Таг Арцхивес: Аматерски бокс

Тим САД избацује тим Ирске, 7-3 на америчком боксу 2018 САД против. Ирска Сјевероисточна боксерска тура заустављање #2; РЕЗУЛТАТИ ПРОЛЕЋНОГ ПОЉА

Тим САД у средњој категорији Трои Ислеи проглашен је за најистакнутијег боксера вечери

СПРИНГФИЕЛД, Маса. (Март 16, 2018) – Тим САД је победио тим Ирске, 7-3, синоћ (Четвртак) на другој станици три града 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед, у МассМутуал Центру МГМ Спрингфиелд у Массацхусеттсу.

Тим САД победио је тим Ирске у тимском поготку, 8-4, прошлог понедељка у првом дуелу, а синоћ је освојио и тимску титулу, држање а 2-0 предност са још једним подударањем до краја у серији.
Четвртак коначни резултат ноћи био је донекле погрешан, мада, много конкурентнији него што коначни резултат тима може указивати, пошто је првих пет утакмица завршено 2-1 подељене одлуке, све у корист тима САД.
Даровита калифорнијска бантам категорија Марк Кастро освојио је своју другу узастопну борбу на овој турнеји,победивши Георгеа Батеса, 2-1, у борби ноћи.
Најистакнутији боксер ноћи, Вирџинија у средњој категорији трои Ислеи, the 2017 Освајач бронзане медаље на елитном светском првенству, закључао победу тима и победника серије у седмом мечу вечери изблиза и лично једногласном одлуком о утакмици ирске у средњој категорији Герард Френцх.
САД вс. Ирска Нортхеаст Бокинг Тоур завршава Среда, Море. 21 у хотелу Манцхестер Довнтовн у Њу Хемпширу. Акција ће почети у 7:00 п.м. И за до 12 аматерски мечеви светске класе, који ће се сви преносити уживо, бесплатно, на сајту УСА Бокс је (ввв.усабокинг.орг). Представила га је Цорона Премиум и служи као прикупљање средстава за другог партнера емисије, боксерски клуб Манцхестер ПАЛ, карте су $20 за опште упис, $30 за резервисана седишта поред прстена, и могу се купити на веб страници Агенције за продају карата Сеацоаст, ввв.сеацоасттицкет.цом, званични дистрибутер карата за догађај.
Ирски тешкаш Кирил Афганасев оштре 2017 Освајач бронзане америчке националне награде Адриан Тиллман, 3-0, по други пут заредом на овој турнеји. Виши Афранасов је био прејак унутра, поново, за Тиллмана.
Америчка полутешка категорија Кхалил Цое одлучени шестоструки државни првак Ирске Цаоимхин Хинес по други пут заредом идентичним бодовањем, 3-0, ефикасно користећи своју супериорну висину и предност досега.
Осмоструки ирски национални шампион Бретт МцГинти осветио је свој први губитак за вечерас, освајање а 2-1 одлука против националног првака ААУ Никита Абабии.
Левак Падди Донован донео Ирској прву победу ове вечери, узнемиравајући Цлевеланд у полутешкој категорији Куинтон Рандалл, a 2017 Члан тима елитног светског првенства, у шестом мечу, путем првог 3-0 једногласна одлука вечери.
2016 Омладински светски шампион ИспредТигар” Џонсон донео је подељену одлуку од ирске у полутешкој категорији Кевин Фергусон, 2-1.
Калифорнија полутешка категорија Цхарлие Схеехи задржао ваљање америчког теретног воза, доневши подељену одлуку од осмоструког ирског националног шампиона Ваине Келли.
У реваншу меча прошлог понедељка, амерички полутешкаш тешких руку Осхае Јонес, a 2017 Освајач сребрне медаље елитног континенталног првенства за жене, освојио тешку борбу подељеном одлуком Граинне Валсх по други пут заредом. Јонес је у првом колу испустио Валсха, али ирски боксер је узвратио у још једном живахном сукобу.
У уводној утакмици вечери, Вирџинија полутешка категорија Амелиа Мооре, у свом првом међународном мечу, узнемирен освајач сребрне медаље на светском првенству у лакој категорији Келлие Харрингтон, 2-1.
Потпуни појединац & тимски резултати:
Кирил Афанасев, Даблин, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Адриан Тиллман, Колорадо Спрингс, Колорадо, САД
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Кхалил Цое, Јерсеи, Град, Њу Џерзи, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Цаоимхин Хинес, Белфаст, Ирска
Бретт МцГинти, Дерри, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Никита Абабии, Бруклин, Њујорк, САД
трои Ислеи, Александрија, Вирџинија, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Герард Френцх, Антрим
Падди Донован, Лимерицк
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Куинтон Рандалл, Кати, Тексас, САД
Тигер Јохнсон, Кливленд, Охајо, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Кевин Фергусон, Атријум
Цхарлие Схееи, Брисбане, Калифорнија
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Ваине Келли, Лаоис, Ирска
Лаких модела
Марк Кастро, Фресно, Калифорнија, САД
ВДЕЦ3 (2-1)
Георге Батес, Даблин
Осхае Јонес, Толедо, Охајо, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Граинне Валсх, Оффали, Ирска
Амелиа Мооре, Александрија, Вирџинија, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Келлие Харрингтон, Даблин, Ирска
Да бисте били у току са САД вс. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед кликните овде.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

Team USA defeats Team Ireland, 8-4 In USA Boxing’s 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед

БОСТОН (Март 13, 2018) – Тим САД је победио тим Ирске, 8-4 , синоћ (Понедељак) on the first stop of the three-city 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед, at Club Royale Entertainment Center in Boston’s historic theater district.
Two of the best amateur boxing squads in the country, featuring numerous 2020 Olympic hopefuls, had a major showdown to the delight of the mixed crowed of supporters of both programs.
It was a fantastic night of boxing,” said Team USA head coach билли Волш, who used to guide Team Ireland’s boxing program. The real winners were the boxing fans, American and Irish, supporting these two young teams. I was really happy with our performance as well as theirs.
САД вс. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour continues овог четвртка (Море. 15 у) the MassMutual Center in Springfield, Маса., and concludes Среда, Море. 21 у хотелу Манцхестер Довнтовн у Њу Хемпширу.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 п.м. ЕСТ а улазнице ће бити на располагању за куповину у наредним недељама. Сваки град ће приказати до 12 крајеви, који ће се сви преносити уживо, бесплатно, на сајту УСА Бокс је (ввв.усабокинг.орг).
Honorary captains Ирски” Мицки Вард и Кевин “The Clones ColossusMcBride, односно, led Team USA and Team Ireland into the ring.
A USA Alumni Association gathering was held prior to the show.
In the final bout of the night, American super heavyweight Ричард Торес, the 2016 Омладински Светско првенство бронзане медаље и 2017 USA Boxing Elite National champion, closed the show in style against four-time Irish National Champion Dean Gardiner, 3-0.
Bombs away was the theme in the heavyweight match as Irishman Кирил Афганасев powered his way past Адриан Тиллман, 2-1.
Lanky American light heavyweight Кхалил Цое одлучени шестоструки државни првак Ирске Цаоимхин Хинес.
Three-time European champion Michael Nevin оштре 2016 Youth World Championship team member Никита Абабии, 2-1, in a back-and-forth middleweight contest.
One of America’s brightest prospects, 2017 Освајач бронзане медаље на елитном светском првенству трои Ислеи, showed everything in his arsenal against eight-time Irish National champion Бретт МцГинти, emerging with an impressive unanimous decision in a toe-to-toe middleweight clash.
Eight-time Irish National champion Kierion Molloy won a split decision over American welterweight Куинтон Рандалл, a 2017 Члан тима елитног светског првенства.
In a special match-up between two Internationally decorated light welterweights,2016 Омладина светски шампион и 2017 Елите Цонтинентал првенство сребрне медаље, ИспредТигар” Џонсон, took a split decision from eight-time Irish National champion Ваине Келли.
Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму. pounded Irish light welterweight Георге Батес en route to a dominating unanimous decision victory, in which the American showcased his numerous skills.
American lightweight Марк Кастро, who moved up one weight class, turned in an auspiciousEliteclass debut, победивши Francis Cleary by way of a unanimous decision. The highly-regarded Castro was a two-time World champion as a junior and youth boxer.
Aggressive American welterweight Осхае Јонес won a hard-fought split decision versus Grainne Bates in an action-packed match from start to finish. Jones was a 2017 Освајач сребрне медаље елитног континенталног првенства за жене.
World Championships silver medalist lightweight Келлие Харрингтон won a unanimous decision over American lightweight Stacia Suttles in a very competitive match.
Four-time 2017 international gold medalist Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму. opened the night with a victory over Irish flyweight Lauren Hogan, when the referee stopped the contest in the second round.
Потпуни појединац & тимски резултати:
Ричард Торес, Туларе, Калифорнија, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, Ирска
Кирил Афанасев, Даблин, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Адриан Тиллман, Колорадо Спрингс, Колорадо, САД
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Кхалил Цое, Јерсеи, Град, Њу Џерзи, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Цаоимхин Хинес, Белфаст, Ирска
Michael Nevin, Лаоис, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Никита Абабии, Бруклин, Њујорк, САД
трои Ислеи, Александрија, Вирџинија, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Бретт МцГинти, Дерри, Ирска
Kieron Molloy, Galway, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Куинтон Рандалл, Кати, Тексас, САД
Тигер Јохнсон, Кливленд, Охајо, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Ваине Келли, Лаоис, Ирска
Лаких модела
Keshawn Davis, Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Вирџинија, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Георге Батес, Даблин, Ирска
Марк Кастро, Фресно, Калифорнија, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Francs Cleary, Mayo, Ирска
Осхае Јонес, Толедо, Охајо, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Grainne Bates, Даблин, Ирска
Келлие Харрингтон, Даблин, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Stacia Suttles, бронк, Њујорк, САД
Ginny Fuchs, Kemah, Тексас, САД
RSC2 (1:57)
Lauren Hogan, Оффали, Ирска
Да бисте били у току са САД вс. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед кликните овде.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 15: МассМутуал центар, спрингфиелд, Маса.
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

