Tag Archives: dobročinnost

“Kolo 7, Provoz Knockout” charitativní akce pro Randy Couture G.I.. Nadace Vysílat v neděli, Listopad. 27 na CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (Listopad 22, 2016) – The “Kolo 7, Provoz Knockout” amatérské smíšené bojové umění a ukotvení karty, představil Tuff-N-Uff ve spolupráci s Neon Star Media, bude vysílat Neděle, Listopad 27 (11 p.m. A / 8 p.m. PT) na CBS Sports Network.
Sedmý ročník “Provoz Knockout,” konal minulý listopad. 19th na Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, byl vytvořen, aby pomohl G.I. Randyho Couture. Nadace získává finanční prostředky a povědomí o zraněných vojácích a jejich rodinách.
Tento vzrušující, jedinečná charitativní akce představovala noc úžasných bojů a báječnou tichou aukci, na které byly podepsány rukavice podepsané Randy Couture, Luke Rockhold, Miesha Tate a Gray Maynard, letenky do Criss Angel, Rock of Ages a Legendy ve shodě, a mnoho dalších položek. Pro devět amatérských soubojů MMA se našlo něco pro každého, čtyři z nich byly pro titulní opasky, a šest super-bojových zápasů s Bellatorem Ryan Couture, bývalý bojovník UFC Ulysses Gomez a současný bojovník UFC Anthony Birchak, bývalý bojovník Bellator a aktivní armáda, Michael Parker, bývalý bojovník Lion Fight Fanny Tommasino, a současný bojovník Combate Americas a bývalý bojovník Tuff-N-Uff, Kyra Batara.
Zkušení hlasatelé MMA Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner a žijící legenda Couture nazvala všechny akce živě z ringu.
“Je nám ctí, že Tuff-N-Uff pomáhá při získávání finančních prostředků a zvyšování povědomí o našich statečných členech služby, kteří se tolik obětovali pro naši velkou zemi,” CEO Tuff-N-Uff Jeff Meyer řekl. “Něco málo pomáhá a to nejmenší, co jsme mohli udělat, bylo sestavit kartu boje s Future Stars of MMA, stejně jako několik velkých jmen v MMA, kteří se zúčastnili. Nemůžeme všem dostatečně poděkovat za to, že jsme pomohli dát tuto úžasnou událost dohromady pro dobrou věc.”
Xtreme Couture G.I. Nadace poskytuje potřebnou podporu a služby pro raněné vojáky a jejich rodiny, z nichž mnozí se vrátit traumatických amputací, střelné rány, popáleniny a výbuch zranění. Sto procent z výtěžku připadá na operaci Knockout, která pokračuje v úsilí o získání více peněz a pomoc více zraněným vojákům a jejich rodinám. S pomocí svých velkorysých sponzorů a darů, “Provoz Knock” zvýšil více než $170,000 jít na letošní akci.
“Nemohu vám říci, jak jsem vděčný za podporu Tuff-N-Uf, Centrum akcí v centru Las Vegas a D Las Vegas v „Round“ 7, Provoz Knockout’ a zraněné veterány xcgif.org,” Couture to komentoval. “My v XCGIF si vážíme vaší pomoci a podpory této věci.
“Trénujeme naše válečníky, aby potlačili silné emocionální reakce tváří v tvář nepřízni osudu, tolerovat fyzickou a emocionální bolest, a překonat strach ze zranění a smrti. Armáda nemůže snížit intenzitu této kondice, aniž by negativně ovlivnila bojovou schopnost naší armády. Je to Catch-22. Mrazivou pravdou je, že členové služby jsou, jednoduše řečeno, schopnější se zabít pouhým důsledkem jejich profesionálního výcviku a my ztrácíme 22 den. To se musí změnit. Musíme rekvalifikovat naše válečníky na to, co pro ně definuje úspěch.”
“Bude to skvělá noc bojů a zápasů. Děkuji vám všem za vaše příspěvky.”
CBS Sports Network je k dispozici ve Spojených státech prostřednictvím místního kabelu, video a poskytovatelé Telco a přes satelit na DirecTV Channel 221 a Dish Network kanál 158. Pro více informací, včetně kompletní programové schéma, a jak se dostat CBS Sports Network, přejít na www.cbssportsnetwork.com
Webová stránka: www.tuffnuff.com, www.xcgif.org
Cvrlikání: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture


O společnosti Tuff-N- Uff: 22letá organizace bojového sportu, lasvegaský TUFF-N- UFF představuje nejlepší amatérská smíšená bojová umění (MMA) akce v národě. To dalo vzniknout některým z největších hvězd ve sportu současnosti, včetně bývalé šampionky UFC v bantamové váze Ronda Rousey, stejně jako veterán UFC a Strikeforce Ryan Couture a welterweight UFC Alan Jouban. TUFF-N-UFF pomohl rozšířit kariéru mnoha dalších sportovců MMA, včetně Jessamyn Duke, Ashlee Evans-Smith, Tonya Evinger, Jon Fitch, Jesse Forbes, Chris Holdsworth, Brad Imes, Jimmy Jones a Jesse Taylor. V 2013, TUFF-N- UFF se stala první organizací bojových sportů, která byla zařazena do plánu akcí Mezinárodního týdne boje UFC. V 2014,

TUFF-N- UFF představil druhou událost Čtvrtek, Červenec 3 žijí od Texas stanice, získává status první propagační akce, která bude uvedena v rozvrhu Mezinárodního týdne boje UFC dva roky po sobě. TUFF-N- UFF oslavila v sobotu své historické 20. výročí, Červen 7, 2014, s více než 15,000 Fanoušci, ve vyprodaném koncertě uvnitř Thomas and Mack Center. V 2014, TUFF-N- UFF spolupracuje s Mezinárodní federací smíšených bojových umění (IMMAF) předložit, jako součást mezinárodního boje UFC týdne 2014, vůbec první amatérské MMA Mistrovství světa. Jeff Meyer je generálním ředitelem TUFF-N- UFF a řídí organizaci v oddanosti svému zesnulému bratrovi, Barry Meyer, kdo založil TUFF-N- UFF dovnitř 1994. TUFF-N- UFF se zavázala k rozvoji sportu MMA a budování “Budoucí hvězdy MMA”.
O společnosti Neon Star Media LLC: Neon Star Media je marketingová a obsahová společnost, která pro naše klienty vytváří vysoce efektivní prostředí pro integraci značky, provedeno prostřednictvím jedinečného “vyprávění” přístup, který umožňuje klientům zasílat zprávy o produktech tak, aby stoupali a přinášeli výsledky. Na Neon Star Media, maximalizujeme útratu klientských médií využitím našich vztahů s různými sportovními akcemi, kabelové kanály, digitální platformy a další sociální sítě. Spolupracujeme s našimi klienty, podpořit a rozšířit jejich poselství u publika na všech platformách 24/7.
O D Las Vegas: D Las Vegas přináší čerstvé, energický postoj a veselou atmosféru synonymem centra města Las Vegas. Nový hotel se může pochlubit casino 629 zrekonstruované pokoje a apartmá a jedinečné dvouúrovňové kasino s moderními a vintage podlahami. Koktejly, pivo a mražené nápoje hemží uvnitř kasina v LONGBAR a na základě zkušeností v D Bar Fremont Street. D nabízí moderní americké jízdné v D Grill, Detroit legendární Coney psi na americkém Coney Island a prémiové steaky a autentických italských jídel v Joe VICARI je Andiamo italské Steakhouse. Showroom v D Las Vegas nabízí vynikající zábavu v rozmezí od oceněných večeři divadla a Broadway výroby hudby, komedie a další. Postupujte podle D. Facebook a Cvrlikání.
O Downtown Las Vegas Events Center: Nachází se na rohu Třetí St. a Carson Ave. naproti D Las Vegas, Downtown Las Vegas Events Center se může ubytovat až 11,000 hosté a funkce state-of-the-art jeviště, ozvučení a osvětlení. Konstrukce pod širým nebem zve na turisty i místní obyvatele a nabízí ideální místo pro koncerty, konvence a dalších rozsáhlých akcí. Přijímání bez zábran ducha Downtown Las Vegas, Nový areál hostí na line-up vedených kurátory událostí, včetně předních koncertů, potravin festivaly a další. Místem konání je také první zábavní aréna v Las Vegas přijímat Bitcoin jako měna. Pro více informací, návštěva www.dlvec.com nebo sledovat na Facebooku, Instagram a Twitter na @dlveventscenter.

