Tag-Archiv: Chris Colbert


„Er wird aus erster Hand erfahren, wie gefährlich ich bin … Ich liebe es, wenn Leute denken, dass Macht sie gegen mich retten wird.“

Der ungeschlagene aufstrebende Star Colbert nähert sich dem Showdown gegen den ungeschlagenen dominikanischen Olympioniken Hector Garcia als Headliner live bei SHOWTIME® Samstag, Februar 26 im Premier Boxing Champions Event von The Cosmopolitan
von Las Vegas

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Stephanie Trapp / Showtime

BROOKLYN – Februar 18, 2022 - Ungeschlagen aufgehender Stern Chris „Primetime“ Colbert hielt am Freitag ein Medientraining in seiner Heimatstadt Brooklyn ab, während er sich darauf vorbereitet, gegen den ungeschlagenen dominikanischen Olympioniken anzutreten Hector Garcia im SHOWTIME Main Event Samstag, Februar 26 in einem Premier Boxing Champions-Event von The Chelsea im The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Kolbert vs. Garcia führt ein gestapeltes SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING an® Tripleheader beginnend bei 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, wenn die ungeschlagenen Kämpfer in einem WBA-Titel-Eliminator im Superfedergewicht gegeneinander antreten.

Karten für das Live-Event, die von TGB Promotions gefördert wird, sind ab sofort im Angebot und können über gekauft werden Ticketmaster.com.

Der 25-jährige Colbert hielt das Training bei den NYC Cops ab & Kids Boxing Club, wo er seine Boxreise begann, aus seinen dekorierten Tagen in den Reihen der Amateure, zu seiner aufkeimenden Profikarriere. Hier ist, was Colbert über das Trainingslager zu sagen hatte, sein Februar 26 Gegner und mehr:


„Er wird aus erster Hand erfahren, wie gefährlich ich bin. Ich mache mir keine Sorgen um alles, was er in den Ring bringt. Ich liebe es, wenn Leute denken, dass Macht sie gegen mich retten wird.

„Ich muss dem Namen ‚Primetime‘ nicht gerecht werden, Das bin nur ich. Das bin ich. Die Leute wissen, wer ich bin. Ich habe nur einen Job zu erledigen und ich werde ihn im Februar erledigen 26.

„Ich weiß nicht wirklich etwas über Garcia. Ich weiß, dass er zwei Arme und zwei Beine hat, und darüber hinaus erwarte ich, dass er sein A-Game bringt, weil er gegen mich muss. Auf keinen Fall lasse ich ihn als späten Ersatz kommen und mich schlagen.

„Ich habe den größten Teil des Trainingslagers mit Trainer Aureliano Sosa und Herman Caicedo bei Caicedo Sports in Miami verbracht, Aber mit dem Gegnerwechsel habe ich mich entschieden, zurück in mein Fitnessstudio in Brooklyn zu kommen, weil wir hier oben drei Linkshänder im Fitnessstudio haben.

„Der einzige wirkliche Unterschied für dieses Camp ist, dass ich jetzt einen Ernährungsberater habe, Also haben sie mich auf eine strenge Diät gebracht und ich bin einfach konzentrierter als je zuvor. Das andere an diesem Lager ist, dass ich ursprünglich Mitte Dezember kämpfen sollte, aber dann wurde es auf jetzt verschoben. Also gingen wir im Grunde durch zwei Lager. Insgesamt war es ein 14-wöchiges Camp.

„Wir sind hauptsächlich wegen des Wetters nach Miami gefahren, und wegen unserer Verbindung zu Coach Herman. Ich hasse die Kälte im Norden. Und dann haben sie unten in Miami auch viele gute Sparringspartner für mich und sie haben mir gute Arbeit gegeben, um mich auf diesen Kampf vorzubereiten.

„Mir geht es nur darum, Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Ich hatte schon einmal gegnerische Auswechslungen, und ich weiß, dass dies Teil des Geschäfts des Boxens ist. Ich muss nur mit den Schlägen rollen, mach Limonade aus diesen Zitronen und mache das, was ich im Februar mache 26.

„Ich kämpfe nicht um die Gürtel. Ich kämpfe für das Geld und mein Vermächtnis. Ich habe nächsten Samstag noch eine Aufgabe zu erledigen. Ich werde immer noch bezahlt. Nachdem ich gewonnen habe, Ich werde bald wieder um den Gürtel kämpfen und für diesen Kampf wieder bezahlt werden.“


„Chris Colbert halte ich nicht für besonders gefährlich.“


LAS VEGAS (Februar 17, 2022) – Unbesiegter Dominikaner bei den Olympischen Spielen Hector García wird versuchen, seinen Meisterschaftsträumen einen Schritt näher zu kommen, wenn er gegen einen ungeschlagenen Kollegen antritt Chris „Primetime“ Colbert in einem 12-Runden-WBA-Weltmeistertitel im Superfedergewicht als Headliner live am SHOWTIME-Samstag, Februar 26 in einem Premier Boxing Champions-Event von The Chelsea im The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

„Ich bin meinem gesamten Team sehr dankbar, dass sie mir diese Chance gegeben haben,sagte García, wer besitzt eine Aufzeichnung von 14-0, mit 10 Knockouts. „Es ist an der Zeit, der Welt zu zeigen, dass sich ein dominikanischer Kämpfer im Schatten versteckt hat und bereit ist, diese Chance zu nutzen."

García trat gegen Colbert an, nachdem sich WBA-Champion im Superfedergewicht, Roger Gutiérrez, aufgrund eines positiven COVID-19-Tests zurückgezogen hatte. Trotz der plötzlichen Veränderung, Der 30-Jährige ist bereit für das, was der überaus talentierte Colbert in den Ring bringt.

„Chris Colbert halte ich nicht für besonders gefährlich,sagte García. „Ich habe ihn schon früher kämpfen sehen und ich weiß, dass ich agil sein muss, da er sehr schnell ist. Ich habe hier in Las Vegas mit vielen Trainingspartnern trainiert, die einen ähnlichen Stil wie er haben, und das sollte mir helfen, mich anzupassen, sobald wir im Kampf sind.

Ausgebildet von dem renommierten Coach Ismael Salas in Las Vegas, García hat mit Champions und Top-Konkurrenten trainiert, darunter Devin Haney und Rolando „Rolly“ Romero. Er tritt in diesen Kampf ein und erringt den beeindruckendsten Sieg seiner Karriere, ein einstimmiger Entscheidungssieg über Isaac Avelar im Dezember 2021.

„Ich sorge dafür, dass ich in Form bleibe, auch wenn ich nicht für ein bestimmtes Datum oder einen bestimmten Gegner trainiere,sagte García. „Ich habe von dieser Gelegenheit gehört, als ich aus der Dominikanischen Republik nach Las Vegas zurückgekehrt bin, und ich wusste einfach, dass ich den Stier bei den Hörnern packen musste. Ich sorge dafür, dass ich das Beste daraus mache, indem ich mich optimal vorbereite.“

Die San Juan de la Maguana, Das Produkt aus der Dominikanischen Republik weiß, dass dies seine Chance ist, vom Außenseiter zum WM-Anwärter aufzusteigen, und plant, seine Vielseitigkeit und Kraft im bisher größten Kampf seiner Karriere zu demonstrieren.

