標記檔案: 錦阿諾德

四MMA CHAMPIONS加冕碰撞課程在矽酸鹽

即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (十一月 10, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 舉辦其最新的混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 41: 碰撞課程,” 在上靈氣在波特蘭星期六晚上。四個冠軍被決定了滿場觀眾前舉行的十三拼卡.

在主要事件, 如何格林韋爾 (10-4) 扮演攪局的角色, 贏得了NEF業餘女子錦標賽Strawweight超過曼格一致決定, 緬因州榮耀“騷動”沃森 (6-1).  格林威爾老遠從俄克拉何馬州的鬥爭。這是對以前不敗沃森的業餘紀錄第一污點.

錦阿諾德“Killa的” (6-1) 保留了NEF業餘輕量級錶帶的毀滅性第二輪淘汰賽沃爾特·謝伊(3-2) 在當晚的合作主要事件。這是冠軍的阿諾德的第二個成功的防守和他的業餘生涯的第六次淘汰賽的勝利.

扎克“洛奇”理查德(5-2-1) 拍攝的NEF業餘輕量級冠軍一致決定拉攏“魔術師”邁克·默里(2-1).  戰鬥反复去了五輪嚴罰看著像醫生在籠側將停止回合一點由於對理查德的膝蓋受傷。戰鬥繼續, 然而, 和理查德拉出上法官的記分卡贏.

內特鮑徹 (6-3) 打敗史蒂夫德賈斯丁 (5-4) 通過提議在第一輪成為新的NEF業餘飛錘冠軍。這場勝利是鮑徹是在一排第四.

除了打架, NEF宣布,其第一個事件 2020 將於二月 8 為促進首次亮相的1900個座位的禮堂美林在波特蘭。該節目名為“NEF 42: 毀滅“和門票的交響曲出售星期六晚上在去www.PortTix.com

對於“NEF 42”已經宣布是前NEF冠軍之間的五輪專業輕量級冠軍爭奪戰布魯斯“漂亮男孩”Boyington (17-11) WEC和UFC和老將喬希“福祿克”Grispi(14-5).  Boyington並沒有在他的緬因州的家下,又打在兩年, 而Grispi,因為他的2013年Boyington釋放從UFC一直缺席比賽之前騰空它戰鬥的世界大賽簽署前舉行促銷的輕量級冠軍.

對於“NEF 42”宣布的另一種輕量級的鬥爭將具有兩個緬因州風扇最愛的喬希“勾上”哈維(7-0-1) 把他的不敗紀錄逆勢而行傑西“海盜”埃里克森 (9-8).  哈維是衛冕NEF臨羽量級冠軍,並在全國頂級的前景之一。埃里克森將目光從虧損去年夏天反彈在他試圖捕捉輕巧帶.

第三個親鬥爭是為“NEF 42”將採用當地人公佈多米尼克“Domnation”瓊斯 (2-3) 和卡爾·蘭斯頓 (0-4).  瓊斯最近爭奪全球推廣Bellator在康涅狄格州的一拼卡上。蘭斯頓, 堅實的業餘生涯後,, 在家鄉父老面前將尋找他的第一個專業取勝.

從波特蘭正式結果, 緬因:

如何格林韋爾DEF. 通過一致決定榮耀沃森
錦阿諾德DEF. 沃爾特·謝伊通過淘汰賽, 圓 2
扎克理查德DEF. 通過一致決定邁克·默里
內特鮑徹DEF. 史蒂夫德賈斯丁通過水龍頭後裸絞, 圓 1
所羅門鏡面高清. 通過技術提交喬治Pissimissis, 圓 1
喬·霍華德DEF. 傑西·菲茨西蒙斯通過醫生停止, 圓 1
格雷格石原DEF. 通過技術擊倒威廉姆斯迪倫, 圓 1
賈斯汀·米德爾頓DEF. 通過水龍頭後裸絞喬恩·阿薩姆, 圓 1
布賴恩中遠DEF. 通過技術提交克利福德雷德曼, 圓 1
迦勒奧斯汀DEF. 通過技術擊倒瑞安福格, 圓 2
內特白色高清. 通過技術擊倒奧斯汀漢密爾頓, 圓 1
布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. 泰勒騎士通過水龍頭後裸絞, 圓 2
錢德勒查普曼DEF. 通過一致決定蒂姆·伯杰龍

新英格蘭戰鬥’ 未來混合武術事件, “NEF 42: 毀滅交響曲,” 將於週六, 二月 8, 2020 美林禮堂在波特蘭, 緬因. 門票現已公開發售,在www.PortTix.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.

四冠軍戰鬥頭條FINAL NEF CARD 2019 在矽酸鹽

即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (十月 23, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 返回到Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上月 9, 2019 其未來的混合武術事件, “NEF 41: 發生衝突。該事件“的門票目前在銷售www.AuraMaine.com. 今天早些時候,, NEF公佈該事件的全戰卡 - 一個總的 17 原定於晚上較量.

