Архівы: Джымі Уільямс

Jimmy Williams’ career revitalized after defeating Yuri Foreman

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Бостан (Ліпеня 1, 2021) – Former college football star, super welterweight boxer Джымі "Ціхі шторм" Уільямс, recently defeated his first world champion, Юрый Форман, and the veteran New Haven, Connecticut fighter’s boxing career has been revitalized.

У сакавіку гэтага года 6й, Уільямс (18-5-2, 6 КО) was originally supposed to fight Foreman, who withdrew after the weigh in due to sickness. Williams stayed in training camp, took a stay busy fight, and continued preparing for Foreman.

Williams won an 8-round majority decision against Foreman (35-4, 10 КО) two weeks ago this Saturday in Atlanta for the vacant Universal Boxing Organization (UBO) International and American Boxing Federation (ABF) ЗША super welterweight championships.

Williams dropped Foreman twice in the sixth round and won the decision by judges’ scores of 77-73, 77-73, 75-75. “Thirty-seconds more and I think I would have stopped him,” Williams said.

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Foreman, змагаюцца Брукліне, captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) super welterweight World title in 2009, when he won a unanimous 12-round decision versus defending champion Daniel Santos (32-3-1). Williams and Foreman sparred many years ago at the Joe Grier Boxing Academy in Patterson, Нью-Джэрсі.

“I’ve been chasing him a long time,” Williams noted. “I stayed in camp when our fight was canceled, took a confidence-building fight, and stayed ready for Yuri. He is a good boxer, not a brawler, and he was in tremendous shape. Yuri’s very intelligent in the ring and fighting him was a good learning experience for me. Напрыклад, he was working behind his jab to try and get me to lunge. I had to think more in the ring against him.

“I’m sure he was disappointed after the fight, but he’s a world champion who was in against Мігель Котто and two of his other losses were to world champions (Cotto andЭрисланди Лара). This was a huge opportunity for me. I’m excited about my career again. We’ll wait and see what fights are ahead for me.

Williams was a standout cornerback at Southern Connecticut State University who was invited to several NFL tryout camps. He came close to making the cut with the then-Oakland Raiders. “Quiet Storm” has been promoted by Джымі Burchfield’s Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES) since he turned pro in 2013.

“This is Jimmy’s biggest win of his career,” Williams’ manager Ryan Roach (Знішчальнік) пракаментаваў. “He just opened a lot of doors for himself. I’m proud of him, he worked hard. He made the sacrifices champions make. Taking out a name like Yuri Foreman is why fighter’s go to work every day. We are working on his next fight date now. Сачыце за абнаўленнямі, ‘Quiet Storm’ fans.”

Растучая стайня адораных баксёраў Fighter Locker ўключае каліфарнійскага суперлёгкага вага Рока "So Cal Kid" Сантомаура (21-1, 6 КО), Трой, NY ABF Амерыканскі Захад суперлегкі Рэй Джэй "Разбуральнік" Бермудэс (12-0, 9 КО), Таронта, Канада ў сярэднім вазе Вест -Хейвен, CT UBO International ABF USA super welterweight Джымі "Ціхі шторм" Уільямс (18-5-2, 6 КО), у суперсреднем "Дзіўны" Шон МакКалман (7-0, 4 КО), самы лёгкі вага Даніэль "G.D.F.E." Бэйлі, Малодшы. (6-0, 4 КО), лёгкі Леонэль -дэ -лос -Сантуш (3-0, 3 КО), a 2-час Дамініканская Рэспубліка Алімпіец, Бостан у паўлегкай вазе Трой Андэрсан, Малодшы. (1-0, 1 KO), дэбютавала Дамініканская Рэспубліка ў сярэдняй вазе Хуан Салана, і Солт -Лэйк -Сіці, 2016 Сярэбраны прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў Бразіліі Юберэн Марцінес, Бразільскі алімпіец Хорхе Вівас, Каларада супер сярэдні вага Марвін "Занадта шмат" Кордава, Малодшы. (23-2-1, 12 КО), Уэст -Палм -Біч, FL у паўцяжкай вазе Роберт Дэніэлс, Малодшы. (4-0, 4 КО), Браты Юта, супер лёгкі Ігнасіа Чайрэз (8-0-1, 5 КО) і лёгкі Габрыэль Шайрэз (4-0-1, 2 КО).

ВЕБ-САЙТ: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
FACEBOOK: /знішчальнік
Твітэр: @RoachRyan
ІНСТАГРАМ: @ RyanRoach82
ПРА ЗБОЙЧЫЯ ШКАФ: Заснаваная ў 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.
Fighter Locker выкарыстоўвае чатыры творчыя крокі, таму што верыць у «аснову - усё»: 1. мудра задумана, 2. творча стрыманы, 3. З гонарам судзілі, 4. sharply targeted.

Чарніла Fighter Locker 2016 Сярэбраны прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў

Бостан (Сакавіка 30, 2021) - Баявы шафку Раяна Роўча падпісаў 2016 Сярэбраны прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняўЮберэн Марцінес да эксклюзіўнага кіраўніцкага кантракту.

29-гадовы калумбійскі палёгкавік мае 7-0 (2 КО) рэкорд у Сусветнай серыі бокса.

«Пасля прыгожай аматарскай кар'еры,- абвясціў Марцінес, «Мы вырашылі пайсці на прафесію і падпісалі кіраўніцкі кантракт з Fighter Locker. Я ўсё яшчэ планую зноў прадставіць сваю краіну на Алімпіядзе ў Токіо. Для мяне прыемна падпісаць кантракт з Fighter Locker і Раянам Роўчам, які паходзіць з традыцыі баксёрскай сям'і. Я ўпэўнены, што гэтая новая змена кар'еры будзе паспяховай.

«Я хачу падзякаваць усім тым, хто падтрымаў мяне як баксёра -аматара і члена каманды Калумбіі. Я шмат чаму навучыўся і назваў краіну, Калумбія, на вяршыні праз дысцыпліну. Я буду працягваць разлічваць на іх пастаянную падтрымку на працягу ўсёй сваёй прафесійнай кар'еры ".

