标记档案: 彼得·曼弗雷多

World featherweight contender Toka Kahn-Clary heads to Hollywood To work with Freddie Roach

(L-R) – Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, 十日 “T-尼斯” 卡恩 - 克拉里 & manager Seth DeRobbio

普罗维登斯, RI (四月 22, 2018) – World-rated featherweight 十日 “T Nice” 卡恩 - 克拉里(24-1, 17 科斯) has graduated from prospect to world contender. To fully develop, Kahn-Clary recently shifted his training camp from the smallest state in the country, 罗得岛, to the second-largest city in America, 洛杉矶, where he has started working with Hall of Fame trainer 罗奇.




Fighting out of Providence (RI), Kahn-Clary made the six-week move to Roach’s famed Wild Card Boxing Club to receive fine tuning from Roach, avoid any potential distractions at home, and have an opportunity for world-class sparring sessions.





The chemistry was there right away between Roach and Kahn-Clary. After his first day working with Kahn-Clary, Roach said the following: “Today was a very good day. Toka has great ring-generalship, footwork and speed. I was impressed.





Freddie is very precise,” Kahn-Clary reported after a few days with New England native Roach. “Sometimes I get a little lazy on the ropes. 别, 别, not with him. I wanted to prove right away that I listen. We were working on the pads and Freddie said, ‘You’re not as dumb as you look.I thought that was cool coming from him and took it as a compliment. He’s working on me being in total control in the ring. I’m not really going to learn anything too new from him, but it always helps to add a new move here and there. He saw that I’m fast and work the angles. He’s not changing my style, just sharpening my tools.





When there is sparring, the gym is packed with fighters from 122 pounds up to heavyweight. Not just two or three, but a whole lot of guys, and the competition between everyone is great We’re working on my next opponent. 现在, I’m just preparing for my next fight, and then we can focus on my opponent when we know who that will be.






Toka-Kahn’s remarkable life story started in his native Liberia, where he knew very little about his real mother as a child, or how many siblings he has in his family. When his father moved to the United States and in 1998, six-year-old Toka Kahn and his younger sister joined him there in Philadelphia.





他的父亲, 虽然, was later shot to death, leaving Toka and his sister alone. 在 2000, they moved to Providence (RI) to live with a family that, 坦率地说, didn’t really care what happened to them. All signs led to him falling in with the wrong crowd and getting into serious trouble. He was homeless for a while but, fortunately, he found boxing and that became his salvation.





Saved the day his friend first took him to Manfredo’s Gym in Pawtucket, RI, when boxing trainer 彼得·曼弗雷多, SR., USA Boxing/New England president 吉姆·佩雷拉 这对夫妻最终收养了他, 安德烈·沃森罗恩·克拉里, all became key parts of Toka’s dramatically changed life.





No matter the weather, including snow and freezing conditions, Toka always rode his bike seven miles each way to the gym from his residence, which didn’t even have electricity. He never told anybody, never complained. 一天, Andrea told the quiet, private kid in the gym that Christmas was coming, and she had a present for himan extra bedroom. He was adopted and proudly changed his name to Toka Kahn-Clary.





一个装饰的业余拳击​​手, who registered a 131-11 记录, Kahn-Clary collected numerous medals at national tournaments, 由金牌的表现在突出 2010 中美. 全国金手套锦标赛. He was also a silver medalist at the 2009 National Golden Gloves Championships and 2011 中美. 全国锦标赛, as well as a bronze medalist at the 2012 中美. Nationals Championships.





Kahn-Clary arrived in LA on April 16 and he will remain there until May 25. “At this point in his career,” Toka’s manager 塞斯·德罗比奥 解释, “he had to make this move to position himself for a world title shot. There’s no quality sparring in New England in his weight class. Freddie is one of the best, if not the best trainer in boxing. Toka is going to benefit from working with Freddie. No distractions out there, 或. Toka is going to eat, 睡觉, wake-up, run, strength train and box. 就是这样, all boxing, 24/7.”






I’m excited to see what my friend Freddie is going to do with one of our star fighters,” remarked Kahn-Clary’s promoter, 名人堂成员 霍利菲尔德. “Toka is ready for anybody in the 126-pounds division and Freddie is going to bring out the best in him.





曼弗雷, SR. remains involved in Toka’s career, working his corner with chief second Roach for his next fight, hopefully, 六月 2ND 在大西洋城 (新泽西州) on his promoter’s (真正的交易拳击) proposed card.





