Tag Archives: Gervonta Davis

Home Field Advantage: Fanfavoriten Sean O’Malley Bulldozes Sterling på UFC 292, Chris Weidmans återkomst gör att man pratar om pension, Catona vs. Gibson tjänar Fight of the Night…och mycket mer från UFC:s återkomst till Boston i lördags

Av: Rich Bergeron

UFC 292 var det första UFC-evenemanget jag deltog i 16 år. Som den MMA-författare som är mest känd för att ha avslöjat Xyience-skandalen (ser www.xyiencesucks.com), Jag grävde fram min gamla Xyience-hatt för att fira tillfället. En gång UFC:s mest produktiva sponsor, Xyience är nu främst ett energidrycksföretag och associerar inte ens med någon MMA-liga längre. Naturligtvis, Jag var den enda på hela arenan som sportade Xyience-produkter.

Jag betalade för mina egna biljetter den här gången, men jag kunde inte undvika att tänka på vad min UFC 292 erfarenhet skulle ha varit som om min UFC 78 erfarenhet, betalas av Xyience, hade nästan blivit mycket annorlunda för mig 16 år sedan.

Jag kommer att idissla mer om den personliga historien om min egen Boston-hemkomst och förändringarna vi har sett för UFC mellan den senaste matchen jag deltog i och den här i ett nytt stycke jag planerar att skriva om www.paythefighters.com. Håll utkik efter det, men låt oss först komma till UFC:s välkonstruerade kampkort för lördagskvällen.

Det började med en berättelse om två flugviktare Silvas: Karine Silva och Natalia Silva. Dessa matcher slutade med två Silva-vinster med två olika metoder, men varje fighter visade sig vara dominerande i sina speciella stilar. Karine skickade Maryna Moroz med en giljotinchoke i sista sekunden strax före slutet av första omgången. Det var en fantastisk start på en show som hade några toppar och dalar så långt som underhållningsvärdet av några av match-ups. Natalia tog sig tid och plockade isär ett spel Andrea Lee från distans under större delen av tävlingen. Hon kom fram till ett enhälligt beslut genom att vara försiktig och försiktig med sitt slående mål.

Nästa, ett kontroversiellt delat beslut gav oddsmakarnas favoritfighter Andre Petrovski en seger över Gerald Meershaert. Petrovski verkade inte ha konditionen att hänga med den rutinerade veteranen Meerschaert. Allt som saknades i denna kamp var den koncentrerade slagkraften från Meershaert för att slå Petrovski ner och ut. Båda kämparna hade sina ögonblick, men det verkade uppenbart för mig att Gerald var den jobbigare och mer effektiva fightern. Han var bara ett av rånoffren som domarna anklagade i lördags kväll efter att ha vunnit en huvudsakligen teknisk kamp. Inslagen av slugfest som spritsades in då och då verkade alltid gynna den mer spelande och ivriga Meerschaert. Han förtjänade definitivt segern. Vi kommer att prata om ett annat rån av samma kaliber lite senare.

Ett par Ultimate Fighter Finale-matcher kom härnäst med bantamviktarna Brad Katona och Cody Gibson som sparkade igång det genom att vinna "Fight of the Night"-utmärkelser. Deras tå-till-tå kickboxningsmatch som sällan träffade marken särskilt länge fick publiken att reta upp från start till mål. Katona slutade med att vara en sekund snabbare på remisen och tillräckligt vass med sina stötar och kontringar för att säkra en vinst i en scrap där han ofta var tvungen att ta ett bra slag för att få två av sina egna. Gibson bar resultaten av Brads noggrannhet på sitt misshandlade ansikte vid den sista klockan, men han fick också stor respekt för sitt aldrig slutade tillvägagångssätt från både publiken och organisationen. UFC erbjöd båda fighters kontrakt för sina insatser istället för att bara vinnaren fick nicken.

Kurt Holobaugh var tvungen att slåss mot vän och kollega Team Chandler-fighter Austin Hubbard i lättviktsfinalen. Det var en kamp som började bättre för Hubbard än den slutade. Så småningom efter en kort utkänningsprocess, Holobaugh tog farten bort och säkrade en fenomenal Triangle Choke precis 2:39 in i den andra ramen. Båda kämparna hade sina dominerande ögonblick, men det var Holobaughs svartbälte jiu jitsu färdigheter som vann natten och TUF trofén.

Gregory Rodrigues demolerade absolut ryske Dennis Tiuliulin i en mellanviktskamp som fick Beantown-publiken att skandera "USA" en kort stund medan han rotade efter en brasiliansk fighter. "Robocop" njöt av publikens stöd och välkomnade snabbt deras jubel med sina avslutningsskickligheter i full uppvisning. Rodrigues ser av en slump lite ut som huvudpersonen i Netflixs "The Lincoln Lawyer,” om karaktären bulkade upp efter några omgångar med steroider. Rodrigues fastställde verkligen lagen och slog ryssen till medvetslöshet med en maskinliknande precision. Han tog bara en minut och 43 sekunder för att ge publiken sitt sista stopp fram till huvudevenemanget.

Fem raka beslut följde, två av dem avgjordes genom perfekt placering av monstruösa bensparkar från segrarna. Den mest smärtsamma av dessa två matcher att se var Chris Weidman som avslutade förberedelserna genom att möta Brad Tavares i en straffande mellanviktsstrid. Weidman, kommer tillbaka från en elak gummikycklingbensskada där han försökte plantera på ett helt brutet ben mot Uriah Hall, såg rostig ut som rostig kan vara. Varje nedtagning han försökte verkade bli lätt stoppad av Tavares.

Varje slagutbyte verkade vara för lite, för sent för Weidman att komma tillbaka från de ständiga bensparkar som peppade både benet med den gamla skadan och Weidmans andra ben för gott skull. Även med en trasig MCL eller ACL (enligt Dana White som tvingade Weidman att gå i pension efter kampen), Weidman förföljde Tavares runt buren och gjorde sitt bästa för att ta kampen till honom trots det trasiga hjulet. Tavares vann en mycket strategisk och smart fight, en besvikelse för hela pro-Weidman-publiken som hoppas på den där mirakel-comeback-prestationen som aldrig kom.

Marlon "Chito" Vera och Pedro Munhoz öppnade huvudkortet med en ensidig affär som visade upp Veras tålamod, slående skarpsinne, och nästan felfri teknik. Munhoz avslutade kampen på sina fötter, men han fick utstå massor av ansiktsskador när han kom dit. Chito höll sig på ett säkert avstånd under större delen av matchen och tog få risker på vägen till sin enhälliga vinst. Räckvidden och hastigheten för Vera verkade vara de mest effektiva fördelarna han åtnjöt mot den kortare och tjockare Munhoz. Vera, hur tråkig han kan vara att titta på ibland, bevisade att han förtjänar sin egen bantamviktstitel.

Det tredje raka beslutet gav Mario Bautista en mycket kontroversiell enhällig beslutsvinst över Da'Mon Blackshear. Bautista slog ut Blackshear när det gäller markkontroll, men Blackshear var mer exakt i sitt slag och landade mer betydande slag i fjäderviktsskrotet. Jag tyckte verkligen att han gjorde tillräckligt för att vinna, men domarna såg inte kampen på samma sätt och gav tävlingen till Bautista.

Ian Garry och Neil Magny möttes härnäst i en omatchad welterviktstävling. Magny visade ett enormt hjärta när hon gick upp igen efter varje knockdown, men han kunde inte övervinna de oupphörliga bensparkarna som Garry kastade. Domaren Keith Peterson var nära att stoppa matchen några gånger, men Magny fortsatte att göra precis tillräckligt för att fortsätta, hoppar runt på ett ben ibland. Garrys slag var precis lika bra som hans trash talk-spel, framkallar andan hos Nate Diaz med några vältajmade handgester. Publiken firade hans fortsatta dominans med Garry som berättade för dem om sin önskan att bli den bästa fightern på jorden en dag i sitt tal efter kampen.. Magny måste hitta ett svar på hans senaste kamp om han vill förbli relevant i UFC.

Weili Zhang och Amanda Lemos slutade i en episk titelkamp härnäst. Lemos säkrade nästan ett par mirakulösa inlämningsförsök, men strawweight-titelkampen förvandlades till en fråga om huruvida Lemos kunde överleva tills den sista klockan. Zhang visade upp sina talanger inom alla sina expertområden, och Lemos kunde bara hoppas på att vinna genom ett par Hail Mary-inlämningsförsök som Zhang vräkte sig ur. Zhangs hastighet, kraft och hållbarhet överväldigade Lemos och fick henne att kämpa för att undvika ett stopp under stora delar av de senare omgångarna. På något sätt lyckades hon göra det, tar en enorm skada på vägen. Zhang gick därifrån och behöll sin titel, till stor glädje för fansen som stöttade henne genom hela kampen.

Slutligen, huvudevenemanget anlände, långt efter midnatt. Sean O’Malley gick först in på arenan, och folkmassan utbröt. Många av dem hade gröna eller rosa peruker för att imitera O'Malleys signaturlook. O'Malley såg ärligt talat ganska förstenad ut, som om han inte ens sov alls natten innan händelsen. Aljamain Sterling gick in i buren till en kör av buningar som han försökte göra lätt av genom att egga publiken att bua på honom mer.

