Arkivji Tag: Jose Luis Castillo

2020 Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame Announcement Ceremony Photos

Photos by Anthony Saldana / NVBHOF

LAS VEGAS, NV (Marzu 10, 2020) - Il- Nevada Boxing Sala tal-Eroj announced its 2020 class of inductees today at the Fernando Vargas Fighting Foundation fil Las Vegas. Inductees in attendance were, 2-Ħin Dinja Champion Fernando Vargas, 2-Ħin Dinja Champion, Bones Adams, WBC Ħfief Champion, Devin Haney, who was voted Fighter of the Year, Prospect tas-Sena, Rolando Romero, u Saalim Gonzales, father of Amateur Fighter of the Year, Rahim Gonzales. The group was introduced by NVBHOF founder, Rich Morrata, and President Michelle Corrales.

The 8th Annual Induction Weekend takes place at Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 7th & 8th, 2020. Għal aktar informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok ż

Il 2020 Induction Class includes

Fernando “El Feroz” Vargas (26-5, 22 Tal-KO)
Clarence “Bones” Adams (44-7-4, 20 Kos)
Andre “SOG” Ward (32-0, 16 Kos)
James “Lights Out” Toney (77-10-3, 47 Kos)
Miguel Cotto (41-6, 33 Kos)
Mark “Too Sharp” Johnson (44-5-1, 28 Kos)
Julian “The Hawk” Jackson (55-6, 49 Kos)
Azumah “The Professor” Nelson (39-6-2, 28 Kos)
Danny “Little Red” Lopez (42-6, 39 Kos)
Jose Luis Castillo (66-13-1, 57 Kos)

Non-Boxer Inductees includes

Carlos Padilla
Lorenzo Fertitta
Sammy Macias
Jose Sulaiman

2019 Fighter tas-Sena
Devin Haney (24-0, 14 Tal-KO)

2019 Prospect tas-Sena
Rolando “Rolly” Romero (11-0, 10 Kos)

2019 Amateur of the Year
Rahim Gonzales

For more information about the event and Sponsorship Opportunities, Please Contact:

Chief Executive Officer Michelle Corrales-Lewis

Phone: 702-3-NVBHOF (702-368-2463) Email:






April 28: PAULIE AYALA vs. JOHNNY TAPIA I (1999)

Ikklikkja HERE To Watch The Round Of The Year (9th) From 1994’s Fight Of The YearJORGE CASTRO vs. JOHN DAVID JACKSON I:

NEW YORK (April 6, 2016) - Showtime Sports® presents its latest installment of a year-long salute commemorating 30 years of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing® with “Fights of the Year” in April on SHO ESTREM®.


The fourth round of a 12-month tribute will be highlighted by four of the most rousing and unforgettable fights in boxing history:

  • Jorge Castro vs. John David Jackson I - 1994 Ring Magazine Fight of the Year (Round 9 earned Round of the Year honors)
  • Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia I - 1999 Ring Magazine Ġlieda tas-Sena (Ayala earned Fighter of the Year honors)
  • Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo I - 2005 Consensus Fight of the Year (Round 10 earned Round of the Year honors)
  • Lucas Matthysse vs. John Molina Jr. - 2014 Boxing Writers Association of America Fight of the Year.


The four celebrated battles will air on “Throwback Thursdays” all month at 10 p.m. U/PT on SHO EXTREME and are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Ghaċ SHOWTIME® and via the network’s online streaming service. Each fight will be wrapped with brief context and commentary from SHOWTIME Sports ring announcer and International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Jimmy Lennon Jr.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of April:

  • Il-Ħamis, April 7: Jorge Castro vs. John David Jackson I
  • Il-Ħamis, April 14: Lucas Matthysse vs. John Molina Jr.
  • Il-Ħamis, April 21: Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo I
  • Il-Ħamis, April 28: Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia I


Castro-Jackson I (Diċembru. 10, 1994, Castro KO 9) –Castro, thoroughly battered, bloodied and losing by a wide margin, rallies from the absolute brink of defeat to score three knockdowns in the ninth round to overcome Jackson in one of the most dramatic turnarounds ever.


Ayala-Tapia I (Ġunju 26, 1999, Ayala W 12) – In some of the fiercest two-way action in the history of Las Vegas boxing, southpaw Ayala hands Tapia his first professional loss in 49 fights and captures the WBA bantamweight title by the scores of 115-114 u 116-113 darbtejn. Game On: As the boxers were being announced, Tapia walked across the ring and shoved Ayala causing a momentary skirmish.


Diego Corrales-Jose Luis Castillo I (Mejju 7, 2005, Corrales TKO 10)After nine intense, back-and-forth rounds, Corrales accomplishes the unthinkable, miraculously regrouping from tnejn knockdowns in the 10th to stop Castillo in the same round (2:06) and etch his spot in boxing lore. After managing to beat the count (and lose a point for excessive spitting out of the mouthpiece), Corrales got Castillo on the ropes and connected with a huge right hand. He continued to unload and Castillo got nailed with a bundle of vicious punches. Mumenti aktar tard, the ref stopped it.


Lucas Matthysse-John Molina Jr. (April 26, 2014, Matthysse KO 11)Abloody slugfest, in which both fighters were knocked down multiple times,became an instant classic. Matthysse who went down in the second and fifth rounds, came back with a late-fight onslaught to wear down and drop Molina in the eighth, 10th u 11th rawnds. The tremendous brawl was as brutal as it was exciting and more compelling to witness than anyone could have imagined.

# # #


Netwerks Showtime Inc. (SNI), sussidjarja għalkollox proprjetà ta 'CBS Korporazzjoni, tippossjedi u tmexxi n-netwerks tat-televiżjoni premium Showtime®, Il-film CHANNEL ™ u FLIX®, u toffri wkoll Showtime On Demand®, Il-film CHANNEL ™ FUQ DOMANDA u FLIX On Demand®, u l-awtentikazzjoni ta 'servizz ghaċ SHOWTIME tan-netwerk®. Showtime Digital Inc, sussidjarja kompletament proprjetà ta 'SNI, topera s-servizz streaming stand alone Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS u fornituri telco, u bħala servizz streaming stand-alone permezz Apple®, Sena®, Amazon and Google. Konsumaturi jistgħu wkoll tabbona għal Showtime permezz Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI jamministra wkoll Networks Smithsonian, joint venture bejn SNI u l-Istituzzjoni Smithsonian, li joffri Smithsonian Channel, u joffri Smithsonian Dinjapermezz SN LLC Diġitali. SNI swieq u tiddistribwixxi l-isports u avvenimenti ta 'divertiment għal wirja lill-abbonati fuq bażi ta' pay per view permezz SHOWTIME PPV. Għal aktar informazzjoni, mur



Steve Farhood Reflects On 2005’s Fight of the Year On The Recently Launched Pound For Pound Tumblr Blog:



Il-Ħamis marks the 10th anniversary of one of the greatest fights in boxing history – the brutal first battle between Diego “Boy” Corrales and Jose Luis Castillo. Relive the drama of that classic slugfest – the 2005 Ġlieda tas-Sena — by watching the epic and deciding 10th round from May 7, 2005.:


Check out the new Lira Għal Lira Tumblr blog from SHOWTIME Sports® to read Steve Farhood’s reflections on one of the most memorable two-way battles ever televised on SHOWTIME®.


Lira Għal Lira features coverage of boxing from all angles, past and present, with original content taking the reader inside the ropes through recaps, analiżi, lists and facts. From short form video of boxers in and out of the ring, to shareable editorial posts, Ritratti, gifs and quotes,Lira Għal Lira gives readers an opportunity to interact, identify and immerse themselves into the events and culture of boxing.

