Архівы: Нік DeLomba


Рахманаў замяняе Маліка Хокінса, якога прымушаюць адклікаць па медыцынскіх прычынах

Нью-Ёрк - люты 24, 2020 - Непераможны ўзыходзячы праспект паляўнічага Кіта "Баунты" сутыкнецца з таленавітым санджарбекам "Вайны" Рахманавым у матчы-рэваншы ў супер-лёгкай вазе 10 тураў ShoBox: Новае пакаленне галоўная падзея пятніцы, Лютага 28 жыць на SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. ET / PT) з гарадскога казіно Сэма ў Лас-Вегасе. Рахманаў уступае ў замену раней запланаванага апанента Маліка Хокінса, які быў вымушаны адклікацца па медыцынскіх паказаннях.

Паляўнічы (11-0, 7 КО) і Рахманаў (12-2-1, 6 КО) упершыню сустрэліся ў лютым 5, 2019, у васьмі круглых спаборніцтвах у паўцяжкай вазе, якія прывялі да перамогі паляўнічага з невялікім расколам. Хоць Хантэр кантраляваў дзеянне ў ранніх раундах і забіў другі зрыв у другім, У наступных раўндах Рахманаў вылецеў і нанёс некалькі цяжкіх удараў. На табло прачыталі 77-74, 76-75 і 75-76.

Рахманаў, які змагаўся ўнічыю з Альфонса Ольвера далей ShoBox in May of 2016, ён будзе выступаць у другім серыі пра будучую серыю і дзявяты свой старт у горадзе Sam Sam Town Live. У сваім самым апошнім спектаклі пра верасень 20, 2019, ён зламаў Андрэ Берда, дастаўленне пакарання целам за чатыры прамыя патроны, што вядзе да Бэрда, узяўшы калена і спыніўшы бой. У цяперашні час трэніруецца з Крысам Бэн-Чаўтвавадзэ ў баксёрскім клубе Мэйвезер.

30-гадовы Рахманаў, які нарадзіўся ў Ташкенце, сталіца Узбекістана, быў вышэйшым аматарам з больш чым 140 канцы, у тым ліку залаты медаль на 2009 Чэмпіянат Азіі па аматарскім боксе. У 2013, ён стаў нацыянальным чэмпіёнам Узбекістана. Пасля падпісання з кампаніяй Mayweather Promotions ст 2014, ён аказаўся профі з уражлівым 1:21 накаўт першага круга над Брет Сіманс у чэрвені 2015.

У ShoBox сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй, 2016 Алімпійскі і непераможны суперлегкі праспект Рычардсан Хітчынс (10-0, 5 КО) прымае Ніка ДэЛомбу на Род-Айлендзе (16-2, 5 КО) у 10-раўндавым баі. Калісьці збіты ўраджэнец Лас-Вегаса Кевін Ньюман II (11-1-1, 6 КО) сутыкаецца з албанскім генкам Планам (7-1-1, 4 КО) у супадзенні супер-сярэдняй вагай у 10 раўндаў, каб адкрыць трансляцыю.

Бары Томпкінс назвае акцыю з прызыву з гісторыкам бокса Стывам Фарсі і былым чэмпіёнам свету Раулем Маркесам, які выступае ў якасці экспертаў-аналітыкаў. Выканаўчы прадзюсер з'яўляецца Гордан зала з Рычардам Гоган вытворчасці і Рык Філіпс рэжысуры.

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Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце: www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com, вынікайце на Twitter: @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, , @mayweathersprts і, Угаворвалі: @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, або стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook па www.Facebook.com/SHOSports і www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions
#ShoBox #SinCityShowdown


Hunter Faces Fellow Unbeaten Malik Hawkins in Main Event of ShoBox: The New Generation Friday, Лютага 28 Live On SHOWTIME®

Націсніце ВОТ for Hunter Photos; Крэдыт: Team Prince Ranch Boxing

Лас-Вегасе – February 19, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight sensation and Las Vegas native, Keith “The Bounty” Hunter (11-0, 7 КО), talks about training camp in advance of his upcoming showdown against fellow undefeated prospect Malik Hawkins (18-0, 11КО) у галоўнай падзеі ShoBox: Новае пакаленне у пятніцу, Лютага 28 жыць на SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. ET / PT) ад Sam’s Town Live ў Лас-Вегасе.

У са-галоўную падзею, 2016 Алімпійскі і непераможны суперлегкі праспект Рычардсан Хітчынс (10-0, 5 КО) прымае Ніка ДэЛомбу на Род-Айлендзе (16-2, 5КО) in a 10-round bout and once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 КО) сутыкаецца з албанскім генкам Планам (7-1-1, 4 КО) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup that opens the telecast.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown пачынаюцца $25 і могуць быць набыты ў: HTTPS://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Паляўнічы, 27, вяртаецца да Sam’s Town Live after an impressive 2019, in which he won a decisive 10-round unanimous decision against Cameron Krael and scored an upset victory over former amateur standout Sanjarbek Rakhmanov. He comes from a family of fighters, he’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson. Hunter has spent the entirety of his training camp at Prince Ranch Boxing Gym in Las Vegas, where he trains alongside undefeated welterweight Blair Cobbs.

Here is what Hunter had to say about his recent training camp and upcoming battle with Hawkins:

On his opponent…

This is my time to shine. Hawkins is a good fighter, he is talented, but he stands in my way. I am not just fighting for myself, but for my family. If you look at my record, I’ve fought some very tough guys. I know I’m battle ready to take my career to the next level. Hawkins is going down. I am going to make people respect the Hunter name once again

“I have nothing bad to say about Malik Hawkins. He is a hard-working fighter. I just feel that I am better. Гэта мой час, and no one can take this opportunity away from me. The problem for Hawkins is, I have trained harder than ever to get the win. I am more focused than ever.”

On training camp…

“I wanted this camp to be very specific. I get good sparring at Bones Adams’ gym and a lot of top pros have come through there like Shakur Stevenson, Мэнни Пакьяо, і шмат іншых. I have watched how they trained, and I have used that same work ethic and principles for this camp with the supervision of my coaches.”

