Tag Archives: Filadélfia

Michael Dutchover takes on Sergio Ramirez TOMORROW NIGHT in Ontario, Califórnia

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / LARANJA, Califa. (Julho 19, 2018) – Talented junior lightweight prospect Michael Dutchover (9-0, 6 KOs) aims to continue the hot start to his career when he battles Sergio Ramirez (4-2, 4 KOs) no “Path to Glorymain event this

Sexta-feira noite no Doubletree in

Ontario, Califórnia
The pair weighed in at Quinta-feira pesar-se, with Dutchover reaching the contract weight limit of 133 lb., while the challenging Ramirez was slightly under at 132.5 lbs.
The marquee attraction is Dutchover’s first since turning professional nearly two years ago. The 20-year-old out of Midland, Tex. is riding a wave of confidence heading into Sexta-feiraluta.
I spar with wold champions and contenders all the time so I’m ready to put on a great show,” said Dutchover, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I put in an excellent training camp just like always. I can go the full eight rounds if I need to, but I don’t think I will.
All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: Path to Glory via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.
Photos by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxe
For regular updates on our fighters, eventos, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , e siga-nos no Instagram e Chilro BannerBoxing

Christopher Brooker to take on Eric Moon in co-feature bout on Friday, August 10th at SugarHouse Casino

Tyrone Crawley, Jr. battles Ricardo Garcia for WBF Championship in main event
Undefeated fighters square off when Javier Oquendo takes on Joshafat Ortiz
Undefeated Poindexter Knight, Jr., Shamsuddeen Justice & James Martin to see action


Filadélfia, Penn. (18 de julho, 2018)–Super Middleweight Christopher Brooker vai assumir Eric Moon in the eight-round co-feature bout on noite de sexta-feira, Agosto 10th em SugarHouse Casino.




O ataque, which is part of a full night of action that is promoted by King’s Promotions.




No evento principal, Tyrone Crawley (7-1) of Philadelphia meets Ricardo Garcia (14-3, 9 KOs) de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in a eight-round battle for the WBF Lightweight Championship.




Brooker of Philadelphia has a record of 13-5 com 5 nocautes.




O 27 year-old Brooker has proved to take-on, and defeat all comers as he has wins over Leo Hall (8-0), John Magda (11-0), Antowyan Aikens (10-1-1), É ótima exposição (6-0), & Elvin Ayala (28-7-1).




Brooker is coming off a eight-round unanimous decision over Jamaal Davis on March 2nd at SugarHouse Casino.




Moon of Marietta, Georgia has a record of 7-1 com seis nocautes.




O 27 year-old Moon turned professional in 2016, and won his first seven bouts, which was highlighted by a win over Simeon Hardy (13-1).




Hardy is coming off his 1st professional defeat when he lost to Meiirim Nursultanov on November 25, 2017 em New York City.


Em six-round Bouts:


Poindexter Cavaleiro (4-0, 2 KOs) de leva em Filadélfia James Robinson (5-11-4, 1 KO) em um ataque welterweight


Javier Oquendo (3-0, 1 KO) de leva em Filadélfia Joshafat Ortiz (4-0, 2 KOs) of Reading, PA in a battle of undefeated Pennsylvania based super featherweights.


Rasheed Johnson (3-2, 1 KO) of Philadelphia fights Tony Morris (4-1-1, 2 KOs) de Jacksonville, Florida in a welterweight bout.


In Four-Round Bouts:


Shamsuddeen Justice (2-0, 2 KOs) de batalhas Filadélfia Anthony Smith (1-2-1, 1 KO) de Fresno, Califórnia.


Paul Kroll de Philadelphia fará sua estréia contra DeAngelo Alcorn (0-1) de Searcy, Arkansas.


Rasheen Brown de Philadelphia fará sua estréia contra Sergio Aguilar (2-9, 2 KOs) de Homestead, CA in a super bantamweight bout.


