标记档案: 莱克兰

约瑟夫·埃莱格勒 (Joseph Elegele) 在超级拳击冠军主赛中以一致判定战胜菲尔·洛·格雷科 (Phil Lo Greco): 下一轮从莱克兰莱克兰中心反弹, FL

道伦·叶留西诺夫 (Dauren Yeleussinov) 和德沃恩·李 (Devaun Lee) 争夺分歧判定抽签结果
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信贷: 戴夫·纳德卡尼/总理拳击冠军
莱克兰, FL. (六月 13, 2016) – 令人兴奋的超次中量级 约瑟夫·埃莱格勒 (16-2 11 科斯) 展示了他的力量和力量 星期天 在晚上的主要事件 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹电视 当他与 菲尔·洛·格雷科(27-3, 15 科斯) 为 10 在莱克兰的莱克兰中心进行激烈的比赛, FL. 双方都把一切都留在了擂台上, 整场比赛中双方拳脚相加,让观众欲罢不能.
温特黑文附近的埃莱格莱奥夫, FL 向前开始比赛, 多伦多选手洛·格雷科(Lo Greco)的几记连击,为一场激烈的来回战斗奠定了基调,令人惊叹不已. 第二回合比赛开始,洛·格雷科在本回合初期发起进攻, 将埃莱格勒按在绳索上,并继续对他的身体和头部进行拳打脚踢.
尽管被袭击吓了一跳, 埃莱格勒在第二回合的最后几秒强势回归,并从角落里拉开了第三回合的序幕. Lo Greco 仍留在口袋里, 当拳手们来来回回地拳打脚踢时,不害怕继续打出宽左勾拳.
随着战斗的继续, 洛·格列柯 (Lo Greco) 力挺埃莱格勒 (Elegele), 尽管埃莱格勒有四英寸的身高优势,但还是用拳头让他窒息. 但第六回合完全被埃莱格勒控制,他连续出拳,很可能将洛·格雷科打倒在地。. 然而Lo Greco仍然在口袋里. 在第十轮也是最后一轮, 罗希腊走出强劲, 外劳埃莱格勒, 但小于 20 比赛还剩几秒, 埃莱格勒(Elegele)对着绳索连续出拳,打晕了洛·格雷科(Lo Greco). 评委们为本场比赛打分 97-95 和 96-94 两次, 一切为了埃莱格莱, 一致决定获胜者.
第二场电视转播的比赛见证了两位前业余选手的出色表现 Dauren Yeleussinov (5-0-1, 4 科斯) 哈萨克斯坦, 他现在正在布鲁克林之外战斗, 和 Devaun利 (7-2-1, 3 科斯) 皇后, 纽约队在一场八回合的中量级比赛中以平局告终. 叶留西诺夫在第一回合中不失时机地以多次左手投掷拉开了战斗序幕。, 一根对准李的身体,两根对准李的头部.
李安然毫发无伤地逃脱了这一轮,尽管第二轮的大部分时间都在绳索上度过, 他能够放开双手,用多枪接住叶留西诺夫. 30岁的叶留西诺夫第六回合继续进攻, 将李按在绳索上, 再次重拳出击. 裁判对本场比赛的评分为 79-73 叶留西诺夫, 78-74 李和 76-76, 以平局结束比赛.
在开幕电视回合, 澳大利亚前景 史蒂夫·洛维特 (15-1, 12 科斯) 作战 克雷格·贝克 (17-1, 13 科斯) 在一场 10 回合的轻重量级对决中,最终以爆炸性的击倒告终. 贝敦的面包师, 第四轮比赛中,洛维特​​投出一记左勾拳,TX 被罚下场。, 但贝克在整场比赛中表现得更加积极,因为进入第八轮也是最后一轮时,他在裁判的所有三张记分卡上都处于领先地位. 比赛仅剩三秒, 贝克用右手狠狠地将洛维特打倒在地,结束了比赛.
以下是参与者对各自表演的评价 星期天 夜晚:
“我并不感到惊讶,因为他是一位坚强的战士, 他是加拿大人,加拿大战士很坚强. 他来打. 这是一个很好的战斗.
“任何人都很难找到左直行的答案, 但令我惊讶的是他一直走过它.
“我希望这场胜利能让我更上一层楼. 我已准备好迎接顶级战士. 我知道我可以做一些事情, 但我已经准备好迎接顶级战士了.
“我不确定我的左手怎么了. 我扔的时候很疼, 但我是一名战士. 我的人生经历了太多,不能让左手伤害我. 它可能会掉下来,但我仍然会把它扔掉。”
“那是他的家乡. 比分可能会向任何方向发展. 我在第二回合伤害了他. 他出局了,裁判本可以阻止比赛. 这不是借口. 我会和任何人战斗, 随地.
“我觉得我正在推动战斗. 我对这个决定感到失望.
“粉丝们是否想再次见到我取决于他们. 人们看到我会随时随地战斗. 今晚我很享受。”
“我不同意抽签, 我想我赢得了战斗. 我会接受分裂决定. 他工作过, 但我的击球干净利落,而且出拳更重. 我感觉我赢得了这场战斗. 他有力量, 但他的力量不足以阻止我.
“下一个, 我已经准备好迎接他们摆在我面前的一切. 我会再做一次。”
“洛维特是一个坚强的人,也是一个极好的竞争者. 他来上班并测试了我, 所以就是这样, 一.
“这太棒了, 一. 这就是我在健身房流汗、自杀的原因. 这场胜利对我来说意味着整个世界.
“今晚他从未伤害过我. 我们保持耐心,我做我们所做的. 这是我职业生涯最大的胜利, 但在获得冠军之前我不会休息.
“下一个我会和谁战斗. 我很快就会回到健身房,为下一个摆在我面前的人做好准备.
“在超级拳击冠军卡上进行战斗真是太棒了. 我很高兴能得到这个机会,并希望能再次回到 PBC 战斗。”
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该战斗卡由 King's Promotions 推广并由 Corona Extra 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 并使用 #PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 93.5 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 访问 BounceTV.com.
查看《Fight News Unlimited》最近对主要赛事选手的采访:

