Yorliq Archives: Keyt Veltre

Multi-World boxing champion Amanda Serrano to headline iKON 7 MMA tadbir

Las Vegas, (May 20, 2021) – Multiple World boxing champion Amanda "Real afzali" Serrano irodasi sarlavha belgisi 7, presented by iKON Fighting Federation, the mixed-martial-arts division of Roy Jones Jr. Boks, Iyun 11th at Benito Juarez Auditorium in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Meksika.

belgisi 7 will be streamed live and exclusively JUNE 11 UFC FIGHT PASS -da®, da boshlangan 10 p.m. VA / 7 p.m. PT. UFC FIGHT PASS-da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati, tashrif buyuring www.ufcfightpass.com yoki UFC dasturini yuklab oling.

Puerto Rico native Serrano, Bruklin chiqib jang, Nyu York, hisoblanadi 1-0-1 in mixed-martial-arts competition. She will face pro-debuting Valentia Garcia, Meksika, ichida belgisi 7asosiy voqea. One of the greatest female boxers of all-time, Serrano is a 10-time, 7-divizion bo'yicha jahon chempioni, who sports a remarkable 40-1-1(30 Rag'batlantirgan) pro rekord.

“We are thrilled to have Amanda Serrano headlining our card,” iKON Fighting Federation president Keyt Veltre dedi. “She is a great boxing champion, one of the all-time best, who is going to make waves in MMA. She can really fight! Her fight is also a continuation of the terrific Puerto Rico versus Mexico sports rivalry.”

Co-xususiyatli taqdirda, Las Vegas fighter Johnny “The Paradox” Parsons (6-2-0, belgisi: 2-0-0) Yuzlari Ricardo “Woody” Chavez (5-1-0), Meksika, at a 175-pound catchweight.

Undefeated Tucson welterweight Pit "O'lik o'yin" Rodrigez, a familiar iKON fighter, goes for his fourth straight victory without a lossall in iKON competition – versus Mexican opponent Roberto “Pixley 2B” Pixley (5-1-0).

Scheduled to fight on the undercard is Yakima, Washington featherweight Jorge “The Natural” Alcala (4-1-0) va boshqalar. Sergio “The Animal” Cortez (3-2-0), Hong Kong female featherweight Ramona Pasqual (4-2-0) va boshqalar. pro-debuting Guadalupe Guzman, Miami by way of Egypt welterweight Manmoud Sebie va boshqalar. Enrique Hernandez in a battle of pro-debuting fighters, pro-debuting female flyweights Rosselyn Chavira, Tucson (THE) va Sofia Salacar, and Mexican featherweights Luis “Mano” Garcia (1-2, belgisi: 1-1-0) va boshqalar. pro-debuting Angel Rivera.

Karta o'zgarishi mumkin.


Websites: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

10 iyun kuni rjj boks kartochkasida Meksikaning eng yaxshi istiqbollari namoyish etildi

Jonli efirda va eksklyuziv ravishda UFC FIGHT PASS® orqali Meksikadan

Las Vegas, (May 13, 2021) — UFC FIGHT PASS® da RJJ boksi, Roy Jons tomonidan taqdim etilgan, Jr. Boks aktsiyalari va De La O aktsiyalari, payshanba kuni Meksikaga qaytadi, 10 iyun, Meksikaning eng yaxshi boks istiqbollarini namoyish etish uchun.

Barcha harakatlar jonli efirda va faqat UFC FIGHT PASS orqali namoyish etiladi®, jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati, da boshlangan 10 p.m. VA / 7 p.m. Los Mochis shahridagi Benito Xuarez auditoriyasidan PT, Sinaloa, Meksika. UFC FIGHT PASS-da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com

«RJJ Boxing Meksikadagi eng yaxshi istiqbollarni namoyish etishda davom etmoqda,”RJJ Boxing bosh direktori / asoschilaridan biriKeyt Veltre dedi. «Meksika boksining kelajagi UFC FIGHT PASS-da yana bir bor harakatga keladi. Biz pandemiya paytida targ'ibotni COVID-19 protokollariga rioya qilish orqali davom ettirishga muvaffaq bo'ldik, Emanuel Romo bilan ishlash (Aktsiyalar haqida), o'zlarini bag'ishlagan xodimlar va Meksikadan tashqarida boks olamida o'zini ko'rsatishga intilgan yosh jangchilar ».

Asosiy voqea 23 yoshli meksikalikni super o'rta vaznga bag'ishlaydiManuel "El Meno" Gallegos (17-1, 15 KOS) Las-Vegasdagi raqibiga qarshi o'yin o'tkazdi, Kevin "Ikkinchi kelgan" Nyuman (11-2-1, 6 KOS), 10 raundlik bahsda.

Gallegos, kim to'xtadi 15 uning raqiblarini pf 17 pro g'olib, O'tgan yilning oktyabr oyida professional sifatida o'zining yagona yo'qotishidan qutulmoqda, 8 raundlik bir ovozdan qaror qabul qilish yo'li bilan 10-1-1 (7 KOS) Oziel santoyo.  Gallegosning bugungi kunga qadar eng ta'sirli g'alabasi 37-7 ustidan 8 raundlik yakdil qaror bo'ldiMarko Reyes.  Xafa bo'lgan Nyuman so'nggi beshta jangining to'rttasida g'alaba qozondi.

Co-xususiyatli taqdirda, Jahon boks tashkiloti (WBO) Latino yarim engil vazn chempioniAlan "Kaxarro" Solis (13-0-1, 7 KOS), Hammasi eng No. 12 WBO tomonidan, o'zining yosh pro karerasidagi eng qiyin sinovga duch keladi, Pablo "Diamente" Robles (14-2, 9 KOS), 10 raundda, unvon bo'lmagan kurash. Solis, shuningdek, Meksikadan, Meksikadagi RJJ Boxing kartalari bo'yicha yarim muntazam jangchiga aylandi.