On his status as a contender…

“I’m now ranked 13 па версіі WBA, which makes me a contender. I must get past Hawkins, so believe me when I tell you I’m going to leave everything in the ring. I’m looking at this fight like it’s a world title. Losing is not an option.”

On making his SHOWTIME debut…

“I am excited to headline on ShoBox: Новае пакаленне. It’s a platform that launches fighters’ careers, and SHOWTIME has a fantastic and professional production crew. One goal from the beginning was to showcase my talent on a big stage like this, now I’m here. This is a very big opportunity for me, I’m not going to let it slip away.”

Hunter is managed by Greg Hannley of Prince Ranch Boxing, advised by former two-time heavyweight world champion Hasim Rahman promoted by Greg Cohen, Founder and CEO of Greg Cohen Promotions.

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Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, і Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown і #ShoBox, або стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook па www.Facebook.com/SHOSports і www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, абоwww.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.

Рычардсан Хитчинс І НВК DELOMBA АБМЕРКАВАЛІ НАВУЧАННЕ CAMP наперад суперлёгкія Matchup На ShoBox: НОВАЕ ПАКАЛЕННЕ пятніцу, Лютага 28 ЖЫЦЬ SHOWTIME®

Націсніце ВОТ для фота з Мэйуэзер Promotions

ЛАС-ВЕГАС - Лютага 12, 2020 - Хутка растуць супер лёгкія перспектывы Рычардсан Хитчинс (10-0, 5 КО) і Нік DeLomba(16-2, 5 КО) адкрыць пра трэніровачным лагеры наперадзе сваіх ShoBox: Новае пакаленне са-бой прыкметы пятніцы, Лютага 28 жыць на SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. ET / PT) ад Сэма горада жывуць у Лас-Вегасе.

У ShoBox галоўная падзея, перспектыва Непераможны Мэйвезер Promotions ' Малік Хокінс (18-0, 11 КО) верне яго другое з'яўленне на SHOWTIME, як ён ідзе нага ў нагу з непераможным Vegas роднай Кіт Хантэр (11-0, 7 КО) у 10-раўндавым супер лёгкі бой. Адкрыццё бой тэлеперадача будзе бачыць Кевін «другое прышэсце» Newman (11-1-1, 6 КО) супраць апанента будзе абвешчана ў 10-раундавым суперсреднем бой. Раней абвясціў праціўнік, Калвин Хендэрсан, канфіскавала з барацьбы з-за траўмы.

Квіткі на Promotions Мэйвезер Sin City Showdown пачынаюцца ў $25 і могуць быць набыты ў: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Хитчинс, Брукліна, N.Y., вяртаецца на свой другі запар тэст на перспектывы развіцця серыі. У сваёй апошняй прагулцы, ён атрымаў аднагалоснае рашэнне суддзяў над Кевінам Джонсанам ў горадзе Сэма. Хитчинс, 22-гадовы 2016 Гаіці Olympian, атрымала вядомасць за тое, што набор навыкаў ветэрана з шурпатым і гладкім стылем ўсярэдзіне кольца. Хитчинс крэдытуе некаторыя з яго развіцця бокса на парады і паказальнікі ён атрымаў ад чэмпіёна свету Даніэль Джэйкабс і Shakur Стывенсан, і stablemate Gervonta Дэвіс.

«Ніца» DeLomba, змагаюцца Крэнстон, А.Г., сходзіць на пяць бою перамогу запар з трыма з пяці перамог накаўтам. Ён з'яўляецца самым вядомым за яго роўнасць і няпэўнасць у кольцы і выглядае зрабіць магутнае заяву на чужой тэрыторыі, як ён робіць свой Лас-Вегас і ShoBox дэбюты.

Вось што Хитчинс і DeLomba павінен быў сказаць наперадзе лютага 28 матч-:

Як вучэбна-трэніровачны збор працягваецца ў рамках падрыхтоўкі да лютага 28?

Хитчинс: «Camp добра, але я заўсёды ў лагеры. Там ніколі няма часу, калі я не рыхтую і ўдасканальваю сваё майстэрства, Я на самой справе студэнт гульні. Я ведаю, што я набліжаюся, што наступны ўзровень у маёй кар'еры, так што я павінен заставацца вострымі і ў трэнажорнай зале, каб выступіць на наступным узроўні.

«Я адправіўся ў Каларада, каб скончыць навучальны лагер. Гэта месца, дзе навучальны цэнтр Алімпійскага, і гэта месца, я прайшоў некалькі разоў, каб скончыць свой лагер. Паветра лепш там, і гэта сапраўды дапамагае мне, каб атрымаць у лепшай форме, якая ідзе ў бой «.

Madelon: «Трэніровачны лагер будзе выдатна. Я атрымліваю ўсё, што я трэба, каб падрыхтавацца да бою: харчаванне, планы ежы, і трываласць і кандыцыянаванне. Я дадаў новую сілу і кандыцыянавання трэнера, і я адладжаны рэчы, каб прыстасавацца да стылю Хитчинса. Я гатовы пайсці, і я не магу чакаць, пакуль бой ноччу «.

Які ваш план гульні адбываецца ў гэтай барацьбе?

Хитчинс: "Мой план гульні аднолькавы для кожнага бою. Знаходжанне ў складзе і першы ўдар. Я ў момант у маёй кар'еры, дзе канкурэнцыя становіцца ўсё больш жорсткім, таму для мяне галоўнае трымае маю абарону туга. Мая абарона будзе трымаць мяне ў добрай форме падчас баёў, як канкурэнцыя становіцца круты. Але ў цэлым, У мяне заўсёды ёсць мысленне, што я лепш, разумнейшыя, і хутчэй баец.

«Я атачаюць сябе з чэмпіёнамі. Гэта адзіны шлях, каб стаць адным і гэтая барацьба прымушае мяне адзін крок бліжэй «.

Madelon: «Я планую ісці і змагацца з разумным; прытрымлівацца плана гульняў маёй каманды для мяне і выканаць яго добра. Мая мэта складаецца ў тым, каб пераадолець тое, што ён спрабуе кінуць на мяне «.

Што вы ведаеце пра сваё суперніку?

