Tag Archives: Dana White

Kostur heimavallar: Uppáhalds aðdáandans Sean O'Malley slær Sterling á UFC 292, Endurkoma Chris Weidman kallar á eftirlaun, Catona vs. Gibson fær bardaga kvöldsins…og margt fleira frá endurkomu UFC til Boston síðasta laugardag

By: Rich Bergeron

UFC 292 var fyrsti UFC viðburðurinn sem ég fór á 16 ár. Sem MMA rithöfundurinn sem er þekktastur fyrir að afhjúpa Xyience hneykslið (sjáðu www.xyiencesucks.com), Ég gróf upp gamla Xyience hattinn minn til að minnast tilefnisins. Einu sinni afkastamesti styrktaraðili UFC, Xyience er nú fyrst og fremst orkudrykkjafyrirtæki og tengist ekki einu sinni neinni MMA deild lengur. það þarf ekki að taka það fram, Ég var sá eini á öllum vettvangi sem var með Xyience-vörur.

Ég borgaði sjálf fyrir miðana í þetta skiptið, en ég gat ekki komist hjá því að hugsa um UFC 292 reynsla hefði verið eins og ef mín UFC 78 reynsla, greitt af Xyience, hafði reynst mér næstum allt öðruvísi 16 árum.

Ég mun íhuga meira um persónulega söguna af heimkomu minni í Boston og breytingarnar sem við höfum séð fyrir UFC á milli síðasta bardaga sem ég sótti og þessa í nýju verki sem ég ætla að skrifa á. www.paythefighters.com. Fylgstu með því, en fyrst skulum við komast að vel smíðuðu bardagakorti UFC fyrir laugardagskvöldið.

Það byrjaði á sögu um tvo fluguvigt Silvas: Karine Silva og Natalia Silva. Þessum bardögum lauk með tveimur Silva sigrum með tveimur mismunandi aðferðum, en hver bardagamaður reyndist ríkjandi í sínum sérstökum stílum. Karine sendi Maryna Moroz með kæfu á síðustu sekúndu rétt fyrir lok fyrstu lotu. Þetta var frábær byrjun á sýningu sem hafði nokkra tinda og dali eins langt og skemmtanagildi sumra viðureignanna. Natalia tók sinn tíma og valdi leik Andrea Lee úr fjarlægð fyrir meirihluta keppninnar. Hún náði einróma ákvörðun með því að vera varkár og varkár með sláandi markmið sitt.

Next, umdeild klofningsákvörðun gaf uppáhaldsbardagamanninum Andre Petrovski sigur á Gerald Meershaert. Petrovski virtist ekki hafa þolþjálfun til að hanga með hinum gamalreynda öldunga Meerschaert. Allt sem vantaði í þennan bardaga var einbeittur slagkraftur frá Meershaert til að koma Petrovski niður og út.. Báðir bardagamennirnir áttu sín augnablik, en mér þótti augljóst að Gerald væri uppteknari og áhrifaríkari bardagamaðurinn. Hann var aðeins eitt af fórnarlömbum ránsins sem dómararnir gagnrýndu á laugardagskvöldið eftir að hafa greinilega unnið fyrst og fremst tæknilega bardaga. Snertingin af slugfest sem stráð hefur verið inn af og til virtust alltaf vera hlynnt leikara og áhugasamari Meerschaert. Hann átti svo sannarlega sigurinn skilið. Við tölum um annað rán af jöfnum gæðum aðeins síðar.

Nokkrir Ultimate Fighter Finale bardagar komu næst þar sem Bantamvigtarmennirnir Brad Katona og Cody Gibson hófu það með því að vinna sér inn „Fight of the Night“ heiðurinn.. Tá-til-tá sparkboxleikur þeirra, sem sjaldan lenti á jörðu niðri í mjög langan tíma, vakti mikla athygli áhorfenda frá upphafi til enda. Katona endaði með því að vera sekúndu fljótari í jafnteflinu og nógu skarpur með skotum sínum og skotum til að tryggja sér sigur í bráðabana þar sem hann þurfti oft að taka eitt gott högg til að ná tveimur af sínum eigin.. Gibson bar niðurstöðurnar um nákvæmni Brads á barða andlitinu á lokabjöllunni, en hann ávann sér líka mikla virðingu fyrir aldrei hætt nálgun sína bæði frá hópnum og samtökum. UFC bauð báðum bardagamönnum samninga fyrir viðleitni sína í stað þess að aðeins sigurvegarinn fengi hnossið.

Kurt Holobaugh þurfti að berjast við vin og félaga í Team Chandler bardagamanninum Austin Hubbard í lokakeppni léttvigtar.. Þetta var bardagi sem byrjaði betur fyrir Hubbard en hann endaði. Að lokum eftir stutt tilfinningaferli, Holobaugh tók skriðþungann í burtu og tryggði sér stórkostlega Triangle Choke bara 2:39 inn í seinni rammann. Báðir bardagamennirnir áttu sín ráðandi augnablik, en það var svartbeltis jiu jitsu færni Holobaugh sem vann kvöldið og TUF bikarinn.