„Die Leute werden mein Potenzial am 26. Februar sehen“, sagte García. „Sie werden auch herausfinden, dass ich aus jeder Entfernung prügeln oder taktisch vorgehen kann. Wenn ich mich mit einem Wort als Boxer definieren müsste, das wäre "vielseitig". Meine Kraft ist eine Waffe, denn ich kann dich mit allem und jedem verletzen, was ich werfe.“

García ist ein begeisterter Fan der Boston Red Sox, der früher Baseball spielte und davon träumte, im Fenway Park Homeruns zu schlagen, während er dominikanische Baseballlegenden wie Pedro Martínez bewunderte, David Ortiz und Manny Ramirez. Seine Familie wollte, dass er studiert, aber es war sein Stiefbruder, der ihn zum Boxen brachte, als García ein Teenager war.

„Baseball war meine erste Liebe, aber mein älterer Stiefbruder Derlin Valdez boxte früher und er ermutigte mich, dasselbe zu tun,sagte García. „Er sagte mir immer wieder, ich solle ins Fitnessstudio gehen und, Als ich war 14, Ich beschloss, seinem Rat zu folgen und mich dem Boxen zu widmen. Ich wollte anfangs nicht wirklich, aber ich hatte auch nicht die Ressourcen, die ich brauchte, um ein echter Baseball-Profi zu werden.“

García wurde im Dezember Profi 2016 nach einem zweiten Platz in der 2015 Pan-Am-Spiele in Toronto und Qualifikation für die 2016 Olympiade in Rio de Janeiro.

„Ich habe auf die gewartet (2016) Olympia bevor er Profi wird,sagte García. „Mein Traum war es, eine Medaille zu gewinnen, und ich bin wegen einer unfairen Niederlage in den Vorrunden nicht dazu gekommen.“

Sechs Jahre später, Boxen ist im García-Haushalt immer noch eine Familienangelegenheit. Das treibt ihn zum Erfolg.

„Mein Ziel ist es, Weltmeister zu werden, und ich bin bestrebt, meiner Familie zu zeigen, dass ich tatsächlich in der Lage bin, als Athlet erfolgreich zu sein,sagte García. „Sie wollten, dass ich studiere, lernen, lerne und lerne noch mehr, aber ich zeige ihnen, dass ich mein Ziel erreicht habe.“

Kolbert vs. García wird einen ungeschlagenen aufstrebenden Stern sehen Chris „Primetime“ Colbert gegen den ungeschlagenen dominikanischen Olympioniken antreten Hector García in einem 12-Runden-WBA-Weltmeistertitel im Superfedergewicht als Headliner live am SHOWTIME-Samstag, Februar 26 in einem Premier Boxing Champions-Event von The Chelsea im The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Die SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Fernsehsendung beginnt um 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT und wird ein weiteres ungeschlagenes junges Phänomen im Co-Main Event präsentieren. Gary Antuanne Russel, ein 2016 U.S.. Olympier, Gesichter Ex-Weltmeister Viktor Postol in einem 10-Runden-Super-Leichtgewicht Kampf, während IBF Junioren-Weltmeister im Bantamgewicht Jerwin Ancajas verteidigt seinen Titel gegen den ungeschlagenen Argentinier Fernando Martínez im im Fernsehen übertragenen Opener des geladenen Tripleheaders.

Karten für das Live-Event, die von TGB Promotions gefördert wird, sind ab sofort im Angebot und können über gekauft werden Ticketmaster.com.


WBA-Weltmeister im Superfedergewicht Roger Gutierrez nach positivem COVID-19-Test zum Rückzug gezwungen

Der Ticket-Verkauf jetzt!

LAS VEGAS – Februar 14, 2022 – Unbesiegter aufgehender Stern Chris „Primetime“ Colbert wird nun gegen den ungeschlagenen dominikanischen Olympioniken antreten Hector Luis García in einem 12-Runden-WBA-Weltmeistertitel im Superfedergewicht als Headliner live am SHOWTIME-Samstag, Februar 26 in einem Premier Boxing Champions-Event von The Chelsea im The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Der Rechtsausleger Garcia ersetzt den WBA-Weltmeister im Superfedergewicht Roger Gutiérrez, der nach einem positiven COVID-19-Test zum Rücktritt gezwungen wurde.

Die SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Fernsehsendung beginnt um 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT und wird ein weiteres ungeschlagenes junges Phänomen im Co-Main Event präsentieren. Gary Antuanne Russel, ein 2016 U.S.. Olympier, Gesichter Ex-Weltmeister Viktor Postol in einem 10-Runden-Super-Leichtgewicht Kampf, während IBF Junioren-Weltmeister im Bantamgewicht Jerwin Ancajas verteidigt seinen Titel gegen den ungeschlagenen Argentinier Fernando Martínez im im Fernsehen übertragenen Opener des geladenen Tripleheaders.

Karten für das Live-Event, die von TGB Promotions gefördert wird, sind ab sofort im Angebot und können über gekauft werden Ticketmaster.com.

Stellvertretend für seine Heimatstadt Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (16-0, 6 KOs) hat die 130-Pfund-Rangliste schnell nach oben geschossen, in seinem ersten gegen hochkarätige Konkurrenz antreten 16 Profi Kämpfe. Bereits als Kämpfer mit umwerfenden Boxfähigkeiten etabliert, Colbert zeigte seine Fähigkeit, mit einem von Kopf bis Fuß zu kämpfen 11th-Runde Unterbrechung von Jaime Arboleda im Dezember 2020 bevor er zuletzt im Juli Tugstsogt Nyambayar besiegte 2021. Der 25-Jährige wurde Profi in 2015 und besiegte drei ungeschlagene Kämpfer in seinen ersten acht Wettbewerben. Vor dem Arboleda-Kampf, Colbert erzielte in der ersten Runde einen Highlight-Knockout gegen Miguel Beltran Jr. im September 2019 und ein dominanter 12-Runden-Entscheidungssieg über den ehemaligen Champion Jezzreel Corrales im Januar 2020.

Groß und schlank mit guter Kraft in der linken Hand und einem engagierten Körperangriff, der 30-jährige Garcia (14-0, 10 KOs) erzielte in seinem letzten Kampf den beeindruckendsten Sieg seiner Karriere, als er Isaac Avelar im Dezember einstimmig besiegte 2021. Die 5-9 Garcia, der mit Devin Haney und Rolly Romero um den Avelar-Sieg kämpfte, vertrat seine Heimat St. John, Dominikanische Republik, in der 2016 Olympischen Spielen, bevor er im Dezember desselben Jahres Profi wurde. Garcia wird von dem hoch angesehenen Ismael Salas trainiert, der eine lange Liste herausragender Persönlichkeiten angeführt hat, einschließlich Yordenis Ugás, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Nonito Donaire, und Jorge Linares. Garcia wird erst zum dritten Mal in den USA kämpfen. Februar 26, nachdem er Avelar in Minneapolis besiegt hatte. Er konzentrierte sich darauf, gegen einen Top-Anwärter anzutreten 2022. Jetzt bekommt er seine Chance.

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Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Folgen Sie #ColbertGarcia, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions oder werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unter www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.