Giving back: Baltimore Boxing raises $10,000 to help locals combat medical bills

Baltimore, MD (Listopad 15, 2016) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions is proud to announce they’ve raised $10,000 for two area residents with large medical bills associated with extended hospital stays.

To ensure funds were raised through multiple channels, Smith donated a large number of tickets (which the families resold and kept 100% of the money) while running a 50/50 raffle and silent auction on fight night at Michael’s Eighth Avenue.

Na Září 15, Baltimore Boxing’s “Fight for Vince” card raised funds for Vincent Veazey, a longtime trainer and mentor at the Baltimore Boxing Club. Veazey, who was already fighting Parkinson’s disease, suffered a heart attack earlier this year that required triple bypass surgery. Vince and his family were left with massive medical bills following his hospitalization and still needed enough money for day to day expenses.

Čtvrtek, November 10’s card assisted the family of Nicholas Tasker, an 8-year-old Arbutus, MD resident battling a rare form of abdomen cancer. Tasker is still hospitalized but made it to Michael’s Eighth to receive the “Mike Dietrich American Dream Awardduring an emotional ceremony for his courageous fight against cancer.

“I’ve been in boxing for most of my life as a fighter, trenér, promoter and gym owner and these last few events were the most emotional for me,"Řekl Jake Smith. “The community and our fans have been incredible in purchasing tickets while participating in the silent auctions and 50/50 raffles to help those in need. As a lifelong Baltimore resident, it is my duty to give back to the community. Seeing firsthand what the sport of boxing can do to help others in need is a feeling no other.”

Baltimore Boxing’s next card is scheduled for Prosinec 8 and more information will be available shortly.

Residents, groups and organizations of the Baltimore area interested in receiving assistance through Baltimore Boxing fight cards are encouraged to email Bmoreboxing@aol.com with detailed information.

Meet MMA Superstar FrankieThe AnswerEdgar at Autism Radio Casino Night Saturday, Září 24 in Totowa, NJ

(Září 5, 2016) — Autism Radio is hosting their 2nd annual Casino Night Fundraiser for Autism and welcome special meet-and-greet charity guest, Mixed Martial Arts Superstar, Frankie “The AnswerEdgar na Sobota, Září 24, od 7:00 odpoledne – 11:00 p.m. A at The Bethwood in Totowa, New Jersey. Méně než 60 tickets remain, reserve yours today at: http://AutismRadio.org/Lístky
Autism Radio is a non-profit organization that assists families whose children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Casino Night on September 24th will be a full night of entertainment, Meet-And-Greet with Franke Edgar, a cocktail hour, a complete dinner buffet, and an open premium bar all night long. An initial set of Autism Fundraiser Casino chips is also given to guests so they can start gambling to make more money to donate to our charity. The Mixed Martial Arts, Grappling and Jiu Jitsu community can help us by purchasing tickets, sponsoring our event, donating gift baskets or raffles and of course by buying tickets and coming with friends and family. For sponsorship and donation information, e-mail: Paul@AutismRadio.org or make a donation directly at:http://AutismRadio.org/Donate
Autism Radio Casino Night Frankie Edgar UFC Fighter

