Tag Archives: Jermell Charlo


Auk allsherjar rísandi millivigtar Elijah Garcia og

Armando Reséndiz hittust í Pay-Per-View Opener

Canelo Promotions kynnir úrvalsmeistara í hnefaleikum

Pay-per-View frá T-Mobile Arena í Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS – ágúst 25, 2023 -Þrír leikir með rísandi stjörnum, efstu keppendur og fyrrverandi heimsmeistarar frá 147 að 160 pund mun varpa ljósi á öflugt borga-á-útsýni undirkort sem leiðir tilCanelo Alvarez vs. Jermell Charloóumdeildur árekstur í ofurmillivigt á laugardaginn, September 30 í beinni á SHOWTIME PPV frá T-Mobile Arena í Las Vegas. Canelo Promotions mun kynna Premier Boxing Champions Pay-Per-View.

Í sam-aðalkeppni, ósigruð tilfinningJesús „Mónó“ Ramos Jr.,mun taka á móti harðsnúnum keppandaErickson "Hammer" Lubiní 12 lota ofur veltivigt sérstakt aðdráttarafl. Greitt fyrir hverja skoðun inniheldur einnig fyrrverandi heimsmeistaraYordenis UgasogMario "El Azteca" Barriosfara tá til táar fyrir bráðabirgðatitilinn í veltivigt WBC. Opnað verður fyrir aðgerðina kl 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT eru vaxandi millivigtarmennElías GarciaogArmando Reséndiz squat off í 10 umferð aðdráttarafl.

Miðar á viðburð í beinni, sem er kynnt af Canelo Promotions og TGB Promotions, eru fáanlegar í gegnum AXS.com.

„Þessir þrír viðureignir skila öllu því sem hnefaleikaaðdáendur gætu vonast eftir í greiðslukorti og eru verðugir sögulega aðalbardaga sem þeir munu leiða til.,“ sagði Tom Brown, Forseti TGB Tilboð. „Hver ​​bardagamaður sem stígur inn í hringinn hefur tækifæri til að skjóta sér í efsta sæti deildarinnar með sigri í september. 30. Aðdáendur geta búist við því að sjá alla þessa keppendur gefa allt sem þeir þurfa til að standa uppi sem sigurvegarar á SHOWTIME PPV á T-Mobile Arena í Las Vegas.“

Sterkur suðræni sem kl 22 hefur enn ekki verið nálægt því að ná þakinu sínu sem bardagamaður, Ramos (20-0, 16 Kos) Joey Spencer, sem þá var ósigrandi, sló í gegn í mars, slepptu honum í lotu eitt áður en hann stoppaði hann í lotu sjö til að vinna sér inn TKO í tilkomumikilli hans 2023 frumraun á undirspili David Benavidez vs. Caleb planta á SHOWTIME PPV. Innfæddur maður í Casa Grande, Arizona., Ramos á einnig bak á bak 10 umferðir einróma ákvarðanir um Brian Mendoza og Javier Molina í 2021, sem hann fylgdi eftir með því að sigra Luke Santamaria og Vladimir Hernandez í 2022. Heildarstigagjöf, hinn ungi Ramos hefur öðlast viðurkenningu með hápunktur-hjóla KOs, stoppaði sjö af hans síðustu 10 andstæðingar, sýna hæfileika sína og getu til að binda enda á bardaga sína snemma.

“Ég er spenntur að vera hluti af þessu risastóra spili gegn erfiðum andstæðingi 30. september,“ sagði Ramos. „Ég veit að Lubin er að æfa mikið og ætlar að vinna, sem mun gera skemmtilegan bardaga. Allt þetta spil er staflað og við viljum ekki valda vonbrigðum, svo aðdáendurnir eiga frábært hnefaleikakvöld.”

Hinn 27 ára gamli Lubin (25-2, 18 Kos) sneri aftur í hringinn í júní til að skila glæsilegri stöðvun í fimmtu umferð öldungans Luis Arias, sem aldrei hafði verið stöðvaður áður. Fyrra útspil Lubins sá hann fara tá til tá í einum af bestu bardögum 2022, þar sem hann skipti á rothöggi við samkeppandann Sebastian Fundora á SHOWTIME í apríl 2022. Stefnir í Fundora baráttuna, Lubin hafði sett saman glæsilega sex vinningslotu frá tapi fyrir þá sameinuðu og nú óumdeilda 154 punda meistara Jermell Charlo í 2017, hlaup sem innihélt sigra á Jeison Rosario, Terrell Gausha og Ishe Smith. Innfæddur í Orlando, Fla., Lubin varð atvinnumaður kl 18 ára í 2013 og varð einn af yngstu möguleikunum sem nokkru sinni hafa komið fram í þróunarseríunniShoBox: The New Generation®,hlotið heiðursverðlaun „Prospect Of The Year“ frá ESPN og Ring Magazine í 2016.

„Ég veit að heimurinn mun fylgjast með í september 30 og ég ætla að vinna í stórum stíl,“ sagði Lubin. „Við erum með ungan og hæfileikaríkan bardagamann fyrir framan okkur, en ég er ungur og hæfileikaríkur líka. Munurinn er sá að ég hef barist við rjómann af uppskerunni í 154 punda deildinni. Skiptir ekki máli hvort það séu Ólympíufarar, efstu horfur, keppendur eða meistarar, Ég hef tekið þá að mér. Ég er með stóran flís á öxlinni og ég veit það með þessum sigri, Ég verð í mega baráttu. Ég er að æfa mjög mikið og allur heimurinn mun sjá það borga sig."

Ugas (27-5, 12 Kos) mun taka aftur til starfa í september 30 í fyrsta skipti síðan í apríl 2022 ósigur í sameiningarbardaga fyrir Errol Spence Jr. á SHOWTIME PPV. Hann festi sig í sessi sem úrvals veltivigt eftir að hafa snúið aftur eftir meira en tveggja ára uppsagnir í 2016 eftir bakvið baktap í 2014. Hann kýldi miðann sinn sem heimsmeistari í janúar 2021 eftir að hafa unnið WBA beltið með því að sigra Abel Ramos í september 2020. Hann styrkti heimsmeistaratitilinn í ágúst 2021, þegar hann steig inn fyrir slasaðan Spence til að sigra hinn goðsagnakennda frægðarhöll Manny Pacquiao með einróma ákvörðun. Komin frá Santiago, Kúbu og býr nú í Miami, Florida, bronsverðlaunahafinn á Ólympíuleikunum æfir í Las Vegas með hinum þekkta þjálfara Ismael Salas og á sigra á þá ósigruðu bardagakappanum Jamal James, Omar Figueroa Jr. og Bryant Perrella, auk gamalreyndu keppinautanna Thomas Dulorme og Ray Robinson.

„Bæði ég og Mario Barrios höfum mikið að vinna með sigri í september 30, svo ég veit að þessi bardagi á eftir að muna eftir,“ sagði Ugas. „Ég ber gríðarlega virðingu fyrir Barrios. Hann er sannur kappi sem hefur verið í hringnum með þeim bestu, en ég hef trú á að ég muni sigra. Ég á mikla baráttu eftir í mér og mínir bestu hæfileikar munu koma til greina í þessum bardaga. Heimaland og líf, Ég berst fyrir fólkið mitt."

