标记档案: 纽约

纽约州拳击名人堂宣布类别 2019

星期天, 四月 28, 感应晚餐

唐金, 吉米·坎农, 卡特 & 维尔弗雷多·贝尼特斯

新的 约克 (一月 30, 2019) – 纽约州拳击名人堂 (NYSBHOF) 有 宣布其24名成员 2019. 第八届 NYSBHOF 年度入职典礼 将举行晚宴星期天下午 (12:30-5:30 P.M. AND), 四月 28, 在俄的上涌在霍华德海滩, 纽约.

“我们很高兴能够继续向为整个帝国州的拳击事业做出贡献的纽约人致敬,” NYSBHOF 鲍勃·达菲总统说. “今年的入选者为纽约拳击运动做出了很多贡献, 无论他们是战士还是非参与者. 我们的目标是继续为纽约拳击界的人们带来更多荣誉。”

活的 前往 NYSBHOF 的拳击手包括 (出生于布朗克斯) 三次, 两分法 世界冠军维尔弗雷多·贝尼特斯 (53-8-1, 31 科斯), 卡纳斯托塔 次中量级迪克DiVeronica (44-13-1, 13 科斯), (亨普斯特德) WBO超羽量级世界冠军 罗赫略Tuur (46-4-1, 30 科斯), (布朗克斯) 1968 中美. 奥林匹亚戴维·巴斯克斯 (19-15, 6 科斯), WBO超中量级​​世界冠军挑战者迈克尔Olajide (27-5, 19 科斯), 曼哈顿的, 和皇后’ 世界重量级冠军挑战者蒙特 巴雷特 (35-11-2, 20 科斯).

死后 入选的参与者是 (布朗克斯) 三届轻量级世界冠军 吉米 卡特 (84-31-9, 34 科斯), 布鲁克林次中量级到了 “Bummy” 戴维斯 (65-10-4, 46 科斯), (斯克内克塔迪) 世界 次中量级冠军马蒂伺服 (47-4-2, 14 科斯), (布朗克斯) 世界重量级冠军挑战者罗兰LaStarza (57-9, 27 科斯), 布鲁克林世界轻量级冠军帕迪·德马克 (75-26-3, 8 科斯) 和曼哈顿下东区的轻量级SID土地 (94-13-5, 12 科斯) 和过滤 “战斗的牙医” 交叉 (35-10-4, 22 科斯).

活的 前往 NYSBHOF 的非参与者是纽约市的发起人大学教师 国王, 法拉盛法官约翰McKaie, 布鲁克林体育广播员史蒂夫 阿尔伯特, 裁判阿瑟·梅坎特, JR., 和布朗克斯教练鲍勃 杰克逊.

死后 非参与者入选者是尤蒂卡媒人杜威Fragetta, 冠, 皇后区裁判约翰尼·洛比安科, 花园城裁判韦恩 凯莉, 法拉盛运动员哈里路亚山, 获奖记者吉米 大炮, 曼哈顿上东区, 和 NYSAC 官员/前 NABF 总统乔·德怀尔, 布鲁克林.

每个 参加者 (或嫡系) 将收到定制设计的 标志着他或她进入 NYSBHOF 的腰带.

该 2019 名人堂是由NYSBHOF提名委员会成员选择: 兰迪 戈登亨利Hascup唐Majeski罗恩 麦克奈尔, 和尼尔Terens.

全部 拳击手需要至少三年不参加比赛才有资格获得 NYSBHOF 感应, 所有入选者必须在纽约州居住一段时间 他们拳击生涯的重要部分或在他们的黄金时期 各自的职业.


班级 的 2012: 卡门巴西利奥, 迈克·麦卡勒姆, 迈克·泰森, 杰克LaMotta, 里迪克·鲍, 卡洛斯 奥尔蒂斯, 维托安托费尔莫, 埃米尔·格里菲斯, “糖” 罗宾森, 基因 通尼, 本尼·伦纳德, 托尼Canzoneri, 哈罗德·莱德曼, 史蒂夫Acunto, 吉米 格伦, 吉尔·克兰西, 雷黛诗, 纳特·弗莱舍, 比尔加洛和亚瑟MERCANTE, SR.

班级 的 2013: 杰克 登普西, 约翰尼·邓迪, 桑迪萨德勒, 马克辛罗森布鲁姆, 乔伊·阿彻, 伊朗 巴克利, 马克布雷兰, 鲍比·卡西迪, 道格·琼斯, 少年琼斯, 詹姆斯 “伙伴” 麦吉尔特, 埃迪·穆斯塔法·穆罕默德, 阿鲁姆, 谢莉·芬克尔, 托尼 格拉齐亚诺, 拉里商人, 泰迪布伦纳, 麦克·雅各布斯, 特克斯·里卡德和唐 邓菲.