Den första omgången var mest en uppvisning av fotarbete från båda fighters. O'Malleys huvudspel kan ha fungerat på Sterling, eftersom han lovade i pre-fight-intervjuer att han skulle säkra en egen första runda TKO. Snarare än att lita på hans största styrka, hans brottning, Sterling ville slå O'Malley i sitt eget spel. Det visade sig vara fel strategi, ett faktum som Sterling så småningom insåg när han hamnade på fel sida av den TKO. Det gjordes knappa försök att ta O'Malley ner, och alla var helt fyllda. Sterling vek och föll på duken efter att ha blivit träffad med en O'Malley-kontrastöt tidigt i andra omgången. Resten var historia när O'Malley avslutade "the Suga show" med lite McGregor-liknande mark och pund.

Båda kämparna höll fantastiska tal efter kampen, sann till formen. Sterling var nådig i nederlag och visade sin respekt för O'Malley som strävade efter att nå sin dröm. Med tanke på att Sterling kritiserade O'Malley innan kampen för att vara Dana Whites husdjursprojekt och inte förtjäna en titel., det var en stor mea culpa. Också, om det verkligen handlade om att bli favoriserad av Mr. Vit, O'Malley kan ha markerat Baldfather genom att indikera att han skulle vilja slåss mot boxaren Gervonta Davis mer än någon annan verklig UFC-fighter.

Som bara den andra Dana White Contender Series-fightern att tjäna en världstitel, O'Malley kan säkert göra sina egna skott till viss del, men en boxningscrossover är ett mycket känsligt ämne i kölvattnet av Francis Ngannou som nyligen slog upp sitt UFC-kontrakt och anmälde sig till en tungviktsboxningsmatch med Tyson Fury som kommer att överskugga hans karriärens UFC-intäkter med en mil. Endast Conor McGregor har lyckats övertyga UFC brass att gå all in i en crossover-kamp i boxning hittills. Dana White har sedan dess helt skrotat trevande planer på att skapa "Zuffa Boxing" för att ta hänsyn till hans fighters som vill efterlikna McGregors profil, ekonomisk meritlista och djärv bravader som gav honom den möjligheten att slåss mot Floyd Mayweather i en utställningsmatch.

Ofta, för att få Dana Whites uppmärksamhet och respekt, fighters måste helt enkelt sälja sig själva tillräckligt för att det ska översättas till massiva varor och biljettförsäljning som genereras av deras buzz. Ungefär som WWE, stora personas och färgglada karaktärer vinner ofta på möjligheter i UFC över idrottare som bara koncentrerar sig på sina fysiska färdigheter. Anfallare är särskilt gynnade, eftersom de levererar på UFC:s underförstådda "put on a show" standard av excellens som ålagts varje fighter som kliver in i buren. Det är en ledarskapsstil och ledarskap av morot och pinne som lurar fighters att tro att det är bättre för deras karriärer att ständigt träda fram med liten oro för försvaret och ta enorma risker för att vara mycket mer spännande och underhållande än de behöver vara för att vinna en speciell kamp..

Nu erkänner den här ungen O'Malley att han vill vara som Dana själv, tillräckligt bekväm ekonomiskt för att satsa $250,000 per pokerhand. Den mest speciella talangen före O'Malley använde sin egen persona med stigande stjärna för att bygga sina egna varumärken och köpa sitt eget whiskyföretag. Han har en yacht och en Lamborghini, och han är fortfarande den mest omtalade och utropade fightern i organisationen även efter att ha förlorat en så ensidig kamp med Dustin Poirier och blivit åsidosatt med ett brutet ben i några år. Det faktum att O'Malley kan inse och internalisera att han förmodligen aldrig kommer att komma till Conors nivå utan en enorm crossover-kamp i boxning säger mycket om var UFC är idag.

Det är den typen av utveckling jag måste skratta åt med att veta hur svårt det har varit att föra alla fighters löner och kontraktsfrågor till domstol utan en armé av advokater för att möta UFC:s formidabla juridiska team. En sådan laglig armé säkrade nyligen klartecken för att driva en grupptalan på uppdrag av över 1,200 tidigare UFC-fighters. Domaren i målet verkar redan ställa sig på målsägandenas sida. Reaktion på UFC-certifiering av grupptalan: Vad hände, och vad som händer härnäst? (msn.com)

Närhelst organisationen konfronteras med statistik som visar att intäktsandelen för fighters är minimal jämfört med andra stora sporter med spelarföreningar, svaret är vanligtvis något som påverkar: "Vi har fått så många miljonärer. Våra fighters mår bra, och de får alla massor av ekonomiska möjligheter med den berömmelse vi har hjälpt dem att uppnå.”

Som expert på UFC:s ekonomiska historia och publikmedlem på UFC 292, Jag kunde inte undvika att konfrontera verkligheten att så många "UFC Nut-kramare"-journalister får alla fördelar med pressprivilegier eftersom de spelar så bra med den "Zuffa Myth"-mentaliteten. Människorna som sätter UFC på kartan förför subliminalt sina supportrar med tillgång och löften om berömmelse och möjligheter, och både fighters och mediamedlemmar sugs in i den typen av managementteatrar. I tur och ordning, du får inte mycket undersökande rapportering i MMA-mediekretsar, och fighters som ställer många frågor och kräver bättre kontraktsvillkor blir inte omskrivna eller ställs upp med prime fight match-ups.

Det krävdes huvudevenemangsresultatet för att verkligen klargöra frågan för mig om hur UFC ständigt håller fokus på deras förmodade förmåga att skapa superstjärnor bara genom att låta en fighter skriva på vilket kontrakt som helst med organisationen. Vissa som håller med om att så är fallet skulle säga att det var organisationens förmåga att se tillräckligt med talanger i O'Malley för att sätta honom på Dana Whites Contender Series som ledde till den spektakulära uppgången till berömmelse som den nya mästaren.. Säkert, O'Malley skulle inte ens ha varit i Boston lördag kväll om han aldrig kom in i organisationen. Emellertid, det har funnits många DWCS-fighters som inte fick några fler UFC-möjligheter eftersom de förlorade den instegskampen. O’Malley var tvungen att vinna och fortsätta vinna för att vara där han var på lördagskvällen.

Poängen är: Sean O'Malleys kultföljare och enorma självförtroende är ett resultat av hans eget personliga korståg för att vara någon speciell med obegränsad potential och fantastisk talang. Han skulle aldrig ens vara med i konversationen om en titel om han inte lade ner alla de otaliga timmarna på gymmet och strävade efter att bli bättre. UFC skapade inte Sean O'Malley, de gav honom bara en plattform för att visa vilken typ av fighter han kunde vara. Och medan han njuter av superstjärnan som UFC kommer att kreditera sig själva för, O'Malley måste veta att det enda sättet han kan maximera sin intjäningspotential är att överskugga själva organisationen. Han måste gå utöver sina restriktiva finansiella gränser till en sport där intäktsandelen är så mycket bättre och en kille som Francis Ngannou kan tjäna mer på en match än han gjorde under hela sin UFC-karriär.

Så, Om Dana White verkligen gjorde Sean O’Malley till sitt husdjursprojekt som Aljamain Sterling föreslog, han gjorde ett bra jobb. Olyckligtvis, monstret han skapade kan komma tillbaka för att bita honom i det långa loppet. Ett annat UFC-sampromoterat boxningskort kommer att få för många av deras anställda att försöka ta samma väg och undra varför Danas lilla kompis får alla raster och förmåner. Veteraner och nykomlingar kommer sannolikt båda att titta på alla hajpade Davis vs. O'Malley boxningsmatch som ett erkännande av deras ledning att UFC inte kan betala sina fighters tillräckligt för att hålla dem i buren.

"Unge, du har ingen aning om hur mycket pengar du kommer att tjäna,” sa Dana White till O’Malley efter vinsten enligt en nyligen genomförd O'Malley-intervju. Jag föreställer mig i hans huvud, Dana avslutade den tanken med “oss.”



Star-Studded Lineup Is Highlighted by Errol Spence Jr., Gervonta Davis, Jermell Charlo, David Benavidez and Jermall Charlo

NEW YORK – March 15, 2022 - SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions today announced nine boxing events across the first half of 2022 featuring some of the sport’s most accomplished and dynamic stars in highly competitive matchups. The lineup pits champions against champions and top contenders against top contenders to form the strongest and most ambitious schedule in the industry. The robust lineup includes:

  • Nine marquee events across five months featuring 21 undefeated fighters;
  • Two world championship unifications bouts, one for all four world title belts and the coveted title of Undisputed Champion, and one for three world title belts;
  • Seven world championship matches with at least 13 world title belts at stake and three world title eliminators;
  • All of the top-six ranked super welterweights fighting in a seven-week span;
  • Several pivotal crossroads fights from super bantamweight to super middleweight with an average of two events per month through July.

