Tag-Archiv: Maricela cornejo


Jose Martinez und Israel Gonzalez kämpfen im Co-Main Event um die Mehrheit, Alma Ibarra erhält einstimmige Entscheidung über Maricela Cornejo, und Joe Ward rächt einsamen professionellen Verlust gegen Marco Delgado


Kredit: Tom Hogan - Hoganphotos / Ring City USA

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Klicken Sie hier, um Fierros Comeback Knockout Victory zu sehen

San Juan, PUERTO RICO - März 18, 2021 -Engel Fierrostieg zweimal von der Leinwand auf dem Weg zu einem atemberaubenden Comeback-Ko-Sieg in der sechsten Runde gegen den ehemaligen WeltmeisterAlberto Machadoals das neueste Kapitel des legendären Puerto Rico vs.. Die Ringrivalität in Mexiko wurde im Hauptereignis von Ring City USA geschrieben, live im NBC Sports Network von Albergue Olimpico (Olympisches Zentrum) in Salinas, Puerto Rico.

Tijuanas Fierro (18-1-1, 14 KOs) reichte Machado (22-3, 18 KOs) von Rio Piedras sein erster beruflicher Verlust in Puerto Rico, nach einem heißen Start des ehemaligen Junioren-Leichtgewichts-Weltmeisters. Machado, 30, erzielte in jeder der ersten beiden Runden einen Knockdown mit gut platzierten Gegenschlägen auf der rechten Seite. Fierro zeigte ein strapazierfähiges Kinn und schlug die Zählung beide Male leicht, Dies signalisierte, dass er nicht durch die knirschenden Kraftschläge verletzt wurde. Fierro war unten 48-45 auf allen drei Punktekarten der Richter zum Zeitpunkt der Unterbrechung.

"Ich bin glücklich, Ich habe heute Abend in Alberto Machado einen erstklassigen Kämpfer gesehen,Sagte Fierro, Wer war ein Drei-zu-Eins-Außenseiter. „Er ist Weltklasse und hat mich zweimal fallen lassen. Aber ich bin begeistert, dass ich zurückkommen und einen Kämpfer seines Kalibers schlagen konnte. “

Der 22-jährige Leichtgewichtler drehte den Kampf in der vierten Runde um, als er sich einem bösartigen Körperangriff gegen Machado widmete. Die Körperarbeit zahlte sich aus, als er in der fünften und sechsten Runde Öffnungen fand, Dies führte letztendlich zu einer bösartigen linken Hand, die die frühere Titelliste zum ersten und einzigen Mal im Kampf auf die Leinwand schickte. Fierro schrieb seiner zweijährigen Tochter in Mexiko zu, dass er seinen zweiten Wind gefunden hatte.

„Er hat mich zu Beginn des Kampfes zweimal fallen lassen,Fügte Fierro hinzu. „Als ich zurück in meine Ecke kam, Ich habe es ihnen gesagt, "Erinnere mich an meine Tochter." Denn mit diesem Kampf kann ich ihr Leben verändern und genau das haben sie nach der dritten Runde getan. Sie haben mich motiviert und genau das habe ich getan. "

Vor dem Kampf, Fierro erzählte dem Rundfunk-Team von Ring City USA, "Der beste Richter ist ein Knockout, wenn Sie in der Heimatstadt eines anderen kämpfen." Der mexikanische Krieger, der den ungeschlagenen Interessenten Hector Tanajara innerhalb einer Woche ersetzte, sein Versprechen eingelöst, die Sache selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

"Wir haben in der sechsten Runde viele Lücken in Machados Spiel gefunden,Sagte Fierro. „Ich habe sie ausgenutzt und umgedreht. Ich habe es dir im Interview gesagt (vor dem Kampf), Ich bin nicht hierher gekommen, um ein Tourist in Puerto Rico zu sein. Ich bin hergekommen, um zu gewinnen. “

Unmittelbar vor dem Main Event, IrlandsJoe Ward (3-1, 2 KOs) rächte seinen einzigen beruflichen Verlust mit einem dominierenden einstimmigen EntscheidungssiegSchlanker Rahmen(7-2, 5 KOs) in ihrer sechsrunden leichten Schwergewichtsneigung. Im Oktober 2019, Der 15-fache irische Nationalmeister Ward traf bei seinem Profidebüt auf Delgado und erlitt eine verrenkte Kniescheibe, die zu einem technischen Ko-Sieg für den Turlock führte, Calif. Mutter. Unter der Anleitung des zweiteiligen Weltmeisters Joey Gamache, Der 29-jährige Ward zeigte seinen spektakulären Amateur-Stammbaum, als er versuchte, seine Profikarriere zu beschleunigen.

Im zweiten Kampf der Sendung, Alma Ibarra (7-1, 4 KOs) verdient eine hart umkämpfte einstimmige Entscheidung überMaricela cornejo (13-4, 5 KOs) in einem Acht-Runden-Kampf im Mittelgewicht. Zwei der Ringrichter erzielten sieben Runden für Ibarra (79-73) während der dritte es sah 77-75 für den Gewinner. Ibarra, die stammt aus Monterrey, Mexiko, brachte den Kampf während des gesamten Kampfes zu dem in Los Angeles geborenen und war der weitaus geschäftigere Kämpfer.

„Jetzt weiß die Welt, wer Alma Ibarra ist und woraus sie besteht,Sagte der Sieger. "An alle, Ich war ein Fremder. Und gegen jemanden zu kämpfen, der in Maricela Cornejo weltweit sehr anerkannt ist, und sie zu schlagen, Das hat uns viele Türen geöffnet. “

Ibarra, 32, kehrte von einer 16-monatigen Entlassung nach ihrer ersten professionellen Niederlage gegen Raquel Miller in zurück 2019. Ibarra, wer hatte eine erfolgreiche Amateurkarriere, sah bequem aus, als sie den Ring gegen den erfahrenen Profi in der 33-jährigen Cornejo befehligte. Ibarra, ein natürliches Weltergewicht, kämpfte mit dem schwersten Gewicht ihrer Karriere (156 lbs.).

