標記檔案: 拳擊


拉斯維加斯, NV. (四月 13, 2020): Contenders Clothing is proud to announce the creation of the Fighting for Fighters Fund, a new program that will put money directly, and immediately, into the hands of professional fighters affected by the current Covid-19 crisis.

With combat sports across the United States being suspended indefinitely, many fighters who earn a living competing professionally are self-employed contractors leaving them out of work and not eligible for state unemployment. While there is money earmarked for contract workers under the Cares Act, funds have been hard to, if not impossible, to access, leaving many working class fighters in dire need of assistance.

While some well-known apparel companies are donating to large and mostly worldwide health organizations, we’ve yet to see any company directly help fighters,” said Contenders Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Snyder.

We have been embraced by professional fighters of all levels who have worn our boxer briefs and t-shirts at weigh ins and we truly consider anyone who wears us as part of our family. They’ve had our back and now it’s time to have theirs.

Funding for Fighting for Fighters will come from the sales of an exclusive, ‘Go The Social Distancet-shirt created specifically as a fundraiser for the program. 此外, Contenders Clothing is giving 10% of every single sale throughout the entire month of April at www.contendersclothing.com directly into the fund.

Payments will go out the first week of May and will be divided equally from the overall amount Fighting for Fighters raises between all eligible fighters.

We’ve come to find that fighters are special people in and out of the ring and not enough people understand their sacrifice. 是否 Fighting for Fighters can literally buy groceries for a fightersfamily for a week or pay a utility bill at a time when they desperately need it, then we will consider it a success.

If you are an active professional fighter based in the United States whose income has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis please sign up at:

If you’d like to purchase the Go the Social Distance t-shirt and have all proceeds go to the Fighting for Fighters Fund, please head to:

Contenders Clothing’s boxer brief line, which contains the first ever officially licensed Muhammad Ali and Rocky collections, has been a favorite of professional boxers at weigh-ins since launching in 2018. From world champions such as Tyson Fury to up and coming contenders and prospects, Contenders has been at the forefront of the world of boxing apparel.

Fight Club, Contenders Clothing’s endorsement program, was established in 2019. With a focus on working class and inspirational fighters, Contenders Fight Club has already seen one of it’s athletes, 安德魯Cancio, win a world title in a massive upset. In addition to the announcement of current #1 contender and former world champion Jessie Magdaleno joining Contenders Fight Club last month, Contenders is continuing it’s commitment to the boxing industry with plans on announcing several new signees throughout 2020 that represent the future of the sport.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問: www.contendersclothing.com
For any further information on Contenders’Fighting for Fighters Fund – please drop us a line atchris@contendersclothing.com and we will get right back in touch. Thanks in advance for your support and helping spread the word.
Follow Contenders Clothing on Social Media!     


PBC Boxers Continue to Engage Fans Through Social Media During Social Distancing

基思·瑟曼, Deontay懷爾德, 安東尼Dirrell的, 獅子座聖克魯斯, Gervonta戴維斯, 其他葉貝 & David Benavidez to Appear on PBC Social Media Platforms Next Week

LAS VEGAS (四月 10, 2020) – Premier Boxing Champions boxers will roll into another week of taking to social media to engage with fans during social distancing. Each week PBC will present opportunities for fans to hear from boxers as they try to find ways to pass the time.

Former unified welterweight champion 基思·瑟曼 appears on Time Out With Ray Floreslive on the PBC Instagram page this Monday, 四月 13 在 3 P.M. ET / 12時三十分. PT.

Former heavyweight champion Deontay懷爾德 and former super middleweight champion 安東尼Dirrell的 will appear on the PBC Podcast with hosts Kenneth Bouhairie and Michael Rosenthal. The Podcast will be available on Wednesday, 四月 15 在 PBC website, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spreaker and other outlets.

WBA Super Featherweight Champion 獅子座聖克魯斯 will appear in the At Home With…” 系列, hanging out live on the PBC Facebook page 週三, 四月 15 在 4 P.M. 東部時間/下午 1 點. PT. And in a special edition of At Home With…”, WBA Lightweight Champion Gervonta “坦克” 戴維斯 will be interviewed by former welterweight champion 其他葉貝 live on the PBC Instagram page 在週五, 四月 17 在 4 P.M. 東部時間/下午 1 點. PT.