四業餘冠軍戰鬥將標題卡。這將是第一次,因為“NEF 9”八月 2013 是一個業餘的鬥爭一直是推廣的一個卡的主要事件。 (值得注意的, “NEF 9”是一個所有的業餘活動。)

“NEF 41”也將迎來第一次婦女回合還多次促銷活動的事件不敗的一個榮耀“騷動”沃森 (6-0) 發生在如何格林韋爾(9-4) 冠首屆NEF業餘女子Strawweight冠軍。沃森將有機會成為第一個NEF運動員同時持有兩個量級冠軍創造歷史的回合。她是衛冕NEF業餘女子次最輕量級冠軍.

錦阿諾德“Killa的” (5-1) 將抵禦NEF業餘輕量級錶帶 沃爾特·謝伊 (3-1) 在當晚的合作主要事件. 自六月阿諾德曾經擔任過這一職位 2018 而最近在“NEF 38”去年春天與亨利·克拉克的21秒擊倒捍衛它 (5-5). 這將是謝伊在八月份“NEF 30”丟失的努力後捕獲標題第二次嘗試 2017.

扎克“洛奇”理查德(4-2-1) 將面臨“魔術師”邁克·默里(2-0) 空置NEF業餘輕量級冠軍。雙方運動員都脫落上個月勝在奧羅諾, 緬因州“NEF 40”理查德就把對方擊倒在第一輪他的回合的大滿貫,而穆雷提交他的對手 - 同樣在第一輪.

內特鮑徹 (5-3) 和史蒂夫德賈斯丁(5-3) 定於滿足空置NEF業餘飛錘冠軍。鮑徹是在三拼連勝, 在完成了第一輪提交了所有三個對手。德賈斯丁與第一輪的勝利,上月到籠競爭闊別幾年後返回在“NEF 40”.

截至記者發稿時, NEF高管正在尋找為NEF業餘重量級冠軍的對手鄧肯“漢蘭達”史密斯(5-3).  不幸, 史密斯的原有挑戰者, 諾曼·喬丹, 最近退出了戰鬥的時候,他無法獲得體檢合格證明.

馬特說:“肯娃娃”丹寧(5-10) 和基岡“上感”科爾夫 (4-11) 將在專業catchweight較量廣場下車。雙方將尋求從近期跌勢反彈。丹寧被擊敗了在馬薩諸塞州的卡片上週六晚上, 而Hornstra不敵多米尼克·瓊斯在“NEF 39”過去的這個夏天的Lewiston, 緬因州。戰鬥將發生在商定的重 176 英鎊.

完整的“NEF 41”免戰牌 (如有變更,):


115*TITLE: 沃森的榮耀 (年輕人) VS. 如何格林韋爾 (獨立)

135*TITLE: 錦阿諾德 (Ç) (偵察) VS. 沃爾特·謝伊 (頭等艙MMA)

155*TITLE: 理查德·扎克 (Nostos酒店) VS. 邁克·默里 (卡姆登戰鬥/鑄造)

125*TITLE: 史蒂夫德賈斯丁 (獨立) VS. 內特鮑徹 (CMBJJ)


155: 喬希·哈維 (視覺探索泰拳) VS. 喬納森·海因斯 (獨立)

176: 馬特·丹寧 (獨立) VS. 基岡科爾夫 (進化Athletix)


145: 傑西·菲茨西蒙斯 (Nostos酒店) VS. 喬·霍華德 (CMBJJ)

265: 喬治Pissimissis (圍克魯/佩德羅的柔道) VS. 索羅門鏡 (甲級)

135: 安德烈霍蘭德 (密歇根強隊) VS. 梅根·羅薩 (進化Athletix)

170: 賈斯汀·米德爾頓 (獨立) VS. 喬恩·阿薩姆 (甲級)

170: 格雷格石原 (偵察) VS. 迪倫·威廉姆斯 (獨立)

155: 克利福德·雷德曼 (獨立) VS. 布賴恩中遠 (紅線)

155: 唐納德·盧卡斯 (獨立) VS. 威爾·麥考爾 (進化Athletix)

205: 亨利·傑夫斯 (獨立) VS. 泰特斯潘內爾 (T4生存)

130: 瑞安福格 (團隊元素) VS. 奧斯汀迦勒 (CMBJJ)

175: 羅蘭·蟠龍 (Maineiac民兵) VS. 奧斯汀漢密爾頓 (獨立)

145: 泰勒騎士 (獨立) VS. 布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens (CMBJJ)

新英格蘭戰鬥’ 未來混合武術事件, “NEF 41: 碰撞課程,” 將於週六, 十一月 9, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因. 門票現已公開發售,在www.auramaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 28, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 其最新的混合武術事件回到Aura在波特蘭上週六晚, “NEF 38: STORM誕生。”  這次活動是在尊敬的HBO系列權力的遊戲 完成與裝扮成環女孩 “龍母” 丹妮莉絲·坦格利安和珊莎·史塔克, 還有一個大提琴演奏家與熱播電視劇的原聲音樂打開事件。的在能力人群 1100 手頭上的動作.