„Ich habe mich sehr gut gefühlt, sehr stark, da dies eine Abteilung ist, an die ich nicht gewöhnt bin,Sagte Ibarra. „Ich kämpfe immer in niedrigeren Divisionen, Wir mussten zwei Divisionen aufbauen, um diese großartige Gelegenheit zu nutzen, und ... nun ja, Ich denke, wir haben uns nicht geirrt, dieses Risiko einzugehen. “

Im Co-Main Event des Abends, Damit startete die Hauptkarte mit vier Kämpfen im NBC Sports Network, Jose "Chiquiro" Martinez(21-1-3, 14 KOs) von Mayaguez, P.R. undIsrael Gonzalez (26-4-1, 11 KOs) von Cabo San Lucas, Mexiko, kämpften um eine Mehrheit in ihrer 10-Runden-Bantamgewicht-Affäre. Während ein Ringrichter Gonzalez gab, 24, die Kante auf den Scorekarten (96-94), Die verbleibenden zwei Richter bewerteten es identisch mit 95-95. Der inoffizielle Torschütze von Ring City, Steve Smoger, ließ Gonzalez den Kämpfer der Heimatstadt hinter sich lassen 97-93.

„Ich habe seine Schläge gespürt, aber ich war heute Abend der überlegene Kämpfer,", Sagte Gonzalez. "Er hat vielleicht drei Runden gewonnen, aber es ist in Ordnung. Ich bin Puerto Rico und all den Menschen dankbar, die mir die Gelegenheit gegeben haben, hier zu sein. "

Der 28-jährige Martinez leistete seine beste Arbeit im Inneren, als er versuchte, den 5-Zoll-Reichweitenvorteil des jüngeren Gonzalez zu neutralisieren, und führte zwei der Scorecards in der Mitte des Kampfes an. Mittlerweile, Gonzalez zeigte in der Hin- und Her-Angelegenheit eine hervorragende Handgeschwindigkeit und stahl viele der späteren Runden, als er seinen zweiten Wind fand. Dies war das dritte Unentschieden für Martinez in seinen letzten sieben Kämpfen und das erste für Gonzalez.

"Ich bin glücklich, zufrieden mit meiner Arbeit,“Sagte Martinez. „Ich verstehe, dass ich gegen einen starken Gegner gekämpft und gewonnen habe. Ich habe mehr geschoben. Ich war auf ihm, aber diese Dinge passieren beim Boxen. Jetzt geht es darum, weiter zu trainieren, Behalte mich bei und suche diese Titelgelegenheit. “

Nach dem Co-Main Event zwischen Martinez und Gonzalez, Ring City USA würdigte den verstorbenen Marvelous Marvin Hagler, der im Alter von starb 66 am Samstag. Ein Mitglied der International Boxing Hall of Fame, Hagler regierte mehrere Jahre als unbestrittener Mittelgewichts-Champion und nahm in den 1980er Jahren an mehreren klassischen Kämpfen teil.

„Der schöne Teil von Marvelous Marvin Hagler, wenn du die Chance hättest, in seiner Nähe zu sein, ist, dass er authentisch war,Sagte Schlag für Schlag Ansager Bob Papa. „So wie er im Ring war, hat er dich auch außerhalb des Rings behandelt. Er ist wirklich einer der größten Champions aller Zeiten. “

Früher am Abend, leben auf Twitch in den USA. und weltweit, Engel Acosta (22-2, 21 KOs) von Barrio Obrero Santurce, Puerto Rico, hat zum ersten Mal in seiner beruflichen Laufbahn einen Sieg auf den Scorekarten errungen, verdienen einen einstimmigen Beschluss überGilberto Mendoza (17-10-3, 8 KOs) von Baja California, Mexiko, in einem Acht-Runden-Kampf im Superfliegengewicht. Kämpfe in seiner Heimatstadt Salinas, Edwin Valentin(10-0, 9 KOs) blieb perfekt mit einem technischen Ko-Sieg in der fünften Runde gegen seinen Landsmann aus Puerto RicoHector Marengo(7-15-4, 4 KOs). Im Eröffnungskampf des Abends, Jose Roman (11-0, 5 KOs) von Bayamon, Puerto Rico, übertroffenRoque Junco(10-8-1, 6 KOs) über einstimmige Entscheidung in einem Acht-Runden-Kampf im Weltergewicht.

Der ehemalige zweifache Weltmeister im Weltergewicht, Shawn Porter, wurde von Bob Papa, dem Kommentator von NBC Sports, unterstützt. Brian Campbell diente als Kampfnachtanalyst, während Curran Bhatia vom Ring aus berichtete. Die ausführenden Produzenten der heutigen Präsentation vonRing City USA: Machado vs.. Fierro im NBC Sports Network waren Eric Weinberger, Jeff Huggins & Frank Samuel. Die Sendung wurde von David Gibson produziert und von Matt Celli inszeniert.

Die heutige Fernsehsendung mit vier Kämpfen kann ab sofort in der NBC Sports App mit authentifizierter Anmeldung angesehen werden.

Ring City USA kehrt nächsten Donnerstag zurück, März 25 auf NBC Sports Network, um seine dreistündige Residenz in Puerto Rico als einen der größten Kämpfe im Frauenboxen zu schließen, wird im Mittelpunkt zwischen der Sieben-Divisionen-Weltmeisterin und der zukünftigen Boxing Hall of Famer stehenAmanda Serrano und dreiteilige TitellisteDaniela Bermudez für Serranos WBO- und WBC-Weltmeistertitel im Federgewicht. Folgen Sie Ring City USA aufFacebookZwitschernundInstagramfür die neuesten Updates oder besuchenwww.ringcityusa.com Weitere Informationen.