Марцінес прайграў у фінале чэмпіянату 2016 Алімпіяда па ачкахХасанбой Дусматаў, Узбекістан, у Рыа -дэ -Жанейра, Бразілія.

Акрамя заваявання сярэбранага медаля на 2016 Алімпійскія гульні ў Бразіліі, Марцінес быў бронзавым прызёрам 2017 Чэмпіянат свету сярод аматараў у нямецкім Гамбургу. Сярод іншых аматараў бокса - залаты медаль 2018 Паўднёваамерыканскія гульні, срэбра ў 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні ў Бразіліі, і золата і срэбра, адпаведна, на 2018 і 2014 Гульні ў Цэнтральнай Амерыцы і Карыбскім басейне.

«Я падпісаў добрую колькасць лепшых аматараў у адпаведных падраздзяленнях, але ніводная так упрыгожаная, як Юбержен,"Новы менеджэр МарцінэсаРаян Плотка сказаў. «Гэта унікальная магчымасць, калі ён вяртаецца на Алімпіяду і ў чарговы раз аддаецца перавазе медалю. Ён сапраўды асаблівы баец: хутка, моцны, і няўмольны. Пасля таго, як ён скончыць Алімпіяду, мы атрымаем права працаваць і засяродзімся на прафесійных званнях. Я думаю, што гэта шмат гаворыць пра маю кампанію і маю рэпутацыю, калі я падпісаў такога выдатнага байца, які раней мог падпісаць кантракт з іншымі менеджэрамі. Ён выдатны дадатак да нашай баявой сям'і ў Fighter Locker ".

Растучая стайня адораных баксёраў Fighter Locker ўключае каліфарнійскага суперлёгкага вагаРока "So Cal Kid" Сантомаура (21-1, 6 КО), Трой, NY ABF Амерыканскі Захад суперлегкіРэй Джэй "Разбуральнік" Бермудэс(12-0, 9 КО), Таронта, Канада ў сярэднім вазе Вест -Хейвен, КТ у суперцяжкай вазеДжымі "Ціхі шторм" Уільямс (16-5-2, 5 КО), у суперсреднем"Дзіўны" Шон МакКалман(7-0, 4 КО), U.S. Армейскі суперлегкі вагаДэніэл Бэйлі, Малодшы. (3-0, 2 КО), лёгкіЛеонэль -дэ -лос -Сантуш(2-0, 2 КО), a 2-час Дамініканская Рэспубліка Алімпіец, Бостан у паўлегкай вазеТрой Андэрсан, Малодшы. (1-0, 1 KO), дэбютавала Дамініканская Рэспубліка ў сярэдняй вазеХуан Салана, і Солт -Лэйк -Сіці, Браты Юта, супер лёгкіІгнасіа Чайрэз (8-0-1, 5 КО) і лёгкіГабрыэль Шайрэз (3-0-1, 2 КО). 


ВЕБ-САЙТ:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

FACEBOOK:  /знішчальнік

Твітэр:  @RoachRyan, @Tremendo_Martinez

ІНСТАГРАМ: @ RyanRoach82

ПРА ЗБОЙЧЫЯ ШКАФ: Заснаваная ў 2019, Fighter Locker - гэта комплекснае спартыўнае агенцтва, якое кіруе прафесійнымі баксёрамі. Fighter Locker таксама дапамагае брэндаваць баксёраў, знайшоўшы іх голас са 100-працэнтнай індывідуальнай службай. Fighter Locker не вельмі верыць у працуючыя мадэлі. Ён верыць у мадэлі аптымізацыі партнёрства.

Fighter Locker выкарыстоўвае чатыры творчыя крокі, таму што верыць у «аснову - усё»: 1. мудра задумана, 2. творча стрыманы, 3. З гонарам судзілі, 4. востра нацэлены.

Jimmy Williams finally gets his “world title fight”

Бостан (Сакавіка 2, 2021) – New Haven (Канэктыкут) super welterweight boxer Джымі "Ціхі шторм" Уільямс will finally get what he calls “his world title fight” tonight against former world champion Юрый Форман in an 8-round bout for the vacant American Boxing Federation USA super welterweight championship, at the Kentucky Center for African Americans in Louisville, Kentucky.

Foreman (35-3, 10 КО), змагаюцца Брукліне, captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) super welterweight World title in 2009, when he won a unanimous 12-round decision versus defending champion Daniel Santos (32-3-1).

“We sparred back when I was a kid when I trained at the Joe Grier Boxing Academy in Patterson, Нью-Джэрсі,” Williams explained. “Joe was the one who gave me my nickname, ‘Quiet Storm.’ Yuri is a true world champion. I basically have come from nowhere to share the ring with a world champion. What we’re doing is what boxing is all about. It’s not about age; ён 40 and I’m 34. Age doesn’t mean anything. I’m not a top dog, which is probably why they offered me the fight, but I’m a real fighter who will be in with a world champ. This is my world title fight!  Перамога, lose, or draw, I’ll be fighting a world champion. I’m not scared of anybody. It’s not about money, it’s who I am, and I always step up to the challenge. This is going to be a great fight.”

Уільямс (16-5-2, 5 КО) is proud to be one of the rare football players who has succeeded in boxing. He was a standout cornerback at Southern Connecticut State University and invited to several NFL tryout camps. He came close to making the cut with the then-Oakland Raiders.

“I’ve always been a boxer at heart,” Williams said, “so football was easy for me. It was great getting calls from NFL scouts. I walked away from football for boxing. I’m a former Division 2 college football player fighting a world champion. I knew when it was time to leave football, but I’m not ready to leave boxing yet. I don’t need to box. I’m educated, work in the community, and I’m a father. I’m blessed to be boxing and I’ll know when it’s time to hang up my gloves.”

Williams didn’t box until after his mother, Belinda, was murdered in 2008 and her case remains unsolved. He lost his father to cancer.

“This fight for Jimmy is by far the biggest of his career,” Williams managerРаян Плотка (Знішчальнік) remarked. “It’s a must win to get him back on track. He knows what he has to do. He made a move to Veloz Boxing in Rhode Island and he’s a different fighter from what he was in his last two fights. Just being around ‘Boo Boo’ (чэмпіён светуDemetrious Andrade) and those guys there has Jimmy where he needs to be for this fight.”