WBC超中量級冠軍 大衛Benavidez will appear on Going The DistancePBC YouTube page 週四, 四月 16. Benavidez will be breaking down his fight against Anthony Dirrell at 4 P.M. 東部時間/下午 1 點. PT.

此外, PBC Replaywill feature a replay of the full televised card for the first Leo Santa Cruz vs. Abner Mares showdown on the PBC YouTube page 週六, 四月 18 在 8 P.M. E /下午5時. PT.

This week’s schedule is loaded with some of PBC’s top attractions sharing their insights and life during these challenging times. Stay tuned. There’s more to come.

與眾不同的出色拳擊之旅 1972 奧運金牌得主 “糖” 雷·西爾斯

(雷·西爾斯(Ray Seales)在前排, 從左數第二)

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (四月 9, 2020) — 想像一下,作為貴國的唯一拳擊手,可以獲得奧運會金牌, 臭名昭著的慕尼黑大屠殺僅幾天. 現在想像一下,也贏得了非凡的成就 338 的 350 業餘比賽, 與三部曲打過專業 “奇妙” 馬文·哈格勒, 被宣布雙眼合法失明 (有藝人 薩米·戴維斯(Sammy Davis), JR. 領取六位數的醫療費用), 用一隻眼睛恢復視線, 然後擔任自閉症學生的老師 17 歲月.

“糖” 雷·西爾斯 真正過著超現實的生活, 至少可以說, 而且他還在 67, 作為印第安納波利斯業餘拳擊手的成功教練.

生於聖克魯斯, 中美. 維爾京島是一個家庭的八個孩子之一,其父親是美國的一名拳擊手。. 陸軍隊, 西爾斯從九歲開始拳擊. “我有三個兄弟,我們總是互相擊敗。,” 他談到了他的拳擊生涯. “學習如何裝箱, 為了我, 爭著成為第一個吃飯的人. 我打躲閃球和我叔叔的左眼都受到打擊, 誰駐紮在Ft. 劉易斯 (塔科馬, WA), 告訴我媽媽那裡有一位特別醫生可以幫助我的眼睛. 我父親四處駐紮 1964, 當我是 12, 我媽媽把我們搬到塔科馬, 華盛頓.

“我的系統中有拳擊. 我和兄弟們一起去了塔科馬市區男孩俱樂部, 離我們家只有一個街區, 我媽媽可以看著我從我們家走到健身房再回來. 我是第一個贏得金手套獎的人. 我想成為贏家並完成 14 (冠軍) 外套. 我不會說英語. 我會西班牙語,並且會說西班牙語和英語. 我用英語說的第一個字是盒子. 我們過去每天打三四次,我們建立了塔科馬拳擊俱樂部。. 我繼續有一個 338-12 業餘唱片,從那以後我一直在拳擊。”

西爾斯成為冠軍, 採取的最高榮譽 1971 國家AAU和 1972 全國金手套錦標賽. 在年齡 19, 在美國征募的Seales. 空軍, 但是他的母親打了一些電話,所以雷將能夠參加 1972 慕尼黑奧運會, 德國.

她成功了,其餘的, 正如他們所說, 是歷史. 當他從奧運會回家時, 有人告訴他沒有必要向美國報告. 空軍, 因為他作為唯一一名獲得金牌的美國拳擊手在服務方面做得足夠.

該 1972 奧運會, 然而, 被殺害給蒙上了陰影 11 以色列運動員和教練, 以及黑色九月恐怖分子在奧林匹克村的西德警察.

“我剛滿20歲,” 西爾斯想起. “我們去那裡時拳擊很重. 我的一些家人, 我來自塔科馬的教練, 和塔科馬隊友 (和2次美國. 奧林匹亞)戴維·阿姆斯特朗(Davey Armstrong) 在德國. 一開始我什麼都不知道. 我必須引起父母的注意,讓他們知道不要去那裡, 因為奧運村里有使用衝鋒槍的恐怖分子. 我是唯一剩下的要戰鬥的美國拳擊手。”

西爾斯擊敗了保加利亞人 安吉赫洛夫(Angjei Anghhelov), 5-0, 在輕中量級冠軍中獲得奧運金牌, 美國的唯一成員. 團隊這樣做. 他的隊友包括阿姆斯特朗, 杜安·波比克(Duane Bobick), 和奧運銅牌得主 傑西·瓦爾德茲(Jesse Valdez), 馬文·約翰遜里卡多·卡雷拉斯.