2001 Fight of the Year Reunion planned for final stop of 2018 САД против. Ireland Northeast Tour

Special guests Micky Ward & Steve Smoger
Март 21 у Манчестеру, НХ
ЦОЛОРАДО СПРИНГС, Круг. (Март 12, 2018) – USA Boxing is hosting a special reunion, featuring two key members of the 2001 Борба године, to be part of the final stop on the 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед, Март 21 at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, Нев Хампсхире.
Presented by Corona Premium, the Manchester event will start at 7 п.м. ЕСТ, and it also serves as a fundraiser for another partner of the show, боксерски клуб Манцхестер ПАЛ.
Карте се разумно цени од $20.00 за опште упис, $30 за резервисана седишта поред прстена, и могу се купити на веб страници Агенције за продају карата Сеацоаст,ввв.сеацоасттицкет.цом, званични дистрибутер карата за догађај.
The 2001 Fight of the Year was held July 13, 2001, at Hampton Beach Casino in Hampton, NH., and it is still considered one of the greatest matches ever broadcast on ESPN. “Ирски” Мицки Вард won an incredibly entertaining, back-and-forth junior welterweight match-up withboxing culthero Emanuel Augustus, by way of a 10-round unanimous decision that was much closer than the judgesscoring indicated (98-90, 96-91, 96-94).
The high-profile win positioned Ward for what turned out to be his epic Gatti trilogy, while Augustus went on to become one of the most dangerous, upset-minded opponents in boxing. Ward and the third man in the ring that night, Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger, will host a USA Alumni Association event Уторак, Море. 20 at The Shaskeen Pub & Restaurant (909 Elm St. у Манчестеру), са почетком у 6 п.м. И, and attend the following night’s (Море. 21) САД против. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour finale in Manchester.
I’m honored to be invited by USA Boxing to represent all professional officials who spent so much valuable time in the amateurs on their way to their positions in the pros,” Smoger said. “I’m looking forward to being part of everything planned.
Anytime I spend time with Micky is enjoyable, у и ван ринга, and we’ve truly formed a bond. I worked six or seven of his fights, including his first in Atlantic City, around the time we were both breaking in. We spend time together every year at the International Boxing Hall of Fame inductions. He’s such a pleasure to be around. He treats people very well. His history in the ring and personality make him a big fan favorite. He’s the same guy he’s always been but he still has the heart of a warrior.
Bernard Dunne celebrating world title anniversary
Irish Team Performance Director Бернар Дан will celebrate the ninth anniversary of his WBA super bantamweight title-winning performance, Море. 21, 2009, the same date as the USA-Ireland Northeaster Boxing Tour stop in Manchester.
Dunne (28-2, 15 КОс), fighting out of Dublin, fought professionally between 2001-2009. Био је 119-11 као аматер, укључујући 13 Irish titles.
У 2009, застао је Ricardo Cordoba ин 11тх round at O2 Arena in Dublin, да постане светски шампион.
USA stars out in Manchester
USA Boxing will be looking to conclude the tour on a high note with expected boxers on the show such as 2017 four-time international gold medalist Ginny Fuchs (Kemah, ТКС), 2017 Elite Women’s Continental Championships bronze medalist Осхае Јонес (Толедо, ОХ), 2017 World Championships silver medalist Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, ОХ), 2017 World Championships bronze medalist Freudis Rojas (Лас Вегас, НВ), 2016 USA Nationals heavyweight champion Jared Anderson (Толедо, ОХ), и 2016 Youth World Championship bronze medalist Ричард Торес (Туларе, КАО ШТО СУ). Све боксери и напади су подложни променама.
Да бисте били у току са САД вс. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед кликните овде.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 12: Роиале Забава комплекс, Бостон, Маса.
Март 15: МассМутуал центар, спрингфиелд, Маса.
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

USA Boxing Announces Rosters for USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour

Улазнице у продаји, VISIT WWW.USABOXING.ORG
ЦОЛОРАДО СПРИНГС, Круг. (Март 7, 2018) — USA Boxing announced today the tentative rosters for the three-city USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour that is kicking offМарт 12 у Бостону Ројал Ентертаинмент Цомплек. All three stops will showcase top USA boxers that have won numerous international medals.
Boston’s stop, which is presented by Budweiser, will feature three World Championship medalists, укључујући 2017 Elite World Championship bronze medalist Troy Isley (Alexandra, Ва.), who just earned a silver at the 2018 Амерички бокс најављује, Bulgaria last month, као и 2016 Youth World Champions Delante Johnson (Кливленд, Охајо) и 2016 Youth World Championship bronze medalist Richard Torrez (Туларе, Цалиф.). Johnson and Torrez both represented Team USA with Isley in Bulgaria, where Johnson earned a bronze medal.
Other boxers to represent Team USA in Boston include Keyshawn Davis (Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Ва.) who just earned his first international title in Bulgaria. Headlining the women is Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, Тексас), who won four international gold medals in 2017 and began her 2018 with a bronze at the Strandja Tournament.
Team USA’s second dual at Springfield’s MassMutal Center on Март 15 will be headlined once again Isley and Johnson, as well as their 2017 World Championship teammate Quinton Randall (Humble, Тексас) will join them on this leg of the tour, упоредо са 2017 National Champion and Continental Championship silver medalist Oshae Jones (Толедо, Охајо). Two-time World Champion Marc Castro (Фресно, Цалиф.) will represent Team USA for the first time at the elite level.
Amoskeag Beverages and Manchester PAL will present the third and final stop in Manchester, Н.Х. о Март 21. Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Охајо), 2017 World Championship silver medalist, will headline the final stop along with 2017 World Championship bronze medalist Freudis Rojas (Лас Вегас, Невада), as well as Fuchs and Torrez. Other boxers anticipated to compete include 2017 USA Boxing National Champions Jared Anderson (Толедо, Охајо) and international medalist Stacia Suttles (бронк, НИ)
Team Ireland will bring a total of 18 different boxers to compete throughout the tour, and a full roster can be seen below for both teams.
For more information and to stay up-to-date on USA vs. IRL Northeast Boxing Tour, кликните овде.
USA Boxing Roster – **All rosters are subject to change**
51 кг / 112 кг: Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Kemah, Тексас, 29
60 кг / 132 кг: Stacia Suttles, бронк, НИ, 23
60 кг / 132 кг: Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Ва., 19
64 кг / 141 кг: деланте Џонсон, Кливленд, Охајо, 19
69 кг / 152 кг: Осхае Јонес, Толедо, Охајо, 20
69 кг / 152 кг: Куинтон Рандалл, Humble, Тексас, 27
75 кг / 165 кг: трои Ислеи, Александрија, Ва., 19
75 кг / 165 кг: Никита Абабии, Бруклин, НИ, 19
81 кг / 178 кг: Кхалил Цое, Јерсеи Цити, Њ, 21
91 кг / 201 кг: Адриан Тиллман, Колорадо Спрингс, Цоло., 22
91+ кг / 201+ кг: Ричард Торес, Туларе, Цалиф., 18
56 кг / 123 кг: Марк Кастро, Фресно, Цалиф., 18
60 кг / 132 кг: Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Ва., 19
64 кг / 141 кг: Амелиа Мооре, Александрија, Ва., 28
64 кг / 141 кг: Цхарлие Схеехи, Брисбане, Цалиф., 19
64 кг / 141 кг. деланте Џонсон, Кливленд, Охајо, 19
69 кг / 152 кг: Осхае Јонес, Толедо, Охајо,
69 кг / 152 кг: Куинтон Рандалл, Humble, Тексас, 27
75 кг / 165 кг: Никита Абабии, Бруклин, НИ, 19
75 кг / 165 кг: трои Ислеи, Александрија, Ва., 19
81 кг / 178 кг: Кхалил Цое, Јерсеи Цити, Њ, 21
91 кг / 201 кг: Адриан Тиллман, Колорадо Спрингс, Цоло., 22
51 кг / 112 кг: Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Кати, Тексас, 29
56 кг / 123 кг: Duke Ragan, Cincinnati, Охајо, 29
60 кг / 132 кг: Stacia Suttles, бронк, НИ, 23
60 кг / 132 кг: James Browning, Лас Вегас, Невада, 18
64 кг / 132 кг: Цхарлие Схеехи, Брисбане, Цалиф., 19
69 кг / 152 кг: Куинтон Рандалл, Humble, Тексас, 27
69 кг / 152 кг: Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Лас Вегас, Невада, 19
75 кг / 165 кг: Никита Абабии, Бруклин, НИ, 19
75 кг / 175 кг: Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Колорадо Спрингс, Цоло., 28
91 кг / 201 кг: Jared Anderson, Толедо, Охајо, 18
91+ kg/ 201+ кг: Richard Torres, Туларе, Цалиф., 18
Ireland’s Boxing Roster
54 кг / : Lauren Hogan, Оффали, 21
56 кг / 123 кг: Evan Metcalfe, Даблин, 28
60 кг / 123 кг: Георге Батес, Даблин, 23
60 кг / 123 кг.: Francis Cleary, Mayo, 19
60 кг / 123 кг.: Келлие Харрингтон, Даблин, 28
64 кг / 141 кг.: Падди Донован, Лимерицк, 19
64 кг / 141 кг: Кевин Фергусон, Antrim, 21
64 кг / 141 кг.: Ваине Келли, Лаоис, 21
69 кг / 152 кг. L Eugene McKeever, Drogheda, 21
69 кг / 152 кг: Kieran Molloy, Galway, 21
69 кг / 152 кг: Grain Walsh, Оффали, 22
75 кг / 165 кг: Aoife Burke, Даблин, 20
75 кг / 165 кг: Бретт МцГинти, Дерри, 19
75 кг / 165 кг: Герард Френцх, Antrim, 20
75 кг / 165 кг: Michael Nevin, Лаоис, 19
81 кг / 178 кг: Цаоимхин Хинес, Antrim, 20
91 кг / 201 кг: Кирил Афанасев, Даблин, 26
91+ кг / 201+ кг: Dean Gardiner, Tipperary, 27
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 12: Роиале Забава комплекс, Бостон, Маса.
Март 15: МассМутуал центар, спрингфиелд, Маса.
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
Све боксери и напади су подложни променама.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

USA Boxing Metro Announces Opening Night forThe New York Metro Qualifiers: The Road to the Gardenat Yonkers PAL