Williams has been promoted byДжымі Burchfield’s Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES) since he turned pro in 2013.

“We have a close relationship,” Burchfield commented. “I turned him pro, got him on national television a few times, and even attended his wedding. I’m very proud of him. He’s been tremendously loyal to CES as we have to him. This is a great opportunity. He didn’t hesitate a minute to take this fight. He has a new trainer, Brian Johnson, and Jimmy has been driving bad and forth from New Haven to Providence to train. I think he’s in the top shape of his life, because he knows the importance of this fight. He deserves to have this opportunity.

Something special about his fight tonight against Foreman for Williams, an African American, is fighting at this venue (Kentucky Center for African Americans) in the hometown of his hero,Мухамед Алі.

“I’m paying homage to all people who’ve lived my dream,” Williams remarked. “It is what I represent. We’ve lost a lot of people in the last year. Fighting in Louisville is big for me because it’s the home of ‘The Greatest,’ Muhammad Ali. I look at Ali more for his character and what he stood for than his boxing. He stood for something and lost the prime of his career because of it. I try to be like him in terms of who I am. He gave me the confidence be who I want to be in life. I’ve read every book about him. I refuse to give up like Ali. I’m a throwback fighter.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes California super flyweightРока "So Cal Kid" Сантомаура (20-1, 6 КО), Трой, NY ABF Амерыканскі Захад суперлегкіРэй Джэй "Разбуральнік" Бермудэс(12-0, 9 КО), у суперсреднем"Дзіўны" Шон МакКалман(6-0, 4 КО), U.S. Армейскі суперлегкі вагаДэніэл Бэйлі, Малодшы. (2-0, 1 KO), лёгкіЛеонэль -дэ -лос -Сантуш (2-0, 2 КО), a 2-час Дамініканская Рэспубліка Алімпіец, pro-debuting Boston featherweightТрой Андэрсан, Малодшы., дэбютавала Дамініканская Рэспубліка ў сярэдняй вазеХуан Салана, і Солт -Лэйк -Сіці, Браты Юта, супер лёгкіІгнасіа Чайрэз (7-0-1, 4 КО) і лёгкіГабрыэль Шайрэз (3-0, 2 КО). 


ВЕБ-САЙТ:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

FACEBOOK:  /знішчальнік

Твітэр:  @RoachRyan

ІНСТАГРАМ: @ RyanRoach82

ПРА ЗБОЙЧЫЯ ШКАФ: Заснаваная ў 2019, Fighter Locker - гэта комплекснае спартыўнае агенцтва, якое кіруе прафесійнымі баксёрамі. Fighter Locker таксама дапамагае брэндаваць баксёраў, знайшоўшы іх голас са 100-працэнтнай індывідуальнай службай. Fighter Locker не вельмі верыць у працуючыя мадэлі. Ён верыць у мадэлі аптымізацыі партнёрства.

Fighter Locker выкарыстоўвае чатыры творчыя крокі, таму што верыць у «аснову - усё»: 1. мудра задумана, 2. творча стрыманы, 3. З гонарам судзілі, 4. востра нацэлены.


Former college football player Jimmy “Ціхая бура” Williams accepts challenge to fight 19-0 Брандун Лі

I will give Lee his first loss!”

Airing this Wednesday night on Showtime

Бостан (Кастрычнік 5, 2020) – “Ціхая бура” planning a Perfect Storm!

Former Southern Connecticut State University football player Джымі “Ціхая бура” Уільямс is looking forward to shocking the boxing world this Wednesday night (Кастрычнік. 7), when he takes on undefeated, блакітных фішак перспектыва Брандун Лі (19-0, 17 КО) на ShoBox: Новае пакаленне, airing live on ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОЎ from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Канэктыкут.

Ці супраць. Williams was originally scheduled for September 19, but it was pushed back until Oct. 7, and will be contested at a 145-pound catchweight. “It’s been a plus to have more time to prepare,” Williams spoke about the change of date. “Гэта вялікі бой для мяне, and the extra time was only a few weeks. I’ve stayed sharp.

The 33-year-ol Williams (16-3-2, 5 КО), fighting out of West Haven, Канэктыкут, was a cornerback in college who, as an undrafted player, was invited to NFL tryouts as a free agent by the Raiders, Chiefs, Colts and Falcons.

Падвышаны Джымі Burchfield‘s Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES), Williams will be making his debut as a member of manager Раян Плотка‘s growing Fighter Locker stable.

I think this is a great opportunity for Jimmy, Roach added. This is a big fight for us and a must win. Jimmy is up for the challenge. We’ve been waiting for this call. He has been working hard every day with his trainer, Dave Forsyth.

This is our first fight together as a team and I am really looking forward to it. I know Brandun is special, but he hasn’t seen anything like Jimmy before, and he will stop this kid in the later rounds.

Williams is a decisive underdog versus Lee, a rising star whose goal is to become the first world champion of Korean dissent. The 21-year-old Californian was a highly decorated American amateur: 3-time U.S. National Silver Gloves, 2013 PAL National and 2015 U.S. National Juniors champion. Аднак, he’s never fought past four rounds and Williams will attempt to extend the gifted Lee, taking him into deep water in hopes of making him gas.
I’m honored to fight on Showtime,” Уільямс сказаў,. “I never thought I’d have this opportunity in my career. My whole life I’ve been the underdog. I love the challenge and that’s what made me who I am today. I overcome things.

I thank God and my promoter, CES and Джымі Burchfield, and my manager, Раян Плотка. I’m truly blessed. This is going to be a great fight and I will give Lee his first loss.

Williams will be fighting for the memory of his mother, Belinda Jordan Williams, who was strangled to death in 2008, and the case remains open.