Autism Radio Casino Night Frankie Edgar UFC Fighter

Autism Radio, 501c3 is made up of a full volunteer staff and a Board of Directors. Every $.90 cents of $1.00 generated at this event is used towards programs that we support including many different family assistance, komunitní dosah, development and signature programs throughout New Jersey.
AutismRadio.org features a half-hour syndicated radio show called, “Hope Saves the Daywhich is dedicated towards educating and assisting the Autistic community. We also offer additional programs to those that cannot get assistance through their school districts or insurance plans; Team Hope Swim Program partnered with the Special Olympics, Horses for Hope partnered with horse ranches nationwide and iPads and Tablets for Autism, which focus on assisting non-verbal children with autism the training and tools to assist in the communication development.
CN1i8aOIAutism Radio also offer discounts on tools for the ASD population by selling Snap-Laces and Autism Parenting Magazine at AutismRadio.org, plus offer volunteer based Life Coaching to families challenged with Autism every month plus our MY ID Medical Bracelets that are help changing the world and protecting our children and the Autism Community alike. Get more information on Autism at: http://AutismRadio.org

Boyd Melson to appear on Power 105.1 FM’s The Breakfast Club



New York, NY (Srpen 16, 2016) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will sit in with DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne Tha God as a special guest on Power 105.1 FM’s critically acclaimed Breakfast Club Wednesday, Srpen 17 na 9:30 AM ET.

Known as “The World’s Most Dangerous Morning Show,” the Breakfast Club is a syndicated radio show based out of New York City that airs in 15 trhy. The Breakfast Club was named the #1 radio program in the nation by The Source Magazine and regularly features world famous musicians, sportovci, actors, activists and politicians.

Melson, the World Boxing Council’s USNBC junior middleweight champion, is a recognizable figure in and out of the ring. The 2003 West Point graduate and Army Reserve Officer has raised close to $400,000 for Team Fight to Walk, a 501(C)(3) that raises funds and awareness towards curing Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries. He is also a sought after public speaker who has spoken at schools, to college sports teams, the military and corporate America.

Outside of his aforementioned responsibilities, Melson’s proud to be closely involved with various causes and organizations including Stop Soldier Suicide and BOXER Inc. a mnoho dalších. Srpna 15, he was the humanitarian honoree for the New York Sportscene Children Foundation’s annual fundraiser. Loni, Ring Magazine nominated Melson for Most Inspirational due to his philanthropy.

V červnu, Melson served as a mentor at Steve Harvey’s annual Youth Mentorship Camp. One of the special guest speakers was Charlamagne Tha God. Melson and Charlamagne spent time together at the camp, exchanging contact information. To his pleasant surprise, he was invited to be a guest on Power 105.1’s hit show.

“The Breakfast Club is one of the most popular morning shows out there and I’m incredibly honored they’ve selected me as a guest,” Melson said of the invite. “Many of the biggest names in music, film and sports have appeared. I’d like to thank Power 105.1 and Charlamagne personally for this incredible opportunity on such a large scale.”

The Breakfast Club can be heard across the world by logging onto power1051.iheart.com or on the IHeartRadio app.