Хитчинс: «Я не ведаю шмат. Ён, які мая каманда выбралі для мяне, так што я проста хачу, каб атрымаць працу і прыняць яго. На бой ноччу, Я буду мець больш дакладнае ўяўленне пра тое, як атрымаць яго. Я магу прыстасавацца да чаго-небудзь «.

Madelon: «Я ведаю, што мой праціўнік мае хуткія рукі і любіць кідаць хуткія стрэлы. Я цалкам засяроджаны на сабе і маё навучанне. Я веру ў свае здольнасці, як баец. Я не запалохалі «.

Што будзе перамога на люты 28й зрабіць для вашай кар'еры ісці наперад?

Хитчинс: «Яшчэ адна перамога нясе мяне на наступны ўзровень. Я галодны, Я з нічога, таму я застаюся з чыпам на маім плячы. Я ўдзячны маёй камандзе, Мэйвезер Акцыі, і SHOWTIME за прадстаўленую мне гэтую магчымасць, каб пабудаваць сваё імя ў спорце і паказаць свету, што я магу зрабіць «.

Madelon: «Перамога над Хитчинс будзе катапультавацца мяне на наступны ўзровень. Гэта тэлевізійны бой, і гэта прынясе мне экспазіцыю мне трэба пашырыцца і падвяргаць сябе новай аўдыторыі. Гэта палепшыць маю кар'еру надзвычай «.

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Аб ShoBox: Новае пакаленне

З моманту свайго стварэння ў ліпені 2001, крытыкамі SHOWTIME бокс серыі, ShoBox: Новае пакаленне мае прыкметы малады талент адпавядае жорсткім. The ShoBox філасофія па тэлебачанні захапляльным, натоўпу прыемна і матчах, забяспечваючы палігонам для жадаючых перспектывы рашучасці змагацца за тытул чэмпіёна свету. Некаторыя з расце спісу 81 баевікоў, якія з'явіліся на ShoBox і перадавыя сабраць сусветных тытулаў ўключае: Эррол Спенс малодшы, Андрэ Уорд, Deontay Уайлдэр, Эрисланди Лара, Шон Портер, Гэры Расэл-малодшы, Ламонт Пітэрсан, Гільерма Рыгонды, Нонито Донэр, Дэвон Аляксандр, Карл Фроч, Роберт Герэра, Цімаці Брэдлі, Джэсі Варгас, Хуан Мануэль Лопес, Чэд Доусон, Полі Малиньяджи, Рыкі Хатан, Кэлі Паўлік, Пол Уільямс і больш.

Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, і Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown і #ShoBox, або стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook па www.Facebook.com/SHOSports і www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, або www.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.


Top Mayweather Promotions Prospects Hawkins, Рычардсан Хитчинс, and Kevin Newman II Featured in Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME® From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas


Лас-Вегасе – January 30, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight prospect Малік Хокінс returns to the ring to make his ShoBox: Новае пакаленнеseries debut as part of a three-fight telecast when he faces fellow undefeated Vegas native Кіт Хантэр in the main event that is scheduled for 10 rounds on Friday, Лютага 28 жыць на SHOWTIME (10:45 p.m. ET / PT) ад Sam’s Town Live ў Лас-Вегасе.

Two other Mayweather Promotions’ top prospects will face tough challenges, як 2016 Алімпіец Рычардсан Хитчинс (10-0, 5 КО) and once-beaten Las Vegas native Кевін Ньюман II (11-1-1, 6 КО) both return for their second ShoBox appearances fighting in separate bouts. Хитчинс, the undefeated super lightweight prospect, will take on Rhode Island’s Нік DeLomba (16-2, 5КО) у 10-раўндавым баі, while Newman will seek his fifth consecutive victory when he steps in the ring with undefeated Калвин Хендэрсан (12-0-1, 8 КО) у 10-раўндавым суперсреднем бой.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown go on sale Friday, Студзеня 31 на 12 p.m. PT, пачынаюцца $25 and can be purchased by visiting: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

“As we kickstart another year, I’m confident that we will continue to exceed expectations and bring top tier events to the sports and entertainment world,” says Leonard Ellerbe, Генеральны дырэктар Мэйуэзер Акцыі. “Our first stop of the year is at our home venue for club shows and a stacked Friday night ShoBox карта. These prospects are looking to put on impressive performances to start their year off. They’re putting in the work to take their fight game to the next level, and on February 28 we will see them challenge themselves against tough opponents at Sam’s Town Live and live on SHOWTIME.”

Hawkins, (18-0, 11 КО) known as “Ice Man” in the ring, fights out of Baltimore, Md., and is coming off the heels of two back-to-back knockout victories. His most recent came via fifth-round stoppage against Darwin Price on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN on the Davis vs. Gamboa undercard on December 28. The 24-year-old Hawkins is trained by the highly touted Upton Gym coaches’ trio of Calvin Ford, Kenny Price, and Russ Blakey. Hawkins turned professional in 2014 with a knockout victory, which foreshadowed what was to come from the young fighter. Як аматар, Hawkins amassed an impressive 160-15 record while competing in the 2012 і 2013 National Championships and won a bronze medal in the 2012 Малодшы. Алімпійскія гульні. Best known for his gritty and powerful fighting style, Hawkins joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2019 with a knockout decision win over Al Rivera at Cannery Casino & Hotel.

“It feels great to headline my first ShoBox падзея,” says Hawkins. “This is something I wanted to do since I was a kid. A win in this fight and the exposure fighting on a platform like SHOWTIME only brings more recognition to my talent and skills and bigger and better opportunities. I have more than myself to fight for. I have the kids who look up to me at Upton Gym. I fight for them they’re my real motivation.

“I can’t say much about my opponent. I know he’s also undefeated. He is a durable opponent and he’s coming to fight, but if you watched my last fight you know I come in to take my opponents 0.”

Twenty-seven-year-old Keith Hunter (11-0, 7КО) comes from a fighting background. He’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter, and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson for many years before his tragic death. Hunter didn’t have a long amateur career, electing to turn professional after just 28 баі

“I feel confident coming into this fight,” said Hunter. “My last two bouts, I defeated Mayweather fighters and I’m confident with the insight I have. We’re both 6-feet tall, but he’s missing components as a fighter. He has trouble fighting on the outside. He is more comfortable on the inside. I feel I’m the better more skilled fighter going into the fight.