班级 的 2014: 弗洛伊德 帕特森, 特雷西哈里斯帕特森, 比利·巴克斯, 凯文·凯利, 胡安·拉波特, 格里·库尼, 穆斯塔法Hamsho, 霍华德·戴维斯, 小, 娄琥珀, 杰克·布里顿, 特里·麦戈文, 泰迪地图集, 娄DiBella, 史蒂夫Farhood, 基因穆尔, 安吉洛 普洛斯彼罗, 惠特尼Bimstein, CUS达马托, 威廉·马尔登和汤姆·奥罗克.

班级 的 2015: 扫罗 曼比, 乔伊Giamba, 约翰尼Persol, 哈罗德·韦斯顿, 朗尼布拉德利, 保罗 贝尔伦巴赫, 葛培理, 弗兰基赫纳罗, 鲍勃·米勒, 汤米·赖恩, 吉米 斯莱特里, 鲍勃·达菲, 迈克·卡茨, 汤米·加拉格尔, 布鲁斯Silverglade, 查理 高盛, 吉米·约翰斯顿, 塞德里克·库什纳, 哈利Markson, 达蒙·鲁尼恩和艾尔 威尔.

班级 的 2016: 艾伦·戴维斯, 查尔斯·默里, Vilomar费尔南德斯, 埃德温·维鲁特, 赫克托 “马霍” 卡马乔, 洛矶格拉齐亚诺, 堪萨斯州洛基, 乔·林奇, 乔·米塞利, 埃德·布罗菲, 乔DeGuardia, 兰迪·戈登, 丹尼斯·拉帕波特, 豪伊阿尔伯特, 弗莱迪 棕色的, 霍华德·科塞尔, 红宝石Goldstein和吉米·雅各布斯.

班级 的 2017: 加斯帕尔·奥尔特加, 雷纳多 “先生。” 斯奈普斯, 道格·德威特, “布朗克斯区 轰炸机” 亚历克斯·拉莫斯, 迪克老虎, 何塞·托雷斯, “无比” 杰克 登普西, 唐Majeski, 罗恩·卡茨, 斯坦·霍夫曼, 鲍比·巴特尔斯, 汉克·卡普兰, 铝 加文, 阿瑟·多诺万和丹·帕克.

班级 的 2018: 娄 “亲爱的男孩” 峪, 杰克·罗德里格斯, 泰伦斯·阿利, “婴儿” 乔·梅西奇, 儿童巧克力, 詹姆斯Ĵ. “吉姆绅士” 科贝特, 杰克·麦考利夫, 比利·科斯特洛, 梅利·贝蒂娜拉尔夫 “虎” 琼斯, 查理Norkus, 戴夫·安德森, 皮特·布罗茨基, 香草高盛, 鲍比·古德曼, Melvina拉森, 罗恩·斯科特·史蒂文斯, 杜琪峰艾迪, 约翰尼·博斯, 默里·古德曼, 伯特·伦道夫糖和萨姆·托布.

门票 定价为 $125.00 每名成人和 $60.00 儿童 (下 16) 并包括 入场后享受完整的早午餐和鸡尾酒时间, 开始 12:30 P.M. AND, 作为 还有晚餐 (牛排, 鱼或禽肉) 并全天开放的酒吧. 门票可购买到通过接触NYSBHOF总裁鲍勃·达菲 516.313.2304 或depcomish@aol.com. NYSBHOF 计划的广告 可用, 从 $80.00 到 $200.00, 通过接触达菲. 上网 在www.Ring8ny.com 为了 有关纽约州拳击名人堂的更多信息.

关于 戒指 8: 形成 在 1954 由前职业拳击手, 杰克Grebelsky, 环 8 成为了 当时被称为国家老兵拳击手队的第八支球队 协会 – 故, RING8 – 今天 组织的座右铭依然存在: 义和团拳民帮助.

RING 8 完全致力于支持拳击界的不幸者 可能需要支付租金方面帮助的社区, 医疗费用, 或任何合理需求. 去行www.Ring8ny.com 为了 有关环的更多信息 8, 美国同类中规模最大的团体 拥有超过 350 成员. 每年的会费是唯一 $30.00 和 每位会员均有权在 RING 享用自助晚餐 8 月度会议, 除七月和八月. 所有活动的拳击手, 业余和专业, 是 有权获得免费戒指 8 年度会员. 环客人 8 会员 欢迎,只需花费 $7.00 每人. ř


Ellis Takes On DeAndre Ware In Main Event Of Tripleheader Beginning Live At 10 P.M. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, 纽约州.

纽约 – 一月 29, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect and Massachusetts native Ronald Ellis (15-0-2, 10 科斯) will look to set the tone for a successful sports weekend for New England when he takes on DeAndre Ware (12-1-2, 8 科斯) in the 10-round main event of ShoBox: The New Generation this Friday live on SHOWTIME (10 PM ET / PT).

战斗, which will take place at The Main Street Armory in Rochester, 纽约, will serve as another opportunity for Ellis, a native of Lynn, 马萨诸塞州.

