标记档案: 纽约

星期四,Pagliara vs Robertson赢得WBU冠军, 一月 22 在韦伯斯特音乐厅在纽约市

记者招待会 本周四 在卡皮齐餐厅 (西第41届,在大街9号) 在 2 PM

布鲁克林, 纽约 (一月 13, 2015)-– 德米特里·萨利塔(Dmitry Salita)今天宣布,将赢得WBU美洲轻量级冠军头衔,作为他广受欢迎的布鲁克林争吵拳击系列的附加功能.

弗洛里亚诺帕利亚拉, 流行的意大利,从意大利Cecine,现在居住在布鲁克林Williamsburgh将于光滑从美国明尼苏达州移动Antwan罗伯逊

帕利亚拉(Pagliara)曾担任国际羽联地中海冠军和意大利联合会冠军头衔. 轻量级司.

“弗洛里亚诺爱美国. 他在三州地区的意大利当地社区中非常受欢迎。. 他非常荣幸为美国冠军在他的美国球迷面前打. 人们弗洛里回应. 德米特里和他的宣传团队会很乐意与球迷的支持是弗洛里亚诺带来” 引述丰富Komissar, 美国帕利亚拉的发起人. “他的粉丝支持他” 添加Komissar


“我总是尽量想使轻量级的限制,但在意大利我的训练和饮食并没有让这个. 但在美国,我有这样做的最好的训练,现在我从来没有超过 132 当我固定的时间,而不是培训英镑” 和opera可亲的意大利人用他的歌剧方言说.

“大卫促销之星是高兴补充这一回合的共同特征” 大卫之星促销的德米特里·萨利塔(Dmitry Salita)说. “我曾在纽约地区见过弗洛里亚诺几次战斗. 他是纽约地区最受欢迎的战士之一. 他总是带来很多观众,而且他的表演很棒. 我相信,我们给你在这里的对决 (帕利亚拉 / 罗伯逊) 将产生球迷们喜欢的全力以赴的战斗. Antwan罗伯逊从来没有在一个沉闷的战斗. 他让我想起了少年琼斯一点点… 这场斗争将是一场战争”.

布鲁克林争吵系列将跳河到曼哈顿参加本次演出 1月22日. 该卡将在世界著名的韦伯斯特音乐厅举行 125 东11街NYC纽约 10003.

会有一个新闻发布会 本周四 在卡皮齐餐厅 2 PM. 卡皮齐(Capizzi)位于西41街和9大街.

下面是帕利​​亚拉的视频, 谁已经创造 “布鲁克林洛基”




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有关最新信息 一月. 22 演出.


大卫促销的明星将揭开序幕其 2015 拳击年度 一月. 22, 在纽约市一个拥挤的表演韦伯斯特大厅.

宣传员Dmitriy Salita很高兴宣布一项引人注目的主要赛事 1月22日 卡韦伯斯特音乐厅在纽约, 哪怕是轻量级竞争者 初中赖特, 芝加哥的拳师, 针对严峻的德克萨斯 雷福德约翰逊 在10轮的较量. “少年在训练营与阿多尼斯史蒂文森的猛男’ 12月打. 19, 和少年是准备挑战世界上最好的,” 一句话说,. “他希望发言。” 约翰逊仍然跳动嗡嗡嗡 16-1 文森特·米兰达去年九月所以赖特将需要的信息.


Salita抽了 “当年的战斗潜力” 交锋点蚀轻量级 Dimash尼亚佐夫 对前NYS​​轻量级冠军 阿里尔·杜兰 定于6回合一个回合。. “这将是Dimash的最严峻的考验,” 一句话说,.


上升的前景 加里Beriguette 布鲁克林正在寻找在初中飞扬冲突留下深刻的印象; 他遇到了纽约球迷的最爱 拉斐尔月 奥尔巴尼的六轮较量, 有人谁从来没有从事沉闷的战斗, Salita希望他在Jan上继续保持这种趋势. 22.


一个KO是一个明显的可能性时,打球迷看到重量级轰炸机SODP登场 Ytalo佩雷亚, 厄瓜多尔的土著, 希望留下自己的印记 埃米利奥·萨拉斯 在4轮的较量. 泛美运动会冠军希望将一条重量级腰带带回他的故乡,以自豪地炫耀.


