Tag Archives: Arts Marcials Mixtes

Avantatge del camp de casa: El favorit dels fans, Sean O'Malley, esclata Sterling a UFC 292, El retorn de Chris Weidman fa parlar de la jubilació, Catona vs. Gibson guanya la lluita de la nit…i molt més del retorn de l'UFC a Boston dissabte passat

Per: Rich Bergeron

UFC 292 va ser el primer esdeveniment d'UFC al qual vaig assistir 16 any. Com l'escriptor de MMA més conegut per exposar l'escàndol Xyience (veure www.xyiencesucks.com), Vaig treure el meu vell barret Xyience per commemorar l'ocasió. Una vegada el patrocinador més prolífic de la UFC, Xyience és ara principalment una empresa de begudes energètiques i ja no s'associa amb cap lliga de MMA. no cal dir, Jo era l'únic a tota l'arena que portava la mercaderia Xyience.

Aquesta vegada he pagat els meus propis bitllets, però no vaig poder evitar pensar en què és el meu UFC 292 l'experiència hauria estat com si fos la meva UFC 78 experiència, pagat per Xyience, havia resultat molt diferent per a mi gairebé 16 fa anys que.

Rumiaré més sobre la història personal de la meva tornada a casa a Boston i els canvis que hem vist per a l'UFC entre l'última lluita a la qual vaig assistir i aquesta en un article nou sobre el qual penso escriure. www.paythefighters.com. Estigueu atents a això, però primer anem a la carta de lluita ben construïda de l'UFC per a dissabte a la nit.

Va començar amb una història de dos Silva pes mosca: Karine Silva i Natalia Silva. Aquests combats van acabar amb dues victòries de Silva per dos mètodes diferents, però cada lluitador es va demostrar dominant en els seus estils particulars. Karine va enviar a Maryna Moroz amb una guillotina de l'últim segon poc abans del final de la primera ronda. Va ser un inici fantàstic per a un espectacle que va tenir alguns cims i valls pel que fa al valor d'entreteniment d'alguns dels enfrontaments.. Natalia es va prendre el seu temps i va escollir un joc Andrea Lee des de la distància durant la major part del concurs. Va prendre una decisió unànime sent cautelosa i curosa amb el seu objectiu.

Següent, una controvertida decisió dividida va donar al lluitador favorit dels fabricants de probabilitats, Andre Petrovski, una victòria sobre Gerald Meershaert. Petrovski no semblava tenir el cardio per passar l'estona amb el veterà Meerschaert. Tot el que va faltar en aquesta lluita va ser el poder de cop concentrat de Meershaert per fer caure i fora Petrovski.. Tots dos lluitadors van tenir els seus moments, però em va semblar obvi que el Gerald era el lluitador més ocupat i eficaç. Va ser només una de les víctimes de robatoris abordades pels jutges dissabte a la nit després de guanyar clarament una baralla principalment tècnica.. Els tocs de slugfest esquitxats de tant en tant semblaven afavorir sempre el més joc i ansiós Meerschaert. Definitivament es mereixia la victòria. D'un altre robatori del mateix calibre parlarem una mica més endavant.

Un parell de baralles d'Ultimate Fighter Finale van venir després amb els pes gallo Brad Katona i Cody Gibson que van començar a guanyar-se els honors de "Fight of the Night".. El seu partit de kickboxing de punta a punta que poques vegades va colpejar el terra durant molt de temps, sens dubte, va tenir la multitud animada de principi a fi.. Katona va acabar sent un segon més ràpid en el sorteig i prou agut amb els seus cops i contras com per assegurar-se una victòria en una ferralla on sovint havia de prendre un bon cop per aconseguir dos dels seus.. Gibson va portar els resultats de la precisió de Brad a la seva cara maltractada a la campana final, però també es va guanyar un gran respecte pel seu enfocament mai abandonat tant de la multitud com de l'organització. L'UFC va oferir contractes als dos lluitadors pels seus esforços en lloc de que només el guanyador obtingués l'asentiment.

Kurt Holobaugh va haver de lluitar contra l'amic i company de lluita de l'equip Chandler Austin Hubbard a la final de pes lleuger. Va ser una lluita que va començar millor per a Hubbard que no va acabar. Finalment, després d'un breu procés de sensació, Holobaugh va treure l'impuls i va assegurar un fenomenal Triangle Choke just 2:39 al segon quadre. Tots dos lluitadors van tenir els seus moments dominants, però van ser les habilitats de jiu jitsu del cinturó negre d'Holobaugh les que van guanyar la nit i el trofeu TUF.

Gregory Rodrigues va enderrocar absolutament el rus Dennis Tiuliulin en una baralla de pes mitjà que va fer que el públic de Beantown cantava "EUA" breument mentre recolzava un lluitador brasiler.. "Robocop" va gaudir del suport del públic i ràpidament va satisfer els seus aplaudiments amb les seves habilitats finals en plena exhibició. Rodrigues s'assembla una mica al personatge principal de "The Lincoln Lawyer" de Netflix,” si el personatge augmentava després d'unes quantes rondes d'esteroides. Rodrigues sens dubte va establir la llei i va colpejar el rus fins a la inconsciència amb una precisió semblant a una màquina.. Només va trigar un minut i 43 segons per donar a la multitud la seva última parada fins a l'acte principal.

Van seguir cinc decisions consecutives, dos d'ells es van decidir per col·locació perfecta de monstruoses puntades de cames dels vencedors. El més dolorós d'aquests dos combats per veure va ser Chris Weidman, que va acabar les preliminars enfrontant-se a Brad Tavares en una batalla de pes mitjà.. Weidman, tornant d'una ferida ferida a una pota de pollastre de goma on va intentar plantar una cama completament trencada contra Uriah Hall., semblava rovellat com pot ser rovellat. Cada enderrocament que intentava semblava que Tavares l'embolicava fàcilment.

Cada intercanvi de cops semblava ser massa poc, massa tard perquè Weidman tornés de les constants puntades de cames que saltaven tant la cama amb la vella lesió com l'altra cama de Weidman.. Fins i tot amb un MCL o ACL trencat (segons Dana White, que va obligar a Weidman a retirar-se després de la baralla), Weidman va perseguir Tavares per la gàbia i va fer tot el possible per portar-li la lluita malgrat la roda trencada.. Tavares va guanyar una lluita molt estratègica i intel·ligent, decebre tota la multitud pro-Weidman amb l'esperança d'aquesta actuació de retorn miraculosa que mai va arribar.

Marlon "Chito" Vera i Pedro Munhoz van obrir la carta principal amb una aventura unilateral mostrant la paciència de Vera, perspicàcia sorprenent, i una tècnica gairebé impecable. Munhoz va acabar la lluita de peus, però va suportar molts danys facials per arribar-hi. Chito es va mantenir a una distància segura durant la major part del combat i va prendre pocs riscos en el camí de la seva victòria per decisió unànime.. L'abast i la velocitat de Vera semblaven ser els avantatges més efectius que va gaudir contra el Munhoz, més baix i corpulent.. Vera, per avorrit que pugui ser de veure-ho de vegades, va demostrar que es mereix la seva pròpia oportunitat pel títol de pes gallo.

La tercera decisió consecutiva va donar a Mario Bautista una molt controvertida victòria per decisió unànime sobre Da'Mon Blackshear. Bautista va superar a Blackshear pel que fa al control de terra, però Blackshear va ser més precís en el seu cop i va aconseguir cops més significatius a la ferralla de pes ploma. Sens dubte, vaig pensar que va fer prou per guanyar, però els jutges no van veure la lluita de la mateixa manera i van donar el concurs a Bautista.

Ian Garry i Neil Magny es van enfrontar a continuació en una competició de pes welter desigual. Magny va mostrar un gran cor en tornar-se a aixecar després de cada caiguda, però no va poder superar les incessants puntades de cames llançades per Garry. L'àrbitre Keith Peterson va estar a punt d'aturar el combat unes quantes vegades, però en Magny va seguir fent prou per mantenir-ho, saltant amb una cama de vegades. L'impacte de Garry va ser tan encertat com el seu joc d'escombraries, evocant l'esperit de Nate Diaz amb uns quants gestos de la mà ben puntuals. La multitud va celebrar el seu domini continuat amb Garry que els va explicar el seu desig de ser el millor lluitador de la faç de la terra algun dia en el seu discurs posterior a la lluita.. Magny haurà de trobar una resposta a les seves lluites recents si vol seguir sent rellevant a l'UFC.

Weili Zhang i Amanda Lemos es van enfrontar a continuació en una lluita èpica pel títol. Lemos gairebé va aconseguir un parell d'intents de submissió miraculoses, però la lluita pel títol del pes palla es va convertir en una qüestió de si Lemos podria sobreviure o no fins a la campana final. Zhang va mostrar el seu talent en totes les seves àrees d'experiència, i Lemos només podia esperar guanyar a través d'un parell d'intents d'enviament de l'Ave Maria que Zhang va treure.. La velocitat de Zhang, El poder i la durabilitat van aclaparar a Lemos i la van deixar lluitant per evitar una aturada durant bona part de les rondes posteriors.. D'alguna manera ho va aconseguir, patint una quantitat enorme de danys en el seu camí. Zhang va marxar conservant el seu títol, per al plaer dels fans que la van recolzar durant tota la lluita.

Finalment, va arribar l'acte principal, ben passada la mitjanit. Sean O'Malley va entrar primer a l'arena, i la multitud va esclatar. Molts d'ells portaven perruques verdes o rosades per imitar l'aspecte característic d'O'Malley. O'Malley, sincerament, semblava força petrificat, com si ni tan sols hagués dormit la nit abans de l'esdeveniment. Aljamain Sterling va entrar a la gàbia amb un cor d'esbroncades que va intentar esclarir-se animant a la gent a esbroncar-lo més..

