標記檔案: 普羅維登斯

CES MMA中量級世界冠軍維尼“巴西壞小子”德熱蘇斯使第一個衛冕的CES 58 七. 7 在CT會議中心哈特福德



 ñ. 普羅維登斯, RI (八月 7, 2019)  - CES MMA將返回到哈特福德, CT上週六, 九月 7 同CES 58. 本次活動將流從康涅狄格州會展中心獨家直播UFC上FIGHT PASS®, 世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務, 在開始 8 PM E.T. / 5 PM P.T.

領銜該堆疊卡將德熱蘇斯VS. 洛薩諾。 看著CES MMA中量級冠軍維尼修斯“巴西壞小子”德熱蘇斯 使他的第一次衛冕在對挑戰者的主要事件克里斯“克利夫蘭刺客”洛薩諾.

出生於巴西的德熱蘇斯, 戰鬥了斯坦福, CT, 抓獲他的最後一戰了備受矚目的CES MMA量級冠 (海. 29, 2019), 當他在贏得了來之不易的五輪一致決定耶利米井. 德熱蘇斯贏得了三四Bellator戰鬥,他是騎三拼連勝。

“CES MMA是非常高興回到哈特福德, 康涅狄格, 用特殊週六夜現場直播UFC上防治通行證,“自豪地宣布吉米·伯奇菲爾德JR., CES OK的. “主要事件是怎麼回事'巴西壞孩子'Vinicious德Jesusdefends他對克里斯的克利夫蘭刺客洛薩諾次中量級冠軍的時候要一戰. 這個重磅炸彈卡保證你不想錯過的行動!”

共同特徵是哈特福德的之間的重量級戰鬥帕克波特 與巴西老牌對手, Dirlei“毛德佩德拉”橋陣容。在他的最嚴峻的考驗日期, 沃特伯里, CT輕量級傑西·詹姆斯Kosakowski 發生在老將雷吉Merriweather

一個有趣的對戰是斯普林菲爾德, MA量級前景帕特·凱西 挑戰其他“轟隆隆”霍爾.  卡西贏得了兩連勝,因為他遭受了他唯一的親損失, 而霍爾即將關閉轟動第一輪提交帕特McCrohan 在最近舉行的國際消費電子展 57.

同時展出的是球迷的最愛和諾維奇本土, 皮特“熱”羅傑斯, JR., whosquares關閉對老將“狠”羅比·勒魯, 梅里, CT輕量級賈斯汀·瓦倫丁 VS. TBA, 馬薩諸塞州最輕量級哈里斯Bonfiglio 與盧戈Jornell, 和沃特伯里, 輕量級尼克Giuletti 與科迪“閃電”Schieve,

所有戰鬥和戰士都受到變革. 這是一個老少皆宜事件.

為“CES MMA 57”門票開始在 $35 並且可在網上cesmma.com 或致電在CES票房 401-724-2254.

雙子河活動中心的門打開時 6:30 P.M. ET與計劃開始在爭第一 7 P.M. AND.

主卡將直播和獨家流上UFC FIGHT PASS。要開始為期7天的免費試用, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com


Websites:  www.cesmma.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpasswww.ctconventions.com

嘰嘰喳喳: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass, @ctconventionCT,  

Instagram的: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass

Facebook的: /CESMMA, /UFCFightPass, /CTConventions


星期六, JUNE 29 普羅維登斯, 羅德島

德米特里安德拉德VS. 馬切伊Sulęcki

張可購門票 這裡

波士頓 (六月 13, 2019):

墨菲拳擊 是自豪地宣布NABA超中量級冠軍, 馬克·德盧卡 (23-1, 13 科斯) 將面臨著不敗的加拿大的競爭者, 布蘭登·布魯爾 (23-0-1, 11 科斯) 在中量級世界冠軍布特之間在undercard 德米特里安德拉德 馬切伊Sulecki 住在 DAZN 星期六, 6月29日普羅維登斯, 羅得島.

德盧卡, 誰排名 #9 在世界上的 WBA, 即將關閉主導一致決定勝利一次挨打, 吉米·威廉姆斯 今年三月,並正在作出聲明對一個不敗的對手,以便在今年晚些時候,以確保一個冠軍消除鬥爭.

