标记档案: 俄克拉何马州


塔尔萨, 行 (一月 5, 2022) – 不败重量级 Jeremiah “Dreamland” Milton 与 Holden Productions 签署了独家推广合同.

在塔尔萨出生和长大, 27 岁的米尔顿是 3-0 同 3 KO 是专业人士. 作为一个业余爱好者, 他被评为美国顶级重量级人物,并获得银牌 2020 奥运选拔赛. 拳击前, 他在东北州立大学二区打防守端. 米尔顿, 谁是 6’4 230 英镑, 是一个具有令人印象深刻的运动能力的爆发力拳击手.

“Holden Productions 一直在为多个体重级别的拳击手做很多事情,”米尔顿说, 两人对打后获得重量级拳王泰森·弗瑞的赞誉. “我很高兴加入一个来自家乡的成功团队,我们会让全世界都注意到。”

在全球范围内推广格斗和格斗选手,包括去年杰克·保罗-泰伦·伍德利的两场格斗比赛, 霍尔顿制片公司很高兴能签下一位与他们的家乡有联系的有才华的重量级人物.

“我们的工作是为耶利米提供最大的成功平台,”布莱斯霍尔顿说. “当你和一个吃东西的战士一起工作时,这项任务变得容易了, 睡觉和呼吸拳击. 我们很高兴看到耶利米在 2022 在他的家乡参加一些大​​型演出时。”

迈克·莱纳迪, 经营胜利体育的米尔顿的经理 & 瑞克·托雷斯的娱乐节目表示“我们很高兴与托尼和布莱斯·霍尔登合作. 他们了解塔尔萨地区并且在那里建造战斗机取得了很多成功. 耶利米将有机会活跃起来, 在塔尔萨打大牌,在家里打架. 没有比这更好的了!”

周六,米尔顿在 Holden Productions 旗下首次亮相, 一月 29 在 Hard Rock 和 Casino Tulsa 作为顶级 ESPN 拳击卡的一部分. 门票现已公开发售,在 Tickets.hardrockcasinotulsa.com/ordertickets.asp?p=617&src=活动表演

本周五的SHOBOX: 新一代拳击的独特环境, BROKEN ARROW 市中心的户外活动, 俄克拉何马州

(断箭, 行) 作为 Showtime ShoBox 20 周年纪念季的一部分: 新一代, 这个星期五, 九月 24, 2021, Salita Promotions 将重返美国最独特的格斗场地之一, 在断箭城的户外, 俄克拉荷马州的艺术和娱乐区, 以六名潜在客户为特色的现场三重广播 72-2-1.

坐落在风景秀丽的城市广场中心, 在 10 轮雏量级主赛事中, 26-一岁的底特律本地人 Ja'Rico O'Quinn (14-0-1, 8 科斯) 将面对加利福尼亚的 24 岁的索尔·桑切斯 (16-1, 9 科斯). 联合主赛事将让不败的羽量级新秀杰冯·加内特(Jayvon Garnett) (10-0, 5 科斯) 和路易斯·雷纳尔多·努涅斯 (11-0, 8 科斯) 在十轮比赛和揭幕战中相互对抗, 亚历杭德罗·格雷罗 (12-1, 9 科斯) 面对不败的 Otar Eranosyan (9-0, 6 科斯) 在八轮超级轻量级​​比赛中.

本次活动将是 Salita Promotions 第二次尝试在户外拳击温床上演一场战斗. 八月 2019, 由于下雨,一场由不败的乌兹别克人 Shohjahon Ergashev 举办的 Salita 活动不得不转移到中央公园社区中心附近的范围内.

“我很高兴 Showtime 在 ShoBox 成立 20 周年期间选择了 Broken Arrow 参加这些拳击比赛,”Broken Arrow 市长 Debra Wimpee 说. “我想不出比在美丽且屡获殊荣的玫瑰区更好的地方来展示这些了不起的运动员了. Main St 的氛围. 将会是我们以前从未见过的, 我很高兴全球观众将看到我们 Broken Arrowans 一直以来所知道的. 在庆祝艺术和娱乐方面,玫瑰区和我们的市民是首屈一指的。”


“我很荣幸能够宣传九月 24 ShoBox 在如此独特的外部环境中,“说字. “断箭之城是很棒的东道主,我们很高兴能回来参加这个不同寻常的 ShoBox 活动. 这次天气报告很好,我们有一场精彩的表演,还有十字路口的战斗, 从上到下。”

万一发生恶劣天气, 该节目将再次搬迁至中央公园社区中心 1500 S. 主街.

奥奎因 VS. 桑切斯 – 10 轮雏量级主赛事回合

此前被 WBO 评为世界前十名 115 英镑, 奥奎因最后一次战斗是在 118 在 1 月的第 250 届 ShoBox 中,以一致决定对奥斯卡·瓦斯奎兹的决定 2020. 被评为No. 1 国内业余雏量级 130-18 转职业之前 2015, O'Quinn拥有超快的手,并抛出费力组合的能力. 在他的底特律的家乡球迷的最爱, 他忙于 2018 和 2019, 每年赢三次, 六场比赛中有五场发生在他的家乡密歇根州.

“我一直在等待这一刻,“说着O'Quinn. “我迫不及待地想再次向世界展示我的才华. 我对他真的了解不多, 但他最好尽可能了解我. 并不是说这对他有任何帮助. 我会赢,因为这有一定的水平,而他不在我的水平. 这很快就会很明显. 我是雏量级的强者. 训练进展顺利,但很难. 我训练刻苦,战斗轻松。”

24岁的桑切斯, 谁是排名第. 8 第一轮两次击倒多米尼加共和国的卡斯蒂略 118 英镑, 正在四连胜. 他最后一次, 桑切斯迅速完成了弗兰克冈萨雷斯的工作, 在第一轮停赛途中将他击倒三次. 帕科伊玛, 加利福尼亚州. 在 5 月的 ShoBox 处子秀中,native 打进了 Brandon Benitez 的第八轮停赛 2019. 他放弃了下一场战斗, 对埃德温罗德里格斯的分歧决定, 但以一致决定战胜维克多·特雷霍·加西亚(Victor Trejo Garcia)来重新开始他的连胜纪录. 由曼尼·罗伯斯训练, 桑切斯是他的弟弟 19-1 职业羽量级埃米利奥·桑切斯.

“这是我职业生涯最大舞台上最大的战斗, 我不会让这个机会从我身边溜走,”桑切斯说. “我将向所有观看 SHOWTIME 的人展示我属于大男孩. 奥奎因是一名优秀的斗士,但我要给他他的第一场失利. 我正处于职业生涯的某个阶段,我需要将那个转折点变成世界冠军, 那个时候就是现在。”

加内特 VS. 努涅斯 – 10 轮超羽量级比赛

Jayvon Garnett 来自拳击天才城市辛辛那提, 俄亥俄, 他六岁时第一次戴上拳击手套. 他有一个出色的业余职业生涯 110 时, 在俄亥俄州竞争激烈的业余拳击界发展他的风格并提高他的技能. 这位 26 岁的球员即将取得职业生涯最佳职业胜利, 6月对曾经被击败的何塞·阿尔杰的一致决定. 将卓越的速度和准确性与力量倾向相结合, 5尺3寸的加内特阻止了他前六名职业对手中的五名. 他在记分卡上赢得了最后四场比赛, 全体一致.