Hinn 28 ára gamli Barrios (27-2, 18 Kos) skoraði síðast tilkomumikið rothögg á Jovanie Santiago í febrúar og stöðvaði Santiago í áttundu umferð.. Fyrri bardagi Barrios var frumraun hans í veltivigt þar sem hann féll frá erfiðri ákvörðun til fyrrum sameinaðs meistara Keith Thurman í febrúar. 2022. San Antonio-varan, sem æfir nú með toppþjálfaranum Bob Santos í Las Vegas, varð 140 punda heimsmeistari í september 2019, notaði árásargjarnan stíl sinn til að skora Batyr Akhmedov og vinna sér inn einróma ákvörðun. Barrios tapaði ofurléttvigtarmeistaratitlinum í öðrum hasarpökkum, mjög samkeppnishæf barátta, þar sem hann var sigraður af þriggja deildar og fimmfalda heimsmeistaranum Gervontu Davis í júní 2021.

„Þessi barátta verður stríð, vegna þess að við berjumst bæði af miklu hjarta og hvorugt okkar víkur aldrei,“ sagði Barrios. „Ég get ekki beðið eftir að keppa í svona viðureign á einu af stærstu spilum ársins. Þetta verður frábært hnefaleikakvöld frá upphafi til enda og mexíkóskir aðdáendur geta búist við að sjá sprengjandi frammistöðu frá „El Azteca“!"

Að berjast frá Phoenix, Arizona, Garcia (15-0, 12 Kos) er ein af stærstu stjörnum ársins 2023. Hann braust fram á sjónarsviðið í mars með því að sprengja hinn áður ósigraði Amilcar Vidal í fjórðu lotu til að tilkynna nærveru sína á 160 pundum.. Hinn 20 ára gamli fylgdi þessari frammistöðu eftir með því að drottna yfir öldungaliði Kevin Salgado á leiðinni til einróma ákvörðunar í apríl um SHOWTIME PPV undirkort Gervonta Davis vs.. Ryan Garcia. Hinn bráðþroska Garcia hefur hreyft sig hratt síðan hann gerðist atvinnumaður 2020 og hefur slegið út sex af síðustu átta andstæðingum sínum.

„Þetta er annar bardaginn minn á þessu ári á risastóru greiðslukorti og ég er mjög spenntur og jafnvel undirbúinn en í fyrra skiptið,“ sagði Garcia. „Reséndiz er hungraður bardagamaður alveg eins og ég, svo ég efast ekki um að við ætlum að setja upp helvítis sýningu fyrir alla aðdáendur sem horfa á.“

Hinn 24 ára Reséndiz(14-1, 10 Kos) vann besta sigur á ferlinum í síðasta útileik sínum þegar hann stöðvaði fyrrum sameinaða meistarann ​​Jarrett Hurd í 10th og lokaumferð í mars uppgjöri þeirra á SHOWTIME. Reséndiz leiddi á öllum þremur spjöldunum þegar bardaginn var stöðvaður vegna alvarlegs skurðar á vör Hurd.. Innfæddur maður í Nayarit, Mexico, hann berst nú út úr Los Angeles og mun leitast við að vinna það í þremur beinum sigrum eftir að hafa tapað marki fyrir Marcos Hernandez í september. 2021. Reséndiz gerðist atvinnumaður í febrúar 2018 og gerði farsælt U.S. frumraun í apríl 2021 með ákvörðunarsigri á Quilisto Wood.

„Ég er mjög ánægður með að fá þetta frábæra tækifæri til að keppa á svona mikilvægu bardagakorti,“ sagði Reséndiz. „Ég er spenntur að rætast draum minn um að berjast í Las Vegas, alveg eins og boxgoðin mín sem ég horfði á í sjónvarpinu. Ég hef farið í ótrúlegar æfingabúðir sem munu hjálpa mér að líta sem best út í september 30 og settu upp frammistöðu sem er verðug hnefaleikagoðsögnunum sem veita mér innblástur.“

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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsóknsho.com/ppv ogwww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, fylgdu #CaneloCharlo, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotions, á Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing og @TGBPromotionss eða gerist aðdáandi á Facebook klwww.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing ogwww.Facebook.com/premierboxingchampions/.



Star-Studded Lineup Is Highlighted by Errol Spence Jr., Gervonta Davis, Jermell Charlo, David Benavidez and Jermall Charlo

NEW YORK – March 15, 2022 - SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions today announced nine boxing events across the first half of 2022 featuring some of the sport’s most accomplished and dynamic stars in highly competitive matchups. The lineup pits champions against champions and top contenders against top contenders to form the strongest and most ambitious schedule in the industry. The robust lineup includes:

  • Nine marquee events across five months featuring 21 ósigraðir bardagamenn;
  • Two world championship unifications bouts, one for all four world title belts and the coveted title of Undisputed Champion, and one for three world title belts;
  • Seven world championship matches with at least 13 world title belts at stake and three world title eliminators;
  • All of the top-six ranked super welterweights fighting in a seven-week span;
  • Several pivotal crossroads fights from super bantamweight to super middleweight with an average of two events per month through July.