周日,不败的中量级选手道伦·叶留西诺夫 (Dauren Yeleussinov) 在 Undercard 比赛中对阵重拳出击的德沃恩·李 (Devaun Lee), 六月 12 从莱克兰的莱克兰中心出发, FL

更多! 不败前景哈罗德·卡尔德隆 & 大卫·冈萨雷斯 (David Gonzalez) 参加单独的比赛,作为动作丰富的 Undercard 的一部分
总理拳击冠军: 下一轮 弹跳电视
开始于 9 P.M. AND/PT,
莱克兰, FL. (六月 8, 2016) – 不败 Dauren Yeleussinov (5-0, 4 科斯) 与纽约的战斗 Devaun利 (7-2, 3 科斯) 在一场八回合的中量级比赛中,突出了底牌动作 星期天, 六月 12 从莱克兰的莱克兰中心出发, FL.
六月 12 PBC 的 Bounce 电视节目以令人兴奋的次中量级之间的战斗为标题 菲尔·洛·格雷科 约瑟夫·埃莱格勒. 电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/PT 并将以不败的澳大利亚前景为特色 史蒂夫·洛维特 和强有力的竞争者 克雷格·贝克 在轻重量级对决. PBC – 下一轮 在整个电视转播中,将包括对穆罕默德·阿里及其对拳击的巨大影响的几项特别致敬.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $75, $50 和 $35, 与现已公开发售. 门票可通过访问购买www.thelakelandcenter.com 或致电 888-397-0100 或从莱克兰中心售票处致电 863-834-8111 或访问之间 9:30 A.M. 和 5:30 P.M. 星期一通过 星期五.
其他动作包括不败的迈阿密前景 哈罗德·卡尔德隆 (9-0, 5 科斯) 在六轮初中量级比赛中, 不败的费城前景 大卫·冈萨雷斯 (7-0-2, 2 科斯) 在一场六回合的青少年次中量级比赛中,格罗夫兰, 佛罗里达州 阿莫斯科沃特 (11-1-1, 9 科斯) 在八轮轻量级比赛中 贾斯汀·萨维 (28-5-2, 18 科斯) 出贝宁.
奥兰多的战斗之夜圆满结束 克里斯蒂安·卡马乔(Christian Camacho) (1-1) 对老将 安东尼Napunyi (14-19, 7 科斯) 在四轮羽量级比赛中, 奥兰多前景 克雷格·邓肯 (5-1-1, 4 科斯) 在与不败的迈阿密本地人的六回合超中量级比赛中 维克多·达罗查 (7-0-1, 6 科斯) 以及 Lakeland 的职业首秀 伊曼纽尔·贝尔穆德斯 针对 兰迪·赫德里克斯 (0-5) 四轮次中量级倾斜.
来自贝雷齐诺的经验丰富的业余爱好者, 哈萨克斯坦, 叶留西诺夫现在在布鲁克林进行比赛,他在那里担任中量级世界冠军丹尼尔·雅各布斯的陪练伙伴. 自从转为职业选手在 2014, 这位30岁的球员已经在远处阻止了他的五个对手中的四个. 他将迎战皇后区本地人李,后者连续战胜了之前不败的拳手,包括三月战胜克里斯·加莱亚诺(Chris Galeano).
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 并使用 #PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV.PBC on Bounce 由 Corona Extra 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 93.5 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.