Rising Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Scores Impressive
Knockout Victory in Co-Main Event

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Esther Lin / Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Sean Michael Ham /
Premier Boxing Champions

CARSON, CALIF. (Juli 4, 2021) - Ungeschlagen aufgehender Stern Chris „Primetime“ Colbert cruised to a unanimous decision victory over Tugststogt Nyambayar Saturday night to retain his Interim WBA Super Featherweight title in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif. in einem Premier Boxing Champions Event.

The 24-year-old Colbert (16-0, 6 KOs) rode a dominant jab to victory as he landed 112 across the 12 rounds according to CompuBox, buoying a 218 bis 78 advantage in punches landed. The Brooklyn-native used the jab to set up a variety of effective power punches that he was able to land from orthodox and southpaw stances.

We had a tremendous training camp,” said Colbert. “We sparred a lot with a bigger guy in Michel Rivera, so I had a lot of practice using my speed and jab in camp. The jab is always a key in this sport.”

Mongolia’s Nyambayar (12-2, 9 KOs), who now fights out of Los Angeles, stepped in to fight Colbert on less than two weeks’ notice, replacing former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa after he suffered a training camp injury. Nyambayar had successful moments in his 130-pound debut, with Colbert even noting the Olympic silver medalist’s power, but he was unable to keep up a sustained attack or keep the busier Colbert from controlling the tempo.

He carried power for a 126-pounder,” said Colbert. “Boxing is about hitting and not getting hit. I had to use my Muhammad Ali tactics and float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. This was a great fight and ‘Tugdid a great job coming in off only a week and a half of training for me. I take off my hat to him and wish him nothing but the best in his career.
Colbert’s post-fight interview: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1411543856345145345

Colbert rode his versatile offensive arsenal to a big advantage on the scorecards and statistically, dominating Nyambayar in punches landed as he connected on 106 power punches to 78 total punches landed by Nyambayar. Nach 12 Runde, the judges’ scores confirmed Colbert’s dominance, as he won the decision with scores of 117-111 und 118-110 zweimal.

“I’m number one in the WBA,” said Colbert. “So you know what time it is. I’m going to follow the plan and see what happens next.”

Im Co-Main Event, rising lightweight contender Michel Rivera (21-0, 14 KOs) scored a highlight-reel knockout over Jon Fernandez (21-2, 18 KOs) in the eighth round of their WBA Lightweight Title Eliminator.
Watch the knockout here: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1411521691201724417

“I’m so excited and beyond happy to get this win,", Sagte Rivera. “Fernández was a strong, experienced opponent that forced me to change the game plan I had going in.”

An unbeaten Dominican fighter who now trains in Miami, Rivera seemed to take control of the action in round four, as he began to find a home for the straight right hand that would eventually end the fight. The tables turned momentarily in round six however, as Fernandez connected with a clean right hand to the head that put Rivera on the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I knew since the first round that I would have to be careful with him,", Sagte Rivera. “He had heavy hands and was taller than me, but I was faster and more skilled overall.”

The 23-year-old was able to weather the storm brought by the Spaniard Fernandez and made it through the round despite the knockdown. After regaining his momentum in the seventh round, Rivera broke through with a decisive right hand that crumpled Fernandez early in the eighth, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave off the bout 44 seconds in the frame. Rivera held an 87 bis 76 advantage in punches landed, and connected on 37% seiner Macht Schläge, verglichen mit 27% from Fernandez.

“I want the fight with Rolando Romero next,", Sagte Rivera. “Once I do face him, I would like to go up against Gervonta Davis or Teofimo López.”

Before the night of fights, SHOWTIME host Brian Custer interviewed Bellator MMA No. 1-ranked Featherweight contender A.J. McKee, who will face current champion Patricio Pitbull in the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix final on July 31 auf dem Forum in Los Angeles.
McKee interview: https://twitter.com/SHOsports/status/1411527740646465537

“I am going to go out there and dig into my bag of tricks and I am going to shock the world,” McKee said. “He’s done a lot for the sport and he has been my target for a long time, ever since I started to come up. I’ve been calling his name for 17 fights and it is time now to get it on.”

Asked if this fight was for the No. 1 spot on the Bellator pound-for-pound list, McKee said: “Definitely. Hands down. This fight is for the pound-for-pound best, ich fühle, in der Welt. Bei 145 Pfund, there’s not too many guys that can stop myself or Pitbull.”

McKee added: “This is not going the distance. Stilistisch, it’s a bad match up for him. Nothing personal but my style is not a good match up for him…. I have to stay long, keep positioning and my feet. Distance is a big part of this fight. And catching him on the angle.”

Immediately following the SHOWTIME telecast, ALL ACCESS: Davis vs. Barrios Epilogue premiered on the network. It is also available now on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube page and can be watched HIER.

Saturday’sSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGtelecast will replay Sunday, Juli 4 bei 9 a.m. ET / PT auf Showtime EXTREME. Montags, Juli 5, Gervonta “Tank” Davis vs. Mario Barrios will re-air and will include the exciting Erickson Lubin vs. Jeison Rosario WBC Super Welterweight title eliminator at 10 p.m. ET / PT auf Showtime EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Drei Hall of Famers rundeten das SHOWTIME-Sendeteam ab – Emmy® Der preisgekrönte Reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. Der ausführende Produzent ist der vierfache Emmy®-Preisträger David Dinkins, Jr. The telecast was produced by Ray Smaltz III and was directed by Chuck McKean. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions oder werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unter www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

CHRIS COLBERT VS. TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES AND PHOTOSUnbeaten Rising Star Chris Colbert Faces Hard-Hitting Contender Tugstsogt Nyambayar This Saturday, Juli 3 Live auf Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Esther Lin / Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Sean Michael Ham /
Premier Boxing Champions

CARSON, CALIF. (Juli 1, 2021) – Unbeaten Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert and hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt „Königsschlepper“ Nyambayar faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they meet in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Juli 3 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif.

Also featured at Thursday’s press conference were unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera and lightweight contender Jon Fernández, who square off in the co-main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Um die Sendung zu öffnen, SHOWTIME will air a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis and Mario Barrios.

Die Veranstaltung wird von TGB Promotions beworben. Tickets sind jetzt im Verkauf und können bei AXS.com gekauft werden.

Hier ist, was die Kämpfer bis Donnerstag zu sagen hatte:


“I was going to knock [Yuriorkis] Gamboa out cold, and now ‘King Tug’ has to take the knockout.

“My hard work is finally paying off. All I have to do is stay focused, gewidmet, and disciplined, and then I’ll be the face of boxing in a couple of years.

“This venue is really known for wars. Come Saturday night I’m definitely going to bring the heat.

“I’m ready for this fight. Nyambayar knows he’s in for trouble on Saturday. Nobody out there can take a fight with me on a week-and-half notice and not be in for trouble.

“Me and Michel Rivera got a lot of rounds in together during training down in Miami. We did a great job all camp and I’m just ready and excited to get in the ring.

“I’ve been knocking out everyone they put in front me. They still don’t give me the respect I deserve yet. I just have to keep doing my thing on Saturday night and embarrass him.

“I can’t tell you if he’s my toughest opponent yet. I know that he’s not beating me, and that’s a promise. There’s no way a 126-pounder will come up in weight and beat me.

“He’s a fighter with only one loss, he can come back from that. But it’s not going to matter on Saturday night. He’s supposed to be confident in himself. He can’t say he’s going to get washed Saturday, but that’s what is going to happen.