“Anytime I get to fight on a big stage like SHOWTIME, I invest a piece of my heart and soul, so hopefully my fans and anyone who watches my fight will see a genuine kid fighting for legacy and not money. This opportunity will help me connect with more people and I’m forever thankful for it.”

Хитчинс (9-0, 5 КО), з Брукліна, is a former two-time Golden Gloves champion who represented his parents’ home country of Haiti in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. One of boxing’s top young prospects, Hitchins has sparred and trained with several world champions including Terence Crawford and stablemate Gervonta Davis. Just 21-years-old, Hitchins boasts incredible hand and foot speed and the boxing IQ of a veteran contender. Having fought eight out of his 10 professional fights in his hometown, Hitchins will travel to Las Vegas for a second time looking for a statement win in his follow-up ShoBoxз'яўленне.

I’m hungrier than ever,” said Hitchins. “I see my brother Tank winning and prospering and I feel that same energy around me when I’m training for hours in the gym and perfecting my craft. I’m made to be great and I have the right people around me who keep my focus, keep me training at the highest level, and push me outside my comfort zone to be victorious. That’s what will show on fight night when I’m inside the ring.”

“Nice” Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5КО), змагаюцца Крэнстон, Род-Айлэнд, сходзіць на пяць бою перамогу запар з трыма з пяці перамог накаўтам. Ён з'яўляецца самым вядомым за яго роўнасць і няпэўнасць у кольцы і выглядае зрабіць магутнае заяву на чужой тэрыторыі, як ён робіць свой Лас-Вегас і ShoBox debuts next month.

“What a great opportunity this is to fight on SHOWTIME,” said DeLomba. “I’ve been fighting my way up to this point and now it’s about showing the world who I am and growing my brand. That’s what I plan on doing come fight night. I take every fight and lesson with me to the gym and train harder than the day before and push myself to really be the best fighter. I know I’m coming in as the underdog, but it’s only going to make me want the win more and to be that guy who gives Hitchins his first defeat.”.

Las Vegas’ own Kevin Newman (11-1, 6КО) started boxing when he was nine-years old and built up an amateur record of 25-5 before turning pro in 2014. Impressed by Newman’s skills and technique in the ring as an amateur, Floyd Mayweather signed the rising super middleweight to his stable of fighters in the summer of 2014. Newman made his professional debut on the Mayweather vs. Maidana II undercard, where he fought to a draw against Azamat Umarzoda. Newman returns to ShoBox having avenged the only loss of his career against Mark Anthony Hernandez. Newman defeated Hernandez on November 1 at Sam’s Town Live, redeeming himself from their first matchup in 2017 on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard. Newman remains humble and hungry as he climbs the ranks in the super middleweight division.

“It’s always good to get that weight off your shoulders,” said Newman of his recent victory over Hernandez. “I work hard day in and day out to be the best me and I follow God’s plan. I understand that there’s more for me on my journey now and I’m past that and I’m looking to the future on February 28.

“I’ve seen Kalvin fight. There isn’t anything particular that stands out about him. I’ve been in the ring with top tier guys as an amateur and a professional and I have fought tougher opponents. I’m always the smarter opponent.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME does a lot for me. It’s not about the win, it’s about how Я выйграю. I’m going to put on another dominant performance, something that will set me apart from the rest, and I’m going to take advantage of every opportunity that continues to come my way.

Originally from Fayetteville, Ark., but fighting out of Fort Worth, Tx., Henderson (12-0-1, 8 КО) doesn’t have a typical background for a professional fighter. He’s a University of Arkansas alumni who pursued a career in music when he was awarded a scholarship as a percussionist. He never lost sight of boxing since he was first introduced at 15 years old and quickly after graduating in 2012, he shifted his focus back to boxing. Henderson has quickly established himself as one of the faster rising super middleweights in the division and welcomes the challenge to continue his pursuit in becoming a world class boxer.

“Fighting in other people’s backyard is not a big deal,” says Henderson. “There’s no pressure on me to do anything. I take care of business and I go home. I will say that it brings a different motivating factor. It forces me to train harder and it affects my game plan because we can’t leave the rounds too close.

“I’m excited to get in the ring and execute my game plan in front of wide audience. I want to show the world what me and my team already know. I make it hot in the ring. That’s why they call me, ‘Hot Sauce’.”

# # #

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце: www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com, вынікайце на Twitter: @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, , @mayweathersprts і, Угаворвалі: @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, або стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook па www.Facebook.com/SHOSports і www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions #ShoBox #SinCityShowdown

Toka Kahn-Clary stops John Moralde in 7 To capture WBC USNBC Featherweight Title!