“這是在短期的通知,但我沒有任何猶豫採取的鬥爭。”, 介紹 前海軍陸戰隊 誰是新英格蘭的最流行的戰鬥機之一.

“對布魯爾的一個DAZN電視卡上口徑的不敗戰鬥機出色的表現將有希望足以讓另一個頂部 10 戰機在環的稱號消除. 我的目標是從波士頓地區的第一個世界冠軍,因為 約翰·魯伊斯 我覺得所有的作品終於走到一起。”

至於德盧卡的大規模波士頓地區的粉絲群, 惠特曼, 馬薩諸塞州本土有信心,他們將作出短期一趟下來普羅維登斯.

“這絕對是一個主場比賽對我來說. 普羅維登斯僅 45 從我的前門分鐘. 我可以向你保證波士頓將是在家裡。”

德盧卡的啟動子和墨菲拳擊創始人, 肯·凱西 無法與他的戰鬥機贊同.

“馬克值得大機遇喜歡這個. 戰鬥在DAZN不敗的對手是一個世界冠軍拍攝的一大步. 我們很高興拳擊迷找出波士頓的城市已經知道, 馬克·德盧卡是世界上最好的超級welterweights的之一。”

德盧卡VS. 布魯爾發生的VS安德拉德的一部分. Sulecki上週六, 在鄧肯6月29日’ 甜甜圈中心 (1 喇沙廣場, 普羅維登斯, RI, 02903). 本次活動由Matchroom的拳擊美國推廣,並將於DAZN全球播出. 門在下午5點開放,門票現已公開發售通過打電話或發短信 617-657-4356 或發送電子郵件 mbloom@murphysboxing.com.


墨菲拳擊被踢反彈球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凱西 2014. 在短短 5 短短兩年, 墨菲拳擊已成為新英格蘭地區最大的拳擊啟動和炙手可熱的年輕促銷活動之一在全國. 2018 是為墨菲拳擊突破的一年,因為他們採取了他們的第一戰鬥機,以一個世界冠軍. 隨著推廣的第一個冠軍, 幾個墨菲拳擊戰士安全的世界冠軍頭銜的機會和全國電視轉播的戰鬥中 2018. 墨菲拳擊關閉了其標誌性的一年通過合作促進德米特里安德拉德和沃爾特Kautondokwa之間的WBO中量級冠軍回合在超過前面 10,000 球迷在TD花園, 傳說中主場波士頓凱爾特人隊的, 這是在國際上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳擊的現有陣容的特點位居世界競爭者像馬克·德盧卡, 查爾斯·福斯特, 亞伯拉罕新星, 格雷格代蒂, 加里'狼牙’ 奧沙利文和不敗的前景像尼爾·肯尼迪, 卡洛斯·貢戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III多!

欲了解更多信息,請訪問: www.murphysboxing.com

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: JASON “六大” ESTRADA

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (七月 30, 2018) – 2004 中美. 奧林匹亞 賈森 “六大” 路 fully believes that boxing saved his life, preventing him from running the streets of Providence, 羅得島, and molding him into the man he is today.




I didn’t have any money growing up and could have easily gone the other way in the streets,” Estrada explained. “A lot of my friends from back then were selling drugs are many are either dead or in jail. I knew them all, they knew me. Instead of becoming a drug dealer, I beat them up and took their money. I could have easily ended up seller drugs on a bigger scale, shot them, or gotten shot by them. I was broke, but boxing saved me!”




Estrada’s first amateur match was in 1987, when he was only seven years old, and he developed into one of the most dominant amateur boxers in the world between 2001-2003, in which he was athree-peatchampion at the USA National Championships, PAL National Championships and U.S. 挑戰. “六大” also remains the only American boxer to capture a gold medal in the super heavyweight division of the Pan-American Games (2003), in addition to representing the U.S. 在 2004 在雅典奧運會, 希臘.




After qualifying for the 2004 中美. 奧運拳擊隊, much of the pre-Olympic Games boxing interest surrounded an expected showdown between the top two super heavyweights in the world, Estrada and Russia’s Alexander Povetin. 不幸, Estrada was hampered by a severe case of planta faucitis, which left Jason in an air cast and unable to train other than swimming throughout the entire pre-Olympics camp. Estrada won in the opening round, but he was eliminated in the second by Cuban Michel Lopes, who Estrada had fairly easily defeated in the championship final of the 2003 Pan-American Games. Povetkin went on to capture the gold medal.




