when my hand is raised at the end of the fight.”


Bordoy will hold an open workout Tuesday, Нов. 10, између 6:30-8:30 п.м. ET at Danbury Champs Gym in Danbury, CT to promote his Dec. 13тх fight. Dambury Champs Gym is located at 128 И. Liberty St., Денбури, ЦТ. The public is welcome.

Two other Nutmeg state prospects are also fighting in 8-round bouts on “New England Explosion”, Hartford super lightweight“ACTION” ANTHONY LAUREANO (12-0, 4 КОс) вс.ANGEL “AZTEC WARRIOR” HERNANDEZ (17-14-2, 11 КОс), and Hartford cruiserweightRICHIE “POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN” RIVERA (15-0, 12 KOs vs.“MIGHTY” JOE JONES (11-1, 8 КОс), live on NESN.

NESN Star Boxing Night’s“New England Explosion” sponsored by MGM Springfield will air live for the first on New England Sports Network (NESN), starting at 9PM ET / 6АМ ПТ. The home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN is available nationally on a sports subscription basis. NESN is the only way to watch Star Boxing’s “New England Explosion” in the New England area (except Fairfield County, CT.

For thoseoutside of the NESN regional footprint, you can catch the action viaФИТЕ.ТВFITE, the world leader in the digital distribution of combat sports will stream the event live on thewww.FITE.TV вебсајт, FITE mobile apps for iOS, Андроид, and the FITE channels of Amazon Fire, Андроид, Аппле ТВ, and Roku on a PPV basis. The FITE PPV will stream theNew England Explosion,” and be available for just$14.99.  Check availability in your area by going to theFITE.tv вебсајт.

Цене карата се крећу од $40.00 (excludes facility fees and convenience charges) и су на продају сада ухттпс://bit.ly/33kRNv4 and the MassMutual Center Box Office, as well as through Hartford Boxing Promotions (860.840.6244 / 519.1505).

Врата се отварају у 6:30 п.м. И, Први наступ у 7:30 п.м. ET and the NESN broadcast commences at 9 п.м. ET.,

Црусхинг Повер Пунцхер Схохјахон Ергасхев враћа се ове суботе у Чикаго

Застрашујућа супер лака дробилица Схохјахон „Потомак Тамерлана“ Ергашев вратиће се у акцију ове суботе, Новембар 10, у павиљону УИЦ у Чикагу против Спрингфиелда, Масачусетс, ветеран Зацк “АК47” Рамсеи.




Ергашев (13-0, 12 КОс) Детроита преко Узбекистана и Рамсеи-а (8-4, 4 КОс) састаће се у битци од шест рунди на подземној каросерији Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес Цруисервеигхт Тоурнамент двосмерне главе на којој ће бити бивши светски првак ВБО у најтежој категорији Крзисзтоф Гловацки (30-1, 19 КО), из Борбе, Пољска, суочиће се са Максимом Власовим (42-2, 25 КО) од Самара, Русија, у борби од 12 рунди за привремено светско првенство ВБО и бившу светску шампионку ВБЦ у најтежој категорији Маирис Бриедис (24-1, 18 КО) из Риге, Летонија, заузеће Хамбург, Немац Ноел Микаелиан (23-1, 10 КО) за ВБЦ светско првенство у дијамантским појасима.




Ергашев је као професионалац започео урнебесно, прелазећи раздаљину само једном, до сада. Актуелни је Међународни првак Светске боксерске асоцијације у супер лакој категорији. 26-годишњак се прошле године преселио из родног Узбекистана да би тренирао у теретани Кронк у Детроиту, а његова моћ ударања се само побољшала.




„Тренирам у Детроиту седам недеља и осећам да сам са сваким кампом све бољи и бољи,Рекао је Ергашев. „Радујем се што ћу своје вештине приказати у новембру 10 у Чикагу “.




Дмитриј Салита, промотер који рудари Русију и Централну Азију за супер перспективу попут Ергашева, каже да је моћна јужњака кренула ка величини.