“I appreciate ‘Tug’ for taking the fight, but Saturday night I’m going to get in there, dominate and beat him up. This is a Nissan vs. a Lamborghini, and I’m the Lambo.

“I agree that ‘King Tug’ might be better opposition than Yuriorkis Gamboa would have been. But it doesn’t matter if it was Gamboa, ‘King Tug’, or Arnold Schwarzenegger in there with me, it was always going to be the same outcome on Saturday night.

“My hair is orange this week as a dedication to the cause of fighting Multiple sclerosis. One of my friends, Dave, back in New Jersey has it and he told me his story of how he was paralyzed as a kid and also had MS. Then I saw him on the Stairmaster in the gym the next day for like an hour. I saw that and realized there’s no excuses I can make for not being in the gym. I do the different hair colors to make people feel special. I want them to know that I’m fighting for them.

“Nobody in the 130-pound division can beat me. I’m going to continue to prove that every time I step into the ring. I’m going to deliver a dominating performance. Don’t be surprised when I stop him.

“I don’t think this is going past 10 Runde. I’m going to keep proving that I have power on Saturday night. I’m not discrediting his skills, but I’m just different.”


“I’m really excited for this fight. It’s my first fight at 130 pounds and I want to show what I can do. I’m ready for this opportunity.

“Just know this, we are here to win. My team is here to win. I’m ready for Chris Colbert. Das ist es.

“I don’t care that I’m fighting on short notice at a higher weight. Ich glaube an mich. I can fight at 122, I can fight at 126 and I can fight at 130.

“Two weeks’ notice is enough for me. If I didn’t take the fight, Colbert wouldn’t have a fight. So he should be thankful. Let’s see what happens. I’m going to whoop his ass.

“I believe in my speed and I believe in my power. Ich glaube an mich. I just want to test myself. This is a good opportunity versus a good fighter.”

“I don’t think that he can stop me. Watch me on Saturday night. Ich bin bereit.

“I’m not worried about anything he says. I’m just focused on the sight. I really believe in myself and that I’m going to hurt him on Saturday night.

“Colbert has similar speed compared to Gary Russell Jr., so it’s not going to be anything I haven’t seen before. The adjustments from the Russell fight have been made in the gym over time.

“I’m very happy to be fighting at Dignity Health Sports Park because Los Angeles is my second home. It’s very exciting to be fighting here and with a crowd there watching. The Mongolian fans are going to show up on Saturday.”


“I had a good camp and I have a good team, led by Herman Caicedo who is my coach along with Jukka Toivola. I know that this is a good opportunity and I worked so hard for this fight. I’m so excited for July 3 and I know that this is my chance to show I’m great and to shine.

“Jon Fernandez is a good boxer and he’s a good puncher. Ich weiß nicht viel über ihn, but I know that he’s Spanish and he’s a tall guy. He hits hard but I’m in the type of condition to be great in this fight.

“I’m sure that on July 3 when people are watching the fight, they will see who the best boxer is. I’m ready for everything. If he wants to fight instead of box, I will fight too. I have the skills. I believe that I am faster than him. I don’t have problems with his height. You can see in my past fights where I was fighting at 144, and I looked good with big boxers too. I don’t have a problem with it. Everybody will have to tune in July 3 auf Showtime, and they will see Michel Rivera beating Jon Fernandez.

“I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I’m Dominican, and in the Dominican Republic you don’t get much opportunity. I came here and I am making my name. Everybody will know that I’m ready to fight the top names at 135 – the best boxers. I have the skills and the talent. I’m young and I’m pretty, zu.

“It’s good that he sounds confident. I am confident too. That makes for a great war. He has a lot of knockouts, but they weren’t against any boxers like me. I’m focused. Wie ich sagte,, Er ist ein guter Boxer, but I’m better. I’m trusting my talent and I’m trusting my condition.

“My perspective remains the same after this press conference. Fernandez is a proud fighter and I expect nothing less than what he said. I’m also a proud fighter and I’m convinced that I’m better than him. I consider myself better prepared and ready to be considered one of the top boxers in the 135-pound division.

“Training with Chris Colbert was a great experience, and the sparring sessions were awesome. He made me better, just like I made him better. Er ist ein großartiger Mensch. My fellow Dominican fighter Jeison Rosario wished me luck and told me he knows I’m going to be a world champion someday, and that he will be supporting me and watching the fight from the Dominican Republic.

“Of course I believe that I am the next world champion from the Dominican Republic. I can beat all of the top boxers, the top five, in the 135-pound division. I want to make my name at 135 because I know this is a strong division now. I want everybody to know me at this weight.

“I promise a good fight. Everybody will see the next superstar in the ring on July 3.”


“I’m very excited to be here for this fight. Training camp in Madrid and Mexico have been great. We’ve had an outstanding preparation. I’m facing a great opponent in Michel Rivera, but this is the door I need to open to be in the big leagues of boxing. I don’t plan on missing out on this chance.

“I’m glad he’s confident in his abilities, but I think this is a 50-50 Spiel. It’s going to be a great fight and we’re definitely on the same level. There’s no difference in skill levels. I’m going to use my height and show off my boxing ability on Saturday night.

“Rivera is a very good boxer, and has many skills, but I believe that I have equal skills and more power. If I get the opening, I can knock Rivera out.

“I promise that we’re going to put on a great show and deliver fireworks in the ring. My hand will be raised when the fight is over.

“There’s nothing like fighting in Los Angeles. I have already been here before, but nothing can compare to being in the big show.

“Everyone in Spain is supporting me. My city of Bilbao has sent me all its love and they believe in me 100%. Even some famous soccer players have reached out to me. Players from Athletic Bilbao and (former Spain national team striker) Fernando Torres.

“I would like to win in order to open the door for other Spaniard boxers who come behind me and relish this opportunity – like my brother Eker, who is about to make his professional debut. I want to make him proud and put Spain on the map as far as boxing is concerned.

“If I win, it’s not just because of my power. It’s going to be a close fight, but I’m going to give everything I have to come out with the victory.”

# # #

Kolbert vs. Nyambayar will undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert face hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt „Königsschlepper“ Nyambayar am Samstag, Juli 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., in einem Premier Boxing Champions Event.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis und Mario Barrios prior to the live co-main event from California featuring unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera battling lightweight contender Jon Fernández.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions oder werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unterwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Mehr, Rising Unbeaten Michel Rivera Faces Lightweight Contender

Jon Fernaufndez in WBA Title Eliminator on Saturday, Juli 3

At Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif.

CARSON, CALIF.(Juni 22, 2021) – Undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight ChampionChris „Primetime“ Colbertwill face hard-hitting contenderTugstsogt „Königsschlepper“ Nyambayaram Samstag, Juli 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., in einem Premier Boxing Champions Event.

Nyambayar replaces Yuriorkis Gamboa, who was originally scheduled to face Colbert before suffering an injury during training camp.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature unbeaten rising starMichel Riverabattling lightweight contenderJon Fernaufndezin a 135-pound WBA title eliminator in the co-main event.

The telecast will also feature highlights of undefeated super lightweight contenderRichardson HitchinsQuadratur off gegenDarwin-Preisin a 10-round duel.