Beat the Streets Announces Man of the Year Award for Kyle Snyder and Lifetime Achievement Award for Ray Lewis among 2016 Gala Award Winners

National and local wrestlers and coaches to be honored at 2016 “United in the Square” Gala Celebration in Times Square on Thursday May 19

纽约, 五月 10, 2016 – Beat the Streets is pleased to announce that it will be presenting its 2016 Man of the Year award to champion international wrestler Kyle Snyder and its Lifetime Achievement Award to former NFL star Ray Lewis at its annual Gala celebration in Times Square on 星期四, 五月 19.

Kyle Snyder became the youngest American to win a Senior World title when he captured the 97 kg gold medal at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas at age 19. Snyder came out of Olympic redshirt and won the 2016 NCAA Wrestling Championships in Madison Square Garden as a sophomore for Ohio State, defeating two-time NCAA champion Nick Gwiazdowski of NC State in a classic heavyweight finals. 在四月份, Snyder defeated 2012 Olympic champion Jake Varner in the finals of the U.S. Olympic Team Trials to earn a spot on the 2016 中美. Olympic Team at the age of 20. 在 2014, Snyder was selected to represent Team USA as the youngest-ever member of the Beat the Streets All-Star team.

Ray Lewis is the former linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, two-time Super Bowl Champion, and 2000’s Super Bowl MVP. He was an All-American linebacker and a wrestling star at Kathleen High School in Lakeland, 佛罗里达. He has received numerous awards and honors throughout his 17-year career with the Ravens, becoming the team’s all-time career leader in tackles. Lewis will be the Honorary Coach of the USA team at United in the Square.

Beat the Streets will also be awarding a number of New York City wrestlers and coaches in recognition of their achievements in the past year:

Junior League Girls Wrestler of the Year: Chloe Cabrera, MS 129, 布朗克斯
Cabrera is a three-year middle-school wrestler who has stood out every season. Her accomplishments include her three times as Junior League Champion and being a member of the National Junior Honor Society for the past two years. She attends clinics at Beat the Streets and travels in the spring with Head Girls Coach Jacque Davis to out-of-state tournaments. As one of her supporters puts it, “she is always trying to better herself as a wrestler and has a bright future.”

Junior League Boys Wrestler of the Year: Jayden Cardenas, MS 582, 布鲁克林
Cardenas is from MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been wrestling for five years. He was the NYC City Champion and USA Wrestling Kids State Champion this year. Cardenas credits his family, 教练, and supporters with giving him the drive to stay committed to the sport. He aspires to compete on his high school team and eventually wrestle in the Olympics, winning many more gold medals.

Female Student-Athlete of the Year: Dennielle Phillip, Wingate Educational Campus, 布鲁克林
Phillip has been wrestling for almost three years and already made quite an impact. She placed first at the Mohawk Valley tournament and also won the coveted PSAL Yankee Award. Phillip says that wrestling has opened many doors for her and helped her to become a more confident person. She plans to continue wrestling in college and pursue her studies in criminal justice.

Male Student-Athlete of the Year: Evan McFarland, Tottenville High School, 斯塔滕岛
McFarland is an Eagle Scout and captain of his wrestling team at Tottenville High School. He is a member of the National Honors Society and involved in numerous volunteering activities, including Habitat for Humanity and the March of Dimes walk. “‘Resilient’ might be the best word to describe Evan,” said his Coach, John Cichon. “Leadership, 字符, 奉献, and time management are some of Evan’s best qualities that he shares unknowingly with everyone he comes in contact with.” He hopes to become an engineer to best make a positive change in the world.

GRIT Award: Rachel Koltsov, The Bronx High School of Science
Koltsov is the captain of the Bronx Science Blended and female wrestling team and has been a member of the team for four yearsdating back to when it was an all-boys team. She was instrumental in the team’s victory at the PSAL Blended Wrestling Championship. From her three years wrestling, she finds that the sport has helped teach her a great deal of discipline and responsibility. Koltsov is known for being a hard worker and having an outstanding, personable character. She plans to continue wrestling in college while pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering.

LADY LIBERTY Award: Aileen Gonzalez, Brooklyn Technical High School
As a NYC high school boys coach said of this Brooklyn Tech veteran, “I’m glad my boys do not have to wrestle her next year.” Gonzalez won the Girls City Championship and placed fourth in Boys City Championship. Gonzalez likes to be pushed to the limit and aspiresafter winning the team city championshipsto attend and graduate college. The Lady Liberty Award is specifically given to a senior NYC female wrestler who has stood as a beacon of opportunity and promise, representing all that is strong and proud about the city’s women’s wrestling culture.

ATLAS Award and Become Your Own Dream Scholarship: Leonard Merkin, Poly Prep Country Day School, 布鲁克林
Merkin has made his mark at Poly Prep Country Day School by becoming a four-time NYS Private School Champion. The Atlas Award is given to a senior NYC wrestler who has picked up wrestling on his back and carried it into new territory, set new standards, and advanced the legacy of Beat the Streets. He has received All-American honors and will soon be wrestling for Princeton. Merkin is also the winner of the Become Your Own Dream Scholarship, which is given annually to a New York City student-athlete who has overcome obstacles, felt hardship, and plans to continue wrestling in college.