La primera ronda va ser principalment una mostra del joc de peus dels dos lluitadors. Els jocs de cap d'O'Malley podrien haver funcionat a Sterling, perquè va prometre a les entrevistes prèvies a la lluita que aconseguiria un nocaut tècnic de primera ronda. En lloc de confiar en la seva força més gran, la seva lluita, Sterling volia vèncer a O'Malley al seu propi joc. Aquesta va resultar ser l'estratègia equivocada, un fet que Sterling finalment es va adonar quan va acabar al costat equivocat d'aquell nocaut. Hi va haver pocs intents de derrocar O'Malley, i tots estaven completament farcits. Sterling es va plegar i va caure a la lona després de rebre un cop de contraatac d'O'Malley a principis de la segona ronda. La resta va ser història, ja que O'Malley va tancar "l'espectacle de Suga" amb una mica de terra i lliura a l'est de McGregor..

Tots dos lluitadors van fer grans discursos després de la lluita, fidel a la forma. Sterling va ser amable en la derrota i va mostrar el seu respecte per O'Malley esforçant-se per assolir el seu somni. Tenint en compte que Sterling va criticar O'Malley abans de la lluita per ser el projecte de companyia de Dana White i no merèixer una oportunitat pel títol, va ser un gran mea culpa. També, si realment es tractava de ser afavorit pel Sr. White, O'Malley podria haver marcat el baldfather indicant que li agradaria lluitar contra el boxejador Gervonta Davis més que qualsevol altre lluitador de l'UFC..

Com només el segon lluitador de la Dana White Contender Series a guanyar un títol mundial, O'Malley, sens dubte, pot fer els seus propis trets fins a cert punt, però un crossover de boxa és un tema molt sensible arran de Francis Ngannou que recentment va fer onades per retirar-se del seu contracte amb UFC i inscriure's en un partit de boxa de pes pesats amb Tyson Fury que eclipsarà els guanys de la seva carrera UFC per una milla.. Només Conor McGregor ha estat capaç de convèncer els membres de l'UFC de participar en una lluita transversal a la boxa fins ara.. Des de llavors, Dana White ha descartat completament els plans provisionals de crear "Zuffa Boxing" per donar compte dels seus lluitadors que volen emular el perfil de McGregor., trajectòria financera i valentia atrevida que li van donar l'oportunitat de lluitar contra Floyd Mayweather en un combat d'exhibició..

Sovint, per cridar l'atenció i el respecte de Dana White, els lluitadors simplement s'han de vendre prou perquè això es tradueixi en mercaderies massives i vendes d'entrades generades amb el seu brunzit. Molt semblant a la WWE, grans personatges i personatges acolorits sovint guanyen oportunitats a la UFC sobre els atletes que només es concentren en les seves habilitats físiques.. Els davanters són especialment afavorits, perquè compleixen l'estàndard d'excel·lència implícit de l'UFC de "fer un espectacle" imposat a cada lluitador que entra a la gàbia. És un estil de gestió i lideratge de pastanaga i pal que enganya els lluitadors perquè pensen que és millor que les seves carreres es presentin constantment amb poca preocupació per la defensa i arrisquen enormes per ser molt més emocionants i entretinguts del que necessiten per guanyar una lluita en particular..

Ara aquest nen O'Malley confessa que vol ser com el mateix Dana, prou còmode econòmicament per apostar $250,000 per mà de pòquer. El talent més especial abans d'O'Malley va utilitzar el seu propi personatge d'estrella en ascens per construir les seves pròpies marques i comprar la seva pròpia empresa de whisky.. Té un iot i un Lamborghini, i segueix sent el lluitador més parlat i cridat a l'organització fins i tot després de perdre una batalla tan unilateral amb Dustin Poirier i haver estat abandonat amb una cama trencada durant uns anys.. El fet que O'Malley pugui adonar-se i interioritzar que probablement mai arribarà al nivell de Conor sense una gran lluita transversal a la boxa diu molt sobre on es troba l'UFC avui dia..

És el tipus de desenvolupament que he de riure en saber el difícil que ha estat portar tots els problemes de sou i contracte dels lluitadors als tribunals sense un exèrcit d'advocats per enfrontar-se al formidable equip legal de la UFC.. Un d'aquests exèrcits legals ha aconseguit recentment el vistiplau per iniciar una demanda antimonopoli d'acció col·lectiva en nom de més de 1,200 antics lluitadors de la UFC. El jutge de la causa sembla que ja està al costat dels demandants. Reacció a la certificació de demanda d'acció col·lectiva d'UFC: Què va passar, i el que segueix? (msn.com)

Sempre que l'organització s'enfronta a estadístiques que mostren que la quota d'ingressos dels lluitadors és minúscula en comparació amb altres esports importants amb associacions de jugadors, la resposta sol ser alguna cosa a l'efecte de: "Hem fet molts milionaris. Els nostres lluitadors estan molt bé, i tots tenen moltes oportunitats financeres amb la fama que els hem ajudat a aconseguir".

Com a expert en la història financera de l'UFC i com a membre del públic a UFC 292, No vaig poder evitar enfrontar-me a la realitat que tants periodistes de l'"UFC Nut-Hugger" obtenen tots els avantatges marginals dels privilegis de premsa perquè juguen molt bé amb aquesta mentalitat del "mite de Zuffa".. La gent que va posar l'UFC al mapa sedueix subliminalment als seus seguidors amb accés i promeses de fama i oportunitat, i tant els lluitadors com els membres dels mitjans de comunicació són absorbits per aquest tipus de teatre de gestió. Al seu torn, no acabes amb molt reportatges d'investigació als cercles de mitjans de MMA, i els lluitadors que fan moltes preguntes i demanen millors condicions de contracte no es tornen a signar ni es configuren amb enfrontaments de lluita principal.

El resultat de l'esdeveniment principal va ser necessari per aclarir-me realment el problema de com la UFC es centra constantment en la seva suposada capacitat de crear superestrelles només deixant que un lluitador signi qualsevol contracte amb l'organització.. Alguns que estan d'acord que això és el cas dirien que va ser la capacitat de l'organització de veure prou talent en O'Malley per posar-lo a la sèrie Contender de Dana White el que va portar a l'espectacular ascens a la fama de l'equitació del nou campió.. Certament, O'Malley ni tan sols hauria estat a Boston dissabte a la nit si mai no hagués entrat a l'organització. No obstant això, hi ha hagut molts lluitadors de DWCS que no van tenir més oportunitats d'UFC perquè van perdre aquella lluita de nivell inicial. O'Malley va haver de guanyar i seguir guanyant per estar on era dissabte a la nit.

El punt és: El culte de Sean O'Malley i l'enorme confiança en si mateix són el resultat de la seva pròpia croada personal per ser algú especial amb un potencial il·limitat i un talent increïble.. Ni tan sols estaria en la conversa per un títol si no passava totes les hores incalculables al gimnàs esforçant-se per ser millor.. L'UFC no va crear Sean O'Malley, només li van donar una plataforma per mostrar quin tipus de lluitador podia ser. I mentre gaudeix del superestrellat, l'UFC es valorarà, O'Malley ha de saber que l'única manera de maximitzar el seu potencial de guanys és eclipsar la pròpia organització. Ha d'anar més enllà de les seves fronteres financeres restrictives a un esport on la participació dels ingressos és molt millor i un tipus com Francis Ngannou pot fer més en una lluita del que va fer durant tota la seva carrera a UFC..

Així, Si Dana White realment va fer de Sean O'Malley el seu projecte de mascota com va suggerir Aljamain Sterling, va fer una gran feina. Desafortunadament, el monstre que va crear pot tornar a mossegar-lo a la llarga. Una altra targeta de boxa promocionada conjuntament per la UFC farà que molts dels seus empleats intentin prendre la mateixa ruta i es preguntin per què el petit amic de Dana té tots els descansos i beneficis.. Els veterans i els nouvinguts probablement miraran qualsevol Davis vs. El partit de boxa d'O'Malley com una admissió per part del seu lideratge que l'UFC no pot pagar prou als seus lluitadors per mantenir-los a la gàbia.

“Nen, no tens ni idea de quants diners guanyaràs,", va dir Dana White a O'Malley després de la victòria segons una recent entrevista d'O'Malley. M'imagino al seu cap, Dana va acabar aquest pensament amb “nosaltres.”

Multiple High-Profile Fights Added to Both Nights of BELLATOR MMA’s Hawaii Double-Header on April 21 i 22



LOS ANGELES - The two main cards for BELLATOR MMA’s annual doubleheader on the Hawaiian island of Oahu are complete with the addition of today’s confirmed bouts.

Honolulu’sNeal S. Blaisdell Arena will play home to a pair of events on back-to-back nights withBellator 294 tenint llocDivendres, Abril 21 iBellator 295 tenint llocDissabte, Abril 22

Bellator 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 - Divendres, Abril 21

Main card airs live on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT/4 p.m. local HST

Bellator 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 on Fridayhas two new main card contests, bringing Friday’s slate to five fights in total. Former BELLATOR bantamweight title challenger and No. 5-classificatDanny Sabatello (13-2) will return to action for the first time since his shot at the world championship, when he competes againstMarcos Breno (15-2), who surprised many people when he bested Josh Hill on the scorecards in his BELLATOR debut. A welterweight contest pittingLevan Chokheli (11-2) and American Top Team’sMichael Lombardo (13-3) is also official for the SHOWTIME-aired portion of the event.