I would have loved to fight himEstrada said. “I was super sharp, 精神上, but physically I couldn’t bounce and move. I just had to deal with it. I found out that it was amazing how quickly people forget in boxing.




Not only does Estrada credit his father, optometrist 博士. Roland Estrada, for helping to keep him on the straight and narrow, he also taught him to box. “My father didn’t have any boxing experience when we started,” Jason noted. “We went from gym to gym, sparring guys, and picking up things from other coaches. I appreciated my father so much because he always knew that his style wasn’t the only style. We experienced different styles and met some great coaches. Two of my favorite coaches are 巴里·亨特 (華盛頓) 和 邁克·斯塔福德 (辛辛那提). I’m cool with fighters I met in the amateurs like 安德烈Dirrell. The guy I’m closest with is George Garcia, who I fought and beat nine times. He’s one of my coolest friends, 雖然. His son is a good prospect coming up, but he’s the opposite of his father, who was short and stocky. His son is a tall, lanky boxer.








創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.




美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員被授予各種特別活動由校友協會主辦的訪問, 包括其成名接待年度美國拳擊校友會館.




加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.





Estrada fought professionally for more than a decade, 編譯 20-6 (6 科斯) 記錄, as an unusually quick-handed, slick-moving heavyweight. 今天, Estrada and his father own and operate Big Six Academy in Providence, coaching amateur and pro boxers.




Boxing is like a marriage,” commented Estrada, who retired from the ring 3 ½ years ago. “我喜歡它, but we’re not together anymore. We’re still good friends. I still love boxing as a friend. I get my boxing fix by coaching, it’s still a part of my life. I spar with some of the fighters. I can do what I want for four rounds. There’s no challenge, no pressure. I could still fight, if not for the rigorous training. Physical problems I had when I fought – 背部, knee and feetno longer hurt.




My dad understands the knowledge I havehe never foughtand a lot of times in the gym we’ll say to each other, ‘I was just thinking that.He has no experience (fighting in the ring) 現在, he lets me handle all the pads work. He’s putting more and more on me, work wise, but he closely watches us and takes care of the business end.




I really enjoy helping our fighters prepare for media interviews. I’m thankful to USA Boxing for that, because we were trained to be in the right state of mind for interviews.




Estrada had an opportunity to travel the world as a member of USA Boxing’s elite teams, boxing in Cuba, Dominican Republic Kazakhstan, 愛爾蘭 (3 時), Germany and Brazil.




Now giving back to young boxers what he learned in USA Boxing ranks, the 37-year-old Estrada has one boxing goal left on his wish list.




I’d love to work with somebody who becomes world champion and makes money to support their family,” Estrada concluded, “but more than anything, I’d love to work with a boxer who becomes a U.S. Olympian because I was a U.S. Olympian.




And nobody can ever take that away from Jason “六大” 路, one of America’s most decorated amateur boxers of all-time, and a proud USA Boxing Alumni Association member.




嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

2017 National Golden Gloves champion Poindexter Knight, JR. wins his Pro debut

紐約 (十二月, 11, 2017)–On December 1st, welterweight prospect Poindexter Knight, JR. won his anticipated professional debut when he stopped Samuel Forjoe in the first round of their scheduled four-round bout at The Strand Ballroom and Theater in Providence, 羅得島.
該 2017 National Golden Gloves champion out of Philadelphia landed a hard combination the corner that had Forjoe bending over, and the bout was stopped in just 63 秒.
Knight is the latest top-prospect to debut for Split-T Management, and he is promoted by Evander Holyfield’s Sports and Entertainment.
Everything went well, I was excited and nervous, but I got through it,”奈特說:.
I thought my opponent would have a little more for me, but I did what I had to do in there and I got him out of there. It was great to get the knockout in my pro debut,” continued Knight.
Knight is eager to get his next victory, and he is looking to do in front of his hometown fans.
I am hoping to fight in front of my hometown fans in 2018. That would be a goal for the upcoming year. I can’t wait as I am coming strong in 2018.
Knight is trained by his father Poindexter Knight, SR, and the elder Knight was happy with his son’s performance.
Poindexter looked relaxed, and it looked like it was his 10th fight. I am happy to be with Split-T Management. They gave us a chance when no one else did. We wanted to turn pro for a while and a lot of managers made a lot of broken promises. I put Poindexter back in the Golden Gloves, and he won, which opened a lot of doors,” Said Poindexter Knight, SR.
Like my son said, I would like to see him get at least five fights for 2018. That will keep him sharp, and he will continue to learn. We had a great 1st fight, and we will continue to work hard and get better with each fight.
Said David McWater, CEO of Split-T management, “I’m truly excited about Poindexter Knight’s futurehe has the skill and more importantly the drive to be one of the very best.