在主要事件, 拉斯希爾頓 (4-2) 擊敗查爾斯·佩恩 (0-1) 在一個重量級的較量。馬戲團醫生在第一輪停止回合時對賓夕法尼亞大學的額頭砍無法關閉。希爾頓登陸完美,直接放在右手打開了潘的頭上的傷口,左血澆在墊子上的深紅色的可怕流.

迦勒大廳 (3-0) 保持不敗,與他的三連勝開始他的職業生涯。大廳提交飄去周杰倫埃利斯 (15-86) 在第一輪當晚的合作主要事件.

在拼牌的業餘部分, 四個冠軍受到了威脅.

在晚上的第一回合冠軍, 湯姆Pagliarulo (3-1) 抓獲空置NEF業餘羽量級錶帶,一致決定勝利理查德·扎克 (3-1-1).  在這樣做, Pagliarulo, 黑弗里爾的原生, 馬薩諸塞州, 理查德遞給他職業生涯的第一次虧損.

鄧肯·史密斯 (5-3) 要防範喬恩Tefft的NEF業餘中量級冠軍 (2-1).  經過五年的惡戰輪, 史密斯宣布三名法官的贏家’ 記分卡。這是一個美好的夜晚史密斯的研究小組演進Athletix的。該索科, 緬因州的球隊去 4-0 與史密斯的隊友阿迪娜博德里晚上 (3-0), 基岡科爾夫 (4-11), 和梅根·羅薩 (1-1) 所有拿起勝.

泰勒·湯普森 (4-0) 由密歇根大學的安德烈霍蘭德的短期工作 (2-1) 成為有史以來第一個NEF女子業餘錦標賽輕量級冠軍。湯普森提交霍蘭德在第一輪與armbar。戰鬥被帶到波特蘭通過NEF連同女王MMA媒體.

在第四, 和最後, 冠軍回合業餘卡上, 錦阿諾德 (5-0) 保持他的淘汰賽連勝活著亨利·克拉克的第一輪唐寧 (5-5).  這對阿諾德的連續第五次淘汰賽誰保留業餘輕量級帶.

戰鬥推廣還宣布了幾項打架期待已久的回歸路易斯頓六月 22 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店。本次活動的題目是 “NEF 39: 所有美國。”

家鄉的喜愛傑西·埃里克森 (9-7) 將在劉易斯Corapi (8-5) 當晚在輕量級比賽。埃里克森是NEF籠的支柱和長久的最有力競爭者,以促進專業155磅重的冠軍。馬薩諸塞’ Corapi是新英格蘭MMA電路的一個經驗豐富的老將, 終於使6月22日他的NEF登場。

喬希·哈維 (6-0-1) 宣布,他將在回到籠子 “NEF 39” 採取喬丹唐尼 (5-4) 韋恩堡, 印第安納州。哈維將當晚保衛NEF臨羽量級冠軍,因為在班戈捕捉皮帶去年二月尋找他的第一次成功的防守。唐尼是一個兩拼連勝.

內特鮑徹 (4-3) 將在羅伯特·普雷斯利 (5-4) 空置NEF業餘飛錘標題。鮑徹已經完成他的最後兩個對手在第一輪自己搬回爭奪另一射擊在125磅重的腰帶。普雷斯利表示MMA的蘭開斯特蘭開斯特學院, 俄亥俄.

在莊嚴的時刻,開啟活動, NEF讚揚長期工作人員凱西主要有十鐘敬禮. 該的Wiscasset, 緬因州居民上週後期意外去世. 促進專用事件對他的記憶.

從波特蘭的全部結果, 緬因:


拉斯希爾頓DEF. 經醫生停止查爾斯佩恩, 圓 1
迦勒堂DEF. 通過提交周杰倫埃利斯, 圓 1
基岡科爾夫決賽. 通過提交澤農·埃雷拉, 圓 1
科比普樂高清. 通過提交弗雷德·李爾, 圓 2


錦阿諾德DEF. 通過KO亨利·克拉克, 圓 1
泰勒·湯普森DEF. 通過提交安德烈霍蘭德, 圓 1
鄧肯·史密斯高清. 通過一致決定喬恩Tefft
湯姆Pagliarulo DEF. 通過一致決定理查德·扎克
地區費爾南德斯DEF. 通過提交瑞安野人, 圓 1
泰特斯潘內爾DEF. 通過TKO賈斯汀菲爾布魯克, 圓 2
布賴恩中遠DEF. 通過TKO加里·卡爾, 圓 1
梅根·羅薩DEF. 通過分裂的決定阿曼達·貝內特
賈森·蘭德里DEF. 通過提交賈斯汀Boraczek, 第1輪
布蘭登MAILLET-Fevens DEF. 通過提交傑西·菲茨西蒙斯, 圓 1
喬丹諾曼DEF. 通過TKO格雷格石原, 圓 2
內特白色高清. 通過tapout罷工克利福德雷德曼, 圓 1
斯凱勒Vallaincourt DEF. 通過參考停止狄龍亨利, 圓 2
阿迪娜博德里DEF. 通過TKO崔西·鮑德溫, 圓 2

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” 將於週六, 六月 22, 2019 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.TheColisee.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) bantamweight champion “Killa” Kam Arnold has been perfect so far in his mixed martial arts (MMA) 事業, carving out a flawless 4-0 record with four knockouts since he debuted in the promotion just over a year and a half ago

四月 27, the 135-pound “King in the North” makes his highly anticipated return to the cage when he is scheduled to defend his title against longtime bantamweight mainstay, Henry Clark (5-4).

