標記檔案: 新英格蘭戰鬥


即時發布: 路易斯頓, 緬因 (五月 25, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 返回到安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店上週六, 六月 22 其未來的混合武術事件, “NEF 39: 所有美國。” 一個在職業/業餘卡的業餘部分特色的戰鬥將看到的 內特鮑徹 (4-3) 與糾結 羅伯特·普雷斯利 (5-4) 空置NEF業餘飛錘標題.

這將是鮑徹的捕捉輕量級帶第二次嘗試. 當時的不敗, 鮑徹滿足賈斯汀威瑟姆 (4-4) 十一月 2017 在波特蘭冠軍, 緬因. 威瑟姆贏取回合, 和標題, 通過評委分裂的決定’ 記分卡. 許多出席, 然而, 認為,鮑徹曾佔主導地位的回合.

到威瑟姆的損失是三拼防滑開始從山谷高中拉姆福德前摔跤手, 緬因州。鮑徹已經回升並把自己背在爭奪輕量級錶帶搭配背到背的第一輪提交的勝利在 “NEF 36” 和 “NEF 37,” 分別.

鮑徹表示中央緬因州巴西柔術的Lewiston, 緬因.

“自從我第一次冠軍的爭奪,戰鬥短上來對法官的記分卡,很多球迷覺得我贏了,我一直專注於一個單一的目標: 得到另一射擊在帶,” 鮑徹說. “最後, 這樣的機會是在這裡,我不想讓任何東西在我實現我的主要目標的方式,也贏得輕量級冠軍站計劃! 我這樣做,我需要為了盡一切努力確保法官不會在6月22日在結果中發揮作用. 特別感謝我的贊助商和支持者的幫助我對我的方式回帶打,我發誓讓你所有的驕傲在路易斯頓“所有美國'”。

羅伯特·普雷斯利, 被稱為 “戰士,” 來自緬因州的蘭開斯特一路, 俄亥俄州挑戰的輕量級冠軍。他是在他最近的回合去年一月通過一致決定勝利。有了這個是他的第十個回合的業餘, 普雷斯利計劃在不久後轉為職業選手。他同時表示第十大行星柔術和MMA的蘭開斯特學院.

“6月22日, 我會從紐瓦克的小鎮被飛來, 俄亥俄州開戰內特鮑徹為NEF輕量級冠軍,” 說普雷斯利. “我不知道很多關於內特, 但我將榮幸地與他分享籠. 這場戰鬥後, 我轉為職業選手. 我已經從我的業餘生涯學到了很多東西,並準備好展示我的才華. 非常感謝NEF給我一個機會,取悅他們的家鄉父老. 我希望每個人都準備好了戰鬥!”

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 將於週六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.TheColisee.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.

一種新的中量級冠軍將被加冕AT NEF 39

即時發布: 路易斯頓, 緬因 (五月 22, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 返回到安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店上週六, 六月 22 其未來的混合武術事件, “NEF 39: 所有美國。” 今天早些時候,, 戰鬥推廣宣布增加一個業餘冠軍的爭奪到卡. 查爾斯·卡爾頓 (3-2) 將面臨 諾曼·喬丹 (2-1) 為空置業餘量級腰帶.

在此之前進入MMA行列, 卡爾頓查爾斯提出在足球場上他的標誌。他為溫德姆高中溫德姆, 緬因州後來帶領球隊以A級稱號的助理教練。查爾斯繼續打後衛緬因州黑熊大學。他在夏天做了他的首次亮相NEF 2017 用23秒擊倒勝利。他將冠,在2018年二月的12秒擊倒勝利的嘗試失敗後,業績捕捉對抗鄧肯·史密斯業餘次中量級冠軍 (5-3) 去年六月, 查爾斯在新罕布什爾州回籠一個月前,拿起另一個第一輪淘汰賽的勝利.

“一如既往, 我覺得很幸福,很感謝有機會為帶打,” 查爾斯說:.  “我知道喬丹在這項運動已經走過了漫長的道路,總是努力訓練和提高. 我將期待不相信他有手那些大肉鉤的一個被抓. 他是一個大傢伙強大, 而我要苦練一如既往,能夠走出去,並執行給我最好的能力. 我知道我的教練都會有我為此做好準備一個! 毫無疑問,在我心目中的球迷將在這一個一飽口福。”

喬丹諾曼確實來了,因為他的NEF出道去年六月很長的路要走。他通過第一輪淘汰賽失去了晚上, 但諾曼會來在他的下兩個回合回擊。他在約翰·阿薩姆贏得了分裂的決定 (0-1) 去年秋天, 就在上個月完成了石原格雷格 (0-1) 在第二輪。諾曼表示小壞瀑布道場.

