No te Tonu Tuku

CBS Sports Whakaaturanga o Pirimia Mekemeke Champions Ki Air i te taha o Mākī SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Events

NEW YORK (Feb. 17, 2015) – CBS Sports a SHOWTIME Sports® Kua kauwhautia te mahi tahi tau-maha ki te tapae mekemeke ora i runga i te Whatunga-te tuatahi o runga ki te waru ngā hui ora i roto i te Television CBS 2015 Ka tuatahitia ai ki runga ki Rāhoroi, April 4 i 3 p.m. AND i runga i CBS. Premier Boxing Champions on CBS will air in conjunction with marquee SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING events as part of a partnership that will cross-promote the live programs across multiple platforms.

Ko te wiki tuatahi e ono ki te timata, ka ngā tenei kaupapa e rua o nga ingoa nui i roto i te hākinakina-Julio Hiha Chavez Jr., a Tamutu Stevenson-a Tokopuka hui mekemeke tino âwhina o tenei tau, te SHOWTIME PPV® whakaaturanga o te motuhake toa pauna-no te-pauna Floyd Mayweather.

Ka tautoko ia hui mekemeke ora i runga i CBS me SHOWTIME ki poto- me te hōtaka pokohiwi roa-puka e, e te hau puta noa i ngä tüäpapa maha, tae atu CBS, SHOWTIME and CBS Sports Network. I tua atu, Ka he pūtea hokohoko nui kia whakatapua ki te whakatairanga i ia o nga pāhotanga ora CBS me ia telecast matua SHOWTIME ki kaupapa pānuitanga hāngai.

“Ko te raupapa Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS e tauturu i te faaôraa mai i roto i te tau hou i roto i te aamu ngā papa o te mekemeke,” Na ka mea a Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “Ki te te tautoko o to tatou kamupene matua, Kei te ahurei tūnga tatou mo te huarahi e toru-ATE e ngā pāhotanga mekemeke ora i runga i Amerika a No. 1 whatunga, te taea te taura o CBS Sports Whatunga me, o te akoranga, te rangatira moni pouaka i roto i te mekemeke, SHOWTIME. The benefit of elevating the sport across these platforms for all involved, tae atu ki SHOWTIME, Ko te faito.”

Ko te hōtaka o ngā kaupapa mekemeke ora mai i runga i CBS me SHOWTIME ko e whai ake:


I Rāhoroi, March 28, Ka tapae SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING te doubleheader miramira ana i tētahi pupūtanga mā whitu i waenganui i toa WBC Jhonny Gonzalez, e runga nguha Gary Russell Jr., and a matchup of 154-pound contenders Jermell Charlo and Vanes Martirosyan. The live SHOWTIME telecast will preview the following week’s April 4 CBS debut of Premier Boxing Champions.


Tuatahitia ai te CBS i runga i Rāhoroi, April 4 (3 p.m. AND/Poutumarotanga PT) will feature light heavyweight world champion Adonis Stevenson defending his WBC title against former super middleweight champ Sakio Bika. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, undefeated light heavyweight contender Artur Beterbiev will face veteran former world champ Gabriel Campillo. The CBS broadcast, me ona noaa motu o neke atu i te 110 miriona whare, will offer a broad platform to promote a major SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event just two weeks later.


I Rāhoroi, April 18, He hakari SHOWTIME te tuatahi whatunga o te toa ao mua, me te superstar Mexican Julio Hiha Chavez Jr., as he takes on light heavyweight contender Andrzej Fonfara.


I Rāhoroi, Kia 9 Hoki te Pirimia mekemeke Champions ki CBS mo te rua o nga utunga (4:30 p.m. AND/1:30 p.m. PT). This broadcast will pit undefeated Omar Figueroa, nei tata nei tona Kōmāmā World Championship ki te neke ki runga i te taimaha ki te 140 pauna, against former champion Ricky Burns.

Te April 18 SHOWTIME telecast me te Kia 9 CBS pāhotanga ka tautoko-a kia tautoko e-teKia 2 Hui PPV SHOWTIME e miramira ana i te tūturu, No te ao. 1 toa runga, Floyd Mayweather.

Te tahi atu rā whakapumautia hoki Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS ngā haapurororaa ora i roto i te Pipiri, Hōngongoi me Mahuru, ki runga ki te toru ngā huihuinga e toe i runga i te 2015 maramataka ano kia kauwhautia. Ko te haapurororaa mekemeke ora i runga i CBS, i tua atu i te tuatahitia ai i faahitihia, Ka päpäho ora i4:30 p.m. AND/1:30 p.m. PT.

I hanga te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia mō te pouaka whakaata e Haymon Sports. Ko te whakaaturanga tuatahi raupapa ōrite o te mekemeke ora i runga i CBS i roto i 15 tau. The network aired a one-off live event featuring current WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz in 2012. I mua ki te e, te mekemeke ora whakamutunga i runga i te whatunga i roto i 1997 , no te patototanga toa ka-whitu Bernard Hopkins i Glen Johnson.

Mekemeke Live he tino kai i runga i te whatunga i roto i te 1980, ngā wā katoa, ngā heke mai Hall o Famers Sugar Ray Leonard, Ray “Tōnuitanga Boom” Mancini me ētahi atu. Hītori o mekemeke i te CBS rā hoki ki te 1948 ka premiered te Pabst Blue Ripene pāngia ngā kōrero patu-i-patu autaua Russ Hodges.

Boxcino 2015 Puni whakangungu taumahamaha taiku mua U.S. Whakakapi ngä Häkinakina Jason Estrada Mario Heredia

No te Tonu Tuku

Verona, NY (February 17, 2015)–Tenei po Rāmere i te tahuri Stone Resort Casino, te Boxcino 2015 Whakataetae taumahamaha ka timata ki te wha pāngia quarterfinal.
Mua U.S. Häkinakina, Jason “Big ono” Road Ko te whakakapinga i roto i te whakataetae mo te Mario Heredia nei piko i roto i te whakataetae mō ngā take hauora.

Estrada o Providence, Rhode Island tētahi o ngā mema o te 2004 Rōpū United States Olympic, a tahuri ngaio i muri i taua tau. Kei a ia te whakauru ia totoka i runga James Northey (11-1), Lance Whitaker (32-4), Moultrie Witherspoon (14-1) & Derek Bryant (20-4-1).