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers also includes a talented Ukrainian trio of North American Boxing Association (Таксама) ўладальнік тытула ў суперважкай вазе Станіслаў Скофаход(19-2, 16 КО), сярэдняя вага Карэн Чухаджыян (16-1, 7 КО) і супер лёгкі Zoravor Petrosyan (9-0, 4 КО). Other Fighter Locker stablemates includeDominican Republic welterweight Хуан Карлас “Меренга” Абреу (23-6-1, 21 КО), былы моладзевы чэмпіён свету па лёгкай вазе IBF, Лін, MA супер-вага Khiry “Траціл” Todd (10-1, 8 КО),Дорчестер, Маса ў сярэднім вазе Габрыэль Дулюк(15-3, 4 КО), Трой, NY супер лёгкі RayJay Bermudez, Таронта, Канада ў сярэднім вазеДжэф “Бяда 1” Табрызі (8-3, 7 КО), Englewood, CO super featherweight Ісус Васкес, Малодшы. (6-0,2 КО), Auroraa, CO super middleweight “Дзіўнае” Шон МакКалман (4-0, 2 КО) plus Irish National champion Пол Райан, a welterweight in the pro ranks, і U.S. Армейскі суперлегкі вага Дэніэл Бэйлі, Малодшы., who will both be making their pro debuts.

ВЕБ-САЙТ: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
FACEBOOK: /знішчальнік
Твітэр: @RoachRyan
ІНСТАГРАМ: @ RyanRoach82


Quadrupleheader Features Total of Six Fighters with Undefeated Records

Нью-Ёрк– September 19, 2020 -ShoBox: Новае пакаленнеreturns for the first time since March with a four-fight card headlined by exciting, undefeated super welterweight prospectsCharles Conwell іWendyToussaint in a 10-round main-event bout on Wednesday, Кастрычнік 7 жыць на SHOWTIME ® (9 p.m. ET / PT) from the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Канэктыкут.

The four-fight telecast will feature eight prospects who boast a combined record of 109-4-3, including six boxers who have yet to taste defeat at the professional level. The lastShoBox event was held March 13 in Hinckley, Ад., and was one of the final live sporting events to take place before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the sports world for several months.

A decorated amateur and U.S. representative at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, the 22-year-old Conwell (12-0, 9 КО) hails from Cleveland, Агаё, and will make his secondShoBox appearance – and first in nearly three years – when he takes on up-and-comingToussaint (12-0, 5 КО) на 154 фунты.

The co-feature is another bout of unbeatens as Conwell’s half-brotherIsaiah Steen (14-0, 11 КО) matches up againstКалвин Хендэрсан (12-0-1, 8 КО) in an eight-round super middleweight bout. TheShoBox event will open with two eight-round welterweight showdowns as Detroit’sJanelson Bocachica (15-0, 10 КО) takes on fellow Puerto Rico nativeNicklaus Flaz (9-1, 7 КО) і бесстаронніБрандун Лі (19-0, 17 КО) вяртаецца да ShoBox in the telecast opener againstДжымі Уільямс(16-3-2, 5 КО).

“Charles Conwell is the quintessentialShoBox fighter,- сказаў Гордан Хол, executive producer forShoBox: Новае пакаленне since its inception in 2001. “He had a successful amateur career and he has shown real promise in his pro campaign. Зараз, he’ll face his first undefeated opponent in Haitian-born Wendy Toussaint who should be a tough test. In the co-feature another battle of unbeatens in Steen vs. Henderson and rounded out by promising prospect Janelson Bocachica and rising star Brandun Lee. These are the type of fight cards that make this series unique and important for the development of young fighters on both sides of the bout sheet.”

The event is promoted by Tony Holden Productions.

Charles Conwell vs. Wendy Toussaint – 10-round Super Welterweight Main Event

Known for his lightning quick fast hands and power, the rising prospect Conwell is currently ranked No. 9 by the IBF in one of boxing’s deepest divisions at 154 pounds led by Jermell Charlo, Jeison Rosario, Тоні Харысан, Эрыксан Любін, Джуліян Уільямс, Terrell Gausha and Jarrett Hurd.

Conwell was 116-14 as an amateur and was the National Golden Gloves Champion in 2015. In his last fight in February, Conwell scored a fifth-round stoppage over Ramses Agaton. He is co-promoted by Tony Holden of Holden Productions and Lou DiBella of DiBella Entertainment. He is managed by Dave McWater at Split-T Management.

Fighting in front of his hometown fans in Cleveland in his ShoBox Дэбют у 2017, Conwell went the six-round distance for the first time in his young career beating a game Roque “Rocky” Zapata with an impressive unanimous decision.

“I am happy to be back onShoBox, and I am going to put in a good performance and do what I do best,” said Conwell. “My opponent is undefeated, and he will come to win, but I think that I am just better overall and all around. I am a very smart boxer with fast hands and power. When people see me, they will see Aaron Pryor, Mike Tyson and Andre Ward rolled up into one! I am happy to be headliningShoBox and being able to show my talent to the whole world.”

Nicknamed “Haitian Fire”, Toussaint, 28, was born in Haiti and currently trains in Huntington, New York where eight of his 12 pro fights have taken place. He is promoted by Hall of Fame New York promoter Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing.

Toussaint fled Haiti for France in 2010 following the devastating earthquake and currently works as a firefighter on Long Island. He is the main sparring partner of No. 1-месца (WBO) light heavyweight world title contender Joe Smith Jr. Toussaint has won his last five of seven fights by knockout. Fighting on the undercard of the Eleider Alvarez-Joe Smith card August 22 ў Лас-Вегасе, Toussaint won an eight-round decision over Isiah Jones.

“I would like to thank my trainer Frankie Globuschutz, my promoter Joe DeGuardia and Star Boxing for this great opportunity to shine in aShoBox галоўная падзея,” Toussaint said. “I am ready to fight. I have always been ready to fight. Nothing changes for me, and I am bringing the Haitian Fire.”

Isaiah Steen vs. Калвин Хендэрсан – 8-round Super Middleweight Co-Feature

Like his half-brother Conwell, the 24-year-old Steen of Cleveland also had a successful amateur career with a record of 85-15. Fighting on the same card as Conwell back in February, Steen needed less than a round to stop Kenneth Council in Hammond, Ind., у сваім апошнім баі. Steen is co-promoted by Holden and DiBella and managed by McWater.

“This is my first fight on TV so it’s going to be a big one,” said Steen. “This is a big stage to show everybody what I am coming for and I am very excited to be fighting on SHOWTIME. This is a major step-up fight. I am just going to keep to my game plan and keep my distance. It’s amazing to be able to be on a television card with my brother.”