Gregory Rodrigues gjörsamlega rústaði Rússanum Dennis Tiuliulin í millivigtarbardaga sem fékk mannfjöldann í Beantown til að syngja „Bandaríkin“ stuttlega á meðan hann var að róta í brasilískan bardagamann.. „Robocop“ naut stuðnings mannfjöldans og kvaddi fljótt fagnaðarlæti þeirra með klárahæfileika sína í fullum rétti. Rodrigues lítur fyrir tilviljun svolítið út eins og aðalpersónan í Netflix „The Lincoln Lawyer“,” ef karakterinn stækkaði eftir nokkrar lotur af sterum. Rodrigues setti svo sannarlega lögin og ýtti Rússanum í meðvitundarleysi með vélrænni nákvæmni. Hann tók aðeins eina mínútu og 43 sekúndur til að gefa áhorfendum síðasta stöðvun sína fram að aðalbardaganum.

Fimm beinar ákvarðanir fylgdu í kjölfarið, tveir þeirra réðust með fullkominni staðsetningu á stórskemmtilegum fótaspyrnum frá sigurvegurunum. Sá sársaukafullasti bardagi af þessum tveimur var Chris Weidman sem kláraði forkeppnina með því að mæta Brad Tavares í refsandi millivigtarbaráttu.. Weidman, að koma til baka eftir illvígan gúmmíhænufótmeiðsli þar sem hann reyndi að planta á algjörlega fótbrotnum gegn Uriah Hall, virtist ryðgaður eins og ryðgaður getur verið. Sérhver niðurlæging sem hann reyndi virtist auðveldlega fyllast af Tavares.

Sérhver kýlaskipti virtust vera of lítil, of seint fyrir Weidman að koma til baka eftir stöðuga fótaspyrnuna sem pirra bæði fótinn með gömlu meiðslunum og hinn fótinn á Weidman til góðs.. Jafnvel með rifið MCL eða ACL (samkvæmt Dana White sem neyddi Weidman til að hætta eftir bardagann), Weidman ráfaði Tavares um búrið og reyndi eftir fremsta megni að taka bardagann til hans þrátt fyrir að hjólið hafi bilað. Tavares vann mjög hernaðarlegan og kláran bardaga, olli öllum stuðningsmönnum Weidman vonbrigðum í von um þessi kraftaverkaframmistöðu sem aldrei kom.

Marlon „Chito“ Vera og Pedro Munhoz opnuðu aðalspilið með einhliða ástarsambandi sem sýnir þolinmæði Veru, sláandi gáfur, og næstum gallalaus tækni. Munhoz kláraði bardagann á fótum, en hann þoldi mikið andlitsskemmdir að komast þangað. Chito var á öruggu færi í meirihluta bardaga og tók fáar áhættur á leiðinni til sigurs með einróma ákvörðun. Útbreiðsla og hraði Veru virtust vera áhrifaríkustu kostirnir sem hann naut gegn hinum styttri og þéttari Munhoz. Vera, eins leiðinlegur og hann kann að vera að horfa á stundum, sannaði að hann á skilið sitt eigið titilslag í bantamvigt.

Þriðja ákvörðunin í röð gaf Mario Bautista mjög umdeildan einróma ákvörðunarsigur á Da'Mon Blackshear. Bautista skaut Blackshear í marki hvað varðar stjórn á jörðu niðri, en Blackshear var nákvæmari í höggi sínu og náði markverðari höggum í fjaðurvigtina. Mér fannst hann vissulega gera nóg til að vinna, en dómararnir sáu bardagann ekki eins og gáfu Bautista keppnina.

Næstir áttust við Ian Garry og Neil Magny í misjafnri veltivigt. Magny sýndi gífurlegt hjarta í því að standa upp aftur eftir hvert högg, en hann gat ekki sigrast á stanslausu fótasparkunum sem Garry kastaði. Keith Peterson dómari var nálægt því að stöðva bardagann nokkrum sinnum, en Magny gerði bara nóg til að halda þessu gangandi, hoppa um á öðrum fæti stundum. Slagleikur Garrys var alveg eins á punktinum og ruslaleikur hans, vekur anda Nate Diaz með nokkrum vel tímasettum handbendingum. Fólkið fagnaði áframhaldandi yfirráðum hans með Garry sagði þeim frá löngun sinni til að verða besti bardagamaðurinn á yfirborði jarðar einhvern tíma í ræðu sinni eftir bardaga.. Magny verður að finna svar við baráttu sinni undanfarið ef hann vill vera áfram viðeigandi í UFC.

Weili Zhang og Amanda Lemos mættu næst í epískum titilbardaga. Lemos tryggði næstum því nokkrar kraftaverkatilraunir, en strávigtartitilbardaginn breyttist í spurningu um hvort Lemos gæti lifað af þangað til lokabjöllan kæmi. Zhang sýndi hæfileika sína á öllum sérsviðum sínum, og Lemos gátu aðeins vonast til að vinna með nokkrum tilraunum til að senda Hail Mary uppgjöf sem Zhang hrökklaðist út úr. Hraði Zhang, kraftur og ending gagntók Lemos og gerði hana í erfiðleikum með að forðast stöðvun í stórum hluta síðari lotanna. Einhvern veginn tókst henni það, varð fyrir miklum skaða á leið sinni. Zhang gekk í burtu og hélt titlinum sínum, aðdáendum sem studdu hana í gegnum allan bardagann til mikillar ánægju.