Salita看起来是过弯市场上的巡洋舰和重型沉重打击的前景; 另一个在该类别, 希望炫耀自己在纽约的东西, 是俄罗斯人 阿列克谢·祖博夫, 一个28岁的击球手谁渴望KO高潮. 他会面对 埃里克·乔治 在4轮的较量.


次中量级前景 Treysean威金斯, 出的纽堡, 纽约, 是Salita旗帜谁想要奠定了咂下来韦伯斯特大厅时,他对在另一个KO-craver Llyas Aksbaev.


球迷喜爱 弗洛里亚诺帕利亚拉 吸引球迷谁爱他的大批量冲压成群, 性格开朗和有吸引力的面貌; 他将采取行动 一月. 22 以及在 8 回合回合反对 Antwun罗伯逊 在8轮的较量.


瑞星量级 明智的奥古斯塔 期待成为另一个KO, 当他在延长胜逐KO了他完美的连胜六 埃迪·爱德蒙 在六轮的较量.


国家和纽约金手套冠军 马科斯·苏亚雷斯, 一个可能的未来明星Salita的眼睛, 想出风头,在韦伯斯特大厅. 他不败 奥吉埃尔埃尔南德斯 日内瓦, 纽约4轮JR. 次中量级回合.


达米恩yero 的布朗克斯将目光使他的亲亮相是成功的,因为他需要在布鲁克林猛男 麦克巴布 在4轮次中量级回合.


大卫队的明星鼓掌的双手为自己的重量级希望米勒贾雷尔, 谁上升到 11-0 在周五 夜晚, 超过亚伦金赤决定胜利在加州. 这是高调郊游, 特色ESPN的 “星期五 夜战斗。”

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有关最新信息 一月. 22 演出.

GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki comments on Jerry Odom’s controversial disqualification

纳特利, 新泽西州(一月 12, 2015)–刚刚过去的这个 星期五 night at the Madison Square Garden Theater, previously undefeated Super Middleweight 杰里奥多姆 suffered his first professional defeat when he was controversially disqualified when he was ruled to have hit 安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 while he was down following a knockdown.

Jerry dropped the kid and the referee was way out of position. The referee was in the opposite corner,””说GH3促销CEO维托Mielnicki.

We signed Hernandez before the fight so I am looking to do an immediate rematch as soon as mid February. As everyone saw, Jerry was well on his way to stopping him. Hernandez is a good prospect but Jerry got the best of him. I think Andrew knew that Jerry was breaking him down.

The referee was way out of position to make a call like that They could have given him five minutes to recover. Stuff like this is a black eye for the sport. All that being said, Andrew knows that if he wants to become something, he has to take the rematch. I am going to talk to the commission 周一 and see what my options are in terms of an appeal but making the rematch is the first order of business for us.

We know that Jerry is still the top Super Middleweight prospect out there and we will not let this terrible ruling effect our plans for Jerry going forward.


GH3促销信息特色不败中量级安托万·道格拉斯, 超中量级的杰里奥多姆 & 德里克 - 韦伯斯特, 不败羽量级格伦Dezurn小, 不败超轻量级亚当·洛佩兹以及JR. 中量级约翰·汤普森, JR. 轻巧Wanzell埃里森, 羽量级豪尔赫·迪亚斯, 不败超轻量级拳王Qa'id和轻重量级Lavarn Harvell到GH3促销稳定.


文华财经, ILLINOIS (一月 11, 2015) – Chicago’s undefeated Jr. 次中量级前景, Kenneth Sims Jr. (5-0, 2 科斯) extended on his winning streak this past 星期六 at the Madison Square Garden Theater with a dominating unanimous decision against tough opponent, Christian Steele (4-12, 1 KO).


Sims Jr., who was fighting in is second 6-round bout in only his fifth pro fight, showed why he was a top amateur standout, showcasing advanced boxing skills winning every round convincingly. With each fight Sims Jr. feels he’s improving and wants to have a big 2015.


“I’m enjoying my journey as a professional,” said Kenneth Sims Jr. “I feel I’m getting better every time I step in the ring. There is always room for improvement and I’m going to continue working hard in the gym. Gary Shaw has said there will be many opportunities for me to take my career to the next level in 2015 and I want take full advantage of everything that comes my way. I’m hoping to make a quick return back to the ring.”