Born in Fort Worth, Тэхас, Henderson currently resides and trains out of Fayetteville, Ark., where he was a six-time Arkansas state champion in the amateurs. Following high school, Henderson got a full-ride music scholarship to the University of Arkansas as a percussionist graduating with his bachelor’s degree in Music Education in 2012. The 30-year-old Henderson is promoted by Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions.

“I am ready to get back to what I do great,” said Henderson, who is married with four children and a fifth on the way. “My opponent is undefeated, but on October 7th, he will have his hands full. I am excited to finally showcase by skill-set on a national level as the co-main event.

Janelson Bocachica vs. Nicklaus Flaz – 8-round Welterweight Bout

A native of Puerto Rico and fighting out of Detroit, Мічыган., Bocachica is just 21 years old and already has four years of pro experience. He began boxing at age eight, won four consecutive Ringside Championships (2011-14), the National PAL Championships and the 2015 Detroit Golden Gloves. He boasts an amateur record of 55-5. He is trained by his father, Nelson Figueroa. Bocachica is managed by McWater of Split T-Management and promoted by King’s Promotions.

“I am fighting another Puerto Rican fighter which will surely produce fireworks and an exciting, all-action fight,” Bocachica said. “He is a power puncher and a brawler. He seems to be very confident, and I like fighting guys like that. If he wants a brawl, he will get a brawl, but if he wants to box, I will outbox him. I am versatile like that.”

Puerto Rico’s Flaz is part of current WBA and IBF 154-pound World Champion Jesion Rosario’s camp under the guidance of Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing. Flaz has knocked out his last two opponents and competed in two 10-round bouts during his pro career, which has included six wins against fighters who had winning records.

“It’s a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills,” Flaz said. “I know he’s an undefeated guy and a good opponent but I’m going to put some punching power on him. You can expect me to come in and be explosive. It’s going to be a great fight.”

Brandun Lee vs. Jimmy Williams – 8-round Welterweight Bout

Толькі 21 гадоў, the knockout artist Lee from La Quinta, Каліфорнія., has KO’d all but two of his opponents (89.5 працэнтаў), у тым ліку 11 у першым туры, four in the second and two in the third. The third-year pro is making his thirdShoBox з'яўленне. У сакавіку, Lee scored an impressive third-round TKO over 33-year-old challenger Camilo Prieto. This is Lee’s third fight of 2020 as he knocked out Miguel Zamudio in a non-televised January 17 bout in Sloan, Аёва.

Lee had a decorated amateur career with an estimated record of 196-5. Ён быў 2015 U.S. Junior National Champion, taking home the gold medal at 145 фунты. With lightning quick hands that pack power, the exciting Lee has sparred with Mikey Garcia, Devin Haney, Маурисио Эррера, Timothy Bradley Jr., Томас Дюлорме, назваць некалькі.

“I am ready to go,- сказаў Лі, a full-time college student who is trained by his father Bobby Lee and managed by Cameron Dunkin of D&D Бокс. “I was supposed to fight on September 19th, and now I have an extra three weeks of training, so that will be great for me. My opponent is bigger and has fought at higher weights, and he was ranked in the top-15. This is a step up and it is exactly what I need for my career. I am looking forward to being back onShoBox and I will come to perform. The audience wants knockouts, and that is what I am here for.”

Пра з 2013, Williams is a former college football standout who has yet to fight in 2020. Williams grew up in Plainfield, N.J., before moving to New Haven, Conn., and played wide receiver at Southern Connecticut State University.

Promoted by Jimmy Burchfield of CES Boxing, the 34-year-old Williams has battled adversity as his father passed away from cancer, and his mother was murdered in what is still an unsolved case.

Міжнародная баксёрская Зала СлавыБары Томпкинс will call the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer and boxing historianСтыў Farhood і былы чэмпіён светуРауль Маркес якая выступае ў якасці эксперта аналітыкаў. Выканаўчы прадзюсерГордан Хол зРычард Gaughanвытворчасць іРык Філіпс кіраўніцтва.

# # #

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайцеwww.sho.com/sports прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, або стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook паwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports  

Ukrainian super lightweight prospect ZORAVOR PETROSYAN REMAINS UNDEFEATED

Бостан (Верасня 14, 2020) – Undefeated Ukrainian super lightweight prospectZoravor Petrosyan improved his pro record to 8-0 (4 КО) last Saturday night in Russia, stopping out-classedEubenii Vazem in the fourth round in Ekaterinburg.

Петрасян, які кіруеццаРаян ПлоткаШафка знішчальніка, has won the first three rounds on each of the three judges’ scorecards, 30-27.  The 22-year-old Petrosyan, fighting out of Kiev, was outweighed by 7 ¼ pounds against late replacement Vazem (9-12, 4 КО), who had even more of a weight advantage when they fought as opposed their 7 ¼ lbs. difference at the weigh in.

“I’m very proud of my fighter,” Roach said. “His opponent fell out and he was matched against an opponent who fights two weight classes higher than Zoravor. He did very well and displayed some great boxing skills. He adapted well to the size differential and broke him down. It’s a big win for Team Petroysan.”

Petrosyan was a multi-national champion who captured a bronze medal at the 2016 World Youth Under-19 Championships.

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes a talented Ukrainian trio comprised of North American Boxing Association (Таксама) ўладальнік тытула ў суперважкай вазеСтаніслаў Скофаход (19-2, 16 КО), and word-rated welterweightКарэн Чухаджыян (16-1, 7 КО).  Other Fighter Locker stablemates include Salem, Маса ў сярэднім вазеJuan Carlos “Merengue” Abreu (23-5-1, 21 КО), былы моладзевы чэмпіён свету па лёгкай вазе IBF; Лін, MA супер-вагаХіры Тод (10-1, 8 КО), Дорчестер, Маса ў сярэднім вазеГабрыэль Дулюк (15-3, 4 КО), Трой, NY супер лёгкіRayJay Bermudez (9-0, 6 КО), Таронта, Канада ў сярэднім вазеJeff “The Trouble 1” Tabrizi (8-3, 7 КО), Вест -Хейвен, КТ у суперцяжкай вазеДжымі "Ціхі шторм" Уільямс (16-3-2, 5 КО), супер полулегкомІсус Васкес, Малодшы. (6-0, 2 КО), у суперсреднем"Дзіўны" Шон МакКалман(4-0, 2 КО) plus Irish National championПол Райан, хто будзе ваяваць як паўгоднік у профільных шэрагах, і U.S. Армейскі суперлегкі вагаДэніэл Бэйлі, Малодшы., who will making their pro debuts.