Undefeated Italian cruiserweight Fabio Turchi makes successful American debut
Unbeaten featherweight Irvin Gonzalez Records sensational one-punch knockout
Правідэнс, Род-Айлэнд (Снежні 2, 2017) – Professional boxing returned to The Strand Ballroom and Theatre in Providence last night, Снежні 1 Упершыню у 20 гады and popular Providence featherweight Току “Т-Ніца” Kahn Clary didn’t disappoint the large, raucous crowd.
Кан-Клара (24-1, 16 КО) turned in a dominant performance, winning by way of a seventh-round technical knockout, over previously undefeated Filipino slugger John Vincent Moralde (19-1, 10 КО), the WBC Asian featherweight titlist, каб захапіць вакантных Сусветная баксёрская рада (WBC) USNBC featherweight championship.
Real Deal Championship Boxing V”, presented by Hall of Famer Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing, aired live on CBS Sports Network, the undercard was live-streamed on www.TheRealDealBoxing.com. Calling the action were Paulie Malignaggi, Steve Farhood and Barry Tompkins.
The 25-year-old Kahn-Clary, who won the North American Boxing Association (Таксама) title in his last fight, used a stiff jab and solid defense to frustrate his opponent early in the fight, setting the pace to take a decisive scoring advantage.
Toka-Kahn came out firing in the fourth round, applying more pressure to take full command, and he never let up. Rapid fire punches by Toka-Kahn, thrown from all angles, repeatedly landed on his overmatched opponent. By the end of round seven it was clear that the end was near for Moralde and it came suddenly when Moralde couldn’t continue anymore.
This was great сёння ўвечары,” Holyfield commented about promoting his first show in Providence. “We want Toka to be our first world champion and this performance should put him in good position. It was very important to build his fanbase at home in Providence and we look forward to promoting here in the near future.
I’m not a one-punch fighter,” WBA No. 14-rated Toka explained. “I kept walking him down and hit him with some good body shots. I’m not going to call anybody out by name but I’m ready to fight anybody in my weight class.
This is such a good feeling. I came here but could have ended up anywhere. I’m truly blessed to be in Providence and have these great fans. У мяне ёсць выдатная каманда ззаду мяне. I want to fight the best to be the best, it’s the only way to make money and be recognized. I’m ready for anybody!”
The American debut of undefeated Italian cruiserweight FabioStone CrusherTurchi (13-0, 11 КО) was a clinic in last night’s co-featured event against Demetrius Banks (9-4, 4 КО), Дэтройт. Turchi patiently applied constant pressure, methodically breaking down the game Banks and hurting his opponent with a flurry of punches in the third round. The end came when Banks failed to answer the bell for round five.
“Я такі шчаслівы,” Turchi remarked after the fight. “This was so emotional for me because it was the first time I fought in front of Evander. I’m happy with my performance but I think I could have done better”.
I felt the heat from the Italian-American fans and I thank them for helping me sustain. I also want to thank The Real Deal Boxing. My next fight will be Лютага 2 at home in Florence, for the European Union title.
In the CBSSN televised opener, red-hot featherweight prospect made Ірвін Гансалес(8-0, 7 КО) made the most of his national TV debut, switching freely from orthodox stance to southpaw and back throughout the fight, en route to a sensational third-round knockout of Colombian knockout artist Marlon Olea (13-2, 12 КО). The lightning-quick Gonzalez, of Worcester, Масачусэтс, consistently beat his opponent to the punch, and finished off Olea with a straight right to the body to keep his perfect pro record intact. Olea was fighting in the U.S. Упершыню.
Сёння вечарам, I showed that I’m a real fighter,” Gonzalez said after the fight. “I believe I’m a contender in my weight class. I’m going back to the drawing board with my coaches and 2018 is going to be my year.
Local favorite Нік DeLomba (12-2, 2 КО), representing nearby Cranston, Род-Айлэнд, pleased his supportive crowd, registering a hard-fought victory by way of an eight-round unanimous decision versus Bronx junior welterweight Louis Cruz (12-4, 6 КО) за вакантны Усеагульнай федэрацыі бокса (UBF) junior welterweight title. Cruz was penalized a one-point deduction in the fourth round for a low blow. Рахункі былі 79-72 і 78-73 двойчы.
Two-time New England Golden Gloves champion Тымі Рамас (4-0-2, 4 КО), fighting out of Framingham, Масачусэтс, заставаўся непераможным, but he fought a four-round split draw with Worcester, MA junior lightweight Філ Дэвіс (1-1-1) in an entertaining give-and-take contest. Рахункі былі 39-37 і 38-38 двойчы.
Philadelphia welterweight Poindexter “Дзікун” рыцар (1-0, 1 КО), a 2017 Нацыянальны Залатыя пальчаткі чэмпіёна, had an auspicious pro debut, trapping Samuel Forjoe (0-2) in the corner right after the first bell. The gifted southpaw, a prized prospect for fans to keep an eye on, unloaded ten unanswered punches until referee Danny Schiavone halted the action at 1:03 у першым раўндзе.
Las Vegas junior middleweight JeremyJ-FlashNichols (8-1-1, 2 КО) opened the night with a six-round unanimous decision win over battled-tested Puerto Rican fighterДаніэль Сострэ (13-16-1, 5 КО). Рахункі былі 60-54 і 59-55 двойчы.
Поўныя вынікі ніжэй:
Току Кан Клари- (24-1, 16 КО), Провід, RI by way of Liberia
WTKO7 (3:00)
John Vincent Moralde (19-1, 10 КО), General Santos, Філіпіны
(Toka-Kahn won vacant WBC USNBC featherweight title)
CO-FEATURE – круізеры
Fabio Turchi (13-0, 10 КО), Florence, Італія
WTKO4 (3:00)
Demetrius Banks (9-4, 4 КО), Дэтройт, МАЕ
Jeremy Nichols (8-1-1, 2 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 59-55)
Даніэль Сострэ (13-16-1, 5 КО), Vega Maja, Пуэрта-Рыка
Паўсярэдняга вагі
Пойндекстер Knight (1-0, 1 KO), Філадэльфія, Пэнсыльванія
WTKO1 (1:03)
Samuel Forjoe (0-1), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк
Нік DeLomba (12-2, 2 КО), Крэнстон, Род-Айлэнд
WDEC8 (79-72, 78-73, 78-73)
Louis Cruz (12-4, 6 КО), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк.
Тымі Рамас (4-0-2, 4 КО), Framingham, Масачусэтс
WD4 (39-37, 38-38, 38-38)
Філ Дэвіс (1-1-1), Вустер, Масачусэтс
Ірвін Гансалес (8-0, 7 КО), Вустер
WKO3 (1:14)
Marlon Olea (13-2, 12 КО), Barranquilla, Калумбія
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com)
Facebook: @TheRealDealPromotions
Шчэбет: @TheRealDealBox, @Holyfield
Instagram: @TheRealDealBoxing