埃利斯, who is a huge fan of his beloved New England Patriots, is eager to earn a big win and then return to his new residence in Los Angeles to see Tom Brady bring home a record sixth Super Bowl title.

My camp went beautiful. I have had a couple camps in a row, so I was able to work on a lot of things. I learned a lot in this camp,” 埃利斯说.

The 29-year-old Ellis knows that he has a tough customer in front of him in once-beaten Ware.

Ware is a solid fighter. He is real tough, and he comes forward. He is not a tall guy, but he makes up with it with his toughness. He is a former football player, and he likes to come forward, so I know he will be there.

This will be the fourth appearance on ShoBox for Ellis, and he feels that a strong performance will lead him to major fights in the next year.

“今年, 我必须执行. Now it’s time to perform. I just need to keep fighting, and if that happens I feel that I will be in line for a title shot in the next year. There is a lot of talent in the division, and now it’s time to knuckle up and all fight each other. I feel that I can compete with the elite of the division.

When talking about the Patriots, Ellis lights up. He has been a fan of the team since he was a youth growing up in the Boston suburbs.

It’s is going to be a great game. 具有讽刺意味的, I moved to Los Angeles to train a couple of years ago, and for the last week all I’ve been hearing about is the Rams. It has been fun going at with the guys in the gym about the game, but I will always represent the Patriots. I am going to get the state of Massachusetts off to a good start on Friday, and the Patriots will have their arms raised on Sunday.

Ellis and Ware headline a tripleheader that will also feature undefeated lightweights Thomas Mattice (13-0-1, 10 科斯) of Cleveland taking on Will Madera (12-0-2, 6 科斯) 奥尔巴尼, New York in an eight-round bout. The broadcast kicks off with a eight-round super featherweight contest between undefeated fighters Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 科斯) 奥尔巴尼, New York and Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 科斯) 阿克拉, 加纳.

门票现场活动, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, 售价为 $100 用于VIP马戏团, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 一般入学和 $2,000 for VIP Tables. 可以通过致电购买门票 585-232-3221.


Highly Regarded Prospects Logan Yoon and Abraham Nova To Make ShoBox Debuts In Separate Bouts Of Three-Fight Telecast

住在 10 P.M. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, 纽约州.

纽约 - 一月 8, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis returns to 的ShoBox: 新一代 seeking a statement win against DeAndre Ware in the 10-round main event of a three-fight telecast on Friday, 二月 1 live on SHOWTIME from Main Street Armory in Rochester, 纽约州.

The first of two February editions of the prospect developmental series will feature six fighters with a combined 89 wins against just three losses. The series returns just two weeks later on February 15 with a focus on the heavyweight division.

In the February 1 co-featured fight, 20-year-old Hawaiian Logan Yoon (14-0, 11 科斯) will make his national television debut against Richard Zamora (18-2, 11 科斯) in an eight-round super lightweight bout.

在转播的开幕回合, 前者无. 1-中美排名. amateur Abraham Nova (12-0, 10 科斯) will face fellow-unbeaten Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 科斯), 加纳, in an eight-round super featherweight bout.

The 29-year-old Ellis, originally from Lynn, 质量。, returns for his fourth的ShoBox appearance as he seeks a statement win following a controversial draw in his last outing on the series. The former National Golden Gloves Gold Medalist out-boxed Junior Younan last February in a fight many observers thought he deserved to win. Still undefeated, Ellis returns as he looks to prove he has what it takes to turn from prospect to contender.

“I need to make a statement,” said Ellis, who upset highly regarded Terrell Gausha to win the 2010 全国金手套. “The last time I was on的ShoBoxI got a draw. This is the perfect opportunity for me to show I have what it takes. Ware won’t run – he comes at you, he roughs you up, and he’ll be right there for me to hit. I know what I am up against. 我一直在努力, training in different camps and approaching this as the biggest fight of my life. I appreciate SHOWTIME for giving me another opportunity to prove I’m ready for the big show.”

The fan-friendly Ware suffered the first loss of his career last September in a close and entertaining brawl with Cem Kilic on的ShoBox. 该 2013 National Golden Gloves Bronze Medalist will look to return to the win column as he faces his third consecutive unbeaten opponent. The 30-year-old’s career-best victory came last year over 2012 Olympian and previously undefeated prospect Enrique Collazo. A former collegiate football player at the University of Toledo, Ware also works fulltime as a firefighter in his hometown of Toledo.

“My last time out on的ShoBox was great, but unfortunately I didn’t come out victorious,” Ware said. “This time I’m looking to come out with my arm raised at the end of the fight. Ronald Ellis is a tough fighter, and I commend and respect anyone who steps in that square circle. I know a win against a tough, undefeated guy is what I need to get me on track to winning a world title. I see big things happening for me after a win like this. The sky is the limit after this win.”

The 20-year-old Yoon, who was born and raised in Honolulu, 去 100-11 as an amateur before turning professional in 2016. Gifted with one-punch power, Yoon started his career with 10 straight knockouts before earning a unanimous decision over former world champion Juan Carlos Salgado in just his 11 professional fight. Yoon fought five times in 2018, and his level of opposition has steadily increased as he has gained experience.