Knight vs Forjoe
Knight vs Forjoe


普羅維登斯, 羅得島 (十一月 29, 2017) 這個星期五 夜晚, 十二月 1, top cruiserweight prospect FABIOStone CrusherTURCHI, (12-0, 9 KO的), of Florence, Italy makes his highly anticipated U.S. debut against Detroit, MI veteran DEMETRIUS BANKS, (9-3, 4 KO的) from The Strand Ballroom and Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island and telecast live on CBS體育網 (9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT).
Turchi vs. Banks, scheduled for eight rounds, is part of an eight-bout action packed card presented by Boxing Legend Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing.
門票 ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing V 開始 $45 are can be purchased through www.TheRealDealBoxing.www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, 普羅維登斯, RI, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 P.M. AND 與在第一鐘7:00 P.M. AND.
I’m thrilled to be fighting in the United States,” said the 24-year-old Turchi. “Since I turned professional two years ago I’ve wanted to come here and fight.
When I arrived here 星期日 night for the first time I felt very good right away. I’ve met a lot of Italian-Americans here in Providence and they’ve been very cordial to me which is galvanizing me to a great performance 在週五 夜晚.
I consider myself an intelligent fighter with power. I can box to a decision but if the opportunity comes along during the fight for a knockout I’ll take advantage of it,” continued Turchi known in Italy for his show-stopping knockouts.
I don’t know much about Demetrius Banks but I’m very well prepared for anything in the ring.
Since I was a kid, being Italian, my favorite fighter was Rocky Marciano. It’s an honor to be fighting so close to his hometown of Brockton, 馬薩諸塞州 在週五 夜晚。”
Evander was a great world champion in both the cruiserweight and heavyweight divisions. I will do my best to make him proud of me 在週五 夜晚。”
Said Holyfield, “Just being around Fabio these last few days you can see how serious he takes his career. I’m excited for boxing fans in Providence and those watching on CBS Sports Network to have the opportunity to see him fight.
In the televised main event 在週五 夜晚, TOKA KAHN-CLARY, (23-1, 16 KO的), of Providence, Rhode Island defends his WBC-USNBC Featherweight Title against undefeated Philippinesbased contender JOHN VINCENT MORALDE, (19-0, 10 KO的) 在 10-
Opening the telecast in a six-round featherweight clash, popular, undefeated Worcester, MA native IRVIN GONZALEZ, (7-0-0, 6 KO的) 戰鬥 MARLON OLEA, (13-1-0, 12 KO的), of Barranquilla, 哥倫比亞.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Facebook的: @TheRealDealPromotions
嘰嘰喳喳: @TheRealDealBox, @Holyfield
Instagram的: @TheRealDealBoxing