The massive schedule features the sport’s biggest starsErrol Spence, Jr, Gervonta ”Tank” Davis, Jermell CharloDavid Benavidezoch Jermall Charlo.  There are also 18 fighters aged 27 years and younger including unified world championStephen Fulton, Jr., and highly regarded, undefeated welterweight contenderJaron “Boots” Ennis. With this emphasis on youth and kingmaking, SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions are well positioned to carry the sport into the future. Led byStephen Espinoza, President, Sport & händelse Programming, Showtime Networks Inc., and four-time Emmy® Award-winning executive producerDavid Dinkins, Jr., who guides an all-star cast of commentators and production aces, Showtime® remains the most tenured and trusted platform in boxing. Arguably the best active welterweight of this era, the undefeated Spence, already a unified champ, will seek to collect a third world title when he puts his WBC and IBF straps on the line against WBA World ChampionYordenis Ugás påLördag,April 16 in the main event on SHOWTIME PPV® at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys. Spence-Ugas is only the 12th unification match in the history of the welterweight divisionjoining classic matchups such as"Socker" Ray Leonard mot.Thomas HearnsJag ochFloyd Mayweather mot.Manny Pacquiao. The match is rich with intrigue as Spence attempts to claim supremacy in one of boxing’s deepest divisions, while Ugas, who nearly quit the sport, aims to complete a stunning turnaround after beating eight-division world champion Pacquiao in August. Boxing superstar and five-time, mästare tre-delning världTankDavis will headline his fourth straight SHOWTIME PPV event against nemesisRolando Romero påLördag, Maj 28, vid Barclays Center i Brooklyn, NY, for Davis’ WBA Lightweight World TitleThe bout comes on the heels of Davis’ hard-fought 12-round unanimous decision win overIsaac “Pitbull” Cruz in which Davis overcame an injury in front of a star-studded, sellout crowd in Los Angeles last December. WBO 154-pound No. 1-rankad kandidatTim Tszyu, the son of Hall of FamerKostia Tszyu, who fought many of his most memorable bouts on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, kommer att göra sin US. debutLördag, March 26mot 2012 US. Olympian and top contenderTerrell Gaushaat The Armory in Minneapolis. The streaking southpawsErickson Lubin ochSebastian Fundora will engage in a Super Welterweight Title Eliminator, for the WBC interim title, in the second of back-to-back, intriguing crossroads matchups in the division onLördag, April 9 from Virgin Hotels in Las Vegas. Jermell Charlo och Brian Brown once again will seek to become the first undisputed 154-pound champion in the four-belt era and just the third overall undisputed champion today when they meet in a rematch of their 2021 classic onLördag, Maj 14 i Los Angeles. Mer, rising welterweight starEnnis, eventuellt the most talented boxer yet to win a world title, returns as the co-feature againstCustio Claytonin an IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator. Former two-time world championBenavidez återgår till handling påLördag,May 21against knockout artistDavid Lemieux vid 168 pounds in Phoenix, Ariz., in a bout between two of the sport’s biggest punchers. Fulton, in his first bout since his title unification win in the 122-pound division againstBrandon Figueroa, will defend his titles onLördag, Juni 4 in Minneapolis, against former unified world championDanny Roman in another can’t miss matchup. Jermall Charlo will defend his WBC Middleweight World Championship for the fifth time onLördag, Juni 18, when he faces former world title challenger, WBC No. 6-rankadMaciej Sulecki on the Juneteenth holiday weekend in Houston. OnLördag, Juli 9, i San Antonio, Texas, newly minted WBC Featherweight World ChampionMark Magsayo will make his first title defense since dethroningGary Russell Jr., on SHOWTIME against unbeaten mandatory challenger and former super bantamweight titleholderKung Vargas.
Additional high-stakes matches will be announced as individual fight cards fill out. “It’s a good time to be a boxing fan and SHOWTIME viewer with so many high-level, consequential matchups on our schedule,"SadeEspinoza, President, Sport & händelse Programming, Showtime Networks Inc. “We continue to grow the sport at every level, from our grassroots seriesSHOBOXto crowning unified and undisputed champions across boxing’s deepest divisions. When you consider the competitive nature of these fights, the star power of fighters like Errol Spence, Jr, ‘Tank’ Davis, David Benavidez, the Charlo brothers—and the youthful vitality of Stephen Fulton, Jr, Jaron Ennis and Brandun Lee—it’s never been clearer that SHOWTIME is the destination for the most compelling fights and will be for years to come. This SHOWTIME Boxing lineup is hands down the most potent of any network or platform in 2022.” The SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule features seven editions of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® and two significant SHOWTIME PPV events, alla presenterade av Premier Boxing Champions: ·Mars 26 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNINGThe Armory, Minneapolis, Från.
o Tim Tszyu vs. Terrell Gausha, Super Welterweight Bouto Michel Rivera vs. Joseph Adorno, Lightweight Bouto Elvis Rodriguez vs. Juan Jose Velasco, Superlätt (142 LBS) Bout ·April 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNING__The Theatre at Virgin Hotels, Las Vegas
o Erickson Lubin vs. Sebastian Fundora, WBC Super Welterweight Interim Titleo Tony Harrison vs. Sergio Garcia, Super Welterweight Bouto Kevin Salgado vs. Bryant Perrella, Super Welterweight Bout ·April 16 – SHOWTIME PPV__VID&T Stadium, Arlington, Texas
o Errol Spence Jr. vs. Yordenis Ugás, WBC, WBA & IBF Welterweight World __Championship Unification
Showtime MÄSTERSKAP BOXNING (preceding PPV):o Radzhab Butaev vs. Eimantas Stanionis, WBA Welterweight Title Bouto Brandun Lee vs. Zachary Ochoa, Superlätt kamp ·Maj 14 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNING__Los Angeleso Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castaño II, Ostridigt IBF, WBA, WBC & WBO Super __Welterweight World Championship Unificationo Jaron Ennis vs. Custio Clayton, IBF Welterweight Eliminator ·Maj 21 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNING__Phoenix
o David Benavidez vs. David Lemieux, Super Middleweight Bouto Yoelvis Gomez vs. Jorge Cota, Super Welterweight Bout ·Maj 28 – SHOWTIME PPV__Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY
o Gervonta Davis vs. Rolando Romero, WBA Lightweight World Championship ·Juni 4 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNING__Minneapolis
o Stephen Fulton, Jr. vs. Danny Roman, WBO & WBC Super Bantamweight World Championshipo David Morrell vs. Kalvin Henderson, WBA Super Middleweight World Title ·Juni 18 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNING__Houston
o Jermall Charlo vs. Maciej Sulecki, WBC Middleweight World Championship ·Juli 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXNING__San Antonio
o Mark Magsayo vs. Kung Vargas, WBC Featherweight World Championship\

För mer information och framtida kampmeddelanden besökwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing och @TGBPromotions på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing och @TGBPromotions eller bli ett fan på Facebook påwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Paramount, owns and operates the premium service SHOWTIME®, which features critically acclaimed original series, provocative documentaries, box-office hit films, comedy and music specials and hard-hitting sports. SHOWTIME is available as a stand-alone streaming service across all major streaming devices and Showtime.com, as well as via cable, DBS, telco and streaming video providers. SNI also operates the premium services THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, as well as on demand versions of all three brands. SNI marknadsför och distribuerar sport och underhållningsevenemang för utställning till abonnenter på en pay-per-view basis genom SHOWTIME PPV®. För mer information, gå tillwww.SHO.com.



Description automatically generated
Sebastian Fundora Outpoints Sergio Garcia in Co-Main Event;
Carlos Adames Defeats Sergiy Derevyanchenko in an Exciting Fight,
and Eduardo Ramirez Dominates Miguel Marriaga
in SHOWTIME PPV Undercard Action

Klicka HÄR for Photos from Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxning Champions

Klicka HÄR for Photos from Esther Lin / Showtime

Klicka HÄR for Photos from Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather kampanjer

LOS ANGELES (December 5, 2021) –Boxing superstar and five-time world champion Gervonta ”Tank” Davis put his boxing skills on display, winning a rousing 12-round round unanimous decision over the relentless Isaac “Pitbull” Cruz to retain his WBA Lightweight World Title in front of a star-studded, sellout crowd of 15,850 at STAPLES Center live on SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View, i ett evenemang som presenteras av Premier Boxing Champions.

Scorecards read 116-112 and two scores of 115-113, all for Davis.

The atmosphere in the arena was electric, with scores of current and former NBA stars in attendance, including Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Kawhi Leonard, Dwight Howard, Kenny Smith, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce among others.

Accompanied by superstar rapper Lil Durk, Davis entered the ring in Laker purple and gold; tassels along his trunks with the late Kobe Bryant’s number “8” and “24” on each side. Cruz celebrated his Mexican heritage with a mariachi band behind him as he strode toward the ring.

There was no feeling-out process in the first. Cruz charged at the defending champion, pinning him against the ropes and wailing away.

“That’s my style. ‘Pitbull’ is always going to be on the attack,"Sade Cruz. “I think we retained rhythm from the start to the end.”

Davis found his rhythm in the second and third, circling the ring and walking Cruz into shots. In the fourth, Cruz concentrated his attack on the body, pounding Davis’ ribs.

The 27-year-old Baltimore native turned on the power in the fourth, alternating between the right hook and left cross behind his southpaw stance. More punishing blows came from Davis during the fifth.

“He’s a shorter fighter, so I was throwing down on the top of his head,"Sade Davis. “I hit him with my knuckle and messed it up. I hurt my hand in the sixth round. No matter if the opponent is taller or shorter, I’ve got to get through it. Han är en krigare. Even though he didn’t win, a star was born tonight.”

“It was right around the fifth round I saw that his hand wasn’t working correctly,” Cruz observed.

Davis boxed beautifully in the middle rounds, firing quick shots and pivoting away from the return fire. A right hook in the eighth briefly buzzed Cruz and brought the audience to their feet. But just when it appeared as if the fight was slipping away, Cruz fought fire with fire, landing a flush uppercut seconds before the bell.

The 23-year-old Mexican picked up the pace in the latter rounds, keeping Davis on his toes and pounding away. Davis held his own, fighting back on even terms until the fight’s end.

Naturligtvis, Cruz believed he deserved the victory.

“Viva Mexico. I have nothing to say, the fans are speaking on who won this fight,"Sa han.

Following a successful title defense, Davis said he’s ready for all comers.

“L.A., we did it for Kobe,"Sade Davis. “At the beginning of the fight, he came on strong. I felt as the fight was going, he was breaking down. But I hurt my hand, so I wasn’t able to get him out of there.

“Whatever the best opportunity is for me, I’ll do it. All of them guys are easy work. I’m the top dog.”