Melson named New York Sportscene Children Foundation’s Humanitarian Honoree

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New York, NY (Červenec 28, 2016) – WBC USNBC junior middleweight champion, West Point graduate and Army Reserve Officer Captain Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson has been selected as New York Sprotscene Children Foundation’s (NYSCF) Humanitarian Honoree.
He will be honored and serve as the special guest for their 2nd annual Celebrity Golf Classic and pool party Srpen 15 vCommack, NY at The Hamlet. As the honoree, Melson’s also participating in a cocktail hour, award dinner, interview sessions, photo ops and meet & greet.
A501(C)(3), the NYSCF helps to benefit and improve the lives of children and help those in need live happier and healthier. The mission of the New York Sportscene Children’s Foundation is to provide much needed support of local charities.
A recognizable figure in and out of the ring, Melson gained notoriety in the boxing world by donating 100% of his fight purses towards helping others. 16 of his purses went to Team Fight to Walk to help find the cure for Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries and the other went to a friend whose son has brain cancer. Between his fights, charity galas and donations, Melson and co-founder Christan Zaccagnino helped raise close to $400,000. He is also a well-known motivational speaker that has inspired the US Army, various athletes, at-risk youths, large corporations and students of all ages.
The NYSCF is specifically recognizing Melson for his dedication and support of Team Fight to Walk, mentoring at risk youths and excellence as an athlete.
The NYSCF’s Golf Classic will raise funds to provide for local children in need. Their 2015 event made it possible to host a poolside party for more than 150 ill, special needs and underprivileged children and their families. These children, many whom never swam in a pool before, will be shuttled in from the NYC boroughs as well as Long Island to enjoy the pool party. The funds raised last year also covered a holiday celebration for close to 1,000 children and their caregivers.
This event also supports the YES WE CARE Veteran Support Program, Family Services of Westchester Jerome Wagner Youth Residence for Boys, Evelyn Sachs Steiner Residence for Girls and a SUNY Farmingdale Alumni Association Scholarship. Kromě toho, the NYSCF is making a donation to Team Fight to Walk, which literally brought Melson to tears upon hearing the news.
"I’ve had the blessing to be honored many times for things I’ve done in and out of the ring but this is truly unlike anything else,"Řekl Melson. “When I got the call for this and was asked to be the honoree, I thought they were kidding. The original guest was Denzel Washington and the fact that they went from him to me is beyond humbling. I immediately started crying over the phone thanking them profusely. I’m looking forward to this event and owe a special thanks to both Laura Quintoni and Fran Petito, who are both part of the New York Sportscene Children’s Foundation’s leadership. I told them both that the universe keeps reminding me of my path by sending angels into my life to help me along my path. As soon as I heard about the pool party, my first question wascan I get in the pool and play with the kids.I was met with an encouraging yes and I am looking forward to that part of the day as much as any part. FOX News will be filming and although it will not be aired live, the coverage will air nationwide at some point. I hope to meet many great families and bring smiles to their faces. My wish from this is that this experience increases my opportunities to help positively impact the lives of others."
For more information on the NYSCF outing, navštivtehttp://nysportscene.com/childrens-foundation.

Sign up for our next Charity Boxing Event at BB Kings Broadway!

Držte datum!
Our Fighters4Life have raised over $700,000 to date and have supported wounded and disabled veterans, inner city youth development, cancer causes as well as the Sato Project Dog Rescue.

Join our next Charity boxing event benefitting Gleason’s “Dejte kluk sen”
Box on Broadway.
The venue is BB King Blues Club & Grill
We are looking for new people interested in the sport of boxing. It promises to be the adventure of a life time. You will get in the best shape of your life as you help great causes.

Oba muži a ženy, kteří mají zájem naučit jemnůstky sladké vědy a předvést to, co se učí v ringu.
For the ten weeks leading up to your bout, Světově proslulé Gleason Gym poskytne školení potřebné, abyste mohli jste připraveni na May 25th.
Budeme dokumentovat váš trénink a pokrok spolu s fotografiemi na několika webu a sociálních sítí. Tvoje rodina, přátelé a spolupracovníci mohou sledovat a sdílet cesty, jak se dostanete do bojové tvaru.
Váš postup bude inspirovat je, aby ho podpořili, a darů vaším jménem.
If you are interested in being a part of this or know someone who is, napište nám na info@gleasonsgym.net , Pro více informací.
You can also call Bruce at Gleason’s Gym, 718 797 2872.

Melson representing Team Fight to Walk vs Chris Galaeno March 11 at SPiN charity event!


SPin Poster.jpg

Special guests include Kenny Anderson, Danny Jacobs, Chris Algieri, Susan Sarandon, Rosie Perez & Kobayashi!


K okamžitému zveřejnění

New York, NY (Březen 9, 2016) – WBC USNBC 154 pound titlist Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will take off the gloves and pick up a ping pong paddle when he meets New York State welterweight champion Chris Galaeno at SPiN New YorkPátek, Březen 11.