Arnold recently joined Jason Floyd onThe MMA Report podcast to discuss his origins in the sport, his reign at the top of the New England 135-pound division, and his goals for the future.

“I fell in love with combat sports at a very young age, mostly boxing,” Arnold explained to Floyd. “I was the youngest of all boys. I grew up in a pretty rough family, and I had to be tough growing up, and my love for combat sports came into the fold. I also played hockey as a kid, so I had a physical upbringing. And I also wrestled when I was in school and it transformed into this. I never thought I was going to be doing MMA as a kid, although I loved it.

“I hit rock bottom when I was a young teen,” Arnold continued. “I hit rock bottom, and my mother came from out-of-state and picked me up, and we moved to Lewiston [緬因]. And I always swore to myself as a kid I’d never move there because I thought it was the worst place in the world. But it was actually the best move I ever made in my entire life.”

When Arnold’s parents—whom he credits for “making me the man I am today”brought him to his adopted hometown of Lewiston, 緬因, he also found a gym family at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (CMBJJ) where he has started training under longtime NEF veterans Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-7) and former NEF flyweight champion Dustin Veinott (5-4).

“I’m trying to become a whole complete martial artist,” Arnold stated. “I’m not trying to be known as just this brawler that’s going to go out there and bang with anybody.”

Bang,” 然而, is exactly what Arnold did in April 2018 when he knocked out David Thompson at “NEF 33: Riptide” in a lighting fast 11-seconds.

“I mean yeah, it was a hell of a knockout highlight reel,” Arnold confessed. “But I’ve been doing that my whole life, man.”

“We were working that overhand right, we knew that was going to be there right from the beginning,” Arnold continued. “I spoke it into existence and that’s exactly what happened. I cracked him with a jab, I saw his head snap back, and then as he’s coming in, he’s coming in very aggressive, he dropped his hand, he’s coming in for an upper cut and he left his chin right on a shelf for me.”

Arnold solidified his position at the top of the New England bantamweight division in June 2018 at “NEF 34: Home of the Brave” when he defeated Killian Murphy (1-2) via fourth-round knockout to become the NEF bantamweight champion. Despite a back and forth battle that brought the crowd to its feet that night, and the culminating moment he landed the knockout punch that iced the win for him, Arnold looks back and still sees room for improvement.

“I just haven’t been able to find that perfect fight, 我猜,” Arnold pondered. “A lot of people would point to Killian Murphy maybe being that fight for me, but in my eyes that was a very poor performance for myself. I kept my hands very low for a reason, and a lot of people said, ‘Oh, you looked tired.If I was so tired, I wouldn’t have knocked him out in the fourth round. I kept my hands low for a reason because of his wrestling ability. And people seem to forget that I used to wrestle too, and I outwrestled him that whole fight. But I was still upset that I shouldn’t have been able to take that many shots as I did with Killian. I should have put him out earlier in the fight.

“It’s hard to get the perfect fight,” Arnold continued. “I talk to other people about it and they’re like, “Dude, it’s so hard.Even guys that have been fighting for 10, 15 years they’re like, “It’s so hard to find that perfect fight.Because I was like, “Man, is there something wrong with me? I feel disappointed in myself after a win.

So what does Arnold want out of one of his fights in order to walk away satisfied?

“I want to have a bloodbath,” he admitted. “I want to split somebody wide open, have a doctor stoppage, because I’m beating somebody so badly. I love seeing people’s eyes roll in the back of their heads, I like making people stiff as a board.”

Currently still competing as an amateur, Arnold is already being discussed as a future threat in the professional bantamweight division. Before he turns pro, 然而, he has plans set to defend his title on April 27 against a very experienced and crafty veteran in Henry Clark, who comes into the bout riding a two-fight win streak.

“Henry’s tough, 一,” Arnold warned. “He has a chin on him, he’s a gamer, he’s not going to back down and he’s solid all the way around.”

With his two-year anniversary since his debut still four months away, Kam isn’t anxious and is confident that he has a lot left to contribute to the sport.

“I still have some amateur goals that I want to accomplish and we’re only scratching the surface of my career, 真,” Arnold stated. “I don’t want to make too much of a premature jump into the next group of talent. But I’m not afraid either, I’ve got to make the decision here coming up shortly, I’d like to get at least a couple more fights in. Depending on how those fights go—I’m one fight at a time—but if I keep on remaining successful, then I can’t see why I wouldn’t go pro after a sixth or a seventh fight.