Über Ring City USA

Ringstadt, das 2020 ins Leben gerufen wurde, ist die neueste Sportmedienplattform des Boxens. Zusammenarbeit mit einer Vielzahl von Promotoren und Talenten, Die neue Boxserie legt einen Schwerpunkt auf Wettkampf-Matchups, die die Kämpfer wirklich auf die Probe stellen und die Kampffans begeistern. Ring City bietet großartige Kämpfe im Ring und überzeugende Schulterprogramme außerhalb des Rings. Ring City ist das Testgelände, auf dem aufstrebende Talente ihre Streifen verdienen und sich in die obere Ebene des Boxstars stürzen können.

RING CITY USA ANNOUNCES STACKED UNDERCARD for march 18 event in puerto rico

Live on NBC Sports Network and NBC Sports App

9:00 p.m. UND / 6:00 p.m. PT

Twitch Prelims Start at 6:30 p.m. UND / 3:30 p.m. PT

Los Angeles – March 12, 2021 – Ring City USA, the new sports media startup that debuted its Thursday night boxing series in November 2020, announced a stacked undercard today for its March 18 Ereignis, the next fight night of the boxing outfit’s three-event residency in Puerto Rico. The three-fight main card will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT on NBC Sports Network in the United States and Puerto Rico, and on Twitch for fans outside of the U.S, live from Albergue Olimpico (Olympisches Zentrum) in Salinas.

The six-fight event is headlined by another chapter in the iconic Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ring rivalry asAlberto Machado (22-2, 18 KOs) of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, SchlachtenAngel ‘Tashiro’ Fierro (17-1-1, 13 KOs) von Tijuana, Mexiko, in a ten-round lightweight bout. Machado was previously slated to fight undefeated prospect Hector Tanajara who was forced to withdraw due to illness.

In the evening’s co-main event from Puerto RicoJose ‘Chiquro’ Martinez, (21-1-2, 14 KOs), of Las Marias, Puerto Rico, clashes with three-time world title challengerIsrael ‘Jiga’ Gonzalez (26-4, 11 KOs) of Los Cabos, Mexiko, in a ten-round bantamweight bout.

The 28-year-old Martinez looks to stay in the win column following a second-round knockout of Yeison Vargas in February 2020 in San Juan, P.R. His last four victories have come by knockout.

Following a hard-fought twelve-round decision loss to pound-for-pound great Roman “Chocolatito” Gonzalez in October 2020, the 24-year-old Gonzalez defeated Samuel Gutierrez just two months later in December 2020 in San Lucas, Mexiko. Martinez has also challenged world champions Khalid Yafai and Jerwin Ancajas for their title belts in the last three years.

A six-round light heavyweight fight will round out the main card on NBC Sports Network featuringIrish’ Joe Ward, (2-1, 2 KOs), of Moate, Irland, who will look to avenge his pro debut setback againstMarco ‘El Muneco’ Delgado, (7-1, 5 KOs), of Turlock, Calif.

Fighting at Madison Square Garden on October 5, 2019, Ward suffered a severe knee injury in the second round which delivered Delgado a technical knockout victory. Ward has bounced back with two first round knockouts taking place in December 2020 in Mexiko. Since the victory over Ward, Delgado has continued his winning ways with a six-round decision over previously undefeated Burley Brooks in December 2020 in Arlington, Texas.

Headlining the Twitch undercard broadcast, das beginnt bei 6:30 p.m. UND / 3:30 p.m. PT, dreimalige WM-HerausfordererMaricela ‘La Diva’ Cornejo, (13-4, 5 KOs), Los Angeles, Calif. Gesichter gegenAlma Ibarra (7-1, 4 KOs) von Monterrey, Mexiko.

In the last three years, Cornejo has twice come up short against unified Super Middleweight World Champion Franchon Dezurn-Crews in her quest to win a world championship. Sandwiched between the two world title fights, Cornejo was victorious in a tremendous performance against veteran Erin Toughill on January 27, 2019 in front of her legion of hometown fans in Los Angeles.

A winner of her first seven fights, Ibarra looks to return to the win column following a hard-fought ten-round decision loss to undefeated WBA Interim Junior Middleweight Champion Raquel Miller on November 23, 2019.

In an eight-round flyweight battle, former world champion and knockout artistAngel ‘Tito’ Acosta, (21-2, 21 KOs), von San Juan, Puerto Rico, SchlachtenGilberto Mendoza (17-9-3, 8 KOs) von Modesto, Calif.

The 30-year-old Acosta made three successful defenses of his world title before losing to Elwin Soto in June 2019. In his last fight in October 2019, Acosta stopped Raymond Tabugon in the fifth round. The upset-minded Mendoza hits the ring following a hard-fought decision loss to top undefeated Mexican prospect Sergio Rios Jimenez.

Rounding out the card in a six-round junior lightweight battle, top ungeschlagen AussichtEdwin ‘The Chin’ Valentin(9-0, 8 KOs) will fight in his hometown of Salinas when he faces veteranHector Marengo (7-14-4, 4 KOs) von Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

Folgen Sie Ring City USA aufFacebookZwitschernundInstagramfür die neuesten Updates oder besuchenwww.ringcityusa.com.

Über Ring City USA

Ringstadt, das 2020 ins Leben gerufen wurde, ist die neueste Sportmedienplattform des Boxens. Zusammenarbeit mit einer Vielzahl von Promotoren und Talenten, Die neue Boxserie legt einen Schwerpunkt auf Wettkampf-Matchups, die die Kämpfer wirklich auf die Probe stellen und die Kampffans begeistern. Ring City bietet großartige Kämpfe im Ring und überzeugende Schulterprogramme außerhalb des Rings. Ring City ist das Testgelände, auf dem aufstrebende Talente ihre Streifen verdienen und sich in die obere Ebene des Boxstars stürzen können.