Junior League Coach of the Year: Michael Wurmbrand, MS 582, 布鲁克林
Wurmbrand is the head coach of MS 582 Upper Ten Eyck and has been involved in the sport for ten years. He’s committed to wrestling because it shows clear transformations in students’ behavior, 态度, and leadership with their teammates and in the classroom. Wurmbrand has done a good job maintaining a sizable team at a small school and looks forward to future changes now that he’s able to start training younger student-athletes in elementary school.

High School Assistant Coach of the Year: Anthony Mirra, Tottenville High School, 斯塔滕岛
Mirra has been actively involved in Tottenville’s wrestling program since he was a student-athlete himself. He admits the sport for helping to make kids tougher mentally, emotionally and physically. As the lightweight coach, Mirra has helped to produce at least one Mayor’s Cup champion and at least one city champion every year. This past season, he saw six individuals crowned at the city championships and represent Tottenville at the state tournament in Albany, which has never been done by a large school’s team before. As one supporter said of Mirra, “his dedication does not end when practice endshe is the coach that wrestlers confide in when they are struggling.”

Girls High School Coach of the Year: Theodore Cook, Harry S. Truman High School, 布朗克斯
A veteran of wrestling with over twenty years of experience, Cook has inspired a number of students with his coaching abilities. He’s widely respected for pushing his girls on the team that he started out of their comfort zones and daring them to try their hardest. “He is not afraid to go above and beyond to make sure his team reaches their full potential,” said one student. Another writes: “I can honestly said Coach Cook is probably the most trustworthy and reliable person I know.” Several of his supporters praise him as a father figure who helps lift everyone’s spirits and inspires the girls with life lessons.

Boys High School Coach of the Year: Peter Cardone, William Cullen Bryant High School, 皇后
Coach Cardone has made the most of having a dedicated wrestling room at WC Bryant High School and turned a program on the brink into city champions. Cardone’s leadership, with the help of coaches Joe Goetz and Joseph Weinstein, grew his team from fifteen wrestlers to fifty-five. Cardone has overseen numerous accomplishments during his time with the school, including the NYC Freshman and Sophomore Title and becoming undefeated Region 4 Division Champions. “He has changed the lives of many wrestlers in the school by being with them through both good and hard times as a friend and a coach.”

Volunteer of the Year: David Prado
Prado has been involved in wrestling since he was in elementary school and attended Arizona State on an athletic scholarship. He is committed to the sport because it has given him so much success and opportunity throughout his life that he seeks to “pay it forward” to other kids whenever possible. He shows tireless dedication to the cause of Beat the Streets, volunteering at practices several days a week.

The Beat the Streets gala is an annual fundraiser that raises money to support New York City student-athletes, having previously been hosted in such iconic locations as Times Square and Grand Central Terminal. The gala helps provide wrestling equipment and opportunities to 3,000 kids across the five boroughs every year. This year’s celebration, “United in the Square,” will see some of America’s top wrestlers, including Jordan Burroughs and Adeline Gray, going up against world-class competition from Iran, 加拿大, and South Korea. The gala begins at 3:45 PM星期四, 五月 19 with exhibition matches featuring young wrestlers from NYC before the world class wrestling matches begin at 6:00 PM. Tickets for seating in Times Square and attendance at the post-match reception are available on the Beat the Streets website. The event will be streaming live on FloWrestling.

击败街道的使命是发展城市青年的充满人性和运动潜能,并加强纽约市摔跤文化. BTSW直接与纽约市教育局在公共和私营部门的伙伴关系,帮助纽约市的学生运动员实现他们的个人和运动目标. 通过对摔跤项目在初中和高中在五个区的操作, BTSW和美国能源部提供安全, 积极的氛围中,弱势群体和边缘青少年可以学习强身健体的基本生活技能, 合作, 和自强. 培育强的目标, 专用, 乐观的孩子是通过提供教练, 课后计划, 和夏令营. 更多信息可以在这里找到 www.btsny.org.


Undefeated Contender Kanat Islam Stops Colombia’s Jesus De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round On Bounce TV from The Lakeland Center in Lakeland, 佛罗里达