“I’m very excited for the next chapter,” Arnold concluded.

NEF’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 38: STORM BORN,” will take place on Saturday, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州的鐘時間 7 下午。門票現已公開發售在www.AuraMaine.com.

About New England Fights

New England Fights (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. NEF’s executive team has extensive experience in combat sports management, events production, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告. == z5�PZ



波特蘭, 緬因 (六月 17, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) made its return to Portland, Maine on Saturday night with the fight promotion’s latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave.A jam-packed house of fight fans took in the action as NEF fighters delivered the non-stop excitement from bell to bell in what many are calling one of the best events the company has ever produced.




On a card featuring a total of 18 打架, 法官’ scorecards were not needed until the thirteenth bout of the evening. Prior to that time, the early card featured a plethora of exciting finishes including a pair of D’Arce Chokes courtesy of Angelo Rizzitello (2-1) and Henry Clark (4-4) and highlight-reel knockouts by Cody Rolling (5-5) and Zac Lawrence (1-0). Thirteen of the evening’s fights ended in the first round.




錦阿諾德 (4-0) and Killian Murphy (1-1) waged an absolute war for the vacant amateur bantamweight title in what made history as the first amateur fight in Maine to ever go beyond the old three-round limit. Arnold claimed the title with a fourth-round knockout in a bout that will certainly be a contender for “年度撲滅” this December when voting begins.




Not to be outdone, 查爾斯·卡爾頓 (2-2) and DuncanThe Highlander” 工匠 (3-2) took their amateur welterweight title fight into the fourth round as well. Smith took the gold home after putting Charles out with a rear-naked choke.




On the professional side of the card, Young’s MMA teammates “該” Ryan Sanders (16-9) and Aaron “狠” 萊西 (5-2) were in action. Sanders submitted Vince McGuiness (5-8) with just seconds remaining in the first round while Lacey lost a unanimous decision to Da’Mon Blackshear (5-1) 在主要事件.




NEF announced that its next MMA event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” would originate from the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine on September 8, 2018. Tickets will go on sale to the general public this Monday morning at 10 是. A pre-sale for online tickets started Saturday night at www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com with pre-sale code “NEF。”




從波特蘭的全部結果, 緬因:




Da’mon Blackshear def. Aaron Lacey via unanimous decision



Ryan Sanders def. Vince McGuiness via armbar, 圓 1


鄧肯·史密斯高清. Carlton Charles via rear-naked choke, 圓 4


錦阿諾德DEF. Killian Murphy via KO, 圓 4


Mark Gardner def. Eric Camacho via armbar, 圓 1



Glenn Kasabian def. Jordan Young via unanimous decision



Glory Watson def. Chelsea Tucker via TKO, 圓 1



Carter Labrecque def. Josiah Kenney via TKO, 圓 1



Angelo Rizzitello def. Clifford Redman via D’Arce Choke, 圓 1



Zac Lawrence def. Jordan Norman via KO, 圓 1



Henry Clark def. Jack Greene via D’Arce Choke, 圓 1



Curtis Ouellette def. Dalton Dunphy via TKO, 圓 2



Brady MacDonald def. Greg Waterbury via guillotine, 圓 1



Cody Rolling def. Mike Williams via KO, 圓 1



Sarah Matulis def. Carol Linn Powell via rear-naked choke, 圓 1



喬·霍華德DEF. Brandon Clark via guillotine, 圓 1



Christian Barrett def. Brandon Schwinck via TKO, 圓 1


Taylor Bartlett def. Delmarkis Edwards via TKO, 圓 1



NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, 緬因. The event is scheduled to take place 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 與鐘時間 7 下午. The ticket pre-sale is happening now online at www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com with pre-sale code NEF. Tickets will go on sale to the general public this Monday 上午, 六月 18 在 10:00 am EDT.


波特蘭, 緬因 (五月 31, 2018) – Earlier this week, 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) officials were informed that Mike Crespo had been injured during his fight camp and would be unable to compete at “NEF 34: 勇者之家” 上 六月 16 在波特蘭. Crespo had originally been scheduled to face 錦阿諾德 (3-0) for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship. Killian Murphy (1-0) has stepped up to replace Crespo and take on Arnold at Aura for the 135-pound title in a scheduled five-round affair.

Murphy made his debut atNEF 33last month in Portland with an impressive victory over Krishna Scott (0-1) 通過第一輪技術擊倒. He is no stranger to the winner’s circle. Murphy is a former Maine state wrestling champion, having captured a class-A title for Marshwood High School in Elliott in 2015. 今天, he trains with Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire under the guidance of UFC signee, and former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, 德文 - 鮑威爾 (8-3). Murphy was originally scheduled to compete against Gabriel Diaz of Florida atNEF 34,but Diaz pulled out of that fight earlier this month.

“It’s an exciting turn of events to end up fighting for the 135-pound belt,” said Murphy. “The goal when I started this journey was to win that beltand I am thankful for this opportunity. I want to thank NEF, my coaches, my teammates and supporters. June 16th, I’m taking that belt home to Nostos.”