“在 SHOWTIME 上战斗感觉很棒,”加内特说. “我一直梦想在大平台上战斗, 但从没想过我的第一次电视打架会是 ShoBox. 我不知道很多关于我的对手, 但我会赢得这场战斗,因为我更聪明. 在环, 我是拳击手和思想家, 但我也有重拳. 凭借这场胜利, 我会更上一层楼,更接近世界排名。”

多米尼加共和国的业余爱好者, 普拉塔港的路易斯·雷纳尔多·努涅斯 (Luis Reynaldo Nunez) 八岁开始拳击,并作为多米尼加国家队的一员赢得了多项全国冠军, 包括黄金 2016 青年锦标赛. 一个对粉丝友好的压力战斗机,双手沉重, 努涅斯在 18, 通过在他的祖国摆在他面前的每一项测试. 他完美无瑕的履历包括当时的一致决定 20-3-1 埃利泽·阿基诺(Eliezer Aquino)和第四轮 KO 击败了曾经被击败的乔瓦尼·古铁雷斯(Giovanni Gutierrez).

“我非常感谢有机会在 SHOWTIME 上战斗,” 21 岁的努涅斯说, 谁将首次在多米尼加共和国境外作战. “我的对手是一名优秀的战士,但我来这里是为了向他展示在真正的比赛中会发生什么. 感谢我的团队给我这个机会,我期待在国家电视台上大放异彩。”

战士对. Eranosyan – 八轮轻量级较量

战斗了休斯敦, 得克萨斯州, Guerrero 是一个很有潜力的新秀,他将第三次出现在 ShoBox, 希望提高他的记录 2-1 关于前景发展系列. 他在 3 月份通过对 Jose Angulo 的多数决定赢得了一场激烈竞争的 slugfest 2020, 但在二月份被亚伯拉罕蒙托亚搞砸了. 一个著名的业余谁赢得了两个小辈全国冠军, 这位 23 岁的“猪排”在加利福尼亚著名的加西亚拳击学院与世界冠军米奇·加西亚和布兰登·里奥斯等人进行了对练.

“训练进行得很顺利,”格雷罗说. “我的体型已经有两个月了,所以现在只是用我的技术在这里和那里修改基本的东西. 我知道Eranosyan会很艰难, 所以我们会带着坚强的意志去参加比赛,因为他知道他可以战斗. 我正在努力训练,因为我必须做好充分的准备. 这家伙不会在公园里散步. 但我现在有不同的心态. 最后一战, 我抱着‘我可以打败所有人的心态’。’ 这个, 我必须以聪明的头脑进入,真正地把那个家伙装进盒子里,并使用我所有的技能。”

排名不. 9 第一轮两次击倒多米尼加共和国的卡斯蒂略 130 英镑, Eranosyan 是一位备受赞誉的格鲁吉亚业余爱好者,他已经无缝过渡到有偿队伍. 这位 27 岁的球员直到 8 月才转为职业球员 2020, 但已经打了九次. 现在总部设在迈阿密海滩, 佛罗里达州。, “比特犬”在第四轮比赛中拥有两次著名的 KO 32-4 胡安·卡洛斯·佩尼亚, 包括他最后一次外出是在八月 13. Eranosyan 将在他的 ShoBox 首次亮相,因为他在 2021, 这也标志着他在佛罗里达以外的第一次职业比赛.

“我没有过多地研究格雷罗, 但我看了几场比赛,他是一个很好的拳手,有很好的出拳力和很好的耐力,第一轮两次击倒多米尼加共和国的卡斯蒂略. “我正在增加大量的耐力训练并锻炼我的腿,为这场战斗做好准备. 我不知道具体会发生什么, 但我只是这个部门中最好的, 所以我会赢。”

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关于的ShoBox: 新一代
今年, 广受好评的前景发展系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代, 庆祝其成立 20 周年,因为它继续匹配顶尖的年轻人才强硬. 公司自成立以来日 2001, ShoBox 的理念是通过电视转播激动人心的, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 84 谁出现在ShoBox和先进的战斗机,以争取世界冠军头衔包括:: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.

伊万·巴兰奇克 (Ivan Baranchyk) 已做好本周六在新奥尔良 WBSS 比赛中对阵安东尼·伊吉特 (Anthony Yigit) 的世界冠军头衔的准备


纽约 (十月 26, 2018) –不败的伊万·巴兰奇克 (18-0, 11 科斯) 作为 WBSS 的一部分,当他与安东尼·伊吉特争夺空缺的 IBF 青少年次中量级冠军头衔时,他注定会成为世界冠军, 周六晚上在新奥尔良 (DAZN, 8 下午ET).

迈阿密的巴兰奇克, 来自俄罗斯的俄克拉荷马州是世界上最令人兴奋的拳击手之一,因为他是一位喜欢投出强力击球的挺身而出的拳击手.

在伊吉特 (21-0-1, 7 科斯), 巴兰奇克的对手是一位来自瑞典的拳击手, 谁会阻碍巴兰奇克成为世界冠军的梦想.

巴兰奇克希望在 Split-T Management 的指导下成为下一个世界冠军.

巴兰奇克鳞片 140 周五称重时的磅数, 而伊吉特则 139.7

WBSS 季节 2 四分之一决赛 - 新奥尔良: 称重
WBSS 季节 2 四分之一决赛 – 新奥尔良: 称重

“我很好, 并为这场战斗做好准备. 成为世界冠军一直是我的梦想, 星期六我有机会意识到这一点,同时在这场伟大的锦标赛中晋级,” 巴兰奇克说.

“这是一个真正激动人心的时刻. 拥有如此优秀的职业道德的客户, 和这么多的心, 现在看到他得到他应得的机会真是一种非凡的感觉,” Split-T Management 的 David McWater 说.

Baranchyk 由 DiBella Entertainment 推广, 战斗促销和霍顿促销.



Four Fighters Lose Their Undefeated Records, Bringing ShoBox Total To 180

赶上周一重播, 九月 24 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用戴夫·曼德尔/欣欣

SHAWNEE, 俄克拉何马州. (九月 22, 2018) – O’Shaquie Foster upset previously undefeated Jon Fernandez in a battle of 的ShoBox: 新一代 退伍军人, scoring an impressive unanimous decision victory over the highly regarded prospect Friday on SHOWTIME from Firelake Arena. 视频集锦: https://s.sho.com/2OI0NUp




费尔南德斯 (16-1, 14 科斯), a protégé of former unified world champion Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, 成为 180 fighter in the history of the 的ShoBox series to lose his undefeated record after three other previously undefeated fighters dropped decisions on Friday.




The 25-year-old Foster (14-2, 8 科斯), a resident of Houston, executed his team’s game plan to perfection, utilizing superb movement and connecting opportunistically with counter shots. Foster was far sharper on both offense and defense, 连接上 36 percent of his total punches compared to just 16 percent for Fernandez.




Fernandez was frustrated by Foster, a crafty and experienced fighter who was one win away from representing the United States in the 2012 奥运会. In his previous six bouts, Fernandez averaged 8.4 jab connects per round but was limited to just 13 jabs in tonight’s entire 10-round fight.