(L-R) – Fabio Turchi, 霍利菲爾德, 十日卡恩 - 克拉里, Sal Musumeci, CEO of The Real Deal Boxing, and Nick DeLomba
普羅維登斯, RI (十一月 30, 2017) – Hall-of-Famer Evander Holyfield hosted the final press conference for 這個星期五 晚上的 ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing V卡, presented byhis The Real Deal Boxing, the promotional entity under his Real Deal Sports and Entertainment, this afternoon at Ladder 133 Sports Bar & Grill in Smith Hill, 羅得島.
An exciting tripleheader, arguably the best top-to-bottom card in recent Rhode Island boxing history, willair on CBS體育網, 開始 9 P.M. AND,從住 The Strand Ballroom and Theater 在普羅維登斯, RI. The entire undercard will be live-streamed, 開始 7 P.M. AND, 在線 www.TheRealDealBoxing.com.
Providence featherweight 十日 “T-尼斯” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (23-1, 16 科斯) headlines against undefeated Filipino invader John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 科斯) in the 10-round main event for the vacant WBC USNBC featherweight title.
門票開始 $45 是 On Sale and can be purchased throughwww.TheRealDealBoxing.comwww.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theater is located at 79 Washington Street, 普羅維登斯, RI, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 P.M. AND, 在第一鐘 7:00 P.M. AND, and live broadcasting starts at 9 P.M. AND on CBS Sports Network.
十日 “T-尼斯” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (23-1, 15 科斯), 普羅維登斯, RI by way of Liberia
John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 科斯), General Santos, 菲律賓
CO-FEATURE – 的cruiserweights (8) – CBSSN
FabioStone CrusherTurchi (12-0, 9 科斯), Florence, 意大利
Demetrius Banks (9-3, 4 科斯), 底特律, MY
羽量級 (6) – CBSSN
歐文·岡薩雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez) (7-0, 6 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
馬龍·奧萊亞 (13-1, 12 科斯), Baranquilla, 哥倫比亞
尼克DeLomba (11-2, 2 科斯), 克蘭斯頓, RI
Louis Cruz (12=3, 6 科斯), Bronx, 紐約
鄧肯·拉莫斯 (4-0-1, 4 科斯), 弗雷明漢, 嘛
菲爾·戴維斯 (1-1), 伍斯特, 嘛
波因德克斯特騎士 (對於首次亮相), 費城, PA
Samuel Forjoe (0-1), Bronx, 紐約
的cruiserweights (4)
Bryan Daniels (5-1, 3 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
DarnellThe UnknownPierce (5-1, 1 KO), Frederick, MD
Jeremy “J-Flash” Nichols (7-1-1, 2 科斯), 拉斯維加斯, NV
丹尼爾 “The Hudson Valley KidSostre (13-15-1, 5 科斯), Vega Maja, 波多黎各
(所有打架 & 戰士可能會發生變化)
Sal Musumeci, CEO of The Real Deal Boxing: “We’re honored to be here in Rhode Island. So many champs come through here and we’re here for that reason and its great boxing fans. I’ve been promoting 20 years with more than 400 shows worldwide. I know where we want to go to places with people who appreciate boxing.
Evander and I got together to put together The Real Deal Boxing because we want the same shows, two warriors in the ring, and that’s what you’re going to see 星期五 night at The Stand. Thanks for accepting is here. Toka is a great inspiration. When I first heard his story, my COO (Eric Bentley) sad we need to sign him. He’s in a tough fight. Toka accepted the challenge because he believes he’ll be world champion.
Turchi is an undefeated cruiserweight who will grow into a heavyweight. An Italian heavyweight like the great Rocky Marciano who fought in providence so many times.
I guarantee 在週五 night you’ll see the most competitive fights in Providence in many years.
霍利菲爾德: “I’m honored to be here. A big part of me being a promoter is how can I help boxing? I started at eight, when I was told I’d be like Ali. I believed that, but I had to ask my mother (permission to box). I was a four-time heavyweight world champion, but I also had my ups and downs. I tell them (my fighters), if they listen and ask me for advice, I will tell them. The problems today with millennials is that there’s really nobody to tell them. Just ask me, I tell them.
I bring a lot to boxing, but I won’t say I will make my fighters champions. I will give them an opportunity to be champion. I had opportunities and never quit. If you set goals and you don’t quit, you’ll reach that goal. Correct your mistakes and don’t quit. These fighters need to believe in me but, 更重要的是, they need to believe in themselves. I can give them advice because I’ve done it. I’m on their side.
十日卡恩 - 克拉里: I want to thank Evander, Sal and everybody on my team for having me fight in my state. I also want to thank my manger, trainer and Dan Crotty. 我很高興來到這裡. Boxing isn’t easy, but it is the path I’ve chosen. I’m fighting here on national television, representing my city and state.
I’m going to put on a show December 1ST. It’s not going to be easy but I’m going in the ring to give it my all. I can’t wait to fight!”
Seth DeRobbio, manager of Toka Kahn-Clary, 歐文·岡薩雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez), 尼克DeLomba & 鄧肯·拉莫斯:
I want to thank Sal and Evander for giving Providence good fights. This is a great opportunity for Toka, who is fighting a 19-0 對手, setting up a 2018 to be a big year for him. 希望, we’ll be bringing something very big to Providence, 太. You won’t know who is going to win 星期五 night until the fights are over.
彼得·曼弗雷多, SR., head trainer for Kahn-Clary: “I’d like to thank Evander, Seth, the whole crew (The Real Deal Boxing). When Seth mentioned signing Toka with Evander, I soon learned that they take care of their fighters, no BS. Listen to them and you’ll make it to the top.
Toka Kahn-Clary is the best fighter I’ve ever had, I’ve had a lot of good ones. Toka is always in condition, he works hard and has an iron chin. He wants to be a legend and I’m going to do everything to help him.
Fabio Turchi:I’m really happy to be here. I want to thank Real Deal Boxing for having faith in me. I will try to do my best to put on a great show. The people here mean a lot to me and I want to make the Italian-Americans here in Providence proud of me.
尼克DeLomba: I want to thank Evander for putting me on this card. I grew up watching his fights on video; he is my idol and I’m honored to be fighting on his card. 我來打. My opponent is a tough fighter who’ll bring his best.
* * *
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Facebook的: @TheRealDealPromotions
嘰嘰喳喳: @TheRealDealBox
Instagram的: @TheRealDealBoxin