Perhaps no other member of the NEF roster has had the run in the last twelve months that Kam Arnold has had. He has cut through three opponents in the first round like a hot knife through butter including an eleven-second knockout of veteran David Thompson last month at “NEF 33。” Arnold is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu of Lewiston, 緬因.

“第一關, I just want to say ‘thank you’ to Killian for accepting this fight, and also to Matt Peterson for finding me another opponent,” said Arnold when reached for comment. “Killian’s an up-and-coming, 令人興奮的戰鬥機 – and I’m excited to clash with him. I know he’s going to come ready and he’s going to be looking to shake up this division and make a statement. I’m going to continue to work hard, make an adjustment to the strategy and go balls-to-the-wall from there. This will be a great fightand I will be NEF’s next 135-pound champ.”

“Nothing excites me more than when an athlete steps up on short notice and seizes an opportunity to grab gloryand that’s what Killian Murphy has done by agreeing to take this bout against an undefeated animal like Kam Arnold,” declared NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Kam has looked unstoppable since he debuted less than a year agoand now we get to see him test himself against a decorated wrestler for a chance at NEF gold. As if this card wasn’t already summer fireworksnow we get to see two undefeated studs try to knock each other off over the course of a five-round championship fight. 它沒有得到任何比這更好!”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” 將在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上週六, 六月 16, 2018. 門票的銷售,現在在網上 www.AuraMaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.



波特蘭, 緬因 (五月 18, 2018) –Earlier today, 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) released the official card for its upcoming return to Aura in Portland, 緬因. The mixed-martial-arts event, 有權 “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” is scheduled to take place on Saturday night, 六月 16, 2018 與鐘時間 7:00 美國東部時間下午.




The main event will feature two rising East Coast prospects when Bangor, Maine’s own 亞倫 “狠” 萊西 (5-1) meets Fayetteville, 北卡羅來納州 Da’MonThe DiamondBlackshear (4-1) 在輕量級回合. Lacey is coming off a dominant win over veteran Josh Parker (6-9) 今年早些時候,, while Blackshear looks to rebound from the first loss of his professional career last August.




Lacey’s Young’s MMA teammate “該” Ryan Sanders (15-9) will see action in the co-main event against Tampa, 佛羅里達州 Vince McGuiness (5-7). Sanders is the reigning NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Champion. The fight with McGuiness will be a non-title affair.




Rounding out the professional portion of the card will be yet another Young’s MMA competitor in the form of 卡爾·蘭斯頓 (0-1) who is scheduled to rematch The Choi Institute’s 埃內斯托·奧尼拉斯 (3-7) in a battle of Portland fan-favorites. Langston and Ornelas initially met last month atNEF 33with Ornelas coming out on top via unanimous decision. Langston immediately requested a rematch blaming his performance on nerves surrounding his pro debut. Ornelas obliged and has promised to finish Langston this time out, leaving no room for question.




The amateur portion of the card will be headlined by a pair of title fights. Undefeated Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 前景 錦阿諾德 (3-0) 將面臨 邁克爾·克雷斯波 (3-3) of First Class MMA for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship. In the second title fight, 查爾斯·卡爾頓 (2-1) of the Charles Fighting Family and Berserkers MMA meets DuncanThe Highlander” 工匠 (2-2) of Evolution Athletix to crown a new NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion. Both fights are scheduled for five three-minute roundsa first in the NEF amateur division as all previous title fights had been scheduled for three three-minute rounds.




Three women’s bouts will take place on the amateur card. Brianne Genschel (0-1) of First Class MMA and the Foundry will take on Tampa, 佛羅里達州 阿曼達·加洛 (1-1) while Genschel’s First Class MMA teammate 切爾西塔克 (0-2) faces the debuting 沃森的榮耀 (0-0) 年輕的MMA的, 和 Carol Linn Powell (0-1) 會見 Sarah Matulis (1-0) of the Outlet. Powell owns and operates Nostos MMA of Somersworth, NH alongside her husband, UFC signee and former NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Devin Powell (8-3).


亨利·克拉克 (3-4) 和 Killian Murphy (1-0) both had opponents pull out on them prior to press time. NEF matchmakers are working on finding replacement opponents. Bantamweight and featherweight amateurs interested in either fight are asked to contact NEF via email at newenglandfights@gmail.com. Serious inquiries only please.