ЊУЈОРК, НИ – Март 1, 2018 САД Бокс, Метро (“Метро”) opens the 2018 New York Metro Qualifiers on March 1ул at Yonkers PAL, налази на 127 North Broadway in Yonkers. Врата се отварају у ће 6 АМ. Boxing fans will not only experience some of the best amateur boxing in the world, they will also have the opportunity to mix and mingle with boxing stars and boxing world notables. Proceeds will help send Qualifiers champions to the National Golden Gloves in Omaha, Nebraska in May.
We are excited to start our tournament at one of Metro’s member gyms that produced boxers such as Golden Gloves champ Sean Daughtry and Golden Gloves and professional champion Douglas Gray,” said USA Boxing, Metro’s Interim President, and world champion boxer, Sonya Lamonakis. “The site of many exciting boxing shows, fans feel like they’re in the ring with the boxers, competing for the coveted championships of each weight class. It’s an experience any sports fan should not miss.
Tickets can be bought at the door.
САД БОКС, METROPOLITAN ASSOCIATION, INC. is the Local Boxing Committee (LBC) comprising New York City, Лонг Исланд, and up to and including Duchess, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties. Many world champion boxers have come up through the ranks of New York amateur boxing including Sugar Ray Robinson, Емиле Гриффитх, and Vito Antuofermo. New York has also produced several Olympians including Floyd Patterson, Марк Бреланд, and Riddick Bowe.
THE NEW YORK METRO QUALIFIERS 2018 tournament is open to boxers aged 8 years and older from the New York City Metropolitan area, up to and including Duchess, Orange, and Ulster Counties. Open Class competitors aged 19 на 40 will qualify for the May, 2018 National Golden Gloves Tournament in Omaha, Небраска. Boxers aged 8 на 18 will advance to the 2018 National Junior Olympics in Charleston, WV. A schedule of approximately 25 qualifying shows, including preliminaries, quarterfinals, semifinals and finals, will soon be available at www.usaboxingmetro.com and via social media sites: хттпс://m.facebook.com/usaboxingmetro/ и хттпс://ввв.инстаграм.цом/usaboxingmetro/.
САД Бокс, Metropolitan Association, Инц, Ионкерс ПАЛ, анд “New York Metro Qualifiersare not affiliated with and/or endorsed by Daily News Charities.
The Road to the Garden
Четвртак, Март 1
Ионкерс ПАЛ
Петак, Март 2
Church Street Boxing
Четвртак, Март 8
Main Street Boxing
Петак, Март 9
Work Train Fight
Среда, Март 14
Plattdeutsche Restaurant
Sponsored by Ring 8
Петак, Март 16
Private Event
Electric Industry Center
Четвртак, Март 22
New York Athletic Club
Петак, Март 23
Venue TBD
Субота, Март 24
Глеасонс Теретана
Четвртак, Март 29
John’s Gym
Субота, Март 31
International Boxing
Четвртак, Април 5
Roller Jam USA
Sponsored by the NYPD
Петак, Април 6
Main Street Boxing
Субота, Април 7
Најбољи фитнес
JO Semi Finals
Недеља, Април 15
International Boxing
JO Finals/Youth Finals
Venue TBD
Senior Finals
Male Open/Novice/Female
Мадисон Скуаре Гарден
All bouts sanctioned by:
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Commentating by:
PugLife Chronicles

Sharahya-Taina Moreu to make USA Boxing Women’s Elite debut at home in Albuquerque

2018 Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships
Море. 6-10 at Albuquerque Convention Center

ЦOLORADO SPRINGS, Круг. (Март 1, 2018) – High school senior Sharahya-Taina Moreu, one of the top youth amateur boxers in the world, will make her USA Boxing in the Women’s Elite Division at home in Albuquerque, Март 6-10, у 2018 USA Boxing Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships.

The 18-year-old Moreu, who plans to attend community college next year, је 2016 USA Boxing National Champion, in addition to a four-time Native American and 2014 Gene Lewis champion. She was a silver medalist at the 2015 Junior/Youth Open and 2014/2015 Junior Olympic championships.

Бокс, her father/coach, Yoruba Moreu, покојни Johnny Tapia helped her overcome the life-changing tragedy of her mother’s death in an automobile accident, forging a new path for her as a role model and 2020 Olympic hopeful. “I was only eight when my mother died,” Moreu remembered. “I was laying on her when the car-rolled and she was thrown through the back window. I was the first out of the card and on the freeway asking for help.

I’m a better person because of that accident, мада. Прво, I was regretful and angry, getting in fights and on a bad path. I got into boxing, took anger management, and became motivated. I didn’t realize that I’d become a role model until girls started asking me for advice. They do look up to me and some of them I now coach.
Moreu started boxing at the age of 12 and Tapia, петоструки, три подела светски шампион, in addition to the 1983 и 1985 Национални Златни Рукавице првак, had a tremendous impact on Sharahya-Taina that will remain in her heart and soul for life.
We became like family,” Moreu said. “Прво, he didn’t like girls boxing, so he worked me real hard. I was a good basketball player and he kept telling me to go play basketball. But he became a big person in my life, Мислим, because I had lost my mother at such a young age. He helped me in and out of the ring in so many ways. Johnny Tapia was the nicest, most humble man I’ve ever met. We became family until the gym fell apart. He only coached me about eight months, but he taught me that boxing defines you as a person, у и ван ринга. I feel safe in the ring. I’m a better person because of Johnny and boxing.

Стиле-мудар, Sharahya-Taina preys on her opponentsmistakes, adjusting in the ring the same as, she says, “Just like in life.At 5′ 10″, Moreu has a distinct height and reach advantage over most of her middleweight opponents, using those attributes, her speed and stiff jab to relentlessly pile up points.

She strongly believes that, because of Цларесса Шилдсgold-medal performances in the 2012 и 2016 Олимпијске игре, the doors are open wider for women in boxing. “I saw an American woman do what Clarissa did and become a dominant force in boxing,” Moreu remarked. “(2016 У.С. Olympian and three-time USA Boxing National Champion)) Микаела Маиер (3-0, 2 KOs as a pro) has helped a lot, сувише. She signed with a good promoter (Топ Ранг). Boxing is slowly getting better for woman, maybe not equal to men, but there are more girls boxing today than ever before and that’s a good sign.

Fighting at home in the Western Qualifier has a special meaning for Moreu. “I thought fighting in Albuquerque would be a lot of pressure,” she admitted, “but there’s not much pressure on me because of all the support I’m receiving. It’s easy here. Albuquerque isn’t like a big city but it’s becoming a fight town.

I like to travel and meet different people. Прошле године, I represented to United States in India at the Youth Championships, and I saw another part of the world, how people trained and had different life styles. I’m turning 19 у мају, so this is my first-time boxing in an Elite tournament, and it’s great doing it in my hometown.