I co-main event, Sebastian “Towering Inferno” Fundora moved closer to a world title shot with a 12-round unanimous decision over the previously-unbeaten Sergio Garcia in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator.

Final scores read 118-110, 117-111 och 115-113.

Fundora established control quickly in the first, snapping Spain’s Garcia’s head back with a booming left. The two traded evenly through the early rounds. Garcia had his moments, including a sharp overhand right in the fifth that drew blood from Fundora’s nose.

The 23-year-old Fundora found his range in the sixth, pumping the jab and using his 6-foot-5 frame and 80-inch reach to keep Garcia at bay.

“I was using my distance a lot more. I wanted to display something different than what I’m used to,” said Fundora. “Height was definitely a difference in this fight.”

Garcia struggled to land during the second half of the bout, save for a couple moments in the 12th when the two combatants stood toe-to-toe.

“Maybe things could have been different if I had been more aggressive from the beginning,sa Garcia. “I shouldn’t have let myself get carried away by what he was doing.”

Fundora believes he’s ready for a world title shot.

“We just beat the No. 2 i WBC, so we have No.1, and we have the champion,” said Fundora. “Whoever they give us next, we’re ready for.”

In a thrilling back and forth, Carlos Adames (21-1, 16 Kos) overcame a stiff challenge from former world title challenger Sergiy Derevyanchenko (13-4, 10 Kos) to win a 10-round majority decision in their WBC Middleweight World Title Eliminator.

Both combatants had their moments, but facing the toughest opponent of his career, the 27-year-old Adames shined. One judge scored the middleweight bout even at 95-95, while the other two scored it for Adames by scores of 96-94 och 97-93.

“This means a lot for me in my career and this is a big accomplishment winning against a fighter of his caliber,” said Adames, who was born in the Dominican Republic and fights out of Washington Heights in New York City.

I am aggressive and speedy by nature, so I came in ready to do my thing. He started slow, wanting to see what would happen, and simply had the wrong game plan. He got a bit tired as the fight went on, took a lot of hard shots from me and it was evident that I caused him a lot of damage.”

“I expect my opponent to fight the same style. It was nothing special for me, just a quality fight,"Sade Derevyanchenko.

“He stayed southpaw, that was the difference in the fight. I don’t know what I’ll do next. I need a little bit of rest and then I will go back to the gym because I love boxing and I love the show.”

This gives me an opportunity to move on,” said Adames. “I dominate at both 154 och 160, so wherever they give me the opportunity to fight for a championship is where I’ll go.”

In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME PPV telecast, super featherweight contender Eduardo “Zurdito” Ramirez (26-2-3, 12 Kos) was in peak form, winning a wide 10-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Miguel Marriaga.

“I would like to thank the fans, SHOWTIME and the Montiel family for supporting me. Marriaga was a tough opponent, but I managed to dominate,” said Ramirez. “I had a varied fighting style and kept him on his toes the whole time.”

Marriaga (30-5, 26 Kos) was the aggressor throughout, particularly in the first round as he backed Ramirez up with combination punching. The latter found his range midway through the frame, utilizing an accurate jab. In the third, a right hook followed by an overhand left floored an off-balance Marriaga for a flash knockdown.
“We started out strong, but then things got progressively harder. Having said that, we are pleased with the work we put in today,” said Marriaga. “We should have been more savvy, but we tried our hardest in the face of a great opportunity that unfortunately we could not take advantage of.”

Ramirez dominated after scoring the knockdown, punishing Marriaga from then on with an assortment of shots to the head and body. Final punch stats had Ramirez landing 280 av 762 (36.7%) total punches to Marriaga’s 159 ut ur 689 (21.3%).

“Now I’m going to relax with my family and enjoy the holidays,” said Ramirez. “Then hopefully 2022 will come with a title shot for me.

Tonight’s blockbuster pay-per-view event will re-air on SHOWTIME this Saturday, December 11 vid 10 p.m. ET / PT. The delayed telecast of Davis vs. Cruz will open the telecast featuring WBC Bantamweight World Champion and future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire as he will defend his title against undefeated top contender and fellow Filipino countryman Reymart Gaballo headlining in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Tennis Stadium in Carson.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME PPV telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood, and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The executive producer was four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jr. The telecast was directed by Bob Dunphy. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

# # #

För mer information besök www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss eller bli ett fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing och https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

Gervonta Davis to Defend WBA Lightweight World Title Against Hard-Hitting Isaac Cruz – Söndag, December 5

Unbeaten Five-Time World Champion Gervonta Davis to Defend WBA Lightweight World Title Against Hard-Hitting Isaac Cruz on Sunday, December 5 på SHOWTIME PPV®

Cruz Replaces Rolando Romero in Main Event at

STAPLES Center in Los Angeles

Köp biljetter Till försäljning!

LOS ANGELES (November 3, 2021) – Unbeaten five-time world champion and boxing’s hottest attractionGervonta ”Tank” Davis will defend his WBA Lightweight Championship against hard-hittingIsaac “Pitbull’’ Cruz på söndag, December 5 live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Kors, rankad nr. 2 i IBF, steps in to replace Rolando Romero.

Biljetter för live-event, som främjas av Mayweather kampanjer, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased atAXS.com.

Davis’ third-straight pay-per-view headlining attraction will see him battle the hardnosed Cruz, who has rightly earned the nickname “Pitbull’’ during his professional career.

“This is going to be a tremendous fight on SHOWTIME PPV,”Sa Leonard Ellerbe, VD för Mayweather Promotions. “Isaac Cruz was ready for this big opportunity and I expect him to come ready to deliver the fight of his life. Emellertid, Gervonta Davis is a generational talent who’s only getting better. This fight is going to end in spectacular fashion on December 5.”

“Kudos to Isaac Cruz for stepping in as a replacement opponent in a high-pressure, pay per view fight against one of the brightest stars in boxing in Gervonta Davis,’’ said Tom Brown, VD för TGB Promotions. “Cruz presents a different, and some would argue a more difficult challenge to Tank Davis. Cruz won’t back down and he’ll bring the fight to Davis from the opening bell. We’ve all seen Gervonta’s blend of superb boxing skills and explosive power, and we know what he’s capable of. It will be the irresistible force versus the immovable object, which means fireworks at STAPLES Center and on SHOWTIME PPV on Sunday, December 5.’’

Davis (25-0, 24 Kos), star of the Mayweather Promotions stable, added another highlight filled performance in June, as he stopped previously unbeaten Mario Barrios to capture a 140-pound title and become a three-division world champion. The Baltimore-native captured his lightweight championship with a 12th-round knockout of former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in December 2019.

“I respect Isaac Cruz for stepping up and taking the fight, but everyone knows what I do,"Sade Davis. “I come in looking for the knockout and that’s exactly what I’m going to do in this fight. I’m back in Los Angeles where the stars shine and I’m going to light it up against Isaac Cruz at STAPLES Center on December 5.’’

The 23-year-old Cruz (22-1-1, 15 Kos) will be looking to rough up Davis and make him work overtime if he wants to come away with the win. A native of Mexico City, Cruz shot up the lightweight rankings in 2020, announcing his presence with an electrifying first-round knockout over veteran Diego Magdaleno in September. Cruz followed that up in 2021 by winning a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Matías Romero in March, and most recently defeating former champion Francisco Vargas by decision in June. Since making his U.S. debut in December 2019, the 23-year-old has gone unbeaten in his next four ring appearances, appearing on SHOWTIME three times in addition to beating Magdaleno on the Gervonta Davis vs. Leo Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV undercard.

“First I want to thank Gervonta Davis and his team for this opportunity – an opportunity I won’t let get past me,’’ Cruz said. “God willing I’ll be world champion on December 5. This fight is a very big motivation for me as a professional and as a personal goal. I’m sure after December 5 everyone in boxing will know the name Isaac ‘Pitbull’ Cruz.’’

För mer information besökwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.comfollow on social media platforms #DavisCruz, on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss eller bli ett fan på Facebook påwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ochhttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


“I’m going to show him that he’s a chump on December 5. I’m not here to talk, I’m here to fight," – Davis

“Everyone’s going to see December 5, I’m going to knock Gervonta the f*** out!" – Romero

Five-Time World Champion Davis To Defend WBA Lightweight Title Against Unbeaten Contender Romero Sunday, December 5 på SHOWTIME PPV®From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles Headlining a Premier Boxing Champions Event

Klicka HÄR för Foton från Esther Lin / Showtime®

Klicka HÄR för foton från Sean Michael Ham /
Mayweather kampanjer

Klicka HÄR for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

LOS ANGELES (Oktober 21, 2021) – Five-time world champion Gervonta ”Tank” Davis och slagkraftiga, unbeaten lightweight contender Rolando "Rolly" Romero went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference to preview their showdown for Davis’ WBA Lightweight Championship headlining live on SHOWTIME PPV Sunday, December 5 at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Davis’ third-straight pay-per-view headlining attraction will see him battle his outspoken lightweight foe Romero, as the 26-year-old power-punchers put their unbeaten records on the line. The event will mark Davis’ return to Southern California after he knocked out Hugo Ruiz in the first round in front of a sold-out crowd in February 2019.

Biljetter för live-event, som främjas av Mayweather kampanjer, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from City View Terrace at STAPLES Center:


“I’m thankful to be here to give the fans another great fight. Detta är vad vi gör. ‘Rolly’ is just here to talk. He’s trying to talk his way into winning, but he’s scared. Jag kommer att kämpa.