Unbeaten Super Welterweight Opens Up On The 154-Pound Division, Pros In The Olympics & Muhammad Ali As He Prepares To Face Willie Nelson In WBC Title Eliminator 這個星期六, 住在Showtime®


點擊 這裡 For Images; Credit Stanley Bois / A Team Promotions


普羅維登斯, R.I. (六月 7, 2016) – A Team Promotions hosted an open media workout 週一 at Bix Six Academy in Providence for undefeated former world champion Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade(22-0, 15 科斯). 該 2008 中美. 奧林匹亞, of Providence, R.I., is finalizing preparations for 這個星期六 12-round WBC Super Welterweight eliminator against Willie “The Great” 納爾遜 (25-2-1, 15 科斯) 克利夫蘭, 俄亥俄, in one of three fights on SHOWTIME錦標賽 拳擊® 住在 開演時間 (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) 從旋石度假村賭場在維羅納, 紐約州.


門票現場活動, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, 公司, 售價為 $85, $60, $45 和 $35 與現已公開發售. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, 或者在網上特瑪 (www.ticketmaster.com).


Here’s what Andrade, who’ll also be risking his WBO International title, 說 星期一:




Reflections of Muhammad Ali:


“Muhammad Ali certainly shook the world, and not only in boxing. He was colorful; nobody talked like him. He helped boxers, 太. Ali is the reason Floyd (梅威瑟, 小) is who he is because Ali set the bar high.


“As an entertaining boxer, Ali brought blacks and whites together and later he spread the word about religion, culture and his other diverse interests.


“What young boxer didn’t do the Ali Shuffle? I know I did, and taunted my opponents like him, 也。”

About Pros in the Olympics:


“I’m for pros in the Olympics as long as an amateur, who has a few Olympic trials, has the first opportunity to qualify for the Olympics. Coming up in the amateurs, I fought grown men, some who had been Olympians a few times. 我是 21 and some of the opponents were 34-35 and had already been Olympians one or two times. They had advantages in experience, 電源和技巧. 不幸, Americans only have Olympic opportunities when they’re young amateurs.


“Would I go the Olympics now? 是的! The Olympics is the biggest thing on the planet. To represent the United States again, 耶, I’d do it now for the chance to win gold. But I do think headgear should be applied in amateur boxing, including the Olympics.”

On the 154-pound division:


“I’m putting myself in the best position to fight for the WBO or WBC title. There are rumors of Canelo fighting (WBO champion Liam) 工匠. Let me fight Smith and the winner gets Canelo. Or let me fight Canelo with the winner getting Smith.


“I’m going to knock out the Charlo twins. Both guys have fought on SHOWTIME, so those fights shouldn’t be too difficult to make. Once I take care of business with the Charlo twins, I’ll fight Lara (WBA champion) to clean up the division.”

On Gennady Golovkin:


“I definitely want to fight Golovkin. Let me build myself up first, by cleaning out the 154-division, and then we’ll have a mega-fight with two different styles. GGG is known for his knockouts. I knock out people, 太, but I’m a better boxer than him. It’ll be one of the biggest fights in the sport of boxing. I’m going to clean up the 154-division, make my reputation and then it’s a go with GGG.”