Meksikalik muxlislarning yana bir sevimlisi, Jahon boks kengashi (WBC) Yengil vaznda yoshlar o'rtasida kumush chempioniLuis "Koreano" Torres (11-0, 8 KOS) meksikalikning yuzi, Diego "Pato" Eligio (20-5-1, 8 KOS), 10 vaznli maxsus engil vaznli attraktsionda. 19 yoshli Torres Meksikadagi UFC FIGHT PASS-dagi RJJ Boxingning yana bir tanish jangchisi.

Karta o'zgarishi mumkin. Tez orada qo'shimcha janglar e'lon qilinadi.


Websites:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ROY JONES JR, Boks bo'yicha aktsiyalar: Yilda tashkil etilgan 2013 10 karra jahon chempioni Roy Jons tomonidan, Jr. va Kit Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions kompaniyasi boksni qayta kashf etish yo'lida.  RJJ bir necha qisqa yillar ichida boks jamoatchiligiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  UFC Fight Pass uchun quvnoq kontent yaratish, CBS sport, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN va beIN Sports mamlakatning eng yaxshi joylarida, RJJ sportning shirin ilmini zabt etayotganini isbotladi.

Dunyoning kurash poytaxtiga asoslangan, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions tez sur'atlar bilan tepaga ko'tarilmoqda, o'sib borayotgan barqaroriga yosh iste'dodlarni qo'shish: Super flyweight bo'yicha NABF chempioni, IBF #8 va WBC # 14 Jade "Hurricane" Bornea (15-0, 10 KOS); ikki karra jahon chempioni unvoniga da'vogar, vaznli "Mighty" Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KOS); O'rtacha vaznda NABF chempioni, WBC #15 va Santyago "Somer" Dominges (24-0, 18 KOS); o'rta vazn toifasida sobiq NABA chempioni Kendo "Tremendo" Kastaneda (17-3, 8 KOS), sobiq "Interim World" o'rta vazn toifasidagi da'vogar Jon "The Phenom" Vera (20-1, 12 KO), mag'lubiyatsiz super o'rta vazndagi Xuan "Just Business" Barajas (11-0-1, 7 KOS), va og'ir vazn toifasida sobiq WBC World Youth titli ro'yxati Aleksandr "Buyuk" Flores (18-3-1, 16 KOS).  

UFC JANG PASS HAQIDA®UFC FIGHT Pass® jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati. Ishga tushirilgandan beri 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS endi quyidagilarda mavjud 200 mamlakatlar va hududlar. UFC FIGHT PASS o'z a'zolariga jonli UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims-ga cheksiz kirish huquqini taqdim etadi; jonli aralash jang san'atlari va dunyodagi jangovar sport turlari; original seriya va tarixiy dasturlash; maxsus xususiyatlar; sahna ortidagi tarkib; chuqur intervyular; va jangovar sport dunyosi haqida daqiqali hisobotlar. UFC FIGHT PASS abonentlari ham bor 24/7 dunyodagi eng katta jang kutubxonasiga kirish, ko'proq xususiyatlarga ega 20,000 o'nlab jangovar sport tashkilotlarining janglari, shuningdek UFC tarixidagi har bir jang. Jang muxlislari shaxsiy kompyuterlarda UFC FIGHT PASS-ga kirishlari mumkin, iOS va Android mobil qurilmalari, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Yil, Samsung Smart televizorlari, LG Smart televizorlari, va Android TV bilan ishlaydigan Sony televizorlari. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif buyuring www.ufcfightpass.com

Jeyson "Bola" ritsari iKON sarlavhasiga 5

belgisi 5 Jonli efirda & MAQSAD UFC FIGHT PASS®

5 -MART BILOXI, Missisipi

Las Vegas, (Fevral 18, 2021) - Missisipi yarim og'ir vazn toifasidaJeyson "Bola" ritsari irodasi sarlavhabelgisi 5, 5 -mart kuni UFC FIGHT PASS -da jonli efirda®, da boshlangan 8 p.m. VA / 5 p.m. PT, Biloxi shahridagi Biloxi fuqarolik markazidan, Missisipi

UFC FIGHT PASS-da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.comyoki UFC dasturini yuklab oling.

belgisi 5 iKON jangovar federatsiyasi tomonidan Roy Jons bilan birgalikda taqdim etilgan. Boks.

"Biz o'tgan yilning sentyabr oyida iKON jang federatsiyasi boshlagan joyga qaytganimizdan juda xursandmiz,"IKON prezidentiKeyt Veltre said. “We’ve improved each show from then and are prepared for a breakout year in 2021. We were able to successfully launch a new MMA company during a pandemic, despite all of the challenging restrictions, and we’re moving forward full force this year as we continue growing.”

The 28-year-old Knight (20-6-0), fighting out of Lucedale (XONIM), is coming off an impressive bare knuckle fighting victory last November, when he stopped former UFC fighterArtem Lebov in the fifth round. A Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai specialist, Knight fought in the UFC between 2015 and 2018. He is matched againstTaurean Boggues (15-11-0) in the main event.

Undefeated Louisiana welterweight“The Ghost” AJ Fletcher (6-0-0) will face an opponent to be determined in the co-featured event.

Tallahassee (FL) ikkinchi yarim og'ir vaznSokrat "Kaos tovushlari" Per (11-6-0), kim mahalliy favoritga mos keladiXarris "Sandman" Stivenson (6-2-0), yalang'och jangovar fonga ega bo'lgan boshqa jangchi.