The massive schedule features the sport’s biggest starsErrol Spence, Jr., Gervonta “Tank” Davis, Jermell CharloDavid Benavidezog Jermall Charlo.  There are also 18 fighters aged 27 years and younger including unified world championStephen Fulton, Jr., and highly regarded, undefeated welterweight contenderJaron “Boots” Ennis. With this emphasis on youth and kingmaking, SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions are well positioned to carry the sport into the future. Led byStephen Espinoza, President, Íþróttir & atburður Forritun, Showtime Networks Inc., and four-time Emmy® Award-winning executive producerDavid Dinkins, Jr., who guides an all-star cast of commentators and production aces, Showtime® remains the most tenured and trusted platform in boxing. Arguably the best active welterweight of this era, the undefeated Spence, already a unified champ, will seek to collect a third world title when he puts his WBC and IBF straps on the line against WBA World ChampionYordenis Ugas áLaugardagur,Apríl 16 in the main event on SHOWTIME PPV® at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys. Spence-Ugas is only the 12th unification match in the history of the welterweight divisionjoining classic matchups such as“Sugar” Ray Leonard vs.Thomas HearnsÉg ogFloyd Mayweather vs.Manny Pacquiao. The match is rich with intrigue as Spence attempts to claim supremacy in one of boxing’s deepest divisions, while Ugas, who nearly quit the sport, aims to complete a stunning turnaround after beating eight-division world champion Pacquiao in August. Boxing superstar and five-time, þriggja deild heimsmeistariTankDavis will headline his fourth straight SHOWTIME PPV event against nemesisRolando Romero áLaugardagur, Maí 28, á Barclays Center í Brooklyn, NY, for Davis’ WBA Lightweight World TitleThe bout comes on the heels of Davis’ hard-fought 12-round unanimous decision win overIsaac “Pitbull” Cruz in which Davis overcame an injury in front of a star-studded, sellout crowd in Los Angeles last December. WBO 154-pound No. 1-raðað keppinauturTim Tszyu, the son of Hall of FamerKostya Tszyu, who fought many of his most memorable bouts on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, mun gera bandarískt hans. FrumraunLaugardagur, March 26gegn 2012 Bandarískt. Olympian and top contenderTerrell Gaushaat The Armory in Minneapolis. The streaking southpawsErickson Lubin ogSebastian Fundora will engage in a Super Welterweight Title Eliminator, for the WBC interim title, in the second of back-to-back, intriguing crossroads matchups in the division onLaugardagur, Apríl 9 from Virgin Hotels in Las Vegas. Jermell Charlo og Brian Castaño once again will seek to become the first undisputed 154-pound champion in the four-belt era and just the third overall undisputed champion today when they meet in a rematch of their 2021 classic onLaugardagur, Maí 14 í Los Angeles. Meira, rising welterweight starEnnispossibly the most talented boxer yet to win a world title, returns as the co-feature againstCustio Claytonin an IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator. Former two-time world championBenavidez skilar til aðgerða áLaugardagur,May 21against knockout artistDavid Lemieux á 168 pounds in Phoenix, Arizona., in a bout between two of the sport’s biggest punchers. Fulton, in his first bout since his title unification win in the 122-pound division againstBrandon Figueroa, will defend his titles onLaugardagur, Júní 4 in Minneapolis, against former unified world championDanny Roman in another can’t miss matchup. Jermall Charlo will defend his WBC Middleweight World Championship for the fifth time onLaugardagur, Júní 18, when he faces former world title challenger, WBC No. 6-raðaðMaciej Sulecki on the Juneteenth holiday weekend in Houston. OnLaugardagur, Júlí 9, í San Antonio, Texas, newly minted WBC Featherweight World ChampionMark Magsayo will make his first title defense since dethroningGary Russell Jr., on SHOWTIME against unbeaten mandatory challenger and former super bantamweight titleholderKonungur Vargas.
Additional high-stakes matches will be announced as individual fight cards fill out. “It’s a good time to be a boxing fan and SHOWTIME viewer with so many high-level, consequential matchups on our schedule,"SagðiEspinoza, President, Íþróttir & atburður Forritun, Showtime Networks Inc. “We continue to grow the sport at every level, from our grassroots seriesShoBoxto crowning unified and undisputed champions across boxing’s deepest divisions. When you consider the competitive nature of these fights, the star power of fighters like Errol Spence, Jr., ‘Tank’ Davis, David Benavidez, the Charlo brothers—and the youthful vitality of Stephen Fulton, Jr., Jaron Ennis and Brandun Lee—it’s never been clearer that SHOWTIME is the destination for the most compelling fights and will be for years to come. This SHOWTIME Boxing lineup is hands down the most potent of any network or platform in 2022.” The SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule features seven editions of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® and two significant SHOWTIME PPV events, all presented by Premier Boxing Champions·Mars 26 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGThe Armory, Minneapolis, Frá.
o Tim Tszyu vs. Terrell Gausha, Super Welterweight Bouto Michel Rivera vs. Joseph Adorno, Lightweight Bouto Elvis Rodriguez vs. Juan Jose Velasco, Super Lightweight (142 LBS) Bout ·Apríl 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__The Theatre at Virgin Hotels, Las Vegas
o Erickson Lubin vs. Sebastian Fundora, WBC Super Welterweight Interim Titleo Tony Harrison vs. Sergio Garcia, Super Welterweight Bouto Kevin Salgado vs. Bryant Perrella, Super Welterweight Bout ·Apríl 16 – SHOWTIME PPV__AT&T Stadium, Arlington, Texas
o Errol Spence Jr. vs. Yordenis Ugas, WBC, WBA & IBF Welterweight World __Championship Unification
Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP Hnefaleikar (preceding PPV):o Radzhab Butaev vs. Eimantas Stanionis, WBA Welterweight Title Bouto Brandun Lee vs. Zachary Ochoa, Super Lightweight Bout ·Maí 14 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Los Angeleso Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castaño II, Undisputed IBF, WBA, WBC & WBO Super __Welterweight World Championship Unificationo Jaron Ennis vs. Custio Clayton, IBF Welterweight Eliminator ·Maí 21 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Phoenix
o David Benavidez vs. David Lemieux, Super Middleweight Bouto Yoelvis Gomez vs. Jorge Cota, Super Welterweight Bout ·Maí 28 – SHOWTIME PPV__Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY
o Gervonta Davis vs. Rolando Romero, WBA Lightweight World Championship ·Júní 4 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Minneapolis
o Stephen Fulton, Jr. vs. Danny Roman, WBO & WBC Super Bantamweight World Championshipo David Morrell vs. Kalvin Henderson, WBA Super Middleweight World Title ·Júní 18 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Houston
o Jermall Charlo vs. Maciej Sulecki, WBC Middleweight World Championship ·Júlí 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__San Antonio
o Mark Magsayo vs. Konungur Vargas, WBC Featherweight World Championship\

For more information and future fight announcements visitwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Paramount, owns and operates the premium service SHOWTIME®, which features critically acclaimed original series, provocative documentaries, box-office hit films, comedy and music specials and hard-hitting sports. SHOWTIME is available as a stand-alone streaming service across all major streaming devices and Showtime.com, as well as via cable, DBS, telco and streaming video providers. SNI also operates the premium services THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, as well as on demand versions of all three brands. SNI markaðir og dreifir íþróttir og viðburðir afþreying fyrir sýningu til áskrifenda á a borga-á-útsýni grundvelli gegnum Showtime jákvætt forspárgildi®. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, fara tilwww.SHO.com.


“My experience inside and outside of the ring has all led up to this. Now is the time for me to put it all on the line,” – Charlo

“This is the fight of my life…The chance to become undisputed is just 10 days away and I can’t wait,” – Castaño

Unified WBC, WBA and IBF Champion Charlo Battles WBO World Champion Castaño In Undisputed 154-Pound Title Showdown Saturday, Júlí 17 Live on SHOWTIME from AT&T Center in San Antonio in Premier Boxing Champions Event

SAN ANTONIO (Júlí 7, 2021) – Unified WBC, WBA and IBF World Champion Jermell Charlo and WBO World Champion Brian Castaño took part in a virtual press conference Wednesday to preview their battle for the undisputed 154-pound championship which headlines action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Júlí 17 from AT&T Center in San Antonio in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Miðar á viðburð í beinni, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through www.attcenter.com.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see the hard-hitting unified champion Charlo and the exciting Argentine Castaño go toe-to-toe as all of the super welterweight championship belts are on the line for the first time in the four-belt era.

Hér er það sem bardagamenn þurfti að segja Miðvikudagur:


“We have 10 days to go and I’m excited. This is the most important time of my life. I love this. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid. My experience inside and outside of the ring has all led up to this. Now is the time for me to put it all on the line.

“Castaño is going to leave everything in the ring. So we’re not playing any games. Ég hef verið að þjálfa mjög erfitt. I’ve added things that have made me better because I know for a fact that this is going to be a great fight.

“I love my home state of Texas and I love fighting there. We’re bred differently. We’re a state that’s fought our own wars. This is huge. It’s a legacy fight for me and I’m ready for it.

“I know what I possess in the ring. Þegar það er kominn tími til að berjast, I instantly become the best warrior that there is out there.

“I’ve suffered my whole life, so there’s nothing in this world that can make me suffer more than what I went through growing up. Castaño is a great fighter who puts on a lot of pressure. But I know my abilities and I know my power. Every punch I throw is dominant and every shot I throw is painful for my opponent. I have a lot of unique abilities in me and I’m going to bring some tricks into this fight.