“This was the best fight of my career,疲劳也是一个因素,因为德洛斯桑托斯在他年轻的职业生涯中从未超过第六轮,而且随着战斗的进行,他似乎已经耗尽了精力, who was appearing on the 的ShoBox series for the fourth time. “I knew I had it in me, I just never put it together. I have a new team, I have a new trainer, a new strength and conditioning coach. This was what I dreamed of and we put in the work to make it happen.




“I knew he was a puncher and he’d come forward the whole fight. I knew I had to work off my jab and use my lateral movement. He had a little power, but he never got me clean. We’re going to sit down and look at the drawing board. I can tell you this, we’re not the B-side anymore.”




Fernandez improved throughout the second half of the fight, landing a big right hand in the sixth round that briefly wobbled Foster. 然而, the Spaniard was unable to extend his impressive KO streak of 14 consecutive fights.




“His style was frustrating, but we were expecting it,” said the 23-year-old Fernandez, who was widely regarded as one of the top prospects in boxing. “We thought his conditioning would go down and he’d slow down in the later rounds. 他没有 (slow down) and that surprised me.






“I feel like we can still get better and better. We just had a bad game plan for this fight.”




小欧文·冈萨雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez Jr). (11-0, 9 科斯) out-boxed Carlos Ramos (9-1, 6 科斯) from start to finish to score a unanimous decision victory in the co-featured bout of tonight’s 的ShoBox: 新一代 电视节目. 法官的斗争取得了 79-73, 78-74, 80-72. 冈萨雷斯, who was the more active and aggressive fighter, kept his unbeaten record intact despite facing a frustrating and defensively shrewd opponent in Ramos.




“It took me a few rounds to figure him out, but once I did he didn’t have anything on me,“冈萨雷斯说. “He only had the left hand and that was about it. He really didn’t throw any punches.




“This was a big learning experience for me. This was my second eight-rounder and it opened my eyes a little bit. I know I’m conditioned well but I have to go back to work.”




The 22-year-old Gonzalez, a fourth-generation boxer in his family and native of Worcester, 质量。, outhustled the skillful southpaw Ramos, who was not nearly active enough throughout the eight rounds. The longer, leaner Gonzalez, who averaged 58 punches per round to Ramos’ 28, relied on his length advantage and fought at range.




The tentative and defensive Ramos, 另一方面, landed only 27 punches in the remaining seven rounds after landing 11 在首轮. 冈萨雷斯, 他的一部分, exceed 50 punches in all but the third round.




In the second bout of the quadrupleheader, Philadelphia’s Steven Ortiz (9-0, 3 科斯) edged Brooklyn’s Wesley Ferrer (12-1-1, 7 科斯) in an evenly-matched and difficult-to-score matchup of undefeated prospects. The two fighters were separated by no more than five total punches in each round of the majority decision, 这是得分 78-74, 77-75, 76-76.




Both fighters fought at a deliberate pace, but neither was able to find their rhythm and consistently land combinations. Ortiz started stronger, but Ferrer grew into the fight and was the busier fighter in the middle rounds. The final two rounds were the deciding factor in the fight. The two judges who had Ortiz winning on their scorecards favored Ortiz in rounds seven and eight.




“I think it was a pretty close fight,” said a disappointed Ferrer. “I thought I was winning the first few rounds, but I know I got out-worked in the last two rounds. 在一天结束时, the judges saw something else and he got the win. If I won the last few rounds I would have won the fight.”




奥尔蒂斯, who held a narrow 127-115 advantage in total punches landed and a 99-93 优势力量拳降落, felt he did enough to win but was not completely satisfied with his performance.




“I was coming off a long layoff and wasn’t as sharp as I should have been,” said the 25-year-old Ortiz. “I landed the sharper jabs and landed the harder shots. I think my ring experience and ring generalship was the difference in the fight.




“I want to come back a lot sharper and a lot smarter. 在一天结束时, it was a learning experience. I got the win against a tough guy.”




在转播揭幕战, Denver’s Misael Lopez (9-0, 4 科斯) got the better of Staten Island’s James Wilkins (5-1, 5 科斯) in a battle of young, previously undefeated super featherweight prospects, tallying a unanimous decision victory (79-72, 77-74, 76-75).




The action-packed fight saw both fighters come out swinging, setting the tempo for the rest of the eight-round bout which saw a total of 1,320 punches thrown. Wilkins brought the pressure to Lopez throughout, but Lopez’s volume of punches, movement and combinations enabled him to control most of the rounds. Lopez’s conditioning proved key. In the final four rounds, Lopez led 139-68 in total connects and landed 213 power punches to just 115 for Wilkins throughout the duration of the eight rounds.




威尔金斯, who was featured on the SHOWTIME documentary 摇篮冠军 that premiered immediately preceding tonight’s 的ShoBox 电视节目, was deducted a point for a low blow in the fifth round after several warnings. In the seventh round, Wilkins appeared to score a knockdown when he connected with a strong right hand that knocked Lopez off-balance, but referee Mike England ruled that Lopez’s right hand did not touch the mat.




“I think the difference was I was able to make him miss, land the cleaner shots and used my boxing to dictate the pace,” said the 22-year-old Lopez. “I’m looking to keep going and stay on the big stage. Hopefully people and promoters will notice that I’m the real deal.”




In his national television debut, the ever-confident Wilkins felt wronged by the judges’ scorecards and the referee’s apparent missed knockdown in the seventh.




“I think I did enough to pull it off,” said Wilkins. “I could see a split decision, 有可能, but I dropped him and that wins the fight. That was a 10-8 圆. I want to go back to the gym, work hard and get right back. You haven’t seen the last of me.”




Tonight’s quadrupleheader was presented by DiBella Entertainment in association with MaravillaBox Promotions, Holden Productions and The Real Deal Boxing, and sponsored by Gagliardi Insurance.




完整的电视节目将重播星期一, 九月 24 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.




Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing analyst and historian Steve Farhood, who was celebrating 40 years in boxing this week, and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Chuck McKean producing and Rick Phillips directing.




在非电视undercard的行动, heavyweight Prospect George Arias of Bronx, 纽约州. 提高到 12-0, 7 KOs with a second-round knockout (2:18) of Byron Polley, (30-24-1, 13 科斯), 圣. 约瑟夫·, 你. Polley was down once in the first and again in the second round which resulted in the stoppage.




Junior Middleweight Dennis Knifechief, of Shawnee, 俄克拉何马州. moved to 12-8-1, 7 KOs with a fourth round TKO (1:51) of the valiant Chris Barnes, (4-8-1, 3 科斯) 塔尔萨. Barnes fought on after being dropped in the first and second rounds and twice more in the fourth.





Top Middleweight Prospect Ardreal Holmes of Flint, 密歇根州。, looked dominant and improved to 7-0, 4 KOs with a four-round decision of Houston’s Rick Graham (6-21-3, 2 科斯). The fight was scored 40-35 两次, 38-37.






A scheduled six-round cruiserweight battle between Bo Gibbs Jr, (20-1-0, 8 科斯), of Carney, 俄克拉何马州。, and David Lujan, (4-9-0, 1 KO), 威奇托的, 得克萨斯州, resulted in a no-contest due to an accidental clash of heads in the first round.