Kei raro nei ngā kōrero i te whakataetae mo te whawhai taumahamaha tenei Rāmere.

Steve Vukosa--“Whakangungu te haere nui. Kua ahau whiwhi mahi anō shoveling i te hukarere katoa konei i roto i te Massachusetts. Kihai i tino i takina e ahau he nui i runga i Donovan Dennis. Ko ahau fiefia ki te tiki i roto i te whakakai me ahau oaoa mo tenei faingamālie.”

Donovan Dennis “Puni Training he pai. I ahau mākutu nui, me te ahau i roto i te āhua pai. Ko ahau rite, me kua manukanuka mo nga wiki tokorua whakamutunga. Ko ahau rite hoki nga mea katoa i ahau ki te mahi i ki te riro i te whawhai.”
Răzvan Cojanu–“Kua mea katoa kua nui. Ko ahau rite ki te haere. I ahau runga mākutu, a haere ana te reira nui. Hei faitotonu, E kore ahau e mohio ki te nui e pā ana ki Ed puna atu ka ko ia he southpaw. E kore e mea faufaa ki ahau, kia rite ki ahau tika haere i roto i te reira, ka mahi i taku mahi.”

Na ka Fountain–“Puni Training he tino pai. Ko ahau te underdog, a e haere ana ahau ki te whai i te tahi fun. Te ti'aturi nei au e hopoi ia tona pai kia taea whakamatau ahau i ahau. E mohio ana ahau ki ko ia he hōia. Titiro atu ahau ki a patuki ia ki waho, ka maka ana ahau i te tihi o te whakataetae.”

Lenroy Thomas–“Haere pai Training. Kua whakama ahau i te huringa o te hoariri. Ahau whakapono tika i roto i ahau, me toku whakapono. Titiro ki ahau etahi ataata o Estrada, a ka haere mai ia ki te whawhai. Whakaputaina ana e ia te whawhai. Ka waiho te reira i te whawhai pai, a ka waiho e ahau te wikitoria.”


Jason Estrada–“Ko ahau i te urunga mutunga, heoi kua ahau i roto i te puni. Ko ahau i roto i te āhua tino pai. Ko te taua pai e kore ahau i taea e tika i te reira ki runga i tenei, a ka whiua e ahau e ahau toku pōtae i roto i te whakakai. E kore ahau e mohio ki te nui e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga. I toku papa i te rangahau. Haere ana ahau noa i roto i ki te whawhai ki toku whawhai. Mai i toku papamuri amateur, Kua kite ahau i ngā momo maha. Ehara i te mea pakeke no te mea kua kite ahau i ngā kāhua kia maha. Ka taea e ahau te urutau a kia te pai win te tangata.”

Nate te rangi–“Whakangungu te haere nui. Kua i rota o te mākutu ahau. Kua rere ahau, a ko ahau i roto i te huru nui tinana hinengaro me. Ka tohutohutia haere tika puritia e ahau. Mai i te mea i kite ahau i, e tamata ia ki te hoatu he rota o te pēhanga. Ko ia pukuriri, me te pai ki te haere ki te tinana. Te faaineine noa tatou no te mea e puta mai ia ki runga ki te. I pera pai e hiahia noa tatou ki te tango i tenei i te whakangungu ki te mowhiti Training kua.”

Andrey Fedosov–“Ko ahau rite ki toku pai i roto i tenei whakataetae! I ahau i te puni nui.”

Ko te paunatia i roto i te ka Rāpare, February 19 i 5 PM i roto i te kauri Room.
He ka he amuiraa tonu pou whawhai press e whai ake nei i te otinga o te a'ee whakamutunga i roto i te kauri Room.

E i teie nei tikiti mo te 20 o Pepuere ESPN Paraire Night e whawhai i tahuri Stone runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Stone tahuri, tangata i roto i na roto i te te karanga ranei 315.361.7469, online ranei i Ticketmaster. Tickets e $60 no te tūru ringside, $35, $25, a ka ngohengohe ana hoki ki ngā utu tāpiri.

Kaihautū o te Hui-tanguru 20 pāngia, tonu tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida Indian iwi o ki te wehewehe ake ka rite ki te ūnga pirimia mō ngā mahi hākinakina ngaio, tae atu ngā tākaro mekemeke motu-teata, me te taumata-PGA korowha. Ka tohu February 20 whawhai tahuri hui mekemeke teata motu o Stone 14 i roto i iti iho i te rua nga tau, tautururaa i whakapumautia te huihui ano he tūruhi mō knockout teata whawhai. Pūrākau mekemeke Mike Tyson me Floyd Mayweather Jr. Kua whakatairangatia ana ngā kāri whawhai teata i te huihui i roto i te tau whakamutunga, me te tahuri kua whakahaeretia Stone ngā kaupapa mekemeke teata i runga i ESPN, Showtime, HBO, a NBC i roto i te rua tau whakamutunga. Kei roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, tuku i te huihui e wha-wa whakangahau-te ao o te piha haapiiraa, me te petipeti, wharekai whaimana, papai kaukau whakaurunga, a he inaianei accommodations.Tickets tohu-toa mo te 20 o Pepuere ESPN Paraire Night e whawhai i tahuri Stone runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Stone tahuri, tangata i roto i na roto i te te karanga ranei315.361.7469, online ranei i Ticketmaster. Tickets e $60 no te tūru ringside, $35, $25, a ka ngohengohe ana hoki ki ngā utu tāpiri. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 te ahiahi, ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 7:00 p.m. Tīmata te telecast ESPN ora i te 9pm.

Pāpāho ngaio tono taipitopito tuakiri mo te Hui-tanguru 20 Me whakapā whawhai Kelly Abdo, Tahuri Kaiwhakahaere Stone Public Relations i 315.366.9291

Mō tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Pirimia e wha-wa, ūnga huihui i roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, Kei te wa kei tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida Indian iwi o e pā ana ki 30 maero te rawhiti o Hairakuha i NYS Thruway putanga 33. Ingoa tahuri Stone i “Te nuinga o Pai Golf Resort” i roto i te 2010 e Conde Nast Johansens. Ko te Academy o Country Music ingoa tahuri Stone “Casino o te Tau” i roto i te 2009. Tuku te huihui petipeti-ao o te piha haapiiraa, korowha, whakangahau, Maatamaata me te kaukau whakaurunga, roaa a kua AAA wha Diamond whakawākanga mō te Lodge, Ko te Tower Hotel, a tarutaru wharekai. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, me rahuitia, karanga (315) 361-7711 ranei (800) 771-7711. Tirohia te pae tukutuku i

M-1 Global whakarewa M-1 Medieval Pro Jousting Whakapā katoa


(kite M-1 taiwhanga photo Medieval i raro)

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Feb. 18, 2015) — Peresideni M-1 Global Vadim Finkelstein a Artemy Gershvald Kua kauwhautia ōkawa te whakarewa o te kaupapa hou, M-1 Medieval, e ngā ngaio whakapā tonu jousting whawhai.