ВЕБ-САЙТ:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

FACEBOOK:  /знішчальнік

Твітэр:  @RoachRyan

ІНСТАГРАМ: @ RyanRoach82

ПРА ЗБОЙЧЫЯ ШКАФ: Заснаваная ў 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker выкарыстоўвае чатыры творчыя крокі, таму што верыць у «аснову - усё»: 1. мудра задумана, 2. творча стрыманы, 3. З гонарам судзілі, 4. востра нацэлены.





Бостан (Чэрвеня 13, 2019):

Murphys бокса з гонарам аб'яўляе чэмпіёна NABA па суперважкай вазе, Марк Делука (23-1, 13 КО) сустрэнецца непераможны канадскі супернік, Брэндан Півавар (23-0-1, 11 КО) на ніжняй частцы чэмпіянату свету ў сярэдняй вазе Деметриус Андрадэ і Мацей Sulecki жыць на DAZN на Субота, 29 чэрвеня у Провід, Род-Айлэнд.

DeLuca, хто займае рэйтынг #9 у свеце WBA, адрываецца ад аднадушнага рашэння аднадушнай перамогі над аднойчы збітай, Джымі Уільямс у мінулым сакавіку і шукае, каб зрабіць заяву супраць непераможнага суперніка, каб дамагчыся барацьбы за ліквідаванне тытула ў канцы гэтага года.

“Гэта ў хуткім часе, але я не вагаюся.”, тлумачыць былая марская пяхота хто з самых папулярных байцоў Новай Англіі.

“Будзем спадзявацца, што добрае выступленне супраць непераможнага байца калібра півавараў на тэлевізійнай карце DAZN будзе дастаткова для таго, каб прызямліцца на іншы топ 10 баец на рынгу для выбыцця звання. Мая мэта - стаць першым чэмпіёнам свету з вобласці Бостана з тых часоў Джон Руіз і я адчуваю, што ўсе творы нарэшце збіраюцца.”

Што тычыцца масіўнай базы фанатаў раёна Болана, Уітман, Родны штат Масачусэтса ўпэўнены, што здзейсніць кароткае падарожжа ўніз да Провідэнса.

“Гэта адназначна для мяне хатняя гульня. Провід толькі 45 хвілін ад маёй ўваходнай дзверы. Я магу вам гарантаваць, што Бостан будзе ў доме.”

Прамоўтэр DeLuca і заснавальнік Murphys Boxing, Кен Кейсі Я не мог не пагадзіцца са сваім байцом.

“Марк заслугоўвае падобных магчымасцей. Барацьба непераможнага суперніка на DAZN - галоўны крок да сусветнага тытула. Мы рады балельшчыкам, каб даведацца, што горад Бостан ужо ведае, Mark DeLuca - адзін з лепшых суперсветаў у свеце.”

ДэЛука супраць. Півавар адбываецца ў рамках Andrade vs. Сулецкі ў суботу, 29 чэрвеня ў Данкіне’ Цэнтр пончыкаў (1 Плошча Ла Сале, Провід, Род-Айлэнд, 02903). Мерапрыемствы прасоўваюцца ў Matchroom Boxing USA і будуць транслявацца па ўсім свеце на DAZN. Дзверы адчыняюцца ў 17 гадзін вечара, а білеты прадаюцца ўжо па тэлефоне або па тэлефоне 617-657-4356 або па электроннай пошце mbloom@murphysboxing.com.


Murphys Boxing заснаваў Dropkick Murphys’ фронтмэн, Кен Кейсі ст 2014. Проста 5 кароткія гады, Мэрфіс Бокс стаў галоўным прамоўтэрам бокса ў раёне Новай Англіі і адной з самых папулярных маладых акцый у краіне. 2018 Мэрфіс Бокс стаў годам перарыву, калі яны прынялі свой першы баец да тытула свету. Разам з першым чэмпіёнам акцыі, некалькі байцоў Мэрфіса Бокса забяспечылі магчымасці тытулаў чэмпіёна свету і нацыянальныя тэлевізійныя баі 2018. Мэрфіс Бокс закрыў свой банер года, сумесна прасоўваючы чэмпіянат WBO ў сярэдняй вазе паміж сутычкамі Дзімітрыя Андрадэ і Уолтэра Каутондаква перад 10,000 вентылятары ў TD Garden, легендарны дом Бостанскіх Селтыкаў, які трансляваўся на міжнародным узроўні на DAZN. Мерфіс Бокс у цяперашні час складаецца з сусветных рэйтынгаў, як Марк ДэЛука, Чарльз Фостэр, Абрагам Нова, Грэг Вэндэці, Гэры 'Спайк’ Саліван і непераможныя перспектывы, такія як Найл Кэнэдзі, Карлас Гонгарам, Уільям Фостэр III і многае іншае!

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце: www.murphysboxing.com

Max Ornelas vs. Tony Lopez, Малодшы. Vacant NABA USA bantamweight title & RJJ bragging rights on the line