„Схохјахон Ергасхев је најбоља супер лака категорија на свету и, фунта-за-фунту, један од најтежих ударача у боксу,”Рекао је Салита. „Радујем се још једном импресивном наступу од њега на великој шампионској вечери бокса у Чикагу.“

Amateur Boxing: USA vs Ireland New England Tour Closes Out With Fantastic Night of Action in Manchester, НХ

Fight Report By: Богат Бергерон

Photography By: Shelly Corriveau

PHOTO SLIDESHOW (contact rich.bergeron@gmail.com for photo copies):

Boxing fans packed the Manchester Downtown Hotel Wednesday night to take in a spectacular night of elite amateur boxing. This was the final stop on a three-city tour of Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts and Manchester, Нев Хампсхире. The scheduled fights featured Team USA amateurs facing the best amateur boxers from Ireland. By the final bell, Ireland managed to finish the eight bouts of the evening with a tie score, their best outcome of the tour. Team USA won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, односно, од десетина 8-4 и 7-3.


Wednesday’s fights were not all about winning, међутим. For the majority of the boxers involved it was a great opportunity to fine-tune their techniques and get some much-needed international competition experience. Some of Wednesday night’s best performers will also likely be representing their respective countries in the upcoming 2020 Олимпијске игре.



The main event of the night featured 2016 Youth World Championships Bronze Medalist Richard Torrez dominating 3-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner. The Irish fighter’s towering height and long reach simply could not overcome the fast pace and excellent defensive posture of the shorter American.


Torrez spent the first round executing masterful feinting and punch slipping while scoring with some bombing hooks. Torrez changed levels, used slick head movement, and never let his foot off the gas as Gardiner plodded forward with an unbalanced and wild approach in the early going. A thudding body shot connected for the Irishman in the first, but not much else.


Torrez kept up the quick work rate in the next frame, unleashing left and right hooks and landing cleanly through much of the round. He scored to the body and head easily, though much of the round saw his opponent covering up and waiting for openings. One straight left from Torrez sent his opponent reeling for a moment, but the taller man recovered and did land a phenomenal left hook to the head of Torrez as he was fighting off the ropes. Gardiner tried landing mostly straight punches on the outside and seemed unable to turn over his punches in close.

The third round saw both fighters slugging it out until the final bell with one of the wildest back and forth exchanges of the night, but it was too little and too late for Gardiner. He just could not get his range dialed in. Torrez just outworked his opponent again and landed a few slick uppercuts to go with his thundering right and left hooks. He used the jab sparingly but effectively, spending much of the final frame targeting Gardiner’s body. Torrez earned the Unanimous Decision win with his performance and didn’t take more than a handful of hard shots in the process.


Kelly Harrington, a World Championship Silver Medalist from Ireland, likely had her team’s most masterful performance in cruising to a unanimous decision victory over Stacia Suttles in the opening bout of the night. Suttles struggled to keep herself at the ideal punching range against the unrelenting attack of Harrington in the first round, spending much of the three minutes bobbing and weaving to try to avoid the crisp combinations of her opponent. Suttles did land her jab fairly consistently, and she did begin to put some combos together late in the round, but Harrington is an absolute expert when it comes to head movement. She looked as if Floyd Mayweather, Јр. was one of her coaches as she utilized a hands-low technique with constant feints, punch slipping and level changing. The first round saw her landing a beautiful straight left to the head and a fantastic body and head punching combination that landed solidly. She unleashed some fierce hooks, although a few were wild haymakers. Below is a picture of Harrington during one of just a few brief moments in the fight where she brought both hands up to protect her face.