Ryshine Collins of Philadelphia will make his pro debut against fellow pro debuter Yeuri Andujar de Santo Domingo, Domingo, Dominican Republic a super bantamweight contest.


James Martin (1-0) de Philadelphia batalhas pro estreando Jonathan Burrs of Hagerstown, Maryland in a super welterweight fight.


Nicoy Clarke (1-1) Of Jersey City, New Jersey meets pro debuting Jose Nunez of Reading, PA in a heavyweight battle.




Os bilhetes estão à venda por $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHousecasino.com








ELEVEN SPORTS is available in 70 million homes worldwide in Belgium, Itália, Luxembourg, Polônia, Cingapura, Taiwan and the United States. Launched in the US in March 2017, ELEVEN SPORTS is dedicated to delivering world-class domestic and international sports and lifestyle entertainment ‘For The Fans’. Sports fans will be treated to a unique mix of emerging and established sports combined to provide engaging and compelling LIVE entertainment, placing the viewer at the very heart of the action.




Curta-nos no Facebook: ElevenSportsUSA

Siga-nos no Twitter: @ElevenSportsUSA

Follow us on Instagram: ElevenSportsUSA

EPIX® define a data de estreia para o concorrente, Revela 16 Lutadores competindo pelo cinturão de campeão

Série de competição de boxe de 12 episódios de Mark Burnett

Da MGM Television e Paramount Television Set para a estreia em Agosto 24

LOS ANGELES - JUNHO 27, 2018 - A rede de televisão paga premium EPIX® anunciou o 16 lutadores que se enfrentarão pelo cinturão do campeonato na revitalização da franquia de boxe The Contender esta queda. A aguardada temporada de 12 episódios, da MGM Television e Paramount Television, vai estrear no EPIX em agosto. 24, 2018 em 10 PM ET / PT.




Apresentado pelo invicto campeão de boxe Andre “Filho de Deus ”Ward, a primeira série de documentários competitivos para a rede apresentará 16 lutadores forçando seus limites em lutas extenuantes no estilo de eliminação e testando sua coragem e determinação para alcançar seus sonhos de boxe. Os lutadores serão supervisionados pelo lendário técnico de boxe Freddie Roach, e o renomado treinador da Filadélfia Naazim Richardson.




“The Contender leva a TV improvisada ao seu aspecto mais corajoso. Tem lutadores profissionais incríveis e lutas profissionais reais. O limite do drama e das histórias verdadeiras estabelece um tom que nosso público estará esperando e eu adoro isso,”Disse Mark Burnett, Presidente da MGM Television.




“Com esta nova iteração de The Contender, o foco está no corajoso, histórias pessoais dos lutadores lutando pela glória do boxe,”Disse Michael Wright, Presidente, EPIX. “Era importante para nós encontrar indivíduos que não só exibissem as habilidades do boxe e resistência no ringue, mas que também mostrou uma profundidade de coração e humor fora dela. Nossa 16 lutadores são vivazes, difícil, engraçado, confidencial, impulsionado e inspirador, e estamos ansiosos para que nossos fãs conheçam suas histórias e torçam por elas dentro e fora do ringue. ”




O 16 Os competidores vêm de uma ampla variedade de experiências e posições profissionais de boxe., trazendo suas histórias únicas, personalidades, pontos fortes e motivações para a série.




Cada lutador estará competindo para ser declarado o novo campeão dos médios de 160 libras da The Contender e leve para casa a bolsa de seis dígitos do vencedor - um prêmio, que, para todos os lutadores, representa uma vida melhor para suas famílias e entes queridos que estiveram lá com eles em todos os altos e baixos de suas jornadas.




O 16 lutadores em The Contender nesta temporada são:



  • Ievgen “O Leão Ukraniano” Khytrov, Idade: 29, Classificação: 20, Cidade natal: Brooklyn, N.I..– Um imigrante ucraniano, Olímpico, Ievgen Khytrov recentemente se mudou para a América para perseguir seu sonho de se tornar um campeão mundial e criar uma vida melhor para sua família. Um dedicado, quieto, homem religioso. Ele também é aquele a bater.



  • Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker, Idade: 34, Classificação: 68, Cidade natal: Plaquemine, O. – Preso em 15 anos de idade e gasto 14 anos atrás das grades por roubo e tentativa de homicídio, Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker aprendeu boxe na prisão. Ele agora está lutando por uma segunda chance na vida, prova viva de que nunca é tarde demais para viver seus sonhos.


  • John “Apollo Kid” Thompson, Idade: 29, Classificação: 70, Cidade natal: Newark, N.J. - Depois de perder sua mãe para a AIDS aos seis anos de idade, este artista casado e performático, pintor e lutador, John “Apollo Kid” Thompson está aqui para provar ao mundo que ele não pode ser encaixado em uma única categoria, apesar de possuir títulos impressionantes, incluindo o 2015 Peso meio-médio WBA-NABA, Torneios WBO Inter-Continental Super Welterweight e Boxcino.


  • Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister, Idade: 27, Classificação: 172, Cidade natal: Long Beach, Califa. –Sempre no centro das lutas de recreio enquanto crescia, Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister agora canaliza sua energia para ajudar outros a reconstruir fora da execução hipotecária e seus jovens, família em crescimento. No boxe construiu um impressionante recorde de KO e o 2014 Título do Golden Gloves em sua jornada para conquistar o título de The Contender.



  • Brandon “The Cannon” Adams, Idade: 28, Classificação: Inativo, Cidade natal: Los Angeles, Califa. – Um lutador ousado no ringue, Brandon “The Cannon” Adams sabe em primeira mão o que significa superar a adversidade e cuidar de sua família quando não há ninguém por perto para. Vindo de um bairro pobre, este grande pai de dois filhos marca seu retorno ao boxe após um hiato de três anos, iniciado por uma derrota para outro concorrente, John Thompson.


  • Dinheiro Quatavious “Cash”, Idade: 26, Classificação: 161, Cidade natal: Las Vegas, Nev. - Este nativo de Atlanta é o atual detentor do recorde de nocaute mais rápido na Geórgia, quatro vezes campeão estadual do Luvas de Ouro e medalhista de bronze. Quatavious Cash está lutando por sua falecida mãe e pela chance de provar que uma vida de luta contra gangues de rua pode ser canalizada para o bem.



  • Shane “Sugarman” Mosley, Jr., Idade: 27, Classificação: 149, Cidade natal: Santa Monica, Califa. – O único contendor, filho do lendário boxeador do Hall da Fama "Sugar" Shane Mosley, Shane “Sugarman” Mosley Jr. está lutando para sair da sombra de seu pai e esculpir seu próprio legado.


  • Daniel "El Chapulin" Valdivia, Idade: 25, Classificação: 116, Cidade natal: Tulare, Califa. – Um vendedor nato e corretor de imóveis durante o dia, apelidado de "El Chapulin" ("Gafanhoto") por sua energia ilimitada, O imigrante mexicano Daniel Valdivia nasceu para entrar no ringue. Com vários títulos, incluindo o NABF Super Welterweight Champion como um azarão, ele está perseguindo a fama para provar que desistir da faculdade pelo boxe foi a atitude certa.



  • Michael “The Silverback” Moore, Idade: 31, Classificação: 252, Cidade natal:Cleveland, Ó. – Reformado de uma vida difícil nas ruas, cheio de drogas, morte e suicídio familiar, Michael Moore é um traficante e líder nato. Casado com dois filhos, Moore está constantemente se movendo de um estado para outro com sua família a reboque em busca do sonho do boxe.


  • Gerald “G5” Sherrell, Idade: 24, Classificação: 216, Cidade natal: Pittsburgh, Pa. – Um fã do original Contendorsérie crescendo, Gerald “G5” Sherrell é um lutador invicto e explosivo com um nível de arrogância inigualável e autoproclamado. Vindos dos projetos, desta vez, luvas de ouro, Luvas de prata e competidor olímpico júnior, este segurança do zoológico local durante o dia, e jovem pai à noite, está procurando trazer a glória do boxe de volta para sua cidade natal, Pittsburgh.



  • Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch, Idade: 34, Classificação: 154, Cidade natal: Pittsburgh, Pa. – Infligido por lesões ao longo de sua carreira, o nativo americano vindo do sul da Louisiana é casado e pai de três. Saber que ele é velho para o esporte, Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch tem uma última chance de realizar seus sonhos de boxe.


  • Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez, Idade: 24, Classificação: 104, Cidade natal: Fresno, Califa. – Tendo sofrido bullying desde jovem após um acidente, deixou-o com queimaduras 30 por cento de seu corpo, Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez está lutando por seu filho autista, na esperança de que ele não seja intimidado da mesma maneira que foi. Com Olimpíadas Juvenis, 2012 Títulos azuis e dourados e lutas no estilo “mexicano para a frente”, ele pode ser esquecido e subestimado.



  • Tyrone “Young Gun” Brunson, Idade: 33, Classificação: 39, Cidade natal: Filadélfia, PA - Numa época em que precisava vender drogas para se sustentar com a idade de 13, ultimato de um padrasto: ficar de castigo ou ir para a academia de boxe foi sua graça salvadora. Agora um humilde pai de dois filhos, e sentado com uma das melhores classificações da competição, sua 24 O KO envia um sinal de que ele não lutará em silêncio, mas sua atitude arrogante o venceu mais de uma vez.


  • Lamar “Omega” Russ, Idade: 31, Classificação: 115, Cidade natal: Wilmington, N.C. -Um dos quatro filhos criados por uma mãe solteira e a primeira pessoa da família a se formar na faculdade, Lamar “Omega” Russ se orgulha de ser o azarão, e sob o exterior barulhento está um boxeador que precisa provar que pode colocar seu dinheiro onde está sua boca. HBO, ESPN e um nocaute no primeiro turno no Showtime fazem toda a conversa.



  • John “The Rock” Jackson, Idade: 29, Classificação: 63, Cidade natal: St. Thomas, U.S. Ilhas Virgens – Pai divorciado de dois filhos, este boxeador esperto e ágil, Virgin Islander John “The Rock” Jackson começou a lutar em 12 anos, seguindo os passos de seu pai campeão mundial Julian Jackson nos Jogos Pan-americanos e 2008 Jogos Olímpicos. Ele vem da riqueza, mas se preocupa com os desfavorecidos e sonha em deixar sua ilha orgulhosa, trazendo visibilidade para aqueles que foram atingidos por recentes desastres naturais.


  • Devaun “Unique” Lee, Idade: 30, Classificação: 82, Cidade natal: Jamaica Queens, N.I..

Quando um de seus amigos foi baleado e morto em 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee sabia que precisava de uma saída das ruas mesquinhas do Queens. O boxe o mantém correto. O mesmo acontece com as longas horas abastecendo aviões e cuidando de sua filha de cinco anos. O verdadeiro amor da vida dele. A paternidade e o esporte são a motivação para levar seu campeonato de peso médio do estado de NY para o próximo nível.



O original Contendor série durou quatro temporadas (2005-2009) e lançou vários lutadores na disputa por títulos mundiais, incluindo o vencedor do título Sergio Mora, Cornelius Bundrage, Saki Taurus, e Sam Soliman.



Eric Van Wagenen atua como produtor executivo e showrunner da franquia revivida ao lado de Mark Burnett. O formato é propriedade da MGM Television e Paramount Television.



EPIX está disponível em todo o país por meio de cabo, satélite, provedores de telecomunicações e streaming de TV, incluindo Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Dish Network, Funda, PlayStation Vue e, a partir de junho 13, Comcast.