“我很榮幸能有機會進入NEF籠和反對有人喜歡卡爾頓爭奪業餘冠軍,” 諾曼驚呼. “我和他會穿上的節目一個地獄的人群路易斯頓. 我們都來打,也不會是6月22日有什麼不同. 我沒有什麼,但對他的尊重和他的團隊. 我很高興在手殺出來的中量級冠軍的任務。“

查爾斯和諾曼之間的中量級冠軍的爭奪已經是宣布第四 “NEF 39” 卡。玩笑 “勾搭上” 哈維 (6-0-1) 定於抵禦喬丹唐尼專業輕量級冠軍 (5-4), 而內特鮑徹 (4-3) 將廣場下車與羅伯特·普雷斯利 (5-4) 空置業餘男子輕量級腰帶, 和不敗的榮耀沃森 (4-0) 發生在CAREE山 (4-1) 冠NEF的第一個業餘女子輕量級冠軍。另外該卡發布, 傑西 “海盜” 埃里克森 (9-7) 面臨劉易斯Corapi (8-5) 在專業的輕量級回合.

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 將於週六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午. 門票現已公開發售,在 www.TheColisee.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 28, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 其最新的混合武術事件回到Aura在波特蘭上週六晚, “NEF 38: STORM誕生。”  這次活動是在尊敬的HBO系列權力的遊戲 完成與裝扮成環女孩 “龍母” 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安和珊莎·史塔克, 還有一個大提琴演奏家與熱播電視劇的原聲音樂打開事件。的在能力人群 1100 手頭上的動作.

在主要事件, 拉斯希爾頓 (4-2) 擊敗查爾斯·佩恩 (0-1) 在一個重量級的較量。馬戲團醫生在第一輪停止回合時對賓夕法尼亞大學的額頭砍無法關閉。希爾頓登陸完美,直接放在右手打開了潘的頭上的傷口,左血澆在墊子上的深紅色的可怕流.

迦勒大廳 (3-0) 保持不敗,與他的三連勝開始他的職業生涯。大廳提交飄去周杰倫埃利斯 (15-86) 在第一輪當晚的合作主要事件.

在拼牌的業餘部分, 四個冠軍受到了威脅.

在晚上的第一回合冠軍, 湯姆Pagliarulo (3-1) 抓獲空置NEF業餘羽量級錶帶,一致決定勝利理查德·扎克 (3-1-1).  在這樣做, Pagliarulo, 黑弗里爾的原生, 馬薩諸塞州, 理查德遞給他職業生涯的第一次虧損.

鄧肯·史密斯 (5-3) 要防範喬恩Tefft的NEF業餘中量級冠軍 (2-1).  經過五年的惡戰輪, 史密斯宣布三名法官的贏家’ 記分卡。這是一個美好的夜晚史密斯的研究小組演進Athletix的。該索科, 緬因州的球隊去 4-0 與史密斯的隊友阿迪娜博德里晚上 (3-0), 基岡科爾夫 (4-11), 和梅根·羅薩 (1-1) 所有拿起勝.

泰勒·湯普森 (4-0) 由密歇根大學的安德烈霍蘭德的短期工作 (2-1) 成為有史以來第一個NEF女子業餘錦標賽輕量級冠軍。湯普森提交霍蘭德在第一輪與armbar。戰鬥被帶到波特蘭通過NEF連同女王MMA媒體.

在第四, 和最後, 冠軍回合業餘卡上, 錦阿諾德 (5-0) 保持他的淘汰賽連勝活著亨利·克拉克的第一輪唐寧 (5-5).  這對阿諾德的連續第五次淘汰賽誰保留業餘輕量級帶.