糖雷西爾斯對美國拳擊的奉獻精神是首屈一指的,” 說 克里斯tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友主任. “他的驕傲, 愛國主義, 致力於幫助我們下一代冠軍的努力使他成為了一個令人鼓舞的人物。”


創建冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,並希望保持與業餘拳擊連接. 成員被授予各種特別活動由校友協會主辦的訪問, 包括其成名接待年度美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記 alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費. 新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

Seales轉為職業球員 1973, 贏得8輪一致決定 貢薩洛·羅德里格斯(Gonzalo Rodriguez) 塔科馬. “糖人” 贏得了他的第一個 21 親打架, 直到他輸掉了10個回合的決定 14-0 中量級前景和未來名人堂成員Marvin Hagler. 兩個戰鬥後, 西爾斯與塔科馬的哈格勒進行了10輪平局 (99-99, 99-99, 98-96).

“每個人都想向奧運金牌得主投籃,” 西爾斯解釋。” 我去了波士頓,我們在一家電視演播室打架 (WNAC). 那裡凍結了. 當我進入鈴聲時我發抖, 馬文出來流汗. 我知道我輸了, 但我和他掛了,走了很遠 (10 發). 我遇到管理問題,三個月後我又與哈格勒戰鬥, 只有這次在塔科馬. 我擊敗了他,但以10回合結束. 他知道我打了他!”

西爾斯與哈格勒完成了他的三部曲, 但是五年後, 哈格勒當時 42-2-1 並且被世界上大多數頂級中量級人士所避免. “我是USBA (美國拳擊協會) 和北美拳擊聯合會 (NABF) 中量級冠軍和哈格勒需要贏得冠軍才能獲得世界冠軍,” 錫爾斯指出. “我在第一輪輸了第三局, 但這是我們三場比賽中唯一在電視上顯示的東西. 我們是兩個左撇子, 但他改用右手, 他用鉤子抓住了我. 我得到報酬,他們給他買了世界冠軍大賽。”

過去,西爾斯曾在印第安納波利斯執教過兩支業餘球隊 11 歲月, 勝利 10 金手套隊冠軍, 並且他仍在IBG團隊的Indy中負責.

他退休後 1984 兩隻眼睛視網膜脫離後, Seales在拉斯維加斯被介紹給Sammy Davis, JR. (如下圖所示), 誰付了西爾斯’ $100,000 眼睛受損的醫療費用. 戴維斯(Davis)失去了左眼 1952 車禍

“我是一名教師,” 西爾斯總結. “我看到很多拳擊手想要戰鬥的方式梅威瑟. 他們的頭傾斜, 他們不能刺戳. 我教他們右腳在左腳後面 (一個右手拳擊手), 並直走, 沒有傾斜或達到峰值. 非常, 每次旋轉都是腳跟腳趾的姿勢.

“我對希望參加拳擊比賽的拳擊手的建議 2020 奧運就是要專注於自己在做的事情,聽聽如何做到. 我真正想做的是執教2024年美國奧林匹克拳擊隊。”

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram的: @USABoxing



紐約 - 四月 6, 2020 - SHOWTIME Sports will continue to serve boxing fans during the current hiatus from live sports, announcing today SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS with regularly scheduled replays of legendary bouts from the network’s deep archive of world championship boxing. SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS will air on three consecutive Friday nights beginning April 10, 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime. The telecasts will also be available via the SHOWTIME streaming service and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.

The April slate of SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS will be highlighted by three Fight of the Year winners, which include some of the most heart-pounding and unforgettable fights in boxing history.