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Josesito Lopez Scores Unanimous Decision Against Saul Corral In The Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions On FS1 & FOX Deportes From The Novo At L.A. Live-

Alejandro Luna Earns A Unanimous Decision Over Andrey Klimov
Karlos Balderas Secures First Round Knockout Against Thomas Smith
Klicken HIER for Photos from Premier Boxing Champions/Andy Samuelson
(Fotos werden in Kürze verfügbar sein)
LOS ANGELES (April 9, 2017) – Josesito Lopez (35-7, 19 KOs) earned a decisive unanimous decision (100-89, 100-89, 100-89) über Saul Corral (21-9, 12 KOs) in der Rufen Sie Star Sports promoted main event of Premier Boxing Champions auf FS1 & FOX Sports vonThe Novo bei L beträgt.Verfahren. Live-.
Although Corral was able to finish the fight, Lopez controlled the action throughout, dropping Corral to the canvas in the 10th round to cement the victory.
Das Co-Main Event sah Alejandro Luna (22-0, 15 KOs) Niederlage Andrej Klimow (19-4, 9 KOs) durch einstimmigen Beschluss (97-93, 98-92, 98-92) in a thrilling ten-round lightweight bout. Luna stunned Klimov on a couple of occasions, but the resilient Klimov would not be knocked out, instead going the distance in a fan-friendly battle.
The televised opener featured 2016 U.S.. Olympier Karlos Balderas (1-0, 1 KO) getting a powerful stoppage in his professional debut over Thomas Smith (3-5-1, 2 KOs). Balderas stalked Smith with precision and forced Smith’s corner to throw in the towel following the first round.
The non-televised fights featured a slew of talented fighters making their highly anticipated professional debuts. 2016 Mexican Olympian and Bronze medalist Misael Rodriguez (1-0) secured a unanimous decision (40-36, 40-36, 40-36) über Brian True (1-7-1, 1 KO) in four-round slugfest.
2016 Litauischer Olympiateilnehmer Eimantas Stanionis (1-0, 1 KO) landed punches in bunches againstRasheed Lawal (1-5-1). Stanionis applied pressure with two swarms of punches in the first round, the second barrage proving too much for Lawal and forced the referee to stop the fight in round one (2:35).
Lindolfo Delgado (1-0, 1 KO) gestoppt Luis Silva (3-10, 2 KOs) in round three (:33). Delgado knocked Silva down with a vicious uppercut in the second round and Silva never fully regained himself before his corner stopped the fight in the third frame.
Geld Powell IV (1-0, 1 KO) used his height and reach advantage to dominate Todd Templeton (0-1), knocking Templeton down twice and then stunning him a third time before the referee stopped the action in the first round (2:55).
Hier ist, was die Kämpfer nach ihren Kämpfen zu sagen hatten:
Josesito López
Heute Abend was a result of all the work I put in over the last few months with Robert Garcia.
I dropped him with a left hook, but he’s a gritty guy. He took some punishment. I was a little careful in there, obwohl. It’s been a while since I fought some good rounds like that. There were a few times that I tried to go for the kill, but he’s tough guy and stayed alive.
It felt good going the distance. Mein Körper fühlte sich gut. Mehr als alles, I was alert and my instincts were quick. I had good reflexes and I was sharp. I got hit with very few punches, so I think I did OK heute Abend.
I’m coming along. This is my second fight coming back in zwei Jahren. It’s a little process. I feel like for my next fight I’ll be that much better. I’m just focused on continuing to get better. I want to step it up for the next fight.
We have a plan. Robert and I have only been training together for a short while, but the improvement is there and there’s more to come.
I’m the Riverside Rocky and I want to be in exciting fights that friends and family members will remember for years. I definitely have the grit and the (guts) to get in there with the best of them. I’m a lot smarter inside the ring now.
I felt like my distance was off heute Abend. I think I need to spend more time sparring. I didn’t have a lot of sparring partners for this fight and I think that affected me.
I thought when Lopez landed punches I came back strong, but I didn’t continue with the attacks because he was able to stop me.
I just need to change some things up in training camp, and then I think I can get back to another big fight.
Klimov is a very tough guy. We’ve seen him go the distance with Terrence Crawford. He’s fought the cream of the crop, so it’s an honor to get a win over him. He’s a top-level fighter, so this victory goes to show that we’re ready for any top-five lightweight.
Our plan heute Abend was to work the body. We noticed he has a pretty high guard, so I wanted to go to the body to break him down little by little.
I know that I hurt him with a couple body shots, but he recovered fast. Later on, I hit him with an overhand right that got to him, but he’s such a tough guy.
My thing is always to please the crowd. I think this sport is as much about entertainment as it is skill and the fans want to see a show. That’s why I bring the action and do whatever I can to make it exciting for them.
The last round wasn’t my best. He was outworking me a little, so as soon as the 10-second bell rang I wanted to close the fight out strong. Leider, I opened up and we clashed heads, which caused the cut over my left eye.
Andrej Klimow
I got staggered a little bit, but it wasn’t anything that I thought was going to turn my lights out.
Luna is a very herky jerky fighter. The cut over my left eye came near the end of the fight when we clashed heads.
“Ich bin 35 Jahre alt. We’re going to go home and take some time to think about what’s next. I’ve been fortunate to do a lot of things in this sport. Now it’s time to talk with my family and decide my future.
KARLOS Balderas
We spent a lot of time sparring with great fighters to get ready for this fight. I think all the practice paid off and my speed was my biggest asset heute Abend.
I think their corner stopped the fight because he was taking so many shots, but I’m not sure.
I’m happy and excited to be a pro. I have so many people here heute Abend supporting me coming in from Oklahoma and Texas, so it’s an honor. I felt like a win wasn’t enough. I needed to make a statement.
I’m going to try to stay busy. I’d like to fight every two months, so I hope to be back in June fighting again.
I really had a bad headache. After the first two punches, I thought I could take it. I know he has a good body shot, but it didn’t really affect me. But after the fourth and fifth good one, I knew it was too much. I didn’t want to go out there in the second round just to get hurt.
I honestly thought it was going to be an easier opponent. I haven’t been active since the Olympics eight months ago, but I trained very hard for this fight and got the win heute Abend.
I don’t think he brought anything to the table that was that different than what I’ve seen before, but it was my first pro fight and maybe there were some first fight jitters.
I’ve never had a bloody nose before, so heute Abend was definitely something different for me, but I rolled with the punches.
It means a lot to me to be a professional fighter now. I know the expectations are higher, and there are a lot of differences between the pros and amateurs, but it felt great in there.
“Ich hatte ein großes Lager, I have fantastic coaches and I work hard every day in the gym. Heute Abend, it all paid off.
I saw that I was able to land some good shots, and I could tell I was getting to him a little bit, so I started throwing more and more to try and stop him.
This has been a dream of mine forever. I grew up watching legends like Mike Tyson and Manny Pacquiao, and now I’m a professional fighter just like them.
I’m ready to continue proving myself. I’ll fight anyone they put in front of me.
My team and I had a game plan and I followed it to the letter.
The punch that I dropped (Silva) with was a left uppercut. Thankfully I was able to land it and I knew I had him hurt.
Competing in Rio de Janeiro in the Olympics was an incredible experience and a good learning lesson for me, but now I’ve officially made my transition into the pros. It felt different in the ring heute Abend, but I was very prepared.
I’m just going to continue training hard to build on this performance and little by little we’re going to reach our goals.
I did what I wanted to do heute Abend. I dominated early. (Templeton) is a tough, old dude, and I want to thank him for taking this fight and allowing me to showcase my skills.
I was just trying to start the fight out by controlling my distance and using my jab, but I could see he didn’t have much to offer, so I stopped using my jab so much. Once I realized I could land shots on him I went with my power punches because anything I threw was going to get him.
Becoming a professional fighter is a dream come true for me. I always wanted to be a fighter ever since I was a little kid. Thankfully Richard Schaefer signed me and gave me a chance to realize my dream.
This is only the beginning for me. I’m trying to be the best fighter that’s ever lived.
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Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes This Sunday, April 9 From The Novo at L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles & Live auf FS1 & FOX Sports