“They only talk about his power, men detta är boxning. His skills are not up to par with mine. He can’t even talk about power, because everyone knows I’m bringing it. You can shoot bullets, but how are you going to defend yourself when the bullets are shot back?

“He’s been talking for a long time. He’s trying to sell a fight, but I’m going to show him that he’s a chump on December 5. I’m not here to talk, I’m here to fight. I don’t take this personally. För mig, this isn’t beef, this is business.

“I was on a mission when I fought Jose Pedraza for the title. I didn’t do the trash talking. I went in there and proved that I’m a top guy. This guy is just here to talk. I’m going to do the talking in the ring on December 5.

“His trainer isn’t working on anything but power. They aren’t working on any skills. He hasn’t fought anybody like me and he’s going to see the difference.

“I’ve never once turned down any fight. I’m not scared of anybody. I’m going to fight everybody. I’ll fight a heavyweight. This is nothing to me. I’ve survived a lot of stuff.

“He’s supposed to come here and sell the fight. I’m supposed to win. I’d rather punish him for 12 rounds than knock him out quick. Part of me wants to humble him, but the most important thing to do is just go out there and get the job done.

“This fight is for the fans. The fans are winning December 5. Make sure you come out and support. I’m thankful to be in this position. It’s all about my team and those people who have put me in a great position.”


“Everyone’s going to see December 5, I’m going to knock Gervonta the f*** out. I hope you hear that.

“I’ve been calling ‘Tank’ out since 2017. We were supposed to spar in 2018 and he didn’t show up to the gym. He did that twice because he knew he was getting beat. December 5, you’re getting knocked out.

“This is just who I am. This is how I was born. I came into this sport at 17-years-old and I’ve made the most out of what I’ve done. Everybody come watch me knock him out on December 5.

“He’s got such a big head, it’s going to be hard to miss it. He gets touched up by every opponent he faces. Leo Santa Cruz was beating him up and Barrios was getting to him too.

“He wants to run out of the ring whenever he gets hit. It happens in sparring and in the amateurs. I was the one who had to force this fight, because I’ve seen for years that he’s a chump. He’s made a career out of beating up 126-pounders.

“He doesn’t know half the stuff that I’ve seen and been through. I’m here to knock him out in the ring. He’s arrogant and tries to act like he’s tough, but I’m knocking him out.

“Manny Pacquiao has an awkward style too, and look at everything he’s accomplished. Just because I fight differently, does that mean I don’t have skills? I have my own skills and they’ve gotten me this far.

“I’m not going into the ring angry, I’m just focused.”

FLOYD Mayweather, VD för Mayweather Promotions

“These are two great fighters. And when I say great, I mean that every time they go out there, they produce. ‘Tank’ is a young kid from Baltimore who had a dream. He’s been through a lot. He fought his way to the top. You have to commend him for that. Oavsett vad någon säger, he earned his stripes.

“I believe ‘Tank’ is one of the best fighters in the world. ‘Rolly’ says he wants to fight the best. Come December 5, det kommer att bli en jävla kamp.

“’Rolly’ is tough. He’ll fight anybody and that eagerness makes this an intriguing matchup. ‘Rolly’ just wants to prove he’s the best. He’s also a hell of a puncher. Every time we presented an opponent to him, he’s accepted every one of them.

“’Tank’ is doing record-breaking numbers. I always told him it would come in due time. I told him that the same way I sell out arenas, you’re going to do the same thing one day. He had patience and that’s what we’re doing.

“These guys are the future of boxing. I don’t see this fight going the distance. Two undefeated knockout artists. Two champions. December 5, I’ll see everyone there.”

CALVIN FORD, Davis’ Co-Trainer

“I hope you keep up this talking ‘Rolly.’ We’ll see who’s still going to be talking at the end of the night on December 5.

“Romero has an awkward style, but the beauty of having two coaches with ‘Tank,’ is that there’s nothing we aren’t ready for.

“Having Barry Hunter be a part of the camp has helped calm ‘Tank’ down in many ways. I think everyone will see the beauty of us working together in this fight.

“I don’t train ‘Tank’ for knockouts. I train him to go the distance. He can get you from round 1 till 12. So you better stay sharp.”

BARRY HUNTER, Davis’ Co-Trainer

“Everyone knows what we’re coming to do. I have mad respect for the other side. Bring your A-game, because we’re definitely going to bring ours.

“We’re born for stuff like this right here. Like everyone said, there’s no way this fight goes the distance.

“Everybody is working hard to be at their best, because we don’t want any excuses after it’s over with. I have faith in Gervonta. I know what he’s going to do.”

BULLET CROMWELL, Romero’s Trainer

“I know what everybody is saying about who the champ is coming into this, but the champ wasn’t born a champ, he had to rise too. Just like a young lion, ‘Rolly’ is ready to rise.

“I’m an L.A. kille. When we come back here, we’re fighting for a legacy. It’s not just a belt and money.

“I told ‘Rolly’ that Gervonta Davis is standing in the way of changing your family and your legacy. We got a job to do.

“I don’t care about pure boxing or any style. I took karate, street-fighting and boxing, and I put it all together. Combined with a puncher with ‘Rolly’s’ power, and with his grind and grit, it’s a perfect match.

“I have a lot of respect for ‘Tank’ and his team. Han är en stor kämpe, but Rolly is next up. He’s going to be the new WBA champion on December 5.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, VD för Mayweather Promotions

“We’re excited to bring this huge event to Los Angeles at STAPLES Center on Sunday, December 5. This is a tremendous matchup and the fans should be excited. There’s a lot of buzz already and tickets are going fast.

“These fighters truly despise each other. It’s rare you see that in boxing. I 2019, me and Floyd were at the Errol Spence Jr. vs. Mikey Garcia and we were talking and all of a sudden Davis and Romero were ready to go at it at ringside. Floyd told them that they could do it in the ring, and now here we are.

“’Tank’ is without a doubt the most exciting fighter in the world. He’s also one of the biggest attractions and one of the best fighters in the world. ‘Rolly’ has let it be known that he’s been ‘trolling’ ‘Tank’ and I’m sure on December 5, ‘Tank’ will be doing whatever he can to shut ‘Rolly’ up.

“’Rolly’ is a very explosive fighter and anytime he steps into the ring, he’s looking to get his opponent out of there. He never lacks confidence and he’s confident that on December 5 he’s getting the job done.

“With two tremendous power punchers like this, there’s no way this fight doesn’t end in a knockout. Tune in December 5 and expect someone to get knocked out.”


“For SHOWTIME Sports, 2021 has been one of the strongest years on record. We have delivered a total of 42 händelser, half of which ended in knockouts. I december 5, I expect this won’t go the distance, antingen, with these two hard hitters.

“Week after week, year after year, SHOWTIME continues to be the standard of this sport. No one in combat sports is putting on better, or more meaningful fights than us.

“As we enter Gervonta’s 11th fight with SHOWTIME, he has never been down, and he has continued to shine. When other fighters are talking, ‘Tank’ is fighting and selling out arenas.

“’Rolly’ has also never been downed as a pro. He is a hard hitter and is one of the best talents in boxing, and he will be the first to tell you.”

# # #

Davis vs. Romero will see five-time world champion Gervonta ”Tank” Davis defend his WBA Lightweight Championship against hard-hitting, unbeaten lightweight contender Rolando "Rolly" Romero live on SHOWTIME PPVon Sunday, December 5 at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions event. Biljetter för live-event, som främjas av Mayweather kampanjer, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

För mer information besök www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss eller bli ett fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing och https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


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(Foto Credit: Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME)

Klicka HÄR för foton från Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Klicka HÄR för foton från Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather Promotions

Klicka HÄR for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

ATLANTA (Juni 27, 2021) – Gervonta “Tank” Davis, one of the biggest stars in all of boxing, put on a career-defining performance Saturday night live on SHOWTIME PPV from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta, scoring a scintillating 11th round TKO over the previously-undefeated Mario Barrios to capture the WBA Super Lightweight Championship in the action-packed Premier Boxing Champions event. Watch the stoppage HÄR.

“I made it tough. I definitely could have made it easier but I went up two weight classes and I got the job done,” said the 26-year-old Baltimore native, who was headlining his second SHOWTIME PPV. “I hit him with some clean shots, but I’m the type of fighter that wants to catch you with clean shots. I don’t just want to throw any type of shot. The shots I was throwing were missing, but eventually I caught up with him.”

In a fight that lived up to its potential, Davis (25-0, 24 Kos) and Barrios (26-1, 17 Kos) combined to put on an unforgettable main event in front of a sold-out crowd of 16,570. After a slow opening four rounds in which Davis landed just 11 stansar, the fight produced fireworks beginning in the fifth round. In the eighth round, “Tank” sent “El Azteca” to the canvas for both the first and second times of his career. Först, Davis connected on a sweeping right hook that sent the former champion to the canvas. Ögonblick senare, a straight left hand by Davis dropped Barrios again. The brave Barrios rose to his feet, surviving Davis’ attempts to finish him in the eighth.

With International Boxing Hall of Famer and promoter Floyd Mayweather encouraging Davis in his corner, the southpaw came out rejuvenated in the eleventh round, realizing that the fight could be close on the scorecards. “Tank” dropped Barrios for the third time in the fight, this time with a left uppercut to the body. The bloodied Barrios rose again, only to be greeted with another barrage of punches from Davis. Referee Thomas Taylor stepped in to stop the fight at 2:13 of the eleventh round.

“I knew for sure if I catch him, I’m crackin,” Davis told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray. “So I caught him, och det visade. My coach was telling me to go to a jab style but I’m a southpaw so they know I’m going to that jab side. So I would try and bait him in. I faked like I was going left, and I threw my right. And my hook over top, and that’s where I caught him.”