星期五, 四月 10:
迭戈科拉萊斯VS. Jose Luis Castillo I - 2005 Consensus Fight of the Year (also featuring the Round of the Year and later named Fight of the Decade)
迭戈科拉萊斯VS. Jose Luis Castillo II
星期五, 四月 17:
Paulie Ayala vs. 約翰尼塔皮亞 - 1999 環雜誌 年度撲滅 (Ayala earned Fighter of the Year honors)
Paulie Ayala vs. 約翰尼塔皮亞 II
星期五, 四月 24:
Lucas Matthysse vs. 約翰·莫利納 - 2014 Consensus Fight of the Year
Mickey Bey vs. 約翰·莫利納

During each SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS 電視節目, Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell, the network’s versatile combat sports analysts, will host a live companion episode of their digital talk show MORNING KOMBAT Morning Kombat YouTube Channel. Thomas and Campbell will watch the SHOWTIME replay and react to the fights in real time, feature special guest interviews with principal participants from the bouts (戰士, 教練, referees and promoters) and take questions from fans while the bouts replay on the network.

“The greatest fight I’ve ever covered,” said Al Bernstein, the International Boxing Hall of Fame analyst. In a career that spans more than 40 歲月, including calling Hagler-Hearns, Bowe-Holyfield I and the Vazquez-Marquez trilogy, Bernstein says the first Corrales-Castillo war was the best. “This was Hagler-Hearns times three because it lasted so much longer. It was fought at a such an extraordinary skill level and to me that is what made it so special.”

The fights scheduled to air in April include:

Corrales-Castillo I (五月 7, 2005, Corrales TKO 10) – After nine intense, back-and-forth rounds in a WBC and WBO lightweight unification bout, Corrales accomplishes the unthinkable, miraculously regrouping from knockdowns in the 10 to stop Castillo and etch his name in boxing lore. After managing to beat the count (and losing a point for spitting the mouthpiece), Corrales got Castillo on the ropes and connected with a huge right hand. Corrales continued to unload on a defenseless Castillo, forcing referee Tony Weeks to halt the blazing action.

Corrales-Castillo II (十月 8, 2005, Castillo KO 4) – Castillo, who did not make the 135-pound weight limit, making the contest a non-title bout, avenges an earlier loss to the WBC and WBO Lightweight World Champion Corrales with a one-punch, fourth-round knockout. Castillo consistently outworks Corrales and lands the harder punches in a more one-sided bout than their first affair. Castillo staggers his opponent with a right hand in the third round that sends him stumbling backward across the ring. He then scores a finishing knockdown with a left hook in the fourth that puts Corrales flat on his back.

Ayala-Tapia I (六月 26, 1999, Ayala W 12) – In some of the fiercest two-way action in the history of Las Vegas boxing, southpaw Ayala hands Tapia his first professional loss in 49 fights and captures the WBA Bantamweight Title by the scores of 115-114 和 116-113 兩次. As the boxers were being announced, Tapia walked across the ring and shoved Ayala, causing a momentary skirmish.

Ayala-Tapia II (十月 7, 2000, Ayala W 12) – In a rematch of 1999’s Fight of the Year, the action between the heated rivals does not disappoint. 然而, the outcome is the same as their first meeting, with Ayala winning via controversial unanimous decision. Mayhem ensues as the decision is announced and an incensed Tapia is ushered from the ring by security.

Matthysse-Molina (四月 26, 2014, Matthysse KO 11) – Fighting in the night’s co-main event, Matthysse steals the show with a spectacular 11-round knockout over Molina in 2014’s Fight of the Year. The Argentine, then ranked No. 1 in the world at 140 英鎊, is hurt in the first and dropped in the second and fifth rounds. But Matthysse comes back with knockdowns in the eighth, 10 和 11rounds to turn back a determined bid by Molina.

Bey-Molina (七月 19, 2013, Molina KO 10) – In one of 的ShoBox: 新一代的 most unforgettable rounds, Molina comes back from the brink of certain defeat to dramatically knockout then-unbeaten Mickey Bey. 標題進入 10 而最後一輪, Molina was trailing on the three judges’ scorecards by 90-81, 89-82 和 88-83.

New customers who sign up on SHOWTIME.com and the SHOWTIME app before May 3 can take advantage of a recently announced 30-day free trial for the SHOWTIME streaming service, available on SHOWTIME.com and the SHOWTIME app on all supported devices.


