Tag Archives: Sam Smith

Fight txostena: DeCastro Kos Rozembergs Wood & Smith Puntuazioa Apartekoa TKO Estreinaldia Garaipen

Txostena: Gianluca Di Caro

Normalean egiten da, bai bat Ostirala edo Larunbata Gau hartan nire erregularra fix eskuratu dut
pugilistic ekintzaren, aste honetan pixka bat desberdina izan da, nahiz eta egin nuen bezala
Londrestik bidaia Leeds gehienez Igandean Goizean, in order to catch the latest offering from former Irish Champion, aktibatuta sustatzailea, Lee Murtagh.

Kontuan hartuta, izan zen bat Igandea Arratsalde / arratsaldean show, Mightily nengoen
Harritu, edo da harrituta, denean iritsi Jauregian dut, a good couple of hours before the advertised start time, it was already more or less full to capacity.

Have Leeds zale esateko benetan jakin nola gozatzeko, du
Pryzm Diskoteka giroa elektrikoa izan zen, so no surprise that when the highly entertaining MC, Mr. Tony Dean, announced each of the boxers that the crowd vociferously showed their support, not just of the home fighters but they also made the opponents welcome too, which makes a nice change.

Tokiko gogoko Sam Smith ikuskizuna Headlining zen, who was making her pro debut, Letoniako Jekaterina Lecko aurka.

Off aurrera bai neskak zentro eraztuna hartu mugitu, tentatively boxing off the back of their jabs, after about twenty seconds or so Lecko decided to step it up a tad, throwing a good stiff jab immediately followed by a looping right to the head, Smith closed her guard just enough to catch the shot on her glove, filmatzen eskuineko zuzen bat aurretik, which caught the Latvian flush.

Smith berriro itxi eta gorputzean eta ezker bat izateko eskubidea handi batekin erauzi utzi
buruan, Fecko bere lurrean zutik saiatu zen, baina Smith are iritsi
indartsuagoa sokak bidean Latvian atzera behartuz.

Hasieran Fecko bere jab erabiliko eragina handia Smith mantentzeko badian at, baina
around the forty five second mark Smith slipped under the jab and let rip with a huge shot to the body, quickly followed by another to the head that shook the Latvian girl to the core.

Smith zuzen ere mugitu hiltzeko, plano handi ugari bat bota,
leaving Fecko no option but to cover up in the hope that she could survive the onslaught.

Smith had now corralled the Latvian into the corner and began bombarding Fecko with shots from every conceivable angle, then just as Fecko straightened up Smith landed an absolute peach of a shot to the body that sent Fecko straight to the canvas.

As referee Jimmy Byrne made the count Fecko looked towards her corner and shook her head before desperately trying to make it to her feet, however clearly in distress she instantly dropped back down onto one knee, leaving Jimmy Byrne no option but to call a halt to proceedings on the seventy second mark of the first round.

Prior to Smith-Fecko Lincoln’s unbeaten big punching Middleweight Nathan Decastro, Letoniako Elvis Rozembergs aurka, sei borobilagoa batean.

Decastro’s ring moniker is ‘Nightmare’ and boy oh boy I bet young Mr. Rozembergs will be having plenty of them after this fight.

DeCastro, antzinako ingelesa Amateur International bat, is about as clinical as they come. Right from the off the Lincolnshire lad picked his shots with precision, landing three pin-point perfect shots just with his opening salvo.

Rozembergs joko da, nahiz eta, clearly believing that attack is the best form of defense the Latvian came straight back with a series of off target looping right hands, aldi bakoitzean DeCastro aurkeztuz helburu argi batekin -Rozembergs gorputza - bere begira ezarri, noski bertan egin zuen, landing seriously solid shots each time.

On about the minute mark Rozembergs tried to back Decastro up by coming in hard and fast with a double handed flurry, however Decastro side stepped before letting rip with a big right to the body, which sent Rozembourgs to the canvas.

Latvian argi eta garbi izan da babesik gabeko, instantly referee Jimmy Byrne stopped the fight and called the ringside doctor and paramedics into the ring.

Minutu gutxira Rozembergs bere oinak lagundu zuten eta hark bezala
Jasotako rapturous txalo appreciative audientzia.

DeCastro-Rozembergs Aurretik beste pro debuta izan zen, Denbora honetan
Middlesborough Welterweight Chris Wood, Edgar Milevics aurka.

Milevics ez zuten azoka bai Lecko edo Rozembergs baino hobeto edozein, in fact the Latvian lad was sent to the deck in the first twenty seconds,
Ondorengo Wood bere saiheskiak sartu eskuin handi bat pitching.

Milevics zenbaketa burutuko, but on the restart you could see his heart was no longer in the fight, electing instead to cover up in the vein hope that Wood wouldn’t land another big shot.

Saihestezina buruzko berrogeita bigarren marka On gertatu, Wood sneaked a lovely little hook in just behind Milevics guard, causing the Latvian to bring his hands down to protect his body, which left him open to a big right to the head, which left Milevics no option but to cover up again and as he did Wood calmly threw another big left to the body, which sent Milevic down to the canvas for the second time.

Milevic just about managed to make it to his feet but referee Jimmy Byrne took one look and see how unsteady the Latvian was on his feet and rightly stopped the fight on the sixty seconds mark.

Hiru bouts profesionalerako laguntza, were a number of European Boxing Federation (EBF) zigortuak bouts.

Nagusia, du EBF Nazioarteko bantamweight Txapelketan, see Leeds’ Sophie Varley in a rematch against Malta’s Mandy Cortis.

Cortis had come all the way from sunny Malta to a rather wet and Windy Leeds to defend the title she won last time the two met.

Lehenengo hiru txandatan Cortis du joko zain jokatu, hori guztia mesederako
ekintza neska Varley bere burua zulatu litzateke.

Lau txanda askoz ere are afera bat izan zen, with Cortis electing to take the fight to Varley, Hasiera batean Maltese neska pare bat ona plano lurreratzea zen, but Varley is as tough as they come and by about the fifty second mark wrenched control back with a fantastic display of boxing, culminating with Cortis backed onto the ropes and absorbing a seemingly never ending barrage.

Minutu bat, hogeita hamar marka buruz Cortis zen erasoa berriro, utilizing her jab to great effect to set Varley up for a combination or two, until the final ten seconds or so, bertan behatz purua behatz Battle Royale zen.

Cortis kontrolatzen du azken bi txandatan gehienek, batzuk
boxeo eder, Varley oraindik kontu handia eman du bere burua, besterik
lan kopuru zuen jarri hasieran errondak zehar ia Izan
xukatu bere.

Argi utzi zuten estua izango da joan zen, and it was with Varley securing the title by a very, oso hurbil 58-57 puntu erabakia.

EBF txartelarekin gainerako emaitzak hauek izan ziren:

Yorkeko Carly McKenzie duenean bikaina 40-37 garaipena puntuak
Bridlington en Mel Halstead Area EBF Central Featherweight titulua lortzeko.

Leeds’s Graham Mattison scored a one minute and fifty second second round TKO victory over Blackpool’s Richard Leak in the EBF Northern Heavyweight contest.

Leeds 'Jay Stevenson duenean a 30-28 Stoke Phil McGinn garaipena puntuak.

Leeds 'Liam Hayes duenean a 40-37 Stoke Lewis Sherrat garaipena puntuak

Manchester Jimmy Gold duenean estua 29-28 victory over Bramley’s Philip Walker.