This is a great opportunity to show the world what I already know – that I’m one of the best young fighters in the game,” Yoon said. “A win at this point of my career will open up new doors and will get me one step closer to where I want to be. We’re studying our opponent and putting a plan together for February 1. It will be my job to execute it.”

Zamora hails from Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, 墨西哥, where he compiled an amateur record of 60 wins against just four losses. The 25-year-old won the silver medal at the Mexican National Amateur Championships before turning professional in 2012. Zamora has fought his entire career in Mexico and will make his U.S. 亮相于二月 1. He has won five straight since a 2017 loss to Antonio Moran, who recently dropped a close decision to Jose Pedraza.

“This will be my first fight in America and I’m thrilled that it will be on的ShoBox,” Zamora said. “I will win this for my parents that sacrificed a lot for me and for my wife and son – I can’t let them down. I am coming to win and to show everybody that Mexico will always produce proud champions.

Born in Puerto Rico, the 24-year-old Nova fought as an amateur in the U.S. where he compiled a stellar record of 167-11. 新星, who fights out of Albany, 纽约州, was the No. 1 ranked 141-pound fighter in the United States and won gold at the 2014 中美. National Boxing Championships. He turned professional in 2016 shortly after losing a close decision in the Olympic Trials to Gary Antuanne Russell. The hard-hitting super featherweight picked up five wins in 2018 and will face just his second undefeated opponent on February 1.

“I’m looking forward to making my的ShoBox debut and the fact that it’s in Upstate New York makes it even more special,” Nova said. “I’ll have many of my friends, family and fans in attendance, so I plan on making a statement. You don’t want to miss it.”

Wahab was born in Nigeria but fought as an amateur for Ghana, where he was a three-time national amateur champion. He has fought his entire professional career in Africa, where he has already been in five-scheduled 12 轮打斗. The 28-year-old Wahab is mentored by Ghanaian great Azumah Nelson, who is widely considered the greatest African boxer of all time.

“In all honesty, I’ve watched his fights, and I respect all fighters, but Nova hasn’t seen a fighter like me yet,” Wahab said. “I’ll be leaving New York undefeated.”

门票现场活动, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, 售价为 $100 用于VIP马戏团, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 一般入学和 $2,000 for VIP Tables. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

伊万·巴兰奇克 (Ivan Baranchyk) 已做好本周六在新奥尔良 WBSS 比赛中对阵安东尼·伊吉特 (Anthony Yigit) 的世界冠军头衔的准备


纽约 (十月 26, 2018) –不败的伊万·巴兰奇克 (18-0, 11 科斯) 作为 WBSS 的一部分,当他与安东尼·伊吉特争夺空缺的 IBF 青少年次中量级冠军头衔时,他注定会成为世界冠军, 周六晚上在新奥尔良 (DAZN, 8 下午ET).

迈阿密的巴兰奇克, 来自俄罗斯的俄克拉荷马州是世界上最令人兴奋的拳击手之一,因为他是一位喜欢投出强力击球的挺身而出的拳击手.

在伊吉特 (21-0-1, 7 科斯), 巴兰奇克的对手是一位来自瑞典的拳击手, 谁会阻碍巴兰奇克成为世界冠军的梦想.

巴兰奇克希望在 Split-T Management 的指导下成为下一个世界冠军.

巴兰奇克鳞片 140 周五称重时的磅数, 而伊吉特则 139.7

WBSS 季节 2 四分之一决赛 - 新奥尔良: 称重
WBSS 季节 2 四分之一决赛 – 新奥尔良: 称重

“我很好, 并为这场战斗做好准备. 成为世界冠军一直是我的梦想, 星期六我有机会意识到这一点,同时在这场伟大的锦标赛中晋级,” 巴兰奇克说.

“这是一个真正激动人心的时刻. 拥有如此优秀的职业道德的客户, 和这么多的心, 现在看到他得到他应得的机会真是一种非凡的感觉,” Split-T Management 的 David McWater 说.

Baranchyk 由 DiBella Entertainment 推广, 战斗促销和霍顿促销.

痴迷狂vs. 泰森·富里纽约新闻发布会语录 & 照片

为期三天的国际新闻之旅将于 12 月前在纽约继续进行,气氛连续第二天爆发 1 WBC 重量级世界冠军赛在 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播 ®



点击 这里 对于照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

观看完整的新闻发布会 这里


纽约 (十月 2, 2018) – 德昂泰·维尔德 vs. 泰森·弗瑞国际新闻发布会在无畏海号的飞行甲板上继续进行, 空气 & 周二,太空博物馆和重量级巨头们在 12 月到来之前,不失时机地再次近距离接触彼此 1 WBC 重量级世界冠军对决在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播.