With this pandemic lockdown in full force virtually world-wide, many fights have been already been cancelled, from the biggest, such as Anthony Joshua versus Kubrat Pulev, right through to many small hall events.

Whilst clearly the lockdown is affecting everyone involved in our beloved sport, it made me think of those that had been preparing for their professional boxing debut, such as today’s victim, sorry guest, Caitlin Foran, who was due to debut in Orkney on the 25th April.

Caitlin is a ten time Kickboxing World Champion, quite an accomplishment for someone that is still just 19 歲, let’s face it to achieve such a high status in any sport at such a young age is quite an accomplishment and without doubt her extensive combat sports experience is going to benefit her when this pandemic is over and she makes her pro debut.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting Caitlin back in March at an event in Barrow-in-Furness, where she was supporting Paul Peers when he challenged, and beat, Nicaraguan Milton Arauz for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International title, and always intended to cover her pro debut, but with that put back until later in the year due to the current situation decided instead to arrange an interview with her.

Enough of my waffle, let’s get to know this amazing teen star a little better.

(GDC) Hello Caitlin, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us. My first question is I understand you are a multi-World Champion Kick Boxer, can you please tell our readers a little about your Kick Boxing career?

(CF) So I started kickboxing in 2008 at the age of eight, at the time I was juggling kickboxing with lots of other sports and activities but over time my attention just stuck with kickboxing and it became my life.

I certainly wasn’t one of these people that had a talent for the sport. I wasn’t flexible, I had no confidence, but the one thing I did have that has carried me through to this day is determination.

Living on an island we weren’t able to get to as many competitions as other clubs on the mainland could which meant we knew we had to really put in the extra effort to make up for the lack of experience.

Also coming from a large family where my mother was a single parent to 5 children meant I rarely was able to get away to compete and didn’t really start competing properly until I got my black belt in 2011.

I then started competing usually once a month with the first big one being the WKA Scottish championships in Glasgow where I won 2x golds, that was my first big confidence booster and I went on to compete more often winning more Scottish titles as well as British and European.

I then got invited to my first world championships in 2013 in Italy where I came away with a bronze medal.

I always preferred points fighting when I was competing, which is a more karate style, ‘start stopstyle of fighting, but at my second World championships in Prague in 2014, there was a woman without a fight for her ring Continuous section so I was asked if I would take the fight.

I’ve never been one to turn down a fight so I took the fight and ended up winning it as well as two others so I came away with my first three World titles and new love for ring fighting.

從 2014 到 2017 I went on to win seven more World titles in various countries.

由 2016/17 my kickboxing career was really taking off and I was looking at turning professional sometime soon, however at the end of 2017 my coach Ryan Reffell sadly passed which put an end to my kickboxing career.

(GDC) What influenced you to switch from Kick Boxing to Professional Boxing?

(CF) As I mentioned previously, I have never been a naturally flexible person so in kickboxing my legs were predominantly used for powerful body single kicks.

While I was still training with Ryan as part of Nemesis Kickboxing, at the end of 2015 we decided I was getting better with my hands and started thinking about switching to boxing.

This lead Ryan to start boxing classes on a Monday night as well as the kickboxing classes through the week.

I was offered my first fight that September with 4 days notice for the UKBC featherweight international title. I went on to win the fight and defended it in a rematch that December.

2017 was when I really started to focus more on boxing and less on kickboxing and had two more fights, with the last fight in my unlicensed career being a Five Nations title fight in April 2017 which brought my record to 4-0-0.

I thought my boxing career had ended then, until Paul Peers moved to Orkney in 2018 and got in touch via Facebook which then kickstarted my training again as he showed great interest in my boxing and was a massive help in getting my love for the sport back and showed that he believed in me which made me more confident in myself and got myself back to training properly again ahead of signing my professional contract in January this year.

(GDC) You were due to be undertaking your professional boxing debut in Orkney on the 25th April, obviously this is being rescheduled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, so firstly how have your preparations been going?

(CF) 是的, it was devastating when all this started but I am making sure to keep as active as I can with daily running and home exercises making use of the little space I do have at home.

(GDC) Has the Government ordered lockdown had an effect on your preparations?