Loks, aðalviðburðurinn kom, vel eftir miðnætti. Sean O'Malley kom fyrstur inn á völlinn, og mannfjöldinn braust út. Margar þeirra voru með grænar eða bleikar hárkollur til að líkja eftir einkennandi útliti O'Malley. O'Malley virtist satt að segja frekar steinhissa, eins og hann hafi ekki einu sinni sofið nóttina fyrir atburðinn. Aljamain Sterling kom inn í búrið við kór af bölum sem hann reyndi að gera lítið úr með því að eggja mannfjöldann til að baula meira.

Fyrsta lotan var að mestu leyti sýning á fótavinnu frá báðum bardagamönnum. Höfuðleikur O'Malley gæti hafa virkað á Sterling, vegna þess að hann lofaði í viðtölum fyrir bardaga að hann myndi tryggja sér TKO í fyrstu umferð. Frekar en að treysta á hans mesta styrk, glímu hans, Sterling vildi vinna O'Malley í sínum eigin leik. Það reyndist vera röng stefna, staðreynd sem Sterling áttaði sig á því þegar hann endaði röngum megin við þessi TKO. Það voru litlar tilraunir til að ná O'Malley niður, og allir voru þeir alveg troðfullir. Sterling braut saman og féll á striga eftir að hafa fengið högg með O'Malley gagnhöggi snemma í annarri lotu. Afgangurinn var saga þar sem O'Malley lokaði „Suga sýningunni“ með einhverjum McGregor-kenndum velli og pundi.

Báðir bardagamennirnir héldu frábærar ræður eftir bardaga, satt að segja. Sterling var náðugur í ósigri og sýndi virðingu sína fyrir O'Malley sem reyndi að ná draumi sínum. Að íhuga að Sterling gagnrýndi O'Malley fyrir bardagann fyrir að vera gæludýraverkefni Dana White og ekki verðskulda titilskot, þetta var gríðarlegur mea culpa. Einnig, ef það snérist í raun um að vera hylltur af hr. White, O'Malley gæti hafa merkt Baldfather með því að gefa til kynna að hann myndi vilja berjast við Boxer Gervonta Davis meira en nokkur annar raunverulegur UFC bardagamaður.

Sem aðeins annar Dana White Contender Series bardagamaðurinn til að vinna sér inn heimsmeistaratitil, O'Malley getur að vissu leyti kallað sitt eigið skot, en crossover í hnefaleikum er mjög viðkvæmt efni í kjölfar þess að Francis Ngannou vakti nýlega bylgjur fyrir að segja sig frá UFC samningi sínum og skráði sig í þungavigtar hnefaleikaleik með Tyson Fury sem mun myrkva tekjur hans í UFC um kílómetra.. Aðeins Conor McGregor hefur tekist að sannfæra UFC brass um að fara allt í kross í hnefaleikabardaga hingað til. Dana White hefur síðan algjörlega sleppt bráðabirgðaáætlunum um að búa til „Zuffa Boxing“ til að gera grein fyrir bardagamönnum hans sem vilja líkja eftir prófíl McGregor, fjárhagsleg afrekaskrá og djarft bravúr sem gaf honum tækifæri til að berjast við Floyd Mayweather í sýningarbardaga.

Oft, til að ná athygli og virðingu Dana White, Bardagamenn verða einfaldlega að selja sjálfa sig nóg til að það skili sér í gríðarlegri varningi og miðasölu sem myndast af suð þeirra. Líkt og WWE, stórar persónur og litríkar persónur vinna oft tækifæri í UFC yfir íþróttamönnum sem einbeita sér bara að líkamlegu hæfileikum sínum. Framherjar eru sérstaklega vinsælir, vegna þess að þeir standast ætluðum „set on a show“ staðli UFC um ágæti sem lagður er á alla bardagamenn sem stíga inn í búrið. Þetta er stjórnunarstíll og forystu með gulrót og staf sem blekkir bardagamenn til að halda að það sé betra fyrir feril þeirra að koma stöðugt fram með litla umhyggju fyrir varnarmálum og taka gríðarlega áhættu til að vera miklu meira spennandi og skemmtilegri en þeir þurfa að vera til að vinna ákveðinn bardaga.

Nú játar þessi krakki O'Malley að vilja vera eins og Dana sjálfur, nógu þægilegt fjárhagslega til að veðja $250,000 á hverja pókerhönd. Sérstasti hæfileikinn fyrir O'Malley notaði sína eigin rísandi stjörnu persónu til að byggja upp eigin nafnamerki og kaupa sitt eigið viskífyrirtæki. Hann er með snekkju og Lamborghini, og hann er enn mest umtalaði og kallaði bardagamaðurinn í samtökunum, jafnvel eftir að hafa tapað svona einhliða bardaga við Dustin Poirier og verið til hliðar með fótbrotinn í nokkur ár. Sú staðreynd að O'Malley getur gert sér grein fyrir og innbyrðis að hann mun líklega aldrei komast á borð Conor án mikillar krossbardaga í hnefaleikum segir sitt mark um hvar UFC er í dag.