拳手们在布鲁克林篮网队 Beats Drumline 的带领下走上舞台,立即面对面对峙. 就像前一天在伦敦一样, 6英尺7英寸的维尔德和6英尺9英寸的富里在新闻发布会中途不得不分开,当时富里命令维尔德摘下墨镜,这样他就能看到自己的眼睛. 观看一场对抗 这里. 观看周二新闻发布会的完整内容, 访问 SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道: https://s.sho.com/2xJsF4f



怀尔德VS. 愤怒, 美国最大的重量级赛事. 自从迈克·泰森-伦诺克斯·刘易斯 2002, 测试维尔德的原始力量与弗瑞无与伦比的体型和机动性. 此后美国唯一的重量级冠军 2007, 怀尔德有 39 在击倒 40 专业的战斗, 包括在所有七次卫冕中都被淘汰. 富里是前IBF选手, WBA和WBO重量级世界拳王,至今保持不败战绩 27 职业拳击比赛并拥有拳击界令人垂涎的直系重量级冠军头衔.



门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 明天/周三发售, 十月 3 在 12 P.M. PT. 门票价格从 $75, 再加上适用的费用, 并可通过 AXS.com.




怀尔德VS. Fury 国际新闻发布会于周三在洛杉矶 The Novo By Microsoft 结束. 住在洛杉矶市中心.




以下是今天在无畏海举行的活动的简短引述, 空气 & 纽约太空博物馆:




“这场比赛对重量级拳手来说意味着一切. 这个部门曾经处于黑暗的地方. 很多人认为这个部门很无聊,没有娱乐性,而且没有足够的伟大战士. 你知道, 人们总是回顾过去并说, ‘黄金岁月在哪里?? 它去哪儿了?’而如今的时代不同了……我们让这项运动在重量级比赛中重获新生。.




“我们都知道,对我来说,它伴随着力量和击倒对手. 这就是我所做的. 我激励你们来观看重量级拳击比赛. 因为你们在重量级比赛中看到的是淘汰赛. 我每次都会这样做. 就像我以前说过的, 当我说我答应你时, 我向你保证我会打败吉普赛国王, 还有. 木材RRRRRR!”




“我是把他带回来的人. 当他陷入黑暗的时候,我是那个鼓励他的人. 我告诉他了, “你能做到的。”我鼓励他回来. 这一刻我向他发起了挑战. 我希望他有信心. 我想让他有能量. 如你看到的, 这就是神经. 这就是所有的神经. 因为他知道会发生什么. 他知道他的脸会被打碎. 他知道他的身体会躺在人行道上. 让他燃烧掉这股能量. 很有趣. 因为当我们进入拳击场时,他将独自一人,他的举止也会改变. 他的举止将会改变. 他现在很紧张. 他不知道该怎么办.




“不要给人们虚假的承诺. 我出生于虚假的承诺,没有任何免费的东西. 我保证我会击倒你. 我说它, 相信并接受它,它就是我的. 我不需要表现出那么多的能量, 婴儿。”





“即使是德昂泰·维尔德也知道坐在伟大人物面前. 为什么我要打败这个流浪汉是因为他不会拳击. 他是个大摇摆人,他击倒了一些流浪汉. 他曾在 40 打架, 35 他们中的一些人曾经反对过番茄罐头,但却无法反击. 所以实际上他只打过五场比赛. 如果他认为一个五战新手会把那些大风车中的一个落在我的下巴上, 然后他可以再思考. 当他感受到一点力量并在脸上猛击几下后,他的屁股就会掉下来. 这就是将会发生的事情: 大约在第五或第六轮时,我将开始以上手右侧落地,然后下楼到身体处. 然后八点左右, 九 10, 冠军赛结束后欢迎来到我的世界. 他只曾 12 在他的职业生涯中只轮过一次, 我去过 12 回合冠军距离很多, 多次.




“我经验丰富,克服重重困难回来了. 我今天在这里击败了很多人, 很多问题. 我怎么能让这个小意大利面打败我? 我该怎么做? 他们称我为吉普赛国王可不是无缘无故的. 我来纽约和洛杉矶参加所有这些新闻发布会并不是为了让这个瘦小的矮子感到尴尬. 我要把他的火花打掉.




“我是一个大, 胖的, 有胡子的男人可以像地狱一样战斗. 你不需要看到这个脂肪. 我们都知道我是灾难大师. 我们都知道我的肚子很胖. 但如果你被一个胖子殴打,你的处境就会更糟.




“我不想要德昂泰·维尔德金腰带. 我想要泰森·福里腰带. 我想要限量版 WBC 腰带. 泰森·富里只有一个!




“你正在执行自杀任务. 你知道我是个疯狂的人. 我要让这个流浪汉戒掉. 我要让他辞职. 我要让他看看与真正的男人战斗是什么感觉. 真正的世界冠军. 他是否知道他们不只是赠送直系冠军腰带? 这个人从未击败过世界冠军. 他和一些流浪汉打斗 [Bermane] 没人听说过的斯蒂文.