Ruben Villa Defends WBO Youth Title Saturday from Sacramento, TAL COMO

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxe


PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / LARANJA, Califa. (Junho 26, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight standout Ruben Villa (11-0, 4 KOs) of Salinas, Calif stars in the main event this Saturday when he takes on Mexico’s Ricardo Lopez (7-2-2, 6 KOs) in an 8-round fight that will mark his third start of the year.




The bout will take place this Saturday, Junho 30, from Omega Products International in Sacramento.




The slick southpaw defends his WBO Youth title that he won in April in his hometown. Villa thoroughly outpointed Marlon Olea for his first championship as a professional.




I’m anxious to get back in the ring,” said Villa, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “I like being active. I’m defending my title for the first time. I’ll have a lot of fans in attendance so I’m ready to put on a great show.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Os ingressos para “Sangue novo” custam $40, $60, & $100, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or online at ThompsonBoxing.com.




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook and ThompsonBoxing.com.




The livestream starts at 7:45 p.m. PT / 10:45 p.m. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




As portas abrem às 6:30 p.m. local time with the first bout at approximately 7:45 p.m. Omega Products is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, TAL COMO 95826, and can be reached at 916-635-3335.


For regular updates on our fighters, eventos, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , e siga-nos no Instagram e Chilro BannerBoxing





Hall of Fame Promoter, J Russell Peltz to be be 1st guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour LIVE on Tuesday at 6:30 PM ET

Show can be viewed live on

Filadélfia, PA (Junho 25, 2018) – Amanhã, Hall of Fame Promoter J Russell Peltz will be the guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour beginning at 6:30 PM ET / 3:30 PM PT. The show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.








Peltz will discuss the June 29th fight card at The Parx Casino in Bensalem, PA. The card will feature Miguel Cartagena (15-4-1, 6 KOs) taking on Carlos Maldonado (10-2, 7 KOs) plus the rematch between Anthony Prescott and Isiah Wise.




Peltz will also talk about some of the highlights of his nearly 50 year Hall of Fame Career as well as some of today’s hottest boxing topics.







The show, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.


Filadélfia, PA (Junho 21, 2018)THIS TUESDAY, The Abrams Boxing Hour will re-boot on new platforms at 6:30 p.m. E / 3:30 p.m. PT.








The show, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with the some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.




I am glad and excited to be able to do a show like this and bring some enlightening and thoughtful boxing conversation with some terrific guests,” said Marc Abrams, host and creator of The Abrams Boxing Hour.




Doing the show at the Joe Hand Boxing Gym will give the show an authentic feel. I will be taking the show on the road as well, as I plan to have the most meaningful guests around fights that will get the fans primed and ready for the weekend action. It also will provide an opportunity for fans to be interactive with the guests as we will be answering real-time questions and comments. This will also bring exposure to fighters and events.




The guests for Tuesday’s show will be announced in the next couple of days.

Tyrone Crawley Jr. battles Ricardo Garcia in main event on Friday, August 10th at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Clarance Booth battles Victor Vazquez in co-feature


Filadélfia, Penn. (Junho 7, 2018)–Tyrone Crawley, Jr. lutarão Ricardo Garcia in the eight-round junior welterweight main event on Sexta-feira, August 10th em SugarHouse Casino.




Na co-metragem de oito rodada, Clarence Booth batalhas Victor Vazquez in a junior welterweight bout.



O cartão é promovido pela Promoções rei.




Crawley of Philadelphia has a record of 7-1.




O 32 year-old is a 6-year professional who won his first even bouts.




Em sua última luta, Crawley had to retire after round three of his bout with Anthony Mercado. Crawley was winning the fight until he suffered a wrist injury.




Garcia of The Dominican Republic has a record of 14-3 com nove knockouts.




O 31 year-old Garcia is a two year professional who won his first 14 extremidades.




He won The Dominican Republic Super Lightweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over undefeated Francisco Aguero (13-0).




Garcia is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision defeat to undefeated Montana Love on May 5th in Johnstown, Pa.




Booth of Saint Petersburg, Florida tem um recorde de 15-4 com oito nocautes.