(CF) Prior to lockdown we were getting sparring in at least once or twice a week at the club and had started our partnership with Lee Mcallister at Assassin’s boxing in Aberdeen in order to mix Orkney Boxing Clubs fighters with theirs for some sparring at weekends.

We only managed this once so far with weather being bad and boats not certain to run but were planning more in the lead up to the show.

(GDC) When the lockdown ends and the new date is announced, your opponent is stated to be Carly Mackenzie, do you know much about her?

(CF) I was originally due to fight Carly Mackenzie however my opponent recently changed to Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Silver Champion Jamie Bates Wallis. I don’t know a great deal about Jamie to be honest but from what I’ve seen she is a strong orthodox boxer with a strong offence and sharp defence.

I took the fight knowing it would be a challenge especially being my first fight back in 3 歲月.
She’s proved to be a champion so in order for me to become a champion I must beat champions.

(GDC) Moving away from your career to date, who is your favourite boxer, 男女不限, and why?

(CF) My favourite boxer to date has got to be Katie Taylor. She has played a massive part in getting Women’s boxing to where it is today and is a real inspiration to any athlete out there as she has shown that any obstacle can be overcome if you really want something.

(GDC) In the same vein, which is your all time favourite fight, and why?

(CF) It is so hard to choose a favourite fight but one has to be Katie Taylor’s most recent fight against Christina Linardatou as she continued her winning record and added WBO Super-Lightweight world title to her ever growing list of achievements. Usually Taylor would be getting stuck into the fight, firing shot after shot. However she kept to the outside this time boxing smart and not wasting energy.

(GDC) Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, finally is there anyone you would like to mention with regard to your upcoming debut?

(CF) I would like to give thanks to my sponsor, Gary Sutherland at GSRI, Steven Logie at Strength 101 for keeping me in shape and Paul Peers for everything he has done over the last year and a half to get my confidence back up and reignite my love for boxing. I would also like to give a shout out to all of my old teammates at Nemesis kickboxing Academy and Nemesis Boxing Gym without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.

New York State Boxing HOF & 環 8 establish fund to assist boxers and boxing personnel in New York

紐約 (四月 1, 2020) – The New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) and Ring 8 jointly announced today a partnership to establish a COVID-19 fund to assist New York and New Jersey boxers and boxing personnel who are in financial need during the coronavirus pandemic.

Any boxing personnel (拳擊手, 教練, cut-men, 等等) who are independent contractors and live in New York or New Jersey may apply for monetary assistance by filling out a request form posted atwww.NYBoxingHOF.org 和www.Ring8tv,同, or request a form atfightpublicist@gmail.com to be directly emailed.

All applicants must be licensed (NYSAC, NJSAC or USA Boxing) and forms must be submitted to NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy by email (depcomish@aol.com) or call him (1.516.313.2304) with the required information.

“Gyms are closed, and boxing has been suspended indefinitely,” NYSBHOF 總裁 Bob Duffy 說. “Most boxing trainers, cut-men and other boxing personnel are independent contractors, so they do not have any income right now during this pandemic. They have families to support, rent to pay, food to put on the table, and other critical expenses. We want to help them by establishing this fund. We’re not in the position to give each applicant a large stipend,  but we are able to provide a small payment to temporarily help them a little bit. We’re committed to doing this for the month of April, at the very least, and then we’ll will revisit extending payments until boxing returns, as long as there is money available in this fund. It’s the right thing to do!”

“Ring 8 is furthering our goals to assist boxers and boxing people in New York during this crisis,” Ring 8 president Charlie Norkus, JR. added. “It has been our mission since the very beginning. We are pleased to join the New York Boxing Hall of Fame in this endeavor.”

Boxing Manager Adrian Clark Joins Fight Network

World’s Leading Combat Sports Channel Will Be Launching New Boxing Programming and Relaunching Its Mobile App to Support Growth on New Platforms


多倫多 | 紐約 – 戰網, a subsidiary of 國歌體育 & 娛樂 and the world’s premier combat sports network, announced today that author, producer and boxing manager Adrian Clark has joined the organization as a consultant to develop original programming and strategic partnerships with a focus on professional and amateur boxing content, as well as supporting social media and community growth across Fight Network’s digital and social platforms.
Clark has managed various clients, including Jerry Belmontes, James De La Rosa, 威利·夢露JR. and Frank Galarza. Clark has also worked closely with Jarrell “大寶貝” Miller and current world welterweight champion Errol Spence. He was a certified agent for the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) 從 2012 到 2014. Clark was honored by Forbes in their “30 Under 30” 為 2016 in sports. Clark has also published several books, including ‘iA Guide for Young Entrepreneurs,Protect Yourself at All Times: A Guide for Professional Boxers, Boxing = Life and Dark Horse.