Vacant WBA NABA United States Bantamweight Championship
Пятніца ноч, Красавіка 20, 2018 ● Cox Pavilion ● Las Vegas, Невада
У гэтую пятніцу night on beIN Sports live from Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas
Лас-Вегасе (Красавіка 17, 2018) – University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) student and Las Vegas resident, unbeaten bantamweight prospect The Baby-Faced AssassinMax Ornelas (10-0-1, 4 КО), faces Mexico-native Tony Lopez, Малодшы. (13-3, 4 КО) ў гэтую пятніцу ноч (Красавіка. 20) in the eight-round main event for the vacant North American Boxing Association (Таксама) United States title, at Cox Pavilion on the UNLV campus.
Ornelas vs. Лопес, Малодшы., presented Roy Jones, Малодшы. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions, will air live on beIN Sports, пачынаючы з 10 p.m. І /7 p.m. PT. Ornelas and Lopez, Малодшы, who fights out of Ft. Worth, Тэхас, are RJJ stablemates.
In the eight-round, сумеснае мерапрыемства прыкмет, unbeaten World Boxing Council (WBC) United States welterweight champion Джымі “Ціхая бура” Уільямс (14-0-1, 5 КО), a former college football player from New Haven, Канэктыкут, адпавядае Marquis Taylor (8-1, 0 КО), Х'юстан, in a non-title match.
Undefeated Roy Jones protégé Shady Gamhour (6-0, 5 КО), a Swedish middleweight now living in Joneshometown of Pensacola, Фларыда, fights Mexican Erasmo Garcia (5-2, 3 КО) in the six-round televised opener.
Also fighting on the undercard is Australian super welterweight and past world title challenger,Томі “The Titan” Браўн (35-7-2, 13 КО), супраць Карлас Эрнандэс (15-17, 12 КО), Пуэрта-Рыка, у восем-раўндавым паядынку.
Top Rank’s blue-chip prospect, 17-year-old Stockton, CA sensation Gabriel Flores, Малодшы. (6-0, 5 КО), a 2016 World Juniors Championships silver medalist, takes on Mexico-native Alejandro Rochin (5-1, 3 КО), fighting out of Oklahoma City, у шэсць круглых матчу.
Pro-debuting Las Vegas junior lightweight Jaime Gomez і Ivan Ortiz (1-0-1, 1 KO), Лос-Анджэлесе, will clash in a four-roundwalk out” барацьба.
Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.
Квіткі па цане $100.00 Рынга, $40.00 Reserved Seating & $25.00 Агульны Доступ, and available to purchase online at HTTP://www.unlvtickets.com/eventInfo/spe/687/ornelas-vs-lopez/Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 5:00 p.m. PT з адкрыццём бой запланаваны на 6:00 p.m. PT.
Шчэбет: @RoyjonesJRfa, @beINSPORTS ,
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @beINSportsusa, @artofmusiclv, @cervezatecate, @rivalboxinggear, use #RoyJonesJr, #RJJ, #MaxLopez

Tony Lopez, Малодшы. plans to get back into bantamweight mix by defeating unbeaten prospectThe Baby-Faced AssassinMax Ornelas

Vacant WBA NABA United States Bantamweight Championship
Субота ноч, Красавіка 20, 2018 ● Cox Pavilion ● Las Vegas, Невада
Красавіка 20 on beIN Sports live from Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas




Лас-Вегасе (Красавіка 4, 2018) – Mexican bantamweight Tony Lopez, Малодшы. (13-3, 4 КО) believes an impressive victory April 20th over his Roy Jones Jr., Boxing Promotions (RJJ) stablemate, unbeaten bantamweight prospectThe Baby-Faced AssassinMax Ornelas (10-0-1, 4 КО), will get him back in the mix.


Ornelas vs. Лопес, Малодшы., presented RJJ Boxing Promotions, will air live on beIN Sports, пачынаючы з 10 p.m. І / 7 p.m. PT, from Cox Pavilion on the University of Nevada at Las Vegas campus.





The vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Паўночнаамерыканская асацыяцыя бокса (Таксама) USA bantamweight title will be on the line in the eight-round main event.





A UNLV sophomore who lives in Las Vegas, the 19-year-old Ornelas is ranked by the World Boxing Association (WBA) at No. 14 у свеце. “I’ve had several fights where my role was reversed, and I was fighting in my hometown in front of my fans, friends and family,” Dallas resident Lopez, Малодшы. spoke about fighting Ornelas on the road. “I wanted to put on a show and they were screaming like crazy before the opening bell. Once the fight started, хоць, I didn’t see or hear them. It was just me and my opponent. I’ve fought in Las Vegas a few times and I’m comfortable fighting him (Ornelas) там. I understand that this is part of my job, a requirement, regardless of fighting him in his hometown. I like pressure.





Лопес, Малодшы. was born in Mexico, but he’s lived nearly his entire life in Texas. Яго бацька,Tony Lopez, Sr., was an ex-fighter from Mexico who got his son into boxing when he was six. Зараз, Лопес, Малодшы. fights for Рой Джонс, Малодшы.





It’s surreal,” the rugged southpaw admitted. “I’m fighting for a living legend, arguably one of the greatest boxers of all time. He knows me, he’s seen me fight. It’s an honor to wear his gear, not only as a fan of his, but to represent his company. It’s one of the coolest things in this business.





Ornelas is also promoted by RJJ Boxing Promotions and they’ve fought together on two RJJ cards. They’re familiar with each other and, if styles truly make great fights, this one could turn out to be an instant classic.





“Ён (Max) a very clean fighter, by the books, not wanting to get into scrapes,” the 24-year-old Lopez spoke about his opponent. “He strides and moves, not looking to bang or exchange. He likes to fight on the outside, using his size and length. He’s fast but doesn’t have a lot of power. It’s hit and not get hit for him. He has a lot of holes and me being the more experienced fighter, I plan to expose some of those holes.





Back in May of 2016, I fought and undefeated opponent, Jerren Cochran (11-0-1), and I knew it was an audition for Roy and RJJ. I came out in a full attack mode because I wanted to make a statement. ((Lopes knocked our Cochran in the second round.) I’m looking to make another statement this time around by fighting like I did earlier in my career.





I’m faster, stronger and have better head movement than him. I’m still young but I have more life experience than him (Ornelas). I’m still young, толькі 24, but I have more experience than him going into this fight. I’ve fought a former world champion (Рыка Рамас). I’m part of a new team and my FHG Gloves teammates are John Vera, who just fought for a world title, і Edwin Vasquez. An impressive victory will put me right back in the mix for a big Saturday night fight for an even bigger title.





Unbeaten World Boxing Council (WBC) United States welterweight champion Джымі “Ціхая бура” Уільямс (14-0-1, 5 КО), a former college football player from New Haven, Канэктыкут, tangles with Houston’s Marquis Taylor (8-1, 0 КО) ў восем круглых, co-featured event..





Highly-touted Uzbekistan-native Elnur Abduraimov, now fighting out of Las Vegas, will make his professional in a four/six-round bout versus an opponent to be determined, opening the televised segment of the card. Abduraimov won a bronze medalist at the 2015 World Amateur Championships, as well as gold at the 2015 Asian Amateur Boxing Championships.