La cartellera preliminar deBELLATOR 294currently features four fights, including No. 4-ranked heavyweightTyrell Fortune(12-3), who looks to get back to his winning ways against Russia’sSergei Bilostennyi(10-2). No. 5-ranked light heavyweightAlex Polizzi (10-2) returns to the BELLATOR cage and will compete against a streakingKarl Moore (11-2), who holds the No. 8 classificació. A lightweight tilt between five-fight BELLATOR veteranKillys Mota(14-3) and promotional newcomerKenneth Cross(13-3) is official, as is a 145-pound bout between Oregon’sCris Lencioni (10-3) tangling withBlake Smith (7-3). Rounding out the preliminary card is a middleweight affair between Colorado’sAntonio “Sugafoot” Adams(9-3) and Tajikistan’sSharafSherkhanDavlatmurodov(18-4-1).

The card is headlined by a Women’s Flyweight World Championship main event rematch pitting current champion and U.S. MarinaLiz Carmouche(18-7) against No. 4 ranked flyweight challengerDeAnna Bennett (13-7-1). En l'esdeveniment co estel·lar de la nit, No. 6-ranked heavyweight and Minnesota National GuardsmanTim Johnson(15-9) will compete againstSaid Sowma (8-4). A women’s featherweight contest featuring former UFC title challengerSara McMann (13-6), who makes her highly anticipated BELLATOR debut against former No. 1 contendent, Arlene Blencowe (15-9).

Friday night’s event is being held in honor of America’s Military, Veterans and First-Responders, all of whom are eligible to attend the event with a guest for free entry the day of with valid proof of ID. Free admission is based on a limited capacity and available on a first come-first serve basis.

LaBellator 294 preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at8 p.m. ET / 5 PM. PT/2 p.m. HST. The complete bout listing for both events can be found below.

Bellator 295: Stots vs. Mix – Saturday, Abril 22

Updated Start Time – Main card airs live on SHOWTIME at 11 p.m. ET / 8 pm. PT/5 p.m. local HST

The main card for Saturday’sBellator 295: Stots vs. Barrejarevent has also been sweetened with the addition of homegrown BELLATOR talent and No. 3-classificatAaron Pic (10-4), who returns from his highly publicized shoulder injury to square off against Brazil’sOtto Rodrigues (13-1), who makes his BELLATOR debut.

The preliminary portion of Saturday’s event also features multiple new, high-profile additions confirmed including a marquee bout pitting two top-ten contenders against each other at featherweight, when No. 6-classificatMads Burnell(16-4) tests his skills against No. 7-classificatJustin Gonzales (14-1). No. 8-classificatIlara Joanne(11-6) meets fellow BrazilianEllen marró(6-4) in a women’s flyweight contest, and a welterweight tilt betweenAlexey Shurkevich(13-5) and Japan’sMasayuki Kikuiri(8-2-1). 

BELLATOR 295on Saturday is main evented by the Finals of the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix, which will see current Interim ChampionRaufeon Stots (19-1) face No. 2-classificatPatchy Mix(17-1). En l'esdeveniment co-principal, the pride of Honolulu, No. 3-classificatIlima-Lei Macfarlane (12-2) looks to defend home turf against Japan’s No. 2-classificatKana Watanabe (11-1-1). També, at 125-pounds, former BELLATOR World ChampionKyoji Horiguchi (31-5) moves down a division to welcome former UFC Title ChallengerRay Borg (16-5) to the Paramount-owned promotion.

Les entrades perBellator 295: Stots vs. Barrejarare on sale now and are available at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

LaBellator 295 preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at7 p.m. ET / 4 pm. PT/1 p.m. HST. The complete bout listing for both events can be found below.


Divendres, Abril 21 – live onTEMPS DE LA FUNCIÓ

10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT/4 p.m. HST (local)

Flyweight World Title BoutC-Liz Carmouche(18-7) vs. #4-DeAnna Bennett (13-7-1)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: #6-Tim Johnson(15-9)vs.Said Sowma(8-4)

Pes ploma Bout: #2-Arlene Blencowe(15-9) vs.Sara McMann(13-6)

Gall de combat: #5-Danny Sabatello (13-2) vs.Marcos Breno (15-2)

Baralla de pes welter: Levan Chokheli (11-2, 1 NC) vs.Michael Lombardo (13-3, 1 NC)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

8 p.m. ET / 5 PM. PT/2 p.m. HST (local)

Semipesado Bout: #5-Alex Polizzi (10-2) vs.#8-Karl Moore(11-2)

Lleugera Bout: Killys Mota(14-3) vs.Kenneth Cross(13-3)

Heavyweight Bout: #4-Tyrell Fortune(12-3, 1 NC) vs.Sergei Bilostennyi(10-2)

Pes ploma Bout: Cris Lencioni(10-3) vs.Blake Smith (7-3)

Mitjà Bout: Anthony Adams (9-3) vs. Sharaf Davlatmurodov(18-4-1)


Dissabte, Abril 22 – live onTEMPS DE LA FUNCIÓ

11 p.m. ET / 8 pm. PT/5 p.m. HST (local)

Bantamweight World Grand Prix FinalIC-Raufeon Stots(19-2) vs. #2-Patchy Mix(17-1)

Bout pes mosca: #3-Ilima-Lei Macfarlane(12-2) vs. #2-Kana Watanabe(11-1-1)

Pes ploma Bout: #3-Aaron Pic (10-4) vs.Otto Rodrigues (13-1)

Bout pes mosca: Kyoji Horiguchi (31-5) vs.Ray Borg (16-5)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

7 p.m. ET / 4 pm. PT/1 p.m. HST (local)

Pes ploma Bout: #6-Mads Burnell(16-4) vs. #7-Justin Gonzales(14-1)

Lleugera Bout: Yancy Medeiros(16-8, 1 NC) vs.Charlie Leary(17-13-1)

Pes ploma Bout: Kai Kamaka III(10-5-1) vs.Adli Edwards (9-2)

Bout pes mosca: #9Sumiko Inaba(5-0) vs. #7-Costura Arteaga (7-4)

Pes ploma Bout: Keoni Diggs (10-2) vs.Weber Almeida (7-1)

Lleugera BoutBobby King(12-5) vs.Aalon Cruz(10-4)

Heavyweight Bout: Davion Franklin(5-1) vs.Kasim Aras(7-1)

Bout pes mosca: #8-Ilara Joanne(11-6) vs.Ellen marró(6-4)

Baralla de pes welter: Alexey Shurkevich(13-5) vs.Masayuki Kikuiri(8-2-1)

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis.

Si us plau visitaBellator.com per obtenir informació addicional.

Updated schedule of BELLATOR eventsclick links for updated fight cards

Lliure. Mar. 31 // Bellator 293: Golm vs. James // Pechanga Resort Casino // Temecula, TAL COM

Lliure. Abril. 21 // Bellator: 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 // Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, Hawaii

Dis. Abril. 22 // Bellator: 295: Stots vs. Barrejar // Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, Hawaii

Lliure. Maig 12 // Bellator 296: Mousasi vs. Edwards // Accor Arena // Paris, França

Complete Results, Fotos, Quotes, & Videos for BELLATOR MMA 291: Amosov vs. Storley 2



Dublin –Bellator 291 sawYaroslav Amosov (27-0) mark his return to the BELLATOR cage in perfect fashion, as he unified the BELLATOR Welterweight World Title with a victory overLogan Storley. Amosov also continues to boast the longest active win streak in MMA, adding to his record for the first time since returning to Ukraine to defend his country in 2022.

En l'esdeveniment co-principalJeremy Kennedysilenced the home crowd as he defeatedPedro Carvalhoamb una victòria per decisió unànime. ‘JBC’ will be hoping to move closer to a title shot as he continues to climb the featherweight rankings following his statement victory in the Irish capital.

BELLATOR announced its return to the ‘Emerald Isle’ will come on Saturday, Setembre 23 with what will undoubtedly be a stacked card at the3Arenaa Dublín. More information will be announced soon. BELLATOR returns to action on Friday, Març 10 perBellator 292: Nurmagomedov vs. Hendersonat theSAP Center San Jose, TAL COM. The card airs in the U.S. on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT.


Descripció generada automàticament


  (C) Yaroslav Amosov(27-0) derrotat #1-Logan Storley(14-1) per decisió unànime (50-45, 50-45, 50-45)

Amosov quotes:“I feel very good because I waited for this for a long time. I train hard training, and I feel a lot of motivation and responsibility. Ara, Em relaxo. I’ll relax after the fight, and I’m happy because I think I gave my country a good day. It’s the first time I’ve had big support in the cage. In America, I’ve had support, but not like today. Many Ukrainian flags, many Ukrainian people. My uncle, els meus amics; I see many people. It was a big support, and it gave me very good energy.”

On His Message to the People of Ukraine: “Thank you for my country, thank you for my army and the fans. It was for my country. Today I think it is a very good day for my country. To hold two gold belts.”

On If He’s the Best Welterweight on the Planet: “I think yes, [that was my best performance]. Per descomptat [I think I’m the best welterweight in the world]. I am here. If a UFC champion wants to fight, come to BELLATOR. Scott Coker will give the contract, and we’ll make the fight.”

On His First Match with Logan Storley: “Before this fight, I said this fight was different. I have many kilograms that I cut for my first match with Logan [Storley]. Now I had a very good camp and recovery as well as different training. Every day I train hard and become better. I have the best team with me. Ell és [Logan Storley] a very good fighter, and I knew this. All people who enter the cage are strong, so if you go in the cage, you’re a high-level fighter. It’s not a surprise to me, però estic a punt [for everything]."

On Training with BELLATOR Middleweight World Champion Johnny Eblen: “He’s my friend [Johnny Eblen]. I train with him every time, he’s very high level. He’s a very good fighter and a real champion. Quan entrenem, many people watch and I think it’s beautiful.”