Clark launched his Protect Yourself at All Times initiative in February 2016, including a book, podcast and video blog. Everlast Worldwide, the world’s leading manufacturer, 營銷和拳擊的許可, MMA和健身器材, partnered with Clark in 2018 to launch the first-ever Protect Yourself at All Timessymposium, an educational tool for fighters and their families whose purpose is to educate and inform professional boxers on the nature of business in boxing. Clark will be developing the concept into a television series for Fight Network in addition to other original programming for the network.

I look forward to working with Fight Network on enhancing the depth of its boxing coverage,” 克拉克說. “Working closely alongside my network of industry contacts and the FN Studios original production team, we will develop new programming to put the spotlight on the sweet science and topics that are often overshadowed in mainstream coverage. With its recent resurgence in mainstream popularity, this as an opportune time to bring Fight Network subscribers unprecedented coverage of their favorite boxing stars, both inside the ring and behind the scenes.

The rise in popularity of boxing in recent years cannot be understated,” said Ariel Shnerer, newly appointed GM of Fight Network. “With more ways to consume fights than ever before and new stars being born, the sport has experienced tremendous growth on a global scale. We look forward to collaborating with Adrian on new programming initiatives and sponsorship opportunities as we put a renewed focus on our coverage of the sport, not only through our weekly news shows and live fights, but by developing original productions that bring our viewers closer to the fights and fighters they love, as well educational programming about the business of boxing.

欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.fightnetwork.com.

To Fight Against Quarantine Inactivity, Salita Promotions Announces New YouTube Series ‘Train Like a Boxer’


Salita促銷, boxing’s leading promotions company, announced today the launch of their new YouTube seriesTrain Like a Boxer,” featuring Company Founder Dmitriy Salita and Olympic Gold Medalist and multi-weight world champion Claressa Shields, as well as other premier fighters under the Salita banner including Otto Wallin, Shohjahon Ergashev and Kolbeinn Kristinsson.

Starting with a new webisode 本週三, 四月 1, 2020, on the Salita Promotions and Claressa Shields YouTube channels, “Train Like a Boxerwill seek to motivate people to remain active during quarantine by providing fitness advice and boxing-related routines perfectly suited for individuals with minimal equipment and limited space to exercise.

Before becoming boxing’s newest promotional powerhouse with an impressive stable of world champions, top contenders and blazing new prospects, Dmitriy Salita spent years training in some of the most recognized gyms in the sport’s history as a New York State Golden Gloves champion and professional top contender.

“During this worldwide Corona crisis, this series will help boxing fans with their physical and mental state by engaging with our fighters in these fun and healthy activities,薩利塔說. “A boxer’s workout is perfect for these tough times because it is done in the isolation of training camp. Our fighters want to give back and connect with fans worldwide during this ‘isolation training camp’ period and soon together we are all going to enjoy the great victory of overcoming Covid 19.”

Three-division and current WBC and WBO Super Welterweight world champion Shields, who saw her bid to become the first boxer in the four-belt era to be crowned an undisputed world champion in two weight divisions against also unbeaten IBF Super Welterweight Champion Marie-Eve Dicaire officially postponed last week, says she hopes these videos help everyone stay physically and mentally fit during these trying times.

“With all that the world is going through right now, I want to help people in any way I can to feel better while staying at home until this pandemic is over,“希爾茲說. “These videos — even 20 到 40 minutes a day — can help. Let’s stay strong together!”

Check the Salita促銷Claressa盾 YouTube channels often for new episodes!



圖片來源: 湯姆賭場/欣欣

看著 2007 整年的 這裡

紐約 - 三月 26, 2020 - SHOWTIME Sports will delve into its rich archive of historic boxing events to re-air the epic Israel Vázquez vs. Rafael Márquez trilogy this Saturday, 三月 28 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime. The telecasts will also be available via the SHOWTIME streaming service and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.