# # #




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Four-Fight Telecast Begins Live At 9:45 P.M. ET/PT Immediately Following CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS Documentary Chronicling James Wilkins & 2015 New York Golden Gloves At 8 P.M. ET / PT

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用戴夫·曼德尔/欣欣

SHAWNEE, 俄克拉何马州. (九月 20, 2018) – Top 130-pound prospect Jon Fernandez and former decorated amateur O’Shaquie Foster made weight on Thursday for their 10-round matchup in the main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代 tomorrow/Friday live on SHOWTIME at 9:45 P.M. 肖尼Firelake Arena的ET / PT, 俄克拉何马州.




费尔南德斯 (16-0, 14 科斯), a native of Spain and protégé of former unified champion Sergio Martinez, will face his toughest test to date in Foster (13-2, 8 科斯), a Houston resident who was one win away from representing the United States in the 2012 奥运会.




Friday’s quadrupleheader features eight prospects boasting a combined record of 81-2-1 和 56 科斯.




The telecast opens with James Wilkins (5-0, 5 科斯), who is featured on the SHOWTIME documentary 摇篮冠军, squaring off against fellow-unbeaten Misael Lopez (8-0, 4 科斯). Staten Island’s Wilkins is a featured fighter in the documentary that chronicles the 2015 纽约金手套, premiering at 8 P.M. ET/PT immediately preceding the 的ShoBox 电视节目.




In Friday’s co-feature, undefeated featherweight prospects Irvin Gonzalez Jr. (10-0, 9 科斯), 伍斯特, 质量。, and Carlos Ramos (9-0, 6 科斯), 马德里, will collide in an eight-round bout. Also on the card is Brooklyn’s Wesley Ferrer (12-0-1, 7 科斯), who will face fellow-unbeaten Philadelphia prospect Steven Ortiz (8-0, 3 科斯) 在八轮轻量级回合.




Super Featherweight 10-Round Bout

Jon Fernandez – 129 ¾磅.

O’Shaquie Foster – 129 ½磅.

裁判: 劳伦斯·科尔; 士师记: Sarah Atwood (俄克拉何马州。), Jesse Reyes (得克萨斯州), David Sutherland (俄克拉何马州。)



小欧文·冈萨雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez Jr). - 126 磅.

Carlos Ramos – 125 ½磅.

裁判: Mike England; 士师记: Mike Bower (俄克拉何马州。), Henry Gueary (五月。), Jesse Reyes (得克萨斯州)


Lightweight 8-Round Bout

Wesley Ferrer – 134 ¾磅.

Steven Ortiz – 134 ½磅.

裁判: 劳伦斯·科尔; 士师记: Mike Bower (俄克拉何马州。), Henry Ellick (俄克拉何马州。), Henry Gueary (五月。)

Super Featherweight 8-Round Bout

James Wilkins – 128 ½磅.

Misael Lopez – 128 ¾磅.

裁判: Mike England; 士师记: Sarah Atwood (俄克拉何马州。), David Sutherland (俄克拉何马州。), Tim Tallchief (俄克拉何马州。)





“I think I’m ready for a title fight now. I think that we’ve been doing really good work and the time is coming. If I get the opportunity after this fight, 我要买它. I would fight Tevin Farmer or Ryan Garcia. I’m ready for something bigger.




“Every fight is different. Some fights I need to be really busy and sometimes I need to bring the power. It all depends. I look at myself more as a volume puncher than a power puncher. I like to wear my opponents down round by round.




“I’ve been on SHOWTIME twice and I’ve knocked out both of my opponents. Tomorrow night I will make it three for three.




“I’ve seen a few of Foster’s fights. He’s a fighter that knows how to use his distance and move around a lot. He will be my toughest opponent to date but I’ve fought guys with a similar style before.




“Boxing is gaining popularity all the time in Spain and I hope that my success makes others in Spain want to start boxing.




“I think Foster is going to be faithful to his style and use his distance and move a lot. I’m going to have to attack him and close off the ring. I have to be really intelligent because Foster is a really good counter-puncher and he’s fast. I just have to go to work.”



“My focus has improved since I’ve started working with my trainer, 鲍比 (Benton). I’ve improved a lot and my consistency is there. I’ve sharpened up and gotten back to the old me. I had strayed from the way I like to fight and now I’m back to the real O’Shaquie.




“SHOWTIME hasn’t seen the best of me yet. I wasn’t focused my last few fights and I had some bad performances on 的ShoBox. I’ve gotten all of my demons and bad activities out and now I’m one hundred percent focused on my boxing. I know that once I’m focused, 没有人能击败我.




“Fernandez is making a big mistake taking this fight. I’ve never had trouble fighting against tall guys. I just have to use a lot of feints and a lot of movement and I don’t see him troubling me.




“I feel like I have a good team in place. I’ve gotten older, I’ve matured, and I’m as focused as I have ever been. I’ve been in the gym consistently for the last year. 经过我的最后一战, I took a few days off and was right back in the gym. This is my fourth fight in less than a year and I’m coming off one of my best performances.




“I made some mistakes away from the ring. I had to pull myself out of it and I wasn’t going to allow my talent to go to waste. This is a big fight for me and I have to prove that I still have a great future in boxing.”



“Coming out of the amateurs, I knew I was going to make my mark in due time. I didn’t know if it would be this quickly. This is the whole goal. This is my first time on TV and I want to show my talent.




“Ramos knows how to box, he knows how to go in and out and use his angles, but I do see a lot of things that I can capitalize on. He does hold his right hand down low, and he likes to come over the top with an overhand left hand. He likes to stay out there, and he can get caught when he stays out there. I’m going to show him in the ring what he needs to work on in his craft.




“我可以框, but I can also sit down on my punches and fight inside. I like to pick out my punches. It’s not like I’m going in there for the kill – if the kill comes, the kill comes – but I’m picking out my punches. If it comes with a knockout, it comes with the knockout.




“This is the toughest guy I’ve been in with as a pro. We know he’s lefty, we know he’s a pretty hard hitter. That’s pretty much all we know.




“I switch without even realizing, so fighting a southpaw won’t be a problem. I’m just so comfortable with it that it comes as second nature.”



“I’ve sparred hundreds of rounds with Jon Fernandez. I’m a very different fighter than JonFer. He’s a more come-forward fighter who attacks and tries to cut off the ring. I’m more of a technical boxer that tries to use the jab a lot.




“My style will all depend on how the fight flows. We have a plan to fight Irvin Gonzalez and we think it will be very effective tomorrow night.




“This is a good fight for my career and the type of fight that motivates me. I’m very excited for this opportunity and excited to be here in the United States. I think this will open up many bigger opportunities for me.”



“I’ve stayed busy in the gym since my last fight. I was in training camp with Robert Easter not too long ago. I had some ring rust in my last fight because of the layoff but that won’t be an issue this time.




“This is a big fight for my career. This is what’s going to get me to the next step in my career. I’m excited to show everybody who the real Wesley is.




“I can box, I can counter. It all depends on how I feel. If I put my mind on being a brawler, I can do that. If I put my mind to boxing, I can do that. It all depends on my opponent and what the fight plan is. We have a good fight plan for tomorrow night.