戰鬥推廣還宣布了幾項打架期待已久的回歸路易斯頓六月 22 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店。本次活動的題目是 “NEF 39: 所有美國。”

家鄉的喜愛傑西·埃里克森 (9-7) 將在劉易斯Corapi (8-5) 當晚在輕量級比賽。埃里克森是NEF籠的支柱和長久的最有力競爭者,以促進專業155磅重的冠軍。馬薩諸塞’ Corapi是新英格蘭MMA電路的一個經驗豐富的老將, 終於使6月22日他的NEF登場。

喬希·哈維 (6-0-1) 宣布,他將在回到籠子 “NEF 39” 採取喬丹唐尼 (5-4) 韋恩堡, 印第安納州。哈維將當晚保衛NEF臨羽量級冠軍,因為在班戈捕捉皮帶去年二月尋找他的第一次成功的防守。唐尼是一個兩拼連勝.

內特鮑徹 (4-3) 將在羅伯特·普雷斯利 (5-4) 空置NEF業餘飛錘標題。鮑徹已經完成他的最後兩個對手在第一輪自己搬回爭奪另一射擊在125磅重的腰帶。普雷斯利表示MMA的蘭開斯特蘭開斯特學院, 俄亥俄.

在莊嚴的時刻,開啟活動, NEF讚揚長期工作人員凱西主要有十鐘敬禮. 該的Wiscasset, 緬因州居民上週後期意外去世. 促進專用事件對他的記憶.

從波特蘭的全部結果, 緬因:


拉斯希爾頓DEF. 經醫生停止查爾斯佩恩, 圓 1
迦勒堂DEF. 通過提交周杰倫埃利斯, 圓 1
基岡科爾夫決賽. 通過提交澤農·埃雷拉, 圓 1
科比普樂高清. 通過提交弗雷德·李爾, 圓 2


錦阿諾德DEF. 通過KO亨利·克拉克, 圓 1
泰勒·湯普森DEF. 通過提交安德烈霍蘭德, 圓 1
鄧肯·史密斯高清. 通過一致決定喬恩Tefft
湯姆Pagliarulo DEF. 通過一致決定理查德·扎克
地區費爾南德斯DEF. 通過提交瑞安野人, 圓 1
泰特斯潘內爾DEF. 通過TKO賈斯汀菲爾布魯克, 圓 2
布賴恩中遠DEF. 通過TKO加里·卡爾, 圓 1
梅根·羅薩DEF. 通過分裂的決定阿曼達·貝內特
賈森·蘭德里DEF. 通過提交賈斯汀Boraczek, 第1輪
布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. 通過提交傑西·菲茨西蒙斯, 圓 1
喬丹諾曼DEF. 通過TKO格雷格石原, 圓 2
內特白色高清. 通過tapout罷工克利福德雷德曼, 圓 1
斯凱勒Vallaincourt DEF. 通過參考停止狄龍亨利, 圓 2
阿迪娜博德里DEF. 通過TKO崔西·鮑德溫, 圓 2

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 將於週六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.TheColisee.com.

NEF 38 賣完創紀錄的時間; 連續第六次出賣緬因州-BASED FIGHT促銷

即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 22, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 將展示其未來的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 今年四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭。今日早些時候, 打促銷宣布,門票的正式售罄.

售完之前,該事件涉及一個完整的5天, 這標誌著戰鬥推廣的新紀錄。此前的紀錄保持, “NEF 37,” 今年早些時候事件之前售罄三天。這標誌著NEF連續第六出賣, 條紋向後延伸至四月 2018.

“該NEF品牌比以往更強大,並繼續增長,” 說NEF子和合夥人尼克DiSalvo。 “這是一個時間,我們看到競爭對手在我們身邊動搖與半空的場地和弱戰鬥卡。但不是NEF。我們一直在我們不斷推動我們的戰士,因為我們在2012年抵達現場的方式,潮流,它體現在我們已經完成了數字, 繼續做, 票房。”

“我們有競爭對手都在飛越國'Stomborn,“” 說NEF共同所有者和媒人馬特·彼得森.  “有四個冠軍戰, 三個女人的戰鬥, 裝飾摔跤手和表示的BJJ帶頻譜的所有顏色, 這也難怪這個節目早賣完了. 我們上週六有一對夫婦在店裡驚喜的球迷太. 這是從來沒有誇張,當我們告訴人們要早起他們的票. 如果你睡覺,錯過了這一個, 做讓你的票早了6月22日迫不及待,當我們回到Colisée酒店慶祝萬物美國. 門票開始銷售的明天!”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於本週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午. 門票事件的正式售罄.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 28, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 將展示其未來的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭. 今天早些時候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card. Garry Carr (1-0) will return to the cage to take on 布賴恩中遠 (3-7) at a fight weight of 158-pounds.

