標記檔案: 查爾斯·佩恩


波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 28, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 其最新的混合武術事件回到Aura在波特蘭上週六晚, “NEF 38: STORM誕生。”  這次活動是在尊敬的HBO系列權力的遊戲 完成與裝扮成環女孩 “龍母” 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安和珊莎·史塔克, 還有一個大提琴演奏家與熱播電視劇的原聲音樂打開事件。的在能力人群 1100 手頭上的動作.

在主要事件, 拉斯希爾頓 (4-2) 擊敗查爾斯·佩恩 (0-1) 在一個重量級的較量。馬戲團醫生在第一輪停止回合時對賓夕法尼亞大學的額頭砍無法關閉。希爾頓登陸完美,直接放在右手打開了潘的頭上的傷口,左血澆在墊子上的深紅色的可怕流.

迦勒大廳 (3-0) 保持不敗,與他的三連勝開始他的職業生涯。大廳提交飄去周杰倫埃利斯 (15-86) 在第一輪當晚的合作主要事件.

在拼牌的業餘部分, 四個冠軍受到了威脅.

在晚上的第一回合冠軍, 湯姆Pagliarulo (3-1) 抓獲空置NEF業餘羽量級錶帶,一致決定勝利理查德·扎克 (3-1-1).  在這樣做, Pagliarulo, 黑弗里爾的原生, 馬薩諸塞州, 理查德遞給他職業生涯的第一次虧損.

鄧肯·史密斯 (5-3) 要防範喬恩Tefft的NEF業餘中量級冠軍 (2-1).  經過五年的惡戰輪, 史密斯宣布三名法官的贏家’ 記分卡。這是一個美好的夜晚史密斯的研究小組演進Athletix的。該索科, 緬因州的球隊去 4-0 與史密斯的隊友阿迪娜博德里晚上 (3-0), 基岡科爾夫 (4-11), 和梅根·羅薩 (1-1) 所有拿起勝.

泰勒·湯普森 (4-0) 由密歇根大學的安德烈霍蘭德的短期工作 (2-1) 成為有史以來第一個NEF女子業餘錦標賽輕量級冠軍。湯普森提交霍蘭德在第一輪與armbar。戰鬥被帶到波特蘭通過NEF連同女王MMA媒體.

在第四, 和最後, 冠軍回合業餘卡上, 錦阿諾德 (5-0) 保持他的淘汰賽連勝活著亨利·克拉克的第一輪唐寧 (5-5).  這對阿諾德的連續第五次淘汰賽誰保留業餘輕量級帶.

戰鬥推廣還宣布了幾項打架期待已久的回歸路易斯頓六月 22 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店。本次活動的題目是 “NEF 39: 所有美國。”

家鄉的喜愛傑西·埃里克森 (9-7) 將在劉易斯Corapi (8-5) 當晚在輕量級比賽。埃里克森是NEF籠的支柱和長久的最有力競爭者,以促進專業155磅重的冠軍。馬薩諸塞’ Corapi是新英格蘭MMA電路的一個經驗豐富的老將, 終於使6月22日他的NEF登場。

喬希·哈維 (6-0-1) 宣布,他將在回到籠子 “NEF 39” 採取喬丹唐尼 (5-4) 韋恩堡, 印第安納州。哈維將當晚保衛NEF臨羽量級冠軍,因為在班戈捕捉皮帶去年二月尋找他的第一次成功的防守。唐尼是一個兩拼連勝.

內特鮑徹 (4-3) 將在羅伯特·普雷斯利 (5-4) 空置NEF業餘飛錘標題。鮑徹已經完成他的最後兩個對手在第一輪自己搬回爭奪另一射擊在125磅重的腰帶。普雷斯利表示MMA的蘭開斯特蘭開斯特學院, 俄亥俄.

在莊嚴的時刻,開啟活動, NEF讚揚長期工作人員凱西主要有十鐘敬禮. 該的Wiscasset, 緬因州居民上週後期意外去世. 促進專用事件對他的記憶.

從波特蘭的全部結果, 緬因:


拉斯希爾頓DEF. 經醫生停止查爾斯佩恩, 圓 1
迦勒堂DEF. 通過提交周杰倫埃利斯, 圓 1
基岡科爾夫決賽. 通過提交澤農·埃雷拉, 圓 1
科比普樂高清. 通過提交弗雷德·李爾, 圓 2


錦阿諾德DEF. 通過KO亨利·克拉克, 圓 1
泰勒·湯普森DEF. 通過提交安德烈霍蘭德, 圓 1
鄧肯·史密斯高清. 通過一致決定喬恩Tefft
湯姆Pagliarulo DEF. 通過一致決定理查德·扎克
地區費爾南德斯DEF. 通過提交瑞安野人, 圓 1
泰特斯潘內爾DEF. 通過TKO賈斯汀菲爾布魯克, 圓 2
布賴恩中遠DEF. 通過TKO加里·卡爾, 圓 1
梅根·羅薩DEF. 通過分裂的決定阿曼達·貝內特
賈森·蘭德里DEF. 通過提交賈斯汀Boraczek, 第1輪
布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. 通過提交傑西·菲茨西蒙斯, 圓 1
喬丹諾曼DEF. 通過TKO格雷格石原, 圓 2
內特白色高清. 通過tapout罷工克利福德雷德曼, 圓 1
斯凱勒Vallaincourt DEF. 通過參考停止狄龍亨利, 圓 2
阿迪娜博德里DEF. 通過TKO崔西·鮑德溫, 圓 2

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 將於週六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.TheColisee.com.