Þetta er svona þróun sem ég þarf að hlæja að því að vita hversu erfitt það hefur verið að koma öllum launamálum og samningamálum bardagamanna fyrir dómstóla án hers lögfræðinga til að takast á við hið stórbrotna lögfræðiteymi UFC.. Einn slíkur löglegur her tryggði nýlega brautargengi til að höfða hópmálsókn gegn samkeppnismálum fyrir hönd yfir 1,200 fyrrverandi UFC bardagamenn. Dómarinn í málinu virðist þegar vera á mála hjá stefnendum. Viðbrögð við UFC flokksmálsókn vottun: Hvað gerðist, og hvað er næst? (msn.com)

Alltaf þegar samtökin standa frammi fyrir tölfræði sem sýnir að tekjuhlutdeild bardagamanna er lítil miðað við aðrar helstu íþróttir með leikmannasamtökum, svarið er yfirleitt eitthvað sem hefur áhrif á: „Við höfum búið til svo marga milljónamæringa. Bardagamenn okkar standa sig bara vel, og þeir fá allir nóg af fjárhagslegum tækifærum með frægðinni sem við höfum hjálpað þeim að ná.“

Sem sérfræðingur í fjármálasögu UFC og áhorfendameðlimur hjá UFC 292, Ég gat ekki komist hjá því að horfast í augu við raunveruleikann að svo margir „UFC hnetu-kaðlarar“ blaðamenn njóta allra jaðarávinnings blaðamannaréttinda vegna þess að þeir spila svo vel með þessu „Zuffa Myth“ hugarfari.. Fólkið sem setti UFC á kortið tælir stuðningsmenn sína með aðgangi og loforðum um frægð og tækifæri, og jafnt bardagamenn og fjölmiðlamenn sogast inn í svona stjórnunarleikhús. Í staðinn, þú endar ekki með mikið rannsóknarskýrslu í MMA fjölmiðlahópum, og bardagamenn sem spyrja margra spurninga og krefjast betri samningsskilyrða verða ekki endurskrifaðir eða settir upp með aðalbardagaleikjum.

Það þurfti niðurstöðu aðalviðburðarins til að skýra málið fyrir mér hvernig UFC heldur stöðugt áherslu á meinta getu þeirra til að búa til stórstjörnur með því að láta bardagakappa skrifa undir hvaða samning sem er við samtökin.. Sumir sem eru sammála um að svo sé myndu segja að það hafi verið hæfileiki samtakanna til að sjá nægilega hæfileika í O'Malley til að setja hann á Dana White's Contender Series sem leiddi til stórbrotinnar uppgangur til frægðar í reiðmennsku nýja meistarans.. Svo sannarlega, O'Malley hefði ekki einu sinni verið í Boston á laugardagskvöldið ef hann kæmist aldrei inn í samtökin. Hins, það hefur verið fullt af DWCS bardagamönnum sem fengu ekki fleiri UFC tækifæri vegna þess að þeir töpuðu þessum byrjunarbardaga. O'Malley varð að vinna og halda áfram að vinna til að vera þar sem hann var á laugardagskvöldið.

Aðalatriðið er: Sértrúarsöfnuður Sean O'Malley og gífurlegt sjálfstraust er afleiðing af hans eigin persónulegu krossferð um að vera einhver sérstakur með ótakmarkaða möguleika og ótrúlega hæfileika. Hann myndi aldrei einu sinni vera í spjallinu um titil ef hann leggi sig ekki í allar ósögðu klukkustundirnar í ræktinni við að reyna að vera betri. UFC bjó ekki til Sean O'Malley, þeir gáfu honum bara vettvang til að sýna hvers konar bardagamaður hann gæti verið. Og á meðan hann nýtur stórstjörnunnar mun UFC þakka fyrir sig, O'Malley verður að vita að eina leiðin til að hámarka tekjumöguleika sína er að myrkva stofnunina sjálfa. Hann þarf að fara út fyrir takmarkandi fjárhagsleg mörk þeirra til íþrótta þar sem tekjuhlutdeildin er svo miklu betri og strákur eins og Francis Ngannou getur unnið meira í einum bardaga en hann gerði á öllum UFC ferlinum..

Svo, Ef Dana White gerði Sean O'Malley virkilega að gæludýraverkefni sínu eins og Aljamain Sterling lagði til, hann stóð sig frábærlega. Því miður, skrímslið sem hann skapaði gæti komið aftur til að bíta hann til lengri tíma litið. Annað hnefaleikakort sem UFC er með í kynningu mun fá of marga starfsmenn þeirra til að reyna að fara sömu leið og velta því fyrir sér hvers vegna litli vinur Dana er að fá öll hlé og fríðindi. Uppgjafahermenn og nýliðar munu líklega báðir skoða hvaða efla Davis vs. O'Malley hnefaleikaleikur sem viðurkenning frá forystu þeirra að UFC geti ekki borgað bardagamönnum sínum nóg til að halda þeim í búrinu.

„Krakki, þú hefur ekki hugmynd um hversu mikinn pening þú ætlar að græða,“ sagði Dana White við O'Malley eftir sigurinn samkvæmt nýlegu viðtali við O'Malley. Ég ímynda mér það í höfðinu á honum, Dana lauk þeirri hugsun með “okkur.”






Photo Credit: Emily Harney/Fightography

Springfield, Massachusetts (May 11th, 2019):

In the first Murphys hnefaleika event of a multi fight deal with UFC Fight Pass, fans watched NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Abraham Nova (15-0, 11 Kos) stop Argentina’sMario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-3-1, 9 Kos) in the second round of scheduled 10 round fight last night in Springfield, Massachusetts live from MGM Springfield.

Nova, who is currently ranked #10 in the WBA’s super featherweight world rankings, put on a near perfect performance in front of a packed crowd of ‘Supersupporters. After a tentative first round from both fighters, Nova found his range midway through the second and exploded on Lozano. Firing off a series of fast and powerful combinations to both the body and head, Nova dropped the only twice beaten, Lozano forcing the referee to call a halt to the contest at 2:26 into the second round.