Garry Carr made his debut in the NEF cage atNEF 31in the fall of 2017. That night, he submitted David Hart in the first round to pick up the win. In doing so, Carr became the oldest athlete ever to emerge victorious in the NEF cage at the age of 56. He will look to break his own record on April 27 什麼時候, 在年齡 57, he returns for his sophomore effort. Carr is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based out of Lewiston, 緬因.

Very proud to announce my return to the NEF cage on April 27th at Aura in Portland’s Old Port district,” said Carr. “It’s been over a year since my MMA debut and I have great memories there. I will be fighting out of team Central Maine BJJ who have prepared me for this match. I’m looking to show the skills I have learned to the crowd and hope that they will cheer me on to victory. Let’s fill the house and make it a night to remember.

Brian Cosco may be a newcomer to the NEF cage, but he is a longtime veteran of the New England MMA scene. The Revere, Massachusetts native has competed on the regional circuit since 2011 and has ten previous cage appearances to his credit. He will look to get back on the winning track after a loss last summer on a fight card in New Hampshire. Cosco currently represents Sityodtong and Brazil 021 of Somerville and Medford, Massachusetts respectively.

I’m excited to come up to Maine and fight for NEF,” exclaimed Cosco. “I’m feeling good. I’m not injured going into a fight for the first time in a while. I plan on going in there and getting the finish. I want to win convincingly so the NEF fans will want to see me back in there. I’m going to give the fans their money’s worth. I can’t wait for that cage door to shut!”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.


波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 18, 2019) – Tom “The Phenom” Pagliarulo might be a man of mystery to many New England Fights enthusiasts, but the newcomer and his opponent at NEF 38: “Stormborn” require no introduction to one another.

Maybe it’s a stretch to say Pagliarulo and Zac “Rocky” Richard lead parallel lives, but the similarities are striking.

Each has a substantial, successful wrestling background. Both have accelerated from the finish line of their respective mixed martial arts careers, with one minor speed bump.

And in a world where prospective combatants usually don’t have to work hard to drum up drama and animosity, Pagliarulo, 21, said that he and Richard are reasonably good, if casual, 朋友.

“I’ve known Zac for a long time,” Pagliarulo said. “We’ve competed together at some of the same big, regional wrestling meets and kind of become friends through that. We have very similar backgrounds.”

Pagliarulo (2-1) will be forced to put those common denominators on the back burner for one night – Saturday, 四月 27 – when he confronts Richard for the vacant NEF amateur featherweight title at Aura in Portland, 緬因.

The location is significant. Richard is a native of nearby Waterboro, and whether it’s that short 30-minute commute or a drive two-thirds of the way across the state to Bangor, his family and friends are fiercely loyal.

A product of Haverhill, 馬薩諸塞州, who now trains across the New Hampshire state line at both Spero’s Martial Arts Academy (Plaistow) and Burgess MMA (曼徹斯特), Pagliarulo is fully aware that he’s walking into the belly of the beast.

“I’m going into his backyard. I know he brings a lot of fans and sells a ton of tickets,” Pagliarulo said, “Hopefully I’ll have quite a few following me, 還有. 他是一個偉大的對手. There’s no question it will be a tough fight in a tough spot. I’m just looking for opportunities to build myself and advance my career over the next two to three years.”

Pagliarulo said he accepted the risk and potential reward of his NEF debut for the same reason adventurer George Leigh Mallory once rationalized his attempt to climb Mount Everest: Because it’s there.

After three relatively short fights near his home base, Pagliarulo wasn’t satisfied with the potential competition close to home and had his handlers cast a wider net.

“I was looking for a fight anywhere in New England,” Pagliarulo said. “NEF was the first to give me this opportunity, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.”

MMA was a natural progression for Pagliarulo, who made his mark in the realms of both wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

He was captain of the wrestling team as a senior at Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, 馬薩諸塞州. Pagliarulo’s transition to Plymouth State University was an immediate success: 他是 16-10 and earned the team’s rookie of the year honors as a freshman in 2016-17.

All the while, he began training for the combat cage when his schedule permitted.