Shuningdek, harakatda bo'lish rejalashtirilganCharli Dekka (2-0-0), Mayami, kim Alabama shtatiga yuguradiKayl MakDono (0-1-0) og'ir vaznda.

Ayollar o'rtasida og'ir vaznda uchta o'yin o'tkazilishi rejalashtirilgan: Kaliforniya ningValeriy "Qonunbuzar" Vong (0-1-0), Invicta -da professional debyut qilgan, va boshqalar. DenvernikiKatrin Paprokki (2-1-0)), Luiziana pro-debyutiMacy Breaux va boshqalar. Orlando ning (FL) Shawna "Bam Bam" Ormsbi (2-2-0), va West Palm Beach (FL) Kayla "K-Rok" no'xat (3-2-0, belgisi: 2-0-0) va boshqalar. Knoxville (TN) Emile King (4-4-0). Yana bir ayol Alabama shtatining professional vazn toifasida professional debyut qilayotgan sportchi o'rtasida jang o'tkazmoqdaGriffin Fisk va boshqalar. Konnektikut shtatlariAleksandra Ballou (1-0-0), u Bellator musobaqasida pro-debyutini yutgan.

Karta o'zgarishi mumkin.


Websites:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ROY JONES JR, Boks bo'yicha aktsiyalar: Yilda tashkil etilgan 2013 10 karra jahon chempioni Roy Jons tomonidan, Jr. va Kit Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions kompaniyasi boksni qayta kashf etish yo'lida.  RJJ bir necha qisqa yillar ichida boks jamoatchiligiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  UFC Fight Pass uchun quvnoq kontent yaratish, CBS sport, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN va beIN Sports mamlakatning eng yaxshi joylarida, RJJ sportning shirin ilmini zabt etayotganini isbotladi.

Dunyoning kurash poytaxtiga asoslangan, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions tez sur'atlar bilan tepaga ko'tarilmoqda, o'sib borayotgan barqaroriga yosh iste'dodlarni qo'shish: Super flyweight bo'yicha NABF chempioni, IBF #8 va WBC # 15 Jade "Hurricane" Bornea (15-0, 10 KOS); ikki karra jahon chempioni unvoniga da'vogar, WBO #11 vaznli "Mighty" Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KOS); O'rtacha vaznda NABF chempioni, WBC #14 va Santyago "Somer" Dominges (24-0, 18 KOS); o'rta vazn toifasida sobiq NABA chempioni Kendo "Tremendo" Kastaneda (17-2, 8 KOS), sobiq "Interim World" o'rta vazn toifasidagi da'vogar Jon "The Phenom" Vera (19-1, 11 KO), mag'lubiyatsiz super o'rta vazndagi Xuan "Just Business" Barajas (11-0-1, 7 KOS), va og'ir vazn toifasida sobiq WBC World Youth titli ro'yxati Aleksandr "Buyuk" Flores (18-3-1, 16 KOS).  

UFC JANG PASS HAQIDA®UFC FIGHT Pass® jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati. Ishga tushirilgandan beri 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS endi quyidagilarda mavjud 200 mamlakatlar va hududlar. UFC FIGHT PASS o'z a'zolariga jonli UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims-ga cheksiz kirish huquqini taqdim etadi; jonli aralash jang san'atlari va dunyodagi jangovar sport turlari; original seriya va tarixiy dasturlash; maxsus xususiyatlar; sahna ortidagi tarkib; chuqur intervyular; va jangovar sport dunyosi haqida daqiqali hisobotlar. UFC FIGHT PASS abonentlari ham bor 24/7 dunyodagi eng katta jang kutubxonasiga kirish, ko'proq xususiyatlarga ega 20,000 o'nlab jangovar sport tashkilotlarining janglari, shuningdek UFC tarixidagi har bir jang. Jang muxlislari shaxsiy kompyuterlarda UFC FIGHT PASS-ga kirishlari mumkin, iOS va Android mobil qurilmalari, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Yil, Samsung Smart televizorlari, LG Smart televizorlari, va Android TV bilan ishlaydigan Sony televizorlari. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com

Sentyabr oyida yangi IMA jang federatsiyasi MMA promouterlik federatsiyasi ishga tushdi 24 Missisipida

Jonli va faqat UFC FIGHT PASS -da® 

Las Vegas, (Avgust 10, 2020) - faxriy jangovar sport targ'ibotchisiKeyt Veltre MMAning eng yangi promouterlik kompaniyasi debyutini e'lon qildi, iKON jang federatsiyasi (belgisi), Sentyabr 24 Biloxi shahridagi Biloxi fuqarolik markazida, Missisipi

Barcha iKON tadbirlari, Roy Jons bilan birgalikda o'tkazildi, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions, UFC FIGHT PASS orqali jonli translyatsiya qilinadi®, jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati.

Veltre, kim ham ishga yollanishini e'lon qildiDin Toul iKON -ning moslashtiruvchisi sifatida, RJJ Boxing Promotions va Kinektic gappling kompaniyasining bosh direktori va asoschilaridan biri, ikkala voqea ham faqat UFC FIGHT PASS -da.

“Men har doim shior bilan yashaganman, qiyin paytlarda korxonalar qisqarganda, Men sotib olaman yoki kengaytiraman,- dedi Veltre. "Men bunday sarguzashtlardan foydalanaman va MMA har doim mening o'yin rejamda bo'lgan. Men har doim o'zimni buyuk jamoaga qo'shganman va Din Toulni olib kelganman, chunki o'yinni boshqaruvchi hech kimni o'ylamagan, va men Ikonga fişənglar etkazib berishga va'da beraman. Men ajoyib translyatsiya sherigiga ega bo'lganimdan minnatdorman, UFC FIGHT Pass, va biz sentyabr oyida UFC FIGHT PASS bilan birinchi Ikon tadbirimizni boshlaganimizdan xursandmiz 24th."