波特蘭, 緬因 (三月 11, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) heavyweight ‘Rasquatch’ ‘The Jamaican Shamrock’ Ras Hylton (3-2) had a mixed bag of a mixed martial arts (MMA) run in 2018. Hylton recently joined host Jason Floyd on The MMA Report podcast to discuss the ups-and-downs of the last year and his goals for 2019.

After losing a fight in New York last May, Hylton rebounded with a beautiful knockout victory over longtime MMA veteran Eric Bedard (6-8) in Rhode Island last August. The win put Hylton in the position to fight Yorgan De Castro for the inaugural NEF Cruiserweight title, a 225-pound division that Hylton has been championing for the widespread adoption of in MMA. De Castro and Hylton shared a wild two-and-a-half minutes in the cage before De Castro ultimately knocked out Hylton to win the title.

“I was trying to change things up and, 你知道, it’s kind of like playing with a chemistry set for the first time,” Hylton said in describing his 2018. “You get a bunch of ingredients, and elements, and chemicals in front of you and some you’re familiar with and some you’ve got to learn and tinker with some before you can really hone down what it’s going for.”

A lifelong martial artist, Hylton credits his father for putting him on the path that lead to his eventual career choice as a professional fighter.

“Ever since I started learning how to box a little bit with my dad when I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated with fighting in general,” Hylton told Floyd. “He never really would have wanted me to be a fighter, but he put a bug in and I never really let go, so it was just the next logical evolution of my learning was getting in there and testing it out in an environment that supports growth and change. 所以, it’s been a great learning experience. I’ve met a lot of great people and had a lot of fun doing it.”

It’s no secret to anyone that has seen Hylton compete in the cage that he prefers the standup aspect of the sport as opposed to the ground game, but when asked why he choose to pursue mixed martial arts competition over boxing, he answered without hesitation.

“The variety and the options available,” Hylton replied. “Don’t get me wrong, I completely respect boxing as a sport, but the fact that there’s so much focus on just the upper body and punches to the head and more frequently than not. 我的意思是, we’re all looking for the knockout shot, but MMA offered the opportunity to really open up and give us more of a realistic approach to one-on-one combat. I mean as long as you play fair, you get to use all the same tools and figure out how to play a different kind of game that still beats the other guys.”

Standing at 6’6”, Hylton has become known for his menacing height as much as he has for his memorable performances in the cage. However, Hylton was quick to note that his height can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to combat.

“It definitely focuses things for both myself and my opponent,” Hylton stated. “I’ve got a body type that speaks very blatantly of what the advantages are and what the disadvantages are, so it really helps to focus the training and where’s there fewer big people than there are small people, you need some sort of way to fine tune things as quick as possible. 你知道, there’s not much of a learning curve before you start getting hurt by it.”

Hylton’s next fight is set for April 27 when he takes on Charles Penn at “NEF 38: Stormborn” in Portland, 緬因. 佩恩, who fights for Hyaston MMA, will be traveling from North Carolina for the bout.

“This has been probably the biggest question mark fight I’ve ever had,” Hylton stated. “I mean, at least with everybody who’s come before there’s been some avenue of recent information, but I mean he did bring his amateur career, 6-3, but his last fight was, what? 2013? 所以, there’s a big question mark there, there’s a big gap there, where he could have gone in any direction. So it’s kind of simplified things for me, because now I get to just stick to my plan of using 2019 to do what I have to do to be the best fighter I can be. 所以, I get to keep on at him. I don’t have the distraction of trying to figure out the other guy. It’s really played towards my mental strengths to start off this year.”

“Execution,” Hylton continued. “Execution of the game plan is what I’m really looking to stick to from here on out. I want to take this as far as I can go. I want to go up as high as I can. And I’ve been lucky with the support that I’ve got between my family and my gyms to be able to do something that really makes me feel whole. I want to pay back that investment in full and with as much interest as possible, as soon as possible. I’m in my 30’s now, got to make something happen, 你知道?”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.

About New England FightsNew England Fights (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (二月 26, 2019) – 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 將展示其未來的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭。今日早些時候, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional heavyweight fight to the card.The Jamaican Shamrock” 拉斯 “Rasquatch” 希爾頓定要面對查爾斯·佩恩.

At 6’6,Ras Hylton is one of the largest competitors ever to step foot in the NEF cage. He started his amateur MMA career three years ago this month and went 3-0 prior to making his professional debut at “NEF 27” 二月裡 2017. Hylton has put together a record of 3-2 作為一個親. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss to Yorgan De Castro (4-0) in an unsuccessful bid to capture the inaugural NEF Cruiserweight Championship at “NEF 36” 去年十一月.

Hylton trains with First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine as well as Dragon Fire Martial Arts in Portland. He is a longtime practitioner of Taekwondo, a discipline in which he holds a black belt.

“I’m really grateful to be fighting in my home again,” 說希爾頓. “After my humbling return late last year, it’s been a time of reflection on what is necessary for my success. Lucky for me, I have family in every part of my life. From home, 健身房, to the dojo, to my job, I’m constantly getting my motivation to do things better. Thank you for keeping me going, and helping me find excellence. It’s going to be a great year!”

Hylton’s opponent at “NEF 38,” Charles Penn, will be making his professional debut. Penn put together an impressive 6-3 record as an amateur competing throughout the Midwest. He now represents Hayastan MMA based in North Carolina.

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” 將於週六, 四月 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com. ��