Die Veranstaltung wird von TGB Promotions beworben. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased atAXS.com. Hitchins vs. Price is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

“This lineup on July 3 features highly-touted rising stars in tough matchups against opponents looking to make statements of their own,Sagte Tom Brown, Präsident der TGB Promotions. “Chris Colbert has been impressive fight after fight, and he will have a big test against the always-tough Tugstsogt Nyambayar. Also facing perhaps the toughest test of his career, Michel Rivera will enter the ring in an exciting matchup against contender Jon Fernández. This is a card that is lined up to deliver drama all night long.”

Stellvertretend für seine Heimatstadt Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (15-0, 6 KOs) hat die 130-Pfund-Rangliste schnell nach oben geschossen, in seinem ersten gegen hochkarätige Konkurrenz antreten 15 Profi Kämpfe. Bereits als Kämpfer mit umwerfenden Boxfähigkeiten etabliert, Colbert showcased his ability to fight toe-to-toe in his last outing, as he stopped hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda in round 11 of their December 2020 clash. The 24-year-old turned pro in 2015 and beat three unbeaten fighters in his first eight contests. Vor dem Arboleda-Kampf, Colbert scored a highlight-reel first round knockout against Miguel Beltran Jr. im September 2019 and a dominant 12-round decision victory over former champion Jezreel Corrales in January 2020.

“I’m very excited to be back in the ring on July 4 weekend,” said Colbert. “I get to set off my fireworks on SHOWTIME the night before. We’re taking this one to Dignity Health Sports Park in California, but I know I’ll have my New York family behind me. This is just another day, another dollar. I have a job to do, and that’s to get the win by any means necessary, but I’m looking to dominate. I expect Nyambayar to bring his A-game though because he knows he’ll be in there with a monster. I may not be the biggest puncher in the world, but I know how to finish a guy and get him out of there, and on July 3 that’s exactly what I’ll be looking to do.”

The 28-year-old Nyambayar (12-1, 9 KOs) won a silver medal representing his native Mongolia in the 2012 Olympics and now lives in Southern California, where he’s trained by John Pullman. Nyambayar ascended the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. He earned his first world title shot when he defeated former champion Claudio Marrero in January 2019, before dropping his championship bout against long-reigning WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. im Februar 2020. Ahead of his super featherweight debut on July 3, the WBC’s second-ranked featherweight Nyambayar most recently handed Cobia Breedy his first loss by scoring two knockdowns and eventually earning the decision in September 2020.

“When I got the call about this fight, I jumped at the opportunity,” said Nyambayar. “I can’t wait to compete. I was born for fights like this. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and give the fans a great show on July 3.”

Geboren in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Rivera (20-0, 13 KOs) burst onto the scene in 2019 making his U.S. debut with a victory over Juan Rene Tellez. The 23-year-old continued his ascent in 2020, adding a stoppage win against Fidel Maldonado Jr. and a unanimous decision triumph against lightweight contender LaDarius Miller. Zuletzt, Rivera stepped back into the ring to knock out Anthony Mercado in February of this year.

“I can’t wait to be showcasing my skills once again on July 3,” said Rivera. “Fernández will be bringing his A-game and that’s exactly what I want. My coach Herman Caicedo and I have been zeroing in on the best approach to this fight and I’m excited to execute it. Jon is a rough and tough fighter and probably the best fighter I’ve faced to this point and I’m looking forward to the challenge. I know that I will be fighting for a world title soon, so I’m just staying focused and disciplined until that time comes.”

The 25-year-old Fernández (21-1, 18 KOs) enters this bout on a five-fight winning streak following his only career blemish, a decision loss to O’Shaquie Foster in 2018 aufShoBox: Die neue Generation. A native of Bilbao, Spanien, Fernández will fight in the U.S. for the fourth time on July 3. Fernández has been mentored by boxing great Sergio Martinez and will look to put himself back in position for a world title against Rivera. In seinem letzten Kampf, Fernández knocked out Aristides Perez in the first-round of their February 2020 clash.

“The fans are going to enjoy this fight with Rivera very much,” said Fernández. “Both of us are going to give our all in the ring for the opportunity to become a champion. This is the kind of fight that boxing is all about. Our division is full of great fighters, so you need to fight the best to be the best. My training is going very well and I believe that at this moment, I am in the prime of my career.”

A native of Brooklyn, Hitchins (12-0, 5 KOs) Profi wurde in 2017 after representing Haiti at the 2016 Olympiade. The 23-year-old has flashed impressive skills as he’s amassed an unbeaten record in the pro ranks, which is the product of an extensive amateur career. In seinem letzten Ausflug, Hitchins scored a career-best victory, as he earned a decision over former world champion Argenis Mendez. Hitchins has increased his competition in winning 10-round decisions in his last three fights.

“After my last fight in December, I got right back in the ring and have been training and tweaking things to help me really get to that star level,“Sagte Hitchins. “I’ve always had the tools, but people are just now recognizing my talents. Each opponent has brought something different out of me, and I plan to keep rising to the occasion and putting on a show for the fans.”

Preis (17-1, 10 KOs) returned to the ring in April to knock out Saul Corral in the fifth round. His previous outing had come in December 2019 when he suffered a knee injury that forced him to take a TKO loss against Malik Hawkins in a fight Price led on the scorecards. Ursprünglich aus St. Louis and now fighting out of Houston, Price was a standout track and field runner at Grambling State University before turning pro and winning his first 16 Kämpfe.

“Every dream has a process and a price tag,” said Price. “Those who embrace the process and pay the price, live the dream. Those who don’t, just dream. I can’t wait to get back in the ring on July 3 and put on a great performance.”

# # #

Für weitere Informationen besuchenwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing und @TGBPromotions oder werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unterwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Unbeaten Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Colbert Battles Hard-Hitting Arboleda in Main Event Live on SHOWTIME® an diesem Samstag, Dezember 12

NEW YORK – Dezember 8, 2020 – Unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert will look to make a statement in his first nationally televised main event as he faces hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Dezember 12 bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

“I always knew I was going to get here,” said Colbert. “It’s all God’s plan. This is just going to be another day for me and I’ll show everyone why I’m one of the best 130-pounders in the world.”

The 24-year-old Colbert has shot up the rankings of the 130-pound weight class and believes that a victory on Saturday night will lead to bigger opportunities in the jam-packed division.

“This is one of the most stacked divisions in boxing and I love competing in it,” said Colbert. “It’s great to be getting noticed in a division that has this much talent, and hopefully it’ll lead to me getting the big fights that I need. I don’t feel like there’s any certain fighter I’m targeting, but Gervonta Davis, Leo Santa Cruz and Jamel Herring would all be great fights for me. Beating them would help me become ‘the guy’ in the division.”

Colbert’s rise continued in his last fight, as he scored a 10th-round knockdown against former champion Jezreel Corrales on his way to a decision win while showing an impressive array of skills against a fighter determined to slow the action through holding and other veteran tricks.

“Against Corrales I learned not to rush,” said Colbert. “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. I can’t just go rush in there and expect everyone to get knocked out. I had to take my time, do what I do best and stick to my game plan.”

In the 26-year-old Arboleda, Colbert will be presented with another rising 130-pound contender with his own sights set on emerging amongst the elite in the division. Arboleda has won five of his last six fights by stoppage and most recently dropped Jayson Velez on his way to a decision victory in February on SHOWTIME.