“Switching up my stance is something that I can do and something that I’ve been working on. Sometimes I do it without even thinking about it, and in my last fight I was more effective as a southpaw. It’s all about understanding when is the right time to do it.




“My preparation for this fight has been perfect. I have absolutely no issues and you guys will all see the best Wesley Ferrer.”



“我感觉很好, 我已经准备好去. I don’t know much about Ferrer. I know sometimes he switches to southpaw but we’re just going to adapt to whatever he brings to the table.




“I’ve sparred hundreds of rounds with Tevin Farmer. If I can hit him, I feel like I can hit anybody. That gives me the confidence to face a guy like Ferrer.




“I use my height to my advantage but I’m also learning to fight on the inside. I like to bang, but boxing comes naturally to me. Working with guys like Tevin makes these other fights easy.




“I’m going to be smart, stay patient, use my jab. But if an opening comes I’m going to take advantage of it and try to hurt him. As long as I stay focused and disciplined this will be easy work.




“This is my first time fighting on live TV, this is a great opportunity for me and an experience I’m looking forward to. I just have to take it round by round.




“It’s about being more focused. My mindset before was never, ‘I want to knock them out’. 现在, that’s a priority for me. I want to hurt them.”



“When I touch him, I promise you I’m going to knock him out. I’ve been under his skin for six weeks. Now that the fight isn’t in his hometown he’s scared to look me in the eyes.




“He’s definitely my toughest (对手). 他还年轻, he’s undefeated. He’s been hyped up in Denver. 但, if you ask me, I don’t think nothing of him. Denver is not Brooklyn.



“I’m bigger, 我更聪明, 我快. Everyone I fought hasn’t been stopped until I stopped them. I haven’t fought a 130-pounder yet and now that I am, this fight isn’t going past three rounds.




“我想成为顶级 10. I want to be a rising star. I want to be a world champ by the end of 2020. But I had to take a different route than other fighters. I have my goals and this is the next step. I’m kicking this door down.




“I’m different than a lot of young fighters. My boxing IQ after working with Roy (琼斯) is through the roof. 我有一个很好的训练营. I’m prepared and ready to live my dream and become a star.




“I’ve been working three times a day in the gym. I didn’t fight guys with losing records because I was hand-picking guys. I fought them because I wasn’t given an opportunity.”


“At first Wilkins got under my skin a little bit on social media, but we blocked it out. He’s a hot head. I think within the first few rounds he’ll come out wild and he’ll be easy for me to counter. It’s going to work against him.




“He’s never been three rounds, but more importantly he’s never fought a guy with a winning record.




“I’ve seen guys who come out aggressive. I just need to catch him, slow him down and he’ll be out.




“No disrespect to him. He’s a great boxer, he had a great amateur career. But this is our opportunity to take the next step.




“I’ve gotten a lot smarter in each fight. I’ve learned to settle down and pick my shots. I can adapt to any style. I’ve had fights where I’ve had to brawl, I’ve had fights I had to box.




“We sparred with Shakur Stevenson and got some solid rounds with him for this fight.”




# # #


大约 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 77 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.



不败的前景詹姆斯·威尔金斯(James WILKINS)于9月宣布全国电视转播权 21 的ShoBox: 通过金手套进行路径编排的新记录

电影CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS中的前业余脱颖而出, 9月首映 21 于SHOWTIME在 8 P.M. 在ShoBox之前的ET / PT: 新一代电视转播 9:45 P.M. ET / PT

视图 摇篮冠军 预告片 这里

纽约– 9月 12, 2018 –不败的超级轻量级​​选手和前业余球手詹姆斯·威尔金斯(James Wilkins)将在ShoBox上首次直播电视节目: 星期五的新一代, 九月 21 紧随SHOWTIME首映的CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS之后, 纪录片记载威尔金斯和 2015 纽约金手套拳击比赛. 威尔金斯将面对不败的轻量级前景米萨尔·洛佩兹(Misael Lopez) (8-0, 4 科斯) 现在是一场四人制ShoBox电视转播的开幕式. 背对背程序将从以下位置开始 8 P.M. ET / PT和CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS在直播ShoBox电视转播前播出 9:45 P.M. 肖尼Firelake Arena的ET / PT, 俄克拉何马州.

威尔金斯, 纽约市, 自从两年前转为职业选手以来,他已经获得了5次胜利和5次淘汰赛. 史坦顿岛本地人通过为期10周的比赛而奋斗,希望将自己确立为精英的业余前景. 已经赢得了纽约金手套奖 2013 在 123 英镑, 冠军摇篮记载了威尔金斯19岁时参加132磅级比赛的旅程,并以戏剧性的结尾达到了高潮 2015 冠军回合.

“我很荣幸成为冠军之手的一部分,22岁的威尔金斯说. “对我来说,与金手套搏斗是一次改变人生的经历,我很高兴知道拳击迷可以在SHOWTIME观看纪录片,然后马上观看我的ShoBox处女作。”

“他们称我为“ Crunchtime”’ 这就是我9月要带到ShoBox的东西 21. 我会撕裂和奔跑,我期待着与Misael Lopez的精彩表演。”

威尔金斯, 谁计数前四分区冠军小罗伊·琼斯(Roy Jones Jr). 和前两分区冠军Paulie Malignaggi担任导师, 奋斗了 2016 他最近一次业余锦标赛中的奥林匹克步道. 他的职业首次亮相是在2004年6月。 2016 当他在一场超轻量级比赛中通过第二轮淘汰赛击败杰克·格雷迪时.

在周五的主要活动中, 不败的超级轻量级​​前景乔恩·费尔南德斯 (16-0, 14 科斯) 将与O’Shaquie Foster发生冲突 (13-2, 8 科斯) 在10轮超级轻量级​​比赛中. 在八回合比赛中, 小欧文·冈萨雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez Jr). (10-0, 9 科斯) 遇见卡洛斯·拉莫斯(Carlos Ramos) (9-0, 6 科斯) 在轻量级比赛中, 和韦斯利·费雷尔(Wesley Ferrer) (12-0-1, 7 科斯) 将面对史蒂文·奥尔蒂斯 (8-0, 3 科斯) 在轻量级的战斗中.

由DiBella Entertainment主办, 活动门票价格为 $60 for ringside, $40 用于地板座位和 $30 一般入场,可以提前购买.


Fernandez-Foster Headlines ShoBox Tripleheader Live at 9:45 P.M. AND/PT from Firelake Arena in Shawnee, 俄克拉何马州.


纽约 (八月 16, 2018) - 不败超轻量级前景 约翰·费尔南德斯 将面临 O'Shaquie福斯特 在一个主要事件 的ShoBox: 新一代 周五三连赛, 九月 21 住在Showtime®9:45 P.M. AND/PTfrom Firelake Arena in Shawnee, 俄克拉何马州.




电视转播, headlined by two 的ShoBox 退伍军人, is the first of back-to-back 的ShoBox: 新一代 telecasts on Fridays in September. The following week, 九月 28, will mark the sixth telecast in 2018 of the popular developmental series that has produced 77 world champions including the likes of Errol Spence Jr. and Deontay Wilder.




本次活动, promoted by DiBella Entertainment, is likely to see knockout stoppages, with six prospects boasting a combined record of 68-2-1 和 47 科斯.