The SPiN charity event starts at 9 Premiér a $10 general admission tickets can be purchased at the door. All attendees who donate $50 or more will be invited to go in ring with Melson and throw punches at him for a round. New York basketball great Kenny Anderson will be working Melson’s corner during these rounds while Melson offers himself as a target for those donating at least $50. SPiN is located at 48 A 23rd st in New York City and can hold up to 700 lidé.


All admission fees and proceeds from a special silent auction hosted by Cardboard Memories will be split between Team Fight to Walk and B.O.X.E.R. Inc.


Attendees will enjoy a truly one-of-a-kind evening of entertainment emceed by Vice SportsEric Kelly and a silent sports memorabilia auction highlighted by a 30 pound bronze statue that includes engravings of many world champions including Floyd Mayweather. Those on hand are also invited to an exclusive after party hosted by DJ KP.


Special guests for the SPiN event include New York City basketball legend and former NBA All-Star Kenny Anderson, actresses Rosie Perez & Susan Sarandon former WBO junior welterweight champion Chris Algieri, NABO and NABF heavyweight champion Jarrell “Velké dítě” Mlynář, WBA world middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, middleweightcontender Willie Monroe and Team Fight to Walk members Frank Galarza and Will Rosinsky amongst others. Legendary competitive eater and six-time Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating champion Kobayashi will also be on hand to enjoy the action. All guests will be available for photo ops and autographs throughout the evening.


A competitor at heart, Melson’s posted a series of recent videos training on the ping pong table with 14-Time Swedish National Champion Malin Pettersson accompanied with friendly trash talking towards Galaeno.


“Chris may be undefeated in the ring but he’s taking an L on the table,” Melson said with a smile. “On a serious note, I’d like to thank SPiN NYC and all the celebrities that are attending this event in support of Team Fight to Walk and B.O.X.E.R Inc, which is another great organization I recently became a board member of. Events like these can literally help change lives, whether it be to cure Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries or keep at-risk youths off the street. Anybody who donates $50 nebo více v pátek gets the once in a lifetime opportunity to get in the ring and literally throw punches at me for a round. That is how much I care about raising the additional funds still needed for the clinical trial I’ve been discussing during the last five years.”


Pro více informací o týmu bojovat, aby Pěšky nebo darovat, navštivte Teamfighttowalk.com. Donations can also be made by texting Walk to 20222. B.O.X.E.R. Inc information is available by logging onto boxerinc.nyc.