#5-Jeremy Kennedy(19-3) derrotat #3-Pedro Carvalho(13-7) per decisió unànime (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Kennedy quotes“I’m happy with the win, regardless. I would’ve liked to get the finish, but there’s a lot of circumstances whenever you travel across the world. I’m just ready for the next one. It was my rehydration, Crec. I made mistakes on the rehydration. I was really dryI wasn’t sweating, but I felt exhausted there; my gas tank’s [normalment] much better than that. He had a tight squeeze right at the beginning but he jumped for it too early but I think I am the best grappler in the division. He had a little bit of a squeeze but it ultimately got me the takedown. I wanted to really hurt him with some hands, but he’s a pressure fighter. I thought I could sit him down, but as soon as I got ahold of him, Jo era com, ‘This is my path to victory.’”

On Fighting for the Title Next: “I believe so, I don’t know who else is there for me to fight. Three wins in a row. Sánchez, Pico, and Carvalho and they have all been dominant victories.. I’ve been all around the world; it’s a cool way to see the world. In a perfect world, I get to fight somewhere in the United States, but I’d fight ‘Pitbull’ in a WalMart. I’m coming. I’ve been on his heels the whole time. When I was fighting Borics and I was fighting Pico, Jo era com: I can’t wait to get the opportunity to fight him. Now there’s talk of him going down to 135; he’s probably calling his nutritionist right now because he doesn’t want this fight. Anem a fer-ho. We can go ASAP. I’ll fight him in any corner of the world, in any timeframe.”

Bryce Logan(12-8) derrotat #10-Peter Queally(12-8) per TKO (cops) a 2:32 de la segona ronda

#3-Sinead Kavanagh(9-5) derrotatJanay Harding(6-7) per decisió unànime (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Kavanagh quotes“I feel good. It feels good to get back in there. It was a nice win. I went and put on a show, and that’s all I needed to do. I kept in one piece; I can go again soon, que és gran. I put on a clinic. I knew she was a striker, so I showed in there what I’ve done for the last 12 weeks. All is good.”

On a Potential Rematch with Cris Cyborg: “That’s two great wins, and I put on a show both times. Estic a punt. Vull [Cris] ‘Cyborg’ in Dublin. That’s what I want. Fight the best in Ireland, Sinead Kavanagh. I’ve been well-prepared for Cris ‘Cyborg.’ I won’t rush into things. I’ll be ready.”

“I got a good 15 acta [a] ja està. Good strikes. My power was there. I do want ‘Cyborg’ here. I want her in Dublin. But that’s in September, that’s too long. I want another one and then ‘Cyborg.’”

On Rectifying the Outcome from First Harding Fight: “It feels good; I got me win back. It’ll be on my record forever. I did win, and I am better.”

Ciaran Clarke(7-0) derrotatLeonardos Sinis(11-6-1) per decisió unànime (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Clarke quotes: "It was a clean performance. I obviously would’ve liked the finish. [Opponent Leonardos Sinis has] fought at welterweight and lightweight before; he’s a big lad.”

On his Opponent’s Size Advantage, Weight Miss: “I thought he was a good actor. Miri, I didn’t think that mattered at all because I knew I was giving up a few kilos anyways. It was a catchweight and he missed weight. I knew he was coming big.”

On What He Wants Next: “Two Dublin shows every year. Get better for the next one, end of June, Juliol. Those decisions, all of my decisions, I had 10-8 rondes. 7-0. I think that’s right up there with the win streaks in the company. It’s a bit gray with BELLATOR; the rankings are solid, then it’s gray underneath that. People are mentioning the rankings — I’m trying to gradually get to that point. If they offer it, I’ll accept it because that’s just who I am, but as long as it makes sense and its progression. I’m here in BELLATOR; whatever they say I’m worthy of.”

On a Potential Matchup with Khasan Magomedsharipov: “I think we match up well and like said I will fight anyone. They’re all getting behind me: the whole town, the whole country, Em sento. They’re bringing buses up. I really feel like a winner already. I’ve brought the whole town here. People talk. That buzz in the town, everyone gets behind me. It’s unreal.”


#9-Karl Moore(11-2) derrotatMaciej Różański(14-4) per decisió unànime (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Mike Shipman(15-4) derrotatCharlie Ward(10-6) per decisió unànime (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Oleg Popov(16-1) derrotatGokhan Saricam(8-2) per decisió unànime (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Norbert Novenyi Jr.(6-0) derrotatAndy Manzolo(26-7) mitjançant TKO a 3:12 de la primera ronda

Brian Moore(16-9) derrotatLuca Iovine(18-9) per decisió dividida (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Richie Smullen (10-2-1) derrotatPiotr Niedzielski(17-5) per decisió dividida (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Darragh Kelly(3-0) derrotatDorval Jordan(2-3) per TKO (cops) a 1:58 de la tercera ronda

Asaël Adjoudj(5-1) derrotatLiam McCracken(3-1) per decisió unànime (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Khasan Magomedsharipov(8-0) derrotat Rafael Hudson(7-5) mitjançant TKO a 4:40 de la primera ronda

Jena Bishop(5-0) derrotatElina Kallionidou(9-5) per decisió unànime (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Kenny Mokhonoana(5-0) derrotatCraig McIntosh(3-5) per TKO (colzes) a 3:13 de la primera ronda

Dmytrii Hrytsenko(8-0) derrotatDaniele Scatizzi (12-7) per decisió unànime (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Steven Hill(7-0) derrotatJoel Kouadja(7-10)a través de la submissió (estrangulament per l'esquena) a 2:03 de la segona ronda

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis

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For more information on upcomingBELLATOR MMA esdeveniments, visitaBELLATOR.com

Updated Schedule of BELLATOR Events

Lliure. Març 10 // Bellator 292: Nurmagomedov vs. Henderson // SAP Center // Sant Josep, TAL COM

Lliure. Març 31 // Bellator 293: Golm vs. James // Pechanga Resort Casino // Temecula, TAL COM

Lliure. Abril 21 // Bellator 294: Carmouche vs. Bennett 2 // Neal S. Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, Hawaii

Dis. Abril 22 // Bellator 295: Stos vs. Barrejar // Neal S. Blaisdell Arena // Honolulu, Hawaii

Lliure. Maig 12 // Bellator 296: Mousasi vs. Edwards // Accor Arena // Paris, França

Dis. Set. 23 // BELLATOR Dublin// 3Arena // Dublín, Irlanda


On a milestone New England Fights card dominated by first-round fireworks, Jonathan Piersma went the distance with a ground-and-pound clinic and overwhelmed one of the promotion’s most enduring stars Saturday night.

Piersma followed his gameplan to the letter and hammered out a unanimous decision over Ryan Sanders to win the vacant professional welterweight title in the main event of NEF 50, held at Aura in Portland, Maine.

Fighting in front of a sold-out crowd heavy with Sanders’ supporters and targeted by the Bangor, Maine veteran’s taunts and trash talk in the lead-up to the fight, Piersma (5-1) arrived from Rochester, Nova York, and did all his talking on the canvas.

True to Sanders’ forecast that he would shoot for the leg and try to force the action to the mat, Piersma did so in every round and never gave Sanders enough breathing room to unleash his vaunted strikes.

Piersma swept all five rounds on each of three scorecards and enjoyed the last word on the microphone in the center of the cage.

“It feels good to win in my first trip to Maine,” Piersma said. “He did a lot of talking, and he’s a tough guy, but I felt like I dominated the fight.”

All but one of Piersma’s wins as a pro have gone to the final bell. The setback for Sanders (20-10) ended a streak of five consecutive wins by stoppage, four in the first round.

Others experienced that rush on the historic anniversary docket with a parade of electrifying, early endings.

Twelve supporting bouts reached a verdict in the first round, several in a matter of a few seconds. Two others were halted in the second stanza, while only one bout prior to the main event went to the scheduled limit.

Jared Turcotte, Ras Hylton, and Robert Gray were the three prime contenders for knockout of the night.

Turcotte, formerly one of Maine’s most decorated high school and college football players, backed up a 35-second choke-out in his summer debut with a 13-second demolition of Regian Da Silva, Jr.

After a brief exchange in the center of the cage, Turcotte landed one shot that sent his New Hampshire opponent by way of Brazil into la-la land.

“I work hard at this. My goal is to get knockouts, and that’s what the fuck happened,” Turcotte said. “My goal actually was for this one to get to the second round, but I’ll take a 13-second KO any time.”

Bellator veteran Hylton (9-6) has decked his past two opponents in a total of 29 segon. He expended only 16 ticks of the watch Saturday in a heavyweight shellacking of Indiana’s Jordan Mitchell.

Hylton followed Mitchell to the canvas after the first haymaker and continued his assault to solidify the stoppage.

He dedicated the win to his wife, Janice, in honor of 10 years together.

“She took a drug-addled moron and turned him into something respectable,” the heavy hitter known to his fans as Rasquatch and the Jamaican Shamrock said.

In an amateur cruiserweight contest, Robert Gray (1-0) knocked out Cody Dular (1-1) a 30 seconds. Gray landed a right hand so powerful that it actually launched Dular off his feet into the air. Dular was unconscious for several moments following the knockout and needed attention from the ringside physician.

In an eagerly anticipated grudge match, Matt Denning (8-16) entered the cage in arguably the best shape of his career and exploded to a convincing win over Carl Langston (2-7) a 145 lliura.

Denning backed up his own self-assured forecast and simultaneously dispelled Langston’s claim that he was merely fighting for the paycheck. After intercepting one of several sweeping kicks from Langston, Denning gained control of his opponent’s back and earned a tap to rear naked choke at 1:01 de la primera ronda.

The quick turn of events ended Langston’s modest two-match winning streak as a pro while giving Denning his third win out of eight fights in the past six months alone.

Three other pro bouts ended in short order.

Mohammad Al Kinani (4-1) spoiled Tymar Miles’ debut with a technical knockout in 1:57. It was the second straight win for the rising lightweight star.

Detroit’s Darren Gibbs (3-10) showed that his record is beyond deceiving with a vicious kick to the inside of Nate Grimard’s leg, followed by a heelhook to end the night for Grimard (2-2) a 1:49 in their 150-pound catchweight clash.