Suttles caught Harrington with some glancing and flush shots in the second round, but she seemed to be having trouble getting power behind her punches. She did trade some decent right hands with her opponent, but it was clear by the end of the round that she just wasn’t going to be able to find any rhythm in the fight due to the craftiness of her opponent. Harrington spent the same round perfecting her range with crisp 1-2 combos and wild lead rights connecting. Harrington also scored some powerful left hooks with a picture perfect straight right landing just a few moments later.
The third round was more of the same for both fighters. Suttles worked much of the frame to track her opponent down, but every time she unloaded, she paid for it. One particularly solid left hook landed late in the round, but it just wasn’t enough. Harrington spent much of the last three minutes trying to connect with winging right hands. She landed one of her hardest punches of the fight late in the round and momentarily stunned her opponent before the bell to end the fight. Harrington took away a unanimous decision and looks to be one of the most promising boxers at her weight in the running for the 2020 Олимпијске игре.
Yet another example of height somehow being a disadvantage played a role in the other female fight on the card. Team USA’s Leah Cooper (#2 US Female Middleweight) used ducking and feinting to avoid the taller Aoife Burke’s long reach. Cooper fought from a semi-crouch, making it hard for Burke to land with any significant power on the majority of her punches. The 8-time National Irish Champion
had a few spots in the fight where she regained control of the action, but Cooper made the right adjustments to minimize the threats.
Cooper executed a swarming attack to begin the first round, firing off 1-2 combos and backing Burke up. She remained patient and persistent throughout the frame, staying low and out of range of Burke’s power shots. Burke exhibited excellent defense, but she could only manage to throw and land one punch at a time. She showcased a crisp jab throughout the round, but it just didn’t deter Cooper. Burke had her best moments of the round toward the final bell, mixing up shots to the body and head, including a hard right hook to the head.
Burke came out for the second round on fire, storming Cooper with rapid fire 1-2 combos and hooks. She also mixed in a slick uppercut that found Cooper’s chin. Cooper weathered the storm, only falling into the trap briefly. She regained her composure, landed some excellent counter punches, and turned what might have been Burke’s best round into the Irish champ’s worst. Cooper remained calm and cool, despite taking some of the hardest shots her opponent landed in the fight. She landed some superb 1-2 combos after Burke’s attack fizzled, eventually opening a cut near Burke’s left eye and bloodying her nose. Cooper’s hard body punching also sent Burke crouching down to the canvas briefly after a solid right hook.
Burke started the third round a bit late after getting checked out and cleared by the ringside doctor. She again started out with a flurry of bombing punches. She targeted the body and the head, but Cooper collected herself once again and went back to work. She changed levels well and began connecting with furious hooks, first to the body and then back up to the head. She also kept up an active jab and landed multiple 1-2 combos. Burke did manage another late flurry in the closing moments of the fight, but Cooper still came away with the unanimous decision win.
Team USA Lightweight James Browning came into Wednesday night’s bout with Ireland’s Francis Cleary as a two-time USA Boxing Champion. Cleary, a nine-time Irish National Champion, represented Browning’s first crack at international competition. Both fighters had their moments, but it would be Browning getting the win at the end of three entertaining, back-and-forth rounds of action.
Browning spent the first round establishing a higher work rate than his opponent and using lots of movement to avoid Cleary’s attack. He also landed a consistent jab, mixing up his body and head shots well. Though he won the round, Browning took plenty of risks and paid the price. Cleary picked his spots and unleashed the more clean and powerful punches when he was able to land. He just couldn’t connect enough, and he clinched out of trouble almost every time he wound up fighting in close quarters.
Clearly landed some more sharp bombs in the second frame, getting more aggressive and starting to track down his constantly moving opponent. A thumping left hook near the end of the round connected with Browning’s head and impressed the packed house of fans. Још, Browning remained busy and did well in the slugging exchanges between the two fighters. He was often wild, but the work output kept Cleary from stealing the round.
Cleary came out for the third round with renewed ferocity, engaging in a wild brawl with Browning. It was the best round of the fight for Cleary, and Browning could not maintain the elusiveness he displayed in the prior rounds. The Irish fighter landed another booming left hook in the round, featured perfectly-timed counters, and kept punching right up to the bell. Browning definitely appeared to be frustrated and tired by the end of the fight. Још, two out of the three judges were sure he deserved the win, earning a split decision victory.
The next bout pitted eight-time Irish National Champion Wayne Kelley against 13-time US National Champion Adrian Benton in a close welterweight battle. Both young fighters had bright spots in the match, but Kelley managed to squeak out the split decision victory with a crafty, gutsy effort.
Benton had the better first round thanks to a swarming attack. He worked in and out of range with 1-2 combos and sparing hooks. He used all his angles well, pivoting out of trouble and into effective range with ease. Kelley struggled to land counters until the final moments of the round when he landed his own flurry of 1-2 combos.