Josesito Lopez, Alejandro Luna, Misael Rodriguez &
Maricela cornejo Medien Workout Zitate & Fotos
Klicken HIER for Photos from Arnold Turner
LOS ANGELES (April 5, 2017) – Southern California-based fighters Josesito Lopez, Alejandro Luna, Misael Rodriguez und Maricela cornejo hosted a media workout at the Robert Garcia Boxing Academy in Riverside Mittwoch ahead of their bouts this Sonntag, April 9 from the Novo at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles.
Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes action is headlined by the former title challenger Lopez Nahme Mexikos Saul Corral in a welterweight matchup. Fernsehen Schutz beginnt jeweils mit 9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT and features the unbeaten Monat facing former title challenger Andrej Klimow and the pro debut of 2016 U.S.. Olympier Karlos Balderas.
Karten für das Live-Event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports, sind zum Preis von $30 Freie Platzwahl, $60 balcony reserved, $100 VIP balcony reserved and are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased through AXS.com HIER.
Die 2016 Mexican Olympian and bronze medalist Rodriguez and the former title challengerCornejo will both enter the ring in separate undercard attractions.
Hier ist, was die Teilnehmer zu sagen hatte Mittwoch vor über 100 attendees including media, civic leaders and boxing fans from the community
Josesito López
First thing is that I can’t look past my opponent am Sonntag Nacht. If all goes well, I know that bigger things are coming. I want to give fans fights that they’ll remember for years to come. I’m that guy who wants to make great fights.
I know that I’m facing a tough fighter from Mexico. I always know that these guys come with a real hunger to win. I’ve prepared very well and I’m ready to put on a show SonntagNacht.
I’ve taken advantage of opportunities given to me in the past and I’m looking to take advantage of every one I get. I’m going to show off my abilities am Sonntag.
I’m in a good state of mind right now. I’ve been working for several months and I really feel 100 percent physically.
This is going to be a good fight. He’s going to come with the will to win. I’ll be smart and use my abilities. I’ve been working on some new things and Sonntag will be a glimpse of what’s left to come.
It’s an honor for me to be the main event on a card with so many great young fighters. I remember that moment many years ago. These fighters are the future. Dies ist erst der Anfang. I’m the present right now and I’m going to show that am Sonntag.”
More than anything I think that the fans can expect fireworks. I’m fighting a crafty veteran guy in Klimov who has fought the best. He’s fought guys like Terrence Crawford and Jose Pedraza. Our styles are meant for each other and I think they’re going to clash. The fans are going to be the real winners.
I say yes to every challenge they put in front of me. This is a big test. I feel confident in my training and I believe I can get past Klimov. I think getting this win shows that I’m ready to fight any champion in the lightweight division.
“Ich trainiere 100 percent every time. I had a smooth camp and I’m ready to go. My work ethic is my secret weapon. I’m a believer that fights are won in the gym.
I fight for the people every time I’m in the ring. They’re paying money to see a great fight and I want them to get their money’s worth.
I’ve been under the radar but I think that in 2017 I’m going to put myself in the world title picture. I give it my all in the ring.
I’m excited because I have a great team behind me with Richard Schaefer, Abner Mares and Robert Garcia. I feel strong and ready for this fight.
I’m so happy to be fighting in Los Angeles, because it’s like a second Mexico. I hope the fans all come out to see me because I’m going to work hard to be the next Mexican superstar.
I’m going to keep working and getting stronger and better. I have to be consistent and have good training camps so I can reach my goals.
“Training mit Robert Garcia war großartig. He has had a lot of champions and I hope that I will be next. Him and his whole family are good people and they’ve treated me like family. I’ve learned a lot already.
“Ich habe smart in den Ring zu sein. I’m a Mexican fighter in my heart and I always will be. But I have to be smart and be ready for anything in the ring.
Joel Diaz has helped me so much with the mental side of the game. The way he speaks so passionately about the sport, he transfers that to me. I feel that belief and trust. He gives me the right words to keep me going and unleash anything I was holding back.
I work really hard at this sport. People didn’t see me when I was coming up, but It’s been a real journey. I’ve never backed down from anything. I’m proud to be a female fighter in the sport right now. Female athletes are getting more attention across the world than they ever have.
Boxing means a lot to me. I’ve overcome a lot of obstacles. Getting in the ring and getting hit in the face is a lot easier than what I’ve had to go through. I love boxing because it’s all about going for the win no matter what is thrown in front of you.
Richard Schaefer, Vorsitzende & CEO von Ringstar Sport
All of these young fighters we’re letting loose am Sonntag are coming to fight. This won’t be ‘Dancing with the Stars’, they will come to engage and destroy. These guys all have advanced skills and I look forward to seeing them in the ring.
Misael Rodriguez is a very charismatic person. He’s an entertainer and a fighter. With Abner behind him as a manager and Robert Garcia as a trainer, this is a kid who wants to surround himself with the best. Watching his career will be very exciting.
Josesito had his biggest win, over Victor Ortiz, right across the street at Staples Center and he is ready for the next step in his career in a stacked welterweight division. I also believe that Alejandro Luna is on the cusp of being in world title contention if he can get through Klimov am Sonntag. Außerdem, you have one of the most charismatic female stars in Maricela Cornejo going along with an incredible group of young talent making their debutsam Sonntag.
With this new young class of fighters coming out of Southern California combined with world champions like Leo Santa Cruz, Mikey Garcia and Abner Mares, Los Angeles is on its way to being the fight capital of the world again.
I’ve never done an event on a Sonntag and it definitely doesn’t happen very often. I want to challenge the status quo and try different things. I am equally excited about this Sunday card as I have been for any card I’ve promoted because of all the great young talent.
Abner Mares, Rodriguez’s Manager
I’m nervous and excited to see Misael in the ring am Sonntag. He’s a fighter with a lot of heart and the desire to become a world champion just like I was coming out of the Olympics.
Our goal is to have Misael fight six times this year. We’re going to go step-by-step to make him a champion.
Misael is the future. He brings excitement and he’s likeable. He’s in a great weight class and the team he has behind him will get him to where he needs to go.
Seeing Misael grow from the manager’s side will be as exciting if not more than my own progression. I can’t wait to take him to a world championship.
# # #
Fans können die Kämpfe auf FOX Sports GO Live Stream, in Englisch oder Spanisch durch die FS1 oder FOX Deportes Feeds. Die Kämpfe sind auf Desktop bei FOXSportsGO.com und über den App Store, oder angeschlossene Geräte wie Apple TV, Android TV, Feuer-TV, Xbox One und Roku. Außerdem, Alle Programme sind auch auf FOX Sports auf SiriusXM Kanal verfügbar 83 auf Satellitenradios und auf der SiriusXM App.
Folgen Sie auf TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes UndSwanson_Comm und werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unter www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Rufen Sie Star Sports undwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Höhepunkte verfügbar www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC auf FS1 & FOX Deportes wird gesponsert von Corona Extra, Feinste Bier.