I’m thrilled to promote what will be an exciting edition of 的ShoBox: 新一代, 在周五, 九月 21, at FireLake Arena in Shawnee, Okla.,” said Lou DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “This tripleheader features WBC Silver champion Fernandez, one of the hottest prospects in boxing, facing Foster, a tough Texan trained by the renowned Bobby Benton. The co-feature will be explosive while it lasts between Gonzalez, a New England knockout artist newly signed to DiBella Entertainment, and Ramos, an all-action pressure fighter from Spain promoted by Sergio Martinez. One of Brooklyn’s finest prospects, Ferrer will open the telecast against fellow unbeaten Ortiz, a stablemate of world champion Tevin Farmer from Philadelphia. 我很感激 的ShoBox Executive Producer Gordon Hall and SHOWTIME for continuing to provide a platform to showcase these top prospects.”




The powerful Fernandez (16-0, 14 科斯), a prospect from Bilbao, Spain co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and MaravillaBox Promotions, will be making his third 的ShoBox appearance when he faces Foster (13-2, 8 科斯) in the 10-round main event contested at 130 英镑.




In a battle of two featherweights packing punching power, 伍斯特, 马萨诸塞州 小欧文·冈萨雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez Jr). (10-0, 9 科斯) 将在 Carlos Ramos (9-0, 6 科斯) in a scheduled eight-rounder. Rounding out the tripleheader, 韦斯利·费雷尔 (12-0-1, 7 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约州, collides with undefeated lightweight prospect 史蒂文·奥尔蒂斯 (8-0, 3 科斯) 在八轮转播揭幕战中.




活动事件的门票定价为 $60 for ringside, $40 用于地板座位和 $30 一般入学. Tickets go on sale Friday, 八月 24 并可以在网上购买的 www.firelakearena.com.


JON FERNANDEZ vs. O’SHAQUIE FOSTER – 10-Round Super Featherweight Bout

费尔南德斯, the protégé of former unified middleweight world champion Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, scored two sensational knockouts on 的ShoBox 在 2017, stopping Ernesto Garza in the third round and knocking out Juan Reyes with a highlight-reel right hook. 视频: HTTPS://youtu.be/IC2HRJqxa-Q




Making a name for himself as one of the best prospects in the sport, “Jonfer” has knocked out 14 consecutive opponents. The 5’11” Spaniard, who holds an 88 percent knockout ratio, is traveling to the U.S. for the fourth time with an eye on a statement victory.




O’Shaquie Foster is a very good fighter and although he was the underdog he put on a great performance by beating Frankie Alba in his last fight,” Fernandez said. “This is a big fight for both of us. I’m grateful to Lou DiBella for this opportunity to again show why I’m one of the best prospects in boxing.”




费尔南德斯, ranked WBC No. 10 在 130 英镑, won the vacant WBC Youth World Super Featherweight Title in 2016 and the vacant WBC Silver Super Featherweight Title in 2017. 前者业余突出, who landed on the ESPN Top Prospects of 2017 列表, is currently trained by Tinín Rodríguez in Madrid.




O'Shaquie福斯特, 奥兰治, 得克萨斯州, is making his fourth appearance on 的ShoBox, last appearing on the series in July 2016. Since falling to Rolando Chinea in a close split-decision in that 的ShoBox 出现, Foster has bounced back with three consecutive victories, including a majority-decision victory over veteran Frank De Alba last time out in April.




“这对我来说是一个很好的机会,疲劳也是一个因素,因为德洛斯桑托斯在他年轻的职业生涯中从未超过第六轮,而且随着战斗的进行,他似乎已经耗尽了精力. “I know how good Fernandez is and how well thought of he is, but once we get in the ring, I’ll show the world that I’m a future world champion. I’ve been in training and will be ready for victory on September 21.”




A highly decorated amateur standout who compiled a record of 162-18, the 24-year-old Foster advanced to the 2012 中美. Olympic Trials where he lost to once-beaten professional prospect, Joseph “Jo-Jo” Diaz. 在此之前,, 福斯特是一个 2010 PAL全国冠军, 五时马戏团全国冠军和两次全国少年金手套冠军.


IRVIN GONZALEZ JR. VS. CARLOS RAMOS – Eight-Round Featherweight Bout

A 22-year-old from Worcester, 质量。, Gonzalez turned pro in 2016 after a standout amateur career where he compiled a 90-15 记录. 他是一个 2015 New England Golden Gloves champion and qualified for the 2016 奥运选拔赛.




冈萨雷斯, 谁将会使他 的ShoBox 登场, has knocked out all but one of his professional opponents. He scored an impressive unanimous decision victory over Raul Lopez and a body shot knockout of previously undefeated Marlon Olea in back-to-back bouts in 2017.




This is an opportunity to show the world what I’ve been working my whole life for,” Gonzalez said. “With hard work anything is possible and I will show on September 21 that I have what it takes to become a world champion. This is just the next step for me. I’m entering and leaving the ring with an undefeated record.”




Undefeated featherweight prospect Carlos Ramos, born in Ecuador but fighting out of Madrid, 西班牙, has compiled a perfect record of 9-0 有六个淘汰赛. The 22-year-old southpaw will be making his U.S. debut against a serious step-up in competition in the undefeated Gonzalez.




拉莫斯, also under the tutelage of Sergio Martinez, fought on the undercard of Jon Fernandez’s WBC Silver title bout in September 2017, outpointing Lesther Cantillano. Relatively unknown stateside, the young Spanish prospect will be looking to make a splash in his U.S. 登场.





“I’m excited to fight in America for the first time and face Irvin Gonzalez,”拉莫斯说. “I know he’s a big puncher and has a lot of knockouts but all the great sparring I’ve had has built my confidence for a fight like this. I’m sharper than ever and ready to hand him his first loss.”



费雷尔, a Brooklyn, 纽约州. 本地人, 将他的 的ShoBox television debut in his first fight of 2018. The skilled lightweight has started his professional career unbeaten through his first 13 打架, and will be facing his second consecutive undefeated opponent. 十二月 2017, 费雷尔, who is trained by his father Mateo De La Cruz, fought to a hotly contested draw with Will Madera in Times Square.




“This is exactly the fight I need against another undefeated prospect so that I can show how good I am,” said Ferrer. “This is my first fight of 2018, my first on 的ShoBox and hopefully the first of many big wins.”




An accomplished amateur boxer in New York City, Ferrer was a two-time New York Golden

Gloves champion, 2012 New York Amateur Boxing champion and New York City Metro Tournament champion, as well as a participant at the 2013 全国金手套.




史蒂文·奥尔蒂斯, signed to Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing, has made a name for himself in Philadelphia, winning five straight bouts in his hometown. 最后一次, Ortiz registered an impressive second round knockout of Joshua Davis, sending his opponent to the canvas three times. Compiling a record of 45-5 作为一个业余, Ortiz is a five-time Pennsylvania Golden Gloves Champion and National Silver Gloves Winner.




“I am excited to show my talents on 的ShoBox and promise to bring an exciting fight against Wesley Ferrer,奥尔蒂斯说. “The world is going to see the new face of the lightweight division on Sept. 21. I can’t wait to show everyone who Steven Ortiz is.”




# # #




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


大约 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 77 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.