“I haven’t punched Castaño yet so I don’t know what his chin will do when I hit him. I know he’s got a big heart. I’m just going to do what I do, which is what everyone knows that I do. Everyone sees what I can do each time I get into the ring.

“I’ve been feeling really good in training camp. Better than I’ve ever felt. I’m in my prime right now and I feel stronger fight by fight. I’ve been developing every camp.

“I’ve got belts on belts and he’s got one belt. I’m ready to take that strap too. I’ve been paying attention to what he’s been doing. I haven’t just been sitting around since I fought Jeison Rosario. I’ve been working.

“Right now I’m not worried about what’s happening after this fight. I can only focus on what’s in front of me. I’m tunnel-visioned right now. This is what I want and I can’t see anything outside of victory on July 17.

“You’re going to see a more developed Jermell Charlo on July 17. I guarantee you’re going to see a top pound-for-pound fighter. At any point, this fight could be over with.

“This is a major fight because it’s history for me and my family. It’s huge for everyone that I represent and that’s been supporting me for all these years. It was due time to get in there for this fight. The belts and the money are not on my mind. What’s on my mind is the legacy.

“Not a lot of people get these opportunities. This fight is going to solidify a lot of different things in people’s minds about the Charlos.”


“This is my opportunity. This is the fight of my life. I’m a world champion and Charlo is a world champion. The chance to become undisputed is just 10 days away and I can’t wait. Þetta er minn tími. This fight is so important for my life. I hope to become undisputed on July 17 for my country and for my Latin supporters.

“This is one of the most important fights in Argentina’s history. It’s for four belts, undisputed at 154 £. It’s a great opportunity for my team, framkvæmdastjóri minn, my family and most importantly, for me. This will be the hardest fight of my career.

“Charlo is a great fighter, there’s no doubt about it. But I came here to do my job and I’m going to come forward. I’m the type of fighter that is always going after you. I’m always there to pressure you. Even though Charlo said that I don’t have anything he hasn’t seen before, he has never seen anybody with my fighting style.

“I’ve seen Charlo knock down a lot of fighters with just one punch. That’s something to look out for. Hins, I have more of a variety in my arsenal than anybody he has fought before. If I have to be more aggressive and go for more power instead of finesse, rest assured that I can knock him down as well.

“Ring rust will not be an issue at all. I train every day. I spar three times a week. I’ve been training twice a day lately. I am in rhythm and in shape. I am coming for the four belts.

“On July 17, I can guarantee that I will bare my soul, I will leave my heart in the ring and do everything in my power to become the undisputed, unified champion of the world.

“I think that Charlo is in the prime of his career as well. That’s why I looked for this fight. This is the fight I’ve been looking for because we are both in the best moment of our career, and I want to take advantage of it.

“I am out for glory. I want to be the first in history to be undisputed champion at 154 pounds in the four-belt era and also be one of the best Argentinian and Latin American boxers that ever lived. I’m going for it all. I’m going to leave it all out there on Saturday night and there’s no reason why I can’t be both one of the best pound-for-pound fighters and also one of the best Argentinian boxers ever.

“If I win, the glory would be equal to a potential Argentina World Cup title next year. Hins, soccer is different because you have 10 other people that you can rely on. Messi has 10 teammates that he can pass the ball to when things get tough, but when I’m in the ring I’m on my own. Boxing is more of an individual challenge. When I’m up against the ropes, I have to get out of it on my own. The glory and the excitement of a win would be the same as an Argentina World Cup for my country.

“This opportunity to make history for my country and for Latin American people brings out very strong emotions in me. I don’t want to let down my Latin American people from all over the world. I feel an immense amount of pride in that and I am up to the challenge.

“I have not had the opportunity to meet Manu Ginobili, but he is an icon in Argentinian sports. He is one of the best ever and what he represents is iconic both as an athlete and as a person. He has both my admiration and my respect.

“I am aware that people may not know me, but I’m here to create my own path and pave my own way. I know that I haven’t fought that much lately and maybe that’s part of the reason why people don’t know me, but I turned down fights against opponents that weren’t of the caliber that I wanted to face. My goal has always been to go up against the best of the best and the elite of my division. I have that chance now and I’m going to prove why I deserve this chance and why I’m worth following.”


“Jermall has never faced anyone like me before. I’ll apply more pressure than he’s used to”

Top Rated Contender Derevyanchenko Faces WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo this Saturday, September 26 Headlining Part One of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, a SHOWTIME PPV® Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

NEW YORK – September 21, 2020 – Top contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko believes that his combination of skills and experience will make him the toughest challenge that WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo has faced in his career, as they near their showdown this Saturday, September 26 headlining part one of CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER, a SHOWTIME PPV event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

“I’ll definitely be his toughest test at middleweight,"Sagði Derevyanchenko. “Jermall has never faced anyone like me. I’ll apply more pressure than he’s used to. He’s also never faced anyone with my footwork. I’ll fight more on the inside than his previous opponents.”

Derevyanchenko sports a 13-2 pro record with 10 knockouts, following an extensive amateur career that included representing his native Ukraine at the 2008 Olympics as part of his 390-20 overall ledger. A atvinnumaður síðan 2014, Derevyanchenko’s experience in the amateurs has aided him as he climbed up the middleweight division in the paid ranks.

“My amateur experience has helped me a lot,"Sagði Derevyanchenko. “I came to the pros with much more experience in the ring than most other fighters and it’s been a big part of what I’ve accomplished. I believe that all of that experience will help me get the win on Saturday and take Charlo’s belt.”

The 34-year-old now lives in Brooklyn and has avoided any negative training impact of the pandemic by working with his head trainer Andre Rozier at their private gym in New Jersey. September 26 will be Derevyanchenko’s third world title fight, after losing a narrow decision to Gennadiy Golovkin last October and a split decision against Daniel Jacobs in 2018. Each of his previous title fights have presented different experiences that he can take into the Charlo fight, based off the similarities and differences between the opponents.

“Golovkin is a very different fighter than Charlo, but Jacobs is similar stylistically, so that’s something I’ll be used to,"Sagði Derevyanchenko. “This training camp has been very similar to camps for my previous fights though. We just brought in different sparring partners for this one. We’re using fighters who can show us what Charlo will bring to the ring.

“We’re making necessary adjustments based off all our experience and developing a game plan specifically for Charlo. The sparring partners have been giving me great work and I’m absolutely ready for September 26.”

In both of his title opportunities, Derevyanchenko has suffered a knockdown in the first round, only to battle back and nearly win the fight. Despite the similar script, Derevyanchenko is not focusing on those opening round mistakes as he prepares for Charlo.

“I’ll be very focused in the early rounds against Charlo, we’re not dwelling on the past,"Sagði Derevyanchenko. “We always have an eye looking forward. I’ll try to get the win faster against Charlo, so we’ll be applying more pressure early.

“Those first round knockdowns were just brief moments in those fights. I quickly moved on, put them behind me and fought my way back into it. I told myself that I may have lost the first round, but I just had to be better in the remaining rounds.”

With fight week here and the bulk of the hard training behind him, Derevyanchenko is prepared for the challenge Charlo presents, no matter how the fight goes or which strategy Charlo enters the ring with.