Ringstar Sports Rising Stars Media Workout Quotes & Fotos

Karlos Balderas, Misael Rodriguez, Eimantas Stanionis & Lindolfo Delgado Host Media Workout in Advance of the Special Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Event Sonntag, April 9 Von
The Novo at L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles
Klicken HIER for Photos from Ricky Horne Jr./Ringstar Sports
LOS ANGELES (März 28, 2017) – A group of newly-signed Rufen Sie Star Sports talent was on display at the Wild Card Boxing Club in Hollywood Dienstag, as the young fighters participated in a media workout in advance of their respective pro debuts taking placeSonntag, April 9 from The Novo at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles.
Participating in Tuesday’s workout was 2016 U.S.. Olympier Karlos Balderas Santa Maria, Calif., who will make his pro debut in a six-round super featherweight contest featured on the Premier Boxing Champions auf FS1 und FOX Sports im Fernsehen übertragen.
Also working out for the media was 2016 Team Mexico Olympic Bronze medalist Misael Rodriguez, who is trained by Robert Garcia and managed by Abner Mares, 2016 Litauischer Olympiateilnehmer Eimantas Stanionis, who is trained by Freddie Roach and 2016 Mexikanische olympischen Lindolfo Delgado.
Fernsehen Schutz beginnt jeweils mit 9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT and is headlined by former world title challenger Josesito “Riverside Rocky” Lopez battling Mexico’s Saul Corral in einem 10-Runden Showdown, plus unbeaten lightweight Alejandro “El Charro” Monat facing former title challenger Andrej Klimow.
Karten für das Live-Event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports, sind zum Preis von $30 Freie Platzwahl, $60 balcony reserved, $100 VIP balcony reserved and are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased through AXS.com HIER.
Hier ist, was die Teilnehmer zu sagen hatte Dienstag:
KARLOS Balderas
I’ve improved a lot working in the gym. I’m doing a lot of good sparring and strength and conditioning work. We’re training harder but also a lot smarter than ever.
“Ich freue mich sehr auf diesen Kampf. I’ve prepared well. I’m taking this as seriously as a championship fight. You’re going to see a new Karlos Balderas on April 9.
I definitely want to make Los Angeles my home for as many fights as possible. That’s where everything is happening. I want to make Los Angeles mine.
I want to be in exciting fights as a professional. I’m proud of what I did in the amateurs and the Olympics, but I know this is an entirely different game. I’m looking to do even bigger and better things.
I’m going to take it one fight at a time. I want to build a perfect record and build my fan base. I hope to be fighting for a world title in a few years. I know that I have the right team to get me there.
I’m going to try to stay busy and get a fight every two months or so. My last fight was at the Olympics in Rio, but after this one I’ll be ready to stay in training throughout the year.
I’ve known a lot of these other fighters here for a long time from all of the amateur tournaments. It’s nice to see us all coming together now as professionals. In the amateurs people pretty much stay with their own team, but this is the time for us to come together and learn from each other. It’s a great feeling to be a part this.
Everyone knows a Carlos with a ‘C,’ so I wanted to stand out. As a professional and from here on out, I am going to be known as Karlos with a ‘K’.
I feel very strong and I’m excited to get back in the ring. I’m hungry to fight and prove myself in this sport.
I’m looking forward to being in big fights. I know that it takes time. I will get there eventually and become a world champion.
I’ve known Abner Mares for a long time because he was a Mexican Olympian as well and it was an easy decision to have him help me with my career.
I knew after the Olympics that it was time to turn pro. Growing up as a Mexican child, all I wanted was to be a world champion. I want to be a fan-favorite for Mexicans.
Los Angeles is like a second Mexico. It will feel like Mexico to me. I know that I will have a lot of fans coming from my hometown [Chihuahua, Mexiko] to support me. I’m excited to work with Richard and put on more great fights.
I was very excited and eager when I first heard about the opportunity to train with Freddie Roach. I came out to California as soon as I could to start training.
I’m working very hard. I give it my all in training and I leave everything in the gym every single day. I’m just going to keep doing my best.
The Olympics were a very good experience for me. I won a lot of tournaments to get there and that road has led me to this moment.
I met Richard Schaefer at the Olympics and that’s what led to me signing with Ringstar. I’m very happy to be with Richard and I’m excited for this first step.