“Come December 12, Ich bin bereit für alles, was er bringt,” said Colbert. “I expect him to bring pressure and ‘try’ to make me tired because that’s the only chance he has. He can’t outbox me. That’s not happening. But I love to bang inside and I’m ready for whatever he does. I hope he doesn’t run or clinch me because I’d love to get the knockout and get him out of there early.”

The Brooklyn-native Colbert has continued to work with his longtime coach Aureliano Sosa in his hometown through the difficulties of the pandemic. Those difficulties have led to Colbert sparring with larger welterweight and super welterweights in camp, which Colbert believes could help him with the power Arboleda will bring into the fight.

“Training camp has been going great for the most part,” said Colbert. “It’s just been a little hard finding sparring partners. But because it’s been difficult to find fighters at my weight I’ve actually been sparring with 147 and 154-pound fighters. I honestly love that because it prepares me better, and who’s to say that Arboleda won’t have power like them? I’m on weight now, obwohl, and ready to put on a show on December 12.”

# # #

Kolbert vs. Arboleda will see two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert faces the hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda im Main Event von Showtime Boxing: SONDERAUSGABE Samstag, Dezember 12 bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., in einem Fall von Premier Boxing Champions vorgestellt.

The tripleheader will see rising super lightweight phenom Richardson Hitchins taking on the toughest test of his young career as he faces former world champion Argenis Mendez in the 10-round co-main event and middleweight contenders Ronald Ellis und Matt Korobov battle in the 10-round telecast opener. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs. Mendez is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @MayweatherPromo, auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss and @MayweatherPromotions, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook an www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing und https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


“I truly believe I am the best up and coming fighter in the game”

Unbeaten Rising Super Lightweight Prospect Hitchins Battles Former Champion Argenis Méndez In Co-Main Event Live on SHOWTIME® an diesem Samstag, Dezember 12

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Mayweather Promotions

NEW YORK – Dezember 7, 2020 – Unbeaten rising prospect Richardson Hitchins shared details of his training camp, including pointers and motivation he received from Floyd Mayweather and Gervonta Davis, ahead of his super lightweight showdown against former world champion Argenis Méndez live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Dezember 12 bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

“Floyd helped me tremendously while I was back in Las Vegas,“Sagte Hitchins. “I already have the fundamentals as a fighter, but he showed me little things here and there and workouts that I have taken back home with me while I train for this fight. I’m not shy about my ability as a fighter, because I truly believe I am the best up and coming fighter in the game, so these are the kind of fights I need in order to show the world who Richardson Hitchins is.

“Gervonta has been instrumental in past fight camps as well, and he’s the type of person you need. He pushes you to go harder. We go head-to-head in trying to outdo each other, and that’s the type of competition that’s needed in order to really be the best.”

Despite training throughout the pandemic, Hitchins has been able to remain on task and on track throughout his camp that began in Las Vegas before ending in his native Brooklyn under the guidance of his head coach Lenny Wilson.

“The thing about me is, I’m focused no matter what,“Sagte Hitchins. “I don’t take ‘off’ after my fights. I stay in shape all year round; I don’t need to get ready in terms of conditioning or getting my body back in shape because this is my job. I take my job very seriously. The discipline Floyd has had throughout his career is the same discipline I have. I have watched my idols and taken things from them so that I can put myself in a position to win.

“I don’t think the pandemic or the holidays necessarily altered my training. I still have access to my gym. There’s nothing that’s going to stand in my way of becoming great. The pandemic doesn’t slow me down, it’s just another roadblock to test my dedication to the sport.”

The 23-year-old Hitchins represented Haiti at the 2016 Olympic Games and will return to the ring after debuting in 2020 with a 10-round decision victory over Nicholas DeLomba in February. It was Hitchins’ second 10-round decision win after his previous fight saw him best Kevin Johnson following 10 rounds in November 2019.

“I often think back to my fight against Kevin Johnson, he’s a tough fighter and he’s the one who I can confidently say brought the best out of me,“Sagte Hitchins. “Those are the fights that make me look back and watch closely the things I need to work on. That fight also showed me that no one should be overlooked, so going into this fight against Mendez, I’m not overlooking him.”

Méndez presents the most accomplished opponent of Hitchins’ young career. The 34-year-old former champion most recently fought Juan Heraldez and Anthony Peterson to draws in 2019, and scored victories over Eddie Ramirez and Ivan Redkach prior to that. For Hitchins, the strong resume of his opponent is something he relishes as a measuring stick for his progress.

“He’s a veteran, he’s been in there with a lot of tough guys and he’s a former world champion, so he clearly has a skill set that I think I need to face at this point in my career,“Sagte Hitchins. “I need those big fights. He’s older now, but I feel like him in his prime still couldn’t touch my skillset. It’s my job to prove that.

“I know this won’t be an easy fight, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings. My motivation is to be more than ordinary. I will fulfill my goals when this is all said and done, and honestly, I’m just waiting for this fight to come so I can show that. Whether it’s Méndez, or whoever, the conviction I have and how I feel about myself is stronger than anything standing in front of me in that ring.”

# # #

Kolbert vs. Arboleda will see two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert faces the hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda im Main Event von Showtime Boxing: SONDERAUSGABE Samstag, Dezember 12 bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., in einem Fall von Premier Boxing Champions vorgestellt.

The tripleheader will see rising super lightweight phenom Richardson Hitchins taking on the toughest test of his young career as he faces former world champion Argenis Mendez in the 10-round co-main event and middleweight contenders Ronald Ellis und Matt Korobov battle in the 10-round telecast opener. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs. Mendez is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @MayweatherPromo, auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss and @MayweatherPromotions, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook an www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing und https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


Middleweight Contenders Matt Korobov and Ronald Ellis Clash

in Co-Main Event; Rising Super Lightweight Prospect Richardson Hitchins Takes on Former World Champion Argenis Mendez in Telecast Opener

NEW YORK – November 20, 2020 – Two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division will meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight ChampionChris „Primetime“ Colbertfaces the hard-hittingJaime Arboledaim Main Event vonShowtime Boxing: SONDERAUSGABE Samstag, Dezember 12 bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., in einem Fall von Premier Boxing Champions vorgestellt.

The tripleheader, ursprünglich für November geplant 28, will see middleweight contendersMatt KorobovundRonald Ellisbattle in the 10-round co-main event and rising super lightweight phenomRichardson Hitchinstaking on the toughest test of his young career as he faces former world championArgenis Mendezin a 10-round telecast opener. The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs. Mendez is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

Nordine Oubaali vs. Nonito Donaire was originally scheduled to take place on December 12 but was postponed after Oubaali tested positive for COVID-19.

“This main event on December 12 will pit two of the 130-pound division’s most exciting rising talents against each other as the sublimely skilled Chris Colbert faces the powerful Jaime Arboleda in a can’t-miss showdown,Sagte Tom Brown, Präsident der TGB Promotions. “The co-main event will see two middleweight contenders in Matt Korobov and Ronald Ellis looking to show that they’re among the division’s elite, while the SHOWTIME opener features the exciting prospect Richardson Hitchins against the always tough Argenis Mendez in a big step up fight. These are three evenly-matched bouts that should make for nonstop drama on fight night.”