“I’m not solely focused on the fight going one certain way, we just have our game plan and we’ll see what happens in the ring,"Sagði Derevyanchenko. “If I can knock him out, I’ll be ready to go for it. But if it goes 12 umferðir, I have all of the skills to win a decision.”

# # #


After I win this belt on September 26, I want Brandon Figueroa next!”

Unbeaten Former Champion Nery Takes on Undefeated Aaron Alameda for Vacant WBC Super Bantamweight Title Saturday, September 26 In Co-Main Event of Part Two of a SHOWTIME PPV® Doubleheader Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

NEW YORK – September 17, 2020 – Unbeaten former champion Luis Nery shared updates from his training camp as he prepares to take on undefeated Aaron Alamedafor the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-main event of part two of a SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader Saturday, September 26 in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Fyrir þessari baráttu, Nery is training for the first time under the guidance of Eddy Reynoso at his gym in San Diego, alongside Canelo Alvarez and former heavyweight champion Andy Ruiz Jr., ma. Although Nery enters this fight on an 11-fight knockout streak, he has been able to hone other facets of his arsenal under Reynoso.

Coach Reynoso has been helping me a lot with my defense,” said Nery. “We’re working on boxing with my hands up and on my accuracy. He’s helping me do everything possible to maximize my power and speed. I feel very strong and I’ve been sparring 12 rounds for a while now. I’m extremely ready for September 26 and focused on nothing but that.

Nery and Alameda were set to square off in a bantamweight battle on SHOWTIME® mars, before the pandemic delayed that showdown. With Rey Vargas vacating his 122-pound title due to an injury, the rescheduled fight came with the addition of that title being on the line. While he knows Alameda will bring his best, Nery is confident in continuing his winning streak.

I know that Alameda is a tough, undefeated fighter who’s going to leave it all in the ring,” said Nery. “I know he wants to win, bara eins og mig, and I know he’s working every day so that he can perform to his maximum potential. I believe that my speed and my overall talent will make me the winner. The postponement has given me even more time to train and prepare for this matchup. Ég er 100% ready.

Nery has long established himself as a force in the bantamweight division, winning his title in 2017 by traveling to Japan and handing Shinsuke Yamanaka his first loss via fourth-round stoppage. While September 26 is his first championship fight at 122-pounds, he has his sights set on dominating the super bantamweight division and beyond.

At this moment, I want to fight at both 118 and 122-pounds,” said Nery. “There are a lot of great fights to be made in those weight classes. Sometime next year, I want to move up to 126-pounds so that I can dominate all three divisions.

The stacked September 26 PPV undercards feature a wealth of champions and top talent at both the 118 og 122 weight classes. If he’s victorious next Saturday night, Nery has his eyes on a fight against WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon Figueroa, who defends his title against Damien Vazquez in the co-main event of part one of the doubleheader.

After I win this belt on September 26, I want Brandon Figueroa next,” said Nery. “I’m not overlooking Alameda at all, but if I had my choice, me and Figueroa would give the fans a great show my next time in the ring.


I’m striving to be one of the best to ever lace up a pair
of gloves.

Derevyanchenko calls himself ‘The Technician’, but we’ll see how technical he is once I start putting my jab in his face.

Unbeaten WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo Faces Top Contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko Saturday, September 26 Headlining Part One of SHOWTIME PPV® Doubleheader Kynnt af Premier Boxing Champions

Smelltu HÉR for Photos from Andrew Hemingway/SHOWTIME

HOUSTON – September 14, 2020 – Unbeaten WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall Charlo brought fans and media into his training camp Monday with a virtual media workout as he prepares to face top contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko to headline part one of a first-of-its-kind SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader Saturday, September 26 in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Charlo was joined Monday by his longtime trainer Ronnie Shields as he showed off a variety of skills while training for the toughest opponent of his pro career. Charlo vs. Derevyanchenko will headline the first part of the special PPV doubleheader that begins at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT, before his twin brother and WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo steps in for the main event of part two against WBA and IBF 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario.

The workout streamed live on the PBC YouTube page and can be viewed in its entiretyHÉR. Here is what Charlo and Shields had to say Monday:


I know that it’s my time to shine and my time to give everyone the best that I can give. I’m striving to be one of the best to ever lace up a pair of gloves.

The fans that love me can expect me to do what I do. The fans who don’t know about me, they’re going to see a smart, strong and athletic fighter. You’re going to see all of it in the ring on September 26.

I came from nothing, so I want to put everyone on. I want to make sure Ronnie Shields gets into the Hall of Fame. We’re looking to do something in boxing that no one has ever done.

When I look outside this gym, I say there’s no way I’m losing. I’m carrying my whole family on my back. Houston, we have another one. I’m doing it for everybody here.

I’m telling those other middleweights to buckle your seatbelts. It’s lift off. Everyone that doubted me, everyone who wants a chance, you’ll get your turn. I’m running the show. You just stay locked in.

My power is growing along with me. With some fights you need to add more power and sometimes your power just naturally increases. I’ve gotten a lot stronger and a lot smarter, so I’ve been able to use my skills to go along with my power heading into this fight.

Derevyanchenko is a come forward fighter. He’s going to bring a lot of power and speed with good technical skills. He calls himself ‘The Technicianbut we’ll see how technical he is once I start putting my jab in his face. I’m going to use all my natural skills in this fight.

After I win this fight the sky is the limit. I know people will respect me a lot more after this, but I’m focused on only this fight. This fight is another big stepping stone toward even bigger fights to come.

A lot of people don’t really know where the Charlos came from and they’re getting the chance to learn it throughout this time. It’s taken to this point for everyone to see that we belong on this big stage. I’m grateful for everyone around me who’s embraced me with love.

We don’t have too much longer to be doing this. Where are the rest of the belts at? Ég er tilbúinn. Watch next Saturday night, because I’m making this statement loud for everyone who doubted me.

Ronnie SHIELDS, Trainer Charlo er

It means a lot to be in this position. It shows you that your fighter has made it to the top. He’s at the point where people want to see the champion of the world. It’s great to be there with him and help him to this level in the sport.

At this moment, Jermall is in great shape and he’s just about ready. We still have another week of hard training to go, then we’ll start coming down next week. He’s really sharp right now and we just have to keep him that way.

Houston loves winners and this guy is a winner. People know he’s a family man also and he works very hard for everything he’s gotten. He’s always shouting out Houston because this is where he’s from and it’s important to him.

I’ve had so many good fighters in my career, but Jermall is right up there at the top with Evander Holyfield, Vernon Forrest and Pernell Whitaker. He works hard and pays attention to what he has to do. The thing that separates them is that he knows how to watch his opponent and he knows what he’s in for.

Just like every opponent, we expect Sergiy to be at his best. We expect Sergiy to come in and try to win and be the best he can possibly be. Jermall is doing the same thing. No stone will be left unturned. We go over the game plan every day.

# # #

The CHARLO DOUBLEHEADER takes place Saturday, September 26 on SHOWTIME PPV with an unprecedented event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. The PPV begins at a special time of 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT and features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins with the Jermall Charlo vs. Sergiy Derevyanchenko three-fight card followed by a 30-minute intermission and then the Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario three-fight card.