“I’ve always had it in the back of my mind,” Pagliarulo said. “From the time I was maybe 10 years old and started watching UFC, I knew it was something I wanted to do. I always loved fighting, loved the sport, so I started training for it as soon as I turned 18.”

After only four forays onto the wrestling mat as a sophomore, Pagliarulo hung up the singlet.

“There were some personal issues, and I got away from it,” Pagliarulo said. “I decided to focus on MMA, and I’ve done that exclusively for about the past year.”

Pagliarulo also stepped up his BJJ training. He is currently a blue belt.

“That’s also been for about a year now,” Pagliarulo said. “Between that and my wrestling, my ground game is definitely the most dangerous I’d say, but my stand-up is not something to be slept on.”

In his September 2017 MMA debut, Pagliarulo exploded onto the scene with a second-round stoppage of Harry Gigliotti via rear naked choke.

Brimming with confidence, he received a wake-up call five months later when Matt Brady locked Pagliarulo in a guillotine choke and dealt his initial loss in under a minute.

“I made a simple mistake, and my opponent took advantage of it,” Pagliarulo said. “But I bounced back with a first-round TKO, and I feel like I learned a lot from it.”

That 67-second knockout of Eddie Linscott put Pagliarulo in position for the first title fight of his career.

He’ll take on a hungry opponent who encountered adversity, 各種各樣, in his last fight. Richard fought veteran Fred Lear for the same belt in February, with the judges declaring a rare draw.

With Lear making the decision to eschew a rematch and turn pro, Pagliarulo is the beneficiary.

“To win a belt at this point in my career would be cool,” Pagliarulo said, “but I’m really just excited to take a fight of this caliber and find out where I stand.”

Pagliarulo remains in school as a back-up plan. He’s a junior academically. He would gladly put off using that degree, 然而, if it meant a chance to travel the world and jump with both feet into the sport he loves.

“UFC is definitely the end goal. Of course it is for everybody,” Pagliarulo said.

The guy who shares everybody’s dream … and was looking to fight anybody … hopes a win over an old wrestling buddy will help him get recognized as somebody.

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 11, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) heavyweight ‘Rasquatch’ ‘The Jamaican Shamrock’ Ras Hylton (3-2) had a mixed bag of a mixed martial arts (MMA) run in 2018. Hylton recently joined host Jason Floyd on The MMA Report podcast to discuss the ups-and-downs of the last year and his goals for 2019.

After losing a fight in New York last May, Hylton rebounded with a beautiful knockout victory over longtime MMA veteran Eric Bedard (6-8) in Rhode Island last August. The win put Hylton in the position to fight Yorgan De Castro for the inaugural NEF Cruiserweight title, a 225-pound division that Hylton has been championing for the widespread adoption of in MMA. De Castro and Hylton shared a wild two-and-a-half minutes in the cage before De Castro ultimately knocked out Hylton to win the title.

“I was trying to change things up and, 你知道, it’s kind of like playing with a chemistry set for the first time,” Hylton said in describing his 2018. “You get a bunch of ingredients, and elements, and chemicals in front of you and some you’re familiar with and some you’ve got to learn and tinker with some before you can really hone down what it’s going for.”

A lifelong martial artist, Hylton credits his father for putting him on the path that lead to his eventual career choice as a professional fighter.

“Ever since I started learning how to box a little bit with my dad when I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated with fighting in general,” Hylton told Floyd. “He never really would have wanted me to be a fighter, but he put a bug in and I never really let go, so it was just the next logical evolution of my learning was getting in there and testing it out in an environment that supports growth and change. 所以, it’s been a great learning experience. I’ve met a lot of great people and had a lot of fun doing it.”

It’s no secret to anyone that has seen Hylton compete in the cage that he prefers the standup aspect of the sport as opposed to the ground game, but when asked why he choose to pursue mixed martial arts competition over boxing, he answered without hesitation.

“The variety and the options available,” Hylton replied. “Don’t get me wrong, I completely respect boxing as a sport, but the fact that there’s so much focus on just the upper body and punches to the head and more frequently than not. 我的意思是, we’re all looking for the knockout shot, but MMA offered the opportunity to really open up and give us more of a realistic approach to one-on-one combat. I mean as long as you play fair, you get to use all the same tools and figure out how to play a different kind of game that still beats the other guys.”

Standing at 6’6”, Hylton has become known for his menacing height as much as he has for his memorable performances in the cage. However, Hylton was quick to note that his height can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to combat.