Провід, Род-Айлэнд (Лістапада 29, 2017) У гэтую пятніцу ноч, Снежні 1, top cruiserweight prospect FABIOStone CrusherTURCHI, (12-0, 9 КО), of Florence, Italy makes his highly anticipated U.S. debut against Detroit, MI veteran DEMETRIUS BANKS, (9-3, 4 КО) from The Strand Ballroom and Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island and telecast live on CBS Sports Network (9:00 p.m. І/6:00 p.m. PT).
Turchi vs. Banks, scheduled for eight rounds, is part of an eight-bout action packed card presented by Boxing Legend Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing.
Квіткі на ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing V пачынаючы з $45 are can be purchased through www.TheRealDealBoxing.з і www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, Провід, Род-Айлэнд, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 p.m. І з першага званы ў7:00 p.m. І.
I’m thrilled to be fighting in the United States,” said the 24-year-old Turchi. “Since I turned professional two years ago I’ve wanted to come here and fight.
When I arrived here у нядзелю night for the first time I felt very good right away. I’ve met a lot of Italian-Americans here in Providence and they’ve been very cordial to me which is galvanizing me to a great performance у пятніцу ноч.
I consider myself an intelligent fighter with power. I can box to a decision but if the opportunity comes along during the fight for a knockout I’ll take advantage of it,” continued Turchi known in Italy for his show-stopping knockouts.
I don’t know much about Demetrius Banks but I’m very well prepared for anything in the ring.
Since I was a kid, being Italian, my favorite fighter was Rocky Marciano. It’s an honor to be fighting so close to his hometown of Brockton, Масачусэтс у пятніцу ноч.”
Evander was a great world champion in both the cruiserweight and heavyweight divisions. I will do my best to make him proud of me у пятніцу ноч.”
Said Holyfield, “Just being around Fabio these last few days you can see how serious he takes his career. I’m excited for boxing fans in Providence and those watching on CBS Sports Network to have the opportunity to see him fight.
In the televised main event у пятніцу ноч, TOKA KAHN-CLARY, (23-1, 16 КО), of Providence, Rhode Island defends his WBC-USNBC Featherweight Title against undefeated Philippinesbased contender JOHN VINCENT MORALDE, (19-0, 10 КО) у 10-
Opening the telecast in a six-round featherweight clash, popular, undefeated Worcester, MA native IRVIN GONZALEZ, (7-0-0, 6 КО) баі MARLON OLEA, (13-1-0, 12 КО), of Barranquilla, Калумбія.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Facebook: @TheRealDealPromotions
Шчэбет: @TheRealDealBox, @Holyfield
Instagram: @TheRealDealBoxing


Квіткі ў продажы!!

(L-Р) – Fabio Turchi, Эвандер Холіфілд, Току Кан Клари-, Sal Musumeci, CEO of The Real Deal Boxing, and Nick DeLomba
Правідэнс, Род-Айлэнд (Лістапада 30, 2017) – Hall-of-Famer Evander Holyfield hosted the final press conference for ў гэтую пятніцу ноч ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing Vкарта, presented byhis The Real Deal Boxing, the promotional entity under his Real Deal Sports and Entertainment, this afternoon at Ladder 133 Sports Bar & Grill in Smith Hill, Род-Айлэнд.
An exciting tripleheader, arguably the best top-to-bottom card in recent Rhode Island boxing history, willair on CBS Sports Network, пачынаючы з 9 p.m. І,live from The Strand Ballroom and Theater у Провідэнсе, Род-Айлэнд. The entire undercard will be live-streamed, пачынаючы з 7 p.m. І, на сайце www.TheRealDealBoxing.com.
Providence featherweight Току “Т-Ніца” Кан-Клара (23-1, 16 КО) headlines against undefeated Filipino invader John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 КО) in the 10-round main event for the vacant WBC USNBC featherweight title.
Квіткі, пачынаючы з $45 знаходзяцца On Sale and can be purchased throughwww.TheRealDealBoxing.com і www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theater is located at 79 Washington Street, Провід, Род-Айлэнд, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 p.m. І, first bell at 7:00 p.m. І, and live broadcasting starts at 9 p.m. І on CBS Sports Network.
Току “Т-Ніца” Кан-Клара (23-1, 15 КО), Провід, RI by way of Liberia
John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 КО), General Santos, Філіпіны
CO-FEATURE – круізеры (8) – CBSSN
FabioStone CrusherTurchi (12-0, 9 КО), Florence, Італія
Demetrius Banks (9-3, 4 КО), Дэтройт, МАЕ
Featherweights (6) – CBSSN
Ірвін Гансалес (7-0, 6 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс
Marlon Olea (13-1, 12 КО), Baranquilla, Калумбія
Нік DeLomba (11-2, 2 КО), Крэнстон, Род-Айлэнд
Louis Cruz (12=3, 6 КО), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк
Тымі Рамас (4-0-1, 4 КО), Framingham, Масачусэтс
Філ Дэвіс (1-1), Вустер, Масачусэтс
Паўсярэдняга вагі (4)
Пойндекстер Knight (для дэбюту), Філадэльфія, Пэнсыльванія
Samuel Forjoe (0-1), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк
круізеры (4)
Bryan Daniels (5-1, 3 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс
DarnellThe UnknownPierce (5-1, 1 KO), Frederick, Мэрыленд
JeremyJ-FlashNichols (7-1-1, 2 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада
Данііл “The Hudson Valley KidSostre (13-15-1, 5 КО), Vega Maja, Пуэрта-Рыка
(all fights & fighters subject to change)
Sal Musumeci, CEO of The Real Deal Boxing: “We’re honored to be here in Rhode Island. So many champs come through here and we’re here for that reason and its great boxing fans. I’ve been promoting 20 years with more than 400 shows worldwide. I know where we want to go to places with people who appreciate boxing.
Evander and I got together to put together The Real Deal Boxing because we want the same shows, two warriors in the ring, and that’s what you’re going to see Пятніца night at The Stand. Thanks for accepting is here. Toka is a great inspiration. When I first heard his story, my COO (Eric Bentley) sad we need to sign him. He’s in a tough fight. Toka accepted the challenge because he believes he’ll be world champion.
Turchi is an undefeated cruiserweight who will grow into a heavyweight. An Italian heavyweight like the great Rocky Marciano who fought in providence so many times.
I guarantee у пятніцу night you’ll see the most competitive fights in Providence in many years.
Эвандер Холіфілд: “I’m honored to be here. A big part of me being a promoter is how can I help boxing? I started at eight, when I was told I’d be like Ali. I believed that, but I had to ask my mother (permission to box). I was a four-time heavyweight world champion, but I also had my ups and downs. I tell them (my fighters), if they listen and ask me for advice, I will tell them. The problems today with millennials is that there’s really nobody to tell them. Just ask me, I tell them.
I bring a lot to boxing, but I won’t say I will make my fighters champions. I will give them an opportunity to be champion. I had opportunities and never quit. If you set goals and you don’t quit, you’ll reach that goal. Correct your mistakes and don’t quit. These fighters need to believe in me but, што яшчэ больш важна, they need to believe in themselves. I can give them advice because I’ve done it. I’m on their side.
Току Кан Клари-: I want to thank Evander, Sal and everybody on my team for having me fight in my state. I also want to thank my manger, trainer and Dan Crotty. Я шчаслівы быць тут. Boxing isn’t easy, but it is the path I’ve chosen. I’m fighting here on national television, representing my city and state.
I’m going to put on a show December 1вуліца. It’s not going to be easy but I’m going in the ring to give it my all. I can’t wait to fight!”
Seth DeRobbio, manager of Toka Kahn-Clary, Ірвін Гансалес, Нік DeLomba & Тымі Рамас:
I want to thank Sal and Evander for giving Providence good fights. This is a great opportunity for Toka, who is fighting a 19-0 праціўнік, setting up a 2018 to be a big year for him. З надзеяй, we’ll be bringing something very big to Providence, занадта. You won’t know who is going to win Пятніца night until the fights are over.
Пітэр Манфрэд, Sr., head trainer for Kahn-Clary: “I’d like to thank Evander, Seth, the whole crew (The Real Deal Boxing). When Seth mentioned signing Toka with Evander, I soon learned that they take care of their fighters, no BS. Listen to them and you’ll make it to the top.
Toka Kahn-Clary is the best fighter I’ve ever had, I’ve had a lot of good ones. Toka is always in condition, he works hard and has an iron chin. He wants to be a legend and I’m going to do everything to help him.
Fabio Turchi:I’m really happy to be here. I want to thank Real Deal Boxing for having faith in me. I will try to do my best to put on a great show. The people here mean a lot to me and I want to make the Italian-Americans here in Providence proud of me.
Нік DeLomba: I want to thank Evander for putting me on this card. I grew up watching his fights on video; he is my idol and I’m honored to be fighting on his card. Я прыйшоў, каб змагацца. My opponent is a tough fighter who’ll bring his best.
* * *
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Facebook: @TheRealDealPromotions
Шчэбет: @TheRealDealBox
Instagram: @TheRealDealBoxin