Part one of the SHOWTIME PPV is headlined by WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo facing top contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko. WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon Figueroa will defend his title against 122-pound contender Damien Vázquez in the co-featured bout, while WBO Bantamweight World Champion John Riel Casimero faces off against unbeaten Duke Micah in the pay-per-view opener.

The second three-fight card is headlined by the historic unification matchup between WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo and IBF and WBA 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario. Unbeaten former champion Luis Nery will battle undefeatedAaron Alameda for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion Danny Román faces off against former champion Juan Carlos Payano in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view.

The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Smelltu HÉR for Action Photos / Credit: Showtime
Og HÉR for Action Photos / Credit: TGB Kynningar

NEW YORK – September 1, 2020 - WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo and WBA and IBF 154-pound world champion Jeison Rosario previewed their blockbuster unification showdown during a virtual kick-off press conference Tuesday as they near their main event battle on part two of the first-ever SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader on Saturday, September 26 in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Five of the six fighters who will be competing in part two of the unprecedented event participated in today’s media call. Unbeaten former champion Luis Nery will battle undefeated Aaron Alameda for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion Daniel Roman faces off against former champion Juan Carlos Payano in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view. Nery was unable to participate in the call due to technical issues.

Here is what the virtual press conference participants had to say Tuesday:


“I’m stronger and faster than I’ve ever been. Camp has been amazing. I can’t believe I got in shape so fast, but I really never got out of shape. I make investments in myself and I do my homework.

“Congratulations to Rosario for getting the chance to move up to this level. But I know what I possess in the ring when I choose to let it out of me. I’m more ready for this fight than any fight I’ve ever had.

“My legacy is on the line. I feed my family this way. It’s not about what we’re going to say. It’s no secret about how I fight. I’m dangerous and I feel even more dangerous now. I’m excited to go 12 umferðir. My capacity and skills are exceeding all of these guys in the division. I’m way hungrier now. The fire has been lit in me.

“A lot of people were surprised Jeison won against Julian Williams, but I actually wasn’t. Williams was dealing with a lot. But I’m a different kind of fighter. My dedication is different than everyone.

“Me and my brother have always been doubted. As I mature, I don’t care about what anyone on the outside says. I don’t care who makes the rankings. My job is to box. That was once my hobby. I’ve been doing this forever and I’ve grown into this. I’m a different animal. Just like Rosario had to come up the levels, I did that as well. I’m maintaining where I’m at because of my hard work and the way I fight. All you have to do is put me out there and I’m going to go get it for you.

“I believe my last two fights and the different styles that Tony Harrison had have helped me. Tony is a great fighter. You look at his record and you know he can punch, but I’m just different. That’s what made me come out on top and made the first fight close. The experience I had in those fights will give me even more of an edge coming into this fight.

“There’s so many things I do that make me believe I’m the best in the division. I can go on and on, but I’m a lion in the cage, let me out and see what happens.

“I’m strong from the first round to the end. If it goes to 12, then it goes that far. I’m smart and know how to set up traps. I’m not going to divulge the game plan, but I’m not playing around in the ring.”


“This is going to be a great war. I’m dedicated and motivated for this fight and I know what it means to face a fighter of Jermell’s quality, so the training has been going great. I’m so ready.

“I am even hungrier now than I was before I won the titles. I’m more motivated. The desire inside of me and the fire inside of me is burning to win this fight against a great fighter in Jermell Charlo. Like the Dominican people say, ‘we have to keep moving forward’ and that’s what I plan to do in this fight.

“Jermell Charlo and Julian Williams are definitely two different types of fighters. I think Williams has a little more quickness but Jermell is definitely stronger and has more power. That’s why I’ve had to prepare a little differently for this fight. In regards to who I feel is the better fighter – I don’t want to take anything away from either guy. Williams was a great fighter and he was considered No. 1 when I fought him, which is now the same position that Jermell Charlo is in. They both have their merits but I wouldn’t say which one is the better fighter. Jermell is considered the best fighter at 154 núna.

“One thing that has changed since my loss to Nathaniel Gallimore in 2017 is my maturity. As the fights get bigger and more important, I definitely stepped up to the occasion and to the challenge. I’m training harder and there is more focus on this fight coming up.

“This fight means a lot to me. It’s definitely the most important fight of my career and I’m very thankful. I’m thankful to my trainer and for this opportunity that’s been given to me to fight the best fighter in the division. This is a great moment and some people think I won’t win. I know it’s going to be electric.

“I consider this to be my time. Empires fall. Presidents fall. Kingdoms fall. It’s all very interesting because under Charlo’s brand, you have the lion and you have the hunter and all that. But during the fight, you’re going to find out who really is the hunter. I’m a warrior and we’re going to see that night who really is the hunter and who is the one that’s going to be hunted.”


“We’ve been training very hard and we know we have a tough opponent in Luis Nery, but we’re ready for him.

“In all honesty, maybe the names that you see on paper that I’ve faced are not in Nery’s class, but when you see me on September 26, you’re going to know what I’m made of.

“It’s true that Nery has had trouble making weight before but that’s his problem. If he makes weight or if he doesn’t, I’m not bothered by that. I’m focused on what I need to do on September 26, so I haven’t really focused on whether he is going to make weight. I am the one who is going to be ready.

“This is definitely a step-up for me, we aren’t denying that. But strategically, we have worked on certain things that we know are going to help come fight night. We’ve seen a lot of video on Luis Nery and learned how we need to approach this fight. We’ve seen a couple things that we can do and that’s what we’re going to do on September 26.

“There were a few opponents that I fought that were difficult but one in particular was [Enrique] Bernache in Guadalajara. He was fighting in his hometown and he had his people behind him but we still won that fight. The person that has hit me the hardest? His name was [Juan] Jimenez, and we still overcame the power he showed that night to win.

“I have fought a couple southpaws in my career and I actually feel better against southpaws than I do against orthodox fighters.

“There’s no doubt that Nery is a powerful puncher but we have to see how he’s going to come out – if he’s coming out boxing or if he’s going to look for the knockout immediately. We have a strategy for whichever way he comes out. We’ll be ready for it.”


“Everything is going great in training. We’ve made some adjustments due to the pandemic, but I’ll be at my best on September 26. We’re two former champions, so this is going to be a quality fight. We’re going to try to make it our night.

“The goal is to get back to the world title, but I’m not overlooking Payano. He’s a quality fighter. We have to get past him and then hopefully we can get the rematch with Murodjon Akhmadaliev.

“Payano lost to big names and quality fighters. Anything can happen in a fight, so I’m getting ready for anything. I’m prepared to fight the best Payano possible. Ég ætla ekki að taka hann létt. This is like if I was defending the belt against another world champion.

“I’m more focused than ever now. I didn’t think I lost my last fight, I thought I took it. Now my mind is set on Payano, so we’re just continuing to work as hard as when I was champion. It’s one step at a time. First it’s Payano, then we’ll see after that.

“Losing my titles has motivated me even more. I know what my next goal is. I’m not overlooking Payano, but I’m looking to get that rematch next.”


“We definitely respect Danny Roman. Hann er frábær bardagamaður, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime. We’ve trained hard and you’re going to see the best of Payano for this fight.

“We committed errors in those two fights we lost to Inoue and Nery where they took me down but we’ve come in prepared knowing that we are fighting another good fighter in Danny Roman and we have really prepared well so that it doesn’t happen again. You do learn from your errors in these fights so that’s why when I come out, you’ll see a different Juan Carlos Payano on September 26.