“你已经知道你已经输掉了这场战斗. 你现在很紧张,因为所有的压力都在你身上。”





“十二月. 1 在斯台普斯中心的地板上,距离炸弹很远. 你将会看到力量, 以及不败时的狂怒, 世界上最难的拳击和最令人恐惧的重量级人物, WBC冠军, 青铜轰炸机德翁泰·维尔德对阵无所畏惧的吉普赛国王, 不败的世界线性重量级冠军.




“进行如此规模的战斗并没有什么魔力. 所需要的只是每个冠军都想要战斗. 十二月 1 世界上三个最好的重量级人物中的两个正在互相争斗, 获胜者可以走开说, ‘我就是那个男人!’除非另有证明. 这就是这一切的全部内容. 随着重量级人物的走, 所以去拳击. 重量级拳王正在走向伟大的目标. 十二月 1 你将看到一场影响几代人的重量级战斗。”




“重量级冠军争夺战有一些不可否认的独特之处. 不仅在拳击领域独一无二, 但在体育运动中却是独一无二的. 有一种神秘感, 神话般的品质. 拳击界的重量级冠军一直都是英雄人物; 几乎是超级英雄. 有一种感觉, 重量级冠军争夺战中的嗡嗡声在所有运动中都是独一无二的. 这场战斗肯定有一种独特的感觉, 还有. 我们有两个最高的人, 重量级中最大的男子 – 6 英尺 9 英寸和 6 英尺 7 英寸; 两个巨大的数字.




“德昂泰·维尔德: 40 打架, 39 科斯, 最具有破坏性的方式. 他不仅是当今拳击界最难打的拳手之一, 但现代拳击史. 泰森·富里当然拥有独特的技能. 你不会看到身高 6 英尺 9 英寸的运动员像泰森·富里那样移动. 他拥有一套独特的运动技能. 在 NBA 之外,这个星球上没有第二个身高 6 英尺 9 的运动员更具运动能力. 这是一场令人着迷的个性冲突,也是一场令人着迷的风格冲突,我们很高兴在 SHOWTIME 按次付费节目中为您呈现。”

El Matador Management Fighters Mathew Gonzalez and Justin Biggs in action on Saturday night in Brooklyn


纽约 (九月 28, 2018) – Two undefeated fighters from Felipe Gomez’s El Matador Management will be on display on Saturday night at The King’s Theatre in Brooklyn, 纽约.




Super Welterweight Mathew Gonzalez (6-0, 4 科斯) will take on Jordan Morales (3-4, 1 KO) 在四回合回合, while super welterweight Justin Biggs (4-0, 4 科斯) will take on Noe Lozano (2-3) in a six-round tilt.




Gonzalez of Ridgewood, New York will be making his 5th start of 2018, and the busy fighter is ready for his next challenge.




“一切进行得都很顺利. I have had good sparring, 我的体重是好的, and it is time to perform,” 冈萨雷斯说.




He will be facing Morales, 森伯里, Pennsylvania, who took the fight on two-weeks notice.




I don’t know too much about him. A friend of mine, Richardson Hitchins fought him at Barclays Center, and I was at that fight, so I have seen him fight.




Gonzalez has established himself as one of the top ticket sellers in the New York area, 而 23 year-old nicknamedLeftyis getting noticed.




I go to different places and people are starting to know me. It’s good to know that I am building a fan base. I thrive on having a big fan base. It makes me want to go out and execute and perform for my fans,”




Gonzalez is happy on where he is at in his career, as getting in a 5th fight in 2018 is setting himself up for a good year in 2019.




I am where I should be. 每场战斗, I am getting better and better. I am just taking one fight at a time. I just want everyone to stay tuned and keep and eye on me. Fans can follow me on Instagram at leftygunz_




Biggs of Brooklyn will be making his 3rd consecutive appearance at the venue in his hometown.




“我的训练是伟大的. 我一直在努力, 我正在减肥,” said Biggs.




Biggs has a pretty good scouting report on his foe, and he is looking for a great fight on Saturday.




He is a fellow southpaw. He is pretty intense, and he comes at you, which should make for a great fight. I think that my body punching and jab will be too much for him to handle.




Biggs has a nice knockout streak to start his career, and unlike most fighters he feels that stoppages are important for many reasons.




The most important thing is to win. I don’t go in there looking for a knockdown, but I feel I will eventually get him out of there by breaking my opponents down. It is important to get knockouts because that is what people pay to see.




Four fights into his career, Biggs continues to see himself evolve as a fighter.




I see myself from old fights in the amateurs, and I see that I am more disciplined. I am more defensively responsible, and I am moving more fluidly. I feel that I am efficient and exciting. I am happy with my progress.




Biggs, 26 years-old has a very ambitious schedule, and within a year, he sees himself as a legitimate contender.




In the next year, I would like to be 14 或 15 和 0. Maybe even higher. I feel good that more that I fight, the more that I learn. I want to be fighters on the networks and being called a future world champion. 星期六, i will do my best, and hope people will be inspired by watching me fight.