Toul qo'shildi, "Island Fights kompaniyasining asoschisi va bosh direktori bo'lish, UFC FIGHT PASS -da, ba'zida men ham barcha professional tadbirlarimiz uchun matchmaker ekanligimni e'tibordan chetda qoldiraman. Men o'zimning eng yaxshi ishimni davom ettirish va iKON Fighting Federation uchun janglarni o'tkazish imkoniyatidan baxtli bo'lolmadim.

"Menga dekabr oyida Quitet Ultra tadbirida Keyt Veltre va UFC FIGHT PASS tomonidan ishga yollanish sharafi berilgan edi va menimcha, ular men va mening xodimlarim bilan ishlashni yoqtirishdi. Umid qilamanki, biz yaxshi taassurot qoldirdik. Men bu sportchilarni UFCga olib boradigan ishni qila boshlaganimdan juda xursandman ".

To'liq tafsilotlar va uchrashuvlar tez orada e'lon qilinadi.

UFC FIGHT PASS-da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com yoki UFC dasturini yuklab oling.


Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Twitter: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

UFC JANG PASS HAQIDA®UFC FIGHT Pass® jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati. Ishga tushirilgandan beri 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS endi quyidagilarda mavjud 200 mamlakatlar va hududlar. UFC FIGHT PASS o'z a'zolariga jonli UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims-ga cheksiz kirish huquqini taqdim etadi; jonli aralash jang san'atlari va dunyodagi jangovar sport turlari; original seriya va tarixiy dasturlash; maxsus xususiyatlar; sahna ortidagi tarkib; chuqur intervyular; va jangovar sport dunyosi haqida daqiqali hisobotlar. UFC FIGHT PASS abonentlari ham bor 24/7 dunyodagi eng katta jang kutubxonasiga kirish, ko'proq xususiyatlarga ega 20,000 o'nlab jangovar sport tashkilotlarining janglari, shuningdek UFC tarixidagi har bir jang. Jang muxlislari shaxsiy kompyuterlarda UFC FIGHT PASS-ga kirishlari mumkin, iOS va Android mobil qurilmalari, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Yil, Samsung Smart televizorlari, LG Smart televizorlari, va Android TV bilan ishlaydigan Sony televizorlari. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com

Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda Training Camp Notes

Feb. 28th in Florida showdown vs. mag'lubiyatsiz

NABO champion Yomar “The Magic” Alamo

Las Vegas, (Fevral 20, 2020) – Undefeated super lightweightKendo "Tremendo" Kastaneda (17-0, 8 KOS) has been in training camp since the beginning of this year in Boxers & Brawlers gym in his San Antonio hometown to prepare for his February 28th fight against North American Boxing Organization (Qo'shnilari) chempioniYomar “The Magic” Alamo (17-0-1, 12 KOS) airing live on Boxeo Telemundo, da boshlangan 11:30 p.m. VA / 8:30 p.m. PT, from Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida.

Alamo vs. Abdullaev is co-promoted by All-Star Boxing, which promotes Alamo and the event, and Castaneda’s promoter, Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.

“This is the biggest fight of Kendo’s career to date,” CEO & Co-FounderKeyt Veltre said. “He is the type fighter who doesn’t back down from anyone and knows what it takes to get the win. Kendo trains hard and we are fully confident that he will come home with the win.”

The 26-year-old Castaneda, No o'rinda kim. 15 Jahon boks tashkiloti tomonidan (WBO),  will take on WBO No. 8-rated Alamo, the defending NABO super lightweight champion, in the 10-round main event.

Castaneda captured the vacant North American Boxing Association (Shuningdek) crown a year ago, taking a 10-round decision from previously undefeatedGilbert Venegas, Jr.(10-0), and followed that with an impressive 10-round unanimous decision over Dominican veteranEudy Berbardo (24-3).

Last October in Reno, Nevada, Castaneda stoppedMartynyuk shtati (20-3) in the sixth round, after which he was installed by the World Boxing Organization as its No. 15 rated super lightweight in the world.

WBO No. 8 ranked Alamo, fighting out of Puerto Rico, is coming off the lone blemish on either fighter’s pro record, a draw withAntonio Moran (24-4-1).

Alamo, 24, is the former World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World and FECARBOX super lightweight champion, who has made three successful NABO title defenses.

Training Camp Notes

(quotes from Kendo Castaneda)

Training Camp: “Everything here has been good. I’m ready to rock and get back in the ring. I’ll have no trouble making weight for this fight. My sparring partners are local guys, some pros, and other amateurs. I like helping up-and-coming fighters who want to turn pro. They have natural speed at 18, 19 eski yil, but their strength hasn’t fully developed, yet. They learn and I get good work. My No. 1 sparring partner, Limon, has had more than 100 amateur fights. His style is similar to Alamo’s. He’s tall and lengthy, but not as powerful as Alamo. He throws great jabs and boxes well, which will help me when I fight Alamo.

Yomar Alamo:  “He fights off his back foot a lot. He likes to box and is a good counter-puncher.

He’s undefeated but who knows how he wants to fight?  I like razzle-dazzle and I’ll quickly learn what I’m in for.”