Квіткі ў продажы!!
(L-Р) — Fabio Turchi, Току Кан Клари-, Evander Holyrield and Nick DeLomba
Правідэнс, Род-Айлэнд (Лістапада 28 30, 2017) — Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing, the promotional entity under his Real Deal Sports and Entertainment,hosted a media workout this afternoon at Manfredo’s Boxing Gym in Cranston, RI for fighters on ў гэтую пятніцу ноч ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing Vкарта, telecast on CBS Sports Network (9:00 p.m. І/6:00 p.m. PT) ад The Strand Ballroom and Theatre у Провідэнсе, Род-Айлэнд,
Квіткі, пачынаючы з $45 знаходзяцца Now On Sale and can be purchased throughwww.TheRealDealBoxing.com і www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, Провід, Род-Айлэнд, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 p.m. І з першага званы ў7:00 p.m. І.
Эвандер Холіфілд (крайні справа) watches his fighter, Току Кан Клари-, working out with head trainer Peter Manfredo, Sr.
Току “Т-Ніца” Кан-Клара (23-1, 15 КО), Провід, RI by way of Liberia
John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 КО), General Santos, Філіпіны
CO-FEATURE – круізеры (8) – CBSSN
FabioStone CrusherTurchi(12-0, 9 КО), Florence, Італія
Demetrius Banks (9-3, 4 КО), Дэтройт, МАЕ
Featherweights (6) – CBSSN
Ірвін Гансалес (7-0, 6 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс
Эрнэста Гарсія (9-2, 5 КО), Saginaw, МАЕ
Нік DeLomba (11-2, 2 КО), Крэнстон, Род-Айлэнд
Louis Cruz (12=3, 6 КО), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк
Тымі Рамас (4-0-1, 4 КО), Framingham, Масачусэтс
Філ Дэвіс (1-1), Вустер, Масачусэтс
круізеры (4)
Bryan Daniels (5-1, 3 КО), Вустер, Масачусэтс
DarnellThe UnknownPierce (5-1, 1 KO), Frederick, Мэрыленд
Паўсярэдняга вагі (4)
Пойндекстер Knight (для дэбюту), Філадэльфія, Пэнсыльванія
Samuel Forjoe (0-1), Бронкс, Нью-Ёрк
JeremyJ-FlashNichols (7-1-1, 2 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада
Данііл “The Hudson Valley KidSostre (13-15-1, 5 КО), Vega Maja, Пуэрта-Рыка
Святло цяжкавагавікоў (4)
Alan Lawrence (3-0, 3 КО), Ньюарк, Нью-Джэрсі
Nathan Schulte (0-3), Woburn, Масачусэтс
Эвандер Холіфілд, Зала Славы, Real Deal Boxing:There’s a lot of pressure fighting in a big fight for the first time at home. I remember my homecoming in Atlanta, Вярнуцца ў 1985, and there were a lot of distractions. Everybody who knew my name showed up, most looking for free tickets. I was skeptical about ever fighting there again. Everybody’s different, though.
Toka may be our first world champion. He’s a very disciplined person who has been through a lot. I come from the ghetto but, when I heard his story, wow, I couldn’t believe his (life) was harder than mine.
Toka-Kahn-Clary: (Toka became a father for the first time on Nov. 11, when his wife, Devanni, delivered a 7-pound girl, Adaline) “Зараз, I’m fighting for my family, not just Toka anymore.
“Я адчуваю сябе добра. I had to have patience and faith in my craft to get here. If you keep working hard, doors will open, and when they do you have to jump right through. I want to win impressively, dominate the fight
I see a lot of top fighters in my weight class. I’m not going to name any until after this fight, but I have the talent to beat them.
I want to be recognized after I stop fighting, like Evander, who everybody knows, likes and respects.
Пітэр Манфрэд, Sr., Галоўны трэнер Кану мушкатовага ў: “Toka is a top prospect who is becoming a contender. A lot of fighters don’t even get to this point. This fight is a major opportunity to get him closer to where he wants to be, not just a world champion, but for his name to be remembered in boxing. He wants to be a legend. He has to remain focused because this is the first time he’ll have a big crowd behind him.
Fabio Turchi (Italian Amateur Champion) “Everybody here has been great, very hospitable. It’s such a great honor for me to fight in America with its great boxing tradition. I want to have a great fight to be embraced by Americans, especially here in Rhode Island. It’s beautiful having so many Italians, that gives me and added push to win.
Нік DeLomba: “This opportunity means the world to me because I’ll be showcasing my talents in front of my hometown fans. An impressive win will, hopefully, get me to the next level, in TV fights against bigger names.
Evander Holyfield being interviewed at today’s open workout in Cranston, RI by the three network affiliates
Holyfield will host the final press conference заўтра (Wed.), пачынаючы з 1 p.m. І, at Ladder 133 Sports Bar and Grill (133 Douglas Avenue) in Smith Hill, Род-Айлэнд.
A public weigh in will be held Чацвер, пачынаючы з 3:30 p.m. І (on scale at 4), at The Strand Ballroom and Theatre.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Facebook: @TheRealDealPromotions
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Instagram: @TheRealDealBoxing