Stellvertretend für seine Heimatstadt Brooklyn, N.Y., Colbert (14-0, 5 KOs) hat die 130-Pfund-Rangliste schnell nach oben geschossen, in seinem ersten gegen hochkarätige Konkurrenz antreten 14 Profi Kämpfe. The 24-year-old beat then-undefeated fighters Austin Dulay, Titus Williams and Antonio Dubose, all in his first eight fights as a professional. In 2019, Colbert added four more victories to his tally, including an explosive first-round knockout of veteran Miguel Beltran Jr. Zuletzt, Colbert won his interim title by dropping former super featherweight champion Jezreel Corrales on his way to a unanimous decision in their January 2020 clash.

“I’m super excited to be making my big stage debut in the main event,” said Colbert. “It’s been a long camp, but training is going great. I’m looking to put on a dominant performance, and I’m looking for the knockout if it’s there. If I can get it, that would be splendid. I know Jaime is going to come to fight. He wants the belt as bad as I want to keep the belt. It’s all going to come down to stamina, ring IQ and who has the greater will to win. I feel like I’m the guy for the job. There’s no way in hell I’m giving up my belt in my first defense.”

The 26-year-old Arboleda (16-1, 13 KOs) has amassed an impressive six-fight winning streak heading into the matchup against Colbert, with five of those victories coming inside of the distance. Born in Curundu, Panama, and now fighting out Miami, Fla. Arboleda has fought professionally since 2014 and scored knockouts over two then-undefeated opponents in 2019, Victor Betancourt and Jose Saant. In seinem letzten Kampf, Arboleda, who is ranked fourth in the 130-pound division by the WBA, bested former world title contender Jayson Velez by unanimous decision to win his first 12-round fight this February on SHOWTIME.

Every boxer’s dream is to fight for a title and be victorious without leaving any doubt,” said Arboleda. “That is my plan for December 12. I’m having the best preparation of my entire career. Ich fühle mich großartig, strong and fast like never before. I’m sure it will be a very exciting fight from the very first round.”

Korobov (28-3-1, 14 KOs) returns to action after losing his December 2019 clash against Chris Eubank Jr. when he suffered a shoulder injury that forced the fight to end in the second round. Korobov, who notched 300 wins as a decorated amateur, came into that fight off of a majority draw against Immanuwel Aleem, after serving notice to the middleweight division that he would be a threat when he lost a hard-fought decision to undefeated middleweight champion Jermall Charlo in December. Born in Orotukan, Russland, and now living in St. Petersburg, Fla, Korobov was a late replacement and gave Charlo a tougher fight than many experts expected. Korobov had been riding a four-fight win streak before the Charlo fight, following his first professional defeat against Andy Lee in a 2014 middleweight title fight.

I am excited to be back in a PBC event on SHOWTIME December 12,” sagte Korobov. “I have a difficult opponent, but I expect to win and prove that I am back and even better prepared. I must win against Ellis in order to get Jermall Charlo back in the ring. Natürlich, I believe I beat Charlo, but that is the past. Ellis is in my future, and I am coming to show I am still one of the best middleweights in the world.

The 31-year-old Ellis (17-1-2, 11 KOs) will look to build off of his last outing, which saw him edge fellow contender Immanuwel Aleem by majority decision in December 2019. For Ellis, that fight got him back in the win column after his first career defeat, a majority decision against DeAndre Ware in March 2019. die Lynn, Mass.-native is the older brother of welterweight Rashidi Ellis, and had an impressive amateur career including a 2010 National Golden Gloves championship capped off by a victory over Terrell Gausha.

It’s time for me to show out on December 12,” sagte Ellis. “Korobov had his chance against the top middleweights, and now it’s my time to take advantage of this opportunity and use a win over him to reach that level. We’re working hard in San Diego sparring with Canelo Alvarez so that everything is perfect and I’m at my best on fight night.

A native of Brooklyn, Hitchins (11-0, 5 KOs) Profi wurde in 2017 after representing Haiti at the 2016 Olympiade. The 23-year-old has flashed impressive skills as he’s amassed an unbeaten record in the pro ranks, which is the product of an extensive amateur career. Hitchins scored four victories in 2019, before debuting in 2020 with a decision victory over Nicholas DeLomba. In his first two 10-round bouts as a professional, the southpaw has scored decisive unanimous decisions.

“I don’t overlook any opponent, but I believe I have a better and sharper skillset than Mendez,“Sagte Hitchins. “I have all of the intangibles to become a world champion. That’s often mistaken as being cocky, but it’s really just me believing in myself more than anyone else. I will take this fight seriously like I do any other fight and continue to do what I do in order to get one step closer to that title shot. Being in camp with Floyd Mayweather and Gervonta Davis, I’ve learned a lot. I feel like I have to one-up the competition. They really pushed me to be a better fighter.”

A former super featherweight champion, Mendez (25-5-3, 12 KOs) has a reputation for providing stiff challenges to the sport’s best and has proven to be a durable contender at 140-pounds. In 2019, Mendez fought to back-to-back draws against super lightweight contenders, first against Anthony Peterson in March and then against the unbeaten Juan Heraldez in May. Born in San Juan de La Maguana, Dominikanische Republik, Mendez now fights out of Yonkers, N.Y.. and owns victories over Eddie Ramirez, Ivan Redkach and former titlist Miguel Vazquez. He has also gone toe-to-toe with former champions Rances Barthelemy and Robert Easter Jr.

“I’m facing a young prospect who’s hungry for success, but I’m hungrier today than I’ve ever been in my career and I have the experience to go along with it,” said Mendez. “I’m also extremely motivated for this fight, which isn’t good news for Hitchins. When fight time comes on December 12, you’ll witness an intelligent but more aggressive Argenis Mendez.”

Für weitere Informationen besuchenwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @MayweatherPromo, auf Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss and @MayweatherPromotions, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook anwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing undhttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


Der aufstrebende Star Chris Colbert lässt den ehemaligen Champion Jezreel Corrales fallen & Gewinnt einstimmig die Entscheidung, den vorläufigen WBA-Titel im Superfedergewicht zu gewinnen & Top-Aussicht auf das Super-Weltergewicht Joey Spencer trifft einstimmige Entscheidung über Erik Spring

Jorge Cota, Vito Mielnicki Jr. & Romuel Cruz siegreich in FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims auf FS1 & FOX Sports

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promotions

PHILADELPHIA (Januar 19, 2020) – Jeison Rosario gewann die WBA- und IBF-Weltmeistertitel im Super-Weltergewicht mit einer schockierenden Unterbrechung des Favoriten aus der Heimatstadt in der fünften Runde Julianisch “J-Rock” Williams Samstagabend beim FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event und bei FOX Deportes vom Liacouras Center der Temple University in Philadelphia.

“Sobald ich in den Ring trat, Ich wusste, dass er mich nicht verletzen konnte,” Said Rosario. “Ich wusste, dass meine Kraft ihn sofort beeinflusste. Dies ist ein großer Sieg für mich und für die gesamte Dominikanische Republik.”