“I’ve always fought hard in all my fights, but especially this one because we are looking at the end of my career. I know I need a great showing for the fans, so there is definitely an extra urgency to show the best of me.

“A boxer never reveals what he is going to bring into the ring but I’m definitely going to be more precise. That’s something I didn’t have in my two losses. I can’t be too desperate. I found that I was desperate in those two fights when I could have been more precise and do a better job in those aspects of the fight.

“I’ve been boxing since I was six years old and I’ve given my life to boxing. It’s been a great run. I respect Danny Roman enormously and the people can expect two warriors to get in the ring on September 26 and give their all. The fans know that this is what I always give them and that night will be no different.”

DERRICK JAMES, Trainer Charlo er:

“Training camp has been good. Jermell’s been getting better and better. I’ve been pleased with what I’m seeing and it’s still early in training camp. We’re going to continue to build leading up to the fight. We know we have a very tough guy we’re facing, but I believe everyone we’ve faced is tough. We’re going in there to be at our best.

“I think that the victory would be beautiful, but I’m not thinking about what it would do for me. The best things is what it would mean for Jermell to have three belts. This is about legacy. It’s about a legacy fight for Jermell and myself.

“Rosario is a good fighter. He’s had a gradual progression from when I watched him fight Justin DeLoach and then moving on to fight Williams. He’s getting better. We know what we’re looking at. We know as the champ, he might come in as a different fighter. So we have to be better also. It’s a great challenge but we’re looking forward to it.

“I saw Rosario’s fights before Williams, so I knew he would be tough. I was surprised how it went down because Williams is a strong fighter. But Rosario really showed out and he had the right shots to get him out of there. We expect a great fighter on September 26.”

LUIS “CHIRO” PEREZ, Rosario’s Trainer:

“Training camp has been great. Everything went exactly the way we wanted it to and then some. Even through these times, we were able to do our full training camp the way we wanted it. There have been no obstacles.

“Jeison is stronger and smarter than ever. We’re looking forward to showing that we belong with this competition. We know it’s a tall order against the best 154-pound fighter in the world, but we want his position. He’s the man at this weight class and we want to prove to the world that we belong on that level.

“Jeison had never done a real training camp in his life until recently. He trained any way he could figure out and he would take a lot of last minute fights. That changed for the Williams fight and that’s changed for this fight. Everything he’s overcome, he’s done with desire. He’s doing the proper training camp now and eating the proper way. I think you have to knock Rosario out to beat him. September 26, we’re going to see if I’m right.”

STEPHEN Espinoza, President, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.:

“Top to bottom, this is the highest quality card I’ve ever been associated with. Undanfarin ár, there have been a lot of new companies and a lot of activity in boxing and even with all the money, the deals, the companies, and everything they’re supposedly bringing to the table, no one has been doing this kind of event. No one else is doing cards at this levelthis big and with this much quality. This is an event for the true fight fan. World champion after world champion, a collection of some of the best fighters in the world all on one card. sex berst, five of them world title fights, all on one pay-per-view.

“This is a card full of bangers. The one fight that’s not a world title fight, the one between Danny Roman and Juan Carlos Payano, is a matchup between a former unified champion and a former world championso there’s no shortage of accomplishments there. You have unbeaten former champion Luis Nery, who is coming off a streak of 11 consecutive knockouts, moving up into a new weight class to take on undefeated Aaron Alameda. Our second main event of the evening, Jermell Charlo and Jeison Rosario, like the first one, is a matchup between the top two boxers currently fighting in the division. We don’t need exaggeration or hyperbole. Simply put, this is the best fight that can be made in the super welterweight division.”

* * *

Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Premier Boxing Champions Presents Two Special Fight Cards
For One Price on Saturday, September 26 – Live at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Six-Fight Pay-Per-View Doubleheader Features Five World Championship Bouts and a World Title Eliminator

NEW YORK – September 1, 2020 – In a first-of-its-kind boxing event, and a doubleheader unlike any other in sports, SHOWTIME PPV and Premier Boxing Champions have assembled two stacked fight cards with each card headlined by one of the world champion Charlo twins in their most significant fights to date. Á laugardag, September 26, the unprecedented twin bill features WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo frammi efst keppinautur Sergiy Derevyanchenko in the main event of the first card. The second card is topped by WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo taka á WBA and IBF 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario in a world championship unification fight.

The unprecedented pay-per-view twin bill features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins with the Charlo vs. Derevyanchenko three-fight card live at a special time of 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT followed by a 30-minute intermission and then the Charlo vs. Rosario three-fight card.

“The Charlo twins are two of boxing’s most charismatic and exciting stars, and they are facing the most significant challenges of their respective careers,“ sagði Tom Brown, Forseti TGB Tilboð. “It’s only right that Jermell and Jermall would headline this extraordinary doubleheader. Jeison Rosario proved just how dangerous he is when he stopped Julian Williams in January to become the unified champion and he has shown his considerable ambition by going right into this showdown against Jermell. Sergiy Derevyanchenko has given some of the best middleweights in the world everything they could handle, and many believe he should be a 160-pound champion right now. He’s going to face another one of the very best middleweights on September 26 and there is no doubt he’ll be at his best when he steps to Jermall.

“With the addition of two sensational undercard bouts on each card, three of which are world title fights, this special event is a boxing fan’s dream and will deliver hours of dramatic action.”

“This event is a cornerstone, two cornerstones, í raun, af 2020 SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule,"Sagði Stephen Espinoza, President, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime. “The parallel paths of the Charlo twins converge when they take on their most significant opponents to date. In doing so, each man has a chance to assert himself individually on the biggest stage in the sport. Likewise, the four undercard matchups across the two shows feature some of the best talent in the 118 and 122-pound divisions, virtually all in 50-50 matchups. This is truly a special event, delivered at a special time and in an unprecedented way. As a fight fan, I cannot wait for September 26.”

This unique pay-per-view doubleheader is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

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Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Fylgdu á Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Undefeated super middleweight prospect “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman Latest to join Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker

BOSTON (Ágúst 4, 2020) – Another promising prospect has been added to Ryan Roach’s growing Fighter Locker stable“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(4-0, 2 Kos), a super middleweight out of Aurora, Colorado.

“I had a great conversation with Ryan when (his co-head coach and former world championVernon Phillips introduced us,” McCalman spoke about signing a managerial contract with Fighter Locker. “We met and he was someone who genuinely cares about his fighters. He made a point that his fighters are like family to him. I’ve seen in the short time I’ve known him that he puts his fighters in position to succeed. Honestly, I think that’s rare in boxing, and I really appreciate that about Ryan.”

“Shawn and I had a great conversation and we clicked right away,” Roach commented. “ It made sense for the two of us. It’s always exciting for me getting a new fighter and Shawn really has it all. He’s fast and strong and has been in camps with world-class boxers. This is a great opportunity. I’m looking forward to Shawn showcasing his skills and climbing the ranks.”