I’m ready for anybody. Top 10. Top 2. The Champ. Anybody can get it. I’m the best kept secret in boxing. It’s time to make my national television debut and let the world know who Abraham ‘SuperNova is.”, said the outgoing and confident young prospect who sports a bleach blonde beard and has one of the most creative ring walks in all of boxing.

Nova’s promoter, Murphys Boxing founder, Ken Casey was thrilled with Nova’s performance and is anxious to get the 25 year old in a title eliminator with another Top 10 raðað bardagamaður.

He’s got the whole package. The look. Inngangur. The talent. The performance. The fan base. He’s accurate and sharp but he also punches with bad intentions. You can just tell he’s on a different level. He’s a world class fighter.

As for Nova’s immediate future, Casey confirmed he will be making his national TV debut in his next fight.

We’re finalizing a nationally televised fight for Abraham this summer against another Top 10 fighter that we will be announcing soon. Then I’d like to see him fight for the mandatory by the end of the year. We think he can win the big one, so it’s time to get him the opportunity. We’re incredibly excited about Nova’s future. He’s ready to be a star.

The co-main event saw Murphys Boxing’s own William Foster III (10-0, 7 Kos) absolutely dominate and drop Argentina’s Ramon Esperanza (22-16-1, 11 Kos) multiple times before the referee called a stop to the fight at 2:39 into the fourth round of a scheduled 8 umferð lota. Foster, the current Jr. NABF Super Featherweight Champion and younger brother of NABA Light Heavyweight Champion, Charles Foster, looked sensational, using a relentless body attack to overwhelm his more experienced opponent from the opening bell. The buzz on Foster continues to build in New England and he brought a vocal crowd from his hometown of nearby Hartford, Connecticut.

Recent Murphys Boxing signee, Venezuelan Olympian, Luis Arcon Diaz (7-0, 7 Kos) continued his knockout streak stopping Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-4, 7 Kos) á 2:36 into the fourth round of a scheduled 6 round junior welterweight bout.

Local Springfield fighter, Derek Whitley Jr. (5-1-1) won a unanimous decision over Philadelphia’s Bryan Goldsby (5-11) í a 4 round welterweight fight. Goldsby had several moments throughout the fight but the MMA veteran didn’t stay busy enough against the counter-punching southpaw who won with decisions of 39-27 og 40-36 tvisvar.

2x Olympian from Ecuador, Carlos Gongora (16-0, 12 Kos) won a hard-fought unanimous decision over a game and rugged veteran, Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 Kos) í a 10 round middleweight fight with scores of 99-91 og 98-92 tvisvar. Gongora, who is signed with Murphys Boxing, is the current WBC South American Middleweight Champion.

Springfield’s own Anthony Velazquez (6-0, 6 Kos) continued his impressive KO streak against an outgunned Bruno Diaz (0-6) dropping him twice in less than a minute into the first round of a 4 round welterweight bout before the referee waved off the contest at 1:32 for a 1st round TKO.

The hard-hitting Ray Jay Bermudez (7-0, 5 Kos) who hails from nearby Albany, New York unleashed a barrage of hard hooks dropping a helpless Patrick Leal (0-6) three times for a first round TKO at 1:35 seconds into a scheduled 4 round welterweight bout.

Boston based amateur standout, James Perella (3-0, 3 Kos) made easy work of Paulo DeSouza (0-14) dropping him twice in the first round before the referee called a stoppage 16 seconds into the second round of a scheduled 4 round welterweight fight after DeSouza was badly hurt by a straight right. It was Perella’s third fight in his first two months as a professional.

The event also saw the presentation of Murphys Boxing’s Warrior’s Code Award which has been established to honor legendary New England based fighters.

The latest award was presented to light heavyweight title challenger and now successful commentator and trainer, John Scully. Scully who is based out of nearby Hartford, Connecticut fought several times in Springfield throughout his career.

The ‘Icemanwas presented with a plaque in the ring by Murphys Boxing’s Ken Casey ogSean Sullivan and he received a standing ovation from the appreciative crowd after sharing a few poignant words about his career.


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Greg Vendetti, Gary ‘Spike’ O'Sullivan, Abraham Nova and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr. og fleira!

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn: www.murphysboxing.com

To speak with any of the fighters on our rosterdrop us a line at info@murphysboxing.comand we will hook it up.

Follow Murphys Boxing on Social Media!


Las Vegas and Boston (Maí 6, 2019):

UFC Fight PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, today announced a new multi-year partnership with popular Boston based promotion,Murphys hnefaleika. The promotion will make it’s FIGHT PASS Frumraun þetta Föstudagur, May 10th, frá Springfield, Massachusetts á MGM Springfield á 9:30 p.m. E.T. / 6:30 p.m. P.T. and will feature a 10 round main event, headlined by undefeated NABA Super Featherweight Champion, Abraham Nova vs. Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano.

“Murphys Boxing is one of the top promotions in New England, and I am excited to have them on FIGHT PASS,” UFC President, Dana White sagði. “In just five years, Ken Casey has done incredible things with this promotion. I am looking forward to showcasing these exciting fighters to our subscribers.”

“We’re incredibly excited to join forces with FIGHT PASS,"Sagði Ken Casey, founder of Murphys Boxing. “UFC is providing a platform for us to highlight New England’s thriving boxing scene to combat sports fans. We will introduce the world to our incredible roster that includes future champions, such as Nova.”