In the final six-and-a-half rounds, Davis landed 85 stansar. Han landade 45 procent av hans makt slag (82/182), while Barrios more than held his own, out-landing Davis in six of the ten completed rounds.

“I knew he was hurt. I just had to catch him at the right time,” Davis continued. “Floyd [Mayweather] came to me and was honest and said I was down,” continued Davis, who was actually ahead on all three judges’ scorecards at the time of the stoppage. “So he said ‘Show me that you’re great.’ And you know how we do it in the doghouse, bebis!"

Med segern, Davis now holds world championships in three different divisions simultaneously, a feat only accomplished by a few other fighters in history, including Henry Armstrong and Canelo Alvarez.

“He has the potential to be one of the greatest ever,” said Mayweather. “When I first met ‘Tank’ when he was 14 eller 15 år gammal, I told him I’d make him a world champion. And that you’ll be one of the best someday. I’m proud of him.”

“I’ve never been a hater. Congrats to ‘Tank’,sa Barrios. “He came here and did his thing. It was nothing short of an exciting fight and that’s exactly what both of us predicted. Han var den bättre mannen ikväll, but I’ll definitely be back.

“’Tank’ is explosive. He caught me slipping and it’s boxing. Vid slutet av dagen, ett slag kan ändra kampen. That’s exactly what I felt happened. Congrats to him.”

In a back-and-forth co-main event, Orlandos Erickson "Hammer" Lubin (23-1, 17 Kos) overcame some adversity to score the most important victory of his career over former unified world champion Jeison Rosario (20-3-1, 14 Kos). The WBC No. 1-ranked contender at 154 pounds, Lubin scored a sixth-round KO (1:42) in the WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator. Watch HÄR.

“I just followed the game plan,” said the 25-year-old Lubin, who improves to 6-0 since suffering the only loss of his career to 154-pound kingpin Jermell Charlo. “I would just go back to my corner after each round and Coach [Kevin] Cunningham and my team would just say, ‘Stick to the jab. Stay consistent with your jab.I’m way faster than him and I knew he had good power and he was trying to counter me. So I would fade him out and use my jab consistently.”

I den tredje omgången, Lubin nearly put an early end to the action with a huge frame that had Rosario on the back foot. In the closing moments of the round, Lubin landed a right hook that had Rosario wobbling back to his corner after the bell rang. Miraculously, in the next round, Rosario was able to recover and completely turned the tables, wobbling Lubin with a left jab.

The action turned up even more in the sixth round. Lubin, sensing that Rosario was susceptible to the body attack, landed a vicious left-right body combination that sent Rosario to his knees in what ultimately proved to be the turning point of the fight. Rosary, clearly hurt, was never able to recover and Lubin finished him off moments later against the ropes.

“I started to hurt him in the body as soon as the first round started,” the 2016 “Prospect Of The Year” Lubin said. “I started with the body and I saw him grunt. So I was able to hurt him to the body. I just wanted to distract him with the jab, then go downstairs. And I was able to get him out. I knew even if he got up after the knockdown that the fight was over. I know I’m a great finisher and I knew I was going to get him out of there as soon as I saw him drop.”

Lubin landed 44 procent av hans makt slag (80/288) och 20 of his landed punches were to the body. Med segern, Lubin puts himself squarely in the picture for a second world title opportunity.

“I want a shot at the world title next,"Sa han. “I want everyone at 154 pounds. I’m No. 1 in the WBC but I chose to fight Rosario. I don’t duck anybody. I want to say that I fought everyone in my division when I win the world title.”

“Right now, I feel so bad,” said Rosario. “There is no lesson to be learned yet, everything is so raw still. I lost again, and it’s so frustrating. I was convinced I was going to win. The fight started to turn in the second round. I was just trying to keep up and listen to my corner. Lubin is a great fighter. He deserved to win. I hope he enjoys his victory.”

On the biggest stage of his career, Dominican Republic’s Carlos Adames (20-1, 16 Kos) rose to the occasion, scoring a highlight-reel third-round knockout over the streaking Alexis Salazar (23-4, 9 Kos) in the second fight of the pay-per-view. Tiden för stoppet var 2:59 av den tredje omgången. Watch the KO HÄR.

In the eventful and decisive third round, referee Jim Korb deducted two points from Adames for excessive holding. Emellertid, Adames made certain that the point deduction would have no impact on the fight’s result. He dropped Salazar with a lead left hook flush on the chin, a punch that Salazar never saw coming. The 25-year-old Mexican was able to get back to his feet, but Korb called for the stoppage when it was evident that a dazed Salazar was unable to continue.

“I was in control the entire fight, and that’s what reduced him to turning around at times,” said the 27-year-old Adames. “I was working with the jab to the body at first so that was working, and then I came with the left hook. I did my job and followed my strategy from A to Z and was able to succeed the way I wanted to.

“The key moment of the fight was when I managed to disrupt his focus. Once I was able to do that then it was easy pickings for me.”

I was feeling good in there and I thought I was winning rounds,” said Salazar, whose 15-fight win streak was put to an end with one punch. “But he started grabbing me and that’s when he got me with an uppercut. That swung the fight. I just have to get back to work and keep looking for more opportunities.”

In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME PPV telecast, den slagkraftiga Batyr Akhmedov (9-1, 8 Kos) scored a TKO victory over former world champion Argenis Mendez (25-7-3, 12 Kos) in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator. Mendez suffered a right hand injury and did not get off his stool to come out for the ninth round. The official time of the stoppage was 3:00 of round number eight.

“The fight went as planned,” said Akhmedov, who overcame the first cut of his career over his left eye after an accidental head clash in the second round. “We were expecting a tough fight like that. I’ve been out of the ring for a long time, so I needed to get those rounds in. My plan is to fight for the world title next. We knew he would be uncomfortable to fight and tricky. He was headbutting and elbowing me. It was good experience for me.”

In the battle of Olympians, it was Akhmedov who pressed the action and was far busier from the onset. He went to the body early and often, landning 57 body punches, wearing Mendez down as the rounds passed by. The 30-year-old Akhmedov landed 115 av 306 power punches he threw, while the 34-year-old Mendez landed 84 av hans 223 kraft stansar, including just 13 body connects. Vid tidpunkten för stoppet, Akhmedov was ahead on all three judges’ scorecards.

Mendez is a tough guy who fights top fighters,” continued Akhmedov. “We knew it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. When I hurt him, my corner was telling me to slow down and take my time before going for the knockout.”

“I started feeling (injured) in the second and third round,” said a disappointed Mendez. “My knuckles were broken and I couldn’t throw a punch anymore after I cut him with my right hand in the first round. I tried to keep fighting from the fourth round on, men till ingen nytta. It was useless.”

Med segern, Akhmedov keeps himself in the running for top fights in the deep 140-pound division. Mendez drops to 2-4-2 in last eight fights.

SHOWTIME will add a special replay of tonight’s pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis and Mario Barrios to the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast headlined by Chris “Primetime” Colbert vs. Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar next Saturday, Juli 3 vid 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT på SHOWTIME. The replay of tonight’s SHOWTIME PPV headline attraction from State Farm Arena in Atlanta will serve as the opening fight of the live telecast from Carson, Calif. on Independence Day weekend.

ALL ACCESS: DAVIS-BARRIOS EPILOGUE premieres immediately following next week’s live telecast of Colbert vs.. Nyambayar. The Emmy® Award-winning series ALL ACCESS was behind-the-scenes all week in Atlanta to capture never-before-seen moments from fight week. The epilogue will reveal intimate scenes from the locker rooms before and after the fight and inside the ropes from tonight’s action.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME PPV telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast teamEmmy® prisbelönta reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The executive producer was four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jr. The telecast was directed by Bob Dunphy. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

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För mer information besök www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss eller bli ett fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing och https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.



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Mer, Erickson Lubin and Undercard Fighters Featured On Blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV® Event This Saturday, Juni 26, från State Farm Arena i Atlanta

Klicka HÄR för foton från Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Klicka HÄR för foton från Sean Michael Ham /
Mayweather kampanjer

ATLANTA (Juni 23, 2021) – Four-time world champion Gervonta ”Tank” Davis and undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario "El Azteca" Barrios took part in a media workout to kick off fight week at the College Football Hall of Fame on Wednesday ahead of this Saturday’s blockbuster Showtime PPV® händelse.

Tickets for the live event presented by Premier Boxing Champions are on sale now and available for purchase through Ticketmaster.com.

Here is what Davis, Barrios and the rest of the fighters in attendance had to say on Wednesday:


“I’m excited to be in this position to be able to give the fans what they want to see, which is an exciting fight. Atlanta showed me love the last time I came, so why not come back?

“This is one of my toughest fights on paper. I’ll be ready and hopefully he’ll be ready, and we’ll give the fans what they want to see.

“Las Vegas is definitely a boxing town. My team is there at Mayweather Promotions and I brought my personal team out there as well. We’re all a family. We train together, get along, and help each other.

“There is no pressure on me, I am just going out there to do my job. It’s just another day at the job for me. Hopefully he’s ready because I’m definitely ready and we can give the fans what they want to see, which is a knockout.

"[Stadsdelar] is a young champion. I’m going up two weight classes to face him. If they don’t give me the respect after this, I don’t know what I have to do. It’s pretty cool. This is actually the first time I’m fighting at this weight class. Whatever opportunities they give me at 135, eller 140, I’ll take them.”


“This is all brand new, but I’m taking it all in and excited to be in Atlanta. I’m just excited to go out there on Saturday and give everybody a great fight.