Relationship with his opponent Willie Nelson:


“We were in the U.S. amateurs together, but because we were in two different weight classes – he was 140-147 我是 152 – there were no problems between us. We used to watch each other fight and watch other Americans box.


“Nelson is experienced having gone through the amateurs. 他打 (葉片) 馬爾季羅相, who I beat (for the vacant WBO title by 12-round unanimous decision). He’s fought at this level. I know he’s tall, but I’m 6-foot-1, so our height difference isn’t serious.”

On returning to the ring:


“I’m pleased that we have this opportunity. SHOWTIME has given me this chance and now it’s up to me to prove I can backup what we said.”


欲了解更多信息: 嘰嘰喳喳: @AndradeATeam, @BooBooBoxing, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports. Instagram的: @BooBooATeam,www.Facebook.com.DemetriusAndrade

Undefeated featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary continues to develop

Pictures courtesy of Mikey Williams
普羅維登斯 (五月 18, 2016)) – Undefeated blue-chip featherweight prospect 十日 “T-尼斯” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (17-0, 11 科斯) continues to show improvement in each and every fight. Last weekend, the 23-year-old Liberia-native knocked out seasoned veteran 奧蘭多RIZO (19-7) in the fourth round at Sportsman Lodge in Studio City, 加利福尼亞州.
卡恩 - 克拉里, 的戰鬥普羅維登斯, may still be flying under the radar but he’s getting closer to becoming a breakout star. His most recent fight was his first scheduled 10-rounder.
I put in a lot of hard roadwork, running seven miles a day, 和 (他的頭教練) Peteř (曼弗雷, SR.) really pushed me,” Kahn-Clary talked about preparing for his last fight. I got some good work from 哈維爾財神, sparring him a few times, and he’s a good southpaw.
I wasn’t looking for a knockout but it just happened. I stepped left and threw a left. I didn’t load up but it was accurate, hitting him right on his chin. I was happy to get the knockout but I was looking forward to getting in some more rounds.
Nothing Toka does really surprises me because I’ve known since the beginning that he’s special,” Manfredo commented. “Toka continues to improve with each fight and he’s hungry to get to the next level. There’s no rush, he doesn’t turn 24 to next year. He’s still maturing. The kid he knocked out was Nicolas Waltersmain sparring partner.
I just don’t want to put him in with the big names just yet. He’s maturing but he’s not all the way there. He’s improving all of the time, putting his combinations together better each fight. I’ve also noticed that he’s nice and relaxed in the ring now. He’s becoming a good boxer who always had power. Top Rank is doing a great job moving him. Everybody’s happy.
一個裝飾的美國業餘誰了 131-11 記錄, 由金牌的表現在突出 2010 全國金手套錦標賽, 卡恩 - 克拉里通過上一拍,使 2016 中美. Olympic Boxing Team to turn pro three years ago.
I’ve been boxing 10 多年來,” Kahn-Clary added. “Knowing what I’ve already accomplished, I also realize that I’m still improving. I’ll be back in the gym 星期一 to get ready for the next call we get about my next fight. (Top Rank’s) 布拉德·古德曼 is one of the best matchmakers in boxing. He and everybody at Top Rank are doing a great job positioning me for a big opportunity. That may not happen this year but, 希望, it will sometime next year. I’m boxing so much better now than I ever did. I used to fight like I was in a fog but, 現在, my eyes are wide open.
Not bad for a kid who left his mother and siblings in Liberia when he was six, only to have his father murdered a year after he arrived in the United States. He’s overcome many difficult obstacles in his young life, most of them tougher than any opponents he’ll every fight, including a stretch in which he was homeless. It’s only made him tougher and an even better overall person.
按照卡恩 - 克拉里在Twitter和Instagram的@TokaKahnClary, 或者他的朋友在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/tokakahn.