GH3促销活动Antoine Douglas获胜; 亚当·洛佩兹(Adam Lopez)在上周五晚上在迈阿密与一场有争议的抽签进行了争夺, 俄克拉何马州


纳特利, 新泽西州 (七月 19, 2017)–中量级竞争者安托万·道格拉斯(Antoine Douglas)和超最轻量级选手亚当·洛佩兹(Adam Lopez)在过去的强劲表现中脱颖而出 星期五 晚上在迈阿密的布法罗奔跑赌场, 俄克拉何马州.
道格拉斯在一次非电视回合比赛的第四轮中淘汰了替换后的胡安·德·安杰尔, 洛佩兹(Lopez)在回合中争夺有争议的平局,大多数马戏团旁观者和球迷在ShoBox上观看全国比赛: 新一代让洛佩兹在不败格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn)的八轮战斗中脱颖而出.
伯克道格拉斯, 弗吉尼亚州在第4轮停工中获胜,当时他在硬身权利上取得了胜利,这使戴安吉尔(De Angel)跌倒了十杆 .
同赢, 该 24 岁的道格拉斯现在 22-1-1 他以16个淘汰赛的身份赢得了WBA-NABA冠军,并保持了WBC Fecarbox冠军.
洛佩兹(Lopez)和德祖恩(Dezurn)被绑在一个充满活力的回合中,他用坚硬的身体射门控制了回合. 每个人都拿了一张卡 77-75, 而第三张卡片甚至在 76-76.
抽签推动了洛佩兹, 圣安东尼奥, 德克萨斯州到 16-1-2.
“安托万的表现非常出色 在周五 夜晚. 自休假以来,他连续第三次进站. 他的步伐很好,正要回到挫折之前的水平。. 那时他是拳击界最热门的前景之一, 他离一场大战还差一两场. 正如我一次又一次的说, 我们还没有看过最好的安东尼·道格拉斯,” 说GH3促销维托Mielnicki.
“亚当的反弹表现非常出色. 他 100% 被抢了一个胜利. 他肯定赢得了五轮比赛,很容易就能赢得六轮比赛. 他在新泽西州进行了训练营,风景的变化确实出现了 在周五. 他和教练Wali Moses在一起, 亚当非常专注. 他知道自己有冠军水平的才能, 就像Antoine一样,他与回合之间只有一到两次战斗,这将使他有能力进行一场大战。”



LFA #1 竞争者
Cris Cyborg’s older brother
门票现在通过发售 StubWire.com
HOUSTON, 得克萨斯州 – 传统格斗联盟 (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will be bringining a featherweight world title fight to Oklahoma to kick off a busy August schedule.
LFA的重头戏 18 will feature the return of LFA featherweight champion KevinThe Angel of DeathAguilar. He will put his title on the line against LFA featherweight #1 contender JustinDarthRader in one of the most highly-anticipated featherweight title fights of the year. LFA 18 – Aguilar vs. Rader takes place 星期五, August 4th at the FireLake Arena in Shawnee, 俄克拉何马州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.
LFA is bringing a featherweight world title fight to Oklahoma at LFA 18,” 规定苏亚雷斯. “Kevin Aguilar is the LFA featherweight world champion and one of the most exciting prospects in the sport. He won the title with one of the best knockouts of the year at LFA 4. Aguilar will defend his title for the first time against Justin Rader, who is a world-class grappler and the #1 竞争者. Rader earned his shot at the title with his big win at LFA 15.
LFA 门票 18 – Aguilar vs. Rader are available for purchase NOW at StubWire.com.
Aguilar (12-1) has long been considered one of the top pound-for-pound prospects in MMA. 二月里, the final Legacy FC featherweight champion strengthened that argument by capturing the inaugural LFA featherweight title against his longtime rival Damon Jackson with one of the most talked about knockout victories of the year. The proud Texan trains alongside LFA welterweight champion Derrick Krantz in Longview, 得克萨斯州, but will have his first title defense on the road. Aguilar will put his title on the line when he heads into enemy territory to face one of the most revered fighters in the state of Oklahoma.
I’ve been training nonstop and getting ready for defend my title. Now I get to show everyone what I’ve been working on,” Aguilar explained. “I’m looking forward to fighting in enemy territory, because that is the life of a champion. I will win over the crowd with an exciting fight. Justin Rader is a world-class grappler and I’m excited that he signed the paperwork. He has earned his shot. I have been training harder than I have ever trained before and I can’t wait to defend my title at LFA 18.
Rader (7-2) is one of the most decorated grapplers to hail from a state that is synonymous with grappling. The proud Oklahoman is a two-time IBJJF no-gi jiu-jitsu world champion as a black belt, he is a 2013 ADCC Submission Grappling World Championship bronze medalist, and he was the runner-up in the Oklahoma high school wrestling championship in 2005. Rader also holds the distinct honor of being Rafael Lovato Jr.’s first black belt in jiu-jitsu. Rader will now look to add the biggest piece of hardware to his massive trophy case when he vies for the LFA featherweight title.
I’m fighting The Angel of Death. His nickname says it all,” Rader exclaimed. “Kevin Aguilar is without a doubt, the best fighter I have ever faced. He is extremely dangerous, seasoned, and his fight demeanor is second to none. He stays at home and doesn’t force anything. The best opponents always pull the best out of me. I just fought a little over a week ago, so to be able to turn around and fight for the title four weeks later is a great opportunity. When opportunity knocks, I answer.
LFA联合主赛事 18 will feature a high-stakes middleweight showdown between two of the most popular middleweight prospects in the promotion. Brendan Allen (7-2) returns to the LFA Octagon after engaging in a five-round war with Eryk Anders for the inaugural LFA middleweight title in the main event of LFA 14. He came up short on the judge’s score cards, but won over a large new fan base due to the entertaining title contest that is a front-runner for “年度扑灭”. Allen now looks to bounce back into title contention when he faces Chris Harris (9-1) in the co-main event of LFA 18. Harris is coming off a dominant win over Cortez Coleman in the co-main event of LFA 15 上个月. He utilized his impressive striking skills throughout the contest and is eager to do the same next month in the co-main event of LFA 18.
LFA 18 will also feature a special attraction at welterweight. 拉斐尔 “Jackal” 贾斯汀 (2-1) will make his LFA debut just six days after his younger sister Cris “人造人” Justino fights for the UFC women’s featherweight tile at UFC 214. He will meet UFC vet and wildly popular media personality Mike “真相” 杰克逊 (0-1) who holds the impressive distinction of being one of only a handful of fighters to make their professional MMA debut in the UFC.
目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT)
主要事件 | Featherweight Title Bout (145 磅)
Kevin Aguilar (12-1) VS. 贾斯汀·雷德 (7-2)
合作的主要事件 | 中量级回合 (185 磅)
Brendan Allen (7-2) VS. 克里斯·哈里斯 (9-1)
次中量级回合 (170 磅)
– 布莱登·史密斯 (8-1) VS. Chancey Foxworth (6-4)
次中量级回合 (170 磅)
Rafael Justino (2-1) VS. 迈克·杰克逊 (0-1)
轻量级布特 (135 磅)
Tyler Shinn (8-3) VS. 克里斯·凯尔莱兹 (9-3)
轻量级回合 (155 磅)
Daryl Wilson (6-1) VS. Jarrod Card (16-8-1)
九月, Legacy FC 和 RFA 官员宣布,他们将合并成立综合武术领域首屈一指的发展组织 (MMA) 一月开始 2017. Legacy FC 和 RFA 已经开启了超过 100 已经通过在UFC的竞争达到了MMA的巅峰运动员.
LFA 18 will serve as the third LFA event to take place in the state of Oklahoma after the merger. Legacy FC visitedThe Sooner Stateseven times before the merger. 有关 LFA 的更多信息 18 将很快公布. LFA全主卡 18 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.