“No doubt about it, Tank is by far the toughest test for another title defense and I’m going to do whatever it takes to be successful on Saturday. There’s going to be fireworks on Saturday.

“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited for this chance. This is a very winnable fight for me, regardless of what everyone has been saying. I’m just excited to be back in the ring and in Atlanta.

“I think it’s not going to be until we both get in the ring that people realize how much size I really have for 140 pounds. Somehow, he’s still the favorite although he’s the challenger in this fight. I just take that as more motivation for me.

“Height-wise, reach. Those are the major advantages. I’m just as dangerous as he is. And just as explosive and just as fast. And I will show that on fight night.

“When they came to me, I said let’s do it but I was like, ‘I’m not going down to 135,’ and they said, ‘Nah, he’s going to come up.’ And I said, ‘Even better.’

“I’ve seen him fight plenty of times. He’s a great fighter and he’s been very successful at the lower weight divisions against the smaller opponents. But this is a different fight for him.

“I didn’t take too much from the Leo Santa Cruz fight. Jag kände [Gervonta] fought him the way he did because he didn’t respect Santa Cruz’s power. But with our fight he’s going to have no choice and he’s not going to fight me the way he fought Santa Cruz. Whatever he does fight night, I’m going to have to adapt.

“I’ve been boxing just as long as he has and I have an excellent boxing IQ, just as he has. It only takes one punch to change a fight, and he definitely has that one punch. But I’ll find out if that power carries over to 140 pounds. "


“We always work hard. Every camp is hard. It’s just that this time we added a little longer. We’ve been working since my last fight and I’m just so excited to go out there and display my talents.

“Me and Jeison Rosario, we’re both hungry. I just think I want it more and my preparation is going to speak for itself and the fans can only expect fireworks and the best of me.

“It’s not just one thing we’re working on; we’re working on everything to be our best. Everything is clicking on all cylinders right now. I feel I’m ready to fight. I’ve been ready to fight weeks ago. Everything is going to show on Saturday night.

“I’ve seen him fight against Charlo and others – I’ve seen enough. I know what I have to do to get him out of there. I’m a competitor and want to give the fans the best show.

“My loss affected me and motivated me big time. I know my abilities and I know what I’m capable of, so I just went back to the drawing board and took it all in. I understood how serious this sport is, and how unforgiving this sport is. So I knew I had to go out there and do things different to take my career to another level. That’s what I did.”


“I felt great when I got the call to be on this card. I was very happy to get this opportunity.

“There are four corners in the ring, I am going to catch him eventually. Outside of the ring he may be able to run from me, but inside the ring he won’t be able to.

“It’s about a sense of responsibility. I’m always ready to fight regardless of how long I have to prepare. My responsibility is to always be ready whenever I am called upon to put on a good show for the fans.

“It’s a great opportunity and I’m very thankful to PBC and SHOWTIME for having me in consideration. I want to show what I am worth on Saturday.

“I know that my opponent is an aggressive fighter who throws a lot of punches with his right hand. I will be ready for anything. I have the capacity to adapt to whatever he wants to do, so I don’t care what he comes with because I am going to be ready.

“Being with PBC makes me feel closer to the belts. Now all I have to do is go in the ring and show what I am capable of to earn those belts as soon as possible.”


“I had a lot of emotions when I learned I would be fighting on this card. Mer än någonting, it was a dream come true because I have worked my entire life for this. I thank God for this opportunity and I’m going to take advantage of it.

“I can’t stay in front of my opponent for too long, I need to box against him. It’s what I know how to do and it’s what I’ve been preparing to do.

“I feel great and I feel really ready for this fight. This is my first time fighting in Atlanta, it’s a really nice city.

“It’s a great motivation for me to be moved up to the pay-per-view card. I feel more motivated to do what I know how to do. I train and work hard every day, so nothing’s new.

“I want to prove how ready I am and to reach new heights. I want to show people wherever you are from, it’s possible to reach your dreams. I train every day, and work hard every day and there is no better motivation for me than to work this hard and to fight on this stage.

“I’ve been getting great sparring and I’ve been training at Wild Card in Hollywood, and those guys are warriors. All my sparring partners are hungry and this past week they all showed it.


“It is my first time being in Atlanta and it’s an honor for me to fight here on such a great card in front of such great people.

“Thank you so much for all of your support. I fought Mario in a World Title fight and went through a war, and now we work on the mistakes. I am ready to put on another performance, and I’ll do my best for the fans to enjoy an exciting fight.

“Under my coaches, Joel and Antonio Diaz, I have the best team in the world. It is a learning process every time whether it’s a win, förlora, eller rita. You have to make adjustments to your performances and that is what we did.

“I will do my best to bring the action and make the fans remember this fight. I already like the city of Atlanta. You can see right away that people like boxing here. It’s going to be a good card with good fights.

“I am very happy with the experience I have gotten in my previous fights and I expect it to help me in the future.”

Argenis Mendez

"Jag känner mig bra, I’m very happy and very excited. I’m very happy to be here today and excited to leave with a victory.

“The most important thing is coming away with the victory. I am very focused on the fight this Saturday.

“The main event is really none of my business because in the end, I am focused on my fight. After Saturday night, I will care about whichever one of the two in the main event wins their fight because then they will be my next opponent.

“I think this will be an interesting fight because boxing has changed. Akhmedov is an Olympian, and despite the fact that he has fewer fights, he lost a controversial decision to Mario Barrios. I think this fight will present a lot of different challenges and it will be an interesting fight for everyone to see on Saturday night.

“My training was a bit peculiar in Manchester, England, which was a different setting for me. Jag älskade varje sekund av det. My coach couldn’t be here because of COVID-19 circumstances, but I am still supported by my team right here which is great. I’m really excited to show what I have been working on this Saturday night.”

# # #

Davis vs. Barrios will see four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis set his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Juni 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson “Hammer” Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Super welterweight contender Carlos Adames will take on Mexico’s Alexis Salazar in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

The event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

För mer information besök www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss eller bli ett fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing och https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

National Powerhouse Attorney Thomas J. Henry Steps into the Ring to Back Up MarioEl AztecaBarrios Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV Fight this Saturday

Photo Credit /Clarissa Castaneda Click Here För fler bilder

National Powerhouse Attorney Thomas J. Henry Steps into the Ring to Back Up MarioEl AztecaBarrios Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV Fight this Saturday

ATLANTA, GA (Juni 23, 2021) – Texas personal injury attorney Thomas J. Henry, whose record-breaking verdicts and recoveries have been featured in Fortune, Forbes, and Newsweek magazines, is now using his powerhouse image to sponsor undefeated World Champion boxer, Mario “El Azteca” Stadsdelar (26-0, 17 Kos). At the press conference in San Antonio, TX, for the upcoming championship fight against four-time world champion Gervonta ”Tank” Davis, the famed attorney flew in the undefeated Barrios, and gave him the entrance and introduction he deserves, with the red carpet off a private jet accompanied by a professional Aztec Dance Troupe.

Thomas J. Henry’s partnership with MarioEl AztecaBarrios begins June 26, 2021, with Barrio’s championship fight against Gervonta Davis (24-0, 23 Kos). I Showtime PPV main event, Davis will attempt to become a Three-Division World Champion as he faces the reigning, defending, and unbeaten champion from San Antonio, Mario Barrios. The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

The new multi-fight deal will also transcend the sport of boxing and allow Mario Barrios to work alongside Thomas J. Henry on multiple philanthropic endeavors hosted and promoted by Thomas J. Henry and his law firm.

My initial interest in Mario was derived from his commitment to excellence both in and out of the ring,” said Thomas J. Henry. “He is dedicated to personal growth at all levels, training tirelessly to hone his craft as a boxer while also committing himself to philanthropy and giving back to the San Antonio community. Mario is exactly the kind of athlete and individual we should support and celebrate.

“This experience has been a wild and fun ride and yesterday, as my team and I got picked up in the Bay Area from a private jet that my title sponsor, Thomas J. Henry, provided,” Said Barrios. “Thomas is a well-respected gentleman in the state of Texas, and especially in my hometown of San Antonio, where his law firm headquarters is located. An incredible press conference was waiting me at the airport when I was picking up my family in San Antonio, all because of TJH. All the local media showed up in support of my fight with Gervonta Davis airing this Saturday on SHOWTIME PPV. The press conference was like a movie scene (smiling), with Aztec dancers, DJs, and all, it was great. I’m looking forward to doing some incredible community work with Thomas J. Henry.”

“Right now, my dreams and aspirations are becoming reality as these special moments are happening in real time,” Barrios fortsatte. “We arrived in Atlanta last night and El Azteca is in warrior spirit, and best believe I’m coming for this man who is trying to take my belt. I want to thank all my San Antonio fans and everyone in Texas for their continued support. I want to let them know that we are going into battle together, as one. Tank has his army of fans, and I have mine. It’s going to be a great fight and may the best man win.”

Thomas J. Henry is nationally recognized for his charitable events and actions, and regularly seeks out like-minded individuals and organizations to amplify their vision for giving back to the community.

I mars, Thomas J. Henry partnered with Christy’s Hope, The Purple Door, and SAFE Alliance, to launch a campaign against domestic violence. Förra året, Thomas J. Henry created and hosted ‘Austin Elevates,’ using his professional connections and celebrity status to recruit top entertainers such as Kygo, Daddy Yankee, DaBaby, and 88Glam, to perform a one-of-a-kind charity concert at the Austin 360 amphitheater. The event raised more than $160,000 for its beneficiaries which Thomas J. Henry personally matched, bringing the total amount to $327,720.