“Rosario war heute Abend der bessere Mann,” sagte Williams. “Es war eine großartige Heimkehr für meine Fans und es tut mir leid, dass ich sie im Stich gelassen habe. Was heute Abend schief gelaufen ist, muss und wird behoben. Wir gehen sofort zu einem Rückkampf und freuen uns darauf, den Gefallen zu erwidern.”

In seinem ersten Weltmeistertitelkampf, Der Rosario der Dominikanischen Republik landete von Anfang an Power Punches und eröffnete einen Cut-On mit einem Punch über Williams’ rechtes Auge in der zweiten Runde. Williams landete selbst Kraftschläge, konnte Rosario jedoch nicht davon abhalten, nach vorne zu kommen.

Sehen Sie sich die Höhepunkte der zweiten Runde an, in denen Rosario den Schnitt über Williams eröffnet’ Auge hier.

“Ich bin gerade in diesem Moment so emotional,” Said Rosario. “When I lost my last fight I said I will never lose again until I become champion of the world and that’s what happened tonight. Ich kam vorbereitet. I knew before the fight that I was going to win it.

In round five Rosario landed the punches that would ultimately lead to the end of the fight, hitting him with hard straight right hands that immediately slowed Williams.

I have to give a lot of credit to my team,” Said Rosario. “I had a 16-week training camp and that prepared me for this. My life is changed forever and I can support my family in a whole new way. I realized that I was going to win, once I was offered the fight. I knew that if I made the sacrifice, that I would do what I did tonight. I knew it 16 weeks ago.

Rosario sensed his moment and came forward with big punches, while Williams tried to hold and survive. Eventually the onslaught proved to be too much, and referee Benjy Esteves halted the bout 1:37 in die Runde. Zum Zeitpunkt des Stillstands, Rosario led 39-37 auf zwei Karten, with the third card scored 38-38.

I wasn’t surprised he was so good,” sagte Williams. “I told everybody he’s a real fighter. I have to accept it. The cut blurred my vision a little bit but it wasn’t the reason why I lost. He was the better fighter tonight. We’ve got a rematch clause. I’ll see him again soon. I’ll be back.

Watch Rosario finish Williams in Round 5 hier.

The co-main event saw rising star Chris “Prime Time” Colbert (14-0, 5 KOs) drop former champion Jezreel Corrales (23-4, 9 KOs) on his way to a unanimous decision victory that earned him the Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title.

“Er ist ein großer Kämpfer,” Said Colbert. “People don’t realize that, because he had a bad decision against Ladarius Miller. But he’s a great fighter. He’s very awkward. He’s slick and fast. It was hard to catch him because he was running, but he came to fight. I take my hat off to him.

The action began tactically, with Colbert trying to figure out the awkward style of the veteran former champion Corrales. Colbert switched from orthodox to southpaw and was able to control the early action despite a slow pace.

I did my job in there,” said Corrales. “My strategy was to hit and not get hit. I felt like I made him struggle for a lot of the fight. The knockdown wasn’t from being hurt, it was my balance. Our feet got tangled and I lost my balance. I came in here to win. We both did our jobs, but the judges scored his pushing more than his punching.

Colbert continued to vary up his attack as the fight went on, while Corrales was able to have some success in the middle rounds landing straight lefts to counter his attacking opponent. In Runde 10 Colbert began to pull away, landing a clean left hook followed by a right hook to the top of the head that put Corrales on a knee.

I had confidence coming into the fight,” Said Colbert. “I knew I was going to dominate the fight and I told you all that before the fight happened. He was running and I was trying to catch him, so I told my corner, let’s have a dog fight. We got 12 Runde. I’m in shape. Du siehst, I didn’t sit down one round. I’m in shape and I came to fight. I wasn’t going to leave without this title.

The 23-year-old from Brooklyn seemed to get stronger as the fight went on and finished the championship rounds impressively, staggering Corrales in the waning moments of the fight to punctuate the performance. Colbert was the victor on all three judges’ Karten, von Partituren von 117-110 zweimal und 116-111.

The strategy was to use my jab like I did and try to set up my punches,” Said Colbert. “But he’s very awkward and has good distance. Slowly but surely I decided to stop boxing, close the distance and get on him. I knew he couldn’t out throw me, I’m from Brooklyn.

Watch highlights of Colbert vs. Corrales hier und hier. Watch the 10th Runde Knockdown hier und 11th round action hier.

In the FOX PBC Fight Night opener, top super welterweight prospect Joey Spencer(10-0, 7 KOs)remained unbeaten with a unanimous decision over Erik Frühling (13-4-2, 1 KO) after six rounds of action.

Fighting from the southpaw stance, Spring schien große Überhand-Linke zu landen, konnte aber den schnellen 19-jährigen Spencer selten einholen. Spencer dominierte die Action mit seiner Geschwindigkeit und indem er während der gesamten Action große Haken landete.

“Ich war mit einem Käfig da drin, lange Südpfote,” sagte Spencer. “Um ehrlich zu sein, wenn ein Kerl so käfig kämpft wie er war, Es ist wirklich schwer für einen Mann mit meinem Stil, einfach etwas aus dem Nichts herauszuholen. Er war ein echter Verteidiger.”

Spencer war besonders effektiv darin, einen mächtigen linken Haken um Spring 'Wache zu schleichen. Spring versuchte in den späteren Runden, die Aktion zu forcieren und ein Feuergefecht zu erzwingen, aber Spencer blieb geduldig und suchte seine Plätze aus. Spät in Runde sechs, Ein linker Haken von Spencer ließ Spring in die Seile fliegen, bevor er vor dem Folgeangriff durch die Glocke gerettet wurde.

At the end I really just pressed him, said I’m going to finish strong, and hit him with some good shots,” sagte Spencer. “If I had done that in the first or second round, I would have ended it early. I’m glad to get the six rounds in. Erfahrung ist alles. You’re only as good as your next fight. I’m happy to get in there and get some good experience and I did my thing and got the shutout.

I was waiting too much,” said Spring. “I thought he would come in and engage more and I was looking counter him but he stayed on the outside. I was more impressed by his speed then his power. He’s a talented fighter but I could have been more effective.

After six rounds, all three judges saw the fight for Spencer, by the score of 60-54 drei Mal. PBC’s 2019 Prospect of the Year, Spencer will look for another big year in 2020.

I’m going to stay busy this year,” sagte Spencer. “I’m going to have a four-fight year. This is one of four. We’re looking to bring some excitement and have some fun.

Watch Joey Spencer seal his 10th career win with a powerful combo just before the final bell hier.

Prior to the main card, FOX PBC Fight Night Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes saw Mexico’s Jorge Cota (30-4, 27 KOs) earn a fifth-round stoppage over Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna (28-3-1, 10 KOs) 1:22 into their super welterweight bout, when LaManna’s corner advised the ringside doctor to halt the action.

Watch highlights of Jorge Cota’s fifth round stoppage of Thomas LaManna hier.

The action also included sensational 17-year-old prospect Vito Mielnicki Jr. (4-0, 3 KOs) dominate Preston Wilson (6-4-1, 4 KOs) on his way to a unanimous decision by the score of 40-36 three times in their welterweight matchup.The Prelims opener saw undefeated Romuel Cruz (4-0-1, 2 KOs) Erzielen Sie eine Unterbrechung der ersten Runde von Julio Garcia(3-4, 2 KOs) 2:56 in ihren Super-Bantamgewicht-Wettbewerb.

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