Miguel Cruz Wins Narrow Split Decision Over Samuel Figueroa in
Competitive Battle of Undefeated Prospects
Super Featherweight Dennis Galarza Earns Decision Over Mexico’s
Yardley Suarez in Opening Bout
点击 这里 for Photos from Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
莱克兰, FLORIDA (五月 9, 2016) – Undefeated contender Kanat Islam (21-0, 18 科斯) stopped Colombia’s Jesus De Angel (18-4-1, 17 科斯) in the sixth round of星期天 night’s main event on 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮 弹跳电视 从莱克兰的莱克兰中心出发, 佛罗里达.
The rising 154-pounder from Kazakhstan stopped his ninth straight opponent inside the distance when De Angel fell to the canvas twice in round six prompting referee Telis Assimenios to halt the bout 22 秒到圆.
De Angel appeared to succumb to an ankle injury while taking a step backward that forced him to drop to the canvas. Islam sensed his moment and pounced on the injured brawler to put an end to the bout quickly. De Angel was taken to the emergency room after the fight due to the in-ring injury.
一 2004 奥运会铜牌得主, Islam was able to navigate around the four-inch reach advantage owned by De Angel and control the fight with his athleticism and powerful right hand. His first headlining appearance was a successful one as he looks to continue to climb the ladder towards a world title.
The co-main event of the evening saw 米格尔·克鲁兹 (13-0, 11 科斯) take home a split decision victory over 塞缪尔·菲格罗亚 (10-1, 4 科斯) in an eight-round back-and-forth battle of unbeaten welterweight prospects.
The friends turned rivals brought the action from the beginning as the smaller southpaw Figueroa aggressively attacked the body of Cruz in early exchanges. Cruz’s timing improved as the fight went on and his combinations began to land and stunt the attack of Figueroa.
Some of the best back-and-forth action came in round six as both fighters had found their way through the opponent’s defense. Cruz used his length to beat Figueroa to the punch, but Figueroa continued to throw punches and do plenty of damage throughout the heated final stanzas.
In a fight that appeared to be an even affair, the judges scores were 77-75 for Figueroa and 78-74 和 77-75 for Cruz to give him the split decision.
在转播的开幕回合, 超羽量级 丹尼斯Galarza (13-1, 8 科斯) won his eighth straight fight as he defeated durable Mexican Yardley Suarez (15-4, 9 科斯) over eight hard fought rounds.
Galarza used his length advantage to break Suarez down with his jab and penetrate his defense with various combinations. The Brooklyn-born fighter now training out of Orlando dominated the first half of the fight on his way to the unanimous decision.
Suarez began to pick up the action in the second half of the fight landing several hard punches and challenging Galarza to exchange in the middle of the ring in round five. He landed perhaps the best combination of the fight in round six with a pair of punches that sent Galarza into retreat mode for the remainder of the round.
Overall it was Galarza’s output that proved to be the biggest difference as he threw 421 punches to Suarez’s 305 on his way to a 117-99 优势降落拳. 法官’ 得分 77-75 和 78-74 twice for Galarza.
这里是战士不得不说 星期天 夜晚:
It felt good to go to (六) rounds to get the win. My last few opponents didn’t put up a fight and challenge me. My team wanted to test me and everything went to plan for what I wanted to do in the ring.
I boxed, I used my feet, I moved in and out, I set up my power punches and I was able to finish him off. I hope he’s OK, I know it’s hard to fight with an injury. I hope he recovers soon.
I saw he was beginning to get tired around round four and knew I had him hurt. That’s when I started hitting him with harder punches. I did the work I wanted to do, and then I wanted to finish him.
There were a lot of fans from the Kazakhstan community here, a lot of fans who traveled from far places to see me fight. That meant a lot to me. I wanted to make sure they got to see everything I can do in the ring. Now I want them to see me win a world title this year.
I feel like I can come back 明天. I don’t want any longer breaks in my career. I want big fights. Who are the champions? That is who I want to fight.
I know that I won the fight in the end, but it was a hard fight, a very tough fight. I was landing the cleaner shots but there were times where he was putting the pressure on me. He hurt me with body shots and he actually managed to hurt me in the last round with a right hook. I recognized when he hurt me and I hit him and hurt him right back. I had him hurt a couple of times.
I knew he was a tough guy from when we fought in the amateurs and from when we sparred together. He made me bring something out of me that I didn’t even know I had and I appreciate him for that.
This was the toughest fight of my career. 现在, I want to rest and relax, but within the next 2-3 months I’ll start looking at the guys that can get me closer to a world title.
The fight’s over, we can absolutely go back to being friends. 它的业务. They told us we had to fight each other. We’re better fighters for it and now it’s over and back to the way it was between us as far as I’m concerned.
I didn’t think Miguel won the fight but that’s how the judges seen that. I don’t know how, but I can’t do anything about that. The first rounds I hit him clear in the face, Miguel only caught me with a couple of clean shots but I was catching a lot of his punches with my hands and elbows. I don’t know how I lost this fight.
I love fighting unbeaten opponents. I train with champions in the gym, I have the resources to get me ready for these fights.
Yes of course we go back to being friends. Nothing personal. He’s my friend. We’re cool.
It felt good to go eight rounds. I didn’t mind going rounds, although I wanted to take him out. He was throwing a lot of wild shots just looking to catch me with a lucky blow. He caught me with some good shots but he never had me hurt. I train with southpaws all the time and was ready for anything Yardley Suarez had to offer.
I want to come back as soon as possible. Whatever my team has in store for me, 我会做好准备。”
I had him hurt but feel like I let the opportunity get away from me. 我不够忙; I need to let my hands go more. My corner told me that I needed a knockout to win. I went for it, but I couldn’t slow him down and land enough punches.
I want to stay on this level, I could have done more but know that I can compete with the best.
# # #
PBC: The Next Round on Bounce TV was promoted by King’s Promotions.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 并使用 #PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions万维网.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 93.5 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