请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.

家乡最喜欢的伊万·班兰奇克(Ivan BARANCHYK)决定在SHOBOX的主要活动中见到肯南·史密斯(Keenan Smith): 迈阿密水牛城赌场的SHOWTIME®新生成星期五, 俄克拉荷马州.

罗兰多·基耶纳(Rolando Chinea)此前不败的肯尼思·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims Jr).

格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn)和亚当·洛佩兹(Adam Lopez)争夺平局

小约书亚·格里尔. TKO乐华·达维拉回合后 5

赶上重播 星期一, 七月 17 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣

MIAMI, 俄克拉何马州. (七月 15, 2017) –伊万·巴拉南奇(Ivan Baranchyk)与基南·史密斯(Keenan Smith)远赴巴拉南奇(Baranchyk)被收养的家乡面前,这是一场由八名回头战斗机组成的四人头比赛的主要赛事 上周五 的ShoBox: 新一代从布法罗奔跑赌场 & 度假村.

在不败的战斗中, 硬汉Baranchyk (15-0, 10 科斯) 在第五回合中对Sims采取了单点扣减的方式,赢得了他第五次出场的决定 的ShoBox 系列赛和迈阿密连续六战.

“我很高兴能在迈阿密回家, 我喜欢在这里打架,” Baranchyk说, 他对自己的胜利感到满意,但对他的整体表现不满意. “我太努力了,太努力地把史密斯赶出去了。. 我真的很想打败他,这就是为什么我的拳头很疯狂。”

工匠 (11-1, 5 科斯) 在整个战斗的前半段过分拥护之后,他被官员扣减了一点,从而封了命. 他成为 166 战士失去自己不败的战绩 的ShoBox 系列.

“他们的比赛不公平,史密斯说. “我所做的一切, 裁判在我身上. 我用干净的身体击打他, 他一直告诉我要保持他们, 然后他拿了一点. 我不知道打什么 [法官] 在看。”

这场战斗从一开始就是一场艰辛而艰辛的事情. Baranchyk出来摇摆, 刚降落 21% 他的刺刺和 29% 总拳数, 磨擦着陆的史密斯 22% 他的总拳.

“我太努力了,试图把他赶出去, 这就是为什么我的拳头很疯狂,” Baranchyk说.

在共同特征, 罗兰多·基尼亚(Rolando Chinea)击败了此前不败的前国家业余冠军肯尼思·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims Jr). 在几乎多数的决定中.

“在第二轮战斗之后我最自信, 当我注意到他伸出舌头并做出某些手势表明他很累时,”他们说. “如果我必须给自己打分,我会将自己的整体表现评为B级… 我还有很多地方需要改进,而我的工作从未完成。”

像史密斯, 模拟人生 (12-1, 4 科斯) 遭受职业生涯的第一次损失, 成为 165 战士失去自己不败的战绩 的ShoBox 系列.

在野外的最后一轮, 这对组合 291 拳和 85 连接, 但是Chinea的激增为他赢得了多数票决定权.

“我的身体今晚没有反应,西姆斯说. “我在 140 英镑. 我只是在开幕钟声中感觉不对. 我要去 147 英镑“。

在第六轮, Chinea掌控了一切,是对抗衰落的Sims的忙碌战士. 两位战士在第七次交换了很多拳并且以一系列活动结束了战斗, 模拟人生显然在挣扎 140 英镑.

在野外的最后一轮, 这对组合 291 拳和 85 连接, 但是Chinea的激增为他赢得了多数票决定权.

在夜晚的第二场战斗, 格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn) (9-0-1, 6 科斯) 加强了121磅的超轻量级师的步伐 的ShoBox 老将亚当·洛佩兹 (16-1-2, 8 科斯) 在充满动感的八轮交锋中以平局告终. 法官的决定显然使两位战士失望.

“我以为我赢了,” 说仍然不败的德祖恩, 谁和他的妻子稀疏, 女子职业拳击手Franchon Crews. “我很幸运有这个机会和希望 [洛佩兹] 我可以坚强地回来,有一天再次战斗。”

第一回合是一回合,Dezurn和Lopez都降落并保持了令人印象深刻的猛击. 最初是洛佩兹(Lopez)显得柔和些, 当Dezurn做刺戳时克服了重击.

到第五轮时,很明显,洛佩兹开始分解他并将他逼向绳索时,德祖恩正在失去动力。. 洛佩兹继续统治第六和第七回合, 当德祖恩, 明显超支, 看起来很累,开始俯身.

“第一轮之后, 我主导了动作,” 洛佩兹说, 谁现在继续战斗 的ShoBox 创纪录的六次. 可能是 [德苏尔] 赢得第七名, 但我鞭打了他. 我应该赢了, 这对我来说是救赎. 一旦我习惯了他的速度, 我觉得我赢得了六到二轮. 整个战斗, 他的背靠着绳索,我殴打了他的身体。”

由著名教练巴里·亨特(Barry Hunter)训练, 仍然不败的Dezurn在最后一轮中英勇地复出, 他复活的地方.

“我认为这很公平,” 猎人说. “我们参加了中间回合, 格伦(Glenn)赢得第七名和第八名来吸引我们. 一切都到了尽头,我认为我们做了足够的努力来赢得这些回合。”

在转播的开幕回合, 前年度最佳候选人小约书亚·格里尔(Joshua Greer Jr). (14-1-1, 6 科斯) 停止了勒罗伊·达维拉(Leroy Davila) (5-2, 3 科斯) 五轮后, 当达维拉的角在第五局结束时召唤战斗时.

“游戏计划是装箱并重击, 这就是我所做的,”格里尔说, 在上一场对詹姆斯·戈登·史密斯的比赛中赢得了难忘的淘汰赛 的ShoBox 出现. “我不得不表演一个好节目. 有皮带的人我都会打. 我想争取世界冠军。”

这位23岁的格里尔(Greer)着陆了许多激进的组合,从一开始就让达维拉(Davila)撞到了绳索. 虽然Davila在第二轮中似乎还活着, 29岁的Southpaw变得静止不动,无法从镜头中恢复到脸部,这使他从鼻子的左侧流血,并在第四和第五个后半段挣扎. 钟声响起后,他的角落叫打架, 结束第五轮.

这项活动是由GH3 Promotions和Holden Productions共同发起的.

周五 quadrupleheader将重播 星期一, 七月 17 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIMEANYTIME®.

巴里·汤普金斯称 的ShoBox 从马戏团的动作与史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯作为专家分析. 执行制片人是高登·霍尔(Gordon Hall),里奇·高恩(Rich Gaughan)出演,里克·菲利普斯(Rick Phillips)执导.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, 和@GCPBoxing或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.