I want to start making my mark in the welterweight division. This is a division with big stars that I’d love to face one day.
I never thought I would live in Hollywood, but here I am and I love Los Angeles.
I had an awesome experience in the Olympics and it gave me a lot of confidence heading into my pro career. I’m excited to finally be able to enter the ring and I hope all of us Olympians give spectacular performances.
It’s an honor to be turning pro on this same card with my Mexican teammate, Misael Rodriguez. I’m very happy for Karlos and Eimantas too and I look forward to being on more shows with them.
I can’t wait to compete and show off my talent to all the fans. I’m going to keep improving my skills and I believe one day I’ll be able to become another Mexican world champion.
Signing with Ringstar was the best choice that I could have made and I think there will be a lot of success for Ringstar and for me. This will be a great first step.
Richard Schaefer, Vorsitzende & CEO von Ringstar Sport
With Karlos Balderas you have someone with the skills in the ring, the personality and the character outside of the ring as well. The combination of all of this will ultimately, make him the new face of the sport.
There always has to be somebody who carries the Southern California boxing scene. Right now there is a void. I see Karlos very quickly becoming the King of L.A. and become a star in the sport.
This will be a big night for Mexican boxing. Both Misael and Lindolfo have a lot of discipline and worked very hard to earn the opportunity to represent their country and they will bring that work ethic into the pros.
Lindolfo Delgado is the ‘Pretty Boyand I expect him to bring a lot of female fans, while Misael is the first Mexican boxer in 16 Jahre to bring a medal back from the Olympics, which I think is very significant.
Freddie told me that the only other time he saw someone walk through the door with as much natural talent as Stanionis, is when Manny Pacquiao came through that door.
I’m excited for opening night on April 9. It’s the beginning of the next generation of stars. To see them all in one night is going to be very special.
Freddie Roach, Stanionis’ Trainer
This is a great show for the future of boxing. You have four talented Olympians on this show. I can’t wait for Stanionis to show his skills to the world.
Stanionis sparred with five of Miguel Cotto’s sparring partners and he knocked down three of them if that tells you anything about his power.
I just want him to go out there and have some fun and do his job. We’re not going to go out there looking for a first round knockout, but if it comes, that’s a bonus. We’re going to show our skills and win every minute of every round.
ROBERT GARCIA, Rodriguez’s Trainer
I’ve been working with Misael for about three months after Abner brought him to me. With Mexico behind him and winning a bronze medal, that’s huge already. We have a game plan with this kid that we’re going to execute.
Misael was only on the Mexican team for two years. He was the least experienced member of the team. He’s going to get a lot of experience while fighting as a pro.
We’re going to keep him busy and definitely want him fighting in Mexico. He’s going to keep gaining more confidence each time he enters the ring.
Abner Mares, Rodriguez’s Manager
I just wanted to help out Misael on the business side of the sport and that’s why I got involved in his career. I brought him to Robert’s gym to spar and everyone saw that he has a lot of skills.
Being a bronze medalist from Mexico is a big thing to bring into the pros and I think it’s something the Mexican fans can get behind. Misael has room to grow but I believe the skills are there to be a world champion.
I’m hoping to use my experience and my relationships to get him the right fights and put him in a position to reach his full potential.
# # #
Fans können die Kämpfe auf FOX Sports GO Live Stream, in Englisch oder Spanisch durch die FS1 oder FOX Deportes Feeds. Die Kämpfe sind auf Desktop bei FOXSportsGO.com und über den App Store, oder angeschlossene Geräte wie Apple TV, Android TV, Feuer-TV, Xbox One und Roku. Außerdem, Alle Programme sind auch auf FOX Sports auf SiriusXM Kanal verfügbar 83 auf Satellitenradios und auf der SiriusXM App.
Folgen Sie auf TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes UndSwanson_Comm und werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unter www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Rufen Sie Star Sports undwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Höhepunkte verfügbar www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC auf FS1 & FOX Deportes wird gesponsert von Corona Extra, Feinste Bier.