Brian Cosco, a knockout victim of Denning in his pro debut earlier the year, turned the tables and spoiled the maiden paying voyage for Justin Kangas with a keylock at 1:18.

As was the case on the pro side, the main amateur attraction also went to the scorecards, with Zach Faulkner (5-3) grinding out a majority decision over newcomer Chase O’Brien.

O’Brien landed a late barrage that might have ended the fight in a few more seconds. En lloc, he settled for a 28-28 draw in one judge’s view and a slim 29-28 loss on the other two cards.

Danny Wahlberg rose from the ashes to defeat Eddy Pena by rear naked choke at 2:13 of the second round in easily the most sensational comeback of the evening.

Pena may have emptied his arsenal with an explosion that nearly persuaded the referee to call a halt on at least two occasions. In desperation mode, Wahlberg threw a couple of token counterpunches before taking Pena’s back to set up the fantastic finish to the featherweight scrap.

In another stunning twist of plot, Nick Mulrey (2-0) escaped a near-guillotine from Chris Strout (0-3) and just as quickly locked in a D’arce choke to hasten the end of their featherweight showdown in only 41 segon.

The lone women’s bout of the occasion went to Cassidy Bedard (2-0), who subdued Lindsey Kelley by rear naked choke with just 20 seconds remaining in their opening round. It was the mixed martial arts debut for Kelley, who accepted the challenge on two weeks’ notice.

Other amateur results:

Ed Davis (2-0) defeated Patrick Mitchell (1-1) by strikes one minute into the first round.

Tristan Wood (1-0) overpowered Armon Bryant (0-1) via guillotine at 42 seconds of the second round.

Soren Mercer (1-0) finished Rosen Iliev (0-1) with an arm triangle at 1:55 de la primera ronda.

Teddy Politis (3-1) TKO’d Aaron Rodriguez (0-1) en la segona ronda a 1:23.

NEF announced that its next card is set for Saturday, Febrer 11, 2023 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine. One of the featured attractions at NEF 51: “Banger in Bangor” will be an amateur title bout between 2-0 bantamweights Key Baltazar and Nate Dorr. Tickets are available now atwww.TicketMaster.com


Los Angeles— BELLATOR MMA has announced that its fifth participant for the New Year’s Eve spectacle against RIZIN Fighting Federation opponents will be No. 10-ranked lightweightGadzhi Rabadanov(18-4-2), taking on 27-year-old Japanese standoutKoji Takeda(15-3) in a compelling matchup between two competitors riding high on the strength of consecutive victories.

A first-of-its-kind blockbuster co-promotionBELLATOR MMA vs. RAÓ takes place inside the Saitama Super Arena in Japan on Saturday, Desembre 31, and can be seen in the United States on SHOWTIME at 8 p.m. ET/PT on New Year’s Eve.

Rabadanov versus Takeda will join a star-studded five-fightBELLATOR MMA vs. RAÓTargeta principal, which is stacked from top to bottom with current and former champions competing in the four-sided ring under RIZIN’s unique rules. Headlining the event will be a dream matchup between RIZIN lightweight championRoberto “Satoshi” de Souza(14-1) against No. 3 BELLATOR pound-for-pound talentAJ “Mercenary” McKee(19-1), with BELLATOR and RIZIN featherweight championsPatricio Pitbull(34-5) iKleber Koike(31-5-1) co-headlining the must-see event.

Former BELLATOR championsJuan “The Spaniard” Archuleta(26-4) iKyoji Horiguchi(30-5) will round out the unparalleled main card, facing off with RIZIN’sSoo Chul Kim(18-6-1) iHiromasa Ougikubo(25-6-2), respectivament.

Gadzhi Rabadanov, 29, signed with BELLATOR in 2021 after capturing the Eagle FC lightweight title, and has made an immediate impact on the promotion’s remarkably deep lightweight division. He announced his arrival in thunderous fashion atBELLATOR 263with an emphatic viral knockout of Daniel Carey, which he followed up with back-to-back dominant unanimous decision victories over Jay Jay Wilson and Bobby King in 2022. The product of the renowned Club Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov’s School in Dagestan and the prestigious American Kickboxing Academy, Rabadanov’s pedigree is world-class. On New Year’s Eve, Rabadanov will look to continue building upon his momentum with an impressive performance against Koji Takeda.

“It is a childhood dream come true to fight in Japan at the legendary Saitama Super Arena,” said Rabadanov. “I’m very excited and I know I have a tough opponent, who always leaves everything in the ring. Expect a masterpiece from me, it will be a memorable fight.”

A former DEEP lightweight champion, Japan’sKoji Takedahas been an active fighter since his 2017 debut professional. Takeda boasts a compelling case for inclusion on this historic fight card, winning seven of his last ten and three of his last four outings under the RIZIN and DEEP banners. Takeda is also familiar with BELLATOR foes; he has previously fought Spike Carlyle and submitted Zach Zane by armbar, both of whom fought recently for the Scott Coker-led promotion. Takeda will look to add a third straight win to his resume against the highly-touted Rabadanov in his hometown of Saitama, Japó, de desembre 31.



Dissabte, Desembre 31 — 8 PM ET/PT

Lightweight Non-Title Main EventAJ McKee(19-1) vs.Roberto de Souza(14-1)

Featherweight Non-Title Main EventPatricio Pitbull(34-5) vs.Kleber Koike(31-5-1)

Bantamweight Feature BoutJuan Archuleta(26-4) vs.Soo Chul Kim(18-6-1)

Batalla de funció de pes mosca: Kyoji Horiguchi(30-5) vs.Hiromasa Ougikubo(25-6-2)

Lightweight Feature BoutGadzhi Rabadanov(18-4-2) vs.Koji Takeda(15-3)

For more information on this and other upcomingBELLATOR MMA esdeveniments, visitaBellator.com.

Updated schedule of BELLATOR eventsclick links for updated fight cards

Lliure. Novembre. 18 // Bellator 288: Nemkov vs. Anderson 2 / Pitbull vs. Nurmagomedov // Wintrust Arena // Chicago, Il.

Lliure. Desembre. 9 // Bellator 289: Stots vs. Sabatello // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Dis. Desembre. 31 // BELLATOR MMA vs. RAÓ // Saitama Super Arena // Tokyo, Japó

Lliure. Febrer. 24 //Bellator: DUBLIN // 3Arena // Dublín, Irlanda



Descripció generada automàticament
Dissabte, Abril 23 - Bellator 279
Champion Sergio Pettis vs. Raufeon Stots
Patchy Mix vs. Kyoji Horiguchi

Champion Cris Cyborg vs. Arlene Blencowe 2
And Hawaii’s Ilima-Lei Macfarlane vs. Justine Kish


LOS ANGELES - BELLATOR MMA has announced its return to the Hawaiian island of Oahu, where Honolulu’s Neal S. Blaisdell Arena will play home to an extremely stacked duo of events on back-to-back nights Friday, Abril 22 i dissabte, Abril 23.

Friday night’s Bellator 278 will be a special event free for current military, veterans, and first responders. Matchups and additional details for the event will be announced shortly.

Saturday night’s Bellator 279 will feature the launch of the highly anticipated one-million-dollar BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix. The headliner will see current bantamweight world champion Sergio Pettis (22-5) take on No. 3-classificat Raufeon Stots (17-1), while the co-main event features a rematch between the greatest female mixed martial artist of all time, Cris Cyborg (25-2, 1 NC) and Australia’s No. 1-classificat Arlene Blencowe (15-8), who will look to claim gold in her third attempt at a world title.

Dissabte de Bellator 279: Pettis vs. Stots / Cyborg vs. Blencowe 2 will air live on SHOWTIME at 4:30 p.m. HST hora local, 10:30 p.m. I / 7:30 p.m. PT. The preliminary fights will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at 2 p.m. HST hora local, 8 p.m. ET / 5 PM. PT.

Tickets for Saturday night’s Bellator 279: Pettis vs. Stots / Cyborg vs. Blencowe 2 go on sale this Friday, Març 11 and can be purchased through Bellator.com, així com Ticketmaster.com or the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena Box Office. A special presale will take place on Thursday, Març 10.

Also scheduled for a return to action, Honolulu’s own former Women’s Flyweight World Champion Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-1) will return home to compete against Justine Kish (7-5) as the No. 1 ranked women’s flyweight looks to start her journey back to a world title in the same arena two of the most memorable BELLATOR main events in recent memory took place. Opening the four-fight main card is another BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix quarterfinal matchup between No. 2-ranked bantamweight Patchy Mix (15-1) and former BELLATOR and Rizin Bantamweight World Champion Kyoji Horiguchi (29-4).

Current BELLATOR Bantamweight World Champion Sergio “The Phenom” Pettis sits at No. 7 on the promotion’s pound-for-pound list. He successfully defended his belt for the first time against former BELLATOR 135-pound titleholder Kyoji Horiguchi with a “knockout of the year” style finish at Bellator 272 al desembre. The hard-hitting Midwesterner out of Milwaukee originally captured the crown by outpointing former champion Juan Archuleta. The younger brother of former UFC lightweight champion Anthony Pettis will be in for one of the toughest fights of his career when he takes on Raufeon Stots. Stots, who used to train alongside Pettis for several years, has been flawless since making his promotion debut in December 2019. He most recently scored a dominant unanimous decision victory over Magomed Magomedov at Bellator 264.