Te tangata kakahu i roto i te wharekarakia patu toa whawhai tetahi ki tetahi tauira mā te o nga wharekarakia patu mata ki te mata puhuki (kite pikitia i runga, me te raro).

Tū te M-1 whawhai Medieval taketake ko August 15, 2014 i M-1 Challenge 50: Battle i te A kahore i roto i te St. Petersburg, Russia. Ao rima-wā, 10-wā Russian toa taiapa hītori Sergey Ukolov American patua Mike Ivey.

Tupu te M-1 Medieval whawhai tuarua, me te tuatoru Oketopa 17, 2014 i M-1 Challenge 52: Pakanga o Narts i roto i te Ingushetia, Russia. Tapawha toa Russian atu riteSergei Ukolov whiua Maxim Plaksin i roto i te kotahi kēmu, ia Ingushetia tino Maxim Plaksin patototanga a roto i Demitry Stadnichenko, o katatānga, i roto i te taka noa te rua o ratou whakataetae.

I roto i te wha o M-1 whawhai Medieval, Katatānga Vladimir “Ko te Bear” Toropov, e tohu ana i te Bayard Club, te upootia i runga i Nikolai “Ko te Raven” Potryasov, o Kyrgyzstan.



Ū M-1 Global Events:Feb. 21, 2015, M-1 Challenge 55: Guram Gugenishvili Memorial Whakaatu i roto i te Tbilisi, Georgia; Apr. 10, 2015, M-1 Challenge 56 i roto i te Moscow, Russia; Kia 2, 2015, M-1 Challenge 57 i roto i te Orenburg, Russia.


Twitter & Instagram:

@ M1Global @ VFinkelchtein

@ M1GlobalNews


Facebook: / 145250878842244

ABOUT M-1 AO: Nō i roto i te 1997, Kua whakapumautia M-1 Global ano i roto i te kingitanga o Hanumi Toi Martial (MMA) as the premiere entity for discovering and developing the world’s next-generation of superstar fighters. Ki te tari i roto i te St Petersburg, Amsterdam and Los Angeles and affiliates in Seoul, Tokyo a Paris, Kua tū atu atu i te M-1 waitohu 150 ngā takahanga te ao, tae atu i te Whiriwhiri M-1, M-1 Challenge and M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP events, i roto i te tua ki te tahi-te whakatairanga ngā kaupapa Strikeforce me M-1 Global i runga i te whatunga Showtime i roto i te United States. Ora hopu, pouaka me te aunui hunga me ona uara production pai, me matchups, M-1 Kua ngā Takahanga Pāwhānui etahi o runga ingoa te hākinakina o, tae atu ki Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Aleksander Emelianenko, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Zentsov Roma, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid pau a Stephan Struve. 2014 fafau ia riro tetahi atu autaia tau o te whakataetae-ao o te piha haapiiraa ki te maramataka o te mau ohipa titauraa tafunaki e te pūnaha totohe taranata-taonga te ana'iraa Champions M-1 Global o roto i te nui i roto i te hākinakina. Ko te hua nui M-1 Global o rongonui toa taumahamaha, Fedor Emelianenko.

THE FLOYD Mayweather JR. TE PAPANGA he hakari THE “FIGHT 4 FITNESS” 5K rere / 2K haere, KIDS FUN rere & COMMUNITY DAY SATURDAY, APERIRA 19 AT Sunset PARK i Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Feb. 16, 2015) Ko te Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation (FMJF) Ko te whakakake ki te tapae i te Whawhai 4 Fitness 5K Run / 2K Walk, Kids Fun Run me Day Hapori wahi tango Rāhoroi, April 19 i Sunset Park i roto i te Las Vegas.


Ko te 5K Run / 2K Walk me Kids Fun Run (kotahi te hawhe maero oma mō ngā tamariki 12 a i raro i) tīmata i 8 a.m. a aru ana e te hui tohu whakahonore katoa o nga kaiuru. Ko te hui Day Community i muri tonu i te hui tohu e ngā kai, music, kēmu, paraihe raffled me exhibitors hauora tinana me te whakahere o ratou ratonga ki te whakarei ake i to outou whāinga whakapakari tinana.


“Toku turanga pono whakaaro e pā ana ki te hapori Las Vegas, a kei te haere tonu tatou i to tatou taunaha ki te mahi ki te ngā kaupapa rite tenei nui,” Said Mayweather. “Na te faaearaa i pai me te kaha, ko te mea faufaa. Te ti'aturi nei tatou i tenei hui E akiaki ana te iwi o nga reanga katoa ki te mahi ki te whiwhi i roto i te āhua me te noho i te āhua noho hauora.”


Ko te misioni o te Whawhai 4 Fitness is to form community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life. From children to adults, everyone is welcome to join the “whawhai” in reversing health trends that are adversely affecting our quality of life. Whawhai 4 Fitness is a movement toward good health through the possibilities of change that can enhance one’s own life and the lives of those around them. Whai wāhi i roto i te Whawhai 4 Fitness Ka taea e hui e te whakakōkī e hiahiatia ana ki te waihanga i tētahi kaha, fiefia, me te hapori Las Vegas hauora. This unique experience invites all members of the community to run/walk independently or with friends, te utuafare, a hoa.