The full “NEF 34” 拼卡 (如有變更,):




155 Ryan Sanders 15-9 (年輕的MMA) vs Vince McGuiness 5-7 (Bang Muay Thai Tampa/Gracie Pac MMA)


145 亞倫萊西 5-1 (年輕的MMA) vs Da’mon Blackshear 4-1 (Team ROC)


135 卡爾·蘭斯頓 0-1 (年輕的MMA) vs Ernesto Ornelas 3-7 (Choi’s)





170*TITLE 查爾斯·卡爾頓 2-1 (Charles Fighting Family/Berserkers MMA) vs Duncan Smith 2-2 (進化Athletix)


135*TITLE 邁克爾·克雷斯波 3-3 (頭等艙MMA) vs Kam Arnold 3-0 (CMBJJ)


205 Cody Rolling 4-5 (F2競技場) VS邁克·威廉姆斯 2-2 (CMBJJ)


185 Mark Gardner 2-0 (奧斯卡) vs Eric Camacho 0-0 (F2競技場)


185 諾曼·喬丹 0-0 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Zac Lawrence 0-0 (Nostos酒店)


180 Rich Kenney 0-0 (Kenney’s MMA) vs Brandon Schwinck 0-1 (獨立)


170 Dalton Dunphy 0-0 (頭等艙MMA) vs Curtis Ouellette 0-1 (CMBJJ)


170 Christian Barrett 0-0 (頭等艙MMA) vs Michael Vizza 1-3 (RMNU)


155 Angelo Rizzitello 1-1 (The Outlet) VS克利福德雷德曼 0-4 (獨立)


155 Brandon Clark 0-0 (奧斯卡) vs Joe Howard 0-0 (CMBJJ)


150 Delmarkis Edwards 0-1 (獨立) vs Taylor Bartlett 0-1 (CMBJ)


150 Josiah Kenney 0-0 (Kenney’s MA) vs Carter Labrecque 0-0 (CMBJJ)


140 喬丹年輕 0-0 (獨立) vs Glenn Kasabian 1-3 (Nostos酒店)


135 Brianne Genschell 0-1 (頭等艙MMA) vs Amanda Gallo 1-1 (RMNU)


135 Sarah Matulis 1-0 (The Outlet) vs Carol Linn Powell 0-1 (Nostos酒店)


130 切爾西塔克 0-2 (頭等艙MMA) vs Glory Watson 0-0 (年輕的MMA)


125 Greg Waterbury 0-0 (白山巴西柔術) vs Brady MacDonald 0-1 (Pictou County Titans)





NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” 將在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上週六, 六月 16, 2018. 門票的銷售,現在在網上 www.AuraMaine.com.



波特蘭, 緬因 (五月 1, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 返回到Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州其下的混合武術事件, “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” 週六 夜晚, 六月 16, 2018. 今天早些時候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight championship bout to the card. 錦阿諾德 (3-0) 見面會 邁克爾·克雷斯波 (3-3) for the vacant NEF amateur 135-pound title. The championship was previously held by Fred Lear (6-2) who vacated when he turned professional. The bout between Arnold and Crespo will make history as the first five-round amateur title fight in both NEF and Maine history. All previous amateur championship fights had been scheduled for three rounds.

Undefeated Kam Arnold has been on a hot streak since his debut in the summer of 2017. The product of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 在路易斯頓, Maine has cut through all three of his previous opponents with little resistance. None have made it past the two-minute mark of the first round with Arnold. It took him a mere 11-seconds to knock out David Thompson with a single punch atNEF 33last month in Portland. Arnold considers the opportunity to fight for the bantamweight title the highlight of his fight career thus far.

“I’m ecstatic for the opportunity to bring Lewiston back a title,” said Arnold. “Everything I’ve gone through in my life has led me to this exact moment. I’ve always said, even way back when I was a young lad, that I’m going to be champion one day. To be living the vision that I’ve had since being a small boy is just absolutely mind blowing. I’m great at what I do, and I will continue to prove everyone wrongall the naysayers and doubters. To all the people who have bullied me and talked s**t about my passion over the years, here’s a big ‘f**k you.I’m taking this one fight at a time, and I will continue this streak that I’m on. 每場戰鬥, I want to go in there and just pulverize my opponent to the point that they never want to fight again. I’m the king of 135 and Crespo is going to feel the devastating power and strength I have on June 16th. If you even dream about beating me, you better wake up and apologize!”

邁克爾·克雷斯波, “脆皮” to his fans and teammates, is a six-fight veteran of the NEF cage. A perpetual contender for the bantamweight title over the years, Crespo’s biggest win came atNEF 18when he upset Caleb Costello (3-4) 通過一致決定. He is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, 緬因.

Fighting for the 135 title is a great opportunity and a chance to showcase my style and skill against a formidable fighter,” said Crespo when reached for comment. “It’s a great opportunity to not only showcase my weapons, but to also solidify myself within the NEF talent pool as someone to be reckoned with. Let’s make it a show, Kam!”

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” 將在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上週六, 六月 16, 2018. 門票的銷售,現在在網上 www.AuraMaine.com.


新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


波特蘭, 緬因 (四月 15, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) made its return to Portland on Saturday night with the fight promotion’s latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 33: Riptide.For the second time in as many events at the venue, NEF packed Aura with a sold-out crowd.

On the amateur portion of the card, 錦阿諾德 (3-0) continued his winning ways with a highlight-reel, one-punch knockout of 大衛 - 湯普森 (1-3). Arnold, a hot prospect out of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in nearby Lewiston, 緬因, dropped Thompson with a right hand in the first round to remain undefeated.