Featherweight world champion and top-ranked women’s pound-for-pound fighter Cris “Cyborg” has made three straight title defenses including a second-round submission of Arlene Blencowe in 2020, which surprisingly is the lone submission victory of her storied career. The Brazilian native who currently fights out of Las Vegas, Nev. is a “Grand Slam Champion” having won belts in four different organizations. She sports 20 wins by finish with victories over elite competition including Holly Holm, Leslie Smith (dues vegades), Gina Carano and aims to further her legacy as the greatest women’s mixed martial artist of all time in the rematch versus Blencowe. Australia’s Blencowe is BELLATOR’s No. 6 pound-for-pound female fighter and the No. 1 ploma classificat. She has won five of her last six fights and earned her shot at the world title rematch with a unanimous decision over Pam Sorenson at BELLATOR 271 al novembre.

Currently BELLATOR’s No. 2 ranked bantamweight, Patchy Mix recently defeated James Gallagher via submission in his last outing at BELLATOR 270 a Dublín. Mix has made a name for himself in the BELLATOR cage by displaying impressive submissions and his lone professional loss came to former champion Juan Archuleta. He now faces Horiguchi, another former world champion who hails from Takasaki, Japó. The American Top Team prodigy Horiguchi became a simultaneous, two-promotion champion in 2019 after he upset then-BELLATOR champion Darrion Caldwell while also holding the RIZIN Championship. After he was forced to relinquish his BELLATOR title due to an injury, Horiguchi nearly got his hands back on BELLATOR’s title but was stopped by current champion Sergio Pettis in December. The No. 5 ranked bantamweight now aims to get back in the winning column and recapture his belt, along with the million-dollar prize that awaits the winner of the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix.

BELLATOR MMA 279: Pettis vs. Stots / Cyborg vs. Blencowe 2 Targeta principal:
Dissabte, Abril 23 – live on TEMPS DE LA FUNCIÓ
10:30 p.m. I / 7:30 p.m. PT / 4:30 p.m. HST (local)

Bantamweight World Title Bout: C-Sergio Pettis (22-5) vs. #3-Raufeon Stots (17-1)
Featherweight World Title Bout: C-Cris “Cyborg” (25-2, 1 NC) vs. #1-Arlene Blencowe (15-8)
Bout pes mosca: #1-Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-1) vs. Justine Kish (7-5)
Bantamweight World Grand Prix Bout: #2-Patchy Mix (15-1) vs. #5-Kyoji Horiguchi (29-4)

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis.

Si us plau visita Bellator.com per obtenir informació addicional.




A group of men

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LOS ANGELES (Febrer. 16, 2022) -Two outstanding world-championship showdowns. Four of BELLATOR MMA’s best pound-for-pound fighters. One highly anticipated rematch. The promotion’s all-time greatest athlete striving to avenge a highlight-reel loss to the company’s homegrown superstar. A tournament final awarding a seven-figure jackpot to the victor.

BELLATOR’s fourth phenomenal fight card of 2022 promises to be one for the ages.

Fresh off a 117-second destruction of his upcoming opponent and claiming the $1 million bounty at the BELLATOR MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix Finale, unbeaten BELLATOR Featherweight World TitleholderA. J. McKee (18-0) hopes to take the next step toward becoming the sport’s greatest fighter as he battles former top pound-for-pound and two-division championPatricio Pitbull (32-5) for the second time in less than nine months on Friday, Abril 15, a10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT en viu per SHOWTIME.

In the co-feature ofBellator 277: McKee vs. Pitbull 2 al Centre de SAP a San Jose, Qualif., current 205-pound BELLATOR MMA World ChampionVadim Nemkov (15-2) will defend his title for the third time and aims to take home the $1 million prize three days before U.S. Tax Day when he squares off against the surging No. 1-classificat contendentCorey Anderson(16-5)in the BELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix final.

Les entrades perBELLATOR MMA 277: McKee vs. Pitbull 2 go on sale this Friday, Febrer. 18 at bothTicketmaster.com iBellator.com with a special presale starting the day prior.

Més, four preliminary bouts have been announced including a mouthwatering matchup between two highly ranked heavyweights as No. 5-classificatTim Johnson (15-8) faces surging No. 6-classificatTyrell Fortune(11-2, 1 NC) in a rematch fromBellator 239. Their first fight ended with Johnson securing a win that earned great consideration for the 2020 KO of the Year. The preliminary bouts will stream live three hours earlier at7 p.m. ET / 4 pm. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

In their historic initial matchup at the Forum in Inglewood, Qualif., McKee stunned Pitbull by landing a punishing left leg kick to the head at 1:40 of the opening stanza atBELLATOR MMA 263al juliol 31, 2021. The champion then continued the onslaught by unleashing a series of brutal unanswered head shots that floored the Brazilian legend.

Moments later as McKee prematurely raised his arms in celebration, Pitbull rose from the depths of defeat only to be greeted by a fighter hell bent on stealing his crown and claiming the $1 million prize. With the 25-time BELLATOR MMA veteran backed up against the fence, MMA’s brightest young brawler locked in a guillotine choke. With Pitbull seeming to lose consciousness, referee Mike Beltran halted matters at 1:57 del marc de l'obertura.

“Hosting the world’s best mixed martial artists in the great city of San Jose is something that has been important to me during my career as a fight promoter and I’m happy to continue that with our card on April 15,” BELLATOR President Scott Coker said. “The rematch between A.J. McKee and Patricio Pitbull for the featherweight title, as well as our Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Final featuring Vadim Nemkov against Corey Anderson are two fights that could headline any event on their own, but we are bringing both to SAP Center at San Jose on the same night to show the fans here that we truly value their support throughout the years.

A native of Long Beach, Qualif., BELLATOR’s top-rated pound-for-pound fighter has exceeded the lofty expectations placed on him since his professional debut three days following his 20º aniversari. Armed with six knockouts and seven submissions, the Team Bodyshop product, qui complirà 27 eight days before his rematch against Pitbull, has shown a knack for securing lightning-fast finishes with 10 coming in the first round. “Mercenary” has earned dominant victories over every fighter who has opposed him, including former World Champions Pitbull, Pat Curran, and Darrion Caldwell, who McKee submitted with a rare-modified neck crank that was later dubbed the “McKee-otine.” The winner of the 2020 Submission of the Year Award for his 71-second annihilation of Caldwell has fought a total of 33 rounds across 18 career contests (1.8 rounds per bout), while logging less than 41 total minutes in the BELLATOR cage since turning pro in August 2012.

One half of the vaunted Pitbull Brothers duo, Patricio has long been considered the crown jewel of BELLATOR MMA, where he currently sits at No. 3 in the BELLATOR MMA men’s pound-for-pound rankings. Holding a remarkable 32-5 record with wins over elite competition, including the likes of former World Champions Pat Curran, Juan Archuleta, and Daniel Straus (dues vegades). En 2019, the 34-year-old Brazilian captured the BELLATOR Lightweight World Championship from Michael Chandler, becoming only the second BELLATOR athlete to hold two titles simultaneously. Amb 23 finishes in 37 baralles professionals, Pitbull has shown repeatedly that he possesses the well-rounded skillset required to reign over multiple weight classes.

Currently BELLATOR MMA’s second-ranked pound-for-pound fighter, Nemkov captured the BELLATOR MMA light heavyweight crown by defeating Ryan Bader via second-round TKO atBELLATOR MMA 244 in August 2020. Riding a nine-fight winning streak dating back to June 2016, the ferocious 29-year-old sports seven first-round knockouts, with two in the initial minute of action. After successfully defending his light heavyweight belt by earning a tough unanimous decision over Phil Davis, the pride of Belgorod, Russia and Fedor Emelianenko protégé scored a fourth-round submission of late replacement Julius Anglickas in the semifinals of the BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix during his last outing on Oct. 16, 2021.

Anderson, of Robbinsville, N. J., has ascended to the top of the BELLATOR 205-pound rankings by vanquishing seven of his past eight opponents, including a third-round stoppage of Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov atBELLATOR MMA 257 d'abril 16, 2021. Exactly six months later atBELLATOR MMA 268, the Rockford, Ill., native walked into the cage to the spellbinding sounds of The Doors’ “Five to One,” and took the song title literally by knocking out Arizona State University wrestling legend Ryan Bader in 51 seconds in front of Bader’s hometown crowd at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Ariz. In his first promotional appearance, “Overtime” registered a second-round TKO over Dutch kickboxing legend Melvin Manhoef atBELLATOR MMA 251 al novembre 2020. Prior to joining BELLATOR, Anderson tallied a 10-5 record with a rival promotion, winning “The Ultimate Fighter 19” tournament in 2014, and boasting impressive wins over Glover Teixeira, Jan Błachowicz and Johnny Walker, entre d'altres.


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Baralles addicionals s'anunciaran en breu.


Divendres, Abril 15 – live onTEMPS DE LA FUNCIÓ

10 p.m. ET / 7 pm. PT

Featherweight World ChampionshipCA. J. McKee (18-0) vs. No. 1-Patricio Pitbull (15-5)

 Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix FinalC-Vadim Nemkov (15-2) vs. No. 1-Corey Anderson (16-5)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

7 p.m. ET / 4 pm. PT

Heavyweight Bout: No. 5-Tim Johnson(15-8) vs. No. 6-Tyrell Fortune(11-2, 1 NC)

Baralla de pes welter: No. 10-Kyle Crutchmer(8-1) vs.Michael Lombardo(12-2, 1 NC)

Baralla de pes welter: Shane Keefe(2-0) vs.Tyson Miller (2-0)

140-Pound Contract Weight BoutGaston Bolanos (5-3) vs.Cass Bell(5-2)

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis.

Si us plau visitaBellator.com per obtenir informació addicional.

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Updated schedule of BELLATOR events

Dissabte, Febrer. 19 // Bellator 274: Gracie vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Lliure. Febrer. 25 // Bellator 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublín, Irlanda

Lliure. Mar. 12 // Bellator 276: Borics vs. Burnell // The Family Arena // St. Louis, Vostè.

Lliure. Abril. 15 // Bellator 277: McKee vs. Pitbull 2/Nemkov vs. Anderson // SAP Center // Sant Josep, Califòrnia.