Recently entering the WBA’s Top 10 Rankings, undefeated Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 Kos) will make his highly anticipated 2019 debut under the Murphys Boxing banner. Nova’s opponent, Argentinian prospect Mario Ezequiel Sayal Lozano (18-2-1, 9 Kos), will be the 12th fighter in the past two years to try and take the “The” from the current NABA Super Featherweight Champion.

Entering the ring for the second time this year, Jr. NABF Super Featherweight Champion,William Foster III (9-0, 6 Kos) mun andlit á móti Ramon Esperanza (22-15-1, 11 Kos) in an 8 umferð lota. Foster’s rare ability to combine both power and speed has led him to become one of New England’s most talked about prospects.

In an 8 round middleweight bout, power punching prospect Carlos Gongora (15-0, 12 Kos) will take on Argentina’s Damien Ezequiel Bonelli (23-6, 20 Kos). Gongora, a former Olympian from Ecuador, vann WBC South American Middleweight Title in February after defeating Jesus Aviles.

Luis Arcon Diaz (6-0, 6 Kos), an undefeated Olympian from Venezuela, and a recent Murphys Boxing signing, will return to action in a 6 round welterweight bout against Argentina’s Jose Aubel (8-3, 7 Kos).

Representing the Boston area, James Perella (2-0, 2 Kos) will look for his third consecutive knockout in a 4 round welterweight bout against an opponent to be named.

Ray Jay Bermudez (6-0, 4 Kos) who hails from nearby Albany, New York will make a quick return to the ring after a KO victory last month when he takes on an opponent to be named in a 6 round welterweight contest.

Rounding out the card will be two of Springfield’s ownpower punching welterweightAnthony Velazquez (5-0, 5 Kos), who will take on an opponent to be named, og welterweight DJ Whitley (4-1-1), who will take on the always dangerous Bryan Goldsby(5-10) in separate 4 round contests.

The first four undercard fights will stream live at 8:00 p.m. E.T. / 5:00 p.m. P.T. á www.facebook.com/dropkickmurphys before the main card starts live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS at 9:30 p.m. E.T. / 6:30 p.m. P.T. To start your 7-day free trial, skaltu fara: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

Miðar eru á sölu núna á: www.murphysboxing.com og


Murphys Boxing was founded by Dropkick Murphysfrontman, Ken Casey in 2014. In just 5 short years, Murphys Boxing has become the premier boxing promoter in the New England area and one of the hottest young promotions in the country. 2018 was a breakout year for Murphys Boxing as they took their first fighter to a world title. Along with the promotion’s first champion, several Murphys Boxing fighters secured world title opportunities and nationally televised fights in 2018. Murphys Boxing closed out their banner year by co-promoting the WBO Middleweight Championship bout between Demetrius Andrade and Walter Kautondokwa in front of over 10,000 fans at the TD Garden, the legendary home of the Boston Celtics, which was broadcast internationally on DAZN. Murphys Boxing’s current roster features world ranked contenders like Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Gary ‘Spike’ O'Sullivan, Greg Vendetti and prospects like Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III, Mike Ohan Jr., Luis Arcon Diaz and more.

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC FIGHT PASS® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 17,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Ár, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV.

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

Fight Talk Unlimited Latest Show

This week on Fight Talk Unlimited we discuss a wide range of topics, beginning with the death of three pro wrestlers in one day. We go on to chat about Cody Garbrandt’s biting comments about fighter pay. We touch on bareknuckle fighting’s resurgence (adding Shawne Merriman to the roster of fighters for one organization), and we recap a wild fight between Eddie Alvarez and Dustin Poirier on last weekends UFC on Fox card. We also preview Garbrandt’s second bite at the TJ Dillashaw apple this weekend at UFC 227. Tony also helps preview one of the biggest fights of the week in Kovalev vs. Alvarez, which he will be attending in Atantic City. We do a boxing roundup of results and previews, and then we end the show with an off-topic talk about nature 🙂


Hlusta í beinni hér:


FNU Bardagaíþróttir Sýna: Júlí 19, 2018: Manny is Back! Junior Dos Santos Cruises to Win At UFC Fight Night, Event Recaps and Fight Previews

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show we recap last week’s multiple Bellator cards and the UFC Fight Night card from Boise, Idaho. We start off discussing boxing with an analysis of Manny Pacquiao’s one-sided beating of Lucas Matthysse. We move on to other news this week, including an online spat between Brendan Schaub and Dana White and Dominick Cruz claiming Brock Lesnar will never get through USADA testing to return to the UFC octagon. We also cover upcoming boxing and MMA bouts and discuss the eye poking incidents that occurred during the brief Stipe Micocic vs. Daniel Cormier heavyweight championship bout.


Listen to the whole show here:



FNU Bardagaíþróttir Sýna: Death in the Cage; UFC 225 Recap and Huge Boxing Weekend Results

Tom, Tony and Rich discuss the week in combat sports, recap a stacked UFC 225 kort (and CM Punk’s failure to launch his MMA career), and go over the results of a wild weekend for boxing. We begin by highlighting two high profile mentions of death in the UFC Octagon. Dana White and Tyron Woodley are both in the news this week for raising the topic. Listen to the full broadcast below:



FNU Bardagaíþróttir Sýna: Mayweather Taking MMA Seriously, Joshua May Sign with UFC, Berjast gegn samantektum og forskoðun

This week, Tom Tony and Rich get into some discussion about Floyd Mayweather, Jr. jumping into MMA. We also recap a big win by Alexander Volkov over Fabricio Werdum at the latest UFC Fight night and cover the upcoming boxing schedule and last weekend’s results.