Fighting in Alamo’s backyard: “I’m not concerned about that at all. My first fight with RJJ Boxing was in Las Vegas against a local fighterChuy Gutierrez, and I won that fight. I don’t mind fighting in my opponent’s backyard and I’m getting used to it. My last fight was in Reno against a California fighter, who lived a lot closer to Reno than I do in San Antonio. And I fought a local fighter in New Hampshire, when I had a bare-knuckle fight.”

How do you envision this fight going:  “Alamo will go into the fight thinking it’s going to be a boxing match, almost like an exhibition starting the fight. But I’m going to go in strong, like a street fight, banging him around. I’ll catch him with some surprises, throwing hard blows. In the third or fourth round, I’ll start boxing more. Then it’s going to be too much for him, and I’ll take him out in the eighth or ninth round.”

Bout importance: “I think I’ll possibly get a world championship eliminator fight with an impressive victory. I’m a rare, old-fashioned boxer.”

Lug'at:  “The referee will be announcing, ‘And the new NABO champion…..’”


Websites:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com 

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @KeithVeltre, @KendoTremendo

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /RJJBoxing, /KeithVeltre

ROY JONES JR, Boks bo'yicha aktsiyalar: Yilda tashkil etilgan 2013 10 karra jahon chempioni Roy Jons tomonidan, Jr. va Kit Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions has been reinventing boxing.  RJJ bir necha qisqa yillar ichida boks jamoatchiligiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  CBS Sports uchun quvnoq kontent yaratish, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN va beIN Sports mamlakatning eng yaxshi joylarida, RJJ sportning shirin ilmini zabt etayotganini isbotladi.

Dunyoning kurash poytaxtiga asoslangan, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions tez sur'atlar bilan tepaga ko'tarilmoqda, o'sib borayotgan barqaroriga yosh iste'dodlarni qo'shish: WBO #6 bir vaznli Maks Ornelas, engil vazndagi Rey Ximenez, WBO #15 super engil vaznli Kendo Kastaneda,  o'rta vazndagi Jon Vera, Konnor Koyl va Shady Gamxur, super o'rta vazndagi Xuan Baraxas, va og'ir vazndagi Aleksandr Flores.


First Event Streams Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®

 Shanba, Dekabr 7 da 11 A.M. VA / 8 A.M. PT

Las Vegas, (Noyabr 27, 2019) —  History will be made on Saturday, Dekabr 7, when RJJ Boxing Russia presents its first professional boxing event streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati,da boshlangan 11 A.M. VA / 8 A.M. PT from RCC Martial Arts Academy in Ekaterinburg, Rossiya.

Living legend and RJJ Boxing Promotions co-founderRoy Jones, Jr., is wildly popular in Russia, and RJJ Boxing Russia will officially launch Dec. 7 with the inauguralRJJ Boxing Russia on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“Roy is in Russia half the year promoting what we are doing there,” CEO and co-founder Keyt Veltre dedi. “Roy has been in Russia for a while promoting our December 7th show. As a USA promoter, conducting business there is extremely rare and a privilege. We will be working with our partners to bring Russian fighters to American soil, so that they can compete at the highest level. We plan to promote multiple shows in Russia throughout the year on UFC FIGHT PASS, which will also be televised in Russia on UFC TV Russia.”

Undefeated Russian cruiserweight prospectAlexey Egorov (9-0, 7 KOS) will be showcased in the 10-round main event against his Ukrainian opponentSergey Radchenko (7-4, 2 KOS). Egorov, the European and Russian National amateur champion, stopped two-time, two-division world title challengerLateef Kayode (21-3) last year in his most notable clash.

In the 8-round, qo'shma tadbir, undefeated Ukraine-nativeMukhamad Shekhov (6-0, 3 KOS) takes on Panamanian veteranJuan Aaron Suarez (15-6-3, 4 KOS), a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedecentro titlist, for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Intercontinental Cruiserweight Championship.

In a rematch that ended in a majority draw last February, Russian super featherweightsRuslan Kamilov (7-0-1, 3 KOS) vaEvgeniy Shirnov (13-0-3, 3 KOS) throwdown in a 10-round bout.

Russian light heavyweightsAli Izmaylov (2-0, 1 KOP) vaMark Chemidov (5-6-2, 2 KOS) open the UFC FIGHJT PASS stream in a 6-rounder.


Websites:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpass 

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

ROY JONES JR, Boks bo'yicha aktsiyalar: Yilda tashkil etilgan 2013 10 karra jahon chempioni Roy Jons tomonidan, Jr. va Kit Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions kompaniyasi boksni qayta kashf etish yo'lida.  RJJ bir necha qisqa yillar ichida boks jamoatchiligiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  CBS Sports uchun quvnoq kontent yaratish, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN va beIN Sports mamlakatning eng yaxshi joylarida, RJJ sportning shirin ilmini zabt etayotganini isbotladi.

Dunyoning kurash poytaxtiga asoslangan, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions tez sur'atlar bilan tepaga ko'tarilmoqda, o'sib borayotgan barqaroriga yosh iste'dodlarni qo'shish: former world champion bantamweight Joseph Agbekoworld junior bantamweight title challenger Aston Palicte, junior middleweights John Vera and Daniel Rosario Cruz, junior lightweight Randy Moreno, bantamweights Max Ornelas and Tony Lopez, cruiserweight Adrian Taylor and middleweight Shady Gamhour, featherweight Edward Vazquez, junior welterweight Kendo Castaneda and heavyweight Alexander Flores.