Colorado-native McCalman, who had a 65-7 áhugamaður met, was a 3-time Colorado State Golden Gloves champion, as well as a 3-time regional winner. The 26-year-old McCalman made his pro debut September 22, 2018, þegar hann bankaði útJake Featherman in the opening round. He has since defeated, in orderIsaiah William Reyez (WTKO2), Damarian Kelly (WDEC4) and 5-2Lorawnt Nelson (WDEC6) in his most recent fight this past January.

Former World championTony Harrison has used McCalman has his chief sparring partner, including his World Boxing Council (WBC) World super welterweight-winning performance in 2018 of defending champion previously undefeated (31-0) Jermell Charlo.  

“The Roach name is well respected in the boxing sphere and the opportunity presented itself to bind our legacy was too good to pass up,” McCalman noted. “I’m a young, svangur, talented diamond in the rough. Ryan taking a chance means a lot and I think the two of use together will accomplish great things. Once this train gets going there’s no stopping it. So, jump aboard now…..next stop world championship level!"

McCalman joins Fighter Locker’s growing stable that includes a talented Ukrainian trio of North American Boxing Association (Einnig) super welterweight title holderStanyslav Skofokhod (19-2, 16 Kos), word-rated welterweightKaren Chukhadzhian (16-1, 7 Kos) og ofur létturZoravor Petrosyan (7-0, 3 Kos).  Other Fighter Locker stablemates include Dominican welterweightJuan Carlos “Merengue” Abreu (23-5-1, 21 Kos), the former IBF Youth World super lightweight champion; Lynn, MA super welterweightKhiry Todd (10-1, 8 Kos),Dorchester, MA welterweightGabriel Duluc (15-3, 4 Kos), Troy, NY super lightweightRayJay Bermudez, Toronto, Canada welterweightJeff “The Trouble 1” Tabrizi (8-3, 7 Kos), New Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (16-3-2, 5 Kos), super featherweight Jesus Vasquez, Jr., plus Irish National championPaul Ryan, who will fight as a welterweight in the pro ranks, og bandarískt. Army super bantamweightDaniel Bailey, Jr.  The latter two will make their pro debuts when boxing returns in full.


WEBSITE:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

FACEBOOK:  /fighterlocker

TWITTER:  @RoachRyan

INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82


WBC Super Welterweight Champion Tony Harrison & Former Champion Jermell Charlo Continue Heated Rivalry Before Rematch This Saturday, Desember 21 Headlining FOX PBC Fight Night & on FOX Deportes From Toyota Arena in Ontario, California

Smelltu HÉR for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

ONTARIO, Calif. (Desember 19, 2019) – WBC Super Welterweight Champion Tony “Superbad” Harrison og fyrrum heimsmeistari Jermell Charlo continued their war of words Thursday at the final press conference before they rematch this Saturday, Desember 21 in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes from Toyota Arena in Ontario, California.

The press conference also featured heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba and Georgia’sIago Kiladze, who meet in the 10-round co-feature, meira 2016 Bandarískt. Olympian Karlos Balderas og Mexíkó er Rene Tellez Giron, who battle in an eight-round lightweight fight that opens the broadcast at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Miðar á atburði, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Toyota Arena box office and Ticketmaster.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from Toyota Arena:


I’m hungrier now because of the layoff since the first fight. It hasn’t affected my mindset for one moment. Sparring has been intense for me. That’s where I got the rust off. I was pushed every day with guys trying to knock me out, just like he’s going to try to do.

Nothing about me is fake. Everything I say, I do it. It comes from my heart. The beef between us is real when it comes to my eyes. I don’t like anything about him. The tables turned after what he did right after the first fight. I’m a humble beast and he woke me up.

I trained in Florida because I needed to be hungry again. I made the changes for me. I was out a year and I had to get mentally correct. He woke me up. I didn’t need to be in Detroit, they know I’m the champ. Now I’m ready to beat you again on Saturday.

I had three judges who said I won, so I don’t think I have to change anything in my game plan. Ég er fús. I don’t care about what him and his team is telling him. I don’t have to do anything different.

He had 12 rounds and never rocked me, never stumbled me. He gave me everything he has. The same Jermell that you have seen in every fight is the same you’ll see Saturday.

We’re here once again and once again I’m going to exactly what I have to do. This is what needs to be done to him. I love everything about this. I love everything about the talking, the back and forth, and all the noise.

Jermell knocked out Jorge Cota, so he’s back on top right? I’m going to humble him again, það er starf mitt. I’m going to ease him of his pain. He acts like he’s the strongest guy in the world, but he’s up against an animal.

I just have to be myself and win again. He can’t handle someone who’s himself. I’m rattling him every five seconds. I just have to throw the 1-2 off of that and we’re good.


He talks a lot but he has to see me Saturday night. You’re going to get the same thing I gave to Jorge Cota. He just gave me more time getting out of the fight in June. I’m much stronger, much better and much faster now.

I’m a fighter who lives and learns. I know how to progress. It’s okay for me, because I understand how to go down and come back up. When I come back, I come back way harder. They made the true champ come out of me.

They know he’s not on my level. They know what I possess and what I do. Him not liking me has nothing to do with what I’m going to do Saturday.

Nothing he’s said has gotten under my skin. It’s unbelievable to think that you could get inside another man’s head who gets in the ring and puts it all on the line for this.

He will get what he deserves. I’m a man of my word and everyone knows what I do. I’m ‘Mr. Keep Running Your Mouth.’ Þetta er það sem ég geri.

I want to knock him out and I’m going to knock him out. I’m going to set up the right shots. I’m going to set up what he’s not going to see. I’m going to show you how to take the belt.

All I know is that I’m ready to fight. He’s all hype. The only thing fake about him is that injury he put up to get out of the rematch, but we’re here now so its whatever. I’m going to crush him.


I know he has experience and he’s lost to a few good fighters. I’m going to stick to my game plan and I look forward to showing it to everyone on Saturday night

I have to test him with my jab and see how he reacts. He has movement and has good experience. I’m going to let him get tired and find my spots. Ég get ekki beðið eftir að komast í það.

We worked really hard in training camp and I know that I’m getting better every day. This is a good test for me and a good opponent who will make me use what we’ve worked on in training.


I know that’s he’s a strong young fighter, but he doesn’t have experience like me. I have more fights and more tough fights. I think that he’s going to try to come forward, but I’ve worked really hard to stop him.

I’ve worked on my power and I will show it on Saturday night. I believe in myself and I’m going to show everything I’ve worked on in training camp.

We’re going to take what we’ve been working on in training and bring it into the fight. We know what he’s uncomfortable with and we’re going to take advantage of it.


I’m an Olympian for a reason. I’ve faced the best since I was 15. This is a great opportunity for me and I’m going to make the most of it. He knows what’s coming Saturday night.

I’ve been here before and I’m ready to make a splash. 2020 is my year to shine. I’m ready or the big names. I know what I’m here to do.

He’s a rugged fighter who comes forward and brings the fight. I’m too experienced for him though. Í lok, my talent is going to speak for itself. We can say what we want up here, but my talent will speak for itself.


The only loss I had was a fight I believe I won, but you always learn from a fight. Balderas is a good fighter and I respect him, but he’s in for a war.

I’ve been in tough fights everywhere so I know what it will be like Saturday. He’s quick in the ring and I’ve watched video on him, but it’s nothing that I won’t be able to overcome.

I know what he can do and I know that I have everything I need to get this victory. I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity and I know that we’re going to steal the show Saturday.