“It definitely focuses things for both myself and my opponent,” Hylton stated. “I’ve got a body type that speaks very blatantly of what the advantages are and what the disadvantages are, so it really helps to focus the training and where’s there fewer big people than there are small people, you need some sort of way to fine tune things as quick as possible. 你知道, there’s not much of a learning curve before you start getting hurt by it.”

Hylton’s next fight is set for April 27 when he takes on Charles Penn at “NEF 38: Stormborn” in Portland, 緬因. 佩恩, who fights for Hyaston MMA, will be traveling from North Carolina for the bout.

“This has been probably the biggest question mark fight I’ve ever had,” Hylton stated. “I mean, at least with everybody who’s come before there’s been some avenue of recent information, but I mean he did bring his amateur career, 6-3, but his last fight was, what? 2013? 所以, there’s a big question mark there, there’s a big gap there, where he could have gone in any direction. So it’s kind of simplified things for me, because now I get to just stick to my plan of using 2019 to do what I have to do to be the best fighter I can be. 所以, I get to keep on at him. I don’t have the distraction of trying to figure out the other guy. It’s really played towards my mental strengths to start off this year.”

“Execution,” Hylton continued. “Execution of the game plan is what I’m really looking to stick to from here on out. I want to take this as far as I can go. I want to go up as high as I can. And I’ve been lucky with the support that I’ve got between my family and my gyms to be able to do something that really makes me feel whole. I want to pay back that investment in full and with as much interest as possible, as soon as possible. I’m in my 30’s now, got to make something happen, 你知道?”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.

About New England FightsNew England Fights (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 11, 2019) – 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 將展示其未來的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭. 今天早些時候,, 戰鬥推廣宣布增加一個業餘冠軍的爭奪到卡. DuncanThe Highlander” 工匠 (4-3) will defend the NEF Amateur Welterweight Title against Jon Tefft (2-0).

Duncan Smith captured the 170-pound championship last June when he submitted Carlton Charles in the fourth round atNEF 34.”  He has proven himself a skilled grappler with all three of his wins in 2018 coming by way of submission. Smith will put the title on the line for the first time when he meets Tefft on April 27. He currently represents Evolution Athletix based in Sacco, 緬因.

I don’t know anything about my opponent, but I know the gym,” 史密斯說. “I will be ready for anything they have for me April 27th. It’ll be my time to flow.

Undefeated Jon Tefft made his cage debut in early 2017 with a technical knockout of Sean Worcester early in the first round atNEF 27.”  He followed up that performance with another victory later that year over Mike Williams atNEF 29.”  After a hard-fought first round, Williams was unable to answer the referee’s call to start the second round due to a shoulder injury. Tefft is a member of First Class MMA located in Brunswick, 緬因.

I’m more than excited and honored for the opportunity to fight Duncan for the NEF welterweight title,” said Tefft.I always want to be in the conversation of ‘who’s the best’ and this my chance. Duncan looks to be a technical fighter, we will see if he can match my grit, will and desire.

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 10, 2019) – Tom ‘The Phenom’ Pagliarulo (2-1) has been chasing championships on the wrestling mat his entire life. 四月 27 at “New England Fights 38: Stormborn,” he will be chasing his first title in his newly chosen sport—mixed martial arts (MMA)—when he faces Zac ‘Rocky’ Richard for the NEF Featherweight Championship. Pagliarulo recently discussed his upcoming fight, his history in combat sports, and the balance of trying to survive as a working student-athlete with Bryan Stackpole and Ryan Jarrell on the Between Rounds Radio podcast.

Pagliarulo grew-up in Haverhill, Massachusetts where he started wrestling at the age of six. As a teenager, he attended Central Catholic High School in nearby Lawrence, Massachusetts where he earned an impressive 144-36 career record and placed third at the state wrestling championships his senior year.

“I’ve been around traditional martial arts since I was three,” Pagliarulo explained to Stackpole and Jarrell. “I got my black belt in kenpo. And after wrestling in high school, after my senior season, I had known I wanted to fight, I just didn’t really know where to go or who to talk to about it.”