沃爾特·謝伊 (3-1) 和 內特鮑徹 (2-3) met in the amateur headliner at a catchweight of 130-pounds. Both athletes were looking to bounce back from losses in their last respective NEF appearances, but it was Shea who took the victory late in the third round when referee Kevin MacDonald stopped the fight due to strikes. 在今晚早些時候, Shea’s First Class MMA teammate, Ben Murtiff (1-0) won his amateur debut, making for a perfect 2-0 night for the Topsham, Maine-based team.

On the professional side of the card, 埃內斯托·奧尼拉斯 (3-7) picked up the win over 卡爾·蘭斯頓 (0-1) 通過一致決定. 過了一會兒, Ornelas’s teammate at the Choi Institute 迦勒大廳 (1-0) was successful in his pro debut with a first-round submission of veteran John Ortolani (8-13).

The main event of the evening saw longtime Maine MMA veteran 比爾·瓊斯 (13-11) 敗 馬特·丹寧 (5-8) via technical knockout in the second round. Denning announced his retirement from cage competition immediately following the bout. 瓊斯’ win capped a successful night for Nostos MMA of Somersworth, 新罕布什爾. The team went 3-0 在晚上 理查德·扎克 (1-0) 和 Killian Murphy (1-0) taking home wins on the amateur card.

NEF announced that its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 34: 勇者之家” would take place back at Aura in Portland on六月 16, 2018. Already announced for that card, Ross Dannar (1-1) 和 德文 - 科森 (1-1) will square off in an amateur lightweight contest, 而 亞倫萊西 (5-1) returns to the NEF cage to take on Da’mon Blackshear (4-1) in a professional featherweight bout.

The results from Portland, 緬因:


Bill Jones def. 通過TKO馬特·丹寧, 圓 2

迦勒堂DEF. John Ortolani via Von Flue Choke, 圓 1

Ernesto Ornelas def. Carl Langston via unanimous decision


Walt Shea def. Nate Boucher via TKO, 圓 3

Killian Murphy def. Krishna Scott via TKO, 圓 1

Ben Murtiff def. James Lewis via TKO, 圓 1

錦阿諾德DEF. David Thompson via KO, 圓 1

Mark Gardner def. Brandon Schwinck via rear-naked choke, 圓 1

鄧肯·史密斯高清. Taylor Bartlett via standing guillotine, 圓 1

扎克理查德DEF. Gabriel Diaz via TKO, 圓 1

Liam Fagan def. Curtis Ouellette via unanimous decision

Carol Linn Powell drew Chelsea Tucker (Grappling Match)

NEF的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 34: 勇者之家,” 將在Aura在波特蘭, 緬因州上週六, 六月 16, 2018. 門票的銷售,現在在網上 www.AuraMaine.com.


波特蘭, 緬因 (二月 26, 2018) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland on四月 14, 2018 與拼促銷的下一個混合武術事件, “NEF 33: Riptide.” 今天早些時候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card. 大衛 - 湯普森 (1-2) 將面臨 錦阿諾德 (2-0) at a fight weight of 140-pounds.


David Thompson will be appearing in what he says will be his last fight at “NEF 33。” A member of the Shatterproof Combat Club, Thompson has appeared three times in the NEF cage since his debut in the fall of 2015. He scored a first-round technical knockout victory over Richmond Pierce Wiegman (1-1) in his second amateur bout. The fight with Arnold will be Thompson’s first since a loss to Caleb Costello (3-4) in early 2016.


I’m thankful to get back in there,” stated Thompson. “Kam is an exciting fighter, and I will be ready to leave everything in the cage, one last time.


Undefeated Kam Arnold has emerged as one of the most-promising new prospects on the NEF roster over the last several months. He started his amateur career with a fast finish of Glenn Kasabian (1-3) 去年六月, and followed up that performance with a first-round technical knockout of Kyle Kenney (0-1) 本月早些時候,在 “NEF 32。” A native of Casco, 緬因, Arnold is a product of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 在路易斯頓. A win over Thompson would position Arnold closer to a shot at the coveted bantamweight championship.


I’m pretty stoked to get back in the cage against an NEF veteran like David Thompson,” said Arnold. “This should be a fun fight not only for me, but for the fans too. When all is said and done, 我會 3-0. 2018 is going to be my year. The 135-pound strap will be mine before the end of the yearmark my words! Until that day, I will continue to put in work at the gym and take it one fight at a time. 大衛·, I hope you’re ready for a war.


Kam Arnold has a unique focus and vision for his career,” 說NEF共同所有者和媒人馬特·彼得森. “He understands his potential to make an impact in the sport. David Thompson didn’t hesitate to accept this bouthe’s excited to have the opportunity to face a rising talent in his final fight. Both guys have promised to bring itand when that happens, we all win.


NEF returns to Portland, 緬因, at Aura on 星期六, 四月 14, 2018. 門票現已公開發售,在 www.AuraMaine.com. For more information on the event, 請訪問 www.NewEnglandFights.com.