Listen to the full show HÉR


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The Case for Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Vs. CM Punk in the UFC Cage

By: Rich Bergeron

Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is not done fighting. The money he made with Conor McGregor in a one-sided boxing match will not be very easy to make outside the dangerous world of combat sports. Retirement always seems to eat at Floyd, and sooner or later he comes back for another blockbuster bout that shocks the world.


CM Punk needs a draw to get us interested in his career. Even if he beats the ever living crap out of the next guy they feed him in the UFC Octagon, Punk will still have a lot to prove. Put him in against Mayweather in a welcome to MMA bout for the world-class boxer, and make it the dream setup for Floyd that gives him all the perks and sponsorship concessions he wants in the contract.


Floyd would be an automatic underdog going in against McGregor immediately in the cage. A challenger like CM Punk gives him more of a fighting chance. It gives CM punk a chance to really launch his career if he can beat Floyd.


Staðreyndin er, Mayweather can learn the sport of mixed martial arts quickly, and with his speed and athleticism, given more striking options he could actually shock us in his first MMA fightif he really backs up his talk of fighting in the cage with action.


During the tour for the boxing match, Floyd repeatedly referenced the idea of fighting McGregor in the cage after the boxing match went his way. He doesn’t say things out loud that he doesn’t really think are true or could be true if he sunk his effort into it.


I had the good fortune of standing on the edge of the ring next to Leonard Ellerbe during a Mayweather training session in Las Vegas years ago.


Before he threw any punches on the mitts I asked him what he liked most about boxing. I didn’t attempt to get close during the big press rush, so I think he didn’t expect the question.


He sat silent, and I didn’t want it to go hanging like a bad fart in the wind. I asked it again, even louder. He didn’t look my way as he shadowboxed with himself. “Everything.he finally conceded, and then he went to to work on exhibiting his speed and punching prowess for all the media to see.


Incorporating elbows, backfists, kicks and wrestling into his fighting routine could create a real monster out of Mayweather. Einnig, the money from boxing that would follow him to the cage could be tremendous for him and the UFC alike. It will take a ton of work at his age to adapt to the new sport, but CM Punk as a first opponent sets the bar fairly low with both men getting a chance to show they belong. Give them both a serious training camp, make a reality show out of it, and it could happen.




“Peningar” is already preparing to train in mixed martial arts with UFC Champ Tyron Woodley, and he heaped some praise on both Woodley and McGregor as fighters recently:


“So we have to tweak a few things then, take things to that next level. You know I can’t overlook or knock any MMA guy. Tyron is unbelievable. Unbelievable fighter, tough competitor. Conor McGregor, he’s a tough competitor, helluva fighter. There’s a lot of tough, rugged guys out there in MMA and I can’t overlook or disrespect those guys.”




The MMA versus Boxing debate has been going on since long before I decided to do my own take on it with a series of radio shows pitting one expert against another. One of my favorites was “Iceman” John Scully against Ken Shamrock.


Not surprisingly, the debate between these two fighter/trainer experts drifted into Mayweather making the crossover to MMA. This is not a new concept to Floyd. He’s been hearing the critics yap about him never making it in MMA for more than a decade now, always thinking about how he could one day prove his haters wrong.



Anyone who thinks the best MMA fighter in his weight class demolishes Floyd has never watched him train. What could this guy do with a couple of tune-up fights and a title tilt? How about 9 months of hard training in takedown and submission defense?


Everybody and their brother who knows anything about MMA decides to use the argument of all the past boxers who failed at MMA. They remind us all of the freakshow fight involving Randy Couture easily defeating James Toney. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is not only on a different level than James Toney was when he got the chance to fight in the cage, he’s on a different planet.



Floyd can afford the best trainers, the best of everything really in preparing to enter the UFC Octagon. He will spare no expense in finances and sweat equity in cementing his legacy as the best crossover fighter in the history of the boxing and MMA rivalry. Who has the best true athletes? Mayweather is representing boxing’s best, and he doesn’t have much time left to prove that a world class boxer can dominate the MMA scene with the right approach and strategy.




McGregor did prove that he could give Floyd a few fits in the boxing ring, but on the third fight into a UFC contract that match could happen again in the cage. Floyd just has to show he belongs, but the first step is having the guts to back up his words with actions. He did say on the boxing press tour for the McGregor fight that when he beat McGregor in his own craft, he would go to the UFC and beat Conor in the cage, of.




I anticipate aShark Tanktype of negotiation between Mayweather and UFC President Dana White. Floyd will need to get a piece of the promotion itself, access to a wild amount of sponsorship cash, options to collect on media income, and at least $10 million per fight in just base pay. To get the billion dollar contract he envisions, the lawyers will be ironing out the details for as long as Floyd decides he needs to train for his first fight.


Floyd could easily rake in $90+ million in sponsorship and media income to make $100 million per fight with Showtime executives in his corner and a familiarity with being in front of the cameras. A five fight deal means there is a 1/2 billion dollar gap unless I am underestimating how much the UFC would give Floyd for base pay. Even if he makes $200 million per fight, the rest would have to come out of the overall corporation itself as equity, which is what Conor McGregor has been asking for.