Moreu also credits her father for a large amount of her success in the ring and life. “He’s been a single parent, but he’s always been there doing his best for me as a father and coach,” Sharahya-Taina noted. “Most people don’t know that he’s Puerto Rican, my mother a Native American (Pueblo).”

Like most young, elite athletes, Sharahya-Taina has a dream. “2020 in the Olympics,” she concluded. “I want to establish myself as an amateur and eventually go pro and have a good career.

Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

Springfield embodies spirit of USA Boxing

Second stop of USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour on Mar. 15
Улазнице у продаји, VISIT WWW.USABOXING.ORG
ЦОЛОРАДО СПРИНГС, Круг. (Фебруар 28, 2018) – Central City Boxing Club and Barbell, based in Springfield, Масачусетс, embodies the true spirit of USA Boxing.
Dean Fay, the Central City Boxing and Barbell Gym Founder & Директор, has helped develop the Western New England Golden Gloves franchise into the preeminent power in the six-state region, capturing numerous individual All-New England titles and five consecutive team championships.
Што је још важније, мада, Dean and his outstanding staff have reshaped the futures of countless youth in Greater Springfield, instilling an invaluable philosophy that, through amateur boxing, provides an opportunity for members to reshape their lives, in addition to making a significant difference in their communities.
From a storied past at the nearby Holyoke Boys & Гирлс Цлуб, Dean and his young boxers have a new home at MassMutual Center in Springfield, which will host the second stop of the USA Boxing USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour on Четвртак, Март 15. An exciting evening of entertainment, под насловом од 10 bouts of amateur boxing between the two powerhouse national programs, as well as Springfield’s hometown AC/DC tribute band,BACK IN BLACK, kicking off the show and continuing to perform throughout the night.
Tickets are on sale now, ranging in price from $35 for Upper Bowl seating to $100 for a limited premium seat at a ringside table. Seats in the Lower Bowl section of the MassMutual Center can be purchased for $50. Tickets can be purchased online овде.Groups of 10 or more can enjoy select savings by calling Richard DeCusati at 413-271-3259.
Fay is a Springfield police officer who started his program 10 пре неколико година, last year moving into Central City Boxing and Barbell Gym, primarily to keep kids off the street, teaching them values to become productive citizens.
Our program, први, is youth development and second, бокс,” Fay explained. “We use boxing as a vehicle for valuable teaching lessons, embodying the same values of boxing: competition, cohesiveness and integrity. Springfield has had a long history in boxing. The Golden Gloves were held in Holyoke, one city over from Springfield, за 50 years before coming here. Golden Gloves has funded a lot of small gyms because many of these kids can’t afford fees. We’ve bridged the gap by hosting shows that raises money and creates fanbases.
“Током година, Марвин Хаглер, Марлон Старлинг, Мицки Вард, John Scully and so many others have come through USA Boxing programs in New England. Boxing represents life; how to conduct themselves in and out of the ring. Boxing is a small fraternity and boxers walk up those steps and through the ropes, in front of everybody, and confront their fears. Boxing is determined by judges and, in life, you are judged by how you live by laws. Life values are taught through boxing.
Hosting the USA-Boxing Northeast Boxing Tour gives kids in our program an opportunity to watch up close the top boxers who are representing their country. My kids realize that they could do that someday. They see the best boxers in the country and that’s where they want to be.
Anticipated Team USA boxers competing in Springfield include 2017 Освајач бронзане медаље на елитном светском првенству трои Ислеи (Александрија, VA.), упоредо са 2017 Elite World Championship team members деланте Џонсон (Кливленд, ОХ), Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму. (Kemah, ТКС), who won four international gold medals last year, и 2016 Омладински Светско првенство бронзане медаље и 2017 САД Бокс Хеавивеигхт Национални Шампион, Ричард Торес (Туларе, КАО ШТО СУ). All boxers are subject to change.
Retired three-time, два-подела светски првак Хосе Антонио Ривера started boxing in Springfield before moving to another Western N.E. stronghold in Worcester (Мр). Now promoting professional shows, Rivera excelled as an amateur, winning top honors at the New England Golden Gloves and twice in the Western N.E. Championships, highlighted by a bronze-medal performance at the PAL Championships.
I was fortunate to be part of USA Boxing,” Rivera said. “Gaining experience in amateur boxing helped mold me as a person and give me confidence to pursue my dream of becoming world champion as a professional. I started boxing in Springfield when I was 15, before moving to Worcester (Мр), becoming part of Carlo Garcia‘s growing stable of national and regional champions.
The three-city boxing tour kicks off at Boston’s Royale Entertainment Complex on Март 12 and closes Море. 21 at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, Н.Х. A full roster for both teams will soon be released.
Да бисте били у току са САД вс. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед кликните овде.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 12: Роиале Забава комплекс, Бостон, Маса.
Март 15: МассМутуал центар, спрингфиелд, Маса.
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
Све боксери и напади су подложни променама.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

