Tag Archives: boxning

Amatörboxning: USA vs Irland New England Tour avslutas med en fantastisk actionnatt i Manchester, NH

Fight Report av: Rich Bergeron

Fotografi av: Shelly Corriveau

FOTOFÖRBILDNING (kontakta rich.bergeron@gmail.com för fotokopior):

Boxningsfans packade Manchester Downtown Hotel onsdag kväll för att ta in en spektakulär kväll med elit amatörboxning. Detta var det sista stoppet på en tre-stadstur i Boston och Springfield, Massachusetts och Manchester, New Hampshire. De schemalagda slagsmålen presenterade Team USA-amatörer som möter de bästa amatörboxarna från Irland. Vid den sista klockan, Irland lyckades avsluta kvällens åtta matcher med oavgjort, deras bästa resultat av turnén. Team USA vann de två första dualerna i turnén i Boston och Springfield, respektive, med massor av 8-4 och 7-3.


Onsdagens slagsmål handlade inte bara om att vinna, emellertid. För de flesta inblandade boxare var det ett fantastiskt tillfälle att finjustera sina tekniker och få lite välbehövlig internationell tävlingsupplevelse. Några av onsdagskvällens bästa artister kommer sannolikt också att representera sina respektive länder i det kommande 2020 OS.



Huvudevenemanget på natten presenterades 2016 Ungdoms-VM bronsmedaljist Richard Torrez dominerar 3-gången irländsk nationell mästare Dean Gardiner. Den irländska kämparnas höga höjd och långa räckvidd kunde helt enkelt inte övervinna den snabbare amerikanernas snabba takt och utmärkta defensiva hållning.


Torrez tillbringade den första omgången med att utföra mästerliga finter och slå halk medan han gjorde mål med några bombkrokar. Torrez ändrade nivåer, använde glatt huvudrörelse, och släppte aldrig foten från gasen när Gardiner sprang framåt med en obalanserad och vild inställning i början. En dunkande kropp sköt ansluten för irländaren i det första, men inte mycket annat.


Torrez fortsatte den snabba arbetshastigheten i nästa bild, lossa vänster och höger krokar och landa rent genom mycket av rundan. Han gjorde lätt till kroppen och huvudet, även om mycket av omgången såg hans motståndare täcka över och vänta på öppningar. En rakt vänster från Torrez skickade sin motståndare ett ögonblick, men den högre mannen återhämtade sig och landade en fenomenal vänster krok till huvudet på Torrez när han kämpade från repen. Gardiner försökte landa mestadels raka slag på utsidan och verkade inte kunna vända sina slag nära.

Den tredje omgången såg att båda kämparna slog ut den tills den sista klockan med en av de vildaste fram och tillbaka utbytena på natten, men det var för lite och för sent för Gardiner. Han kunde bara inte få sitt intervall uppringt. Torrez överträffade bara sin motståndare igen och landade några snygga uppercuts för att gå med sin dundrande höger och vänster krokar. Han använde jabben sparsamt men effektivt, spendera mycket av den slutliga ramen inriktad på Gardiners kropp. Torrez vann Unanimous Decision-vinsten med sin prestation och tog inte mer än en handfull hårda skott i processen.


Kelly Harrington, en VM-silvermedaljist från Irland, hade troligtvis sitt lags mest mästerliga prestation när det gick till en enhällig avgörande seger över Stacia Suttles i nattens inledande match. Suttles kämpade för att hålla sig vid det perfekta stansområdet mot den obevekliga attacken från Harrington i första omgången, spenderar mycket av de tre minuterna och bobbar och väver för att undvika de skarpa kombinationerna av hennes motståndare. Suttles gjorde hennes jab ganska konsekvent, och hon började sätta ihop några kombinationer sent i omgången, men Harrington är en absolut expert när det gäller huvudrörelser. Hon såg ut som om Floyd Mayweather, Jr. var en av hennes tränare när hon använde en hands-low-teknik med konstanta finter, hålslagning och nivåförändring. Den första omgången såg henne landa en vacker rak vänster mot huvudet och en fantastisk kropps- och huvudstansningskombination som landade stadigt. Hon släppte lös några hårda krokar, även om några var vilda hömakare. Nedan följer en bild av Harrington under ett av några få ögonblick i striden där hon tog upp båda händerna för att skydda ansiktet.

Suttles fångade Harrington med några blickar och flush-skott i andra omgången, men hon verkade ha problem med att få makten bakom sina slag. Hon bytte några anständiga högra händer med sin motståndare, men det var klart i slutet av omgången att hon bara inte skulle kunna hitta någon rytm i striden på grund av sin motståndares listighet. Harrington tillbringade samma runda och perfektiserade sitt sortiment med skarpa 1-2 kombinationer och wild lead-rättigheter. Harrington gjorde också några kraftfulla vänstra krokar med en bild perfekt rak höger landning bara några ögonblick senare.
Den tredje omgången var mer av samma för båda kämparna. Suttles arbetade mycket av ramen för att spåra sin motståndare, men varje gång hon lossade, hon betalade för det. En särskilt solid vänster krok landade sent i omgången, men det räckte bara inte. Harrington tillbringade mycket av de sista tre minuterna för att försöka ansluta till vingande högra händer. Hon landade en av sina hårdaste slag i kampen sent i omgången och bedövade tillfälligt sin motståndare före klockan för att avsluta kampen. Harrington tog bort ett enhälligt beslut och ser ut att vara en av de mest lovande boxare i sin vikt i löpningen för 2020 OS.
Ännu ett exempel på höjd som på något sätt var en nackdel spelade en roll i den andra kvinnliga striden på kortet. Team USA: s Leah Cooper (#2 Amerikansk kvinnlig mellanvikt) använde duckning och finjustering för att undvika den högre Aoife Burkes långa räckvidd. Cooper kämpade från en halvkrok, vilket gör det svårt för Burke att landa med någon betydande makt på majoriteten av hennes slag. Den åtta gånger nationella irländska mästaren
hade några fläckar i kampen där hon återfick kontrollen över aktionen, men Cooper gjorde rätt justeringar för att minimera hoten.
Cooper utförde en svärmande attack för att börja den första omgången, avfyrar 1-2 kombinationer och backa upp Burke. Hon förblev tålmodig och ihärdig genom hela ramen, håller sig lågt och utom räckhåll för Burke's power shots. Burke uppvisade ett utmärkt försvar, men hon lyckades bara kasta och landa ett slag i taget. Hon visade upp en skarp jab under hela omgången, men det avskräckt bara inte Cooper. Burke hade sina bästa ögonblick i rundan mot den sista klockan, blanda skott i kroppen och huvudet, inklusive en hård höger krok i huvudet.
Burke kom ut i andra omgången eld, stormar Cooper med snabb eld 1-2 kombinationer och krokar. Hon blandade också in en snygg uppercut som hittade Cooper's haka. Cooper klarade stormen, bara faller i fällan kort. Hon återhämtade sig själv, landade några utmärkta motstansar, och gjorde vad som kunde ha varit Burkes bästa omgång till den irländska mästarens värsta. Cooper var lugn och cool, trots att hon tog några av de hårdaste skotten landade hennes motståndare i striden. Hon landade några fantastiska 1-2 kombinationer efter Burkes attack brusade, så småningom öppnar ett snitt nära Burkes vänstra öga och blodar näsan. Coopers hårda kroppsstansning skickade också Burke ned på duken kort efter en solid högerkrok.
Burke började den tredje omgången lite sent efter att ha checkats ut och rensats av ringläkaren. Hon började igen med en bråk av bombstans. Hon riktade sig mot kroppen och huvudet, men Cooper samlade sig igen och gick tillbaka till jobbet. Hon bytte nivåer väl och började ansluta med rasande krokar, först till kroppen och sedan tillbaka upp till huvudet. Hon fortsatte också en aktiv jab och landade flera 1-2 kombinationer. Burke lyckades ytterligare en sen flurry under kampens slutmoment, men Cooper kom fortfarande bort med den enhälliga avgörandet.
Team USA Lightweight James Browning kom in på onsdagskvällens kamp med Irlands Francis Cleary som tvåfaldig USA-boxningsmästare. klart, en nio gånger irländsk nationell mästare, representerade Brownings första spricka vid internationell tävling. Båda kämparna hade sina ögonblick, men det vore att Browning vinner i slutet av tre underhållande, fram och tillbaka handlingsrunder.
Browning tillbringade den första omgången med att etablera en högre arbetsfrekvens än sin motståndare och använda mycket rörelse för att undvika Clearys attack. Han landade också en jämn jab, blanda upp hans kropp och huvudskott bra. Även om han vann omgången, Browning tog många risker och betalade priset. Cleary plockade sina fläckar och släppte lös de mer rena och kraftfulla stansarna när han kunde landa. Han kunde bara inte ansluta tillräckligt, och han trängde ut ur trubbel nästan varje gång han slutade slåss i nära håll.
Landade tydligt några fler skarpa bomber i den andra ramen, blir mer aggressiv och börjar spåra sin ständigt rörande motståndare. En dunkande vänster krok nära slutet av omgången kopplade till Brownings huvud och imponerade på det packade fläkthuset. Fortfarande, Browning förblev upptagen och gjorde det bra i slugging-utbytena mellan de två kämparna. Han var ofta vild, men arbetsresultatet hindrade Cleary från att stjäla rundan.
Cleary kom ut för tredje omgången med förnyad hårdhet, delta i en vild slagsmål med Browning. Det var den bästa omgången i kampen för Cleary, och Browning kunde inte behålla den svårfångade han visade i föregående omgångar. Den irländska kämpen landade en annan blomstrande vänster krok i omgången, presenterade perfekt tidsinställda räknare, och fortsatte att stansa helt upp till klockan. Browning verkade definitivt vara frustrerad och trött i slutet av striden. Fortfarande, två av de tre domarna var säkra på att han förtjänade segern, tjänar en delad avgörande seger.
Nästa match satte åtta gånger irländsk nationell mästare Wayne Kelley mot 13 gånger amerikanska nationella mästare Adrian Benton i en nära välterviktstrid. Båda unga fighters hade ljusa fläckar i matchen, men Kelley lyckades knepa ut den delade beslutssegern med en listig, modig ansträngning.
Benton hade den bättre första omgången tack vare en svärmande attack. Han arbetade inom och utom räckhåll med 1-2 kombinationer och sparsamma krokar. Han använde alla sina vinklar bra, svänga ur problem och till effektivt räckvidd med lätthet. Kelley kämpade för att landa räknare fram till de sista ögonblicken i omgången när han landade sin egen flod av 1-2 kombinationer.
Kelley startade andra omgången med mycket mer energi och balans. Han landade tidigt och ofta, vingade vänstra händer och öppnade ett snitt på Bentons läpp. Benton släppte några av de farligare slag, blockerade skott väl och landade lite skarpt, egna hårda skott. Hans bästa utbyte var en vänster och höger krok mot huvudet som landade nära mitten av omgången.
Kelley saktade ner lite i sista omgången, inte hitta hans ideala sortiment. Han landade några hårda högra händer, en välplacerad kaross sköt och lossades med en sen flurry. Benton höll sig upptagen tidigt i omgången och konstgjorda under en bombande högra krok från Kelley. Domarna verkade mer imponerade av Kelleys lugn i de sista två omgångarna eftersom Benton fortsatte att dras in i slarvig slagsmål. Kelley slog ut vinsten med a 2-1 marginal.
Därefter kom de lätta weltervikterna, producerar ännu en tät tävling. Irlands Caoimhin Ferguson kämpade mot Team USA: s Charlie Sheehy med en något bättre taktisk strategi, tjänar ytterligare en delad seger för sin grupp.
Sheehy tog ett mer försiktigt och tålmodig tillvägagångssätt i första omgången, väntar på det perfekta ögonblicket att kasta och landa. Hans bästa slag i rundan inkluderade en hård höger hand mot kroppen och en stärkande jab. Ferguson gjorde mer arbete i ramen, poäng på flera krokar i huvudet och släppa loss vilda och galna flurar några gånger. En särskild vänster krok kraschade hårt i Sheehys huvud i de sista ögonblicken av omgången.
Ferguson landade några anständiga skott i andra omgången, men Sheehy var mycket mer sammansatt. Han arbetade runt det vildsvängande, hårt laddande överfall genom att hålla avstånd och göra mål från utsidan med några skarpa rättigheter till hakan. Kämparna bytte ut några krokar mot kroppen och lindades upp i en klinik innan slutet av omgången.
Sheehy kämpade för att slå ihop slag i sista omgången. Fast han hade en fin rak höger hand som arbetade för honom, Ferguson kunde tränga igenom sitt försvar. Ferguson landade en dunkande vänster krok tidigt och fortsatte med att landa några fler bomber innan han förlorade sitt munstycke i ett utbyte. Sannolikt att han behövde avsluta starkt för att få domarna på hans sida, Ferguson rusade in med en sista ström av krokar under de sista sekunderna. Han tjänade en 2-1 avgörande seger för hans uthållighet.
Weltervikter Kieron Molloy (Irland) och Freudis Rojas, Jr. (USA) kvadrerade i en annan kamp. Båda kämparna är tidigare VM-bronsmedaljer, med Molloy som också hävdar nio irländska nationella titlar och Rojas vinner amerikanska medborgare 10 tider hittills. Det var ännu en rakvinst för Team Ireland.
Rojas var uppenbarligen den mer aktiva kämpen i första omgången. Han använde en jämn jab och ökade sin arbetshastighet genom ramen. Han är upptagen i brott ända fram till klockan. Molloy började de runda vingskotten och försökte räkna ut hans räckvidd. Han släppte lös lite sent i några av de hårdare utbytena, kunde inte ta reda på hur han kunde få hans kombinationer att gå, och hade svårt att komma ikapp med de snabbare Rojas. Molloy landade några utmärkta raka vänster, fast.
Nästa omgång gick mycket bättre för den irländska Southpaw. Han började med en uptick i sin punch output, även om han fortfarande kämpade för att landa kombinationer. Vid ett tillfälle i omgången, Molloy kopplade till en enorm rak vänster, följt upp av en fin power jab, saktar ner sin motståndare. Rojas fortsatte att komma fram men kunde inte dra nytta av poängmöjligheter i omgången. En sen ström av slag från Rojas räckte inte för att han skulle stjäla omgången.
Rojas landade några utmärkta skott i sista omgången, går ner till kroppen ofta. Han fångade också Molloy mot repen, spränga honom med raka slag. Molloy kämpade den smartare omgången, fast, välja de bästa tiderna att kasta och fånga ofta Rojas med händerna nedåt. Hans bästa utbyte av omgången innehöll en enorm 1-2 ansluta till huvudet och en vild vänster krok till huvudet. En sista svärm av slag från den irländska kämpen stängde showen och gav honom en 2-1 delat beslut vinner.
Team USA: s Nikita Ababiy gjorde en hårt segrad seger i en vild affär före huvudevenemanget med Team Irlands Gerard French. Den första omgången såg Ababiy bra. Amerikanern kom in i kampen med en mycket icke-traditionell boxningsställning med en hand låg, men hans hållning verkade vara effektiv för att locka sin motståndare till stansavstånd. Ababiy landade några blomstrande krokar och en fin vänster uppercut som backade upp franska. Under tiden, Franska koncentrerade sig på att försöka landa räknare. Han hade en lägre arbetsnivå men tog inte för mycket straff.
French tillbringade andra omgången med att försöka utbyta på nära håll. Han landade fler skott senare i omgången, inklusive några uppvärmda högra krokar i de sista ögonblicken. Ababiy anslöt sig till några dunkande skott i omgången och visade upp ett trevligt försvar också. Han blandade ihop sina skott mot kroppen och huvudet, kastar och täcker för att vänta på nästa öppning. Ababiy landade en fin vänster krok mot huvudet och följde upp med en bild perfekt höger uppercut i sista minuten. Han avslutade omgången väl på väg till sin första seger.
Den sista omgången gjorde att Ababiy saktade ner lite, men han var ändå effektiv nog att bära ramen. French lyckades med några skarpa vänstra krokar i huvudet, men han kunde inte ta reda på vilken annan stil hans motståndare tog med sig i ringen. Amerikanern kryssade till det enhälliga beslutet.
Natten började också med det enda stoppet på kortet tack vare en vild slagsmål mellan lokala 132 pund Manchester, NH-nybörjare Michael Correa och Abhisek Thapa. Correa tog fart över ringen när han hörde öppningsklockan och släppte lös den ena vildflod efter den andra. Thapa lät inte tornado svälja honom, fast. Han täckte sig och väntade på sina möjligheter. Det tog bara några minuter för Correa att börja tröttna på den obevekliga attacken. Thapa vadade sedan in för att landa några av nattens mest imponerande bilder, tvinga domaren att stoppa kampen för tre stående åtta räkningar innan slutet äntligen kom med en virvelvind av maktstans från Thapa.


Det var också ett gästspel av boxaren Floyd Mayweather, Jr. ringer fortfarande sin tuffaste motståndare någonsin, Emanuel Augustus (3-34-6, 20 Kos). Augustus deltog i en återförening föregående natt med “Irländsk” Micky Ward (38-13, 27 Kos), firar en av de bästa striderna i sportens historia, som ägde rum i juli 13, 2001. Augustus höll sig kvar för striderna och kom till och med in i ringen för att visa att han fortfarande har samma stansningsförmåga som gjorde honom till en av de mest underhållande fighters i sin tid.
”Vi lärde oss av den här turnén att vi är där uppe med de bästa lagen i världen,”Team USA: s huvudtränare Billy Walsh sa. ”Team Irland är ett mycket bra, ungt lag. Vi kommer att ha ett bra team att skicka till Tokyo (2020 OS). Jag är stolt över mitt team. De arbetade alla väldigt hårt. Vi hade inte några av våra bästa boxare eftersom vissa tävlade i en internationell turnering. Vi har en bra skörd av 18-19-20 åringar som kommer att utgöra våra 2020 Olympiska laget. ”

Team Ireland tog också med sig sitt eget produktionsbesättning för att filma all action för dem som inte kunde vara där:

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Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd Media Conference Call Transcript & Audio Recording

Leonard Ellerbe
Hej, alla. Thank you for joining our call today. We’re very excited. What a great card we have come April the 7th från Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas. I main event, we have Erislandy Lara versus Jarrett Hurd in an outstanding unification fight which will determine supremacy at the 154-weight class.
I co-main event, we have a great rematch of a fight that saw Caleb Truax wrestle the IBF Super Middleweight Championship away from James DeGale. That’s going to be a terrific fight also.
I öppnings matchen, we have Julian Williams taking on Nathaniel Gallimore in what will be a very, very entertaining fight as an IBF Junior Middleweight Elimination Bout.
Our card is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions. Tickets are still on sale at AXS.com and it starts as cheap as $50. Igen, this will be a terrific card led by none other thanI’m going to introduce the man who’s totally responsible for putting all this together, none other than Stephen Espinoza.
Stephen Espinoza
Tack, Leonard. Bra, the hits keep coming here at SHOWTIME, coming off of a huge March schedule highlighted by the two big time heavyweight title fights. April on SHOWTIME will feature two stellar cards from Mayweather Promotions.
The first on April 7 is a high-quality tripleheader, three competitively matched fights with world title implications and our main event, Lara versus Hurd, a unification fight, featuring two of the top three consensus in the world at 154 pounds. Sort of the natural evolution of what has been an unofficial super welterweight tournament over the last year, year and a half on SHOWTIME.
I 2017, SHOWTIME televised eight matchups featuring all of the top five ranked super welterweight champions and challengers in that unofficial tournament. Now we get the natural results of that, a unification fight which happens to be only the sixth unification fight in the history of the 154-pound division.
Erislandy Lara, he’s the WBA champ, the longest reigning champion at 154 pounds. He won the WBA title on SHOWTIME in 2014 and he’s now making his sixth defense. With a record of 25-2-2, he could easily make the case that he could be undefeated certainly. The loss to Paul Williams was very controversial and a very close split decision loss to Canelo. So we very well could have an undefeated fighter.
Jarrett Hurd is the IBF champion. He made the first defense of his title on SHOWTIME in October. He has scored seven consecutive KOs as his level of bout position has dramatically increased and, i själva verket, he really has burst on the scene lately. His first televised fight was on SHOBOX in 2015, a KO of Frank Galarza, and he’s been on a roll ever since.
Denna kamp, this main event, Lara versus Hurd, is one of five matchups of top five contenders, top five ranked fighters, on the SHOWTIME schedule just in the first half of this year. So we look forward to a great fight, a great card on April 7th.
L. Ellerbe
Tack, Stephen. I would like to introduce the IBF world champion. What an outstanding young fighter. He’s from my hometown. He lives and trains out of Accokeek, Maryland. Always in exciting fights and we expect nothing different come April the 7th. He’s undefeated with a record of 21-0, med 15 Kos. He’s coming off of career-defining TKO victory over Austin Trout. Ladies and gentlemen, the IBF Junior Middleweight Champion, “Swift” Jarrett Hurd.
Jarrett Hurd
Utbildningen går bra. We’re getting prepared. This is a fight that I wanted just as bad as any and I’m glad we can make it happen. I just can’t wait to put on a show.
L. Ellerbe
Stor. Okej. Next up, we have Erislandy “Den amerikanska drömmen” Lara with a record of 25 och 2 med 14 Kos. And again, as Stephen mentioned earlier, Lara is the longest reigning champion at 154. A tremendous boxer, real slick, real smooth. He’s been in there with all the top guys in the weight class and again, he’ll be looking to put on another great performance come April the 7th. Så, damer och herrar, Erislandy Lara.
Erislandy Lara
First I want to thank everyone on the call. Viktigast, I’d like to thank SHOWTIME for putting on a great fight, thank Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and my whole team. Come April 7, I’ll be ready to fight and ready to put on a show.
For Stephen, I’m just wondering if you could give your thought process as to what made you decide to make a matchup between Erislandy Lara and Hurd as opposed to either of those guys against Charlo.
S. Espinoza
I think it was really the style matchup. When we sat down and looked at them, they’re three exciting fighters, three great champions, but the matchup that was really intriguing because of the styles was Lara versus Hurd.
Erislandy has never shied away from any challenge. Jarrett was very vocal about wanting to unify. And the combination of their styles, where they are in their careers, it seemed like an intriguing matchup.
Do you believe that the winner of the fight would then look to fight Charlo?
S. Espinoza
Absolut. And Jermell is game. He’s on board. He’s on board for it. He was recently on SHOWTIME and he indicated he wants the winner. He wants the winner next.
Jarrett, what was it about this matchup that made you want it more?
J. Hurd
Bra, I knew both fights will eventually happen. But I feel like the fight with Erislandy Lara will give me more credibility and will put me in position at number one. I wanted to be top guy in my division and now I feel like I am the top guy in my division.
Denna kamp, I want it over the fight with Jermell Charlo, even though the fight with Jermell Charlo is more anticipated and people wantmaybe because of our styles, but I wanted this fight because I feel like it will put me to better position in the 154 delning.
Do you feel like at 27 years old you’re now in your prime and that basically whether it’s Erislandy Lara, or anybody else in the weight class that Jarrett Hurd’s punching power can take care of them?
J. Hurd
I feel like my powerI have the power that’s deceptive and it doesn’t look as hard on TV or while you’re in there until you feel it. It’s a total different story.
I feel like my power can stop anyone, put anyone down. But on April 7th, the knockout streak, I’ll stop another guy and I plan on continuing to keep doing.
Are you ready for a much different kind of style in an experienced fighter like Lara? How do you deal with that kind of skill?
J. Hurd
Lara, he’s been the longest reigning champion at 154. I’ve been fighting at 154 all my life, so we’ve been watching him since I turned professional and the style Lara presents we’ve been training for this long before this training camp. He’s a great champion but Lara has always been on top and we always study and the game plan we got is perfect and this is why we wanted the fight. It’s no secret how badly I wanted this fight.
Naturligtvis, I’m not going to stay in there and try to box with Lara because Lara is an expert on what he does. Lara is not going to stand there toe-to-toe with me because of my size, inside game and my power. So it’s going to be a cat and mouse game and I just can’t wait to show you guys that outcome.
I wonder if Lara could give me his perspective on where he thinks Jarrett Hurd falls in the weight class and whether or not he feels like he is going to have to outbox him or maybe he can mix it up with him a bit.
Och. Lara
I’m ready to go for April 7th. Jarrett Hurd, as everyone knows, he’s a big, strong fighter, but pretty basic. He can try to fight, kind of like a Mexican strong style and those are styles that I’d like to fight.
So come April 7th, we hope he’s prepared. I’m prepared and want to put on a great fight for the fans and for the writers and for everyone else.
Was this a fight that Erislandy wanted or would he have preferred a Charlo unification?
Och. Lara
As everyone knows, I was the one who wanted this fight. He won his title in February, I wanted to fight him in October and his team said he wasn’t ready to fight me in October. They wanted him to be prepared to fight another southpaw and prepare for me.
Så, as the pressure mounted, Jarrett Hurd decided just to fight. So I’m happy he stepped up to the plate but as everyone knows, I want his belt and I want the other belts in this division as well.
Jarrett, how do you feel Erislandy compares to Trout in the sense of how much better he might be and how much of a step-up in competition it is for you?
J. Hurd
I feel like Lara has a little bit better foot movement than Trout. And one thing about Trout, he took chances in my fight. He stayed there with me. I don’t think Lara is going to take that many chances. He’s a very disciplined fighter.
So whatever works for him, he’s going to stick to exactly what he’s working for. He’s never going to change it no matter how hot on the scorecard he is or not, he’s going to stick to his game plan and I think he’s much more disciplined and a little sharper than Trout.
How much do you feel that it helped you to fight Trout to get ready for this fight?
J. Hurd
It definitely helped me, not only to fight Trout, but just going to two training camps with southpaws. I only fought three southpaws in my career before Trout. So now I have a lot of experience with them. So going into this fight I wanted to kind of go into two or three camps before I face Lara and I think it helped me.
Erislandy said that you fight like a Mexican. How much of a compliment do you take that as?
J. Hurd
Mexicans are fighters, man. I take it as a compliment. When you describe a Mexican fighter, you stay toe-to-toe and that’s what the fans like to see. Naturligtvis, that’s not my only style. Everyone sees I can switch it up with my fight with Frank Galarza back in Las Vegas and it all depends on what I have to bring out that night. I can do it all.
Erislandy, what do you think of how Hurd fought in the Trout fight?
Och. Lara
I watched the Trout fight in the locker room and as I was preparing for my fight, so I couldn’t watch that carefully but from what I saw in the fight, I thought Trout was winning the fight and as the fight wore on, uppenbarligen, Trout’s legs weren’t there and he hadn’t fought in 17 months and he’s also a fighter who’s on the back-end of his career, and had lost already several times.
But I thought Trout was actually doing a good job in the fight and, like I said, Hurd is a guy who likes to take it up a notch after six, seven rounds and I like to take it up a notch or two after six, seven rounds. Så, this is going to be a great fight. And come April 7, I’m just ready to rumble.
Based on what you just said, do you feel that maybe too much has been made of the Trout win?
Och. Lara
People are going to have their take on the Trout fight but, there is no fighter at 154 eller 160 or anywhere around this weight division that has my style and my boxing ability and my smarts, and that’s the reason I’ve made it this far.
Trout was out 17 månader. He is an older guy. He’s been defeated several times and he is a former world champ but he’s also had a loser mentality.
It’s a lot different when you’re fighting a winner and you’re fighting the guy who also dominated Trout and put him on the deck and let him off the hook in the 12th. It’s an exciting fight and we’re excited to put on a great fight.
How important is it for you, if you’re able to beat Jarrett Hurd, that you go and fight Jermell Charlo and you in effect clean out the 154-pound division?
Och. Lara
I said it before and I’m going to say it again. I’m going to clean out the division and that has been my plan from the beginning and I’m going to stick to my plan. I don’t care who the champions are. I don’t care what their names are or where they’re from. I’m going to clean up the division and it starts April 7.
Do you view Hurd as a tougher fight than Charlo or vice versa?
Och. Lara
I don’t look at them any different. They’re both to me kind of the same fighter. They both come up to the ring with a purpose and they’re trying to win. But at the end of the day, I’m the best fighter in this division. It’s been proven over years. So whether it was Hurd first, Charlo first, it didn’t matter. I’m just ready to rumble.
L. Ellerbe
I would also like to touch on that. With all due respect to Trout, Jarrett Hurd ain’t Austin Trout. Jag menar, this kid is the real deal. I try to look back in the history of this particular division and I can’t think of a fighter who was as big and physical and applies the kind of pressureespecially mental pressurethat he puts on guys in a very, very long time. Detta kommer att bli en enorm kamp, an excellent matchup, contrasting styles and I’m really, really excited to see this bout.
You said before in the past that you start off slow in your fights on purpose even to the point of taking a blow or two from your opponent. What’s your thinking behind strategy like that?
J. Hurd
I’m just feeling my opponent out. You don’t want to go out there and not know what he’s capable of. So you just don’t want to go out there and take that many chances without seeing what the guy’s got. Så, I just use the first round to see what he has and take it from there, make the adjustments.
Do you think people recognize your size and your power? Do they underestimate your ability to fight inside?
J. Hurd
A hundred percent. I don’t think now, but I think they did before. Me being a taller, longer, rangier guy they expect me to be on the outside and I know I surprised a lot of people when I start to fight inside, that close. I watched a lot of James Toney. So that’s where I kind of get it from.
Stephen, you said this fight was chosen and put together based on the styles of these fighters. Is it that you recognized the last four opponents that Hurd’s faced were two orthodox fighters and also two southpaw fighters that he put on a great performance against?
S. Espinoza
Bra, it was more looking for an entertaining fight. It’s sort of the classic matador-and-bull type of fight. You’ve got a really aggressive hard-punching, ung, strong champion and you’ve got, another champion who’s known as one of the most skilled fighters in any division. So it’s sort of the unstoppable force immovable object coming together; which style is going to win out?
So it really wasn’t as much looking at past opponents as it was, what might be the most exciting fight. And not to say that Jermell isn’t an exciting fighter, alltför, eftersom, that is definitely something that’s very, very possible in the near future.
So it was just, which one could come first, which one would come next, and I think the clash of styles is what attracted us to this matchup first.
L. Ellerbe
Sometimes when people referred to Lara, they just mostly speak about his boxing skill. But Lara can also crack, alltför. So those out there who sleep on Lara’s power are sadly mistaken. I’ve sat ringside, first row a couple of his fights and especially the Canelo fight and I’ve seen firsthand what his power looks like. And if anybody’s sleeping on his power, they are sadly mistaken.
Jarrett do you think those recent fights are the fights that prepared you going into this fight against Lara?
J. Hurd
Ja, I feel more though that my career period has prepared me for this fight. I didn’t come up the easy route. So I didn’t have a big amateur career. A lot of people didn’t want to give me a chance. I had to go out there and take them. My performances I put on when I got the opportunity each and every time on TV, I went out there and did what I was supposed to.
Så, I feel like just my career, period, and all I’ve been through prepared me for this fight, not just those fights on TV, but those little fights.
You say that you want to go ahead and walk opponents down and try to get rid of them, put the more pressure on. Is that the case?
Jarrett Hurd:
It depends. Like during the Austin Trout fight. He did lack a little power, so I was willing to take some to get some in. I was willing to take some chances but, it all depends on, som du sa, if they all lack a little power. Are you willing to take those chances?
Like my fight with Oscar Molina, he can crack a little more than Tony Harrison, so I was kind of a little more head movement and little less willing to go into there without being cautious.
Det beror. But like I said man it’s crazy because people define me by my last two fights as that’s my style. I was the guy that always was the kind of puncher and fought from his back foot until guys started to compare me and look at my size. I didn’t even realize I was that big of a fighter until I got on the stage with some of these guys. So my last two fights are the only fights that I have fought that way in my career, coming forward and then pressure, because I knew eventually I would have to come into a fight with a guy like Lara. We’ve been working on it, but I could switch it up. I can do whatever. It all depends on my opponent that night and y’all just going to have to wait and see.
Erislandy, are there any concerns about him getting stronger as the fight goes on and also how he’s able to take punches from people and actually take their power?
Och. Lara
I keep seeing people refer to his height or how big he is, but Williams was taller and bigger than him. Canelo was and is stronger than him, and they couldn’t deal with me.
So I’m not worried about what he has to bring today. I’m worried about what I have to do in that ring. I’m focused. Jag är redo, and there’s no question in my mind I know I can knock him out. If he gets reckless, he’s going to get knocked down. And if not, then he’s going to get beat up.
He’s going to have to make that decision on April 7 whether he’s willing to go through the fire or if he’s just willing just to lose a decision. It’s up to him. He’s going to have to decide that on April 7.
Do you think that those past fights have given you any kind of preparation or anything for this fight coming? Or do you feel that you’re totally different from when you fought Paul Williams and when you fought Canelo, fysiskt?
Och. Lara
I don’t look for one specific fight. I don’t look at last fight or the last four fights because my whole life, I’ve been preparing for this, since Cuba.
I didn’t have shoes until I was 5 år gammal. I was preparing for this. I was born to be a fighter. It was during my whole amateur career, 350 plus amateur fights, several world championships across the amateurs. Now my whole pro-career, I fought the top guys, I’ve beat the top guys, and that’s what’s prepared me for this fight and prepared me to fight whoever is available in the division.
So I’m ready to go and I’m ready to fight.
Leonard, with Mayweather Promotions, are you guys planning to put more and more fights together, not just with your own fighters but working with SHOWTIME to put on just top-quality fights, period?
L. Ellerbe
We’re very excited to promote all these big events, working along with SHOWTIME and expect to see more of it in the next couple of months.
We’ve outlined our next few big events that we have and expect more of that in the fall of this year. All we’re looking to do is put on the biggest and best events and make them for the fans.
What is Erislandy’s take on sometimes people not appreciating the sweet science and his boxing ability?
Och. Lara
This is a sport. Boxing is hit and don’t get hit. That’s the way it was taught from the beginning of time. It’s a sweet science and all fights are different. Styles are different. Styles obviously make fights.
Some guys are willing to take more risk than others and that sometimes dictates the action in a fight. My main focus is to win every fight and win clearly. That’s my job.
Erislandy are you the only fighter in the division that could put Jermell Charlo in his place?
Och. Lara
One hundred percent yes. And from my experiences of hundreds of rounds of sparring, Jermell Charlo won’t fight Erislandy Lara next when we get done with Hurd. Only time will tell.
Jarrett, do you see any weakness in Erislandy Lara?
J. Hurd
Well you all will have to see that on fight night. Not to give away too much of the game plan, men, like I said, Lara’s toughest fights are when guys put pressure on him. And that’s what we’re going to do.
Leonard, you talked about Jarrett’s versatility and how you’ve done some research on this weight class and his size. But in your time, have you seen a guy with his relative inexperience to someone like Lara expressing the confidence that he has done and also just rising so quickly against quality opposition like this?
L. Ellerbe
LÅT BLI, I think it’s a tremendous asset. Confidence is everything in this sport. He has a strong belief in his skill set and his ability to go out there and get it done.
Uppenbarligen, this is the biggest and toughest challenge to date with Lara being a great champion who has fought on the big stage and has fought a number of great fighters. But again, those contrasting styles and Jarrett having the ability and the confidence to bring that to the table I think is going to make a big, big difference.
Because it’s one thing with sitting on the outside and watching guys fight on TV, but it’s a whole different ballgame when you got a light heavyweight walking you down and putting that kind of mental pressure on you. But Lara’s built for this kind of thing because he’s seen any and every kind of style out there.
So these are the reasons why I think it’s a great, great matchup because again, I think that Jarrett is going to bring out the best in Lara and I think vice-versa, Lara is going to bring the best out in Jarrett. Period.
When it comes to Lara, we’ve seen him on the big stage before. He’s a tremendous boxer. He’s actually, in my eyes, the best boxer that’s out there. Tremendous foot movement, head movement, coming from that great Cuban school of boxing, he’s a real deal.
But again, you got this young, tuff, hungry lion that had the mindset that he doesn’t care what Lara has done in the past because Lara has never fought nobody like Jarrett Hurd, and vice-versa.
That’s what makes this an intriguing matchup. Come April 7, I expect this fight probably might end in a knockout.
What is your assessment of Jarrett Hurd compared to the guys you faced in your career?
Och. Lara
I don’t compare fighters. I look at him as a young, hungry kid who’s got desire. He wants to be great. He’s going to come forward and he’s going to come ready to fight. If he doesn’t come forward, then I’ll be ready to fight, alltför, however it plays out. But I’m ready for everything he brings to the table.
When was the last time, Erislandy, that someone outright predicted that they were going to knock you out as he has done?
Och. Lara
Every fighter wants to knock you out when you get in that ring. Paul Williams wanted to knock me out. Canelo, Vingar, plus he keeps mentioning how it’s going to be Angulo and this and that.
Bra, Angulo connected on me twice, but don’t forget how that fight finished. I ended Angulo’s career. I ruined his career and I put him out of the top level of boxing.
If Jarrett Hurd thinks he’s going to come like that, I’m going to end his career too, vid 27 år gammal. So come April 7, I’m hoping he puts that pressure so I could ruin his career for all the talking that he’s been doing.
Jarrett? What did you think of what he just said?
J. Hurd
Jag menar, here’s the thing, we all know that Lara has the experience. He’s seen every style from right-handed to the southpaw. Anything you give him, he’s seen it all. But he has not experienced what I’m about to give him.
It’s not about the styles that you’ve seen; it’s about what you’re about to experience. So this is a whole different ballgame. You get in there to fight with Jarrett Hurd and you’ll see how that all ends.
I speak from the heart and I say what I feel. I’m not just out here talking just to talk. I’m putting in the work. Where my chance is going and where I see this fight playing out, there’s no way that Lara is going to come out of top.
What makes you different from Angulo? Och även, does it give you a little bit of an edge that he is a little bit older now than he was then?
J. Hurd
LÅT BLI, we never play that old card. You’ve seen Lara’s performances. He’s still in great shape. Age is not factor. I hate guys saying the same thing with Austin Trout. They say age is starting to show.
We’re not going to play the age card. We see that Lara is still a great fighter. He’s the longest reigning champion for a reason and age shouldn’t play a part.
As far as the past Angulo thing, nothing to take away from Angulo. Han är en stor kämpe, he’s done great things, but I’m much faster than Angulo, much sharp than Angulo, hit harder than Angulo and I’m a much bigger guy.
So physically, when I’m in there, on him in the ring, he’s going to feel it. He couldn’t take the pressure and the style from Angulo. He’s going to be in long night when he fights me.
L. Ellerbe
Okej. Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard from both fighters. Igen, we have a tremendous lineup, great tripleheader live on SHOWTIME, April the 7th, 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, från Hard Rock Hotel & Casino i Las Vegas. Lara versus Hurd, Truax versus DeGale, Julian Williams versus Nathaniel Gallimore. What a tremendous tripleheader, leva på SHOWTIME.
We want to thank everyone for joining us on the call. Have a wonderful day.
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För mer information besök www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, följ på Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, eller bli ett fan på Facebook på www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing och www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC sponsras av Corona, finaste öl.

Undefeated Ruben Villa Makes Homecoming Debut in Salinas, California on Saturday April 14th

FILADELFIA, PENN./ORANGE, Calif. (Mars 23, 2018)–Heralded featherweight prospect Ruben Villa returns home for the 1st time as a professional as he headlines in the Northern California city of Salinas on Saturday, April 14, from the popular Salinas Storm House.
The show is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
Ruben has been coming along great, och på April 14th, he will thrill his hometown fans,” nämnda Banner kampanjer VD, Arthur Pelullo. “We are looking forward to this special night for Ruben, for him not only to put on a great performance in his hometown, but to capture his first championship.
This show has been in the works for more than a year,” säger Alex Camponovo, who as Matchmaker and General Manager of Thompson Boxing. “It’s an excellent show from top-to-bottom featuring talent from all over the Bay Area and surrounding parts. You have Ruben looking to win his first professional title [WBO Youth] in his hometown.

Villa, 20, will be locked in a battle with fellow prospect Marlon Olea (13-2, 12 Kos) of Colombia in the 8-round “Nytt blod” main event where the WBO Youth Featherweight Title is up for grabs. Villa, en Southpaw, is currently in Riverside, Calif. with trainer Max Garcia preparing for his main event debut.

I’m excited to headline my first event,” sa Villa, som co-marknadsförs av Banner Promotions och Thompson Boxing. “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. It came fast. There’s a lot to be happy about. It’s a title fight, and it will be in front of my hometown fans.

Villa will certainly receive a challenge from Olea. He holds a unanimous decision loss against WBA World Champion Danny Roman and is known as a pressure fighter with excellent instincts.

He’s a mover, and he’s quick with his hands,” Villa said. “I’ll be ready for him. We are getting a little bit of everything in this training camp. I’m sparring guys that like to box and guys that are coming in and pressuring.

New to Villa for this fight has been the abundance of ticket requests from local boxing fans. The former two-time Golden Gloves Champion has already sold 400 biljetter, yet the requests keep pouring in.

“För att vara ärlig, I’m not sure how it’s going to feel to fight in my hometown,” Villa said. “I tend to tune out all the white noise and just box. I’m sure there will be some moments when I recognize the crowd. I have to enjoy it, but keep my poise.

Biljetter till “Nytt blod” är prissatta på $40, $75, & $125, och kan köpas genom att ringa 714-935-0900, eller online på ThompsonBoxing.com.

Insläpp på 4:30 p.m. lokal tid med den första matchen ungefär 6:00 p.m. The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Dr. Salinas, SÅSOM 93907.

Alla slagsmål kommer live streamas på TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.

Liveströmmen börjar kl 6:00 p.m. PT / 9:00 p.m. OCH with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert color commentary.

För regelbundna uppdateringar om våra krigare, händelser, och kampanjer, snälla gilla Bannerkampanjer Facebook-sida, och följ oss vidare Instagram och Twitter @BannerBoxing .


FILADELFIA – Everything is set for the 11th Annual Briscoe Awards, att bli hållen denna söndag eftermiddag, Mars 25, 2018, 1-4 PM, vid VBA Clubhouse in Philadelphia. The event celebrates the biggest and best achievements of the Philadelphia-area boxing scene, and is normally attended by boxers – både tidigare och nuvarande, other boxing personalities, and fight fans.
“2017 was a memorable year for our local boxing scene, and it will be great to bring everyone together to celebrate it,” said John DiSanto, founder of the Briscoe Awards. “Our event is really just a partyfood, drinks, and a coming together of everyone who loves this sport. It’s always great to see the mix of people that come to the Briscoe Awards. The highlight however, is throwing the spotlight on the fighters who worked so hard to entertain all of us fans. It’s always a good day and a fun time.
Attending the Briscoe Awards this year will be big winner TYRONE BRUNSON, who will receive three awards – för “Fighter”, “Slagsmål”, och “Performance of the Year”, AVERY SPARROW, both the “Prospect Årets” och “Breakout Fighter of 2017”, JARON ENNIS, namedThe One to Watch”, DYLAN PRICE, den “Rookie of the Year”, MARCEL RIVERS, who scored the “Knockout of the Year”, RAYMOND FORD, den “Årets amatör”, och JEROME CONQUEST, who will receive theEverett Brothers Award”.
Den “Photo of the Yearwill also be chosen by those in attendance. Former boxing stars, current fighters, fläktar, and other members of the fight fraternity round out the typical Briscoe Awards crowd.
A limited number of tickets for the Mars 25, 2018 Briscoe Awards will be available at the door for $20. That ticket price includes admission, food, draft beer, wine, and soft drinks. The Briscoe Awards will be held between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM, at the VBA Clubhouse, 2733 Och. Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19134.
The Briscoe Awards are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., a 501c3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to preserving and honoring the great legacy boxing in and around the city of Philadelphia. För mer information, call John DiSanto at 609-377-6413.

Women’s Elena Gradinar vs. Olivia Gerula Title Fight to be Streamed Live for Free on YouTube This Saturday at Noon EST

Lördagens (Mars 24) women’s fight between undefeated Russian prospect Helen trädgårdsmästareand Canada’s former world champion Olivia Gerula kommer vara streamed live on YouTube at middagstid (12 pm ET) for free.
Klicka HÄR to watch Salita Promotionslatest female star, Gradinar (8-0, 2 Kos) take on Gerula (18-17-2, 3 Kos) in a 10-round battle for the IBF Inter-Continental Female Featherweight Championship at the Sport Hall Energia in Narva, Estland.
Gradinar says her performance will be designed to continue the wave of female boxing’s resurgence currently sweeping through the sporting world. “I am in the best shape of my life and look forward to putting on a great performance for boxing fans as well as supporters of women sports all over the world.
Her co-promoter, Dmitriy Salita, the former fighter turned promoter known for his ever-growing stable of female talent, says widely used media outlets like YouTube are incredibly useful platforms to showcase top talent to fans, globally.
I am delighted that boxing fans around the world will get a chance to see this high-quality match-up, featuring two top-rated ladies for the prestigious IBF Intercontinental title,” sa han. “We are constantly working on platforms to bring attention and visibility to the talented female boxers around the world. I am grateful that we have a great promotional partner in Alexander Nevsky Promotion Group, who share the same vision to keeping finding new and exciting ways to bring high-quality boxing content to fans.

Official Weights from ‘Rumble at the Rock’ i Hollywood, Florida

Roberto Duran Jr. 149.6 Ibs. vs. Miguel Morales 147.6 Ibs.
Jorge De Jesus Romero 121.4 Ibs. vs. Szilveszter Ajtai 120.8 Ibs.
Steve Geffard 176.4 Ibs. vs. Zoltan Sera 175.2 Ibs.
Jessy Cruz 123.8 Ibs. vs. Sam Rodriguez 120.8 Ibs.
Harold Calderon 149 Ibs. vs. Ronald Montes 152 Ibs.
John D Martinez 156.8 Ibs. vs. Jose Cortes 157 Ibs.
Mussa Tursyngaliyev 125 Ibs. vs. Luis Hinojosa 126.8 Ibs.
Ivan Dychko 244.8 Ibs. vs. Stephen Kirnon 224.8 Ibs.
Juan Carlos Payano 118.4 Ibs. vs. Mike Plania 117.4 Ibs.
Logan Yoon 139.2 Ibs. vs. Juan Carlos Salgado 139 Ibs.


Interim WBA Bantamweight World Championship
Stephon Unga 118 Ibs. vs. Reymart Gaballo 116.6 Ibs.
Rumble at the Rockis presented by Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory.Biljetterna kostar $255, $130, $80 och $55. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, online på www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.comor charge by phone: 1-800-745-3000. Additional fees may apply.

FNU Combat Sports Visa: Mayweather tar MMA på allvar, Joshua kan underteckna med UFC, Fight återblickar och förhandsvisningar

Denna vecka, Tom Tony och Rich diskuterar lite om Floyd Mayweather, Jr. hoppar in i MMA. Vi sammanfattar också en stor seger av Alexander Volkov över Fabricio Werdum vid den senaste UFC Fight Night och täcker det kommande boxningsschemat och förra helgens resultat.


Lyssna på hela showen HÄR


Eller använd vår spelare:

USA och Irland kämpar mot 4-4 dra amerikaner fånga tre-stadens lag titel, 2-0-1, på USA vs.. Irland East Boxing Tour

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Mars 22, 2018) – I går kvälls tredje och sista stopp på USA Boxing 2018 USA vs. Irlands nordöstra boxningsturné slutade i en 4-4 rita på Downtown Manchester Hotel i Manchester, New Hampshire. Team USA vann lagturnéns titel, 2-0-1.
Team USA hade vunnit de två första dualerna i turnén i Boston och Springfield, respektive, med massor av 8-4 och 7-3.
“Vi lärde oss av denna turné att vi är precis där uppe med de bästa lagen i världen,” Team USAs huvudtränare billy Walsh sa. “Team Irland är ett mycket bra, ungt lag. Vi kommer att ha ett bra team att skicka till Tokyo (2020 OS). Jag är stolt över mitt team. De arbetade alla väldigt hårt. Vi hade inte några av våra bästa boxare eftersom vissa tävlade i en internationell turnering. Vi har en bra skörd av 18-19-20 åringar som kommer att utgöra våra 2020 Olympiska laget.”
Team Ireland ledde gårdagens lagpoäng, 4-3, går in i nattens sista match, en super tungviktig omspel. Den 2016 Ungdoms-VM bronsmedalj Richard Torrez än en gång besegrade den irländska nationella mästaren där Dean Gardiner,
Tredje gången var charmen för mellanvikt Brooklyn Nikita Ababiy, som bröt sig in i vinstkolumnen med en 3-0 enhälligt beslut över Gerard French, att hålla amerikanerna hoppas levande för att dämpa slutresultatet med en match kvar.
I en strid mellan Southpaw welterweights, nio gånger irländsk nationell mästare och VM bronsmedalj, Kieron Molloy tog en 2-1 delat beslut över Freudis Rojas, Jr., en tio gånger nationell mästare och bronsmedaljist i världsmästerskap.
Irländsk lätt weltervikt Kevin Ferguson vann 2-1 delat beslut seger över Kalifornien lätt weltervikt Charlie Sheey att ge Team Ireland ett 3-2 fördel.
Åtta gånger irländsk nationell mästare och EM bronsmedalj Wayne Kelley vann 2-1 delat beslut kontra Cincinnati lätt weltervikt Adrian Benton, den 13-gånger nationella mästaren som gjorde sin internationella matchdebut.
I sin internationella debut, tvåfaldig USA-boxningsmästare James Browning vann 2-1 beslut över irländsk lättvikt Francis Cleary, en nio gånger irländsk nationell mästare och EM-silvermedaljägare, i en mycket underhållande lättviktsmatch.
LÅT BLI. 2-betygsatt amerikansk mellanvikt Leah Cooper tappade sin motståndare, åtta gånger nationell irländsk nationell mästare och EM bronsmedaljägare Adolfe Burke, på väg till en 3-0 enhälligt beslut.
Världsmästerskaps silvermedaljägare Kellie Harrington besegrad lätt Stacia Suttlesför andra gången på turnén med samma poäng, 3-0, vilket ger Team Ireland sin första ledning av turnén, om än tillfälligt, i gårdagens turnéöppnare.
I en speciell Manchester Lightweight-nybörjarklassmatch, Michael Correa (Manchester PAL) besegrade Abhisek thapa (Titelboxning) när domaren stoppade tävlingen i inledningsomgången.
Komplett individ & lagresultat:
(turnérekord inom parentes)
Richard Torrez, Tulare, Kalifornien, USA
UDEC (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Irland
Nikita Ababiy (1-2), Brooklyn, New York, USA
UDEC (3-0)
Gerard French (0-2), Antrim, Irland
Kieron Molloy (2-0), Galway, Irland
SDEC (2-1)
Freudis Rojas, Jr. (0-1), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Kevin Ferguson (1-1), Antrim, Irland
SDEC (2-1)
Charley Sheehy (1-1), Brisbane, Kalifornien, USA
Wayne Kelley (1-1), West Meade, Irland
SDEC (2-1)
Adrian Benton (0-1), Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
James Browning (1-0), Tempe, Arizona, USA
SDEC (2-1)
Francis Cleary (0-2, Mayo, Irland
Leah Cooper (1-0), Ozon Park, New York, USA
UDEC (3-0)
Aolfe Burke (0-1), Dublin, Irland
Kellie Harrington (2-0), Dublin, Irland
UDEC (3-0)
Stacia Suttles (0-2), Bronx, New York, USA
USA: 4

Michael Correa, Manchester PAL, Manchester, NH
WRSC1 (1:41)
Abhisek thapa, Titelboxning, Manchester, NH
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

MAX ORNELAS vs. TONY LOPEZ Vacant WBA NABA United States Bantamweight Championship

Lördag natt, April 20, 2018 ● Cox Pavilion ● Las Vegas, Nevada

Unbeaten bantamweight prospect
The Baby-Faced AssassinMax Ornelas
Preparing to fight crime and opponents
Headlines April 20 on UNLV campus vs.
Stablemate Tony Lopez for vacant
WBA NABA United States title

Airing live on beIn Sports from Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas

(Pictures by MannyMittsMurillo. RJJ boxnings kampanjer)
LAS VEGAS (Mars 22, 2018) — Unbeaten bantamweight prospect The Baby-Faced AssassinMax Ornelas (10-0-1, 4 Kos) goes from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas classroom into an on-campus ring at Cox Pavilion on April 20th to take on his Roy Jones Jr, (RJJ) Boxing Promotions stablemate, Dallas challenger Tony Lopez (12-3, 4 Kos), in the 10-round main event for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) North American Boxing Association (Också) bantamweight title.
Ornelas vs. Lopez, presented RJJ Boxing Promotions, will air live on beIN Sports, börjar vid 10 p.m. OCH / 7 p.m. PT.
I’ve watched Max come up in the rankings and as his confidence and power have grown,” co-promoter Roy Jones, Jr. sa. “The way he has represented his hometown and my stable is remarkable. Nu, to witness him fight in front of his fellow UNLV student body, I know he will exude humbleness for RJJ, UNLV and Las Vegas.
The Las Vegas-born Ornelas was 38-5 som amatör, highlighted by a bronze-medal winning performance at the National PAL Championships, ranked as high as No 2 in the United States in the 123-pound division.
RJJ Boxing Promotions immediately put Ornelas on the fast track from the start. He was late for the official weigh in of his June 10, 2016 pro debut because of his high school graduation, turned 18 the day after his first fight, and later signed an exclusive promotional contract with RJJ on the following Måndag.
The lone blemish on his otherwise perfect pro record is a two-round technical draw against 6-0 Leopoldo Martinez, which Ornelas avenged three months later i ett omspel, stopping Martinez in the fifth round. In his most recent fight last November, Ornelas was in his fist 10-round bout, headlining on beIN Sports from Sloan, Iowa, in which Ornelas won a 10-round unanimous decision over veteran Nick Otieno (31-11).
I love what RJJ Boxing Promotions has done for me,” WBA N0. 14-rated Ornelas spoke about his accelerated pace. “I’m only 19 but they’ve shown that they trust me. They gave me seven fights in six months, making it much quicker for a world title fight. The rest is up to me.
Ornelas (bilden till vänster) is familiar with Mexico-born Lopez, som var en 2012 Med. Worth Golden Gloves champion, having fought on the same card twice in Las Vegas and Arizona. “He’s a southpaw with a cocky style that’s hard to defend,” Ornelas remarked, “but my speed and smarts in the ring will beat him. I think we’ll box a few rounds, like a chess match to open the fight, but I’ll open-up in the middle rounds and take him out in the sixth, seventh or eighth round.
This will be my toughest fight yet. He’s more experienced. This is going to be a good fight with a title on the line. An impressive win is going to open up more doors for me.
Ornelasparents insisted that Max would have to attend college if he turned pro. He balances his life as a UNLV sophomore, majoring in criminal justice, with that of a prize fighter. Fighting at home, on the UNLV campus in front of family, friends and fellow students, pumps up the affable Ornelas.
When I’m not training, I’m in school or studying,” Ornelas explained. “I’ve handled things well. I’m disciplined and like to stay busy. I’ll stay in school and keep fighting until I graduate. I’ll probably cut back my workload, fast, when I’m training for a world title fight.
I’m really excited about fighting at home. I’ll have a lot of people there supporting me. I like pressure and my adrenalin will be pumping. Because of my weight class, I realize that I will need to travel to other countries to fight for titles, but it’s always exciting for me to fight at home in Las Vegas (this will be his sixth pro fight in Las Vegas).”
Former WBA junior featherweight RicoSuavacito” Ramos (28-5, 13 Kos) squares off against Mexican featherweight Daniel “El ChatoNoreiga (30-11, 15 Kos), a former WBA Fedecentro super flyweight titlist, i de åtta-omgången, co-featured event on beIN Sports.
Opening the televised portion of this loaded card is the much-anticipated professional debut of Uzbekistan-native Elnur Abduraimov, now fighting out of Las Vegas, who was a bronze medalist at the 2015 World Amateur Championships, as well as a 2015 Asian Amateur Boxing Championships winner. The gifted Uzbek will be in a six-round bout versus an opponent to soon be determined.
In a pair of eight-round fights, Australian junior middleweight and past world title challenger, Tommy “The Titan” Browne (35-7-2, 13 Kos), möter Carlos Hernandez (15-17, 12 Kos), Puerto Rico, while unbeaten World Boxing Council (WBC) United States welterweight champion Jimmy “Tyst storm” Williams (14-0-1, 5 Kos) faces TBA. Williams is a former college football player from New Haven, Connecticut.
Fighting on the undercard in six-rounders are Las Vegas welterweights Kevin Johnson (4-0, 4 Kos) vs. TBA, and undefeated Roy Jones protégé Shady Gamhour (6-0, 5 Kos), a Swedish middleweight now living in Joneshometown of Pensacola, Florida.
In four-round action are Russian middleweight Pete Khamukov (1-0, 1 KO) vs. TBA, Ryska lätt tungvikt Vyacheslav Barsukov (4-0, 3 Kos) vs. TBA and pro-debuting Las Vegas junior lightweight Jaime Gomez vs. Ivan Ortiz (1-0-1, 1 KO), Los Angeles.
Alla slagsmål och fighters är föremål för förändring.
With Ornelas vs Lopez,” co-promoter Keith Veltre tillsatt, “fans are going to watch a great battle in every sense of the word. They’re two aggressive fighters who will surely entertain fans on April 20th.
This card is filled with heavy hitters, power punchers and body shot artists. People are going to walk away feeling the pain of each loss and ready to celebrate all of the victories.
Biljetterna kostar $100.00 Ringside, $40.00 Reserved Seating & $25.00 Allmänt insläpp, and available to purchase online at http://www.unlvtickets.com/eventInfo/spe/687/ornelas-vs-lopez/Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Insläpp på 5:00 p.m. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 p.m. PT.


Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @beINSPORTS ,
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @beINSportsusa, @artofmusiclv, @cervezatecate, @rivalboxinggear, use #RoyJonesJr, #RJJ, #MaxLopez

IBA Intercontinental Lightweight Champion Josh O’Reilly made successful Title defense last Saturday in Canada

Josh O’Reilly (R) can box or crack
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Kanada (Mars 22, 2018) – Irish eyes were smilinlast Saturday in Canada, when undefeated International Boxing Association (IBA) lätta mästare Josh “DubsO’Reilly made his first title defense, taking a 10-round unanimous decision over his Mexican challenger, Juan “El TornadoBedolla Orozco,
The special St. Patrick’s Day card, presented by United Promotions, was held at Hersey Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, Kanada.
The 27-year-old O’Reilly (11-0, 4 Kos), an Irish-Canadian fighting out of Hamilton (Kanada), defeated Orozco by scores of 100-90, 100-90 och 99-91.
“Jag är väldigt nöjd med min prestation, especially against such a tough opponent,” O’Reilly said. “I’m glad I got 10 rounds in and, total, I think it was a good performance.
I’m looking forward to staying busy and getting back in the ring May 12th. I’m looking for another victory and a great show.

Team O’Reilly celebrates its recent victory
Josh O’Reilly is the hottest prospect in Toronto right now and we’re looking to keep him busy,” promotor Tyler Buxton kommenterade. “His next fight will be May 12th as the co-feature with Brandon ‘Bad Boy’ Cook in the main event.
Former International Boxing Federation (IBF heavyweight champion Frankie Rill (15-2, 11 Kos), stopped Argentinian knockout-artist SebastianEl GrandoteIgnacio Ceballos(34-10-2, 26 Kos) in the opening round of the co-featured event.
Canadian light heavyweight champion Tim Cronin (11-1-1, 2 Kos) won a six-round majority decision over previously unbeaten Argentinian Juan Cruz Correa (4-1-1),
Canadian light heavyweights Jason Alexander (2-3, 2 Kos) och Darren Fletcher (1-4-2) battled to a six-round majority draw.
Indian middleweight prospect SukhdeepChakriaSingh, en 2012 Senior National Boxing Championship and 2011 Boxing Super Cup gold medalist as an amateur, had an impressive pro debut, slå ut Alejandro Garcia (2-2, 1 KO), av Mexiko, i den fjärde omgången.
Undefeated Armenia-native Andranik Grigoryan (3-0), now fighting oit of Montreal, won a six-round unanimous decision versus previously undefeated Mexican featherweight Sergio “El DuendePalafox (7-1, 2 Kos). Grigoryan gained invaluable experience as a key member of the Russian Boxing Team in the World Series of Boxing.
Mexican super welterweight Mario Bedolla Orozzo (1-1-1) won a four-round split decision over pro-debuting, lokal favorit Karl “Razor” Hess.
Last Saturday night’s St. Patrick’s Day event was a great success,” Buxton concluded. “We had a little bit of everything: close fights, delade beslut, majority draws, upsets, and knockouts. And Josh O’Reilly won a one-sided fight versus a very tough Mexican opponent, Juan Bedolla Orozco, who made Josh work. Övergripande, it was a great event.
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