After completing high school, Pagliarulo enrolled at Plymouth State University (PSU) 普利茅斯, New Hampshire where he started wrestling under former PSU head coach Ryan Schieding. Schieding, himself a former MMA competitor with a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (巴西柔術), introduced Pagliarulo to Burgess MMA, a longstanding New England MMA school. Pagliarulo, who has since earned his blue belt in BJJ, now splits his training time between Burgess MMA and Spero’s Martial Arts Academy in Plaistow, 新罕布什爾.

“I’m not taking Zac lightly, and I’m bringing in the right people for it,” Pagliarulo stated to Stackpole and Jarrell.

After he started training in BJJ and MMA, Pagliarulo quickly decided that he wanted to test himself in the competitive side of the sport. He finally made his MMA debut in September 2017 at an event in New Hampshire after experiencing the initial frustration of having multiple opponents pull out on him.

“I know I don’t have like this crazy, 不敗, 記錄,” Pagliarulo admitted. “我 2-1. Not a lot of fights, but a lot of that is due to the guys backing out. Realistically, I should have already had six, seven fights if guys actually showed up.”

Pagliarulo put his long-engineered grappling skills to work in his first fight by submitting his opponent with a rear naked choke in the second round.

Within a year of making his debut, Pagliarulo去 2-1, including a recent first-round drubbing of Eddie Linscott that lasted barely over a minute. 現在, Pagliarulo finds himself set to fight for his first MMA championship when he makes his NEF debut against the wildly popular state wrestling champion from Waterboro, 緬因, Zac ‘Rocky’ Richard (3-0-1), who enters the bout fresh off of his early contender for ‘Fight of the Year’ against Fred Lear (6-2-1) back at “NEF 37: Subzero” in February.

Pagliarulo and Richard are no strangers to one another. The two rolled together regularly throughout the years at New England’s elite wrestling school, Smitty’s Wrestling Barn.

“I respect Zac a lot,” Pagliarulo stated. “I know him on a personal level. We’ve wrestled together growing up. 他是個很棒的人, great kid, grateful to be competing against him. You’ve got to be confident, 一. It’s not the sport to not have confidence in. If you go in there, and you’re not confident in your abilities, you’re going to get yourself hurt. I’m very confident in my skillset and confident I’m going to get the win.”

“他 [Zac] definitely tough,” Pagliarulo continued. “I don’t really see anything out of the ordinary that I haven’t seen before that I wouldn’t say he presents any problems. I just think he’s tough, 一. I’ve got to be on my game. I’m going to have to go in thereI can’t let him dictate the pace and be that. I can’t let him be the fight he wants this to be. 所以, I’m going to go in there, I’m going to push the pace, and I’m going to do my thing. I’m not preparing specifically for one thing in particular he’s going to do. I’m just doing what I always do, staying well rounded. I don’t think there’s going to be any surprises when I step in there.”

When asked if he was intimidated by the prospect of potentially going five-rounds for the first time in his career, Pagliarulo revealed little concern.

“I mean I have great cardio,” Pagliarulo stated. “I’m prepared to go the five rounds if need be… I’m very well rounded. I think I’m very good at reading a fighter when I’m in there, for an amateur. I think I could make it a long five rounds for him if need be to go the distance. 我對此很期待, 一. I really want that war, that hard fight, and I think Zac’s going to bring it.”

At six-feet tall, Pagliarulo possesses a reach of over 74”, which is unusually long for a featherweight. “I have the reach, and I have the height,“他說,.

“I’m very competition-driven person, and I always kind-of fell short in my wrestling with my goals,” he continued. “I wanted to be a state champ; I took third. I placed at state for three years but didn’t reach that end goal. So I guess I’m chasing that goal in fighting to accomplish my goals that I’ve set for myself.”

“I think a lot of people could say I don’t deserve the opportunity [to fight for a title], and I acknowledge that,” Pagliarulo admitted. “My record is 2-1. Maybe I shouldn’t be fighting for a belt ’cause of my record. But I think the experience—people are going to be pretty blown away with where I’m at… I know my opponent’s not taking me lightly, but it would be a mistake just to take someone lightly because they’re 2-1. I’m a blue belt in jujitsu. 就像我說的, 我 15 years of wrestling in my life. 所以, I’m grateful for the opportunity that [NEF] gave to me, and I’m going to make the most of it.”

In addition to his evergreen training schedule— “I don’t really have fight camps; I’m always training”—Pagliarulo also continues to attend school at PSU and works nights as a bouncer at a bar, a position where his wrestling and MMA background have paid dividends on the job.