Whakarārangitia te hōtaka o te mau ohipa i raro:

  • 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.5K Run / 2K Walk & Kids Fun Run
  • 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.Awards Ceremony
  • 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.Day Community

Rehita mo tetahi, me nga mea katoa ngā kaupapa he tīmata a e taea te whakaoti i Kua whakarārangitia ki tonu i ngā rā rēhita me utu i raro *:

  • Jan 30th – March 2nd$35 5K / $ 30 2K / $ 15 KIDS FUN rere
  • March 3RD – March 16th – $40 5K / $ 35 2K / $ 15 KIDS FUN rere
  • March 17th March 30th $45 5K / $ 40 2K / $ 15 KIDS FUN rere
  • April 1st – April 12th$50 5K / $ 45 2K / $ 20 KIDS FUN rere
  • Same Rēhita Day – $60 5K / $ 45 2K / $20 KIDS FUN rere

* Clark County School District: Tuatahi 100 Ka taea e te rēhita ākonga mō te kore utu. Ngā ākonga, me te manga e taea rēhita mō katoa $20 tae noa ki Maehe 1st. Ko te hiatonga o $3 i ia rēhita mo te kaupapa ka wehewehea, ka takohatia ki te 10 kura CCSD whakaritea e kua whakaatu hiahia mō te tautoko i roto i te wāhanga e whai ake nei: hōtaka tu'aro, te mātauranga ā-tinana me te haerenga mara mātauranga.


For more information follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather and @TFMJ become a fan on Facebook at a te whai i runga i Instagram i me, ka tāpiri i runga i Shots: Floyd Mayweather a TFMJF.

FIGHT Whatunga MMA & KICKBOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Feb. 16-22, 2015)

Whawhai he Whatunga 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:

Rāhina, Feb. 16

10:00 a.m. ANDKingi o Kings: Grand Prix 2014 i roto i te Vilnius – Ngā Tadas Jonkus vs. Chris Baya i roto i te mahi kickboxing i Mar. 15, 2014 i roto i te Vilnius, Lithuana.

2:00 p.m. ANDRing o te aro 46 – Ngā Brendan Barrett vs. Miodrag Petkovic a Frankie Parete vs. Rafael Machado i Hepetema. 20, 2013 i roto i te Atlantic City, Nj.

4:30 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Ken Shamrock – Uiuiraa noho-iho ki a MMA kōrero, me te paionia Ken Shamrock.

5:00 p.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me te ake.

6:00 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m-i-12m ao ki toru ngā taumata.

6:30 p.m. ANDUSA Wrestling WeeklyManaakitanga Scott Casber homai rongo wiki, me te tātari pokapū a tawhio noa USA Wrestling, te tinana whakahaere motu i te hākinakina o, tae ki ngā uiuinga, āhuatanga me te titiro hoki i te mua.

7:00 p.m. AND 5 Rauna – Nga mano John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te wahia iho te wiki o MMA mahi.

7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Live #18: Amsterdam – Kickboxing ngaio ngā runga whetu ao, me opuaraa aranga ake i Amsterdam, Holland.

Rātū, Feb. 17

2:30 a.m. AND — 1XPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S. ngā kaupapa MMA ngaio, me te runaruna.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. ANDXtreme whawhai Championship – MMA ngaio Florida-e hāngai ana ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.

8:00 p.m. AND 5 Rauna – Nga mano John Ramdeen me Robin Black fakaafe'i manuhiri motuhake ki te wahia iho te wiki o MMA mahi.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. AND – Te kaitukino Fighting Championship 6 – Ngā Luis Huete vs. Wolfgang Janssen a Nick Campbell vs. Devon Neis i Hepetema. 5, 2014 i roto i te Whero Deer, Alberta, Canada.

11:00 p.m. ANDGFL: Pakanga Best 4 – Highlights i rohe MMA, kickboxing me te mekemeke ngā kaupapa e whakaatu ana knockouts fakangalongata'a me ngā tāpaetanga.

Wednesday, Feb. 18

2:00 a.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me te ake.

4:00 a.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star o roto i te whare herehere.

5:00 a.m. ANDRocktagon MMA – Pro me te runaruna MMA i Ohio e miramira ana i te whakatupuranga i muri o te whetu.

6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri UK-e hāngai ana ki te Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na. MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. ANDFighting te Wairua MMA – Compilations o te ao MMA whawhai i KOTAHI FC, UCMMA, NSS, WFC, FFC, BAMMA, EFC Africa a ake.

9:00 p.m. ANDWarriors whare herehere Fighting Championship 66 – Ngā Sergei Churilov vs. Nicolas Dalby i Maehe. 22, 2014 i roto i te Copenhagen, Denmark.

11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

11:30 p.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga whānui o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

Rāpare, Tuíb. 19

1:30 a.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 33 – Ngā Denniston Sutherland vs. Ben Callum i Apr. 6, 2013 i roto i te London.

12:30 p.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 33 – Ngā Denniston Sutherland vs. Ben Callum i roto iApr. 6. 2013 i roto i te London.

6:00 p.m. ANDChampionship Fightling Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Season 3 – Toa i 18 whenua rerekē whakataetae i roto i te kāwai 85kg MAX i Ohrid, Makeronia rite aroha ratou, ka whakangungu tahi i roto i to ratou titauraa no te te taitara kickboxing.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiriKo te rongo hou, recaps, featur4es me te tātaritanga roto i runga i te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 54 – Ngā Maxim Divnich vs. Djambulat Kurbanov mo te wātea M-1 Kōmāmā taitara i Dec. 17, 2014 9n St. Petersburg, Russia.

Rāmere, Feb. 20

12:00 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.

2:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

4:00 a.m. ANDBest o DEEP – Ngā te piha haapiiraa whawhai i te whakatairanga Japanese hītori DEEP tae atu Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai a Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. ANDBest o te taonga – Whawhai matarohia i te katoa-wahine Japanese kawenata MMA, Mea.

6 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge – Ngaio MMA i Europe ngā runga maranga opuaraa me nga whetu o te ao.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiriKo te rongo hou, recaps, featur4es me te tātaritanga roto i runga i te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Frankie Edgar – Noho-iho uiuiraa ki mua UFC toa Kōmāmā me te nguha mā whitu Frankie Edgar.

8:30 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m-i-12m ao ki toru ngā taumata.

9:00 p.m. ANDNSS 29: Khsalidov vs. Cooper – Ngā Mamde Khalidov vs. Brett Cooper me Mariusz Pudzianowski maua. Paora Nastula i Dec. 6, 2014 i roto i te Krakow, Poland.