Super Welterweight Contender Carlos Adames Faces Alexis Salazar in Gervonta Davis vs. Mario Barrios SHOWTIME PPV Undercard This Saturday, Juni 26

Adames vs. Salazar Replaces Julian Williams vs. Brian Mendoza Fight After Williams Suffers Elbow Injury in Training

ATLANTA (Juni 22, 2021) – Super welterweight contender Carlos Adames will take on Mexico’s Alexis Salazar in a 10-round showdown on the SHOWTIME PPV undercard this Saturday, Juni 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Adames vs. Salazar replaces the previously scheduled Julian Williams vs. Brian Mendoza fight, after Williams was forced to withdraw because of an elbow injury.

The event is headlined by four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis as he seeks a title in a third weight class against unbeaten WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV telecast that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, som främjas av Mayweather kampanjer, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at https://www.ticketmaster.com.

A native of Comendador, Dominikanska republiken, Adames (19-1, 15 Kos) fights out of New York City as he seeks to earn a second shot at a world championship. The 27-year-old defeated a slew of contenders on his way to a 2019 title shot that he lost by narrow decision to Patrick Teixeira. Adames defeated former champion Carlos Molina, and contenders Frank Galarza, Joshua Conley and Alejandro Barrera to earn that opportunity at a title.

The 25-year-old Salazar (23-3, 9 Kos) rides a 15-fight winning streak into this matchup. Senast, Salazar earned a unanimous decision over Ruben Barajas in their December 2020 clash. Originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and now fighting out of Norwalk, Calif., Salazar will fight in the U.S. for the sixth time Saturday night. His previous stateside outing saw him dominate Abraham Cordero to earn a unanimous decision in May 2019.

The non-televised undercard will feature Cuban contender Leduan Barthelemy (16-1-1, 8 Kos) meeting unbeaten Viktor Slavinsky (12-0-1, 6 Kos)i en åtta Ligt superfjäderlätta kamp, former title challenger Andres Gutierrez (38-2-1, 25 Kos) in an eight-round super lightweight attraction, unbeaten prospect Dalton Brodie (1-0, 1 KO) competing in a four-round super middleweight duel against fellow-unbeaten Trever Bradshaw (1-0) and undefeated Washington, D.C. born prospect Stacey Selby (2-0, 2 Kos) entering the ring in a four-round super lightweight bout.

# # #

Davis vs. Barrios will see four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis set his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Juni 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson “Hammer” Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Super welterweight contender Carlos Adames will take on Mexico’s Alexis Salazar in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

The event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

För mer information besök www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, på Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss eller bli ett fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing och https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


ATLANTA (Juni 17, 2021) – Top contender Erickson "Hammer" Lubin and former unified champion Jeison Rosario, plus former unified champion Julian "J-Rock" Williams och Brian Mendoza previewed their respective showdowns during a virtual press conference Thursday before they enter the ring on the Gervonta Davis vs. Mario Barrios SHOWTIME PPV undercard Saturday, Juni 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Lubin and Rosario will meet in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event, while Williams and Mendoza square off for a 10-round super welterweight showdown on the pay-per-view telecast. The telecast also features hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov stepping in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in the opening bout at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, som främjas av Mayweather kampanjer, GTD Kampanjer och TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com.

Här är vad presskonferensdeltagarna hade att säga torsdag:


“This has been the best camp of my life. I know it sounds cliché, but it really has been. Jag har varit på gymmet sedan min sista match. I made a few mistakes in that fight, but Kevin Cunningham and I have been at it since last year and we’re coming to make a statement.

“This is a stacked card and we’re excited to be a part of it. I’m ready to show everyone that I’m the best fighter in this division.

“This is going to be a fan-friendly fight. I can mix it up, box or bang. Rosario always comes forward. The fans are going to love it. I’m not the fighter who tries to find an easy way out. I’m looking to make a statement.

“I think that I’m a totally different fighter than when I trained with his coach, Herman Caicedo. Me and Kevin have worked on a lot of things that regular southpaws don’t have. I’m coming in with a game plan that’s like a jigsaw puzzle. I think this is the wrong fight for Rosario to take coming off a knockout loss.

“This fight comes down to who wants it more and who prepared better. I have power too. He’s got to have the skills and have his mind there. I know I’m ready mentally. I can’t wait to fight.

“I gained a lot of experience fighting Nathaniel Gallimore and Terrell Gausha. Those are top contenders. I don’t want any tune-up fights, that’s why I took this fight against Rosario. I gained a lot of confidence and everything is clicking for me right now.

“When I become world champion, I want to be able to say that I’ve beat all the top guys in the division. That’s just how I am. I’m a competitor. Make sure you tune-in on June 26.

“It doesn’t matter if I knock Rosario out or if I don’t. My job is to look good and come out victorious. I’m going to go in there and show the world that I can make anyone in this division look bad.”


“I feel very healthy and very strong. It’s been a great camp so far and probably one of the best camps I’ve had in my career. I’m already at the weight and I am ready to go. The Jermell Charlo fight is the past. That’s over with. This is a new camp and I feel very strong. We’re moving forward.

“I changed trainers just because I was looking for a change. Not necessarily because I lost, but because it was just the right timing. Olyckligtvis, it came with a loss, but that was not the reason for the change. We’ve known each other for some time. I know Herman Caicedo’s style. It’s no nonsense. Inga ursäkter. It’s all or nothing and that’s what I wanted moving forward.

“First and foremost, I have the power to knockout Lubin and anybody in the 154-pound division. The camp that I’ve had, and the little tidbits of southpaw knowledge that I’ve picked up on, make me confident that I can knock Lubin out.

“What happened in the Charlo fight was the fluke. Me winning the titles was not the fluke. I’m going to show everybody that I will bounce back from that loss and win my next fight. I have no problem taking this fight. It’s not a mistake at all. Detta är vad vi gör. We fight. I’m very excited for June 26 and I expect Lubin to bring his best.

“I actually watched the Charlo fight for the first time last night. Uppenbarligen, I learned from my mistake and worked to correct it in this camp. I’m looking forward to showing what I’ve learned from that defeat on June 26.

“At 154 pounds, I can knock anybody out. I have seen some of Lubin’s fights just as a fan and he is a great fighter. It’s not easy to land shots on him or land a home run shot. So that’s not the game plan. Uppenbarligen, there is a game plan and if I do land on him, I feel that I can knock him out. But I won’t just go in there trying to land a shot on the chin.

“I’m the type to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself. This is another opportunity to get right back in the picture and fight for a title, so you have to take this. Not everybody would. Erickson did and I’m cut from the same cloth. It’s the opportunity and the pride of fighting the best.”


“Camp is going really well. I’ve been out in Las Vegas with SugarHill Steward grinding and putting in the work. The fans can expect an explosive performance and a victory for myself on June 26.

“I just have to be myself on June 26. I think I’m more skilled than anyone else in the division and I plan on proving that again against Brian Mendoza.

“I’ve known who Brian Mendoza is. I expect him to get beat. Han är en hygglig fighter, but victory is the only thing on my mind.

“I don’t want to talk about what happened before the Rosario fight because it’s in the past. I don’t want to make any excuses. It wasn’t that I didn’t focus or train hard. Just nu, I’ve had a great camp and I’m prepared to win.

“With me, you’re always going to see a hungry and focused fighter in the ring. I don’t know if I’ll look much different. I think with a new coach it takes some time for the changes to start setting in.

“I went through a four-week training camp before my fight in December was cancelled because I got COVID-19. It was almost a full camp and it definitely kept me motivated going into this next training camp for this fight.

“I’m the best fighter in the division. I just lost, that’s all. LeBron James and Michael Jordan had bad nights, I can have a bad night too. I’m still the best in the division and I’m anxious to get back in the ring.”


“Training camp has been going great. I’m out here in Las Vegas, alltför. I’ve just been grinding. This is a very big opportunity for me and I plan to take full advantage of it. Everybody can expect one hundred percent and everything I have in me.

“It’s not about looking back at the one blemish on my record and crying about what happened in the past. There’s always a million excuses behind the scenes, men det är vad det är. I learned from that loss and you guys have seen the change in my performances since that fight and how I was more comfortable at 154 pounds in my next fight. I feel like this next fight will pull out even more from me. You guys will see another big jump in my skill level on June 26.

“I do feel that I have everything to gain in this fight and nothing to lose. I keep telling people on fight night that you’re not going to see somebody that’s just happy to be here and happy to get to this point. I have big goals and this is the perfect fight. So you’re going to see me coming with everything I have and coming for the victory. I have everything to gain.

“I feel like I’m catching Julian Williams at the right time because of where I am in my career. It’s about me. This is the right time. I’m 27-years-old and I’ve been a pro for many years now. I just feel like the schooling that I’ve had is really starting to come out and I’m hitting that next level. I’m not worried about what’s going on with Williams. I know he’s still coming with everything he has to prove that he still has it and that he’s still in the mix.

“A lot of people get to this point and they get a big fight like this and they think they’ve made it. They get happy just to be here, but you won’t see that at all with me. I’ve always visualized being at the top of this sport and climbing to the very top. I’m taking full advantage of this opportunity and you’re going to see somebody very hungry on June 26.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, VD för Mayweather Promotions

“This is a really terrific card from top to bottom. Julian Williams is one of my favorite fighters. He’s a former unified champion who’s going to take on the tough Brian Mendoza. Williams is looking to make a big statement that he’s still a force and that he’s ready to get back in the mix with the other top 154-pounders.

“The co-main event could be a main event on its own. With Lubin and Rosario, we’re really excited to see who will emerge from that fight ready to challenge for a world title once again. We can’t wait for June 26.”