Back with Marshall Kauffman, Featherweight Dat Nguyen has title aspirations

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Kanat Islam Battles Colombia’s Juan De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: 下一轮反弹电视, TONIGHT, 五月 8 From Lakeland Events Center in Lakeland, 佛罗里达
更多! Unbeaten Prospects Miguel Cruz & Samuel Figueroa Go Toe-To-Toe While Hard-Hitting Dennis Galarza Takes On Mexico’s Yardley Suarez

莱克兰, FLA. (五月 8, 2016) – TONIGHT莱克兰, 佛罗里达, featherweight阮逸 returns to the ring after a 31-month layoff when he takes on 古斯塔沃·莫利纳 (22-10, 9 KO的)

在主要事件, unbeaten super welterweight and Olympic Bronze medalist Kanat Islam (20-0, 17 科斯) will take on Colombian brawler 胡安·德·安吉尔 (18-3-1, 17 科斯) 在10轮的主要事件 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮弹跳电视 taking place Sunday, 五月 8 from Lakeland Events Center in Lakeland, 佛罗里达.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $100, $75 和 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可通过访问购买 万维网.thelakelandcenter.com 或致电 888-397-0100 或从莱克兰中心售票处致电 863-834-8111 或访问之间 9:30 A.M. 和 5:30 P.M. 星期一 通过 星期五.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/PT and features a pair of exciting undercard battles as unbeaten prospects 米格尔·克鲁兹 (12-0, 11 科斯) 和 塞缪尔·菲格罗亚(10-0, 4 科斯) compete in an eight-round super welterweight showdown while featherweight prospect 丹尼斯Galarza (12-1, 8 科斯) 面对墨西哥 Yardley Suarez (15-3, 9 科斯) 在八轮较量.

Nguyen of Vero Beach, Florida hasn’t had the typical layoff of getting out of shape and thinking about missed opportunities.

I have been training the whole time. I own a gym here in Vero Beach and I have been training people for the past six years, so I have been in shape. Sure it is not professional competition but I am able to stay busy and am ready for the fight 星期日,” said Nguyen. “I haven;t fought in a while, but I have no fear of ring rust. I been sparring and going through boxing techniques the whole time.
Nguyen was cruising along as a heralded prospect at 11-0 before losing a split decision to Gregorio Torres. Nguyen then won six straight before dropping back to back fights to Luis Del Valle and future world title challenger Jayson Velez.
The first loss was a bad decision. The second loss, I was so winded after five rounds that I don’t know what happened. The third loss to Velez, I also thought that I won that fight. I just think under better circumstances that I would have won those fights. I know a lot of good stuff was said about me on the way up and I still think that I am championship material. I just have not had that opportunity.
To gain that opportunity, Nguyen turned to the man, who turned him professional twelve years ago in King’s Promotions Marshall Kauffman.
Marshall is a father figure to me. He trained me in 2004 和 twelve years later I am back with him. I have learned the business and now I am with a good promoter. If I would have stayed with Marshall, I would be world champion. I have the skills and Marshall knows boxing. Now that I am back with him, he will get me that opportunity. I live a clean and healthy life and now it is time that I reach my potential as a boxer.


在八轮较量, Alantez福克斯 (18-0, 7 KO的) Forestville的, MD takes on 米尔顿·努涅斯 (35-15-1, 29 KO的) 巴兰基亚, COL in a middleweight bout.


安东尼奥·塔弗JR. (3-0, 2 KO的) 坦帕, FL会打 Jose Cortez (1-1) of West Palm Beach, FL in a middleweight bout.

In a junior welterweight battle, 内斯特布拉沃 (5-0, 5 KO的) 打架 Daniel Lorenzano(4-7-1, 2 KO的) 迈阿密, FL.
Efrain Cruz (4-0-1, 1 KO) of Vieques, PR会打 欧文·埃尔南德斯 (3-14-2, 1 KO) 卡瓜斯的, PR in a junior welterweight bout.
Botirsher Obdidov (4-0-1, 1 KO) 基西米, FL take on Hakeem Atkinson (2-2, 2 KO的) 亚特兰大, GA in a super middleweight bout.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 并使用 #PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.

弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 93.5 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.