Australian super welterweight and past world title challenger, Томі “The Titan” Браўн(35-7-2, 13 КО), асобы Карлас Эрнандэс (15-17, 12 КО), Пуэрта-Рыка, у восем-раўндавым паядынку.





2016 World Juniors Championships silver medalist Gabriel Flores, Малодшы. (6-0, 5 КО), a 17-year-old sensation from Stockton, ТАКОЙ ЯК, squares off against Mexico-native Alejandro Rochin(5-1, 3 КО), fighting out of Oklahoma City, у шэсць круглых матчу.





Also scheduled to be in action in six-round fights are Las Vegas super lightweight Кевін Джонсан (4-0, 4 КО) супраць. TBA, and undefeated Roy Jones protégé Shady Gamhour (6-0, 5 КО), a Swedish middleweight now living in Joneshometown of Pensacola, Фларыда, will be tested by Mexican Erasmo Garcia (5-2, 3 КО).





Pro-debuting Las Vegas junior lightweight Jaime Gomez і Ivan Ortiz (1-0-1, 1 KO), Лос-Анджэлесе, will clash in a four-rounder.






Усе баі і байцы могуць быць зменены.





Квіткі па цане $100.00 Рынга, $40.00 Reserved Seating & $25.00 Агульны Доступ, and available to purchase online at HTTP://www.unlvtickets.com/eventInfo/spe/687/ornelas-vs-lopez/Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.





Дзверы адкрываюцца ў 5:00 p.m. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 p.m. PT.


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Interactive fight series has averaged 108,000 Facebook views per broadcast, thrilling more than three-quarters of a million fans since Мая 11.
Нью-Ёрк (Сем. 19, 2017) – The first-everdoubleheader weekend” для FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ series saw the four-month old, fan-friendly Facebook platform attract more than 188,000 views via back-to-back, Пятніца і Субота shows in New England with DiBella Entertainment and CES Boxing.

Акрамя таго, the interactive series that – сярод іншых аспектаў – prides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience recorded a new high-mark with 40,714 Likes, Loves, Comments and Shares у пятніцу ад Фоксвудса. The ultimate result of all of the show-by-show views, the series interactivity and the global reach of the Facebook platform throughout the U.S. and also to significant audiences in the U.K., Mexico and South AmericaFIGHTNIGHT LIVE surpassed a new milestone by reaching its 750,000th view in only its seventh show.

We’re extremely proud that Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has provided free, action-packed events for more than three-quarters of a million fans in just over four months, by posting a show-by-show average audience of 108,000,” сказаў Марк Фрэтто, Асноўны і дырэктар па развіцці бізнэсу, Линакр СМІ. “But beyond the numbers, we’re really pleased with the way the shows have been presented and produced. We’ve been able to showcase up-and-coming fighters to fight fans all over the world, and help them expand their bases. And we’ve been able to invite our viewers to be part of the action by fostering real-time interaction between our broadcasters and viewers on the fight activity, the decisions and the knockouts; it’s the next-best thing to having a ringside seat.

Over the first four-plus months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 108,000 fight fans tuning in per event. верасень. 9 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” ад Resorts World Casino (225,000), у жніўні CES “Супер Субота” ад Фоксвудса (203,000), верасень. CES “Цвін-Рывер Twinbill” ад Лінкольна, R.I. (157,000), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdownfrom Phoenix (63,000), the MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), the JuneRosemont Rumble” з Чыкага (32,000) and the Sept. ДиБелла “Пятніца Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of almost 14,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 755,253-plus users across all devices.

У дадатку да неапрацаваным чыслах росту аўдыторыі, цалкам інтэрактыўны, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 122,819 калектыўныя жывыя паштовыя абавязацельствы (17,700-плюс на шоў), у тым ліку амаль 88,000 “спадабалася” або “любіць,” больш чым 13,000 comments and 4,200-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 адсоткаў мужчын, 24 працэнтаў жанчын. The top demographic is comprised of males aged 25-34, якая ўключае ў сябе прыкладна 30 адсоткаў аўдыторыі, у сярэднім.

верасень. 9 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 views and the Sept. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Супер Субота” шоў вылучаецца індывідуальна 3,336 live hours of content viewed, while the Sept. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 viewer interactions including almost 39,000 “спадабалася” або “любіць.”

Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Barbour One 9, Talent Management and Entertainment Production (www.barbourone9.com) and Northeastern Fine Jewelry (www.nefj.com).

Many FIGHTNIGHT LIVE cards are called by world-renowned blow-by-blow announcer Рэй Флорэс of Premier Boxing Champions, Showtime Бокс, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Networks. Often joining Flores ringside are analysts like Майкл Вудс of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com and Ring TV. Locally-based ringside reporters with significant social media followings are often employed for weigh-in daybehind the scenestaped interviews and post-fight reports.

Створаны і выраблены Линакр СМІ з Нью-Ёрка, серыя FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ мае прафесійныя дыктары, множныя ракурсы, тэлевізійныя графікі, паўторы і за кадрам доступу і інтэрв'ю. У струменевым шоу даступныя па ўсім свеце, дзе Facebook даступны. Гэтая ініцыятыва не толькі дазваляе заўзятарам з усяго свету, каб наладзіцца на, але і дае шматабяцальным байцам глабальную платформу, каб прадэманстраваць свае здольнасці, дае промотора даступны “трансляцыі” рашэнне і дае фундатарам магчымасць дасягнуць масавай аўдыторыі з дапамогай брэндаваныя кантэнту.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall 2017 даты будзе афіцыйна абвешчана ў бліжэйшыя тыдні.

FIGHTNIGHT ЖЫВЫ даступная ў Інтэрнэце па адрасе: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

Выконвайце ўсе дзеянні з дапамогай сацыяльных сродкаў масавай інфармацыі ў FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE на Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, або з дапамогай хэштэгу #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Для апошніх падзей Линакра СМІ і расклад вяшчання, прытрымлівацца @LinacreMedia ва ўсіх сацыяльных платформах або выкарыстоўваць тэгі #LinacreMediaEvents або #LinacreMediaOnTV.