Kelley started the second round with much more energy and poise. He landed early and often, winging left hands and opening up a cut on Benton’s lip. Benton slipped some of the more dangerous punches, blocked shots well and landed some crisp, hard shots of his own. His best exchange was a left and right hook to the head that landed near the middle of the round.
Kelley slowed down a bit in the final round, unable to find his ideal range. He landed some hard right hands, a well-placed body shot and unloaded with a late flurry. Benton kept busy early in the round and artfully ducked under a bombing right hook from Kelley. The judges seemed more impressed with Kelley’s composure in the final two rounds as Benton kept getting drawn in to sloppy brawling. Kelley edged out the win by a 2-1 margin.
The light welterweights came next, producing another tight contest. Ireland’s Caoimhin Ferguson fought Team USA’s Charlie Sheehy with a slightly better tactical approach, earning another split decision victory for his squad.
Sheehy took on a more cautious and patient approach in the first round, waiting for the perfect moment to throw and land. His best punches of the round included a hard right hand to the body and a starching jab. Ferguson put in more work in the frame, scoring on multiple hooks to the head and unleashing wild and crazy flurries a few times. One particular left hook crashed hard into Sheehy’s head in the final moments of the round.
Ferguson landed some decent shots in the second round, but Sheehy was much more composed. He worked around the wild-swinging, hard-charging assault by keeping his distance and scoring from outside with some crisp rights to the chin. The fighters exchanged some hooks to the body and wound up in a clinch before the end of the round.
Sheehy struggled to string punches together in the final round. Though he had a nice straight right hand working for him, Ferguson was able to penetrate his defense. Ferguson landed a thumping left hook early and went on to land a few more bombs before losing his mouthpiece in one exchange. Likely knowing he needed to finish strong to get the judges on his side, Ferguson rushed in with a final torrent of hooks in the final seconds. He earned a 2-1 decision win for his tenacity.
Welterweights Kieron Molloy (Ирска) and Freudis Rojas, Јр. (САД) squared off in another bout. Both fighters are previous World Championship Bronze Medalists with Molloy also claiming nine Irish National titles and Rojas winning the US nationals 10 times so far. It was another close shave win for Team Ireland.
Rojas was clearly the more active fighter in the first round. He used a consistent jab and increased his work rate through the frame. He ket busy on offense right up until the bell. Molloy began the round winging shots and trying to figure out his range. He unleashed a bit late in some of the more fierce exchanges, couldn’t figure out how to get his combinations going, and had a tough time catching up with the faster Rojas. Molloy did land some excellent straight lefts, мада.
The next round went much better for the Irish southpaw. He started with an uptick in his punch output, though he still struggled to land combos. At one point in the round, Molloy connected with a huge straight left, followed up by a nice power jab, slowing down his opponent. Rojas kept coming forward but couldn’t capitalize on scoring opportunities in the round. A late flurry of punches from Rojas wasn’t enough for him to steal the round.
Rojas landed some excellent shots in the final round, going downstairs to the body frequently. He also caught Molloy against the ropes, blasting him with straight punches. Molloy fought the smarter round, мада, picking the best times to throw and often catching Rojas with his hands down. His best exchange of the round featured a huge 1-2 connecting to the head and a wild left hook to the head. A final swarm of punches from the Irish fighter closed the show and earned him a 2-1 split decision win.
Team USA’s Nikita Ababiy scored a hard-fought win in a wild affair before the main event with Team Ireland’s Gerard French. The first round saw Ababiy jabbing well. The American came into the fight with a very non-traditional boxing stance with one hand low, but his posture seemed to be effective in luring his opponent into punching range. Ababiy landed some booming hooks and a nice left uppercut that backed up French. У међувремену, French concentrated on trying to land counters. He had a lower work rate but also didn’t take too much punishment.
French spent the second round trying to exchange in close quarters. He landed more shots later in the round, including some heated right hooks in the final moments. Ababiy connected with some thumping shots in the round and showcased some nice defense as well. He mixed up his shots to the body and head, throwing and covering up to wait for the next opening. Ababiy landed a nice left hook to the head followed up with a picture perfect right uppercut in the final minute. He ended the round well on his way to his first win.
The final round saw Ababiy slow down a bit, but he was still effective enough to carry the frame. French managed some crisp left hooks to the head, but he couldn’t figure out the different style his opponent brought to the ring. The American cruised to the unanimous decision win.
The night also began with the only stoppage on the card thanks to a wild brawl between local 132-pound Manchester, NH novices Michael Correa and Abhisek Thapa. Correa took off across the ring upon hearing the opening bell and unleashed one wild flurry after another. Thapa didn’t let the tornado swallow him up, мада. He ust covered up and waited for his opportunities. It only took a couple minutes for Correa to start tiring out from the relentless attack. Thapa then waded in to land some of the most impressive shots of the night, forcing the referee to stop the fight for three standing eight counts before the end finally came with a whirlwind of power punches from Thapa.