O 30 year-old Booth is seven-year professional who won 13 de seu primeiro 14 extremidades, which included wins over Luis Joel Gonzalez (11-2-1), Osenohan Vázquez (8-2-1), Jonathan Perez (5-0) & Marcus Powell (1-0).




Booth is coming off a 4th round stoppage defeat to Dadashev (8-0) em novembro 11, 2017 in Fresno, Califórnia.




Vazquez of Yonkers, New York tem um recorde de 10-4 com quatro nocautes.




O 22 year-old Vazquez is a four year professional who has wins over David Gonzales (8-2-2), Garcia (14-0), Jerome Conquest (6-1) & Bem-vindo Diaz (2-0).




Vazquez is coming off being stopped in seven rounds to Josue Vargas on April 21st in Brooklyn, Nova Iorque.






Os bilhetes estão à venda por $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHousecasino.com






ELEVEN SPORTS is available in 70 million homes worldwide in Belgium, Itália, Luxembourg, Polônia, Cingapura, Taiwan and the United States. Launched in the US in March 2017, ELEVEN SPORTS is dedicated to delivering world-class domestic and international sports and lifestyle entertainment ‘For The Fans’. Sports fans will be treated to a unique mix of emerging and established sports combined to provide engaging and compelling LIVE entertainment, placing the viewer at the very heart of the action.




Curta-nos no Facebook: ElevenSportsUSA

Siga-nos no Twitter: @ElevenSportsUSA

Follow us on Instagram: ElevenSportsUSA


PHILADELPHIA, Penn. / LARANJA, Califa. (Maio 14, 2018) – Top junior lightweight prospect Michael Dutchover (9-0, 6 KOs) of Midland, Tex. continues to improve on his advanced skill set. He knocked out Mike Fowler (6-15, 2 KOs) na terceira rodada (1:19) after landing consecutive body shots that sapped the air out of Fowler’s lungs.




The fight took place this past Friday night at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, Califórnia.




Dutchover proved his talent early by connecting with body shots in the second round that floored the shorter Fowler. Dutchover, 20, rarely got hit and displayed superior hand speed and excellent instincts.




I wanted to start fast and not have to go the full six rounds,” said Dutchover, who was an outstanding cross country runner in high school. “I figured him out pretty quickly. He wasn’t covering up well and I took advantage.




Dutchover is trained and managed by Danny Zamora and promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




For regular updates on our fighters, eventos, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , e siga-nos no Instagram e Chilro BannerBoxing




Photos by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxe

Mykal Fox continues winning ways with unanimous decision over Anthony Mercado

Cruz, Yunusov, Ortiz and Coffie remain undefeated
The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa returns to ring with victory

Filadélfia, Penn. (Maio 14, 2018)–This past Friday night, meio-médio júnior Mykal Fox remained perfect by winning a eight-round unanimous decision over Anthony Mercado.



The bout headlined an eight-fight card at SugarHouse Casino, and was promoted by King’s Promotions.



Fox de Forestville, Maryland controlled the action by using his long reach that set up combination punching. O 22 year-old was solid throughout, and cruised home to the victory by scores of 79-73 duas vezes e 78-74.



Fox is now 17-0, Mercado of Camuy, Porto Rico é 11-4.



The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa came back after a nearly two-year layoff to win a four-round unanimous decision over Sergio Aguilar in a super bantamweight bout.


Barbosa of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-36 e 39-37 twice to raise his mark to 6-3-1. Aguilar of Homestead, Florida is 2-8.



Romuel Cruz bloodied the nose of Bryann Perez on his way to a four-round unanimous decision in a super bantamweight bout.


Cruz of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-36 duas vezes e 39-37 to stay undefeated at 2-0. Perez of Carolina, Puerto Rico falls to 2-10-1.


New King’s Promotions signee, Anvar Yusunov shook of a flash knockdown to win a four-round unanimous decision over Deo Kizito in a super featherweight bout.