Neděle, Dubna 17 AT Sunset Park v Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS (Únor 25, 2016) Floyd Mayweather Jr.. Nadace (TFMJF) je hrdý na to, představit 2ndAnnual Fight 4 Fitness 5K Race, 2K Walk, Kids Fun Run, and Community Day probíhá Neděle, Duben 17Sunset Park ve městě Las Vegas. Participants can warm-up before the race with a free yoga session courtesy of Power Yoga+Pilates+Fitness, prior to the start of the 5K Race and 2K Walk, which will begin at 8 a.m. Children can take part in a fun-filled scavenger hunt before the Kids Fun Run (polovina míle běh pro děti 12 a pod) which kicks off at 10 a.m. The race is followed by an awards ceremony honoring all of the 5K Race participants. The event’s presenting sponsors are Mayweather Promotions, Mayweather Sports, The Money Team and SHOWTIME.
Víc než 500 people participated in the activities last year and another large, energetic crowd is expected this year. Philanthropist and comedian Rick Smith, who used his platform to form the Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere (RAKE) Nadace, will host this year’s event.
Boj 4 Vhodnost will also feature live performances from 11-year-old singer-songwriter Sunny Malouf and Dance Connection, plus free Zumba sessions from Zumba Las Vegas. Kromě toho, there will be a boxing ring where anyone will be able to learn some tricks of the trade from Mayweather Promotions’ hvězdičky.
My foundation genuinely cares about the Las Vegas community and we are honored to be able to bring this great event to the city once again,” Said Mayweather. “Being active is so important to living a healthy life. We hope to once again spread this positive message and encourage people of all ages to exercise and live healthy lives.
TFMJF donated $25,000 last year to the Clark County School District that was divided amongst designated schools for support of athletic programs, physical education and related field trips.
Posláním Boj 4 Vhodnost is to form community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life. From children to adults, everyone is welcome to join the “boj” in reversing health trends that are adversely affecting our quality of life. Boj 4 Vhodnost is a movement toward good health through the possibilities of change that can enhance one’s own life and the lives of those around them. Účast na Boj 4 Vhodnost událost může být katalyzátorem potřebné k vytvoření energický, happy and healthy Las Vegas community. This unique experience invites all members of the community to run/walk independently or with friends, rodina, a spolupracovníky.
Celý plán akcí je uveden níže:
  • 7:15 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.FREE yoga session
  • 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. -5K Race, 2K Walk, Kids scavenger hunt
  • 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Kids Fun Run & Awards Ceremony
  • 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.Community Day
Registration for these activities is currently underway and can be completed at www.tfmjf.org/events. Plná registrace data a poplatky jsou uvedeny níže *:
  • Únor 1st-Ferbruary 29th: $45 5K/$40 2K/$15 Kids Fun Run/$20 Community Day
  • Březen 1st– Březen 31st: $50 5K/ $45 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $20 Community Day
  • Duben 1st– Duben 11th: $55 5K/ $50 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $25 Community Day
  • Day of event: $65 5K/ $60 2K/ $25 Kids Fun Run/ $30 Community Day
  • All students K-12 can register for FREE until Březen 18
For more information follow on social media:
Cvrlikání: @FloydMayweather, @TFMJ, and @mayweatherpromo
Instagram: Instagram.com/FloydMayweather, Instagram.com/MayweatherFoundation, and Instagram.com/Mayweatherpromotions.com
Střely: Floyd Mayweather, TFMJF, a Mayweather Promotions


Photos by Team Barrios
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Prosinec 24, 2015)Yesterday hot undefeated super-featherweight prospect, Mario Barrios (14-0, 8 KO), joined the Christmas spirit by donating gifts to the local boys and girls club in San Antonio. Sousedství, along with cornerman Rick Nunez, delivered shoes and toys to the kids, brining smiles to everyone involved.
It was great to see the smiles on all the kids when Rick and I dropped off the gifts,” Said Mario Barrios. “I know there are a lot of kids out there that don’t get to receive many gifts during Christmas so it was nice to provide something extra for these children. It was fun and everyone was happy.
Mario Barrios has a big heart and he’s a great role model to everyone out here in San Antonio.said Rick Nunez. “When he asked me to join him I didn’t hesitate. Together we were able to put a lot of smiles on those kids. It was very rewarding and Mario and I are very happy to be part of something special during Christmas.

Mayweather AKCE TO HOLD “TOYS 4 VSTUPENKY” CHARITA DRIVE na dávky v “Hračky pro děcka” PROGRAM PRO PBC ON SPIKE SHOW pátek, Prosince 18 Z PEARL hotelu Palms Casino Resort v Las Vegas

Hračky mohou vysadit
Čtvrtek, Prosince 17 & Pátek, Prosince 18
LAS VEGAS (Prosinec 14, 2015) – Mayweather Promotions bude mít “Hračky 4 Lístky” charitativní pohon v předstihu z Champions Premier Boxerské (PBC) na Špice zobrazit koná Pátek, Prosinec 18 od Pearl v Palms Casino Resort v Las Vegas.
Charitativní pohon bude prospěšné pro “Hračky pro děcka” program, jejímž cílem je distribuovat hračky pro méně šťastných dětí v průběhu prázdnin. Hračky mohou být vysazeni u Jako Lounge uvnitř Palms Casino Resort na Čtvrtek, Prosinec 17 od 3 p.m. na 6 p.m. a Pátek, Prosinec 18 od 2 p.m. na 7 p.m.
Fanoušci, kteří darují krev novou hračku neovinuté obdrží poukázku vstupenek lze uplatnit na Pearl pokladně divadla v Palms Casino Resort. Hodnota Ticket je $25 s limitem počtu čtyř na osobu.
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