Rāhoroi, Feb. 21

1:00 a.m. ANDSuperKombat: Heroes New Romania 2013 – Ngā Bogdan Stoica vs. Yohan Marsan, Andrei Stoica vs. Konutea te takoto me ētahi atu i Aug. 30, 2013 i roto i te Targoviste, Romania.

6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā Patrick Tai vs. Day Jason i te TKO29.

10:00 a.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 55 – Live mahi MMA ngā Denis Smoldarev vs. Masro Perak a Kenny Garner vs. Aslamnbek Musaev i Tbilisi, Georgia.

1:00 p.m. ANDNSS 30: Genesis LIVE! – Ora MMA i Poland ngā Borys Mankowski vs. Michaeil Tsarev a Aslambek Saidov vs. Rafal Moks.

5:00 p.m. ANDRing o te aro 47 – Ngā Chris Wade vs. Pat Defranco a Frankie Parete vs. Mike Santiago i Jan. 24, 2014 i roto i te Atlantic City.

8:00 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Final: Futures 1 MMA – MMA mahi ngā Stjepan Bekavac vs.. Lajos Calvaruso i Apr. 1, 2014 i roto i te Opatija, Croatia.

11:00 p.m. AND Championship whawhai Final: Futures 1 Kickboxing – Mahi Kickboxing ngā Patrick Van Rees vs. Ivan Stanic i Mar. 2, 2014 i roto i te Opatija, Croatia.

Rātapu, Feb. 22

10:00 a.m. ANDBest o te ADCC – Puritia ake ngā compilations o te ōritenga grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.

5:00 p.m. ANDUFC Whawhai Night: Bigfoot vs. Mir Pre-Whakaatu LIVE! – Live whawhai-mua rohe mo UFC whawhai Night: Vs. Bigfoot, Ahau i roto i te Porto Alegrre, Brazil.

11:30 p.m. ANDUFC Whawhai Night: Bigfoot vs. Mir Post-Whakaatu LIVE! – Live pou-whakaatu mo UFC whawhai Night: Bigfoot vs. Mir i Porto Alegre, Brazil, ngā ngā me te pou-whawhai te amuiraa press ora.



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ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


FIGHT Whatunga BOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Feb. 16-22, 2015)

Whatunga Fight Ko te he 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:


Rāhina, Feb. 16

11:00 p.m. ANDInterBox Classics: Diaconu vs. Newton – Ngā tuatahi pro Adrian Diaconu o vs. Mark Newton i Mar. 2, 2001 i roto i te Montreal.

Rātū, Feb. 17

6:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

11:00 p.m. ANDGFL: Pakanga Best 4 – Highlights i te mekemeke, me te MMA me te kickboxing, ngā kaupapa e whakaatu ana knockouts fakangalongata'a me ngā tāpaetanga.

Rāpare, Feb. 19

1:00 a.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāmere, Feb. 20

7:30 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto i runga i te kēmu whawhai.

Rātapu, Feb. 22

7:30 p.m. ANDUltimate Classic mekemeke: Hanga vs. Jones – Ngā taumahamaha Eddie Machen vs. Doug Jones i Dec. 2, 1961 i roto i te Miami Beach.


Rāhina, Feb. 23

1:00 a.m. ANDBest o te omaoma Boxing: Lucian Bute & Troy Ross wawe ra– Ki ngä pāngia mahi wawe i runga kaimekemeke Canadian Lucian Bute me Troy Ross.




Twitter & Instagramfightnet

ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.

E STAR Tuhinga tūturu Tony HARRISON ON hōia BATTLE-whakamatau ANTWONE SMITH ON ESPN RĀMERE whawhai NIGHT ON ESPN2, MARCH 6 AT THE mākī ballroom AT MGM GRAND i Las Vegas

MAHI teata hoki ngā

Tuhinga STAR Erickson LUBIN haere ki runga ki Rafael COBOS


Hoa tauwhainga ki te whakatau

Las Vegas (Feb. 16, 2015) – He po mahi-Kikī o whawhai headlined e tūturu amanaki whitu teina Tony Harrison (19-0, 16 Koó) pakanga ka nguha ite Antwone Smith (23-5-1, 12 Koó) haere mai ki te ballroom Mākī i MGM Grand i Las Vegas i runga i Rāmere, March 6 mo te whakaaturanga o te ESPN RāmereWhawhai Night i runga i ESPN2.


Ano ngā i roto i te mahi teata he maranga whetū Erickson Lubin (9-0, 6 Koó) battling Mexican warrior Rafael Cobos (15-5-5, 3 Koó) me amanaki tūturu Ievgen Khytrov (7-0, 7 Koó) ki te hoariri ki te kia takoto.


Whakatairangatia ana te po o te whawhai i te Warriors Boxing i roto i te whai wāhi ki Goossen Whakatairanga, a ka ngā he ki tonu te po i te mahi teata tīmata i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT i te ESPN2.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $100, $75, $50 a $25, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko Rāhoroi, Feb. 14 i 1 p.m. PT. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster (800) 745-300 hoko online ranei i Ka wātea Tickets Rāhoroi, Feb. 14 i 3 p.m. PT i tetahi tari pouaka MGM Resorts International online ranei i


“Kua tae mai te moe reira pono e whiwhi ahau ki te tino whakaatu i aku aravihi ki te ao,” Said Harrison. “Ahau e hiahia ana ki te tuku taka te ao i roto i te aroha, me te toa i kore i a ratou i te whai ia kia kite me te whakaaro e ahau, ko te tupono noa me ahau i tenei. E ki te e taea ki te whakangahau a koe, me whakaaro e ahau kawea mai e ahau e. Kua whawhai Antwone etahi contenders nui, me te he uaua ki te mutu ia ko e kore toku mahere game te huri. Kei te haere ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, mahi toku mea, hoatu ki runga ki te whakaatu, me te patoto ia ia ki waho.”


“Kua ahau i roto i mo te ia, me te ite e ahau, ano he he faingamālie nui tenei. Ko te kore ahau rite i mahue. Au hihiri me te rite ki te haere ahau,” Said Smith. “Ahau haere mai ahau ki te whawhai, Ahau rite ki te haere 10 rauna. E kore e kua e hohonu ia. E mohio ana ahau e taea e ahau te haere i te tawhiti kia ko nga pātai katoa ki runga ki a ia.”