The fierce Mexican rivals squared off in three consecutive award-winning fights which aired live on SHOWTIME in 2007 和 2008 before meeting for a fourth and final time in 2010. The first three bouts were all contested with the WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship on the line.

Described by the network’s Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood as, “藝術暴行發生爆炸,” Vázquez-Márquez I was a unanimous selection for 2007 Fight of the Year and left the fans and fighters clamouring for a rematch. The two warriors delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in another bloody slugfest that produced a Round of the Year winner and a result that demanded a rubber match. Vázquez-Márquez III, 有爭議的只是 363 從他們的第一次見面天, was the only match in the rivalry to go the distance and was named the 2008 年度撲滅.

During Saturday night’s re-airing of the trilogy, combat sports analysts Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell will host a live episode of the duo’s popular digital talk show, MORNING KOMBAT WITH LUKE THOMAS AND BRIAN CAMPBELL Morning Kombat YouTube Channel. Thomas and Campbell will watch and react to the fights in real time and conduct a Q&A session with fans.

The Vazquez-Marquez series was called by the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® announce team, all four members of the International Boxing Hall of Fame: host and play-by-play from Steve Albert, popular ringside analyst Al Bernstein, Emmy Award winning reporter Jim Gray and world renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr.

“We all knew the first fight would be great, and it more than lived up to expectations,” said Bernstein, who called all four fights. “The second fight was exciting, and when fight three came, I didn’t think they could top Nos. 1 和 2, but they did just that. It’s one of the top five fights I’ve ever announced or seen. The ebb and flow was tremendous, and you almost felt it didn’t matter who ended up getting the decision because they both had been so great. I can’t admire two boxers more than these two men.”

Fans new to SHOWTIME® who sign up through the recently announced 30-day free trial before May 3 can watch these fights, the network’s original series, documentaries, specials and movies online via the SHOWTIME streaming service on SHOWTIME.com or the SHOWTIME app, available on all supported devices.


Raskin and Mulvaney Examine The State of Boxing And What May Lie Ahead


什麼: This week’s installment of SHOWTIME BOXING WITH ERIC RASKIN AND KIERAN MULVANEY podcast features an interview with Stephen Espinoza, 總統, 體育和事件編程, 欣欣網絡公司. In the new episode, veteran boxing reporters Raskin and Mulvaney discuss a wide-range of topics with Espinoza, including the current state of boxing and what may lie ahead for the network’s boxing programming once the current hiatus comes to an end. For the full interview, click on the following linkhttps://s.sho.com/3bkvFp1.

Below are excerpts from the interview with Espinoza:

On SHOWTIME Sports’ interim content plan…

Espinoza – “It is therapeutic to look forward to and make plans for things that are more reflective of normal life for us, absolutely. Our goal is to fill that gap with a lot of the stuff we have. We have a deep library of documentaries and we are definitely surfacing a lot more of the archive both一經請求 and we will look at it on linear more regularly.”

On what lies ahead when boxing resumes…

Espinoza – “It’s going to be a wild ride. There’s a lot to be made up. There are a lot of fighters that need fights to happen, and I think we could be in for a pretty interesting period of time where there’s a lot of activity in a relatively short windowI think we’re going to see an action-packed, jam-packed schedule whenever we return, whether it’s in three, six or nine months – and we may see people taking a different tact on taking fights.”

On what fight you wish you could go back in time to attend live …

Espinoza – “Chavez vs. Haugen on February 20,1993 for the WBC Light Welterweight Title at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City… It wasn’t a great fight or great opponent but it’s my pick because of the legendary status that fight has within Showtime’s hallways. 有 132,000 人到齊, you had Chavez taking the presidential helicopter to events [和] you had Don King getting robbed on his way from the airport to the hotel as soon he got into town. There were so many things around the atmosphere. It was one of those legendary events I would’ve loved to be at for the atmosphere.”

The weekly SHOWTIME BOXING podcast features Raskin and Mulvaney diving deep into the boxing and SHOWTIME boxing events. New episodes are release in all major podcast platforms every Monday, including Radio.com.