Lliure. Maig 6 // BELLATOR PARIS: Bader vs.. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Paris, FRA

Lliure. Maig 13 // BELLATOR LONDON: Amosov vs. MVP // The OVO Arena Wembley // Londres

Former Title Challenger John Salter Meets Undefeated Johnny Eblen During Main Card of BELLATOR 276 al març 12



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LOS ANGELES - A plethora of fantastic fighters armed with world-title aspirations have joined the stackedBELLATOR MMA 276: Borics vs. Burnellcard on Saturday, Març 12. SHOWTIME will televise the mammoth main card live from inside the Family Arena in St. Charles, Missouri, a9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT.

Former title challenger and No. 2 classificat-John Salter (18-5), as well as undefeated BELLATOR MMA No. 3-classificatJohnny Eblen(10-0), and women’s No. 2 pes plomaCat Zingano(12-4) hope to take the next step toward BELLATOR MMA gold as they join the four co-headline brawlers currently ranked among the upper echelon of their respective divisions.

Featured among the magnificent MMA melees will be three of the top-ten middleweights, five undefeated and one unblemished amateur, four top-two contenders, and ten fighters ranked along with BELLATOR MMA’s elite.

En l'esdeveniment principal de la nit, Adam Borics (17-1) iMads Burnell(16-3), two featherweights currently tied at No. 2 in the official BELLATOR MMA rankings, will square off for a future shot at the BELLATOR 145-pound world title. En la baralla co-estel·lar, former BELLATOR Light Heavyweight Champion, 13-time BELLATOR veteran, i n. 2-classificatPhil Davis (23-6, 1 NC) will open his 2022 campaign against No. 4 Julius Anglickas(10-2), who most recently challenged for the 205-pound title. Més, the main card will spotlight an international lightweight extravaganza as undefeated New Alliance Jiu-Jitsu team memberJay-Jay Wilson (8-0) of Auckland, Nova Zelanda, moves up in weight to meet Dagestan, RússiaGadzhi Rabadanov(16-4-2), who is coming off a first-round knockout in his promotional debut atBELLATOR MMA 263 al juliol 2021.

Prior to the consequential co-featured contests, a pair of top middleweights will round out the main card as Salter and Eblen square off for a shot at the winner of the upcoming world title bout pitting 185-pound Champion Gegard Mousasi against No. 1-classificat Austin Vanderford a BELLATOR MMA 275 later this month in Dublin, Irlanda.

Armed with an 8-2 BELLATOR record, Salter, a 15-year pro MMA veteran out of Nashville, Tenn., holds the promotional record for most submissions in BELLATOR MMA middleweight history, and has stopped 17 de la seva 23 oponents. Nicknamed “Diamond Hands” due to his love for crypto currency and willingness to hold onto his investments, Eblen is coming off a 71-second annihilation of Collin Huckbody atBELLATOR MMA 272al desembre 2021. The six-time BELLATOR MMA veteran and American Top-Team product, who recently signed a six-fight BELLATOR contract extension, has secured six opening-round stoppages, including two of his three 2021 oponents.

In addition to the magnificent main card, a veritable cornucopia of pulsating preliminary punch ups will commence the preeminent night of action, including a Minnesota midwestern melee pitting former UFC title challenger and Winona, De., native Zingano against No.7-ranked lightweightPam Sorenson(9-4) of Blaine, Des.

Set to make her third straight BELLATOR MMA appearance with aspirations of challenging BELLATOR MMA Women’s Welterweight World ChampionCris Cyborg, Zingano has had a decorated fighting career. The former NCAA Division III All-American wrestler became the first mother to compete in the UFC and initial woman to capture the company’s “Fight of the Night” award, counting victories over Miesha Tate, Amanda Nunes, Marion Reneau, and Gabrielle Holloway. Recentment, “Alpha” was featured in the series “Double Duty” that chronicled the attempts to maintain a balance between the daily responsibilities of parenthood and earning a living as a pro athlete.

A former Invicta FC women’s featherweight champion, Sorenson started kickboxing after the passing of her best friend. After vacating her crown and requesting a release from Invicta in July 2021, the Minneapolis mauler signed a multi-fight deal with BELLATOR MMA in mid-2021. Soon after joining the pioneering company, the 35-year-old recorded a hard-fought split decision over Roberta Samad atBELLATOR MMA 264 a Uncasville, Conn.

Also featured will be a bruising brawl pitting two hard-hitting heavyweights with seven career stoppages apiece as No. 8-classificatAlex “Eazy” Polizzi (9-1) of Madison, Wisc., clashes with Team Pitbull’sJose “Guru” Augusto (7-3, 1 NC). Més, San Diego, Califòrnia. natiu, 11-time BELLATOR MMA veteran, i n. 6-classificat“Barbaric” Derek Anderson(17-4, 1 NC) will mix it up with submission specialist, BELLATOR Brazilian bruiser, and Japanese-bornGoiti Yamaguchi (26-5), in a worldwide welterweight war.

A més, added toBELLATOR MMA 276: Borics vs. Burnellis a memorable middleweight match pitting undefeated, No. 6-ranked 185-pounder and owner of three consecutive stoppagesRomero Cotton (5-0) of Hutchinson, Kansas, who will bravely battle the horrors of“The Boogeyman” Lance Wright (5-2). D'altra banda, former Division II All-American wrestler and fantastic featherweightCody Law(5-0), fresh off his third opening-round finish, strives to avoid being scared off by“Phantom” Johnny Soto (5-2) de Amagat, Califòrnia.

Continuing the unforgettable night of amazing action, undefeated welterweight and American Top-Team memberRoman Faraldo (6-0) will make his fourth consecutive promotional appearance when he challenges BELLATOR MMA rookieKelvin Rayford (5-3), while local combatantJordan Howard (10-5) of Jefferson City hopes to thrill the Missouri faithful against Athens, Illinois’ ownTrevor Ward(5-5). Two flyweights will test their skills as well, quanDiana Avsaragova(4-0) of Russia welcomesAshley Deen (5-6) to BELLATOR. Per últim, a Show-Me State lightweight showdown between BELLATOR beginnerDan Busch (4-1) makes his sixth straight Missouri appearance by confronting St. Louis’Josh Augustine (5-2).

The thrilling preliminary fights will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT.

Les entrades perBELLATOR MMA 276: Borics vs. Burnellare on sale now at bothTicketmaster.com iBellator.com

BELLATOR MMA 276: Borics vs. Burnell Main Card:

Dissabte, Març 12 – live on TEMPS DE LA FUNCIÓ

9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT

Featherweight Main Event: #2-Adam Borics (17-1) vs. #2-Mads Burnell (16-3)

Pes Pesat Co-Main Event Llum: #2-Phil Davis (23-6, 1 NC) vs. #4-Julius Anglickas (10-2)

Mitjà Bout: #2-John Salter (18-5) vs. #3-Johnny Eblen (10-0)

Lleugera Bout: Jay-Jay Wilson (8-0) vs.Gadzhi Rabadanov (16-4-2)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Pes ploma Bout: #2-Cat Zingano (12-4) vs. #7-Pam Sorenson (9-4)

Semipesado Bout: #8-Alex Polizzi (9-1) vs.Jose Augusto (7-3, 1 NC)

Baralla de pes welter: #6-Derek Anderson (17-4-1) vs.Goiti Yamaguchi (26-5)

Mitjà Bout: #6-Romero Cotton (5-0) vs.Lance Wright(5-2)

Bout pes mosca: Diana Avsaragova (4-0) vs.Ashley Deen (5-6)

Pes ploma Bout: Cody Law (5-0) vs. Johnny Soto (4-2)

Baralla de pes welter: Roman Faraldo (6-0) vs.Kelvin Rayford (5-3)

Gall de combat: Jordan Howard (10-5) vs.Trevor Ward (5-5)

Lleugera Bout: Dan Busch (4-1) vs.Josh Augustine (5-2)

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis.

Updated schedule of BELLATOR events

Dissabte, Febrer. 19 / / BELLATOR MMA 274: Gracie vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Lliure. Febrer. 25 // BELLATOR MMA 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublín, IRE

Dis. Març 12 // BELLATOR MMA 276: Borics vs. Burnell //The Family Arena // St. Louis

Lliure. Maig 6 // BELLATOR PARIS: Bader vs.. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Paris, FRA

Lliure. Maig 13 // BELLATOR LONDON: Amosov vs. MVP // The SSE Arena, Wembley // Londres



BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Sota la direcció del veterà promotor de lluita, Scott Coker, BELLATOR events take place in major cities worldwide and can be seen on television in over 160 countries to an available audience of over one billion people. Als Estats Units, BELLATOR can be seen on SHOWTIME. BELLATOR is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, orquestració d'esdeveniments en viu, desenvolupament lluitador / relacions, obtenció de locaciones, creació / desenvolupament de patrocinis, llicències internacionals, mercadeig, publicitat, publicitat i comissió de relacions. BELLATOR is based in Hollywood, Califòrnia. and owned by entertainment giant ViacomCBS, la llar de marques de primera classe d'entreteniment del món que es connecten amb el públic a través d'un contingut atractiu a través de la televisió, pel·lícula, plataformes en línia i mòbils.

TOP-FIVE Welterweights Neiman Gracie & Logan Storley to Headline Bellator 274 Dissabte, Febrer. 19



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LOS ANGELES -BELLATOR MMA has confirmed the full fight card forBELLATOR MMA 274: Gracie vs. Storleyaquest dissabte, Febrer. 19, en la Sorra Mohegan Sun a Uncasville, Conn. SHOWTIME will televise the phenomenal main card live at9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT.