There was also a guest appearance made by the boxer Floyd Mayweather, Јр. still calls his toughest opponent ever, Emanuel Augustus (3-34-6, 20 КОс). Augustus participated in a reunion the previous night with “Ирски” Мицки Вард (38-13, 27 КОс), celebrating one of the best fights in the history of the sport, which took place on July 13, 2001. Augustus stuck around for the fights and even came into the ring to showcase that he still has the same punching prowess that made him one of the most entertaining fighters of his era.
“We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Billy Walsh said. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 Олимпијске игре). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.”

Team Ireland also brought their own production crew to film all the action for those who couldn’t be there:

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USA and Ireland battle to 4-4 draw Americans capture three-city team title, 2-0-1, on USA vs. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед

MANCHESTER, Н.Х. (Март 22, 2018) – Last night’s third and final stop on USA Boxing’s 2018 САД против. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour ended in a 4-4 draw at Downtown Manchester Hotel in Manchester, Нев Хампсхире. Team USA won the team tour title, 2-0-1.
Team USA had won the first two duals of the tour in Boston and Springfield, односно, од десетина 8-4 и 7-3.
We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach билли Волш рекао. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 Олимпијске игре). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.
Team Ireland led last night’s team scoring, 4-3, going into the final match of the night, a super heavyweight rematch. The 2016 Youth World Championships bronze medalist Ричард Торес once again defeated there-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner,
Third time was the charm for Brooklyn middleweight Никита Абабии, who broke into the win column with a 3-0 unanimous decision over Герард Френцх, keeping the Americans hope alive to deadlock the final score with one match to go.
In a battle between southpaw welterweights, nine-time Irish National Champion and World Championships bronze medalist, Kieron Molloy took a 2-1 split decision over Freudis Rojas, Јр., a 10-time national champion and World Championships bronze medalist.
Irish light welterweight Кевин Фергусон освојио 2-1 split decision victory over California light welterweight Цхарлие Схееи to give Team Ireland a 3-2 advantage.
Eight-time Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Wayne Kelley освојио 2-1 split decision versus Cincinnati light welterweight Adrian Benton, the 13-time national champion making his International match debut.
In his International debut, two-time USA Boxing champion James Browning освојио 2-1 decision over Irish lightweight Francis Cleary, a nine-time Irish National champion and European Championships silver medalist, in a very entertaining lightweight match.
До Нот. 2-rated American middleweight Leah Cooper dropped her opponent, eight-time National Irish National champion and European Championships bronze medalist Adolfe Burke, en route to a 3-0 једногласна одлука.
World Championship silver medalist Келлие Харрингтон defeated lightweight Stacia Suttlesfor the second time on the tour by the identical score, 3-0, giving Team Ireland its first lead of the tour, albeit temporary, in last night’s tour opener.
In a Special Manchester Lightweight novice class match, Michael Correa (Manchester PAL) поражен Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing) when the referee stopped the contest in the opening round.
Потпуни појединац & тимски резултати:
(tour records in parenthesis)
Ричард Торес, Туларе, Калифорнија, САД
UDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Ирска
Никита Абабии (1-2), Бруклин, Њујорк, САД
UDEC (3-0)
Герард Френцх (0-2), Antrim, Ирска
Kieron Molloy (2-0), Galway, Ирска
SDEC (2-1)
Freudis Rojas, Јр. (0-1), Лас Вегас, Невада, САД
Кевин Фергусон (1-1), Antrim, Ирска
SDEC (2-1)
Charley Sheehy (1-1), Брисбане, Калифорнија, САД
Wayne Kelley (1-1), West Meade, Ирска
SDEC (2-1)
Adrian Benton (0-1), Cincinnati, Охајо, САД
Лаких модела
James Browning (1-0), Темпе, Аризона, САД
SDEC (2-1)
Francis Cleary (0-2, Mayo, Ирска
Leah Cooper (1-0), Ozone Park, Њујорк, САД
UDEC (3-0)
Aolfe Burke (0-1), Даблин, Ирска
Келлие Харрингтон (2-0), Даблин, Ирска
UDEC (3-0)
Stacia Suttles (0-2), бронк, Њујорк, САД
САД: 4