对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

Rising Undefeated Middleweight Alantez Fox Battles Colombian Veteran Milton Nunez in Undercard Action On Sunday, 五月 8 从莱克兰的莱克兰中心出发, 佛罗里达

更多! Unbeaten Prospects Antonio Tarver Jr., Nester Bravo & Antonio Williams Featured On Stacked Undercard
PBC: 下一轮 on Bounce TV and BounceTV.com
Begins AT 9 P.M. AND/PT
莱克兰, FLORIDA (五月 5, 2016) – Unbeaten rising middleweight contenderAlantez福克斯 (18-0, 7 科斯) will square-off against Colombian brawler 米尔顿·努涅斯 (32-15-1, 29 科斯) in an eight-round middleweight attraction that headlines undercard action on Sunday, 五月 8 从莱克兰的莱克兰中心出发, 佛罗里达.
五月 8 event is headlined by undefeated super welterweight Kanat Islam 承担哥伦比亚 胡安·德·安吉尔 在主要事件 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹电视 BounceTV.com. 电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/PT and features a pair of exciting undercard battles as unbeaten prospects 米格尔·克鲁兹 (12-0, 11 科斯) 和 塞缪尔·菲格罗亚 (10-0, 4 科斯) do battle while featherweight prospect 丹尼斯Galarza (12-1, 8 科斯) 面对墨西哥 Yardley Suarez (15-3, 9 科斯).
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $100, $75 和 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可通过访问购买www.thelakelandcenter.com 或致电 888-397-0100 或从莱克兰中心售票处致电 863-834-8111 或访问之间 9:30 A.M. 和 5:30 P.M. Monday through 星期五.
Additional action inside of the arena will feature the son of former champion Antonio Tarver, 安东尼奥·塔弗JR. (3-0, 2 科斯), in a four-round middleweight contest against West Palm Beach’s Jose Cortez (1-1), unbeaten junior welterweight prospect Nester Bravo (5-0, 5 科斯) of Puerto Rico taking on Miami’s Daniel Lorenzano (4-7-1, 2 科斯) in a four-round bout and unbeaten Fort Lauderdale-prospect Antonio Williams (3-0, 3 科斯) in a four-round featherweight bout against Puerto Rico’s 路易斯·奥尔蒂斯 (3-20).
Rounding out the night of fights is Vietnamese-born Florida native 阮逸 (17-3, 6 科斯) in a six-round featherweight contest against Fort Meyers-product 耶稣花 (8-16-1, 1 KO), undefeated Puerto Rican Efrain Cruz (4-0-1, 1 KO) against fellow Puerto Rican-native 欧文·埃尔南德斯 (3-14-2, 1 KO) in a four-round junior welterweight affair and the pro debut of West Palm Beach’s Daruma Almenarez in a four-round middleweight bout against Zarief Brand.
A tall fighter at six-feet, five-inches with a 79-inch reach 狐狸 is looking to take advantage of his outstanding physical skills on his path towards a world title. 之后 165-35 amateur career the Forestville, Maryland-native turned pro in 2010 and is yet to taste defeat. The 24-year-old had a big 2015 as he began the year defeating previously unbeaten Patrick Day by decision before stopping Franklin Gonzalez, Guillermo Valdes, Eric Mitchell and Todd Manuel. The 28-year-old veteran Nunez from Barranquilla, Colombia has won four fights in a row by knockout heading into the May 8 摊牌.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @BounceTV, @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 并使用 #PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions万维网.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 93.5 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