Ringstar Sports Rising Stars Make Their Professional Debuts Sunday, April 9 From The Novo at L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles

2016 Mexikanische olympischen & Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez
Amateur Star Money Powell IV, 2016 Litauischer Olympiateilnehmer
Eimantas Stanionis & 2016 Mexican Olympian Lindolfo Delgado
Enter The Ring in Undercard Action
LOS ANGELES (März 22, 2017) – A host of newly-signed Rufen Sie Star Sports talent will take the stage and make their professional debuts in separate bouts that make up a stacked undercard on Sonntag, April 9 from The Novo at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles.
The decorated amateurs who will turn pro in separate four-round bouts are 2016 Bronzemedaillengewinner Misael Rodriguez, who enters the ring in a middleweight clash, top-rated U.S. Amateur Geld Powell IV, whowill compete in a super welterweight bout, 2016 Litauischer Olympiateilnehmer Eimantas Stanionis, whofights in a welterweight attraction and 2016 Mexikanische olympischen Lindolfo Delgado, whowill battle in lightweight action.
This is going to be a tremendous night from top to bottom as the top talent from Ringstar Sports will begin their quests for superstardom,” sagte Richard Schaefer, Chairman and CEO of RIngstar Sports. “Von 2016 Olympians like Misael Rodriguez, Lindolfo Delgado and Eimantas Stanionis to an accomplished amateur like Money Powell IV, fans at The Novo will be treated to outstanding bouts featuring top talent from start to finish.
Additional action will see former world title challenger and Los Angeles-native Maricela cornejo (6-2, 2 KOs) in a six-round super middleweight bout. The 29-year-old lost a narrow split decision in a middleweight world title fight against Kali Reis last April in New Zealand. Cornejo picked up two wins in the last three months of 2016 and will return seeking another world title opportunity on April 9.
Rounding out the night of fights will be former world title challenger Roberto Marroquin(25-4-1, 18 KOs) in a super featherweight bout, plus exciting prospect Alejandro Guerrero(2-0, 1 KO) in einem Sechs-Runden-Kampf.
Karten für das Live-Event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports, sind zum Preis von $30 Freie Platzwahl, $60 balcony reserved, $100 VIP balcony reserved and are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased through AXS.com HIER.
Die April 9 event is headlined by former world title challenger Josesito “Riverside Rocky” Lopez battling Mexico’s Saul Corral in einem 10-Runden Showdown. Premier Boxing Championsauf FS1 und FOX Sports coverage begins at 9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT and features unbeaten lightweight Alejandro “El Charro” Monat kämpfen Andrej Klimow and the pro debut of 2016 U.S.. Olympier Karlos Balderas in a six-round super featherweight fight.
At last year’s Rio games, der 22-Jährige Rodriguez overcame incredible odds to win the first Olympic boxing medal for Mexico since Christian Bejerano in 2000. The Chihuahua native and his teammates had to resort to begging on public buses and streets in Mexico to raise money to compete in international boxing tournaments. He completed his road to the medal stand by defeating Egypt’s Hosam Bakr Abdin to clinch a medal in the middleweight division.
Born in Germany, where his former boxer father was stationed in the military, Powell IVdedicated himself to boxing for good when his family moved back to the U.S. in 2011. The 19-year-old has quickly made a name for himself since then, gewinnen die 2016 Youth Welterweight National Championship to earn the top ranking in the 152-pound division by USA Boxing. Fighting out of Fort Mitchell, on the state line of Alabama and Georgia, Powell will campaign at super welterweight as a professional.
An accomplished amateur representing Kaunas, Litauen, Stanionis is looking to become the next Eastern European fighter to make a splash in the U.S. The 22-year-old had a 141-19 record as an amateur and earned four senior national championships before winning gold at the European Olympic Qualifier to earn his trip to the 2016 Games. A gold medalist at welterweight at the 2015 European Amateur Boxing Championships, Stanionis hopes to build his way up to contention in one of the premiere division in boxing.
A teammate of Rodriguez on the 2016 Mexikanischen Olympia-Mannschaft, Delgado will now look to accomplish the professional dreams he’s sought since he started boxing at 10 Jahre alt. The 22-year-old would eventually capture gold at the 2016 American Olympic Qualification and earn his trip to Rio. Born in Linares but training in Tijuana, Delgado compiled a 139-15 amateur record that included a victory over former world champion Amnat Ruenroeng.
Der 27-Jährige Marroquin won his first 19 pro fights after a stellar amateur career that culminated in a runner-up performance in the 2007 U.S.. Olympische Studien. The Dallas-native challenged unbeaten Guillermo Rigondeaux for a 122-pound title in 2012 and has picked up victories over Antonio Escalante, Kiun Evans and Miguel Soto since.
Representing Irving, Texas, Krieger made his pro debut on June 25, 2016 in Dallas. The 19-year-old stopped Luis Caballero in his first start and followed it up with a decision over Manuel David Lopez Macias in October.
# # #
Fans können die Kämpfe auf FOX Sports GO Live Stream, in Englisch oder Spanisch durch die FS1 oder FOX Deportes Feeds. Die Kämpfe sind auf Desktop bei FOXSportsGO.com und über den App Store, oder angeschlossene Geräte wie Apple TV, Android TV, Feuer-TV, Xbox One und Roku. Außerdem, Alle Programme sind auch auf FOX Sports auf SiriusXM Kanal verfügbar 83 auf Satellitenradios und auf der SiriusXM App.
Folgen Sie auf TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes UndSwanson_Comm und werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unter www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Rufen Sie Star Sports undwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Höhepunkte verfügbar www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC auf FS1 & FOX Deportes wird gesponsert von Corona Extra, Feinste Bier.