Michael Correa, Manchester PAL, Манчестер, НХ
WRSC1 (1:41)
Abhisek Thapa, Title Boxing, Манчестер, НХ
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2001 Fight of the Year Reunion for final stop of 2018 САД против. Ireland Northeast Tour

Emanuel Augustus joins special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger to complete memorable fight
Март 21 у Манчестеру, НХ
ЦОЛОРАДО СПРИНГС, Круг. (Март 19, 2018) – Retired pro boxer Emanuel Augustus has confirmed his attendance this week at a USA Boxing-hosted reunion of the 2001 Борба године, associated with the final stop on the 2018 САД против. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour festivities in Manchester, Нев Хампсхире.
The 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “Ирски” Мицки Вард won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero Emanuel Augustus, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
Ward versus Augustus was truly the event of the year in boxing and we’re so happy it was held right here in New Hampshire,” said Stephen, who has been in his position as chairman since 1974, “Micky was losing the fight until the later rounds. As the chairperson of he commission, I checked the judgesscorecards after six or seven rounds and Micky was losing. Онда, Micky caught Augustus, dropped and really hurt him. He went on to win a great fight.
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. Штићеник, Augustus and the third man in the ring that night, Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger, will host as USA Alumni Association event Tuesday, Море. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. у Манчестеру), са почетком у 6 п.м. И.
The trio will also be joined by two others closely associated with the 2001 Борба године, Chairman of the New Hampshire Boxing and Wrestling Commission, Bobby Stephen, as well as International matchmaker, Eric Bottjer, who made the Ward-Augustus fight in 2001.
All five will also attend the USA Boxing Alumni Association event as well as the following night’s (Море. 21) САД против. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, Нев Хампсхире.
A special lightweight novice WILL open the competition, showcasing two Manchester amateur boxers, Abhisek Thapa (Title Boxing Club) и Michael Correa (Manchester PAL).
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 п.м. ЕСТ, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, боксерски клуб Манцхестер ПАЛ.
Карте се разумно цени од $20.00 за опште упис, $30 за резервисана седишта поред прстена, и могу се купити на веб страници Агенције за продају карата Сеацоаст, ввв.сеацоасттицкет.цом, званични дистрибутер карата за догађај.
We’re so happy to have the USA-Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour here in Manchester,” Stephen added. “The talent on both squads is extraordinary. We’re honored to have these two teams here for this big event. It’s a credit to USA Boxing and (special events director) Al Valenti, who has done so much over the years for boxing in New Hampshire. Boxing was very popular here many years ago. People turned out in droves to attend the Golden Gloves. There’s a boxing resurgence and that’s so important to teach young people discipline, respect and conditioning that’s so needed today. These amateurs do their best for the love of boxing; they aren’t in it for money like professionals.
Micky is honorable, a real nice person. It means a lot for local fans and boxers to meet him. We were fortunate to have him fight in New Hampshire on serval occasions and nobody who watched his fight Augustus or his trilogy with Артуро Гатти will never forget.”.
Да бисте били у току са САД вс. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед кликните овде.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
(All boxers and bouts are subject to change.)
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