“I have had to use my training once,” Pagliarulo recalled. “We had a fight break out, and one accidentally hit a girl in the face, one thing led to another, but I ended up taking this kid’s back, mat returned him, and took his back on the ground, had him in a little seatbelt position, just restrained him until he chilled out, and then walked him out of the bar.”

“I’m not the most intimidating looking guy. I’m not this big, jacked bouncer, 你知道. I’m a featherweight fighter, but most of the time they see the ear, the cauliflower ear, and they get the point.”

When asked how he manages to fit sleep in within his busy schedule, Pagliarulo pulled-no-punches on his secret formula.

“It’s just a lot of discipline,” he revealed. “I like it, ’cause it keeps me on a tight schedule. There’s no time for me to slack or to miss training or miss school. It’s definitely difficult, but I love what I do, and it keeps me on-track.”

Pagliarulo’s title opponent has become a fan-favorite for his exciting performances inside the NEF cage. Pagliarulo noted that he’s aware of Richard’s popularity, but has no problem traveling into enemy territory on April 27.

“I’ve traveled the country to wrestle,” Pagliarulo stated. “I’m used to the traveling, staying in the hotels, and then competing. So it’s nothing really new to me. That’s the great thing about the sport of wrestling is you kind-of get exposed to a lot of the similar competition aspects that come with MMA. 所以, nothing too out of the ordinary.”

“[NEF] does a great job promoting themselves,“他說,. “The venue seems like a pretty great place to have a fight. 所以, I’m really excited to get out of my comfort zone and be the outsider going into the enemy’s territory and really looking forward to that experience.”

“I want to be a world champ, 一,” Pagliarulo continued. “That’s what keeps me going every day. I’m not just doing this to have fun. It’s not a fun thing to go in a cage and get punched in the face. I could find other things I want to do for hobbies and for fun.”

“In this sport, I think everyone has an equal playing field. It’s about how much time and work you’re going to put into it. And I’m willing to do what it takes to reach my goal and have a fight in the UFC someday and be a world champ.”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.


波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 8, 2019) – 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 將展示其未來的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭. 今天早些時候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s bout to the card. 泰勒 “T-Storm” 湯普森 (3-0) 將在 AndreaRenegadeHowland (2-0) to crown the first-ever NEF Women’s Bantamweight Champion. It will be the first women’s title fight for the promotion since Hilarie Rose captured the vacant strawweight title atNEF 31” 十一月 2017.

We hear it from fans constantlythey can’t get enough of the female fighters,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson.  “April 27th we’ve stacked the card with top-tier talent to give the fans exactly what they’ve been asking for. Howland and Thompson are two undefeated competitors with their sights set squarely on turning pro and eventually breaking into the UFC. On April 27th, one of them will leave the cage with their perfect record broken and one will leave with the first ever NEF Women’s Bantamweight Championship. Special thanks to Tommy Vickers fromQueen MMA Media for his assistance in making this bout happen.

Taylor Thompson made her NEF debut last November at “NEF 36” in a winning effort against Catie Denning. Prior to that time, Thompson had won two fights in Massachusetts, both by finish. She represents BST MMA & 基於門敦健身, 馬薩諸塞州.

I am honored to have the opportunity to fight for NEF’s first ever women’s amateur bantamweight title,” said Thompson, “especially when I will be sharing the cage with a very talented opponent, 安德烈霍蘭德. I know I am going to love this fight, and I think the fans will too.

Andrea Howland will bring her undefeated record to the East Coast for the first time in her amateur career. She made her cage debut in the spring of 2018 and has won both of her previous bouts by decision. Howland is currently a member of Michigan Top Team based in Southfield, 密歇根.

I am beyond excited at the opportunity to pursue a bantamweight title in my third MMA appearance,” exclaimed Howland. “Myself and my team are being flown out to the beautiful state of Maine at an incredible time of the year to get ourselves into a dog fight for a championship strap! What more could you ask for? I am making memories with my team and pursuing my dream of being a competitive athlete. I respect my opponent, 泰勒·湯普森, for her aggressiveness and her dedication to her career. I expect us to have a brawl of epic proportions, and it’s an honor to share the cage with her as a fellow amateur bantamweight prospect. April 27th can’t come soon enough! This is what I signed up for!”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com. �������T[�0