Мицки Вард & Kevin McBride Named Honorary Captains in Boston dual

За иммедиате релеасе
САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед
Kicks-off Март 12 у Бостону
Улазнице у продаји, VISIT WWW.USABOXING.ORG
ЦОЛОРАДО СПРИНГС, Круг. (Фебруар 26, 2018) – One of boxing’s most beloved boxer of all-time, “Ирски” Мицки Вард, and the Irishman best known for knocking out legendary Мајк Тајсон into retirement, Кевин “The Clones ColossusMcBride, have been selected as honorary team captains, односно, of Team USA and Team Ireland for the first leg of the three-city 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед.
The tour commences Понедељак, Март 12, at the newly renovated Royale Entertainment Complex in Boston’s famed theater district. The Boston stop, which is being presented by Budweiser, have general admission tickets for $20.00 and a limited amount of $30.00 reserved tickets on sale and are available to purchase online here.
Штићеник, 52, is the pride of Lowell, Масачусетс, where he is a living legend. A three-time New England Golden Gloves champion as an amateur boxer, Ward fought professionally between 1985-2003, registering a 38-13 (27 КОс) record as a junior welterweight throughout his pro career. He is best known for his epic trilogy with the late Артуро Гатти, in which he became the first fighter with double-digit losses to earn a $1-million purse (двапут).
An all-action, crowed-pleasing fighter, Ward was involved in three Fight of the Year honors, the first and third of the Gatti trilogy, along with a memorable match with Emanuel Augustus. Ward was the winner in two (first Gatti and Augustus) of those classic fights.
Boston-native Mark Wahlberg portrayed Ward in, The Fighter, a movie about Micky’s life that won two Academy Awards.
To be honorary captain of Team USA means a lot to me,” Ward said. “It’s great having elite amateur boxing back in Boston with the national teams from the United States and Ireland. It’s especially exciting for me as an Irish-American.
The 44-year-old McBride was born in Clones, Ирска. Био је члан од 1992 Ireland Olympic Boxing Team at the age of 19, competing in the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Шпанија. Two years earlier, he represented Ireland at the European Championships and one of his teammates was билли Волш, Team USA’s current head coach of Team USA and former chief trainer for Team Ireland.
Like other Irish boxers, McBride came to the United States to enhance his professional career, landing in the predominately Irish neighborhood of Dorchester, a working-class section Boston, back in 1999. 6′ 6″, 285-pound McBride started training in Brockton, MA with Goody Petronelli, who had trained Марвелоус Марвин Хаглер, and later Packy Collins, the brother of another Petronelli-trained fighter, светски шампион Stevie Collins.
McBride fought professionally between 1992-2011, retiring with a 35-10-1 (29 КОс), highlighted by his shocking sixth-round knockout of Tyson in 2005, driving theBaddest Man on the Planetinto ring retirement.
I feel good about being honorary captain of Team Ireland,” remarked the still thickly Irish-brogue McBride, who still lives with his family in Dorchester. “I’m honored to be carrying the Irish flag for these fighters. I’m not sure how many of them remember me as the man who beat Tyson. I know some of the Irish coaches and I still support boxing in Ireland as well as America. I just love boxing. And it’s always a pleasure to be with my friend, Мицки Вард. He’s a good lad.
САД вс. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will continue Март 15 у МассМутуал центру у Спрингфиелд, Маса., concluding Март 21 у хотелу Манцхестер Довнтовн у Њу Хемпширу.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 п.м. ЕСТ а улазнице ће бити на располагању за куповину у наредним недељама. Сваки град ће приказати до 12 крајеви, који ће се сви преносити уживо, бесплатно, на сајту УСА Бокс је (ввв.усабокинг.орг).
Tentatively headlining Team USA’s roster in the Boston dual s 2017 Светско првенство бронзане медаље трои Ислеи (Александрија, ВА). Four-time 2017 international gold medalist Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму. (Kemah, ТКС), 2016 Омладина светски шампион и 2017 Елите Цонтинентал првенство сребрне медаље, деланте Џонсон (Кливленд, ОХ), и 2016 Омладински Светско првенство бронзане медаље и 2017 САД Бокс Хеавивеигхт Национални Шампион, Ричард Торес (Туларе, КАО ШТО СУ).
Full team rosters for each city will be released closer to the start of the tour.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 12: Роиале Забава комплекс, Бостон, Маса.
Март 15: МассМутуал центар, спрингфиелд, Маса.
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
Све боксери и напади су подложни променама.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг

New England Tournament of Champions Open Division championship finals results from Lowell

72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities
Golden Gloves Championship

2018 Team New England (missing Angel Gonzalez)
(pictures courtesy of Edward Boches / Boches Photography)
ЛОВЕЛЛ, Маса. (Фебруар 23, 2018) – Eleven New England champions were crowned last night during the New England Tournament of Champions at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Central New England snapped the Western New England’s four-year reign in team scoring to capture the covered Bill Hoar Memorial Award as Most Outstanding Team.
The New England Tournament of Champions, also known as the All-New England’s, is part of the 72nd annual New England Golden Gloves Championships.
Each individual N.E. champion qualified for Team New England, which will compete at the National Golden Gloves Championship, почевши Мај 14, 2018 in Omaha, Небраска.
Central N.E. had five individual winners, edging Western NE with four, North N.E. and Southern N.E. had champion one apiece.
There were some great fights, hotly contested because there was so much on the line,” Н. И. Izvršni direktor Bobby Russo рекао. “We closed the season in grand style with great matches and a loud, packed house that’s been the Lowell tradition for 72 године. There were some disputed decisions and the crowd let everybody know how they felt after a few of the fights.
We have a lot of talent on this year’s Team New England. It’s a strong team with some fighters who now have national experience like Angel Gonzalez, Felix Parilla, Liz Leddy, Miguel Teo and Fernely Felix, Јр. The other fighters look like they could do very well at the National Golden Gloves.
НИ. featherweight champion Felix Parilla (WNE), оф Нортх Хавен, ЦТ, was selected as the Thomas Costello Memorial Award winner as Most Outstanding Boxer.