2005 Ġlieda tas-Sena: Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo I To lejl il-Ħadd arja, Frar. 15 fuq NETWORK ĠLIEDA USA


NEW YORK (Frar. 11, 2015) – Il 2005 Ġlieda tas-Sena, ikkaratterizzata Diego “Boy” Corrales versus Jose Luis “Il Terrible” Castle, se arja dan il-Ħadd lejl (Frar. 15) fuq Ġlieda Netwerk USA minn 11:00-12:00 p.m. U bħala parti mill-taghha Banner: Aħjar ta 'l-Deċennju serje.


Ġlieda Network huwa netwerk miġġielda premier sports fid-dinja ddedikata biex 24/7 kopertura, inkluż tissielet, ġellieda, ġlieda aħbarijiet u l-ġlieda istil tal-ħajja. Il-kanal huwa disponibbli fil-U.S. fuq Cablevision fil-partijiet ta 'New York, Connecticut u New Jersey, Ibbażati Texas Komunikazzjonijiet Grande, Armstrong Cable fil-Pennsylvania u Ohio Lvant, kif ukoll fuq Shentel Cable fil Virginia, West Virginia u porzjonijiet ta 'Maryland Punent. Ġlieda Network huwa wkoll fuq Roku set-top boxes matul l-Amerika, u streaming live fuq il-websajt


Corrales vs. Castillo I, miżmuma Mejju 7, 2005 fil Las Vegas, kien Organizzazzjoni epika Boxing Dinja (WBO)/Kunsill Boxing Dinja (WBC) ġlieda unifikazzjoni bejn par ta 'dinja ċampjins ħfief.


Corrales (39-2), li miet seba 'snin ilu fl-inċident motoċikletta, kien niżel darbtejn mill Corrales (52-6-1) fil- 10th round. Corrales ltqajna up off-kanvas u ma damx konnessi ma 'lemin perfetta li iweġġgħu serjament Castillo. Corrales malajr lest l-ispettaklu bħala perit Ġimgħat Tony twaqqfu l-azzjoni mal Castillo maqbuda fuq il-ħbula, tiekol muntanja ta 'puntelli mingħajr tweġiba. CORRALES mirbuħa minn eliminatorja tekniku rimonta spettakolari.


Biex grad, Castillo ltqajna vendetta tiegħu ħames xhur wara minn iħabbtu out kontra Corrales fir-raba 'round, għalkemm Castillo daħal fis piż żejjed u l-ebda titoli kienu f'riskju.


KOTV Boxing Weekly, li jkopri l ta 'l-aħħar aħbarijiet fil-boxing professjonali ikkaratterizzata tissielet riċenti sħaħ u jenfasizza, jibda Il-Ħadd lejl divertenti ta 'boxing fil7:30 p.m. U fuq Ġlieda Netwerk USA.


Ultimate Classic Boxing isegwi bejn 8-9 p.m. U bi ġlieda middleweight bejn favoriti Hometown Charley Joseph (32-1-1) u Milo Savage (39-33-8) f'April tagħhom 25, 1956 ġlieda fuq Muniċipali Awditorju fi New Orleans. Joseph rebaħ deċiżjoni qasma 10-round.


Ventilazzjoni Wkoll dan il-Ħadd filgħaxija fuq Ġlieda Netwerk USA, faħħar fi 9:00 p.m. U, hija ġlieda minn Lulju 6, 2013 fl Lazio, Italja, f'liema eroj lokali Silvio “Il Barbaro” White (62-11-3), ta 'żewġ time champion heavyweight dawl dinja, titlist Ewropea eks defeated Haapaj Juho (20-3-1), tal-Finlandja, permezz ta 'deċiżjoni tekniku 10-round għat-titlu vakanti cruiserweight WBC Silver.


Domanda Ġlieda Netwerk jekk cable tiegħek jew fornitur tas-satellita ma joffrix dan!