Em três rounds, Kizito landed a straight left that made Yusunov’s glove hit the canvas. It was Yusunov’s power shots that bloodied the nose of Kizito, and was the difference in the fight.



Yusunov, who is a three-time Olympian from Tajikistan won by scores of 40-36, 39-37 e 38-37 melhorar para 2-0. Kizito of Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 3-2.



Jerrod Miner and Desmond Moore battled to a four-round split draw in a bantamweight contest.



Each fighter won a scorecard 39-37 and a third card was even at 38-38.



Miner of Philadelphia is 1-1-2. Moore of Bethlehem, PA é 1-0-1.


Na luta da noite, Joshafat Ortiz got off the deck in round one, to come back to stop Jordan Peters in round two of their scheduled four-round super featherweight bout.



Peters dropped Ortiz in the first frame with a vicious right hand. Ortiz was not only able to shake that off, but come back and land a booming right hand that dropped Peters in next frame. Peters got up, but ate a huge combination, and the fight was stopped at 2:13.



Ortiz of Reading, PA é 4-0 com 2 nocautes. Peters of Washington, DC é 2-2-1.


Michael Coffie remained undefeated by stopping Lamar Lewis in the first round of their scheduled four round heavyweight bout.



Coffie landed a big combination to the top of the head that sent Lewis down, and the fight was stopped 75 segundos de luta.



Coffie of Brooklyn is 3-0 com 2 nocautes. Lewis of Conway, Arkansas is 0-2.




Joel Flores of Christopher Burgos fought to a spirited four-round majority draw in a junior lightweight bout.



Flores of Passaic, New Jersey won a card 39-37, but that was overruled by two 38-38 cartões.



Flores is 0-0-2. Burgos of Philadelphia is 0-2-1.


Joshua Greer knocks out Glenn Dezurn, Charles Foster dominates Alvin Varmall Jr. & Arnold Khegai defeats Adam Lopez in co-featured bouts

Assista o replay Segunda-feira, Maio 14 Em 10 p.m. E/PT no Showtime EXTREME®

Clique AQUI Para baixar imagens; Crédito Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

PHILADELPHIA (Maio 12, 2018) – Blue chip lightweight prospect Devin Haney rose to the occasion in what was the toughest test of his career, defeating veteran Mason Menard via ninth-round TKO in the main event of ShoBox: A Nova Geração Sexta-feira on SHOWTIME from 2300 Arena em Filadélfia.

Haney (20-0, 13 KOs) entered the fight as a highly regarded prospect who had never been tested. He faced his first test na sexta-feira in what was a scheduled 10-round bout against ShoBox veteran Menard (33-3, 24 KOs).

Haney took control of the fight from the opening bell and never relinquished it. The 19-year-old picked off Menard with a dominating jab from the outside and used lateral movement to avoid getting hit. Menard was unable to land any meaningful punches and he looked sluggish compared to Haney’s consistent movement and athleticism.

After nine rounds of domination, Menard’s corner had seen enough and stopped the fight following the round. Haney passed the toughest test of his career with flying colors, never once letting Menard take control of the fight.

“The plan was to go in there and work off the jab,” Haney said. “If the knockout came, I would take it but I just went in there, put on a boxing clinic and showed the world that I could go the full 10 rounds.

“I feel like I put on a performance. I was relaxed and did my job. I’m definitely the next superstar. There’s only bigger and better things from here on out. I work very hard. I went in and put on a good performance against a guy that people said could knock me out or hurt me.

Following the fight, a defeated Menard was respectful of Haney’s performance.

“He never hurt me. He was catching me with the best shots he could and never hurt me. But the kid can definitely fight,” Menard admitted.

Na co-metragem 10 rodada, super bantamweight prospect Joshua “Don’t Blink” Greer (17-1-1, 9 KOs) scored his third ShoBox knockout against Baltimore native Glenn Dezurn (9-1-2, 6 KOs).