德米特里 “布布” 安德拉德繼續回饋社會與第二屆土耳其驅動器在普羅維登斯

普羅維登斯 (十一月 10, 2015) – 不敗的超中量級 德米特里 “布布” 安德拉德 (22-0, 15 科斯) 一直沒有忘記他從哪裡來, 普羅維登斯, 並為連續第二年,27歲的前世界冠軍被引導著土耳其的驅動器有.
這安德拉德成立工作組, 安德拉德團隊, 公司, 是一個使命,提供普羅維登斯社區資源, 可惜, 有越來越恐慌, 舉辦各種活動已納入它的前述土耳其驅動器.
該安德拉德小組還組織了社區清潔普羅維登斯, 提供的背包和學習用品,以超過 500 孩子們, 和一個保險箱萬聖節糖果手了.
“我們的工作人員將提供火雞為有需要的人還有火雞交付,” 安德拉德解釋. “隨著經濟環境是現在的樣子, 我們了解到,越來越多的人都需要一些援助. 今年,我們想提高火雞,我們放棄從數 500 到 700. I’m asking companies and people for donations to help us reach our goal of $5,500.
I’m proud of our work and truly appreciate the support we’ve received in the past. It’s tough out there. People are working hard just to survive. This is a way for more fortunate people to show how thankful they really are at Thanksgiving by helping others.
Donations of any denomination will be gratefully accepted. Checks should be made out to The Andrade Team, 公司. 並送德米特里安德拉德, P.O. 箱子 28555, 普羅維登斯, RI 02908.
安德拉德是一個 2008 中美. 奧海 2007 AIBA世界錦標賽金牌得主.
按照德米特里安德拉德在Twitter @AndradeATeam.

Demetrius Andrade’s Open media workout Quotes & 圖片

返回 十月. 17 在金神體育館

普羅維登斯 (十月 9, 2015) – 昨晚,在六大學院在普羅維登斯, 不敗的超中量級的競爭者 德米特里 “布布” 安德拉德 (21-0, 14 科斯) 提前在10月份主辦一個開放的媒體鍛煉 17 10-輪的主要事件鬥爭中與阿根廷的對手 達里奧·法比安 “高盧” Pucheta (20-2, 11 科斯) 在金神體育館安卡斯維爾, 康涅狄格.
剝離今年早些時候,他的世界拳擊組織WBO的) 由於不活動稱號, 安德拉德將面臨Pucheta的WBO & 世界拳擊協會 (WBA) 國際標題, 標誌著在他的第一次戰鬥 16 個月, 由於 2008 中美. 奧海停止無. 1 強制性的競爭者 布賴恩 “獅子” 羅斯 (25-1-1, 7 科斯) 在七輪他第一次也是唯一的世界冠軍防禦.
安德拉德十一月抓獲空置WBO 154磅重的冠軍 9, 2013 通過12輪的決定,超過此前保持不敗的方式 2004 中美. 奧林匹亞 葉片 “噩夢” 馬爾季羅相(33-0-1, 21 科斯).
門票發售, 從 $200.00 到 $25.00 (不計手續費). 呼 401.261.3755 購買門票以及為公交車專用信息.
“這道岔 (公眾) shows the support I have in Rhode Island. It’s been a while since they’ve seen me in the ring, 但他們將開始看到我在大的戰鬥。”
The cream always rises to the top. I’m going to show that I’m the best 154-pounder in the world.
“它一直令人沮喪 (16-本月裁員). This is something I’ve been doing since I was six and not to do it has been tough. I’ve tried to stay positive, 在健身房努力工作,以保持體形, but sparring in a gym is different than being in a fight when your opponent is trying to take your head off. 十月 17, 人們會看到我真正的作出的。”
“我有謀生的其他方式,但我熱愛我的工作,每天…箱! This is a life-changing business. I’m very happy to get back in the ring October 17. “我要做出我的拳擊未來的聲明。”
“在WBO和WBA國際標題是在這場鬥爭線路. 他們把我的 (WBO世界) title and it’s vacant right now. The reason I took this fight is to get ranked in the top 15 並爭取世界冠軍。”
“我的對手 (達里奧Pucheta) has come all the way from Argentina to win. This is a tough business and to be 20-2 takes a lot of heart and guts. This is an opportunity for to make a statement. He’s hungry and believes because a win over me will make a name for him.
I’ve had some bumps in the road and it took a year to get settled. I haven’t suffered any damage in the ring. 我感覺很好. The fans are going to say that they need to see a lot more of Demetrius Andrade.
“訓練營’ been good and I feel great. I want to thank CES for letting me showcase my skills on their card and to continue to bring great boxing to New England.
按照德米特里安德拉德在Twitter @AndradeATeam或@BooBooBoxing.