不败Radivoje Kalajdzic以标题“炸弹客场4″

October 10 Fight Poster.jpg
莱克兰, FL (九月 17, 2015) - 不败轻重量级Radivoje“热棒”Kalajdzic将标题疯狂完整性搏击运动’ “炸弹客场4” 星期六, 十月 10 在佛罗里达州奥兰治活动中心的莱克兰.
门票为“炸弹客场4” $30 一般入学和 $60 对于VIP. 他们现在都可以 Madbombsaway4.bpt.me 或访问原子纹身在湖区和牛头犬拳击 & 健身坦帕. 所有的VIP票持有人 21 岁及以上的将获得免费啤酒酿造中心. 门开处 6:30 下午 定于开盘 7. 在此之前的主要事件, 美国偶像决赛选手杰里米·罗萨会唱国歌.
出生于波斯尼亚, Kalajdzic搬到圣. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达州在 1998 并呼吁它曾经他的家,因为. 最简单地称为“热棒”, 24岁的他的职业首演 2011 下面简单介绍一下业余生涯,并一直不折不扣的轰动. 一个有才华的拳击手,冲床用大量难得的能力, Kalajdzic是 19-0 同 12 胜淘汰赛,并拥有令人印象深刻的胜利结束前的竞争者奥蒂斯格里芬以及莱昂内尔·汤普森.
我们很高兴能有热棒争取我们疯狂的完整性扑灭体育乔伊Orduna说“. “我有看他打前的快乐和他有大量的人才. 他是不是怕我赞扬他是一个挑战,我的媒人是在寻找一个优质的对手为他在我们发言正与DiBella娱乐. 热棒是一个伟大的除了这个令人兴奋的卡,绝对值得的门票价格。“
WAUCHULA, 佛罗里达州的鲁本“奇诺”Ozuna被提名为满足精明的老将鲍比·希尔密西西比在晚上的半主要事件. Ozuna, 4-1, 有球迷友好的风格,将有一大群支持者支持他为这个轻量级比赛中. 一个拳击的真正的硬汉, 希尔的过程中遇到了一些顶级战斗机他 28 拼事业.
迈阿密当地阿曼多“君子”阿尔瓦雷斯把他的 7-0 分类账上线的时候,他遇到了杰克逊​​的同胞阳光之州的拳师胡安·阿吉雷在超次中量级较量.
托莱多重量级保罗“按次收费”帕克, OH返回到环在一个特殊的吸引力回合对对手待定. 帕克的最后两场胜利通过停工来攻击敌人用组合 12-1 纪录,但他期待从六月TKO击败维亚切斯拉夫·Shabranskyy反弹.
在四个回合的undercard较量, 拉斐尔坦帕“Junito”里维拉面对奥兰多魔术队的克利夫兰麦克林, 昆西, 佛罗里达州的莱昂纳多Kenon信息包广场关闭对格鲁吉亚本地格雷格·福斯特和家乡的喜爱Leanthony湖区的“TYGA”弗莱明将测试自己的才华与路易斯安那州的兰迪Heddrick. 东篱“无情”拉米雷斯, 克里斯蒂娜·斯旺森,Campfort, 迈克尔·吉兰, “国王”Kenmon埃文斯和Ricky“牛仔”汤姆林森都将出现打击对手被公布.
更多信息将在不久的球迷能跟上疯狂的完整性访问 HTTPS://www.facebook.COM / MadIntegrityFightSports.

疯狂的完整性扑灭体育推出“炸弹客场4”十月 10 莱克兰!

Mad Integrity Logo.png
莱克兰, FL (九月 2, 2015) - 疯狂的完整性扑灭体育返回莱克兰与行动包装卡 星期六, 十月 10 在佛罗里达州奥兰治活动中心.
该卡将有一批坚实的地方冉冉升起的新星在激动人心的比赛跌宕. $30 一般取和 $60 VIP tickets for this family friendly event are on sale at Madbombsaway4.bpt.me 或访问原子纹身在湖区和牛头犬拳击 & 健身坦帕. 所有的VIP票持有人 21 岁及以上的将获得免费啤酒酿造中心. 门开处 6:30 下午 定于开盘 7:30.
在晚上的重头戏, 轻量级前景鲁“奇诺”Ozuna战斗 28 密西西比斗争的老将鲍比·希尔. Ozuna, 4-1, 新鲜掀起了惊心动魄的slugfest与Yasmani Calzadilla,他来到了画布上碾出的决定. 流行沃楚拉, 佛罗里达州本地会为他的四连胜,并会在一大群支持者面前这样做. 最佳定义为无畏, 希尔的争夺了许多著名的战斗机,包括世界冠军何塞Benavidez, 梅森梅纳尔, 安东尼奥·卡普林, 巴哈mamadjonov, Devonte威廉姆斯, 拉沙德Ganaway和卡里姆·马丁内斯等等.
不败超次中量级阿曼多“君子”阿尔瓦雷斯风险他 7-0 针对杰克逊的胡安·阿吉雷在一个回合的阳光之州吹牛的权利记录.
前足球明星转身量级前景Leanthony“TYGA”弗莱明面临铁chinned兰迪Heddrick. 弗莱明, 谁的生活和战斗了莱克兰, 踢足球的库茨敦大学和中央康涅狄格州立受伤之前出轨的烤架他的职业生涯.
在四个回合的undercard较量, 拉斐尔坦帕“Junito”里维拉面对奥兰多魔术队的克利夫兰麦克林和昆西, 佛罗里达州的莱昂纳多Kenon信息包广场关闭对格鲁吉亚本地格雷格·福斯特. 保罗“按次收费”帕克, “国王”Kenmon埃文斯, 瑞奇 Cowboy” 汤姆林森和花托“无情”拉米雷斯都将出现打击对手被公布.
我们很高兴在湖区另一个节目,“疯狂的诚信搏击运动的乔伊Orduna说. “我们在五月获得了很大的反响,从我们的最后一场演出. 战士和球迷双双询问我们的下一张牌几乎立即. 我期待一些在此卡上barburners的,因为我们已经得到了很多当地人期待证​​明自己. 莱克兰也是一个伟大的位置,因为它是坦帕和奥兰多之间. Tickets start at $30 所以一定要带全家!”
其他较量将于短期内公布和更新也可通过去 HTTPS://www.facebook.com/MadIntegrityFightSports.