“Ko te whakakake Warriors Mekemeke ki te e taea ki te hoatu i runga i te taua hui nui i roto i te Las Vegas i MGM Grand i runga i March 6,” Na ka mea a Leon Margules, Peresideni o te Warriors Boxing. “Ka te◊ote◊o, te hui matua he kuao ki runga-a-Comer ki te hōia hunga kotiti ke nei i kore e hoatu e te inihi. He te e kore te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai nui.”


This show captures the true essence of what Rāmere Whawhai Night represents with three fighters on the verge of stardom in Harrison, Khytrov a Lubin,” Na ka mea a Brian Kweder, ESPN kaiwhakahaere matua o te hōtaka, me te hoko. “Fight fans are going to want to tune in to see Tony Harrison. We’ve been following his progress and we are excited to get a chance to showcase him on national television in a true test against Antwone Smith.


Te kore te koha kotahi i runga i tona record, kua mau i te Harrison-tau 24-tau te kanohi o tokomaha i roto i te kēmu whawhai ki tona kaha knockout whakamīharo. Fighting i roto i Detroit, Kua mutu ia 16 o tona 19 hoariri, tae atu e iwa i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. I roto i te 2014, Hoatu Harrison te tokotoru o te tīmatanga o ngā tūnga tango iho whawhai atu mātanga Grady Brewer, Bronco McKart a Tyrone Brunson. Na, titiro ia ki te hanga i te reira i te tino 20 hoki 20 i runga iMarch 6 i roto i te Las Vegas.


He mātanga-tau 28-tau, Kua Smith kua i roto i te whakakai me etahi o te nui me te ingoa pai i roto i te mekemeke. Nui atu ano e ia kia rite ki te runaruna, toa i te karapu Florida Golden i te 17-tau-tau. Haere te Miami-Māori kua koromatua-ki-koromatua, me te nona whakaora mo Jose Luis Castillo me Ronald Cruz, me te parekura ki Jermall Charlo, Kermit Cintron a Lanardo Tyner puta noa i tona mahi. Kihai i Smith whawhai i roto i te 2014, engari titiro ki te hoki i roto i te kāhua i runga iMarch 6.


I noa 19-tau-tau, Kei te titiro Lubin ki te tonu tona piki nga rarangi ngaio i runga i March 6 rite ngana ia ki te noho tūturu tonu. Ka kua whawhai katoa i runga i te Amerika, Hanga i tona tuatahi Las Vegas Lubin ka ka patua e ia te mowhiti i runga i ESPN2. Te nuinga tata, te Orlando, Fla. i muru taketake i Michael Finney i roto i te wikitoria whakatau loto i runga i Feb. 6 i roto i te Biloxi, Miss.


Fanauhia i roto i te Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Kua Cobos kua he ngaio mai 2006 whawhai anake i roto i te Mexico i te aroaro o tona U.S. tuatahi i roto i te Hepetema. 2014. I ngaro ia te whakatau i taua po ki Josesito Lopez, I riro Cobos ārahi ake ki taua toru whawhai i roto i te rarangi, a kihai i ngaro mai 2010. Na titiro ia ki te tiki i hoki ki ona ara toa i runga i March 6 i roto i te Las Vegas.


A 2012 Ukranian Häkinakina, Khytrov he runaruna ta'na i riro i te mētara koura i te 2007 Pākehā Junior Toa. Fanauhia i roto i te Kryvy Rih, Ukraine, engari whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, te-tau 26-tawhito, kua riro waru katoa o ana whawhai ngaio i te knockout me titiro ki te pupuri i taua pūkenga haere i runga i March 6.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a, te whai i runga i TwitterIAmBoxing, WarriorsBoxingProm, ESPNFNF AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook,

Adams, Gasparyan, Thompson me Skorokhod mua i roto i te Boxcino Jr. Whakataetae Middlweight