Most Outstanding Boxer Felix Parilla
The Rocky Marciano Memorial Award as the Most Outstanding Heavyweight Boxer was presented to Lowell, MA’s Edmond Worley, who edged Randolph, MA’s Edit McApman, 4-1, to clinch the team title for Central New England in the second to last bout of the night.
Rocky Marciano Memorial Award winner Edmond Worley
The unofficial Fight of the Night was a toss up between lightweights Jonathan DePina и Илија Пеикото (DePina won 3-2) и миддлевеигхтс Michael Fontanez и Victor Reynoso (Fontanez won 3-2).
In the most anticipated match of the evening, Mansfield, MA welterweight Џејмс Перелла (SNE) defeated USA No. 5-rated and defending N.E. шампион Josniel Castro(NNE), by way of a controversial 5-0 unanimous yet very closely contested decision that drew the wrath of the disapproving crown.
USA No. 7 rated light heavyweight Miguel Teo (CNE), of Marlboro, Мр, took a unanimous 5-0 decision versus Rashane Doyle (SNE), Бостон.
In a N.E. super heavyweight rematch, Денбури, CT’s Fernely Felix, Јр. (WNE) repeated by the same score las last year, 3-2, against Providence’s Tim Hatfield(SNE), for his third straight N.E. наслов.
In women’s competition, Портланд, ME lightweight Liz Leddy (NNE) captured her seventh N.E. women’s title, taking a unanimous 5-0 decision over Willow Crawford(CNE), оф Манцхестер, НХ, unanimous 5-0 одлука, while USA No 10- рангиран Ешли Мур (CNE), representing Buzzards Bay, Мр, won a unanimous 5-0 decision against Gorham, ME’s Lindsay Kyanjohnian (NNE), who was runner-up for the second year in a row after she took top honors in 2016.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (почевши Мај 14, 2018 in Omaha, Небраска), in addition to supporting local athletes and area gyms, the Boys & Гирлс Цлуб, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, cancer funds, scholarships and many other great charitable causes.
(Feb.22, 2018)
Angel Gonzalez, Хартфорд, ЦТ / WNE
ВДЕЦ3 (5-0)
Shin Murinda, Haverhill, Мр / CNE
Felix Parilla, Нортх Хавен, ЦТ / WNE
WRSC1 (2:31)
Danny Pang, Портланд, МЕ / NNE
Liz Leddy, Портланд, МЕ / NNE
ВДЕЦ3 (5-0)
Willow Crawford, Манчестер, НХ / CNE
Лаких модела (132 кг.)
Joseph DePina, Dorchester, Мр / CNE
ВДЕЦ3 (3-2)
Илија Пеикото, Провиђење, РИ / SNE
Sharad Collier, Хартфорд, ЦТ / WNE
ВДЕЦ3 (5-0)
Brandon Higgins, North Chelmsford, Мр / CNE
Ешли Мур, Buzzards Bay, Мр / CNE
ВДЕЦ5 (5-0)
Lindsay Kyajohnian, Gorham, МЕ / NNE
Џејмс Перелла, Mansfield, Мр / SNE
ВДЕЦ3 (5-0)
Josniel Castro, Портланд, МЕ / NNE
Фернели Фелиз, Јр., Денбури, ЦТ / WNE
ВДЕЦ (3-2)
Tim Hatfield, Провиђење, РИ / SNE
CNECentral New England – 5
WNEWestern New England – 4
NNENorthern New England – 1
SNESouthern New England – 1
New England Golden Gloves Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Director of Contestants: Art Ramalho
Chief of Officials: Laurie Purcell
Ринг Анноунцер: John Vena
Венуе: Ловелл Мемориал Аудиториум, 50 Merrimack St., Ловелл, Мр
Твиттер: @LowellGloves

1stUSA Boxing Alumni Association event in N.E. A knockout in Lowell, Маса

Picture courtesy of Edward Boches / Boches Photography
ЛОВЕЛЛ, Маса. (Фебруар 23, 2018) – Скоро 50 past New England Golden Gloves boxers turned out last night for the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association meet-and-greet in a private room, prior to the opening bout of the New England Tournament of Champions, at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium in Lowell, Масачусетс.
The USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering was also to promote the 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед, which kicks-off Понедељак, Март 12, at Royale Entertainment Complex in Boston’s famed theater district. САД вс. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will continue Март 15 у МассМутуал центру у Спрингфиелд, Маса. and concludes Март 21at The Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, Нев Хампсхире.
Among the USA Boxing Alumni Association attendees were former professional world champions “Ирски” Мицки Вард, a Lowell boxing icon, and Jose Antonio Rivera, као и Кандидати Звезда Петар Манфредо, Јр., “Ледаџија” Џон Скали
Created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, –боксери, званичници, тренери и љубитељи бокса — Алумни удружење повезује генерације шампиона, надахњујући и враћајући будућим шампионима у боксу УСА Бокинг, у и ван ринга.
Америчко удружење бивших боксера отворено је за све који воле љубав према боксу и желе да остану повезани са аматерским боксом. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including Friday evening’s USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.
Да се ​​придружи Алумни удружењу, једноставно се региструјте на алумни@усабокинг.орг За $40.00 годишње чланарина. Нови чланови добиће мајицу, привезак за кључеве и е-новчаник.
Твиттер: @УСАБокинг
Инстаграм: @УСАБокинг
Фацебоок: /УСАБокинг