UFC JANG PASS HAQIDA®UFC FIGHT Pass® jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati. Ishga tushirilgandan beri 2013, FIGHT PASS endi ko'proq mavjud 200 mamlakatlar va hududlar. FIGHT PASS o'z a'zolariga UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims-ga jonli efirda cheksiz kirish huquqini taqdim etadi; jonli aralash jang san'atlari va dunyodagi jangovar sport turlari; original seriya va tarixiy dasturlash; maxsus xususiyatlar; sahna ortidagi tarkib; chuqur intervyular; va jangovar sport dunyosi haqida daqiqali hisobotlar. FIGHT PASS abonentlari ham bor 24/7 dunyodagi eng katta jang kutubxonasiga kirish, ko'proq xususiyatlarga ega 17,000 o'nlab jangovar sport tashkilotlarining janglari, shuningdek UFC tarixidagi har bir jang. Jang muxlislari shaxsiy kompyuterlarda FIGHT PASS-ga kirishlari mumkin, iOS va Android mobil qurilmalari, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Yil, Samsung Smart televizorlari, LG Smart televizorlari, va Android TV bilan ishlaydigan Sony televizorlari. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com.

Aston Palicte vs. Jose Martinez WBO Jr. Bantamweight World Title Eliminator

Payshanba, Jan. 31, 2019 * Viejas Casino & Resort * Alpine, KABI

Las Vegas, (Dekabr 20, 2019) – Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions and Miguel Cotto Promotions will co-promote a potential early candidate for the 2019 Yilning Fight, when world title challengerMighty
Aston Palicte (24-2-1, 20 KOS) takes on unbeaten Jose “Chiquiro
Martinez (20-0-2, 13 KOS) in a World Boxing Organization (WBO)
junior bantamweight title eliminator on Thursday, Yanvar 31, at Viejas Casino & Resort in Alpine, Kaliforniya.

Palicte vs.Martinez will headline a soon-to-be-announced card in the 12-round main event, held on the Thursday night of Super Bowl week, in the Oak Ballroom. Viejas Casino & Resort is located 35 miles outside of San Diego.

g'olibi Palicte vs. Martinez title eliminator will become the
mandatory challenger for the winner of the New Year’s Eve match in
China for the vacant WBO Junior Bantamweight World Championship,
between No. 1 raqib Donnie Nietes (41-1-5, 23 KOS) va. 3
Reyting qoldirdi Kazuito Ioka (23-1, 13 KOS).

Palicte and Martinez will continue a Philippines-Puerto Rico boxing
rivalry that dates back many years, ehtimol, tomonidan ta'kidlangan 2009
o'rtasida showdown Menni Pacquiao va Migel Cotto, in which the
fabulous Filipino defeated the Puerto Rican warrior by way of a 12th
round technical knockout. It marks the first time Jones and Cotto, ikki
of the greatest boxers of all-time, will be in opposite corners, in terms of competing fighters they promote, nisbatan, Palicte and Martinez.

Having our new partnership with Viejas Casino & Resort allows us to
host these great fights,” Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions
CEO/Co-founder Keyt Veltre ta'kidladi. “Having a Roy Jones Jr. va
Miguel Cotto fighter face-off makes this fight even more exciting. 2019 is going to be the biggest and most active year for RJJ Boxing.

This is the type of fight that changes your career,” Hall of
Famer/promoter Cotto said. “We know ‘ChiquiroMartinez is ready for
the challenge and it will be an exciting fight. Promoting this fight,
together with Roy Jones, Jr., will be great for boxing. We really look
forward to start 2019 with a great fight like Martinez vs. Palicte.

All of us at Viejas are excited to be working with Roy Jones, Jr. and look forward to this amazing event,” qo'shilgan Jimmy Wild, GM Viejas Casino & Resort.

Palicte (WBO No. 2) heads the latest wave of world-class Filipino boxers, who is coming off a controversial 12-round split draw with his fellow
countryman, 3-division world champion Nietes, for the vacant WBO
Junior bantamweight title this past September in Inglewood, Kaliforniya. Many at ringside felt that Palicte should have won the Filipino showdown, based on his relentless pressure and considerably higher activity rate, throwing 300-plus more punches than Nietes.

Palicte is also ranked No. 9 in independent world ratings by Ring

Martinez (WBO No, 4), who captured the vacant WBO North American Boxing Organization (Qo'shnilari) Championship on November 16, 2017,
Ijaraga taqillatib Jesus Martinez (23-2-1, 11 KOS) in Cancun Mexico, bor
also held the World Boxing Council Latino and WBC USNBC Silver

I want to thank God for this great opportunity,” Martinez commented. “Rahmat, Miguel Cotto and the WBO. I feel excited because this is
the most important fight of my career with a high-level boxer as Palicte. I will train really hard to be in the best condition. We are really focusing on getting the big win on January 31st.”

Narxda $65.00, $55.00 va $45.00, tickets go on sale tomorrow (Fri., Dec. 21), and are available to purchase by going online at


Websites: www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @CottoPromotions, @viejascasino, @AstonPalicte

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear,
@Viejascasinoresort, @astonmightypalicte

Facebook: /RJJBoxing, /ViejasCasinoAndResort, /MiguelCottoPromotions

Roy Jones, Jr. Boxing inks 18-1 featherweight prospect Ray Ximenez, Jr.

Las Vegas, (Dekabr 13, 2018) – Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing proudly announces the signing of Dallas featherweight prospect Ray Ximenez, Jr. to a long-term, exclusive promotional contract.

Besh kurash g'alaba chiziq minib, the 25-year-old Ximenez (18-1, 4 KOS) is expected to make his RJJ Boxing debut in March. “We’re excited to sign another top prospect like Ray Ximenez to our growing stable of fighters,” RJJ Boxing CEO and co-founder Keyt Veltre dedi. “Ray is an old-school boxer, well-conditioned, hard-working, and we believe he has a very bright future.”