I was involved in this decision and I’ve worked with Freddie before (同 彼得·曼弗雷多, JR.),” 曼弗雷, SR. 评论过. “It is the right move to advance his career. Toka is probably the best fighter I’ve ever trained. He’ll be away from distractions at home and get quality sparring. Freddie is a top-notch trainer, who I have nothing but admiration and respect for. Freddie will teach him more and we work well together. He’s so knowledgeable and a great guy, 太. Freddie is a teacher and I’ll learn more as well.





Kahn-Clary recently became a father for the first time, but he understands the sacrifice he’s making for his pro boxing career will payoff sooner rather than alter for his family.





I talk to my daughter every day,” the affable Kahn-Clary concluded. “Thank God for technology. I facetime because she’s five months old and I don’t want her to forget my face. I don’t know how fighters used to go away to camp.






The 25-year-old Kahn-Clary is world rated by the International Boxing Federation (#11) and World Boxing Federation (#13). 在他最近的两场比赛中, Kahn-Clary defeated a pair of undefeated opponents, 大卫伯纳 (13-0) by way of a second-round technical knockout in Louisville (KY for the interim North American Boxing Association (还) 轻量级冠军, adding the NABA USNBC featherweight crown to his growing display case this past December, 什么时候 约翰·文森特Moralde (19-0) was unable to continue after seven rounds of punishment in Providence.




叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的: @TokaKahnClary

Facebook的: www.Facebook.com/tokakahn.

1stUSA Boxing Alumni Association event in N.E. A knockout in Lowell, 质量

Picture courtesy of Edward Boches / Boches摄影
LOWELL, 质量. (二月 23, 2018) – 差不多 50 过去新英格兰金手套拳击手,昨晚竟然为就职美国拳击校友会在一个私人房间,满足和迎接, 前冠军新英格兰锦标赛的开幕回合, 在历史悠久的洛厄尔纪念礼堂洛厄尔, 马萨诸塞州.
美国拳击校友会聚会也推动 2018 美国VS. 爱尔兰拳击东北游, 该踢断 星期一, 三月 12, 在波士顿著名的剧院区皇家娱乐中心. 美国VS. 爱尔兰拳击东北旅游将继续 三月 15 在万通中心在斯普林菲尔德, 质量. 并得出结论: 三月 21在曼彻斯特市中心酒店曼彻斯特, 新罕布什尔州.
其中美国拳击校友会人员中,有前职业世界冠军 “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德, 一个洛厄尔拳击图标, 和何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉, 以及 竞争者 明星 彼得·曼弗雷多, JR., “冰人” 约翰·斯卡利
创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.
美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括周五晚上的美国拳击校友会名人堂接待大厅.
加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.
叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