Both Gonzalez and Biggs are promoted by Real Deal Boxing.




叽叽喳喳: @BoxingAdvisor
Facebook的: @ElMatadorManagement
Instagram的: @ElMatadorManagement
快照聊天: @ElMatadorMngmt
YouTube的: @新传奇促销








纽约 (九月 21, 2018) — WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will defend his title against lineal champion Tyson Fury in a blockbuster matchup of undefeated heavyweights Saturday, 十二月 1 住在按次观点.




The contracts have been signed and the promotional tour will kick off in London on Oct. 1 and continue with stops in New York City and Los Angeles.




怀尔德VS. 富里以无与伦比的体型和机动性来测试维尔德的原始力量. 此后美国唯一的重量级冠军 2007, 怀尔德有 39 在击倒 40 专业的战斗, 包括在所有七次卫冕中都被淘汰. 富里是前IBF选手, WBA和WBO重量级世界拳王,至今保持不败战绩 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s prestigious lineal heavyweight title.




More details on the location, venue and the on-sale ticket information for the heavyweight championship battle will be released next week.



风扇友好, interactive FREE series with more than 1.6 million fans served nowPowered by Everlast.

纽约 (七. 19, 2018) – After opening Season II last Friday with nearly 200,000 views to bring its series viewership above 1.6 百万, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE today announced a 24-show partnership with 的Everlast: The Choice of Champions and the preeminent brand in boxing since 1910.




Under the agreement, Everlast becomes the title sponsor of “FIGHTNIGHT LIVE, Powered by Everlast for all shows during the 2018-19 season and enjoys benefits such as: Broadcast Billboards; “Tale of the Tape” 和 “Matchupgraphics during the live shows; sponsored interviews; in-venue ring announcer acknowledgements before each fight; between-show social media integration, 以及更多.




We are delighted that Everlasta brand synonymous with boxingsees value in what FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has accomplished since May of 2017. We’ve had 18 shows originating from New York, 大西洋城, 费城, Boston and New England, Phoenix and America’s Heartland, 其中超过 300 up-and-coming fighters and eleven different promotions gained an incredible amount of exposure via this exciting, truly social platform. To be able to have several events with more than 150,000 或 200,000 views only scratches the surface, and with Everlast’s partnership, we are truly ready to take FIGHTNIGHT LIVE to the next level here in Season II,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 校长和业务发展总监, 利纳克尔媒体.




We are proud to partner with FIGHTNIGHT LIVE. At Everlast we have always believed in supporting people and ideas that break the mold and blaze new trails and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is doing just that,” 说 Chris Zoller, Vice President of Marketing and Product development at Everlast. “We’re seeing a shift in how fight sports content is being consumed. Highly-engaging content and experiences delivered via emerging channels is the heart of our brand strategy. FNL is the perfect combination of high-quality fight sports content and accessibility.




现在,在其第二个赛季, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is the fan-friendly series that – 除其他方面 – 自诩打评论员之间进行的实时对话和收视观众. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE已展出超过 300 fighters during 18 自五月以来的现场直播 2017, 并在这样做, 互动平台已经产生的斗争球迷的忠诚的利益,从美国各地和世界各地, 包括墨西哥显著观众, 英国和欧洲其他地区, 甚至球迷在南美, 亚洲和澳大利亚.




Now at more than 1.6 该系列的百万浏览量, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 在其首播期间继续提供令人印象深刻的数字 18 节目:


  • 由于五月 2017, the numbers on the 18-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 90,001 每个事件的观看次数及以上 1.6 万条总的意见.


  • 在九月. 2017 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (225,000), 八月 2017 CES “超级星期六” 从快活 (203,000), 在九月. 2018 “适合国王的卡片” 从费城 (195,620), 在九月. 2017 CES “双子河Twinbill” 从林肯, R.I. (157,000) 与三月 17, 2018, 墨菲 “圣. 帕特里克日的冲突” (151,253) 所有记录 150,000 以上意见, and collectively the 18-show series has seen a total of 1,620,014 在所有设备视图.


  • 除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 风扇友好的生产已经看到 多于 183,000 集体生活后订婚(多于 10,100 每场), 包括超过 124,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 多于 31,000 评论超过 10,000 分享.


  • 在九月. 2017 “实打实促销: 帝国” 设置一个新栏 224,658 意见 和九月. 2017 迪贝拉-CES的连携带的系列四分之三的-A-万人点击,在短短四个多月. 在九月. 2017 迪贝拉卡锯 多于 40,000 观众互动 几乎包括了 39,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱” 与三月 17, 2018, 墨菲 “圣. 帕特里克日的冲突” 设置一个新的高水位标记 股 2,182.


  • 在Facebook上的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE页面已超过 83,000 追随者.