UNCASVILLE, Conn (February 15, 2015)Brandon Adams, Vito Gasparyan,John Thompson a Stanyslav Skorokhod riro katoa ratou quarterfinal kēmu-ups i te Mohegan Sun, ka whakatata ki te tawhio āhua-whakamutunga o te Boxcino 2015 JR. whakataetae whitu.
I whakaritea Boxcino pāngia katoa mo te 6-rauna.
Whakatairangatia ana te whakataetae e anake e reva Whakatairanga, ka whakaaturia i runga i ESPN o Rāmere Whawhai Night.
I roto i te whai wāhi whakatairangatia ana tenei kāri e reva Whakatairanga ki Jimmy Burchfield o CES Boxing.
Adams, ko wai te he Boxcino 2014 whakataetae whitu waetea ake,kuru ki te paahitia, 5 a tawhio noa ki runga ki Alex Parete i roto i te mea ko te fest ngata ngahau.
Ko te whawhai kite takatu e rua whawhai roto me etahi pakūtanga e pātōtō whenua. Ko te tere Adams roto whakamatauria e ki te rerekētanga rite titiro te reira u ia ki nga whiu atu mana, ka i āta whawhati iho Parete.
I roto i te a tawhio rima, U Adams te tika whati i tonoa e Parete ki te koaka. Ka Parete ki ona turi i te aroaro o mutu te a'ee i 2:47 o te a tawhio rima.
Adams, 155 lbs o Los Angeles he inaianei 16-1 ki 11 knockouts. Parete, 152 1/2 lbs o Newark, Nj Ko 18-2.
“Rawa uaua ko Alex. Mauruuru e ahau te whawhai i kawea mai e ia, a hanga ana e ia ahau e manga ake toku kēmu,” Said Adams.
“I roto i te mutunga, Whakawaha e ahau ake taku matā. Whakakitea ahau e whai i ahau i te tere, a whakapumautia e ahau te werohanga. I ahau i te rota o te fun i roto i reira. Ahau titiro whakamua ahau ki te whawhai muri. Haere atu nei ahau, pea ka tangohia e ahau Rāhina atu a ka hoki i roto i te omaoma, kia ahau.”
Piro Vito Gasparyan te whakatau loto 6-a tawhio noa ki runga tūturu mua Himiona Hardy.
Gasparyan ko ake kaha, me te outworked Hardy, a akina atu e nga whawhai i runga i te roto ki te roroa Hardy, te wahi i taea e ki te tiki i te pai o nga whakawhiti Gasparyan.
Gasparyan, 155 lbs i Glendale, Ca riro e kaute o 60-54, 59-55 a 58-56 a ko te inaianei 15-3-5. Hardy, 154 1/4 lbs o Brooklyn he inaianei 13-1.
“Ko te he whawhai pai. Whakamatauria ahau e no ahau i tenei taumata,” Said Gasparyan.
“Ahau titiro inaianei atu ahau ki te whawhai muri. E haere ana ahau ki te uaua te mahi me te tango tetahi taahiraa i te wa. Ua ite au i te pai, me te māia i roto i reira. Ahau fakatapui e ahau i tenei wikitoria ki toku kaiwhakangungu Justin Fortune kihai i taea e te tangata e e konei i muri i te patu noa i te mate.”
Pouaka me whakakapinga Late John Thompson tona ara ki te whakatau loto 6-a tawhio noa ki runga Ricardo Pinell.
Whakamahia Thompson tona tiketike, ka tae ki te pupuri i Pinell i te kokoru. I whai hua ki te kautaha tere e kore kia Pinell tiki i runga i te ara Thompson.
Thompson, 154 1/4 lbs o Newark, Riro nj i ngā kaute o 60-54 i runga i ngā kāri, me te he inaianei 16-1. Pinell, 154 lbs o San Francisco, CA Ko inaianei 10-2-1.
“Outboxed ia e ahau mo te wahi tino. I ahau taea e ki te mohio ki te iti e pā ana ki a ia, a haere ana ahau atu te mea i kite ahau i runga i youtube,” Said Thompson.
“Ka kite ahau i a ia i te torutoru peu kino. Na, e whai ahau taime no te faaineine, ka waiho he rota pai. E mohio ana ahau ki ahau i te rota ki te mahi i runga i. Ka tangohia e ahau kotahi te wiki atu, a ka hoki i roto i te omaoma, kia ahau.”
Piro Syanyslav Skorokhod mutu a tawhio 4 mo Michael Moore i roto i te pakanga o te whawhai tūturu mua.
I roto i te a tawhio rua, Tīmata Skorokhod ki te kitea te whānuitanga me te pupuhi te kaha ki e rua ringa. Ki te mutunga o te a tawhio, U Skorokhod te tika pakeke e tāruatia Moore ki runga ki te koki. I roto i te taka noa, e toru, Maturuturu iho Skorohod Moore ki te tapatahi ringa matau.
I roto i te taka noa e wha, Maturuturu iho kotahi ano Skorohod Moore ki te tika pakeke. Whakatika Morre ake anake ki te kai i te tini o te nifó, ka mutu te a'ee i 1:03 a taka e wha.
Skorohod, 153 3/4 lbs o Los Angeles he inaianei 9-0 ki 7 knockouts. Moore, 154 3/4 lbs o Cleveland, OH ko 13-1.
“Koa ahau e riro ahau. E ara pai toku whawhai muri,”Na ka mea te Skorokhod wikitoria.
“I taka e ahau mo te southpaw, a i mohio ahau e riro i te pēhanga o te rerekētanga. Kia ahau tono te pēhanga, I kite ahau i kihai i taea e meatia e ia i tetahi mea. Ka taea e ahau faaineine no te ahua o te oranga kāhua e whakangungu ahau ki etahi i nga whawhai pai i Wild Card Faleva'inga o tetahi.”

Ka whakatau Adams Gasparyan ia e whawhai Skorokhod Thompson i runga i April 3 i roto i te kurahauao, California.

I roto i te mahi undercard:

I roto i te te mea i he em toka -sock em take, Jimmy Williams i taea e ki te tuki i tona ara ki te mutu 4-a tawhio noa ki runga Eddie Caminero i roto i te 6-a tawhio noa whakaritea whitu a'ee.
Titiro rite reira e riro i te po poto, me te ngāwari hoki Williams rite ia ia i mamae toutou Caminero i roto i te taka noa tuatahi ki te wāhi i Caminero i meatia katoa i runga i te mowhiti i runga i te maha o ngā wā. I taea e ki te kohikohi ia ia, ka meinga te whawhai he whawhai e rua ara ki ia taata e pupuri i runga i i ngā rerekē o te whawhai Caminero.
Kimautolu Williams ia nui ki te whenua i te matau maitai roa maui i tonoa e Caminero ki te rahoraho i te 32-hēkona o te a tawhio e wha.
Williams, 156 1/4 lbs o Hartford, CT Ko inaianei 9-0-1 ki 5 knockouts. Caminero, 157 1/4 lbs o Lawrenceville, MA Ko 7-9.

Khiary Gray-Pitts whiu a pūremu te ihu o Rodrigo Almeida i roto i te taka noa tuatahi a totitoti ana te a'ee i roto i te kokonga e whai ake nei i te anga whakatuwhera o ratou whakaritea 4-a tawhio noa Light Heavyweight a'ee.
U Gray-Pitts e pātōtō matā i Almeida i runga i te ārai i te tīmatanga. Ko toto, me te ihu o Almeida romia mata i runga i muri noa e toru meneti o te mahi, me te kore i taea tonu i muri i te tāpare tuatahi.
Hina-Pitts, 164 1/4 lbs o Worcester, MA Ko inaianei 5-0 ki 3 knockouts. Almeida, 172 1/2 lbs o Woburn, MA Ko 1-2.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi, Oscar Bonilla a Anahera Martinez pakanga he Unuunu 4-a tawhio noa i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.
Riro Bonilla he kāri 39-37 ia kāri e rua i ara i 38-38.
Bonilla, 133 lbs o New Haven, CT Ko 3-0-2. Martinez, 132 1/4 lbs o Austin, TX Ko 5-1-1.
I roto i te a'ee walkout Ray Oliveira Jr. piro te Tuhinga muri i a tawhio noa e rua o te whakaritea 4-a tawhio noa a'ee Kōmāmā mo Ralph Johnson.
Oliveira Ko inaianei 3-0 ki 2 knockouts. Johnson he 1-4

Photo e Shane Sims / Whakatairanga Kara

Ko te quarterfinal e wha taumahamaha Ka teata pāngia wehenga ora i runga i ESPN oRāmere Whawhai Night Next Rāmere! February 20, i Tahuri Stone Resort Casinoi roto i te Verona, NY.
Toa o tērā tau i roto i Boxcino te wehenga whitu, Willie Monroe Jr., Kua riro te bona tūturu me whakawhetai nguha ki ana whakaora i roto i te Boxcino 2014. Ko tēnei wā ia te ao-tauanga No. 3 i te WBA, Kaua e. 7 e te WBO me No. 10 i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC). Boxcino 2014 toa Kōmāmā Petr Petrov Kei te tēnei wā te ao-tauanga No. 2 e te WBA me No. 7 i te WBO

Hari ki te hanga Artie Pelullo, ranei tetahi nga whawhai e wātea ana ki a koutou i te waea o te. Ko te pairings mō ia wehenga, BIOS whawhai (kaua e manukanuka kei poto ratou) me nga kaiuru katoa’ E wātea ana i runga i te tono pūkete Whawhai Waea.