The fight was explosive from the outset, with both fighters pushing the pace. Greer took advantage of Dezurn’s high guard to work the body, while Dezurn pushed forward to engage Greer on the inside. Greer began to dominate in the third round, when a big right hand hurt Dezurn with two minutes remaining.

“I knew he would come hard so I put I the work in the gym to make sure I was ready,” said Greer. “I’m just happy everything paid off.”

Greer hurt Dezurn again in the fifth round with a straight left, and eventually tied him up against the ropes with a succession of blows that almost had Dezurn’s trainer Barry Hunter stopping the fight. After the round, Hunter warned Dezurn that he would stop the fight if Dezurn didn’t fight back.

Despite almost going down in the fifth, Dezurn survived for three more rounds. The injured and exhausted Dezurn wasn’t able to put anything behind his punches and hit the canvas in the eighth round for the first time in his career before referee Benjy Esteves stopped the fight with 1:47 remaining.

“I got caught with a few good shots, but I recovered quickly and I was still in the fight,” Dezurn said. “I have a lot of heart, which is a gift and a curse for me.”

A confident Greer was pleased with his performance after the fight.

“I wasn’t surprised I could knock him out,” Greer said. “I knew I could break his will.”

In an eight-round featured attraction, light heavyweight prospect Charles Foster (16-0, 8 KOs) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision win against Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-2, 12 KOs), marcou 77-75, 78-74, 79-73.

Foster dominated the fight from the outset, controlling the scrappy Varmall, quem se tornou o 174th fighter to suffer his first loss on ShoBox. Varmall made a valiant attempt to get inside in the early rounds, but a more disciplined Foster held him at bay, with Vermall stumbling and getting tied up inside.

“My experience was the difference,” Foster said. “He was loading up on one punches and I was sticking to my game plansticking behind the jab, working the body.”

Foster peppered Varmall with his lead left hand, tagging his opponent enough to break him down and eventually tire him out. Varmall landed a couple of statement shots but wasn’t able to hurt Foster and by the later rounds, his punches lacked power.

“When he would come on the inside he couldn’t hurt me,” Foster said. “I was the one controlling the entire fight.”

In the opening bout of the four-fight telecast, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai kept his unblemished record intact with a unanimous decision over veteran Adam Lopez, marcou 77-74, 77-74, 78-73.

Fazendo sua U.S. estréia, the controlled Khegai (12-0-1, 8 KOs) pressed the action from the start. Khegai worked the jab and stayed mobile, capitalizing on a wobbly Lopez (16-2-3, 8 KOs) with a perfectly timed counter punch with 30 seconds remaining in the second round. Khegai stayed busy in the early rounds with consistent counter punches, but earned a point deduction for a hit to the back of Lopez’s head with seconds remaining in the sixth round.

“That was my first fight in the U.S. and I wanted to show something special,” Khegai said. “Everyone was waiting for the knockout, but I wanted to show my boxing skills. I could have gone for the KO in the middle of the fight, but I wanted to prove that I could box.”

Despite a slight dip in productivity in the later rounds, the Ukrainian stayed efficient, aterrissagem 31 fotos do corpo em comparação com apenas 15 from Lopez.

Lopez, caught off guard by Khegai’s fighting style, was disappointed by his performance in his record-setting seventh ShoBox aparência.

“I was expecting him to be a dirty fighter, but it kind of threw me off my game. The referee kept telling me ‘don’t retaliate, don’t retaliate.’

"I couldn’t really land my hard shots. I landed a couple,” Lopez said. “I stunned him in the fourth or fifth with a right uppercut. He got rocked a little bit, but he’s a good fighter. He got out of it.”

O evento foi promovido pela Greg Cohen Promotions em associação com Devin Haney Promotions e Hard Hitting Promotions.

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Barry Tompkins o chamado ShoBox ação do ringue com Steve Farhood e ex-campeão do mundo Raul Marquez servindo como analistas especializados. O produtor executivo foi Gordon Hall com Richard Gaughane produzindo Rick Phillips direção.

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