创建和利纳克尔媒体产生了纽约市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色专业播音员, 多个摄像机角度, 电视图形, 重播和幕后的访问和采访. 流式传输的节目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不仅该计划使球迷从世界各地来调, 但也给了后起的战士一个全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 给促销员的访问 “广播” 解决方案并给出了赞助商通过品牌内容达成大量观众的能力.




更多《FIGHTNIGHT LIVE》秋季版 2018 日期将在未来几周内正式公布.








按照通过在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上社交媒体的所有行动, Instagram 上的@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE 和 Twitter 上的@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, 或通过使用#标签#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有关最新利纳克尔媒体事件和广播时间表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用该标签#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.






卓越的品牌在拳击比赛中,因为 1910, 的Everlast是全球领先的制造商, 营销和拳击的许可, MMA和健身器材. 从传说中的冠军杰克·登普西和糖罗宾森目前的超级巨星Deontay怀尔德和达斯汀·普瓦里耶, 的Everlast是首选品牌的世界冠军的职业运动员代. 建立在实力的品牌传承, 奉献, 个性和真实性, 的Everlast是无数冠军的生活的必要组成部分. 总部设在曼哈顿, 安能公司的产品分布在多卖 75 国家和 6 大陆. 欲了解更多信息, visit www.everlast.com.

格雷格·科恩促销, 墨菲的拳击和 12 一轮促销活动签署了不败的超级轻量级​​亚伯拉罕“ El Super” Nova,签订了多年共同促销合同

格雷格·科恩促销 (GCP), 墨菲的拳击和 12 Round Promotions自豪地宣布与多年合作促销合同签署了不败的超轻量级亚伯拉罕“ El Super” Nova.

新星 (12-0, 10 科斯), 出生于波多黎各,现居住在奥尔巴尼, 纽约, 在小跑地球并赢得所有战斗时看起来像未来的冠军. 这名24岁的男孩最后一次出现在5月, 得分 7 在沙勒罗瓦(Charleroi)的RTL Spiroudome上参观意大利的Hassan Nourdine, 比利时.

在他之前 2016 登场, Nova从事了令人难以置信的业余职业 167-11 同 60 KO,曾经是 #1 排名141磅. 美国的拳击手. 他赢得的久负盛名的头衔包括在 2014 美国国民, 该 2014 多米尼加独立世界杯, 和金在 2014 Cheo Aponte比赛, 而 2015 奥运会预选赛. 他还是五届纽约金手套冠军.

“我很高兴能与如此优秀的人交往,”亚伯拉罕对此交易感到高兴. “我期待在不久的将来赢得世界冠军!”

“这是一位出色的年轻战士,我要感谢我的合作伙伴, 来自墨菲(Murphy)拳击的Ken Casey和来自AlaninVanackère的 12 圆,” GCP的Greg Cohen说. “亚伯拉罕·诺瓦(Abraham Nova)是一位极高的才能,很快将成为世界冠军. 他也很高兴与他一起工作,很高兴能参与其中。”

“墨菲(Murphy)的拳击很幸运,可以与亚伯拉罕·诺瓦(Abraham Nova)合作进行几次战斗,”墨菲(Murphy)拳击的肯·凯西(Ken Casey)说. “他是拳击界最优秀的孩子之一,具有无与伦比的奉献精神. 哦, 他是一名出色的战士,拥有令人难以置信的资历和我见过的最可怕的力量,这并没有什么坏处. 我们很高兴能共同促进亚伯拉罕。”

“能够陪伴未来的世界冠军是我的荣幸和荣幸。,”来自Google的AlainVanackère说 12 圆. “与两位尊敬的发起人一起经历这种独特经历的机会真是难得的机会, GCP和墨菲的拳击. 我认为我们将共同努力,取得许多成功和荣幸。”

科恩说他不确定要对准哪个130磅重的冠军 (WBC: 米格尔·贝切尔特(Miguel Berchelt), WBA: Gervonta戴维斯, IBF: Tevin Farmer和WBO: 伊藤正幸), 但计划是迅速行动.

“我们将立即开始计划,让亚伯拉罕与额定的战斗机交战,并尽快使他步入正轨,“他说,. “这个年轻人已经显示出他准备进行下一级别拳击的所有迹象。. 这是进入亚伯拉罕新星业务的激动人心的时刻。”




什么: 在原来的数字专营权的最新分期付款 战斗之夜, SHOWTIME体育® takes viewers behind the scenes of last Saturday’s welterweight world championship main event, 丹尼·加西亚 VS. 肖恩·波特. 战斗之夜 delves into the minds of the athletes and their families in the sober hours before the fight, into the fighters’ respective corners during the intense bout and into the locker rooms in the immediate aftermath of the battle in Brooklyn.

Distinct cinematography and exclusive audio featured in 战斗之夜: 丹尼·加西亚VS. 肖恩·波特 provides intimate access to two of the welterweight division’s best fighters, delivering a unique perspective on one of the most important matchups in boxing.

Now a two-time world champion, Porter said his lifelong dream came true when legendary SHOWTIME ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. called his name as the victor.

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