БІЛЕТЫ Зараз у продажы!!
Правідэнс, Род-Айлэнд (Лістапада 10, 2017) Featherweight Contender and Hometown Hero, TOKA KAHN-CLARY, (23-1, 16 КО), of Providence, Rhode Island battles undefeated Philippinesbased contender JOHN VINCENT MORALDE, (19-0, 10 КО) in the 10-round main event on Пятніца, Снежні 1 at The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, it was announced today by Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing.
Квіткі на ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing V пачынаючы з $45 знаходзяцца Now On Sale and can be purchased through www.TheRealDealBoxing. з і www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, Провід, Род-Айлэнд, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 p.m. І з першага званы ў7:00 p.m. І. The event will be telecast live on CBS Sports Network.
We’re very excited to announce this outstanding featherweight clash between Toka Kahn-Clary and John Vincente Moralde,” said Holyfield. “The winner of this fight will have a great opportunity to continue his path towards a world title opportunity and these high stakes are exactly what will bring out the best in each fighter.
This is clearly the toughest match of each fighter’s professional career and we anticipate an excellent fight for fans in the arena and those watching on CBS Sports Network.
Кастрычнік 19, Кан-Клара, месца #14 у свеце Сусветнай асацыяцыяй бокса, made an emphatic return to battle with a blistering second round knockout of then undefeated David Berna in Atlanta, Georgia in front of a packed house and a nationally televised audience in Atlanta, Georgia as Holyfield celebrated his 55th birthday in his hometown.
The victory also earned Kahn-Clary the WBA-NABA Featherweight Title.
This will be Kahn-Clary’s first fight in Providence since his professional debut in June 2012. The 25-year-old will be making his fourth start of 2017 with prior victories this year against Angel Luna and Francisco Medel.
Just 23-years-old, Moralde will be fighting for the first time in the United States. Holder of the WBC Asian Boxing Council Featherweight Title, Moralde is coming off a third-round stoppage of Philip Parcon on February 28, 2017 in General Santos City, Філіпіны.
The heavy handed Moralde is on a three-bout knockout streak, two of which came in the first round.
Co-featured on the outstanding card and also making his U.S. debut is Undefeated Italian Cruiserweight Contender FABIOStone CrusherTURCHI, (12-0-0, 9 КО), of Florence, Italy in an eight-round clash.
In a six-round featherweight clash, popular, undefeated Worcester, MA native IRVIN GONZALEZ, (7-0-0, 6 КО) баі Эрнэста GARZA, (9-2-0, 5 КО), of Saginaw, МАЕ.
The heavy-handed Gonzalez started his professional career with six knockouts, all of which took place in the first two rounds. Most recently the 21-year-old won an eight round unanimous decision over Raul Lopez on June 10, 2017.
Riding a modest two-bout winning streak, the 29-year-old Garza returns to action following a six round unanimous decision over Edward Kakembo on August 25, 2017 in Warren, МАЕ.
Junior welterweights will see action in a scheduled eight rounder with NICK DELOMBA, (11-2-0, 2 КО), Крэнстон, А.Г., сутыкнуўшыся тварам да твару LOUIS CRUZ, (12-3-0, 6 КО), з Бронкса, Нью-Ёрк.
The 27-year-old DeLomba looks to move back into the win column after a very hard fought 10-round decision loss to Jimmy Williams on April 7, 2017 у Лінкольне, R.I.
The upset minded Cruz heads to Providence following the biggest win of his career, a ninth-round stoppage of local favorite Anthony Karperis on July 28, 2017, у Хантынгтон, Нью-Ёрк.
In an eight-round junior middleweight battle, JEREMY ‘J FlashNICHOLS, (7-1-1, 2 КО), Лас-Вегасе, NV clashes with Worcester, MA native ANDY GONZALEZ, (6-2-0, 5 КО).
Nichols looks towards the win column following the first loss on his record, a hard-fought majority decision to undefeated Peter Dobson on June 24, 2017 in Louisville, Kentucky.
Gonzalez is also looking for a return to the win column losing a six-round majority decision to Antonio Chaves Fernandez on June 10, 2017 у сваім родным горадзе.
Also featured on the card in separate bouts will be Lynn, MA knockout artist, у першым нападаючым вазе KHIRY ‘TNTTODD, (6-0-0, 5 КО), and junior lightweight TIMMY RAMOS, (4-0-1, 4 КО, з Framingham, Масачусэтс.
Further details on this exciting card will be announced shortly.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with The Strand Ballroom and Theatre, Medical Arts Radiology
([HTTP://WWW.medicalartsradiology.com)/]WWW.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum ([HTTP://www.venum.com)/]WWW.venum.com).