“Sims Jr. is progressing nicely as a professional prize fighter,” 加里·肖 说. “I think he’ll graduate to 8-round bouts after one more fight. He seems to be making the 140 lbs weight limit with ease so we’ll keep him at Jr. 次中量级. He’s got the height and reach attributes to give anyone in the division problems. I see him having a big 2015.”


纽约 (一月 11, 2015) – 刚刚过去的这个 星期五 在麦迪逊广场花园剧院, 巴哈马量级竞争者, Tureano约翰逊 (18-1, 13 科斯) 捕获的 WBA国际WBC银 冠军, 与对哥伦比亚的竞争者青紫胜利 亚历克斯Theran (17-2, 2 科斯). 约翰逊完胜前奥海Theran过五轮, 在第四轮投下他一次, 然后再次在第五. Theran, 谁遭受伤害和无法返回的第六轮, 被采取殴打鞠躬回合前.


额定 WBC #8, WBA #12IBF #12, Tureano约翰逊正在加紧在中量级分裂挑战任何冠军. 击败了坚实的战斗机一样Theran后, 和被抢劫的柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯斗争, 约翰逊相信他可以击败任何当前冠军 160 磅.


“我已经准备好战斗 根纳季·戈洛夫金, 米格尔·库托, 前锋泰勒 或任何其他冠军那里,” 说Tureano约翰逊. 这些都是战斗,我想追求的类型. 大卫·勒米厄 也是在我的暗杀名单. 我在这里接管师. 每个人都知道我应该不败,所以我打算每次我踩在环离开毫无疑问的. 我不能再抢劫. 随着加里·肖把我在一个伟大的位置, 我要充分利用每一个机会. 我的目标 2015 要成为一个世界冠军。”


“Tureano约翰逊在前进的排名,应该鼓掌为他的战斗作风。” 说 加里·肖. “他是所有人的战斗机的类型要见. 我要使劲让他回来在电视, 希望对像根纳季·Golovkin的家伙. 约翰逊是在中量级部门的力量,你会看到他在一些大的战斗来了。”

Melson Mourns the Loss of Bernie Lenahan

纽约, 纽约 (一月 11, 2015) – Bernie Lenahan was a rare breed by today’s boxing standards. Not only was he dedicated to the sport, spending countless hours at New York’s Mendez Boxing Gym, Lenahan was an honest family man that built special friendships with his fighters.


Having worked with various fighters in the Big Apple, Lenahan learned his craft by spending time around New York’s greats. He guided multiple fighters to New York Golden Gloves titles and played a key role during his four years as Boyd Melson’s assistant trainer and cutman. In multiple fights, Lenahan prevented tides from potentially turning by effectively closing Melson’s cuts between rounds. He was also in the gym guiding Melson as he prepared for battle.


Shockingly, Lenahan passed away last week, leaving behind a wife, 女儿, granddaughter, two sisters and a brother.


“I spent more time with Coach Bernie these past four years than any other man on this planet,“梅尔森说:. He made me his. My heart broke when I heard the news, and a part of it will be broken until my time is up in my own body. It wasn’t just because of how he loved me and how much I loved him that this hurts me so much, but it is because when Coach passed, hundreds and hundreds of people lost something very special.”


“Coach Bernie offered an unconditional kindness, acceptance and welcoming that you only find in children. When you see a child, you know that you won’t be judged, and you will be offered love for no other reason beyond that child just wanting to love you. At some time in almost all humanslives, we tend to lose this. We stop loving everyone, and we start judging everyone. With Coach though, we felt safe as seeing him put instant smiles on our faces because we always felt loved and welcomed. He made you feel that he truly wanted you there and really cared about you. I wish everyone alive on this planet could have met Coach Bernie to experience that feeling. At the end of every practice for the past three years, I hugged Coach Bernie, kissed him on the side of his forehead, thanked him for training me that day, and said I love you to him. He would smile and quietly saylove you too.Forever and a day, I thank you Coach for this.”


Donations to the Lenahan family can be made by going to https://www.crowdrise.com/BernieLenahan/fundraiser/jamescoppinger