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Alexander Shlemenko mate o Melvin Manhoef i mīharo Fashion i te Koi TV i “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko”


Credit: Esther Lin / MMAFIGHTING.COM

Pāwhiri ki konei FOR Whakaahua



Fresno, Calif (Feb. 13, 2015)- Mua Bellator whitu Champion Alexander “Ko te Storm” Shlemenko (52-9) hanga mahi tere o te hoariri i tana ki te tūtahi knockout tuarua-a tawhio noa i runga i a Tūrongo, hai Tatimana Melvin Manhoef (29-13-1) i roto i te mua o te mano e tata-aravihi i Save Center Mart i te te po o te “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” hui i Whakapāho LIVE me te FREE i runga i titi TV.


Ki te Bellator Light Heavyweight Champion, a pinepine-angitu takahuri utilizer backfist Emanuel Newton i roto i te mano, Shlemenko tono he whārangi i roto i tona fakahinohino, a ngana e rave rahi ringa pōtaka me te whana patua puta noa i te tāpare tuatahi.


A, no te tīmata te tuarua a tawhio, Titi Shlemenko ki taua mahere game taua, a hono tona kikowhiti Nini pōtaka ki te kauae o Manhoef, sending him tumbling to the canvas. The hungry Russian native left nothing to chance and landed another strike before “Big” Peia ia John McCarthy atu korero ana ki a ia i te toa i 1:25 o a tawhio 2.


“Te ti'aturi nei au i rongo Bellator ahau, a ka tukua te whakatika ahau te pohehe i hanga e ahau i roto i te mua, a ka homai e ahau i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai mo te Bellator whitu World Championship ki Brandon Halsey.”


Mua mā whitu Champion Pat Curran‘s road back to the top of the talented division hit a road block against Featherweight Tournament winner Daniel Weichel o Germany. The two fighters wasted no time teeing off with crisp punches and accurate kicks, keeping the fight standing for a majority of the first frame. Weichel swept the leg of the former champ, hohoro nei poipoia hoki ki ona waewae, ka eke tika hoki ki te ranunga. Both fighters finished the final seconds of round one with a flurry of punches that drew loud applause from the Fresno crowd.


Curran began the second round with a visible cut over his left eye. After spending most of the round on their feet, Te omanga Curran Weichel, a piro te takedown, i reira whakaritea ana e ia tana i pai ai ki runga ki Weichel mo te meneti whakamutunga, pea toa ia i te a tawhio.


Ngā te toru a tawhio noa, he tonu o te slugfest whakaongaonga ki a Curran ngana ki te piro tetahi takedown i roto i te toru, engari puru te Tiamana toa te nganatanga, briefly tried to work on a choke and then disengaged to finish the fight on his feet. At the end of 15 meneti, Puta wikitoria Weichel i te whakatau wahia (29-28, 29-28, 28-29).


“Tutuki Curran kua pera nui i roto i te Bellator, a ko reira rawa he honore ki te whawhai ki a ia. I teie pô whakamatauria ahau e no ahau i konei. Ka korerotia e ahau te ao e ahau e haere mai ahau mo te pere taitara, me te ki te titau i te whitiki.”


Julia Budd (7-2) a Gabrielle Holloway (4-2) marked the first Bellator Women’s fight of the year. Painga, whakakitea te mātanga Canadian Muay Thai whakaturia pükenga-he pai-porotaka, puta noa i te whawhai te hunanga e Holloway, i tango nei i te whawhai i runga i pānui poto. Budd worked well from the clinch, utilized several knee strikes and connected with a straight right hand in the closing seconds of round one. Holloway showed great poise throughout, a mahi Budd ki te takedown ki te whakatuwhera i te toru o tawhio, Heoi i taea e ki te whakawhiti ki te nganatanga armbar Budd, a te mutunga mahi tona ara ki Holloways’ hoki a grinded i piro te whakatau loto ngoi 30-26, 30-25 a 30-24.


“Au tino whakama e kore ahau i te tiki i te knockout,” Said Budd. “I tumanako ahau ki te tiki i runga i oku waewae, ka pupuri i te reira e tu ana whakaoti i runga i te whenua ranei, engari te mana ia toku ringa, a kihai i taea e ahau te tiki noa ki te whakaoti i oku ringa.


“Turtled ia te wa katoa kia kore taea e ahau tuke me te tūranga ake, ka patua rite hiahia ahau ki, engari te reira tino tahi mea ahau goinvg ahau ki te mahi i runga i mo te whawhai i muri.”


I roto i te po te whakatuwhera whawhai, ko reira te whawhai o te rua kainonoke tino ta'na i roto i te Chris Honeycutt, he rua-wā D1 katoa-Amerika, me Clayton MacFarlane, a D2 National Champion. With the vocal hometown crown behind him, Ka puta mai Honeycutt i roto i nga kuwaha kaha, ka whakamahi i te mana whenua, me te aravihi pū a Tūrongo, puta noa i nga rauna tuatahi e rua. The highly regarded welterweight prospect Honeycutt exhibited great strength at points, tossing MacFarlane to the ground. MacFarlane opened the third frame with a takedown, engari Honeycutt riro mai anō, took his opponents back and rained down strikes to MacFarlane’s body. MacFarlane, i teie nei 4-1, Kāore i taea e ki te tiaki ia ia i nga whiu tinana, a mutu kaitautoko Jason Herzog te whawhai i 4:16 o te toru o tawhio.


“Ka e ahau te Victory, engari e kua pai ki te kua riro te TKO i roto i te taka noa mua,” Said Honeycutt, te tangata e whakapai ana whakaatu ki 6-0 ki te wikitoria TKO.

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