New England


公开组总决赛冠军 今晚 在Lowell
LOWELL, 质量. (二月 22, 2018) – 竞争激烈的半决赛举行昨晚, 设置阶段为锦标赛的新英格兰锦标赛今天晚上的决赛, 在历史悠久的洛厄尔纪念剧院.
冠军新英格兰锦标赛, 也被称为全新英格兰, 是第72年的新英格兰金手套锦标赛的一部分.
今晚的 个人中奖N.E. 冠军将有资格队新英格兰, 这将在全国金手套冠军争夺, 开始 五月 14, 2018 in Omaha, 内布拉斯加. 西新英格兰正在寻求其连续第五个N.E. 团体冠军.
“看昨晚的半决赛后,,” ñ. 和. 执行董事 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo) 说, “我不能等待 今晚的 伟大的比赛跌宕在总决赛. 这是在新英格兰最好的业余拳击手,所有获奖者将在全国冠军了一枪。”
还, 美国拳击将举办美国拳击校友会满足和迎接 今晚.所有的美国拳击校友会成员, 以及任何潜在成员, 欢迎大家参加这个独特的满足和迎接, 启动时,在车门打开 6:30 P.M. AND, 直到第一回合在 7:30 P.M. AND.
许多新英格兰的所有时间伟大的业余拳击手将参加的, 包括前wotld冠军,如家乡的英雄,三次新英格兰冠军,“爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德, 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉, 特拉维斯 西姆斯和伊朗巴克利, 竞争者 明星 彼得·曼弗雷多, JR., 约翰·斯卡利, 里奇拉蒙塔涅, 戴夫·沙利文, 美国奥运选手 劳伦斯·克莱贝 和其他许多过去的新英格兰金手套美食,包括 Tarvis西姆斯, 鲍比·哈里斯, 乔Alloj特洛伊沃瑟姆. (如有变更,)
Tickets start at $18.00, 只要 $7.00 为学生 (需要ID) 并且可通过调用在洛厄尔纪念剧院售票处购买 1.866.722.8881 或者在网上订购 www.lowellauditorium.com. 买票早以避免排长队演出的夜晚.
从洛厄尔太阳慈善金手套收益冠军去实现发送新英格兰金手套冠军到全国金手套锦标赛 (开始 五月 14, 2018 in Omaha, 内布拉斯加), 除了支持本地运动员和地区的体育场馆, 男孩 & 女孩俱乐部, 汤厨房, 无家可归者收容所, 癌症基金, 奖学金和许多其他重大慈善事业.
(Feb.21, 2018)
羽量级 (123 磅。)
Felix Parilla, 北部避风港, CT / WNE
WDEC (5-0)
约瑟夫·巴尔德斯, 纳舒厄, NH / 中央CNE
轻量级 (132 磅。)
Joseph DePina, 多切斯特, 嘛 / CNE
WDEC (3-2)
约书亚奥尔塔, 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛 / WNE
JUNIOR的welterweights (141 磅。)
Sharad Collier, 哈特福德, CT / WNE
WDEC (4-1)
迈克布拉德沃思, 索基特, RI / SNE
阿什利·摩尔, 秃鹰湾, 嘛 / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
德博拉·巴士拉, 哈特福德, CT / WNE
welterweights的 (152 LBS。)
乔斯尼尔·卡斯特罗, 波特兰, ME / NNE
WDEC (5-0)
卢克布提斯, 西点, 纽约 / WNE
詹姆斯·佩雷拉, 曼斯菲尔德, 嘛 / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
查尔斯埃斯皮内尔, 塞勒姆, 嘛 / CNE
轻重量级 (178 磅。)
米格尔张志贤, 万宝路, 嘛 / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
托尼·亚当斯, 布里奇波特, CT / WNE
权重股 (201 磅。)
Edmond Worley, 洛厄尔, 嘛 / CNE
WDEC (4-1)
汉普顿米勒, 沃特伯里, CT / WNE
超重 (201+ 磅。)
蒂姆·哈特菲尔德, 普罗维登斯, RI / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
扎克菖蒲, 格洛斯特, 嘛 / CNE
WNEWestern New England
CNE – 新英格兰中部
NNENorthern New England
SNESouthern New England
(洛厄尔纪念剧院 – 6:30 P.M. 门打开, 7:30 P.M. 第一回合)
公开课锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 22
New England Golden Gloves Executive Director: 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo)
参赛者总监: 拉玛略(Art Ramalho)
官员首长: 劳里·珀塞尔(Laurie Purcell)
环播音员: 约翰·维纳
地点: 洛厄尔纪念剧院, 50 梅里马克街, 洛厄尔, 嘛
叽叽喳喳: @LowellGloves


1ST美国拳击校友会活动 在N.E.

星期四, 二月 22
洛厄尔纪念礼堂洛厄尔, 质量.
科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (二月 19, 2018) – 美国拳击将举办一个私人美国拳击校友会满足和迎接 本周四 夜晚 (二月. 22), 前冠军新英格兰比赛的那天晚上的开放赛区总决赛, 第72届年度新英格兰金手套锦标赛的一部分, 在历史悠久的洛厄尔纪念礼堂洛厄尔, 马萨诸塞州.
在二月. 22ND 美国拳击校友会也正在举行, 部分, 推进 2018 美国VS. 爱尔兰拳击东北游, 该踢断 星期一, 三月 12, 在波士顿著名的剧院区新装修的皇家娱乐中心. 美国VS. 爱尔兰拳击东北旅游将继续 三月 15 在万通中心在斯普林菲尔德, 质量. 并得出结论: 三月 21 在曼彻斯特市中心酒店曼彻斯特, 新罕布什尔州.
许多新英格兰的所有时间伟大的业余拳击手将参加的, 包括家乡的英雄,三次新英格兰冠军, “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德. 其他包括 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉, 约翰·斯卡利, 里奇拉蒙塔涅, 戴夫·沙利文, 特拉维斯Tarvis西姆斯, 鲍比·哈里斯, 彼得·曼弗雷多, JR., 乔Alloj, 劳伦斯·克莱贝特洛伊沃瑟姆.
所有的美国拳击校友会成员, 以及任何潜在成员, 欢迎大家参加这个独特的满足和迎接, 启动时,在车门打开 6:30 P.M. AND, 直到第一回合在 7:30 P.M. AND.
门票价格在开始 $18.00, 只要 $7.00 为学生 (需要ID) 并且可通过调用在洛厄尔纪念剧院售票处购买 1.866.722.8881 或者在网上订购 www.lowellauditorium.com.
创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.
美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 含 星期五 今晚的美国拳击校友会名人堂接待大厅.
加入校友会, 只要注册在校友@ usaboxing,.组织的 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.
叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing