Tag Archives: Krvácej pro to

FNU Bojové sporty Show: Miesha's FU to Dana White, GSP a Unie obřích bojovníků, Conor Být Conor a Ward vs. Kovalev rekapitulace

Tento týden na Combat Sports Show FNU diskutujeme o fantastickém měsíci listopadu, pokud jde o boje. Minulý měsíc jsme měli jen dvě představení, zahájíme tento týden v režimu dohánění. Diskutujeme Ward vs. Kovalev na délku, jděte na pár tečen a pak se dostanete k Tonyho recenzi “Pro toto krvácej.” Poté se vracíme k MMA a Richův komentář k Miesha Tate říká Daně Whiteové, “FU, nejsi můj šéf..” po jeho žádosti, aby šla do nemocnice po jejím boji s Raquel Penningtonovou. Tate po hvězdné kariéře odešel dříve večer. Rich se také pustí do fronty stíhacích odborů a některých nových vývojů s Georgesem St.. Pierre, Bývalý generální ředitel společnosti Bjorn Rebney, Cain Velasquez, T.J. Dillashaw a další významní hráči UFC prolomili nové místo ve výklenku s založení Asociace sportovců smíšených bojových umění. Také se nám dnes večer podaří zobrazit náhled plánu boxu nadcházejícího víkendu před koncem vysílání.

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American Legend Set To Descend On London Boxing Gym In Celebration Of Film About His Career

On Monday 28th Listopad, Vinny Pazienza, the subject of forthcoming Hollywood movie BLEED FOR THIS, will descend on pro boxer Ben Day’s Ringtone Gym in Euston, London for a series of press interviews, ahead of a special private screening of the film that evening. BLEED FOR THIS goes on general release in the UK on Friday 2nd Prosinec.


BLEED FOR THIS is based on the incredible true story of Vinny Pazienza, who is played by Miles Teller in the movie, one of the few American boxers to hold World Titles in three different weight categories, who suffered a near-fatal car accident at the peak of his career. Told he would never walk again. Vinny spent months recovering in a neck brace until, against doctors’ orders and without their knowledge, he returned to the gym. With support of trainer Kevin Rooney, played by Aaron Eckhart in the movie, “The Pazmanian Devil” made a triumphant return to the ring just over a year later.


Written and directed by Ben Younger (Boiler Room), BLEED FOR THIS is executive produced by RAGING BULL director Martin Scorsese. Miles Teller (Whiplash, War Dogs) stars as Vinny alongside Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight, Sully) as Pazienza’s trainer Kevin Rooney. The Supporting cast includes Ciarán Hinds, Ted Levine and Katey Sagal.


On a quirky side note: V sobotu 3rd Prosinec, the day after BLEED FOR THIS is released nationally in the UK, Ringtone Gym owner Ben Day will be back in Championship action himself, as he looks to secure his third title, the Southern Area Lightweight, against Michael Devine at York Hall in Bethnal Green, Londýn.


Speaking earlier Ben saidI’m really looking forward to Vinny and the stars of the film coming to the gym v pondělí. I can empathise with Vinnys struggles we’ve both had struggles in similar areas, his physical and mine mental, following an extremely tough upbringing, however against all the odds I now hold an International Masters Belt and the Southern Area Super-Lightweight title, and I’m fighting for the Southern Area Lightweight Title on 3rd December!”


Tickets for Ben Day versus Michael Devine for the Southern Area Lightweight Championship at York Hall in London on Saturday 3rd Prosinec 2016 are available on the gym’s websitewww.ringtoneboxinggym.com






BLEED FOR THIS trailer http://bleedforthis.co.uk/trailer