“I’m very excited and very appreciated for Roy Jones Jr. Boxing giving me this opportunity,” Ximenez commented. “I plan on showing everyone that I will be the next world champion from Dallas. Men tayyorman, willing and able to fight anyone, har bir joyda, any place and any time.”

Ximenez was a standout amateur boxer, compiling a sterling 120-9 rekord, highlighted by three gold-medal performances, both in the National P.A.L. Championships and Ringside World Championships. A six-time Dallas Golden Gloves champion, Ximenez started boxing at the age of 10. He also captured gold at the 2009 Silver Gloves National Championships and Junior Olympic National Championships. He represented and captained Team USA at the 2009 Youth World Junior Olympics.

Yilda 2010, Ximenez made a successful pro debut, winning a four-round unanimous decision versus Cristoval Larrazolo..

Five years later, Ximenez defeated Jesse Angel Hernandez, currently 12-1 and world rated (IBF #14, WBO #15), by way of a six-round split decision in Fort Worth, Texas. Last February on beIN Sports, Ximenez registered an impressive eight-round unanimous decision in Dallas over EugeneLagos, who in his next fight on ESPN knocked off Golden Boy’s top prospect, Mag'lubiyatsiz (15-0) Emilio Sanchez, turda ikki yilda.

Ximenez won a 10-round unanimous decision over 111-fight veteran German Meraz this past July in Ximenez’ last fight.

“I’m also excited and appreciative for this opportunity,” Ximenez’ manager Michael Montoya qo'shilgan. “I’d like to especially thank CEO Keith Veltre and matchmaker Guy Taylor for believing in Ray Ximenez, Jr. and I am looking forward to a long-term relationship with one of the best boxing promoters in the sport of boxing.”


Websites: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @alexflores919

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, alexander_thegreat_flores

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RJJBoxing


Fan-friendly, interactive FREE platform to make Texas debut, marking tenth state appearance for the series.

NYU YORK (Nov. 27, 2018) – Now approaching four million series views, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is set to hit a few more milestones on Saturday, Dec. 1, San-Antonio, Texas. Partnering once again with the legendary Roy Jones Jr. va Keyt Veltre of RJJ Promotions, the interactive, fan-friendly series will hold its 25th showlive from its tenth state of originshowcasing a pair of undefeated warriors with hardware on the line. Local flair will also be on display on any device wherever Facebook is available beginning at 6:30 p.m. E.T. (5:30 p.m. C.T.).




Roy and I have always felt that live streaming would take the place of the old platforms of delivering fights,” aytib Keyt Veltre, CEO and Co-Founder of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions. “This gives us the ability to reach millions of boxing fans around the world and enable us to deliver our sponsors a great deal of exposure we would normally get from traditional TV. This series is giving fighters the opportunity to showcase their talent to the world and gain a fan base. We are thrilled that this vision lines up exactly where Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions wants to be.




Bu shanba, Dec. 1, from the fabled Scottish Rite Theatre in San Antonio features a 10-round main event between undefeated super lightweights Kendo Castaneda (14-0, 7 KOS) va Gilbert Venegas Jr. (10-0, 6 KOS), who will battle for the vacant WBA-NABA title. Locally-promoted favorites Ricky Medina (1-0, 1 KO), Luis Villarreal (3-0-1, 1 KO), Xavier Wilson (8-0-1, 1 KO) and others will put their undefeated records on the line as part of a stacked undercard.




“Roy Jones Jr. and Keith Veltre have believed in our FIGHTNIGHT LIVE platform from the beginning and we’re thrilled to partner with them once again on what will be our 25th show in the series,” dedi Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “We’re also excited to make our series debut in the Lone Star State, the tenth State in the Union for our FIGHTNIGHT LIVE shows. It’ll be a hot one in Texas to open our December schedule.




Now in its second season, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly series thatamong other aspectsprides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has showcased more than 425 fighters and 13 promotions during 24 live event broadcasts from 16 different cities since May 2017, and in doing so, the interactive platform has generated the loyal interest of fight fans from across the United States and around the globe, including significant audiences in Mexico, the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, and even fans in South America, Asia and Australia.




  • Since May 2017, the numbers on the 24-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 151,269 views per eventva bundan ko'proq 3.6 million total views for the franchise. Since Sept. 2018, Season II shows have averaged more than 315,000 views.



  • The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fights” (594,447) from the Sands in Bethlehem, the Nov. 2018 “Hard Hitting Showtime Collaboration” (372,662), the Oct. 2018 “Hard Hitting Philly Special” (297,545), the Oct. 2018 hour-long BareknuckleFreeview” (292,253), the Nov. 2018 “Titans In The Capital” (256,871), sentyabr. 2017 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” Dam olish World Casino dan (225,000), the August 2017 CES “Super Saturday” Foxwoods dan (203,000), the Oct. 2018 CES “Super Saturday” Foxwoods dan (196,656), sentyabr. 2018 “Card Fit For Kingsfrom Philadelphia (195,620), sentyabr. 2017 CES “Twin River Twinbill” Linkolnning, R.I. (157,000) and the March 17, 2018, Murphy’s “Sit. Patrick’s Day Clash” (151,253) all logged 150,000 or more views, and collectively the 24-show series has seen a total of more than 3,630,448 views across all devices.



  • xom auditoriyaga raqamga qo'shimcha ravishda, to'liq-interaktiv, fan-friendly productions have seen bundan ko'proq 320,000 umumiy jonli post janglar (bundan ko'proq 13,000 per show), ko'proq, shu jumladan, 250,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi,” bundan ko'proq 43,000 comments and almost 15,000 shares.