Més, nine thrilling preliminary fights will stream live three hours earlier on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at6 p.m. ET/3p.m. PT

En l'esdeveniment principal de la nit, No. 4-classificatNeiman Gracie(11-2) will strap on the BELLATOR gloves for the 12º consecutive time when he takes on former four-time collegiate All-American wrestler and No. 5-classificatLogan Storley(12-1) in a five-round clash of top-5 welterweights. En la baralla co-estel·lar, former BELLATOR Welterweight Champion and No. 9-classificatAndrey Koreshkov (24-4) will return to action and open his 2002 campaign against Alliance MMA product and owner of seven first-round finishesChance Rencountre(16-4) of Pawhuska, Oklahoma.

The updated and complete listing of bouts can be found below.

Les entrades perBELLATOR MMA 274: Gracie vs. Storley are on sale now at bothTicketmaster.com iBellator.com.


Dissabte, Febrer. 19 – live onTEMPS DE LA FUNCIÓ

9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT

Esdeveniment Principal welter: #4-Neiman Gracie (11-2) vs. #5-Logan Storley (12-1)

Co-principal esdeveniment de pes pesat: #9-Andrey Koreshkov (24-4) vs.Chance Rencountre(16-4)

Lleugera Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan(31-12-1) vs.Adam Piccolot(12-4)

Heavyweight Bout: #8-Davion Franklin (4-0) vs.#9Said Sowma(8-2)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Lleugera Bout: Mandel Nallo (8-1, 1 NC) vs.Nick Browne(12-1)

175-Pound Contract Weight Bout: Brennan Ward, (14-6) vs.Brandon Bell (10-10)

Gall de combat: Jaylon Bates (4-0) vs.Chris Disonell (6-4)

Lleugera Bout: #9-Aviv Gozali (6-0) vs. Bobby King(10-4)

Bout pes mosca: #7-DeAnna Bennett (11-7-1) vs.Justine Kish(7-4)

Mitjà Bout: Jordan Newman (3-0) vs.Cody Herbert(2-0)

Lleugera Bout: Justin Montalvo(4-0) vs. Corey Samuels (3-2)

Pes ploma Bout: Isaiah Hokit (0-1) vs.Theodore Macuka(1-2)

Baralla de pes welter: Orlando Mendoza (0-1) vs.Jonathan Di Lorenzo (1-0)

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis.

Si us plau visitaBellator.com per obtenir informació addicional.


Updated schedule of BELLATOR events

Dissabte, Febrer. 19 // Bellator 274: Gracie vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Lliure. Febrer. 25 // Bellator 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublín, Irlanda

Dis. Març 12 // BELLATOR MMA 276: Borics vs. Burnell //The Family Arena // St. Louis

Lliure. Maig 6 // BELLATOR PARIS: Bader vs.. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Paris

Lliure. Maig 13 // BELLATOR LONDON: Amosov vs. MVP // The OVO Arena Wembley // Londres


Portland, Maine (Febrer 13, 2022) – One new champion and one successful title defense in the amateur ranks and one stunning reversal of fortune at the professional level highlighted New England Fights’ 10-year anniversary card Saturday night.

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” was a jam-packed, 15-fight fusillade before another sold-out, energetic crowd at Aura in Portland, Maine.

Mike Murray iZach Faulkner thrilled those fans with an early “Fight of the Year” candidate in their brouhaha for the vacant 170-pound title. Murray (4-2) applied the lessons he learned in prior losses to Zac Richard and Tim Birkenhead at NEF 40 i 41, respectivament, by rallying for a split decision victory over Faulkner (4-2).

On the heels of a unanimous win on the scorecards in his most recent fight, Faulkner set the tone with a thunderous slam in the opening round. He fought out of a guillotine attempt in the second stanza and bounced back from a pair of early Murray takedowns to inflict a fair share of punishment in the third.

Murray turned momentum in his direction by landing a bundle of bombs in round four, and Faulkner’s takedown late in the fifth likely wasn’t enough to seal the deal after Murray connected with a series of body punches.

The other title bout took much less time and left far less to interpretation.Tyler Smythe (4-1) was authoritative in his first defense of the 125-pound strap, dispatchingRyan Burgess (3-3) via rear naked choke at 2:37 de la primera ronda.

Burgess ended a four-year layoff from the NEF hexagon to challenge Smythe, who won the title with a technical knockout of Caleb Austin.

He pushed the issue early, but Smythe turned the tables on that aggression by throwing Burgess to the mat. Burgess’ attempt at a retaliatory armbar failed, and Smythe ultimately locked in a guillotine choke that ended his night.

In a highlight among the five professional boutsCarl Langston – winless in six prior pro bouts after an extensive amateur career – avenged his most recent defeat with a rear naked choke ofZac Richard.

The end came 81 seconds after the opening bell, when Richard (1-1), a past NEF amateur champion and decorated wrestler, went for a takedown. He initially succeeded but gave up his back and fell victim to the choke.

Both fighters accepted the 140-pound bout on only a few daysnotice after their initial opponents became unavailable. Richard lowered the boom on Langston with a knockout at 3:52 of the first round in his pro debut back in November.

Langston, who went 7-9 as an amateur and took four of his six pro conquerors to the scorecards, promised a different outcome in his pre-fight remarks, and he delivered.

Aaron Lacey de Bangor, Maine, making his first appearance in the cage since September 2018, va millorar a 7-2 in the pro main event with a second-round technical knockout to strikes over Bronx bomber and Bellator veteranJerome Mickle (4-12).  In an emotional moment to end the night, Mickle announced his retirement after nearly nine years of cage competition.

Lacey took advantage of an early takedown to dominate the first round of the 155-pound showcase, then ramped up his ground-and-pound assault to another level in the second chapter before the referee waved off the proceedings at 1:42.

In the sole women’s fight on the card, multitud-agradableGlory Watson (2-1) continued her winning ways with a rear naked choke of previously undefeatedAlibeth Milliron (2-1) a 2:23 of the second round in their 115-pound tussle.

Both women landed early haymakers, with Watson’s facial expressions indicating she was anything but hurt. She further demonstrated that point by taking Milliron to the canvas and narrowly running out of time in her first attempt to turn out the lights.

Milliron made more overtures with the stand-up game in round two. A quick takedown and a series of punches gave Watson another opportunity for the choke, però, and she sealed the deal.

In a battle of two 140-pounders making their pro debutNate Grimard exercised top control throughout and breezed to a unanimous decision over Anthony VastaGrimard’s success as a pro comes as no surprise to fans. He is a former NEF Amateur Featherweight Champion who put together a record of 4-1 in the amateur ranks.

Mohammad Al Kinani also enjoyed a victorious dive into the pro waters, needing only 42 seconds to dismissChris Rooney (0-2) via strikes at 155. Al Kinani countered Rooney’s early kick with a flurry, dropping Rooney and subjecting him to another barrage that hastened the stoppage.

First Class MMA stablematesCody Kilton iJustin Kangas passed muster with the judges in back-to-back amateur bouts.

Kilton (2-1) carved out a unanimous decision overKaleb Kenney(0-2) a 155. Kangas (1-3) tasted victory for the first time with a split decision verdict at the expense ofJon Assam (2-4). Kangas kept control on the ground through the second and third rounds to put the long-awaited mark in the left-hand column of his ledger.

Three amateur bouts featured the rookie outing for both combatants.

Mike Jolicoeur used an arm triangle to take care of business againstWill Smith a 145. In a 125-pound collisionKey Baltazar locked in a rear naked choke at 1:33 of the second round againstQuinn Poirier. Baltazar’s team, Nostos MMA, was an undefeated 3-0 at “NEF 46.”Jack Burke punctuated his win overNick Legrande with a brutal knockout blow at 1:25 of the opening frame in their 265-pound rumble.

Curtis Ouellette (2-3) spoiledChristopher Smith’s debut with a TKO via accumulation of strikes in round three.

Two other amateur scraps produced first-round finishes.Jeff Reynolds (3-2) won by rear naked choke overDavid McCarty (1-1) a 185, iBen Grady(3-0) kept his record spotless whenBrandon Maillet-Fevens (3-3) couldn’t continue after injuring his arm while blocking a kick. Reynolds’ win gave his team of Karasu Tengu Academy a perfect record of 2-0 on the night.

The quick results from Portland, Maine:


Aaron Lacey def. Jerome Mickle via TKO (round two)

Carl Lagston def. Zac Richard via rear-naked choke (round one)

Glory Watson def. Alibeth Milliron via rear-naked choke (round two)

Nathaniel Grimard def. Anthony Vasta via unanimous decision

Mohammad Al Kinani def. Chris Rooney via TKO (round one)


Mike Murray def. Zach Faulkner via unanimous decision

Tyler Smythe def. Ryan Burgess via guillotine (round one)

Mike Jolicoeur def. Will Smith via arm triangle (round one)

Key Baltazar def. Quinn Poirier via rear-naked choke (round two)

Jack Burke def. Nick Legrande via KO (round one)

Jeff Reynolds def. David McCarty via rear-naked choke (round one)

Ben Grady def. Brandon Maillet-Fevens via TKO (round one)

Cody Kilton def. Kaleb Kenney via unanimous decision

Justin Kangas def. Jon Assam via split decision

Curtis Ouellette def. Christopher Smith via TKO (round three)

NEF announced that it will return to the Twin Cities for its next installment. "NEF 47: Good Friends, Better Enemies” will pit Lewiston-Auburn mainstays Jesse Erickson and Matthew Denning in the main event. The card is scheduled for Saturday, Abril 30 at Norway Savings Bank Arena in Auburn, Maine. For more details or to get your seats now, anar anewenglandfights.com/tickets.

Sobre Baralles de Nova Anglaterra

Lluites de Nova Anglaterra ("NEF") és una empresa d'esdeveniments promocions lluita. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. L'equip executiu de NEF té una àmplia experiència en la gestió dels esports de combat, producció d'esdeveniments, relacions amb els mitjans, mercadeig, legal i publicitat.