Floyd just has a bigger upside to being an owner/partner and would be a huge asset when it comes to the UFC wanting to promote boxing at some point. He can also bring his fans and everyone who wants to see him get whipped and schooled in the new discipline. He brings eyeballs, extreme attention and money with him wherever he goes. At a $5 billion valuation, the UFC would likely be able to part with a ten percent chunk of the promotion to bring Mayweather officially on board and get him locked in for a long-term deal.



The other area that Floyd could have a huge impact on is in attracting more boxers to cross over to MMA. We’ve seen football players like Matt Mitrione and Greg Hardy experience virtually immediate success in MMA, so why not a world class boxer like Floyd? 19-0 Pro Boxer Gervonta Davis is already hinting at following his protege Floyd to MMA and says he’s just waiting for Dana White’s phone call. Then there are the heavyweight boxers to think about bringing into the cage, and Word Champion Anthony Joshua is keen on giving it a shot, of.




Svo, the odds are high that Mayweather steps into the cage to compete by December of this year if you believe one of his most controversial videos to date on the subject:



Mayweather could be an incredible MMA fighter if given half the chance. He is not a man who takes a challenge like this lightly. He will have the best approach possible to get into cagefighting shape. He will bring all kinds of interest back to the boxing vs. MMA debate and actually might even inspire a whole new phase of that debate. The combat sports world as a whole will benefit if Floyd and the UFC can make this partnership work.



As for those who think Floyd will get eaten alive, they are certainly entitled to their opinion, but don’t use McGregor’s failure to adapt to boxing as your bar for Floyd. Mayweather will not take on a world class MMA fighter the first time he steps in the cage. He will not bring in the MMA equivalent of Paulie Malignaggi to get up to speed on the sport. He will spare no expense to get the best preparation possible. He’s already showing that to be true by bringing Tyron Woodley on as his official training partner. He will hand pick his first opponent and likely not get any crack at a title until two or three fights go his way.


Critics of people who think they can show up to an MMA gym and come out in six weeks at the UFC level will call me crazy, but Floyd truly is an amazing athlete who can quiet his doubters, and he’s not getting any younger. It’s now or never to solve that question of which sport is truly better at crafting the ideal fighter.

FNU Bardagaíþróttir Sýna: Tony, Tom and Rich Discuss All Things Combat Sports

Tom, Tony and Rich are back this week with a great show! We feature lots of engaging discussion about mixed martial arts and boxing, from Connor McGregor’s slapping a Bellator official to Deontay Wilder wanting to end Anthony Joshua’s career. We also chat about Dana White getting into boxing and Bellator’s 8 Man Heavyweight tournament. Again we get back to the nagging question of where are the legends in MMA, and we also cross over to where are the legends in boxing?







Skjóta losun: Portland, Maine (September 12, 2017) -New England Berst (NEF) will make its long-awaited debut in Portland on Föstudagur, Nóvember 3, 2017 at Aura with “NEF 31: The Old Port.” Fyrr í dag, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur mixed-martial-arts bout to the card. Carol Linn Powell (0-0) is scheduled to take on Francesca Morabito (0-0) in a women’s bantamweight contest.

Carol Linn is the wife of former NEF Lightweight Champion, and current UFC fighter, Devin Powell (8-3). Devin earned a contract with the UFC after impressing the company’s president, Dana White, on his web series Dana White: Lookinfor a Fight at an event promoted by NEF in Bangor, Maine last year. Saman, the Powells own and operate Nostos MMA & Conditioning Facility in Somersworth, New Hampshire. Síðasta mánuð, they were awarded theBest Martial Arts Gym” á að “2017 Best of the Seacoast” verðlaun.

Fighting has been something I’ve fantasized about for a few years and now that it is finally happening, I couldn’t be more excited,” said Carol Linn when reached for comment. “I was supposed to have my first fight in June and it ended up falling through, and I think this fight is a much better match up and is in one of my very favorite towns. Francesca and I have trained together a few times and we were really excited to be a part of each other’s camps, but after realizing what a good matchup we are, we decided to put our friendship aside and both get in there for our first fights. We are very similar, and I’m excited to put a great show on for everyone.

I am very excited for my wife to make her debut,” noted Devin. “She’s been around the sport for almost half a decade, but is just recently getting into hard training and the competitive aspect of it. I never told her to fight or said I thought she should. She was very independent in this choice and when somebody chooses to do something on their own and they commit all of themselves to it, I think that is a great equation for a successful person in anything they do. She is going to find out a lot about herself on the 3rd. Happy to have a cage-side seat for it.

Francesca Morabito trains at the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine. Her true passion lies in her work with non-profit organization Speak About It. Morabito has toured the world as a theatre artist with the Portland-based group, educating high school and college students on affirmative consent, healthy relationships, and sexual assault prevention.

It is such an honor to make my debut just a couple blocks from where I’ve been training for the past two years,” said Morabito. “I’m elated to fight in my hometownon the same street where I’ve trudged home on countless Maine winter nights, with my gym bag slung over my shoulder and my wet hair freezing solid underneath my Choi hoodie. My time has come. And I came to win.

Næsta NEF er blönduð Martial-Arts atburði, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Föstudagur, Nóvember 3, 2017. Miðar eru á sölu núna á www.auramaine.com.