  • The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fightsfrom the Sands in Bethlehem set a new bar with 594,447 viewsand the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Sept. 2017 DiBella card saw bundan ko'proq 40,000 kuzatuvchi bo'lgan shovqinlarni including almost 39,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi” and the March 17, 2018, Murphy’s “Sit. Patrick’s Day Clashset a new high-water mark for shares with 2,182.



  • The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 84,000 ShK ventilyatorlari dan va undan ko'p90,000 followers.




Yaratilgan va Nyu-York Siti chiqib Linacre Media tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE qator professional spiker xususiyatlari, bir necha kamera yuritadigan, televizor grafik, qayta ko'rish va orqasida-sahnalari foydalanish va intervyular. Facebook mavjud qaerda oqib shou global mavjud. tashabbus emas, balki faqat o'rnatish uchun dunyo bo'ylab o'z muxlislarini beradi, balki o'z qobiliyatlarini namoyish etish uchun savaşçısı global platforma faol beradi, Tarǵibotchilar bir yaxshi beradi “efir” yechim va homiylar markali mazmuni orqali ommaviy lariga uchun qobiliyatini beradi.




More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter 2018 xurmo rasman kelgusi hafta e'lon qilinadi.


Fan-friendly fight series approaching one million views after six months and eight shows.

SLOAN, Ayova (Nov. 16, 2017) – Bu juma tun, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE will collaborate with Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions once again to showcase top-notch talent during a special one-hour attraction live from America’s Heartland. Fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 8:30 p.m. VA / 7:30 p.m. CT (mahalliy vaqt) from WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Ayova, har qanday qurilmada qaerda Facebook mumkin, as the series continues to build with a ninth show on the six month-old platform.

It’s an exciting time for the boxing community now that Roy Jones Jr. Promotions can help showcase the undercard ertaga tun,” aytib Keyt Veltre, CEO and CO-Founder. “We know that the young talent can’t always have their family friends in the stands for support, so we are proud to be able to help them showcase their talent for all the world to see on Facebook FightNightLive.

The one-hour show Juma kuni will feature some of RJJ Promotionsup-and-coming attractions, along with some outstanding Midwest and West Coast brawlers. Fighters expected to be delivered exclusively via the Facebook platform include Arizona’s Abel Ramos (18-2, 13 KOS), Chicago’s Nathaniel Gallimore (19-1, 16 KOS) and California’s undefeated Hector Lopez Jr. (7-0, 4 KOS). They’ll take on a trio of Mexican-born battlers in Sezar Soriano (Mexico City), Esau Herrera (Mexico City) va Israel Rojas (Sonora) who have combined for 62 g'alabalar, collectively.

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series continues to grow, from New York to Connecticut to Chicago to Phoenix to New England, and now a great opportunity in the Midwest, with much more to be announced. We’re pleased to be able to work with national promoters like Roy Jones Jr. and Keith Veltre to provide this service to fight fans everywhere,” dedi Mark Fratto, Linacre Media asosiy. “And the numbers, which have been phenomenal, don’t lie. We look forward to reaching our millionth fan before the New Year in only eight months, and we’re so grateful for everyone’s support.

Over the first six months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 106,000 fight fans tuning in per event. The Yetti. 9 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” Dam olish World Casino dan (225,000), Avgust CES “Super Shanba” Foxwoods dan (203,000), sentyabr. CES “Twin River Twinbill” Linkolnning, R.I. (157,000), sentyabr. Star boks “Showdown at the Paramountfrom Long Island (92,255), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdown” Feniks dan (63,000), the MaySlugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), the JuneRosemont Rumble” Chikagodagi (32,000) and the Sept. DiBella “Juma Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of more than 15,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 847,500-plus users across all devices.

xom auditoriyaga raqamga qo'shimcha ravishda, to'liq-interaktiv, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 126,000 umumiy jonli post janglar(15,800-plus shou boshiga), including almost 90,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi,” almost 15,000 comments and 4,400-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 foiz erkaklar, 24 foiz ayollar. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, qaysi taxminan kengdir 29.6 tinglovchilarning foiz, o'rtacha.

The Yetti. 9 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 viewsva Yetti. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Super Shanba” ko'rsatish bilan alohida-alohida ajralib turadi 3,336 live hours of content viewed, paytda Yetti. 15 DiBella card saw bundan ko'proq 40,000 viewer interactions including almost 39,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi.”

Juma Kuni tun, Nov. 17, live from WinnaVegas, ShK ventilyatorlari yuqori ta'sir kutish mumkin, grafika bilan to'liq bir nechta kamera Oqimli tajribasi, animatsiyalar, qayta ko'rish, interviews and an announce team anchored by Sean Wheelock, Jim Grieshaberva Patrick Ortiz. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, sharhlovchilar so'rang va efir davomida Facebook tomoshabinlar savollariga javob beradi.

Yaratilgan va Nyu-York Siti chiqib Linacre Media tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE qator professional spiker xususiyatlari, bir necha kamera yuritadigan, televizor grafik, qayta ko'rish va orqasida-sahnalari foydalanish va intervyular. Facebook mavjud qaerda oqib shou global mavjud. tashabbus emas, balki faqat o'rnatish uchun dunyo bo'ylab o'z muxlislarini beradi, balki o'z qobiliyatlarini namoyish etish uchun savaşçısı global platforma faol beradi, Tarǵibotchilar bir yaxshi beradi “efir” yechim va homiylar markali mazmuni orqali ommaviy lariga uchun qobiliyatini beradi.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter 2017-18 xurmo rasman kelgusi hafta e'lon qilinadi.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE onlayn mavjud: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. so'nggi Linacre Media voqealar va radioeshittirish jadvaliga uchun, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.